#I’ll re-edit tmmrw😪
prefixsstars · 2 years
“Mizuki, my dear, don’t ever disappear.”
Minori loved Mizuki dearly. For all their flaws and insecurities, no matter what, Minori simply adored them.
But at times like these, Minori couldn’t do anything but worry. Mizuki had currently locked the door to their room and wouldn’t leave.
Minori was sat outside of their door trying to get through to Mizuki. She had been sitting for at least an hour waiting and trying to get the door to open to no avail.
Minori knew that Mizuki struggled with something, she’s just not sure what that something is. She honestly felt like a failure, what girlfriend doesn’t notice that their partner is struggling.
All the different times that Minori had asked Mizuki how they were doing, Mizuki brushing her off saying that everything was alright, came back to her.
Minori could feel tears streaming down her face and quickly wiped them away. She’d have time to wallow in self pity later. What mattered was making sure Mizuki was okay.
She slowly stood up and turned to face the door.
“Mizuki, can I come in?”
Minori tried again
“Mizuki, I won’t pressure you to tell me what’s wrong, I just want you to tell me if you’re okay.”
Some light shuffling could be heard from behind the door. It opened just a crack so some of the inside could be seen.
Minori hurried inside the room and shut the door behind her. She quickly kneeled down in front of Mizuki.
Mizuki in all honestly felt like shit. Everything was off in every sense. They felt even worse for worrying Minori, that was the last thing Mizuki has ever wanted to do.
They were supposed to go on a date today, specifically to the park, and Mizuki just had to ruin it.
Minori was so much better than them, deserved someone better than them. Someone who doesn’t keep secrets, someone who doesn’t lie to the people around them.
Minori was a bright light meant to give people hope, inspire them, but here she was sitting here with someone like Mizuki.
Mizuki couldn’t help the tears that started streaming dow their face. Everything was too much.
Minori was panicking, she had never seen them so out of it. She wished Mizuki had talked to her sooner, she could’ve helped.
“Mizuki, can I hug you?”. Minori asked, not knowing what kind of state they were in.
Mizuki nodded slowly and that’s all Minori needed. She wrapped her arms around Mizuki and squeezed them tightly. Minori hummed one of More More Jump’s songs until Mizuki calmed down.
After Mizuki’s sniffles had died down Minori pulled away slowly from the hug. Not sure what to do.
“Do you feel any better?”
Mizuki thought for a moment before shaking their head no.
Minori smiled, “That’s alright!! Do you wanna talk about it?”
Mizuki shook their head no again
“That’s alright too, Is there anything you need from me?”
Mizuki nodded, “Could we stay here today, I’m sorry, i know we were supposed to go on a date today but-“
Minori grabbed their hands, “Of course we can!!! We can go on a date another day! We can stay here as long as you want!”
They smiled gratefully, “Thank you.”
Minori nodded, “No, thank you. I’ll be here for you whenever. No matter what.”
Mizuki pulled Minori into another hug, which Minori smiled into.
As long as Mizuki is still here, Minori thinks it’ll be fine.
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