#I’ll see you all soon with the memes and shitposting
chibishortdeath · 5 months
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I guess these count as shitposts, they’re just based off of some random text posts I was looking through on Pinterest tho idk. :3
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.5
First Part
Note: This may be the last part, but it is not the end of Streamer!Honey!!! Just the long-winded headcanon posts. I have more planned for the future ^^ mini-fics, shitposts, all sorts of shenanigans <3
The punch became a meme. Honey hates it, and Guy hates that Honey hates it.
But god if it isn’t hilarious.
It took a good few months for Honey to stop beating themself up over it, and now they are able to look back on it and laugh. They even have a GIF of the moment as an alert for gifted subs.
Charity streams!!! Honey loves doing them. It’s fun, and for a good cause.
And, though it’s fun, sometimes it can get out of hand.
It was meant to be a joke! But, before they knew it, they hit the donation goal...
I can’t believe they’re actually doing this 🤭🤭🤭
The sound of the door opening made chat go mostly still.
Honey, very reluctantly with an embarrassed scowl on their face, stepped into camera view.
They stood stiffly, pondering how they ended up here. Here, on stream, in front of thousands of perfect strangers...
Wearing a maid outfit.
Not even a comfortable one! It was frilly, and itchy, and the skirt was way too fucking short.
You look so cute!!!
Oh 😳😳
“I hate everything,” Honey muttered, as they tried to tug the dress down. It was bad enough that it was so revealing, but it also wouldn’t zip up all the way.
It would only get worse, however, as the next goal would add thigh highs.
And the one after that would add...
You mean “right fucking meow?”
They’re gonna kill us 😭😭😭😭
With what? Their wittle paws?? 😽😽
This is my phone lockscreen now
“Yeah, you all better enjoy this, ‘cause I’m never doing it again.”
Doubt it, this is the fastest we’ve ever raised money
Still waiting for you to say nya
“I’m not saying that.”
tf you’re not-
★someone donated $50★
Honey heaved out a sigh that bordered a growl, and very blandly, “nya.”
As Chat cheered and went practically feral, Honey could only be glad that this couldn’t possibly get any wors-
They froze as they heard the Jaws theme start playing.
“Oh f-”
HoneysHeaven: wowah 😳
HoneyHeaven: hey there Honey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey braced their elbows on their desk and hid their face in their hands. “Go back to working.”
HoneysHeaven: I will if you promise to still be wearing that when I get home 👀👀
“I’m burning it as soon as this stream ends.”
The boy just wants to see you all dolled up Boo, let him have his treat
“The next 15 minutes are going to be hell.”
HoneysHeaven: oooh the next goal you put on a collar, hm? 😏😏
Guy ur killing even me rn
HoneysHeaven: Honey can you send me like $70
“I am not sending you money.”
HoneysHeaven: awww cmon 🥺🥺 my break ends in 2 minutes I just want to see you in a collar
“I’ll put you in a collar,” Honey grumbled with their arms crossed tightly.
HoneysHeaven: wouldn’t be the first time 😉
Guy likes interrupting Honey’s streams unprompted. He loves seeing the smile on their face. The gentle one that they wear while doing what they love. It makes him want to smother them in kisses.
Sometimes when he does this, he forgets about the mask and glasses. There have been plenty of times where he’s nearly accidentally exposed his face to the world, and it gives his honey a mini heart attack each time.
Honey made the executive decision to rearrange their setup so that the door was no longer in view. That way, Guy could spontaneously enter as much as he pleased.
Honey was still streaming when Guy returned home from work. They had told him in advance that this stream would be dragging on a bit longer than normal.
Honey looked up as they heard the door click open. Guy entered, waving a paper bag around.
“Honeeeey,” he sang, “I’ve brought you somethiiiiing.”
is that the boy i hear 👀👀👀
Honey eyed the bag skeptically as Guy drew closer, “should I be worried?”
“No,” Guy laughed, stopping right outside of the camera’s view. “I brought you donuts!”
“Ooh, really? What’s your motive?”
“Wha-? Motive!? Why do you think I would have a motive?”
Honey raised an eyebrow at their boyfriend and smirked.
Immensely offended, Guy scoffed, “what, am I not allowed to bring the most important person in my life a treat? Purely out of my own volition and the kindness of my heart?”
“I was joking before, but now I’m actually suspicious...”
“Just take the donuts, Honey,” Guy softly spoke with a warm smile, holding out the bag and leaning forward.
When Honey’s hand brushed against his own, Guy leaned closer, his other hand cupping the back of their neck. He held the bag up to hide his face from viewers as he placed a gentle kiss on his partners cheek.
Honey, growing ever more flustered, let out a nervous chuckle as they pushed Guy away and accepted the gifts.
When you’re so lonely you’re living vicariously through someone in your screen
Chat wouldn’t stop talking about it for the entire rest of the stream.
And for the next 4 streams after that...
Chat knows that Guy is important to Honey. No other roommate of theirs has ever become such a big part of their life, everyone knows that they have to be something more.
They stopped bugging Honey about it after a year. It's just kind of common knowledge that these two have a lot of chemistry, but asking straight up about their relationship won't work.
Not that having an answer would change anything, Chat loves seeing how happy Honey is with Guy.
It took a little over a year for Honey to agree, but finally they are streaming a game with Guy!!
They're playing Raft. Honey in their streaming room, and Guy in the living room. They're communicating through discord, and Chat is having a blast.
"Did you finish building that engine yet?" Honey asked, filling a chest with some items.
"No, I thought you were going to do it," Guy answered.
"I literally told you to go ahead and make one two minutes ago!"
"I was busy distracting the shark while you were scavenging all that shit underwater!"
We should get them couples counciling
Guy can't keep being shark bait ooh ah ah 😭😭
I still don't understand the point of this game
It's his destiny
The point is raft
"Honey, I think I'm dying. My hunger bar is low."
"Then eat something, we have plenty of food."
"I don't think I can make it back in time," Guy whined.
"Wh- where are you??"
You could practically hear Guy's pout, "I went back on the island because you were mad at me."
"I am not mad at you," Honey responded, exasperated, "where are you at on the island?"
"Uhmm... I'm in a place with lots of trees."
"Okay, I'm bringing you some shark meat."
"The shark is dead?"
"Yeah I killed it."
They are playing the game so wrong I am ripping my hair out
Tip: multiple sails will make you go faster
They can play however they want to 😡
The only right way to do anything is the [Honey] and Guy way
"Oh shi-" Guy started, "I'm dead."
"You're fiiine."
"No, my character just collapsed from hunger."
"Don't be dramatic, I'm almost there."
"I'm not being dramatic!! I died!!!"
"A little death never killed anybody."
Honey found Guy's character, limp on the ground, and picked him up.
"Alright, you big baby, I'll take you to the bed."
"Oooooh," Guy sang impishly, "you're carrying me to bed?"
"What are you gonna do with me once we get there?"
"When we get there, you are gonna build that goddamn engine!"
Upon arrival to the raft, Honey discovered something...
"Where the fuck is the bed??"
Guy coughed out a laugh, "oh, uhm- I might've taken it with me when I left."
"Why would you do that!?!?"
"Because you were mad at me!!!"
"I swear to god-" Honey dropped Guy's carcass on the raft and went to collect materials to make another bed.
"Honeeeeey," Guy whined, "this wooden floor is hard."
Honey sighed, "I'm making you a bed, hold on."
"Come lay underneath meeee."
Boi he wants them under him 👀👀
Can't believe they let Guy die, I'll never forgive them for this 😢🤧😖 /lh /j
Our boy really stepped up his flirting game 😳😳😳
Too bad [Honey] is too oblivious
They're not oblivious, they're an asshole
A distinct sound of sharp teeth chomping into their hard work caught Honey's attention.
"Fuckin' hell," they murmured, "the stupid shark is back."
"Hurry up making the bed and I can kill it," Guy offered.
"I thought you were making the bed," Honey retorted.
Guy scoffed, "Honey!!!!"
"I gotta stab the shark, hold on."
Cold blooded
They don't deserve Guy I'm gonna kidnap him
That shark is an endangered species!!!
Finally, finally, Honey returned and placed Guy's character on the bed. He sprang up immediately.
Guy's cheerful voice started up, "yayyy, thank you Hone-" and was cut off with a yelp.
The shark had glitched through the bottom of the raft and attack Guy. It scared him half to death, but Honey?
Honey was laughing hysterically.
And it was music to Guy's ears.
Gasping for breath, they kept trying to say something, but continuously fell into a fit of giggles.
Guy was barely able to form his own words without laughing, trying to feign offense at his honey's joy in seeing him hurt. But hearing them laugh so heartily? He couldn't help but melt.
And he didn't want to just hear it, he wanted to see it.
"I'm coming to get you, Honey!" He announced, just before darting towards their room.
"No, no no!" They tried to object, but it was too late as Guy came bursting in.
They were in his arms and on the floor in an instant, tears streaming down their face as they tried to breathe.
Their face hurt from smiling, and they tried to calm down, but as soon as their breathing slowed Guy started to tickle them.
"Guy-! No!! Stop it!" They squealed and squirmed, but to no avail. Their previous laughing fit left them exhausted.
I feel like we shouldn't be watching this
Wait I think I've seen him before!
When all settled down, Guy and Honey were nothing but a mess of tangled limbs on the floor, just barely out of frame.
"I love you, Honey," he said softly.
Honey smiled, "I love you too."
When the couple realized that Guy was no longer anonymous, Honey made him start carrying pepper spray while he worked.
Gotta keep the boy safe.
The End.
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A/N: Thank you for reading the Streamer!Honey series ♡ I've loved writing it, and it makes me so happy that you all loved it as well!
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katyspersonal · 1 year
1, 2, and 3 for Eileen <3
(If I have already asked about her, then I’ll be obscure and say Queen Yharnam actually 😯)
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Glad to see that you never learn to not give me a choice, as usual xD
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
1) What would their social media page/activity be like
For Eileen: I remember when I first posted a shitpost of different characters in the internet, Rhett (an old mutual from Twitter) suggested that she'd mostly advertise selling loot she got from the hunted hunters, being all like 'hey guys new merch soon! ✌️' and I've never been able to come up with a funnier idea xD I do think that even shitposting aside, her account would be very hmmm… lacking in personal posts? Just what I mentioned, and also various helpful tips/references/explanations threads - made by herself or reblogged!
For Annalise: I kinda imagine her not having a personal page, but instead let her servant(s) run one, passing her words or posting important announcements about Cainhurst! In her throne room, there is a table with the letter on it, that we can presume was the person writing things from her words directly. So I feel like in the internet, it'd be the same! However… I think if she DID want to get a personal account, she'd be a troll there XD Like Wendy's roasting tweets, but in more sophisticated and passive-aggressive manner. And just like that, people would try to provoke her to roast them and boast about it if they succeed :') She'd lock the account and make it more of a vent one after Healing Church cancels her online though :pensive:
2) What animal they remind me of
For Eileen: A hard one, since it is not easy to separate her from crow theme... However, I think despite the lore weight of that theme, in her case it ACTUALLY fits. Like, you could separate Patches and Rom from a spider, but a crow for Eileen just... it just feels so RIGHT, that there is no need for a loreless alternative I think x)
For Annalise: I feel like lynx! She strikes me as a wild feline but a lioness just doesn't work, plus a lion is already a Byrgenwerth thing,. Lynx, on the other hand, is a beautiful wild cat, a capable hunter but also a very smart cat that won't attack a human first! This cat is also associated with both ginger/red and grey color, that fits HER hair. I also think some informational field around this animal plays role - such as ancient legend/superstition in Greece that a lynx could see through objects (that makes me think of her helmet and her guards').
3) My thoughts on their design/aesthetic alone
For Eileen: I do like her design a lot! All lore outside, simply her design is a really cool take on plague doctor aesthetic! She is impossible to confuse with any other character like that, despite fictional universes having plenty of examples! Giving her large cape resembling feathered garb and sticking with dark blue colors was such a cool move! Really, no matter how often aesthetic is used, you can always add a unique twist to it!
For Annalise: Honestly, her appearance with de-melanized hair and helmet covering her entire face is way more cool and mysterious than her normal appearance seen in portrait and concept art. Her design is super minimalist; that dress lacks detail, but it just works so... good? I think it'd kill the vibe if she was in a really detailed dress or some fancy cape in the game. She creates strong impression with her talking and her story, not with how she looks, so lets say uhhh, 'unassuming' appearance is only better!
Thank you for the ask!
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atomiqueen · 5 months
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this is an INDEPENDENT, SELECTIVE, and PRIVATE rp blog for LUCY MACLEAN of amazon prime's FALLOUT tv show. written by bean. mainly show & headcanon based, as i slowly familiarize myself with the lore. oc & dupe friendly! NOT SPOILER FREE.
A STUDY IN: being neutral good in a chaotic neutral world; a variety of tv tropes (the pollyanna, action girl, martial pacifist, the golden rule, took a level in badass, the conscience, break the cutie)
beta editor + xkit rewritten only! rules under the cut; everything else on carrd.
wandering the wasteland with: @radiaking
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore!
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
I WILL NOT: FOLLOW BLOGS THAT DON’T HAVE ANY RULES OR GUIDELINES set up; exceptions to this are reserved for muns i already know aka those whose boundaries i’m already familiar with; FOLLOW VERY MANY BLOGS THAT INCLUDE CHARACTERS from game of thrones and/or house of the dragon, as i’m just not comfortable having a lot of ASOIAF content on my dash; exceptions to this are typically reserved for people i already know and/or multimuse blogs that include other fandoms/muses i’m interested in 
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. nonbinary lesbian. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and a full-time grad student with two jobs. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. i can and will do better.
CREDITS: banner, promo, psd
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yukidragon · 2 years
I’ve always wondered- what does your MC Alice look like? Sorry if you’ve probably answered this before!!
I’m glad you’re so interested in Alice! I’ve actually posted pictures her before here and on my twitter, deviantArt, and Pixiv. You can check them out in my art tag if you want to see those posts individually. Some of them even have Spanish translations. Though since you’ve asked I don’t mind making a post that contains all the art I’ve made for her so far.
...Well, aside from the very explicit NSFW one of Jack showing Alice a really good time. Remember, this game and fandom is for Adults Only. You’ll just have to hop over to my twitter if you want to check it out.
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Here is the original concept sheet for Alice. I had a lot of fun creating her character after trying the demo for the first time.
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These are the 3 pics I reference the most when drawing/describing her.
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I’ve also made a few shitposts with her. I really want to make more silly reaction pics and goofy memes when I can draw again.
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Then of course, there’s the AUs, which all started from the half-vampire Alice AU.
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This is my best picture to date. I just love how intimate and steamy it is.
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Don’t believe the hype, vampires secretly love garlic (bread).
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Then there’s the Mafia AU version of Alice who had a really rough time until Jack came into her life.
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Mythical creature AU still makes me smile. Gotta love the bunny kisses and coil cuddles.
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Finally, there’s Mary Phoenix, the past life incarnation of Alice King who may or may not be in an AU for Sunshine in Hell. I’m still on the fence there.
What I’m not on the fence about is coming up with fun scenarios for her and Joseph back in the 80′s, even if I keep her details vague. There’s a good chance I’ll be writing about this version of her sometime soon.
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simantopia · 11 days
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indie 𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 && 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 of 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐬 franchise.
heavily headcanon based .
simulated by wikia * est. 5.18.22 / rebooted 9.15.24
rules below.
I’ll only interact if we follow each other. However, non-mutuals can still like posts, reblog posts, & send me asks if they desire to.
I’m also likely to unfollow if the content on your blog makes me uncomfortable. If I unfollow, I really appreciate it if you don’t ask me why unless you suspect that it was an accidental unfollow, as Tumblr can be wonky.
As for DUPLICATES? Although they're unlikely, I don’t mind following other Subjects & Blacks if they’re around, and I’ll happily interact with them! We could write sibling or clones AUs, or simply have them acknowledge they’re from different universes.
This blog is also very accepting of OCs and crossovers (does anyone even write sims?)
My portrayals will be quite HEAVILY headcanon-based. Most of Crispin Black's background & history is created by ME, seeing as most of it is unknown.
As for Nervous, this blog completely ignores the canon of Sims 3 & PSP Sims 2. Not that I dislike them, they just conflict with my own portrayal & headcanons. This blog also doesn’t acknowledge “Hidden Nervous Subject” as the “real Nervous / In game Nervous being a clone.” In my canon, there’s only been one (1) Nervous Subject, and that’s the son of Olive, & the test subject of the Beakers. It’s just a theory I never cared for, and it also conflicts with my portrayal.
Also, this blog likes to adhere to the theory that Nervous’ mother, Olive is a serial murderer. (After all, this blog will have many themes of death!) If there are any Olive writers that, however, don’t. I can ignore this when writing with them.
NSFW + Triggering content
This blog may have themes that could be considered triggering. Mostly with death, abuse, medical/laboratory themes.
Smut MAY occur, maybe. I really don’t know why or how it would. But if it does, it'll always be tagged.
This blog will be 18+ just because I, as an adult, feel more comfortable with other adults.
Godmodding is a no and metagaming is also a no. However, considering that Crispin is a celebrity with a high reputation, it's okay for your muse to know some things about him due to fame (dude has the sims equivalent of a wikipedia page!)
This blog is multiship. However, while I love to ship with chemistry… I don’t mind pre-established relationships as long as we’ve plotted them out and we’ve reached an agreement. Though I must say, Crisp isn't very interested about "being stuck in" a relationship atm. As for friendships? I’m okay with canon blogs (Which, meaning, if you’re a Pascal or anyone from the Foundry, & perhaps Neon East & Kicktail Park) being pals pre-established! Other muses? We'd have to discuss...!
Anything but threads are rebloggable! 'Cos typically my partners don’t like threads to be reblogged. Whether you’re a mutual or not, feel free to reblog my ooc posts, my shitposts, memes, my art. (highly encouraged!) I don’t mind at all!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Also, if you sent in a meme or anything in the inbox, you’re very free to turn it into a thread.
Crispin's an ass, & Nervous may have different feelings or do different things the mun wouldn’t. Please don’t think we’re of the same “mind.”
Icons are made by me! As are all graphics. IN FACT, the art used in the bios & promo are by me!
Hi hi hi! I am the mun, you can call me by Wikia or anything, I am 26 years old. If you made it down here, I just wanna say that there’s no password to send and thank you for reading and respecting my rules! I hope to write with you soon. ❤︎
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
Im never getting that baby karasu butterfly scene out of my head also wait adding this to the sweetheart karasu agenda but maybe he really likes animals too?? Like there’s obv the crown motif all over but we see him like gazing at it so fondly too like bro crows and butterflies this boy is so precious HDJSHSJSJAH and no because atp the authors fr just copied you like fwtkac karasu was actually so on point it’s scary
NAH BC WHAT DID WE SAY?? MIRAEITA CANON FR we got the first epinagi appearance guys epimiraeita next fs look at all these signs
On that note im seeing all your shitposts on Otoya and laughing you fr fell into the Otoya agenda trap (me too honestly) LMAOO I also can’t unsee that eyebrow meme but what’s also really funny is wayyyy back when when I first read the manga I was like “bro id never give two shits about Otoya so idc and it’s fine that he’s a cheater LMAO” (look at me now :(((((((() Also wait I also did not know about the green eyebrows it never processed in my mind…that’s…interesting….bro has blades of grass as eyebrows…..
Also the BEANIE I cannot I’m sure he’s worn it so often that his skull and hair have been like permanently MOLDED into a beanie shape like let’s be real let your scalp breathe
LMAFAOAO “buddy we can tell” HAS ME ROLLING but nah fr he just said it is what it is no thoughts empty head
But ok wait pause again this just makes all the previous tabieita moments even more special HEHJSJS like when karasu prevents Otoya and Bachira from stopping off the bench to their recent game interactions and their third selections interactions too like goodbye im ascending we love tabieita power duo (also from what we’ve seen im also assuming himizu probs came first!!)
FR the length of the epinagi chapters is sm nicer whatever’s going on in the bm pxg match just passes like i feel like I read four panels and the chapters over LMAO
We love karasu relevance….i feel like he’ll definitely have a moment but i wonder if maybe it won’t be as tied to shidou so that it still allows Rin to score while he gets some spotlight…like maybe he finds a way to shut down Kaiser or Isagi (good parallel back to the whole Ordinary Isagi from third selection etc)…I also considered that maybe he’d help Rin!! Honestly that was kinda my ideal situation where maybe he breaks apart the current dual system (which seems kinda inefficient imo) but I wasn’t sure how likely that was to happen LOL either way I trust karasu awakening moment soon…
FRRR I get that Isagi is the mc but I’m DYING to see other matches like please we haven’t seen any of the other matches barcha has been straight up dead for like the past 60 chapters
Another nagireo breakup NEEDS TO HAPPEN like let them grow I’m begging (also I too like to doom scroll through Reddit but then I see some extremists debating some points or talking about characters glazing and whatnot I’m like ok maybe this was a mistake LMAOOO)
Yeah there’s no such thing as a non ooc piece there…also I think just generally (at least in terms of my preferences) the writing style is very…unsophisticated…which makes sense since it’s like middle schoolers writing but I cannot bring myself to continue reading some of that like…(LMAOAO I like that philosophy if it doesn’t exist I’ll make it myself HAHA)
Well either way we were fed well today with that chapter I dropped everything to read it
-Karasu anon
HE IS JUST A CUTE SPARKLY BOY PLEASEEE he’s so 🥹🥹💖💖 i can’t…he loves all animals except the marine ones TRUST!! bro finds wonder and joy in all living creatures as long as they stay far away from the water. and HAHA omg karasu is basically mine atp i should be getting royalties for letting bllk use him 🥱
YES MIRAEITA SO REAL SO TRUE HIGHLIGHT OF THE CHAPTER 🤩 first in bllk now in epinagi…it’s obvious what the best ship is!! NO BUT SAME when i first saw him i was like okay weird guy his best friend is hot asf though (i was so overwhelmed by karasu that i did NOT care abt otoya) and then i read he was a cheater and i was like yikes…never liking him…now i shitpost abt him constantly and just posted the first chapter of a fic for him 😓 he used his ninja skills on me or smth tf…
I JUST NOTICED IT THE OTHER DAY so ig his hair is naturally green then?? does that mean he bleaches the rest of it?? he confuses me a bit 😭 don’t get me started on the beanie LMAOAOA he keeps that thing ON ‼️ yeah ykw at least he admits that he’s dumb as hell though like he truly is just floating through life and chilling i have to respect it
TABIEITA IS PEAK OVER THINKER + DOESN’T THINK like they average out to a normal person’s levels of consideration to any given subject HAHA karasu is always analyzing shit and internally freaking out about every little thing meanwhile otoya is like “cool 🥶👍” to literally whatever 😭
pxg vs bm has been like so many chapters and yet i feel like nothing has happened…i think it’s the curse of weekly releases though because i bet on reread it’ll flow well!! it’s just that as it’s coming it’s like please i need MOREEE
i do think karasu is going to have some kind of relevance!! i see a lot of posts on tik tok abt rin and shidou possibly linking up and i think karasu could be an avenue to that. but also YES bro i can’t wait for the epinagi manga to catch up w nel in twenty years i need to see what’s going on nowwww let me see my boys again 😓 BUT NOT TOGETHER. REONAGI ANTI RIGHT HERE (not actually hehehe but yk)
honestly i’m not a reddit lurker…embarrassingly enough i happened upon the thread while looking for manga panels of otoya on google 😐 goofy ass mf taking over my life and whatnot
100% i think it’s almost a self fulfilling prophecy — kids start off writing on wattpad, so the quality isn’t great, which means adults searching for smth better written go to sites like tumblr/ao3, leaving mostly people who can read objectively more beginner work on there, and because they’re so used to that, that’s what wp authors will put out. then because the ecosystem is as such, there’s no motivation to improve as authors can get away w a simplistic writing style and still be popular. ofc this doesn’t apply to everyone — i myself post on wp sometimes, so there’s obviously going to be other people who can write fairly well and upload on there for various reasons — but for the most part that’s kind of the case. actually ime more complex/better written stories will get less popular and more hate/complaining-type comments than the very surface level y/n-harem type of stories. that’s not to bash on the latter kind of story but it’s just an interesting observation i’ve made!! i think it speaks a lot to the wp audience
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ripperdaddy · 3 years
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Hi friends! It pains me to say this but me and Tumblr have to go on break for awhile. Not just Tumblr, but all my social media/networks including Discord, IG, FB, Twitter, etc. Mental health is super important and you have to realize that you need to drop everything and just take a breather. The last few months as COVID has gotten down, people have been getting vaccinated, it’s not as “bad” as it was just over 6-7 months ago when it was the peak of the pandemic, which has provided me a LOT of free time between shifts to invest into gaming & the fandoms I’ve been in. I realized I’ve been spending my free time distracting myself, rather than healing myself. As much as I love all of the communities I’ve been involved in and as grateful as it has been to make so many friends online and learn so many new things, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy my own self. I need to get back on my sleep schedule, drink more water, exercise, spend more time with my friends and family and get off my phone/pc, going outside (safely and under the CDC guidelines of course! lol)
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The past year has been incredibly intense & unbearable, as a nurse especially. There were times when I couldn’t go on any longer, working 10-12 hour shifts, barely getting an hour of sleep. I was surrounded by things & experienced so much I can’t even talk about without my PTSD triggering. Packed hospitals, overcrowded rooms, no beds, ventilators, fear, hopelessness, sadness, death. Now I couldn’t be anymore thrilled things are improving (relatively) since I’m working just a regular shift and can adjust to daily life inside & outside of the workplace.
I know I’m not anyone special to make a post like this but if this comes across your dash, I hope it becomes a reminder to you to put yourself first and make sure you get the care you need, physically, mentally and emotionally. Love you all. ❤️
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vintage-rejects · 2 years
Hello! I’m here to participate in the Peaceful Team Fortress 2 Bot Protest! If you don’t already know, there’s a serious bot problem within the game! Due to years of neglect, the game isn’t incredibly friendly for new players! Many people still play the game, as it’s such a beautiful peace of work! I’m here to stand by those people today! However, my love for this franchise doesn’t revolve around the game entirely.. No, I’m here to represent a very specific side of this fandom! The ones who focus on the beautiful characters of this franchise! The people who make up headcanons, theorize about lore, and create their own fan characters for this game! I’m more connected to that side of the fandom.
Team Fortress 2 means so much to me. I was in an incredibly toxic mental state about 2 years ago. I was incredibly sad, scared, and various other things under the sun. I was becoming a shell of myself, almost to a point I couldn’t recognize who I was. Somehow, I remembered these animated clips I saw years prior. I don’t recall why I watched them all those years ago, or why I even remembered them at that moment. Though, I searched them up and found them. The “Meet the Team” videos. Curiously, I rewatched them and my life shifted completely.
Immediately, I began reading fanfiction out of complete curiosity. I consumed animated content hesitantly. I was slowly easing myself into this new—yet rather old—fandom I’ve never truly witnessed before. Per usual, I broke the news to my best friend of 8 years. I was expecting them not to share my interests, as we have that problem a lot. It’s always made me sad we never had one fandom in common… Until, they excitedly said they like TF2 as well! I was ecstatic, and immediately consumed all the content I could of this game! I impulsively downloaded the game, watched 2-hour long videos about the game, laughed at shitposts, and read every comic I could. I never felt this good in ages!
Team Fortress 2 unlocked my creativity, after it’s been stifled for so long. I have written words upon words of roleplays. I have thought up so many headcanons, these characters have started to feel like my own. I’ve made too many Spy fan characters, I really need to stop— I’ve written an essay about how this game saved me. I’ve told everyone in my life about it, because I love it so much! I’m closer to my best friend because of it. This game means a lot to me. These characters mean a lot to me!
I’ve tried to take breaks from TF2, but every time I do… I miss it immensely. I love these silly, weird, older men. I love them so much. They make me unbelievably happy. Especially Spy. I cannot tell you exactly why he clicks so well for me, but he does. Anytime I see Spy in anything, I get so stupidly happy. Every Spy meme makes me laugh, and I could watch him move for hours. I love this character a lot. He’s the closest I’ll ever get to a comfort character, I think. He’s my baby, my son. My little man. I love him. He’s wonderful.
These characters are wonderful! They’re so complex and interesting! They’re so filled to the brim with life! The writers put so much love into them! Not to mention, the animation and comic art is beautiful! TF2 just drips with personality!! It’s amazing!
My favorite part is the fandom. The TF2 fandom is one of the more wholesome fandoms I’ve ever seen. I’ve never really seen a controversy within this fandom (maybe it’s because I’m a very recent fan). Everyone is incredibly welcoming, and sorta treat you like you were always there. As soon as I started this blog, and posted my little silly posts, people much more known in this space replied like they’ve always known me. So many people reply with enthusiasm, and show the same exact passion I have for these characters!
Not only that, the SFM community is amazing! They make beautiful animations whenever they can! They’re dedicated, talented people! SFMs are always a blast to watch! They’re very lovely! Not to mention all the fanart people make! It’s incredible! Each piece of art is made with love, passion, and dedication! It’s so exciting to see people express themselves with something they love so much!! We cannot forget those who spend so much time on fanfictions! Or Headcanons! Those who take time to write out requests solely to make others happy! They’re very inspiring people!
I also want to stress how funny this community is. God, these guys are hilarious! Every joke lands and gets a very ugly laugh outta me! You guys are super funny, remember that!!
Finally, I want to address how this community is very strong. Like today! They’re standing together to save a game they love so much. That is dedication! It’s incredibly inspiring.
Team Fortress 2 means a lot to me. It gave me my creativity back. It strengthened my friendship of over 8 years. It introduced me to such a loving, hilarious, talented community. It gave me a small platform to express myself. I’m very thankful for having this silly, little blog. I’m thankful for every follower I have. I’m thankful TF2 exists, frankly. It’s given me so much I adore. I want to see it prosper for years to come.
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buglaur · 2 years
check-in tag
thank you @gracy-simsie and @zosa95 for tagging me 💖
why did you choose your url?
everyone calls me laur and i like bugs 😭
how long have you been on tumblr?
i created this blog in early 2021 so i could lurk but only started properly posting in december of last year.
do you have a queue tag?
the only thing that i queue are the macmahon posts, so you could say that it’s macmahonlegacy 
why did you start your blog in the first place?
well, i was really into learning how to make renders and i wanted somewhere to share them. they were really terrible when i first started posting them but i think i’ve improved since then 😅 i also wanted somewhere to share my plethora of gameplay screenshots, so i started the macmahon legacy specifically for that, not thinking it would go anywhere but now i’m so in love with all the characters 😭
why did you choose your pfp/icon?
elder gael is the best gael stage. i know it probably should be theo since he’s our current heir but.. elder gael 🥵
why did you choose your header?
i don’t have one right now
what’s your post with the most notes?
the earrings i posted last week omfg, i had no wifi for that whole week and i come back to see it had 1.5k wtff 😭 i’m so grateful that people liked it! i made some more but i’m not going to release it just yet
in terms of legacy posts the assparagus adoption post is the all time top. what a legend. in terms of edits it’s the st. patricks day one which i wish i had done a better job on because the lighting is a bit weird in it 😭
how many mutuals do you have?
i’m not sure 😭 and i don’t know how to check
how many followers do you have?
i hit 1.5k recently, most of which are empty accounts and p*rn bots. however i’m go grateful for all the support i’ve gotten here even though i've only been around for 4 months!! dropping a sim dump soon hopefully, i have very little free time at the moment
have you ever made a shitpost?
as far as i can remember, no 😭
how often do you use tumblr everyday?
i like to check in a few times a day when i get the chance, to scroll for like 30 seconds before i carry on with my day 
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
nope! i’m still relatively new here but i’m hoping that won’t happen anytime soon 😂
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
i don’t know what that is, but they sound annoying
do you like tag games?
yes i adore them!! i’ll usually do them all unless they’re about something i have no interest in. like that ‘pick 5 songs’ one that was going around i got tagged in a bunch but didn’t do it because i don’t really listen to music 😭 if you’re ever stuck to tag someone for these tag me!!!
do you like ask memes?
again yes i adore them, but last time i did one i only answered two of them and the rest are all still half written in my drafts 😂 i want to do another one again though, i love rambling about my sims
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i don’t know what the requirements are of being simblr famous 😭
do you have a crush on a mutual?
maybe not on my mutuals but definitely on my mutual’s sims! 
i think i’ve seen a lot of my mutuals do this already but i’ll tag @whiimms @queenofvraquin @dreamstatesims and @sweetpyxels. ignore this if you don’t wanna or have already done it 😭
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sungie · 4 years
shitposting and all that: yamaguchi tadashi x reader
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a/n: i'm in love with yamaguchi and since i am a hoe for hurt/comfort aus here is yams comforting a reader who doesn't like talking about emotions // is this a call out // yes
- -
The fluorescent glare of blue light from your phone hurts your eyes, and you squint to make out Yamaguchi’s username pop up in notification.
yams.tada: hey, are you …
It’s almost too easy to ignore, except there’s another notification, and another, and you swipe open the app and hesitantly click on Yamaguchi’s name.
yams.tada: hey, are you okay?
yams.tada: i mean, i’m all for shitposting but like …
yams.tada: you seem sad
(y/n): i’m okay, yams
(y/n): just a little tired //
You aren’t quite expecting the response that appears almost instantly.
yams.tada: okay… what’s this then?
You flush instantly as he sends you the post you’d shared on your private story a few minutes ago.
(y/n): a meme (@^◡^)
yams.tada: lmao
yams.tada: is it okay if i drop by?
You sigh, pushing your face in your hands. It wasn’t your intention to have Yamaguchi react to it at all. It was insignificant enough; a bunch of shared posts about your favorite characters and “i blame ___ for the way i’ve turned out” and “why would i face my problems when i can just take a nap instead” and, oh.
(y/n): it was a moment of weakness
(y/n): nothing to worry about
yams.tada: T-T
yams.tada: don’t believe you
yams.tada: besides, we still need to split up the project stuff
You stifle an exasperated laugh. You’re all too aware that splitting up project roles is something that can easily be done over messaging apps, but once Yamaguchi sets his mind to something … there’s really no stopping him.
Shit. You’re about to make some excuse, but suddenly it’s too hard to hold your phone. You collapse back onto your bed and stare holes into the ceiling, almost as if staring hard enough will grant you some inner strength to face the boy that sees through everything.
When Yamaguchi finally comes around to ringing the doorbell, you pull it open with a tired grin. “Hey. There’s tea bags in the kitchen and ramune in the fridge … want some?”
Yamaguchi smiles at you, his eyes softening. He follows you into the apartment, nudging off his shoes and closing the door behind him. “Ramune is nice. You’re sure?”
You nod.
“As soon as I’m done with homework, I’m watching this movie Tsukki recommended. It’s a psychological thriller, or something like that. Have you heard of it? He’s been talking about it for days.”
You laugh, turning around with a raised eyebrow. “Sure you can handle it? Last time we watched one of those, you ran out of the room.”
“No,” Yamaguchi refutes with surprising audacity, “I did not.”
“You did.”
“Well,” he finally says, voicing a subtle trace of smugness that’s a bit too easy to identify, “you were all too happy to turn it off.”
“Shush,” you say, reaching to switch the kitchen light on, “I think you’ll eat your words once you start that one. Tsukishima doesn’t get scared much, does he?”
There’s no response. You turn to Yamaguchi, expectantly, only to swallow nervously.
When he looks at you again, his eyes are droopy. His head tilts slightly to the side as if he’s trying to figure out the right way to go about this.
“So, ready to work, Yams?”
“Not really.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, biting your tongue hard. “I thought that’s what you wanted to come here for.”
Yamaguchi shifts uncomfortably in his stance. He looks at you pleadingly.
You know what it means. He wants you to just tell him what’s going on. Well, unfortunately, for him, you’re not going to.
“I’m worried about you,” he caves, his voice wavering more than usual. “I know you don’t like to talk about this sort of stuff, but I...”
Despite the stony expression etched onto your face, your lips start to twitch. Yamaguchi’s infamous kindness is getting to you again.
“Do you want to talk about it? I’m here for you, you know. I always am.”
How hard do you have to bite your tongue for it to bleed? You’re worried that Yamaguchi’s going to cause you some serious harm, right now.
You shake your head. “I’m just … I’ll be okay in a little bit.”
Yamaguchi breathes out. A little sound escapes from his lips, and you watch as they twist into a sad sort of motion. “You’re so stubborn, (Y/N). You mean, you’ll be able to pull yourself together in a little bit. Not be okay. Right?”
“Um, no.” You make a point not to look Yamaguchi in the eyes. You look for something to focus on, suddenly becoming all too engrossed in the yarn coming loose from your fuzzy socks. Had that always been there? “Well, you’re the same, aren’t you?”
Yamaguchi sighs, huffing. “Really?”
“You don’t have to tell me about it. But, at least promise me you’ll take care of yourself.”
“Yeah, yeah --”
You don’t expect the arms that wrap around your frame, and neither do you expect the head that gently comes to rest atop yours. “Don’t worry about me,” you start.
“Shut up. I always worry,” Yamaguchi says, grumpily.
Yamaguchi’s touch is soft. He’s so warm. And at this point, you're not really sure if this hug is more for you or him. But it feels nice. You haven't been hugged, in a while.
And as much as you hate to admit it, in Yamaguchi's arms, it feels really safe. You realize the tension in your shoulders must have dissipated a while ago, and you feel your bottom lip quiver.
You needed this hug.
“I worry about you, too, I guess.” You mumble it into his sweater, wrinkling up your nose. He smells nice, too. Like fresh linen, or something. “This is a one time thing, you know. I’m not fragile.”
You don't really want it to be a one time thing.
Yamaguchi laughs. “Of course not.” He steps backward, his chin raising from your head. “I’ve never thought that about you.”
Before you can think too much about it, Yamaguchi suddenly interrupts the easy silence with wide eyes and a curious tone. “Oh, do you want me to keep you company? I forgot to ask, earlier.”
Despite the indifferent words you said earlier, you nod vehemently. “Yes, please.”
Yamaguchi grins. “Cool. We can knock out that project then.”
You blink at him. “Did you actually come for the project?”
You whack him in the arm. “Rude.”
“Hey! I had to have a back-up if you were actually okay, you know --”
“You’re so annoying.”
He laughs, happily. “You haven’t joked around like that in a while.”
“I wasn’t joking.”
Yamaguchi gazes at you warmly, eyes lingering just a little too long on yours. “Exactly.”
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j-reau · 4 years
a hiatus or something
I didn’t want to post this. I told myself to give it until morning and sleep but I’ve been laying here for over an hour and I can’t sleep and I know I’m not going to sleep until I get it out. And I decided I’m not going to do the pretend things don’t bother us mentality that tumblr likes, the don’t show emotions on the dashboard, don’t let people know you’re hurt or angry out of fear it’ll be seen as ~drama or whatever thing stop me from just saying how I feel. Because I feel pretty shitty? I’ve been feeling shitty for a few days now. Maybe more. Last week I told myself that the drama that had randomly cropped up was just too much and I wasn’t going to let tumblr be something that made me cry or panic or kept me up at night over bullshit like arguing with someone over things that happened years ago. So I set my focus on my friends, on my dashboard, on reminding myself why I love RP and why I’ve been in it for this many years, for so long, with all of these people. Those Valentines I posted were part of that project for me. It was a reminder, for myself and my dash about all of the human connection that happens here, all the people we meet, all the little pieces of each other we take on and take with us, all the ships, all the conversations, however brief.  From the people we just see on our dash to the ones we talk to about all our fears and insecurities. And how all of it matters. 
I know how much we all love to say calm down gregg, it’s tumblr RP. I know how we all loathe this hellsite when we’re being our worst. I know how we all talk about how we’re too old for this now or we’re tired. We’re just here to write. I’m just here to write. I love writing. But what brings us all back time and time again, what keeps us here is the fact that it’s not just tumblr RP. It’s a community. Whether you have a real life that keeps you busy or your whole life is here, whether you have plenty of friends offline or all your closes people live on discord, we’re all people. And we all take this with us. We make friendships and we talk to each other. We open ourselves up to the constant trust and fear of interaction, of  plotting, of who is going to reach out or send the meme. We build friendships based on that, we care for each other, we see each other’s bad days on the dash, and great days and inspiration. And it means something. It may just be tumblr RP, but it matters to us. Because of the people here, because we give a fuck about each other. Or at least I’ve always liked to hope we do. I have friends on this website I’ve had for ten years, some just for 3, and others just a few months. It always floors me how we can always come back to it, how we stick with each other or don’t, how we see the good and the bad and the ugly. 
So to get on with it, I wrote those Valentines.  I hit refresh on my blog and put the weird random drama in the past and moved forward. I made this blog for JJ only about 3 months ago. I don’t know how I got 500 followers in that short time but I did. And it’s. been the wildest experience I can possibly explain, having that happen so quickly, finding so many people out in the RPC that I hadn’t before on my other blogs. I felt fucking good. I was excited. Not just to write a character I had wanted to and loved for years but to find so many people who I vibed with. I remember writing a post about a month in and being so fucking ... floored. By how much I loved you all, by how amazing it was to be received like that still, to find people my age and who wrote things I liked and loved their female characters. I fucking love JJ. I LOVE THE SHIT out of my partners on this blog, even the new people I’m still itching to write with. And yet, I did that little refresh, posted my valentines , got ready to go and felt .... sad. 
I tried to explain it. I tried to tell myself it was a bad mood. I hoped maybe it was medication. But I couldn’t shake the weird funk. And everywhere I looked it seemed like things were .... not good. My friends taking breaks, people feeling sad too, relationships splitting, people I liked and respected separating themselves. Tonight, one of my closest friends I’ve made on this blog blocked me. Someone I adored and trusted and absolutely loved to write with. Tumblr says we’re not supposed to care. That we’re supposed to let people draw their lines in the sand and take their leave and maybe we are. Maybe it’s important to let people make their choices. But I also think it’s important as fuck to talk to your friends, to mean what you say when you tell someone they’re important to you. I think it’s important that we remember on the other side of every blog and discord user is a person. Who has bad days and bad feelings and cries and feels insecure and tells themselves it’s just tumblr RP even when they know somehow it feels heavier when it’s bad. This was a friend I had talked to at length about all of those exact things, about how personal the community can feel sometimes, about feeling replaceable or invisible, even for the toughest most confident most take no shit people. I’ve always considered myself a pretty tough, confident, take no shit person. I think anyone who has known me for as many years as I’ve been around has seen that first hand. I don’t like how sad I’ve felt lately. I don’t like the insecurity that’s making me want to know why things feel way or why people vanish without so much as an explanation. I had to block a mutual last week I saw making fun of me on their twitter. A mutual. Someone who chose to follow me and on a public place where my other friends could see it made fun of what I posted. And I just don’t know what we’re doing anymore. It didn’t bother me. I don’t have hurt feelings over it. That’s the kind of stuff I definitely know I’m confident about. But .... it did really fucking floor me. Because here we are, on a sight where users talk about positivity and not sending anon hate, and we can treat each other like that. 
I’ve been sitting up in bed for hours trying to figure out what to say or what to do. That’s what I do I guess. I try to figure out what to do, how we fix it, like somehow there’s some unified we and some responsibility to make things better. A lot of you have only known me for a few months so this probably sounds all kinds of nuts. And you’re probably going JJ you’ve been an emotional mess since the moment we met you. Because I feel like that’s how it’s been for the last few months. But that’s not how it’s always been for me. That’s not who I am. So for now I guess I’m just trying to figure out what I do. Instead of sitting here and spinning and trying to figure out how we as a community fix these gaping holes and the way we talk about each other like we’re disposable and treat each other like names on a list instead of people. 
For now, I think what I do is take a little break. It’s the very thing I don’t want to do. Because it feels like quitting and it feels like being scared away. So I feel the need to promise whoever has read all of this and myself that that’s not what it is. Maybe I’ll be back in two days, maybe two weeks, who knows. But I need a break. From whatever this feeling is that seems to have come over things lately. I’ve loved these few months on this blog so much. And maybe that’s half the problem. Maybe I got spoiled and this is the come down. Maybe I’m just an idiot who thinks what we all want on this website is to find people and love each other and write together. I never knew that me -- the person often accused of being aloof and feelingsless and distant would somehow turn into the emotional bitch on this website but here we are I guess. I just don’t know how to navigate this anymore. I don’t know how to put my heart into relationships and friendships that can just be switched off like we can just stop caring about people. I don’t know how to ignore people who say horrible things and do horrible things to each other just because we don’t want to see it on our dashes. I don't know how to give enough of everything to everyone so that every single one of my mutuals and partners knows they’re valuable to me. I don’t know what I hope to accomplish. I don’t know when I got to be so much of a raw, frayed edge on tumblr dot com but that’s how I feel. And I hope in a few days or sometime soon I’ll have an answer or at least get my hard shell back.
I want to keep writing. I want to keep talking to you guys. I don’t want to lose anyone. I truly mean what I say when I say you’re all important to me. I plan to still be around on discord. I’ll write on discord if anyone wants to keep writing. If we aren’t discord friends yet and you want to be, send a message. I plan to come back. I don’t want to abandon anything. I’m so deeply fucking sorry for this rant, for all the overflow of feelings lately, for anyone that’s had to listen to them, for putting them on your dashes, for fucking all of it. Please be good to each other. Please talk to each other. Please remember that if we’ve crossed paths at any point on this blog, I value you. I value all of your friendships, your writing, your shitposts, your dash commentary, your tiktoks you dump at me on discord. I love you. Every last fucking one of you. 
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noire-pandora · 3 years
About me
I’ve been tagged @kunstpause @dismalzelenka @queen-kass-the-writer @curiousthimble @morganlefaye79 @barbex thank you for the tag, you’re always so nice with me!
1: Why did you choose your url?
Noire comes from a character I used to love as a teenager from an anime that made me cry like an idiot in front of my PC (once, I cried so hard, i got a nosebleed. What can I say, I’m a cry baby). The name of that character is Gauche Suede (from Tagami Bachi) that, after becomes the “villain”, he goes by the name “Noir”. I just added the “e” because “Noir” is the masculine French for the colour black (i hope I’m remembering that right) so the “e” made it feminine. Look, I used to love and study the French language when I made this Tumblr, I had to respect the grammar rules xD.
Pandora comes from Pandora’s box because I consider Tumblr to be a freaking Pandora box. So Noire-Pandora= My Pandora’s box. (Yeah, I was 15 when I made this. So edgy, right?)
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have....too many of them. 
-  noirepersonal is my personal Tumblr where i can reblog all the memes I want without spamming the people following me for Dragon Age. 
-  twcgreen is my Wayhaven Chronicles one but I don’t use it anymore because I’ve noticed the fandom is kinda shitty, to put it mildly. (not everyone, ofc, but the people who stirred up shit in the DA fandom are very vocal in there and I’d rather not deal with them. I’ll yell my love on the TWC discord servers)
-  ina-shep is my Mass Effect one because I had the pressing need to reblog Mass Effect art. 
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
2010.....10 years...no wait....this month marks the 11th year. Since I was 15 years old. Wow, I really haven’t changed that much huh.....
4: Do you have a queue tag?
No. In 11 years, I haven’t got the hang of the queue option. I just log in, reblog everything and log out.😂
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I was curious to see what was this Tumblr place everyone spoke about on Yahoo Messenger. xD
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
That's my lovely Elluin made by Tobio Fish on Twitter. I choose her because I'm obsessed with her.
7: Why did you choose your header?
Because I think the dragon age games are neat.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
This one.....
I made it when I was 15 years old and it's still me. I'm a douchbag friend.
9: How many mutuals do you have?
I don't know how to check that.
10: How many followers do you have?
Before you say something, I want you to remember I had this Tumblr for 11 years and I've been in too many fandoms. And yes, I was this loud in every single one of them. Anyway 3582 but I'm sure only 20 people reblog my stuff.
11: How many people do you follow?
1241 tumblrs. I need to do a following clean up soon.
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
Nah, I'm not funny enough for that.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I used to spend too many hours on this site. Since I've started writing, not so many.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nah, fuck that. I won't fight people here. I've deleted every shitty anon message and blocked every person that tried to start shit with me. I refused to answer to any vague posts made towards me. I don't have the patience and the brain cells to fight.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
No one can make me reblog stuff I don't want to reblog. This is my Pandora box and I will do whatever I want with it.
16: Do you like tag games?
Yes, I love them! Please tag me in stuff.
17: Do you like ask games?
Oh yeah, especially when I can yell about my OCs.
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Platonic crushes? Heck yeah. Y'all are too awesome not to like. Romantic ones? Nope.
Tagging: @emerald-amidst-gold @oxygenforthewicked @cleverblackcat @ma-serannas-vhenan @little-lightning-lavellan
@musetta3 @roguelioness @dreadfutures @fandomn00blr @dragonswithjetpacks @sidhelives @potatowitch @best-of-the-vein
No pressure at all. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore or of you want to be tagged more!
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born-to-lose · 3 years
Tagged by @six-shot-heart-attack 💖
1. Why did you choose your url?
The song is my brand
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
I made a langblr for Finnish (and some French), but it's still in the works so there's nothing to see yet. I'll link it as soon as I have an actual concept
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Since early 2017
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I don't always use it for queued posts but #sweet queue o' mine
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was a theater kid back then and nobody irl wanted to hear about my obscure interests
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love Mike and Stiv and the vibes of this photo
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because I finally have a theme now and neon + black = chef's kiss
8. What's your post with the most notes?
Probably that David Bowie/Jesus meme, but I don't really keep track
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Quite a few and I love you all
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Everything in the #mel talks is a shitpost, just with different intensity
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
Way too much. I wake up, send my best friend a short text and it only goes downhill from there. Except when I'm at school, but even then I pop in during breaks
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I don't think so. It was more of a personal thing that led to both of us talking shit about the other on our blogs. I stopped at some point but idk about him and idc (post-breakup beef y'know)
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
I only reblog them when it's actually important like that suicide hotline post or things like that potato dog or the elephant strawberry, but then it's only because of the picture itself
16. Do you like tag games?
Yeah but I'm really lazy and slow at doing them, so I still have a bunch from last year, but I'm trying to catch up asap
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
@tuffduff @six-shot-heart-attack and @smokeandmirrorz because y'all have those cool vibes 🥺👉👈
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Lmao obviously and you know it
20. Tags:
@thespacecowboyyy @polka-dot-duff @smokeandmirrorz @izzys-nose-ring @slashxrose no pressure tho!
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
Tumblr media
Because I don’t want to spam the dash with reblogs of the appreciation meme, I’ll just say this:
I appreciate all of you. Even if I don’t write or interact with all of you (yet), I love seeing you on here. 
Mutuals I’ve got a thread (or several) with? I adore you. Let’s keep writing together (and shitposting and sharing OOC commentary and plots).
Mutuals I don’t currently thread with or have yet to really write with? I adore you too. Let’s interact soon! Feel free to throw ideas my way or shoot me a meme.
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Thank you so much for the tag, @mellowavengersstuff, omg, I love you, thank you for being my friend 😭💜💜
(I decided to do another post because it was getting kinda long, hope it's okay :0)
1. Why did you choose your URL?
Because it's really true, hahaha, and I took the idea from the "fitness is my passion" meme, pfff, sorry, hahaha
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
Eehhh, might as well, hehe. I do, it's @sofie-minnett, and I have it because it's kinda of my inspiration blog, because I like writing songs (although I don't mention it much because #1. I'm shy and I don't know if they're good, haha, forgive me. And #2. the only three people I've told, didn't even care, so whatever xd). I don't do much in it though, I only reblog pretty stuff that I like or find aesthetically pleasing.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Ummm, probably since 2016, maybe early 2017... I'm not really sure, but I remember it was around the release of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
I wasn't aware I could, actually.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Because I'm a simp, lmao, and I've enjoyed reading fanfiction since I was like 12, so one day I found tumblr, I saw the fanfics here were mostly masterpieces and I said "YES". And then I tried writing myself. c:
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Because I did one of those picrew thingies and I really liked it, so I was like "heck, why not?" Albeit, I might change it soon... who knows...? :00
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because I love Chat Noir, he's one of my comfort characters, my sunshine boi (also I'm sad he has been having less screen time this season 😔)
8. What's your post with the most notes?
This one right hereee (Loki simps, I see u 👀)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Umm, I don't know??? I think maybe 3, but I'm not sure??? I don't even know if I really do, I have no idea of how to talk to people and make friends, please help, talk to me, I want fwiends, let's be fwiends,
10. How many followers do you have?
I have 242 atm. Omg, I'm impressed, and incredibly grateful, thank you all so much, I love u 💜
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I'm not completely sure of what characterises one, but most likely, yeah
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
Depends on the day, probably once, maybe twice, it honestly depends on what I feel like doing (or not doing)
14. Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
Nopeee (or not that I know of at least 😳)
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this post"?
Eeehhh, I guess I'll just do it if it's important and if I am relatively sure that I'm not spreading fake info, if I'm not sure, I'd very much rather not reblog it D:
16. Do you like tag games?
Yeeeesss, I'm usually unsure of who to tag, but I enjoy them and I feel seen and cared for, so yeah
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
If I do have them (haha, sorry), all of them, you're amazing, I love u
19. Do you have a tumblr crush on a mutual?
I only have fictional crushes right now, I beg your pardon 😪
20. No pressure tagssss:
@leftperfectionmoon @leaphia @dont-you-dare-imagine @some-fangirling @shellelyn @maiden-of-gondor @the--sad--hatter @allyadarth
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