#I’m begging. go out once. go play a sport. go join a club. go to a gig. talk to someone once pleeeeeeease and make a buddy so you don’t FEEL
razerback · 1 year
they should invent a man who can enable his own self improvement
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herrera2k · 2 years
“Please, stop crying.”
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(Young) Ronaldo x Reader angst
Background: Y/n and Ronaldo have been dating for about four years, and the two have just found out that Ronaldo is joining Sporting CP, in Lisbon, Portugal.
I remember holding Cristiano’s hand as we walked down the beach of Funchal. It felt like something out of a movie, the sunset in the background cast an orange glow across his tan skin, as the waves crashed against the sand. The feeling of his hands in mine was perfect, I had never felt so in love, it was one of those moments that I would dream about as a little girl. The sun was beating down on my skin, and I loved it. Being there with him was all I needed, and nothing could have prepared me for what I was to be told later. Him and I sat our things down on the sand once we found a secluded area to hang out, and as I undressed to reveal my swimsuit, I felt his eyes scan my body. When I looked over at him, I expected to be met with sly grin and wink, but I only saw a smile with sad eyes. I walked toward Cristiano and grabbed his hand before pulling him into the salty water and tumbling over. After coming up for air, we looked at each other, and laughed. He swam towards me and grabbed my waist, before lifting me up to kiss me. I wrapped my hands around his neck to hold on to him. The kiss lasted a few seconds, before he tossed me into the water, we always played around with each other. I believe that he was not only my soulmate, but also my best friend. When we met, we were both thirteen, we were friends for about a year, when he he finally asked me out. He never went to high school with me, for he sort of dropped out when he was younger. However, I won’t lie, I loved the time we were able to spend together. Once I came up for air, I attacked him and dragged him underwater. He came up for air and shook his hair before smiling at me. He brought me upon his shoulders, then tossed me off. We continued to play in the water for a while, until we trudged slowly out of the ocean. We sat down on the beach, and watched as the sun lowered into the horizon. After a few minutes of silence, Cristiano began: “There’s something I need to tell you, y/n” I looked down at my legs, covered in sand, then back at him. “What’s up?” I asked. Cristiano did not waste anytime to sugarcoat it, he bluntly said:
“I’m leaving Funchal.” He paused, looked at the ground, and back at me. I was confused, so I asked him, “Where are you going? And why?” He then reached for my hand and stroked my palm, “I’ll be moving to Lisbon in about a week, I’m joining a football club over there.”
“Oh, well, good job Cristiano.” I bitterly muttered. I truly was happy for him, but my first love was moving across the country, and leaving the island we lived on. I truly didn’t know what to say. I knew how badly he wanted this, Cristiano worked so hard to become the athlete that he is, but I hated the thought of letting him go.
“Would you come with me?” He asked, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at the setting sun, then into his brown eyes, before back down. “You know I can’t do that.” I mumbled. I had to take care of my family, I was working to provide for them, I couldn’t just leave them behind.
“Please, y/n, I’d make sure your family was alright. I’d send money, you could visit all the time-” he begged, I didn’t know what to do, I knew he loved football, and I knew he loved me. However, I refused to let him chose me over his dream. “Please, I need you to forget about me.” I demanded. I know he would be devastated if I don’t go with him, but it just wouldn’t work out. “You and I both know that I can’t go, so please, stop trying to make it work.” I insisted.
I hated using that harsh tone, I knew Cristiano was only trying to do what he thought would make us both happy, but I figured the best way to get him to forget about me was to be a little cold. I looked over to the side, for I couldn’t look at him anymore. I was ashamed.
I heard a stifle of a sob, and I couldn’t help myself. He never cried, except for around me. When he cried, he would lay his head in my lap, as I stroked his hair and wiped his tears. He would always be so vulnerable to me in those moments, and now he would have to deal with that, alone. “Please, don’t cry.” I said, as tears welled up in my eyes. I pulled him into an embrace, as he sobbed on my shoulders.
“I don’t want to leave you, y/n.” He whined, but I knew he had to. “Football is your dream, think about how you could help your family,” I attempted to reassure him. “I will love you no matter what you do, but I hope you know, that as I’ve grown up with you, I’ve seen how you feel about this sport. You pit in hours every week, and it will have all been for nothing if you stay. You need to leave me behind.”
“I’ll always love you, y/n.” He croaked, “I think I’ll miss you forever.”
“I know, but you’ll forget about me one day. You’ll be successful, happy, and wealthy, and when I see you on tv, I will smile at the thought of you.” I said, as I cling to his arm. “And who knows? Maybe things could work out, but right now, you need to chase your dreams.” “I’ll come visit you y/n, as much as possible.” He whimpered. “Okay,” I said, “I love you.” He then pulled me into his lap, wrapped his hands around my waist, and rocked side to side. I don’t know how long we sat on the beach, but it wasn’t long enough. “Five more minutes” I would silently pray when I thought he was considering going home, but I guess he thought the same thing. He was my first love, and I will never forget the impact he had on me.
A/n: I feel like the ending sucked😭 I’m so sorry
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leileisa · 4 years
pretty [iwaizumi hajime x reader]
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pairing: yandere! iwaizumi hajime x reader
warnings: idk slight mention of sex, yandere, kidnapping, mentions of bondage
word count: 2.9k
a/n: my weakness for handsome, pure daddy material boys is immaculate. 
He remembers the first time he saw you as clear as day. A new transfer into class five, who came in almost as silent as the night. The teacher didn’t introduce you, unlike how they normally would, and instead just glanced at you as you entered the class silently. Iwaizumi met your eyes for just a second before you headed towards the only empty seat in the room, right next to him. 
That was when he fell in love with the sight of you: absolutely stunning in your looks, yet silent in your movements; a real life goddess. And he was the first person to see you. 
“Hi,” you whispered, trying to pull out the chair as quietly as possible. You were so cute, so considerate, with a slight grin on your face. “My name’s (y/n), what’s yours?” For a second, he thought he wasn’t going to be able to make eye contact with you for a second time that day. He could just tell you were looking at him so gently, and he had a hunch there wasn’t a malicious bone in your body. 
“Iwaizumi,” he said, his voice matching the same hushed tone as his eyes met yours. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Iwaizumi. Let’s have a good year.”
He watched you a lot, after that. He couldn’t get you out of his head. He didn’t even want to— you sat right next to him, and it was so easy for him to observe you. He noticed you used pens for the math and science classes, and pencils for your writing and languages (he realized that meant you were more confident in the classes you used pens in-- how convenient, because he was better at the latter classes). And that when you were confused about something, you bit the inside of your cheeks before letting out a sigh; after that, you’d confidently raised your hand and as for clarification.
Iwaizumi wasn’t the type to believe in love at first sight. He’s seen people fall into its deadly grip one too many times with Oikawa. He always thought it was stupid, how girls fell in love with his friend so easily. Maybe just because he’s been with Oikawa since childhood, but there wasn’t anything exciting about him— besides the fact that he knew how to play people. But Iwaizumi thought it was an obvious act to see through. Now, though, he could totally understand falling head over heels with someone at first glance. 
It only took one second, a singular moment in time, a barely registered eye contact for him to know that you— you were the one. 
It was like a message from God, for you to sit next to him. An opportunity that he couldn’t let slide past his fingers. So he sat next to you, for as long as he could, and just observed you. He knew your studying habits from when you would ask him to study with you, fifteen minutes before class started, just as a precaution. He noticed you always ate the fruits in your bentos before anything else, and you seemed to have an extra bottle of water in your backpack. You weren’t in any sports, but he liked that you tried to keep yourself healthy. 
“You’re in the volleyball club, right, Iwaizumi?” You had asked him once. You looked a little different that day, a little less tired, but you still slide next to him with a lazy grin on your face. 
“Yeah,” Iwaizumi responded, setting down his pencil. “Why do you ask?” 
He remembers the way your grin turned more enthusiastic, more eager, after his response. “I went to your game last weekend! It was amazing watching you play!”
Watching you play.
You watched him play! Not the other third years on the team, him, Iwaizumi Hajime. For a second, he feels foolish; he didn’t see or hear you in the crowd. How did he miss someone who shines as brightly as you in the crowd, cheering for him, watching him play? 
He quickly put those thoughts behind him, because that doesn’t change the fact that you were there. That you watched him play. Iwaizumi couldn’t help the giddiness that spread throughout his body. Is this what Oikawa felt every game when he knew that people watched him? The pure, unadultured excitement that coursed through his veins, a slight shiver to go up his spine that causes goosebumps to explode across his arms? He loved it. He loves you.
“You’re the ace, right?” You’re as gentle but precise with your words as you usually are when you interrupt his thoughts. “Watching you hit the ball so hard was unreal. I had no idea you were that strong! I knew you guys practiced a lot, but I didn’t realize it was a lot a lot. I mean, you guys communicated so easily out there it was like you were telepathic!”
“We’re a team, we have to work together.” God, Hajime, don’t sound like you don’t care. “With the amount of time we spend together, we’re like a family.” 
“That’s so sweet, Iwaizumi!” You gushed, giving him a goofy grin with your hands pressed against your cheeks. “You’re usually so composed, but it’s always nice to be able to rely on people like you do.” 
“You could become our manager.” It was an honest offer, and it came out of his mouth without thinking. I want to see you more.
“I couldn’t,” you sighed. “It’s our third year, and I don’t know anything about volleyball-- me being around would just be a waste.”
“It wouldn’t be a waste,” Iwaizumi was quick to shut you down. “We could always use the extra help with practice. I could teach you the rules— I can help you. You can be part of the team.” We can get to know each other better. 
The words came out of his mouth easily. They were honest, determined. He wanted nothing less than to spend every waking moment of the day with you; if you joined the team, he would have more reasons to talk to you. He could spend more time with you, and he would get to know you more. It would be perfect.
Keeping eye contact with him was hard. Iwaizumi’s full focus was on you, and his eyes were so intense as they stared into yours. You were determined to keep eye contact with him, though, and you just stared back. A sigh, then, “I’ll think about it.” 
Iwaizumi couldn’t wait for your response.
He got his answer a couple days later, when he saw you talking to coach Nobuteru with papers in your hands. Coach had his arms crossed as he looked down at you. You were nodding as your delicate fingers shifted through the papers, taking in every word that coach said to you. He couldn’t believe it— you were there, you took his advice. You were joining the team!
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa said, slinging an arm across his shoulders before Iwaizumi shrugged it off. “A little birdy told me this cutie is in your class, Iwa-chan! How’d you do it?” 
“Back off, Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi growled, harshly shoving his childhood friend out of his personal space. “I just asked her to consider it.” There was no way Iwaizumi would tell Oikawa how he felt, despite them being friends for ages. He knows Oikawa would make a big deal out of it (a way bigger deal then it needed to be, anyway), and there was no way he would risk any potential embarrassment around you. Things were already going so perfectly, and he wasn’t about to let anything ruin his chance. 
A knowing glint shone in Oikawa’s eyes as he just placed his arm back around him. “I’m not stupid, Hajime. You don’t talk to just anyone.” 
“I talk to you,” he retorted quickly, glaring. He made no move to move the eccentric males arm. He would never, ever, admit his feelings to Oikawa. But he couldn’t help the intensity in his eyes as he watched you from across the gym, or the pure elation that spread throughout his body. You were just in his reach, and he could almost taste you. 
“Iwaizumi, hi!” You shouted as you ran across the gym, papers still in your hand, and your gorgeous, illuminating smile on your face.
“Hey,” He said, a fraction of a smile on his face. It was genuine, but he couldn’t be too expressive with his best friend right beside him. 
“I— uh, I took your advice,” you grinned sheepishly, showing him the papers. “I’m joining the team. As your, um, your manager, of course. I don’t play volleyball.”
It was so cute, how timid and insecure you were when you talked to him sometimes. You had no reason to worry, he thought, nothing could change how beautiful you were to him. 
“I can see that,” Iwaizumi grinned at you. He felt his hands twitch; you were so close to him, and you were starting to share likes for the same things. Can’t you just see that you were meant for each other?
“Welcome to the team, Manager-chan! I’m Oikawa, the captain of this team.” As annoying and inconvenient as ever, his enthusiastic best friend (he cringed as he thought of that), interrupted their moment. 
“I know!” You chirped, waving the papers in your hands. “I went to some of your games. You’re a setter, right?” Instead of looking at Oikawa, your face turned towards his dark-haired friend instead. Iwaizumi nodded, and when your attention went back to his friend, he just let out a grin. Iwaizumi’s way of dominance, his way of saying she’s mine. 
It just showed how perfect you were; that you were such a good girl, asking for his confirmation. He could just imagine you asking his permission for things— asking to hold his hand, your soft eyes looking into his with overwhelming adoration, or the desperation as you cry out to him, begging for him to let you come, that you’ll be his good girl if he just doesn’t stop.
After becoming the manager, you and Iwaizumi immediately grew immensely closer. He taught you about volleyball, and you listen intently. You stay late with him when he feels like practicing late with the other third years, and he can’t help the flutter in your heart when you ask to join. You’re not that great— but you’re trying, and it’s just so cute to see you try your best. 
The more he sees you, the more he hangs out with you, the more he falls in love. It’s an endless spiral of devotion, he realizes, every time you cross his mind. He’s absolutely, undoubtedly, in love with you, and just thinking of having you be his makes skin erupt into excited goosebumps.
He never thought that it’d only be a few years later before he could get the real thing. He has you in his grasp, the love of his life living with him, looking just so perfect and exactly how he wants. 
“See, baby? Such a good girl for me,” he coos, his fingers twirling in your hair. “It’s not that hard to just do as I say, you know? If you keep being so good for me, I’ll give you a reward. You want that reward, my sweet thing?”
Your back is aching from sitting upright in the chair for hours on end. The soft pink leather that binds your wrists and ankles to the edges of the chair were tied just a little too tight, the slight numbing in your hands, though not enough to distract you from the bathroom mirror that you were facing. Soft pastels, pinks, blues, and even yellows surrounded you. The only thing standing out in the reflection was the black shirt and pants that Iwaizumi was wearing as he stood behind you, gently combing your slightly damp hair. Your body shook as tears threatened to spill across your waterline, bottom lip shaking.  
Iwaizumi pulls at your hair. “Answer me, baby girl. Be good.”
“Yes,” you whisper, eyes never wavering from your reflection. He wanted you to see just how perfect you were in his eyes, with soft hair that was styled the same way it was in high school. The last time you shut your eyes to try and escape the visual nightmare, you hadn’t seen anything for days. Iwaizumi locked you in a dark room, chained to the bed with a metal collar and chain that allowed almost no movement, and had barely fed you anything until you were a sobbing mess, telling him how sorry you were— that you wouldn’t make that mistake again, that you would be good. 
You still have the bruises around your throat as a reminder. 
“Yes, what?” He spoke, voice stern and commanding. His body went straight and rigid behind you, grip still tight on your hair, as if he was showcasing the ring of purple and blue around your neck as a suggestion to not test his patience. 
“Yes, sir.” You repeated, voice trembling. You swallow the lump in your throat in an effort to not cry, but you couldn’t help the sob as a few tears flood down your face. 
“Don’t cry, baby,” his voice lowered into a soothing whisper as he released his grip on your hair to rub your scalp. You watch as he brings his face close to yours. Iwaizumi pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, an action that would make your heart flutter and swell with adoration if the situation had been different, and his lips trail until they reach your ear. The closeness of his face and the warmth of his breath does nothing to help you calm down, and you cry harder. “You’re so pretty, see? So perfect for me. My perfect girl. There’s no reason to cry.”
“I would have said yes,” you say quickly, eyes looking at him in the mirror. You can see him pause, so you continue. “If you asked me out, I-I would have said yes.” His body shook slightly in the mirror, and you could hear his deep chuckle from right beside you.
“I know,” he said. “I watched you for months. I saw everything you did, you think I didn’t notice the way you looked at me?” Iwaizumi moves from his hunched over position, and you can see him move directly behind you.
“Look at me.” 
Your eyes immediately meet his in the mirror, and he just grins at you. He fists your hair, painfully, and pulls your head back until you feel the cramp in your neck. 
“No, baby. I said look at me.” 
Your eyes move from the mirror and look into his. It was always scarier, when you looked at him face to face. The mirror made it feel like there was a barrier between the two of you, some form of protection, but looking into his eyes was so much more painful. The pure, uncontrollable, raw passion that shone in his eyes like an untamed fire that refused to die out was what scared you the most. It scared you how much he cared for you.
“Still so pretty for me, even when you’re crying.” His thumb gently wiped the tear stains from your cheeks. He brought his tongue to the edge of his mouth, the appendage slowly peaking between his beautiful lips and delicately wiping the salty tears he collected away. “You know I love you, right? I’d do anything for you.”
Your heart is racing, neck still cramping in the uncomfortable position. Your head stings from the painful grip Iwaizumi still has on your hair, but you refused to avoid eye contact. 
There’s still a part of you that thinks that there’s still the Iwaizumi that you met years ago, your old seat mate, the first person you felt close to at a new school, is still there. The first person you considered a friend in the most stressful year of your life, and the one who invited you into his boisterous, overwhelming volleyball family when you expressed your jealousy. The one who just looked out for you when you felt like nobody else would. 
“Then-then let me go,” you plead, eyes begging him to just listen to you. “I’ll be good, you know I will. I’ll be your good girl if you just let me go.”
“Oh, my pretty baby.”
You can see his brows furrow, but he lets go of his deathly grip on your hair. You follow his figure as he goes to sit on the bathroom counter in front of you, his forearms resting on his thighs with his broad chest slightly hunched over. His tongue shoots out to lick his lips, and he clicks his tongue. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Ple-please, you know I won’t do anything to upset you. I’ll stay with you, just please let me out. I hate these!” You say, trying to move your hands and feet. All you feel is the rawness and resistance against them. “They’re too tight, a-and they’re uncomfortable. Please take them off,” You’re begging at this point, full-blown tears falling across your face. You have enough mobility to reach your head to place it on his thigh, and you look up at him from between his legs. “Just take them off, Iwaizumi, please!”
He just sighs, and you feel his fingers lightly trace across your face as you close your eyes. Iwaizumi holds your head between his hands as he lifts your head off his thigh, and he presses a tender kiss right between your eyes. You hate it, but you can feel the love and care he puts behind it.
“I can’t do that,” he whispers, pressing two more delicate kisses on your eyelids. “You’re just too pretty.”
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
Iced Americano*
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Kuroo and Daichi x fem!reader
warnings: smut, fluff, oral (both receiving), protected sex, kuroo and daichi being hot
word count: 2.5k
minors pls don’t interact!
all characters are aged up!
a/n: this was very self indulgent...
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Another boring day behind the counter of your college’s local coffee shop. Classes were hard but financing said classes was harder and you ended up having to take a part time job to pay your apartment rent. You didn’t hate it, it was nice meeting new people everyday, and seeing regular friendly faces. But there was one face in particular that never failed to catch your attention.
“What can I get for..you.. the usual i’m guessing?” You say, a shy smile playing across your face.
“Good to see you again y/n, and yes the usual please.” He responds, reciprocating your smile.
He was gorgeous and part of you thinks he knows that too. The way he carried himself with such confidence. He must know the effect he has on you.
“Iced Americano for Kuroo!”
He comes back to the counter and picks up his drink. He notices your eyes on him and flashes his award winning smirk. He slips a napkin across the counter and winks. You glance down at the napkin and read the small message he’s left for you. A simple “call me” with a winky face and his number below it. You couldn’t lie, you were a bit nervous to take the offer, but deep down you really wanted it. As soon as your shift ended you messaged the number.
me: Hi! Is this kuroo-san?
kuroo: It is. Is this the lovely y/n?
me: haha yes it is
kuroo: I’m a bit busy right now y/n, but don’t worry i’ll make a reappearance at the coffee shop tomorrow ;)
me: can’t wait!
Your heart was racing. This small encounter was more than enough to send butterflies rushing through your stomach. Months of pining for the handsome stranger finally paying off. For the first time in a long time, you were really excited for your early morning shift.
The next day finally rolled around and you were happy as can be. Even your coworkers noticed your chipper mood.
“y/n you’re awfully happy today. Something good happen?” Your coworker Yamaguchi asked.
“Hm I guess you could say something happened.”
“Spill. now.”
You giggled as you explained to him all that took place the day before, and how you’re super excited to see him again today. He seems a bit older than you are but you don’t mind. You’re pretty mature for your age, at least you think so.
“Is that him over there?” Tadashi asks, eying a tall “spiky haired man” that just walked in.
“Yes! That’s him! I’m gonna head to the register.”
“Hi Kuroo-san! The usual?” You ask, your eyes falling on the shorter man standing beside him.
The man smiles at you and you can’t help but notice how handsome he is as well. Two handsome men right in front of you. What a lucky day.
“Yes usual for me and a Cappuccino for him. How have you been y/n. Sorry I couldn’t talk very much yesterday, work has been hectic.” He asks leaning over the counter just enough so that you can feel his hot breath on your nose.
You smile and answer back making small talk as you punch in their order.
“Babe, can I get a muffin as well?” The shorter man asks, catching you off guard.
“Yeah which one?”
You stare at Kuroo, a confused look painting your blushing face.
“Oh y/n, this is my boyfriend Daichi by the way. Daichi this is y/n, the girl I was telling you about.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you y/n, Kuroo talks about you quite a bit.” Daichi responds, nudging Kuroo in the side.
“y/n...if you’re free tonight..we’d love to have you over for dinner.”
“Dinner?” You ask, contemplating his extremely confusing request. The man was already in a relationship and he was asking you out on a date with him and his boyfriend in front of his boyfriend?
“Um.. Kuroo-san should you really be asking me out..when your boyfriend is uh..right there?”
“He’s interested as well. Unless you aren’t into that kind of thing! If not, we totally understand and we can pretend like this conversation never happened.”
That kind of thing? I mean a poly relationship isn’t something that has ever crossed your mind, but you weren’t against it you suppose.
“Sure I’ll join you two for dinner.” You respond, the smile Kuroo fell for playing across your slightly blushing face.
“Great! I’ll text you our address. We’ll see you tonight y/n.” He responds, giving you yet another wink. Those winks are deadly. They both walk away from the counter and over to the table across from the register, giving them both a clear view of you working.
You stand outside the door of Kuroo and Daichi’s shared penthouse apartment. The building was big, beautiful, and very expensive. Your hands shake as they clutch onto the strap of your crossbody bag. You decided to wear the black bodycon dress you had bought for a blind date you never ended up going on. You were glad it was finally being put to good use. You awkwardly stand as your shaking finger presses the doorbell.
Quickly the door is opened, and the sweet face of your regular customer appears.
“Y/n! Glad you made it safely. The drive was not too long was it?”
“Actually I walked, you guys live pretty close to my apartment.”
“Oh well...that’s convenient. Come in, Daichi just finished making dinner.”
You follow Kuroo into the penthouse, your eyes taking in the sight of his multi million dollar home. You had no clue what these two did for work, but you were eager to find out. You get to the dinner table, which has been decorated with different types of food. Your mouth watered at the sight.
“Did Daichi-san make all of this?” You ask Kuroo.
“He did. He’s quite good in the kitchen, unlike myself. I can barely make a piece of toast.”
“More like he almost burnt down the building trying to make a piece of toast.” Daichi says, coming into the dining room with another plate of food.
“This all looks so amazing Daichi-san!”
“Thank you y/n, I’m glad you’re here tonight. Tetsurou has been especially giddy today.”
“Has he?...well I guess..I have been as well. I mean it’s not everyday you get to have dinner with two handsome men.” You say, blushing again. You bite your bottom lip nervously and Kuroo swears he could take you right then and there.
“So what do you two do for work, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Of course not, I work for Japan’s Volleyball Association. I’m in the Sports Promotion Division. Daichi here is a firefighter.” Kuroo explains.
Your eyes widen in wonder. They were both quite successful and obviously rich. You felt lucky they decided to ask a broke college girl out.
“So y/n, are you a full time student at Tokyo University?”
“Yes, but I also work the coffee shop job and I do a few odd jobs here and there. For the college and apartment expenses that is. My scholarship wasn’t enough to cover everything.”
You three continue the small talk, you talk about your school life and clubs you were into. You find out they met while playing volleyball in high school. Once they graduated, Kuroo mustered up the courage to ask Daichi out and of course, Daichi said yes.
Once dinner was over, you offered to help the boys out with the dishes and they insisted you relax on the couch while they finish. You obediently sit and scroll through your phone. Kuroo comes out first and sits beside you. He was close, closer to you than he’s ever been before. He turns his head towards you and meets your fear filled eyes. His eyes land on your lips as he subconsciously licks his own. A hand lands on the skin of your thigh and slowly inches it’s way up. You tense slightly at the action.
“Don’t be scared, I would never do anything you didn’t want me to y/n. But I can’t lie, I wanted to take you right there at that dinner table.”
He pushes your hair behind your shoulder and slots his face in between your neck and shoulder. He places small kisses across your shoulder leading up to your neck, finding the sweet spot that always makes you squirm.
“Kuroo-san wait- what about Daichi-san.”
“He’ll join us in a minute..y/n...may I?”
His hand slides across your lower back and grips your waist as his lips continue sucking on your neck.
“...yes Kuroo-san, please...I want you.”
Something inside Kuroo snapped upon hearing your words. His fingers find the zipper of your dress and slowly he unzips, taking in every small gasp that comes through your parted lips. You looked divine, the most delicious dessert he could have ever asked for. Soon you feel the couch dip on the other side and you whip your head around, Daichi’s sweet smile greeting you.
“Can we make you feel good y/n? We’ll be gentle.”
Daichi immediately latches onto your mouth, his tongue prodding at your lips begging for entry. Kuroo trails kisses down your back, following the trail the zipper makes.
“Let’s take this to the room.” Kuroo suggests, both you and Daichi nodding in agreement. You follow the pair down the corridor and into a dimly lit room, a king sized bed adorned with red silk sheets sitting right in the middle. The room was minimally decorated. They must not spend much time in here, that or they’re busy...doing something else.
Kuroo leads you to the edge of the bed. You stand in front of it as Kuroo slips off the rest of your dress. You’re wearing a black set of lace lingerie underneath, and both men are enamored by how stunning you look splayed out on their dark red sheets.
“I want her pussy first.” Kuroo growls.
You sit up quickly as both men crawl towards you as if you were prey and they were starved predators. You felt Daichi’s body against yours first. You scoot back into his chest and lean your head against him. Kuroo’s fingers lock onto the waistband of your little lace panties, which are already thoroughly soaked. He pulls them down and off of you. He bunches it up and stuffs it into your mouth. A finger swipes up your unclothed pussy and you moan into your panties, drool pooling in the bottom of your mouth soaking them even more. Daichi’s hands find purchase on your chest. He gently massages your breasts as you throw your head back onto his shoulder, moans spilling out of your stuffed mouth. Kuroo continues his attack, licking long stripes up your entrance. His lips latch onto your clit sucking and massaging it. His tongue dips into your entrance as the coil in your stomach tightens. The stimulation was overwhelming. Between Daichi fondling you and Kuroo’s work on your pussy, you release faster than you had ever before. Their soft lips and big hands were much better than your small, unskilled fingers. Kuroo diligently laps up your release and sits up. He leans toward Daichi and gives him a sloppy open mouth kiss. You watch in awe as the two make out, Kuroo pulling away first.
“Can you taste her on my tongue?” Kuroo asks, smirking at both of you.
“She’s delicious.” Daichi responds, kissing your neck. He takes a bit of your skin in between his teeth and bites and sucks until he’s sure he’s made a lasting mark. You moan, leaning your head against him, his hands still groping your sensitive tits.
Kuroo leans forward and takes the panty stuffed into your mouth with his teeth, spitting it out on the bed next to you. He slides a condom over himself and lines up his cock, pushing it slowly into your slick entrance. His cock was not very thick but it was long, and it didn’t take very long for him to bottom out completely. Kuroo presses your stomach, feeling the outline of his cock.
“Can you feel that y/n? Can you feel how well I fill you up?”
“S’good Kuroo-san- hngg too much-“
“You can take it baby. I know you can. You wanna be a good girl for us right?”
His thrusts were slow but forceful, each one perfectly hitting your g-spot. The way you clamped down on Kuroo’s cock sent him into a euphoric whirlwind. He gave a few more thrusts and spilled his seed into the condom as your second release gushed around him. Daichi was drooling at the pornographic scene unfolding between his legs. Kuroo pulls his softened cock out, and you whine at the loss of contact. You lean back onto Daichi’s shoulder once again as he leans down to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Daichi-san..wanna suck you off-please...”
Daichi chuckles at your eagerness and obliges. With the help of Kuroo, you turn around and lean down into his lap, his hardened cock standing tall and leaking beautifully. Kuroo’s arm wraps around your waist keeping you steady, as his lips leave a hot wet trail down your spine. You give the tip of Daichi’s cock a few kitten licks, eliciting a deep groan from the back of his throat. You take the tip into your mouth, your tongue swirling around it while Daichi’s hands grab a fist full of your hair.
“Just like that y/n-mmm...such a good girl.”
Daichi ruts up into your mouth, the tip grazing the back of your throat causing you to gag. Your nails dig into the flesh of his massive thighs, the pain only adding to his pleasure.
His cock feels hot and heavy in your mouth and each bob of your head makes his balls tighten. The feeling of your hot mouth around him sending him over the edge, he can’t take it.
“hnggg- y/n m’coming.”
Soon your throat was painted with thick ropes of hot cum. You swallowed as much as you could, licking your lips as some dribbles down your chin.
Your body went limp landing flat on Daichi’s chest. His hand rakes through your hair as you start to fall asleep.
“We gotta clean you up y/n, don’t fall asleep yet.” Daichi says.
“Let her sleep, we’ll wipe her down for now and wash her in the morning.”
A warm damp cloth meets your sore body as Kuroo wipes you down. Daichi diligently wipes away at your face and mouth giving soft kisses on your hair. Once clean, you were laid down in between the soft silk sheets you were previously clutching. Both men get in on either side of you, massaging the sore muscle of your hips and thighs. Looks like you’ll be skipping class tomorrow.
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inarizakibabe · 3 years
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After weeks of testing and studying hard you finally made it into class four. Now time to make friends with your classmates and shoot up the ranks into popularity. Swallowing your nervousness you approached a group of people to introduce yourself.
"Good morning. I'm (l/n)(f/n) it's nice to meet you all." you gave them the biggest smile you could muster.
The group acknowledged your presence then continued their previous conversation ignoring you. After a few minutes you decided they'd be a lost cause and moved onto a different group. After successfully managing to make no friends you cut your losses and took a seat.
"Well that went well." a voice beside you said.
"Oh shut up. I don't see you trying to make friends." you replied irritated.
"Nah too much work. I have a team full of people to tolerate already."
"Wait why are you even here?" you asked the boy beside you.
"Rude. This is my class if you must know." he said annoyed.
"Hold on. You? Suna Rintaro? Class four? Is the world ending?" you asked apprehensively.
Suna grunted and ignored you. Slowly a smirk formed on your face, "Your mom threatened to come see you again didn't she?"
"You're in my business princess. Don't do that." Suna booped your nose.
You stuck your tongue out at him right as the teacher walked in to start homeroom.
Half the day and three periods later it was that weird period right before lunch and Suna's attention span couldn't keep up any longer. At this point you were taking notes for Suna to steal later when he could be bothered to write them down. The clock on the wall showed there were five minutes left until lunch so you decided to zone out.
Your thoughts ranged from getting homework on the first day of school to what you might be having for dinner tonight. Eventually they strayed to the boy napping beside you. You two had been friends for a long time. You met your second year of elementary school when Suna thought it would be funny to see how hard he could tug on your pigtail. After filling his shoes with sand you two became inseparable. Years later in your last year of junior high Suna was scouted by the coach of the Inarizaki High volleyball boys club in Hyogo. It was a great opportunity for him but it meant you guys would be separated. Unfortunately the club you joined didn't have a way for you to be recruited and even though your grades were good they weren't good enough for your parents to pack up and move all the way to Hyogo.
For your entire last year of junior high you mentally prepared to say goodbye to Suna until your mom's job decided to transfer her to Hyogo. Eventually your family moved to Hyogo, with a promise to the Sunas to take care of their eldest son, and thus your high school story began only it's not going the way you hoped. Suna was still your only friend and it seemed all your classmates knew each other since junior high leaving no room for you to shoot through the ranks. The bell rang interrupting your thoughts and your teacher dismissed your class to lunch.
After a boring lunch period your next class felt like it dragged on. So far your dream to take over high school seemed more and more impossible to achieve. Maybe if you joined the right club some magic might just happen. The big question now was which club would you join. You were a woman of many talents but none great enough to make you the star of a club. Cooking club would give you the chance to perfect your recipes but cooking wasn't something you enjoyed to do. Maybe one of the sports clubs? Definitely not. Was there anything else to do?
Before long the school day ended and it was time to either head to your club's first meeting or go home. You turned to ask Suna if he wanted to stop at the convenience store before going home until you saw him loosening his tie. Right the volleyball club had its first meeting today so you'd have to go home alone today.
"Don't look so disappointed. I'll save all my homework for you to do." Suna said looking at you.
"Whatever Rintaro! What do I have to be disappointed about?!" you huffed and picked up your bag to leave.
"Don't get lost on the way home." Suna chuckled and watched you leave before leaving for the gym.
"Stupid Rin. I got lost one time. And what the hell would I be disappointed about? If anything he should be disappointed he won't have company to walk home with later today. I should go to bed before he gets home too." You grumbled while trying to find the school's gate. "Maybe it's in the other direction. Man this school is huge."
Up ahead you saw a guy with brown hair going in the opposite direction. Maybe he knows the way out of this school.
"Excuse me? Do you know which way the gate is?"
The boy stopped and at looked at you funny. "Keep going straight and you'll see it."
"Thank you." you bowed and continued going in the direction he told you. After taking ten steps you stopped and gaped at who was in front of you. The exact same guy was walking towards you again. You looked behind you quickly but the guy from before had disappeared already. Was it a daydream or did you finally lose it?
"Something wrong?" The guy stopped in front of you. "Are you lost or something?"
"I'm sorry but didn't you just tell me how to find the gate less than a minute ago?" you asked.
The guy in front of you looked confused until a look of understanding crossed his face. "I doubt it was me but keep going straight and you'll find the gate."
You thanked the guy once again at least you think it's the second time and finally made it to the gate to leave for the day.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The next day in class you remembered the run in you had after school the previous day and turned to ask Suna about it.
"Hey Rin this may sound crazy but I got directions from the guy twice yesterday."
Suna pouted trying to figure out what you were talking about. "You asked the guy to repeat himself?"
"No he helped me then I walked away and all of a sudden he was in front of me again and gave me directions again." you explained.
"So he chased you? Wow the year just began and you already got a guy to fall for you. Nice work (y/n)-chan. What do you plan to do with this new found information?" Suna asked with amusement in his voice.
"You are the worst human to walk this planet I swear. I'm serious. Maybe I accidentally walked in on someone's prank or something. I hope it wasn't recorded." you huffed.
Suna shrugged and checked his phone for new notifications, "Who knows. Maybe that was your ticket to popularity you were looking for. Did you pick a club yet or are you gonna let our homeroom teacher do that?"
"I don't wanna think about clubs right now. I can't think of one I wanna join. Help me find one. Please?" you put on your best puppy eyes and begged. Maybe for once he'll take mercy on you.
"Why should I? Just join the music club. You did it in Jr. high. I'm sure you can survive three more years." Suna said not looking at you.
"I would prefer if I didn't have to go through all of that again. I expected music club to be about music not how much spit I could clean out of a tuba." you shuddered remembering the unspeakable things you went through in music club.
"Don't do this to me (n/n). The stories were the highlight of my day. You gotta do it again for the fate of mankind." Suna gave you the saddest look he could produce before he laughed at how ridiculous he thought he looked. "Anime joke. I don't know what to tell you princess. I haven't picked a club since we left elementary. Why don't you see if one of the sports clubs needs a manager."
"Rin you're a genius! Does the volleyball club need a manger? I promise I won't screw up."
Suna stared at you with a deadpan expression and sighed. "Remember when I went to visit family one summer break and asked you to watch Bubbles? I came back and we all attended a fishy funeral that same day. Or when I asked you to pick up Asami because I couldn't and I came home to my parents yelling at me because she called them crying cause nii-san forgot her? I could go on but I think you get the picture. I don't trust your promises anymore."
"Yeah but Bubbles was a special case. Who knew he'd eat until he burst if I put all the food in the tank? He was suppose to eat it little by little. And I apologized to you and your that entire year and you guys forgave me. Bottom line is I was young and dumb, now I'm a high school student and I've learned a lot in my fifteen years of life. Just talk to the coach and see what he says. I could probably really help you guys."
Suna sighed for the umpteenth time and ran a hand through his bangs. "It's not really the coaches I'm worried about. I met some of our upperclassmen and some of the third years are kinda intense."
You frowned at his tone and tried to think of what they could've done to him. "i'm sure they're not as bad as you're making them sound. Maybe you need to look at them from a different angle."
"I doubt it. There were two first years that made me question my sanity. If they weren't fighting they played really well together. There was one other first year that could already do jump serves. The entire team is pretty good. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting year for volleyball. I hope I get to play in some official matches." As the last sentence left his lips Suna's eyes widened and he turned to look at you so quickly you almost thought he'd get whiplash. "You didn't hear that."
"Oh that's what the problem is. I'm sure you'll get to play in some matches and if you don't then there's no way the team is going to nationals." you smiled at him.
Before Suna could respond the bell rang signaling lunch was finished.
At the end of the day you followed Suna to the gym.
"Remember it's not a guarantee. We don't have a manager and Coach Oomi does what you would do." Suna reminded you when you were almost at the gym. "Talk to coach Kurosu he's the head coach and old enough to be our father so if you ware him down enough you might just get the position."
"Alright. I can definitely do this." You sounded more confident than you felt but there was no turning back now.
Hello sorry it took so long for this part to be uploaded but it's here now. Hopefully you enjoyed this and the next chapter comes out sooner than this one did. Until then don't hesitate to let me know what you think or if you just wanna say hi I don't bite I promise.
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 3 years
new team - shoyo hinata
shoyo hinata x fem!reader
summary: you teach hinata some skills in middle school and to pay you back, he guarantees you a spot on the karasuno volleyball team.
word count: 1,737
notes: i rlly rlly liked writing this bc i love my boy hinata and this just flowed so naturally and i’m rlly proud of it :’)
i also usually write gender neutral reader bc i’m nb and i wanna cater to as many ppl as possible and make them feel valid, but it was kinda necessary to the story for reader to be fem in this one
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after setting a ball to your friend, you noticed a short boy by himself in the corner of the gym with bright orange hair, setting and receiving against the wall. you made your way over to him, observing that he actually wasn’t too bad.
“oi, redhead,” you called out playfully. he turned around with a look of confusion on his face, as if to say ‘me?’ “yeah you. i couldn’t help but notice you’re playing all by your lonesome over here. any particular reason for that?”
his cheeks tinged pink at the callout, but he responded nonetheless. “w-well there’s not enough boys for the school to create a boys volleyball club, so i’m trying to get as many hours of practice in at school as i can.”
you nodded in recognition of his situation. “well, sorry to say you won’t get very far if the wall is your only opponent. but you’re certainly welcome to practice with me when my practice is over. if you’re interested, of course.”
“woah, really? you’d do that for me?” he asked in astonishment, eyes going wide as saucers.
“of course i would. i may not know much about you, but i can tell you have a passion for the sport, and it’d be a real shame for that to fizzle out,” you smiled genuinely. “i’ll help you practice...”
it took him a moment to realize you were waiting for his name. “oh! hinata! shoyo hinata.” he introduced.
“well shoyo hinata, i’m y/n l/n and i look forward to practicing with you.” you grinned. a whistle blew behind you, pulling you from your conversation with the boy. “sorry, i’ll see you later!”
sure enough, you found him waiting out by the baseball field, spinning a volleyball in his palm. after a short while of practicing, you realized you had underestimated this kid and the power he can pack in his spikes. it was clear he needed to improve in his receives, but he was in remarkably good shape for playing against a wall every week.
the two of you quickly became good friends, shoyo becoming your number one supporter - aside from your parents, of course. he attended all your games, cheering obnoxiously loud when it was your turn to serve.
over the summer from 8th to 9th grade however, the two of you didn’t see each other nearly as often as you used to. you had to admit it made you sad; the sweet redheaded boy had carved a special spot in your heart and you missed him dearly.
you attended karasuno high school, hoping to join the girls volleyball club and make some new friends. upon examining the club applications, much to your dismay, it appeared that such a club didn’t exist.
volleyball was your passion, and it hurt that you had no way of pursuing it anymore.
hanging your head in defeat and crumpling up the paper, you heard footsteps approaching rapidly from in front of you. before you could look up, a body suddenly collided with you, nearly knocking you over with the momentum they had built up.
“y/n!” a familiar voice cried out. you quickly realized the voice belonged to hinata, who’s arms were currently wrapped around you.
“hinata! i can’t believe you go to school here! i’ve missed you so much!” you squealed, hugging him back.
he pulled away, a look of surprise on his face. “are you kidding? i can’t believe you go to school here! you oughta be wherever the best girls volleyball club is! speaking of that, have you joined yet?”
you glanced down to the crumpled paper that still pressed against your palm. “well that’s the thing, it’s not even a choice on the club application form. unfortunately, i don’t think karasuno has one.”
shoyo gasped dramatically, jaw falling open in shock. “so what are you gonna do? you can’t just not play anymore, you’re so good!”
you smiled at the compliment from the boy, but your expression grew sadder. “thanks, shoyo, but i’m not sure what i can do. this seems like it’s out of my hands.”
a look of determination painted his features as he grabbed you by the shoulders. “no, i’m not gonna let this happen to you. don’t worry, y/n, i’ll find a way for you to play.”
he ran off, leaving you alone with your thoughts in the deserted hallway.
despite having absolutely no idea what he was planning, you trusted the boy. you knew he had your best interests at heart and would do anything to help you succeed, and you adored him for that. you just hoped whatever method he had to allow you to play wasn’t too embarrassing for you; you weren’t too keen on begging some team to let you play for them, but you had a feeling hinata’s plan wouldn’t involve that.
“please?” hinata begged.
“a girl? join the team? i don’t know hinata, you’d have to run it by the coach.” daichi uttered hesitantly.
“but you’re the captain, daichi, you have the final say!” he reminded him.
daichi sighed. “yeah, you’re right. what’s so special about this girl?”
he watched as hinata’s eyes lit up in excitement when he spoke about her. “well she was the setter in middle school, but that was only because no one else was good enough to play that position. she’s really versatile and she taught me practically everything i know about spiking! she’s also got some mean overhand serving skills; she’d be a great addition to the team! please, daichi, pretty please?”
he looked down at the boy to see him glancing up with a pair of puppy eyes, intent on winning him over. daichi felt he was powerless to do anything but give in, though his description of you did sound pretty great if he was being honest.
“alright, i’ll talk to the coach and see what he thinks. bring her to our next practice and introduce her to everyone.” he said, not missing the bright grin that donned the redhead’s face at his words.
“thank you so much, sir! you won’t regret it, i promise!” he ran back towards the basket of balls to practice serving once more.
“where are you taking me, shoyo?” you muttered. “can you take your hands off yet?”
he had cornered you back in the main building, insisting you accompany him to some unknown destination he had in mind. since then, he had been walking directly behind you, his hands covering your eyes.
“i’ll show you...” he waited until you took a few more steps. “now!”
you blinked your eyes open to find yourself outside of the gym building. “the gym? what are we doing here, hinata?”
you turned to him and he grinned. “volleyball practice is about to start.”
“volleyball - as in boys volleyball? what am i doing here? am i here to watch you practice?”
he donned a soft smile at your confusion. “no, you’re gonna practice.”
your eyes widened. “i am? i don’t even have any athletic clothes, shoyo, i just have my uniform!”
“i wouldn’t worry too much about that today,” he pushed you towards the doors. “i’ll just be introducing you to everyone today.”
“introducing...? what is going on here, hinata?” you questioned. he pushed the door open to reveal a large group of mostly tall boys, all staring down at you.
most of them looked friendly and approachable, but several of them looked rather intimidating. “everyone, this is y/n. y/n, this is your new team.” shoyo announced.
you gasped, turning towards hinata. “m-my new team? you got me a spot on the team?”
the look of gratitude in your eyes had him blushing a bright pink and he scratched the back of his head nervously. “it was nothing, really. y-”
he was cut off as you hugged him tightly, thanking him for allowing you to continue the sport you loved. “you don’t have to thank me, it’s not a huge deal or anything.”
“are you kidding? it’s a huge deal! i can’t believe you did this for me!” your smile nearly reached your ears.
he walked you around the gym, introducing you to his teammates. sugawara and asahi were incredibly sweet, even offering to set you a few balls to test your spiking abilities, though you declined since you were still wearing a skirt.
the intimidating one you saw earlier - tsukkishima, you had learned - was not as sweet as the others you had met and seemed rather distant, though you hoped that would fade as you got to know him.
tanaka and nishinoya were full of energy and practically gushing over you even though they hadn’t yet witnessed your abilities.
the one shoyo introduced as kageyama shot you a nasty glare. “what position did you play?”
“setter,” you murmured, slightly on edge from the look of intensity in his eyes. that intensity morphed into fury after your words, intimidating you further.
you quickly remembered this was the incredible setter hinata had mentioned several times before. “o-oh! don’t worry, i don’t plan on taking your spot or anything, i’m sure you’re far better than i am!”
“good.” you smiled at him nervously. “if you’re good enough, maybe i’ll send you a couple sets.”
and of course you met daichi, the captain to whom you owed your spot on this team. he was very friendly and personable and you suspected he was the type to give inspirational speeches before games.
kageyama pulled hinata aside, practicing quick attacks with him, leaving you with daichi.
“hinata talks about you quite a bit, y’know,” daichi murmured, catching your attention.
“he does?” you queried. “all good things, i hope.”
the captain smiled down at you. “he speaks very highly about you and your skills. i think he’s got a bit of a bias since you taught him what he knows, but i don’t doubt you’ll really prove yourself on the court.”
your eyes went wide at the faith he already had in you, despite never seeing you play. “thank you, daichi, that really means a lot.”
the boys divided themselves into teams, starting a practice match as you and daichi observed from the sidelines. your eyes found hinata in the back row, who gave you a wide grin and a wave.
you waved back, your heart warming at the gesture. you had only just met the boys, but you couldn’t wait for the next practice.
i might make this a series? maybe?? maybe not?? idk but let me know what u think :D
tags: @aestosia​ @elysianslove​
not working: @akaashis-keiji @bloodydestiney 
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creepyalienghost · 3 years
literature club
Warning: suicide
“Henry. Please join. You would love the literature club.” Wally begged his friend Henry, as they walked to their lockers. This year they were next to each other and for the pass month Wally’s been wanting Henry to join their little book club after school.
It wasn’t like Henry didn’t want to hang out with Wally, he did. They have been best friends since they were kids. He just wasn’t sure that was what he wanted to do. He was an artist not a book worm, Art was his thing.
But he didn’t like to see his friends sad and eventually he gave it to Wally’s request. “Alright Wally.” He replied opening his locker and getting his books for the next class, history. “I’ll come check it out today.”
“Yay!” Wally jumped around with happiness and a big smile across his face that Henry loves to see. “Thank you Henry! Meet me outside room 278 after school!”
Henry nodded. “Will do Wally.” He shuts his locker just as the bell rang. “See you then!” He said with a wave as they go there separate classes.
The school day drags on for hours but eventually 3 o’clock finally came and everyone rushed outta there classes, some to get home others to hurry to their clubs or sports. Henry searched for the room Wally told him to go and found it within minutes. Outside Wally was there waiting and when he saw him that big smile came. “Henry toy came!”
He nodded. “Of course! I never back down on my promise.”
“That’s true.” Wally replied. “Come on in! Meet the others! Sammy even brought cake today!”
Henry followed Wally inside the class room and was amazed at how it looked. It was a regular classroom with desk and all but they made it more cozy. They had a soft chair in the back corner for anyone to read on and there was soft yellow fairy lights hung up on the ceiling. Calm low music played from the radio next to the chocolate cake and drinks. A long bookshelf ran under the windows and quotes from different book lined the walls.
“It’s so...relaxing In here.” Henry stated looking around the room.
“Thank you kind stranger” said a tall brown haired boy walking up. “You must be Wally’s friend, Henry. Welcome to the literature club. I’m Joey.”
Henry nodded in response. “I am. And thank you Joey! It actually looks fun! What all do y’all do here?”
Joey prompted himself on a desk before answering. “We read books of all kind. Horror, poetry, the classics. He decide on something and read that.” He paused for a minute before continuing. “We also right short stories and poems.”
Henry nodded while listening. “That sounds fun but I don’t think I can write poems.” He chuckled.
“Nonsense.” Joey chuckled with him, waving his head away. “It’s easy! If you join I’ll teach you how to write poetry.”
“Really?” Henry ask, feeling a bit excited to learn something new.
“Of course!” Joey nodded. “My mother taught me when I was young. Now I’m teaching these boys.” Joey gestures to the other boys.
Henry accepted his offer. “Yeah. Alright. I’ll join!”
Joey smiled in excitement. “That’s great! We should celebrate! Good thing Sammy brought cake!” He announced. “Come. Meet the other two!” He wrapped his arm around Henry leading him to the table where the others were heading.
Henry sat down next to Wally as Joey handed out pieces of cake and drinks. That hour he got to know the the three more better. Joey was the leader and starter of the club. He love to read the classic books like, to kill Mockingjay, and enjoyed writing about love. Jack was quite opposite from him. He loved reading manga and climes that it is literature. His favorite being the promised Neverland. The last boy, Sammy was the shortest out of all of them. His thing was dark and creepy literature. Anything Edgar Allan Poe he loved. Henry also found out Wally’s favorite books were funny books. Anything that would make you laugh in tears he would read and Henry found that suited his friend.
After school the next day Henry headed in the club a bit early. Sammy and Joey were already there and were talking before he came in. “Hello Henry!” Joey called out when he saw Henry, heading to him. Sammy smiled and waved before going to his book.
“Hello Joey! Hey Sammy!” He replied happily.
Joey sits upon the near by desk, facing Henry. “You ready for today’s activity? I thought it would be fun for the group!”
Henry nodded. “I am! I can’t wait to hear what it is!” He said just as the other two arrived.
Joey chuckled in response. “In do time Henry! Until then you can hang out with whoever for a bit. Hell these two just joined us! Welcome boys” he left Henry, going over to Wally and jack to greet.
Henry glances back at Sammy and noticed he had been watching them and he quickly turned back to his book once He looked at him. Henry thought he must be a bit shy for Conversation so he turned to Wally and jack. Wally was hanging out with Joey and jack was reading a comic book. He went over and sat next to jack. “Hey. What comic you ready?”
Jack shook his head. “It’s not a comic book, it’s manga!” He informed Henry. “Have you ever read one?”
“I haven’t.” Henry shook his head. “What is a manga?”
“You don’t know?” He chuckled. “Ah Henry you have lots to learn!” He added before tapping the chair next to him. “come. sit. I’ll teach you.”
Henry sat next to jack as he began talking about all he knew on manga. Henry didn’t interrupt he sat there listening to everything this excited boy to say. He was learning quite a lot about it as time went on. Like where it came from and what was the latest issues of the popular manga. Henry noted some titles he should pick up so they both could read them together.
Time quickly flew by and the hour was almost at a closed. Joey dedicated the last quarter for reading the poems so he left Wally to stand at front. “Alright boys. It’s time to share our poems.” He announced before turning to the newest member. “Henry you can sit this one out and listen to the others today.” Henry nodded in response giving the ok for Joey to continue. “Alrighty. Who wants to read theirs today?”
“I will!” Called out Sammy standing up and grabbing his poem then heading up to the front as Joey sat back down. He held up the poem and cleared his throat. “My poem is called hands”
The hands around, allow me to see
Show me things only they want me to see
The hands around, allow to speak
Using my voice as theres
The hands around, hold me in place
Guide me to one place to another
The hands around, pull the strings
And I can not escape
“Vary good Sammy!” Joey said while the others boys snapped their fingers. Sammy Smiled and headed back to his seat. “Is there anyone else that wants to read there’s?” Joey ask and waited. There was no takers today for anymore reading. “Alrighty boys. I hope to hear from y’all tomorrow. Club Dismiss.”
As Henry grabbed his bag Joey came over. “Hey Henry. Do you wanna go to the bookstore? I can recommend you some easy poetry books?”
“Sure!” Henry smiled with a nod. “That would be cool. Thanks!” He and Joey walked out of the room heading for the book store. Sammy and jack looked at wally before he signed and left on his on.
During brakes in classes he read a few pages of his new poetry book. Joey had helped him pick out one for beginners which has a little of all kinds of topics to figure out what was your style. Love, light, happiness sadness, funny, horror and dark. Henry seemed to be most interested in the poems about happiness and love. He was excited to talk about poetry with Joey, Wally and the boys in the club as well as read his poem today.
When he arrived in the room after school Joey was the only one there at the point, getting the club sit up, Cleaning and fixing the desk back. “Hey Henry!” He greeted as Henry came in. “How’s the book?”
Henry waved at him as he walked up. “Hi Joey! And the book is lovely!” He smiled as he helped him with the table. “I quite enjoy happy rain and pink so fair. There really fun to read!”
Joey chuckled. “That’s great! I’m glad you found you style Henry!” He replied as he started sanitizing the food table.
“Thanks man. I wouldn’t have if it won’t for you Henry.” Henry praised Joey.
Joey smiled with pride. “Aww thank
You Henry.” He replied.
Henry nodded at Joey Just as the rest of the boys joined them. “Hey! There they are!” Joey announced happily . “Hia boys!”
After everyone greeted each other and got settled down with there books, Henry decided to read with Sammy today. He spotted him setting in the comfy chair next to the window. It was storming outside and judging by his book title, it was the right kind of weather for it. Henry pulled up a chair from the desk near by and sat next to him. “Hi Sammy. Hope you don’t mind if I read with you today.”
Sammy looked up from his book and shook his hand. “N-no. Not at all.” A small kind smile spread across his face. “I’m not sure if you’d like my kind of reading through. It’s dark poetry.”
“Oh really?” Henry replied. “That’s alright. I might enjoy it.” He said giving a smile back.
“Well. Alright.” The boy nodded and opened his book up to the first page to a poem called darkness. While Henry scooted his chair closer.
The two of them sat beside one another and silently reading each page as the storm raged outside. There was a lot of emotional and death related poems as well as depression and anxiety. Henry had question himself if he needed help but didn’t wanna asked. Besides the boy seemed happy every time he seen him so maybe it was just interesting to Sammy.
However when Sammy turn the page after reading a while his sleeve slipped down revealing a deep burn, making Henry worried. “Are you alright Sammy?” He ask looking up at him. “What happened?!”
“Uh. Y-yea...” Sammy calmly rolled his sleeve back up while nodded. “It j-just a cooking accident last night. Don’t worry..” he replied with a slight chuckle.
Henry nodded believe him. After all cooking does lead to accident. “Alright. But you might need to bandage that later.” He smiled.
“Thanks. Will do.” Sammy nodded. They both went back to reading the poetry book, Sammy only glancing up once to find Joey staring at him form across the room for a moment before returning to his book. Sammy didn’t dare to look again for the night.
Soon the last quarter of the club arrives and the boys made there way to the front role desks. “Alright boys. Today I want Henry to come forward and share his poem.” Joey replied. “Don’t be shy Henry, we all had our first time.”
Henry came up to the front with his poem ready to share. He’s been waiting for hours for this and now it was his time to shine. He held up his poem and reads it.
I look out in the night
To see a bright shining star above.
I wish upon that star
Things I wish to become.
That star with guide me to
places that I wanna be.
And one day I’ll find that
The whole time the star has been me.
The boys have a round of applause for Henry’s first poem as tradition in the club. Henry smiled confidently as he walked over to Joey. “I’m impress Henry! Vary excellent, for the first time!” Joey commented. “Soon you’d became a natural!”
“Thanks Joey. You are a good teacher.” Henry beamed.
Joey blushed. “Aww thanks Henry.” He chuckled. “Alright guys. Club meeting over. See you tomorrow!” He announced to the others
Wally gathered his two books and bag from the desk in the back then headed to his friend. “Hey Henry. Do you want to head over to the arcade?”
Henry frowns as his friend. “Sorry Wally. I would but I already made plans with Joey for tonight. We can tomorrow though!” He replied.
Wally nodded with a wide smile on his face. “Of course! That sounds awesome!”
“Cool” Henry nodded. “See you tomorrow”
Wally frowns watching his friend leave with that monster he know trusts, as jack and Sammy came up to him. He looked over at them and sadly sighed. Jack gives Wally a hug. None off the boys said anything. They didn’t have to. They knew each other’s pain. They knew there plan wasn’t working. Henry wasn’t noticing the signs even when Sammy purposely showed a big one. Eventually the three left the classroom and went to there homes for the night alone.
Last night had been fun! Joey had taken Henry to poetry slam. Together they watched as people came and read there poems in front of an audience. Some good, some bad. Some short, some long. Some about happy times, others about horror. Henry was enjoying his time with Joey and the boys. He was actually really happy that Wally begged him to join. It turned out great and he couldn’t wait to tell talk to him.
However when Henry walked though the door the vibe was a bit different. Sammy, jack and Wally were in the back of the room talking quietly to each other about something Henry didn’t know. When they all
Saw Henry standing there they all welcome home. “Hello Henry!” Wally was the first. He jumped off the desk with a big smile, walking over and given a hug.
Henry, feeling better then a second ago, hugged back. “Hey Wally! Sorry I couldn’t hang out last night. We will tonight though.”
Wally nodded eagerly. “Great! I can’t wait. We could go to the movies to see one of the new ones showing! Or we could go to the park! Or the arcade?” He listed off things to do, happily
Henry chuckled and nodded. “Ya! We can! You can choose where we go!”
Wally nodded as Joey came in. Everyone then gathered there books there on and choose a comfy spot to read at today. Henry decided to buddy read with Wally today. Another chance to be with his best friend. Wally was on the the couch and reading a book that looks like it was funny. “Can I read with you today?”
Wally looked up and nodded. “Of course you can!” He replied and scooted over for Henry to sit then patted the space. “Come sit.”
Henry did indeed sit down beside him, getting comfortable. After he was settled he looked at his friend and asked. “So what’s the book about?”
“It’s about this guys Journey in a wacky world. There’s all certs of funny things about the world and it’s people.” Wally answered him. “It’s one of my favorite books.”
Henry nodded. “That wonderful to hear. What page your own?
“Oh I’m on page 208 but we can start from the beginning.” Wally smiled and opened the book to the first page. Wally read quietly out loud as Henry followed along. He found himself enjoying the characters the best as they read together. His favorite became a purple man who helped the main character in his Journey.
As always Joey was on time with the last quarter of the club. He got to the front and ask for volunteers. This time jack wanted to read his. Jack got his notebook and flipped to the latest poem he had written. “Alright. This ones called The field.”
In my dreams I see a field.
One so beautiful. One so elegant.
It’s golden sunlight like rays spread across
No darkness can be found.
In my dreams I see a field
Surrounded by friends
Happy as ever
No sadness can be felt.
In my dreams I see a field
Laugher is the only thing to hear
Peace all around
No cries can be herd.
Jack finishes and bows as the others snapped their fingers. He went back to his sit as Joey took his place up front. “Nice job jack! Your getting better!” He replied before turning his attention to the rest. “Alright before we go I have an announcement.” He waited for a moment before continuing. “As you all know the festival is this weekend. I think we should give it a shoot and try to bring more people to our club for once, like the others.”
“Oh! That would be fun!” Wally agreed. “I second that!” Sammy jack and Henry agreed as well.
“Alright guys. I can make the pamphlet but I’m no good with designing them. Wally want to help me?”
“Sure!” Wally nodded happily. “We can start it tonight after hanging out with Henry.”
Joey nodded. “ perfect.” Joey looked at jack and Sammy. “I think we should have a banner as well as treats for the other students.”
“I’ll make the treats!” Sammy suggest.
Jack nodded. “I’ll take care of the banner.”
Joey smiled. “Thanks you guys.” He looked at Henry last. “You can choose who you want to help with.”
Henry turn his attention to jack and Henry. He has to decide who to help. Sammy with the treats or jack with the banner. After some thought he turn to jack. “ I’ll help with the banner.”
Jack nodded and Exchanged their Numbles for later. Once all roles were settled each one began to leave. Henry and Wally left with each other as planned. Joey left after getting belongings, giving a warning glare to jack on the way out, and jack left with Sammy after they cleared up the room.
The next morning, Henry woke up like Normal and started getting ready for school. As he got ready he was reminded of his and Wally’s time together and how he got the sense Wally was off. He had looked and sounded happy but it was like there was sadness. He asked Wally about it the night before and Wally told him he was good. He didn’t bother him again on it that night but was still worried.
Henry grabbed his phone and decided to call him but he didn’t answer. He wasn’t to worried by this as Wally liked to sleep in a bit longer. He’ll meet him outside and everything will be all good. Henry continued getting ready for the day. He got dressed, ate some breakfast then brushed his teeth and headed out to there meeting spot.
There was no signs of Wally as he arrived which was also normal behavior of Wally. Henry decided to read some of his book as he waited and pulled it out, flipping to the page he was on.
He got lost in the book and read longer then he thought. Almost half an hour has gone by with no Wally showing up. This was strange. Wally would have call him if he was sick or not going to school. He would’ve been here if he was. Something was off.
Henry headed to Wally’s house and knocked on the door then waiting. No one came to the door so he tried again meeting with the same results. He turned the noob to see if it was unlocked and sure enough it was. “Wally?” He called out opening the door. There was no answer in the dark house making his stomach to knot up. He walked deeper in the house, calling out again. “Wally? Are you home?” And again no answer. He got to the bottom of of the stairs and looked up calling one more time with no answer.
He claimed up the stairs and approached Wally’s bedroom, knowing on the door. “Wally it’s me, Henry. Are you in here?” He ask pressing his ear to the door. After a long moment with no answer he opened the door only to find a Horrible seen.
His friend...his best friend was hanging from a noose. His desk chair kicked away from him. Wally’s skin was a pale blue grayish color and there was no light in his eyes.
Henry was frozen in place there, unable to look away from his friends corpse. He felt cold tears pour down his cheeks but he couldn’t acknowledge them. It felt like his would just got turn upside. “N-no...” he finally spoke after a long while of Silence. “Wally....” he said then fell on his knees and sobbed in his hands.
Once the shock was gone and he was numb he pulled out his phone to call for an ambulance. It took 20 minutes for them to arrived there and was taking out of the house for them to take down the body. Henry watched them carry his friend out in a body back and loaded in the back of an ambulance, driving away soon after.
He went back to his own house after answering questions and sat on his bed. He didn’t feel like going to school today. He didn’t feel like doing anything today after that. But it wasn’t long before his phone rang. He looked at it and saw it was jack. He didn’t want to answer but he did. “ y-yea..?”
“He-hey Henry.” Jack spoke sounding nervous” I herd what happened...it’s so sad..” he said.
Henry was suspicious of this. How would Jack know if he was at school and why was he sounded so scared. “Jack how do you know..?” He ask.
Jack went silent for a long moment before speaking quickly into the phone. “Henry, Joeys not a good person!” Right then his phone hung up on Henry.
“Hello?” Henry asked. “Jack you there?” After no answer he tried to call him back a few times but couldn’t get a hold of him again. After the fourth try he gave up and wondered what he was taking about. He laid back in his bed in thought staring at the ceiling. He let his mind wonder in memories of him and Wally. The first time they meet, there times at the fair and the last movie they seen.
His thoughts got interrupted again with another phone call, But not jack. It was Sammy. “Hello?” He said once he answered. He immediately herd crying from the other end
“Henry..” Sammy said after taking a moment to calm himself down. “I-I need to tell you s-something...but first I n-need you to p-promise me you will believe me..” he ask sounding desperate.
Henry was so confused and didn’t want to deal with anything more today. But the boy started scared and Henry could swear he herd pounding on a door on Sammy’s end. “Yea I promise Sam. What’s going on.” He ask sitting up.
“It’s Joey...” He told, sniffling fight after. “Joey isn’t a kind person...”
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siratrem · 3 years
I need to nerd out about Haikyuu right now (Season 1 Episode 1) (manga spoilers)
I have nobody that I can nerd out about Haikyuu with so I’ll do it here.
My first introduction to volleyball was through Haikyuu and watching reactors from coaches and players on YouTube really expanded my understanding of this manga/anime. Now that I’ve finished the manga and watched all available episodes (more than once) I want to see why I find this shounen sports anime so bloody compelling.
A good beginning sets up the middle and end. The opening scene of Haikyuu is the famous “a tall, tall wall looms before me…”. Before the rewatch, I had it in my head that the scene after the opening (Hinata seeing the Little Giant on TV) was the first scene. So, no, Furudate-sensei actually started this chapter at the end – Hinata is already in the Karasuno gym, he’s already scared of the block, and he’s lining up with the shoes of five of his teammates. This is a common framing technique – sets up the question of “how did we get here?”.
On my first watch of Haikyuu, I didn’t know anything about volleyball. I have, however, watched a fair amount of anime, including shounen. I think my inexperience actually helped me understand why Hinata was so awestruck by the Little Giant when he saw him on TV.
I knew the premise of the anime – tiny Shoyo wants to play a sport made for tall people – but rewatching it actually confused me. This scene is set 3-4 years before even making it to Karasuno, so Shoyo is, what, 11? He doesn’t know how tall he’s going to be, so why was he fixated on this “small” player going up against the bigger blockers? I mean, he could still be small for his age and be self-conscious about it, I guess, but not like he would be at 15. Then I thought – maybe it’s because the Little Giant jumped so high?
Shoyo is small, yes, but he can jump high. This is a defining aspect of his character. This was also the moment Shoyo became interested in volleyball, from what I can tell. So, if he’s as inexperienced as me, he wouldn’t be able to see the technique that the Little Giant used to defeat the big blockers. In his little kid head, maybe he assumed that the Little Giant beat the blockers because he jumped so high. So, perhaps little Shoyo thought: hey, I can jump high → I’ll be good at volleyball.
What are the overarching themes of Haikyuu shown in this episode?
Friendship. This is a Shounen anime, after all. Hinata makes friends wherever he goes, but it’s not until the match in this episode (and later Karasuno) that he finds a place that he belongs. Hinata has a wide variety of friends and is lovable enough to both get Izumi and Koji to join his team and make them emotional about the game.
Kageyama takes a liking to him from this match (although whether Mr Grumpy himself even recognises this is up to interpretation). From the moment they snap at each other in the hallway outside the gym bathroom to that beautiful jump that scores the first genuine point for Hinata’s team, Kageyama is intrigued by the bouncing ball of sunshine. After the match is finished, Kageyama snaps at Hinata “what were you doing for the last three years?”. He’s the first person to see Hinata’s potential, although Hinata takes it as an insult. It’s okay – they just don’t know each other yet.
Rivalry. Kageyama vs Hinata. Later (ep 6 minor spoilers??): Karasuno (Hinata and Kageyama) versus Aoba Johsai (Kunimi and Kindaichi). Shoyo sees Kageyama as the biggest barrier to his dream of playing volleyball. He wants to defeat him with all his being: if he can defeat the strong player, then he will be the strong player.
Victory and defeat. Duh. It’s a sports anime. One team plays another in a game where only one can win. Hinata is sure he is capable – he’s over-confident and inexperienced. He doesn’t know what good volleyball looks like, let alone how to implement it. But he’s also a show-off – a facet of his personality I didn’t really grasp until season 4. He wants the recognition the Little Giant got. He wants a stadium of people to go “wow, did you see him jump? Did you see how he beat the three-man block? Oh my god, he’s so amazing”. I’m sure the cool nickname – the Little Giant – caught his attention as well. So if he tries hard and jumps high enough, he’ll win, right?
Yeah. Poor baby learns a very harsh lesson. This defeat is crushing. He jumped high, like the Little Giant, but he couldn’t defeat the block. Those looming hands haunt him – “a tall, tall wall looms before me…”. This is a barrier he can’t overcome and he doesn’t know *why...*You can see it on his face after the block – ‘huh? I copied the Little Giant’. This sets up the goal of the first season: Hinata needs to learn how to see what’s at the top, the other side of that tall wall. He needs to hit rock-bottom before he can start climbing up.
Kageyama’s team won because it was a better team. Kitagawa Daichi is a powerhouse on the Miyagi junior high volleyball scene. I don’t know if it’s a private school, but it’s a feeder school for Aoba Johsai, which is a private school. Both seem to have a specialism in volleyball training. Maybe if Hinata went to Kitagawa Daichi, [Manga spoilers] if he’d been introduced to volleyball as early as Kageyama was, maybe he’d already be a monster. Or maybe his natural instincts would have been trained out of him. It’s important to the story that Hinata starts off as an untrained underdog, deprived of good volleyball and hungry for victory.
Team versus the individual. Kitagawa Daichi was the favourite to win the whole tournament. It’s a powerhouse team with more players than can fit on the bench. They’re tall, they’re scary, they’re elite. The team members often go on to Aoba Johsai, a high school powerhouse. Hinata’s school didn’t even have a team until he came along. They’re small (exactly 6 players, no reserves, no libero). His teammates don’t even know the rules for the game. Hinata had to fight tooth and nail to get on the court. However, he’s encouraging to his team members and dedicated. He’s glowing at just being there. He wants to win, of course, but most of all he wants to play volleyball.
Volleyball is a team sport. “The team that wins is the one with the strongest six players”. However, at times, it seems like both Hinata and Kageyama are the only ones really playing on their teams. Kageyama is giving it his all, yelling at his team for not keeping up with him and slacking off. Hinata is the only one on his team who wants to be there, the only one who wants to play. He’s hitting the most spikes, jumping the highest, playing the best (not that that’s saying much). This match, in a large way, is Kageyama versus Hinata.
Talent. Kageyama is a genius setter. (Manga spoilers:) He was raised in a family of volleyball players (one of which is an alumnus of Shiratorizawa for christ’s sake). He’s enamoured with the sport – obsessed with it. He lives and breathes volleyball. (Manga spoilers:) he keeps a volleyball journal where he records and analyses every play, practice and game he’s ever made. He’s tall and strong and athletic. He goes to a school with a good volleyball training programme. He’s built for this game.
Hinata is (superhumanly) athletic. He can run fast and jump high. But he’s short and untrained. His talent is raw and unrefined. But it’s still enough to catch Kageyama’s attention.
Furudate-sensei is a fan of the Meaningful Name™ convention. This is actually fairly common in Japanese culture anyway: traditionally baby names are carefully chosen to reflect the parents’ aspirations for the children. (I also don't speak Japanese so I'm going off other people's translations for the kanji).
HINATA SHOYO (日向 翔陽) - “sun place” “soaring sunlight”. He’s a bouncing ball of sunshine who makes friends wherever he goes and jumps really high. He’s a shounen protagonist to his core: boundless enthusiasm, determination, friendship, the underdog. He’s also a magnetic hero.
This episode needs to cement the key aspects of Shoyo’s personality. He’s outgoing and “magnetic” – he makes friends with people from all walks of life. He is an underdog. Everyone loves an underdog, right? Effort and passion should be rewarded. The good guys should win. This episode really sets up how hard little Shoyo had to fight to be on the court and how he’s willing to fight to stay on it. The flashback occurring the moment he walks into the gym for his first tournament demonstrates this nicely: his junior high school didn’t have a team or a real club, none of his friends was interested in volleyball (although they were athletes of various persuasions) and he spent most of his time practising by himself against the wall or begging his friends to set the ball for him.
It’s okay, though: he has the magnetism of a true Shounen protagonist and not only manages to talk his friends into occasionally throwing the ball to him but also drags them to a tournament of a sport they’ve never played and don’t really understand. He’s also managed to talk some first-years into joining the team. Shoyo is very magnetic and I wonder how much he’s aware of it at this point. He’s not exactly reflective or a deep thinker.
He’s enthusiastic and determined. He will play volleyball to his full capabilities until the match point. When his teammate worries about getting hurt after watching him run into a wall, his response is “I don’t understand [why you want to slow down]. We haven’t lost yet”. It ain’t over until it’s over.
KAGEYAMA TOBIO (影山 飛雄) - “Shadow Mountain” “Flying Hero”. What are his main traits? He’s volleyball mad, he’s ambitious and competitive, he’s tall, he’s athletic and strong, and he’s grumpy. Also intimidating – to his opponents and his teammates. The second-years on his team are scared of him. He hates to hear them trash-talking other players as they are only benchwarmers. He’s a setter – a control freak who takes every match he plays seriously, no matter the opponent. He will win at his best, dammit, and without holding back. He especially seems annoyed that the benchwarmers on his team place themselves above Hinata, even though they’re not even good enough to be regulars. “Don’t ride the coat-tails”, he tells them.
He wants to beat the block and the faster the attack, the better the hit, he believes. If people can’t keep up with him, that’s their fault. His sets are perfect. They need to keep up with him. If only they were as fast as Hinata, and capable of hitting difficult sets like when Izumi fumbles the ball and Shoyo leaps to save it and hits it anyway. They score their first genuine point off that, and Kageyama is impressed.
Kageyama and Shoyo are opposites, but they’re also mirrors of each other. Both are reckless: Kageyama throws reckless sets and Shoyo will leap for the ball even if he has to crash into walls and what-have-you. Both want to win. Both have their talents. Both love volleyball.
Something I found interesting is how the characters are in “sets”. Shoyo and Kageyama, obviously – their relationship is one of the major focuses of the whole series. The secondary characters too: Kunimi and Kindaichi to Kageyama and Izumi and Koji to Shoyo. They share the same jersey numbers: Kindaichi and Izumi are #5 and Kunimi and Koji are #6. These “sets” of minor characters only exist in the narrative in relation to each other. If Kindaichi appears, Kunimi is never far behind.
Izumi and Koji are third-years at this point, so why are their numbers lower than the first years? I realised (at the end of the episode) that Shoyo actually talked the first years into joining the volleyball club, not just the tournament team. Shoyo inspired a new generation of volleyball players – something he continues to do throughout the series.
Kindaichi and Kunimi are often showed in the background of Kageyama’s shots. Kunimi is the first person to serve in the game – he gets a few service aces. Kindaichi is the ace(?) of the team, often shown spiking Kageyama’s sets. This is an example of the subtle manipulation of the audience: hinting that these faces will reappear. It’s the same kind of story-telling that makes the reactors I’ve watched feel so smart when they predict something. The author wants you to notice them. The author is practically hanging a sign over them saying “remember these two!”.
When Kindaichi almost misses a reckless toss from Kageyama and expresses surprise that they managed to score from it, Kageyama responds “Faster!”, which makes Kindaichi irritated. Kunimi complain about his sets with him – Kunimi makes a comment about not having to work so hard as they’re outclassing Hinata’s team by miles – but Kageyama is taking the game seriously.
Kunimi and Kageyama squabble over Kunimi’s “laziness” – he doesn’t run for balls when they’re far enough in points, he doesn’t see why they have to try hard against such a weak and untrained team.
Kindaichi and Kageyama argue over Kageyama’s sets. Kageyama is the self-centred King of the Court after all. I think Kindaichi is actually a friendly sweetheart – and he seems to interact with Kageyama the most and deals with most of his sets. These missed friendships are missed opportunities for the three of them. (Manga spoilers): Kageyama shows he wants to be friends and play with them as adults.
Then, there are the Karasuno players. No faces, just those awesome black club jackets. I love those things. I now know that they are Suga, Daichi and Tanaka, but Furudate-sensei is good at building tension and anticipation by hiding their faces.
They appear in the stands at the junior high tournament, talking about Hinata and Kageyama’s match. Suga comments on Kageyama being “the King of the Court”. Ep 2 spoiler: Suga is a setter. Of course he’s going to appreciate Kageyama. Daichi also appreciates the overwhelming talent. It’s Tanaka who bets on Hinata becoming a threat. Tanaka seems to like Hinata’s spirit and athleticism. Ep 2 spoilers: He’s also the main hitter for the team at this point, so as the setter recognises the setter, the hitter acknowledges the hitter.
We later see them upon Shoyo’s arrival at Karasuno amongst the other clubs gathering applicants. Shimizu is also there. Daichi comments on the limited selection of applicants – this sets up the fact that Karasuno has been in decline: the “flightless crows” and such. There’s character establishing moments: Suga trying to cheer up Daichi and Tanaka flirting (and getting shut down) by Shimizu.
The Little Giant. Shoyo’s inspiration and hero, who shapes the entire course of his life. The 170 cm wing spiker makes him fall in love with volleyball and determined to enter Karasuno High School. Interesting how Shoyo never mentions his name. Maybe he doesn’t know it? He doesn’t really seem to understand the Little Giant at all. (Manga spoilers): I think this is why, by the time we meet Tenma Udai, he isn’t upset about his hero leaving volleyball behind. Now that he understands volleyball, he knows that he could never be the Little Giant anyway. Their play styles are different. Their positions are different. Shoyo can now be himself, forge his own playstyle – Ninja Shoyo, the ultimate decoy.
One thing I like about the characters is how their personalities/character development reflect their play styles, which becomes more apparent later on.
“A tall, tall wall looms before me…”. This is the opening (and closing) of the season. It’s Shoyo’s greatest barrier – a literal wall holding him back from scoring. He can’t overcome it on his own, so, as shown in the opening scene, he needs the five other players on his side to get through it.
Crows (obvs). I find it funny to watch non-weeb reactors who don’t know what “Karasu” means. There are crows everywhere in this anime*.* The first time Shoyo sees the Little Giant jump, he sees black crow wings over the arms and gets blasted by crow feathers. Inspiration – seeing a human fly. Shoyo is now hooked on volleyball. When Shoyo’s running to the volleyball gym on Karasuno campus, he startles a crow who drops a feather in his face.
King of the Court. Before Shoyo even hears Kageyama’s nickname, he sees him wearing a cape and crown. The crowd (which Furudate-sensei often uses for exposition) also give him that name, and then Suga repeats it. When Kageyama appears in the hallway outside the bathroom, Shoyo sees him wearing the same outfit. Of course, Shoyo thinks this is a great thing – a reflection of his talent and powerful aura. Kageyama sets too fast for Kindaichi during the warm-ups and criticises him. Kindaichi rolls his eyes and half-heartedly apologies. The coach scolds him and tells him that the best set is the easiest for the hitter to spike.
Face receives. 2. 1 with a football (soccer) to Shoyo’s face, the other when Koji misses a receive.
“I can jump”. Shoyo says it to Kageyama while he’s being chastised for talking big. Izumi says it to Shoyo when they’re trying to sike themselves up for their match.
The pre-game bathroom break. Shoyo gets nervous after seeing Kitagawa Daichi and runs to the bathroom, only to run into players from the opposing team. This is a running gag throughout the series.
I don’t know if this counts, but I saw Shiratorizawa jackets in the crowd at the junior high tournament.
Many Youtube reactors commented on how Shoyo runs everywhere. He runs through the Karasuno campus on the way to the gym. The bouncing ball of sunshine has one gear: zoom. Similarly, Kageyama sets fast while Shoyo can cross the volleyball court in the blink of an eye. Their play styles complete each other.
Jersey numbers. Shoyo is 1, Kageyama is 2. When they get their jerseys (spoiler maybe?), Kageyama is 9 and Shoyo is 10. This is the only time Shoyo’s jersey number is higher than Kageyama. (Manga spoilers): in the V-league, Kageyama is 20, Shoyo is 21, then 9 and 10 again in the Olympics. As mentioned above, Kindaichi and Izumi are #5 and Kunimi and Koji are #6.
“One more” - mou ikkai. Hinata will forever ask for one more chance to play volleyball. He asks Izumi to set for him despite his complaints.
“The strong get to remain on the court”. Shoyo has to be good at volleyball to play volleyball. He wasn’t good enough to beat Kageyama, so he only got to play 31 minutes before having to leave, while everyone else got to play more games. Kageyama is used to winning at this point and only values people who can stay on the court.
Kageyama versus Hinata. This is arguably the main plot point of the series. Hinata wants to win and Kageyama defeats him. Hinata sees him as a good player, so if he also wants to be a good player, he needs to be able to outplay him. Kageyama envies his natural jumping height and speed. They argue and fight and challenge and inspire each other – destined rivals. Such a shounen trope.
Hinata is an underdog who had to fight to stay on the court. He didn’t have a coach, he didn’t have a team. Kind of an aside, but somehow he has good jumping form (according to Coach Donny) which seems to confuse volleyball players who react to Haikyuu. They wonder why he doesn’t know how to change his spike direction and forget that he’s new to the sport. As someone who doesn’t know anything about volleyball form, I found this interesting.
Hinata is willing to put the work in to develop his skills. At the beginning of the episode, he is horrified when a teacher suggests he joins the girl’s volleyball team but asks them for help (along with the 1st years who seem to be permanent members now) at the end of the episode during the montage. He also studies for the High School entrance exams and makes it into Karasuno – his determination has paid off and he wants to go to his dream school even if he has to bike over the mountains every day.
Kitagawa Daichi is in the newspaper/magazines stating their defeat. This is foreshadowing the downfall of Kageyama and the King of the Court and sort of the big plot twist at the end of the episode:
“I’m finally at Karasuno!” Shoyo thinks, running to his first meet at the gymnasium. Then...Boom – Kageyama. His sworn rival is now his teammate.
I'm sure I missed a whole lot of stuff but this was what caught my attention.
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blahkugo · 4 years
Congrats for the 1k!! Wdyt ab hawks in an underground scenario?
thanks anon baby!! i love writing for hawks in general and this au was soooooo much fun to explore!! ♡ i honestly went a little crazy with it & added too much rumi in there lmao
                                  -ˋˏ ༻ 光 ༺ ˎˊ-
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— underground! au (feat. rumi)
— warnings: 18+, smut, drugs / alcohol mention, kind of scumbag hawks
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⤏ keigo’s very devious, in the sense that he can be both the star of everyone’s show and a sneaky bastard. he’s a double agent in the truest definition of the word, and it’s no different in an underground au
⤏ ‘heaven’ is the place to get into; no, no, not god’s pearly white gates, but rather the giant underground nightclub teeming with bar hoppers and thrill seekers on a saturday night.
⤏ the highly illegal establishment is run by none other than keigo takami himself, the eccentric club owner that people only know by name
⤏ no one’s ever actually seen keigo at his own club, nobody even knows what he looks like
⤏ so, rumors fly amongst the regular patrons; some say he’s a cartel boss, others a crooked cop
⤏ a choice few believe that he’s the devil himself. and in his jealousy of god’s perfect eden, he crafted his own slice of heaven, where restraint and inhibition are words with absolutely no meaning
⤏ the reality isn’t far off, if we’re being honest
⤏ ‘heaven’ is keigo’s personal playground, a place where he can be anybody he wants to
⤏ typically, that anybody is pulling pretty little whores into the giant vip room, and pumping them chock full of his favorite pills: angel dust
⤏ when his own high kicks in, the fun begins. and at that point, even keigo thinks he may be the devil incarnate
“Tsk, tsk,” Keigo wags a slender finger in front of your face, snatching the pretty little capsule from your hand. 
Quick, pounding percussion still pulses at your ears, though the VIP room is much quieter than the club floor— cooler as well. Without the mass of compressed, sweaty bodies dancing and grinding, you feel a bit over exposed in your two piece set. For a second, you have the urge to cover your midriff, but the angel in front of you sweeps your attention yet again. 
“How do good girls ask for pills?” He’s teasing you, has been since the moment he approached you spouting some nonsense about being the club owner. While you were initially adamant in your disbelief, only agreeing to follow him for his tempting promise of ‘proper drugs,’ the extravagance of the VIP room sways your opinion now. 
Also, the man swims in luxury, seems to be bathed in an ethereal glow that screams money from the tips of his perfectly tousled hair down to the Givenchy trainers on his feet. The richest men always dress in subtleties; you just have to know where to look. 
Your assumptions were confirmed when he ordered top shelf booze. They were absolutely set in stone when Rumi, the Playboy Bunny turned supermodel, settled into the booth next to him and plopped a kiss on his cheek. 
“The sick bastard will really only give it to you if you say pretty please,” the gorgeous woman chuckles, looking every bit as intimidating as she does on the runways. “Like this,” she clasps her hands together— fingernails sporting a fierce, red manicure— and turns towards the smug blonde. “Please Keigo, a pill.” 
It’s unclear whether her tone is sincere, sickly sweet words dripping with mockery and faux praise. Either way, you refuse to be the butt of their jokes. Begging for drugs? Over your dead body. 
Keigo must feel your hesitation, must sense the subtle shift in your body language, because his eyebrows narrow for a fraction of a second before quickly regaining their place far atop his forehead— practiced nonchalance, seemingly perfected over years.  
He hands the pill to Rumi, and then another, pushing his slender fingers into hers without breaking your mutual gaze.
“Oops,” he feigns apology, “looks like I gave two pills to Rumi.” He slants a quick look at the platinum blonde. “You can just take one from her, sweetheart.” 
When you break your glare to peek at the beautiful woman next to him, she’s giggling. The sound is practically silent, a twinkly little thing that barely reaches your ears and doesn’t rumble through her entirety like laughter truly should. 
“Silly me,” she smirks, piercing eyes scanning over you now, “I didn’t realize.” Though you’re sure the night can’t get any stranger, she lets her tongue loll from between supple lips, painted bright red to match her nails. Low and behold, there are two pills, both dangling enticingly on her curved tongue.
“Aw,” Keigo coos, pout brimming with ridicule. Though you attempt to speak up, entirely fed up with this humiliating charade, he doesn’t miss a beat. “She can still have one though, can’t she Rumi?” 
She simply nods, swaying her tongue once more before curling it back into her mouth. He can’t mean— no, he wouldn’t. But the pair simply stares at you, famishment gleaming in their eyes like a pair of ravenous wolves. 
He wants you to kiss her. 
Every one of your nerves stands on end, willing you with a passion to reject his slimy offer. You’re not a Barbie doll for him to play with, to dress and undress and buy off with a bright pink mansion to boot. 
But then again, the pros do vastly outweigh the cons. When’s the next time you’re going to have the chance to kiss a supermodel? And with someone as beautiful as Keigo watching? You take a deep breath, standing up and bracing your arms against the table to lean over. 
And then, you are kissing her. 
Rumi’s lips taste like whiskey sour and a spice that you can’t quite place. She’s quick to take control, cupping your jaw with slender fingers and nipping at your lip. There’s a slight twinge of pain before each swipe of her tongue across your lip, and it’s a miracle that she keeps the pills nestled under her tongue; she kisses you with such passion, such dizzying ferocity, that you feel your head spin. It’s definitely not the alcohol. 
When her lips bite again, more aggressive this time, you part your own in a low, teasing groan. She swings a knee over the table— pushes closer, pulls you further into her. You’re losing your breath, unable to keep up, but she simply continues her onslaught, as though you’ve stolen her last breath and she’s aching to get it back. 
Only when her tongue slinks across the back of your teeth and makes its home between them, does she offer up the pill from under the wet muscle. 
With a parting smile against your mouth, she pulls away. 
“Hope you like that pill as much as you did the kiss,” she speaks, lips, puffy but still perfectly painted, inches from your own. She stays put, watching the strand of drool still connecting the two of you. 
You wish you could say something, anything, to the goddess of a woman, but you’re left in a haze. If it isn’t for the subtle tap against your throat, you’d forget to swallow the pill you worked so diligently for. As she finally recedes, you make a mental note for later: world-renowned supermodel Rumi smells like cinnamon. 
“Bunny got your tongue?” Keigo chuckles, now standing next to your side of the booth, and slithering a lithe hand across your lower back. You’d almost forgotten the smug bastard was there, but one glance his way and you remember where you are: a public space. 
Sure, the VIP lounge is practically empty, save for a few stragglers here and there, but those people are presumably A-listers. And they just watched you make out with a woman all for drugs and the entertainment of a very wealthy man. 
Still, it probably isn’t the worst image they’ve ever seen. 
Rumi gives you another once over, baring sharp canines that seem to sparkle beneath the low, purple lights. Even after your intimate moment, she somehow seems more intimidating— or perhaps, more ravenous. She makes some comment to Keigo about giving you her number, throws a wink your way, and ends the encounter with another quick peck on his cheek. 
Then, with hips swaying seductively to the beat, she makes her descent down the stairs to join the thrall of bodies as her high hits, leaving you and the blonde alone. Chancing a glance his way, you decide that’s not a terrible thing. 
That same pompous smirk is plastered across his face, that same insatiable look in his eyes. His blonde locks remain in a state of perfect dishevelment, and when he runs a hand through it, his jewelry— rings upon rings and a watch that probably costs more than your rent— catches the light, shimmering wildly. 
“We’re going to peak soon.”
It’s all he says, before leading you towards the stairs and down, down, down— straight into Heaven. 
Wisps of baby pink, streams of bright blue— cotton candy fills the air and washes the man in front of you in a delectable light. It begs you to take a bite, to do more than press your warm, wanton body against him. 
“How do you feel?” Keigo’s teeth graze the shell of your ear, hot breath tickling the side of your face. With his arms wrapped around your waist, he envelops you fully, allowing you to grind and move as you please. The heat radiating off your bodies could rival the sun. 
“Like I’m flying,” you throw your hands into the air; he grazes them with his own. Every touch sends a cacophony of sparks across your flesh, every murmur of praise a chilling tingle down your spine. And when he strains his hips against yours, it heats you further, all throughout your core. You need him— right here, right now, bathed in candied pinks and sugar-filled blues.  
As though he can hear your thoughts, or perhaps you’ve said them aloud, his slender fingers slither further down your body. Down, down, down— dashing under your tight skirt to rub across your soaked slit. When you cry out, a symphony of desire, he simply presses harder, rubs faster. 
Just as you’re about to see stars, to grab at the spun sugar surrounding you and take an overwhelming chomp, he removes his magic fingers. You’re aware you’re crying out, feel as though the entire world’s been ripped away from you, but he simply shushes you with a slick digit against your lips.
“Let’s take this back upstairs, yeah?” The devil pokes at your side. 
You’re already being whisked away, deeper into paradise. 
                          ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ 光 ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
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flamingo-writes · 4 years
Same Cloth — Satori Tendou x Reader
Summary: The friendship everyone saw coming. And the unlikely romance that came after. You were the two weirdos from your respective years. The freshman weirdo, and the second year weirdo. It only made sense. The romance, however, definitely took everyone by surprise, even though it was obvious to you, given that you two were two birds of a feather. 
"You and I are cut from the same cloth" Satori Tendou had said almost immediately after properly meeting you.
Posted: 05.10.2020
A/N: So, I was finally able to write this. It def took me a long while. This was inspired by a fic written by @laceymorganwrites​. Also, I intended to keep this shorter, but after word-vomiting the conversations and events written with minimum detailed turned out to be almost 2K words, I knew it’d end up being 5K after adding details and everything...
Word Count: 5.1 K
Warnings:  None
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The school's journal didn't particularly excite you. Journaling wasn't your thing. Writing wasn't your thing. Interacting with people wasn't your thing either. But you needed to join a club. And you did have a talent with cameras. So, you joined the journalism club as the photographer in your first year at Shiratorizawa. 
"So, [Name]-chan" Your boss called you once she saw you walk inside the classroom you usually used after class. "I know it's your first year, and that it's hardly been a few months, but, we finally have some big story to cover" 
A girl from third year, named Makoto, was the director of the journal and pretty much everyone's boss. She was usually in charge of what stories you covered and she reviewed the final drafts. Everything related to the final draft was her territory, she gave the final green light to everything before publishing the paper. 
"I'm not in the writing team…" You reminded her, feeling already uncomfortable by her loud friendly aura. 
"Oh, I know that" She giggled. "Sorry if I wasn't clear, but I was going to ask you if I could get some pictures." Makoto by this point knew you weren’t particularly good with figurative speech.
"Alright. About what?" 
"The Volleyball tournament will begin soon, the local one at least. Then we'll have the spring tournament. Anyways, I'm pretty sure you know by now how big of a deal Volleyball is to this school" She began explaining as you felt the attack from her eye contact, as you avoided actually locking stares with her, as if you were a prey being watched by the predator. 
"I've noticed, but I don't know why" You hissed.
"The team is great” She said “You should go and see one of their games" 
"I don't like sports" Flatly, your voice made Makoto pout, sightly dissapointed by your lack of excitement.
"Anyways, [Name]. Could you get some pictures of the team, please?"
Her wide eyes looking at you, begging. And it wasn’t much you could say. She was your boss. You sighed deeply, thinking about how you’d had to pull through, maybe feel unpleasant and uncomfortable watching them play. But the sooner you had the job done, the better, right?
"Yup" You sighed, as Makoto’s smile took over and she thanked you dearly, knowing you weren’t particularly excited by this. 
The next day you’’d begged your best friend over and over again to come with you to the Volleyball Court. Normally, you could pull off any photography job by yourself, but this was a whole different story. The awkwardness biting your neck and tensing your back like a cold shiver freezing your spine. 
"Can you believe I've never been here?" You muttered standing outside the court. 
"Well, you're not one to play sports, so, understandable!" Your best friend said trying to stay cheerful so you’d relax, however, all attempts to make you feel at ease were useless. 
Your best friend agreed to go with you to the volleyball court during training hours to take the pictures. A little bit of moral support was all you needed. Even when your best friend thought she wasn’t doing anything for your nerves, her presence alone gave you the strength to step inside the hell with a never ending rain of volleyballs. 
Your boss was supposed to meet up with you outside. She was a third year student and knew the team pretty well. Shiratorizawa’s volleyball team was a constant guess, and the leader of the Newspaper of course had to know each and everyone of the team members.  
With your feet glued to the ground, and your breath suddenly missing, you could hardly move. Makoto, quite passive-aggressively pushed you inside, as you reluctantly put one feet in front of the other while biting your tongue. Stiff like a corpse, made you wish you had entered the chess club instead. 
"You really don't like sports, do ya?" Makoto sighed with a gentle chuckle, trying to soothe your nerves as well.
"She's got very bad luck with sports. She always gets hit in the face" your best friend said holding your hand as you immediately squeezed back her hand. Your friend trying to keep a straight face, pretending like you were not about to break her fingers. 
"It's gonna be alright, [Name]-chan" your friend said giving you a threatening look that made you realize you were squeezing the life out of her hand, and you had managed to loosen your grip a little bit.  
"Why are we here again, Makoto-senpai?" You murmured, feeling your entire body sweat cold. 
"We need pictures!" Makoto said proudly as she stepped inside the gym. 
Menacingly, volleyballs flew everywhere. You were convinced that they’d break their trajectory to fly in your direction and hit you instead. Your head got light, and your eyes hurt from the white lights. Feeling terribly exposed and blinded, you were definitely an easy target now. 
"Guys! Could you please give me your attention for a few minutes!" Makoto yelled, waving one of her arms, catching everyone's attention.
"Is she allowed to interrupt them just like that?" You asked your best friend as she shrugged as confused as you were. 
Several, very tall and intimidating guys suddenly surrounded you like flies in a dumpster. You felt your anxiety closing in round you as these boys circled, leaving you and Makto in the middle, ready to hear whatever the Head of the School’ Paper had to say. 
"Ah, Makoto-senpai!" A tall redhead guy said in a dreamy tone. "Want an interview with the school's titans, is that it?" 
"Not, quite. We're covering the tournament in the school paper, and we wanted some pictures. So, I brought my photographer" Makoto said, turning around and looking at you. 
All the set of eyes were now on you. Very much to your pet peeve of being constantly stared at. Boy, this was horrible. All the guys, standing as tall as buildings, with drilling eyes, the bright lights, the anxiety. It was all awful, and you wished you could just blink and be in your room, as if ll of this was just a nightmare. 
But it didn’t matter how many times you blinked, you were still there. Time seemed to slow down significantly. Still stiff, you waved your hand painfully awkwardly as Makoto grabbed your arm and pulled you with her.
"Everyone, meet, [Full Name]. Please be nice, she's like a cat. Also, please be gentle with how you train, she's got bad luck and always gets hit in the face whenever wherever she tries to play sports” Makoto said, quoting what your best friend had told her before walking inside.  
"Do you not trust us?" A blond guy with a fierce stare said. "We're amazing players,  we won't let her get hit by a volleyball" 
"Oi, oi, Semi. Relax" said the redhead with spiky hair. "Don't worry, Makoto-senpai, your photographer will be in good hands~" 
"Thank you, Satori-kun. I know she'll be safe,  just don't scare her '' Makoto laughed awkwardly as she gave you one last stare, almost if she was asking ‘are you gonna be alright?’ to which you simply gave her a poker face, not even sure if you were going to be alright. 
"Makoto-senpai said you're scary, Tendo" another tall guy with darker skin and dark hair said patting the thin redhead in the shoulder. 
"Oh, my, my. I'm sorry" Tendo said grinning as you noticed he didn’t deny what his teammate had said.
"I didn't say anything!" Makoto giggled shyly.
"The second years are very chatty, aren't you guys?" A rather intimidating guy said. "I'm sorry, I'm the captain of the team. Feel free to stay and take as many pictures as you'd like" The guy said bowing politely as you felt even more awkward by such a polite gesture in such a hostile place. 
"Tha-thanks…" you said
“She speaks!” Satori said. 
Everyone could sense the tension surrounding you. Almost as if you were a tiny bomb yourself. However, the entire team felt slightly curious by what could have you so tense. Finally, the captain took away the focus from you by talking loudly. 
"Ushijima!  Let’s take it from where we left!” The captain said cheerfully as another rather intimidating second year walked back to the court. 
“Will you be okay if I leave you here? I still gotta check some stuff back in the classroom” Makoto said in a gentle voice. 
You opened our mouth ready to answer when another, more cheerful voice, took over. 
“Don’t worry, Makoto-chan! We’ll take good care of your photographer” Said Satori ruffling your hair in a friendly manner as you tensed up, thinking why on earth a stranger would do such a thing to you. 
“Thank you!. Take lots of pictures, [Name]!” Makoto said walking out of the gym, waving at you. 
Your best friend exchanged stares with you, as you realized you’d been keeping your breath for the last several seconds. You sighed loudly, trying to focus on your camera, hanging from your shoulder. 
“Don't worry,, we’re good at what we do,” Satori said, walking in front of you “We won't let any volleyballs fly your way. And if they do, I’ll stop them” He said grinning in a rather creepy way as you simply stared at him “You’re not very talkative, are you, kitty?” 
“Makoto did mention that. She is like a cat. She’ll take a while to open up” Your best friend giggled trying to lighten up the tension.
“Well, if you girls need something, feel free to ask” He said politely, walking back inside the court “So, make  sure you make us look cool as hell in those pictures, kitty” 
Leaving aside your crippling fear of being hit, you found yourself in a complete state of lack of inspiration. Despite the explosive dynamic the team had, there was something that just wasn't there. It was hard to explain, even to yourself. 
Yes, the team was there. They were training. You could tell they were really trying by the shiny layer of sweat all of the guys had. The determination in their eyes. But something was off. Something that somehow was blocking your creative eye. The need to pull your camera to your eye did not exist. An urgency to capture a moment wasn't there. 
“So, how are the photos going?” Makoto made an appearance out of nowhere, gently patting your shoulder. 
Without looking away from the most intimidating guy of all, a guy by the name of Wakatoshi Ushijima, you answered. 
“Terrible" Your gaze moved back to your camera, looking at probably the most decent picture you'd taken so far. "I can’t work like this” 
The picture was Wakatoshi's; caught in the middle of his jump, his left hand raised tall and strong ready to hit the ball. 
“What the hell does that mean?” The blond, Semi, growled.
“I’m not feeling this, you know?” You answered in a low voice.
“I’m not following you” Makoto peeked over your shoulder, looking at the picture. 
“I’m not excited. How am I supposed to take exciting pictures if I’m not excited myself?” 
“Are you saying our training is boring?” The blond growled once more.
“Oi, oi, Semi-kun!" Satori said, holding his friend by the shoulder. "I think what Kitty is trying to say is that there’s not enough competitive atmosphere to properly take pictures, isn’t that it?” 
There was something terribly familiar about you, thought Tendou. Maybe the fact that your analyzing stare somehow reminded him of Ushijima. Your monotonous tone, and the way you seemed to struggle to put your thoughts into comprehensible words. He was able to.understand what you were trying to say thanks to his friendship with Ushijima. 
You simply shrugged, not quite agreeing with him, nor denying it. Truth was, you were not sure what was wrong, but Satori's words seemed like a pretty good guess. 
“She needs to feel excited, and as long as we train with each other, she won’t feel it" Satori continued "She needs to go to one of our matches against other schools. Not friendly matches, an actual one with us wearing our white and pink shirts and the school screaming at the top of their lungs"
“That’s actually a pretty good idea" Said the captain "Are you free next Wednesday after class?” 
“I don’t know. Am I?” You looked at Makoto who raised an eyebrow at you.  
“I-I’m not your mother” Makoto saod awkwardly.
“You are my boss, if I’m not going to make it to the club I have to let you know so...” 
“oh, that's what you mean" Your boss sighed "We still have a week and a half for the deadline, so yeah, you can go” 
You looked back at the Volleyball team as all of them nodded instinctively.
“Ah, just you wait, Kitty cat, you’re going to be on the edge of your seat watching us play” Satori Tendou said patting you in the head gently. 
You could feel your best friend staring at you, somewhat of excitement in her eyes. You nodded at the redhead, seriously doubting what he was saying. Still somewhat stiff by the whole hour of nerve wracking stress, you spun in your toes and left right away. 
Satori watched you leave, a small proud smile on his face. Something about you intrigued him, and your shy nature sure as hell amused him. You were, in fact, like a kitten. Scared of loud noises and over all shy, but still observing and analyzing like cats usually are.
"Someone liked the new photographer” Semi teased staring at Satori, as the latter sighed dreamily. 
“Yes, I did,” He said proudly. “And how could I not? Are you gonna tell me she isn’t cute?” Satori looked back at Semi who didn’t answer, and instead looked away, defeated. “Yeah, I thought so” 
Your best friend followed close behind, and once you made it out the gym, she leaned closer to your ear.
“I think Satori-senpai liked you” Breaking you apart from your train of thought, you looked at her, trying to keep the blush from telling on you. 
“I didn’t notice…” You lied “He’s weird” You tried to somehow defend yourself, and make it look like you weren’t at all interested in the tall redhead. Your best friend giggled in response. “What?” 
“It's funny that you say that, you’re not precisely the definition of normal” Your friend laughed. 
On Wednesday after class, you met the volleyball team at the entrance of the school. The school bus was waiting for everyone to gather before leaving.the team greeted you with polite smiles. 
The only ones who greeted you properly were Satori Tendo and Ushijima Wakatoshi. The pair greeted you as if you weren't seeing each other for the second time ever. The redhead asked you about your day and your classes as his friend limited himself to wave at you silently and ask how were you today.
“So, Kitty, excited to watch us play?” Satori said as the team started getting inside the bus.
“I guess” You said as Tendo allowed you to get inside first and followed you, taking the seat next to yours.
“Oh, come on. Loosen up!" He gave you a friendly pat in the shoulder "I can see you’re tense. There’s nothing to worry about. I won’t let any volleyballs hit you while you’re wandering around taking pictures. Issa promise” He said sticking his pinky finger at you as you looked at his hand and then at him. “C’mon, give me your pinky!” You met his stare, exchanging stares for the first time with his penetrating glare. You did as he asked and he locked his pinky with yours.“The pact has been sealed” He answered dramatically.
Ushijima took the seat in front of yours and as Satori leaned forward, saying something to his friend, you sighed deeply looking out the window, holding your camera close to your chest. 
“You know, Kitty..." Satori continued leaning back into his seat "you and I are cut from the same cloth” 
You didn't hear him at first. His voice took a while to be processed in your brain. 
“Yeah?” You asked still looking out the window
“You and I are not like the rest. We’re both quite similar” At this, you turned around,  scanning the guy, not sure you understood what he meant.
“Yeah...I don’t think so” 
“Of course not" He answered "I’m extroverted, you’re not. But that doesn’t mean we’re different. You seem distracted most of the time, but I know you’re constantly observing each and every one of our moves" You looked back into the window, feeling uncomfortable by his piercing eyes on you "I bet you already know how volleyball works from just seeing us train, don’t you?"
He was good if he noticed you analyzing their training while still training hard himself. Trying to put your thoughts in orders,  you took a while to talk back.
“I know you  guys touch the ball maximum three times before sending it to the other side. The second player to touch the ball usually sends it to the hitter, I think they are called setters?” 
Satori smiled pleased with what he had heard, especially because his guess about you was right.
“What a clever kitty we have here”  He answered.
“Your reaction time is outstanding" You continued.  "I don't know if your thought train is that fast, or you run just in intuition l, maybe it's both. I really am impressed by how quick you react" You said looking at him briefly before looking away once more.
“Thank you" Satori smiled “Also, you’re not so bad yourself. Little Kitty Cat turned out to have Sherlock-like observation skills, nice” He could tell you were avoiding meeting his stare, but he didn't mind. He scanned your face, now relaxed compared to.when you met outside the school a few minutes earlier ”Ah, I can smell a nice friendship about to bloom, here”  He sighed before hoping off his seat and sitting next to Wakatoshi. 
Once at the game, it was euphoric the amount of intense competitive atmosphere going on during the match. The school singing and cheering. Loud enough to make you get a headache barely 10 minutes after the match began. However, you came prepared with your earbuds. 
Putting them in, you started playing music to help you with your nerves brought by the overstimulation. The yelling, the bright lights, and the constant fear of being hit with a volleyball while moving around the cort while taking photos. 
Normally, people weren’t allowed to be wandering around, but being Shiratorizawa, and thanks to the coach’s big influence, you were allowed to move around taking photos, as long as you didn't distract any of the teams. Something you managed to do perfectly, being unnoticed by everyone throughout the match. 
Once in the bus ride back to the school, you sat at the back, and scrolled through the camera roll to see all the pictures you’ve taken, and plan which one you’d use and how you were going to edit them. 
Satori constantly looked back at you from his seat, feeling curious by your big focus swallowed entirely by your camera. After Ushijima had encouraged him to go with you, Satori chuckled sarcastically before doing as his friend did and walked towards you. 
“Kitty-chan, nya!” Satori Tendou said sitting next to you, breaking you apart from your trance “Mind if I sit here for a while?” You shook your head silently looking back at your camera. “What did you think of the game?” 
“It was exactly what I needed for the pictures” You said in a low voice.
“Mind if I peek?” His question took you by surprise. The idea of someone freely looking through your camera roll made you nervous. However, something was urging you to trust him. You sighed, hesitant at first. You handed him your camera as he proceeded to look at the pictures. 
You’d taken a lot of them, from all of the players, even the coach sitting on the bench with his ever present analyzing stare. Satori indulged himself, counting how many pictures you’d taken of each player just for his own amusement.. However, he felt flattered when he noticed he was the second player with the most photos after Usijima. Being the second with the most photos taken of him after the team’s ace player was just a weird compliment. And probably something you didn’t do on purpose. Or, did you? He thought.
Seeing his fare share of cool pictures flattered him.
“You guys are amazing” You broke the silence, surprising Tendou as he looked up from the camera.
You were usually so quiet and limited yourself to answer whatever questions were addressed towards you. And now, you were actually starting a conversation. On top of that, Tendou felt his cheeks blush gently upon seeing a small shy smile on your face. It was the first time he’d seen you smile, and boy, he felt strangely flattered for a second time. 
“You’re welcome to see us play every game, Kitty. In fact, you could be our personal paparazzo” Satori joked, returning the flirty smile.
A few weeks had passed. The Volleyball team were really excited for their pictures. After editing them and sending each of them their respective photos, all of them lost their heads and immediately flooded their social media with them.
This gesture alone made you somehow popular among the school. Everyone in the team greeted you, talked to you and personally invited you to their games. It was weird how a single event, which was a responsibility, triggered the friendship. 
Especially with Satori who constantly looked for you in between classes or during lunch break to drag you along to hang out with him and Wakatoshi. 
This time, however, it wasn't Satori who poked his head inside your classroom.  As you talked with your best friend, she saw Ushijima's face looking for you. She immediately changed the topic, letting you know Ushijima was looking for you. 
Turning around, and making eye contact with him, he signaled with his hand, calling you. You nodded and excused yourself from your small group of friends and walked towards the door. 
“[Name], may I have a word?”  Ushijima said even before you could ask anything.
"Ye-yeah, sure” You nodded, nervous because, well, Ushijima wasn't a very talkative guy. 
You followed him down the hall a few meters away from your classroom, towards a more.open space with less people around.
“Look," He said, stopping by the staircase and looking at you "You’re probably aware of this by now, but Satori likes you, and that's the first time I see him like that since I met him. Be nice with him. If you’re not interested in him, let him now before his feelings for you get out of his hand” His voice wasn't particularly threatening, but he sounded more serious than he usually was.
Something inside you made you feel butterflies in your stomach, maybe the fact that Ushijima pointed out what you already knew. Satori liked you. You knew this, but hearing it out loud felt...nice. 
“Ushijima senpai, I really appreciate that you care so much for Tendo-kun" You began, the anxiety building up.in your stomach as you gathered the strength to put your thoughts into words "But you don't have to worry, I wont hurt him. In fact, I really like him too… And, it may sound dumb…" You chuckled awkwardly "But it’s the first time I like someone who likes me back, so, I’m not sure how to proceed from here on...I'm improvising along the way, and so far it has worked…" Ushijima chuckled this time, thinking how Satori had actually said something quite similar. "Tendo-kun always says we’re cut from the same cloth, so, I wanna believe I know how to handle him to not hurt him" 
A gentle smile was drawn on Ushijima's facem something you didn't see as often. But it was somehow comforting.
“I’m glad to hear” He said turning around towards the stairs, ready to go back to his classroom. "Thanks, [Name]-san" 
“Ushijima-senpai?” You said before he walked away.
“Yes, [Name]?” 
“Please don’t tell Tendo that I told you that I like him back” You asked nervously looking at your fingers.
“I’m sorry, [Name], but I can’t promise that. I won't tell him. But if he asks me, I won't deny it. Besides, I'm pretty sure he knows by now" Ushijima said looking up the stairs and noticing his friend walking along the hall, looking for him. 
Ushijima gave you one last smile before joining Satori in the next floor as his friend asked him where had he'd gone. 
The next two months you lived with a crippling anxiety that popped up whenever you saw Watakoshi and Satori together. However, Satori never showed a sudden change of attitude towards you. But that didn't mean Wakatoshi hadn't told him. 
One thing had changed, with each day, Satori opened up more and more. He looked for excuses to spend time with you. You even went on coffee dates with him and both of you worked on your respective homework. 
Very subtle, little by little, you fell harder and harder for him. And so he did. To the point where people weren't sure if you were dating or not. Including you among these people. 
Where your relationship or friendship stood, wasn't clear. At least not until that date. The very first non-coffee-and-homework date you had. 
He'd taken you to the aquarium. At first you thought it was a rather random place for a date. At least until you noticed how quiet he was. The usual talkative Satori Tendou now walked slowly, silently. Very much like a cat, fascinated by the fish
You realized that was why he'd chosen the aquarium. And you knew this from his behavior alone. He didn't speak much, and he paced slowly, stopped at every tank and attentively watched at the fish. And it felt weirdly intimate. You were seeing a side of Tendou you didn't see at school. And you weren't sure if other people knew of. Probably Ushijima.
His talkative loud demeanor was gone, replaced by a quiet wandering shadow. And you took advantage of this to take a lot of incredible pictures of him. The blue lighting and the dim lights worked magic combined with your skills in photography. You captured the beauty of absolute calmness shining from his eyes. The eyes that usually shone with a chaotic fire now looked calm. The calm before the storm reflected in his eyes in blue and greens.
"How come you haven't grown tired of taking pictures of me?" He said as his eyes followed the marlin fish swimming in front of him. 
"Because your eyes shine in a way I've never seen before. Its nice..." You said, drawing a small, yet confident smile in Satori's face. "And I want to capture them as much as I can" 
"[Name]-chan, can I ask you something?" He whispered walking closer to you.
You looked up at him, curious. And then you saw yet another perfect frame to take a picture. However, your curiosity was stronger and you refrained from stopping him to take the picture.
"Sure" You answered, noticing how he'd stopped within a single step away from you. 
You looked up at him, he was tall. His slim complexion made him look even taller. His eyes, somewhat tender and gentler met yours. Your intuition screaming at you, suddenly making you blush and your heart race.
"Why do you like me so much?" He asked bluntly as one of his hands reached your face and softly brushed your hair with his fingers. 
"Did Wakatoshi tell you?" You stuttered.
"Wakatoshi knows?" 
"I-I asked him not to tell you"
"So that's why…" He whispered "Normally he tells me everything...you haven't answered my question, Kitty" He looked at you as you shyly shook your head  
"I'm not sure" You began, as your heart raced at an amazing speed you didn't know was possible. 
"I just know my heart races, and my gut twist in funny ways whenever I see you, or even think of you" You continued "There's something special about you and I can't pinpoint what. And I don't want to know either. You're the kind of mystery that should stay unsolved"
Satori smiled, quite satisfied with his answer.
"Such a weird kitty" he murmured leaning closer to you, pressing his forehead against yours, and closing his eyes. 
"Yeah" You breathed as Satori took deep breaths, getting drunk on your sweet smell. A sweet smell he could never grow tired of. A smell he'd love to smell every day close to him.
Desperate, with the anxiety twisting your gits more and more with every second, you stood up.on your toes, closing the distance between your faces, and pressing a shy kiss on his lips.
At once, he cupped your face, holding you there, as he kissed you back. Lips clumsily locking, exploring each other for the first time. A sweet kiss, the both of you had been craving so desperately finally bringing closure to the questions about the two of you dating. 
God, what a kiss. Stealing your breath, making your head feel light, thinking how you could easily become addicted to him. 
Finally, Satori slowly broke the kiss. Pressing a delicate kiss on the tip of your nose, and another one on your forehead before pressing his cheek against it. As you tried to catch your breath, Satori returned to look at the fish swimming calmly in the tank.
"Can you hear them?" Satori whispered as you followed his stare.  
"The fish" He answered as if it was obvious who he was talking about. You looked at him and smiled before looking back at the fish bank swimming in hypnotizing shapes. 
"What are they saying?"  You said playing along.
"You don't talk fish?" Satori joked looking at you crack a soft laugh.
"I'm sorry, I don't talk fish" You answered with a small cheeky smile on your lips. 
"You're beautiful" He whispered. 
Looking back at him, you noticed he was scanning your face. A subtle smile drawn on his face as he continued to admire you. One if his long thin hands cupped your cheek. He felt his heart melt as you gave into his touch and snuggled your face in his hand. He leaned closer, pressing another kiss on your lips. You stopped breathing for a second before you gasped against his lips in surprise and wrapped your arms around his chest squeezing him m gently against you.
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thebookwormfairy · 4 years
The-Family-Who-Lived AU
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James x Lily, Harry x Hermione
A/N: I already know I have sooooo many works I'm suppose to get out, but this is just stuck in my head and I can't get it out. So enjoy my first contribution to HP fandom
Voldemort was dead
He was finally gone
James sat heavily on his chair in Pottor Manor cradling his wife and son in his arms thinking of what happened earlier that night
The attack on his family
The obvious betrayal by his friend Peter who now was on his way to Azkaban
James didn't know what saved them from Vodemort or what killed him, but he was grateful
All he remembered was facing off against that evil man in his son's nursery. Begging him to spare Lily and Harry's lives
He saw the spell being cast he heard the words cross Voldemort's lips, but they didn't die
Everything was a blur after that
Them leaving the destroyed house
Seeing Hagrid arrive, telling him to send word to Dumbledore about what happen
Sirius and him capturing Peter and Sirius taking him in
Apporating away from the scene as reporters began spilling in promising answers in the morning
Lily shifted in his arms breaking him from his thoughts
Lily: What do we do now?
James: We treasure the gift we've been given
And that's what they did
James used his position as both and Aurora and the Head of a powerful and Ancient house to make sure every Death Eater that was brought before him faced justice
And when the Minstery refused to put away rich men who turned out to be Death Eaters he would use his title as a member of the Family-Who-Lived to remind people what could happen if they let these men walk
James helped put away men like Peter Pettigrew, Luscious Malfory, Barty Crouch Jr., and Severous Snape, so that his son could have a better and safer future
Soon James was promoted to Head Aurora for all his work against Death Eaters and keeping people safe
But he had a feeling him being a member of the Family-Who-Lived also played a part in thay
As Harry grew older and started to attend primary school (Lily insisted) Lily accepted the job as the Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts
At first a lot of the students were nervous around her, she was a member of the Family-Who-Lived, which meant she had to be a very powerful witch and very tough to help defeat He Who Must Not Be Named
As the students walked into the room they were expecting a very stern woman who wouldn't put up with anything
But soon she was able to disprove their expectations with her kindness and patience
Soon she was known as the cool professor throughout all the houses
When they entered her classroom she didn't care about the colors they wore, where they came from, or what their blood status was
They were her students first everything else second
She loved her job, she even started a couple of clubs for the muggleborns and halfbloods to help them keep connected to their roots in the muggle world, with some curious purebloods joining the clubs as well
Such as a muggle sports club with Madame Hooch were they would play sports like football and rugby
Lily would also smuggle in muggle shows using magic, the most popular one being Doctor Who
She showed an episode in class once and got a lot of the purebloods obsessed with it
Now she plays episodes in her classroom every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch
But no matter how busy they got in their professional lives Lily and James always made sure to put their family first
They made sure they were there for dinner every nigh and they would switch off who would pick Harry up from school with Remus and Sirus picking Harry up when neither could
The two men practically lived at Potter Manor with the family the only sleeping in their own apartments when they had a date (Sirius) or if it was close to the full moon (Remus)
With them being known as the Family-Who-Lived James and Lily was careful to not exposed Harry too much to the wizarding world
They didn't want him growing up in the lime light with constant scrutiny from others
Because of this they were very careful with who they let Harry interact with
The first family was of course the one of Harry's godmother the Longbottoms Alice, Frank, and Neville
The Second Family was the Weasleys who did everything they could to help during the war
The third was of course Sirius' favorite cousin Andy and her husband Ted with their little girl in tow who soon became the leader of the children when she was home from Hogwarts
The fourth family surprised a lot of people because it was the Malfoy family.
After Lucious went to Azkaban, Narcissa reconnected with her estranged sister Andy, begging for forgiveness and to start over
Andy of course welcomed her sister back into her life with open arms and vouch for her with the Potters
The boys from each family seem to take to each other almost immediately
And much to James' glee and Lily's annoyance Harry seemed to inherent James' knack for causing trouble and dragging innocent boys down with him
Harry loved his family and his life
He got to play with his best friends Ron, Neville, and Draco almost everyday
His dad and uncles would tell him all sort of stories from their days in Hogwarts and the trouble they caused
His favorite was about how his dad first met his mom
Lily would always roll her eyes when James told that story making sure to give Harry her side of it
When Harry turned 11 and got his Hogwarts letter the Muaraders sat Harry, Ron, Neville, and Draco down and told them about the Muraders and officially passed the name down to the new group of boys, giving them the map and Harry the invincibility cloak
The group of boys made a promise with eachother that they would become animagis just like the original members
Lily overheard them and made them promise to let her know when they started the process so she can at least keep an eye on them in case something goes wrong
They also promised to stay friends no matter what house they were sorted into
September 1st came faster then expected and soon the Potter family (uncles included) were dropping Harry off on Platform 9¾
As they past through the barrier Harry told them he was going to look to see if his friends had arrived yet running off before any of the adults could tell him no
Lily *shaking her head*: That boy, I swear he's just like you, James.
James *laighing and wrapping his arms around Lily's waist*: He's much more like you my love with his brilliant mind and caring heart
Lily: Flattery will get you no where Potter. Can any of you see Harry or the Malfoys, Longbottoms, or Weasleys?
The men began to scan the crowd looking for the young Potter and his friends
Sirius*pointing in the opposite direction Harry went*: There are the Malfoys
James: And I can see Frank by the train
Remus *stifling laughter and pointing*: And I think I see history repeating itself
The other adults looked over to where Remus was pointing seeing that Remus was right
They could see Harry with a lovestruck look on his face as he talked to a young girl with wild brown hair and her obviously muggle parents
Sirius let out barking laughter as he watch little prongslet grab the girl and start dragging her over to them with her parents following the children, probably a bit worried about this strange boy taking their daughter away
Harry *dragging the girl over*: MUM! DAD! UNCLE PADFOOT! UNCLE MOONY! I want you guys to meet Hermione Granger!
James *trying to hide his laughter*: Hello Hermiome it's nice to meet you
Hermione *shyly*: Hello
The group of adults also introduced themselves to Hermione's parents as the two children continued to chat with eachother
Slowly the rest of the group started to join them with Harry introducing each boy to his new friend
Lily couldn't help but noticed that as Harry eagerly introduce Hermione to the other boys, he also had his arm wrapped around her the whole time not seeming to realize that he was doing it.
As the time came for the kids to board the train goodbyes were exchanged, hugs were shared, and tears were shed (James: They're not tears Lily! It's liquid bride!)
As the kids were about to board the train Harry turned to the Grangers wrapping his arm around Hermione's shoulders again
Harry: Don't worry about Hermione I'll take care of her
Hermione gets a bit of a sour expression on her face, turning to face Harry as his arm fell from her shoulders
Hermione: I am more than capable of taking care of myself
Harry's lovestruck expression returned
Harry: Of that I have no doubt
The two said their final goodbyes to the adults before boarding the train
The adults stayed on the platform watching as the Hogwarts Express drove out of sight
As the adult wave goodbye and the Granger's left the train station sighting the need to return to their dentistry practice and the other families left as well the Muraders burst into laughter
Lily*hitting James on the shoulder*: This is all your fault!
James *still laughing*: What?
Sirius: Don't be too hard on him Lily
Remus *shaking his head*: That poor girl has no idea what she just got drag into
James: Did you see her reaction to Harry's comment at the end? No, she isn't going to be drag into anything else so easily. She's a fighter I can tell
Lily: Well we'll just have to wait and see
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
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➤ pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤ chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤ summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 1939
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-ˏˋ chapter four ˊˎ-
4:00 PM
"TANAKA AND NOYA, KEEP IT DOWN!" Daichi yelled, his head turned to the back of the bus where a mixture of wild and feral first year and second year volleyball players sat. He turned back and sank into his seat in the first row of the bus where he was sat with the rest of his first years players who were seated across you and Shimizu. The scolding Daichi gave his team was very much effective however, all hell breaks loose once more as the bus stops for a toilet break in a gas station and everyone chaotically raced to get off the bus. You didn't need the toilet so you stayed back and remained seated.
You felt your pocket vibrate and you mentally squealed with glee. You rushed to pull your phone out and read the message sent to you.
Oikawa: hey :) are you there yet?
You looked around to see if anyone was snooping but thankfully, a good 9/10 of the team went to to use the toilet so no one was there to read your messages.
Y/N: We're almost there! Hinata begged for another toilet break...
Oikawa: hahahaha if he were on my team i would've just left him
You smiled at his playful message and began to type another reply.
"Watcha smiling at?" A voice in front of you said out of nowhere. You jumped in your seat at the sight of the charismatic yet cunning vice captain and accidentally threw your phone up in the air. The silver haired boy laughed at your overreaction and bent down to pick your phone up as you felt your cheeks and ears burn up.
"Man, we're never gonna reach Seijoh at this point." He groaned as he handed your phone back. The Karasuno volleyball team was headed to another practice match with Aoba Johsai but this time, it was held in their school.
It has been over a week since you last saw OIkawa and traded phone numbers with him. You've been texting him on a daily basis at this point and you felt ecstatic when Takeda sensei announced the practice match. You had to conceal your smile as the announcement was taking place as you felt Tanaka and Nishinoya's eyes burning a hole on your back, as if they knew exactly what was going through your head. Of course, you kept the fact that you've been getting friendly with their rival's team captain under wraps, though it wasn't like anyone has come up to you and asked who you were texting so you weren't technically lying about anything but you did feel guilty for some reason.
"What are you thinking about Y/N?" Sugawara hummed as he fixed some bags on the overhead compartment above your seat. "O-oh um nothing, I was just wondering why we don't have practice matches with other schools," you lied, "I never knew Karasuno had such strong ties with Seijoh." Sugawara rested his chin on top of the seat beside me, furrowing his eyebrows in deep thought. "That's true, it's odd how Aoba Johsai asks for a practice match so soon after our last one, especially because they won previously. During my entire three years in this club, Seijoh has only reached out to us a total of three times so they must really like us now huh." He shrugged. You were about to continue the conversation but the bus was shortly filled back in with the rest of the team and you were forced to continue the journey to the practice match.
You arrived in another fifteen minutes and the boys immediately started to stretch and warm up for the practice match they were all so pumped about, still unsatisfied with the result from the match they previously had. You took a seat beside coach Ukai and Shimizu and pulled out a notebook and a pen from your backpack to take down notes of the match. A student from Seijoh playing as the referee blew his whistle and commenced the match.
You looked over to Aoba Johsai's side of the court to see Oikawa serving first. His brown hair was styled as usual with no hair out of place and his veins on his right arm popped ever so slightly as he held the volleyball he was going to serve with one hand. He threw the ball up in the air and your eyes unexpectedly met. He smirked in the midst of jumping to deliver his signature jump serve and hit the ball with all the power he had. Though the power he had could leave anyone in awe, the word "OUT" echoed the gym and Oikawa was greeted with a smack on his head by his vice captain, Iwaizumi, who he frequently mentioned in your conversations.
The entire team glanced menacingly at their captain while he rubbed the back of his neck and gave them a playful wink, making you giggle at the sight of the peculiar volleyball captain. You thought all captains of any sports team would be more reliable and mature like Daichi but you guess you were wrong.
The matched resumed and the ball Kageyama served turned to be a chance ball for Seijoh. The ball fell into Oikawa's hands and he perfectly and accurately sets to his vice captain, allowing him to spike. The white uniformed team momentarily cheered at their first point of the day and their first years gave Oikawa showers of praises for the performance he just did. "I guess he is reliable in his own special way." You quietly whispered to yourself, subtly smiling at him.
The game resumes as usual. Aoba Johsai snatched the win for the first set and the two teams took a five minute break before resuming the match. Oikawa winks at you before running towards his bench to get a drink and to discuss tactics with his fellow teammates.
"Dude, what is up with you." Iwaizumi asked his captain after dragging him out of the crowd of resting volleyball players. "What are you talking about?" Oikawa innocently replied, casting a smile towards his childhood friend. The shorter of the two tightened his grip on his water bottle as he saw his fabricated smile. "Don't tell me you went all the way to beg the coach to set up a practice match with Karasuno just to hit on a girl." Iwaizumi sighed as he came to the realization of his best friend's intentions, "I know you're a bit messed up in your head but this is the first time I've seen you go this far just to get a girl's attention." He started, putting his hand on his captain's shoulder but before he could go on any further, a whistle was blown, commencing the start of the next set. Oikawa slyly grinned, mentally thanking the referee for getting him out of a lecture and started to jog back to the court. "Just quit staring at her, I'm sure blondie over there already got a hint on what you're after." The Seijoh ace whispered to the captain, averting his gaze from a not so happy Tsukishima, who was trying to look at Oikawa dead in the eye.
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6:00 PM
The two schools managed to finish two three set games by the time the sun has already begun to set. Fortunately, Karasuno was able to win a game which means each Seijoh and Karasuno won three sets by the end of the day. This improvement left a happier and satisfied impression with the Karasuno team which made you happy as well, seeing them so proud with their performance.
Everyone was already outside, getting ready to board the bus back home and were all noisily discussing the match. Knowing how immature and irresponsible the boys can be, Shimizu took it upon herself to take a quick scan of Seijoh's gym to make sure none of them left any of their belongings like the responsible manager she is but, you stopped her as you felt bad that you didn't do nearly as much work as she has done. You told her not to worry and to save you a seat on the bus before running back into the gym.
You knew the boys were exhausted from the intense and long rallies they had throughout the game so they were dying to go back home to get a proper rest so, you sprinted into the gym and attempted to get back to the bus as fast as you can.
You scanned the floors for any familiar bags and the area where you and Shimizu sat and realized that nothing was left behind. You turned sharply after checking under the benches and expected to see the view of the gym's polished wooden floors but all you can see was pitch black nothingness as your face made "thud" noise.
"Y/N-chan?" The wall you just collided with spoke. You raised your head quickly in embarrassment as you realized you just ran into Oikawa, to be specific, ran into his torso. You shifted your gaze from his white uniformed abdomen to the confused look he was wearing on his face.
You were speechless. You didn't know what to say or do. A million thoughts are running through your head, attempting to find ways to cope with the embarrassing act you've just done but a laugh interrupted your thinking. "Man, Y/N-chan, you gotta be more careful from now on! What if you did this to Mad Dog-chan? He'd bite your head off!" He chuckled as he patted your head softly. You stared at him in disbelief, trying to piece your thoughts together as your whole face turned red. All you could say was "sorry" in the midst of his fits of laughter.
"But I'm glad I was able to bump into you alone Y/N! Metaphorically and physically." He said as he finally calmed down, his face beaming at yours. "W-Why?" You stammered, still not over what just happened. Oikawa bent down close to your left ear promptly, not giving you time to fluster over his abrupt move. He was so close you could feel his warm breath on the left side of your neck. "Well afterall, I did arrange all this just so I could see you again." His voice soothed. You felt your surroundings go mute again, just like the last time you saw him. Without skipping a beat, he continued. "Y/N-chan." His voice was deeper than usual, a serious tone draped over your name. Without realizing, you held your breath in anticipation of his next words.
"Will you go on a date with me?"
You turned your head to face him. A date? The captain of Seijoh's volleyball team is asking you on a date? Everything felt surreal and the whole world seemed to spin. Your breathing was deep and slow as your gaze met his sickly sweet smile.
You were ecstatic. Never in a million years, you would've thought your classic case of unrequited love and admiration would turn up like a protagonist's love story in a shojo manga. Your heart was beating so fast, it felt like it could leap out of your throat. You wanted to scream yes immediately, however a series of coughs from the entrance of the gym interrupted the golden moment you were experiencing.
Both you and Oikawa, whose bodies were an inch apart, diverted your attention to the tall blonde boy leaning against the door, just a few steps away from where you were.
"We're waiting for you, Y/N."
next:  -ˏˋ chapter five ˊˎ- 
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter three ˊˎ-
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Best One Yet
Gendry choked as he opened the Tyrell’s front door and a fog of dried ice assaulted him. However he waved it away and gallantly held the door open wider so that Arya could slip under his arm and enter. 
“Wow Margaery really outdid herself again this year didn’t she!” It was more fact than question, one Gendry didn’t bother answering as they took in their surroundings for the evening.  Margaery Tyrell had gone all out this year and had decorated her house as if it were a mausoleum, if mausoleums were underground vampire clubs of course. Columns that Gendry was at least seventy-five percent sure hadn’t been there before, now lined the entrance  and into the ballroom  of the estate. Instead of twinkling lights or whatever it was that they usually used for parties it seemed like Margaery and Loras had acquired a couple hundred sconces to light the house in a flickering candlelight. Gendry hoped that when the eventual fire would start Arya and he would be long gone. Though it seemed as though Arya had no such plan, eyeing the “mood lighting” in absolute delight.  
“This is amazing! Robb had said Margaery had been going crazy the last week or so with planning, but even he has to admit it was worth it!”  
“I don’t know, I kinda like last years theme better.” Last year had been a pumpkin carving party with tons of alcohol involved. 
“That’s just because you enjoyed seeing Joffrey accidentally cut himself with a carving knife.”
“And you didn’t?” 
“Well lets just say I wasn’t boo hooing as his goons dragged him to the hospital for stitches.” Arya smiled as she thought back to Joffrey almost fainting from the sight of all his blood.  
“Arya, Gendry! I’m so glad you came!” Margaery Tyrell was on them in an instant hugging and kissing both on the cheek before pulling away to look at them. 
“Love your costumes by the way! Please tell me that you’ll both enter the couples contest!”  Margery spoke over the music. Arya looked up at Gendry coyly and shrugged. This year they had decided to go as Batman and Catwoman.  Not the most original costume idea they’ve had but one that suited them fine nonetheless. In fact Arya was rather proud of the look. Having decided to go with a more vintage looking Catwoman, taking her inspiration right from Julie Newmar. 
Arya had begged Sansa for months to make the costume and after promising to cover Sansa’s chores for the rest of the year. (As well as forking over the money for materials needed and a little extra for service) Arya couldn’t be happier! How Sansa had gotten the pattern needed and an almost exact type of fabric she couldn’t say but damn was her sister good at what she does. Sansa had even offered to help her do her hair and make up, styling it like Brigitte Bardot. 
Arya had thought Gendry would go with the Nolan batman costume or something of that nature. To show off his stature and muscles, also because it was overall just bad ass if she had to say so. However, to her surprise Gendry showed up to her house in the Adam West Costume eyebrow mask and all. Once Arya could stand up straight again after laughing too hard she asked him why the choice? 
“Who doesn’t want to be Adam West? Besides the other costumes made me look strange with all the extra padding sewn in on them.” Gendry did mention off-handedly, obviously a little embarrassed at the explanation but Arya couldn’t see why.  Gendry had a great fucking body, one that was constantly on her mind if she was honest. He was well built from years of sports and hard work, lifting and carrying car parts and tools at his job at Mott’s Garage. He wasn’t crazy muscular  like Dany’s Boyfriend was but he was still fit buff. In Fact with him wearing the batsuit she was reminded of vintage photos of American football players. 
Shaking away her thoughts she turned back to Margaery admiring her own costume choice,  Margaery had opted for a vampire look, befitting this year's theme.  She was wearing a long flowy black sheer and laced corset dress with black and red roses adorning her hair in a makeshift crown that ended up cascading strategically down the back of her hair in smaller roses. 
“Margaery your costume is great, I can see why Robb spent so much on his costume!” Arya 
“Hey from what I heard my costume didn’t cost anything near what  yours did. Hey Gendry what’s up? Batman nice!” Robb had joined the little group, greeting Gendry with their usual hug and leaned over to try and muss Arya’s hair who expertly dodged. Robb’s costume was very similar to Margaery's having an almost Victorian design with the same details sewn into the dress cape he wore.  The group talked a little longer but Margaery had to excuse herself having hosting duties and Robb being the ever dutiful boyfriend followed her.  Arya turned to Gendry eyed him up and down a glint in her eyes as she spoke
“Mr. Wayne would you care to dance?”
“Only if you call me Batman when we are out in public, Don’t want to have my identity known.”
“Purrr-fect.” Arya jokingly said as she grabbed Gendry’s hand and excitedly led him to the dance floor. Where a dark techno beat was blasting. For the next hour or so they danced. It was truly an eclectic set Margaery had put together. one moment it was a haunting waltz music which unsurprisingly for the group that had gathered all knew. (products of their upbringings) Gendry was a little nervous only having learned these dances later in life but Arya gently reminded him as they went and soon it was no problem at all for him, even surprising her once or twice with twirls and dips. 
There were also the songs where they pull each other closer, moving rhythmically to the slowed hypnotic beats. A growing frustration at wanting to be even closer to each other, often forgetting where they were and getting caught up in the moment. Only getting a warning  click of disapproval from Jon once, before his girlfriend Ygritte dragged him away.  
 While jumping along when rave music blasted.  After one final dance, one that was exceptionally energetic, Gendry pleaded for a break and both moved towards the refreshment tables. Gendry in search of food and drink for them while Arya looked for a place to sit.  
“Arya come sit at my table!” Sansa’s voice rang out clearly but Arya had trouble placing it until a wild hand beckoned her forward.  
“Sansa is that you?” Arya was shocked instead of seeing her normal long Tully red hair Sansa was wearing a short dark black wig. Styled in a classic men's side part. It was jarring to see her with dark short hair. Arya thought rather enviously that it suited her even better than when Arya sported a short cropped hairstyle all those long years ago. Sansa’s delicate features were highlighted even more. And was it possible that Sansa’s blue eyes looked even brighter  because of the dark color? Life was unfair.
However, Arya didn’t dwell on it like she would have years ago instead she smiled widely and  approached Sansa who for her part was lounging at the table she had acquired and was looking around the room from time to time.
“This is great isn’t it? I think it’s even better than junior year's Rocky Horror theme!”  Sansa exclaimed as Arya plopped down beside her. 
That year had been a karaoke party while the film continuously played on loop on one of the dance floor walls. Sansa had been dragged up to the mic to sing and pretty much stole the show.  Well at least she had until Olenna Tyrell walked down the stairs for a drink  and came face to er- Renly Baratheon's gyrating hips as he danced drunkenly on one of the tables.
 It had been a night to remember truly. Especially when Olenna surprised everyone and grabbed the mic from Sansa’s hands and with a strength that a woman of her age shouldn’t have possessed pulled Renly down from the table and had him singing along with her in no time. 
“That was a pretty great party.”  Arya admitted remembering Sansa’s scandalized face at the time.
“Hey Arya I grabbed a whole bunch of different things to eat! I even snagged a goodie bag for dessert. I figured we can grab a few more later. Margaery isn’t going to notice- Oh hey Sansa almost didn’t recognize you!  Great costume but I thought Arya said you were going as the little mermaid?” 
“Oh I am, however somebody made a better case that they should be Ariel” Sansa replied casually with a conspiratorial  smile forming across her lips as she looked behind them. 
“Sup Bitches! Gendry I love what you’ve done with your brows!” Theon shouted loudly as he placed two bottles on the table, a water for Sansa and a beer for him.
 Gendry who had taken a bite out of his cupcake  once again  began to choke, though Arya couldn’t be worried at the moment as she grinned wildly at Theon reaching over the table to give him a high five.  Theon had a long red wig on and a purple seashell bra that was slightly skewed. His bottom half Arya was happy to see covered by a mertail.  Which was connected to a stick so he could move it around. 
“Alright I give up, Gendry I don’t think we are going to win the costume contest.”
“That’s fine with me, if you guys don’t win it, the contest is rigged!” 
“Come on now, I think we’ve got a good shot to win this year” Ygritte's voice came from behind as everyone turned to look at them. Ygritte and Jon looked absolutely ridiculous in their Scoops Ahoy costumes. 
Jon had absolutely refused at first, saying there was no way he’d walk around looking like that. Contest or not.
 However, it was no surprise to Arya that, that evening as she was walking through the hallway she spotted Jon meticulously adjusting the sailor hat to sit perfectly on his locks. Jon having caught her looking only sighed defeatedly and shrugged his shoulders.  As if to say  “what can you do?”  
Everyone moved around so that there was more room at the table and Theon nodded his head regarding the newest members of the table looking them up and down  before his normal sly smile crept across his face.
“I’ll give it to you, you’ve got the upper hand in terms of popularity at the moment. But what Sans and I’ve got is pure classic nostalgia, and humor. Though I do have to admit Snow, those shorts are a riot!”
“Not to mention you really nailed the hair Harrington!” Robb joined the conversation plopping on the only chair left at the table next to Jon and ruffling his hair. Causing Jon to curse moving out of reach and adjusting the hat once more.
“Where’s Margaery? Sansa asked, looking around for her.
“She’s setting up for the runway right now.” Robb answered as he swiped Theon’s beer taking a sip for himself while Theon went to go get more drinks for the table.
“She got a runway for this?” Gendry asked in disbelief, rich people never stopped surprising him.
“Hey at least it’s not a haunted mansion like she rented three years ago.” Robb offered knowingly. Patting Gendry on the back.
“But Harrenhal was awesome. I want to go back!” Arya defended. Gendry looked visibly ill at the thought. That was back before they had become a couple, they had decided to go to the party with their friend Hot Pie. It was not a good night for Gendry who up until that moment had been able to keep his fear of jump scares and ghost to a minimum. It also didn’t help that some pretty boy named Jaqen had gone along on their group's tour, walking with Arya and laughing at the scare actors and tour guide as they went. 
The only thing that made the tour bearable was after one close call of Gendry nearly hitting a worker with his Thor hammer. Arya having realized what was wrong, left the front of the group to walk side by side with him the rest of the night. Taking his hand in preparation for the next scare, and squeezing it to reassure him before letting go again. At some point in the night Gendry just kept a hold of her hand. And within the week they were going out. So yeah maybe Harrenhal wasn’t as bad as he remembered.  But still the thought of the creepy burnt house and all the ghost and ghouls that were there was enough to keep him away for a lifetime
The rest of the night ended up staying for the most part at the table, laughing and reminiscing on Halloween’s past. Theon caused everyone to cry from laughter as he retold highlights of his tricks as a child. How he had successfully tee-peed old Walder Frey's house and never got caught. To which Robb added that he never got caught only because Robb was blamed for it instead. It cost Robb a month of cleaning and yard work at the man’s house to make up for it. 
Arya had moved from her chair at some point to sit on Gendry’s lap and leaned into the crook of his neck enjoying the feeling of his body laughing at her brother’s wild antics. It was nice to see the usually stoic man open up and enjoy other peoples company. But Arya  knew it was only because this was her crazy family and he’d known all of them just as long as she’d known him. He was just as much a part of the stories as anyone else.  
The group ate and drank the rest of the night, Robb having left half way through to go help Margaery once more, and soon the contest had begun.  The crowd cheered as each couple walked the runway.  Margaery and Robb walked first after having explained they wouldn’t be competing but still thought the costumes deserved to be appreciated. They looked like quite the power couple. Then after a while Jon and Ygritte had their turn. Both laughing as they walked, people screaming their character’s names and quoting the show as they went.  As they sat back down Jon winked at Arya.
“Beat that.”
“Oh trust me, we will!” feeling her competitive streak rise up Arya hopped out of Gendry’s lap and grabbed his arm dragging him along. After quickly consulting with each other on what they were going to do Arya ran back stage to hand her phone to Margaery asking her to play it on the sound system. By the time Arya got back to Gendry it was almost their time to walk. And as soon as the original batman theme started playing the crowd went wild. Gendry ran out on stage karate chopping and punching the air in wild broad strokes in time with the music. Meanwhile Arya waited until he was about two thirds of the way down the runway and then she was going. Thanking her parents for all the years of gymnastics she had taken Arya carted her way down. Twisting and flipping perfectly down the line. Before landing perfectly next to Gendry. Both grinned like idiots as they took a sweeping bow. Confident in their spot they hopped off the Stage Gendry catching Arya easily in his arms which added more fuel to the fire as the crowd laughed and cheered even more. Walking back to their table Arya eyed Ygritte coyly before asking.
“Still think you're winning?”  
“No, no we know when we’re beat.” Ygritte laughed.
“I just hope you know when you Are.” Jon said with a chuckle as he pointed to the stage where Sansa and Theon were alreadying posing. And once the regular music started once more. Both started to strut the runway. In tandem looking like ridiculous models. At some point Theon somehow was able to wrap the part of the tail that was attached to a stick around his neck dramatically like a scarf before ripping it free at the end of the walk. Sansa for her part pulled out a sword from a hilt and started brandishing it. Arya quickly realized it was her prized fencing sword Jon had bought her.  But couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. Instead she threw her head back wolf whistling as Theon turned “seductively” around showing the complete costume.  In the end it really was no contest. Sansa and Theon won by a landslide. And after a long winded and completely  unnecessary acceptance speech on Theon’s part. (which Arya was very sure she heard Jon muttering to himself that he wished Theon would actually lose his voice.) The party had drawn to a close. The group separated all feeling like the night wasn’t quite over. Gendry hummed in content as he and Arya made it back to his apartment. Having ditched the costumes for more comfortable clothes Arya was snuggled up on the couch in one of Gendry’s large t-shirts, as Gendry flipped through dvd’s before finally settling on one. Quickly putting it in and turning off the lights he sat on the couch as well, gladly letting Arya into his space as she leaned against him once more.  Arya laughed as the title menu for the batman show lit up the screen. 
“Not tired of it yet?”
“No way gotta pay homage to it right?”
“Right, and what better way than a marathon and candy?”
“Oh shit I forgot to get the goodie bags!” 
“I know, that’s why I swiped them, when you were asking Robb if they needed any help cleaning.”
“Why you crafty little thief there’s like 10 bags here!” Gendry laughed as Arya pulled her bag she had taken for the night out and revealed all the treats she had grabbed. Arya merely shrugged, pulling two out and tossing one to Gendry.
“ What can I say? I really wanted to pay homage to Catwoman.” 
This was hands down Margaery’s best Halloween party yet.
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charlthotte · 4 years
Breaking Through The Iron Wall - Aone Takanobu x Reader
Chapter 4
The squeak of trainers stubbing themselves on the gym floor echoed throughout the massive establishment. Around a dozen boys in volleyball uniforms were scattered around the court, spiking and blocking balls with ungodly strength. It was truly mesmerising seeing a spherical piece of foam being smashed around the court at an immense velocity, even when their hands met with the ball - the force didn't phase them one bit. That was truly amazing.
Futakuchi must have noticed myself and Aone entering the gym through the corner of his eye, he immediately dropped the ball he held in his hands. Soon, his annoying smirk regained its composure upon his face. "What is their highness doing here? We are but a simple sports club, after all." That boy seemed to poke bucket loads of fun out of messing with people. Tired of his jests, I folded my arms and sighed, feeling rather ticked off my his words. At that moment, Aone must have sent him a look, as Futakuchi soon came to his senses and asked me a question. A question that was certainly very out of the blue. "So... Your highness, it seems that our team is in need of a manager; seeing as though our last manager - Nametsu - is in Greece because of a foreign exchange program."
"And what am I meant to do about that?" I replied curtly.
"Well, pretty, pretty please could you be our new manager?" He spoke in the voice of a little girl, furiously batting his eyelashes whilst swaying from side to side, with his hands cupping his face.
"I'm sorry but I don't know much about volleyball. Wouldn't someone else be better at the job other than me?" I inquired, seriously confused.
"However, I do see that Aone was the one to bring you here, and you wouldn't want to disappoint him, would you? Futakuchi's face switched from that of a child to his devilish smirk, knowing the right buttons to press in order for me to accept his offer.
"Wouldn't you need the captain's approval first?" I asked, trying to worm my way out of being the manager in any way possible. "Or the coach?"
He snickered, "I see what you're doing. Moniwa! Coach Oiwake! Come here!" He belted across the gym, beckoning his hands towards himself. A boy with choppy, black hair wearing the number 2 and a man with his hair slicked back with a stern disposition made their ways towards Futakuchi. There weren't going to be any chances for escape after that.
The captain seemed as if he didn't want to entertain Futakuchi and what he was going to say. Everyone was probably thinking that too.
"Captain..." Futakuchi cooed, falling into his childlike state again, "Don't you think it'd be great if this person here became our manager, they've already met Aone and myself?"
"Don't ask me leading questions, Futakuchi. It is their choice to join anyway." The captain turned towards me, shooting me a look of compassion. I did need to join a club, but none I had came across interested me. If I did want to join, I would have already known people, which was obviously a bonus. Pondering for a little longer, I wondered what clubs Hiroko and Rea did? Surely they'd be less demanding than being a manager. Futakuchi also wouldn't be a part of their clubs. Seeing his grimace each day, would have surely drained me.
I nodded in appreciation towards the captain. "Thank you. I'm not acquainted with the rules of volleyball, so I don't think I'd be the best fit."
Once again, Futakuchi started to open his mouth, "But Moniwa! There hasn't been a single other applicant for the position, and we could teach them over time." I could tell he wasn't going to give up anytime soon, the thought of that and how draining his consistent begging would be, I began to cave. 
"Maybe you could give me until tomorrow to think about it? I think I'd make the better decision if I think it over properly" However, I knew all too well that no would probably still had been the answer.
"Yeah, that's completely fine. I'm Moniwa Kaname by the way." He held out his hand before me.
"Thanks, (L/N) (F/N)." I then took his hand in mine and shook it, and his grip was certainly more intense than any I had felt before. "Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow." I swiftly turned around and headed for the outside, wanting to be out of that situation.
And of course, Futakuchi had one more thing to say, "You better say yes, your highness!" Turning around again, my face met his and glared at him, and I ushered him away with a curt wave of my hand. That thing was infuriating. I tried to keep my walking at its fastest pace possible so I wouldn't be in view of the gym anymore. From checking my watch I noticed I had a decent amount of time before my train came, so maybe I'd do a bit more reading when I arrived at the station. 
Walking down, my velocity was set at a mere saunter compared to the jog this morning, the afternoon air hitting my face making me feel somewhat refreshed. My head remained empty for the rest of my stroll, there was no need to think, I was walking down the path solitaire - just admiring whatever new things came into my view. Seeing as though, I didn't really get the chance to that morning. This place was just a completely different world compared to my last hometown. 
After arriving at the station, I set my bag down beside me and fumbled around inside it for my book. I had read quite a large portion of its contents earlier, the new page about the oak-leaved geranium. Giving it to someone would mean that you believe that your friendship with the recipient was true, so true that your bond could never be broken. It could also mean that you believe that your friendship outshines every other one in existence. Once again, I thought how beautiful it was that something so powerful could be expressed with something so delicate, something that could easily die if not taken care of. Maybe that was the whole concept behind the language, if you let the flower die - the meaning of the flower would die with it. I sat in thought for minutes more, contemplating the meaning of things we can and could say.
Not so long into the future, the train pulled up. Sparsely packed and there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the vehicle's integrity, quite a pleasant situation - given the shenanigans of the earlier hours of the day. I plonked my body down onto a seat by myself, gazing out the window, this time my thoughts interrupted by the choice I had to make. 'Should I join? But what if there's a person better fitted to the job and they don't get the chance. After all, their original manager was still joined onto the club, she could still come back. But that meant my job wouldn't last that long." I thought to myself, waffling on and on inside my head - almost panicking in a place where nobody could hear. I just couldn't seem to calm my subconscious down by even one peg. I regret to say that the rest of the journey, my mind stayed locked in the state of internal pandaemonium. 
I hopped off the train, my head still stirring inside of me. I didn't even acknowledge my parents when I came through the door, I simply clambered up the stairs and flopped straight onto my bed, my head drowned into my pillow. Only coming out for air when I realised what I had said to myself earlier. I'd simply ask Hiroko what clubs her and Rea were in. Propping myself upon my headboard, I typed the digits I had been given by Hiroko.
"Hey Hiroko. It's (Y/N), just a quick question. What clubs are you and Rea in?"
It barely took her thirty seconds to reply.
"Hey!!!!!! I'm with Rea right now! She is in the computing club but she ditches everyday :( I'm in the rowing club but we can't take anymore members. Why'd you ask?
"I've been asked to manage the boys' volleyball team, but I don't really want to."
"OMG!!! That's so cool! Imagine managing a team that's practically famous!"
Famous? Why would a public school like Date Tech be famous? I thought that was a little weird, so I questioned Hiroko about it.
"Didn't you know?!?! They're basically famous in Miyagi for their iron wall of blocks!!"
"Oh, that's pretty cool I guess. Sorry for troubling you."
"No problem! See you later!"
I thought that it may be cool to manage a 'famous' team, and I wouldn't be the one playing the sport everyday. All I'd have to do was put little things together and keep players like Futakuchi in check. After all, my plan of joining a club with Rea and Hiroko wasn't going to work at all, maybe I'd even get to miss school to go to their matches. I did have to join a club at some point, and there weren't any that caught my attention. Even if I didn't like it - I'd only have to stay until their actual manager got back from Greece.
Didn't Futakuchi say something about disappointing Aone?
"However, I do see that Aone was the one to bring you here, and you wouldn't want to disappoint him would you?"
Did he really mean that? I hadn't even known Aone for 24 hours - wouldn't disappointing him in that way seem strange? But, from what I'd seen Futakuchi do; he was probably just trying to pull my strings for himself. But why was he even trying to do that in the first place? Was he really that desperate for a manager?
I took one deep breath in, attempting to not let the questions drown me again. But other than the grimace, were there really any negatives that came with being their manager? Maybe being their manager would be a good thing to me...
And that's exactly what I was going to do.
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for-ests · 4 years
Love It If We Made It: Oikawa Tooru x Reader (Part 2)
Part 1 [ mlist ]
word count: 4,770
summary: After seeing Oikawa again, you agree to show up to one of his matches. How can you make him feel better after a devastating loss? 
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Tooru 💕: hey pretty lady, come watch me play tomorrow 🥴
Y/N-chan🦋: send me the addy and I'll be there :-)
That promise you kept. Though you were loaded with hundred of responsibilities, you managed to carve time out of your day to attend Oikawa's prelims.
The introvert in you begged to have someone attend with you, but the extrovert knew it was better if you gained the courage to go by yourself. Nobody else would understand how important it was to you and to him. And frankly, you didn't want to explain your relationship with the handsome setter.
Just thinking about Oikawa made you blush. Thinking about how important he had been to you, the things you went through, every smile, every hug- even the one kiss. Your first kiss.
Though you hadn't seen the boy in years, his presence had never left.
In a way you couldn't describe, his soul had shaped yours. Even if it sounded rash coming from someone so young and naive, you felt that you had met your other half.
You needed him, and you had been missing him for far too long.
The thought caused your throat to tighten. How could you ever gain the courage to tell him that? Someone who had always been so outspoken, so kind, so gentle.
Admitting your feelings at this time could ruin everything. You felt like you had missed your chance.
And sadly, you knew Oikawa had problems too. He was just excellent at hiding them. Hiding behind the persona he had built up ever since he had joined the volleyball club in sixth grade.
You were just happy to see him again. Right now, that was all you wanted to think about. He was by your side again, in the little ways he could.
So you had to return the favor. Though you had no other business attending a high school volleyball game that wasn't your own, you waltzed into the gym, standing off to the side by the railing in front of the student section.
Stay calm. You repeated, feeling the eyes of hundreds of students on your back. Having someone by your side would have been the right cure. Perhaps it was a brainless move to wear your Karasuno volleyball club zip up sweatshirt.
No. You squeezed your eyes shut. Be confident. Do it for Oikawa if not for you.
Before you could sulk further, the doors on the opposite side of the gym flung open, and as per usual, Aoba Johsai waltzed in with nervous smiles upon their faces, and others with stone cold glares.
Knowing Oikawa, most people would expect a smile be placed upon his face—but you knew better. His confidence only reached so far. He was a nervous wreck.
Oikawa walked beside Iwaizumi, silent.
You heard anxious squeals from the top stands on your right, and you managed to refrain from rolling your eyes. Of course his creepy fan girls came. Why would you expect anything less? If only it made sense for people to come because they loved watching the sport, and not because they had a crush on a senior boy that didn't even know their names.
Wow. You bit your lip. Why were you so angry?
Suddenly flustered, you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck to relieve some tension.
Your movements caught Oikawa's eyes from above. He lifted his head, finally noticing your arrival.
His permanent frown vanished at the sight of you.
"Hi!" You waved, hoping your interaction wouldn't draw too much attention. But everything involving Oikawa drew attention.
Staring into his deep brown eyes was a blessing. Nobody had ever made you feel so whole, so appreciated and loved.
He seemed to acknowledge your discomfort, and again, like the old days, he tried everything he could to make you feel relaxed again.
"Y/N-Chan!" He seemed to sing, disregarding all the other people in the stands cheering his name, trying desperately to gain his attention.
Not knowing how to react, you put your hands together and shaped a heart. That was all you needed to do to show Oikawa how much you cared, and how much you missed him.
The brunette's eyes widened, and despite all the pressure that was weighing down on his shoulders, he formed one in return.
You couldn't stop your cheeks from darkening. The instant chemistry that flowed between the two of you was overwhelming, yet somehow comforting.
His commanding gaze caused all your worries to fall back into the deeper parts of your mind. For a moment, you had forgotten about them. Your sadness seemed irrelevant.
"I'll see you after." He mouthed, turning back to his team.
That made you incredibly nervous. How were you going to explain everything that happened to you? Would he see you as someone completely different?
Your jaw clenched. What if he didn't feel the same?
One look his way and all your hidden, childish, and embarrassing feelings for him came flooding back.
Taking a deep breath to silence your anxious and somewhat pessimistic thoughts, you gained the courage to glance behind you and look for a seat. There were hundreds of high-schoolers present, many of them who seemed to be shooting you dirty looks-- especially the girls who were cheering Oikawa's name earlier.
Yeah... you definitely should have made one of your friends come with you.
As you were scanning the crowd, you noticed there were other schools present, which were sporting their own school's names. It made you remember how important this game was, the prelims were nothing to be taken lightly.
Feeling as if you were searching for too long, you turned back and decided to stay by the railing. There were countless others doing the same, so you didn't feel too awkward standing beside them.
That was until you heard a husky voice from behind.
"Oh? Karasuno?" It chuckled loudly. You turned, surprised to find a group of high school boys that seemed strikingly familiar.
"Oh!" You blushed, realizing their gazes had been on you since your bold interaction with Oikawa. "Hi again..."
Your eyes widened slightly, as you had forgotten their names. But you remembered them from the joint training camp that Karasuno had been invited to by Nekoma. The other boy was from Fukurodani... you felt bad for not remembering their names- but so much had happened since then.
"You're Karasuno's manager right?" The dark haired one of the duo asked flirtatiously. "Was it L/N?"
Swaying back and forth on your feet, you nodded. "Yeah, but you guys can call me Y/N, that's fine."
Noticing your discomfort of attending the match alone, the Nekoma boy patted the spot next to him. "Come sit by us, Oikawa's girlfriend, don't be shy." You grinned graciously, trying to hide the blush that appeared on your face by his nickname.
"What was your name again? Was it Kuroo?"
"Correct." He gave you a two thumbs up.
You peered past Kuroo, at the Fukurodani boy with white streaks in his hair. "I'm sorry..." You glanced away timidly. "I forgot your name."
"I'm hurt!" He feigned defeat, slumping against his friend in mock anguish, as if his heat had been pierced with cupid's arrow.
Rolling his eyes, Kuroo leaned over and whispered in your ear. "That's Bokuto."
Playing along, you reached over to pat Bokuto's shoulder. "Oh! How could I forget? It's Bokuto."
"Hey hey hey!" He lifted his head, grinning from ear to ear. "I knew the prettiest girl here would remember my legendary name."
You and Kuroo laughed loudly, noticing a couple odd stares had been directed your way. Biting your lip, you shifted your posture and faced the boys directly, trying to dispel your introvertedness whenever strangers paid you attention.
You were trying your best to remain confident. You used to be so confident. Whenever Oikawa was around, you were at your best.
You just didn't want your joyful childhood memories to fade away once you realized that things with Oikawa could never be the same.
Kuroo though, had to ask questions. It wasn't in his nature to ignore something so evident. You were incredibly shy, while Oikawa was incredibly rambunctious.
"So, Y/N..."
Furrowing his eyebrows, he tried to piece together the pairing. How would that even happen? You were the Karasuno volleyball manager and he was the long-running Aoba Johsai captain. It's not like you were physically close.
One look at you and Kuroo knew you were way too pretty to be just a fan girl to him.
"Did you come to watch Oikawa?"
Preparing yourself for that exact question, you answered quickly. "Yes, Tooru and Hajime both invited me."
Noting the lack of informality, Kuroo pressed further. Though you were shy, you seemed laid back enough to let him call you by your first name after the second time meeting. From the moment he had met you, it was easy to see why everyone was fond of your charming, innocent and careful personality.
"How do you know them?"
Smiling, you laid your hands in your lap. "We used to go to the same middle school. I've known them for years."
Bokuto was practically drooling over the softness of your voice. Timid, yet forthcoming. Kuroo nudged him in the ribs, unbeknownst to you.
"Why haven't we seen more of you then? Especially at his games." Kuroo asked, his eyes flickering down to the side of the court where Oikawa was practicing his serves.
You knew the captain was trying to be friendly, so you let him pry for more information.
Trying to relax, you chucked quietly. "It's complicated. I moved a couple years ago and haven't seen him a lot since then."
"That makes sense, since you're at different schools."
The brief sadness that filled your eyes was enough to communicate to the boys that you wouldn't touch more on the subject.
What had happened between you and Oikawa was common. Most high schoolers could relate. Life was a roller-coaster that threw you into loop after loop.
"I would have texted you every day." Bokuto boasted, trying to cheer you up.
"That's why you don't have a girlfriend you clingy bastard." Kuroo shoved him playfully.
You managed to giggle, genuinely. "Thanks." You stuck your tongue out at Bokuto. He turned his head away and blushed.
Changing the topic, Kuroo asked gently. "Anyways, are you going to manage Karasuno next semester?"
He was great at holding conversation. Meanwhile, Bokuto's attention kept averting elsewhere, practically to everything else happening around you.
"I plan to. Especially since the upset yesterday. I can't leave my boys hanging like that."
They need me. But I need them more.
"Ah, yes. I bet that was hard for you."
"How are my pupils doing?" Bokuto reentered the conversation at the presumed mention of Hinata and Tsukishima.
Your nose crinkled as you giggled. "Could be better, but they'll get over it. Don't tell them I said that."
"It might slip out of his big fat mouth." Kuroo rolled his eyes.
Opening your mouth to retort a sarcastic comment, you were interrupted by the referee's whistle, signaling that the match was about to formally commence.
Oikawa. Your mind practically screamed. Please win, Oikawa.
Turning back to Kuroo and Bokuto, you winked teasingly. "Well even if they are your pupils, don't underestimate Karasuno. We're gonna beat your ass next time."
Kuroo grinned. "I can't wait."
Bokuto gave you a thumbs up, not completely understanding your perceived yet comical threat.
And that was when the second whistle blew, granting Oikawa permission to start the match with his infamous serve.
You held your breath, mentally crossing your fingers as he threw the ball high into the air.
His posture was perfected. His eyes focused. And as he jumped, his disheveled hair flew graciously with the breeze.
That was the mood that settled between you and Oikawa as you buckled up in his passenger seat.
He didn't say a word.
You didn't say a word.
You knew he had planned out the rest of his day trying to make you happy, but since he had lost the most important match of his Highschool volleyball career— all that lingered in his expression was anger.
It pained you to see him so distraught, and for once, you couldn't find anything to say.
There was probably nothing that could fill the silence to distract him.
Oikawa rested his hands on the wheel, taking a deep breath. It seemed that he didn't want to drive. It seemed that he didn't want to do anything but lay down and cry.
"Let me drive." You offered, glancing at him through the corner of your eye.
The boy paused, keys dangling from the ignition at his movements.
"No." Oikawa exhaled harshly. His cheeks were still red, and so were the palms of his hands. Trailing your eyes across his body, you saw bruising forming along his forearms.
He was about to lose it. The boy who never showed his true emotions, the one who put everyone and everything above himself—was about to lose it.
Unbuckling your seat-belt, you shot him an indisputable glare. "Tooru, I'm driving."
"Okay." His voice cracked.
The two of you exited the vehicle, him rounding the back and heading towards the passenger without another sound.
You swallowed hard, glancing around at all the other boys climbing into their cars. Disappointment lingered in the air, like the many times it had before. But this time, it was harsh. It wasn't mindful. This time it didn't promise another chance.
Oikawa slammed the car door shut, snapping you out of your trance.
"Y/N." A voice called from afar.
Turning, you locked eyes with Iwaizumi. His were full of tears. He must be thinking the same thing as Oikawa— all the third years were. They may never make it to nationals.
"Take care of him."
Like you always had.
Setting your hand on the door handle, you gave him a confident nod. "I will."
You lingered on Iwaizumi for a moment, shooting him an equally concerned expression. "Will you be alright?"
He nodded. And that was enough for you. He would be okay, but Oikawa wouldn't. The third year captain needed something only you could give him.
Hopping back into the car, you turned the keys for the second time, properly starting the car. As you adjusted the seat and the mirrors, you wondered if you should just drive to a park and let him sort through his emotions.
His parents were probably worried about him, but they knew you were with him. Oikawa-San was probably already preparing a recovery meal for her beloved son. You didn't even need to ask Oikawa to know that he didn't want to go home and face his parents yet.
It may not be a big deal to most, but to Oikawa, volleyball was his entire world.
Taking matters into your own hands, you backed out of the parking space and sped out of the parking lot. The first step to making him feel better was to get out of that godforsaken gym--one that had let him down one too many times.
There was a park that you wanted to take him to, one that you had found years ago and immediately thought he would like. It had a great view, and it was secluded. It was one that you had gone to many times before.
Plus, you didn't know the way to his house from the gym, and were too shy to directly ask. If he wanted to go home that badly, Oikawa would have expressed that.
"You know you can cry, right?" You finally spoke once you were driving down a straight, growing tired of the silence.
"I can't cry in front of you."
You sighed. "I'm your friend, though."
"You're more than that." The confession slipped past him before he had the time to process it.
Briefly taking your eyes off the road, they flickered to him. There were definite tears glossing over Oikawa's chocolate brown irises, ones that were always so full of life and mischief.
Though indirect, his confirmation about his feelings for you was enough to make your heart beat faster. Was he serious? Or was he trying to distract himself?
"Then that gives you more of a reason to cry in front of me." You said as softly as you could to prevent your voice from shaking.
The truth was something you weren't ready to face head on. The truth was that you didn't know Oikawa anymore—and he didn't know you. Seeing him again had unfortunately sparked that hope.
"Not right now. Not like this." Oikawa confessed, his teeth taking over his bottom lip in an attempt to silence his impulsive thoughts.
Knowing he had just lost in front of you, in front of everyone, for the last time, one of his last games in his High School career— was almost too much to process.
You knew that's what he was thinking.
Your entire being was contradicting your rational thoughts. How was he so easy to predict after all these years?
It had been almost four years since you had last seen him. Four years and you were still not over your crush.
You shook your head immediately. "I know you're afraid of losing, but you already did that, so now there's nothing to be afraid of."
"Wow." He finally choked out a laugh. "Harsh."
Shrugging, your eyes grazed the landscape in front of you. The cityscape was fading away—transforming into something much more familiar, something much more beautiful. A national park that had dozens of hiking trails, one of which led to your favorite thinking spot. One that you wanted to share with Oikawa in his tender moment.
"I've lost so much. Sometimes it's better that way." Your voice came out in a soft whisper. Whenever you reflected on the past, you were unable to remain strong.
Your words sounded so powerful in your mind, but speaking them into existence was an incredibly difficult process.
You just knew you didn't want to pretend to be strong anymore. You were hurting. Though it had been months, you were still not over it.
Oikawa's eyes were wide as you glanced quickly towards him. "Feel the pain. Don't push it away, or else it will come creeping back when you least expect it."
Though he tried to fight against it, the boy was becoming vulnerable with you by his side. He just felt that he could trust you. He always had.
Even so, he couldn't deny that what you were admitting was concerning.
"It seems we're aren't talking about the same thing, Y/N."
The car came to a stop, parked perfectly even between the white lines. Both of you stared forward, appreciating the mystifying view.
"Come with me." You smiled, ignoring his previous statement by exiting the vehicle and slamming the door shut. Once Oikawa followed suit and walked to your side, you tossed him back his keys.
It was comforting to see that for a moment, his eyes were clear. And when you intertwined your fingers with his, he flashed you a tenderhearted smile. One that you had craved to see again for years. For so long that eventually, you had pushed his memory aside.
You still couldn't believe Oikawa was back in your life. And hopefully, this time he would stay.
"Where are we?" He asked, squeezing your hand gently for reassurance. As he peered into the distance, he realized that the forest line seemed to disappear. And beyond it was nothing but the sky.
"At my spot." You admitted sheepishly.
"To do what?" He teased, trying to pry for more information about your life. "To smoke?"
Rolling your eyes, you pulled him over the curb onto the grass field. "To think, dumbass."
"Oh yeah." He admitted matter-of-factly. "My bad for not knowing that this was your spot. In the middle of nowhere."
You and Oikawa crossed the threshold from field to forest coverage, the landmark sign clear in your vision. It wasn't often you came to gaze at the ocean, but when you did—you were always comforted.
No matter what season, no matter what weather. You came here to realize that your problems were small in the grand scheme of life, even if they seemed tremendous in that moment.
Which was exactly what was happening to Oikawa right now. Gazing for miles into the horizon might not have the same affect on him, but it was worth a try.
"Just listen." You encouraged, smiling at the distance sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shoreline rocks. Birds chirped faintly in the forest canopy, the wind rustling through the leaves.
But strangely, your heartbeat was the loudest.
"I am." His grip slackened as the two of you finally came to the edge of the cliff, your free hand gripping the wooden fence barrier.
The view was breathtaking—especially in that moment. The sun was just beginning to tuck behind the horizon, casting an orange shade across the sky.
For Oikawa, the view was just as beautiful, but all he really cared about was being there with you. He could do without the fancy entourage if it meant finally being able to have your heart.
"I hear it." The boy spoke after a few minutes of silence.
"Hear what?" You turned, his voice barely audible through the relentless breeze. One that chilled your bones, but one that was constantly refreshing.
"I hear nature telling me I would be a fool to let you go for the second time."
Cracking a genuine smile, you shook your head lightly. "That was cheesy."
"Yet bringing me here wasn't?" He tugged you closer, realizing that he'd been holding your hand this entire time. Even though he was sporting his warm up jacket, the wind caused him to shiver.
Stopping yourself from completely falling against him, you placed your hand on his chest. Faltering at the intimate contact, you tilted your head to the side, far too flustered to look him in the eyes. "Cheesy or not, you like it."
"Maybe." Oikawa breathed, staring down at you with wonder. The years he had spent away from you had transformed you into a stunning young lady. "It's definitely taking my mind off my failure."
"Failure brings better opportunities."
"Not for me." His voice was low.
"Think about your future, Tooru." Your hand fell away even if it yearned for his contact, for his warmth. He was vulnerable in this moment and you couldn't take advantage of it.
Surprised by your slight rejection, Oikawa stepped even closer. "I am, Y/N. I think about it everyday, but ever since I saw you again, I can't see another day without you."
"Don't say things like that so casually." Your cheeks were red, and there was a sheepish smile upon your lips, but you couldn't look him in the eyes.
Oikawa gripped your hand again, running his thumb over your palm in a reassuring manner. "You know I would never say something like that if I didn't mean it."
He meant it. He meant it with every fiber in his pathetic being. Why was he being so rash? How could a girl like you ever fall for him? Yes, he knew he was conventionally attractive--but he didn't have much else going for him besides his volleyball career. Yet, even that seemed to be ending prematurely.
"I know." You lip quivered, causing Oikawa to focus in on your anguished expression. Were you going to reject him? That idea caused his heart to sink. He had been rejected a couple of times in his life, but they had never made him feel this way. The boy had never wanted anything as badly as he wanted you.
That wish had remained constant for years.
"Then why won't you let me in?" Oikawa moved his hands to gently cup your cheeks, using his thumb to run across your soft and inviting complexion. One that never failed to take his breath away.
As if on instinct, you tilted your head at the motion, practically nudging his calloused hand in a blissful response.
"Tooru..." His name left your lips gracefully, mystifying, like the sound of a violin cord that had just been strummed.
A brief moment of tranquility, one that had revealed your true emotions, was enough to send Oikawa's thoughts spinning. You weren't rejecting him, all you wanted was to take your time. You wanted him to be ready... and you wanted to be ready yourself.
Despite that, Oikawa was finding it hard to keep him composure. Though you hardly made a move, hardly said a thing, you were stunning in his eyes. Everything about you was perfect to him. It had always been, but back then he was too naive to realize the beauty of his friendship with you. The both of you had realized your feelings at the worst time possible. And it seemed that fate was going to repeat the same cycle, causing Oikawa to possibly lose you again.
He was more mature now. And so were you. It had to be right. He had to be with you.
How could Oikawa convey such a thing? No matter what words his brain formulated, they all seemed to fall short.
"You look beautiful right now, Y/N. I mean it."
At the compliment, you bit your lip- eyes immediately glossing over.
Your looks were a blessing and a curse, beautiful you were, but also different. At first glance, he was blinded by your attractiveness, but when he searched deeper into your eyes, there was an unfamiliar melancholy that lingered. The boy could not seem to put his finger on it though— but he was smart enough to notice that something traumatic had taken place.
You were not innocent anymore. And neither was he.
"I can see that the attention has its effects on you." Oikawa observed, knowing that when he had been close to you, attention pointed your way had always caused embarrassment. But nothing to this extent. In many ways, you were the same girl, but in other ways, were incredibly different—with things he never thought would change.
"Looks like we are one in the same." You indirectly referred to his continuous stream of fan girls. Ones that he seemed to be incredibly annoyed of, when other boys his age would relish in the affection.
"No...not at all." He whispered, tracing his finger across your cheek until he gathered enough strands of hair to tuck gently behind your ear. He didn't know how to convince you that he only had eyes for you. Despite the overwhelming attention he received from other girls, he needed to show you that none of that mattered.
Now that you had made him feel better, all he could do was return the favor.
"What happened to you?" Oikawa's words were delicate, tone soft and forthcoming. He had never been as gentle before as he had in that moment.
Seconds passed but all you did was gaze into his eyes. Your history was too much to unload in one sitting. All you wanted to do was enjoy his presence, now that he had come to terms with his volleyball career. "A lot of things." Your vagueness prompted his nose to crinkle with annoyance.
Suddenly, a gust of wind hurdled over the cliff, causing your hair to blow over your shoulders and around the both of your faces. Eventually your strands settled back into place, framing the lines of your features.
A gleeful snicker followed shortly after, causing Oikawa to smile. "I want to hear about them all." He admitted.
Did he actually mean that?  You faltered, suddenly feeling self conscious under his intense gaze. Knowing you could no longer peddle backwards after his decipherable confession, you gripped his jacket, bunching the fabric into a fist.
The force caused Oikawa to stumble, his hand shooting out to grab the guardrail. Eventually, his hands found their place against your hips, inviting you closer, soothing your worries through one simplistic action.
"Kiss me, Tooru. Kiss me again like you did in eight grade when neither of us had anything to worry about."
And this time, Oikawa could not hold himself back.
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gleeblaineislife · 4 years
Glee- season 3 au one-shot/suicide note. by gleeblaineislife
I’m living a lie. Well, I was living a lie by now. My life was not perfect by any means, even though I acted like it was. I am not the bubbly, dapper schoolboy called Blaine Warbler. I am Blaine Devon Anderson and he is much different. Blaine Devon Anderson is an actor and Blaine Warbler is his character. I don’t remember what it’s like to be pure, unfiltered Blaine Devon Anderson. I don’t even know who that is. But that’s okay, since people wouldn’t like him. If anything he’s just a fucked up mess that no one wants to deal with. I get it. I don’t even want to deal with him. But, everyone likes Blaine Warbler. Blaine Warbler is charismatic, selfless, kind, confident, and a leader. All the things Blaine Devon Anderson isn’t... I am going to get this note started with an auto-biography so people can see just how my life was.
I was a mistake. My parents got drunk and went unprotected in July 1994. Nine months later, April 6th, 1995, I was born. My parents didn’t want to keep me, but Cooper (nine years old at the time) was ecstatic to be getting a sibling. And my parents would do anything for their perfect son. I didn’t have the best childhood. My parents worked a lot, so Cooper had to babysit me. Which means, some of my earliest memories are my brother telling me everything I was doing wrong. I was close to my lola, though. She lived in the Philippines, but when she was in America visiting my mama, I got her full attention. My lola taught me Filipino so I could speak to her better (Lola’s English was limited). Lola also made sure I took great pride in being half Pinoy. Then, my lola died when I was 7 years old. My mama and I went to the Philippines for her funeral. I remember Mama and I crying for hours together. Anyways, life went on. My bond with Mama was short-lived, which was an improvement from my non-existent one with my dad. Cooper moved out when he was eighteen and I was eight. My parents were disappointed when he went to L.A. to pursue acting. But, he was still their perfect son. 
I have always known I like boys in that way and not girls. I was twelve when I realized there was a name for that. Gay. And I knew that no one liked people that were gay. I was beyond upset that I was gay. I cried myself to sleep each night praying/begging for anyone to make me straight. Of course that never happened. It took 2 years and a lot of cuts on my thighs to accept that I was gay. I came out to my parents. My dad yelled. Mama cried. It was one of the worst days ever. In high school, somehow people found out I was gay. That led to countless insults, being the root of everyone’s jokes, and being shoved daily. I had no friends. I had no family. I had nobody. I started cutting everywhere that wasn’t visible through clothes. I tried to stay positive. I told myself that they would get tired of torturing me. That my parents would accept me. I thought one of those was coming true when my father came to talk to me. He was working less and he said he wanted to do something with me. I was so happy. When he presented the old car he wanted us to repair, I told myself it wouldn’t be that bad. It was. I’ve never been interested in cars and fixing one was incredibly boring. I knew what his true intentions were once he started talking to me about girls. I told him I was still gay and he got mad. We continued fixing the car without him mentioning it again. Until we were finished and he brought up the topic of girls again. When I once again said I was still gay, he just walked away. Two weeks later him and all of his stuff was gone forever. It was just me and Mama.
At the end of my freshman year there was a Sadie Hawkins dance. I asked my only friend/the only other out kid to go with me. He said yes and we went together. As friends. It was a night full of dancing and flirting with each other in a friendly way. Afterwards, we were waiting for his father to pick us up from the dance and we were jumped. Some people on the football team were the attackers. I got a concussion, five broken ribs, a broken nose, a fractured ankle, and PTSD. I had it worse than my friend. Mama was so scared and refused to waste any more time ‘failing as a mother’ (her words, not mine). Mama and I both started going to therapy. They put me on SSRIs to help with my PTSD. Mama got some kind of anxiety medication. For the next school year I enrolled at Dalton Academy. Mama picked up more shifts at her job and used the money Lola gave to me to pay for the tuition. 
Dalton was where I got to rebuild. Blaine Warbler was carefully crafted at Dalton Academy. I stopped doing therapy and went off of the SSRIs in November. I was so determined to be okay. Cutting was the only thing that kept me going. The doctors questioned the scars in the hospital but I was quick to assure them they were all accidents. I never brought it up in therapy either. I always made sure what we talked about was strictly related to my PTSD. Anyways, I joined the Warblers and became the lead singer. (I’ve taken a few vocal lessons before the Sadie Hawkins incident). Since Mama usually worked on the weekends, I didn’t feel a need to go to my house. So I usually spent them learning the school’s piano and guitar and perfecting my vocals. Music was the only other thing that kept me sane. Music and cutting. The only times Blaine Devon Anderson was revealed. Then I met Kurt. And most of you guys probably know the external perspective of that. On the inside I was battling with depression, self-hatred (for manipulating Kurt and everyone else that I was normal + making my dad leave), and recurring PTSD (from hearing Kurt’s story and going back to a public school). I am the only one at blame. That’s the story of my life. Now on to one last thing I have to say to everyone:
Mama, I love you and I’m sorry that I’ve been a burden making you work more and driving your soulmate away. 
Dad, I hate it but I still do love you. I’m sorry for being gay. I’m sorry for not liking cars and being too short to play sports. I’m sorry that I’m too feminine for you to love.
Cooper, thank you for not caring that I’m gay. You are a truly great brother and I love you.
Warblers, thank you for accepting me as your leader and believing in me as much as I believe in all of you.
New directions, I get why you guys didn’t want me to be on your team. I know I’m an outsider. You don’t have to deal with me now.
Kurt, you were an amazing boyfriend and I love you. I’m so sorry that you don’t love me since I’m a coward and am so afraid that once you found out I wasn’t perfect you’d leave. I hope you find an amazing husband.
I tried to have a great last day in this world. I made and ate breakfast with Mama, called Cooper, tried to be happy at school, sang ‘Cough Syrup’ in glee club, went on a coffee date with Kurt, and now I am about to call Mama one last time. Then I’m going to take the pills while listening to my favorite songs in my favorite spot in my backyard. It’s the perfect way to end my anything but perfect life. I’ve been acting for too long. I can’t live like this any longer. I am a fraud. A fake. I’m about to see Lola. Goodbye everybody. I’ve been battling with depression for so long and now I’ve lost. I can’t even stand to live with myself so how would other people stand to live with me?
I’m so sorry.
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