#I’m both excited and deeply terrified
Home from the ophthalmologist! Everyone checked out with flying colors!!
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
I’m emotionally ruined by the fact that Aziraphale hasn’t broken out of his heavenly conditioning. He still loves doing good. He gets happy when people tell him he’s an angel and says “it’s nice to tell people about the good things you’ve done now that I’m not reporting to Heaven”. He will literally put himself in harm’s way to make sure he does the Good and Right thing.
It can’t be understated how much Heaven’s influence still impacts on him. Aziraphale has been created, ordained and conditioned to believe it and he can’t just switch it off or walk away. Crowley didn’t get the choice. He was Fallen. He was kicked out and - as per the rules of toxic and terrifying cults - Aziraphale was always told for centuries and millennia, Falling was the worst thing that could happen. If you’re bad, you’ll be forced out. If you’re bad, you’re not one of Us. You’re one of Them.
When he did something he perceived as Right (ie. saving innocent children from death), but knew it wasn’t what Heaven intended, he broke down. Crowley found him a crying, shaking wreck afterwards because he was so convinced he was Evil. He was so convinced he was going to be dragged to Hell and that he was now a demon because he did one thing that saved some children but because it wasn’t a specific directive, it was Bad.
It shapes so much about him and it’s why the whole series looks like he’s having so much fun doing silly human things, but there’s this brittleness to it. He’s happy and excited and he’s doing his human-life things and having a lovely time, but he’s also constantly stressed because of the Need To Do Good. From the moment Gabriel turns up, he’s a nervous wreck and is trying to hide it by Doing Good, by Solving the Problem, by Fixing Things, by being so active and reactive rather than letting himself think about it. It’s a sign of exactly how frantic he is that he starts giving away his books and letting humans touch them.
Watch his face when the Archangels show up unexpectedly: that isn’t joy. That’s blind terror. He’s so afraid of doing the wrong thing in Heaven’s eyes, even though he made the active choice to do so because it was the Right thing to do. He’s a Guardian and he will protect, but he is so very afraid of the repercussions, even now. 
At the end of S1, Crowley said “they’re gearing up for the big one” so Aziraphale’s not oblivious. He knows a big one is coming. He knows something worse than the Antichrist will be on its way. And he’s trying so hard to pretend that everything is normal and fine and if he ignores all the looming bad stuff, it won’t happen. If we don’t say anything about it, nothing has to change.
But then the changes come knocking at his door holding a box and the choice is gone. He can keep trying to blinker himself to it, but then there are angels and demons in the bookshop and he’s had to use his halo and everything is falling apart.
So when he realises that he can get himself into a position where he can guarantee those repercussions won’t happen to Crowley? He will absolutely take it. He says himself “I don’t want to go back to Heaven”, but the instant the Metatron offers him a free pass for Crowley, to take Crowley out of both Heaven and Hell’s sightlines, to keep him safe (Another bee inside the hive, if you will), no wonder he grabs it with both hands.
The tragedy is that Crowley thinks that when they saved the world together, that was the end of Heaven’s influence in Aziraphale. When he was cast out the split between him and Heaven was sharp and clean. He doesn’t - he can’t - understand how deeply it has tangled around Aziraphale. It’s built into Aziraphale’s entire being and unravelling it isn’t that simple. Aziraphale’s trauma is a horrible, terrible Gordian knot and Crowley can’t understand that he couldn’t simply cut through it, because that’s just not how Aziraphale works.
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five-bi-five-mind · 5 months
Hey hey, coming in with a Natasha request, one where they head on over to Nat’s fam for the weekend. As they’re having a nice time, ofc reader can’t resist & flaunt over her gf and they have a quickie in the bathroom, thanks ;) 💕 oh and I’m claiming this heh -> 🌻 anon
Meeting the Family
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Words: 4.8k+
Genre: Smut & Fluff
Summary: Nat can't resist how cute and nervous you are as you introduce to her to your parents and show her where you grew up. When you're finally alone, she just can't keep her hands off you anymore...
Warnings: fingering (r receiving); degradation kink; name calling; bathroom sex; top!Nat, bottom!r; finger sucking
A/N: Finally I do a Nat fic! And more fics are to come now that finals are over.
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(gif not mine, credit to the creator mentioned above!)
It was finally happening. You and Natasha had been dating for over eight months now and it was finally the time. Your parents had heard everything about her over the phone and she had heard all about them. Of course, it was only natural for each of them to want to meet the other. So, when Nat had a long weekend available, she came up with the brilliant– or in your opinion, a somewhat terrifying idea to drive three hours so she can meet your family. And your parents, being the nosy and also hospitable parents that they were, eagerly agreed. 
The three hour drive felt like it went by way too fast for your liking. Usually, you hate the drive to visit your parents; never being one who enjoys long car rides. However, on this particular trip, you wanted time to slow down. You were so nervous for the three of them to meet. It wasn’t that you weren’t ready for it to happen– In a way you definitely were. You knew how serious your feelings for Nat were and how hers were mutual. It wasn’t that you felt rushed, it was just a first for you. Throughout highschool and college you successfully avoided bringing partners home for your parents to meet. To be fair, none of them were very serious until Nat, but even on the few occasions that your relationships lasted more than three or four months, you still refused to bring them around to meet your parents. 
Natasha was different though. You were very aware that this needed to happen at some point, especially when you and Nat already expressed how deeply in love you both were. She was pretty convinced you two would get married at some point in the near future. Perhaps that thought would’ve terrified you if it were anyone else, but when she said it, it just sounded right. So then naturally she needed to meet your parents before any of that could happen. Preferably before the inevitable day you two move in together and you’re wearing an engagement ring.
When you knew your parents’ house was a mere ten minutes away, you could feel your whole body jitter with nerves. It wasn’t that your parents were difficult or that you were worried about Nat’s behavior. It’s just that you didn’t know how to act in this situation. Plus, throughout the years, your parents could be a bit particular about certain things when it came to their children. 
Nat, on the other hand, was just exhibiting pure excitement. As she drove with the guidance of the GPS, she kept her eyes glued to the road with a soft smile on her face the whole time. When the two of you were approaching the house, her smile only grew as your nerves only worsened.
Her eyes took in every single sight as she drove through your hometown and all the way up to your family’s driveway. She looked at the house with appreciation, mentioning how she liked the colors and the nicely kept garden your parents had. You just kept replying with quiet mhms and nods as she kept talking. Her eyes flicked to you once and she knew you were internally freaking out. She could practically feel your anxiety radiate off of you throughout the whole car ride. 
It was very clear that you were in no hurry to leave the car when she finally parked right in front of your parents’ house. Natasha took initiative when she turned the car off and hopped out and over to your side to get the door for you. Ever the caring and considerate girlfriend that she was, she immediately offered you a hand and, even if you didn’t need help, she carefully helped you to your feet. 
Her arms remained around you as you took a few deep breaths. “We got this,” you breathed. “You have nothing to be worried about.”
“I’m not worried,” Natasha let out a soft laugh, her hand reaching up to press against your cheek. “You shouldn’t be so nervous either.”
“I know, I know,” you sighed, taking a step back from Natasha’s touch. “It’s just that I’ve never taken anyone to meet my whole family before.”
“And what? You’re afraid they won’t like me?”
“No, no it’s not exactly that.” Your eyes fell to your feet, kicking at a little rock on the driveway as you tried to shove your nerves down. “They’re just protective and a little bit paranoid about things.”
“Paranoid?” Nat cocked her head and looked at you with genuine curiosity. 
“Yeah,” you gave Nat an apologetic smile. “You know, that anyone I date is just dating me for the wrong reasons. Kind of… I guess, old school.”
“But they’re okay that you’re bringing home another woman?” Nat crossed her arms over her chest and you could tell she was getting slightly defensive. “Oh gosh, it’s not that!” You immediately corrected.”They’re fine with that part.”
“So…” Nat was wracking her brain trying to figure out what you meant. “Are they worried I’ll… I don’t know– corrupt you?”
“Yes, yeah!” Even though that ship sailed a long time ago, especially with Nat, your parents really didn’t need to know that. You were fine with them being blissfully ignorant, thinking their little girl is still, well, their perfectly untouched little girl. 
“Don’t worry,” Nat smirked. “I can keep my hands to myself at the dinner table.” She gave you a wink and reached for you again. For a moment, she wrapped her arms around your whole body. Both hands landed right on your ass for a brief, tight squeeze before she stepped back, turned around, walked on ahead towards the door. You didn’t really love the way she emphasized at the dinner table but you were too distracted by the way your ass now stung from her hand.
“Nat!” You practically shrieked. She just laughed in response and you scurried along behind her. This was sure to be a long and nerve-wracking dinner. 
You were so incredibly wrong about the dinner. Your parents welcomed Nat with open arms. It was tense for about two minutes, but then she cracked the biggest dad joke and suddenly your own father was sold on her. Then when you watched as Nat bounced around the kitchen and dining room, helping your mother out with anything that needed to be taken care of to get ready for dinner, you realized she was sold too. Honestly, Nat did way more to help cook for dinner than you ever did when you lived at home. You weren’t one to cook, but Nat knew a thing or two and she wasn’t afraid to show it when your parents were putting the final touches on the meal.
When you all sat down for dinner, your anxiety was still running high, but everyone else seemed so relaxed. Both of your parents were impressed with Natasha and the stories she told. Although, you knew she was leaving out some major, violent details and also probably skipping over parts that she probably legally couldn’t share. Still, your parents were interested in every word. And of course, Nat being Nat, she had to poke around for embarrassing stories they could tell about your childhood. Unfortunately, they delivered. She laughed with them when they told about the time you got stuck in a tree and the month where you refused to wear anything other than a Princess Peach costume, even to school. When your face flushed, the three of them joined in with light teasing. You’d be a little angry if it wasn’t for Nat’s comforting hand squeezing your knee as she laughed or the bright smile she flashed at you when she learned more and more new little facts about you. Sure, you were a little embarrassed, but it just meant she owed you an awkward story or two for later. 
As dinner wrapped up, you began to clean up. It was always your thing when you lived with your parents. Since you couldn’t cook, you’d clean, but Nat was quick to swoop up the dishes in your hands and help. You didn’t miss the way your parents’ eyes shined with approval as they watched the care and kindness Natasha showed you and the gratitude she showed them for letting the both of you stay for the weekend. On multiple occasions during the dinner, Nat would complement their home and thank them for having the both of you. She remained incredibly respectful and relaxed at the same time. Nothing felt forced, nothing felt tense. It was as if they had known her for years. 
When you were both in the kitchen cleaning up, you finally realized most of your anxiety had dissipated. Natasha was by the sink, smiling to herself as she cleaned dishes and you were sharing that same smile as you dried and put away the things she handed to you. Both of your parents hovered around the kitchen; your mother constantly thanking Natasha and insisting she was the guest and it should just be you and your parents taking care of everything. Natasha would just chuckle and promise that she was more than happy to clean up. After all, it was her way of showing how much she appreciated the meal and the hospitality. 
After the dining room and kitchen were cleaned up, your parents insisted on you showing her the entire house. She had only seen a few rooms so far and didn’t even have much time to check out your childhood bedroom. That was partially on purpose on your part. You knew she’d see it soon, but you were nervous so you thought pushing that moment off would be better. In some ways it worked since you were no longer as anxious, but you still sat with some of that anxiety throughout dinner. 
Now, however, you were trying to be the best tour guide you could be as you took her all across the house. You even stepped out on the back porch with her to show her the rest of your parents’ garden. She wore this enchanting smile the whole time you showed her around. Her eyes would flick to certain things and she’d give you an “mhm” or an “oh really?” but for the most part, her attention was glued to you. As you stood outside and pointed out all the flowers that your family was growing, Nat was quick to come behind you and wrap her arms around your waist. 
When her lips pressed against your neck as you looked out over the small garden, you couldn’t help the small shiver that her action caused. You wondered if she noticed that reaction, but when you felt her arms tighten on your waist almost immediately, causing your body to press harder into hers, that was a clear enough indication that she had. But even if she did, she didn’t continue to kiss your neck, instead she rested her chin on your shoulder. With your cheek pressed against hers as she rested on you, you both let out a content sigh as you watched the sun go down over your family’s garden. It was a perfect moment. Even if you had the slightest suspicion Nat had things less innocent on her mind, she had proved you wrong by the calm and gentle moment you two were sharing. 
After a few moments of just appreciating each other’s presence, it was back to the house tour. This time, you were on to the second floor of the house and getting closer and closer to your bedroom. You figured you’d save that for last as you dragged Nat around, showing her your parents offices and explaining what they both did for work. Nat kept nodding along, pretending to look thoughtfully around the room before letting her eyes wander back to you. As you pulled her even closer to your room, you decided to stall just a little bit more. When she stepped in, you practically dragged her to the connected bathroom. Anything to postpone to the acknowledgement of your large teddy bear collection and the awkward highschool photos decorating the walls.
“And this…” You said as you pushed her further into the bathroom, “is my bathroom. So if you need anything, medicine, a shower, or whatever. At least we don’t have to share it with my parents.” 
“Mhm,” Nat looked around at the soft pink decor of your bathroom. Her eyebrow arching as she took in all the pastel colors. In your teens and all the way up to your very early 20s, you had an obsession with pastels. It definitely wasn’t Nat’s vibe. As she kept looking around the bathroom, you wondered how much she disliked it. You couldn’t imagine her reaction when she finally got a good look at your room and realized the pastel pinks, yellows, and blues didn’t just stop at the bathroom. 
“And your parents' room is all the way on the other side of the house?” She turned around and asked you. 
“Um, yeah. Well, on the same floor, but still the other side.” You were looking at her with curiosity now. She was starting to reach around you towards the door. Her body was fully pressed to yours as her hand made contact with the doorknob. 
“Good,” she mumbled more to herself than to you as you heard the door shut behind you. Nat’s other hand was around your waist now and you just kept searching her face for an indication of what she was planning. But the moment she leaned in for a kiss, things clicked. This was not like the innocent, quick kiss you shared on the porch a few minutes ago. It was slow, but there was heat behind it. Hunger even. 
For a second you gave in to the kiss. Your body melted into Nat’s as the hand she used to close the door came up to tangle in your hair. The way her tongue felt as it ran against your lips so gently was almost enough to make you lose yourself. But then, as your hand reached out to steady itself on the bathroom counter, you remembered where you were. 
“Nat,” you tried to pull away from the kiss. “We’re not going to fuck in my childhood bathroom.” Maybe that was a bit presumptuous, but you knew Nat and you could tell quite quickly what kind of mood she was in when she kissed you like that. Plus, her hand started wandering down towards your ass and that’s usually a pretty good hint at where she hoped things would head. 
“Why not?” You immediately saw the pout on Nat’s face. “We’re going to fuck in your childhood bedroom tonight, so what’s the difference?”
“Oh we are?” You pushed back from Nat slightly, enough to untangle yourself from her at least a little bit. Nat still was in your personal space though. 
Nat arched her eyebrow and gave you the look she often gave you when she was not buying the excuses you were saying. “Come on,” She chuckled. “We both know how you get.”
“How I get?” You huffed as you turned away from her. She had got your shirt all out of sorts just from being pressed against you. Your eyes were focused on fixing yourself so your parents had no suspicions that you were just making out with your girlfriend in your bathroom. Nat’s were focused on you too, but for entirely different reasons. 
“Mhm,” Nat smirked at you from behind. “How you get.” Her hands came to rest on either side of you, effectively pinning you to the counter. Her body pressed up against you, but still you tried to keep a poker face.
“And exactly how,” you kept your eyes glued to your own appearance in the mirror, trying your best to ignore Nat’s intense gaze, “do I get?” 
Her hand moved up your neck until it reached your chin. She cupped it in one hand and tugged your face until you were looking straight ahead to lock eyes with her in the mirror. “You become a needy little slut, begging for me to fuck you.” 
Your face instantly flushed and all words of protest you were thinking of throwing her way died at the tip of your tongue. You looked at her with wide eyes, as if you were a deer in headlights and she looked back at you with hooded eyes. She wasn’t wrong. She absolutely was not wrong. But who could blame you? Anytime Natasha slid into bed next to you, her strong arms pulling you into her, it just got you going… Just thinking about it made you squeeze your thighs together. Fuck, you were already wet. Hopefully, Nat didn’t notice the slight movement.
But of course, she absolutely did. A crooked smirk spread across her face and her hand tightened its grip on your chin. “That’s what I thought.” Her voice was low as it whispered in your ear. “Now, are you going to let me fuck you like we both know you want?” 
You didn’t say anything. All you could do was bite your lip and nod shyly as Natasha’s other hand made its way up the front of your shirt. 
“That’s my good girl,” Nat purred in your ear as her hand made its way under your bra. She cupped your breast in her hand and gave a squeeze, causing you to instantly grip the bathroom counter. 
“I’ve barely touched you and you already look like you’re struggling,” she teased.  
“Shut up,” you shot back. You tried to make it sound demanding, but really it fell from your lips like a pathetic whine the minute you felt her roll your nipple between her fingers.
“That’s not a very nice thing to say to your guest,” her body pressed harder against yours as she spoke, “now is it?” Suddenly, you realized you were practically bent forward, trying your best to hold yourself up on the bathroom counter. 
Nat’s other hand was making its way down your body to the front of your jeans. When you heard your zipper being tugged down, you couldn’t help but gulp. How are you going to manage to be quiet when you were already so worked up just by the way she was handling you? You felt like you should be more concerned about that, especially with your parents downstairs. But as you felt Nat’s hand go straight into your panties, any concerns you had went right out the window. 
Her fingers brushed against your clit and you couldn’t help the full body shudder that she definitely noticed. A chuckle came from behind you and when your eyes flicked up to meet hers in the mirror you realized she was enjoying every single second of your internal struggle with control. The thing is, you already are too far gone to stop her from having her way with you and, honestly, you don’t really give a fuck. 
When her fingers began to move against your clit your eyes fluttered closed and you couldn’t help the slight twitch of your hips. As her fingers kept moving you couldn’t even stop the ever-so-slight rock of your body against her hand. You didn’t need to look back at her to know that her eyes were trained on your slightest reaction. Even if your eyes were now squeezed shut as she picked up the pace against your clit, you could feel her gaze locked on you. 
Your hands were grabbing harder at the bathroom counter now. Her body kept pressing harder and harder against you as her fingers circled your clit faster. At this point, you were biting at your lip pretty hard, trying to keep whatever sounds were threatening to come out at bay. It was a struggle though. Nat was now starting to tease you, moving her fingers from your clit to circle your entrance. You wanted nothing more to feel them fill you.
What you didn’t realize was, as you tried to move yourself lower to take in her fingers, you let out a pathetically loud whine. “Shh, shh, shh” she teased as her fingers kept moving away from where you wanted them most. “If you’re so worried about your parents finding out, you might not want to make so much noise.” 
She didn’t seem at all concerned about the sounds you could make and what your parents could hear as she kept teasing you. Her tone was way too teasing and sarcastic for your liking, yet it still turned you on even more. Your eyes opened again and you met her with a frustrated look. One of which, she just chuckled at again as her other hand went back to palming at your nipples. Finally, after one more satisfied look at the way your body was bent over the counter with hers pressed against your ass, she leaned down to press a kiss to the back of your neck before sliding two fingers in. 
With a low groan you took her fingers in, instantly feeling them hit the spot that she knew you loved. You took a deep breath as she pushed them up to her knuckles inside you, trying to adjust to the feeling of your pussy being filled before she began to move. Something told you she was going to make it as hard as possible for you to stay quiet, which meant she wasn’t going to be very gentle. Not that you didn’t love it. When she was rough it drove you wild. 
Her fingers slid out almost completely and there was a pause as her eyes flicked to your face. Your cheeks were flushed and your mouth was already slightly open, letting out small whines and sighs. Then, without warning, she pushed her fingers back in with so much force you were pushed even further over the bathroom counter. 
“Oh fuck!” You couldn’t stop yourself from crying out as she set a brutal pace, pumping her fingers in harder and harder. You felt her whole body rock against you from behind and your head was now falling forward as you did your best to brace yourself against the sink. 
Nat’s hand left from under your shirt and up to your lips. She pressed against them with slight pressure and you instantly knew what she wanted. Opening your mouth for them to slip in, she groaned as she felt your tongue run against them. “Suck,” she growled from behind as her fingers kept pumping into you. You instantly obeyed, moaning around the fingers now filling your mouth. 
“Look at you,” Natasha taunted. “Letting me fuck you like this while your family is just downstairs.” She gave a particular hard pump of her fingers.
“Mmphf!” You let out a muffled moan around the two fingers that remained in your mouth. 
“You’re such a dirty girl,” she said with a sadistic grin. “Letting me fill your mouth and your pussy. God, I love it.” 
Her fingers curled inside you and all you could do was tighten your grip on the counter and keep sucking on her fingers. The way she was fucking you and the words she was whispering in your ear from behind were getting to you. Your legs shook as she kept pumping into you.
Finally, she removed her fingers from your mouth and your head immediately fell. You were panting at this point as she fucked her fingers in and out of you with a strength that had you struggling to stay upright. 
The fingers that were once in your mouth moved under your chin and pushed your head to look back up. “Don’t look away,” Nat ordered. “I want you to watch yourself as I fuck you.” Your eyes moved to hers first and you realized they were glued to the way her fingers were currently pumping in and out of you. Then you took a peek at your own reflection and took in the sight before you. You looked utterly ruined by her. Your face was flushed, your lips were slightly swollen from the way she had kissed you, and your hair was badly disheveled now. On top of that, now that your pants and panties had fallen down to your ankles, when you looked back down at the way Nat’s fingers were fucking you, you could see the glisten of your own wetness on your thighs and even dripping down her wrist. Yeah, it was going to take a minute to get cleaned up from this. But when Natasha pushed in a third finger all worries about that left your mind and you were now just focused on staying quiet. You were failing miserably.
“Shhh,” Natash cooed. “You don’t want your family to find out what you’re doing, do you?” 
You shook your head, but your mouth hung open as you shook from the sheer pleasure of it all. Her fingers were stretching you deliciously and you were getting closer and closer to that edge. Being quiet was not an easy thing to do. 
Nat’s hand flew to your mouth when she knew it was getting too hard for you. Her hand muffled the pitiful moans that were now freely falling from your lips as you got closer and closer to an orgasm. Despite the fact that you probably weren’t being as quiet as you should be, she kept going, knowing by how tight you were around her fingers that it was any minute now. After just a few more seconds she finally felt you cum, making a mess of her hand.
Her hand finally left your mouth when she felt your whole body slump forward onto the sink. She pulled her fingers out of you as slowly and gently as possible and all you could do was shiver as you felt them pull away. You were panting and gasping, trying to catch your breath. Nat put a loving hand on your back, rubbing it gently as she too tried to take a few deep breaths. She could’ve kept going and the urge to was incredibly strong. Seeing you bent over against the sink, your ass pressed against her as she fucked you made her want to keep going until you couldn’t stand. The only thing stopping her was that she thought maybe this wasn’t the setting to completely ruin the daughter of her gracious hosts. 
Instead, she gently urged you to turn around, only to capture your lips in a slow, yet still deep kiss. Her tongue immediately sought out yours and you whimpered against her lips, still wishing to feel her inside you again. But you also thought that maybe this wasn’t the best time to keep begging for your girlfriend to fuck you senseless. Definitely not at your parents place. 
When she broke the kiss, her forehead pressed against yours and you both seemed to calm down just a little bit. Your body still felt worked up and Natasha still had the strong urge to keep making you make those sounds she loved so much, but you both resisted. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” she whispered and you nodded in reply.
After a few minutes of more calming deep breathing and a few moments where you thought you might give in to the hungry looks Nat was still giving you, you both managed to get yourselves together. Your parents were probably curious to see how Nat was settling in and you definitely didn’t want them to suspect that your girlfriend just fucked you in the bathroom. 
One thing about this whole trip, you definitely won’t be looking at your childhood bathroom, or bedroom for what was to come later that night, the same way…
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anikaluv · 1 year
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❤︎︎ pairing: Miles (e!42) × fem!reader
❤︎︎ genre: fluff (slight angst?)
❤︎︎ cw: cussing, nail biting, Miles (e!42) is named Myles (creative Ik), Miles (e!42) teases reader a lil bit <3
❤︎︎ summary: Spider-Man!Miles and Prowler!Miles as Twins where you have a crush on Miles (e!1610) and Miles (e!42) suggests you make out with him for practice.
❤︎︎ w/c: 1.6k
❤︎︎ a/n: I was reading miles morales x reader fics then I thought of this and went “It would be so cool if someone wrote it”. Then I did, cause I’m a bitch who gets shit done. 😘
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You and Miles have been inseparable since y’all were born. You two seemed to be tied together like a knot. You could always fondly go back and look through memories of him holding your hand while leading you through forests, him sharing his PB&J’s with you during lunch time, and him protecting you numerous times from bullies as the years went by. He was always there for you.
So much that you’ve fallen head over heels for him.
Yet you were too scared to ruin the deep friendship you two have. Too terrified of the chance that everything you two had going to waste because of your feelings, so you kept to yourself.
Which leads you to the present day, you sit on Miles’ bed as he takes a shower before you start the study session you both had planned.
Nervously, you fidget with your fingers, eagerly awaiting his return. The truth is, you don't need these study sessions. As an all-A student, you grasp the subjects effortlessly. However, you seize any opportunity to spend time with Miles.
Your mind wonders as curious eyes scan his room and land on his sketchbook. Your instinctively get up and reach for it, not caring for the overstep of privacy because c’mon, you knew this guy before you knew how to walk.
Excitement courses through you as you eagerly flip through the pages, revealing beautiful sketches of family, sunflowers, among other things. However, as you reach the more recent pages, your heart starts to sink.
Gwanda, Miles' so-called friend who conveniently always seems to be "out of town," yet he never ceases to endlessly complement her and fills his sketchbook to the brim with pages of her. What's so extraordinary about her? You've known Miles since you both were starting to crawl, while she has only been in his life for a few months, and suddenly she's this incredible person?
With a heavy sigh, you set your sketchbook down, feeling your vision blur as you make your way back to sit on Miles' bed. Tears well up quickly as you bury your face in your hands, sobbing silently. Unfortunately, the sound of approaching footsteps awakens your senses. You hastily wipe your eyes with your sleeve, although it's already too late.
"Oh great, looks like la llorona (crybaby) is sobbing once more. What's the matter, ma?" Miles strolls in, his voice oozing with condescension. He leans against the doorway, owning a smug expression. You can't help but roll your eyes and let out an exasperated groan at the mere sight of him.
Myles Morales. The worst person you’ve ever met. You’ve always wondered how him and Miles are even related. Ever since you were little he’s been a stick up your ass. You would always go back and flinch through memories of him pulling your hair as you scream and cry, him destroying all of your brand new dolls because they “needed a makeover ” , and him notoriously bullying you numerous times mercilessly as the years went by. He was always there, annoying you.
You cross you arms and let out a exasperated huff as you turn away from him. “Don’t you have someone else to annoy Morales? I’m not in the mood.” Myles chuckles at your childish behavior and struts into the room to sit beside you.
He inspects your face, frowning at your red eyes and stuffy nose. “I’m serious, mami. Those pretty tears only look good on your face if I’m causing ‘em.“ Myles softly grabs your chin and moves your face towards his. He raised his fingers to softly wipe your tears as you look deeply into his eyes.
Your heart quickens yet instead you release the insult bubbling in your throat. "Thanks for your oh-so-worrisome concern, Morales," you retort, venom lacing your words. He smirks in response. “Anytime, princesa (princess). I’m serious though, you cryin’ cause of my brother again?” You nod slowly looking away from his pitying gaze.
You bite your nails as your eyes look around the room once more landing on Miles sketchbook. Pain flickers in your eyes, catching Myles' attention.
The realization settles in Myles which is showcased by his new scowl on his face. “Ah I see, Its cause of that lil’ white chick, right?” Your eyes widen at how Myles was able to guess it correctly, you nod again slowly and try to concentrate on breathing before you continue wailing. “I just don’t understand, what’s so special about her? Was I ever even special to him if I could be replaced so easily?” You clench your fists, digging your nails into the fabric of your jeans, scrunching them up as your lip quivers.
Myles sucks his teeth in annoyance, followed by a deep sigh that catches your attention. “Why don’t you just tell him this, ma? Bet that’ll make him realize what’s in front of him.” You quickly shake your head, rejecting the idea. "I can't. It's not that simple. If I confess how I truly feel, what if it ruins everything? I can't risk that," you explain anxiously. Myles rolls his eyes at your dramatic response.
"There's no way it would go down like that, but let's entertain your idea. Are you saying all it would take is courage for you to confess to him?" he asks, testing the waters. There’s a different look in Myles eyes, they’re filled with mischief as he slowly scoots towards you.
“Well, yeah, I guess? Why?" You answer your voice layered with curiosity at Myles newfound demeanor. You tilt your head in confusion, What was he planning?
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A gasp escapes your lips as Myles firmly grabs you waist tightly. His big hands pull you against him harshly. Instantly his lips lock with yours, showcasing deep desire as his kisses you. Your eyes widen momentarily before you surrender, closing them gently and placing a hand on his chest.
You wrap your arms around Myles' neck, deepening the kiss, your tongues intertwining desperately. He tastes so sweet, like slightly burnt caramel. Your body molds into his, feeling the hard contours of his muscled yet lean chest beneath your palm as you press into him.
You let out a soft whine against his lips, the sound echoing with a mix of pleasure and longing. Your breaths become heavy, synchronized with the intensity of the moment. Your mind becomes fuzzy, confused how you got to this point.
"There's no way it would go down like that, but let's entertain your idea. Are you saying all it would take is courage for you to confess to him?"
“Well, yeah, I guess? Why?"
“Why not just practice the having the real thing wit me?” Myles watched you scoff at the idea and laughs softly.
“I’m serious, ma. C’mon, just for practice, it’ll only be fo a lil bit. Just imagine I’m him” Myles brings his face closer to yours making your noses brush against each other.
“It’ll only be for a sec right?”, you question Myles nods, sensing he’s winning you over. “Promise, mi alma (my soul)”
You nod your head, and that gave him everything he needed.
Now you have your arms wrapped around Miles neck, playing with his braids as he layers kisses across your collarbone, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Myles tugs at your shirt rising it up to lay his hand against your waist skin to skin. The heat from his hand placed on your waist shoots heat throughout your body.
You begin to sway, your strength ebbing away as your mind becomes blissfully hazy. Myles, ever attentive, keeps you steady, his hand resting firmly on your back while the other remains securely on your waist. He rises slightly, locking eyes with you, a playful chuckle escaping his lips as he delights in your slightly intoxicated-like state.
“C’mon, mi vida, you can’t be tired yet. I just got you.” he playfully teases, causing your face to twist with confusion. You lean your head into his shoulder leaving kisses along his neck.
Myles takes up your hand and interlocks it with his fingers. He tilts your face up to him. You look into his eyes and see something there, you just can’t tell what. He places kisses laced with adoration across your face, feeling like lighting sparks erupting across your skin.
“Mami, I haven’t always been the nicest to you, I admit that, but I also wanna admit that I-“
Right on cue, you once again hear the steps of someone walking towards the room. It must be Miles finishing his shower.
Your suddenly feel a wash of consciousness rush through your senses as you try to shuffle and fix your wrinkled clothing and correct your shriveled hair. Myles watches you and smirks at your attempt to clean up.
Miles soon steps into the room wearing a fresh set of clothes, “Sorry it took me so long, I got way into my shower playlist haha. You ready to sta-“ He eyes land on you and Myles, you watch as his face turns to confusion.
“Imma take that as my sign to leave” Myles gets up and heads to the doorway and starts to head out, before he turns his neck around to say one more thing. “I’ll see you around, ma. Let me know if you ever need more practice aight?”
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EXTRA: You hurriedly shuffle to your backpack to go get your notebooks and supplies you usually use for your study sessions. As you do that Miles can’t help but watch as his brother slowly struts out the room pride written all over his face. Miles swore that as his twin left the room his could see a lipstick stain adorning Myles’ neck.
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ENDING A/N: Thank you for reading this- Ion know if imma keep writing I just felt like making this at 2 am lol. Also please lmk if this is fast paced or not, that was on my mind while writing this whole thing. 💀 Love ya’ll babes <3
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2K notes · View notes
actuallysaiyan · 1 month
for the love of god can the people please get a cockwarming small might req, possibly where it started as just a way to recover if his injury flared during ur usual sex but now hes just into it on its own? i will bow and scrape until my goddam back breaks🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 just started an unbelievably boring job and thinking abt your all might posts are giving me life thru these 8 hour shifts like truly thank you from the shareholders at yagi thirst incorporated
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warnings: smut, suggestive themes, unprotected sex, mentions of blood, Small Might form, slight nipple play word count: 0.7k pairings: Toshinori Yagi/Small Might x Fem!Reader summary: Toshinori takes a long time to be comfortable to make love to you, and yet you drive him crazy. one night he gets a cramp and he can't quite perform, but he finds himself so excited and happy to be so close to you. a/n: Thank you soooo much for this one! I really hope you enjoy and thank you for enjoying my thirst for All Might!
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He knew he’d never be the same man as before, but you were falling in love with him despite his differences. Even if he was thinking that he wasn’t worthy of love, you were right there to show him that he was wrong. Slowly, you began to make him feel alive again. Toshinori Yagi could proudly say that he wanted to live.
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Sex was a whole other thing. It was slow. He would always pull away whenever your make out sessions got a little too heavy. He was always willing to bring you pleasure, but never would he allow you to do it to him. Not only did the thought of you seeing his scar terrify him, but also you knowing he didn’t have the same stamina as before just made him feel even more insecure.
It all started one night when he finally decided to make love to you. He spends a long time focused on you and your pleasure, but he makes it known that he’s going to make love to you. And the first time you make love, it’s romantic and loving and it hits all the right spots. You find yourself dreaming about it for days to come.
Eventually, Toshinori also grows very addicted to the feeling. He loves being able to fuck you in the morning before he has to leave for work. At night whenever he’s feeling very needy and clingy, he fucks you really hard and deep. The man finds himself even more insatiable than he was when he was a young teenager. It’s like something snapped in his brain and you were stirring up his hormones quite a bit.
One night, he has you beneath him, pumping into you deeply. You two share such sweet kisses as he fucks you with precision. All of a sudden, he coughs up blood and he slows himself down. He feels like something is wrong. He looks down at you and you can see the hatred for himself in his eyes. He wants to just disappear and be swallowed up by the ground.
Then you reach up and gently wipe the blood away from his mouth with your fingers. “Toshi, are you okay?”
Just the gentleness of your motions and actions has him shuddering. He’s still inside of you, and still very hard. But his side hurts and the scar is throbbing for the first time in a long time. When you look up at him again, you see the worry on his face.
“Just…I’m sore, honey.”
You pull him in for a very tender kiss, not caring that there’s still blood on his lips. You hold onto him, allowing him to stay so deep inside of you as you rub his back and gently soothe him. Toshinori lays his head on your breasts, sighing happily. Just being connected to you like this makes him feel so safe, so loved and so happy.
The next time that you two make love, he offers to take you in the spooning position. He spreads your thighs, slipping into you from behind. Both of you moan as he bottoms out, and instead of him continuing a pace, he just settles behind you and wraps his arm around you.
“Just let me enjoy the feeling of you, honey.”
Your fingers intertwine as he presses kisses to your neck and your shoulder. Your walls flutter around his girth, causing him to grunt. The feeling of just resting while being deep inside of you makes him feel dizzy. It’s the greatest feeling to just be so connected to you like this. He can easily grab onto your hips and push deeper into you.
Then his hand slowly moves up to your sides, the fingertips are calloused and rough but feel so heavenly on your soft skin. You shudder and look at him over your shoulder. Toshinori has this beautiful look of love on his face as your gaze locks, despite the awkward position to look at him.
“My angel,” he murmurs softly as he leans in to press even more kisses to your neck. “I could never get tired of holding you so close like this.”
His fingers graze over your skin, making the hair on your body stand on end. Then he gently cups your breast, slowly rocking his hips. He tweaks your nipple, making you moan just for him. He can take it so slow for the both of you, and if things get a little too out of hand, he can easily just settle down, stop and stay buried deep inside of you.
You two have all night…and every night to be close to one another.
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
dividers: @adornedwithlight
135 notes · View notes
theswiftieapple · 6 months
could you do a part 2 of the you have a pretty smile? !! i really liked it!!
Part 1
You have a pretty smile too (Pt.2)
𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝, 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 10 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚜 𝚒𝚏 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘 𝚘𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚙𝚊𝚍, 𝚃𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝙾3 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚋𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍, 𝚜𝚘 𝚒 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚒 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚒 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚊𝚒𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗. 𝙸 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑.
𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚜, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚒𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍. :')
𝙸 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 :)
𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚋𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎r
𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚊𝚐𝚎; 17
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝; 4446 (I hope that isn't too short)
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐; 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
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Narrator’s POV
Y/n rushed into her room, closing the door behind her and leaned against it. Her heart was beating so fast she was worried it might explode any second. “I almost kissed Phoebe” she whispered, it all properly setting in now, she slid down the door and put a hand on her mouth as she let out a small squeal. 
“I almost kissed Phoebe Spengler” she repeats, she looks up at the ceiling, mixed emotions swirling inside her. On one hand, she was extremely excited, she almost kissed Phoebe, the Phoebe Spengler, her crush. She was so close to Phoebe, both in eachothers arms. Her mind keeps replaying the moment, trying to remember every detail, from how careful Phoebe held her to how they were so close that she could feel Phoebe breathing on her face. She hoped this was a sign that Phoebe liked her as well.
She was also scared, terrified about what this would mean from now on. Would they talk about what occurred? Or would Phoebe want to forget about it? Her stomach dropped at the thought. She put her head in her hands sighing, hoping this would all turn out alright. 
Unknowingly to Y/n, Phoebe was in a similar spot. She was pacing in her room, trying to process everything that happened or well…that could have happened if they weren’t interrupted. 
What would have happened if they were alone for a few more minutes? Would they have kissed or would y/n have pulled away? Phoebe stopped pacing, sighing deeply, she took off her glasses to rub her eyes. The what if’s were taking over her thoughts, she was this close. This close to kissing her and maybe they would have…gone on a date. Phoebe lets out a small groan out of frustration, she turns to look outside of her window from where she's standing.
They would have to talk about this, as soon as possible. Phoebe walked over to her desk and sat down and took out her notebook, trying to write down every single thought and feeling she had right now. 
“What do you think is going on with Phoebe and Y/n?” Gary asks while cutting some carrots, Callie looks up from stirring the sauce, “What do you mean?”
“Well they acted weird when we came back, all nervous and fidgety” Gary explains, “I’m just worried that they might have had a fight and didn’t want us to worry, I’m just concerned”. A small smirk formed on Callies face knowingly, “They like each other,” she says bluntly.
“Well I would hope so, Phoebe trained her so they spent a lot of time together, it could become a problem if they didn’t like each other, it could affect the team” Gary says putting all the cut up carrot pieces into a bowl, then he starts cutting some onions. “No Gary,” Callie stops stirring and puts a hand on his arm. “They like each other” Gary stays quiet for a moment, processing the information. He puts the knife down and turns to look at Callie, “They like each other?” He asks for confirmation, getting a nod in response, “They do”
Gary claps his hands hard from the excitement and puts them high up in the air, “Oh thank god, I was so worried they secretly hated each other… wait, how do you know?”
“When we came in they were all nervous just like you said, they were blushing, didn’t dare to look at eachother but they were standing very close, that makes me think we accidentally interrupted something” Callie points out what she noticed, turning back to stir the sauce so it wouldn’t burn. “Oh i feel bad now” Gary mutters, “They’ll be okay, they like each other a lot and it's obvious” Callie says trying to cheer him up. Gary starts chopping the onions again, a wide smile on his face, feeling proud. 
Dinner went by as usual, it was never quiet for too long which comforted y/n at the moment, she didn’t want to think too much right now. If she did she might turn completely red in the face from thinking about the memory. Phoebe and her kept sending each other glances during the dinner, if their eyes ever met they would both look away nervously, Phoebe also didn’t miss the teasing smirk Trevor wore the whole time, she only sent a glare back in return, trying not to bring to much attention to it. 
After dinner Y/n rushed into her room, Phoebe doing the same, both still not fully ready to have a conversation about what occurred. They both had a harder time falling asleep that evening, wondering what the other was thinking.
The next morning Phoebe was the first one to wake up, she played with her phone in her hand, lost in her thoughts. She was sitting all alone at the kitchen island again. She could barely sleep the whole night and when she did, her mind decided this would be a nice time to have vivid dreams of the events that happened last night and each time it ended the same way, no kiss.
She couldn’t remember ever being this…upset at a dream before, for ending so soon.
“Good morning” 
Phoebe's head snapped to look at the person she was thinking about, walking over still in her pajamas as well. “Go-good morning” Phoebe stuttered out, her cheeks turning red, in her head she cussed herself out for the slip up. “So how are you doing?”
Y/n asked, trying to act casual but on the inside her nerves were eating her alive, worried what Phoebe might think and say about last night. “I’m alright just a bit tired” Phoebe answered honestly, her eyes not drifting once from Y/n’s who was admiring her. ‘How can someone be this pretty?’ she thought to herself. 
“Couldn’t sleep well?” Phoebe hesitated answering, so she gave a small nod. “Were you that worried that I would mess up on the next mission?” Y/n joked, trying to see that smile that made her day. Phoebe shook her head, luckily for Y/n, with a smile, “You won’t mess up, I know you’ll do great.” Phoebe responded, her voice soft. Y/n smiled in return before sitting next to Phoebe,  only one chair between them. “You really think so?” she whispered, resting her chin on her closed fist. 
“I know so,” Phoebe responded confidently, “Besides I'll be with you the whole time, I won’t leave your side.” 
“Promise?” Y/n asks raising her pinkie finger, Phoebe didn’t hesitate to raise her own, intertwining them, “I promise”. They stayed like that for a moment before pulling away, Y/n bit her lip nervously, trying to form the right words “Phoebe, can we-” she was interrupted by footsteps coming down the stairs, she closed her eyes in frustration, Phoebe glanced at the staircase and took a deep breath, deciding to do something bold. She switched seats, now sitting right next to y/n, no chair in between them. 
Y/n looked at Phoebe with wide eyes and was about to question her but was cut off by Gary coming in. “Morningg” Gary sings as he enters the kitchen, walking towards the coffee pot to our himself a mug. “You two are up early” 
“Just excited for Y/n’s first day” Phoebe responds, nudging Y/n softly. Gary didn’t miss the glances and smiles between them, he raised an eyebrow while observing the scene as he poured them some juice. Callie was right, these two definitely liked each other more than friends. “What do you two think about Crepes for breakfast?”
“Sounds great Dad” Phoebe responds, Gary smiles proudly at the reminder of being her father and starts prepping. Y/n glances at Phoebe, nudging her back softly. 
“You know” Phoebe starts speaking with an evil glint in her eyes, Y/n takes a sip of the juice Gary poured for them, looking at Phoebe, asking her to continue with a nod, “Haunted french pancakes give me the crepes” 
It was silent for a moment but then the laughing started, Y/n put a hand on her mouth to hold some of the giggles in, Gary snickered as well while cracking some eggs for the batter. Trevor groans as he enters the kitchen, “Bad jokes being the first thing I hear in the morning was not something I wanted” he mutters as he sits down on a chair, leaning on the kitchen island, putting his head in his hands.“How the heck do you come up with these?” Y/n asks, her laughter calming down.
Phoebe shrugs, taking a sip, “But seriously don’t worry about today, juice be yourself.”
Trevor groaned again while Gary and Y/n shared another small laugh. Phoebe admired her while she laughed, her heart feeling full seeing her this happy, she hoped she could be the reason for that smile every day.
The day had so far been peaceful, no calls about any ghostly activities so Gary, Trevor, Y/n and Phoebe were playing the famous card game, Uno. Callie was there with them at the start but got called in to help Dr Ray with something important.
“Uno” Trevor says, putting a blue 2 on the pile, Phoebe glanced at Y/n with a small smirk. Gary put another blue card on the pile, y/n dramatically put down a ‘+4’ card on the pile, Trevor ‘oohed’ but shut up quickly when Phoebe put down another ‘+4’ on the pile, “color red” she says, sending Trevor a smirk.
Gary tried hard to hide his laugh behind his hand but failed, “HOW” Trevor groaned, picking up 8 cards, to his misfortune he had to keep taking cards until he finally got a red one, and by then he had 15 cards in his hand, “dammit”
“They’re teaming up, have you noticed that?” He turns to look at Gary, “i don’t know what you’re talking about” Y/n shrugs, picking out a card to put after Gary, “sure you don’t,”
“It’s not our fault we’re so in sync,” Y/n shrugs and high fives Phoebe, smiling. “Maybe you should actually think a tiny bit more when playing Uno” Phoebe shrugs joking, putting down a card. “It’s Uno, it doesn’t need any extra thinking, i just match the colors and or numbers”
“Uno” Gary states, only having one card left, Y/n put down a color change card “green please”, Phoebe put down a green ‘+2’. “Okay this is unfair” Trevor complained, picking up extra cards and putting one on the pile. Gary put down a color changing card “Unoo!” He cheered, high fiving each of them. 
“How’s it going?” Callie asks, walking in, putting her keys on a random shelf, “Not great” Trevor sighs sliding down the couch. “What about some cheesy fries for dinner? Would that make it better?” Gary asks, standing up, Trevor nodded and lied down on the ground dramatically, “yes please”
Gary walked off into the kitchen to start cooking for dinner. “Here let me help '' Phoebe tells y/n taking some cards, their hands brushed against each other, their eyes met. Y/n smiled softly, whispering a small ‘thank you’, their hands hesitantly pulled away, Phoebe cleared her throat and got back to arranging the cards into a nice pile. She could swear she felt electricity when they touched, it made her heart speed up.
Callie raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on her face as she observed them, she walked after Gary into the kitchen.
Trevor stood up looking around, “where’s my phone?” he mutters and goes looking for it.
Now Phoebe and Y/n were all alone in the living room, Phoebe put the cards into their little box, she stiffened when she noticed y/n scooch closer to her a little, her cheeks reddening. “Have you seen those cool themed Uno cards?” Y/n asks, trying to start a conversation.
“The movie and celebrity ones?” Phoebe asks, avoiding Y/n’s eyes, if she looked at them she wouldn’t be able to look away. Y/n nodded, “I saw some new ones at the store recently, they were themed after that new Paw Patrol movie”
“Didn’t the movie come out half a year ago?” Phoebe asks raising an eyebrow, Y/n shrugs, “I think so,”
Phoebe nodded and stood up to put away the cards, when she turned back around she noticed Y/n resting her head on her arms that were on the coffee table, with her eyes closed. The sun was shining through the windows, illuminating her features. She smiled softly at the heartwarming sight. “What?” Y/n asked, opening her eyes, looking back at Phoebe. “Nothing, you just look…cute”
Y/n couldn’t remember if her cheeks turned a dark shade so quick before, “you’re pretty cute too” Y/n replied, admiring Phoebe from the floor, the sun was making her skin look soft and made her pretty eyes stand out. Phoebe walked back over and sat next to her on the floor, only a foot between them, they stared at each other with the gentlest eyes, the only thing that could be heard was the soft humming of the radio in the kitchen and Callie and Gary talking in the background. 
Y/n reached over to touch Phoebe's hair, pushing a few strands of her hair away from her face, “There, now I can see your pretty face”, her eye widen slightly at her own boldness, hoping that didn’t cross a line, she pulled her hand back but Phoebe stopped her, grasping her hand. Y/n’s breathing stopped for a second, looking at Phoebe's hand, holding her wrist, it felt like the warmth on her skin where Phoebe touched her, spread everywhere.
Phoebe snapped out of her trance, trying to form the words “I-i’m sorry, i just.. Thank you and you didn’t have to stop” Y/n looked taken aback “With uh touching my hair i mean, i don't mind” Phoebe grimaced at her awkwardness, hoping that didn’t sound creepy. Phoebe’s own cheeks were a bright red, the sunlight shining into the room enhancing the redness. 
Y/n didn’t realize she was leaning in, they both stayed there, noticing every single detail about the other's face. Phoebe’s bright eyes had to be her favorite, her hand cupped Phoebe's cheek carefully. The small touch made Phoebe melt, leaning into her hand. Y/n smiled at the action, her thumb rubbing Phoebe’s cheek. Phoebe leaned in closer, observing Y/n’s  face to make sure she was okay with it, when she leaned in closer Phoebe took it as a yes, she slowly came closer, making sure to leave enough time for her to pull away if she was unsure.
Their lips only an inch away when the alarm rang, signaling New York needed the Ghostbusters. Phoebe closed her eyes taking a deep breath while Y/n put a hand on her forehead. This was getting ridiculous.
“Wait this is your first shift” Phoebe shot up straight, Y/n mirroring her when she remembered, standing up quickly “shit you’re right” she exclaimed excitement taking over, a small bitter taste was still there thanks to being interrupted again, she reached out a hand to help Phoebe stand up, who gladly accepted her help. Y/n gave Phoebe’s hand a small squeeze before rushing off towards the car, they were surprisingly the first ones to arrive. The others followed a few moments later. 
“Gary your apron!” Callie reminded him as he started to put his uniform on, Y/n couldn’t help but share a small laugh with Phoebe and Trevor as they walked into the Ectomobile. Gary stumbled taking the apron off before zipping on his suit and rushing into the front seat. “Thank you” He replies, putting his seatbelt on before they drove off. It was silent for a moment, leaving Gary to think and it made him realize something. 
“Callie call Dr Ray to check on our kitchen please.”
“Why?”Callie asked, confused. “I was so focused on turning the stove off I forgot about the oven and it’s not empty.” He sheepishly sent her a smile, Callie immediately dials Ray's number and informs him about it. “Where did they say the ghost was?” Trevor asked as his mom was on a call now.
“Apparently in Central Park.”
“Oh so a very small area to search through” Y/n says sarcastically raising an eyebrow, she remembers when Phoebe and Podcast brought her there for the first time, they managed to lose each other and it took over an hour to find each other again. Why an hour? Phoebe had given her phone to Y/n for safekeeping and Podcast’s phone died, comedic timing at its finest. Phoebe couldn’t help but let a small smile form, she noticed her brother sending her a look, glancing between her and Y/n, she sent him a glare in return, the teasing would never stop it seems. 
They parked and excited the Ectomobile, putting on their gear and started looking. “Is it just one ghost or more?” Y/n asks, “Winston said it was two,” Gary explained as they searched, “I think they might be over there” Y/n pointed at a group of people screaming and running away into the opposite direction, “just a hunch”.
They went in that direction and looked around, Y/n thought this would be a great time to say something funny so she turned to Phoebe, “Hey Phoebe” she whispers, trying not to laugh already, “what do you call a bear without ears?”
Phoebe turned to her curious, loving where this was going already “B” Y/n jokes, Phoebe couldn’t hold in a small snicker. 
A loud bang was heard, a ghost popped out of a trashcan making it fall, it was a weird grayish color, snacking on some metal. “Oh not this type of ghost again”  Trevor muttered, the second ghost was just…digging in the dirt for some reason.
Y/n blinked, processing what she was looking at, on one hand she was…well confused? And the other she reminded herself that she should be glad it’s not some godly entity trying to kill them.
They started to approach the ghosts, Phoebe and Y/n sneaked over to the one digging and Gary and Callie to the one eating the metal. And Trevor? His job is to distract the ghosts. He wasn’t exactly jumping out of joy at the idea.
The two pairs got into position, hiding behind trees, Phoebe and Callie both turned on their proton pack, pointing at the ghosts while Gary and Y/n stood ready with the traps. Trevor sighed and stepped out “Hey uglies!” He shouted, both ghosts turned towards him and didn’t hesitate to float at him at high speed, Trevor let out a small scream, putting his arms protectively over his face but luckily for him Phoebe and Callie hit the ghosts. Gary and Y/N immediately rushed and captured the ghosts. Trevor sighed in relief and put a hand over his heart. 
“Perfect catch,” Gary says, picking the trap up, “and no damage this time” Callie announces while high fiving Gary.
With that done they walked back to the car, the people that didn’t run away clapped and cheered for them, the Ghostbusters saved the city again.
Before Phoebe could leave to go and change into her normal clothes, Y/n called after her. She turned and looked at her curiously, “Do you think you have time to go on a walk in like 40 minutes?” Y/n asks, shuffling in place, her cheeks red. Phoebe smiled softly “of course, want to meet up down here?”
Y/n nodded and waited for Phoebe to leave the Garage before she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, putting her hands on her hips she stared at the stairs leading up to the apartment, “I hope this goes well” she mutters to herself before walking up to her room to get ready for the short outing.
Y/n glanced up from her phone when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Her eyes met Phoebe’s, Y/n waved shyly, “Hi, are you ready to go?”
Phoebe nodded, “Ready as I can be,”
“So why did you ask me to go on a walk?” Phoebe asks “Not that I mind hanging out with you, that’s not it at all I just-I’m curious” Phoebe stumbled over her words nervously, putting her hands in her pockets to try and stop from fidgeting. “I wanted to talk to you” Y/n states simply as they enter a park, “It’s about…us”
Phoebe gulped nervously, nodding slowly “So uh what do you want to talk about?”
Y/n takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, she plays with the sleeves of her jacket trying to remind herself it’ll be alright and it’s better to just say it before her mind changes it’s decision from all the anxiety and overthinking, “i want to talk about how we almost kissed last night..and today as well,” She refuses to look at Phoebe, instead focusing on all the trees and bushes they passed by. .
“Oh” was the only thing Phoebe managed to say, “wha-what about it?”
“Well…we almost kissed and-and that's not something just anyone does with a friend, sure some people and certain cultures greet friends with a kiss on the cheek but this isn't a kiss on the cheek, this is an almost uh...kiss on the lips and well yeah” Y/n rambles on for a short moment playing with her fingers, her heart beating what feels like 10 miles a minute. She could feel her cheeks turning redder with every second that passed.
Phoebe stayed silent trying to form an answer, her head was overflowing with so many different thoughts. Y/n stops walking and turns to look at Phoebe her hands shaking from the nerves “Phoebe I like you”
Phoebe almost choked on air at her straightforwardness, her own cheeks turning a bright red. “Like…a lot. I like you more than a friend” Y/n confesses, staring at her own shoes, biting her lip.  “And…since we almost kissed two times i thought you might like me back.”
Hands landed on Y/N’s shoulders making her snap her head up to look at Phoebe who stared at her with the biggest smile, “I like you too, a lot more than a friend” she says breathless as she admired Y/n, the sun going down casted a soft light on the both of them and it somehow made her even beautiful.
“You’re serious?” Y/n asks, grabbing Phoebe's arms, who’s hold tightened on Y/n’s shoulders. ”I’m serious” Phoebe spoke with her most serious voice so there wouldn’t be any doubts about her feelings, Y/n sighed in relief and pulled Phoebe in a tight hug, “Oh shit, i thought i was going to pass out from all that anxiety for a moment.” She mutters under her breath, hiding her face in Phoebe’s shoulder. “Well you didn’t luckily, even if you did i would have caught you”. They slowly pulled away from the hug, still in eachothers arms. “I even had pick up lines ready but i was to nervous”
“Pick up lines?” Phoebe asked raising an eyebrow “Now i need to hear those”
“What no, they're silly!” Y/N protests, shaking her head, “I like silly, pleaseeee” Phoebe begs with a small smile, Y/n sighed in defeat “Okay fine one pick up line”
She removed one of her hands from around Phoebe and stared at her palm, Phoebe had to hold in a small laugh “You wrote it down on your hand?”
“Yeah I did! I knew that I would be anxious as hell and forget!” 
Phoebe let out a small giggle, “Okay, okay, tell me the pick up line please”
Y/N cleared her throat, glancing at Phoebe once more before looking back at her palm, “Are you made out of Copper and Tellurium? Because you’re CuTe” she tries to wink and fails. Phoebe bit her lip to hold in her giggles. She could feel her heart doing flips from all the excitement,  “Is it that bad?” y/n asks grimacing, putting her free hand on her mouth. 
“Not bad at all, I like it” Phoebe replies winking, “Wait you said one pick up line..there’s more?”
The reply was to quick, Phoebe smiles “There is another one, come on pleasee”
“No, that was the better one, the other one is…a bit too cheesy” Y/n declines, Phoebe stares at her smiling, “one more for now?” Phoebe tries to negotiate. Y/n sighs in defeat, she can’t say no when Phoebe is looking at her so excited, she looks back at her palm. 
“Are you a ghost? Because I see you being my Boo”
Phoebe let out a small laugh, “I told you it was cheesy, you asked for it” Y/n shrugs a small smile forming again on her own face, admiring how happy Phoebe was, it made her heart swell with joy.
“I love it, really”
“Also I wouldn’t mind being your Boo” Phoebe teases, Y/n bites her lip, it was harder for her to breathe from all the excitement, “Well then Phoebe Spengler will you be my girlfriend?” 
“I will, will you be my girlfriend?” Phoebe asks, her whole body feeling like she was on cloud nine. Y/n's smile widens “I will”. 
They stared at each other, the happiness clear as day. They slowly leaned in, admiring every single detail they could see, Y/n glanced at Phoebe’s lips before going back to her eyes, they were only a few inches apart “Phoebe?”
Phoebe hummed softly,her eyes not drifting from Y/n’s eyes, the setting sun helping to bring out all the beautiful different shades of her eye color. 
“You have a pretty smile too” she whispered, Phoebe could feel small tears forming in her eyes from all the emotions she was feeling, her arms wrapped properly around y/n who cupped Phoebe’s face. Phoebe’s lips pressed against Y/n’s, who sighed into the kiss, it felt like a weight was off of her shoulder, she could have sworn her cheeks were on fire with how hot they felt. They pulled away slowly, taking a moment to regain their breath. “Finally” Phoebe mutters, making Y/N giggle, “Couldn’t wait any longer?”
“No, we were interpreted two times in less than 24 hours and it drove me insane” Phoebe explained rubbing Y/n’s back. “You can have those two kisses now then” Y/n replies leaning in again, kissing Phoebe on the lips two times. It felt like the whole outside world didn't exist, there were no problems anymore as long as they were close like this. The birds chirping in the background and the distant traffic being the only thing they were able to hear that wasn't their own hearts beating. “Better?” Y/n asks, playing with a strand of Phoebe’s hair.
“Much better” Phoebe whispered, leaning back in for another kiss.
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pedrospatch · 1 year
the road ahead l preview (j. miller series)
a/n📝 in honor of hitting 4k followers this weekend, I decided to post a little glimpse at what I have been brainstorming: a full length series for the to do the right thing universe. I have been toying around with this idea for a while now and to be honest, I am really terrified taking on such a big challenge and writing this story, but also kind of excited too? part of me feels like I’m going to be in waaaay over my head but oh well lmao.
the first chapter is still a draft, but this scene is complete. what do we think? should i do it? please let me know your thoughts!
“Frank?” You knelt in front of his wheelchair and placed a gentle hand on his knee. “What is it?”
“We need you to take Gracie with you,” Frank told you, softly. His blue eyes had gone red, brimming with tears that he was trying his absolute hardest to hold back. Behind him, Bill stood there with his hand on his partner’s shoulder and you could have sworn that he was fighting back tears too.
“What?” You and Joel hissed out in unison. While you couldn’t see him, you could imagine the look of shock on his face mirrored yours as well.
“We need you to take her with you,” he repeated.
You stared up at Frank, your eyes wide in pure and utter disbelief. “What are you talking about?”
“Whatever this illness is, it’s progressing fast, way too fast. Look at me. The last time you were here, I could still walk. That was what, just a few months ago?” Frank let out a small and humorless chuckle and shook his head. “I’m getting worse with every day that passes. I can’t do anything for myself, let alone for Gracie. I’m in the most excruciating and unbearable pain and the reality is that I don’t have all that much time left.” He paused, hesitating for a moment before saying, “If I’m going to die, then I’m going to die in peace, not in agony.”
Your heart sank deeply, realizing what he’d meant by that.
“What about Bill?”
Joel’s gruff voice came from behind you, strained and tight.
“He can’t raise her alone. And besides, he’s made his choice to go with me.” Frank put his hand over his beloved partner’s hand, which was still resting on his shoulder.
You glanced over your shoulder back at Joel, who just stood there, the color drained from his face.
“How could we put her through that?” You asked, your voice thick with emotion as you turned back to look at Frank. “Don’t you realize how dangerous it will be for her to go with us?”
“She’s right. We’re goin’ across the fuckin’ country to get Ellie where she needs to be,” Joel reminded them. “We don’t know what kinda shit is out there or what we’re goin’ to run into. So how the fuck do you two expect us to take along a fuckin’ child?”
“Ellie’s a child,” Bill pointed out to him.
“She’s fuckin’ fourteen, not three—”
Frank held up a hand to stop him.
Finally, a tear slid down the side of his face. “Look, this isn’t a choice that we want to make, Joel. But let’s face it. I’m sick and Bill is old. Gracie will wind up alone.” He swallowed harshly, his eyes meeting yours. “I know you just wanted her to be safe, and sure, maybe she was safer with us here than in the zone for a while, but I don’t think that we thought this all the way through. I don’t think we looked far enough into the future. At some point, Gracie was going to lose us both.”
You turned and looked into the living room where Gracie was showing Ellie her favorite teddy bear.
“What’s his name?” Ellie had asked her.
She snorted, ruffling her hair. “Real original, kid.”
Gracie giggled, playfully swatting her hand away.
“I know she loses either way.” Frank’s hoarse voice garnered your attention once again. “I know it’s an incredibly dangerous risk, taking her with you. But it’s either that or she winds up alone.”
“We took care of her for as long as we could,” Bill said, quietly. “Now it’s your turn.”
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hii👋 I wanted to request where ghost meets his girlfriend little brother's. Context she has raised them since she was a teen and is very protective over them so him getting to meet the three younger brothers is a big step in her trust and love for him.
omg I love this ❤️😭
He’s heard so much about your brothers, he loves the glimmer in your eyes when you talk about them, gushing over their accomplishments and showing them off to him. He absolutely adores listening to you talk about them, show pictures and tell the story behind them, your laughter when you talk about them is like nothing he’s ever heard. It’s the most beautiful noise in the world, the airy, breathless laugh when you tell the story about how you took them sledding once and how it ended with you face planting because of a ramp one of them built at the end of the hill. God, he replays that sound over and over again when he’s falling asleep in room.
And then you shyly proposed that he meet them the next time you were home together, his heart tripped over itself once he realized what that meant for you, both in terms of your relationship and how you see him. He was beyond flattered and almost terrified of how much you trusted him. He gave you a rare gentle smile and agreed to meet them, and when you immediately jumped up with the biggest grin on your face, he knew it was worth it.
He stood outside your front door with his heart hammering in his throat, his face feeling raw and exposed but he knew it was worth it (and he didn’t want to scare them). It was always worth it for you. A tall young man, he assumed the he was the eldest, opened the door and warily eyed him up and down before greeting him with a smile and a step to the side. He’d recognize that smile anywhere, he’s seen it on you so many times.
“Todd! Morgan! Can you help out in the kitchen?” You called out and on cue, two younger boys ran down the hall and raced each other into the kitchen,
“Hey! I’m glad you made it!” You jogged over to him and kissed him deeply, who can blame you? It’s already so rare to see him without a mask, why not enjoy it?
“Yike, sis, need a moment?” Teased the eldest as he took the case of sodas from Simon,
“Shut up, Andy, go help your brothers.” You quipped back, pink dusting your cheeks, you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear as you walked Simon through your home. He looked around and saw that the amount of pictures you showed him, pales in comparison to how many pictures are in your home. Sport events, school pictures, competitions, recitals, medals and trophies, certificates of accomplishments, all with their names on it all hung on the walls or displayed proudly. Simon was in awe, he was astonished at the overwhelming love that filled your home.
He was speechless and you were worried that he was overwhelmed by it all. He caught onto how you felt and quickly tried to ease your concerns,
“I’m alright sweetheart, just, wow, you’re so proud of them, aren’t you?” He was breathless, you stood beside him and situated yourself under his arm, his fingers gently running over your shoulder as he held you tighter. You two looked into the kitchen and watched as Andy guided his two younger brothers on how to make good hamburger patties.
“They’re everything.” You sighed, resting your head against his chest. You stifled a laugh as the youngest overdid it with the breadcrumbs,
“Might have to step in soon.”
“Sure you don’t want your burgers with extra crumbs?” He teased as you both made your way over,
“Knowing you, I’ll never hear the end of it.” You quipped as you washed your hands and stepped aside for him to do the same.
It was beautiful, watching your little brothers warm up to him and welcome him so seamlessly. Everyone seemed to be so in sync with each other, even Morgan, the more rambunctious of the bunch, was on his best behavior. More excited than ever to bring Simon all his drawings and all the good grades he got on his tests, it made you tear up as you watched Simon fall into place among your family. Right where he belongs.
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thatoneluckybee · 10 months
School Bus Graveyard Episode 61 Thoughts
Okay thoughts time cause HU!HG?!?Q>?
The logo was altered!! Not by much but I love the detail that some falling rubble was covering the edges of the logo at the beginning of the episode.
Ben holding/protecting Tyler under the (table? desk?) is everything to me. Ben Clark is a golden retriever in all the best ways. I am dealing with the after effects of the Ben Fever we all got a few weeks ago.
Same goes for Taylor protecting Ashlyn! It’s so cute and Taylor has been coming in CLUTCH lately. I’m so excited for this development with her after Tyler’s injury. I just hope she’s able to target her (rightful) anger at the right people and not at the rest of the group. (Also ASHLYN CRYING BABY NO)
“Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?” Aiden, no, we do not, put your eyes back in please. (Also—I LOVE the shading and dramatic effects on this panel.)
Okay, the parents are DEFINITELY being affected by the rift and Phantom Dimension. Mike was dizzy when the kids all came back!! And I love how responsible both of Ashlyn’s parents (as well as everyone else so far) are being—Immediately jumping in to help when it sounds like someone is in trouble. I just hope this serves as a wake-up call for Aiden’s mom and dad.
We’ve seen Ashlyn scared before but… holy cow I don’t think she’s been pictured as this terrified before. And rightfully so! I want to give her a hug and a chocolate milk. Also, I adore how Logan immediately noticed and rushed to help. He’s really grown in his emotional maturity over the series and I’m loving the payoff.
Yes, honey, you are becoming phantoms. Is this confirmation of the theory? I’ll take it as confirmation of the theory.
…The parallels between the earlier panel of Tyler “waking up” vs Aiden now is…. oh my. And the altered text was DEEPLY disturbing. But I had to try not to laugh at imagining what he sounds like right now. Probably like he’s a 40 year old man who’s smoked a six-pack ev’ry night since way back when.
LILY BABY NooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Aiden IMMEDIATELY being concerned about Ashlyn is everything. In all honestly the ship concerned me at the beginning but I am ALL ABOARD and ready to set sail now. They both have grown so much and while it would have been iffy at the start it’s becoming a really sweet and wholesome relationship, regardless of whether it stays platonic or divulges into romance.
The flashbacks were INSANE. But also, let’s take a moment seeing these to appreciate HOW MUCH THE ART HAS IMPROVED!!! Supersupersuper proud of Red and her entire team. This was like a short montage of the growth and I love that so much. Also…. could this potentially count as an “oh” moment for Ashlyn?? And the immediate jump afterwards to Aiden’s maybe-dead-maybe-not body was such incredibly timed and perfected formatted whiplash!!!!!
Ashlyn initiating the contact was huge for her. We know she isn’t a fan of touchy-feely stuff or close contact so this is big. I thing there was a “some people are worth being uncomfortable for” comic with the BTW and TBH creature that sums up my thoughts on this? But yeah, I loved this. She’s growing more comfortable AND this was entirely respectful of her boundaries while also allowing her to push past her comfort zone? Amazing.
”So this is what it feels like” uhhhhhhhh I need a seperate ramble post for this cause I don’t want to trigger tag this one and have it filtered but I have… a lot to say. Very relatable and makes me appreciate these characters more. I love how this whole short scene was pulled off though. Definitely a lot of emotions for this one, I had to pause for a moment to process.
“I don’t like how much she’s shaking” MY HEART
Aaaaand THANK YOU RED FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE!!! I’ve got so many longer thoughts and theories and ideas and rambels and AUGHHHHHHH I can’t fit them all!!!
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bamboobooshark · 1 month
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﹒⌗ ⚜️ ౨ ♰ ˚₊‧ HOLD ON : 2.5K WRDS
This is a lil smthn smthn for my pookie!! This is also my first time writing angst!! So prepare for this to be not so good as my fluff stuff (there is going to be a bit of fluff at the beginning though). !!WARNINGS: angst, character deaths (reader and character), crying, blood, guns, eventual suicide!!
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Christmas time. You and Bucky always enjoyed it. The two of you loved the cold weather, the small lights that dimly lit the city at night, the soft layers of snow covering the ground, all of it was so gorgeous. The wind was hitting your faces causing both of your noses to get a bit drippy. Besides all the sniffles and full body shivers, you and Bucky were enjoying you winter night stroll. You held each other’s hands, fingers tightly intertwined to show your affection and to keep warm.
It isn’t long before you two are close to arriving at your apartment building. You can’t tell whether you or Bucky is more excited to cuddle and get cozy, but it doesn’t matter.
It won’t matter.
“Fuck,” Bucky mutters under his breath. He grips your hand tightly. His muscles tense so hard his arm begins to tremble. You shoot him a confused glare. Why is he so shaken? Is he worried? Why won’t he answer you?
You and Bucky thought Hydra was done with him. It had been years since he last had to deal with them. Neither of you would’ve expected to quickly be surrounded by several men; several Hydra workers. This isn’t how this night is supposed to end. You’re supposed to go to your flat and make hot cocoa and cuddle and tell each other how much you admire the other.
“Bucky? What’s going on,” you ask, your voice wavering. He finally looks to meet your eyes. They’re wide and glossy. He’s trying his damned hardest to not show it, but he’s just as terrified as you are. “I don’t know,” he says truthfully. “I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know what they want. I don’t know why they’re here,” he rambles. He stands in front of you, gazing into your eyes deeply. “I need you to listen to me, darling. I love you. I always will. There’s never going to be a day where I forget you. I promise I’ll always remember you,” he assures you, now grasping both of your hands tightly and pressing them to his chest. You shake your head in confusion and disbelief. “Bucky, stop. You’re scaring me,” you plead as tears prick your eyes.
“This could go one of two ways, Barnes,” one of the men speaks. Bucky gives him a glare so hard it makes your breath pause for a few moments. He releases your hands and stands tall. You try desperately to grab his hand back, pawing at his fists pitifully. “Let me handle this,” he whispers to you sweetly. You nod in agreement. Though your body is trembling, you stay as still as you can. You feel lightheaded. Your legs feel like they might give out. You can feel the blood leaving your face, your body going cold like you’re dying.
“The easiest way to go about this is to have you step away from your sweetheart and come with us,” the same man says. His arms cross against his chest tightly before he exhales deeply. “But I know, we all know, that you don’t like things to be easy. You want things the hard way,” he says confidently. Bucky practically growls at the way the man speaks. He can feel what might happen next. He doesn’t even take a moment to look at you before he tugs you against his chest. God, his flesh is warm. So warm, so contrasting to the metal hand the presses against your back compared to the one that holds the back of your head protectively. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you take my baby. Not now. Not ever,” he states. His fingers grip onto you tightly like he’ll loose you if you barely slip out of his grasp.
“You’re proving me right,” the man chuckles. The six other Hydra employees surround you and Bucky from a distance. Guns point at you and him from every direction. A knot forms in your stomach. You know that whatever’s about to happen next is inevitable. No matter what either of you do, what either of you say, will save your life or Bucky’s. “I love you, Bucky,” you mutter against the crook of his neck. Hot tears roll down your cheeks while you attempt to hold back your ugly cries. “I know it. I love you too,” he whispers to you, kissing the side of your head.
“No! Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bucky yells, choking back tears.
It takes a moment before your body takes in what happened. Your ears ring from the sound of a gun going off. You feel the most intense, stinging pain in your side. Your hands move from your lover’s back to grip your abdomen. You can’t hold back to ugly cries. You begin to whine and wail, yelling Bucky’s name incoherently. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Just give me a second, okay,” he assures as he falls to the ground with you. He holds you closely in his lap, climbing on top of you to protecting you. He does his best to cover your head and chest, that way you can’t be shot again without the Hydra employees shooting him as well. He struggles to shimmy his coat off before ripping a long strip of it off with his teeth, using his metal arm for some extra power. You cooperate the best you can, lifting your stomach and pressing against him so he can wrap the fabric around your waist. You groan loudly in pain as he fastens it as tight as he can. “Shh. I know it hurts, baby. I know. Bare with me, though. This will save your life,” he says as he presses his head to yours.
“I’m not going back to that hellhole,” he declares with nothing but determination in his voice. He’s not letting you die tonight. He’s not going back to Hydra. He’s not allowing himself to forget you. No fucking way. “Step away from them, Barnes. This is your last warning before we have to start using more force than necessary,” the leader says with feigned sincerity. He growls in responde while shaking his head no. He stays pressed to you, not giving any verbal response to the Hydra men. His tears drip down his cheeks and onto your clothes. You’ve never seen him give you such a pitiful, desperate, affectionate gaze. You’re hoping you’ll never have to see him like this again. He whispers how much he loves you, how he can’t wait until you get stitched up so he can hug you as tight as he physically can, that he’s so excited to see your reaction to what he got you for Christmas. You try your best to reciprocate, gritting your teeth and tensing while you speak. You feel like you can barely hold on despite the pressure of his torn coat slowly stopping the bleeding. It feels too late for miracles, for prayers, for anything to stop this.
“Can you hold on for me, sweetheart? Could you do that for me,” he asks tenderly, his warm hand coming down to caress your cheek. You lean into his touch lovingly. You can feel his pulse against your jaw. You can smell his hands; the usual scent of metal mixed with the soap you’d gotten him months ago for his birthday that he refuses to stop using. You nod in response, choking out a “yeah” for him. He smiles softly and nods in sync with you. “Thank you, baby,” he mumbles.
Nothing but a loud exclamation of “no” comes from your mouth.
Two of the men had used the vulnerable, moment to try and pull Bucky away from you. He resisted, kicking, punching, even biting the men to get them off. “I told you I’m not going back! Espically if you kill my damn spouse,” he barks angrily at them. The leader of the group approaches your entangled bodies.
You can feel Bucky’s chest press against you in an almost sedating manner. The way you can feel his heart against yours. His breaths coming out hard and heavy from his chest. The stuttering of his heartbeat from crying so hard. “I’m telling you to leave us alone. Forget about taking me back. Forget about ever shooting them. Just erase this whole thing from your mind and leave us alone,” he pleads with the man. “I’ll take them to the hospital, say it was a hit and run, we all go home, live a happy life, and pretend none of this ever happened,” he says as a demand rather than a deal.
The figure that stood above you two shook his head no while smiling sadistically. “I’m sorry, but that’s not how this works, James,” he chuckles, your partner’s names sounding like poison coming from his mouth. “You either resist and they die, or you come with us and they live,” he says. You look up at Bucky, biting the inside of your cheek. “Bucky, please. I don’t want you to have to go back. Let me,” you pause, struggling to say the next word. “Let me die,” you mutter through heavy sobs. For the first time in a while, Bucky acts aggressive towards you. “Darling there’s no day, time, or universe I’d let you die like this. You’re getting out of this alive,” he promises you. Your tears blur your vision, your boyfriend lovingly wipes them away with his thumb as he looks up at the male. “You’re not taking their life. There’s no way I’m letting any of you take their life away from them,” he states sternly.
“You’re funny,” the Hydra agent says before you both hear the cocking of a gun. Bucky immediately covers your head and heart with his body. You can’t hear anything but his breathing now. His breathing, his crying, his desperation apparent in the way he inhales and exhales. “If you shoot them, you’re shooting me,” he says before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I love you,” he tells you again. “I love you too,” you say, as a promise more than a statement to him, one more time.
For the last time.
Another stinging pain courses through you before things go black. Bucky pauses in disbelief, in denial that he left the slightest bit of your head uncovered. He yells out your name as loud as he physically can, tears and pain scratching his throat like a cat’s claws. He’s never letting himself down for this. He can’t. He never can. He sobs, crying himself dry until he’s sputtering and coughing dryly. “You’re sick,” he says quietly. “You’re all fucking sick,” he barks loudly as he holds your bleeding head to his chest.
It’s been weeks. The Hydra agents left Bucky alone to grieve with your death, deciding that would be worse than wiping his memory once more and letting him forget you. He hosted your funeral and now holds your ashes in a small charm of a necklace he doesn’t take off. His mechanical arm rusts with some of your blood still on it. He’s been struggling. Despite having a good support system and being surrounded by the people he cares about, he can’t stand not having the one he cares about most around; you.
He sits on the couch in your shared flat. His eyes glance over to your spot. Your blanket is still draped over the top of the couch the way it was when you two went out walking that dreaded night. Your favorite throw pillow lays on top of the cushion. He lets himself silently cry. He can hear your voice. He can see your smile. He can faintly smell your scent on the items you left behind. Fuck, it’s so hard without you. It’s insufferable. It’s quiet. It’s dull. Life feels more lonely than when he first had his memory wiped. His gaze falls on the Christmas tree. He eyes each of the ornaments. You two had been living together for almost four years and you’d trying to collect trinkets or actual ornaments for the tree. He smiles tenderly, each little item holding a loving moment between the two of you. He looks from the star on the top to the presents at the bottom.
With a pained groan, he lifts himself from the couch. He uses the dim lights from the tree’s lights and the cheesy Hallmark movie on the TV like a flashlight to find one specific present. The box isn’t the biggest, but it sure as hell is special. He unwraps the box and holds it in his hands. The red velvet in his hands doesn’t do anything but make him cry harder and smile bittersweetly.
He opens it to reveal or gorgeous engagement ring. The diamonds in the middle form a star, just like the one that was on his mechanical arm when you two first met. He unclasps the necklace that holds your ashes, slipping the ring onto the chain. He closes it back and grips the two small items in his hand so hard, his knuckles turn white.
“I miss you so bad. I’m so sorry you never got to see this ring. I’m sure you would’ve loved it. Maybe you would’ve thought it was stupid,” he says, talking to what remains of you. “I can’t stand not seeing you,” he sighs. He heads to your bedroom. He wipes some of the liquid that driped from his nose before smiling at your side of the bed. It was still neatly made like the way you left it. He loved the way you would make your side of the bed, and even fix up his side if he didn’t. He reached into his bedside table drawer to grab the lockbox stashed under files and random items. He unlocks it and picks up the revolver inside. He always kept it fully loaded in the case that someone broke in and possibly brought a whole team with them. He never thought he’d be using this thing for an emotional emergency rather than a physical threat. He grabs the sweater off the side of your bed that you wore to sleep the night before the walk. It still smelt like you, had your signature scent that he could always recognize. He wrapped it around his neck in a way that represented a hug from you. He grips the ashes and engagement ring once more, the revolver in the other hand. He lays on the ground and sighs peacefully. He’ll see you soon. He’ll be with you. He knows his headstone will look nice next to yours. He knows that flowers will bloom in the dirt near your graves, moss will cover the headstones, and the stones will age old together for you and Bucky since you two won’t get the chance to. “I love you, sweetheart,” he says before pressing a kiss to the charm holding your remains. He inhales deeply, then exhales for the last time in his life, your ashes and ring still gripped in his hand.
You two didn’t get the chance to grow old together. Your headstones will, though. That’s the beauty of it. That’s your proof that you’ll always love each other.
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hurkules · 9 months
Karlach knows how you feel about getting intimate. It’s never had good connotations for you. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want you, but she wouldn’t dare speak those words out loud. She wouldn’t dare make you feel like you owed her something.
Some alone time would more than suffice which is why she’s ecstatic when you decide to splurge on an inn once you arrive in the city. There wasn’t one complaint from anyone in the group: how could anyone be upset about a warm bath and an actual bed for once. Well…Halsin could, but he didn’t mind too much given everyone else’s excitement.
You get everyone their own room, but end up wondering into Karlach’s after everyone has bathed, and you know she’s settled in. You’ll ask if she’s okay and comfortable, meanwhile she’s giving you the biggest smile and bouncing with laughter.
Eventually, you’ll slink over to her and plant a kiss on her lips. Before you know it, she’s on top of you kissing with all the passion she can muster. You don’t stop her. Instead your hands roam, you’re trying to get as a close to her as you can, and you find yourself moaning. It be a shame to die without the pleasure of her, she’ll think to herself, but this is pretty fucking good.
She’ll position herself more between your legs and grip the back of your thigh before jolting back with horror. “I’m sorry…that was—,” she’ll start at a loss. Embarrassed and terrified, she’ll add “I’m so sorry, love. I didn’t mean to. I know how you feel. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t do that.” She’s searching your eyes for anger, disgust, or maybe even tears. Instead, she’s meant with tender eyes and a loving smile.
You’ll pull her back down to you and kiss her deeply and softly, a way that you hope conveys the love you have for her. “It’s okay, Karlach. I want this. I want you.”
She’ll look at you speechless, and a little scared to move. She wants nothing more than to have to you, to feel your skin against hers, to have her name spill from your lips in the sweetest symphony, to fall asleep in the moonlight next to you, to have you in her arms, and to wake with the sun warming the both of you.
You give her another kiss as confirmation and she’s elated. Slow down, Karlach! Don’t ruin this for her, she’s reminding herself, Go slow!
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ctheathy · 1 year
I don't know if requests are open, but can you maybe write some secret history Tails headcanons with a fox darling? I find that concept so cute ^-^❤
Secret History Tails w/ fox!Darling
Secret History Tails x Reader
Fluff Headcanons
Short Concept
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Mashed pls I’m starting to run out of pictures
Author’s note : Two foxies coming right up~!
The timeline for this concept isn’t explicitly stated, so I’ll leave that up to you, sweetie☺️🌻
SH Tails/Reader [Romantic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Insecurities mention • Clinginess
Ooh, boy. Better give your farewells to personal space and time of your own as this man is going to be spending up all time he has on you. We all know that Tails over here is an incredibly attached and admiring to whoever managed to steal his heart. He is completely devoted to you and shows this through whatever means he has to in order to prove himself. But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t taken some things for himself either. For example, a singular hug from you is what gets him through the day. One little hand stroke can heal his sour mood within a matter of milliseconds for the rest of the week. Give him a peck and he’ll do whatever you ask him to, cause you have him so very tied up in your love. He cannot help but crawl back and even beg for more as long as it results in his needs being fulfilled. His hands are going to be all over you, deeply hoping it not only ensures his comfort, but yours of course as well.
He is specifically incredibly touchy with your own tail, it truly seeming to be his favourite body part to just completely cling to. You can often even catch the mobian staring in thought at your singular tail, just ... completely awestruck. Seemingly getting lost in his own mind. Sadly though, there also happens to be an upsetting part to these observations. As despite how the harassment of his tormentors have been left to the past, there remains this insecurity lingering in the back of his head about his extra tail. Despite feeling too anxious to ask you for the reassurance, he’ll likely be especially needy that day knowing the closure in your presence easily has the capability of making him feel better. Even at his lowest, giving him one little caress with your tail still has him shaking with euphoria.
Speaking of both of your tails, you two absolutely don’t have a singular moment in eachother’s company where they aren’t tangled up with one another, the two just holding eachother to try and stick closer to one another and to always be in contact. I also truly enjoy the idea of you two having created some sorts of ‘courtship dance’ with your tails, much like swans do with their necks. And to make this better, due to his second tail, he continuously makes little slip ups as it accidentally caresses and crashes with your own. He just cannot help it-! His tails tend to instinctively sway in excitement when around you, just with how happy you make him feel, which usually result in always having a good laugh at his sheepish attempts.
I feel due to you being another fox and holding similar instincts, including that of picking one single mate for life, he’d be a whole lot less paranoid when it comes to your relationship with one another. While his usual possessive aura and fear for being dumped would be literal skyrockets high, he feels as if he can truly be at his calmest around you. This makes the relationship a lot more trustworthy than the others do, as his usual unsteady demeanor is really just a result of him being terrified of you finding someone ‘better’ than him. For this case, Tails would have no problem just speaking his mind and share his thoughts that aren’t visible among the outer surface by body language or certain moods in behaviour. In fact, he may be a little bit too comfortable with you. He is like an open book, just sharing literally everything that even crosses his mind for a split second. But you certainly do appreciate the wholesomeness of him trusting you as much as he does.
It truly pays off for the genuineness of the bond.
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Oscars Night Part 2 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
A/N: So we got Michael's Oscar win… here's Charlotte's! A little fluff and smut with our favs. This gif has nothing to do with the Oscars but he looks damn good so here we are… Enjoy!
Warning: Smut
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“And here we have the insanely gorgeous star of the night, Mrs. Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan. Mrs. Jordan, how are you feeling?”
Charlotte slid her hand into Michael Strahan’s as he politely helped her step up onto the platform for her pre-show interview at the 90th Academy Awards. Her stylist had gone for full glam with her outfit, it was a bit more dramatic than she would usually go for but it hit the mark and clearly was a showstopper, which was exactly what Law believed she should be for the night. However, without her husband’s usual arm to steady her, she questioned how she even made it this far down the carpet by herself. 
“I am doing amazing, thank you! So excited to be here.” She offered him and the camera a dazzling white smile, which expertly hid the massive waves of anxiety crashing over her. 
Her eyes carefully examined the chaotic terrain of the red carpet and wondered silently how her peers sauntered down these red carpets with such ease and confidence. It was certainly not her first award show, it was not even her first time at the Oscars. It was, however, her first time as a nominee and she felt like a fawn testing out its wobbly new legs for the first time. Despite all the award shows and events she had gone to in her career, tonight felt as if she had ascended into a whole new level of terrifying. And it did not help that she had to make it through the evening without the one person who could keep her anxiety in check, the only person who knew the right words to pull her back from the edge of anxiety and doubt. 
“Well, first, you look absolutely stunning. Tonight is a huge night for you as a first-time nominee. But it could also be a significant historic night for you and the film industry. You are only one of three women nominated for Best Song and Best Actress in the same year. And you could become the second Black woman to win best actress, and the youngest person to become an EGOT in history. How does that all feel? Are you excited?” 
She let out a quick and light chuckle, “No pressure at all, right??” She paused and shrugged. “But honestly, I am trying to not think too much about all of that. I just… I just strive every day to do my best work and be the best vessel for other people’s stories that I can be. Naomi really was the embodiment of that for me. And given the reckoning that is happening across the country, but particularly in our industry over the last few years, I think Naomi’s story is too familiar for far too many people. And it has been great to see the conversations this film has started and how it really centers the journey of survivors. So I am just so proud and honored to be part of it. And while the recognition from my peers this season has been incredible, I am more happy about that. So I’m just looking forward to performing tonight and celebrating the best of the best in our industry. I try not to get too caught up in all the other stuff.” 
Her role in the indie film, Bird Set Free, was timely and deeply personal for Charlotte due to her own struggles with abuse. The film tells the story of Naomi, an aspiring songwriter who is assaulted by her boss at her part-time job. The project, loosely based on the screenwriter’s own life, followed Naomi’s journey to recovery and shed real light on the harsh impacts of trauma on survivors. With this role, Charlotte had the rare opportunity to both play the main character and dust off her songwriting skills by contributing to many of the songs showcased throughout the film. As a survivor of abuse herself, Charlotte knew her performance tonight was her moment ensure her performance of “She Used to Be Mine” reflected her character’s and her own experience overcoming trauma. She had poured all that pain from her own journey into that ballad, creating one of her most emotional songs yet. 
“That is amazing and we wish you all the best. Before you go, I do have to ask, you are missing the other Michael tonight. I know he is out promoting a little movie folks may not have heard of… just a billion dollar cultural phenomenon.” 
Charlotte’s lips curled into a soft smile, her sadness still coloring the edges though she tried to hide it. 
“Yes, Michael is promoting Black Panther with the rest of the cast overseas. I am sad my partner in crime isn’t with me but this is a historic moment for him and the entire cast so I couldn’t be prouder. And our marriage works because we both do what we love. So I know he is cheering me on.” 
She had repeated that refrain over and over to herself for the last week since Michael revealed he would have to go out of the country to promote the film and would not make it back in time for the Oscars. Work was work and Marvel required a lot of the cast to promote this historic blockbuster. But she would not lie to herself and pretend it was not still disappointing. And while she knew she could not say this to the well-intentioned reporters interviewing her, deep down today only served as a reminder of the downside to being married to a fellow actor: neither of you could be as present as you wanted or should be. 
“But,” she continued. “He sent a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and champagne for me and the team while I was getting ready. So if I can’t have him, champagne is a decent replacement.” Her light laughter was cut short by two strong hands wrapping around her waist and settling on her hips, her body pulled back into a familiar embrace. 
“Hey honey bee…” 
Charlotte whipped around, her legs almost giving out beneath her as she found her husband standing behind her. Her hands immediately ran over his arms as if she had to feel him to believe he was truly there and not a ghost. Tears sprang to her eyes as she drank him in, any and all words stolen right out of her throat.  
“W-what…. H-how?” She mumbled as he pulled her into a kiss, her interview long forgotten. The kiss was brief but she felt it, all of his whispers to relax, urges to breathe, and desires for her to enjoy her moment. 
Just a moment in his arms made Charlotte feel more at peace than she had been since she woke up this morning. She pulled back from their embrace to study him, her brain still refusing to believe he was really with her and not across the world. She could not stop the wave of lust that hit her as she took in his tux. It baffled her how he always managed to look so damn good.
“Where there’s a will…” he shrugged, smiling down at her and offering her a sly wink. She dabbed her eyes to stop the tears from falling, knowing she would never hear the end of it from her team if she ruined her makeup before the show even started.
“That is just beautiful. Safe to say you are surprised?” 
“Yes, 100%! He called me earlier, pretending he was in a whole different time zone,” her tone playfully accusatory as she poked his side. “Usually, I’m pretty hard to get a surprise over on but he definitely got me this time.” 
Michael leaned over and offered a quick peck on her nose, Charlotte’s face scrunching up as she blushed. 
“You two are definitely going to be relationship goals by the end of the show. Michael, it’s always great to see you and best of luck, Charlotte.” 
Given they had not seen much of each other in the last two months since Charlotte was doing Oscar’s press and Michael was promoting the film, the pair found it difficult to keep their hands off each other as they finished the rest of the carpet. With Michael’s calming presence by her side, Charlotte did not desire to rush through the carpet as she normally did. Instead, she savored the moment, posing and grinning and joking with Michael as photographers took their pictures. 
Charlotte found it hard not to simply stare at Michael the entire time though. Words could not describe how elated she was to have him there. She could not explain it but the outcome of the evening mattered significantly less to her now that he was by her side. Charlotte was never one to fuss over awards. The only one she had ever truly cared about winning was her Tony. After all, she had risked everything for that shot, a 20% chance at an award she dreamed about since she was old enough to have ambitions. 
She wanted the others, aimed for that status of EGOT. But she was young and knew it could take decades to do so. She wanted it, but she also knew this would not be her only chance if it did not work out. That was the reality she chose to remain grounded in. But whatever the outcome, she knew Michael would help her enjoy the night and not obsess over what was to come.
She barely had time to enjoy the first half hour of the show or Michael before she was whisked away from her front row seat to prepare for her performance. This was the only portion of the evening that did not make her nervous. Charlotte’s acting chops were only outdone by her own singing talent. Though she never wanted to a full-time singer, she always gravitated toward roles that allowed her to also sing, which is why musicals were perfect for her. It was as thoughtless as walking or breathing for her to sit at a piano and sing. She just let the words and music consume her, and the audience just melted away like ice on summer day. She could do that in her sleep.
She took one last deep breath before the curtain opened and the spotlight came down on her. She blocked out everyone and everything as she listened to the opening refrain of the song and began to sing. There were no frills or hooks in her performance tonight. It was simply her and an orchestra of all women of color behind her as she sung her heart out. She still remembered the day she wrote this song. She poured out all of the grief and regret she once felt for the pieces of her that died after her ex, the pieces she, at the time, believe she could never get back. She recalled that hopelessness as if it was still part of her, still had its claws so deeply rooted in her soul. She was no longer that woman, but that was who Naomi was when she wrote it and that song represented her and Naomi and countless survivors at their lowest points, when the road to recovery seemed too dark, when all you could do was drown in the regret of the person you weren’t in anymore. It was them at their most vulnerable and Charlotte, ever a performer, showed that with every note. 
It was not until the final note played that she came back to reality, her mind unable to ignore the standing ovation and cheers that rung out around her. Her eyes immediately fell to Michael though, whose cheers could be heard above the rest. He gave her a discrete thumbs up and mouthed, “I love you,” as the show went to commercial break and the lights went down.   
Like a well-oiled machine, she had no time to rest before she was ushered backstage and back around to her seat before the commercial break ended. She hated that her categories were among the last of the evening. She enjoyed the Oscars but sitting and waiting all night was not her idea of fun. And though it was great to see friends and people she admired win throughout the night, she could not deny that it felt as if she was dragging toward the end of the show. 
She rolled her neck and straightened up in her seat as John Legend walked up to the microphone and launched into his scripted speech. His words sounded muffled in her ears as she sat there, unable to register anything. She was sure whatever his spiel was about the importance of music in film was true but now that her category was mere moments away, all the anxiety she had pushed off was crashing over her like a tsunami. 
Her mind only checked back into reality when she heard the announcer read her name and heard a few bars from her song in the movie. She instinctively sat up and put a smile on her face, knowing the camera would be on her from that moment forward, win or lose. Her hand sat in Michael’s lap as he held her hand, his thumb rubbing soothing circles in the inside of her wrist, his nonverbal cue to relax. His grip was tight but not unwelcome as she waited to hear if she would make history. 
“And the Oscar for Best Song goes to…” Charlotte closed her eyes as she waited with bated breath, the seconds inching by as John opened that damn envelope. “Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan, She Used to Be Mine.” 
Charlotte’s face immediately fell into her hands as she heard her name, her shock paralyzing her in her seat. Everyone around her jumped up with loud applause, cheers and whistles filling her ears. It was not until Michael discreetly tugged on her arm that she broke out of her trance and stood up. She hugged him tightly and kissed him before making her way to the stage. 
After her quick obligatory hug to John as he handed her the statue, she stood in front of the mic and waited for a moment until the cheers died down. She examined the card in her hand, reading it for a moment. 
“Wow… I am honestly just in shock. Literally just wanted to read it to make sure it really said my name,” she chuckled, a few cheers and laughter breaking out as she paused, her brain moving too slow to remember her speech. 
“T-this… this is an amazing honor.” Her voice broke slightly as she continued, the weight of this moment starting to truly hit her as she spoke.“T-thank you to the Academy, it is a true honor to be recognized by one’s peers. U-Um, thank you to the entire team that worked on this song with me. It was a blessing and honor to tell this story with you. Thank you to Christina, our amazing screenwriter, for trusting us with this story, for trusting me with your story. I… I can’t think straight and left my notes at my seat so I am saying honor a lot, which is weird,” Charlotte rambled. “And now I’m rambling, everyone who knows me knows how on brand this is. So I will just say apologies to anyone I forgot. But thank you all so much. No song is created alone and I owe this to all of you for pouring your souls into this piece of art.”
“Lastly, to my dad and siblings and my friends, thank you for listening and enduring all the terrible songs I wrote when I was 10. Your unwavering support of my love for music got me here. And to my husband, thank you for all your love and dedication to me and to supporting my dreams. I love you so much. Thank you!” 
She lifted the Oscars in the air slightly and smiled before turning to walk off stage. As she passed folks backstage, everyone offered her hugs and congratulations. However, Charlotte barely registered any of it, she just let the PAs guide her where she needed to go to be back in her seat for Best Actress. She still could not believe that had truly happened. Part of her was still waiting for someone to find her and tell her it was a mistake and rip it out of her hands. She was officially an EGOT, something she had always wanted but felt so far out of reach. And it was finally hers. 
“See, I told you,” Michael whispered as she settled back into her seat. He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the that held her wedding band. “That’s why I’m always right. 
“How could I not know that by now??” She whispered as she leaned over to kiss him on the lips. And he was not wrong, Michael said every day since she was nominated that she would walk away with at least one Oscar tonight. She just had not believed him.  
“That’s what I’ve been sayin’ this whole time,” he joked. “An EGOT… man, I’m so proud of you, baby.”
They shared another deep kiss before the lights flickered, signaling that the commercial was over and the cameras were about to roll again. Charlotte’s stomach did backflips as she watched Mahershala Ali walk up to the mic. This was the award that would truly determine how she felt about this historic night. Of the two awards she was nominated for, this was the one that held more weight to her. She was proud to win Best Song, but Charlotte was the most critical of her acting. It was the craft she had to go to school for, study, and train to be her best at. She never believed she was a strong actor. And though she would not be all that disappointed if she lost, she knew it would be the affirmation she needed to finally cast all doubt aside. 
“These five women gave us performances that blew us away. From a spunky young teen to a survivor trying to rebuild her life, these performances made us laugh, made us cry, and made us question our world. These are the nominees for Best Actress.” 
Charlotte watched the reel closely, her heart filling with pride as she watched snippets from some of her own personal favorite performances from the year. This was a tough category, and Charlotte knew she would be happy to see every single woman walk away with it. She wanted it, but at least she knew it would go to someone truly deserving if she lost. Michael’s grip was now on her thigh through the slit in her dress and almost painful as she, once again, straightened up for the camera. 
“And the Oscar goes to… Charlotte Elsbeth Jordan, Bird Set Free.” 
She shook her head in disbelief but she stood up quicker this time, tears already streaming down her face. She repeated the same path toward the stage after hugging and kissing her husband.
“Wow ok, being up here a second time is kinda perfect so I can say everything I forgot the first time.” She paused as the crowd applause renewed. “U-um ok, thank you once again to the Academy. First, I want to say what a blessing it is to be even included among this insanely talented group of nominees. I want to thank the entire cast, crew, production team of this movie. I was so insanely proud to come to work each day and bring this story to life. And proud to wake up daily and portray the story of Naomi, a story that is too familiar to myself and many of us in this room and many of you watching tonight: the story of a survivor who took their power back and decided to thrive. Our world and our industry has a ways to go but I want every survivor here and watching to know that I see you, I love you, and this is for you.” She paused as the crowd applauded her. 
“Lastly, I want to thank my husband, Michael. Your…” she looked up at the ceiling for a moment as she tried to stop tears from falling. “Your love for me is unlike anything I have ever known and there isn’t enough time or enough words to adequately express how grateful I am to walk this Earth each day with you by my side and spend those days loving you and being loved by you. There has never been a dream that you have not encouraged me to chase and never been a door that you haven’t helped me push open when I doubted whether I could do it myself. I would not be here tonight if it weren’t for your unwavering belief in me.  Thank you for being you and for always encouraging me to be my fullest and most authentic self. I love you to the moon and back over and over and over again.” She blew him a kiss before smiling and offering a last broad thank you to the entire crowd before turning to exit the stage.  
From there, the night felt like a blur of congratulations, interviews, and parties. She endured all of them, the chaos and frenzy of every event, though she really just wanted to retreat to her hotel room with her husband. 
Finally, on their drive to the third after party, Charlotte said, “How committed are you to going to this party?” 
Michael raised his eyebrow and chuckled, “Tapping out already, old lady?” 
She rolled her eyes, “Shut uppppp. Seriously, you wanna just head back to the hotel?” 
Michael merely shrugged. “Not up to me, baby girl. It’s your night, Oscar winners get whatever they want for at least a week. So you’re callin’ the shots. So what do you want?” 
She tilted her head as she studied him for a moment, the lust she felt earlier in the night returning with full force now. 
She slid across the limo to sit by him, her legs straddling his hips. It was a bit dangerous in a moving car but she did not care. She leaned in and kissed him softly, before moving down to his neck. She sucked softly on his sensitive spot, smirking as a moan escaped his lips. 
“You know what I want, baby,” she whispered in his ear, his hands immediately going to grip her ass. 
“Aye, brah!” Michael called out to the driver. 
“Yes, sir?” 
“Take us back to the hotel. I’ll triple your tip if you get there within 10 minutes.”
Charlotte laughed as they continued making out like two horny 20 year olds. Charlotte willed Michael to fill her right then and there, but he refused, deciding they could wait until they got to their suite. By the time they reached their hotel, in record time thanks to their motivated driver, Charlotte’s need was so overwhelming she felt as if she might die if he did not touch her. 
The moment their suite door slammed suit, the pair were all over each other. They made quick work of removing Charlotte’s dress as they kissed hungrily, Michael pushing her body against the wall of the hotel room as he kissed every inch of skin he could find. 
Charlotte let out a small yelp as Michael hoisted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He threw her down, immediately hooking his fingers on the small fabric of her thong and sliding it down. Michael placed a trail of soft gentle kisses slowly down her body, starting at her neck and working his way down to her soft stomach. He took special care with her breasts, his mouth engulfing her nipple as he sucked lightly. Her groans of pleasure filled his ears and spurred him on as he switched sides, ensuring he gave each equal treatment. He knew Charlotte loved nipple play and he knew exactly which buttons to press to turn her into a blubbering mess in his hands. 
By the time Michael reached her lower stomach, Charlotte was panting, her pleads for more were on the tip of her lips, her pussy aching to be touched. 
“B-baby, please,” she begged.
“Let me take care of you, honey bee,” he whispered, placing a kiss and softly biting her inner thigh. 
“You know how much I love you, Els? How fuckin’ perfect you are?” He asked as he alternated between soft kisses and gentle bites that drove Charlotte wild. Each kiss got closer and closer to Charlotte’s aching core but not close enough. 
His hands pushed her legs open, her flower already dripping wet for him. He licked his lips as he prepared for his favorite meal. 
He immediately dove between her legs, his tongue caressing her sensitive bud and causing her back to arch off the bed. 
“F-Fuck! J-just like that, baby,” she moaned as a deep shudder of pleasure racked through her body. 
Charlotte’s hands gripped the comforter as he pushed her up a mountain of pleasure. The things Michael could do with his mouth were otherworldly. Charlotte quite literally often saw stars. He knew everything there was to know about Charlotte and her body. He did not have a college degree but he had a ph.D in his honey bee. So every time he was between her legs, he made sure she was more than well taken care of, often taking her body and pleasure to new heights she could not even fathom. 
As he inserted two fingers inside her, Charlotte knew it would be one of those marathon, new heights type of evenings. Her moans and screams created a symphony throughout their hotel suite as Michael spelled out his love for her with every kiss, lick, and touch. 
Feeling how close she was to her peak, Michael increased his speed, curling his two fingers into her G-spot. 
Charlotte let out a breathless scream as Michael sent her over the edge. Her words were incoherent as waves of pleasure pulled her deeper and deeper under the surface. 
He gave her no time to recover as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of her at a relentless pace as he emerged from between her legs. He roughly pressed his lips to hers, allowing Charlotte to taste herself on his lips. 
“Just like honey,” he whispered, causing her to smile as he recalled something he said to her the first time they had sex, the genesis of his second favorite nickname for her. 
She whimpered against his lips as the pleasure became overwhelming. 
“I-It’s too much, B-Bakari,” she moaned as she felt her orgasm building again too fast and too soon. 
“Take it, baby. I know you can,” Bakari whispered in her ear, his deep voice causing Charlotte to acquiesce to his will immediately. She would do whatever he asked of her, ride the waves of whatever pleasure he was willing to give her. “You got one more, baby girl. I know you do.” 
Bakari smirked as her eyes rolled back into her head, her mouth falling open with every moan. They had been together for years and the sight of her cumming never got old to him. She looked perfect, wild and uninhibited. 
It did not take long for his expert ministrations to send her tumbling down yet another earth-shattering orgasm. 
Her vision went white as she came on his hand, Michael whispering sweet nothings to her. 
“Good girl. That’s right, cum for me, baby.” 
He finally removed his hands from inside her, watching her come back to reality. 
“You’re…a… fuckin’ menace…” she whispered after a few minutes of silence, causing Michael to chuckle. “I can’t feel my damn legs.” 
“You said you wanted me, baby girl. So I’m giving you all of me. And there’s still a lot left.” 
He gently slapped her thigh, spurring her to push herself up on her forearms. 
“Hey,” she grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a soft kiss. The entire evening had been frenzied and chaotic. She just wanted one moment that was slow and intimate, a true moment of quiet between the pair of them before the night was over. “Thank you, Bakari. Tonight was perfect. I don’t des-” 
He stopped her and captured her lips with another kiss before saying, “Aye, none of that today. You deserved every moment of it and more. I’ll never let you forget that. Now lay back down so I can keep showing you how I proud I am of you, aight?” 
She laughed and laid back on the soft comforter and nodded. “I’m all yours baby.” 
Tag list: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @reelwriter19 @bangtanxmegan @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @msniaimani @hi888888sworld @destinio1 @lynaye1993
AN: Bird Set Free is a fake movie, of course lol but She Used to Be Mine is a real song if folks were wondering - from the musical Waitress. I’m obsessed with it.
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heyidkyay · 8 months
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name | Before we grew up
A/N: Hey! Back with another addition to the George and Birdie universe since it was so well loved!! Honestly, the whole thing still surprises me and the fact that some of you wanted more of them actually made my heart hurt!! But I've missed them and writing this brought me a whole lot of joy, so I hope you enjoy! If this does well or it’s wanted I might write a few more like this sooo let me know x
Flashback moments | 'Before we grew up'.
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“Okay, so when you’re ready just let go of the brake.”
I blinked, holding the steering wheel with an undeniable grip. “Right.” I murmured but didn’t make a move to follow the words.
George, whose brilliant idea this had all been, sat in the passenger seat of his dad’s Volkswagen, buckled in and attempting to exude an air of calm I really didn’t feel.
“You gonna let go?” He asked me after a long minute passed.
I swallowed thickly and removed my stare from where it’d been burning a hole in the windscreen so that I could look over at him. “How do I know when I’m ready?” I asked him and really didn’t appreciate the laugh he gave in return. I scowled. “What’s so funny about this? It’s a valid question!”
George just shook his head and exhaled breathily, obviously trying his best to dim the amused smile he now wore, “Honestly B, you’re just overthinking this and besides, you have it easy. It’s an automatic, barely have to do a thing.”
My scowl deepened. “Barely ‘ave to do a fing.” I mimicked in an accent similar to his deep drawl, it was his turn to frown then. I merely smiled sweetly.
“I’mma ignore that for now, ‘cause you’re a twat.” George retorted, “But also ‘cause I need to get the car back before dad notices it’s gone. So, can we get a move on?”
I inhaled deeply and fought off a whine that wanted to escape me- who the fuck said driving was easy?
“G, I’m being dead serious right now.”
He simply snorted, humoured by my anxieties, “I know, babe, and you’re doing so well.” I raised a brow at that and he smiled, “What? You are! You’ve turned the thing on, ain’t you?”
I took a hand off the wheel just to swat him, “Hilarious.” Before I was gripping it again once more, “Come on, just give me a count down or summat.” 
G shook his head and looked towards the sky, as though anyone up there cared for the likes of us, then he sighed, “Fine, on three yeah? Then you let go of the brake and go.”
“On three.” I agreed with a nod, though it sounded breathy even to my own ears.
George reached out a hand to squeeze my thigh, probably in hopes to spur some proper motivation into me but all it did was make me think back to the previous evening when he’d had a free house. I shook my head, along with the thoughts of his hands and his lips, and settled into my seat with a newfound determination as I looked out onto the road.
It wasn’t as though it was anything too terrifying, I didn’t even have to bare left or right, just keep going straight. But still, I had the horrible feeling that this would be the thing that would seal my fate- imminently, or when George’s dad finally got home to find that his car had a barge pole sticking out of its front. 
I released a shaky breath.
“Okay- one, two…”
And on three I finally let my foot slip away from the pedal, screaming a little to myself as the car began to roll.
“Yes, Birdie!” George grinned over at me, bouncing in his seat as he moved, “Now the accelerator.”
I laughed stiltedly, eyes wide as I pressed down on the other pedal, feeling the car bob at the sudden pressure.
“Easy.” George corrected but he was still smiling away, hand tapping at my leg. “Good girl. See? You’re doing it!”
And I was. I really was.
“Oh shit- break, break!” He then shouted out and I slammed on the brake pedal hard enough to have us both jerking forward in our seats, though the cat that was crossing the road continued in its languid stroll, barely even sparing us a glance.
It was after that I let go of the jittery excitement I felt, heart beating a mile a minute and my grin kilowatt. “Fuck.” I giggled, then glanced over to my left. G seemed to follow the former motion, chuckling to himself whilst we sat in the middle of a side road full of dimmed townhouses. “I wanna go again.” I told him. 
He snorted, shaking his head and grinning. “Thought you were shitting yourself a second ago?”
I shrugged, not caring in the slightest how much truth his statement held. “Can we?”
G huffed another chuckle but ultimately dipped his head, “Go on then, when we get to the garages I’ll walk you through parking.”
“Alright, but only if I can do a doughnut or somethin’ first.” I countered, like I had any authority here. But George just laughed and said nothing more whilst I went to pull away from a stop once more.
Christmas was always a hectic time of year. No one could deny me that. But since my dad’s passing, it had become a holiday that always came too quickly and dragged on for too long. This year though, this year was gonna be different.
See, I’d been living at Matty’s since the summer after the ‘incident’ as I liked to call it- everyone else seemed to roll their eyes at the name though. And whilst staying with them I'd come to realise a few things about myself.
Firstly, I loved all kinds of food.
Sure a strange thing to find out at my age, but I had an excuse! Alright? Staying with mum I’d pretty much had to feed myself and with money so scarce we’d only ever really had enough for the basics, or at least I did. Most of mum’s boyfriends had practically kept the food they liked under lock and key, even though nine times out of ten they hadn't been the ones to buy it. And so, this meant that I hadn’t had much opportunity to branch out, to get a feel for anything that wasn't canned, bagged, or frozen.
Secondly, I had a tad bit of childhood trauma lagging behind me. Most of which I’ll spare you the intimate details from, but that had an impact on the things I did even when I felt safe. Like, I hated not knowing if there was someone new stopping at the house, made me feel all itchy in truth. And the way I went out of my way to make sure I’d locked everything was a bit much; windows, my bedroom door, the backdoor, the front door, the bathroom door, the side gate. At one point I’d been stressing over the front entrance late at night but had felt too stupid to go and make a check to see if it was in fact closed, which had resulted in me waking Matty up to help me deal with a panic attack.
And thirdly, I had no idea how normal people spent Christmas.
This came to light when I’d all but baulked at the many traditions not just Matty and his family had, but also the rest of the lads. 
Ross and his lot often ate their Christmas roast at lunch time then went out for a chinese later on that night. How they had the room for it, I have no idea. Hann, on the other hand, was dragged back and forth between all of his family members on the twenty-sixth instead of the fifth, due to extended family coming to visit from all other parts of the country. 
Denise had a list of things she loved to do this time of year.
She’d set up a nativity outside, alongside the rest of the lights and usual decorations for the neighbours to come see. She ordered a real fur tree and then sent the boys out to go collect it with their dad once the day came. It was humongous and dropped needles everywhere, but was oh so beautiful. They always decorated it as a family, taking turns to put the topper on and finding the best branches to place sentimental ornaments. Stockings were hung by the fireplace with initials hand stitched on. And chefs typically came to cater Christmas day.
Gifts were also a big thing.
A very BIG thing.
As in, they were all so lovely and thoughtful to the point that Matty and his younger brother would have an actual meeting over what to get their mum and dad- which had melted my fucking heart, because what?
This year, I’d been forced upon them. But instead of making me feel like an intruder, they did what they always did and made me feel like one of their own.
“Love, will you get that for us?” Denise called out to me just as the doorbell went, “It’ll only be the postman.”
I smiled and nodded, happy to be of some help whilst she sent herself into a tizzy over tinsel. There’d been many deliveries as of late, so I was pretty much used to adding to the post-pile that was going on in the downstairs office.
Wandering out of the kitchen I padded over to the front door, opening it only to find that the postman wasn't there at all.
I blinked stupidly at the sight I was met with, a bright pink cab had taken over the majority of Denise’s driveway and getting out of the backseat was only my Nana.
The door handle fell from my grasp as I stepped forward on instinct, unsure of what the hell was even happening. “Nana?”
The older woman smiled over at me, eyes twinkling with mirth. Then a voice shouted out and I spotted a head of bright red curls fly out from behind the car’s boot to greet me, “Aunt Del too, Dove!”
“What?” I muttered, still so bewildered, but then I caught sight of another familiar face, a face that I didn’t think I'd be seeing until tomorrow. “Did you do this?”
George just chuckled softly, stepping closer to help my Nana over the gravel walkway, but he wasn’t the one who replied to my question. “Came down to fetch us, din’t he?” Nana replied in his stead, stretching a hand out once she got close enough, I blinked again and hurried to take it.
“He did?” I heard myself murmur, still so in shock. Practically rocking with the explosion of it.
Nana gave a sweet laugh, wrapping me up in a much needed hug and pressing a gentle kiss to my head before she pulled away, “Phoned us up a bit ago, wanted to surprise ya, darlin’.”
“Well, God. I’m surprised, that’s for sure.”
They all laughed, probably at the expression cast over my mug, but I couldn’t find it in me to even rebuke them. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“Best believe it, doll.” Aunt Del replied, smiling over at me whilst she and George trailed the bags they’d seemingly brought with them up onto the front step. “Our Georgie here went an’ planned it all, picked him up from the train station this morning.”
I let Del tackle me into another tight hug, allowing her to pepper me with a barrel full of kisses. All the while it seemed that Denise and Matty had come out to see what all the fuss was about, only- they didn’t look shocked at all.
“Surprise?” Denise sang out when she caught my gawping, waving a hand out from where she stood in the doorway.
“Did you all know?” I asked, my mind racing to catch up with the situation at hand. “How- I- This is so mad.”
Matty snorted at my crappy attempt at a sentence but I watched as he made his way on over, his mum just behind, so that they could introduce themselves. “All G’s idea, mate. Knew you were missing them and so, yeah we made this happen.”
“I can’t- just, wow.” Then I glanced over to where the one person that currently meant so much to me stood on the outskirts simply watching on. He glanced back.
“Merry Christmas, B.” George said, grinning slightly over at me, obviously pleased with my stuttering reaction.
I released the heavy breath I hadn’t even realised I'd been holding and strode over towards him, he caught me in his arms and held me with a prominent strength I didn’t know he had.
“Thank you.” I whispered once I felt as though I could, tears threatening to fall at the sincerity of it all. Never had I ever been so surprised. “Thank you.” I repeated and pressed a light kiss to the skin of his neck that was hiding behind the collar of his shirt and other many layers.
George squeezed me a little closer, then rocked us back and forth. When I finally pulled away I peered up at him with wet eyes and the brightest smile.
“I can’t believe you got away with all this.”
He laughed, but not his typical kind, no, this one was loud and carefree. Honest.
“Is that all you really care about?” He asked me, teasing, hands now at my hips.
I grinned upwards, “‘Course, can’t believe you did all this under my nose!”
Turning back towards the crowd that had gathered by the door, George’s arm fell to a loose hold on my waist and we made our way back over. Denise was already chatting away with Aunt Del and Nana had somehow roped Matty into an explanation about the band and the few stories she’d heard through G and I during our catchup calls.
At that moment, my heart had never felt so full. In fact, I don’t know how any other Christmas could top it.
It had been a lovely day. The most amazing time, actually.
It still felt so unreal to look over and spot Denise in her wedding gown, all happy and glowing. In Portugal of all places, too! Matty was currently off trying to get with one of the many girls attending his mum’s reception, whilst his younger brother, Lou, tested his charm on a couple of the older folk in an attempt to make a bit of money, everyone else seemed fine to just putter about from table to table.
It had started to spit a little while ago, summer rain they’d said, and so I was the only one still standing out in the garden now, the rest of the party somewhere inside the villa or over at the gazebo. My bridesmaid dress was speckled with tiny water droplets that shimmered in the late setting sun but nothing too heavy. The rain here was almost a total contrast to that back home. 
“There you are.” I heard someone say just as a pair of hands came to wind themselves around my waist, I leant back in their hold, smiling at the familiarity. “Thought you’d done a runner.”
“Nah, just enjoying the last of the sun.” I hummed, intertwining my fingers with his atop my stomach.
“As well as the rain.” George added with a light chuckle, but he didn’t seem to mind it much either. I nodded lightly, then felt him tuck my head under his chin. “Ross is sloshed.” He told me.
“Already?” I asked around a soft laugh, he hummed. “Lightweight.”
The noise from the party seemed to trickle out to greet us, but no one else seemed to want to step out into the rain. Content with the warmth inside.
“You havin’ a good time?”
I smiled at the question as well as the thumb that soothed the back of my hand. “The best.” I told him honestly, “It’s all been so lovely. Reckon I’d want something like this, you know.”
George was quiet for a long second before he spoke again, “Thought you didn’t want to be tied down. As free as a bird and all that.”
Chuckling, I shrugged a single shoulder. “Dunno. Seems cool, plus you get all that cake.”
An ugly snort escaped George at that, “Only in it for the cake then, I ‘spose.”
With a grin I tilted my head back so that he could see me, “Always!”
He narrowed his eyes down at me, eyelashes fanning the skin beneath them, then tugged me in a bit tighter, “You’re a right menace, you know that?” He murmured against the jut of my collar. I squirmed slightly in his hold, his breath tickling my neck.
“I guess it’d be nice to have a big party too.” I tacked on, if only to tease him further. And it appeared to work too, because he spun me around in his arms and I laughed at the unexpectedness of it.
The rain started to come down a little harder then, but I could hardly feel it with the weight of his gaze on me and the beam of the sun. An old Billy Idol song echoed out into the courtyard from the main room and George grinned at the sound, a favourite. “Fancy a dance?”
“What, back in there?” I wondered, not really all that up for being back amongst everyone else just yet.
George just shook his head though, as if reading my mind, and then dragged me further out onto the grass where the dampness which clung to the clipped stems soaked my feet.
He started to sway then, in time to the beat of Eyes Without A Face.
“Didn’t think you even could dance.” I murmured to him, then giggled as he spun me out, raindrops flicking up the backs of my legs before roping me back in.
“Full of surprises, me.” He quipped before dipping me into an exaggerated bend.
I gasped, unable to help myself, then shook my head, hair falling with it. “Warn me next time.”
George just grinned, eyes squinting with the power of it, then pulled me in closer, chest to chest now. His hands on my back, mine wrapped behind his neck. “Would make things boring, wouldn’t it?”
“What’s so bad about boring?” I shot back.
He huffed, the force of it fluttering my dampening hair and catching on the shell of my ear. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” He assured me and I heard more than saw his smile.
Pleased, I hummed, loosening my hold on him so that I could rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. The rain continued to fall on and around us, neither George nor I caring for the way it clung to every available inch of our skin.
“I love you.” I heard him mutter above me, so softly I hardly even felt it resonate in his chest.
I turned to glance up at him again at that, eyes trailing across every inch of his face, taking in every detail he had to offer. “How do you know? For sure?” I questioned him in a faint whisper even though there wasn't another soul about to hear. I was still smiling away, only it was ever so soft, so warm.
He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “I know I love you because even on my worst days you’re all that gets through. There’s no pretending with us, you know every inch of me, the good, the bad, and still, you choose to stay. So I’ll love you today, and then tomorrow. I’ll love you til the day I die, and if there’s life after that, I'll love you then too.”
My eyes watered at the hit of his words, having expected something stupid like ‘you give good head’, or something as simple as ‘I just do’. 
“You always manage to surprise me, you know that?” I chuckled quietly, fingers threading through the length of his hair.
George lifted his brows in turn and so I just smiled, humming as I coaxed him closer so that I could finally lean in for a kiss.
“I love you.” I repeated his earlier words once we parted, laughing loudly when he swept me up off my feet and around in a circle.
“You’d better.” He quipped straight back, laughing now too before he slipped on the damp grass beneath us and sent us both sailing to the ground.
But he continued to just chuckle away, eyes bright and beaming. God, I thought, I was so, so gone.
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ladyamanda123 · 5 months
OMG - Coding!!!!!
Okay guys I feel like the BIGGEST moron right now! How am I just making this connection NOW?!?!?
All of this crazy unhinged TTPD promo…..it’s CODING!!!!
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Hidden code in the website….
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The QR code thing!!!
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Its screaming Kode with Klossy!!!!!
I am a Kaylor who 10000% believes Kaylor was real. But I’m also a Kaylor who desperately wants them to still be together but conceded that it could very well be a relationship in the past. Looking at things lyrically it’s easy to fit the idea that Karlie is truly the great love and great hurt of her life that she can’t get over.
I feel like this coding connection is screaming Karlie’s name at us. This album is about her! It’s about them! It’s either them getting through Hell together or it’s about Taylor going through Hell to get over her.
The line…. “I wish I could un-recall how we almost had it all”
It could be referring to the failed coming out….they almost had this beautiful open life together instead of hiding all these years
It could be we almost had to this beautiful life together but you left me sitting in this restaurant with my hair pinned up!!!
I am both insanely excited and also deeply terrified for Friday!!!!!!!!
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sashisuse · 2 months
okay last one monsieur sabé ,,, but a long one !!! 🪛
shoko setsuko ;; royal au, 🤝, 🌙, 🦅 !!!
suguru setsuko ;; cosmic deity au, 🤝, 🌹, 🥀 !!!
satoru setsuko ;; arranged marriage au, 🐱, 🧸, 🕊 !!!
sashisuse ;; 🧸, 🕊, 🌑, 🌹 !!!
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whew… 🪛 anon… thank you but i’m going a bit crazy over here. OKAY. LAST ROUND. LET’S KNOCK EM OUT.
royal au; setsuko is the princess and she’s in love with the royal doctor. NEXT 🗣
🤝; how did they meet in the first place? what was their first impression of each other?
on the first day of school at jujutsu tech! formal greetings and whatnot. setsuko thinks shoko is one of the prettiest people ever and is so thrilled about the concept of her being a healer. shoko is hella intimidated by setsuko because she’s so damn pretty 😭 shoko i know what you are…….. also intimidated because setsuko’s technique is TERRIFYING.
🌙; who has to force the other into having healthy sleeping habits? how well does that go for em?
um both of them technically but it’s mostly setsuko forcing shoko to sleep. setsuko traps her in an iron grip and forces her to stay in the bed and sleep. laugh out loud. they’re so cute 😭
🦅; okay in the au where it’s JUST shotsuko… suguru, first off, is the BIGGEST hype man in this case. he’s so excited for his best friend and her ginormous crush on shoko. he pushes them together. satoru is a little oblivious but once he catches on he’s also on the shotsuko train!!
cosmic deity au; oh setsuko is the sun, suguru is the moon. forever loving from afar but never being able to fully love each other. (going to eat drywall.)
🤝; AGHDHDJKDKFKFJF!!! here’s the excerpt
The day they moved in, Setsuko spotted a gloomy looking boy her age next door, watching her. She mustered a smile and waved at him. He seemed shocked at first, but he smiled and waved back. She doesn't think she would ever regret waving at him, no matter where they ended up twenty years from then. He was the first friend she ever made, and the only one she ever made in that chilly town. Setsuko met him again for the second time as she worked to clean the windows around the house. She saw him and smiled again. "Hello. I'm Tsuyuri Setsuko."
"Geto Suguru," the boy said. He stared at her for a moment then asked, "Would you like to have some tea?"
🌹; is their relationship healthy, or more unhealthy/complicated?
you know. it’s actually really healthy all things considered. it’s complicated for sure. but definitely healthy!
🥀; favorite thing about your ship?
how, no matter the universe, suguru and setsuko love each other so deeply, wholly, and completely. no matter if it’s platonic or romantic. it doesn’t matter. they love each other.
arranged marriage au; I HAVE A WHOLE THING BASED OFF OF THIS ACTUALLY!! crown prince satoru is about to become king. he’s arranged to a marriage with princess setsuko from a country across the ocean. they have their first meeting as a replica from the garden scene in queen charlotte when she meets george for the first time.
“i am a lady in distress 🤨 you will not help a lady in distress????” “not when she’s trying to climb over the garden wall to avoid marrying me” “😦😦😦”
🐱; do they have pet names for each other, if so what are they? how does their partner feel about their pet name?
satoru has an obscene amount of pet names for setsuko, it’s kind of ridiculous. she does not mind. she also has a few.
satoru calls her: sweets, sweetheart, cookie (she hit him over that one), lovey, babe, baby, sweet girl, honey, honey pie (she pinched him), honey bear, honey bee, sweetie pie, my sweets, pretty girl, pretty love, pretty baby, tsu-tsu, the list goes ON.
setsuko calls him: my love, honey, dear, toru, baby.
🧸; would they want to have kids together? if so what are their kid(s) like? how are they as parents?
oh well technically they already are parents. but also more like parentified big siblings…???? they raised salma, megumi, and tsumiki together. they’re great at it. setsuko more so than satoru. she mothers very hard. they would also have biological children given the chance, but they’re not super huge on that considering they’re both like. weapons of the state 😭 they would have a bunch of daughters though. i’m sure of this.
🕊; give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
aww okay omg. setsuko loves the moments of vulnerability she gets from satoru. she’s a firm believer of wanting him to just be satoru around her. not the strongest. satoru loves that setsuko loves him for him, not because of what he can do.
🧸; would they want to have kids together? if so what are their kid(s) like? how are they as parents?
okay my absolute favorite au is where it’s sashisuse and their five kids — tsumiki, nanako, mimiko, salma, and megumi (in order of oldest to youngest!) they’re all parents. they all love their kids. they’re the best. TRUST!!!
🕊; give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
see above for satotsuko dynamic. setsuko loves her closeness with suguru and how he knows her better than she knows herself. suguru loves that setsuko can basically read his every thought and always knows what he needs. setsuko loves how carefree she can be with shoko. shoko loves how she’s allowed to have the weight lifted off her shoulders with setsuko.
🌑; what was the canon character’s first impression of them, and what do they think of them now?
suguru: thought setsuko was very intriguing as his new next door neighbor. thought she was very sweet and kind. now he loves her so dearly. so wholly and completely and RRRGHHH
shoko: see above. was intimidated at first but grew to love setsuko and her silliness as a teen. loves her dearly to this day.
satoru: oh my god they annoyed each other so bad. satoru thought she was kinda dumb. and then she wore a digimon shirt and he was like ‘oh you like digimon??? tell me the ENTIRE LORE YOU FAKE FAN’ now loves setsuko dearly. unsurprising. she is basically the only person who can rein him in.
🌹; is their relationship healthy, or more unhealthy/complicated?
the healthiest and most loving dynamic you’ve ever seen.
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