#I’m gonna add a transcript in a little while after I’ve finished waking up fully 🫡
isadora-greenhall · 6 months
hi sorry to bother you I just saw your reblog of the kim possible post and your tags and I CANNOT for the life of me remember where that photo with the woman with mug is from and you seem to know so if you could enlighten me that would be FAB!!!!!
Absolutely no worries at all! It’s a screenshot from probably the best tiktok of all time (or, at least, it is imo 😂❤️)
The way she says “MWAH! Sobbin’!” lives rent free in my brain 😂
(Video transcript under cut)
[TRANSCRIPT: a woman wearing a headset is typing. a second woman comes in and prepares a cup of tea
2nd woman (cheery voice): Morning Jill!
1st woman, Jill (equally cheery voice): Morning Tracey! (takes off headset)
Tracey: What you get up to this weekend?
Jill (still cheery): Oooh, I had a lovely little breakdown!
Tracey (excited): Did you?
Jill: I did, yeah. Really treated myself. I felt on the brink all week, so I decided to stalk my ex just to push myself over the edge
Tracey: Jonathan?
Jill: That's the one
Tracey: Oh, he's got a gorgeous new girlfriend
Jill: I know!
Tracey: Niiice
Jill: And he's just landed himself his dream job
Tracey (awkward tone): Oh…and you're here…(upbeat) Ideal!
Jill: But that only had me tearing up, so I pushed it a little bit further. Tried on a dress from five years ago
Tracey: You bugger!
Jill: Then I grabbed a bottle of wine, box of McVities, whacked on the news, accidentally opened up my phone on selfie mode! And MWAH! (Kisses fingers) Sobbing
Tracey (satisfied tone): Oh! That sounds good!
Jill: Felt amazing. There's nothing like a good cry
Tracey: You must have felt really born
Jill: Oh, certainly felt like I was being birthed by that dress afterwards Both: Mmm…
Tracey blows on her tea
Jill: How about you?
Tracey: Oh, I just saw some family
Jill: Aww. (realisation) Oh, so MASSIVE breakdown?
Tracey: HUGE.
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