#I’m happy and tired and it was worth staying up to finish
decembermoonskz · 2 years
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also me? still up? crying over a visual novel? no way (lie)
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unabashegirl · 3 months
Camping — oneshot
Harry and Y/N were friends in college until that day. Now they are being forced to face one another...
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Author's note: this one shot was posted on Patreon a long time ago. Happy that you all have a chance to read it!
check out my patreon and get access to this week new one shot (y/n's bff dad) and much more :)
warning: smut
word count: 4.8K
"I can’t believe you’re making me do this," she said as April tossed her backpack into the back of her car. "This feels like kidnapping."
"Stop being so dramatic and get in the car," April replied, a big smile on her face. You and April had been best friends since college, bonding over the ridiculous workload assigned to your class each week. You were opposites: you loved city life, running water, and comfort, while April thrived on nature, adventure, and challenges. She adored plants and meticulously cared for the ones she had at home. In contrast, April had once gifted you a cactus, which you managed to kill.
"I got us muffins and coffee from that place you love," April said.
"Is this your way of bribing me into going?" you asked, reaching for the bag of treats. "I know this is Mark’s idea." April just shrugged as she started driving.
"Aren’t you tired of the city? This will be good for you! All you do is work, sleep, watch The Office, work out, and repeat," April said, giggling as you stopped chewing.
"Leave The Office out of this," you warned. It had been your favorite show since high school, your comfort show, always playing in your apartment. You even tried to get others hooked on it. "I’ve seen you laugh."
"Listen, there’s something I need to tell you," April said, turning down the music.
"Did Mark propose?" you asked immediately, knowing they were endgame. The three of you had met in college and stayed close ever since.
"No," April replied.
"You’re pregnant then?!"
"Shut up!" April interrupted. "Harry is coming. Mark invited him, and I had no say in it," she blurted out, like ripping off a band-aid.
"Oh! Let me out. I am not going," you said, instantly annoyed at the mention of his name. "I thought Mark and he weren’t friends anymore."
"He just came back from America. He called Mark a few weeks ago, and they had drinks and dinner together. Apparently, he’s changed and is more mature." You rolled your eyes as you finished eating your muffin. Your appetite was gone, and you felt suddenly nervous. "You have to let go of that grudge against him!"
"It’s not a grudge, April. The man ghosted me after we had sex. That was all he was after. Him leaving was the best thing that could have happened to all of us," you said. You had fallen for his charm, and after much convincing, you finally gave in during your senior year.
"You’ve moved on, and so has he. I’m just asking you to be polite, babe," April insisted. "I just want us to have a good time."
You sighed, leaning back in your seat as the cityscape blurred past. "Fine. But if he starts anything, I'm not holding back."
April laughed, patting your leg. "That's the spirit. Just remember, we're here to relax and have fun."
The rest of the drive was filled with casual chatter and music, the tension slowly easing. As you neared your destination, a clearing in the woods where you would set up camp, you couldn't help but appreciate the serene beauty of the place. The stress of city life began to melt away, replaced by a reluctant sense of peace.
April parked the car and you both got out, stretching your legs and taking in the fresh air. "It’s gorgeous out here," you admitted begrudgingly.
"See? Told you it would be worth it," April said, grinning.
Mark emerged from behind the car, waving. "Hey, you two! Glad you made it. I'm surprised you managed to convince Y/N,” he said, wrapping his arms around April.
“It took a lot,” April giggled as Mark kissed her cheek. “Muffins and coffee.”
“I can still go back,” you said, throwing your backpack over your shoulder. “How long is this hike going to take?” you asked, walking up to Mark and giving him a friendly side hug.
“About thirty minutes. Is that fine or are you going to melt?” he teased, grinning.
April slapped his chest playfully before opening the trunk to get the rest of the stuff out. “Where’s your friend, anyway? Or is he still the unpunctual asshole he always was?”
“M’ right here” Harry said as he emerged from the trail that they were going to take to the campsite. You abstained from saying anything surprised at his appearance. He had kept his good looks. He had even gotten more attractive with more age. However, you would never admit it aloud.
April turned to look at you with her eyes widen opened. You gave her the same look, letting her know that you agreed. Harry wore tiny black shorts that left little to imagination. His legs seemed to never end and his thighs were inked. His grey shirt was tight enough sculpt his chest and his pectorals. His curls were tucked under his basketball cap and his eyes hidden away by some aviator sunglasses.
“You were saying, Y/N? I didn’t catch the last part” Harry asked you, with a small smirk. “Are you still a yapping bitch?”
“Just that we should start the hike” You responded, looking straight at him. You weren’t the same quiet and shy girl you were in college. You had matured and life experiences had shaped you. You were more outgoing and vocal about your opinions.
“I thought so” you heard him say as you turned your back towards him.
As you all gathered the camping gear, the anticipation of the weekend settled in. The woods were peaceful, with the sun filtering through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Birds chirped in the distance, and the fresh scent of pine filled the air.
Mark led the way, carrying the heavier equipment with Harry, while April and you followed. Despite your reservations, the beauty of the surroundings began to work its magic, and you found yourself relaxing a bit.
After a short walk, you reached the designated camping spot, a small clearing by a bubbling brook. It was picturesque, almost like a scene from a nature magazine. You couldn’t help but admit, if only to yourself, that it was a nice change from the city’s hustle and bustle.
"That was more than thirty minutes," you complained, dropping to the ground to rest your legs. "You're lucky the view was pretty." Mark and April laughed, while Harry remained silent, just watching you.
"Let's set up camp," Mark said, and he and April began unloading the gear. You took the opportunity to pull out the speaker and connect your phone.
As you selected a playlist, music filled the air, blending with the natural sounds of the forest. You watched as Mark and April worked together seamlessly, their laughter and chatter a comforting background noise. Harry joined in, helping with the heavier items, his actions precise and deliberate. You couldn’t help but feel a simmering resentment toward him, remembering the night that had led up to the hate that you had grown towards him.
You glanced around, taking in the beauty of the campsite. Tall trees encircled the clearing, their leaves rustling in the soft breeze. The nearby brook added a soothing melody to the scene, and the late afternoon sun cast a warm, golden glow over everything.
Harry approached, handing you a bottle of water. "You looked like you could use this," he said, his tone neutral.
"Thanks," you replied curtly, accepting the bottle but avoiding eye contact. His gesture did little to ease the tension between you.
With the tents set up and the campsite organized, the four of you gathered around the fire pit. Mark expertly built a fire, and soon the flames were crackling as the sun descended behind the trees, providing warmth and a focal point for the group.
"How was America?" Mark asked Harry as he handed him a beer. "Did you enjoy living there?"
"It was nice for a while," Harry replied, taking a sip. "But it got lonely after a bit. I'm actually happy to be back."
"Marketing, right?" April asked, earning a quick nod from Harry.
You listened quietly, not fully trusting his cheerful demeanor. It was hard to forget the history between you.
"Well, we're glad to have you back," Mark said, clinking his beer bottle against Harry’s. "It’s like old times again."
April smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, just with more responsibilities and less reckless behavior."
"Speak for yourself," Mark joked, earning a playful nudge from April.
Harry chuckled, but his eyes kept drifting toward you. You avoided his gaze, focusing on the fire instead.
Mark instantly got up from his spot, his eyes twinkled mischievously as he took off his jacket and shirt.
April raised an eyebrow, “What are you doing?!”
“I’m going for a swim” he said, grinning widely as he took of his pants along with his boxers.
You burst out laughing, shaking your head as you covered your eyes not wanting to look at your best friend’s boyfriend privates.
“A swim? It’s pretty late, Mark.” April said as Mark used his hands to cover himself.
“Why not?” Mark said, standing up and stretching. “We’re out here in the middle of nowhere, no one around for miles. It’ll be fun.” He wanted to cut the tension. He wanted for everyone to have fun and it was a way to get everyone out of the funk especially the both of you. “Oh, it’s fucking cold” He said as he ran towards the lake.
April rolled her eyes but smiled. “You’re crazy, you know that?” she yelled after him as she got up from her spot.
“That’s why you love me,” Mark quipped, winking at her.
You bit your lip, considering it. The idea was wild and spontaneous, something you wouldn’t normally do. But maybe that’s what made it appealing.
“Alright,” you said, surprising yourself. “I’m in. But if anyone mentions this to anyone back home, I’m denying everything.” as you started stripping. You couldn’t see Harry, but you could feel Harry’s stare on you.
April laughed. “This should be interesting. Okay, I’m in too.”
Mark clapped his hands together. “Harry?” He yelled as he splashed water. The water was surprisingly warmer than expected.
As soon as your pants came off, you sprinted towards the water, not wanting to give anyone a chance to inspect your body. April followed right behind you, and before you knew it, both of you were submerged in the cool, refreshing water.
The initial shock of the cold water took your breath away, but it quickly turned invigorating. You surfaced, laughing and pushing your wet hair out of your face. April emerged beside you, her laughter echoing across the lake.
"This is crazy!" she shouted, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Harry was right behind, diving into the water with loud splashes. The four of you swam around, the thrill of the spontaneous adventure making everyone giddy.
"Not your worst idea, Mark," you admitted, floating on your back and gazing up at the starry sky. "This is lovely." Mark grinned, splashing water at you.
“Things haven’t changed at much. We still let you convince us into doing shit” said, his tone lighter than it had been all evening.
For a while, you all floated and swam, the cool water refreshing and the company surprisingly pleasant. The tension and animosity seemed to wash away with the gentle waves.
The atmosphere grew quieter as April nestled closer to Mark, the two of them wrapped up in each other's presence, sharing quiet moments and exchanging soft words. The only sounds breaking the silence were the faint music playing in the background and the gentle crackling of the fire.
You glanced over at April and Mark, their closeness evident in the way they leaned into each other, their whispered conversations carrying an intimacy that made you smile despite yourself. It was a rare sight, seeing them so openly affectionate, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of envy mixed with genuine happiness for them.
Harry saw opposite you, lost in his thoughts as he stared at the sky. The events of the evening seemed to have softened his demeanor, his usual guarded expression replaced by a contemplative look. For once, the animosity between you felt less palpable, overshadowed by the camaraderie of the evening.
The music played softly in the background, a soothing backdrop to the quiet moments shared among friends. The night air was cool against your skin, but the warmth of the water and the company kept you comfortable.
"It's good to see you again, pup," Harry spoke up suddenly, his voice breaking the peaceful silence. The old nickname tugged at your emotions. He had called you that since college, back when you both shared dreams and aspirations.
You looked at him, caught off guard by his unexpected warmth. "Yeah," you replied softly.
"I heard you landed your dream job," he continued, glancing at you with a hint of a smile. You nodded, trying to conceal your own smile. "A reporter for BBC News. I remember how you used to talk about it non-stop. Proud of you."
“Thanks. How is your mom and Gemma?" you asked, recalling that final year of uni when Harry had invited you to his family home. It had been Easter weekend, a time when you got to meet the two women who made Harry’s world turn.
Harry's face softened at the mention of his family. "They're doing well," he replied, a hint of fondness in his voice. "Mom's as busy as ever, and Gemma is a mum now”
"Wait, what?!" You were taken aback, genuinely surprised by the news. It was unexpected, and you hadn't seen it coming.
Harry chuckled softly at your surprised reaction, his eyes reflecting a mix of amusement and pride. "Yeah, she had a baby girl a few months ago," he explained, his voice tinged with happiness. "It's been quite the adjustment, but she's doing great."
You couldn't help but smile at the thought of Gemma as a mother. "That's amazing," you replied genuinely. "Congratulations to her."
As you processed this new information, you felt a twinge of nostalgia for the times you had spent with Harry and his family. It seemed like another lifetime ago, yet the memories were still vivid in your mind. Despite the distance that had grown between you, moments like these reminded you of the bonds that once connected you.
"Listen, Y/N..." Harry began, but he was swiftly cut off by Mark and April.
"We're heading out. We are starving!" Mark called out, trailing after April as they exited.
Harry paused, his words hanging in the air as Mark and April hurriedly headed towards the campsite. You exchanged a glance with Harry, both of you momentarily sidelined by the interruption.
“I’ll see you out there” You said, trying to sound casual despite the awkwardness of the moment. Deep down, you wondered what Harry had wanted to say—whether it was something about the past or the tentative future you both seemed to be tiptoeing around. However, you didn’t want to stay behind. You weren’t skeptical about giving him a chance to explain himself.
Carefully, you swam back to shore and climbed out of the water. Attempting to regain your composure and stride confidently back to camp, you couldn't help but feel you'd failed miserably, especially with the chilly air gnawing at you.
Everyone changed into comfortable clothes while Mark prepared hot dogs for dinner.
"Did you bring your sleeping bag?" April asked, emerging from her tent.
"Yeah, I think so. It was in the hall by the door," you replied, brushing your hair. As you watched April search for it, a feeling of panic began to creep in. You mentally retraced your steps, recalling the things you had taken out of the trunk.
"No way," you muttered under your breath, frantically rummaging through your belongings. "I thought we grabbed everything!"
"What’s wrong? What are you looking for?" Harry asked, wanting to help.
"I think I left my sleeping bag at home," you sighed, realizing it was going to be a tough night. You had brought your tent, but sleeping on the bare ground wasn’t part of the plan.
Harry frowned, considering the situation. "we'll figure something out," he said, his voice reassuring.
Mark, overhearing the conversation, turned from the campfire where he was tending to the hot dogs. "I brought an extra blanket. It's not a sleeping bag, but it should help.”
"Thanks, Mark," you said, grateful for the gesture. Still, the thought of an uncomfortable night's sleep loomed over you.
April emerged triumphantly with a blanket. "Here, hopefully this makes it more comfortable," she said.
You took the blanket from her, managing a small smile. This trip was definitely not going as you had expected—it seemed like one thing after another.
"Hot dogs are ready!" Mark announced cheerfully as he handed everyone their plate and they gathered around the fire.
“Remember the last time we went camping?” April asked as she swallowed a bite of her hot dog.
“Wasn’t that the time that Mark though there was a bear attacking us?” Harry smirked, taking a bite of his hot dog. “What animal was it?”
“It was a racoon” You joined in, the memory making you chuckle.
“In my defense it was SO loud! It made a lot of noise” Mark laughed, shaking his head. “It was bloody big”.
"Was that before or after you tried to scare it away by singing 'Eye of the Tiger' at the top of your lungs?” April busted out laughing.
“He was so off-key. I am surprised the racoon put up a fight”
“I was just trying to protect us!” Mark threw up his hands in mock indignation.
Everyone busted into laughter again, the tension had melted away in the shared amusement. For a moment, it felt like old times, with jokes and stories like in college.
Later, as you settled into your tent with the borrowed blanket, you couldn’t help but think about all the conversations that you had with your friends. Harry's earlier attempt to talk still lingered in your mind, and you knew that the conversation was far from over.
Just as you were about to drift off, you heard a soft knock on the tent flap. "Hey, you still awake?" It was Harry’s voice.
You sat up, your heart beating a little faster. "Yeah, what’s going on?"
Harry unzipped the tent entrance and peeked in, holding a sleeping bag. "I thought you might need this."
"You brought an extra one?" you asked, suspicion creeping into your voice.
"Yeah," he replied, but his eyes betrayed him. You knew Harry too well to be fooled.
"You're lying," you said, stopping him just as he turned to leave. "You can’t fool me. I know you, Harry Styles. I know this is your sleeping bag."
He paused, a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. "So, what if it is?"
"That I’m not taking your sleeping bag from you," you insisted, handing it back to him. "Thank you, though."
He hesitated, the flickering firelight casting shadows across his face. "Let's share it then," he suggested softly.
You blinked, taken aback by his offer. You were nervous. The though of you sharing such a tight space and being in such proximity made your heart beat faster and the palms of your hands sweaty.
“Are you sure?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yeah,” he said firmly, stepping into the tent. “It’s cold, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable”.
With a nod, you scooted over to make room. Harry stretched out the sleeping back and unzipped it for both of you. As you both settled into the sleeping bag, the proximity was comforting, but unsettling at the same time. The warmth of his body next to yours was a stark contrast to the chilly night air. You both shared a pillow and the blanket that April had giving you.
His scent enveloped you — a mix of pine, musk and a hint of the campfire smoke. His warmth radiated through the thin layers of the fabric, soothing the chill of the night air. The gently rise and fall of his chest against your back created a rhythmic presence. His arm draped lightly over your side and the sensation of his body pressed against yours brought an unexpected sense of nostalgia.
“Are you confortable?” He whispered as if sharing. secret, as if what you were doing was somehow forbidden.
You nodded slight, feeling the wright of his questions. “I am” you whispered back, the darkness amplifying the intimacy of the moment.
The silence that followed was filled with the soft sounds of the forest and the distant crackle of the campfire outside.
“Thank you” you murmured, your voice barely audible.
“No problem” he replied softly, his words brushing against the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to sink into the moment. There was still something in the air. Something unspoken.
“Remember that night?” Harry whispered after a while, his voice a gently murmur in the quiet night. Referring to the night of passion that they had shared back in uni. The night that had stayed with you ever since.
“Every second of it” you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of longing and hurt. Memories flooding back, vivid and bittersweet. You could still recall the feel of his lips, the way his touch had ignited a fire within you. “Why did you never call or text back?”
Harry sighed softly, his warm breath against your neck. “I was a coward,” he admitted, his voice thick with regret. “I was scared of what I felt for you, of how much you meant to me. I didn’t know how to handle it, so I ran”
His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken emotions. You turn slightly to look at him, your eyes searching his for the truth. In the dim light of the tent, you could see raw vulnerability that he rarely showed.
“I thought I wasn’t good enough for you” You admitted, “I resented you for it” Tears welled up in your eyes, a mixture of relief and sorrow.
“I am wrong. I was so wrong. I missed you” he confessed. Harry reached out, gently brushing a tear from your cheek.
The air between you grew thick with unspoken words and lingering emotions. His eyes locked onto yours, his gaze intense and unwavering. You could feel yourself drawing closer, every inch of space between you crackling with tension. The warmth of his body, the gently rise and fall of his chest and the soft brush of his breath against your skin all conspired to lure you to him.
He hesitated, his eyes flicking down to your lips, and you felt like your breath hitch, the moment stretching into an eternity. The desire to close the gap, to feel the familiar yet thrilling sensation of his kiss, was overwhelming and every fiber of you yearned for that kiss that would final bridge all those years of resentment.
Harry’s gaze was intense, his eyes searching yours as if trying to decipher your every thought. His hand trembled slightly as he reached out, cupping your cheek with a tenderness that spoke volumes.
With a deep breath, Harry leaned in slowly, closing the miniscule gap between you. His lips brushed against yours with a feather light touch, tentative yet filled with longing. His lips were warm and soft, fitting against yours as if they had always belonged there.
A soft sigh escaped Harry’s lips, a mixture of relief. His hand moved from your cheek to the nape of your neck, pulling you closer. The kiss deepened, each movement a silent confession of years of yearning and regret.
Lost in the moment, you ran your fingers through his hair, savoring the texture and the closeness it brough. His touch sent sparks through your body, awakening every nerve ending with a delicious ache between your legs that only he could take care of.
“Let me have you” His breath mingling with yours as he whispered, “I want you so bad” His hand took yours, guiding it to him, making you feel the intensity of his longing and the very evident erection that he had grown for her. His words hung in the air, heavy with desire.
You nodded slowly, your breath hitching in your throat. "Yes," you whispered, your voice trembling with anticipation. "I want you too.” You didn’t think much about it. Your mind was too clouded.
Harry closed the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a kiss both tender and urgent. He used the kiss to roll you to your side with your back towards him. Harry pulled off the sweater off your body and pull the straps of your bralette off your shoulders, exposing more skin for his lips to capture.
Harry hands came down to your pants as his lips trailed down to your neck, each kiss a lingering, deliberate caress that sent shivers down your spine. As his mouth found the sensitive spot just below your ear, he paused, letting his lips brush lightly over your pulse point before his right hand found its way into your underwear.
“Try to stay quiet, yeah?” As his fingers started playing with you, touching your most intimate spots. His knee came between your legs, spreading them more and allowing him to explore more of you.
Harry left arm went under her head, for you to rest your head against his bicep while he had his way with you. You bit your lips, arching your hips towards his hand just as his fingers entered you. A rush of pleasure coursed through you, mingling with a cascade of nerves that made your heart race.
“God. You are so wet, pup” He groaned as he tried his best to contain himself. Harry left hand came down to cover your mouth as your moans got louder. “You are doing so good, baby”, he mumbled, his arms tightening around you.
“For the love of fuck” you gasped as you came undone on his fingers. It was hot, you were both still nuzzled in the sleeping bag. Just as you unzipped the sleeping bag and sat up, you caught Harry sucking the same two fingers that had been in you a second ago.
“Come here” Harry commanded as he slipped off his joggers and boxers. It was a sight that she hoped to never forget. The muscles of his abdomen flexed proof that he spent his diligent time at the gym. His erection stood tall and proudly inviting you to ride him.
You slipped off your pants and underwear. Harry hands gripped your waist tightly and guided you down on to him. The pleasure was instant as he stretched you out. Harry’s fingers gripped you tightly, holding you still for a second as you both adjusted to the sensation.
His chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as his head was thrown back.
“Show me how much you missed me” You said to him which only ignited the fire within him. His hands guided your hips, as you both tried to find the perfect rhythm to drive you off the edge.
“Look at you. So fuckin’ perfect just f’me” Your words only ignited the fire within him, a spark that quickly grew into an all-consuming blaze.
His hands firmly guided your hips, every movement deliberate and driven by an intense desire to bring you both to the peak of ecstasy. The sensation of his strong hands on your skin, the way he moved with you, sent waves of pleasure rippling through your body. You both sought the perfect rhythm, each thrust and shift in sync, the friction and pressure building with every passing second.
“Oh, baby… you are so tight” he moaned, Harry’s grip tightened on your waist, his fingernails digging into your skin. Your thrust and grinding became sloppier and soon enough both of you were moaning. You clenched around him as Harry lifted his hips from the ground as you both came undone.
You laid down on his chest with him still in you. It was comforting, having him in you. Harry’s hands came up and brushed your sweaty hair back.
“You aren’t going to disappear now, are you?” You asked as he drew patterns on your sweaty back.
“I am not going anywhere”.
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elllisaaa · 10 months
no nut november - kim seungmin (7th to lose)
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-> pairing : seungmin x fem!reader
-> words count : 3.2k
-> genre : smut, etablished relation
-> warnings : switch!seungmin, begging, dirty talk, praising, hair pulling, unprotected sex, blowjob, handjob, use of 'good boy' and 'slut', bondage, overstimulation + the way i'm depicting seungmin does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist | no nut november
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Seungmin was not someone to give up easily, and you knew that when you got together. However, it was one of the things you liked the most about him. Well, of course sometimes he was so stubborn that you wanted to rub the evidence of him being wrong in his face, but most of the time, you were happy that your boyfriend was able to do just what he said. 
But this time, Seungmin might have fucked up. Okay, he wanted to prove to the guys that he was the best. Okay, he was competitive and wanted to win. But was it really worth it when he couldn’t even touch you ? He had made it clear to you that his goal was to win the no nut november bet he made with the rest of the members. You complained a bit at first, but it was also challenging for you, so you agreed. 
You did nothing, really nothing to try and make him lose. You had been reasonable, forcing you to keep your hands for yourself even if you wanted to let them wander around his body when he was pecking your lips as he came home. But for it to be equal, you forbade him to touch you for the month too. Would be too tempting, as you said yourself. And he agreed at first. He wanted to win, and he was ready to do everything for that. 
Time went by, and if the first two weeks were pretty easy to handle, within the end of the third, Seungmin became unbearable. He even ended up sleeping on the couch to avoid waking up with a boner because you couldn’t stay still in your sleep - and because all he wanted was to fuck with you in the early hours of the morning everytime he breathed in your smell. 
It’s been almost a month, only two days left in November. However, Seungmin was on the edge of giving up. It was not even something you did, on the contrary, you have been so respectful and pliant to all of his wishes. It was just him and his corrupted mind that could only think of you, all day long. It was becoming insufferable and exhausting resisting his desire for you. 
He wanted to wait for you tonight, knowing you would come back home very late due to work. But he was so tired that he fell asleep before he even finished one episode of the series he put on the television. It’s only when he heard the door closing that he woke up slightly, lifting himself off the couch while rubbing his eyes to make the sleepiness go away. He heard you hanging in your coat and getting your shoes off before heading to the living room.
“- What are you doing awake baby ?
- Mh… Was waiting for you, wanted to sleep next to you.”
You dropped your purse on the table between the couch and the television, before reaching for your boyfriend’s cheeks, rubbing your thumbs on them as he pulled you in closer, circling your waist with his arms. He nuzzled his face against your stomach, sighing in relief when you stroked his hair gently. 
“- Rough day ? 
- Exhausting…”
You leaned forward, kissing the top of his head multiple times before you tried to escape. But Seungmin didn’t seem to want to let you go, gripping on your waist to keep you close from him and making you giggle. 
“- I’m just going to take a quick shower baby, then you’ll get all the cuddles you want.
- Can I come with you ?”
He looked up to you, his eyes now glistening with something a lot more thrilling than sleep. You knew what he was thinking about. But you were only a few days apart from winning the bet, you were almost there. 
“- I want to, but I don’t think it’s a good idea.
- Why ?
- Please Seungmin, you know really well what I’m talking about. You made me promise to keep my mind clear when you couldn’t. It’s what I’m trying to do just now.”
He pouted for some seconds, before standing up and finally wrapping you in his embrace, preventing you from running away to hide in the bathroom. 
“- But I want you. Don’t you want me too ?”
You raised your head until your eyes met, biting down on your lips as soon as you saw him licking his own. You wanted him too, but all these efforts to keep your hands to yourself for a whole month would be thrown away too easily if you let him win just like that. You smirked to yourself when you put your hands around his neck, tilting your head to the side. 
“- Hm… I don’t know, maybe you should give me something to test the water, I can’t remember what it feels like.”
Seungmin mumbled some words sounding like “gonna make you remember forever” before he leaned down and kissed you passionately. And you responded with just as much desire as him. You were actually craving this for weeks, you would have been dumb to keep your little game on. Your fingers ran through his hair, pulling on it lightly and making him grunt. You took advantage of his opened mouth to play with his tongue, moaning at the contact you had missed too much. 
“- Fuck… I missed this…”
He groaned when you talked and stopped kissing him. He missed this too. Very much. And now that he had got a taste again, he didn't let you go. So he started to push you towards the bathroom while capturing your lips again, knowing that you needed your shower after work. Seungmin lifted you to sit you up on the counter, not caring about your clothes getting wet from the water that was still on it. He let go of you only to open the water in the shower for it to warm up. 
You didn’t waste more time and started stripping off your clothes, throwing them away as Seungmin watched your skin being exposed to his lustful gaze little by little, getting out of his sweatpants and underwear as quickly as possible. He wanted to be inside you. He needed to be inside you. Your panty had hardly hit the floor when Seungmin made his way to you again, spreading your legs wide and standing between them. He could have moaned at the sight of your pussy dripping, just waiting for him to finally take what was his. 
“- Fuck ! You’re so wet love… I missed your pretty pussy so much…”
His fingers headed directly to your clit, circling it like he knew you liked it. A whine fell from your lips, having missed his touch just as much as he missed touching you. 
“- Min… Min wait !”
His eyes detached from your glistening slit, his thumb pressing lightly against your entrance and making you moan. He already seemed lost, already seemed too far to care about anything else than you. 
“- I want you so bad but the bet ? Thought you really wanted to-”
The end of your sentence was muffled by his lips crashing on yours, and another moan escaped from you as he pushed a finger past your folds. You gripped his shoulders tightly, wanting to feel his skin against yours over and over. A month was definitely too much, and you will never make this mistake again. Your reflections were cut off by Seungmin’s lips sliding from your mouth to your jaw, and then your neck. You tilted your head to the side, humming in satisfaction as he sucked on your sensitive skin. 
“- I don’t give a fuck about the bet, I just need you.”
It was rare for Seungmin to express his desire so clearly to you. Even though you’ve been together for two years, he was still a little embarrassed to let you know what was going through his mind in this kind of moment. And every time he did, you wouldn't miss the opportunity of teasing him gently, but endlessly. It was certainly your favourite thing about him. He wanted to have the upper hand all the time, but you knew how to make him surrender. You loved it when he did. 
“- I want you so bad y/n…
- Beg for it then.”
His head snapped up from your neck on which some marks had already started to appear. His big puppy eyes almost made you give up, but you liked to see him cry for you even more. 
“- Seriously ? 
- Did you think you could not touch me for a whole month because of a stupid bet, just to give up one day before the end and not get punished ? Then you don't know me so well baby."
Seungmin remained speechless as you pushed him away just enough to get off of the counter. You were still wearing your underwear, and you did nothing to try to get them off before stepping inside the shower, relaxing under the hot water. And Seungmin stayed there, only capable of admiring every curve of your body as droplets ran down your skin. 
“- You’re really going to play it like that ?
- Yes. Should’ve thought about it before making this stupid bet. Now come here.”
He huffed and tried to seem angry but his hard dick was a clear reminder that he was not immune to the affect your behavior had on him. He liked it when you listened to him straight away. But he also liked it so much when you were ordering him around as if you owned him. And in a way, you owned him. You owned his heart, and you owned his body. 
“- So ? You’re gonna stay there or come here and prove to me you deserve a reward ?”
Seungmin was fast to join you in the shower, his hands and lips all over you, tracing your skin as if you were an artwork, a goddess. He willingly waited for your permission before unclasping your bra, going right for your nipples to suck on them as if he was a man starved. You both moaned at the feeling, having missed each other so much. 
“- You’re so good for me Min… But you need to let me wash myself first. 
- You’re annoying…
- Yeah, but you love me. And you’re going to stroke your cock for me, but you can’t cum. Okay ?”
Seungmin stepped back a little, a pout on his lips. But he didn’t get to go too far before you grabbed his hair, pulling his head back as he tried to contain a moan. 
“- I didn’t hear you babe. Have you understood ? 
- Yes…”
His voice was shaky, but at this point, he didn’t even try to hide it. He just wanted to feel your touch, and he knew that the only way was to listen to you and do what you said to him. He leaned against the wall, his cock in his hand while you were washing your body and hair. You had to admit it : Seungmin was looking incredibly hot, and all you wanted to do was to get down on your knees and choke on his dick. But he needed to suffer a little more, and you needed to hear him beg you to do something. 
And you did something. You sucked his dick, dropping to your knees and taking him in your mouth as soon as you finished your shower. He was so sensitive, he almost came just seeing you sucking him, but if he did, you would have never let him touch you. And he needed it. So he let you do your thing. Let you deepthroat him, stroke him, tie him to the bed, making him moan and whine so much his throat was dry. 
“- Y/n… Stop that…. F-Fuck ! I can’t take it anymore !”
Your grin was eating your face as you didn’t listen to Seunmgin, your hand still wrapped around his cock and not letting go until he begged you. Tears were filling his now glossy eyes, his cheeks were red, sweat covering his whole body. He was asking you to stop, but he was thrusting in your hand in hope of getting more and more. And every time he did that, you would stop moving and let him whine and whimper all he wanted. 
“- I need you baby…”
It was a good start, but not enough. You needed to hear more, you needed to hear more of his moans and whines of your name. 
“- If you need me so much, you know what to say love.”
You smiled again, even if Seungmin had closed his eyes for several minutes. You stopped stroking his cock, and he didn’t even get to whine before you licked it and took him in your mouth again. With his hands tied to the headboard, he could only moan and close his eyes, gripping the handcuffs and trying not to cum as you started to bob your head on his length. 
Seungmin wanted to hold on a little longer, to push you so much that you would give up. But he was so sensitive right now, all he wanted was to be buried deep inside of you, he needed that. His breath hitched in his throat as you licked his tip once again before sucking on his cock. 
“- F-Fuck ! Please, please… Please y/n fuck me… Please ! I can’t take it anymore, I need you please…”
You smiled to yourself as you watched your boyfriend struggle to talk as he was interrupted every now and then by whimpers and whines. He was so beautiful, laying in your bed with tears streaming down his face and neverending pleas escaping his lips. 
“- That’s it baby, finally using the right words.
- Please baby… Please…”
You bite your lips as you straddle his hips, taking his face in your hands and getting him to look at you. You wiped his tears away with your thumbs, smiling at him as you lowered yourself on his cock. You were so wet that the sound of his dick stretching you out resonated in the room as loud as both your moans. 
“- Y/n… I-I’m gonna cum…
- Let go Min, fill me up.”
It only took him a couple of thrust in your cunt to shoot his load, moaning in a high pitched voice as he did, missing the way you looked at his blissful face in adoration. As Seungmin was trying to get back, he felt your fingers running through his hair, and he also felt that you started to ride him, making him shiver because he was still so sensitive. But at the same time, all he wanted was to ruin you like you had ruined him. 
“- Feeling better baby ?”
Your cocky smile was whipped off your face as soon as Seungmin thrusted his hips up, meeting yours and making you moan. 
“- Would feel better if I was free.
- You’ve been a good boy, so I guess I can untie you, hm ?”
Seungmin's eyes followed every one of your moves as you got up - holding back a sigh when he lost the feeling of your hot pussy around him - to get the keys and open the handcuffs. As soon as his wrists were free, he threw you on the mattress, making you gasp. A gasp that was quickly replaced by his name as he filled you up to the brim again.
“- That’s it pretty, scream my name again.”
You couldn’t have formed a coherent sentence even if you wanted to. Your nails were digging in the skin of his back as Seungmin was pounding into you roughly, losing himself in the feeling of your tight walls clenching around him. It was too much for his sensitive cock, but at the same time all he wanted was more. More of your moans, more of your pussy, more of your skin, more of you. 
“- Aah ! Min ! Min, I need more please !”
A low grunt escaped his mouth as he stood up on his knees, pushing your legs flush against your chest and giving him an heavenly sight of your glistening pussy, full of his cock and cum. Seungmin picked up his pace, making you grasp the sheets beside your head to try and ground yourself in reality. 
 “- You need more ? Then beg for it.
- Please, please, please Min…”
Seungmin hummed when he squeezed your thighs, guiding you to wrap them around his waist, the new position making you moan louder. He loved when you were taking control of him like you did, but the best part was when he got you begging for his cock. 
“- Come on baby, I know you can do way better than that.
- I want you to fill me up with your cum, need you to fuck me so hard I can’t walk tomorrow… Please Seungmin, please baby… I want you to make me cum on that big cock… Please…
- That’s a lot better…”
With that being said, he sped up the rhythm of his thrusts, making you see stars each time he was hitting that sensitive spot inside of you. Seungmin knew your body like the back of his hand by now, knowing exactly what he needed to do to make you feel good, what he needed to do to make you cum. But he didn’t, simply keeping his pace and fucking your roughly, and it was not enough. He knew what could bring you to the edge, he was just teasing you, making you whimper. 
“- Now what’s that baby ? Is it not enough for you ?
- Yes ! Yes, I need more please…
- So desperate for my cock, that’s cute.”
You wanted to kiss away his smirk, make him remember how he was crying under your touch just a few minutes ago, make him remember how pathetic he looked, begging for you to let him cum - oh, how the tables have turned. But soon enough, his fingers finally found your clit, circling around it and applying just the right amount of pressure to make you cry out his name. Tears spilled out of your closed eyes as your orgasm washed over you, clenching so hard on Seungmin’s dick that he couldn’t move anymore, cumming deep inside of your cunt from the lustful vision of your ruined body. Some high-pitched moans escaped his mouth as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, savouring his much needed relief. 
“- I’m never doing this again.”
You chuckled lightly at his remark, trying to sit up and go wash yourself even if you were spent and just wanted to sleep at the moment. But Seunmgin didn’t move the slightest bit, on the contrary, he wrapped his arms around your waist, still buried inside of you. 
“- Can we stay like this a little longer ? I missed you y/n…”
You smiled to yourself as you let one of your hands plunge in his messy hair, the fingers of the other one tracing random patterns on his back. Seungmin rarely expressed his feelings so clearly to you, and that didn’t bother you at all - you understood very well that it was something he was not so comfortable with. But when he did share his thoughts with you, it made you melt on the spot. 
“- I missed you too Min.” 
Maybe it wasn’t the traditional way, but it was his way of saying he loved you, and you were more than happy to reciprocate his confession. 
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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taglist : @bangchans-angel @its-hannjisung @3rachasninja @boi-bi-ahaha @supergoopjudgepsychic @jaiuneamesolitaiire @starsandrqindrops @iwannabangchan69 @b3tOxic @fawnpeaks @lxrii @channiesgoodgirl @imsotiredandalsonineteen @bbchangbinnie24 @chrishak @cscsi @stayconnecteed @miserya99 @puppy-minnie @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @linosssss @channiesbedbug @whosanaanyway @coastalmaine @soobywiththebooty @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls (if your pseudo is crossed out, it's because i can't tag you and you'll need to change your settings)
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thesparklingwriter · 8 months
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unspoken thoughts
tags: modern au, wrothesley x fem! reader, roomates to lovers, reader goes on a blind date with a karen (tm), biker! wrio!!!!
word count: 1.7k
masterlist | taglist
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“Hey, Bun. How was work?”
You meet Wriothesley with a level glare, as you fumble with locking the door. Maybe rooming with him had saved you money on rent, but what you’d saved had definitely been replaced with extra stress.
“I told you to stop calling me bunny.”
“Perhaps if you didn’t blush like that when I do, I would stop.” He replies, nursing a cup of tea and a book as he relaxes on the sofa. You glare at him again but lower yourself onto the sofa beside him.
“New delivery?” You ask, referring to the tea.
“The one that was delayed,” he says. “It was worth the wait.” He raises the cup to you and you take a sip, taking stock of all the flavours you can before Wriothesley begins to talk about it. One day, you’re sure he’ll find out that you actually have no interest in his teas, and that despite the fact he drives you mad, he’s actually just nice to listen to.
“Seems it was worth the money too,” You say once he’s finished talking. “Definitely belongs in the top ten.”
“Maybe even top five,” he replies, mostly to himself as you stand up. “More work?” he asks lightly, expecting you to grumble about how you're tired of always working, and you wish your manager would stop expecting you to work overtime for free, but this time you smile coyly.
“I have a blind date,” you say quietly, trying to ignore the way he’s looking up at you. “My friend set me up. He’s apparently a very refined, classy guy from a good family, and my friend says he thinks we’d get along well.”
“I wonder what your friend defines as a good family,” Wriothesley says, sipping his tea. “Money? Influence?” He’d never truly considered what you’d look for in a partner before, in fact, he liked to try and avoid the thought if possible. He prefers to only think about the things which affect him directly. But now the topic has been brought up, he suddenly feels strange. If coming from a good family is important to you… That would immediately take him out of the running, wouldn’t it?
“I dunno.” you shrug. “Sometimes my friend just says things. Anyway, thanks for sharing your tea. I’m gonna go get ready.”
Wriothesley watches as you walk away, sighing lightly as he takes another sip of his tea. He’s lived with you for so long that he never truly thought about how his life at home would change if you got a boyfriend. Would it mean he could no longer share his teas with you? Would he have to stop letting you sleep on him when you watch movies together?
He sits with his thoughts until he hears your keys as you leave your room.
“I’m off. Don’t stay up for me.” You smile, and Wriothesley can't help but hate himself for hating how happy you seem to be leaving. He sips his now-cold tea and nods.
“Have fun.”
“You’re grumbling. What’s the matter?” you say, pulling your jacket on.
“I am not grumbling.” he shoots back, standing up to go to the kitchen. “My tea got cold. That’s all.”
“You are so grumbling right now.” you grin. Wriothelsey doesn't know if you are purposefully ignoring his bad mood or if you're so excited about your date that you simply don’t notice, but he doesn’t really like either of those answers. “See you later!”
And then Wriothesley finds himself alone again. Maybe he’d taken it for granted that you’d always be around. Maybe he isn't as okay with the silence as he’d made himself believe he was. 
Even though you told him not to wait up, he finds himself unable to sleep. He tells himself it's not because he’s worried, it's just because he had a rare lie in this morning. It's natural for his body to be slightly out of sync, right? You’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, and today is just like every other day and–
His phone is ringing. It’s odd for him to get called by his manager so late in the day, but it's also not rare. 
It's even rarer for it to be you calling.
“Hey, Bun. What’s going on?” He can’t help but smile a little. There you are on a date, but you’re calling him.
“Are you busy right now?” 
It's only then that he notices the wavering in your voice.
“I’m not. What’s the matter?”
“Can you come and get me? I… I’m sorry, I just don’t know who else to call.” 
You sound cold, he notices. Your teeth chatter together in between your words, and the wavering in your voice seems to be getting worse.
“Where are you? Why aren’t you inside?” He grabs his keys and he’s out of the door before you even have the chance to respond. His legs are moving faster than his mind can, and he’s already halfway down the stairs before he knows it.
You tell him where you are, but pointedly avoid his second question, and he supposes that’s fair. Maybe you just don’t want to share.
“I’m coming. Don’t move.”
Even despite the fact he’s glad you called him, Wriothesley wonders why you didn’t call an Uber. You’ve always been very vocal about how much you hate his motorcycle, and how you wish he’d just get a car. is the situation so dire that you don't care anymore?
When he gets to you, you’re sat outside of an upscale restaurant. He’s sure you left with a jacket, but you don’t have it on now.
“Hey,” he says, sitting next to you. “What’s the matter?”
You burst into tears when he asks you that question, and for a second, Wriothesley has no clue what to do. It’s you who buries your face into his chest, sobbing desperately.
“It was going okay at first, but the waitress got the guy’s order wrong and he went crazy. So they asked him to pay and leave, and then he said he didn’t want to because his order was wrong. He demanded that a manager come and then he said that I should pay. And I said I’d pay for my half, but as I was saying that I wasn’t going to pay for him, the manager came and picked up the wrong end of the stick, and she wouldn’t listen to the waitress who was defending me. So she asked us both to leave, and he’s screaming his head off, and they barely even gave me time to grab my phone before they marched us out. They would have left me with him while he was blowing his top if it wasn’t for the waitress who came with me until he left.” you cling onto his jacket. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He says lowly. “It’s not your fault. It was never your fault.” He shrugs his jacket off and puts it over your shoulders. “Show me your table. I’ll get your stuff.”
“Wriothesley, please.” You can feel the anger radiating off him, and you worry about what will happen if he ends up on the wrong side of that manager.
“You shouldn’t suffer because of a guy with no manners. Let me get your things.”
You nod but insist on staying outside. The waitress that you said helped you earlier is the one that greets Wriothesley at the door, and you watch on as she brings him your things, and he settles the bill.
“You didn’t have to do that,” You tell Wriothesley as he returns.
“I did. Shall we go?” He asks, handing you a helmet. He’d bought that helmet for you when you first moved in together, just in case you ever needed to use his motorbike, but you always refused. He’s glad that it’s finally getting used at least once.
The ride home is silent, and you don’t say anything until you get back into your apartment. The feeling of the wind against your skin and your arms around Wriothesley calms you, and even though you feel humiliated by the actions of your stupid blind date, you feel that maybe things aren’t all that bad.
“You finally stopped calling me bunny,” you say, as you flop onto the sofa. Wriothesley hums in response as he fills up the kettle. In his haste, he’d left all of the lights in the apartment on.
“Does it bother you?”
“A little.”
“You’re so contrary.” He says finally. “You say you hate me calling you bunny, but here you are. You say you hate my motorbike, but you’re okay with me using it to pick you up.”
“I don’t hate your motorcycle.” You say, sitting up to look at him properly. “I think it’s cool.”
“Right, that’s why you refused to ever be near it.”
“I just hated the thought of you getting hurt on it.” You say finally. “It scared me.” He hands you a cup of tea and sits next to you. He hadn’t expected that to be your reasoning. “A part of me hoped that you wouldn’t let me go on that date, you know.”
“Why? It’s not my place to tell you what not to do. If you want to go on a blind date, I can’t stop you.” Those are the words he’d told himself as he watched you leave—you were your own person and it wasn’t his place to try and police what you do.
“You don’t understand.”
“Maybe I don’t,” he replies. “Help me understand.”
You take a deep breath. “If I kissed you, would that help you get it?”
“I don’t know. I suppose you’ll have to try.” He smiles. He barely even gets to finish his sentence when you pull him down to you and kiss him. In all the time he imagined he’d get to kiss you, he didn't think you’d be the one to initiate–-but even still, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer.
“Do you get it now?” you ask giddily.
“Not quite.”
So you kiss him again and again until he gets the message.
“You’re not the sharpest pencil in the box, really, are you?”
“Luckily for me, you’d make a great sharpener.”
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: um ig its time to add wrio to my taglist form lol.. i really cannot get a good grip on his character so if you read this without thinking "he would not do that" then I am relieved but if you did i am also not surprised lol
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miguelhugger2099 · 9 months
Omg first off LOVE!!! your wiring literally *chef’s kiss* imagine Miguel x reader suggestive smut where they’ve been both super busy and haven’t had time for each other and tension has been building up to this point.
Worth the Wait
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nonie im gonna sob. not only was i so excited to see you be my first ask, this is also my first ever written smut!! aaaa im so nervous so please have mercy !! i jumped on my laptop as soon as i saw this and its so late right now haha im a little tired but i didnt want you to wait at all !! im not sure if i wrote too much or too little lol regardless i really hope you enjoy and if not i'm more than happy to make something else and thank you sososo much for the compliment <3333 the ask wasnt specified if it was fem!reader or not so i made it gn!reader just in case <3 Miguel x GN!Reader, Smut, too embarrassed to proofread it, Word Count: 3,681
“Hey, Miguel, do you think you could stay late tonight? Boss wants you in the lab for testing.” A short woman popped her head in his room, her hair neatly tucked in a high bun. Miguel stopped his pacing in his office, his glasses lifted on his head using it as a headband to pull back his fringe. He placed the beakers in his hands down and took off his gloves while ruby eyes glanced at the clock on the wall. He was supposed to leave in a couple minutes.
Miguel’s eyebrows scrunched up, tsking under his breath and turning to look at the woman. “Can’t someone else be there? Peter can oversee it instead.” He pleaded, exasperated. She gave him a sympathetic look and sighed.
“Sorry, Miguel. He specifically asked for you.” Not wanting to be the bearer of bad news anymore, she slipped out the door and shut it behind her, leaving Miguel to groan and slump his shoulders. He stared up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, breathing in and out to calm his anger. It seemed like these days all he ever did was overtime at work. He fiddled with the golden band around his left ring finger, his other hand twirling it mindlessly for some comfort and also a silent apology to you.
His heart ached as he made his way to his desk, picking up his phone and dialing your number. He licked his lips while he brought the phone up to his ear. Miguel wasn’t prepared to hear your voice, happy and hopeful and only be met with disappointment.
“Miggy?” You answer happily. A small smile forms on Miguel’s face.
“H-hey, baby. You doing alright?” He asked, taking a seat on his swivel chair and leaning back to stare at the photo of you two on his desktop.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m finishing up dinner. Are you on your way home?”
Miguel’s smile dropped a bit, realizing once more why he had called in the first place. “Um, about that, mi corazón. I have to–”
“You have to stay the night, don’t you?” You cut him off, disappointment evident in your voice. Miguel’s heart clenched at the sound.
“I…I do. Believe me, I don’t have a choice or I’d be there in a heartbeat.”
“It’s okay, really. I’m not mad or anything. This month has been hectic for both of us. I just… I just miss you is all.” You speak softly over the phone. He missed you more. He wanted to be there.
“Lo siento, bebé. You know how much I hate being away from you.” He apologized. “How about tomorrow, huh? I have off. We can go out and get a drink. Or maybe stay home? I know how much you love my cooking.” He offered, his heart beating faster at the thought of spending time with you again. That feeling sank when he heard you let out a quick puff of air in annoyance.
“I can’t. I’m working this weekend. Six days in a row,” You rolled your eyes just thinking about it. Your job always had a way of pushing your buttons. Miguel’s jaw clenched as he heard you. Miguel never really liked this recent event of work taking up his time from seeing you. He hated it even more when your job took you away from him. “God, I really thought we’d have tonight together at least.”
Miguel was quick to reassure you. “Hey, hey. Listen. We’ll have a day together. Eventually there’ll be a day for just us–all about us, I promise.”
When Miguel had arrived home, it could barely be even classified as night time with the way the sun had been peeking through the horizon. He dragged his body through the door, a cold home awaiting him. After kicking off his shoes, he dumped his coat and bag on the floor and made his way to the kitchen, eating the leftovers of the dinner you two were supposed to eat together before trudging back to bed. He saw you lying there on your side and he felt exhaustion drag him down.
Miguel slipped in under the covers beside you after striping himself of his clothes, leaving him in his underwear and slipped his arm around you. He pressed your body flushed against his, Miguel’s larger body enveloping yours protectively. His nose buried itself in your neck, his lips grazing your shoulder. His hand rubbed your stomach and then slid up to rub up and down your waist. Sneakily, he ran his hand under your shirt while his lips left small kisses on your neck and shoulder. You stirred awake as you felt the sudden touch of someone else.
Miguel felt you move so he pulled you tighter to him, keeping you caged in that position. “Mig…?” You called out sleepily. You felt something poke you from behind and groaned. Miguel continued to kiss your neck, his teeth coming out to gently nip at the skin making you shiver. He simply hummed his response.
“‘M home.” He murmured. He slowly turned you on your back, towering over you slightly with your leg between his. Miguel’s arm rested by your head while his attacks became more intimate. You leaned your head back, allowing him more access and his other hand on your hip squeezed you in appreciation. You bent your leg up on the bed slightly, your knee caressing his growing bulge in his boxers. Miguel let out a low groan, his hips grinding on you for some friction.
Your hands finally reached up to his hair, curling your fingers around his soft wavy brown locks. Miguel took this as an opportunity to capture your lips with his, muting the soft moans you were letting out. His own knee spread your legs apart, rubbing in between them to add to your pleasure. You felt a jolt of pleasure run down your spine, bucking your hips up instinctively. Miguel sighed against you, his hand on that had been gripping your hip, moved down to the hem of your pajama pants. He teasingly pulled it down, letting it snap back to your body and making you whine. You felt him grin through your kiss. Cheeky bastard.
Before he could ease his hand down your pants, your alarm had blared through the room, shocking the both of you and separating yourselves off each other. Miguel scowled while you clambered up to grab your phone. “The hell was that?” He grunted, displeased with being interrupted. You fumbled with turning it off, placing a hand on your chest to calm your fast beating heart.
“My alarm. I have a morning shift.” You moaned, tossing your phone back on the counter and standing up from the bed. Miguel blinked twice before getting up with you. He reached out his hand to grab yours in an attempt to stop you.
“Woah, woah, hey–what’s the rush?” He asked, turning you around and cupping your cheek. “We can at least have these couple minutes, can’t we?” His voice dropped an octave, leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek. Miguel tried to kiss downwards but you stopped him, albeit unwillingly.
“Amor, you know damn well how Nueva York’s traffic is in the morning. I’m not gonna be late and get my ass in trouble ‘cause you can’t keep it in your pants.” You slipped from his arms with a playful roll of your eyes and walked to the kitchen. Miguel scoffed, slightly offended, his eyes watching you walk away and looking down at your ass.
“Don’t act like you weren’t enjoying it.” He grumbled, looking down at the tent in his boxers wondering what to do with it now.
For the next week, it had been nothing but just pure torture. With the month making you and Miguel work away from each other, this week was stretching that limit. When Miguel worked in the morning, you’d work at night and vice versa. Each time without fail, you managed to slip in a few teasing touches. Waking up Miguel by sitting on his lap and peppering kisses on his cheeks with his hands grinding your hips down on his hardening cock. Miguel cupping your ass and giving it a squeeze when you came home from work while he was on his way out. Both of you were on the brink of breaking by this point. These small acts were supposed to tame the fire within you, not burn it brighter.
Eventually, it was finally your day off after a long weekend. A break from customer service and passing out as soon as you got home. Miguel had work today but he texted earlier that he’d get off on the hour he was supposed to this time around. You felt bad. He’d been working so hard and today had been no different. He took a shift earlier than usual so he could come home earlier without anyone being there to suddenly ask for him to stay. Lord knows he’s pushing those forty hours into overtime.
From the bedroom, you heard the door open, keys jingling as it was turned to unlock it. You got up from the bed and peered out the door, seeing Miguel kicking off his shoes and coat while tossing his bag carelessly on the living room chair. “Welcome home.” You greeted him. He dragged his feet closer to you with his head down, the top buttons on his white button up were popped open, exposing a glimpse of his collarbone. Miguel immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you in for a comforting hug. You followed suit, hugging him back since you sensed he probably had a rough day. He hummed in response, settling for resting his chin on your head. You stayed like that for a while just holding one another until you felt his hand run under your shirt to feel your soft skin against his calloused hands. They continued up and up your spine until your shirt was lifting up with him. “Miguel.”
“What?” He grumbled. One hand slid down under your pants, getting a quick feel of your ass and pulling your pelvis to him. You gasped and tightened your hold around him, feeling the warmth of arousal ignite in your stomach. “I need to have you. I can’t wait any longer.” His soft touching became more possessive, roughly grabbing your ass and tugging on your shirt and pants.
“Miguel.” You repeated his name, this time in a whimper. Your own hands slipped down his collared shirt and lightly scratched your nails on his large back which made him shiver. He pulled back and you saw his eyes hazed with desire, pupils blown wide.
“Please…” He whispered, his lips brushing up against yours. Your hands fell to his buttoned shirt as you looked up at him. Your heart raced in your chest–the sheer want of having you all to himself finally after weeks was too good to pass up. You nodded and the pleading look on Miguel’s face dropped as he immediately bent down to kiss you. You let out a squeak of surprise between his lips right before giving into his needs and kissing him back.
He tugged your pants down to your ankles before lifting you out of the puddle of clothes and bringing you to the bed. Once you were laid on top, you watched Miguel fumble with his belt. His large hands quickly unhooked the metal making it chime and the soft zipping sound of the leather sliding out his belt loops. He practically ripped himself free from his clothes, not even unbuttoning his shirt and just lifted it up and off his torso. You saw his girthy length, standing tall and proud with a slight red color tinged at his tip while the rest of him was a slighter darker color than his skin. His tip was already oozing with precum. A sight you had always welcomed. It became clear to you that Miguel had been thinking about this for a while–maybe all day. Miguel crawled on top of you, helping you out of your shirt and underwear and kissing you again while his hands roamed your body.
“I’ve waited so long. Did you miss me like how I missed you, cariño?” He sighed between your lips. Your hands clutched his shoulders, one leg hooking around his waist.
“Always.” You whimpered back.
“On your knees. Now.” He growled. You felt your heart skip a beat, another heartbeat going straight to your core. Stumbling, you got off your back and got on your hands and knees like Miguel wanted. This position has always made you flustered. It was both embarrassing and exhilarating not seeing what Miguel could do to you, or even get to put your hands on him–solely relying on feeling.
Perfect timing, his hands met your ass, grabbing them and massaging them. “So perfect,” He murmured. His finger grazed your aching hole where you were the most sensitive, purposefully teasing the nerves on your body. He took pleasure in the way you writhed beneath him, succumbing to his hand. His thick cock rubbed up against you, smearing his leaking fluid on you for even better access. Then ever so slowly, gliding in his fat weeping tip inside and penetrating your walls.
You both moaned in unison. The feeling of being stuffed was like finally feeling that last puzzle piece snap in place. “Uff, fuck–I’ve missed you,” He groaned, his breath shaking as he leaned over your body. His one hand held the headboard in front of him while his other hand held the plushness of your hip tightly. Miguel’s body was shaking as he entered you slowly, stretching you out after a long time of not seeing each other like this. You whimpered, falling from your hands onto your elbows as you shook with him. “Ease up, cariño, así es.” He praised, leaning back to watch his cock disappear inside you. His pride swelled at how easily he seemed to slide in you even after so long, his mouth curling into a sly smirk.
“Mi–guel…” You choked out a moan. You whined and gripped the pillow underneath your head tightly in your fists. You had forgotten just how huge Miguel was, his covered bulge was nothing compared to the real thing. Panting, you heard your heartbeat in your ears, turning your head to rest your cheek on the pillow.
Miguel’s hand left the headboard by this point, choosing instead to rest on your back, running down the curve of your spine to press your head down. You whimpered and clenched around him which made him let out a string of curses under his breath. You felt him push himself to the hilt, his balls gently smacking against the curve of your ass. He groaned, his hand on your head gripped your hair to still himself from pounding you immediately. The two of you stood there, breathing heavily while you felt each other. You could feel him throbbing inside you, twitching ever so softly. Miguel bit his lip to hinder himself from cumming on the spot with your walls convulsing around him, weakly attempting to suck him in deeper.
You wiggled your hips, bucking them back against Miguel with a pathetic whine. “M-move…plea–” You got cut off when Miguel slipped out of you, and then he slammed back inside making you scream and shake. He then began a steady pace, enough for movement but not as quick as you wanted. Still, you mewled and clutched at the sheets while his cock was ravaging your guts. The hand on your hip wrapped around your lower stomach, his bicep flexing as he held your weight up to fuck your from behind.
“Too long. It’s been too fucking long since I’ve fucked this needy hole properly.” Miguel sighed, huffing with each thrust of his hips. Your eyes rolled back and your jaw slacked open. Skin slapping echoed in the room along with the wet smack of sweat between your bodies. It was a symphony of lust and desire. An aching instinct to be reunited like this. You pleaded for more–a little quicker, a little harder– and Miguel who loved you so much didn’t want to deny either of you this ecstasy. He then used both hands to grab onto your hips and started to drag your body back and forth on his dick, drilling himself in you like a toy. Miguel used up all his frustrations of not being able to see you all this time, his eyes drinking in your writhing form while he bucked into you abandonly.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck–Miguel…!” You squealed, involuntarily squeezing him which made me grunt and buck his hips faster. You babbled nonsense while your core bubbled up the feeling of an orgasm. You screwed your eyes shut as you allowed Miguel to hump against you. He leaned over you again, pressing kisses on your back, murmuring things you could barely hear over the sound of your own moans.
Suddenly, Miguel had pulled out again leaving you feeling empty and light headed while the feeling of an impending orgasm disappeared. He let go of you, your hips bouncing on the bed without the support of his strength holding you up. You opened up your eyes, glazed with pleasure and shakily tried to look behind you. Before you could, Miguel took your body and flipped you on your back. It all happened quickly before you could even register what was happening. He took your legs and tugged your body closer to him like a ragdoll. He spread them wide then pressed them up against your chest. You lolled your head up and you saw his fringe had fallen to his forehead, sticking to it with his sweat. His chest was heaving up and down, the glow of the moonlight highlighting the carvings of his muscles perfectly–it made your breath hitch.
Miguel then loomed over you, nuzzling his head into your neck again. You leaned your head to the side making him gain more access to you. His teeth bit your soft flesh, his lips suckling your skin to leave tiny bruises along the side. “Ah–” You squirmed and gasped when you felt Miguel slide back into you again. You quickly wrapped your arms around him, your hand running through his already messy hair. You pressed his head closer, your eyes opening up hazily to stare at the ceiling while Miguel starts his pace again.
“So tight, just f’me, hm? You have no idea how much–” He moaned in between speaking, the lust clouding his mind. “H-how much I needed you. I should’ve just brought you to work, bend you over my desk and fuck you however long I want,” He shuddered at the thought, his hips stuttering while you whimpered and arched your back off the bed. “Oh, you like that?” He grinned, his voice oozing with arrogance. You nodded, your eyes shutting closed again and desperately lifting your hips to match his thrusting.
“Next time, bebé, next time. I promise. You’re doing so, so, good. You feel so good.” He slurred softly, his hips snapped harder, his cock twitching and swelling inside you.
“Mig–Mig–I can’t,” You moaned, your screams getting louder the harder Miguel went. “Oh, god, Miguel!” Miguel kissed you, swallowing all your moans while he slipped his tongue in your mouth. Your eyes rolled back and your legs wrapped around his waist the moment he let go of your thighs. His hands traveled around your body, feeling the shape of your silhouette back into his memory. He grabbed at anything he could hold onto before curling around your ass for a small squeeze.
He pulled away from the kiss, breaths mingling for a moment until Miguel rested his forehead on your shoulder. Your hands raked down his back and you dug your nails into his giant back, leaving streaks of red in their wake from scratching him. He moaned from it–the pain only adding to his pleasure-fueled mind. Miguel peppered kisses on your shoulder, making his way down to your chest.
“Miguel, I’m so close–so, so close…” You whimpered.
“I know, ángel, me… me too. Solo enfocate en mí, hm? Just let me have you.” He pleaded, his rough moans turning into whimpering as he neared his end. You responded with a weak ‘uh-huh’ then clinging onto Miguel for support.
He murmured in a jumble of Spanish and English, his breath hot on your neck while you screamed and pleaded for more, how good it felt, anything to get both of you going. Miguel lifted your lower half up, relentlessly pounding into you while he cursed lowly, burying his head in your shoulder again. You felt the bubble in your abdomen about to snap.
“Miguel, I–!” You tried warning him but instead the waves of your orgasm flooded your body, cumming on Miguel and making a mess between your legs. You twitched around him, milking his cock for all it’s worth. Your legs shook until you went limp, fucked out of your mind. Miguel whined, speeding up to catch his own release.
“Fuck–!” He moaned, feeling his cock pump out his creamy fat load inside you, painting your walls white. Miguel’s entire body tensed up, stilling up against you while he slowly came down from the high. His strokes gradually slowed down, pumping the final ropes of cum, while he softened inside you, huffing and puffing with you. He shakily but carefully pulled out of you after a few moments. You whimpered when he completely left you with a soft wet shlick.
Miguel fell beside you, exhausted and spent. Still, he reached for you, bringing your shivering body in his arms. You curled yourself in his chest weakly, feeling his hand play with your hair. He kissed your forehead, basking in each other's afterglow. He brought the covers up over you two for some extra warmth.
“I’ll…get us cleaned up in the morning…” He huffed with a tired smile. You grunted in response, too numb to speak but satisfied nonetheless.
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can you tell this is my first smut? hahaaaa dontanswerthatillcry
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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6.1 Bucky
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of sex, nudity, Bucky's lies come back to bite his ass.
Please note: I'll be taking a break from posting starting on Thursday, May 16th to focus on writing, and will resume posting on Thursday, May 23rd.
Word Count: 1.1k
Previously On...: Porn. The last chapter was porn.
A/N: Sorry, besties; not sure what happened. I set this up to post at 445 per usual, and when I came back on, I saw it still hadn't gone up, so I'm doing it manually. I apologize for this screw up!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Bucky woke the next morning in a tangle of sheets and Major. He had to pee, but he didn’t want to get up. God, he never wanted to get up. If he could stay wrapped up with her like this, for the rest of his life, he thought, he would die happy. The very idea struck him like a brick– he’d given a lot of thought to his own death over the years, but never, not once, did he ever consider the possibility that he might actually die happy until this very moment. 
If she was in his life when he went, he realized, he very well could.
Major shifted in her sleep and snuggled further into Bucky’s chest with a contented sigh, and he felt his heart swell. If he wasn’t careful, at the rate his feelings were going, he was at risk of proposing to her before lunch. 
After about fifteen more minutes of blissfully watching Major sleep in his arms, Bucky couldn’t hold off his bladder any longer. Gently extricating himself from Major’s embrace so as not to disturb her, he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before heading to the bathroom. 
After he’d finished and washed his hands, he made his way back toward Major’s bed. As he passed by the string of clothes he’d discarded the night before, he heard a buzzing coming from his pants. He reached down and pulled his phone from his pocket, checking the caller ID.
Lily. Again.
Bucky sighed and took himself back to the bathroom, quietly closing the door behind him as he accepted the call.
“Hey, Lil, what’s up?” he asked, sitting down on the edge of Major’s whirlpool tub.
“Hey, Jamie,” she said, and Bucky could immediately tell something was wrong. She sounded… off, distressed. “Listen,” she continued, “I know you and Sam probably had a late night last night, and I hate bothering you…”
“What’s wrong, Lil?” Bucky asked, growing concerned now. 
“Well, I drove out to Langston Park to run the trails,” Lily began, “and I don’t know if I ran over a nail or had a slow leak, or what, but when I got back to the car, my tire was flat. I was kind of hoping you could meet me up here and help me change it?”
Bucky ran a hand over his stubble. “Shit,” he said. “You know I would in a heartbeat, Lil, but–”
“No, yeah,” Lily interrupted him. “It’s fine, don’t worry. I’m sure someone will drive by and I can flag them down for help–”
“Lily Anne McIntyre, you are not going to wave down a stranger and just hope that they’re not a murderer or a rapist,” Bucky said into the phone, a little louder than he intended. “Listen, I’m on my way, but I’m in the city, so it’s going to take me a little while, okay? Just… just stay in your car with the doors locked until I get there.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Jamie!” Lily’s voice was full of relief. “You’re my hero! I owe you, big time!”
Bucky cracked a smile. “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Give me about forty-five minutes to get to you, okay? And remember, lock. your. doors.” 
“I promise,” Lily agreed before ending the call. 
Bucky stood up from the edge of the tub and went back into the bedroom and quietly put his clothes back on. Sitting down at the edge of Major’s side of the bed, he leaned down and began pressing kisses to her shoulder and collarbone until she stirred and started to stretch. 
With a lazy moan that sent the blood straight to Bucky’s dick, Major sleepily blinked her eyes open. “Why are you wearing so many clothes?” she asked him, her voice seductively husky with sleep. “Come back to bed.”
Bucky wanted to. Oh god, he really, really wanted to. “I’m so sorry, sugar,” he told her, leaning down to give her a proper kiss. 
“Bucky,” she laughed, pulling back from him, “I just woke up; I’m sure I have horrible morning breath.”
“Like I would ever care.” He cupped her face in his hands and brought his lips to hers, gently running his tongue along her lips so she opened her mouth to him. 
After a long moment, they broke apart, and Bucky rested his forehead against hers. “I don’t want to leave you,” he said softly. “But I’ve got to go.”
Major nuzzled her cheek against his. “So, don’t,” she murmured. “Stay.”
Bucky sighed. “I can’t. Lily’s got a flat tire; she’s waiting on me to come help her change it.” 
Major let out a puff of air through her lips. “Well, give me five minutes to get dressed and I can come with you,” she offered hopefully. 
“I’d love that, doll,” Bucky said, frowning, “but Lily’s still pissed off about the bar and…” he ran a hand behind his neck, suddenly realizing how stupid this was going to sound, “I haven’t told her I’ve been seeing you.”
The change that came over Major was nearly imperceptible, but Bucky clocked it, all the same. Her eyes narrowed, her shoulders tensed and she pulled back from him by a hair.
“So,” Major began slowly, “where did she think you were last night when she called you, then? You said you’d already told her what you were up to. If she didn’t know you were with me, what did she think you were doing?”
“I told her I was having a guys’ night out in the city with Sam,” Bucky admitted, hating himself now for even deeming the lie necessary in the first place.
“I see.” The words were clipped, Major’s voice void of any emotion, and Bucky knew he’d fucked up. Immensely. “Well, you better get going, then, if Lily’s waiting on you.”
“Major.” Bucky put a hand on her arm, but she got up out of the bed, dragging the topsheet with her to wrap around herself and keep her body covered from him, as if now, suddenly, after everything they’d already done together, she no longer wanted him to see her naked. “Can we just–”
“You should go, Bucky,” she said again, not meeting his eye, and Bucky felt like absolute shit. 
“Can I call you later?” he asked, and he heard the note of desperation in his own voice, but Major just shrugged a shoulder. He tried to lean in to her to give her a kiss goodbye, but she stood there, still as a statue, so he simply pressed his lips to her forehead and sighed before showing himself to the door.
He’d fucked up. He’d fucked up, and he’d blown it. She’d probably never want to see him again, and honestly, could he blame her? He’d lied about being with her, like she was some kind of dirty secret. Sam had been right, though Bucky would never admit it to him. Why was he letting Lily’s opinion dictate how he lived his life?
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mopopshop · 3 months
Ok so for juju what abt her going to (fem) reader dorm/apartment after practice and being all cuddly and needy cause she’s really tired and wants attention? I just need more juju fics bro 😭😭🙏🏾
Soft (Juju Watkins x Reader)
i like writing juju stuff so send requests for it yall😟🙌🏾
You’re just finishing up some studying when you hear a gentle knock on your dorm room door. Glancing at the clock, you realize it’s later than you thought—practice must have just ended. You smile, knowing exactly who it is.
Opening the door, you’re met with the sight of Juju, your girlfriend. Her usually vibrant energy replaced with a weary but affectionate smile. She looks exhausted, her hair slightly damp from a post-practice shower, her eyes a little droopier than normal.
“Hey, baby” she murmurs, stepping inside and wrapping her arms around your waist immediately. The warmth of her embrace melts away any remnants of stress from earlier. “I missed you.”
You chuckle softly, leading her to the bed. “You were only gone for a few hours, J.”
“Felt like fucking forever,” she mumbles, nuzzling into your neck as you both collapse onto the soft mattress. You run your fingers through her braids, feeling her relax against you.
She shifts, draping herself across your lap, her head resting on your shoulder. “I’m so tired,” she whispers, her voice almost a whine. “Practice was brutal.”
You press a kiss to her forehead, your heart swelling with affection. “I can see that. Just stay in my lap for a while, yeah?”
She nods, her eyes fluttering shut. “That sounds perfect.”
You continue to stroke her hair, the room falling into a comfortable silence. Juju’s breathing evens out, and you can feel her muscles gradually unwind. Her neediness is endearing, and you’re more than happy to give her the attention she craves.
“Thank you,” she whispers after a few minutes, her voice soft and sleepy.
“For what?” you ask, gently.
“Just because, I love you .”
You laugh. “Aw, you’re welcome babe. I love you”
She snuggles closer, her arms wrapping around you more securely. It’s clear that her exhaustion is making her clingier by the second.
As the minutes tick by, you both settle into a peaceful rhythm. Juju’s fingers trace lazy patterns on your thigh, and you can feel her body slowly but surely relaxing into yours. It’s these quiet moments that you cherish the most, where words aren’t necessary, and the simple presence of each other is enough.
“Fuck my back hurts,” Juju blurts out, flinching and reaching for her back, breaking the silence. “Think I tweaked it last practice, been bothering me since” she giggles.
You gape at that news. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier, you should be sleeping, getting better and— and—“
Juju laughs harder at your panic and sits up, criss-cross, in front of you. Placing her hands on your thighs. 
“Baby.. I’m fine, chill” she grins, rubbing your legs. 
You can’t help but smile back, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “Still, you need to take care of yourself, J. You work so hard.”
She sighs, her eyes closing once more as she nestles her head against your shoulder. “I know. But it’s worth it when I get to come home to you.”
Your heart flutters at her words, and you lean down to kiss the top of her head. The two of you lay there for what feels like hours, wrapped up in each other’s warmth. You talk about everything and nothing as the outside world fades away, leaving just the two of you in your little bubble of peace.
At some point, Juju’s stomach growls, and she looks up at you with a sheepish grin. “Man, I forgot to eat after practice.”
You laugh softly, giving her a gentle squeeze. “Wanna order something?”
She nods as she buries her head back into your neck, so you grab your phone and open the doordash app. 
“Chic-Fil-A?” You ask and she nods once again into your neck.
The food arrives a little while later and you both sit up on your bed eating. 
“You spoil me, you know that?” she says, her eyes twinkling with affection.
You shrug playfully, handing over her food. “Just taking care of my girl.”
She takes the plate with a grateful smile, and the two of you sit in comfortable silence, sharing a simple meal together. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s perfect in its own way.
After eating, you both clean up, changing into some pajamas, and lay back on the bed, settling in for the night. Juju cuddles up to you once more, her head resting on your chest as she lets out a content sigh.
“Thank you for tonight, baby” she whispers, her voice filled with gratitude. “I really needed this.”
“You’re welcome J,” you reply softly, running your fingers through her braids. “I’m always here for you.”
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updownlately · 1 year
in your embrace (this crowded room doesn’t matter)
| leah williamson x reader
“You tired yet?” The soft murmur of words against your ear had you relaxing, the familiar voice automatically putting you at ease. 
Closing your eyes at the feel of her breath on your ear, you hummed in thought, processing the question as music filtered in from the speakers near you. 
Continuing to sway gently in the dim light, you tightened your grasp around Leah’s neck and pulled back ever so slightly, your eyes meeting blue ones.
“Not quite yet. Are you?” 
“I don’t think I can ever be tired while being in your arms…” 
Smiling shyly, you shook your head. “Half past midnight and your flirting just doesn’t stop huh?”, you questioned. 
The cheeky shrug and teasing smile you received in response had you quietly laughing, you tucking yourself back into the crook of the blonde’s neck, letting her guide you as the song changed. 
You both had spent the day celebrating love, having been invited to an old teammate’s wedding.
Partying hard through the better part of the evening and night, on the dance floor with friends and teammates, Leah had whisked you away a short while ago, just as the slow songs had once again come on, more than glad to finally get some time alone with you after the hectic day. 
The pair of you had ended up tucked near the back, lost in your own world as song after song had played, tons of other couples rotating on and off the dance floor as you two stuck around.
“I can’t believe we managed to make it on time…”
The quiet statement had Leah groaning in playful annoyance, her grip on your waist tightening.
“Not my fault you’re a distraction!”
“Me? I was ready on time…hair and makeup both done long before Uber had arrived. And if I recall correctly, it wasn’t me putting on lipstick and blush in the car, love.” 
Your hushed jest had the blonde hanging her head back, your pace slowing as she chuckled quietly at the memory. 
“At least the music was decent this time.”
Biting back a smile, you followed Leah’s movement without thinking, mind occupied recalling the morning before the wedding ceremony. 
Though the pair of you had woken up on time- a miracle if you were asked, considering it was a Saturday off- you had somehow managed to spend a tad bit (read: over an hour) too long in bed, more content with lazily cuddling as the time ticked by, you both blissfully unaware until your warning alarm had rung.
It had been a scramble to get ready in time for the wedding, the both of you running around the apartment grabbing all that you needed, you claiming the main ensuite and ushering Leah and her suit to the guest one so that you could both be ready to go.
Even with your strategic separation, the blonde had ended up over in your shared bedroom, eventually roped into zipping you up and helping you with your jewelry. 
Somehow, helping you out had turned into a small make out session, and well, if Leah had to fight the bumps on the road as she sang along to the radio whilst sorting out the final touches on her make up as the result of the time lost, you definitely weren’t the one complaining, more than content with your finished look and the presence of the blonde beside you. 
Snapping out of your thoughts as you heard the familiar strumming of your favourite James Arthur song play, you pulled back to smile at Leah, the blonde returning the sentiment as she tugged you ever so closer, your faces mere inches apart.
Matching grins on your faces, you matched your steps with Leah, softly waltzing under the dimmer lights in the back, satisfied with the knowledge that you would likely not be bothered, more than happy to be consumed in your own world, in your love. 
“…I’m so in love with you…and I hope you know…,” Leah sang lowly, just loud enough for you to hear. 
Finishing her line, you smile grew as you continued the song. “…darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold…” 
“…we've come so far, my dear…look how we've grown…and I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old…just say you won't let go…”
Voice dropping as you let the midfielder finish the stanza, you shook your head in amazement, blush coating your cheeks as your thought of how lucky you were. 
Head tilting as the soft hue reflected perfectly off of Leah’s eyes, you took a second to admire the darker colour that they appeared to be, as well as the rest of your girlfriend.
“You look absolutely incredible in this dim light- the way it’s perfectly highlighting your jawline and cheekbones, you’re gorgeous. And it’s somehow making your eyes nearly look this ethereal navy colour. Never thought they could get prettier but here we are…” You let your voice trail off, the quiet murmur over the music disappearing as you traced over the facial features of the one you loved, noting the rosy hue that covered her cheeks at your compliment. 
Rubbing your thumb comfortingly on the nape of Leah’s neck, you watched her wordlessly accept your compliment, her eyes not meeting your gaze telling you that Leah appreciated your comment. Picking up your pace once again and tightening your hold around her shoulders, you brought yourselves closer, picking up the pace to match the new song that played, an Ed Sheeran one this time. 
Taking a second to break out of your bubble as the song faded out, you took a look around the hall, realizing you were the only couple left on the dance floor, even the straggling drunk folks having sat down or headed out. 
Glancing up at your watch, eyes widening as you saw the time had nearly hit half past one, you slowed down your pace, looking around once more only to notice even the DJ wasn’t at their station, likely a playlist the source of the music playing. 
Bringing Leah’s attention to the station as you stopped dancing, you cast the blonde a look of disbelief before bursting out into laughter. 
“Leah, I can’t believe we’ve stayed out here that long…everyone else’s nearly gone!”
And as Leah’s head swivelled around in search for your friends, well aware that the newly-wed couple had headed out a little while ago, you held back your laughter, amazed at how the time flew by as you both had spent the nearly two hours dancing together, lost in each other’s embrace, completely blind to everyone else’s presence (or lack thereof) in the room. 
Turning back to you with a shocked look on her face, the blonde just barely managed to sputter out her next words. “We surely couldn’t have been dancing for that long, right?”
“Leah, I really think we ‘J-Lo’d’ this and very much have ‘danced the night away’,” you responded, giggling at your horrible joke. 
Shaking her head amusedly at the lame line, the blonde grabbed your hand, leading you towards your table. 
“I wish we could’ve danced a bit longer…forever even…” 
Wrapping your arm around Leah’s waist, you brought your joined hands up to your lips, placing a kiss on the back of her hand before stopping her in her tracks and nudging her to look at you, your voice just loud enough for you two to hear.
“How about this...at our wedding, you and I’ll make sure to dance until both our feet ache, okay?” 
Looking up into eyes shining with unspoken love, you let yourself be pulled into Leah’s embrace, sinking happily into the emotion-filled kiss being placed on your lips- the unsaid agreement clear.
Basking in the pure adoration, you held on tightly to Leah, grip only loosening as Leah pulled back, her wiping the slightly smudged lipstick gently off your face. Blonde head nodding vigorously, her response was enthusiastic. 
“I think I’d love that.”
Balancing on your tiptoes, you placed a final chaste kiss on the blonde’s lips as if to agree to the final decision before grabbing her hand and continuing your trek to your table.
Looking back as you walked ahead, you shot the blonde a wink and a sly smile, quickly grabbing Leah’s coat before speaking.
“Great! Then all that’s left is for you to propose!”
And as you left a wonderfully perplexed Leah at the table, you slowly began walking backwards to the parked car, a proud smile on your face as you faced the Englishwoman, a lovesick grin of disbelief shining from her.
You absolutely couldn’t wait to marry her. 
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Dirty Work 25
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: last night I finished my paper... mostly. Need to format and cite.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You stare at your hand, then Mr. Laufeyson’s. In contrast, his seems so big. Emblematic of the hold he has on your life. The power you can’t resist. Even if you want to. You don’t know what you want. You don’t know if you’d ever known. You only ever did what you thought was right.
He lets you slip your hand free and you turn it over, looking down at your palm. You trace a line as you feel him watching you. He wants you to speak but what can you say? You’re confused and scared and so, so tired.
“Pet, was I not clear?” He wonders, the gentle lilt frightens you more than his deep commanding timbre.
You think he was. You think you know what he wants. Just like your father accused you. Well, what else are you worth? Not just to him but anyone.
“Can…” your mouth is dry, your eyes are itchy, your head is pulsing, and your body feels hollow. “Can I think about it?”
“Think?” He echoes, “what– how long?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Laufeyson,” you answer thinly, sinking back into the pillows, “I’m dizzy. I don’t feel very well.”
“Dizzy?” He repeats you again. He hums and clasps his hand around his knee, “when’s the last you’ve eaten?”
You shyly glance up. You slant your lips and shrug. You’re uncertain. Does he really care? It hardly matters. You can’t recall when your dad ever bothered about you being fed or happy. Even if it’s pretend, it’s better than before.
“Yesterday, I think,” you twine your fingers together, “last night…”
“Yes, last night was a bit much, wasn’t it?” He tuts, “what about breakfast?”
“I had some tea,” you offer. “I’m not very hungry, just sleepy.”
“You need to eat then, you can’t think on an empty stomach surely,” he insists as he stands, “I’ll fetch a plate.”
“Mr. Laufeyson, I’m fine,” you try to push yourself to the edge of the bed but he’s quick to stop you, catching your shoulder as he nudges you into the pillows.
“No, no, let me show you,” he squeezes then reluctantly rescinds his touch, “I said I would give you anything, yes? Whatever you wish or need. Let me show you that I can and you may better make your decision.”
“It’s really not–” you try to argue but don’t have the energy. Really, you’re too perplexed to come up with any protest. He’s being strangely… nice.
“I mean it, stay,” he orders as he shows his palms, “I won’t be long.”
You just nod. He spins on his heels and marches out. You scrunch up your lips and glance towards the window. It’s later than you thought. The window is dark and the moon shines down in a sliver.
What would it be like to have someone take care of you? Is that what Mr. Laufeyson means? You’re not that stupid. Inexperienced, yes, but he has been blunt. You know what he wants from you but you’re not sure you can offer it. 
Clothes? Jewellry? Shiny things? All those things mean nothing. He can’t give you what you truly want but no one can. And he’s right about everything else. You have no home and whatever he did can’t have made your dad any less angry than he already was.
You close your eyes and exhale. No isn’t an option. It might knot in your chest and tickle your tongue but you’re not sure you can’t utter it. What is the alternative? You’re at the tipping point. Without a job, you can’t afford that hotel bed. Even with one, you’re not sure you can swing it. And there’s all the other expenses; all the things you need and don’t have.
Your head is ready to split in two. You could never be ready for this. You never saw it coming to this. You in Mr. Laufeyson’s bed, weighing your entire life in your hands.
Your eyes roll open as you hear him. The scent of the food precedes him and your stomach rumbles loudly. His brows rise in response as he enters. He has a plate in one hand and a wooden board under the other. He nears and sets the dish on the night table, unfolding the legs of the lap table.
He places it over your legs and moves the plate on top of it. He’s careful not to lose the cutlery in the process. It’s some of the food Frigga left, but not a dish you helped with. Salmon, rice, and a colourful medley of vegetables.
“Something to drink?” He offers.
“Um…” you look at the plate then furrow your brow at him.
“Don’t look at me like that. What would you like?”
You blink. This is strange. It should be you asking him. It should be you running around. It’s backwards. All of it.
“Water is fine.”
“Hm, yes, water, I shall return,” he declares and once more pivots on his heel.
You focus on the food as he goes. You poke the long grains of rice, then a baby carrot. You push it all around before you dare to take a bite. It’s good, very good. Better than boxed macaroni and canned soups.
Mr. Laufeyson appears again. He has a tall glass, weeping with condensation as a lemon floats on top. He sets it on the night table, sure to slip a marble coaster down first. You taste the food intensely, pushing your tongue around as he backs up. He hovers just before the foot of the bed.
You continue to eat. Tediously so. Little bites as you delay the inevitable. He won’t allow you much longer than it takes to clear the plate to give your answer and you’re filling up fast. You still the fork and swallow. You rest the silver on the ceramic rim and take a sip of water. The cold flow gives a small kick.
“What did you do to him?” You ask, voice trembling even as you fight to control it.
He tilts his head and a line ripples above his brows. He cheek dimples as he grips one hip, “whatever do you think I did to the sickly old brute?”
You frown and he puts his head straight. He drops his hand and flutters his fingers. He huffs and paces around the end of the bed, then back again.
“I only gave him a fright,” he grumbles, almost bashfully, “I am somewhat above assaulting an elderly man.”
You stare, not saying a word.
“What? I am,” he snaps, “I only told him to keep his hands to himself. In more words than that.”
You don’t know if you believe him. You want to only because you wouldn’t want to be the reason your dad gets hurt. Even if he’s the reason you are.
“Promise?” You ask.
He clasps his hands together behind his back, “sure. Yes, I swear that I didn’t touch him, right? Just a bit of ominous implication.”
You run your finger along the edge of the plate.
“Tell me you’re not lying, please?”
He’s quiet. He huffs again and taps his toe.
“Why do you care so much? He doesn’t care for you.”
“Just…” you are wilting, you feel your strength dwindling. “Tell me the truth and I’ll say yes.”
He shifts to sit on the bed, just by your legs. He looks at you in the face. You meet his gaze and he doesn’t flinch, “I did not assault him, though it crossed my mind. He had that tube under his nose and wouldn’t stop coughing. It hardly seemed a fair contest. I merely warned him that the next time, I wouldn’t restrain myself.”
“Next time?” You murmur.
“Which there won’t be,” he assures, “because I told the truth, so that is…”
He waits and points at you. You turn your head away. You believe him.
“Yes,” you mutter. “I accept, Mr. Laufeyson…” You bat away another singe of tears, the voice in your head whispering what you won’t say aloud, ‘you win’.
Mr. Laufeyson clears away the dishes and folds up the small table. He leaves you for a time, stirring on the lower level as you listen cautiously. You feel a little better but your eyes are still puffy from crying and your head still has a dull tick. 
You slowly stand, careful not to cause your head to ring, and move around the bed. You slip into the hallway and into the study. Inside, you near the desk and lift the bag onto the chair. You search within until you find your phone, the mostly neglected flip.
You open it and stare at the keypad. You want to call your dad and make sure he’s okay but you know you shouldn’t. You can’t. He wouldn’t answer either way. You know that. The more you think of what he did, the worse it is. Why hadn’t you realised before? There was no way to ever go back home.
“Pet?” Mr. Laufeyson startles you and you shove away the phone. You face him and lean on the corner of the desk. “I made some tea… it’s much too late for work.”
“I know, I…” you still aren’t used to this. It’s so unusual. Mr. Laufeyson’s isn’t a place of leisure or carelessness, it’s for work. “...was checking the time.”
“Late, yes,” he affirms, “chamomile, my mother left some behind.” He raises the steaming mug, “you should lay down.”
“Mmm, yeah, I…” you look away. It’s not so different as it was, is it? You’re still supposed to obey him. He might be gentler but he isn’t asking.
“Would you like a book to read? You may peruse to your pleasure,” he offers and crosses to you, close as he puts the cup on the desk, “I might have a few you may enjoy. Are you fan of Shelley?”
He takes your wrist before you can react. He leads you to the shelf near the middle of the wall as you blink and peek up at him. This is strange. You’ve never seen him like this. Almost excited, as much as he has ever been.
“Poe, of course, I’ve some Lovecraft but I find him repetitive,” he goes on, “perhaps this isn’t an evening for horror.” He’s thinking aloud, “I might have an Austen or two that you may handle. The first editions, I’m afraid, cannot be touched.” He hums as he lets you go and hovers his fingers over the row, “Mansfield Park… hm?” 
He looks at you and you shake your head. You don’t know. You read the same books you read as a kid. The Secret Garden, The Little Princess, and that illustrated version of The Hobbit, the one your dad used to…
“Maybe tomorrow,” you offer, “my head hurts.”
“Fair,” he agrees, “as I said, you should lay down.”
“I know,” you murmur and back away, “I’m just… restless.”
“So drink your tea.”
“Thanks,” you return to the desk and lift the mug, blowing over it as the steam continues to furl above it, “I will.”
“In bed,” he insists.
“I wouldn’t want to spill it–”
“Well certainly you can’t have it near the books,” he reproaches, “so come.”
That’s a command. His tone hardens and you recognise him again. Oh yes, things aren’t so different after all. He’s still in charge.
You nod and do as he says. You carry the tea into the hallway but hesitate at the threshold. Can’t you just go downstairs? No, you’re tired. You continue to the bedroom and place the mug on the same coaster where he’d put the water earlier.
You fold your hands nervously and back away. You approach the window and look out onto the estate. You remember the night you rushed over here, when he’d triggered that alarm. The way he’d been so undone, how he’d grabbed you and babbled those senseless words.
He moves behind you, shifting open drawers, and shuffling around. He doesn’t say a word as your vision blurs the shadows to a sea of uncertainty. The world is distant as you struggle to believe in it. It still feels like a horrible nightmare.
“Pet,” he slithers as he comes up behind you. You flinch as he rests his hands on your shoulders, standing almost flush to you, “your tea grows cold.”
You nod and sidle away from him. He relents, a hand dragging down your arm as he sighs. He watches as you go to claim the porcelain cup. You sit on the edge of the bed and sip. It’s pleasant, not stale like the old tea bags in your own cupboard. Well, that’s not yours anymore.
You wiggle your nose, ready to cry again. It’s like your morning yourself. The old you is dead yet very much sitting there, just as powerless as ever.
“Thank you,” you say as you cradle the cup against your hand, absorbing the heat until it hurts.
“I’ve found some clothing you can sleep in,” he nears and pulls the folded fabric across the bed. A plain button-up and a pair of cotton shorts. “I’m afraid I’m not furnished for you just yet. Tomorrow we will rectify that.”
You thank him again and drown your nerves in the yellow tea. As much as your eyelids tug and your shoulders slump, as heavy as you feel, you’re not sure you will sleep through the churning in your chest. You twitch as he brushes a finger against your cheek and your sight narrows on him.
You don’t say anything. He doesn’t either. He caresses down to your chin and tilts it up. He considers you. You feel him appraising you, his eyes drifting away from your face. For a moment, his grip on you firms and his hand slides back so the crook of thumb and index frame your throat. You gulp as he bends over you. He presses a kiss on your forehead, lingering as he inhales your scent.
“Patience,” he mutters as he parts, though you don’t know if he girds you or himself.
He draws away and fixes his posting, rolling his shoulders as he turns sharply. He goes back to the dresser and focuses on the contents of the top drawer. He clucks as he snatches out garments.
“I suppose I should dress for bed too,” he drones flatly, “no doubt…” He snaps the drawer shut, “a long night.”
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friday, kim taerae— select choir
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⋆˙⟡ zbully1 smut series masterlist! hanbin, jiwoong, hao, matthew, and taerae included. game day (group) chapter here. all 7 endings here.
⋆˙⟡ wc: 2.7k
⋆˙⟡ reader: just one gn!reader version for this (no pronouns are used at all to describe reader; reader is describe as having a "pretty" mouth but no gendered or femme language)
⋆˙⟡ series summary: five bullies. six days. it's gonna be a hell of a week, babe. stay hydrated.
⋆˙⟡ friday summary: it's the end of the most bizarre week of your life. last year, you would've been overjoyed to spend time in select choir with your friend kim taerae. but that all went down the drain after hanbin recruited him into his group of incessant jerks... and he's desperate to officially be one of the guys.
⋆˙⟡ warnings: explicit smut. 18+. minors do not interact. please read specific smut warnings under the cut! swearing. angst. slight dub-con. bullying. the lore for taerae is so SAD. i'll make sure his ending is happy, i promise. also we've got a ft. hanbin chapter but just in digital form.
⋆˙⟡ bully scale: ★★★★★ (5.0)
(idk the bully scale is subjective but like imagine your best friend saying this shit about you WHY IS HE DOING THAT OMG jk i know why and soon you will too)
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EXPLICIT SMUT 18+ WARNINGS: oral, (taerae receiving), throat fucking (reader receiving), brief handjob and heavy petting (taerae receiving), cumming without warning in mouth, filming of sexual act, voyeur!hanbin, slight dubcon but like for both of them kind of idk you'll see but it's slight, bullying, the usual.
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you should be elated that this week is nearly over. and you are. mostly, anyway. 
but there was an indescribable thrill to all this that you couldn’t seem to shake. all that talk of ravens yesterday had got you thinking...
 why did you dislike ravens in the first place?
thinking. crying. haphazardly finishing all of your assignments due friday that you’d procrastinated the whole week. urgent texts to and from mina after her ✨jiwoong oppa✨ stood her up for their date.
one thing was for certain: you desperately need sleep.
that’s why you’re currently falling asleep sitting up, hard-back music folder open in your hands as professor yoo works with the bass section. the lowest notes of “requiem” are soft and soothing and, for you at this sleep-deprived moment, very dangerous. 
luckily a sharp elbow to the shoulder jolts the drowsiness right out of you.
you look to your left to find kim taerae giving you one of the most judgmental glares you’ve ever earned in your life.
you would expect nothing less from him.
at one time a judgmental glare from taerae was the equivalent of a hug. you returned the gesture happily. and also threw in some hugs whenever he’d let you. he squirmed a bit, but the big smile that would grow on his face made it all worth it.
but there’s no warmth behind his eyes now. just a sharp elbow pointed at you, threatening to strike again if you didn’t shape up quick enough.
“you’re gonna get yourself in trouble,” he warns with a frown.
you roll your eyes. “why do you care?”
“because, unfortunately, some people still think we’re friends,” he says, making thin lines with his pencil on a page of his sheet music. “and i don’t want to suffer the social consequences of your embarrassing actions.”
“mm,” you agree wordlessly. “guess i should’ve thought of that myself.”
he doesn’t respond for a few moments, eyes focused on his sheet music until an audible sigh comes from his direction. “why are you so tired anyway? s’not like you.”
“for all you know, it could be,” you retort with a huff. “maybe i’m a real night owl now. maybe i’m out partying or smoking or... something.”
taerae snorts. “jiwoong hyung was not lying about those tragic acting skills.”
“oh, fuck off,” you reply.
his eyes widen. and then promptly squint with suspicion. “since when did you swear like that?”
you frown, trying to discern what he could mean. hadn’t you always been this uninhibited with your tongue? 
the answer was no. you hadn’t. and this new speech pattern of yours had a very specific origin: monday afternoon. you exhale a chuckle. maybe you had yet to realize the full extent of how this week has changed you.
and how your desire to change back continues to dwindle.
you just shrug, returning your focus to your music. you feel taerae’s eyes on you as you track your vocal section’s part in “requiem”.
you and taerae had purposefully chosen seats next to each other in choir last year so that you could goof off together during every possible free moment. it was also convenient for your parents, who always wanted to get pictures of you two together during concerts ever since high school.
now you wish you went to different universities altogether.
ironically, you might’ve had a better chance of remaining friends if you’d had distance. but you and taerae disagreed quite adamantly at the time.
halfway through your two-hour rehearsal, you’re allowed a fifteen minute break to grab water and stretch your legs. you always wander off down the empty storage hallway, where your favorite vending machine is hidden in plain sight— the one with the oreos and cheez-its and bugles in it. 
pulling out your debit card, you insert the chip into the machine and punch in the number for the snack of your choosing. you watch happily as it falls down from it’s spiral prison into the dispenser below. you start to bend down when a hand reaches in before you and grabs your snack.
“hey, what the—…” you trail off as you come face to face with a cavernous dimple. “give it back. now.”
“you’re so touchy today,” taerae condemns with a click of his tongue. he holds your snack high above his head, dangling it in a challenge. “seriously, what’s gotten into you this week?”
“oh, you know exactly what,” you huff, reaching for the snack in vain.
taerae laughs. “i guess a better question would be: what hasn’t gotten into you this week?”
“you’re so fucking funny,” you snap, fingers finally closing around the wrapper as you yank it down. 
taerae’s brow is raised in surprise, not really caring about the repossession of the snack. “seriously, i’m not used to you swearing like that. i’m not sure if i like it.”
“i assumed there was nothing you liked about me anymore,” you retort, tearing open your snack and shoveling the processed glory down your throat.
“that’s not true,” he replies, hand suddenly reaching to your face. he brushes his thumb across your bottom lip, a crumb transferring from you to him. he brings his thumb to his own lips and tastes it. “i still like your pretty mouth.”
when you finally manage to pick your jaw up off the ground, you shake your head. “i know you don’t think of me like that.”
“uh...” taerae mumbles awkwardly, glancing at the row of shelves behind you. “sure, i do.”
“oh yeah? how about mina’s pool party two years ago? when we—.”
“OH, actually you—,” he interjects urgently, glaring at you to shut up. normally you would. but after this week, you no longer feel bound to quiet compliance. “you don’t need to—.”
“—were playing spin the bottle and it landed on me and you threw up in the pool because you were so disgusted by the mere thought of kissing me—”
his lips crash onto yours, hand cupping your cheek. it’s a demanding, yet tentative kiss and you’re even more confused when it ends.
you take a step backward, folding your arms across your chest. 
“can you just—...” taerae grabs your arm and pulls you closer to him, glancing again at the row of shelves behind you. “yes, that’s perfect.”
“what’s perfect?” you ask with a frown, starting to grow immune to strange behavior after the week you’ve had.
“oh, um.... you,” taerae answers after a moment with a smirk. “you were always so perfect, (y/n). perfect grades. perfect manners. perfect body. i used to jump at the chance to sleep over when your mom would let me. you used to beg her until she finally said yes, because she knew you'd never misbehave. remember, honey?"
eyes wide at the dark shift in his tone, you nod slowly.
“you were so innocent... you slept shirtless, for fuck's sake. peacefully dreaming, while i pretended to be asleep on the floor,” he continues, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “hoping i wouldn't wake you up if i just lifted the covers to get a peek."
when you thought the worst of your pain this week was over…
“tae,” you breathe, eyes watering— pleading for this not to be true. it couldn’t be. at least... not in the vulgar way he was describing it. "you don't mean that."
at the sound of your despair, there's a momentary flash in his eyes. regret. you still know him like the back of your hand.
“why are you doing this?” you ask, hands flying to cup either side of his face. he flinches, trying his best not to look you in the eye again. trying not to let you see. “you don’t have to be my friend anymore if you really don’t want to. but i don’t know why you want to be like them when you’re miles better than they’ll ever—.”
���alright, that’s enough.”
the muffled, tinny voice comes out of nowhere. you look around your immediate surroundings, trying to discern where it came from.
“c’mon, you were doing so well,” the voice rings again. “you said you had this under control, bud. was i wrong to put my trust in you?”
“no, hyung,” taerae answers, shaking his head. “i—… i can do it.”
“hanbinnie?” you ask and then cough awkwardly to cover up the fact you just called your arch nemesis so affectionately. yesterday must’ve gotten to you more than you know. “i mean, hanbin-ah! what the actual hell is going on?”
“no need to worry about it, sweetheart,” hanbin’s voice dismisses again. taerae’s eyes dart towards the shelves behind you once more. you follow his gaze— jaw dropping when you see two camera lenses staring back at you. 
“what—...” you fumble, shaking your head in disbelief as you look at the back of taerae’s phone— propped up with a black music folder. “you’re recording this!?”
“afraid so,” hanbin answers for taerae. “i didn’t really think he could follow through without some supervision. don’t mind me though. unless you just can’t help yourself...”
while at the beginning of this week a situation as perverted and bizarre as this would’ve had your whole nervous system shutting down, you’re still standing tall. present in this strange moment. you smirk.
“aw, tae,” you coo mockingly, turning to your former friend. “how sentimental of you...”
a brow arches in confusion back at you. “what are you––?”
“of course you’d wanna capture such a special moment on camera,” you continue with a patronizing nod. “it’s not every day that you lose your virginity.”
“HEY THAT’S—…” taerae starts to yell at you for sharing this embarrassing personal detail that you’re sure he never disclosed to hanbin. “that’s… that’s not true.”
“oh come on, it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” you twist the metaphorical knife as hanbin stifles a laugh. “i’d be happy to help you out with that, since i was the one who had to listen to you whine for four years about how you were still. a. fucking—”
two fingers are down your throat in an instant. you gag, trying to step backwards, but taerae’s hand finds the back of your head— holding you in place. he removes his fingers slowly, pupils dilating when you whimper in fear.
“i’ve decided i don’t like the swearing,” he says, a sickening hint of sweetness in his tone. any upperhand you had is now gone as he traces your lips with his thumb. “such a pretty mouth. those filthy words shouldn’t be coming out of it.”
“y-you don’t get to decide that,” you stammer unconvincingly.
“so that’s what you really want, then?” he asks, sticking his thumb further into your mouth. you suck obediently. “you wanna have a filthy mouth?”
you nod, his thumb still pressed against your tongue— cheeks hollowed out as taerae bites his lip hungrily.
“then you can have it,” he says before removing his thumb from your mouth and pressing down on your neck and shoulder— forcing you to your knees in front of him. you guess joining the soccer team had really improved his strength. “just remember it’s what you said you wanted.”
taerae unbuttons his jeans, pulling the zipper down. he freezes, clearly unsure of what to do next. maybe this is your opportunity to wiggle your way out of this. if only your curiosity wasn’t equally as strong.
“we––... i have to audition after this,” you protest weakly. “when break’s over, i have to audition for the solo i’ve been prepping for so i want to keep my voice warm right now and—.”
“ah, that’s right. i did forget about that,” he affirms, looking up at the ceiling in thought before smirking back down at you. “but i think i can help keep it pretty warm, actually.”
your attempt to level with taerae only seems to encourage him as he pulls down his jeans and boxer-briefs. you inhale sharply as his hard cock comes to eye-level, so close you can really examine it. though it’s slightly smaller than hanbin’s, it’s thicker and you need to know immediately how it feels in your hand.
“whoah, you—,” taerae stumbles, eyes wide as you take him eagerly in your hand. he stares at you, lips parted as you start to pump him. “holy shit.”
“you’re sure you wanna do this?” you ask, pausing your motion to make eye contact with him. you can tell he doesn’t want you to stop, but there’s conflict lingering there that he just can’t seem to hide.
taerae clears his throat, shaking his head as he resumes his tough guy act. eyes cold once more, he shrugs. “a hole’s a hole.”
after a year of judgmental berating from your former best friend, it was almost comforting to know that he was capable of being even meaner than he already was. it meant that, for whatever reason, he usually didn’t want to be any meaner to you.
he takes both of your hands in one of his, keeping you from using them as his other hand finds the back of your neck again— guiding your face towards his cock. taerae doesn’t need to give much guidance though. you’re aching to get a taste and the way your lips sink down around him nearly knocks the wind out of him.
back pressed against the side of the vending machine, his thumb presses into your cheek— feeling himself inside of your pretty mouth. you swirl your tongue around his tip, causing him to moan softly.
there’s a little bit of rustling coming from where taerae’s phone is propped up on the shelf. you wonder if hanbin’s enjoying this. if he’s touching himself— wishing he was throat deep in you instead.
“c’mon, bud. is (y/n) running this show or are you?” hanbin asks, tone laden with frustration.
“i—... i am,” taerae asserts, grip tightening across the back of your neck. 
he starts to thrust gently into your mouth, an action that you’re not so familiar with. it rattles you a bit— loss of control after feeling like you were gaining it back.
“this is what you asked for, baby,” he reminds you, shallow thrusts starting to venture a bit deeper. “remember? you said you wanted a filthy mouth. so i’m gonna make a mess of it.”
you find the right rhythm to breathe through the thrusts. the tip of his cock is dangerously close to entering your throat, sending another wave of anxiety through you. but it’s not for long. 
your eyes meet taerae’s and, though he’s the one putting you in that danger, you suddenly feel very safe. you let out a sigh, the vibration causing him to mewl. he scratches at your neck affectionately, putting pressure against it to feel himself inside you as he fucks your throat.
“see, keeping that throat nice and warm,” taerae coos as his breathing gets heavier— and his moaning gets louder. “take me so well, i—.”
“shut the fuck up, dude,” hanbin scolds, his own breath growing labored. “do you wanna get caught before you can win the—?”
before hanbin can finish his thought, you feel a warm, sticky liquid begin to pour down your throat. you pull off of taerae, sputtering and coughing as you try to swallow it down. wiping your mouth, you look up at taerae who is looking at you like he wants to dive straight into the han river and never return.
“for fucks sake, are you actually a virgin or something?” hanbin asks angrily. “is that really all you can last for? and, jesus, you’ve gotta warn someone before you do that.”
your throat is starting to burn and you’d love to be able to say something, anything, but the rasp that comes out isn’t pleasant-feeling. you rub at your throat with your now-free hands as taerae’s expression just turns more horrified.
“did i... did i hurt you? fuck, i didn’t mean to—,” taerae starts to babble uselessly until hanbin claps loudly.
“good work, team!” he says as he finishes his round of applause. “mvp definitely goes to me, for coming up with this idea in the first place. i’ll see the campus activities secretary at the big game tomorrow, right?”
“mm,” is all you can croak out. you wish it sounded angrier.
“and i’ll see you at practice tonight, man. i—,” hanbin cuts himself off with a confused look. “wait, where did he go?”
you face forward, expecting to see taerae standing next to the vending machine but... hanbin’s right. he’s vanished.
“that kid’s a piece of work,” hanbin says, shaking his head. “you think he’d be more grateful after i took him under my wing and made him popular. i even got him a spot on the soccer team after a lot of private coaching. i mean, he’s benched for life, but still!”
you’re a saint among men, is what you wish you could say. instead, you just roll your eyes.
“just take his phone and give it back to him in class, will you?” hanbin asks as you stand up and make your way toward the shelves. “and drink some hot tea for that throat, okay? throw some honey in it and you’ll be good as new for tomorrow, i promise.”
you sigh. and you nod. and you pick up taerae’s phone and end the video call. 
and you go back to choir and sit in your black music chair and wait for taerae to come back, but he doesn’t. and when it’s time to audition for the solo you’ve been preparing for, you stay seated and quiet. 
seated and quiet.
like you’ve been for so long.
and when practice ends and the choir room is empty and you remain seated and quiet in your black music chair and tears begin to well up in your eyes, you don’t cry.
you smile.
you stand up.
you shout (briefly, so as not to disturb anyone in neighboring classrooms).
at some point or another, you forgot how to do these things. or you were made to feel like you couldn’t or shouldn’t. 
but that’s who you really are.
who you were always meant to be.
not a juliet. not a violin. not a goalie. not a bird. not a pretty mouth.
you pick up your bag off the floor (and taerae’s) and throw them both over your shoulder, making a beeline toward the door.
absolutely, hanbinnie, you think. you’ll see me at the big game.
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dreamwritersworld · 2 months
His daughter (final part)
the days of Y/n happiness kept dragging on. She couldn’t shake off the stress on her heart. Jake still hadn’t known about Ao’nung. It was only a matter of time before Ao’nung said they’d have to confess to their relationship, she knew it bothered him that he’d smile in Jake’s face while he had been completely lying behind his back and dating his daughter. During the last two weeks Y/n hair shedded more, her skin covered with rashes from the stress.
Jake and Y/n had been arguing and having short disputes between the two. They’d become a ticking time bomb. Jake couldn’t understand why Y/n wouldn’t listen to him, why she continued to rebel when he needed her to stay. What Jake couldn’t see was that she just needed Jake to be a father, not a mentor.
Y/n yearned for a peaceful life, Jake expected so much of her. All Jake could say to her was that she needed to do more, keep her siblings educated and help more around the community. Jake failed to realize that his children no longer had the superior role in the clan, he continued a fantasy he worked on for so long. Y/n reflected so much on her past and her future, she was torn in two..
Ao’nung could see it. He offered her help around the island but she refused, desperately feeling helpless and believing that she needed to do it by herself.
“No Ao’nung.”
“You can’t be here Ao’nung stop.”
“My father will see you!”
All the same quotes she’d pull when he’s come to close when he wasn’t supposed to..he didn’t know what to do until today.
“Ao’nung I have to finish threading this for the kids-“
“That’s not needed until later-“
“It’ll lift off the stress for your mother, the kids will need it.”
“Y/n stop-“
“Stop what?”
“Stop working so much.”
Y/n couldn’t help but sigh and look at him with the most tired eyes. Glossy and frustrated. How could someone so happy and bubbly, be so sad?
“What’s wrong Y/n? Tell me.”
“I can’t..”
Ao’nung could feel the breathing in Y/n become more shallow as her heart beat rapidly and the light purple area of her skin surface once again.
“You’re stressed Y/n. It’s ok breathe.”
Y/n followed his motions while she continued to silently cry in his arms as he pulled her in.
“I’m so sad”
“Why my love ?”
“My father he just doesn’t get it. He needs to let me go I feel so..so closed up. I don’t know what to do. Ao’nung I can’t keep our relationship a secret anymore..”
“That’s ok. We can tell him as long as you’re ready. From then on you can be with me.”
“I just need to get away from him.”
“I know my love.“
“Y/n We just need to finish our training to be leaders and when we’re ready we can settle down how you wanted to do.”
“Really? You’d be fine waiting for us to be officially ready?”
“Yes! Of course my love.”
There it was the smile that Ao’nung so desperately yearned for! She jumped into his arm and allowed him to spin her around, Y/n felt like the most luckiest girl with him. All Ao’nung could think was how much eyes gifted him with something worth working so hard for. Especially since for the longest time Ao’nung fought against the idea of being a leader but when Y/n came around she made it easy for him to keep going.
Y/n’s gave him one last smile before she told them she would confront and confide in her father right away.
“I’m going-“
“Wait now?”
“Yes of course!..unless you don’t think-“
“No no we can do it.”
“..ik i said I’d need you there but i think it’d be best if i did it by myself.”
“Why my love? You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“I know, but at the end of the day he’s my father and I’m sure this news will hurt him. I guess I just don’t want him to feel conflicted even more if you were to be there..”
“Ok, that’s fine.”
“Let’s go! You just wait outside of our Maui ok?”
“Of course!”
There Ao’nung waited nervously as he heard the muffled voices..
*in the Sully’s Maui*
“Father! Hi mother! Hello Neteyam!”
Neytiri smiled at the cheery girl but it left an unsettling feeling in her stomach. What had Y/n wanted?
“Hi Y/n..”
Jake had answered Y/n with a less cheery voice and instead more guarded. Neteyam knowingly walked out the room with his eyes widened , already understanding what was ready to unfold..another argument.
“I know you may not like this but..”
“Oh please-“
“Wait please. Just listen to me dad. Please.”
All Y/n had to do was look at him once again with those sweet watery eyes that reminded him of the look she held when she was a child…she looked vulnerable, begging her father to love her and give her more approval. Jake missed this side of her so dearly ..it was the only way he believed their relationship worked well. He stopped just for a second to listen..
“I’m with Ao’nung and we are much more than friends. I’m in love with him-“
“Love? How can you say that Y/n? You don’t even know what love is.”
“Of course I do! I understand it completely. He’s taught me love.”
“I taught you love! Your mother taught you love! That should be enough.”
“Father please put this anger to the side..for once!”
“Y/n how can you stand there and tell me that? You promised me! You are meant to keep promises!”
“I know dad-“
“Why don’t you ever listen! You never listen to me anymore! Then you wonder why I have to keep you close-“
“Stop it-“
“No I won’t! I cannot!…”
Jake’s arguing dragged on as tears fell from Y/n’s eyes, acknowledging that this would be a long night..she looked to Neytiri once more, begging for her to tell him to cut the chain she had Y/n on. That’s when Neytiri broke..
“Jake stop! You must stop now! She is almost an adult! A women! We have to let her go…please.”
Neytiri’s voice cracked as if she was letting go of something that was engraved into her mind and soul.
“Neytiri? You can’t be agreeing with this..”
“I do! I do agree with it because as much as it hurts me..we have to let her go! If we continue to keep her around us for far too long, she may never live! She won’t ever get to experience the things she’d love to see and the people she’d love to meet! She begs us everyday to be out of our sight or finish all the lists of chores asked of her just to see him! He means everything to her. We cannot! I will not tolerate you saying they cannot at least communicate or be more than friends!”
All Jake did was look at Y/n shamefully with distraught in his eyes..
Y/n reached for her mothers hand pulling her into a hug with the biggest thank you in the world..how beautiful yet saddening the moment was for Y/n..
As soon as Y/n walked out the Maui, she realized she wasn’t happy. Instead she was saddened for the first time in awhile that her father seemed to reject her…he seemed to no longer love her. He looked at her as if she was disgusting..it was different this time. Ao’nung picked up Y/n as soon as she walked out the Maui, twirling her around but the happy girl just collapsed in his arms sobbing and shaking. Ao’nung quickly pulled her to an ila, taking them far away from the village into their secret spot..
“…y/n? Whats wrong? It’s a yes isn’t it?? I heard your mother.”
“It is, it’s just my father. He looked at m-me like i was disgusting or messed up..”
“Oh..Y/n, don’t worry about that your father just needs time to adjust.”
“He just doesn’t understand, i knew he wouldn’t. He doesn’t understand what he does to me. I can’t even explain it..”
“He will though-“
“No he won’t, he never will. He fails to realize that we are just like my parents! He still wants to live in his stupid fantasy of us being a perfect family. I’m done. I’m done arguing with him. I won’t even speak to him.”
“..Y/n..you know you won’t do that.”
“I can and i will.”
“Y/n don’t do that. At the end of the day that’s your father-“
“Ao’nung don’t tell me that please. My entire life they never wanted me anywhere. For the love of Eywa he wouldn’t even let me out of his sight unless needed this entire time we’ve been on the island!”
Silence stayed between the couple..Ao’nung just sat there and held Y/n while she sobbed it out. He knew what he said hurt her but it’s true. Ao’nung knew Y/n far to good to believe her statement. Y/n didn��t have the heart to actual stop talking to her father, she seeked his approval even if she said she didn’t. Often times he’d catch how Y/n shoulders or body would relax to the glamorization and praise he’d give his eldest children. It was sad but true all Y/n wanted was a healthy relationship with him, Jake just grew far too comfortable in not having one.
It also wouldn’t make him feel good as a partner if he encouraged her to leave everything behind when he knew she didn’t want to. It made him sick to the stomach that she didn’t feel good about herself.
While Y/n cried herself to sleep she dreamt of all her terrors and insecurities…
You were born reaching for your mothers hand
“Mama! I want to go with the other kids! Please-“
“No! Not today Y/n you need to stay clean for your ceremony with the elders! Your going to learn plenty from them starting with maintaining..”
Neytiri’s voice blurred while Y/n reached for the hand that Neytiri was giving her for them to walk to the ceremony..the young child was only 8 she hated how her father never let her play with the other kids and wanted her stealthy and poised..she would’ve rather been in Neteyam’s position. At least he had friends in training..Y/n didn’t have none.
Victim of your father’s plan to rule the world..
Y/n can remember the crowd of the people during her first race against Neteyam for training. She found it strange how many adults and children surround them as if they were animal. She was more annoyed with the smile Jake displayed as though she wasn’t the one who was going to end up bloody, dirty and sweaty. That’s how it always ended up for her against Neteyam. It was then that Y/n realized she was just a doll to her father, a reward. He praised the pair up and down while a flower crown rested on her sleek hair. Shaking them back and forth yelling for the crowd to cheer for them as if they hadn’t ran in the most dangerous parts of the jungle at the most youngest ages..
Too afraid to step outside..
Y/n hadn’t always been outgoing! In fact she was terrified to reflect the actions of Lo’ak she desperately desired. When she was younger at the age of 5, Y/n was always an energetic kid..except she had nothing but the small home to let all her energy out. She grew to learn how to enjoy time with herself since the older the sully siblings got, the more they were no longer willing to sit long hours inside with her to “stay clean”
Y/n was eager to take a step outside any chance she got but the fear of her father yelling at her scared her back in..
Paranoid and Petrified of what you’ve heard..
There was one too many times the kids were told old tales about the dangers in the woods. Y/n believed them all and during training she indeed put it into practice. She ran on fear and that’s what made her the second best in her division. She moved with poise and excellence. To the clan she was remarkable, grand and beautiful like her mother..they just failed to see how her father ruined her from the inside.
The pair laid there for hours until it was finally time to go home. The silence inside Y/n’s maui was chilling. All she could do was silently greet everyone and put herself to sleep with the uncomfortable feeling that her father rejected her.
For breakfast in the morning it was still silent. Y/n sat there with her beating chest, she didn’t know what to do or say besides simple greetings. After months of resisting any relationship with her father , she was finally listening to what her heart was craving…listening to something she knew she could never have.
Leaving without telling would soon be something Neytiri and Jake had to accept. Y/n wouldn’t come home unless she was needed. Majority of the time she me spend time with her siblings and friends outside and continued her duties as the months past. There was no longer a relationship between Jake and Y/n. He seemed ok in that, it broke Y/n. This time however she wasn’t willing to fix anything. In his eyes y/n knew he felt as though he was the “adult”, she was the “child” so he if he felt that way he can fix it. It simply wasn’t her job or responsibility anymore.
Neytiri and Y/n actually developed a strong relationship during this time…
“Y/n it’s gorgeous..”
Neytiri grew touched at the trinket Y/n gifted her.
“I know mama! It’s perfect for you I found it on my run for some gems for tuk!”
“Thank you..”
Neytiri and Y/n hugged once more, thankful to share more moments like this..
It was beautiful for Y/n, but she still wasn’t satisfied. In many ways, Y/n got everything she ever wanted. But she still felt watched, her dad would constantly watch over her without speaking a word. It was like he wanted her to argue with him again..
y/n sat in the Maui, finally taking a moment for herself to get some sleep. She felt the footsteps of her father’s weight creaking the floor, then her body tensed to its natural position. It was just them two for awhile, Jake continued to sharpen his knife in the silence of it all. They been here before…in the same position. all the self growth and the patience Y/n matured into reflected her actions in that moment, she decided to release the one frustration she couldn’t heal unless spoken out.
The look on Jake’s face revealed the largest amount of surprise and confusion. Her voice saying his name sounded unfamiliar..he wished she hadn’t grown to call him that.
“I know we haven’t spoken but I just want to let you know that regardless of our disagreements, I don’t hate you.”
“I know.”
Y/n laid back against the floor, her father’s short responses seemed to upset her. She just wanted more than she could get.
“Is he ok..?”
The little girl in her eagerly got up, excited to answers his questions.
“Who? Ao’nung?”
“He’s great! Right now we’re focusing on our training you know since he’s going to be the leader of the clan. We’re doing great.”
“That’s good.”
“I understand now Y/n.”
“understand what?”
“You want Ao’nung in your life and I’m fine with that. We’re in a different place right now. Like you’re not a baby anymore just a older teenager with a little more freedom. And uh I understand that. You just you know can’t rush anything.”
“I’m not don’t worry…”
Jake turned away and silence sat between the two. The words he uttered was something he struggled to express and it wasn’t often that Jake cried, but somehow Y/n always managed to make him. He would tear up at the thought of her finding a new family like she did with Ao’nung family. It set a bittersweet feeling in his heart since he only ever knew Y/n to be with him and Neytiri every second, minute and hour of the day…it wasn’t like that anymore and he knew it…he just couldn’t express or deal with his little girl growing up, he denied it for years.
The next morning Y/n met up with Ao’nung excitedly telling him all great news about the conversation..
“That’s great Y/n! I’m glad we’re all ok now!”
“..you know my mom told me that you’ve been doing great in training, perfect even!”
“really? I love her she’s so sweet!” The young couple laid on the rocks of the cave shore relaxing in the sound of the waves. In that moment Y/n was satisfied..how beautiful life was..
Nights like that continued and eventually the couple did mate! The two now lived in their own maui, now being leaders of the clan and a force to be reckoned with!
No, they were not quick to grow a family and instead decided to take their time despite everyone pushing them to.
“When are we going to get little Navi’s?!”
“Yea! You guys should be having your children by now! You’re so young and healthy-“
“exactly young and healthy! We’re just enjoy our time together we want it to come on our own timeline!” (Y/n)
“Yup you ladies gotta stop rushing my daughter!” (Jake)
The group of women laughed to which Neytiri responded with..
“You only say that because you’re her father!”
“We agree with him!” (Ao’nung and Tonowari yell out from the distance)
Now that Y/n moved out of the maui, she was actually able to maintain a great relationship with her parents and siblings…
*time skip 1 year*
Y/n felt awful the entire week, she knew it had come down to what she had been praying to eywa for…she was pregnant!
It was motherly instinct! Y/n made sure of it, she was definitely pregnant and ready to announce it to everyone!
That morning Y/n invited all of the family over for dinner at their maui and then she began weaving a baby blanket and clothing, to surprise Ao’nung and the family!
Y/n ran to catch Ao’nung on his way out of work
“Hey baby! What’s up?”
“Let’s go to our spot real quick I have a surprise for you!”
“Surprise? What type of surprise?”
Ao’nung gave Y/n his signature smirk and he made Y/n blush all over again!
“Stopppp baby!!! Pleaseeee can we go?”
“Of course!”
We called over an illu and Ao’nung confusion made Y/n even more nervous, afraid his suspicions would work especially since they’ve been talking about starting a family and now she wanted give him a surprise..? But of course as a guy he didn’t suspect much just questioned it
“Why are you riding your own ilu? Come with me”
“No no I want to ride mine..to do my own tricks on our way there!”
“Mmh ok..are you sure?”
Y/n nodded with a smile, to be quite honest that definitely wasn’t the reason! Ao’nung always rode fast and she was afraid it’d startle the pregnancy so she decided to just ride at her own pace.
Once they arrived Ao’nung laughed at her saying she didn’t even try any tricks on the way here
Y/n didn’t say much since the nerves were sitting in her more and more while she held Ao’nungs hand through the cave.
“Whats this surprise Y/n?”
“I’ll show you in a second hold on!”
The couple sat down while the beauty of the cave surrounded them and that’s when Y/n turned to pull the fabric out of her bag
“look what i made!”
Ao’nung was confused once again grabbing the small blanket from her hand and as he looked up to question her, she sat there with the baby clothing in hand with the biggest smile in the world.
“We’re pregnant!”
“..What! Really?!”
“Im going to be a father?! Thank you Eywa!”
Tears erupted at the sweet and sentimental moment they were so happy and that’s when Y/n broke even more news
“Everyone’s coming over for dinner! I have everything ready and we’re going to tell our family!”
“They’re going to go crazy this is all they’ve been waiting for!”
“I know im so excited!”
“Is that why you didn’t want to ride with me? I thought you were annoyed because you always ride with me”
“Of course not! You just ride too crazy I didn’t want to go to fast with the baby!”
“Ohhhh I’ll make sure to go slower.”
They laid for an hour and rode back home together preparing the maui for everyone.
Hugs and kisses were shared as each family member came through the home and when it was finally time to eat, Y/n and Ao’nung made sure to talk loud among the big family.
“Ao’nung did you show them the blanket and outfit I weaved?”
“I’ll get it right now!”
Everyone’s head turned at the heightened voices and there y/n and Ao’nung stood wide smiled and all.
“You’re kidding!”
“You’re pregnant!”
“Oh my eywa!”
Jake was the first to give Y/n a hug; he broke down crying blessing them and their future journey.
“My beautiful daughter Congratulations! May this pregnancy be healthy and bring more happiness! We’re so proud of you guys! Eywa will always take care of you! We love you.”
Tears and cheers came from everyone ask all the girls jumped up and down giggling about all the event they’ll throw and plans of the future. Ao’nung and Y/n continued on with their prosperous journey..
Eventually the couple decided to announce the pregnancy a couple months into their pregnancy, hiding it left and right to try to keep their privacy despite their families urges to tell the whole island. Ao’nung and Y/n both though it’d be the best for them especially since they wanted to secure that there would be no complications with the pregnancy and they’d be able to keep the happiness between them and the family for now.
Once announced, the clan cheered them on and once they settled down Y/n got to say how she truly felt about Ao’nung and how wonderful the experience has been
“I just want to thank everyone for their beautiful words and prayers. I also want to thank my wonderful mate for being everything I prayed to Eywa for and more. We are each others homes and our baby is his home and just like that 18 year old boy, he races home weather it’s from across the ocean or the island! He is hardwired to get home!! I love him so dearly and cherish all your sweet happiness for us!”
tears welted into Y/n’s eyes while Ao’nung pulled her in for another hug whispering into her ear sweetly
“Im so blessed to have you and grateful to build our family my love.”
The celebration did not end until the early morning and even then the island decided to take a break for the day as per announcement of the leaders too proud and happy to order anyone to work in the day!
Y/n and Ao’nung spent the rest of the day on the shore relaxing in the warm water…
THERES THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER! Tons of parallel points here especially with the struggle to express emotion being shown in both Jake and Y/n. Like father like daughter, it’s the main reason why they butt heads so much. Ao’nung also was portrayed as the best mate I mean cmonnnn he was her Neytiri and he was level headed !!! These past weeks I’ve been extremely busy sorry for the hold up! I also had major writers block so sorry if this isn’t the best!
Tag list: @ruyaas-world @neteyamyanw3
@elegantkidfansoul @adaydreamaway08 @luxiniary @venomsvl @ratchetprime211
82 notes · View notes
Imagine being Ruggie sister who somehow got in to night raven as a student and everything progress on and them as a Ramshackle perfect due to them being a kind person like Tanjiro and strong yet but of a nerd liked Deku with a unique magic of growing plants
What's more she a home maker due to them living in the slums ( like meding clothes, cooking, fixing things as she can, using home remedies when sick and help their bother with the kids at home ) with Ruggie and too working hard to get out of there as they wanted to be a doctor
Let's say due to their genuine kindness Leona, Malleus, Idia, Jamal, Carter and Riddle have a unhealthy obsession crush with Ruggie sister who doesn't share the same romantic feeling and only sees them as a friend
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Ruggie's Little Sister Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Perfectly built for Ramshackle, you happily take to it despite your brother’s insistence you stay next to him in Savvannaclaw. But you’ve never been one to listen to your big brother and you can definitely handle it. You probably fare better than the original in terms of dealing with Night Raven. Because you know how to sweet up boys with mean attitudes, maybe a little too well:
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Leona Kingscholar
“Look herbivore, don’t try to boss me-”
“Who’re you calling herbivore!? I’m talking to you, about this lazy cat behavior!”
“Lazy cat-”
“(Y/n) please–”
“No Ruggie, you baby him far too much! I’m stepping in!”
He at first really hates you
Like really 
You do all the things Ruggie does just not for him
In fact you make him do things that make him tired
It’s a pain 
But for whatever reason he’s getting especially happy when you praise him
Only for you 
He’s violent with anyone who comments on the work you have him doing
Its the only reason he keeps in your good graces and thats enough for him
“I’m proud of you, Leona! Now come I’ve cooked up some fillet mignon and it has your name on it!”
“It better. I’m never doing my own laundry again.”
“Hahaha yes you will.”
Ruggie is nervous about this but appreciates you picking up the slack
It sometimes bothers him how much time his employer starts spending with you
But he’s not too worried Leona understands his desire to protect you
“Huh?! You got him to do that?! What should I expect, you are my little sister.”
“Don’t act like I’m not the cooler one of us two.”
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Malleus Draconia 
“Ah horn-dude, I was just looking for you.”
“Horn-dude? And you were looking for me?”
“Yeah I was thinking of adding some gardenias, and maybe some vines for decoration. I wanted your opinion since you like coming by here so often.”
“The vines would pertain to a more beautifully abandoned image…but that might just be my preference.”
“Oh thanks so much, Horns!”
His crush is so obvious 
Talking about you often to his guards and mentor
And whenever anyone goes to talk to him he finds some odd way to incorporate you into the conversation 
Trust me its weird for everyone when he starts talking about you during potions when their dissecting magical creatures
he can’t stop trying to talk to you
But he usually ends up just staring at you from the distance
Waiting until your instincts pick up on his presence
And your forced to invite him to join whatever your doing
“Ah! Horns didn’t see you over there! Do you want in? We’re making paper flowers for the festival want to join?”
“I would love to!” 
“What?! Horns?! (Y/n) why are you lettinghimjoin giving him more paper!? I know what I’m doing!” 
“Sure you do.”
Ruggie’s scared out of his mind 
How did you get mixed up with this overpowered monster
He can’t do too much now without knowing he’s going to die
But if it means saving you from certain doom aka Malleus Draconia it might be worth it
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Idia Shroud
“Alright that’s enough!”
“No more games before you finish cleaning your room! Ortho and I can help but–”
“Actually (Y/n)-san, I recently pulled up a study that states letting children clean their own rules helps instill better habits when their adults!”
“Oh great idea! Well we’ll be just outside! Come on Ortho let’s plan out our cosplay!”
He hates that you mother him
But he absolutely loves it when you mother him
He cries about being in the dreaded friendzone kidzone
But boy does he love the way you pat his head or let him cuddle into your chest
He loves the food you make during marathons
Or how you’ll let yourself be distracted by the games you really like
He gets drastic if you spend too long out of his reach
So he sets up cameras+ 
So he takes any opportunity to speak with you
So he puts others in horrifying accidents
“Heeheh by the time I’m done you’ll be the best girl-gamer in the space. And then it’ll be a given for you to never leave the ultimate guy-gamer!” 
“Ewww keep my sister out of your nerd schemes!” 
“Eeep! An enemy has appeared!”
Ruggie thinks he’s a nerd with no game
But nonetheless he knows Idia’s smart but not street smart
“Hishishsishi can’t set the trap if you don’t have the button! Hardly even noticed me swiping his gadget.” 
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Jamil Viper 
“I appreciate the help, (Y/n).”
“Of course, you’re always running yourself ragged…I wanted to do something for you.”
“...I really appreciate the lunches you’ve made for me…it’s been a while since I’ve eaten a meal by someone else.” “Well just give me a call I don’t mind cooking for you or lending a hand.”
He’s smitten nbyond comprehension
Now going out of his way to hypnotize anyone else into a corner when it comes to talking to you
Its the least he does out of retaliation
He knows all his flirting and hints go right over your head
But your still cute 
Until you do get it he’s pulling the rug out from any and all competitors
“Hey (Y/n), why don’t you join me in the kitchen? Maybe, show me how you made those potato crisps?”
“Sure, Jamil I’d love to!”
“Ah ah! Not without me you’re not!”
Ruggie knows Jamil’s like him but smarter
Sly and sneaky
Powers aside Ruggie’s sure Jamil’s problematic for your safety
“Don’t think for a second, I’ll let you have them! I'm not that fond of snakes!”
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Carter Diamond 
“Wah~(Y/n) you’re so photogenic! Will you pose for me one more time?”
“Well alright. If it’ll make you happy.”
“It’ll make me more than happy!” He loves how oblivious you are 
He absolutely hates it+
But your just so cute 
He guesses he can forgive it 
And hey while your learning the ropes he’s more than happy to keep you close
“Hey hey don’t forget to keep up our streak!”
“Yeah we’ve been sharing our photos throughout the day of what we’re doing.”
“Yup! It’s a great way to keep track of her!”
Ruggie knows he’s slippery
When it comes to tailing him Cater’s good at giving the slip
“Not on my watch. I’m not giving you the chance, to trick my baby sister.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“That’s entirely unreasonable, I’m not doing that!”
“Grrr (Y/n) these are the rules I thought you would respect that.”
“And I thought you would know to relax!”
He thinks your sweet but totally unreasonable
So he guesses you both have something to learn from each other
You more than him obviously
While he doesn’t think highly of your brother he knows your different
And you belong to him
He’s not going to take ‘no’ for an answer
If this is a battle of wills he’d win it
Even if that means subjecting your bad influences to being beheaded
“Riddle! You can't just put that collar on my brother like that!”
“Yeah I’m not even apart of your dorm!”
“Don’t be mad at me for enforcing rules. I know you know the very least of the rules. It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise that your brother just doesn’t measure up. Which means you should leave him before he drags you down.”
Ruggie is peeved that such a prick is after his sister
But he’s not worried 
He’s definitely not cool enough to keep your attention
Not to mention he’s so easy to anger 
It’ll be fun to rile him up
“Hishishishi so mad oh so fast! You’ll barely survive dating them if your this easy.”
821 notes · View notes
written-in-flowers · 1 year
Appreciated: Wooyoung x Fem!reader
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Pairing: Wooyoung x fem!reader
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny bit of angst, romance
Word Count: 9k
Summary: After helping a friend out of her toxic relationship, her situation makes you appreciate your boyfriends even more than before. When Wooyoung makes a specific request, you indulge him.
Disclaimer: These works are completely fictitious and for entertainment purposes only. They are not meant to reflect or label the members of ATEEZ in any way. The events within never took place. Thank you.
Tags: established relationship, polyamory, poly relationship, free-use fantasy, free-use kink, oral sex (f. receiving), breast play, nipple play, pet names, multiple positions, mentions of toxic relationships/toxic partners, sad but with a happy ending, talks of suicide but super brief and nothing happens, members being absolute angels and simps
Previously on Idol Companion
You didn't feel like going out tonight. After having dates with San, Mingi, Yeosang and Hongjoong, your energy bar ran low. You know this is one of the downsides to your job, and you should suck it up and get dressed. Wooyoung deserves as much attention as the rest of the group; you didn’t want him to think you didn’t like being with him. Most clients would pout or make a remark about you not being worth the time anyways. Then again, your boyfriends aren't like any clients you've had before. Sitting up from Wooyoung’s bed, all the tiredness you’d gotten from the day washed back over you. Your morning consisted of gym time with Yunho and Mingi, a few dance classes with your toddler group, running last minute errands and then lunch with friends. You’d come to Wooyoung’s apartment and crash onto his bed before he even came home. 
You knew Wooyoung won’t be bothered, but you couldn’t help feeling the anxiousness. You hated being the person who brought down their smiles or disappointed them. Leaving his bedroom, you found Wooyoung already standing in the kitchen with a can of soda in his hand. Long black strands pulled back from his face, Wooyoung wore a black shirt with matching shorts. Personally, you loved your boyfriends barefaced and casual. Something about their natural beauty attracted you, and you couldn’t help looking him up and down when you saw them. He lifted his eyebrows in acknowledgement and took a sip from his drink.
"I wanted to ask you something," you said, getting your own drink from the fridge. 
You noticed he’d paused, studying your expression before saying. "I do too, but I think we're thinking the same thing so you go first."
"Staying in for tonight?"
"Yes, please," he slumped against the counter, "I'm glad you asked. I really didn't feel like putting myself together and going out."
"Me neither," you leaned on the counter beside him. You popped open your drink, then took a few gulps of it before continuing, "I went to the movies with Yeosang last night. I went to the festival with Hongjoong the night before. I went to a concert with Mingi and San the night before that. I went to the gym, had some toddler dance classes, and then ran errands. I'm just…wiped out," you sighed deeply. "I'm sorry."
He smiled, "Don't be. Our schedule has been super crazy and dance practice ran longer today so I'm all bleh." He wrapped you in his arms, "Take out and a movie?”
“I’m tired of eating out,” you said, “I’ll cook something and we can pick a drama to watch or whatever.”
“You sure?” you felt his hand rub the small of your back, “I know how tired you are.”
“I can make something simple and quick.”
“Then, I’ll help,” he concluded. “I think there’s some meat leftovers we can finish, and we’ll cut up some veggies and rice? Simple and easy?”
Wooyoung went looking for meat and vegetables in the fridge, while you poured a few cups of rice from a holder. You smiled softly to yourself at the relief of a night inside. Having eight boyfriends can be challenging at times. You realized early on that you’d bitten off more than you could chew with Ateez. You found yourself stretched thin from all the tour traveling, kpop conventions, fan sign events, dance practices, recording sessions, and group and solo dates. You lived with only Yunho and Yeosang, but you regularly drifted between the three apartments to be with all of them. It became a lot sometimes, but thankfully, they understood and helped lighten the load for you. Dumping the cups into the rice cooker’s pot, you began washing the rice out when your phone vibrated in your pocket. Busy cooking, you didn’t answer immediately. 
“Any show in particular you want to watch?” Wooyoung asked as he brought a package of meat to the island counter. You always let him cut and cook meat since he was better at it. Rice and vegetables are your expertise. “I saw this new zombie drama on Netflix. We could give that a try if you want.” 
“I don’t know about a zombie one,” you said, finishing with the rice and putting it to cook. “Everything is about freaking zombies nowadays. I want something different.” Putting the rice on, you grabbed the various vegetables Wooyoung brought to start washing them thoroughly. “There’s a drama about a woman who’s like a double agent for a mafia guy and the police. Mihee told me about it and she said it was good. If we hate it, we can just watch another one.”
Wooyoung stayed quiet for a moment, then said, “Nah. Sounds like something I need to pay attention to, and my brain is mush right now.” 
“Then maybe I should cut the meat,” you joked, bringing your vegetables and cutting board over to the island counter. “Your mushy brain might slip up.”
“And have you cut your finger again? I’m good,” he laughed. “I like my food to not have human blood in it.” 
He cut the meat into thin slices, while you carefully chopped the onions, carrots and celery. “We can try this boxer drama I saw,” he said, side eyeing you with a smirk, “As long as you don’t drool over the leads.”
You rolled your eyes, “I do not drool over the leads.”
“Yes, you do,” he laughed, starting to season the meat on the cutting board. “I remember how obsessed you became with Lee Dohyun when we watched Sweet Home together. Then you did it again with Wi Jahoon after Squid Games. You watched everything you could find and got all excited when your friend told you she went on a date with Dohyun.” 
“I couldn’t believe it!” you exclaimed. “I didn’t see him as being the type for that kind of service. She was so lucky.”
“Hey,” Wooyoung said, offended. He took the meat from the counter to the stove, putting oil into a pan. “I’m right here, you know.”
You giggled when he poked your side, and then you gave an apology peck. “Oh, you know I’m all yours.”
Your phone buzzed in your pocket a second time, and you wiped your hands to at least see who called. Expecting your mother’s number, a pit of worry settled in your stomach when you saw the actual name. ‘Mihee’. Wooyoung focused on cooking the meat, so you answered her call. 
“Mihee-ah, what’s up?” you asked, making sure not to sound worried right off the bat. 
“YN-unnie,” you heard her soft-spoken voice squeak your name, and you frowned, “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“What happened now, honey?” you kept your concern in your voice. “What’s wrong?”
“I just can’t handle this anymore. It’s too much,” she sobbed. “They’re so…I can’t be here anymore.”
“What did they do?” 
Lee Mihee, a short woman with bright eyes and a friendly smile, came up in the Companion industry beside you. Always bubbly and full of life, clients often noted her way of brightening up their day. She’d gotten into dating groups like you did, and did very well since she could mold herself to fit any personality. However, while you had ATEEZ, who were angels, she’d gotten with Galax1. You’d met them a handful of times at music bank shows and conventions and their vibe immediately threw you off. They’d been kind enough at first, since they doted and praised Mihee often, but from what she’s told you things changed over time. 
“Today was Chulsoon’s birthday,” she began, taking deep breaths to keep her voice steady, “And we all were going to go out for dinner.”
The name alone made you clench your jaw. Chulsoon was Galax1’s visual and main vocalist. A soft, fair-skinny boy with wide eyes and an angelic voice, he is the Yeosang equivalent. Except Yeosang is a real fairy prince, whereas Chulsoon is a goblin in disguise. He never fails to make a disparaging remark about Mihee, usually in a nonchalant tone. You nearly threw a shoe at him when he told Mihee she should lose some weight, since her dress was tight in the middle. 
“Yeseo was coming with us.”
You groaned at the mention of her name. It isn’t uncommon for groups to bring in more partners as they progress in their career. You knew groups that had three or four of them. However, the normal procedure is discussing a new partner with the group’s current partner. Mihee told you that Galax1 did not do that. They brought Yeseo home after a single meeting, and told Mihee that she’d be living with them. No discussion. No contract alterations. You advised her to go to the agency and renegotiate her contract, since they did not tell her they’d be adding a new girlfriend. However, you guessed she never did this due to the group’s leader talking her out of it. This situation might’ve been okay if Yeseo actually got along with Mihee, who is now the group’s Main Partner. Mihee told you she did not. She was spoiled, entitled, and demanded all the attention. 
“And she made a mess of things and embarrassed you?” you guessed ahead, dumping the vegetables into an oiled pan. Wooyoung scrunched his nose in a question, and you mouthed ‘Mihee’, which made him nod and continue cooking. 
“No, no, not that,” she said. “I get dressed to go to the restaurant with everyone, and Chulsoon sees me and-and says that I look too pretty and need to change because this is supposed to be Yeseo’s night. His parents are going to be there, and he wants to introduce them to her.”
Your jaw dropped, “He actually said that to you?”
“He-He did,” she replied in a sob. 
“Don’t tell me you actually changed?”
“I did. I didn’t want to ruin his birthday and Kwangmin told me that Chiwon’s mom was looking forward to seeing me.”
“Let me guess: Chiwon’s mom never said that?”
Kwangmin was Galax1’s comedian who likes making jokes and is their mood-maker. Another skinny man with a dimpled smile, fans adored their ‘sunshine boy’. Little do they know, sometimes his “pranks” went too far and could be downright hurtful. Sadly, Mihee is usually his target. You hadn’t forgotten the time he’d pantsed her in public, her face beet red and tearful as the embarrassment filled her insides. Nor the time when he purposefully ruined her birthday party video by replacing all the nice photos with terribly altered ones. Each time he claimed it was a ‘joke’, but nobody was laughing. 
“I felt so stupid and humiliated,” she sobbed. “I almost did not go to the restaurant, but I’d already gotten dressed, so I went anyway. When I was…When I was…” you heard her take deep breaths. 
“When you did what?”
“When I was in the car, Yeseo kept complaining that I still looked too pretty and that she didn’t want me there,” she said. “She said me crying was just going to draw all the attention away from her.” 
“Ugh, that bitch.” You felt like going to their dorm and smacking the insipid bitch. “What happened then?”
“Chiwon told me to stop being a cry baby, and that not everything is about me.” 
Kwang Chiwon. You’d consider the group’s leader your worst enemy if you actually cared about him. In front of fans and cameras, he’s a hard working artist who cares about his younger members. Off camera, he proved to be a different guy; he tended to be Mihee’s worst tormentor. He could cut her down with a single remark. He’d break her things, then blame her for making him so mad that he did it. He never showed concern or care for her. You could tell how much he truly disliked Mihee. You guessed the Companion idea was not his doing, but his managers or his members. His cruelty hurt the most because Mihee had loved him the hardest. 
“I stayed in the car for a bit to calm myself down, but when I got inside the restaurant,” you heard her take more deep breaths before bursting into tears again. 
“Babe, babe, calm down and breathe, okay? Just breathe. Just breathe in and out.” You heard her breathing shakily, and she continued. 
“The host says my name isn’t on their party list and I couldn’t go inside.” 
“Yeah, he said that it wasn’t there and I wasn’t allowed to go inside with them.”
“They did that shit on purpose,” you seethed, anger distracting you from the vegetables you’d put in the pan. Quickly, you put them into a plate before they burn up. “They never planned on you sitting with them. They did it to humiliate you, again. Mihee-ah, why do you stay with them? You can get out of your contract easily.”
“I can’t.”
“What do you mean ‘you can’t?”
“I don’t make enough from them to leave. They’re not as popular as your boyfriends. They don’t make a lot of money yet,” she said. 
A Companion’s pay is usually determined by the group’s budget. Since your boys make millions, you can live comfortably on your own, if you wish. Galax1 did not do so well. Hardly anybody really knew who they were, and you’re glad that karma turned back on them. 
“It’s so horrible here,” she sobbed. “They never think about me anymore. They make food, and if I’m not there with them, they don’t make enough for me.” 
This made you pause over your current meal. A meal you’re cooking with your loving boyfriend Wooyoung, who always made sure you ate well. You couldn’t picture them ever leaving you out of anything. Yeosang is incapable of being mean, and Yunho is too caring. Hongjoong, above them all, takes care of you as much as possible. 
“And I never told you about the time Kenny grabbed my arm hard and left a bruise.”
Kenny. The group’s ‘muscle pig’. You’d seen his muscles, and imagined him being capable of that. 
“They used to be so nice to me. I…I don’t know what I did wrong. I don’t know what happened.”
“You didn’t do anything. They’re the assholes. They’ve taken advantage of you too many times.”
You could never see Jongho making jokes at your expense, or San using his strength to physically harm you. 
“We used to all be so happy. I remember when Chulsoon used to make me pancakes after our date nights, and when Chiwon would let me sit in his studio with him to listen to his songs,” she lamented. “Kenny used to sing me to sleep when I had nightmares, and would take me out for coffee after our gym sessions. He doesn’t even want me going with him anymore. I don’t know what I did, Unnie. I don’t know where I went wrong or why they stopped caring about me. Everything is always my fault even when it’s not. I’m always the bad guy, the one in the wrong, the asshole. They hardly notice me or talk to me some days. They’re more concerned with their new pet than they are with me.”
“Then leave them and let her deal with their bullshit,” you told her. 
“Maybe I should terminate my contract.”
The words shocked you beyond belief. All thoughts of your night with Wooyoung went out the window in a single sentence. 
“No, Mihee-ah,” you said firmly. “Don’t say things like that.”
“It’s not like anyone would care!” she cried. 
“That’s not true, Mihee, and you know that. So many people would care,” you replied with a plea. “I’d care. Saehee, Jihye, and Sumi would care. Your parents and grandparents would care. Your sisters, who adore you, would care. Don’t say things like that.”
“It’s the only way I can get out!” 
“No, it is not.”
“I can’t afford to leave. My contract isn’t up for another year. I…I have to do it.”
“No, you do not,” you told her. 
There are only two ways a Companion can get out of their contract without paying: they’re dignosed with a terminal illness or they try committing suicide. You’d heard of Companions ending up in hospitals because they tried ending their lives. A few of them actually succeeded. The idea of Mihee, sweet and gentle Mihee who never hurt anyone, doing something like that brought tears to your eyes. 
“Where are you?” you asked her. “Mihee-ah, where are you?”
“I walked back home. I couldn’t stay there. I didn’t want them to come out and find me,” she said. “It hurt so much. Everything they do hurts. It’s like they don’t want me around. They treat me like I’m a nuisance to them…I’m a punching bag when they’re mad. I’m a joke to them.”
“There are other ways to get out of your situation, Mihee.” 
As you stayed on the phone with Mihee, you texted another friend of yours: Jihye. She lived closer to Mihee, and would get to her faster than you could. 
Jihye-babe: OMG WHERE IS SHE??
You: at her place. I’m trying to talk her down now. I’m too far away to get there in time.
Jihye-babe: omw don’t worry
“You can go to the agency dorms and get a room,” you said, “And tomorrow we’ll go Sungmi and she’ll find a way to help you out. They should have records from your medical appointments. If you tell the therapist what you’re thinking of doing-”
“-I haven’t been going to my appointments.”
“Why not?”
“Chiwon says I don’t need to go. He says I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Mihee, please,” you sniffled. “Jihye is on her way to you.”
Mihee continued crying, and hearing her cries broke your heart further. Several awful visions went through your head as you listened. Not Mihee. You texted Sungmi, your agent. You told her everything Mihee said, and her response relieved you. 
Sungmi: I will get her a room in the residency building, and send someone to go pick her up. Jihye will be there?
You: Yes, she’ll be there. She can’t afford the fees right now, though. 
Sungmi: I’ll waive the dorm fees for now. I’ll arrange a payment plan with the bursar’s office tomorrow morning.
You: Thank you, Sungmi. 
“Sungmi is sending a van to come pick you up,” you told Mihee. “You can stay there for a while.”
“I can’t pay.”
“She’ll work that out later. We want you to be safe, babe. You’re going to be okay,” you comforted her. 
You felt so helpless. You felt useless. 
“They’ll come get me back anyways,” she sniffled. “They won’t let me go.”
“The agency will make them let you go.”
If there is one authority who could stop this, it’d be your agency. You’d joined The Eden Agency years ago when you saw their dedication to taking care of their employees and workers. You knew all the stipulations and restrictions they put into their contract clauses to keep everyone safe and happy. You couldn’t believe Galax1 somehow made it under the radar this long. Your hands clenched into fists as you stayed on the phone with Mihee, who gradually calmed down until you heard Jihye in the dorm. The savory scents of the food you’d cooked did not penetrate through your anger. How could they do this to her? You couldn’t fathom why someone would do this to a person they claimed to love.
“The van’s here,” Jihye’s voice came through Mihee’s phone. “I’ll go with her to make sure she’s settled in okay.”
“Keep me updated, yeah?”
“Totally.” She gave a sigh, “I can’t believe those assholes. Saehee and Sumi are gonna meet us at the agency. When can you be here?”
“In an hour,” you said, putting the vegetables on the counter with a concerned Wooyoung. “I’ll bring some food for her. She’ll be hungry and the cafeteria will be closed.”
“Good idea. I got a bottle of soju in my purse.”
You didn’t laugh, though you wanted to. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Alright, cool. See ya.”
Both of you hung up, and suddenly you did not feel hungry anymore. Wooyoung stood on the other side of the counter now, chopsticks in his hand as he picked up a bit of meat to put in a perilla leaf. 
“What’s wrong with Mihee?” he asked, with concern on his face. 
“She…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say it out loud. You felt as if saying it might embarrass Mihee. “She had a big fight with Chiwon, and he said a bunch of nasty things to her.” You picked up your own chopsticks, but only picked at the cooked vegetable sides. “She was having a panic attack, so I texted Jihye and Sungmi. She can’t keep living with them. They’re so terrible to her, and that new girlfriend of theirs is no help either.”
“I can’t believe she stayed with them this long,” Wooyoung told you after chewing his food. “I remember doing Kingdom with those guys, and they were so rude. They hated each other, and were hard to work with.” He snorted, “You should’ve heard the way they talked about you when you told that Kenny guy off.”
Yes, you remembered Kingdom. You also remembered Mihee doing her best to keep the six idiots happy. “What did they say?”
“He’d told San that we should keep a leash on our woman,” he snickered, “And that if we put your mouth to good use, it wouldn’t gab so much.”
You groaned, “Ugh, they’re so gross. What did you say?”
“San almost kicked his ass,” he said, eating his meat and leaf. “Hongjoong-hyung told him it wasn’t worth it and took him away.” He shook his head, “I felt bad for her. If they talk badly about other women, I can’t imagine the things they say about her.” 
“They’re so mean to her,” you told him. You picked at a bit of meat and rice, but barely tasted it. Your worry for Mihee ruined any taste you might’ve enjoyed. “I don’t know why a group would keep a Companion they obviously don’t care about anymore.”
You did, but you felt disgusted saying it in the open. So Wooyoung said it for you. 
“Because they want a free cook and maid,” he said, eating one of the sides you made with rice. “I’m sure they can be charming when they’re horny and want a quick fuck from her too.”
“Gosh, don’t say that. I don’t want to think about what that’s like for her.” You ate from each dish sparingly, “I don’t know what I’d do if you guys started treating me that way.”
“I do.”
“You’d kick our asses,” he smirked and laughed before sipping from his Coke can. “We’d never fall out of love with you, babe. You’re stuck with us whether you like it or not.”
You smiled, “Even if I wanted to leave tomorrow?”
“Even then. I’d spend the rest of my life trying to win you back if you did that.” 
You believed him. Out of all the members, Wooyoung took to you the quickest and easiest. Yeosang joked he skipped a few steps in becoming friends with someone, since by the next time you saw him, he already kissed your cheek and called you ‘love’. You told Yeosang that Wooyoung is simply an affectionate person who likes talking to people. When their debut came and Wooyoung could put his name on your contract, he became the most physically affectionate of them all. It’d been his opinion you trusted whenever you met a new person, since he picked up on vibes and moods fairly quickly. 
“So, I’m assuming drama night is being postponed?” He did not say this in a disappointed voice, but a playful one. 
“At least for a little while,” you winced. “I’m sorry, Woo.” 
“It’s okay. I’m not mad,” he assured you. “Mihee is one of your closest friends, and she needs you right now. I’ll be here when you come back.” He stood up to grab an empty food container, “Take her some food so she’s not hungry. Home cooked food is the best when you’re feeling down.”
You gave his cheek a kiss, then began packing food and snacks for Mihee while he cleaned. When you finished, you turned to see him by the sink. Everything paused all of a sudden. Mihee spends portions of her day cooking for her “boyfriends” and is then left to clean it all up. Your boyfriends never let you do anything on your own. Every time you cooked, one of them offered to help as best as possible, even if it was being Designated Food Taster. They might talk over who cleans up afterwards, but they never bring your name into it, especially if you’re the one who cooked. You couldn’t imagine any of them treating you how Galax1 treated Mihee. 
“Wooyoungie,” you called him, “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, angel.”
‘Angel’. A name so commonly given to you. What did Galax1 call Mihee? “If we all went out somewhere fancy together, would you make sure my name was on the list?”
“Psh, of course,” he put the last of the dishes in the dishwasher, “We’d make sure your name is the first on it.”
“And would you ever tell me to change my clothes because you didn’t want me to deflect attention from someone else?”
“No,” he squeezed some detergent into the washer, then said, “Is this about Mihee?”
“YN,” he closed the door and turned it on, “Never in a million years would we treat you that way. In fact,” he walked over to you and held you in his arms, “We do our best to put your happiness first. It only works out that you’re always doing the same for us.” He kissed you softly, then said, “I love you, YN. Not just because the sex is incredible and you’re insanely gorgeous either,” you both laughed together. “But, you’re a kind, compassionate, empathetic person who would drop all her plans to go help a friend who needs her.” He gently rubbed your arms, scanning over your features, “I’d never do anything to intentionally hurt you, you know that. I can’t believe you’re even asking these questions.” He kissed you again, and said, “I’ll be here when you get back.”
Hearing him say this warmed your heart, but also made it hurt for Mihee more. If anyone deserved to be happy, it was her. You slipped from his arms to grab your bag from the couch, and left out the door. 
Not before Wooyoung reminded you to take a jacket. 
They’d put Mihee in a room by the time you arrived at your agency building. The resident rooms are meant for the freelance Companions who only go on dates. Much like a university dorm, it came with a bed, desk, dresser, and a communal bathroom down the hall. With the cafeteria giving three meals a day, Companions could also get discounts at the agency cafe and on their health checkups. You’d enjoyed living there, since it brought you closer to people who did what you do and it helped you out during rough times. It’s why it’d been your first choice when considering refuge for Mihee, who’d been too distraught to think straight. Unfortunately, the dorm came with a fee that they’d take from every check you received. A fee Mihee could not afford immediately. 
“I’ll work something out with the bursar's office,” Sungmi told her as she settled into her new room. “You stay here and rest for a few days, alright? You’re in a safe space now.”
“Th-thank you, Sungmi-unnie.” 
Sungmi gave her a tight hug, patted her head, and said goodbye to you and the others. Jihye, tall with long blond hair, waited until Sungmi left to open her purse. “I brought soju,” she smirked, “We could all use a drink. You, especially,” she told Mihee and began searching for complimentary cups. 
“Have they contacted you at all?” Saehee, short and round-faced with a brown bob hair cut, took a seat on the bed beside Mihee. 
Mihee still wore the shimmery lavender dress she planned on wearing to the dinner. Her tears smudged most of her makeup, and her lip tint wore off and left her lip liner still there. You hated seeing her this way. You pulled out the makeup wipes you kept in your purse, and gave it to her to clean herself off. 
“No,” she shook her head, her voice still thick from sobs, as she pulled out a wipe, “I texted Chiwon, but he…”
“Left you on read?” Sumi asked reproachfully. She took a soju cup from Jihye. Sumin, tanned with medium length black hair, stood wearing her gym clothes still. Out of the five of you, Sumi worked out the most. “Ugh, he’s so disgusting. I don’t know why you’re so bummed. He’s not even that cute or that successful. I won’t be surprised if their group doesn’t disband in a year or so.”
“They embarrassed themselves with that last comeback,” Jihye snickered, handing you and Saehee a cup. You didn’t drink it. You didn’t think you could stomach anything else. “Like, that song of theirs. What was it called? ‘Dick Me Way’?”
You stifled a laugh, “I think it was called ‘Milky Way’.”
“Psh, could’ve fooled me. It did not sound like they were saying ‘Milky Way’.”
“I thought they might at least be curious as to where I went,” Mihee said to you. “They might not care, but I thought at least Josh would text me. He was always decent towards me.”
“Fuck Josh,” said Saehee, who downed her soju shot immediately. “He’s a dick too. I don’t care how nice he was to you. He still lets them treat you like garbage.”
You unpacked the food you’d brought for everyone to pick at while they talked. Mihee started extolling tales about the things her partners did off screen: how they preferred Yeseo over her, the mean remarks they made about her appearance, how angry they’d get if she made a mistake. It upset you far too much to keep on eating. You thought about what Wooyoung told you about your happiness being their first priority. If they commented on your appearance, it was out of concern and not maliciousness. 
Chiwon told Mihee she ate too much. Yunho would tell you that you didn’t eat enough sometimes, often bringing you snacks during shoots or water when he saw you didn’t drink enough. 
Kwangmin once gave Mihee an empty Gucci box as a present. Hongjoong took you to a fashion show where he made sure the designer had clothes for you to wear too. You’ll never forget his face when he saw you in the final outfit. 
Kenny once told her that she’d have to pay her own way to go with them on tour. Seonghwa always made sure you were included in tour plans because he didn’t want to leave you behind. You never paid a single cent. 
Her boyfriends did not care where she went, what she did or who she did it with. She texted their group chat hours ago, and none of them responded. If you go too long without contact, at least three or four of them will call to check on you. Mihee told you that they rarely spent time with her anymore. Your boyfriends would rather be with you than anywhere else. Mihee’s stories made every complaint you’ve ever made about your boyfriends miniscule and childish. So what if Yunho played games until late into the night? So what if Yeosang was a messy eater or Jongho did not always pick up after himself? They adored you. They loved you. They’d do anything you asked of them, and if they could not, they’d find a way to make you happy. You wished Mihee would find someone like them. 
You stayed with the girls in Mihee’s dorm until eleven o’clock when visiting hours ended. You put leftovers in Mihee’s mini fridge, kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly. 
“Thank you, YN-unnie,” she said into your shoulder, her voice muffled by your jacket. “If you hadn’t done this for me…I don’t think I’d be here right now.” 
This made you hug her tighter. “I’ll come by tomorrow around two and we can go to your place together to get your stuff, okay? Get some rest.”
“I will,” she nodded.
With one last cheek kiss, you left Mihee’s room and met with Jihye and the others down the hall. In the elevator, she said, “Good on you to text me. When you told me she talked about ‘terminating…” she visibly shuddered, “I almost had a panic attack.”
“I was worried she might’ve already done it,” said Saehee, crossing her arms nervously. “I felt super sick thinking about it.”
“Me too,” Sumi agreed. “Is it messed up that it made me think about my own relationship? Like, I can’t see Yongbok or Changbin ever being cruel to me like that.”
“I don’t think so,” Saehee told her. “When she told me about Kenny almost hitting her once, I thought about Seokjin and how he can be sometimes. We might get into arguments, but he’d never try to hurt me or make me cry just to feel like he won.” 
“It makes me realize how lucky I am,” you said quietly as the elevator reached the bottom floor. “Yeah, it’s tough juggling eight guys on my own, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything else in the world.”
“Yeah, me too.” 
The four of you walked Saehee home first and then Sumi. Jihye went with you to the train station where you waited for the train to take you home. 
“Do you think Mihee will be okay?” asked Jihye. “I mean, they’re the first group she’s ever dated and she was so in love with them. What if they try to get her back or she can’t get out of her contract?”
“Sungmi will fix that,” you assured her. “If anything, I’ll pitch in some money to help her out. I’m sure Saehee will too, since her boyfriends are such big superstars now.”
“I’ll hand some over,” Jihye said. “I happen to know some cute clients who are into girls like Mihee, so if she ever has trouble getting on her feet again, I can slip their names to Sungmi.” 
You nodded at her suggestion, and put your hands in your pockets. “I just want her to be happy and safe. She deserves that.”
“She really does.” 
When the train arrived, you hugged her goodbye and went onboard. On the way home, you checked your phone for the first time since seeing Mihee. As expected, Wooyoung was the first to message you. 
WooWoo 🦊: Are you on your way home soon? It’s getting late. 
You: I’m on the train now. We lost track of time. 
You took a train selfie to appease him, but also because he’d ask for one anyways. 
WooWoo 🦊: Beautiful 😍 is she okay now?
You: Yeah, she’s settled into the dorm and I told her we’d go get more of her stuff tomorrow afternoon. Jihye only got the essentials, but she needs more clothes and stuff. 
WooWoo 🦊: I’m glad. I like Mihee. She’s sweet. Now, get home quickly. I have a surprise for you. 
This message prompted you to go into the group chat you shared with all the members. You mainly used it to discuss group dates or to idly talk about your days as a whole. Anything you had to tell them, you sent it there. As the train stopped at another station, you started typing:
You: My friend Mihee’s staying at the residency dorms at my agency because she talked about killing herself. She told me tonight all about how awful her boyfriends are to her and the terrible things they’ve done. It’s so disgusting it makes me sick. I feel so sorry for my friend because she’s a lovely person and very special to me, but her situation has made me realize how lucky I am. 
Tears started brimming your eyes as you continued. 
You: since the day we met, you’ve been nothing but good to me. Even when you had nothing to offer me, you still did your best to make me happy. You give me so much freedom, which a lot of Companions don’t always have. You don’t keep me on a strict diet. You don’t tell me what I can and can’t wear. You include me in everything you do, and never make me feel left out or unimportant. You never push past my boundaries and respect my privacy and space. When I’m with any of you, I feel safe. I know you’d never do anything to hurt me, and if you accidentally do, you make up for it and apologize. I feel special and beautiful and important when I’m with you. I love each of you so much, and I hope we’re together forever. 
The messages poured a few minutes after you wrote this. 
My Bear 🐻: you know we’d do anything for you, angel. You’re such a special person to me, I couldn’t live my life without you now that I have you. 
Yuyu 🐶: The last thing I’d ever do is hurt you. I love you too, baby ♥️
Hwa 🐰: why would I not include you in everything? You’re my angel, baby. 
Prince Yeosang 👑: I always want to be a person you feel safe with. I know you have your bad days, and I want to be someone who uplifts you. I love you, my princess ♥️♥️
Choi ⛰️: Noooo now I’m crying!! I love you so much, angel. I want us to be together forever too. 
Mingi 🦁: I love you too, angel. You’re the first person I think of when I’m down, because you know how to make me feel better. I don’t ever want to be without you ♥️
Choi ⛰️: we were so nervous when we first met you kekeke 
Joongie 🐱: you know I love you more than the air in my lungs. I could never hurt you, because hurting you would be like hurting myself. You’re a part of me. 
Hwa 🐰: waaaahhh hongjoong putting us all to shame!!
The one person who didn’t answer in the chat texted you privately instead. 
WooWoo 🦊: I’m sorry about your friend. I hope she is okay now. I saw what you put in the chat and I wanted to tell you something: 
WooWoo 🦊 : There was this book quote I read once that really stuck with me. “He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same”. It stuck with me because that’s how I feel about you, YN. I feel like if we met in a different lifetime, you and I would still fall in love because we’re the same. It’s why you’re in every music video, because we’d love you in every universe. I love you, YLN YN. I love love love love love you. Come home soon. I miss you. 
You wiped the tears trickling down your cheek as you reread their messages. San recounted the night you’d all met. 
Two weeks before their debut, the boys’ schedule was packed with dance practice, studio recordings, promoting themselves, singing and rapping lessons. They did not have much free time, but management set up a date between you and them. You’d been going through financial troubles from your previous relationship, which left you desperate for a good gig. While going on random dates helped in the short term, it was contracts Companions typically sought out. You decided on a trial-run with an eight-member group to see how things went, and if it worked out, you’d sign a contract with them. A one-year contract where you’d be the sole girlfriend sounded promising. You’d handled groups before now, and a year-long contract is a reasonable starting point; you worked out anything longer after a few dates. You’d seen photos and videos of ATEEZ that KQ sent you, since it’s only fair you see what they looked like. The ‘99 line had all been 18 or 19, and Jongho turned 18 right before then. Only Seonghwa and Hongjoong could be actual romantic partners for you. They’d been so young back then, you realized as the train passed another station. They’d seemed harmless enough, and you really needed a good job. 
You never expected to be with them this long. But, when you met them at the barbeque restaurant that night, you really enjoyed their general vibe. You saw their close-knit brotherhood right away, and the genuine care they had for one another. It was something you noticed in groups from smaller companies; they worked and lived together, which built up a natural love for one another. That love soon stretched over to you. Smiling to yourself, you recalled how shy they’d been around you that night. Wooyoung, Mingi, San, and Yunho did a majority of the talking despite their nerves. The other members revealed later on you’d been much prettier in person, and it intimidated them. 
Walking home from the train station, you thought about those days fondly. You’d often meet up with them at the Han River, where you’d go riding bikes and eating street food together in the spring. They didn’t have much money to spend on you, but that didn’t matter to you. Their company soon became enough for you. You remembered a night when you went to eat after dance practice, and you’d sat specifically with Yeosang because he thought you wouldn’t be interested in him. Shy and anxious, you managed to get him to open up to you like a clam, and his shyness melted away. Once, you went to a convenience store with San and Wooyoung after everyone went to sleep. The three of you played hide and seek down the street. 
It’d been under a street light on the corner that Wooyoung kissed you for the first time. 
“Wooyoung, I’m back,” you said into the apartment, knowing well Jongho is too busy gaming and Hongjoong is likely still in his studio. 
He appeared from his bedroom, smiling at the sight of you. He kissed you as easily as he’d kissed you that night on the street. Wooyoung had taken you gently by the waist, bringing you to him and kissing you passionately.
“Glad you’re home,” he said, taking your bag to put on the hook while you slipped out of your shoes. “I have a surprise for you.”
“As you said in your text,” you replied. You couldn’t help the nostalgic feeling inside your chest. Looking at the man in front of you, it dawned on you how much he’d grown up. “Where is it?” you asked him, getting into your house slippers. 
“Come with me.”
He took your hand and led you to his bedroom. You gasped when you saw what he’d done to his bed. Having taken one of his plain white sheets, he’d tied a string across the top so it created a canopy, then placed fake electric candles around his bed to add light. Blankets from the couch outside, plus several plush pillows added more comfort to his large bed. A laptop plugged into the wall sat on a tray with snacks and drinks in a cooler next to the bed. A blanket fort. 
"Wooyoung-ah," you smiled at his setup, "This is so cute."
"What you said got me thinking about our first time together," he said, bringing you to him as he closed the door. "When we made that pillow fort to watch movies and then we…got all hot and bothered?"
You noticed the seductive tone in his voice and let him kiss you. "Well, if I remember correctly, you were the hot one. I was perfectly fine with hanging out."
"I couldn't help it," he said, bringing you over to the bed where he let you climb on top of him. You mounted his hips, deepening the kiss as you remembered the first time. "You felt so nice against me like this," he gently pushed his hips into yours, "I really wanted to wait for a more romantic moment, but I couldn't wait anymore. And…" he pecked your lips as his hands went down your body, "It isn't like you tried stopping me." 
"Maybe I didn't want you to," you sneered, starting to grind into him. "I meant what I said though," you said, "It really makes me appreciate how good you are to me." A thought then occurred to you, "I wish there was a way I can show my appreciation for you."
Wooyoung picked up on it right away, holding you by the waist as he rolled you on your back. In between your legs, you could feel him right up against your center. His shorts made it much easier to feel him through them, and you couldn't resist grinding into him. Suddenly, Wooyoung drowned all your senses. The fresh scent of his shampoo still clung to his black strands, and to the smooth, supple skin under his shirt. His body heat warmed you against the chill seeping through the nearby windows. Your love for Jung Wooyoung blossomed the night he kissed you under that light. It flourished when you both made love in his blanket fort, soft and passionate and completely wrapped up in one another. Your hands stayed at his shoulders, the bones and muscles tensing under your touch before flexing against it. Everything became Wooyoung. Like the very first time, the small enclosure he created turned the world into one for two.
“There’s something I’ve always wanted to try,” he said, pressing his lips to your neck while your hands slipped under his shirt. “If you’re into trying new stuff tonight, that is.”
“I’ll do whatever you like,” you smiled, gyrating into him slowly so he groaned against your neck. “You’re always thinking of me when we do it. I think it’s only fair that I do things you like too.”
“I want you to watch TV while I fuck you.”
“I saw this porn video the other night where the girl watched TV while the guy fucked her,” he explained, “And it was so hot. I want to try it with you.”
Free use. That is what he was talking about: partners having sex even if the other partner isn’t particularly horny. It’s in a consensual way, of course. “Oh?” you smiled, “But does it really count if I’m horny too?”
“You can pretend not to be,” he said. 
You considered it for a moment, then said, “Okay. I’ll give it a shot.” 
Wooyoung beamed and kissed you. He dragged the bed tray beside you, then put on a random movie he knew you liked. You supposed you’d simply lay there and let him do what he wanted while you focused on the movie. Spreading yourself out a bit more, Wooyoung laid on top of you as he kissed down your throat to the neckline of your shirt. The movie’s beginning credits started rolling right as he slid your shirt over your chest, and pulled your bra down under them. You tried keeping back the gasp when his warm mouth touched your skin, a wet tongue immediately circling your nipple. He kept your arms by your head as he flicked his tongue over each one, and you forced yourself to not grind into him. The tip grazed across the hard peaks once or twice before he suckled on them, a low groan emitting from his throat. You tried focusing on the film, a horror movie you enjoyed so you had something distracting you from the pleasure. But, it only just barely worked. As you watched young Drew Barrymore answer the phone while making popcorn, Wooyoung slid further down your body. 
You shifted around to let him pull down your leggings completely, leaving you in your panties and socks. When you felt him sliding off your panties next, you nearly gasped. He lifted your knees up to your stomach and started lightly swatting his tongue on your sex. You clutched the sheets, forcing yourself to focus on the teenage girl panicking as a killer plays cat-and-mouse with her. How did porn stars do this? Once you felt the flat of his tongue gingerly lick your pussy open, you moaned softly to yourself. Part of the free-use kink is that the other partner doesn’t react, but damn, Wooyoung’s mouth worked you so easily. So easily, in fact, you should be ashamed of it. Keeping hold of your thighs, Wooyoung focused his attention on the center of your clit where he rolled the tip around several times. 
“Name the killer in Friday the 13th,” said the killer on screen.
‘No, you moron. It was his mom…’ you couldn’t help thinking. 
Right as Drew Barrymore is freaking out over her dead boyfriend, Wooyoung reached into his bedside drawer for something. You thought it must be the condom, since Wooyoung practiced so little patience when in the heat of his arousal. After a bit of fumbling around, a distinct hardness touched your entrance. 
“Which door am I at?”
‘Run, idiot. Get out of the hou-’
Wooyoung filled you right to the brim, and you couldn’t help giving a soft moan. Unlike San, who needed total silence to concentrate, Wooyoung had no problem focusing on you as the movie went onwards. Hands holding up your knees, he kept you in place while he pumped in and out of you. You looked over at him for a moment to see he’d removed his shirt and tugged down his shorts. He watched himself fuck you slowly, stretching your sex and filling you each time. You knew you weren’t supposed to acknowledge him, but you couldn’t stop yourself from whimpering. When he felt you looking at him, you turned your head to the laptop.
Two hands grabbed your chest, and he bent down to kiss and lick them while he kept his slow pace. You’d truly become a toy for him to fuck; a doll that fulfills his every whim. You loved it. Something about Wooyoung  having his fun with you while you remained indifferent to it turned you on. Soon, his hips snapped into yours quickly, his groans turning into grunts in each stroke. You tried not moaning, since you knew that was not part of this kink of his. You watched the movie, trying to pay attention to the parents finding their teenage daughter gutted and hanging from a tree. The movie moved onto Neve Campbell in her bedroom, typing at her old computer before her boyfriend came in through the window. 
Eventually, he withdrew and helped roll you onto your front. You wouldn’t lie: you quite enjoyed this position and they all knew that. They knew your body so well it was almost unfair. They never failed to pleasure you first during sex, and they knew they’d get a very nice favor in return each time. Straddling your thighs, Wooyoung spat on his tip and went back inside you. You nearly whined from how the new position had him touching your g-spot directly, and the force causing the bed to bump lightly against the wall. 
“Stay like that,” he huffed, returning to the same speed as before. “Just like that…”
You put your eyes on the laptop, but you barely paid attention to the screen. Wooyoung started bottoming up into you, and his weight kept you from pushing up to meet him. You purse your lips to keep back the mewls his long strokes created. How could he expect you to sit still while he took you this way? Your fingers dug into the soft pillow underneath you, clawing at the smooth fabric. You tried not showing any signs of pleasure, but you couldn’t help the need growing inside you. You badly wanted to push against him, pick up the speed and be the naughty, dirty slut he liked. But, this is what Wooyoung wanted, and you wanted him to enjoy himself too. 
In a few more thrusts, you felt Wooyoung stiffen against you. Falling forward, his forehead pressed right on the top of your head as he rode out his orgasm inside you. His damp breath tickled the back of your neck, and his moans drowned out any sounds from the film in front of you. Listening to him cum had your pussy clenching around him each time he sunk inside. Your need for release came almost painfully, the restraint being too much. When he dared to pull out, you immediately tackled him so he fell backwards on the opposite side of the fort. Wooyoung said nothing as you mounted him quickly and began riding him. 
“Someone couldn’t keep it together anymore, huh?” Wooyoung chuckled, holding onto your hips as you bounced on him. “My dick feels too good?”
“Way too good,” you whined, rolling your hips on him. You didn’t care if he’d already come, you knew he wouldn’t stop until you did too. “Play with my clit, Wooyoungie,” you said, “Make me cum, please?”
“Of course, angel.” 
Whirling his thumb around your clit and his tip prodding your g-spot again, you unraveled a few seconds later. Your body tensed in each orgasmic wave and you were soon clawing at Wooyoung’s chest from the force. Slowly, you fell from your climax as quickly as it arrived, and collapsed beside Wooyoung. A small pang of guilt made you frown. 
“Sorry,” you said to him. 
“About what?” he panted, looking over at you. 
“For not going through with the whole ‘free-use’ thing,” you replied. “I don’t know how porn stars do it, honestly.”
“You just need practice, baby,” he insisted. He rolled onto his side, and pecked your lips, “You still did so well. It’s not your fault you’re so…sensitive,” he smirked, pinching your nipple idly before kissing you again. “Trust me, I still loved it. Didn’t you?”
“I did,” you replied, turning on your side to face him. “We can always try it again later,” you suggested, “If you want to, that is.” 
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that,” he grinned, bringing you close to kiss you deeply. He paused for a moment, brushing your nose with his, and said, “I love you, YN.” 
“I love you too, WooWoo.” 
He chuckled at the nickname and you kissed once more. You briefly thought back to Mihee, who likely ended up alone after sex with her boyfriends. Not you. Your boyfriends would never leave you without smothering you in kisses first. 
They simply adored you too much. 
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showf4lls · 9 months
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ɞ ― when you said you loved me; wilbur
cw + info! minific, domestic fluff, established relationship, gender neutral reader / implied burnout, fatigue symptoms
prompt! "sorry, i think my brain stopped for a second when you said you loved me”
dedication! @ivyinnit​​
notes! again, super sorry that this is literally A YEAR late, but i’m trying to jump on this scrap of motivation that i have! i hope you guys like it :>
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if you were being honest with yourself, it had been… a week. not quite bad but definitely not competing with any sunshine or rainbows. you were more than excited for the date night you and wilbur had planned at the beginning of the week. you wasted no time once you got off of work, heading home only to change into something that was not your work clothes and pack a bag before heading straight to wilbur’s apartment. you guys didn’t do date nights in like this too often, but you had enough prior experience to know that you’d probably fall asleep together on his couch and end up staying the night whether you planned for it or not, so it was pretty worth it to pack a bag. it wasn’t that far, the journey easy on your aching feet, and the route was pleasantly familiar. the sun had just begun to set when you knocked on his door with your overnight bag slung over one shoulder, a pillow pet tucked under the other arm. “hello,” you greeted, tone soft and hazy, when wilbur opened the door for you. the fatigue that hung over you was nearly palpable, almost seeming to come off of you in waves. he could tell immediately by the droop of your tired shoulders the kind of week you had.
“hi, honey,” he greeted gently. set a hand on your shoulder and stepped out of your way. “why don’t you come in? you can go change into your cozies in my room if you’d like. i’m just working on dinner.”
you nodded tiredly, humming in response. your eyes stayed shut just a second too long as you blinked and wilbur gently urged you down the hallway to his room.
“if you don’t come out in ten minutes, i’m coming to check on you!” he called after you, smiling softly as he watched you shuffle along.
“sounds good,” you mumbled in return, stepping into his room, only closing the door behind you most of the way. it was fine; you knew wilbur wasn’t the type to try and sneak a peek. yawning, you pulled your clothes off, not even bothering to fold them. you enthusiastically exchanged them for comfier pajamas – a pair of red plaid pajama pants and a hoodie you’d borrowed from wilbur a few weeks ago. you had originally intended to return it, but right now you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to care that far. that and you knew that he wouldn’t be super likely to have a problem with it. once you were finished, you tucked your backpack and the balled-up pile of your clothes into the corner of his room to take care of later. 
“less than ten minutes,” you announced sleepily as you trudged into his kitchen. “you don’t have to come check on me. see, i’m quite capable of dressing myself, thank you.” it was teasing and light, the most that you had the energy for at the moment. 
“i know you are,” he assured you, something about his tone fond. he stood in front of the stove, stirring a pot of something, a couple jars of sauce sitting on the counter beside him. “i just wanted to make sure you were okay. you seem a little sleepy is all.”
you hummed, crossing your arms over your chest. “thank you, much appreciated.”
a beat as wilbur added a pinch more of salt to the water. “are you sure you can make it through a movie tonight? because i’d be more than happy to read for a little bit if you wanted to sleep after dinner.”
you shook your head, the action much resembling that of a tuckered out toddler. “no, i wanna try. i might fall asleep, but maybe we could just watch a nature documentary instead of something on our list. don’t wanna make you rewatch it later just because i fell asleep.”
wilbur huffed a laugh, light and affectionate. “i wouldn’t mind rewatching anything, you know. as long as you get the rest you need.”
another shake of your head. “nope. i vote nature documentary. something with big cats on the savanna or something like that.”
wilbur gave another laugh, nodding. “alright. nature documentary it is then,” he conceded.
then, silence. it was comfortable. the air was warm, the perfect temperature to help you relax after a long week. your head lolled to the side as you leaned against the doorframe, leaving your cheek to rest against your shoulder. it was so comfortable here. nothing felt more like home than moments like these, watching your boy be all soft and in his element. he hummed a tune to himself - something he’d probably been working on for a new song - as he stirred, occasionally putting his hand up to catch some of the steam rising from the pot. he swayed to the beat, not seeming to mind your fatigued state too much. it helped ease the guilt that you held about not being able to give him a very interesting night. moments like these helped to remind you that you didn’t need to be stellar company all the time, that he was just content to have you around.
“wilbur?” you asked, hugging yourself now.
“yes, love?” he turned to look at you over his shoulder. “do you need something?”
you shook your head lightly. “no, i was just wondering what you were making for dinner. nothin’ crazy.”
wilbur’s expression melted into a smile. “i was just gonna make some pasta with the sauce how you like it. with the tomato sauce, the alfredo, and the spinach. and i got some bread, too. does that sound alright?”
you gave him a small grin, making a sound of approval. “oh, that sounds wonderful. can’t wait.”
“i figured you would,” he said, sounding proud of himself. “it’s easy, it tastes good, and i know for a fact that you like it.”
“i do, i do,” you agreed, padding over to hug him from behind. your arms wrapped gently around his middle and you pressed your face against his back. “thank you, wilbur. i love you so much. i appreciate you tons. this all means a lot.”
wilbur tensed, making a noise of surprise. a beat of silence.
you squeezed his middle, confused at the change in energy. “wilbur, are you alright?”
“i-i-i,” he stammered, brain buffering as he struggled to process your words. “no, yeah! i-i’m fine.” he gave a self deprecating laugh, letting the wooden spoon sit in the pot for just a moment as he turned around in your embrace to face you. “sorry, i think my brain stopped for a second when you said you loved me.”
you blushed at the realization. you hadn’t meant to say it right then, but you didn’t mean it any less. it was true; you loved him, and not just for all the things he did for you. you just wished that the first time you said it to him had been a little bit more intentional than you mumbling it into the back of his tee shirt while you were half asleep.
“hey, hey,” he whispered, pulling you out of your own head. one of his hands moved to cup your cheek. “i love you too, you know. a lot, actually.”
“good.” you grinned, leaning up to press the tips of your noses together, almost a bunny kiss. “because i mean it, soot.”
he hummed, content. “i mean it too.”
you hummed back, happy to rest against him like this forever.
his thumb grazed over your cheek before he pulled away, cheeks red and smile soft. “sorry to ruin the moment, but i’m gonna try and finish this pasta before you fall asleep on me. does that sound alright?”
you nodded, forehead against his back as he turned around to face the stove again. “love you, wil,” you mumbled again, this time through a yawn.
he laughed softly at the admission, his free hand finding one of yours that was still clasped around his middle. he held it, thumb grazing comfortingly over the back of it. “i love you too.”
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taeyegu · 2 years
introduce me a good person — 003. oh shit
previous // next
word count — 876
warning(s) — mentions of food/drinks/eating, intoxicated characters, cheating/infidelity 
the homemade dinner at the doctors' shared apartment went well with no fire alarm going off that night.
"i still can't believe y/n and wonwoo went to go get food without us." soonyoung pouted for the umpth time. wonwoo sighed as he finished up washing the dishes,
"y/n got hungry before so we decided to get something small to eat." he responded plainly. y/n walked over from the sink to sit next to soonyoung at the dining table,
"i'm sorry soonyoung!" y/n exclaimed, "i thought i was going to eat with sejun today so i skipped breakfast and lunch... by the time sejun cancelled on me, i was starving. wonwoo said i should eat something before we got the groceries for tonight." a small pout formed on her lips and soonyoung (nor anyone) could stay mad.
"that's no way to treat one's girlfriend..." jihoon mumbled under his breath over by the couch as he was doing some extra research on the surgery he was to perform the following week.
"guys, i know you all care about me but sejun is a genuinely great guy!" y/n smiled. wonwoo finished up the dishes and sat down in front of y/n and soonyoung at the dining table. he noticed the smile didn't reach her eyes like they usually do. "sejun has been with me through everything and i already told jihoon this but, i think he's gonna propose soon!"
"with what ring? the guy barely has any money..." junhui grumbled while also helping jihoon prep for his surgery.
y/n laughed, "you all know i'm not big on that stuff, it doesn't have to be a flashy ring! i don't need it!" she smiled, but her voice didn't sound as happy as she was trying so hard to portray to her friends.
"you might say that you don't need it but that doesn't mean you don't deserve a big flashy ring!" soonyoung exclaimed, "you're a catch y/n! and if a guy doesn't prove his worth to you, you deserve so much better!"
wonwoo sat quietly and listened as his friends talked on and on about y/n's relationship with sejun. it was almost a routine for the friend group: someone always bringing up how shitty of a boyfriend sejun was and y/n trying her best to defend him. however wonwoo knew that y/n was smart enough to make her own decisions, he knew even she was starting to get tired of sejun's constant excuses.
wonwoo's train of thought was interrupted by a text from his friend dr. kim mingyu of pediatrics.
"i have to go pick up mingyu." wonwoo stated as he got up from the table. he grabbed his keys and began to put on his coat.
"why, what happened to him?" junhui asked.
"he's intoxicated right now and at the sector 17 club a few blocks down--he needs a ride home." wonwoo responded as he slipped on his shoes.
"that no good guy..." soonyoung mumbled, "doesn't he have a shift tomorrow and he's out here getting wasted? what about the kids?!"
y/n laughed, "i don't know why you have beef with dr. kim all of a sudden soonyoung, i thought you guys were always friends?"
"well, we're like frenemies! i've noticed he's been talking a lot with the interns this year--trying to hype up pediatrics. but neurosurgery is where it's at!" soonyoung ranted, "he's even got chan considering pediatrics when he promised me he would join neuro!"
wonwoo didn't listen to the rest of soonyung's rambling as he closed the door to their shared apartment and started up his car to pick up dr. kim from his night out at the club. -- by the time wonwoo had found parking near his destination, he had already called his friend at least three times, "the guy probably can't hear anything with this music blasting..." wonwoo grumbled as he felt his car slightly shake due to the bass from the club.
he decided to get out of his car to try and look for the intoxicated doctor but noticed another familiar face emerging from the club entrance...
it was sejun with his arms wrapped around another girl.
"yo! wonwoo my man! glad you--" mingyu's loud voice slurred and wonwoo quickly quieted down the intoxicated giant.
"shut up! something might be wrong!" wonwoo whispered. mingyu quickly sobered up and followed wonwoo's line of sight to which he also noticed a familiar figure.
"isn't that y/n's boyfriend? are they also here at the club?" mingyu giggled.
"no, y/n was at home today with us." wonwoo whispered, his eyes never leaving the two as they stumbled around on the sidewalk waiting for their ride, "y/n and sejun were supposed to have dinner tonight but she said that he cancelled on her because he was still tired from his flight but--"
"oh so that scumbag is cheating on her!" mingyu whisper-yelled angrily.
"n-no, not cheating per se... they could just be friends--"
however just as wonwoo was finishing his sentence, the two men watched as sejun kissed the unknown woman deeply on the lips before the two left in their uber.
"i don't think friends kiss like that wonwoo..."
oh shit.
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elletheactualmenace · 3 months
You Would do That for Me? - 5
Pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!fem!reader
Summary: Secrets are reviled and feelings realized.
Warnings: Mentions of physical assault (a bit in this chapter), Slight verbal bullying, swearing, crying,
Word Count: 3k
a/n: So because the poll was a tie, I’m posting the one I’ve actually finished. The next part for Was it Worth it? Will be out hopefully soon. Anyways enjoys this and don’t mind spelling errors because I’m to tired to look through it.
Thoughts = “Italicized dialogue”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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You would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t been thinking about Peter. A lot. It’s like he’s haunting your mind. Thinking about the fake relationship, thinking about how he asked you what you need his help with in the fake relationship, even the way he looks at you. God, he’s taken over your every thought.
During first period Flash leaves you alone, that’s one less thing to deal with. But your brain notices the open space and decides to fill it with thoughts of Peter. 
The next period you have with Peter it gets worse. You just stare at him. Thoughts about his outfit, past conversation, everything.
“His hair looks nice today.” You think, you head lazily resting in your hand. “What the hell am I thinking?” You think to yourself pulling your hand from supporting your head. You take a deep breath and try to shake the thoughts.
“I can’t think like that, this is a fake relationship! What are you thinking?” You scold yourself, but your eyes stay on the back of his head. 
You continue on a spree of thinking of him and scolding yourself for it. It happens for every period you are in together. You hope no one notices, especially not Peter. You want to look away, to keep it safe. But your mind gets away from you. You zone out during your classes. You want to slap yourself.
You sigh when the bell rings. You smile as you pass Peter to get to the door. He smiles back over his shoulder as he collects his things. You swear his smile makes your heart stop for a second.
“Bye,” you say breathlessly as you look back at him. You hope he doesn’t notice your out of character blushing.
“Bye,” he grins back as you walk out the door. 
As you step out of the classroom you let out a large breath. You didn’t even know you were holding your breath. What is going on with you? Having a crush on Peter is a thing of the past. It is a thing of the past isn’t it? 
”Fuck,” You think, “Stop thinking about Peter and get to class.” You bite your lip. reprimanding yourself.
Happy picks you all up and you drive to your house. The drive is so long but the time seems to cut in half with people to talk to.
Soon you all settle into the theater room. Everyone, clearly, by their faces, were surprised at the extravagance of your house. You agree to watch the Sixth Sense, and Promise Ned a tour of your dads lab.
Peter takes his seat next to you and you both sit almost leg to leg. Your eyes flicker to him when you feel his hand brush against your leg. You want to watch the movie, but it's getting hard to listen to the characters.
You want to move closer, you want to be closer. It’s like Peter’s drawing you in. You bite your lip, eyes still on the screen. What should you do? You don’t want to embarrass yourself. What if Peter doesn’t want you closer?
Your hand furthest from Peter taps against the couch’s arm rest as you think. 
“Shit shit shit. What should I do? Ugh, this is the stupidest thing to be having an inner conflict about.” You think as you huff out. 
“Fuck it.” You say to yourself and finally scoot closer to Peter so your legs are touching. You bite your lip, squeezing your eyes shut in hopes he doesn’t say anything. Or worse, push you away.
You feel his arm move.
”Oh god, what did I do?” You think as your fist clenches and your teeth let go of your lip. Your body tenses, you're freaking out.
His arm wraps around you. You feel your face heat up and your palms get sweaty, but your body relaxes a bit. He- did he? Oh god. He did. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. You quickly bite back the smile, trying not to get spotted. Your breathing increases as you bite back the grin.
Peter then slowly begins to pull his arm away and without thinking you take his hand to pull his arm back. You don’t care that your palm is sweaty against his skin. You don’t want him to pull away. You breathe heavily as you look down at his arm around you. 
Slowly you lean back, so you’re resting against Peter. You let your head fall to his shoulder. You bite back the excited noise threatening to erupt from your vocal cords when he nuzzles his head against your hair.
Your heart beats so fast and butterflies erupt in your stomach. 
“Why does he make me feel like this? So happy, so nervous? God, I feel like a little girl.” You think as you try to slow your breathing so Peter doesn’t notice. 
“But I don’t think I care right now.” You admit to yourself as you let your eyes close. You just let yourself get lost in his touch, the way you can smell his shampoo and his cheap cologne. You let your fingers intertwine with his. This feeling he gives you, the nervousness, the giddiness, you don’t understand it. All you know is you want to keep feeling it.
Peter's thumb slowly brushes over your intertwined hands. The feeling makes your breathing soften and your heart rate slow.
You feel your eyes get heavy. Peter's soft touch and the lowlights of the room lul your eyes closed. Usually you’d be embarrassed to fall asleep in front of people, but right now you don’t even care.
You stir as you hear quiet laughing from above you and the flash of a camera. You groan out as you reach up to rub your eyes. Not wanting to get up you try to hide your face away from the camera by nuzzling into the surface you’re laying against.
Peter shuffles awake as he feels you nuzzle into him, his grip on your tightens as he covers his eyes from the flashing lights.
”What-“ Peter starts but it cuts off.
”Wake up, love birds.” Ned laughs as he takes another photo with the flash on. MJ snickers as she watches.
“Go away.” You mumble out as you bury your face deeper into- “Peter?” You think as your eyes shoot open. Suddenly you aren’t so tired anymore. Your body shoots up as you let go of Peter, heat rises over your face and only intensifies as you realize what Ned and MJ are doing. 
Peter follows shortly after with his own heated cheeks and embarrassed look. New stops taking photos but continues laughing with MJ.
”You two really did cuddle, huh?” MJ asks with a smirk, you scoff and push her away. 
“Leave us alone.” You huff out as you stand to turn the lights in the theater room on. “When did the movie end?” You ask.
”Ten minutes ago.” Ned answers you as he sits back down.
”Did you have to take photos?” Peter asks, his face red.
”Yes, otherwise no one would believe you have a girlfriend Peter.” MJ laughs. Peter rolls his eyes.
”God, you two are annoying.” You huff out. You try to push away the shyness of being caught as you pull Peter up from the couch. “Let's go somewhere else Peter.” You grumble as you pull him over to the door.
”Use protection!” MJ calls after you, and you roll your eyes with a blush. Peter gulps as he hears her, but he lets you pull him along.
As you step out of the room you roll your eyes and flip her off. MJ just laughs and goes to sit down to put on another movie.
”Those two,” You chuckle as you let go of Peter and let him follow you. You walk and keep my head down. You’re still very embarrassed with, 1 getting caught cuddling with Peter, and 2, cuddling closer while MJ and Ned took horrible blackmail photos. 
Peter's mouth quirks into a smile and he nods. There is still a faint blush on his cheeks.
”Where are we going?” Peter asks as he slowly follows next to you.
”Not sure, just away from them, that was so embarrassing.” You say as you rub the back of your neck.
“I know,” He agrees. You smile to yourself, you’re kind of happy you got caught. It means you both have to acknowledge it. You both can’t run away from it, or make it more awkward.
”It was nice though.” You comment as you continue strolling down the halls. You’re not really going in any particular direction.
”It- yeah it was.” Peter smiles as he looks down at you. You can’t help the butterflies that fill your stomach as he gazes at you. You have to look away. Peters not helping the sudden reappearance of your old feelings for him.
”Wait.” You think. “I like him again? No- I mean, sure he’s nice and handsome and his eyes are really- Oh god.” You sigh as you realize you’re not fooling anyone. Fuck. You have feelings for Peter again. 
“But I don’t want to assume he feels the same. Last time he didn’t.” You mentally groan. “I won’t say anything. Unless he makes a move, I won’t do anything.” You decide as you suck in your bottom lip in thought and keep walking beside Peter.
“Convincing for our, you know, situation.” You add on, softly, trying to not say anything drastic. Peter stutters out his agreement. “Right, right, of course.” 
You both continue walking in silence. You glance over every once and a while but for the most part keep your eyes ahead. Peter's presence is nice, and the comfortable silence between you is enjoyable for both parties.
Approaching a door you push a button to open it. A cool breeze hits your face as you step outside. The sky is dark, the sun just having set. Peter follows next to you as you lead him to a bench along the building.
”Y/n- there was something I’ve been wanting to ask you.” Peter starts as you both take a seat. Your brow scrunches as you look over at him.
”When- when we first were talking about this,” He gestures in between you both. “Relationship…thing,” He stumbles over his words. You just keep your eyes on him.
”We both agreed because, well, we both needed help with something.”
“Oh.” You think as you turn to look forward and try to take small breaths. 
“I need to get Flash off my back, and you- well you told me but I-“ Peter sighs. “I didn't hear and I feel really shitty for not listening, but what did you need help with?” Peter asks as he looks at you.
“Um, right.” You say as you glance at him anxiously.
”Fuck. What was I going to say? I know I came up with something.” You think as you tap your foot on the ground.
”I needed-“ Suddenly you felt a wave of dread wash over you. “Umm, well I-“ You try again, but you feel your throat close up. Why is this so hard, what is going on with you?
”I can’t remem-“ You can’t even finish the sentence as your thoughts get flooded with Derek, Otis and Logan. You lick your lip anxiously. Why can’t you just say it? Why are you getting so worked up?
”Hey, are you okay?” Peter asks as his hand reaches out to gently grab your arm to get your attention. You wince and pull away too quickly for it to be normal. Peter’s hands immediately go up, trying to show you he means no harm. His face is etched with worry and concern. Why did you wince, and why did you flinch?
”Y/n?” Peter asks slowly. You look away, keeping your head down. How had you let him see that? He’s already asking you questions. What will happen if he finds out? That would be shameful. 
“I-“ You try. You stumble over a response.
”Are you okay? Did-“ Peter takes a breath. “Something happen?” Peter says as he tries to move so he can see your face. You turn your head further from his view. You try to will away the tears welling in your eyes. You breathe heavily as you try to keep your eyes open, hoping that somehow the cool wind will dry them out.
”Y/n?” Peter asks again. “Will you please look at me?” He asks. You shake your head. And Peter doesn’t know what to do. “Is this what- you know what?” Peter cuts himself off. “You don’t have to- explain anything to me right now.” Peter says as he raises his hand to graze your back comfortingly. 
He doesn’t say anything else. He just lets his hand rub soothing circles into your back. He doesn’t comment as you let out a quiet sob. You cover your mouth and squeeze your eyes shut. 
”Stop being too emotional, nothing has happened. Just- god stop being so pathetic.” You scold yourself as another sob slips from your throat. More tears fall past your waterline and you don’t even bother wiping them away because they just keep coming.
Peter feels like crying himself as he hears you sob. He sighs heavily as sucks on the side of his cheek. He doesn’t stop his hand. He knows how hard talking can be sometimes.
You try to slow your breathing. You turn a bit to glance at Peter. Peter tilts his head so he can look at you. Suddenly another wave of emotions hit you as your eyes lock with Peter. You cave and lean into Peter. He immediately understands and wraps you in a hug. He shushes you as you cling to his shirt tightly. He lets you cry into his shoulder and leans his head on the top of your head. 
You sniffle as you pull back slightly. “Im sorry, I don’t know-“
”It’s okay.” Peter says as he gently rubs your shoulder, avoiding your hurt arm.
”Is this the thing you need help with?” Peter asks carefully. You look down, and that's all Peter needs. He nods slowly.
”Who’s- doing this?” Peter whispers as he looks at you with furrowed brows. “What are they doing?”
You breathe slowly. Should you tell him? What will happen? This is why you agreed to this. To get his help. 
“Some guys, they-“ You stammer out. “They grab me- um and,” You words get caught in your throat. “They say things and they make comments and won’t let me leave,” You mumble as a tear falls.
”Oh god.” Peter says as he hugs you again. He pulls back a bit to look at you, he tilts your chin so you will look at him.
”Hey, it's okay. I'm here to help you now.” Peter says as you look up at him. You nod and sniffle. You feel a sense of relief come over you.
”I'm sorry you’ve felt the need to keep this to yourself.” Peter voices.
“I just feel so helpless, and it makes me feel-“ You let out a huff of frustration. “So weak, and I don’t want people to think that I am weak.”
Peter nods in understanding. “You’re not weak. It takes a lot of strength to let people in like this.” Peter reassures you.
You sigh and move to stand from the bench. You wrap your arms around yourself as you stand facing away from him. Peter quickly follows you. 
“Y/n.” Peter tries.
”Can we stop- just stop talking about this right now?” You ask as you look down.
”Of course.” Peter says as he moves to stand in front of you. “But you can’t just close up. Okay?” He asks.
You nod. “Okay.”
Peter smiles softly. “Good.” Peter steps closer and you look up.
”I want you to know,” Peter starts as he leans in closer. “And then I swear I’ll stop talking about it.” Peter moves his hands slowly to cup your cheek, you don’t move to push him away.
“I promise you, I’ll protect you. None of them will ever hurt you again.” Peter whispers as he leans in as his thumbs stroke your cheek. “Never.” He breathes out.
”Thank you.” You whisper.
”You don’t have to thank me.” Peter says as his eyes soften.
”But I want to. You don’t have to help me.” You comment.
”You helped me with Flash,” Peter reasons. “And even if you didn’t, I would never let anyone hurt you.”
His eyes locked with yours. You lean towards him too. Inching closer and closer. You feel his hot breath against your cold skin. The distance closes, and Peter's pink lips press against yours. Your breath hitches as your eyes flutter closed. Your lips mold together, body’s relaxing in the others hold. 
Your lips tingle, as his lips move against yours. Your cold cheeks heat up into a blush. You can’t help but lean into him more. And Peter takes the weight, like you're weightless, holding you up. 
When he finally pulls away he leans his forehead against yours. Your breathing is heavy and so is his. You just look into his eyes. And he smiles as he looks into yours. He pulls his hands down and away from your face.
”I don’t know if I want this to be a fake relationship anymore.” You say quietly.  You see Peter's eyes widen but a faint smile paints his lips.
“Me too.” Peter admits. You’re not sure what to say but you keep him close.
”Start over?” You ask softly, your hands wrapping around his shoulders. It’s a bit awkward but Peter doesn’t mind, almost pushing himself closer to you.
”Yeah,” He smiles. “So, uh, Y/n Stark, do you wanna, go out with me?” Peter asks with a small, awkward smile. 
“I’d like that, Peter Parker.” You smile up at him. God, what have you gotten yourself into?
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