#I’m just glad everything else is handled by the same doctor office hospital chain
My state’s insurance being like “we see you are getting home nurses visits every week”
Me: “uh, yeah. Why?”
The insurance: “you know how we said we were the type that covers disability?”
Me, suspicious: “yeah”
The insurance: “well we don’t cover people with that much disability. Your severity has been changed so you get this new other state insurance that is for more disabled people! Don’t worry, they cover your doctors and nurse visits”
Me: “okay, cool. What about my dentist and eye doctor?”
New insurance: …
Me: “you fucking bastard whores! You covered them on my old one, I need to get my wisdom teeth removed now! What are you going to do with that?!”
My insurance: “we’ll just have to see what happens”
Me: “you fucking shitty ass bastards! Fuck you!”
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 16X18
Wow. So that episode was intense. I liked it, but it was not at all what I was expecting based on the information they released beforehand. First things first I'm glad that Meredith is back in the spotlight kicking some surgical ass! It is her show after all. I thought Meredith handled the pro-bono day well all things considered. She had things under control until DeLuca pulled Bailey away and then lied to Helm and had the entire schedule rearranged by saying it was on her orders. Up to that point everything was on track and being handled so if he hadn't done that everything would have been fine. I think she handled that situation as best she could. In the end, she accomplished her goal. She got all of the pro-bono surgeries taken care of and made a plan for the future. I thought her blackmailing Tom by proposing the new pro-bono surgery day once a month was ballsy, but also badass.
Tom shouldn't have told her where the money came from because now he's in her pocket for the rest of his life. It also worked to calm everybody down which enabled the doctors to treat all of the patients as needed. I was disappointed that we didn't get more scenes with Meredith and Hayes this episode because the set up kind of made it seem like we would. In the end they only really had two scenes. The one at the beginning where Hayes and Owen were cracking jokes about the fact that they need a pro-bono surgery day to do something that hospitals in most other countries do every day and then at the end where he brought her a tea and congratulated her and said that he finally got what Cristina was saying about the twistedness and she said it took him long enough and thanked him for his help.
This episode made me feel like I was grasping at straws when it came to them and that made me a bit sad. On the other hand, this episode established once again that DeLuca and Meredith are officially over never to rise again as DeLuca has zero interest in dating her or even being around her and Meredith’s primary concern is getting him the help he needs and repaying the debt she feels she owes him. I’m hoping now that DeLuca has ridden off into the unknown on his motorcycle and is out of the picture, at least for a little while, that we’ll finally start to see some movement on the Meredith and Hayes front.
As Meredith said to Hayes in ‘Snowblind’ DeLuca was one of her first. He’s the first man she said ‘I love you’ to after Derek died and as a result she’s having a hard time letting go, but knows that she has to do it. One, because the relationship was never meant to last because they’re not in the same place in their lives. Two, because he’s insecure about how much better she is than him at everything and can’t get past it. And three, because he’s clearly suffering from a mental illness that he refuses to acknowledge or seek treatment for and is lashing out at her and the other people trying to help him as a result.
She’s having a hard time letting go and that’s okay. It’s hard to let go when you see someone suffering especially when it’s happening right in front of you at the hospital you work at. But at the same time she’s also made it clear to others including Hayes that she is single and is moving towards being ready to start moving on with her life. I feel like Hayes is in a similar place with his grief and moving on from his wife’s illness and death and that’s why I like them together. They’re not ready yet but they’re getting there and they have the potential to be epic.
I found the storyline this episode with DeLuca and the suspected abuse and his breakdown nerve wracking and very difficult to watch. There were points where I had to look away it was so bad. The acting was phenomenal but man was that heavy. I agree that based on the girl’s behaviour and the behaviour of her supposed aunt that there is some sort of abuse or neglect going on, but I’m not totally sold on the human trafficking angle. Both the girl and her supposed aunt appear to be natural redheads which is a relatively rare hair colour especially in North America. This would make the trafficking rather easy to spot so I don't believe the girl is being trafficked in the tradition sense.
I do however believe that there is some kind of abuse going on and based on the scene at the end she's either been kidnapped or forced into some kind of domestic slavery. I hope we get to see some follow up on this and that the other doctors are able to save the girl and anyone else who may in danger. This storyline once again cemented just how sick DeLuca is. If you had any doubts about him possibly being Bipolar before this episode this one definitely sold it.
He had a complete breakdown to the point that the other doctors had to form a human chain around him in order to convince him to stop yelling, stop screaming, and get off a table in the middle of a hospital waiting room. He is not well and he needs help. I think this episode did a good job of showing that once again it’s not about whether DeLuca is right or wrong about a patient or a case it’s how he goes about it that’s the problem. He gets laser focused on one aspect or detail to the exclusion of everything else including his own safety and the safety of those around him.
He was right about what Suzanne had, but he went about helping her the wrong way. Had he told Meredith what they had found out and what he was doing everything would have been fine, but instead he rushed in and injected steroids into a patient without getting consent, informing the attending physician, or checking to see if they had restarted the drug regiment or not. He’s lucky that she hadn’t because if she had those steroids would have killed Suzanne. Similarly, he was right to go get the liver from Seattle Pres when Hayes needed it and bring it back in time, but he was wrong to go out into a blizzard in below freezing temperatures to get it without gloves on and then try to refuse care.
And this week it’s the same thing again. He was right to suspect that something was up and that the girl was in danger and he was right to alert the nurse and other doctors, but he went about it the wrong way. He pulled Bailey off a pro-bono surgery to get her to see the patient with no evidence or way to prove the abuse. He rearranged Meredith’s pro-bono surgery schedule by lying to Helm and telling her it was on Meredith’s orders to get his patient into surgery. Because he lied his patient didn’t get the surgery or the help she needed.
When he realized that she wasn’t going to get the surgery because he scheduled it without asking he then kidnapped the girl and cornered her in a waiting room when she wouldn’t answer his questions the way he thought she should. When other doctors tried to help he prevented them and started screaming for the woman’s arrest with no proof of the abuse. Afterwards when Bailey tried to help him he refused and quit his job. He told Meredith he would take the suspension if she convinced Bailey to call the Trafficking Hotline, but then didn’t follow up.
On top of that he’s actions have been so aggressive and erratic these last few episodes that it makes it hard for any of the other doctors to take his concerns seriously because he’s expressing them while clearly not being in control of himself. And this time it’s the patient that suffers the most. Meredith had the pro-bono surgery day schedule under control and running smoothly until DeLuca pulled Bailey away from her surgery which messed up the schedule and then lied to Helm and had the entire schedule rearranged by saying it was on her orders. Up to that point everything was on track and being handled so if he hadn't done that everything would have been fine.
If he hadn’t pulled Bailey away or reschedule everything to give his patient priority then the patient would have gotten the surgery because they would have been able to fit her in at the end and this would have given them a chance to talk to her alone and hopefully find out what was really going on. DeLuca dashed all of that when he pulled Bailey off her case and rearranged the schedule without permission. In the past, he took serious risks and got lucky because both of those patients lived. This time he didn’t get lucky. The girl and her supposed aunt left the hospital and now no one knows where they are.
As for the conversation between DeLuca and Meredith after he stormed out of Bailey’s office, I feel the same way I did about all of the other times. We’ve been here before. At the end of last season DeLuca took the fall for Meredith when she specifically asked him not to. He told her he loved her and then went to jail for her crime. Then she visited him in prison and told him she loved him and then took responsibility for her crime and got him out of prison.
We see the same behaviour here again. DeLuca is convinced he’s right about his patient so he does something extreme. He pulls the Chief of Surgery off a pro-bono case and when that doesn’t work he rearranges the day’s entire pro-bono surgical schedule by saying that he’s working on Meredith’s orders. He then kidnaps a patient and refuses help to the point that the other doctors have to make a human chain around him and talk him off a table. Following this Bailey suspends him and tries to get him some help, but instead of accepting it he refuses and quits his job.
Seeing this Meredith is once again concerned so she follows him out and tells him that she loves him and that she feels indebted to him because he went to jail for her and that this can’t be how his story ends and for him to please let him help her. In response DeLuca tells her that he doesn’t love her, he never did, and he isn’t her problem anymore. It’s the exact same behaviour that we saw at the end of last season.
DeLuca behaves erratically and does something stupid he was specifically told not to do.  Meredith feels guilty and is genuinely concerned about him so in an effort to calm him down and get him to see things clearly and not do anything else stupid like she tells him she loves him. She says it to calm him down and to stop him from doing anything else stupid. That’s it that’s all.
I don't think she really loves him though. I think she cares about him and is legitimately concerned about him for good reason, but I don’t think she really loves him. Here’s why: we’ve only seen Meredith say she loves him under duress. We’ve never seen her say it when DeLuca wasn’t in immediate danger or about to do something stupid. And the only two times she’s brought it up outside of that she’s been pretty clear about how she really feels. When Zola had to have surgery and DeLuca was a first class idiot who expected Meredith to leave she told her sisters that she thought she loved him and that she was just having fun.
The time after that she told Hayes while sharing a romantic moment in the snow that she was having a hard time letting go of the relationship because he was the first man she said ‘I love you’ to after Derek died and he was clearly not doing well. For DeLuca’s part I don’t believe he’s ever really loved her either. DeLuca became infatuated with Meredith very quickly. He decided that he loved her before they even started dating all because she expressed a romantic interest in him.
Which was all well and good until the magic wore off and his insecurities about never being able to measure up to her and Derek starting creeping in. He broke up with her multiple times in the following episodes and the minute Meredith starting showing genuine concern for his out of control behaviour he lashed out and tells her he never loved her and to get lost. That’s because he doesn’t really love her and he never did. He convinced himself he did, but you don’t behave that way towards someone if you actually do no matter how sick you are.
Meanwhile the drama with Teddy, Owen, Tom, Amelia, and Link continues. As we saw last episode Amelia and Link are back together and the baby is his. Amelia comes into the Attending’s Lounge and announces to Teddy and Owen, and Jo who just happens to be there, that the baby is Link’s and that she’s sorry for any residual harm the not knowing may have caused. Owen is happy for her. Teddy pretends that she is, but is clearly devastated by the realization that she just blew her life up for no damn reason.
Jo is happy for her too and tells her that she already knew because as soon as Link found out he sent her a bitmoji of a baby with his face on it that she can never un-see but wishes she could. Too funny! It was good of Amelia to do that and I’m glad she did. She cleared the air and now everybody can move on. The series of events that lead up to this will definitely be Teddy and Owen’s downfall. If Teddy had slept with Tom once out of panic and then come clean to Owen I think he could have forgiven her and they could have moved forward and gotten married.
But that’s not what happened because Teddy slept with Tom more than once. They began an affair and it only ended because Tom chose to walk away. As this episode makes clear Teddy had no intention of doing so. As she says to Tom the fact that the baby is Link’s doesn’t change how she feels about him. This is about more than just the baby. It’s about Teddy realizes that she doesn’t know what she wants. She got everything she ever wanted and then realized that she wanted what she had. As a result, I don't think that's something Owen will be able or should forgive. I hope she does tell him, but at this point it looks doubtful that she will. My guess is that the truth will come out some other way and bite her in the butt later on.
I really liked Tom’s speech to Teddy in the OR Gallery. This is why I like him as a character. He’s an ass, but he’s a good guy at heart. He knows she can’t walk away and he loves her truly so he’s going to do it for her. Because as Tom says he can be an ass, but he’s not that much of an ass and he draws the line at sleeping with married women which she’s about to be. And as a man whose wife walked out the door and cheated on him after the loss of their son he’s not going to be that guy to another man even to someone he doesn’t like. He tells her to go home to her fiancée and her kids and plan her wedding.
At the end of the episode Owen finds Teddy crying on a bench outside. She feels guilty because she spent all day treating a war vet with Amelia who is clearly suffering mentally and physically and she knows that Owen has been through hell and now she’s cheating on him with another man. But instead of coming clean and telling him what’s really going on and how she’s feeling she lies and says she’s only upset about her patient and decides not to tell him. That’s going to bite her in the butt for sure.
The case I found most interesting this week was of the wounded veteran that Amelia and Teddy treated. It raised some good points, gave us some insight into how both Amelia and Teddy are feeling about their romantic partners and personal lives, and provided a great feel good moment at the end. I’m really glad they were able to help him and his girlfriend feel better and get their lives back.
I'm glad that Levi and Nico broke up. They went from a hot hookup to a real relationship to a hookup again and Nico's been all over the map. First he said he couldn’t help Levi on his journey, then they started dating, then he shut him out after his patient died, then they got back together, then he told Levi he wasn't out to his parents so they went back to being a hookup and Nico stop considering Levi and his feelings in his decision making. To be honest I think they've been over for a while, but Levi didn't want to admit it. Jo asking Levi to move in surprised me, but not in a bad way. They could both use a friend right now and I'll be interested to see where that goes.
In other news, Jackson got totally served this episode and it was glorious! The humour was so on point and provided some much needed levity to an otherwise dark and intense hour. My favourite moment was when Jackson tried to invite literally everybody he knew to the game because he had an extra ticket, but he's spent the last season and a half being such an ass to everyone that no one wanted to go with him and he got served! To me Maggie was the MVP on that one.
I'm glad that he and Richard reconnected. I'll be interested to see what Jo changes her name to in the coming weeks and I'm glad that Amelia and Link are back together, that they're happy, and seem to be doing well. Amelia’s speech at the end about fighting for their dreams was really lovely. The promo for next week’s episode looks promising. It appears to be a standalone episode where Richard, Teddy, Maggie, and Hayes attend a Surgical Innovation Conference in LA where Richard is presenting on his PATH pen. According to the promo and episode description it looks like Richard gets distracted by his issues with Catherine and both Teddy and Maggie run into people from their past. In Maggie’s case it’s an old flame and things get steamy! Get it girl! After all of the BS that Jackson put her through I’m here for it!
It also rules out the possibility of another Maggie Riggs situation with Hayes and I am so glad! Every single person Meredith has dated as either been someone her friends and family didn’t like or had a thing with one of her sisters which drove me nuts! At this point they have established that Cristina, Amelia, Bailey, and Jo all like Hayes and enjoy working with him. Cristina sent him as a present for Meredith and both Amelia and Jo have said they like him and think him and Meredith would be good together and approve of Cristina’s choice.
We haven’t seen him interact with Maggie or Richard yet and for that I’m excited. Maggie deserves a hot hookup and Meredith deserves someone her friends and family like and whose not involved with one of her sisters, secretly married, or engaged to someone whose not actually dead. I hope that Maggie and Hayes get along and she gets his endorsement. I’d love to see Richard and Hayes get to know each other better and get along as well as none of Meredith’s previous love interests have ever made an effort with Richard or been close to him with the possible exception of Derek because he knew Richard from before, but in that case Richard was against him and Meredith dating from the start so I’m not sure that really counts.
Speaking of Hayes it looks like we’re about to find out more about him and I am pumped! According to the episode description being at the Conference brings back memories from him and we’re going to get to see him relive moments from when he met his late wife. I’m very excited about this. Hayes is my new favourite character and the scenes with him and Meredith bring me joy! I’m excited to learn more about his past, meet his wife, get more insight into him as a character, and potentially learn more about his kids.
Until next time!
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dantesunbreaker · 7 years
Doc x Reader
Gosh, I love Doc so much! I’ve got a bunch of other requests I’m working on, but the next one posted will be a NSFW part 2 to the Thatcher post I made a while ago. Well, at least if everything goes according to plan.
For once, it is actually peaceful and quite at the Rainbow Six headquarters, seeing as all the operators currently present are enjoying their tine not away on missions by relaxing. All expect of Doc, who is cooped up in his office, slaving away over mounds of paperwork. Y/n walks past the doorway, spying him hunched over his desk as he works all alone. They hate to see him being swamped in work while everyone else, including themself are free to relax and do as they please. Making a decision, Y/n gently taps against the wooden door frame with their knuckles. Surprised, Doc sits up straight and turns to investigate.
“Oh, it is just you Y/n,” he sighs in relief, giving them a small smile as he turns slightly back towards his work. “Is there something you need? Or did you just stop by for a visit? Unfortunately, I’m a bit busy, so I’m not sure I’d be great company if that is the case.”
“Actually,” Y/n steps further into the room, “I came to see if you could use any help. You shouldn’t have to be the only one on the base that is working. Plus l enjoy your company, Gustave,” This seems to further surprise him, and causes a slight blush to spread across his cheeks, but he gives an appreciative sigh. All the work puts constant strain on him, so he is glad to receive any assistance.
“Merci. Your help would be very appreciated,” Doc clears a spot on his desk for them to work, pulling up another chair that was resting in the corner of the room.
Y/n quickly reassures him it is alright, happily accepting the paperwork Doc hands them, ready to get to work. Briefly, he explains what information needs to go on each form, but reassures them that it is mostly self explanatory. He made sure to give them the easier documents. Thanking Y/n once again, the French man sits back down to work on his now smaller stack of papers.
Together, both operators get through everything rather quickly, although it is still several hours later when they finally finish. It is almost evening, and soon everyone will head to the mess hall for dinner. Sighing, Doc pushes his chair away from his desk and opens up one of the lower drawers. Y/n is a bit surprised when he pulls out a bottle a wine, which they notice is nearly three fourths empty, and two glasses.
“What?” Doc asks in a teasing tone as he sees the expression on their face. “A little wine doesn’t hurt anyone. Sometimes it helps me get through the long nights of paperwork just like this.” He tilts one glass towards Y/n, silently asking if they would like some as well. They nod.
Filling both glasses nearly to the brim, Doc hands one to Y/n as he turns his chair to face them, sitting down with his own drink in hand. They each take a small sip. Y/n hopes that perhaps the alcohol will calm their nerves. For a long time, Y/n has secretly been in love with the French doctor, but has always been too afraid to mention it. A rejection would break their heart, and perhaps change the way Doc looked at them.
“So, Y/n, how is life treating you? Is there anything interesting that you would like to discuss?” Doc doesn’t realize that Y/n is struggling with whether or not they should confess their feelings towards him. Taking a large gulp of their wine, they make their decision.
“I haven't ever really thanked you, have I?” Y/n asks after a few moments of contemplation, staring down at the drink in their hand as they casually stir it with their fingertip, eyes cast downwards to avoid the French man’s gaze.
Doc gives them a curious look as he looks up from his own drink. “Thanked me for what, mon amie?” He turns his chair so that he can better face them, failing to miss their slight cringe at being referred to as a friend. Y/n continues to stare down at their drink. “It should be I that is thanking you, seeing as you were the one to help me this evening.”
“No, it is not about today,” Y/n sighs and looks up into his soft brown eyes, searching for the courage to spill their guts. It feels as if their throat is seizing up, constricting with the fear of being emotionally vulnerable in front of the man they are in love with. “I want to thank you for everything really. Without you, Gustave, I wouldn’t even be here today. I want to thank  you for everyday that I am still here.” Y/n lowers their gaze again, throat tight with the pain of recalling traumatic memories. “You changed everything in my life that day we first met in the field. I will never forget it, and I’ll never be able to pay you back for the kindness you showed me.”
Many years had come and past since the first time Y/n ever encountered the empathetic, charming doctor. It had been during a high priority mission, involving an unknown number of terrorists, over a hundred civilians, and bombs that were rigged to explode at a moment’s notice. There hadn’t been any time for introductions before all the operators were thrown out into the fray, so it was in the field when Y/n managed to interact with Doc. Unfortunately, it was not under the best of circumstances.
Things quickly turned south, one of the bombs had exploded before the team could defuse it, and it caused a chain reaction of hazardous panic. Bodies of the dead and dying littered the ground surrounding the warehouse where the bomb had been located, many belonging to civilians and terrorists while a few were fellow operators. Y/n was among the numbers resting in the dirt, waiting for death as they attempted  to practically hold themself together. A decent part of the ordeal had been blocked from Y/n’s memory, unable to handle the trauma. Y/n almost wishes that it had been completely blocked just so they wouldn’t have to relive the experience in their nightmares every so often.
For what felt like hours Y/n sat half propped up against a large slab of stone in the dirt of some foreign country. Everything below the waist was numb, lacking all feeling, and their head felt ready to burst as they could hear the muffled screams of those still dying around them. Tears stung Y/n’s eyes, realizing that they were waiting to die alone and afraid. It didn’t even register for a while that somebody was approaching. At first, as hands gently rested against Y/n’s trembling shoulders, they thought that they were looking up at angel bathed in  blinding white light. It was the most beautiful and reassuring sight they had ever seen, and it gave them a moment of comfort in their time of anguish.
“Everything will be alright, mon cher,” the angel had spoke with such a thick French accent, but Y/n had not questioned it at the time. Y/n was just relieved to have company during what they thought to be their final moments. Deep brown eyes stared directly into Y/n’s eyes as they tried to control their crying, and the angel said more firmly, “I’ll take care of you.” And he did. Doc didn’t leave Y/n’s side, working desperately to keep them breathing and comfortable, until back up had arrived to transport Y/n via helicopter for immediate medical treatment. It was only later, while recovering in the hospital that Y/n learned the true identity of the angel they thought they had seen.
“It wasn’t just what you did for me out in the field,” Y/n momentarily pulls out of their memories, still facing towards their glass, but they look up at Doc through their lashes. Their heart is beating rapidly in their chest, and they hope that Doc isn’t able to hear it thudding against their ribs. “Afterwards, when I was in the hospital for all that time, you still stuck by me. You were so invested in making sure that I got better. Nobody has ever cared so much for me.”
It was true. Many months were spent in the hospital after the accident as Y/n struggled to overcome their injuries, but Doc was there for every step along the way. Trauma to Y/n’s legs and spine required several surgeries, and they were left unable to walk without assistance. Physical therapy became essential so Y/n could regain the use of their legs and various other muscles. But it was a long and painful process, that often ended with Y/n lying on the floor in tears. Doc was always there to pick them back up though. He would hold Y/n in his arms until their crying stopped, and his words of comfort would encourage them to keep trying until they would finally succeed. Over time, Y/n realized that they had been slowly falling in love with the French doctor, and it was too late to stop their growing affection.
“I’ve always admired you since then, Gustave. In fact, I even love you,” Y/n continues as Doc has still remained silent  throughout Y/n’s confession. Y/n is almost glad. They aren’t sure if they would have the strength to finish if he were to cut them off. “You are the most caring, compassionate person that I have ever known. I know that you may not feel the same towards me, or may not wish to pursue a relationship with a former patient and fellow operator. I just want you to know how much you and what you did for me means to me. The world would be a better place with more people like you.”
For a long while Doc is completely silent, staring down at the red liquid in his glass with an unreadable expression. An intense weight may have been lifted from Y/n’s shoulders at their confession, but they still feel the cold, hard fear of rejection clawing at their insides. Slowly, he lifts his gaze to rest on Y/n.  Without uttering a single word, Doc leans ever so closer to Y/n until they are only inches apart and Y/n can feel his breath against their cheeks.
“May I?” Doc’s gaze flicks down to Y/n’s lips before going back to their eyes. Their cheeks flush a furious shade of scarlet red. With a breathless sigh, Y/n nods their head almost a tad too eagerly.
Lips gently press against Y/n’s with a feather light touch that sends a tingling feeling through Y/n’s entire body and butterflies soaring through their stomach. Doc presses their foreheads together as he pulls back, parting their lips from each other. A smile is still gracing the French man’s gentle features, and it is infectious, causing Y/n to match his expression.
“I remember that day, when I saw you sitting out their amidst the bodies of so many others, covered in blood and various debris,” Doc pulls back slightly to sit straight up, one hand going to rest on Y/n’s shoulder gently. But the smile remains, although slightly somber. “At first, I thought you were already dead, but then you began to speak, although I’m sure you don’t remember it. You looked me straight in the eyes, tears streaming down your face, and begged me to stay with you until it was over. It didn’t appear that you would survive your wounds, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave you. So I stayed, at the time I wasn’t exactly sure why, and I did what I could for you.”
Doc pauses in his speech to gently brush aside a strand of Y/n’s hair that has fallen in their face, taking the time to admire the face of somebody he thought would have died that day in the field. He still believes that it was just short of a miracle that they survived, but he is eternally grateful.
“When I heard a few days later that you had survived, I was so relieved,” he continues, voice soft and soothing. “Immediately I offered to be the one to oversee your care, wanting to see your care through to the end after that encounter in the field. It was never my intention to grow affection for one of my patients, but it happened with you over time. Each time I held you as you tried to regain the use of your legs, every time I consoled you after you awoke from a night terror involving the ordeal, I found my feelings growing stronger towards you.”
Gripping Y/n’s chin lightly with one hand, Doc pulls them closer to place other kiss against their lips, this one lingering for a long while before he pulls away. The smile on his face is full of pure bliss, and Y/n is feeling the same. For so long they had longed to do the same thing. It almost seems unreal that their dreams are finally becoming reality.
“I love you, and I’d like nothing more than to kiss you again right now,” Y/n states as they cup Doc’s cheek gently in one hand.
“Je t'aime,” Doc whispers back softly, grabbing both their glasses of wine and setting them aside on his desk, away from the edge where they were in danger of being knocked over. It is a smart move, because the next thing he does is pull Y/n practically into his lap as they lock lips once again. This kiss is unlike the others, being hot and fiery, full of uncontrolled passion. Both operators are glad they finished their paperwork already, because they know it may be awhile before they are done with each other.
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