#I’m nd this is messing with my cycle :(
Spiderling HCs [YIPIEE]
Hobbie is British/Jamaican so I know he fucks up a mango. I’m talking straight off the tree in right into the flesh. He gets stares
Margo is FNAF fan. She’s watched every recap and theory. Her fav is Bonnie.
Gwen is good at learning an foot heavy hobby. Skating, Roller skating, soccer, you name it shes a little bit above her learning limit
The spiderlings all dye their hair together. Pav gets a strip, Margo uses a tiny tiny bit of temp dye, Hobie goes for the tips, Gwen gets her reg but with a different color, and Miles gets a section
Jess ends up helping them with homework. Miguel is too scary, they end up hep by Peter more than him helping them and Lyla just gives them the answers. Jess ended up stepping in bc she “wasn’t going to have idiots as her protégés”
Miguel and Miles are IPad kids. If you try to talk to them while they are eating and watching something they visibly get upset
ITSV group are Minecraft players and ATSV group are Roblox players
Hobie is the equivalent of stomping your sketchers in the dark but instead he turns a different color
Group cosplays all around. Top ideas are Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Animal Crossing and MHA
Miles falls down the dnd pipeline and teaches all his friends to play just enough so he can play one shots(yes this includes the adults and parents)
Margo and Pav are designated camera ppl. They are organizing the group, finding the best lighting, getting it together for the camera
“Stays in the box Miles” vs “ wow! I need to display outside the box! ” Gwen( only way I’ll except her opening his action figure)
Miles hits triple homicide by being part of the blk, nd, and lgbtq club at HQ (gah damn 😭)
They have comparing nights where they find one thing and have a sleepover talking about dimensions differences and which ones better
Miles reads anything PJ or Rick ajecent . His favs are PJO, Kane, and Tristan
Miguel’s room is designed nap time(yes from that one fic). Once they got over their fear they realized that the other spiders didn’t. If they were quite enough they could just sneak in the room and make a little hammock or bed(depends in the platform is high or low)
^^^Miles was the last one to do this alone(bc he’s went with one of the other spiderlings) but when he did it my god was knocked tf out 😭
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
@justalads hi, hello! made a new post because didn't want to clog up everything with a suuper long string of reblogs, so i hope you don't mind!
also, i'm sorry to ask you this, but i have trouble focusing - in your next reply, would you maybe mind cutting up the big paragraphs into smaller ones? i'm nd and it's extremely difficult to concentrate at long strings of text like that, which is why i usually cut up everything i say into chunks :]
(actually had to have my friend cut up your last reply because he's a v fast reader, shoutout ani lmao)
anyways, let's continue the debate i say because there's a lot to still talk about in my opinion as well
/dsmp /rp, and of course all /lh
as for the whole was manipulated / wasn't manipulated thing, there's pretty much a divide amongst most people i know whether or not to call it that - but since that word's been misused a lot in this fandom, here is the instance most people are referring to, for you to judge for yourself, in this very (in my opinion) well-written analysis!
since i myself am very confused about the subject but i think it'd be better for you to read that first, i'll just move past that for now i think.
i attached a lot more resources this time because i remembered that a lot of people who agree with me on these things are smarter than me so, sorry for the links you'll have to click through this time but i think it could help me articulate what i actually want to say better.
i don't think i entirely get your point about it "making sense for him to progress like this". i don't know what you mean by 'make sense'. it comes off as 'he was always going to become this way because of the kind of person he was in the beginning' which, i don't agree with in general? because no, you don't just become a bad person, and especially with c!dream i find that this ignores a lot of the things that he went through.
also, i wouldn't say everyone had equal hand in what happened. "a product of his environment" means everything sort of mixed together; the way the world works; a cycle of violence, eye for an eye, and no therapy or communication.
dream's spiral isn't a result of any one character's actions. c!wilbur started the whole big wars and animosity thing, but that's only about 50% of what i'd call "the environment". there's also a lot of personal mistakes and miscommunication mixed in.
so no, i'm not saying it was entirely "other characters"' fault, what i mean is more that they contributed by you know, treating him as the incarnation of all evil, breaking his personal boundaries, overall just no one treating him like they should a person (this is overall their attitude over multiple seasons), etc..
and also another thing i meant to say was that he didn't deserve the abandonment. no one deserves to lose half their friends once (l'manberg when they turned against him for literally no good reason in his eyes), and then watch the ones who were the last remaining and the closest ones he had, leave him one by one because of an image of himself he had no control over, which was started by one and then perpetuated until he became a literal hate magnet. people did hurt c!dream, and he didn't deserve that.
all i'm saying is that i see where he is coming from, and that his spiral wasn't a result of powerhungriness, or cruelty, or any other personal flaw, but it was literally someone who cared about people too much getting driven too far by the circumstances he was put into.
and i think that is my overall statement for now.
you said i was "brushing it off as george being a drama queen" for the whole dethronement scene. i read what you said about it, and i'd like to ask you to once again watch the actual stream.
george literally tried to steal the l'mantree and got assassinated by techno beforehand. i don't see why he would be in any way in the wrong for dream taking away his kingship, and i don't think it is reminiscent of a power dynamic or dream having "higher authority".
dream thinking george can't handle himself is completely justified considering what he did and how he didn't even attempt to stay neutral. he was supposed to be a diplomatic figure who would make sure the dream smp doesn't get into wars, that was the point of pretending to be a monarchy (because the dsmp really just isn't, it's anarchy with a diplomatic representative and an army general).
here's a thread which besides other things mentions things dream did for the two of them, and besides fighting with him in one (george) or two (sapnap) wars they really weren't "loyal to him for a long while" compared to the amount of times he sacrificed things for them.
"have an equal say in things" doesn't apply when one of the three is trying to keep peace and the other two instigate conflict left and right. like i'm sorry but i don't see why dream would owe them a say in the faction he's trying to protect.
dream doesn't think of them as lower. that actually just sounds like guilt-tripping your friend to let you take care of a pet you've poisoned before and he had to rush to the hospital. peace is fragile and these two weren't responsible enough to be given the power to break it.
to say "george didn't want" it was an overstatement. he literally did nothing as a king and he had no control in the first place (because the dream smp doesn't have a government in the first place).
the whole thing about him being sad was for show because c!george is a manipulative prick who takes advantage of his friends for fun. and i don't mean this in a bad way, he's not a bad person for it, he's actually a really fun character more than anything, and he doesn't hurt anyone on purpose - but he's a jerk! he's done it before and now he's doing it again, and he continues to do it (dreamxdcoughcough-)
so no dream was. absolutely not in the wrong here, it wasn't even supposed to be public, george just made a big deal out of it.
the last thread i mentioned also talks about the whole "spirit speech" thing and, answer me a question - would you consider it justified for all of tommy's friends (even tubbo who he's been close with for so long) to abandon him just because he's said basically the same thing about the discs - like three times?
that's just the double standards though. phil and techno are still being hated on for "abandoning" a kid they barely know - and meanwhile dream's been given up on by everyone he's ever cared about before being given a chance, but people try to find ways it's his fault, like it matters.
it doesn't matter, because abandonment hurts you, no matter if the people have good reasons for it or not, and in this case they didn't. the point i'm making is this character has been hurt and has been actively hurting and it's been ignored for bias' sake.
i'm not saying they're bad people for it, or responsible for his actions. some of them are bad people independently (/hj). but they still affected him.
“if respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, then respect is nothing, right?” yeah? i don't see the point in this either. interesting to point out that dream learned this the hard way with you know, no one having respect for him as a person and only being able to fight for what he cares about via 'an axe and a shield'.
and no, dream didn't have an arising god complex. he was becoming more desperate for control because of his circumstances over the course of s2, but the god complex only happened in the prison because he had all control of everything (who he gets to talk to, what and when he gets to eat) taken away for months before being shown a smidge of power again. that's just a natural reaction to very messed up circumstances that had no buildup other than that.
the no-remorse thing - he could be remorseful and we wouldn't know. that's not even speculation, that's just saying that pretending to know whether or not he regrets things is a weak argument because we have no evidence for or against; we don't see his pov. that he doesn't show it doesn't say anything, it's a vital part of his character that he doesn't show what he's thinking.
"friends support each other" yes, and none of c!dream's "friends" ever did. it's a contrast with how much support for example tommy, tubbo, or wilbur got. not saying they weren't all abandoned as well, but no one has been alone to the point c!dream was or completely emotionally isolated for so long. his experience in this way is unique, and hence it's formed him in a way it hasn't anyone else.
dream didn't hurt george. he did create a place in the vault for his fish (that would be mars, not beckerson though), and he did do bad things to other people. he had reasons to be upset at someone who he didn't expect to do bad things doing them. it doesn't justify the things he said. it's a lot of explanation vs. justification when it comes to this server, and this is an example of this.
it wasn't a reaction to him being directly hurt by him, which is what you had implied (if i remember correctly) in the last post, and it wasn't right of him to do. also i agree he wasn't betraying him with what he said in prison, he'd done that a long time ago anyways.
"puffy does not dismiss people’s trauma just because they are adults, or if she does i haven’t seen strong evidence of it." jack, nikki and in a way the eggpire. dream is not far behind, but not the main example.
"you point out that she’s a guardian figure but from what i remember that lasted for a couple streams and after that wasn’t really mentioned in canon. if she really saw him like that, then maybe she would have checked up on him earlier and maybe would have told him off."
i'm pretty sure it was canonized by cc!puffy saying c!puffy isn't his biological mom, but that she sees herself as his guardian figure. so yes, she really saw him like that, and yeah, she "would've" checked up on him earlier; or rather "should've", but she didn't, and that's precisely what i'm talking about. that's not how you treat someone you allegedly see as being a guardian of. not saying c!puffy's a bad person, but she's another one c!dream was attached to and who failed to ever reach out to him before deeming him deserving of what he's (was, because admittedly it's gotten worse since) going through.
"she said at one point that he didn’t deserve to see her but she still cared about him."
this is what i mean when i say she has a moral superiority problem. like she's doing something extra by being a decent person. i know this might come across as cynical, and i swear i don't hate the character, but that sentence is very hypocritical, you must admit.
"she did try."
nope! she said she was going to try. that's the problem. i'm not talking about intentions here in the slightest, i'm talking about the actual consequences and effect it had on him as a character and why it's just very sad in my opinion that none of the people he thought were close to him stood by his side or even attempted to help him.
the entire original post was very clearly stated as not blaming most of these characters for acting in the way they did. it was "critical" of a lot of them in a way, but i never said anything negative about them other than describing things they did that had a negative effect.
i stand by that, because i truly believe they did all those things, and them having good intentions or personal feelings doesn't change that. it contextualizes them, but doesn't take away from the harm.
saying "it's not her fault" about puffy for example or that "it was just a reaction" is excusing those things, which is what i disagree with.
here is a thread as to why people like puffy or sapnap saying certain things is understandable but still very messed up, please read since it details parts of what i've said here in an arguably better way.
you also phrased the whole "she didn't abandon him either" part like he was the one who cut the ties which is not true. she wasn't there for him, is the point. another person he cared about who didn't prove to care about him enough to stop him from spiralling or try help at all.
if "they don't owe him anything" is your base argument against someone being hurt via being left by people they care about over and over again until they're utterly alone with no support system and unhealthy mindsets, we might have to agree to disagree :) /nm
please clarify if that wasn't the intention, because it sounds like it.
"i think that how people feel about it depends a lot on when they started watching, and who they were watching. the thing you have to take into consideration is that at the start of l’manburg, a lot of the roleplay was not very serious. the sides were messier than they are today. that doesn’t work or make sense for people who want to see it as only one thing, and are fixed in their ways so much that they’ll ignore canon to prove their point."
i've been watching since august and yeah, i agree. i've always seen c!dream as in the right at that point, so it's definitely different for the people who haven't seen that happen.
"you seem to have a very fixed view of wilbur: that he only wanted power, that he enjoyed tearing people apart, that he lied all the time, and that he was attempting to paint dream as something he wasn’t."
to be fair, you seem to have a very fixated view of wilbur too. i do think he wanted power, but also just to revolt for the sake of it - i don't think he straight up enjoyed it but it was a means to his ends, i don't think he lied all the time but he lied much more than people realize, and i don't think he just attempted, i dare to say he was extremely successful.
"you also see him as conscious of what he was doing the entire time, and sort of treating the war like a game."
i'd say a story or narrative is a much more fitting metaphor. also yeah he's so much smarter than people give him credit for, but i guess covering it up was intentional as well, because manipulation ain't meant to be obvious at first sight now is it? like for example c!dream, that man was awful at it. he's just. so bad. unironically. he did cause a lot of harm, not diminishing that, but man. his manipulation is the clumsiest thing i've ever seen, people calling him a puppeteer is such an overstatement, it's really funny to me.
now c!wilbur? he was really good at it. that's what i mean by "you need more than intelligence", because emotions are stronger than critical thinking and can be exploited easier. all the sentimentality around l'manberg is a great example.
"wilbur didn’t go around trying to recruit people by saying “dream is bad”." yeah no he started by straight up lying to fundy when they first met (if you rewatch the hot dog van video, there's really no denying that), then he lied some more to tubbo while praising him every time he followed his orders, i don't completely remember eret's recruitment, and tommy looked up to him since the beginning, and it's very easy to see that c!wil took advantage of that.
he did tell people they needed to revolt against tyranny though, that's precisely what he did and how he got them to side with him in the war. by tyranny he meant everyone in the server who wasn't european, picking dream as the scapegoat since he had the most power (not by establishing it in any way, but simply by being skilled) and it was smart to do that, not gonna lie!
"weak businessman" is just not true. he was planning to "use the tommyinnits of the world" aka, the "young and naive" (his words, not mine) ones whom he could "mold", in order to establish a capitalist empire based on stealing from people while lying to them about saving them from being sick.
this man was planning to take power from the start and he was going to use lies to get what he needed. from the beginning i have no reason to believe why he would change his goals when he proceeded to do that very thing and achieve it, just put "revolution" instead of "business" as a guise of what he was actually doing.
"you quoted revivedbur’s stream as proof it was, which is funny because despite saying wilbur is someone who lies you missed a kind of big one." yeah, as someone who mentioned people ignoring canon earlier you missed kind of a big one.
the only reason people disbelieve this is not because it doesn't align with canon, but because they assume he's lying for the sole reason that it doesn't align with the way they see canon.
the reason i believe it is not because i believe a word c!wilbur says (i never have and never will), but because it aligns with what actual evidence has been saying from the start, as well as the way cc!wilbur talks about the character. it's simply further confirmation of what many people already knew; an extension even, if you will.
people tend to take things characters say at face value and then use it as their only evidence; "if you want to hear why l’manburg was created, you have to listen to wilbur when he created it."
what they actually ignore is you know, the actions, not the words. according to his actions and all known laws of logic, he was lying since the beginning, and that is the point. and it makes sense for him to lie, unlike in alivebur's case.
"i say he cared about l’manburg because it drove him to death."
yeah he did care! cc!wilbur said so! he also said he cared about it in a twisted way and that he had an unhealthy view of possessions. he thought l'manberg his and no one else's, a weapon of power for him to use however he pleases.
unlike dream who destroyed himself bit by bit trying to take back what he cares about, because it was not power, but people - wilbur saw no more worth in it and destroyed it instead. his own death and spiral was a collateral, because that isn't a healthy mindset either.
interesting foils, actually, i didn't notice that before.
"the whole time wilbur was attempting to portray a character who was a chronic liar and manipulator, and it was all planned out from the start. purely because of the chaos of season one i don’t think this is possible."
i reckon you're underestimating cc!wilbur here. that man could play a convincing, complex, morally messed up character while roleplaying with kindergarteners.
"and, you know, if he’s saying “dream is not our enemy” that hardly sounds like forcing a narrative onto him?" i mean i don't think i need to give evidence as to wilbur calling him a tyrant right after. i was just talking about how hypocritical and downright ridiculous his later accusations are, which you didn't address.
"because what he’s saying is that dream’s actions are tyrannical, his rule is tyrannical, not him." no actually, he said right after; 'big words, that's what we use in war', about calling him that, so i don't reckon that is the case. he was calling him that for the sake of it, and later on everyone ended up believing him about that despite there being no evidence. i must admit, the man's very good at what he does. he constantly changes the narrative to whatever benefits him and somehow gets away unnoticed. that was my point.
dream didn't tell sapnap it was a bad idea because it wasn't...? wilbur was going around stealing from people while lying to them. wil was framing himself to be the victim. like the whole "drugs" bit was funny but wilbur was only making drugs to estabilish, once again, a capitalistic empire he would be in charge of, on dream's land, and he was also doing it via dishonest means.
the intentions never changed, it was simply the way it was achieved that did, which switched from just lying to straight up propaganda when people managed to stop him at first.
so yes, wilbur's definition of tyranny very much was being stopped from stealing.
so yeah, even if dream would've done the same to them, he a hundred percent would be in the right, but he didn't even do that much, which makes wil's accusations all the more ridiculous.
just because sapnap was fighting against being stolen from - and others being stolen from - doesn't make him tyrannical or a government. your teacher in school isn't a government just because she has authority of some kind?
"wilbur’s problem was that sapnap could do that and get away with it." well then that's his problem, because people should be able to get away with protecting themselves and others from people trying to rob everyone on the server of a specific item and then gain power from selling rare supplies.
also it was sapnap and tubbo, they both did the same thing, and wilbur didn't seem to have that much of a problem with tubbo, now did he? he accepted him right after he gave them supplies, then rejected sapnap when he did the same. the people he was accusing of being tyrannical were very selective, and he seemed to be also selectively choosing whoever he was "protecting" from said "tyranny". though i guess "using the tommyinnits of the server" also included using tubbo, now didn't it?
"i highly, highly doubt that was what it was written as at the time."
yeah, dream did quote the lion king, but that doesn't change the way that it was anarchy. dream's "no factions" thing he had going on also included no government by default, showcased by him having problems with people starting countries. if it wasn't anarchy, what was it then? because that's literally the only thing that fits. there was no government and even dream described it as a "family" rather than any form of hierarchy, so i don't get your point. some people are going to have better things than others, and they'll be able to protect themselves and others better, but there is no system in place, that's literally how anarchy works. their mock court with no actual laws enforced by no one doesn't count i don't think.
the fact they thought they had a reason to attack her doesn't change the fact that they attacked first, so dream had all the reasons to believe they were aggressive and was fully justified in declaring war. this makes the statement "dream attacked first" untrue as well.
wilbur knew what he was doing, he knew he was going to scam people for power. if he thought he was being mistreated he could just stop trying to mistreat others.
i do agree it became a lot of other things for other people. i think that's one of the reasons wilbur destroyed it though; it was supposed to be his l'manberg.
if the power was supposed to "let him do what he wanted" then that's quite ironic considering what he wanted was power (you know, the reason he started the drug empire in the first place), not because he wanted to "make drugs undisturbed". that is quite literally an obvious lie he used when they first started and somehow people have totally forgotten that was not the truth.
"he didn't want power over others" cc!wilbur said he wanted to have power over l'manberg because he thought it was something worth having power over. if you consider l'manberg the people, then your statement would be untrue. then again, maybe he simply wanted to have something be fully his because of his possessive nature.
"he would lie about his past actions out of a place of self hatred." is just. reaching, with all due respect. this man might be mentally unstable, but that makes literally no sense when the day before he was saying how he had "plans to make". he thinks ahead, always.
"what if one person wants the “freedom” to attack another? it’s still technically allowed, but obviously it’s morally wrong." yeah that's what i mean by not infringing on the rights of others. in that case they shouldn't have that freedom, just like wilbur shouldn't have the freedom to restrict others' freedom.
also i see the whole "words" schtick as manipulation because it was. they said they "fought with words", like that doesn't sound like a peaceful solution, more like a different approach, and it was because that is what they did.
other people believed in the ideals of l'manberg and they protected it for good reasons, but that doesn't change the fact it was build on lies by a liar and it did exactly what it was meant to do - it divided people.
i actually talk about it in this post here!
"wilbur was saying that he wanted to create something important." nope, the quote continues something like "make them think it's important because you want to have power over it, when it's not." here's the link to the whole clip.
"wilbur showed in the first war that that wasn’t his main motive" i've already said why i find this misinformation. he said it, he didn't show it, and that is because it isn't true.
the "something worth" part is just. taking things out of context to the point they're something completely different. yes, it was worth something to wilbur, and that worth was power. that's literally what that means.
the greater smp did represent anarchy and peace. that were the ideals c!dream was fighting for, and still was later on, that much was obvious if you look deeper into his character, so i'm not going to argue, other than that based on the information i have, it's incorrect.
"someone who wanted peace at the start and someone who tried to protect the thing and people he loved." see you tell me you didn't fall for propaganda and then say this. the thing he loved was his own personal power, and that was the end of it. if he wanted peace he wouldn't be starting factions and accusing people of being tyrannical while he himself was trying to estabilish an empire. i'm not saying he's an awful person, they're all morally grey, but that's just what all the actual evidence points to.
"your view shows him as lying about practically everything to everyone all the time, never caring about the citizens, and striving for conflict."
again, i don't believe he liked conflict for its own sake, but he did create division for his own benefit the way i see it.
yeah wilbur said it genuinely to tubbo when he first brought him armor; when the rule was first established. here's the post where i found it.
wilbur was never a dictator because people didn't listen to him, which is why he did the whole election thing, with his other plan than a democratic election with no democracy being this:
Wilbur: “We can either, Tommy, right – we can either become a dictatorship, okay…we can just suddenly decide, ‘right, we’re in charge,’ and we just start – we start asserting our dominance. Now the key thing to being a dictator, is we need to control the center of power…so we get an army going –”
Tommy: “What is the center of power? Is it like some cube, or like an orb?”
Wilbur: “The army! The army! The banks, you know? We take control of those, and then people will do exactly as we say, right? That’s the dictatorship route, right. The other route is the democracy route. Now, this route’s gonna be slightly harder, but I have a plan. So I was thinking…what better way of making people believe that you’re in charge than by having them vote for you, right?”
so uh, i wouldn't be so quick to say he didn't plan on being oppressive to his people. he was literally planning to start an army and take total control of the economy to "assert dominance" over his own people -because he didn't think they respected his authority enough and was irritated by it - but instead defaulted to lies and manipulation of the crowd. you see a pattern already?
"the feelings of l’manburg were more like friends than a hierarchy even though he was technically in charge." this is the thing with dream though, except there was. actually no hierarchy. the original dream smp was this but actually true instead of just being a front. no one actually needed l'manberg, wilbur made them think they did. tubbo and sapnap used to be friends before this. the friendships inside of it could've existed without, and would've probably been better off without being stained by war.
wilbur didn't fear for anyone's safety, and i don't get where you would get that conclusion. the dream smp was already safe, people like dream and sapnap were making it safe.
"people that were already in l’manburg had been affected firsthand by dream. they knew what he was capable of and so were fighting for l’manburg and each other, not because wilbur told them to." i don't find this true at all, please elaborate because i have reasons to believe this is incorrect.
the quote you’ve listed is very interesting to me, because it first of all shows dream’s “ends justify the means” mentality (that is also shown in an explanation of his motives during moments like this, which happened after the war), as well as trying to end the war as soon as he could.
the dream smp was freedom. the freedom wilbur was asking for was the freedom to take the land, take the people dream considered his friends, divide them and create a government.
wilbur was verbally aggressive with dream since the beginning, back when he was cocky. this only shows that dream was one of the few people who didn’t fall for his words. his main point in his motivation during the war was not wanting to give them independence, which would be, well, giving wilbur power over the land *and* the people. so i think from his position this is extremely understandable.
but back to the topic at hand, wilbur’s speech here means literally nothing, because it’s as untrue as everything he’s said before - in both intention and meaning - as well as being a last attempt at turning the situation in his favor using words. he said he was a peaceful businessman back when he was robbing people, and not like that meant anything when his actions said otherwise. both sides had their losses and were ready to harm the other, neither was the victim, no matter how good wil is at playing one.
dream was giving them chances over and over again. you can literally see he wasn’t hurting them because he wanted to, even despite it being war he was willing to step away at any moment should the other side surrender. and, well, of course dream’s perspective wouldn’t mean anything to wilbur, because he had his own, and he knew no one was going to believe dream anyways; he made sure of it.
i’m not saying he wanted violence, but that doesn’t mean he was good or pacifistic. he was *ready* to be violent if needed (see the armor quote again as well as the fact they literally fought), but i too would be happy if i was able to to colonize someone’s land without any resistance or conflict if you know what i mean. guess wilbur realized rather quickly words wouldn’t work on dream, which is why he got verbally violent and didn’t seem opposed to fighting him later on (during the actual war).
reminds me of exile, in a way. can’t get them to listen to you and give you what you want? get them out of the way in a different manner.
either way, point is; i’m sure wilbur didn’t want to fight, i don’t think him a fan of violence *at all* but he was the instigator and was ready to perpetuate war to get what he wanted. (see him also being willing to make an army to control his citizens, but using underhanded tactics instead to make people think they were voting for him.)
the whole “dream attacked the child soldiers and was always the one to start it” is quickly negated by the way dream constantly asked them to give up instead of fighting. it was literally wilbur who pushed them to go on and risk (and lose) their lives. dream’s said later on that he “had to” do what he did (he was being genuine here), which means he, in a way, felt responsible for stopping wilbur & l’manberg. he didn’t want to be violent, but unlike wilbur, he wasn’t going to be able to talk them out of it. it makes sense he would turn to threats and intimidation to try and get them to surrender first, i mean, what other choice was there?
l’manberg weren’t the ones forced to fight, is what i’m getting at.
dream wasn’t any more violent than wilbur, it’s just wil was better at non-violent, but still morally reprehensible, ways of getting his way, and he used them to his full advantage. neither of them wanted violence for the sake of it, and i never said that; i just said wilbur’s “pacifist” schtick was a total ruse, and never meant anything about his actual “peacefulness”, which i still find true.
as for the whole “manipulated or didn’t manipulate” thing with the vassal scene, the first link i sent here i think describes my stance quite well. but it’s very interesting to note that there’s a theory wilbur legitimately thinks dream selfish, which is why he said that - either way, the effect remains, dream was essentially shut down after trying to gain back people’s trust and help out who he considered the “good side”.
dream was very obviously making efforts, giving tommy and techno as well as the pogtopia cause as a whole a whole lot of supplies, including his crossbow which he had a personal attachment to. he expressed outwardly that he was on their side, to the point where he refused to call l’manberg “manberg” and then was caught off-guard when wilbur called it that during the vassal conversation.
dream was attached to tommy, as shown by fighting for him during the eiffel tower conflict, and also helping him overall. their relationship was always very interesting, but after the l’manberg war, their friendship never really changed - tommy scammed the discs back, that had at that point legally belonged to dream, but he didn’t seem to hold even that against him as he tried to help get back l’manberg with him. they were the sort of friends who would tease each other to hell an back and fight on the battlefield each other but still have friendly vibes… you know what i mean?
i think this is why exile hurt so much, to me. that i believe they had genuinely been friends once, before it went downhill at a hella steep inclide. but enough me rambling about what had once been my comfort duo and is now utterly unsalvageable.
either way, he was attached to the people involved, because a lot of the character strongly indicates he has a sense of responsibility (not control) over the people on his smp. it’s the reason he’d always get involved in conflicts other people started, like pogtopia.
his fatal flaw has always been caring too much after all - and not being cared about back, because sometimes, that’s just how life works. that’s what destroyed him. that’s literally the character, so saying he “could’ve just walked away” is dismissing pretty much his entire personality, but hey, i don’t blame you, just pointing it out.
the thing is wilbur did force him to make a terribly hard decision. dream could either give him the tnt, ally with the self-proclaimed bad guys, or let wilbur get back his power and go mad with ambition - not saying it would happen, but it’s what wilbur threatened to do. keep in mind dream’s main concerns about this whole conflict was schlatt going to war with the dream smp, as expressed by himself, and so wilbur saying he would genuinely do the same if he became president again was literally backing dream up into a corner.
“if dream thought wilbur was being a villain”
Wilbur: How much would you say that me and Tommy are kind of the bad guys here? We… We… I mean, we-
Dream: I don’t think you guys are the bad guys.
i… don’t know where you got that from, maybe you misunderstood something i said, but no, he definitely didn’t. until wilbur convinced him, that is.
“i’m also going to say that “villainization” and “calling out someone for hurting you” are not the same thing.”
yeah, they are. and dream was villainized.
so uh, first of all, wilbur literally said he was going to “use the tommyinnits of the world” in order to establish his capitalistic empire, then he called tommy “young”, “naïve”, and said that he likes him because he can build a foundation upon him, after which tommy questioned him and he said not to worry about it.
wilbur proceeded to lie to everyone including tommy about dream, the country he was establishing, to the point where tommy is seen confused in both the vassal scene and the revivedbur scene - asking why he would ally himself with dream both times, because he genuinely thought he was a bad person, a “dictator” they were fighting against.
wilbur didn’t reply either time, because he knew very well what he had done and he intended for tommy to think that.
during the entirely establishment he was exploiting the clingyduo not knowing anything about politics in order to enforce unhealthy patriotism onto them. he forced tommy to give up his hill-house and turn it into an embassy, guilt-tripping him by saying he doesn’t care about the cause (which was a lie) and that he can just leave if he doesn’t intend on being loyal.
and then there’s this scene:
Tommy: “Look at me in the eyes when I’m talking to you – There’s been some proper tyranny.”
[Wilbur pushes Tommy off the wall]
Wilbur: “Don’t tell me what to do, alright? You’re getting out of your comfort zone. Who’s the President? Tommy, who’s the President?”
Tommy: “How dare you, how dare you, you must respect manners, Wilbur! There are manners! There is a common etiquette that everyone must follow, my friend!”
Wilbur: “Tommy, who’s the President?”
Tommy: “…You’re the President.”
Wilbur: “Good lad, now come back.”
Tommy: “I – you’re gonna have to drop down a ladder, I’m not sure how we’re gonna –”
Wilbur: “Walk ‘round, walk ‘round, Mr. Vice President.”
and this is just before pogtopia. after this, wilbur proceeded to continue this kind of behaviour on tommy, with the whole “you’re never gonna be president” schtick - here we can see it actually didn’t start in pogtopia. wilbur had been pushing tommy down before in order to estabilish his own power and demand respect.
basically, tommy has been used by every adult figure he’s ever trusted and looked up to. which is part of why wilbur’s behaviour being ignored irks me so much, besides other things.
“when he was faced with a problem, he went for someone’s attachments as an attempt to get things back, and at this point hadn’t been called a villain. i see this as another precursor to the vault, again, the signs were there. the initial conflict of the disk war ended in general peace, it was the fact that dream never gave up those disks and continued to try and use them against tommy that hurt him.”
i disagree with this analysis of dream. he went for the discs because they were physically valuable at the time - tommy had only two, and he grinded hours for them, much like dream for his tools and armor. tommy formed an attachment to them as a result of the disc war, not the other way around.
he continued to use them for their attachment to get back l’manberg and then forcibly getting them back when the chance was provided.
dream didn’t use them once against c!tommy before he himself multiple times showcased how much he cared about them despite there being other discs at that point. dream only used them as placebo tokens to skeppy in order to get back something he was actually attached to, if i remember correctly.
dream fell deeper into using attachment because it became the only way to control his surroundings. no one had ever actually listened to him, and groups of people that had formed were too powerful for him to simply take on without reprocussions.
not only that, he became to lose control of everything - his friend’s house got burnt down and he wanted the person who did it to be held accountable? the leather of his dead horse got used to blackmail him! he was taught this from experience, not because he was “high on the power” or whatever your are implying was the reason.
“when he had then seen that dream would willingly hurt him, he began to call dream that and mean it.” he was taught dream to call dream a tyrant by wilbur, that’s literally what happened in canon. he did genuinely think he was a villain before the war, because that’s what wilbur told him and he trusted wilbur.
i am not taking everything wilbur says as truth. that man lies his mouth off every time he appears on screen. it’s just a character acknowledging what people who looked deeper into the narrative already knew. i’m not going to assume someone is lying when i logically know what he’s saying matches up with what i know to be true.
either way, here’s some more analyses on the subject you might wanna read to understand my points better and be able to more thoroughly rebut them: (1, 2, 3)
“with the sam thing, i am fairly certain that intentional withholding of food would be considered direct torture, and if that has not been retconned i would be surprised, but i don’t know.”
i… am genuinely sort of baffled at why you would think that? the prison arc is literally made to be about c!sam’s corruption, the mistreatment of dream (including mental and physical abuse) and c!quackity’s manipulation of the situation of his own gain. there is no reason to retcon the torture they put in on purpose? the prison arc is supposed to parallel exile and humanize dream. the people who have been analysing it all agree on that.
here’s a shorter (and outdated) list of the ways in which pandora’s is inhumane and here’s a longer one including things implied and more in-depth about c!sam and c!dream.
“the conditions are harsh and it’s interesting to remember that dream was the one who commissioned them in the first place (not meaning he deserves them, just food for thought)”
no, take your food back, i have heard this as a genuine excuse too many times by now. c!dream didn’t tell c!sam to physically and mentally abuse him. in fact he said that people would only be put in the main cell for 14 days max (the maximum amount of days before it becomes classified as torture by the united nations - man’s did his research), and they would have free reign of the prison. there have even been changes to the way the cell works since he’s been put in. he wasn’t going to subject anyone to the sort of thing he’s going through.
the only reason it’s happening to him is because people hate him and want him to suffer. the people of the server put him there because they thought they could use him later on, it’s a literal vault for a human being to be stored for later use, and it’s disgusting. people didn’t want him in the prison. they didn’t put him there to protect themselves. they were fully willing to kill him, and the only reason he is still alive is that they thought of him as an item and wanted to use his capabilities. (dream also buying into it, as he does with everything this godforsaken narrative enforces upon him, “i am the book”.)
i know it’s roleplay, but i’m emotionally invested in this arc, and it’s just so incredibly dark on purpose which people seem to ignore, so sorry for ranting.
“you say that you never said sam molded him into what he became, but you accuse the people of affecting dream and therefore forcing him into the role of the villain. i feel as if that is a type of molding?”
i’m saying no one molded dream on purpose, but what they all did (or should’ve done but didn’t) affected him in a very negative way nonetheless and should be acknowledged.
also, calling dream a monster or standing by while he gets ruthlessly murdered after following all orders and putting away all his armor and weapons isn’t very helpful of them.
“you saw it as skeppy “twisting his words”. this seems to be an example of someone calling dream on his crap, yeah? just because he’s twisting to defend himself doesn’t mean the other person is trying to make him be something he doesn’t want to be, it means that he’s uncomfortable or unable to deal with confrontation of his own acts and will attempt to justify them.”
no. i made an entire analysis of their interaction. that’s literally what he did, there is no softening that punch.
Dream: Anyway, um - you’re really making me out to be a bad guy! Like-
Dream: Look, we HAD to fight that war, okay? We had to fight that war, it was a necessary evil.
Skeppy: [Wheezes] No, it w- You’re telling me, you started the war too?
Dream: Yes! Because - listen-
Skeppy: You started it? It wasn’t even them, you started it-
Dream: Listen, they - they made a Declaration of Independence-
Skeppy: You one day woke up and said, “they don’t deserve that tiny piece of land”?
Dream: Well no, cause they made, they made a-
Skeppy: That’s literally what happened, one day you woke up and you said-
he continuously cuts him off while dream nervously expresses his discomfort over skeppy making him out to be the villain, and his refusal to listen. here’s my analysis of the interaction if you’d like to read it.
“i think it’s unfair to say that nobody tried to help him. people still treated him with respect and kindness for a long time and with those bonds it was ultimately him that cut them.”
no. name one bond that he cut first. george and sapnap? they left him first. sam, puffy, punz? he wasn’t as close with them, but he didn’t cut any of them off before they showed up during the disc finale ready to kill him. if that doesn’t count as them cutting attachments or abandoning him then i… don’t really know what you would call it?
“it feels a little victim-blamey to say that if only they had treated the guy hurting them better, maybe he wouldn’t have hurt them as much.” “you do say that dream is responsible for his actions, but you place the reason he did his actions on other people, effectively blaming them for how he turned out. this rubs me the wrong way because a lot of the people you accuse of doing this were people directly being harmed by him, and so it ends up sounding like they’re at fault for their own pain.”
well, it’s true, though? he was hurt and abandoned to the point when he didn’t care about hurting others anymore. that’s it. that’s his character arc. it’s not “victim-blamey”, it’s a fact. just because he ended up hurting people doesn’t negate the fact he was hurt himself first. the environment they all were a part of pushed him this far, and that’s just what happened.
the dream smp is a literal cycle of violence perpetuated by each and every one of them, and it’s awful for all of them. the problem is that they refuse to see things from others’ perspective and end up hurting each other as a result, which dream is a prime example of. that’s just the plot of the story, not victim-blaming anyone.
see the second to last line of my original post. “the entire dream smp is absolutely screwed, and every single one of them needs therapy.”
here’s another thread about that, actually!
i’m blaming the environment which includes the actions (which were often - not always - unintentional mistakes) of the individuals, i’m not saying they “brought this upon themselves” or anything of that sort. everyone makes mistakes and those mistakes might affect other people and how they act, but that’s not saying i’m blaming anyone for being hurt?
“sapnap still considered him a good guy up until the moment that he saw the space for beckerson in the vault.”
see you keep bringing this up but that doesn’t make sense at all. sapnap came into the vault before he saw that. he made the conscious decision to ally himself with tommy during doomsday before he saw that. he accused dream of not caring about him and george, and left to make his own country before he saw that. you get the point?
the vault was the direct consequence of the hurt he’d endured, so i don’t see why you would ever list it as a reason for people abandoning him? the prison is just them continuing it, although at this point they might have actual reasons, it doesn’t negate the fact that they ignore his bad conditions and even perpetuate them.
“dream was not alone until he chose to be alone. it was tragic that he chose that, but it was ultimately his choice and this is evidenced by the vault.”
people do not decide to isolate themselves for no reason. people started cutting him off first, they turned against him first, they made him the villain first, they used what he loved against him first, they told him he couldn’t ever achieve peace first. he only cut himself off only after all of that happened, and i would’ve done the same! you would’ve done the same. it was a defence mechanism that only sent him deeper down his mental spiral, but it was a reaction, not a decision he made. the vault is a physical embodiment of how deep down he went and how bad his state of mind had gotten overtime through neglect.
also, you might wanna give the vault vod a rewatch as well, and then tell me the person saying those things is mentally healthy and definitely doesn’t need help.
oh! also, a thread on attachment about dream. worth a read.
just because a response is an overreaction or wrong doesn’t make it any less of a response. nearly all of the things dream did was a reaction of some sort.
he lists his reason for starting the war as them declaring independence, so i don’t think it really matters when the official document was sent.
“he also initiated the final disk conflict, with the clear intention of murdering tubbo and putting tommy in the prison as a sort of thing for his amusement. he said multiple times that he found the struggle with tommy “fun”, and said their fight wasn’t over because he personally found it engaging to torment another person, and that was how he got power.”
oh yeah, that definitely seems like something the guy who’s only ever listed his reasons as being peace and has been mentally declining ever since would be completely honest about in front of his biggest enemy. /s
the thing is, the way dream behaves in front of tommy is starkly different than everyone else. c!dream sees him as the “hero” and himself as the “villain”, which is why the pushing of the narrative on his part is so strong when they interact.
besides, so many things he says simply don’t match up at all.
basically, he is very obviously playing a part when he says things like this. nothing he says like that matches up with anything else about his character, and that’s the only explanation. besides, this man’s evil monologues are straight out of a “how to be a scary villain” book.
no discredit to cc!dream of course, but it’s like that intentionally. cc!dream has said after this that c!dream is “reserved” not only about his feelings but also about his “plans” and “intentions”. that quite doesn’t match up with what he yells at the top of his lungs during that scene, now does it? his mask’s very convincing, to be fair, so i don’t blame you. he’s gotten good at playing his part over the years, which makes sense seeing as it was always expected of him, and other people would talk for him if he didn’t do it himself.
“there are a lot of conflicts that dream has started.”
...alright? list any other ones besides the last one?
“buying his line of “only caring about unity” and “trying to prevent chaos” … he uses this many times as an excuse for his actions, and the fact that he was still excusing and justifying his actions makes me think that he still genuinely believed he was right.”
well yes, because he does believe that. he uses the excuse because it’s true. the justification isn’t right of course, but he is not lying when he says those are his motivations, which is backed up by his prior explanations as well as actions. i am not buying anything, it’s what’s become evident from analysing him that that is what he wants to achieve. it doesn’t excuse anything, but saying that’s truly his end goal isn’t incorrect.
becoming a control freak as a result of feeling the loss of control over your own circumstances isn’t equal to dehumanizing the people you’re trying to control.
he didn’t ever take george’s personal freedom. he didn’t start using attachments because he thought it was convenient. i have literally no idea where you’re getting these claims from.
“dream’s actions during exile and the vault do not look like those of a man who is trying to get better but thinks he “has” to be something. honestly, it looks like a guy on a power trip who thinks he’s god and is going to try and prove it.”
both of those are wild misinterpretation of the character. which is understandable seeing as you’ve said already you never tried to look deeper into him, but it’s incorrect nonetheless.
he was trying to get better up until the 16th, which is when the bad things that happened to him stopped going up and instead went downhill, like, really fast. alright, that metaphor probably makes no sense, but you get the point. he had stopped trying at the point of exile, is the point. but he also does think he has to be something in order to “fix” his home.
he wasn’t on a power trip at all, he didn’t have a god complex up until the prison stripped him of all his dignity and then threw an opportunity at him, and he wasn’t trying to prove anything to anyone. that’s an easily debunkable assumption, but, well, guess it’s easy to make.
“there is a clip in which dream says he doesn’t really care how others see him and he doesn’t care if they think he’s bad.” yeah, i know he said that a couple of times. that’s him going numb after he was affected by how others saw him for way too long, which is completely natural. again, a psychological defence mechanism. him saying that he doesn’t mind others calling him a villain or a monster and even seems to agree that his methods are villainous but has just stopped caring makes the situation all the more messed up. makes the character all the more tragic.
“it requires dream to be lying about how he feels all the time. not technically impossible, because he does not talk about emotions.” he is emotionally repressed. it’s not just “not technically impossible”, it’s likely and fits perfectly into his character arc in canon.
“and if a writer is telling their story in a way that only makes sense if you disregard everything they say, i feel like it’s not very good storytelling, unless that is the entire point and the character is based on that.”
see, you get the point here. cc!wilbur is literally the man with an arg around him that has still not been solved. why would he hand us everything on a silver platter? why would he not force us to dig deeper and look beneath what is widely accepted? he literally talks about unreliable narrators constantly poking fun at how the audience seems to take things the characters say at face value, and i’d say early c!wilbur is a prime example of that. it is good storytelling because cc!wilbur pulls it off brilliantly.
it’s also called “the metanarrative”, which is a giant focus of the dream smp if you look closer, especially during the time cc!wilbur has been writing it, especially the establishment of l’manberg where he constantly talks hypocritically on purpose (he said something along the lines of “dream, you can’t just come onto someone’s land and take it for yourself, are you an idiot?” during the early days along with other things e. g. blatant trump references “we’ll build a wall and make the mexicans pay for it”, which i find hilarious) and you know what, good for him. people not being able to tell things go deeper than their feelings is, you know, valid, but also fun to watch, and cc!wilbur’s a controlled chaotic crimeboy.
“people stood by dream. people helped him.” none of them did that for long. “dream still had a system up until the moment he isolated himself” his main support system left by themselves.
i think you’re sort of purposefully discarding a lot of things and misinterpreting the character. it also seems you’re strongly biased against c!dream, which, to be fair, the majority of the fandom is.
look, i don’t want to attack your feelings about characters. you think what you want. but i’m basing my assumptions on evidence and also try to bring up evidence when i think people are misunderstanding because i believe it’s important to know the full truth. however, i understand the desire to not change your opinions if you feel attached to your current perspective - it's a piece of entertainment, you enjoy it the way you want to. you asked about it first though, so i’m giving you my opinion. we can stop at any time if you feel like we’re not getting anywhere, i’m completely fine with that.
i don’t want to seem aggressive, but i feel like at some points we’re just going in circles. would you consider talking over discord chat (better at writing longer messages than tumblr messages) so we can tackle each problem individually in real-time? no worries if you don’t, just thought it could work rather well to get somewhere in our discussion.
also, sorry for the surely numerous typos in this reply. i didn't have the mental energy to go back and proofread.
either way, have a nice day.
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1eos · 3 years
You’re so right about the nuance of SMT because the Law route in IV really played my ass. I heard that neutral is always the way to go in these games but no one ever really expanded on why. So when I played IV, which was my first, I of course kept swinging towards Law because it was presented as “doing the right thing” and following the rules while Chaos was “the ends justify the means” and do what you want. So I was thinking “Oh this is easy, I’m helping people and saving Tokyo and being nice” but towards the climax they hit you with that fucked up shit and suddenly Law was “this is horrid but it’s keeping the peace so we should leave it alone” like NO!! They were right about it keeping things somewhat peaceful but god that shit was messed up. But by the time I had my realization that Law was not the wave, it was too late. I even joined a side quest tournament and killed my opponents brutally after each match to tip the scale towards Chaos in an act of desperation but i was already locked in Law 😭💀 then shit got REAL WEIRD! I was crying lmao
SCRENSMAMMAMAMAMAMMAMAMA NAURRRRR. smt moral choices are really lose lose 😭😭😭😭 like if you go into it thinking it's good vs evil you gonna be fucked up when the 'good' side starts calling for human sacrifices nd shit. smtiv had the best morality quandary imo bc [redacted] nd [redacted] were both awful in their own ways but still somewhat charismatic. but i particularly loved how the opposing philosophies took over your companion nd what turned me off to the authoritative nature of law was how [redacted] just bc this elitist self righteous shrimp of a man. PLUS how law nd chaos reflected back into the innate class struggle of the surface? PLUS PLUS how the games are self aware of the circular never ending cycles of the narrative nd video games itself???? literally fallout 4 is pissing itself every night bc it will never be smtiv *i grab my purse flinging it on my shoulder nd hit todd howard on my way out*
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
made with love — park jimin
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Pairing — Jimin x Reader
Genre — fluff
Word Count — 1.2k
Summary — It's occurred to you that dealing with a slightly hungover Park Jimin is easily compared to guiding a toddler through the cycle of grief.
Warnings — References to drinking (do so responsibly, kids, and not when you’re under aged!)
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You never drink. Ever. Alcohol has never appealed to you, ever since you were young. Even before you reached the legal age to drink, you'd made up your mind that alcohol wasn't for you. 
Despite your convictions, this life choice does tend to make events with your fiance and his members a bit awkward. Not because of them, far from it. It's never the boys that see this choice as odd. You're completely aware of how lucky you are; none of the boys, including your Jimin, have never pushed you to do something outside your comfort zone. They're also very protective of you and your lifestyle, constantly sticking up for both. 
Besides, someone has to drive them home and deal with the various outcomes of one-too-many. You've nailed down each of their drunk personalities to a T.
The fearless leader Namjoon forgets what his inside voice is, while the Hoseok is a catastrophic lightweight that becomes a shell of his usual self. Seokjin's personality becomes multiplied several times over, while Junkook eats everything in sight. Yoongi shows his hidden sappy side, and Taehyung makes a mess of everything. Your beloved Jimin becomes, if you can believe it, even more giggly and touchy than usual. They're all so different when under the influence, but when the morning after comes, each members acts the same.
Full of regret, then of frustration, then of promises to never do it again. Every time, you see them go through the entire cycle of grief in a single morning. Denial, anger, and bargaining, all the way through depression, acceptance, and readjustment: you've seen it time and time again.
Over the years, you've come up with ways of helping them recover. It's not very often that these days happen, but when that blue moon comes, they're incredibly grateful that Jimin picked such a good person as his partner.
After all, who else would deal with them in this state, especially Jimin, who becomes a big baby while sobering up? To be honest, it makes you laugh. The way he clings to you like a child is often amusing, if it isn't downright irritating. 
Last night, the story repeated itself. A celebration was innocent enough until Hoseok insisted on having a drinking contest with Jimin. At the time, you rolled your eyes, finding it laughable that the older of the two could handle himself after a single shot. 
In hindsight, maybe you should have stopped it after three.
"Jimin!" you shout across the apartment, from where you are in the kitchen to the bedroom upstairs. "You're going to be late!"
Your fiance groans and rolls out of bed, quite literally out and onto the hardwood floor with a thud audible from the kitchen. You shake your head and laugh while you finish packing him a coffee and lunch to-go. He won't be able to make his own in his half-sober state. Honestly, if he can get anything done the rest of the day, you'll be impressed. While you usually press a kiss on the note you place inside the bag, saying that you made it with love, but you decide to wait and see how he behaves this morning before putting that personal touch.
A few moments later, you hear him stumble down the stairs. His gaze is shifty, and he grips the handrail like it's the only thing keeping him upright.
"Careful," you tease, glancing over your shoulder at your disheveled lover. "If you fall, I'm not taking you to the hospital."
Jimin grimaces, his unsteady feet bringing him to stand behind you. As you finish stirring the sugar into the two beverages, his arms slip around your waist and his forehead rests against your shoulder-blade. With his breath against your spine and fingers against your stomach, you almost forget that the person you adore most is barely conscious. Even in this state, the one he seeks out for comfort is always you. You have half a mind to chastise him for being careless and drinking over his known limits, but that other half wants to do nothing more than crawl back in bed with him and forget about the day ahead.
"Mmm, what happened to 'in sickness and health'?"
You hum a response as Jimin leans against you, his frame slumped against yours in a pitiful attempt to stay awake. This first state is classic denial. "We haven't made those vows yet, Chim."
"'Nd why haven't we?" he slurs tiredly. "Let's go today, jus' you n' me, jagi."
Putting the lids on the to-go thermos', you laugh and shake your head at the thought. "Both of our parents would kill us if we did that, baby."
Jimin, not amused by your response, pushes off your back and finds his way to the kitchen table. Sloppily sliding into the chair, he slumps against the table and buries his face into his folded arms. "Y'no fun."
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. "And you're moody, my love. You shouldn't have drank so much. You know Hobi is constantly trying to prove he can out-drink someone. You and Kook both fell for it."
"Busan boys're comparative," he mumbles against his arm.
"You mean 'competitive'?"
He nods once, eyes still squinting against the light as he lifts his face. "'M contemplating becoming a hermit."
"And why is that?" you chuckle, turning back to your work.
"'Cause it's 8:30, I have a hangover, and you're annoying me."
You turn back to him with an eyebrow arched, sensing a shift from denial to anger. "Have you showered?"
"No," Jimin mumbles, like a small child.
"And you're not dressed either. Go get your shower, brush your teeth and hair, and get dressed."
"If I do that, can we cuddle for 'nother half hour, pretty please?"
"Bargaining isn't going to work today, Park Jimin." You tug on his hand, but the blond refuses to move. "C'mon. Up, up."
"Too tired. I quit working today. The world's too bright n' loud out there. Not ready to face it, jagi. Don't make meee."
And there goes depression.
"For God's sake, Jimin, you're a baby." You hand him his coffee and lunch, repeating the orders. "I need to get to work, but promise me you'll at least brush your teeth before heading to the studio, yes?"
Jimin nods, thankfully shifting to acceptance faster than usual. When he peaks into the bag, his brows furrow, creating an adorable rivet between them. "No note? You didn't make this with love?"
You grab your coat and keys, heading towards the door with a playful smirk. "Nope, you're being a big baby, my love. No kiss. Not made with love. Enjoy the sandwich, I hope it tastes like despair."
Your sarcasm brings a small smile onto the sobering man's face, and one hand pushes the lunch to the side as the other runs over his face. Though you won't see the final step, you see him start to slip into readjustment and know that he'll eventually be all right.
"I hate you," he laughs.
"Do you really?"
Jimin turns and looks at you as you leave, giving you the closest thing to literal heart eyes that someone could manage. "Not one bit."
You blow a dramatic kiss as you exit. "Still not made with love, you big baby!"
"That’s fine, I’ll get my kisses later!"
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fairycosmos · 4 years
people not caring about suicide or depression until a celebrity kills themselves (and only about THAT person and only for a moment until the next suicide comes) is so sad. it's like people who get used to your pain. they get used to YOUR grief and trauma and it starts annoying them. oh but when you kill yourself they'll take it as an opportunity to make it all about themselves and how sorry they are, fucked up i wish i could get used to my pain too but it only gets worse
no bc you’re so right it’s beyond messed up :(( the general public 100% becomes numb to the shit we collectively inflict on celebrities. i always end up stopping myself when i think ab this bc im like well theyre rich theyre gonna b fine theyre the most privileged in society etc  -_- but there’s a nuance there and i have to check myself nd be like ok that absolutely doesn’t excuse treating them like zoo animals the way the media nd stans often do. especially bc a lot of them were bound into contracts as literal teenagers. there’s so much virtue signalling when celebs kill or harm themselves and then we go right back to the same old news cycle, dehumanizing them and exploiting their lives at every opportunity. it must be such a mental strain, just unimaginable. but yeah can definitely relate,  i’m right there with you love. idk the details of your situation but i’ll lend you strength whenever you need it. i can totally understand feeling like ur at rock bottom but somehow ending up even lower !! and ppl using your pain to boost themselves. so gross. my inbox is always open if you need a mate <3
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Detonation - Jason
A/N: I really hope you like this one shot i did. i really liked it and i thought the AU concept i thought of was nice as well! thank ya’ll for everything. requests are open
warnings: kinda depressing lol
“Shh,” You rocked the fragile and seemly unstable fellow in your warm arms “I’m here Jason.”
Tonight was mostly quiet and slow paced. Like most days, you’d get home from your occupation, made a quick dinner and then read a never ending novel, until your eyes become heavy and found yourself asleep. It was a nice simple routine that you subconsciously completed every evening.
You had lived alone so most days was quiet. you didn’t have much friends of family to come visit you,  so the highlight of your day was actually the same religious tasks you completed everyday. You didn’t mind it though, your life was simple and peaceful, it was quite nice.
You had been sitting down to read, almost at the end cycle of task, when a soft knock interrupted you.
Immediately you thought that the knock had come from your front door or what not, however the knock replayed in your head once more, to realize it had been coming from the window that fixed across the room from your current position. Carefully, you folded the page you had been reading in your novel, placed it on your neatly made bed, then headed for the window.
It had been quite late so you weren’t sure who or why someone would bother you this hour. Moving back your curtains, and peeling back your blinds to see who laid behind the window, you were utterly shocked to see who it was. Jason, an old friend of yours...knocking on your window….at midnight? Peculiar visit. You hadn’t spoken to Jason a long while actually, he was just always busy with work and you had your life as well so i guess the two of you slowly drifted, seeing him here tonight with no text nor call..surprised you? 
It had been raining outside and he looked completely drenched so without a second thought, you tied up your curtains, pulled up your blinds, then open your window wide, motioning for the wet fellow to come in.
“Jason? What are you doing here so late?” you asked rushing to the closet to get him a towel.
A beat of silence passed before he spoke, “y/n..i need to tell you something...”
His voice, it was so soft? Yet there was a broken roughness to it, it startled you. Stopping what you had been doing, you make your way over to him.
“Jay?” you softly spoke back almost in the same tone as he, except your voice had a strong concern. You were examining his being, his eyes were red and puffy, yet soft and doey, his lips trembled like his bruised hands, and his hair was messy like he ran his hands through it a million times.He looked almost like his younger self,  but was a mess, a broken mess. You didn’t know what to do or how to react properly to make the situation better. So you did the first thing to come to mind, you pulled him into a hug and spoke,
“Oh dear, What happened to you Jaybird?” 
No response other than the soft whimpers that filled your ears and rattled your heart. You’ve seen Jason messed up before, badly drunk and angry or very self destructive but never have you seen him so lost and vulnerable. Jason never really too much cried in front of you except when you were kids and he had gotten in his first major fight with Bruce. But even then, it wasn’t nothing compared to now. Your main question was what triggered him to be in this state? 
For a while you guys just stood there in that hug and with him in the crook of your neck sobbing. You then remembered that he was dripping wet and that he needed to get out of those clothes and dry off before he caught a nasty cold and became more miserable. Keeping a nice and soft tone not to startle him you said,
“Hey jay, How about I dry you off and get you new clothes then we can lie down together? Are you okay with that?” after a hum in assurance, you began to slowly pull away from him until you both were apart, “I'll go get the clothes from the closet, okay? I'll just be a second.” with a scurried pace you entered your closet, grabbing a pair of large sweatpants, a white tee, and a towel. Walking back to Jason, you handed him the dry clothes.
“Here you are jason, D-did you need any help? With changing?” you asked, his hands still trembled and he was state was the same as before. Putting on a simple shirt and pants seemed like a difficult task for Jason to do at this time. You figured you’d be lending a hand through out the night, not that you minded though. 
He hummed softly and nodded his head a bit in an acknowledgment to your previously asked question. Taking the clothes from his hands gently, you set it on the bed and began to lift up his shirt to reveal all the beatings he too throughout his life. . Sadly to say i don’t think those scars hurt him as much as he was hurt emotionally. Without any further examination you completely removed his shirt then put on the new on. You repeated the process with the pants then motioned him to come lay on the bed. You un-tucked your made bed and made a spot for him on one side, after he got in, you crawled on the other side, spooning him.  
His hands moved up to where your hands rested on his broad chest. Intertwining fingers, you gently rubbed his rosey red knuckles, a soft whimper escaped his mouth as tried he speak. “I-i had a dream that….he...he  a-nd h-e uh-,” painful whimpers escaped out Jason's mouth “it w-was n-t jokerthat was torturing me…”  biting his lip “he said how much he hated me and told me I was worthless…” wincing in pain he begun again “ it felt so real, i-i felt the pain and everything...y/n..Bruce..”
“Shh,” You rocked the fragile and seemly unstable fellow in your warm arms “I’m here Jason, It was all just a dream, im protecting you now, okay? No deranged clown will ever hurt you and not any villain, I’m Here protecting you, Jason. And as long as you’re in my arms ain’t nothing going to lay a finger on your body.” you held him tighter and felt him sink more into your grasp. He felt safety and comfort in those words..in your arms. 
“promise...Y/N…you’ll save me” he winced once more
“I'm here Jason, i’ll save you from whatever, it was all just a dream jay, don’t think about it. Remember i'm here to save you, don’t worry about falling asleep Jason because ill be right here when you wake up, still with you.” 
Haha. Even in my last moments, i'm still hoping....
10 seconds until detonation
That you’d save me
That you’d some how find me
In these last seconds
And i’d be safe in your arms
And everything would be normal
Because all of this was just a bad dream..
Although my time is almost up
I felt you should know
...it wasn’t the Joker that killed me….
It was my greatest hero, Bruce Wayne
Don’t worry it’s okay!  Dick taught me how to be strong.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Passchendaele - XV
A/N This chapter is dedicated to all you lovely people who have sent me lil messages these past three days 🤍
T/W None...just a little sad
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The rain didn’t let up by morning, the lighting and thunder keeping Daniel and Zach awake most of the night, their uniforms soaked through until they were shivering, huddled together in the muddy dugout for warmth. Zach still wasn’t doing well, keeping himself cuddled up against Daniel as if he was his mother, arms tucked around him and head on his shoulder. Daniel didn’t dare push him off. He kept an arm around the younger boy’s back, his eyes focussed on how the rain seemed to tear up the earth like small shells.
Daniel didn’t sleep for even a minute that first night at Passchendaele, praying that someone could just win the war and they would be able to go home. He felt guilty for not even caring who won, as long it would just be all over. Then he could be back in the garden with Elizabeth, starting their future together, and Zach could be safe at home with his mother instead of crying himself to sleep in Daniel’s arms on the muddy and cold Belgian ground.
Zach cried a lot since they left St. Julien, not even bothering to hide it half the time, and it seemed as though his cheeks were more consistently pink than usual, stained in tear streaks. Corbyn and Daniel never brought it up, not even making a move to comfort him when he would burst into tears over lunch or let tears trickle down his cheeks during Stand To; they just bit back their own feelings and turned away. Daniel found himself as Zach’s permanent safety blanket, the younger boy clinging onto him every night, his nightmares waking him most of the time and Daniel would pull him closer as he cried himself back to sleep against his shoulder. It was a torturous cycle for everyone; but Daniel had promised Elizabeth that he would take care of Zach so that’s what he made sure he did.
Daniel was raised to believe that men shouldn’t cry, so he forced himself into silence, preferring to bite his cheek and focus on writing his letters to Elizabeth. Corbyn seemed to be the same, silence often settling over their group of three. There was really nothing to speak about anymore.
The battlefield was silent for a while after arriving at Passchendaele, the soldiers busying themselves with rebuilding the duckboards and the trenches the best they could in the meantime. The rain never stopped. The trenches were flooded soon, the murky water reaching well over the freshly lain wooden boards until the water reached their ankles. Daniel forgot what dry clothes felt like.
Five days after they arrived at Passchendaele, a truck pulled up to camp to deliver mail, dry socks, and new uniforms. Lieutenant Colonel Seavey ordered the men the line up as he stood with the driver under an umbrella. The rain was down to a light mist that day, but the men didn’t even notice, having suffered five straight days of torrential downpour. Daniel gently pushed Zach in front of him in line as they waited their turns. No one spoke except for the Lieutenant Colonel and the driver who were handing out supplies and mail. When it was Zach’s turn, he recited his name shakily and Christian checked him off on his parchment in his hand as the driver shoved a folded uniform and a letter into his arms, a round metal helmet topping the pile.
Zach stared at it.
“Keep moving, Private Herron.” Christian said.
Zach shuffled off and Daniel stepped up next.
The brothers stared at each other expressionlessly for a moment before Christian looked down at his list and crossed of Daniel’s name. The driver handed Daniel his own stack of fresh clothes.
“Sir, there’s a letter for you here as well.” the driver said to Christian.
“Get rid of it.” he replied without looking up from his list, tapping his pen against the paper impatiently. Daniel glanced at the envelope in the man’s hand, recognising his mother’s handwriting on it.
“But, sir-”
Daniel turned on his heel with a scoff without another look at his brother and followed Zach into the trenches again. Zach was changing into his fresh uniform, standing up on an empty shell crate to stay out of the water as he buttoned up his jacket when Daniel found him, giving the older boy a quick glance before he bent down and grabbed the new helmet, placing it over his brown hair. Zach’s face faltered as he adjusted the helmet on his head, his lips in a pout as he stepped off the crate back into the water, instantly soaking his clean socks and trousers. Daniel took his turn to undress on the crate himself, pulling on the new uniform that was slightly warm from actually being dry, the feeling being the best thing he had felt in a while. The helmet was slightly heavy compared to the soft cap they were expected to wear before, and Daniel took a few tries to feel comfortable with it on. He looked down into the murky water and sighed before setting one foot into it, the cold water filling his boot and sloshed around his calves right away.
Corbyn approached them, already dressed as well, muttering a lighthearted, “Looking sharp, boys.”
Zach glanced up from where he was leaning against the wall of the trench reading his letter. He looked back down without a word.
“Did you get any mail?” Daniel asked Corbyn softly.
“No.” Corbyn shrugged. “You?”
“Yeah. One letter from Elizabeth and one from Mum.” Daniel sighed, looking down at the two envelopes in his hand.
“Want to read them over lunch?” Corbyn offered.
Daniel nodded, giving Zach a nudge so he could follow them to eat. It was the most they had spoken in a while, but they fell into silence again as they got their rations from the mess tent and found the driest place they could to sit.
Daniel balanced his mess tin on his lap as he carefully open his letter from his mother first, feeling like he owed her that enough since his brother declined even touching his.
My darling boy,
I know it’s been a while since I’ve written you, but I have been busy here at home. Anna and I have been going into the factory every day to sew uniforms and socks for the men. Have you received any? If you have, I have made sure to send an extra hug with them…I hope you can feel it. Anna misses you a lot, as do your father and I. We are sending prayers and well wishes. We haven’t heard from your brother since you were sent over. I hate to put this on you but if he is with you, please ask him to write me. I would love to hear from him although I figure he is busy as an officer – he explained as much in his last letter. I read your words often as they remind me so much of you. Keep each other safe. I love you, my sweet.
Daniel sighed as he folded the letter back up and tucked it in his tin box from the inside of his jacket to keep it safe before unfolding the letter from Elizabeth.
It feels like years since Christian took you away from me even if it was barely a day. I miss you terribly already. I’m being taken good care of by the nurses here…they also seemed smitten by you when you were visiting me…I made sure to tell them your heart is already mine. No one is to take you from me that easily! They say I am to be leaving on Sunday the 2nd in the evening. I will make sure to clean up the garden as soon as I get used to being back home as spring will have been well into blossom by then. I can’t wait to sit with you among the flowers again; the sunshine always makes your freckles surface over your nose and your eyes to sparkle. Write me as soon as you get note to when you might be dispatched, and I will make sure my best dress is ironed in time for when I pick you up from the train station. I’m getting so very excited just thinking about it!
Fight bravely, my love. Remember that I love you. So much.
Yours always,
Elizabeth x
Daniel let a calm smile come to his face as he folded up her letter again and tucked it into his tin as well before sliding it back inside his jacket for safe keeping.
“Good things?” Corbyn asked.
“Lovely things.” Daniel couldn’t hide his smitten grin.
“How about you?” Corbyn turned to his other side where Zach had barely touched his food.
“My sister drew me a picture.” Zach whispered, handing over the small piece of paper. Corbyn took it gently to admire it, Daniel glancing over his shoulder. The crayon drawing was of four stick figures all with brown hair and big smiles outside a boxy farmhouse. A pink pig with a curly tail was drawn on the end. “It’s us. Me. Back home.” Zach bit back a smile as if he wasn’t allowed to show an emotion other than sorrow.
“Are you the pig?” Corbyn teased.
Zach gave him a small shove as he snatched the picture back and struggled to tuck it into his inside jacket pocket, “That’s Petunia.”
“Petunia the Pig?” Corbyn snorted, smiling at Daniel who chuckled.
“Reese named her when she was 4.” Zach glared at them before shyly breaking into a smile towards his lap with the memory, “Wouldn’t let father butcher her for supper. Threw a massive fit, made a hell of a fuss every time he would even go near it.”
“The pig could have used one of these against your father.” Corbyn chuckled as he knocked on the thin brim of the metal helmet Zach wore with his knuckle.
Zach’s smile faded quickly, and he kept his eyes focussed on the ground as they filled with tears and he let out a small sob, hiding his face in his hands.
“Christ, here we go again.” Corbyn sighed, closing his eyes and leaned his head back against the wall of the trench, rubbing his forehead with his fingers tiredly.
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anoverflowingsea · 4 years
i’ve kinda been brooding and abysmal lately. \
dragging my feet, aimlessly tredding. i turn around and all of a sudden i’ve almost reached this mark.
i never envisioned my life to be this way by the time i turn 25. i wanted more for myself. but if i really think about it, as a child i couldn’t even grasp what i would be when i become 25. the future was always a fog i never uncovered until i was forced to at 18.
in a way, i should have expected this. i think at a very young age, i could see the staleness of my own pain. a pain i never addressed, i never uncovered. years passed and slowly i started to open the box. it was maddening.
my existence feels like living with an open wound, deep enough it exposes a nerve. and the wound never heals, it never closes. and you acclimate yourself to it. but every moment, every touch, even when the wind howls, you can’t help but feel a ting in your chest.
i think that’s why i gravitate to warmth. in so many “mindless” things. living feels so aching my being desperately clings to the fire. no matter how synthetic it is.
i live in a hologram with you.
change...change wears me down. when you constantly feel so lost, like your existence is weightless, like everything you grab ahold of slips through your fingers, and you actually find rocks to keep you grounded, finally trust something enough to let them be there for you, just for things to slip right under you again, it’s devastating. 
forever is a sandcastle.
paths diverge, people grow apart and i think that’s more painful than heartbreak. (i guess it’s technically just a different kind of heartbreak.)
time felt so abundant back then. you’d just come over whenever for however long. mindless hours. nothing to do, doing everything on a whim. it feels like nobody has that luxury anymore. you have careers, work, kids or others to think about. like everything has a designated time slot and that’s it.
i ain’t a kid no more, we’ll never be those kids again.
(it’s okay though. i’ll never stop trying to be an existence in your life. even if the change hurts.)
it baffles me how i can feel so lost in the present, terrified of the unknown future, yet i can barely remember the kind of person i was before today.
i miss myself. i miss myself so much. i used to live with so much wonder in my eyes. nostalgia clouds my mind. i found my old ipod touch i refused to throw away despite not using it anymore. i wanted to find old anime wallpapers i used to have on there. i didn’t have the charger anymore so i drove all the way to my cousin’s house to use his. when it finally booted up, i was so excited to see a glimpse of an old version of me. look through every remnant that was stored inside of it to piece together a time in my life where everything felt so innocent.
when it finally turned on, somehow it was synced up to my dad’s stuff (since he uses my icloud) and i couldn’t find anything left on there i wanted to see. funny how fate has a way of trolling you.
i need to let go. life is mutable.
loving keeps me living. the silver linings of euphoria and contentedness are what keeps me waging life every time. the warmth of living is worth it.
i guess it’s not completely hopeless. in many ways that i’m insufficient, i rise from the ashes every time. there’s something about the fickle me, wavering as i journey on, that alone is a rock. is my rock.
when i was a kid, when i would go to the store with my family, people would always tell me, “oh get the one that isn’t damaged.” Or when something breaks, you are told to throw it away because it doesn’t work anymore. And a good part of my life, I believed I was doing everything right because i was doing everything i was told to do. i was “excelling” in everything. but in actuality, i’ve just never lived with any sort of clarity. until one day the spotlight landed on my bullshit. and i felt so ashamed and i felt so embarrassed. i messed up so much. again and again. too scared to change, to scared to improve, too weak to break the cycle. until the cycle broke me.
and then i just....stopped. i became the thing i was told never to choose, told never to keep, told i should throw away. so i did. i threw myself away. my life was already living in the cusp of the void, but i just succumbed to it.
if i couldn’t do it right the first time, i’m nothing.
after months and months of that, nothing...changes. i thought that if i buried myself in enough shit that everyone and everything would just forget about me. that i could just hid myself again. that it would help me disappear. but it didn’t. i know this is a really fucked up way of thinking, but if you don’t actually d*e you’re not actually ever going to disappear. and d*ing was never an option for me.
existing like this.....didn’t do anything but made the pile on top of me bigger and the list of things i needed to do longer. in a way, i think i found solace in that, in knowing that deep down somewhere, i believed in myself enough to not *nd it all. and deep down, i really do see greatness in myself, something uniquely me that spreads warmth to the world. i don’t really know how to describe it because i don’t want to sound like i have some “greater” existence in the world, but more of like i really do believe in myself. in my existence.
floating to the surface, quicker than you sank
i’m still that same girl. there’s so much that’s changed, but so much that’s the same. the loss of innocence will forever leave a pained print, but i feel a little bit more aware and capable. i am really fucking disgusted with alot about myself, but there’s so much i am nurturing about myself. there’s so much that needs to be unlearned and i’m taking it one breath at a time.
i want to create. as insecure as i am, i still do. it might take me much longer than everyone else since i lack so much confidence in my abilities. but i will get there. on my own terms this time. no matter what it takes. i will love myself a little better everyday.
i’m about to turn 25 and i will be okay.
dreams. hope. forward, forward.
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aidenzhous · 6 years
get to know me !!
tagged by. @euphonyinestetica !!! thank u SO much <33333
tagging. @mirasolbautistas @acvossthevoid @mvriaflores !! (u dont have 2 do it if u dont wanna !! also if u see this nd u wanna do it u can just say i tagged u JHJSHJ)
name: amira !!
nickname(s): ppl have taken 2 calling me mira or mirror at times :-)
star sign: cancer sun / leo moon / aquarius rising :D
height: uHHHH last i checked i was like 178cm ??? iM NOT TOO SURE.. its been a hot second
sexuality: me, w the most confident finger guns: bi >:)
hogwarts house: slytherin uwu
dream trip: hhhuuuuu ..... i’d love to go on a trip across asia honestly jHGSJ to be able 2 experience the diversity nd different cultures of asia... my DREAM
avg hours of sleep: abt . 9 hours kjHGJS im a sleepy boy ...
why I made a tumblr: uH back in 2012 ... all my friends were moving from deviantart to tumblr so i joined them JKHGJSK
dog or cat person: cat person .. all the way .....
when I made my blog: 2012 :-)..... ish ?
reasons for my URL: i love aiden zhou .
i. my monsta x albumS SJHGJKSHJKS i stopped collecting after the connect era bc ss wont stop releasing 4 versions and im poor :/
ii. water bottles... matcha bottles... snacks..........
iii. lots nd lots of stuffed animals JKHFJKS my bed is covered in them nd i have nowhere 2 sleep :/
iv. my captain america figure ....
v. manga :D i dont collect a Lot but . i tend 2 buy volumes for series im rly interested in :-)
i. my friends !!! nd family !!!!!!
ii. writing ... i love it jHGSJ
iii. also photoshop ??? i love messing around nd making things jHGJS
iv. mx.... HGHSJK mom thats my emotional support kpop group or literally the only group i stan ...
v. also this is very like Specific but i love when my siblings nd i set aside time to watch tv shows / anime together like . rn we’re all rly into mp100 and b99 so every tuesday nd friday we gather in someone’s room nd watch the ep nd then send each other memes abt it JHGJSK
i. ps4 spidermaN SJKGHJGJS iTS SO FUN .....
ii. i’ve been rly into mob psycho 100 lately jKGHJK im waiting for the anime to finish so i can read the manga :-)
iii. the raven cycle ! doing a reread nd its . gucci !!!!
iv. i’ve been rly obsessed w the song lemon by kenshi yonezu lately .. that nd also chungha’s older album blooming blue !!
v. matcha latte ..... it’s literally all i ever drink KJGSJHGKS
i. notes 4 psych nd bio.... im so behind nd my exams are in 2 months but... </3...
ii. buy some new clothes for spring/summer jGHJS
iii. organize all the prompts i wanna write ... there’s too many scattered in my drive
iv. renew my spotify subscription KJGHSKJGHJS IM SUFFERING W/O IT...
v. clean my laptop .... too many files on it again JGJSK
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spaceorphan18 · 6 years
TDB Rewatch: Sadie Hawkins
So.  Wow.  There is a lot going on in this episode. A lot of it is entertaining thankfully!  However, there’s a portion of it that seems like it’s been frozen in the 1980s and I’m kind of cringing at it, but ah well.  
We are now post-Christmas, and on the one hand, at least the newbies are settling in way better -- the Lima side now at least feels like a cohesive story instead of a jumbled mess -- but, unfortunately, there’s so much going on at this point, it’s hard to grasp on to anything.  It’s like being hopped up on sugar constantly.  
Anyway - the good, the bad, and the ug-why... 
There are some incredibly hilarious background runners in this episode -- the background life of Coach Beiste, Neckbrace Cheerio wanting in Ryder’s pants, the various spots where they hold glee club, Artie not getting a date for the dance, and Sam’s intense fascination with the Warblers.  And also Finn’s continued struggle with coffee.  Background moments are back yo, and honestly some of the best moments of the episode. 
No Sue! Episodes are always better without Sue. 
Jake and Marley are still a borefest.  Their story, literally, hasn’t progressed anywhere since episode 2.  I’m not against a story where a girl wants to take it slow (I encourage it!) but knowing this story is going to continue like this into season 5 just seems tedious.  Not to mention -- the problem with the recycling of early(ier) teenage stories is that it feels redundant.  We had stories about first loves and first times, and I want to move on and mature with the characters, not be stuck in this never ending cycle of 1980s-esque story lines. 
Kitty and Puck gross me out -- on a lot of levels.  But mostly, you can tell the writers are trying to figure out how to make Puck relevant again.  And it’s not working. 
I’m a little torn on the Too Young to be Bitter Club.  There are some hilarious bits in there, but also rolling my eyes hard at this whole idea that a) women usually wait around for men to do things and b) the backpeddling of Lauren and Sugar’s characters.  At least it ends (relatively) well.  Though I think Lauren deserved a better send off.  
We have all been Tina at one point right? 
Okay - so she does take it too far, Blaine does not owe her an apology, and she’s way too pushy.  
But I get ya Tina.  I do.  
Everyone’s reactions during I Don’t Know How to Love Him
Now introducing, special guest star - Darren Criss’s ass.  
Btw, Darren Criss was absolutely hilarious in this episode.  
I kinda love everything about Blaine in this episode.  
Unpopular opinion - I don’t think Blaine needed to say any more about the Sadie Hawkins thing -- he’s allowed to be over it.  And in fact, I kinda thought that was the point of Prom Queen. 
Unpopular opinion 2 (?) - I think his crush on Sam is cute (and makes sense) and works just fine for me.  
Let’s skip over the whole -- even if the Warblers drop out, ND still wouldn’t have placed so technically they’d have to knock out all the show choirs that participated...  
Oh, and the Barista’s face while Hunter throws his tantrum.  That unfazed look of retail... 
The look on Blaine’s face while he dances with Tina.  He wants to be held by someone else.  (Or, I’d argue, he wants someone else to be holding him.) 
Meanwhile, in New York... 
This is the episode where I always hope Rachel gets hit by the taxi crossing the street.  
Stop projecting on to Kurt, Rachel! 
Kurt’s already so done with Rachel, omg.  I’m glad he’s going out and making friends.  
Also, you can kinda see where they were going to start giving Kurt (and NYADA) they’re own story line, but it fizzles out by the time Santana shows up.  
Do I have anything new to say about Adam? No I really don’t.  
I still wish they had developed it more -- so that Kurt’s journey back to Blaine feels a little more complete. 
FWIW - Blaine is brought up in Kurt’s story more than Kurt’s brought up in Blaine’s.  
FWIW 2 - Kurt can enjoy the attention from the cute British guy while still being very much in love with Blaine.  Emotions and feelings can be complicated like that.  
Chris Colfer played the hell out of dueling emotions, btw. 
Man, this is why there’s so much fic for season 4 -- so much to play with. 
So - at some point over Christmas break, Rachel and Brody started doing it.  And Kurt’s so not here for it.  I’m not really here for it either. 
I don’t really understand why Brody’s so into a pouty-child, cause that’s what Rachel’s being.  Also -- the whole moving in thing, gah! 
Tina - I’ve found the love of my life!  Becky - you mean Gay Blaine?  (lolol) 
This is bigger than all of us, Tina!
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maevefiction · 6 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 43
We departed London for LA on June 22nd, spent a single night in town, then flew out the following morning en route to Kauai. Since March, we’d divided our time between promo, work, checking in on wedding planning and enjoying London. By mid-April Manageall had reached eight thousand subscribers, and we’d outgrown both our server and office space. Phaedra and Diana had begun work on a downtown studio and gallery space they’d decided to go in on together, and they graciously upped their timeline for us so we could take over the ground floor attached to Prosper, with Prosper planning on overflowing into the basement-level by the start of 2017. There was construction to be completed by the end of summer which would upgrade both floors from open loft to more compartmentalized professional workspace, but Manageall’s infrastructure was easy to relocate upstairs and Trudy and I had become accustomed to working out in the open, as had our five employees, so we made do. A door had been put in place between my Prosper office and the Manageall area at the start of May, and the first day I stopped short and couldn’t remember which company I was doing my next task for, Luke and I sat down to discuss the best way to proceed. Prosper was growing rapidly, though not at the alarming rate Manageall was, and the deciding factor wound up being Trudy. In one scenario I had a Trudy that the company couldn’t function without, and in the other I was Trudy…so, surprisingly without hesitation, I agreed to turn the reins over, naming Trudy the Operations Manager of Manageall and keeping my own Trudy-ness with Prosper, where it was needed most.
Early June brought exciting news in the form of Simon screeching so loudly that Tom and I actually heard it through out bedroom wall, followed by a frantic knock at our door at nine AM on a Saturday… both of their chosen embryos had successfully implanted in Lisa’s uterus. They’d harvested ten eggs in total from the surrogate so far, with eight remaining viable after being fertilized…five with Luke’s sperm and three with Simon’s. She’d waited until she was twelve weeks in to tell them, just in case, and if everything continued to progress normally December would deliver the progeny of two of my very favorite people into the world.
There’d been no new developments on that front for Tom and me as yet, and while realistically I hadn’t expected there to have been, I still found myself occasionally drowning silently in anxiety over the matter. Mainly when Simon talked baby, which was essentially every moment he wasn’t talking wedding. Which also caused anxiety. As did the coffee, which I’d begun drinking because it was really the only thing that allowed me to pull off the illusion that I was a fully conscious, functional human being when in fact I was a bundle of nerves and exhausted because said nerves were keeping me up at night. Or on flights. Like this one. Wherein Tom was out cold next to me and I was telling myself that all this worrying bullshit wasn’t doing my fertility prospects any favors. I dug in my messenger bag for my phone, checked the calendar, and realized that my period was due in ten days or so, which made blaming everything I was feeling on PMS seem like the most logical choice. My cycle so far varied between 28 and 32 days, which also was, you know, less than helpful. A heavy sigh escaped me and I felt a thunk on the back of my aisle seat, followed by Simon poking his head around to whisper loudly in my ear.
“Maude! Wedding! Happy! Heavy sighing NOT ALLOWED!”
“Dude, you are NOT the boss of me. It’s my party and I’ll sigh if I want to. Wow, that was way funnier in my head.” I craned my neck to look at him. “Simon. I’m getting married in seven days and I’m pretty sure I’m losing my motherfucking mind.”
“Six days.”
I counted on my fingers. “No, it’s seven. Today’s the 22nd.”
He shoved his own phone in my face, the home screen displaying the current date and time prominently. “Sorry, sunshine. It’s the 23rd. Six days.”
“My god, I just looked at my calendar and I swear it said the 22nd. Six. Okay then. I’m just going to go lock myself in the bathroom now. And I’m not coming out until August. Maybe September. Have someone slip me cold cuts under the door.” I sighed again, then again.  “I’m a mess, Simon. Is this normal? Shouldn’t I be like Cinderella or some shit, all happy with mice or whatever? You are my wedding honor person, Simon. You’ve done this before. HELP. ME.”
The smirk on his face made me want to scream. “I love you, Maudiekins. Of course I’ll help you…but let me just take a minute or two to revel in the fact that I’m actually witnessing you admitting that you need my help, m’kay?”
“You know it’s not too late to find a replacement for you, right?”
He chuckled. “Honey, trust me…there isn’t another person walking this green earth that would take this job.” I rolled my eyes, though I knew his point was entirely valid. He reached around to take my hand. “Yes, it’s normal. You remember what I was like, don’t you? And don’t you DARE say I’m like that all the time even though I sort of am because that was way worse and you know it. It’s stressful. There’s all this pressure for it to be perfect because that moment is THE MOMENT, the one that everyone will view as a validation and valuation of how much you love each other and if it’s not perfect you mustn’t love each other enough…” I could feel my eyes widening and my chest beginning to tighten. “But what anyone else thinks DOES. NOT. MATTER. All that matters is the love you share with Sleeping Beauty there next to you. This wedding is for notifying the world that it’s forever, and that you’re so fucking thrilled about it that a massive celebration is required. Love shack, baby. You hired Melanie Hall so you could relax and enjoy the party. We’ve given her all she needs. She’s got this. So…RELAX.”
“Simon, if you don’t leap up out of your seat and start singing some Frankie Goes to Hollywood right now I’m going to be horribly disappointed.”
Pouting, he crossed his arms and leaned back. “Well now I WANT to but people are SLEEPING and it would be RUDE…thanks for NOTHING, so-called FRIEND.”
I held up my phone. “It’s going on the wedding karaoke list. Because I need to see that shit. Even more so since you’ll be wearing a purple suit. Also, thank you. I’ve been obsessing over everything lately and it’s harshed my mellow completely. And probably Melanie’s. I need to text her and apologize for checking in so often and wanting to going over the same details with her a million times…” He leaned forward again, placing one hand on either side of my head, gently guiding me to turn and look in Tom’s direction while whispering in my ear.
“Look at him. You’re marrying that man. Six days from now, he’ll be your husband him. Look, Maude. Look with your non-vampire eyes.” I snorted, readying a witty comeback, but then Tom smiled softly in his sleep and I thought of Outlander and Jamie and Claire and how I’d go back and forth in time over and over and over again until the end of everything just to see this man’s face once more, to hold him once more, to kiss him once more…and as I fought back tears Simon whispered one more sentence.
“It’ll happen for you, I know it will.”
He kissed my cheek and left me to my own devices, which included shoving my phone bag into my bag and staring at Tom while trying not to weep, overwhelmed by emotion and chastising myself for getting caught up in the little details while diminishing my joy in the process. Hopefully I hadn’t diminished any of his. Tom’s eyes flew open, and I knew he had no idea where he was or what was happening. I smiled, and he blinked several times, opening his arms to groggily wave me in for a squeeze. He got more than he bargained for, with me being unable to resist the urge to spring from my own seat and into his lap. His arms wrapped around me as he pulled me to his chest, burying his face in my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder, my legs hanging over the armrest, feet resting where my posterior had just been. We enjoyed each other in silence for a spell, until I broke it by lifting my head so we were eye to eye. I reached out, briefly caressing his jawline with my fingertips.
“I’m very sorry if I’ve been a complete killjoy lately.”
He tilted his head, puzzled. “You? I thought I’d been playing the part of the killjoy.”
“Dude, really?”
“Yes, really.”
I was genuinely puzzled, and concerned. I knew what been plaguing me, but had no idea that something had been bothering him. “Well, you haven’t, but…”
Smiling softly, he began rubbing my thigh. “Well YOU haven’t, but…”
My gaze turned downward, then rose to meet his again. “I let all the little things pile up in my mind where they grew and thrived in my brain soil and became big things and it eclipsed the amazing, wonderful things right in front of me. Little things like work and wedding planning and other people conceiving and not me and I’m glad that my stress wasn’t rubbing off on you or bringing you down but hey, what’s been on your mind?”
He grimaced, voice low so no one else could clearly hear it.  “I know that back in LA I said I wasn’t going to dwell on things and I haven’t been dwelling, exactly, but that evening has crossed my mind more than a few times and I’ve been worried that it’s been worrying you, but it appears it hasn’t, and I’m very glad for that. But boy, do I ever feel like a tit for not noticing that you WERE worried about other matters.”
“Same. Same, same, same plus some more same. And honestly, I did think about it for a week or two after, but then I got so busy that I couldn’t tell my ass from a hole in the ground and it went POOF. Right now, I’m just grateful nothing has come of it, and if the universe would please hold off until after the wedding to rain fuckery down upon us, I’d deeply appreciate it. But if not, whatever. Full steam ahead. Right?”
He laughed. “Right indeed. Nothing’s going to stop this train. I liked it, and I’m gonna put a ring on it.”
“Oh my god. Tom. Single Ladies. I…I…can’t even.” I dissolved into giggles, which inevitably led to both of us laugh-crying until the first class attendant came over to ask us if we needed anything, which was a passive-aggressive way of indicating that we weren’t being the passengers Mr. Rogers knew we could be. I slithered back into my own seat, allowing Tom to be the apologist. He beamed at her, one hand over his heart.
“Terribly sorry if we disturbed anyone. I’m afraid we’re a smidge more excitable than usual as the result of our upcoming nuptials.”
She returned the smile. “Oh my! Well then, congratulations in advance. When’s the big day?”
We answered in unison, as idiots in love often do. “The 29th.”
She laughed. “Perfectly in synch. Best of luck to you both!”
As she walked back down the aisle another attendant fell into step with her and I could make out the words ‘knew they were engaged’ and ‘had no idea it was happening so soon’ and ‘wow, a Kauai wedding’. Tom and I both turned to face each other, again speaking in unison.
We’d kept the date under wraps all this time, yet managed to fuck it up in the space of two minutes when we were SO CLOSE to pulling the whole thing off under the radar. Two flight attendants, not a big deal, but if they each told two people, and so on, it would likely end up on social media somewhere. Which also wasn’t a big deal, but it could absolutely clog up the works with members of the press. I sighed.
“A quote from Hackers comes to mind – ‘Where are your brains, in your ass?’ to which I would respond that I doubt it because I think they are gone, baby, GONE. Luke’s gonna take my PR card away, and I don’t blame him one bit.”
I heard his deep chuckle from behind us, then him clearing his throat before he spoke. “Oh no I won’t. Mainly because I have no desire to perform your job functions, but also because I don’t think it’s a significant problem. I figured it was practically inevitable that someone from the hotel would let it slip, but this is better, in a way, because I’m aware of the leak when it’s still a potential leak.”
It was weird having a conversation with someone I couldn’t see, so I reclined my seat all the way back, much to Simon’s displeasure.
“Mauuuudeee you’re crushing my kneeeeesss.”
“Simon, you’d better be good or you’re going to surpass Tom and me and rocket into first place for the Most Annoying Passenger. Hmm, maybe there’s an award. You love awards!”
Luke laughed again, then kissed Simon on the cheek. “You’d best move your seat upright, Maude. We can discuss what, if anything, you want to after we land. You know how it is…if Simon’s unhappy…”
Simon chimed in, entirely too loudly. “EVERYONE IS UNHAPPY.”
As soon as I finished adjusting the seat, the flight attendant was back, asking Simon if he needed anything, and Tom and I dissolved once more into giggles, quiet giggles, that is, and when we finally sobered up he whispered in my ear.
“Don’t worry, my love. It’ll happen.” I felt his hand on my lower belly, thumb stroking up and down. “Who knows, it might already BE happening and we just don’t know it yet.”
I placed my hand over his as he rested his head on my shoulder. “Thomas, the eternal optimist. Thank you.”
He raised his head in order to place a single kiss behind my ear, then resumed snuggling. We spent the rest of the flight touching each other, even if it was just pinkies linking, and when the sunshine and warmth of Kauai connected with my skin as we disembarked, I felt like myself again. Or, rather, the self I’d re-discovered not quite twelve months ago. Grateful, and joyful. More than ready to celebrate the blessing this island had bestowed upon me…that sense of wholeness and completeness that finding someone to love who loves you back evokes. We held hands as we crossed the tarmac, then picked up our luggage, piled it into the Range Rover we’d rented, and headed for the Marriott, where friends and family would soon be joining us for what I hoped was one party of fucking epic proportions.
We spent as much of the weekend as possible either on the beach or locked away in our room…not the honeymoon suite that had been recommended to us, but number 203, which we referred to as ‘ours’ in spite of the fact that countless strangers had stayed in it as well over the past year and would after we were gone. It was where we’d consummated our coupledom, and it was the only acceptable place to consummate our marriage as far as we were both concerned. I had my doubts that we’d make it out of Talk Story after our private ceremony – that bathroom would likely be calling my name – but Tom insisted that he’d hold out until we were back where we belonged. I figured it would be fun testing his resolve if nothing else, so I went with it.
Sunday was our last meeting with Melanie before the actual ‘day of’, and she’d done such an incredible job that I had nothing to add. The ceremony would take place at five PM, followed by an hour of hors d'oeuvres, then a sit-down family-style dinner. Ahi Poke salad would already be on the table, and Hawaiian Saimin Soup would be offered as soon as everyone was seated. The next course, and the only additional course other than cake, was set to include Chicken Hawaiian, Hawaiian Roast Beef, Kalua Pork, blackened Mahi Mahi, and, because I couldn’t help myself, fettuccine alfredo. No one had responded that they were vegan, but a chef would be available if we need anything last-minute. We’d chosen to go with mainly regional recipes since it technically was a ‘destination wedding’, and also because it was apparently unacceptable to serve chips, dip, pizza and bacon as a meal to people who’d travelled thousands of miles to share your special day. Fortunately, those things made for perfect appetizers…the universe created pizza bagels for a reason, and that reason was for me to snack on them and probably get sauce all over my dress. The cake…my god, the cake. The shop Melanie had chosen had been working on it for weeks, planning, creating a model, ensuring it would balance properly…it made my head spin. It had been Tom’s idea, inspired by our bookish centerpieces. There would be two four-tier round cakes, alternating layers of chocolate and vanilla, iced white and decorated to take on the appearance of a ring of books, the spines hand drawn, colored and lettered. One stack would have titles from my collection, the other from Tom’s, with a bookshelf ‘bridge’ from the top of one to the other that merged our favorites. In the center of the bridge there was to be an open book mini-cake decorated with the Tree of Life on one side, our names and the date on the other, and, of course, the bride and groom topper. We’d had those 3-D printed in our likeness, and Melanie had brought them with her for us to see, a choice I’m certain she regretted because she eventually had to ask us kindly but firmly to surrender them before they were damaged by our Wedding Preview Theater playtime.
Guests began arriving Monday morning, and a steady stream continued throughout the day. Tom’s family had been first, followed by Chris and Elsa, then Ben and Sophie, Robert and Susan, and a host of other folks I didn’t technically know but felt like I did because I’d seen them on the big screen, the small screen, or Tom had shown me pictures as we came up with our guest list. There were stories to go with the pictures, of course, for which I was grateful because I could almost match names with faces. Though we hadn’t seen anything leaked online, Luke had opted to send out a press release on Saturday in order to prevent the chaos of outlets scrambling for a scoop, and according to everyone who had turned up so far it was working. The media was camped out at the airport and the hotel, but were keeping their distance, allowing those who didn’t wish to pose pass by without being cajoled and/or yelled at. Tom and I hung around in the lobby between meals in order to be accessible. Most of the few folks I’d invited were also members of the wedding party…Trudy and Veronica, who had come to say hello and gone on to unpack in their rooms already, which left me waiting on Anne. Our final fittings were scheduled for 5:30 in one of the smaller conference rooms, and it was nearly ten after when I heard her shouting from across the lobby when she spotted me.
I hadn’t seen her in person since New Orleans, though we’d Skyped a few times…and then she’d talked to Tom almost as much as she’d spoken to me. The Vampire Chronicles project had shifted from a feature film to an episodic streaming venture, which Tom was on board with, but additional writing was required and he wouldn’t be able to begin shooting until late 2017 or early 2018. I left Tom with Chris Evans and jog-walked to meet her, surprised as always at the power behind the hugs of such a slender being when she embraced me. We released each other quickly, both leaning back to inspect the other’s outfit. She shook her head.
“You’re too thin. Are you eating? Don’t let the stress get to you, kiddo.”
My eyes rolled, and I allowed my head to loll back in exasperation. “Yes, I dropped some poundage. Not because I’m not eating, that’s for fucking sure. Personally, I believe the extreme increase in my physical activity over the past year is to blame. And coffee. And yeah, maybe stress. But mostly the activity. Which I don’t plan on modifying anytime soon, thank you very much.”
She laughed. “I wouldn’t if I were you, either.”
“Your endorsement is appreciated. Can we talk about the fact that you’re wearing a shirt with palm trees and coconuts printed all over it and Bermuda shorts and sandals right now? This might be the first time I’ve ever seen your legs.”
“Soon you’ll get a good look at my arms, too. And my back.” The bridesmaid dresses I’d chosen were deemed flattering by all the gals, made of silk chiffon in a gradient of green to purple from top to bottom. They were sleeveless, floor length with a semi-pleated skirt, ribbon at the waist and the neck and a cape that attached at the front throat area and hung over the left shoulder and covered most of the open back. The cape could easily be pinned to cover all of the back of the wearer chose, which I thought was important because not everyone deems going braless socially acceptable. Anne chuckled, looking down at herself, then back up at me. “I’m so pale I might have to write myself into the next book as a lost ancient. What a bonus that I’ll have pictures to work from!”
As I gazed past her shoulder I caught sight of Christopher, pulling a very full luggage dolly behind him. He waved as he drew closer, finally abandoning it to embrace me briefly.
“Maude, it’s been forever. You look beautiful. And, congratulations. Though you getting married has ramped up someone’s matchmaking efforts a hundred times over…” Anne reached out and tugged his earlobe, and he sighed. ”I’m going to just marry the first guy I see to put an end to it all, I guess.”
Tom’s voice sounded out from behind me. “So sorry, but I’m already spoken for.” He moved to stand at my side, his hand extended in greeting. “Hello, Christopher. Lovely to finally meet you.”
Christopher sighed, feigning exasperation. “The good ones are ALWAYS spoken for.” He reached out and shook Tom’s hand vigorously. “Lovely to meet you as well. Mom and I are delighted you’re still interested in stepping into the shoes of the Brat Prince. Knowing who’s portraying him has actually made it easier for us to get the scripts rolling.”
My mouth dropped open. “Wait, what? You’re BOTH working on this? Together? Writing.”
They exchanged a conspiratorial glance, then Anne grinned. “We are. It’s so much fun, especially because his style is so very different than mine, yet there are echoes…”
“Mother, the only echo is your voice throughout the house every time I try to sneak outside for a break. Seriously, Maude. She’s the most demanding boss I’ve ever had and…”
Anne cut him off, right index finger raised. “I’m the ONLY boss you’ve ever had.” As Christopher rolled his eyes and mouthed ‘see what I put up with’ in my direction, Anne stepped forward to hug Tom. “Hello there, handsome.”
He returned the hug, planting a kiss on each of her cheeks as he pulled away. She grinned up at him, and my phone beeped. I pulled it from my pocket and cleared the alarm. “We have to move it, lady, or we’ll be extra late for the fitting.”
She offered me her arm. “Let’s boogie, kiddo.”
Tom kissed me and lingered more than a few seconds too long, clearing his throat as he backed away sheepishly. “I’ll see you at dinner, my love.”
I nodded. “Yep. You sure will.”  He offered to help Christopher with the luggage, and they strode off in the opposite direction as Anne and I headed for the conference room. She poked me in the ribs.
“Maude, has anyone ever told you you’re a terrible liar?”
“Oh my god Anne, seriously? What are you, a wizard?”
“No, just incredibly perceptive. Plus, I’ve known you since you were ten.”
“Mmm hmm. God, I HATE lying to him. And I obviously suck at it. But his surprise bachelor party is tonight and I was sworn to secrecy. Of course he just HAD to say he’d see me. Fucker.” Ben had contacted me nearly two months earlier, asking if I was okay with the idea, and I’d said yes because even though Tom and I had agreed that neither of us wanted such a thing, the opportunities for all of them to be in the same place at the same time were incredibly limited, so why not take advantage of such a rare occurrence? I’d given Ben Melanie’s number, and she’d arranged everything. There’d be food, drink, and karaoke in the Makai Lounge…and I pitied the staff who’d thought it would be awesome to work the event because I had a feeling they were about to discover that it would be akin to dealing with a roomful of kindergartners who’d binged on chocolate espresso beans. The walk to the Hokulea Suite was a short one, and Simon was waiting impatiently in the doorway and wearing one of the hotel’s white terrycloth robes.
“Nice of you to grace us with your presence, future Mrs. Hiddleston. For a minute I thought you’d gotten cold feet…oh. Oh my god. Oh.”
With that, I knew he’d noticed my companion. Everyone was aware that Anne was in the bridal party, but no one had actually met her as yet. Simon, despite interacting with famous folk on a regular basis, was completely and thoroughly star struck at the sight of his favorite author in the flesh. I glanced her way, finding her smirking gleefully as Simon proceeded to lose his shit, right hand on his chest, which was heaving with excitement.
“Anne…can I call you Anne? Or do you prefer Ms. Rice? Oh my god. I’m SUCH a fan…a life-long fan…of your work and here you are and lordy I think I may die…” He began fanning his face with the hand that had previously rested upon his chest, and Anne went right in for the kill, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him, then kissing him on the cheek.
“Dearest Simon, Anne will do just fine. Maudie has told me so much about you, and goodness, I’m just the luckiest woman to have such devoted fans. Bless you for supporting my work.” He stood, blinking, as she continued. “Part of that ‘told me so much about you’ was how entertaining and hilarious you are. And petty. Let’s just say I’m very much looking forward to getting to know you myself.”
His mouth dropped open and a screechy cackle escaped him as he threw his arms around her, one finger pointing at me from behind her back. “You’ve been replaced. Anne is my new bestest friend ever.”  
I gave him a double thumbs-up. “Fucking A, man. You are EXHAUSTING.”
Faces began to appear behind him, first Trudy, then Emma, then Sarah…at which point I pushed past the new dynamic duo and entered the suite. It wasn’t huge, 24’ x 18’ or so, but it was a wide open space beyond the private bathroom and kitchen right inside the door, on the left and right respectively. It was ours for the duration of our stay and would serve as the dressing area the day of the ceremony. Two couches had been placed along the shared walls of the bathroom and kitchen, facing the rest of the room. The remainder of my bridal party leapt off of said couches and proceeded to embrace me all at once, and I’m certain the look on my face was one of sheer terror as they squealed with delight. I heard Simon’s voice as he drew closer.
“Ladies, ladies, what did we discuss earlier? The bride must be approached cautiosly, VERY cautiously. She’s anxiety ridden, easily overwhelmed and if her flight or fight kicks in we could all be in really deep shit. Back away now, and do it slowly. Don’t be distracted by the fact that Anne Rice is, like, RIGHT HERE.”
They turned away, releasing me, and I waited a beat for Simon to introduce everyone. He just stood there staring at her, enraptured, so I figured I’d best do it on my own.
“Anne, this is Trudy, Veronica, Emma and Sarah.” I wave-pointed in their direction. “You people, this is Anne. I’m going to use the restroom now. Chat away.”
The room had begun to buzz with the sounds of excited conversation as I closed the door behind me. I quickly did my business, then splashed cold water on my face, pausing to take a breath as I started at my reflection. The lighting didn’t do me any favors, and I groaned while attempting to figure out if I looked pale because of the dark circles, or if the circles looked dark because I was, in fact, pale. Veronica, who had been instrumental in the process of choosing every item of clothing worn by bridesmaids and groomsmen alike, had brought her favorite hair and makeup people along, for which I was now all kinds of glad. I leaned in closer, my nose almost touching the mirror.
“You look like you’ve been out on the town for two days straight, woman. Sleep. Look into it. Christ.”
I opened the door just enough to stick my hand out and flipped him off. He snorted.
“Anne, she’s being rude. Make her stop.”
Sighing, I opened the door the rest of the way and stepped back into the entry area, pretending he didn’t exist as I walked back to the open space. Seven privacy screens had been set up along the edges of the room, and I had no clue which one was mine until Veronica poked her head out from around the one furthest away and waved at me.
“Honey, come on back. My dress is good to go, so you’re up.”
On a rack against the wall behind the screen, there it was. The Dress. After discovering that such a thing as a convertible day-to-night design existed, I’d scoured the internet for weeks in search of one that didn’t look like it belonged in a Disney movie. And then, on someone’s Pinterest board, there it was. The Dress. Next was the task of determining where the image had originated from, and two reverse searches later I’d located the Israeli designer. Made of crepe and satin, it was form fitting and thigh-length with a boat-neck front and deep open V to the waist in the back. The sides were crepe, and there was a satin strip with a subtle lace overlay that ran down the front. There were no sleeves, per se, only triangular pieces of fabric that mimicked epaulets and went over the shoulder and down the sides of the back in a sort of obtuse triangle. In the front, just above the chest area, were two inverted triangle cut-outs beneath the shoulder caps, creating a futuristic geometric silhouette – straight across at the collarbone, angling in, then back out again at the breast. That, though, was the ‘night’ bit of it. The day part consisted of a lightly-pleated crepe maxi-skirt that hung to the floor with a short train in the back and a slit all the way up to the pelvic area in the front. And, it had pockets. POCKETS. I knew it was perfect the moment I saw it, I knew it would make me feel amazing, and, right now, it made me burst into tears. I wiped them off my cheeks quickly, waving Veronica away as she moved to comfort me.
“Shit. Sorry.  I’m fine. It’s just…it’s so…beautiful. And you’re beautiful for doing all this for me, and I’m marrying such a beautiful man in such a beautiful place…”
She placed a hand on my shoulder. “And YOU are beautiful, and you’re going to be BEYOND beautiful on Wednesday. Now strip for me, sweetie. Off with it all.” I snorted as I slipped out of my shorts. “Oh, and you’ll be pleased to know that I managed to find someone able to add some support to the front for you so you can be braless minus the sag AND pasties.”
I pulled my Game of Thrones T-shirt over my head and dropped it onto the floor, then undid my bra and slipped out of my shorts. “Well that’s good news. That pastie glue sucks, and hard.”
She nodded as I removed my Birkis, holding the dress out for me to step into, then helped me slip my arms through the holes. “Did it for all of the bridesmaids, too. They’re removable if need be, too. Stay still while I zip you up.”
It was a tiny zipper at the back near my waist, the rest of the dress very form-fitting and essentially holding itself in place. The support lining was much like a bathing suit, and it helped immensely. When prompted, I lifted first one foot, then the other, trying not to breathe as Veronica wiggled the maxi-skirt into place around my waist. She stepped back, one hand moving upward, fingers open and partially covering her mouth.
“You look like a princess, Maude. Royal.”
Gazing down at myself, I snorted. “More like the Royal Princess. The cruise ship. It’s all so…white. And…vast. And WHITE. Can I get one of those awesomely loud horns to blast as I walk down the aisle?”
Frowning at me, she grasped my upper arms gently and turned me around to face the mirror. I stared at my reflection, realizing she was correct. My head snapped to the left, noting her concern as our eyes met.
“Veronica, I DO look like a princess. Absofuckingloutely I do. Princess LEIA. You know, that dress she wears at the end of A New Hope? During the medal ceremony? I mean, this is a different cut and it’s got some lace and whatever but…okay fine, it’s totally different, but she’s who came to mind when I saw myself and have I mentioned how much I loved The Force Awakens and Leia’s a GENERAL now and…yep, this needs to come of immediately because I’m going to cry again and shit…well not actually shit…”
Simon voice rang out from the other side of the screen. “For fuck’s sake, is she losing it again? No worries, me to the rescue…” He stepped into view, stunned into silence at the sight of me. Like everyone else in the bridal party except for Veronica, he’d only seen photos of my gown. A smile spread across his face, slowly, eyes shining with tears about to be shed. His voice was uncharacteristically soft, one hand lifted up to rest next to his face, his fingers splayed.
“Maude Gallagher, you’re so beautiful I can’t even look at you. It’s like staring at the sun.”  The smile morphed into an evil grin. “Tom is going to DIE. Or at least pass out. For real. Have the paramedics on standby.’
I bit my lip, sniffling in a very un-princess like manner. “This does not feel like a rescue, Simon. I guess I’ll have to rescue myself, just like LEIA.” The laugh-crying began then, leaving Veronica scrambling to wrap a disposable protective cape the make-up team typically used around me. At some point I noticed that Simon was wearing his suit…his light purple suit, just a few shades off from the official wedding purple. It was linen, the jacket sporting two white pearl buttons, three side pockets, a breast pocket with a white square perfectly folded in place, and pointed lapels. Underneath was an open-collared white dress shirt with dark purple buttons. There would be a purple bow tie the day of, but no socks to accompany his white leather shoes, which were dotted along the seams with ventilation holes. He smiled, and I wiped away my tears again, this time with the back of one hand.
“You look okay too, Simon. I guess.” His eyebrows rose, then he turned on his heel and sauntered toward his own changing area, calling back to me when he was halfway there.
“Not good, Maude. Fabulous. You meant FAB-U-LOUS.”
I called out in return. “I love you, dumbass.”
He snorted and flipped double birds at me behind his back, which for some reason restored my emotional equilibrium. Veronica helped me into my silver gladiator sandals…they were flats, incredibly simple and lightweight, with ties that wound up to nearly reach my knees. We’d all be wearing them, since they paired well with our dresses, and were also wicked comfortable. And, awesome for dancing. I panicked again for a moment, speeding through my mental checklist to determine if I’d remembered to send the song playlist to Sammy, relieved when I could actually recall doing so weeks prior. Veronica pinched and prodded and examined me from all angles, announcing afterward that no additional alterations would be needed. She’d travelled to London once the dresses had arrived from Israel and done the initial fitting, and her skills proved to be impressive as always…right on the money, right from the start. Once I was successfully disrobed and back into my shorts and T-shirt, I padded over to sit on one of the couches and put my Birkis back on. The others were done shortly thereafter, and I’d prepared myself in advance for what I thought might happen next. Simon plopped down next to me.
“Soooo, Miss Maude, since your betrothed is going to be out living it up tonight, we thought we’d ask if you wanted to do…you know…something. Dinner? Dessert? Dancing? All the ‘D’ things? Hmm???”
I smiled, shaking my head. “I very much appreciate the thought, and I’m going to be pissed off at myself at some point for passing up an opportunity for free food, but tonight…I’m just going to go back to my room and kinda…peace out. Put everything on pause. Reflect. Right after I finish writing the vows I should have finished months ago, that is. Or, you know, START writing them. So thank you, kind friends, but I fear I must beg off this time around.”
Simon leaned in to kiss my cheek. “It’s better to wait until the last minute. Your perspective of what you’re about to do is entirely different, fresher. And your feelings…stronger. I can’t wait to hear what your heart conjures up.” He snorted.  “But hey, no pressure!”
Hugs from everyone followed, and they headed off in search of a meal while I took the stairs up to room 203. The first item of business after entering was opening the balcony doors. We’d requested lounge chairs, and the promise of staring out at the water before it got dark was going to serve as my motivation for getting the vow thing out of the way. I sat at the desk, laptop open in front of me, blank Word document ready to go…and then it occurred to me that I couldn’t print anything without a hassle, that I’d need to memorize it all anyway, and that I actually needed TWO versions of vows. As I laughed manically at my current predicament, Simon’s words popped into my head – ‘what your heart conjures up’ – and I decided fuck preparing in advance, I was just going to wing it. It might wind up being messy, long, incoherent…but it would be REAL. Which seemed important, to me, in that moment. Some things are meant to be off script. Improvised. Imperfect. Like our lives.
I ordered in a pizza, tipped the delivery guy entirely too much, ate half of it, then settled into one of the loungers. As long as I kept the back upright I could see the ocean clearly, as well as a decent slice of the sand. Activity was minimal as it was still technically dinner time, and the sun would be going down within the hour. Other than an occasional distant shout or muffled conversation from those crossing the property near the ground floor patios below me, the sounds of the waves breaking and the birds singing were all I heard. As I breathed in the salt air, I could feel the corners of my mouth turning upward. As it grew darker, a sense of great peace washed over me. Worries faded, anxiety dissipated, and it was just…me, alone for the first time in a long while, able to view things with a logic and rationality that was often absent when my introverted self spent too much time with the humans sans a sufficient break.
Chuckling, I quoted the Dude to myself. “I can’t be worried about that shit. Life goes on, man.”
After the sun set fully, I used the bathroom, turned off all the lights in the room, then used the conveniently provided hotel matches to light the three cylindrical candles on the patio table. I’d left my phone in the room, but went back in to retrieve it just in case Tom decided to tipsy-text me. Or plain text me. I honestly didn’t know how he’d approach this time with his friends, but I was expecting him to at least have a few beers or a whiskey or two. Someone having to carry him back to the room at the end of the night was certainly within the realm of possibility.
Once the stars came out, I lowered the back of the lounge chair enough so I could gaze upon them without craning my neck, and the next thing I knew I was being carried into a well-lit space and lowered onto the bed by a gorgeous man. I reached upward, patting his cheek sleepily.
“Tommy. You’re not s’posed to carry me over thresholds until after we’re married, ya silly.”
He grinned as he sat down next to me. “Well, after four unsuccessful attempts to rouse you, this was really my only option.”
I sat up, groaning. “Seriously? Wow. That’s crazy. I guess I really took the whole ‘peace out’ thing to heart.” His head tilted in confusion. “Oh. Right. You weren’t at the fitting. They asked me to go out tonight, but I said I was going to come back here and peace out. Mission accomplished, I guess. Did you have fun? Oh my god, WHAT is on your SHIRT?”
He was wearing a white tee, with an old fashioned ‘wanted’ poster printed on the front…his smiling face as the mug shot, with jail cell bars over the top and the word ‘CAPTURED’ emblazoned across it all. Smirking, he turned his back to me, where there was a photo from Luke and Simon’s wedding of both of us making goofy faces for the camera, the text beneath it stating ‘Perfect Match Is Perfect’.
Snorting, I poked his chest. “Well, I was all set to be mildly offended but the back is adorable…”
His lips met mine, tongue seeking entrance. He tasted faintly of whiskey, but mainly of smoky, peppery pineapple. I laughed, causing him to pull away.
“Dare I ask what’s so amusing?”
“Pineapple pizza, huh?”
He smiled, touching a fingertip to my nose. “You’re truly missing out, you know. It’s delicious.”
“Oh, it may be…but it’s an ABOMINATION. Wrong. So very wrong.”
Licking his lips, he leaned forward so his left shoulder touched my right. “Thank you, for tonight. It was such a wonderful surprise, and I’m not sure we’ve ever all been together like this when we weren’t filming. We had a spectacular time, though I’m afraid even the guests on the top floor heard us…”
“You’re welcome. I figured it might be a once in a great while kinda thing, and Ben was so gracious when he asked that I couldn’t say no. I hated lying to you, though.”
His arms wound around me, and I reciprocated. He grinned. “I apologize unreservedly for causing you to have to do so. Perhaps an orgasm or two will somehow rectify the situation?”
My face scrunched up. “Mmm…how about six?”
He clucked his tongue at me. “Now, now. No need to be greedy.”
“It’s not greed. It’s ambition.”
“Well, that has merit. We’d best get at it, then.”
I pulled the hem of his shirt upward. “Agreed. Totally. Let’s get at it.”
Four hours, one very long shower, and barely any sleep later we were startled by the sound of someone pounding on our room door. I sat up, glancing at the clock on the night table…ten minutes after six. I turned back to Tom, who was already standing and pulling on the shorts he’d worn yesterday.
“What the actual fuck? That’s like, ridiculously loud for so early…” Tossing aside the covers, I got up and grabbed my black silk robe out of the armoire and slipped into it quickly. Tom, shirtless, beat me to the door, opening it cautiously. Standing in the hallway was Luke, his jaw set, eyes blazing, phone in hand. He pushed past Tom, then closed the door behind him.
“She did it. This morning. It’s everywhere. I wanted you to hear it from me first.” He held out his phone for Tom and me to see. He had the Daily Mail pulled up, the featured top story showing.
FIFTY SHADES OF SEXCAPADES – Claudia Heidrich, 25, former flame of Tom Hiddleston, 35, reveals just how he managed her nights by posting DOZENS of videos of the couple online, exposing his penchant for heavy drinking, swinging, threesomes, foursomes and moresomes, public sex and BDSM just as he’s set to wed fiancé Maude Gallagher, 38, TOMORROW.
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az-valentine · 6 years
Entry 1: Pennywise [AU]
July 2nd, 2018 
In light of recent events – the nature of which I refuse to explain to people who simply couldn't understand – I've been inspired to record a few passages for Humanity to eventually stumble upon. Despite what you may know about me, however little that may be, I assure you, there is far more to me than what meets the eye. You probably know me to be an unpredictable, animalistic Eldritch Abomination that comes crawling out of the darkest pits of your worst nightmares – you are correct. However, I'm far more complicated than that. Yes, I eat flesh and feed on Fear, as it's necessary for my survival. I didn't choose to be this way, it's just how I was created to be. 
Outside of that, I'm actually a fan of your classic literature, like Shakespeare, Twain, Poe, and Lovecraft. I also enjoy taking long walks to admire your older European architecture, and your bigger, more lush and diverse botanical gardens. I don't often leave Maine, let alone the Continental United States, but when I do, it's always a treat. My Eldritch Brethren usually don't care much – or at all – about what Humanity has accomplished in its pathetically short time, but I watched your earliest ancestors crawl out of the ancient muds of this planet, and I'm positive I'll watch you all return to the weeds in due time. 
My past is better left being known only by those closest to me, and left up for interpretation to everyone else. That being said, I feel strangely obligated to offer you a word of warning – don't end up like the protagonists of most Lovecraft stories. Don't go digging for information you have no business knowing. What you know, and what you think you know about Fear, hardly even scratches the surface of the unnamable terrors that lie beneath and beyond your fragile mental barriers. The depths of Madness are not meant to be explored by Mortal minds, for they were never designed to be capable of handling the journey. 
Some have tried, and nearly all have ended up a writhing, unintelligible, gibbering mess before their inevitable, horrific deaths. Some have wound up on that Path without even intending to, and fell victim to similar fates. If there's one thing we have in common, it's our tendency to be curious creatures. I definitely understand the desire to learn about the unknown. I cannot stop you from attempting to uncover lost knowledge and hidden truths, and I can't honestly say I care whether or not you listen to me. However, I still feel compelled to advise against it. Like me, though, you'll do what you please, regardless of the risks. 
Moving forward, those of you that know of me know me to be a Shifter, a being that is capable of taking the form of whatever I want. I'm like a Mimic, but far more interesting, and intelligent. I'm also like Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, except I take no pleasure in gaining legions of followers and spreading Madness. I prefer to be left alone most of the time – to Hunt, eat, sleep, and explore as I choose. Earth isn't the only planet I've been to, but it's definitely one of my favorites. If I wake up during one of my sleep cycles, I'll sometimes take that opportunity to go somewhere new and different, or old and familiar. 
I've seen everything from the bustling cities of Tokyo and Arcturus Prime, to the noxious swamps of Beldron 4, the scorching, temple and monolith-spotted deserts of Alkh'tktuuhl, the ravenous raggle-trees of Nillub, and even the turbulent oceans, black forests, and numerous mountain ranges of an unknown terrestrial behemoth, floating aimlessly through the inky depths of Oblivion. One thing most don't know about me, is that Alkh'tkhtuuhl holds a very special place in my Heart. Those that know the reason why, though, I can count on one hand. 
Unbeknownst to Humanity, Arcturus Prime is still thriving to this day – and if rumors hold true, the Arcturians eventually want to introduce themselves. Don't worry, they're incredibly friendly. In my experiences with them, they're often a little shy, so don't do anything stupid when they get here. You'll need their help if you want your species to survive, thrive, and save the only planet you currently have to live on. They'll slowly work you into the galactic community, and help you learn how to integrate with other people from other planets, as well as how to survive off of your home world. 
Everyone that lives long enough will go through a Great Change at certain points in their lives – this trait is not unique to Humans, or any other Mortal species within the Multiverse, but is present among all sentient Life that has evolved far enough to be capable of experiencing these changes. Even I, the Prince of Fear, have gone through it several times throughout my existence. Indeed, many see me as just a highly intelligent, impossibly powerful beast that's merely good at acting, but I too am a person. 
I am not at liberty to speak of my true origins, or what came before, but I do have quite a few stories I'm allowed to tell. For the sake of brevity – I could write an entire series about my life – I will stick to telling only a few tales that I hold near and dear to my Heart. It's not every day a Mortal gets to learn such personal things about an Eldritch Being, let alone directly from them, so consider this a little gift to Humanity. I still take what I need to sustain myself, but who would I be if I didn't give back every now and then? 
Don't think of me as just a monster – I may be greater than anything a Human could ever hope to become, and I may have needs that cause a conflict of Morality between us, but it doesn't mean we don't share similarities. I don't know why I feel the need to say it, but just like you, I have my weaknesses. I have sore spots, bad memories, times of self-destruction, and an unhealthy relationship with self-hatred. Oh, yes...I can be as vulnerable as the Mortals whose lives I claim. It's not all bad, though. As I stated earlier, some of my guilty pleasures include literature, architecture, and traveling. I also enjoy attending plays, Broadway shows, and operas. At heart, I am an artist, and someone who appreciates the natural beauty to be found spread out across the Universe. 
In fact, for as long as I can remember, I've always taken part in the various cultures' Arts in some way or another. My numerous homes have always had a collection of writings, paintings, and props found in certain visual productions that had struck my fancy. I would occasionally write my own works, such as poetry and prose, plays, and even some music, and then offer it to Yog-Sothoth for his Archives. On top of that, I would often disguise myself as a native of a planet, and audition to play a role in something – not once was I turned down. Who was the best Carmen? Me. The greatest Figaro? Me! 
By now, you must be perfectly aware of the sizeable amount of differences between me, and the Being you've always known me to be. There is an explanation for this, yes, but I struggle to believe that you could fully comprehend what I'm about to describe. If I only lay out the basics for you, there's a good chance you'll be able to follow along. I've made mention of the Multiverse, yes? It's bigger, stranger, more complex, and more terrifying than you may have previously believed it to be. Infinities on top of Infinities, spanning in Infinite directions, through every Dimension, and every conceivable and inconceivable possibility happening all at once, at all possible times. It's a lot to take in, and I urge you not to try and understand it completely. It'll just drive you Insane, like many others before you. 
Back to the point at hand, though...I am not the same Pennywise you've known, as I'm from a different Universe. Who I am, as well as my Past, Present, and Future, have been and always will be completely different from the version of me you're familiar with. I've mastered the Art of Transcending Time and Space, and am able to move freely between Universes. The conditions of my state of existence, though, must remain a closely guarded secret for the time being. Let's just say that I've made promises I can't afford to break, to someone that makes me look tiny, powerless, and insignificant by comparison. 
Perhaps "completely different" was a poor choice of words. If I'm not careful, I'll become the Thing born of your worst nightmares. What's worse? I could get stuck like that, and require another Purification to set me straight. Yes, a Purification...something that all of the Dark and Twisted Souls must be willing to subject themselves to if they wish to enter the Light. Ugh! I shudder to think about going through such a painful experience for a second time. The agony is only temporary, and it melts away into a warm tingle, but it's still horribly unpleasant at first. I won't try to sway you one way or the other, but it was worth it for me. I was fine doing my own thing, and being by myself, but the opportunity was too great to pass up. 
I'd rather not get into the details of the situation, but I regained something I'd lost billions of years ago, only because I chose to go through the process of Great Change. I haven't been happy in billions of years, but I am now, and I'm never giving this up. To be perfectly honest, I only went through this change last October, and so I'm still adjusting to this new Way of Life I've chosen. I may or may not have snacked on a child recently...don't look at me like that, I was starving! And without a long sleep to fall back on anymore, I must feed at least once a week now, depending on the size of the person. 
I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. I've been targeting only the worst of the worst, so as long as you're not a piece of shit person, one worthy of being scared to the point of shitting yourself and then getting eaten alive, you have nothing to Fear from me. Except maybe the occasional scare for my amusement, and to satisfy my need for Fear. 
 July 3rd, 2018 
This entry has already gotten long, and I'm afraid I've run out of Time to tell you a story. Forgive me, I didn't think my introduction would wind up being so long. I'm afraid I have some bad news...I'm set to depart on a series of Hunts for the next three to seven months, and I'm unsure of when I'll be able to continue. This was sprung upon me at the last minute, and I'm in no position to decline this mission. 
Know this, Humanity: I will return, and in no less than excellent health. Chances are, I won't be hungry when I finally make it back. However, don't think for a moment that I won't continue to Hunt the scum of your societies, one by one...both to fulfill my needs for survival, and to make good on my Sacred Oath. 
 Until next Time, 
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tony-luvv · 7 years
Can you do a prompt of mpreg tony where there trying to figure out who is the father because a lot of guys want to be the father and at the end it's the one person they least expect to be the father.
This is actually going to be different from the mpreg I didnot too long ago, and a bit on the odd ball side of things so.. enjoy?
Real quick, thank you @not-close-to-straight for helping me generate this idea, hope you guys like it.
“Mama, I wan’ a baby bouv’a.” Tony choked on his sip ofwater, a little bit escaping his mouth but most getting caught in the wrongwind pipe.
It took a minute for the omega genius to get his breath backand be able to speak but when he did he turned to his darling baby boy,stuttering out a weak response, “Where did this come from?”
“Some of the kids at school talk about their baby bouv’as andhow i’s hard being a big bouv’a and tha’s wha’ I wan’ ta be.” His littlemunchkin was staring up at him, brown eyes big and pleading working over hismother just like Uncle Rhodey had taught him.
“Oh Petey-Pie…” Tony was at a complete loss, he was an omegaparent of one with no mate. Peter was a lovely surprise but Tony hadn’t evenconsidered more children. He was quite happy of his single parent life with hispup. Of course he had the help of his friends and teammates but for the mostpart it was him and Pete. He hadn’t even been on a date since he discovered hewas pregnant. Much too busy with becoming a parent, running R&D, andconsulting with SHEILD.
“Mama,” Little five year old Peter climbed up on the couchand into Tony’s lap, snuggling close but far enough away he could look hismother in the eyes. Little hands cupped his cheeks and gave him the saddestlittle eyes, “P’ease Mama, I wan’ a baby bouv’a.”
“BRUCE!” Said scientist jumped from his slouched positionover his lab counter. The mild scientist had fallen asleep next to his microscopesometime last night (or was it this morning) and Tony’s surprise visit hadwoken him up. He had been looking at some samples that he collected from theteam when Tony stormed in with Peter a few steps behind him. Bruce glanced athis watch, 8:13 great.
“Yes Tony?”
“Hi Uncle Brucie!” Peter skipped ahead of his mother,jumping a little when he got in front of Bruce.
“Good morning, Peter. What brings you two down here soearly?”
“Mama’s gonna give me a baby bouv’a!” Bruce nodded along, tootired and too used to these two and their crazy shenanigans.
“Oh is he now?” Bruce looked up at Tony. The man looked asif he was on a mission, eyes determined and stance tense but prepared foranything.
“Yes I am, my baby wants a small baby and I’m going to giveit to him. And you’re going to help me. Can you inseminate me?” Tony wasstanding in front of Bruce now, one hand going to mess with Peter’s messy bedhead.
“Why the rush?” Bruce couldn’t help but ask, it did seemvery sudden.
Tony leaned a little closer, lowering his voice, “The fasterI do it, the sooner I can get it over with… and I can’t talk myselfout  of it.”
Bruce snorted, Peter caught on that they were talking above himand glared up at them suspiciously. Both adults smiled down out him, acts ofpure innocence, “Well, you’re in luck, I have some samples I can use.”
“Perfect let’s do this.”
Tony sent Peter off to his room, while Bruce prepped thesample. Once JARVIS assured them thelittle pup was in his room getting ready for the day did Tony and Bruce get tobusiness.
It took all of 15 minutes and then Bruce was sending Tonyoff with strict instructions. If he wanted the donor to catch he would have tobe careful for the next 24 hours. With that little excitement taken care of Brucemade his was over to the couch in the corner and promptly collapsed on it. Hewas asleep within minutes.
He was slow coming too but eventually Bruce gathered some ofhis baring’s enough to speak up, “JARVIS?”
“Yes Dr. Banner?”
“What time is it? And how long was I out?”
“It is 9:15 am on February 2nd, you were asleepfor about 22 hours.” Right, no wonder Ifeel so sluggish, I really need to get on a better sleep schedule.
“Thank you JARVIS.” The AI might have said something butBruce had already got himself caught in his thoughts, wondering over to hisdesk he glanced over his work, trying to get his brain reboot. After making afew mental notes he went to the private bathroom, where he kept a few morningitems for occasions such as these. Splashing a little water on his face alwayshelped to wake him up. Once that was done he got his toothbrush out and startedon his routine.
While he brushed his mind thought back to the last day,checking over the teams samples to compile his data and research, marking anysignificant differences between himself and Steve. Comparing Thor to Sam’s DNAto find any obvious differences. Tony’s unexpected visit and inseminating himwith one of the samples. Cleaning up afterwards and –
In the mirror Bruce stared back at his wide eyed reflection,growing horror at what he done.
A few floors up Tony and Peter were in the kitchen preparingbreakfast for everyone present. Steve was attempting to help but when he burnedthe bacon Tony threw him out, so now he sat next to Clint at the table. Thearcher was whining at Natasha to share her coffee with him while Thor was inthe living room watching morning cartoons.
Sam was on his floor taking a shower, Bucky was most likelystill in bed (he hated mornings) and the Guardian’s that had been staying withthem the past month had been at SHIELD, a meeting with Fury and Coulson.
The people present on the common floor were not expectingthe mild Bruce Banner aka. Hulk come tearing out the staircase.
Curse words were flying out Bruce’s mouth left and right allwhile he ran straight for the startled genius. “FUCK, TONY. DAMN–” He looked atPeter and physically stopped himself from releasing another curse word aroundthe child. “Tony, god I’m so sorry. I didn’t even realize – I’m so stupid.”
“Bruce, wha–” Tony was reaching out for Bruce, he was sodistressed, beating himself up (literally, he kept smacking his forehead withhis palm) and it worried the omega.
“Tony, yesterday when you came to me. I was so sleepdeprived I didn’t even think about what I was doing.” By now the team that waspresent had diverted all attention to the distraught beta. “Tony, I got youpregnant with one of the team’s samples…”
“WHAT!?” Steve and a suddenly more awake Clint jumped fromtheir seats at the table.
**New Text Message**
From: Natasha
To: Sam, Bucky
Get to Common RoomAsap, a congratulations are in order.
Sam had just gotten out the shower when he saw Natasha’stext, he hated when she texted him stuff like this. She lived for giving thebarest details and then not answering any responding text until you sought herout. With a sigh he got dried off and then threw some jeans and a tee on beforehe went to join the others. He bumped into Bucky in the hall way on the way.
“What do you think she meant?”
Bucky gave a barely there smirk (the message must have intriguedhim enough to get out of bed but not enough to get rid of his sour morningmood), “It’s Natasha, I’m not even going to try and guess.”
Sam grunted but he guessed he was about to find out what wasgoing on because he could hear noise coming from the common room. Rounding thecorner, Sam and Bucky both stopped in their tracks.
It was a mad house. Tony and Bruce were together on thecouch and it looked as if the good doctor was upset about something. Head downand face hidden in his hands, Tony sitting directly next to him. Rubbing thedistressed man’s back and talking to him in hushed whispers.
By the windows Natasha stood by Thor and Clint was at herfeet, kneeling as if he was begging her for something. Which was odd seeing asClint was rambling something along the lines of “I’m not ready. I can’t be, no.Natasha why didn’t you stop me?” It only confused the man the more he listenedso he shifted his focus to Steve and Peter.
“Now Peter, I want you to know that this changes nothing.You will be equally loved, ya hear me?”
“Yes Uncle Steve.”
Sam was so busy trying to focus on everyone else that henearly jumped out of his skin when Bucky grabbed him. “Dude! What the–” Buckyslapped his flesh hand over his mouth. Using said head he directed hisattention back to Clint who looked more pissed then terrified. A lot couldhappen in a few seconds when it involved the Avengers.
“What do you mean Thor?” Clint was giving the demi god astink eye, almost sizing him up with a single sweep of his eyes.
“That there is no reason to fret friend Barton. If myunderstanding of Midgard is correct, than the man of iron is not in cycle andhis chances of pregnancy are low. But if he does take then the child willsurely be mine, for I am not only the god of thunder but also the god offertility.”
“You trying to say my sperm wouldn’t take!?”
“Less likely is all. I mean no offense, I am merely usinglogic as Banner and Stark often do.”
“What pregnancy?” Bucky’s steady voice grabbed everyone’sattention, all eyes aside from Banner’s were now on the ex-assassin. Buckylooked at everyone individually waiting for someone to fess up. Finally Tonysighed and waved for the two new comers to come sit with him.
When butts connected with couch Tony dove right in, “Yesterday I may or may not have been inseminated with one of the team’s samples…”
“WHAT.” Sam jumped up from the couch but Bucky quicklypulled him back down. “So you’re saying one of us is the father to your unbornchild?”
Tony hesitated, “…Yes.”
“Worry not everyone, for I shall be a great father once thechild is born.” Thor came to stand behind where Sam and Bucky were sat,clapping them both on the back.
“Hold the phone, what makes you so sure it’s yours?” Clintseemed offended.
“Have I not already explained myself Clinton?” Thor gave himthe best ‘do I really need to dumb it down for you’ face the world had everseen. “Do you believe yourself to be the father?”
“Hell yeah I do.”
“Why’s that?” It was Steve that stepped forward to ask thesuddenly very self-assured archer.
“Because I’ve nevermissed a mark.” The smirk that graced Hawkeye’s face after that statement hadTony desperately wanting to smack it off. Thankfully Natasha did it for him.
A lot of the team got distracted by Clint’s squawking andThor’s posturing. Sam on the other hand was a little trapped in his head, Oh my god, oh my god. Oh. My. God. I’m goingto be a dad.
The next eight months were … there was no single word todescribe these past months. Bucky had entered a Winter Soldier state of mind.His mission: protect the omega and unborn pup. Some days he was attached toTony’s hip, checking his surrounding and deeming things safe enough to sit orenter. Other days he lingered in the shadows, always keeping watch of thepregnant omega but never far away. He even moved into Tony’s spare guest roomon his floor without anyone realizing he moved in there. Only JARVIS and Peterknew, not even Natasha had figured it out until much later.
Sam, the poor man was a walking ball of anxiety. The newsthat he could be a potential father sent him into a wild panic. He immediatelywent out and cleared the local book shop of all books related to parenting anddealing with pregnancy. This trip was followed by a trip to the clinic to getevery available pamphlet for support groups and recommended doctors. Literallyanything he could need to read up on taking care of a pregnant omega and thenpreparing for fatherhood. One day he spent eighty dollars on necessary vitaminsfor Tony that he dropped off on his floor before freaking out. Thinking he hadn’tbought enough he ran back to the store.
Steve had taken to a lot of preparations, putting together anursery for the pup with Peter. The two of them consulting one another on howto decorate the nursery. Picking out furniture and assembling it (which for themost part Steve did by himself). After much debate and a little input from Tonythey settled on a woodland theme. They lived in the heart of the city so it wasa cute contrast. Peter helped put down the main coat but Steve painted thetrees and animals. When he wasn’t working on the nursery he was baby proofingthe tower.
Thor was in and out of the tower, running off to Asgard to collectitems for the child. Strange toys and beautifully made blankets, the softestthing Tony had ever had the grace of touching. Sometimes he’d even bring apresent for Tony, like the scented oils that helped with his sore feet andback. But for the most part it seemed like he enjoyed getting into pissing contestswith Clint. When Tony was really starting to show Thor waited until Clint wasaround to make a comment. “My Anthonylook how big and swollen you’ve gotten, surely the child is mine. Taking afterhis father and all.” Clint was ready to fire something back but they wereboth stopped by a very hormonal Tony who began screaming at them. He wasn’t fathe was just pregnant. When shouting turned to tears a growling Winter Soldieremerged from the shadows and kicked them out.
For the most part Clint bounced between moods. SometimesNatasha couldn’t tell who was more hormonal, Clint or Tony. One week he be allon board, ready to be the father Tony and Peter needed and even taking to spendmore time with Peter. Trying to get a feel for a parenting life. Then somethingwould happen and he would hole up in his room for some time. The first time ithappened it lasted three days, the second time, a day. The third and fourthmuch the same but the fifth time he had an episode he disappeared for twoweeks. Finally when he returned he tentatively approached Tony and asked him ifhe needed help with anything. Tony smiled as said he needed help with dinner.It became a thing, anytime Clint had an episode he’d disappear and then go helpmake dinner with Tony.
Bruce for most of the pregnancy carried a cloud of guiltover his shoulder. He had become a nurse to Tony, helping set up all thenecessary appointments. Keeping the omega on a strict diet and having him takeall the proper vitamins and medications on an equally strict schedule. Hechecked Tony’s blood pressure, sugar levels and more almost weekly, the omegawas normally able to get him to stay on a biweekly schedule for that.
To say Tony was being well taken care of was anunderstatement. He had six potential donor’s fretting over him in the oddestways possible but the one that really made a difference was Peter Quill. The Guardianshad become a rock to the omega throughout everything. Distracting him when hismind wondered and he got panicky over his rushed decision. Comforting him whenthe hormones took him for a ride. Sneaking snacks into Bruce’s strict diet,taking Tony’s aching feet into his lap and rubbing them without having to ask,and the list went on.
Before he knew it he had developed feelings for the otherman and revealed it too.
It hand been a long day of potential donor’s breathing downhis throat and he’d retreated to his room for some peace. A knock sounded athis door and with a sigh he told whoever was there to come in.
“Hey Tony, I hope you don’t mind but I was hoping we couldwatch this movie together, I brought snacks.” In one hand was a DVD copy of TheReplacements, in the other was his new favorite treat. Tostitos scoops withgrapes in them. God why was this man so perfect? He didn’t even realize he hadstarted crying until Peter put everything down and rushed over to him.
“Tony what’s wrong? Did you want to be alone? I’m sorry.”
“I really like you.” Peter stopped fretting for a second tostared at the other man. “Like really like you.”
Peter settled more firmly on the bed next to Tony and tookhis hands in his. “Tony, I know there’s no chance that I will be the father toyour unborn pup. But if you’re will to take a chance I’d really love to bethere for you, Peter and the pup.”
Tony pulled a hand free to whip at his face, trying to clearit of some of the tears. “I’d really like that.” Their smiles could light up aroom, one full of pure glee, the other shy but radiating hope.
Delivery day, everyone was gathered in the waiting room.Nerves burning like a wild fire through the group. Little Peter was sitting inbig Peter’s lap, playing his video game and trying to stay awake. Rhodes was inthe delivery room with Tony, having been there with Tony when he had Peter. Itmade it easier than having to pick one of the potential baby daddies.
Everyone was sitting in uncomfortable hospital chairs exceptSam, who couldn’t stop fretting. Going through the master check list he had onhis phone one last time. Something must have been off cause he cursed quietlyand then took off down the hospital halls.
Of course almost as soon as Sam left the doctor came out. “StarkFamily?”
Everyone stood and gathered around the doctor, this was themoment everyone had been waiting for …
“The delivery was success, although it took sometime Mr.Stark had no complications. Dr. Banner?”
“Yes Doctor?”
“Congratulations, it’s a boy.” Suddenly Bruce’s knees grewvery weak and he fell back into one of the vacant chairs. He hadn’t evenconsidered himself as one of the potential donors. Everyone around him wascelebrating and congratulating him but he was still trying to grasp what wassaid. A boy … I have a baby boy. I’ma father. Despite what Bruce thought was going to happen today, he foundthat he was really happy with this outcome. “Now everyone you’re going to haveto wait a bit longer before you can visit Mr. Stark and the baby but someonewill be out to retrieve you as soon as everything is cleared.”
“Thank you doctor.” Steve shook the man’s hand beforeallowing him to leave.
Later the Uncle Squad found Sam and dragged him to theviewing window. Bucky’s metal finger barely touched the glass as he pointed atthe sleeping pup. Noah Robert Stark was born with perfect health and a strongset of lungs.
Sam stared down at the child, “…It’s white.”
“He’s white Sam.” Steve corrected.
“Right. Wow, cool. Not mine. Does anyone else feel likethey might pass out?” As if voicing it was a switch, Sam dropped like abrick right there in front of everyone.
“I think the drop in stress did him in.” Bucky didn’t evenbother looking away from the sleeping baby. But he couldn’t help joining in whena chorus of laughs filled their group.
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fromherlips · 7 years
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 the truly heinous holiday sweater - a cut to the feeling drabble
HAPPY FIRST DAY OF BRACE YOUR ELF DECEMBER! we’re starting it off with a little drabble from the ‘cut to the feeling’ universe, a one shot i wrote this summer. i hope you enjoy this lil guy and i can’t wait for you to see what’s in store for the rest of the month! lots and lots of love xoxoxo
“Niall, I swear to god, if you don’t get your cold hands off of me, I will shove you off of this sofa,” Lennox said, narrowing her eyes at the brown-haired nuisance sat next to her. Their bodies were covered with a fluffy throw blanket that Lennox had picked up at Target a few weeks prior, keeping them warm to combat her freezing apartment. What they didn’t tell you about adulthood was that gas and electricity bills were expensive, so anywhere she and her roommates could save, they did. This usually translated to ungodly hot summers and freezing winters inside their apartment, but it was well worth the money saved for other expenses.
Niall chuckled, his hands slipping out from under the hem of her sweatshirt. Or more accurately, his sweatshirt that she had claimed as hers only a few months after they had started dating the year before. Her roommates had an event on campus to attend as a favor to a friend, giving Lennox and Niall the entire apartment to themselves for a few hours. There were plenty of things that they could’ve done whilst left alone, so naturally they chose to take full control of the TV in the living room, a rarity given her binge-watching obsessed roommates. 
The two had picked up dinner on campus, carrying it back to her apartment while they trudged through the fresh snow, too early in the season to be thick and icy and a total walking hazard. Since they got complete control of what they were watching, they’d spent most of the week planning the two movies they’d try to squeeze in during their moment of solitude. They each got to pick one and spent a long time arguing about each other’s movie taste. But when it came down to it, they ended up turning the TV on to a marathon of Catfish. Over an hour later, they found themselves hooked, too engrossed to bother following their original plans for the night.
“My hands aren’t cold,” Niall argued. 
“They’re icicles,” she replied. “Honestly, had I known you had such freezing hands, I wouldn’t have even thought about dating you.”
Niall snorted, snaking his arm around her waist. “You’re hilarious.”
“At least you have one thing right,” she hummed, tilting her head to the right until her cheek rested on Niall’s shoulder. “Are we losers for watching Catfish on a Thursday night when we have the apartment to ourselves?”
“Absolutely not,” Niall replied. “I’m too tired to do anything else. Senior year is easy but it also sucks and I just want to sleep all the time.”
“Same,” Lennox groaned. “I could nap now, but I want to know if this person is a catfish or not. I mean, I’m sure they are but at the same time, what if I’m wrong?”
Lennox was not wrong, but that didn’t stop them from watching the next episode in hopes that one of these days, the person would actually be who they said they were. Niall had gotten up at some point to pour them a glass of wine, giving Lennox an opportunity to pull more of the blanket towards here, taking a sizable portion to drape over herself. He had learned to stop complaining about her blanket stealing habits, merely shaking his head at her when he sat back down on the couch. 
“So, have you gotten your ugly sweater for the party next week yet?” Niall asked.
“Oh babe, I’ve had my sweater for weeks,” Lennox replied. “Why do you think I specifically requested having that ugly sweater party at your apartment? I had plans.”
“Ah, always planning ahead I see,” he replied. “I’m glad I could be of service to your party hosting needs.”
“Hey, your place is the perfect party apartment, don’t act like it’s not,” Lennox said. “I’ll help set up and clean up, you know that.”
“Shh, I’m only kidding,” he replied, sneaking his hand underneath the blanket to poke her in the side. “Can’t wait to be repulsed by your ugly sweater.” 
“Same with yours,” she said. “And you better play along and wear one. Don’t think I didn’t notice that you didn’t abide by the last theme.” 
“Oh, so now you’re the theme police?” Niall asked. “I’m so terrified.”
“I can’t even threaten you with handcuffs because we both know how you feel about those after Halloween,” Lennox commented, rolling her eyes at his inevitable snickering. “You were almost too into them, Ni.”
“Imagine how I feel about garland,” he commented, wagging his eyebrows.
* * * * *
Lennox’s sweater was, by far, the most atrocious sweater in the room. Half of the room wore simple red and green sweaters, another small chunk not even following the theme, though she was sure they were stragglers who heard about the party last minute and decided to come anyway. Then there was the select few who had on traditional holiday sweaters, the kind that you’d find at the mall that are still somewhat cute and didn’t fully commit to the “ugly” theme.
“If I didn’t love you, I’d dump you because of that sweater,” Niall said when Lennox showed up at his apartment three hours early with decorations and her own drinks of choice. She’d also brought over a case of beer, her gift to Niall’s roommates for being gracious party hosts once again. Niall assured her that they were fine with having party’s at their place because it meant they didn’t have to leave the house, but Lennox figured it was better to be polite and be on his roommates’ good sides, especially since they were best friends. 
Niall’s sweater of choice wasn’t that appealing either, but it wasn’t as garish or ill-fitting as Lennox’s. Hers fit more like a dress, giving her an excuse to wear leggings underneath. It was a heinous shade of red and was covered in garland, glitter, mini stockings, embroidered candy canes, and even lit up thanks to the battery pack. It was, in all senses of the word, appalling.
“You’re rude and I’m not sharing my drinks with you tonight,” Lennox replied, brushing past Niall to set her bags down on his kitchen table. “Boys, you are more than welcome though!”
His roommates laughed, turning away from their video game on the TV for a moment to look her way. “Thanks guys,” Niall sighed, flipping off his roommates before joining Lennox at the table. “You’re still very cute though. That sweater doesn’t change that.” 
“Too late,” she said, looking away from him while she started pulling out the red and green plastic cups. “Talk to me later and I’ll see if I change my mind.”
Niall had Lennox laughing within ten minutes, helping her hang random bits on the windows and walls, in between the decorations that they hadn’t taken down from their last party. Their apartment was always a bit of a hot mess, but at least it was somewhat clean and had the perfect set up for a party.
They had ended up ordering a couple of pizzas, passing the time before the party eating and playing more video games. Lennox played a few rounds, though she usually spent most of the time making fun of Niall losing, even if he was winning a round. It was fun to watch his brows furrow, his concentration faltering with each dumb remark.
“Dating for a year and she’s still taking the piss out of me,” Niall grumbled, pressing his fingers harder onto the buttons.
“It’s all out of love,” she replied, leaning back into the worn-in sofa. “You should think before you make fun of your girlfriend’s amazing ugly sweater.”
“There’s nothing in this world that would convince me to say that sweater was anything but heinous,” he said.
“Really?” Lennox quirked her brows, leaning to her left. She cupped her hand around Niall’s ears, whispering something too dirty for his roommates to hear. When she pulled away, he immediately cleared his throat, his focus clearly completely lost.
“I stand corrected,” he finally said. 
A few of Lennox’s friends arrived an hour or so early, joining the small pre-game before everyone else was supposed to arrive. Kaia somehow read Lennox’s mind, carrying a full bottle of peppermint vodka above her head into the apartment, pumping her hands into the air to whatever song was playing. Peppermint vodka was vile unless poured into hot chocolate to spike it, but they had a tradition of doing shots of it during the holiday season, a disgusting tradition they shouldn’t have kept up, but continued to do regardless.
By the time the party properly started, Lennox, Niall, and their friends were on their way to being very drunk. It was incredible how effective and dangerous drinking games were, easing everyone along in the stages of their respective buzzes.
Try as they might to break the cycle, Niall and Lennox’s party nights always followed a similar pattern. They’d split up at the beginning of the party, spending time with their friends while the night was still young and they weren’t too drunk to comprehend situations. Then, naturally, they’d find each other, if not in the designated dance area, near the bathroom or in Niall’s bedroom for secret shots. It was gradual, the forces of liquor and attraction bringing them together to end the night side-by-side.
But, despite Niall hating Lennox’s sweater with the burning passion, he wouldn’t leave her side the entire night. If they weren’t shoulder to shoulder or facing each other, his hand was looped around her waist. She could feel his fingers fiddling with the garland and other embroideries on the sweater, a subconscious habit that he kept up the entire night. 
“I really don’t want to take exams next week,” Lennox complained, leaning closer to Niall so he could hear her over the music blaring from the speakers.
“Me either,” he said. “But then it’s winter break and we have like, two weeks here without classes until we go home for Christmas.” 
“True,” she replied. “You’re not going until the 22nd, right?”
“And you leave the 20th,” he said. “I’m back before New Year’s though. We’re celebrating here, right?” 
“Yes, for sure,” she replied. “I don’t know of any plans right now, but I’m sure we’re creative enough to make our own, right?” 
Niall smiled, lowering his bottle of beer away from his mouth. “Absolutely,” he said. Niall leaned forward, pressing a kiss against her lips. “You taste like…peppermint?”
“My tradition with Kaia,” she replied. “By the way, your sweater is pretty damn ugly too you know.”
“Yeah, but not like yours,” he pointed out.
“Still, not sure I’d want to date you if I had seen you in this last year,” she replied.
“Well shit Lennox, I guess we’re both lucky that we’ve been dating too long to care about an ugly sweater,” Niall said, shaking his head. 
“Speak for yourself,” she joked, winking at her boyfriend. “C’mon cutie, I wanna take a shot in your room.”
“Just a shot?” he asked, raising his brows.
Lennox merely shrugged, turning on her heel before she could even see his reaction.
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Injustice 2 The Coon’s portfolio part 1: Battle Intros
The Coon (aka Eric Cartman)
“Prepared to get Cooned!”
While the most sensible people of South Park would see entering the Injustice Universe as certain death, 4th grader Eric Cartman saw immense opportunity. Driven by his own twisted (and selfish) ideas of how to make both worlds better, and emboldened by the possibly of taking Brainiac’s technology for himself, Cartman takes up his alter-ego of The Coon once again to tackle what may be his greatest challenge yet.
1st and 3rd Line Animation: The Coon simply falls downward and makes a three-point landing onto the stage as he says the first line. He says the third line while getting into fighting stance.
2nd Line Animation: The Coon enters the stage riding his Coon-Cycle (a Coon-themed tricycle for those unaware). The Coon stops his Coon Cycle by making a sharp turn while hitting the brakes. He says the second line while climbing out of the Coon-Cycle.
Vs. Aquaman
The Coon: Wow! It’s King Semen!
Aquaman: Do not mock me with formality!
The Coon: Ey! I workshopped a dozen of those!
Aquaman: Atlantis is off-limits!
The Coon: There’s nowhere The Coon can’t go!
Aquaman: You’ve been warned!
 Vs. Batman
Batman: Come quietly, you won’t get hurt.
The Coon: I’ve outwitted Mysterion before, I can outwit you, Bat-Bitch!
Batman: Let me enlighten you.
The Coon: You’ll either be dead or crapping your pants when I’m done.
Batman: Is that supposed to scare me?
The Coon: Fine, I can technically make you do both.
 Vs. Atrocitus
Atrocitus: You’ve enraged Earth’s people.
The Coon: Wow, already? And I just got here.
Atrocitus: Your victims must be avenged!
Atrocitus: Your rage and selfishness has plagued two worlds, Cartman!
The Coon: Oooooh! That mean you got a Red Ring for me?
Atrocitus: You’re too treacherous for a Red Ring!
The Coon: So what the hell do you want?
Atrocitus: You have escaped punishment too long!
The Coon: I can promise it’ll be much longer.
Vs. Bane
Bane: I hear this ‘New Kid’ became formidable with your training.
The Coon: (suspicious) awfully specific to bring that shit up, why?
Bane: If you lose, I’ll see if they fare better.
The Coon: Do you ride a tiny bicicleta, Bane?
The Bane: Do not butcher my language!
The Coon: “Ey! I workshopped a dozen of those!” or “Ha! you’ll wish that was all I was doing.”
Vs. Black Adam
Black Adam: Relinquish your apprentice to me, Eric Cartman!
The Coon: Huh, suddenly I’m glad I didn’t bring Butthole with me.
Black Adam: Dovahkiin will learn better wisdom from my lead.
The Coon: Seems God missed a firstborn during his plagues.
Black Adam: I’m the only god that should worry you, boy!
The Coon: Ha! The same ‘god’ that lost to Green Arrow?
Black Adam: You expect to best a god?
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage. 
Black Adam: Amon’s strength will crush your pride.
Vs. Black Canary
The Coon: I saw you on CW once.
Black Canary: Want me to sing for you?
The Coon: (scoffs) Good one, god knows I sing better than you.
Black Canary: I hear the New Kid doesn’t trust you anymore.
The Coon: (Sighs) way to open some old wounds, (mutters) stupid bitch.
Black Canary: Shame a good taste in students is all you got.
Vs. Blue Beetle
The Coon: Nice armor, think I’ll take it!
Blue Beetle: Can’t, it’s fused to my spine.
The Coon: I’m sure I’ll figure something out.
Blue Beetle: We’ve been keeping a cell warm for you.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Blue Beetle: You got denial bad, bro!
Vs. Brainiac
The Coon: Hi there, I’m the Coon and I’m here to take your ship.
Brainiac: An unlikely outcome of this encounter.
The Coon: You living is gonna be even less likely.
Brainiac: Why come to this universe?
The Coon: You got a treasure trove of tech, and I’m here to take it.
Brainiac: You overestimate your chances.
Brainiac: The nature of your universe is most curious.
The Coon: (suspicious) awfully specific to bring that shit up, why?
Brainiac: Know that South Park will be collected after your death.
Vs. Captain Cold
The Coon: Ya know, I’ve survived being frozen before.
Captain Cold: Then I’ll just punch you in the face.
The Coon: Assuming I don’t slash open your belly.
Captain Cold: The Rogues never liked you.
The Coon: Wow, already? And I just got here.
Captain Cold: Ever turned on a TV here, kid?
 Vs. Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze: You are unafraid of my gun.
The Coon: I always found your puns scarier than freezing to death.
Mr. Freeze: Best not to taunt me, child.
Mr. Freeze: Could Dr. Mephesto assist with my research?
The Coon: (scoffs) He’d be more interested in giving Nora more asses.
Mr. Freeze: Then I will make do freezing him and seizing his assets.
The Coon: Yeesh! Even South Park’s homeless don’t get that bad case of frostbite.
Mr. Freeze: You dare mock my suffering?!
The Coon: Ha! You’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Vs. Catwoman
The Coon: You do worse at flip-flopping than Butthole!
Catwoman: I like to keep my options open.
The Coon: “At least Butthole doesn’t make excuses.” Or “Just means you’ll run out of nine lives quicker.”
The Coon: Ya know, normally I like cats
Catwoman: Should I be creeped out, or flattered?
The Coon: Neither, won’t stop me from killing you.
Catwoman: I hear you like cats.
The Coon: Well, we can both agree cats are better than people.
Catwoman: Though raccoons are a cut below them both.
Vs. Cheetah
Cheetah: You honestly think your claws match mine, boy?
The Coon: I got other ways to skin you, just in case.
Cheetah: I need only my claws.
The Coon: Oh look, my new bath robe!
Cheetah: You won’t joke once I have your tongue.
The Coon: And you won’t be so cocky once I pull your tail off!
The Coon: You know, normally I like cats.
Cheetah: I can safely say you won’t like this one.
The Coon: Yeeeaahh, you may be right.
Cheetah: Garrison never taught you raccoons aren’t the best hunters?
The Coon: I’m guessing you don’t know the people I’ve hunted?
Cheetah: The Goddess knows, and she’s unimpressed.
Vs. Vixen
The Coon: So it’s the Coon versus…. what exactly?
Vixen: You’re fighting the entire animal kingdom.
The Coon: Then it’s time to put Coon on top of the food chain!
Vixen: I never understood what makes you tick.
The Coon: No father figure? Messed up social life? My own protégé left me? I can go on…
Vixen: None of that justifies the things you’ve done, Eric!
Vs. Cyborg
The Coon: So you’re mad at your dad for rebuilding ya?
Cyborg: It's 'cause of him I'm like this!
The Coon: you’re fuckin’ nuts! I’d kill for toys like yours!
Cyborg: I want nothing to do with you.
The Coon: (mockingly) Why? Jealous I still have my dick?
Cyborg: THAT was disrespectful, kid!
 Vs. Grid
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be somewhere inside Vic?
Grid: I will no longer be Victor Stone’s slave.
The Coon: ‘Kay then, maybe you’ll be mine instead.
Grid: Analysis suggests you will not survive.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Grid: My calculations are never wrong
Vs. Deadshot
The Coon: So someone put a price on The Coon?
Deadshot: I’ll admit, my jaw dropped at seeing those digits.
The Coon: (laughs amusingly) Now I know this world’s scared of me….
Deadshot: Those comics ever tell you how many raccoons I’ve bagged?
The Coon: (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Deadshot: One king-size coonskin cap coming right up….
Vs. Doctor Fate
The Coon: Sweet helmet, it’s mine now.
Doctor Fate: You would corrupt its power.
The Coon: With your Lords supporting Brainiac? How could I do worse?
Doctor Fate: You bring death and misery!
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Doctor Fate: Begone from this Earth!
Doctor Fate: The Lords know your fate.
The Coon: Like what? Your helmet on my head?
Doctor Fate: Your head will be all you’ll have left.
Vs. Firestorm
The Coon: I KNEW I forgot something when I came here.
Firestorm: The weeping angel on your shoulder?
The Coon: Nope, just marshmellows.
Firestorm: I’m almost tempted to turn you into paper.
The Coon: Wait, what?
Firestorm: you’ve always looked better flat.
 Vs. The Flash (Barry Allen)
The Coon: Would you believe I taught the New Kid how to be as fast as you?
The Flash: Yeah… I don’t think so.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
The Flash: I came back to set things right.
The Coon: The Coon’s got this covered.
The Flash: “I said ‘set things right’ not make things worse” or “You make it so easy to hit you!”
Vs. Jay Garrick
Jay Garrick: The blind pursuit of power leads only to ruin.
The Coon: I wouldn’t call it a ‘blind persuit’.
Jay Garrick: If you’d let me, I could help you….
The Coon: Nice helmet, it’s mine now.
Jay Garrick: I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, Eric.
The Coon: Nah, I’m getting a new popcorn bowl.
Vs. Reverse-Flash
Reverse-Flash: If it isn't the freak of the week?
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Reverse-Flash: (peeved over being mocked) I’ll enjoy bringing your corpse to your mom.
The Coon: (condescendingly) You’re looking a little pale, Thawne.
Reverse-Flash: You’re no legend, I should know….
The Coon: Maybe I’ll be one once I fillet you!
Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Gorilla Grodd: There's a place for you in the Society.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Gorilla Grodd: Your fellow humans would disagree.
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be in a zoo?
Gorilla Grodd: Shouldn’t you be sitting on a couch fattening yourself?
The Coon: (grins) Well, suddenly I’m thinking your pelt would look sweet on my couch.
 Vs. Green Arrow
The Coon: I saw you on the CW once.
Green Arrow: Excuse me?
The Coon: Just know I’ll say hi to Felicity for you….after I cut you!
Green Arrow: You sure this is your smartest play?
The Coon: The Coon’s got this covered.
Green Arrow: It’s okay, stupidity should be painful.
 Vs. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
The Coon: So what the hell do you want?
Hal Jordon: I’m bringing you in, one way or another.
The Coon: The Coon’s gonna snuff out your light then!
Hal Jordan: Something funny?
The Coon: Two words; Ryan Reynolds.
Hal Jordan: Let the record show, you asked for it!
 Vs. Green Lantern (John Stewart)
The Coon: Shouldn’t you be making jokes about the Republican Party?
John Stewart: Wrong John Stewart, kid.
The Coon: Damn, that was the only joke I had on you…
John Stewart: Cool off before this gets out of hand.
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes!
John Stewart: We don’t need your ‘help’ Cartman.
 Vs. Harley Quinn
The Coon: Well, if it isn’t the biggest insult to canon.
Harley Quinn: Try to make more sense, ‘kay, hun?
The Coon: Don’t worry, it won’t matter in a sec.
Harley Quinn: Batman says you’re coming with me!
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Harley Quinn: Patient is clearly delusional.
Vs. The Joker
The Coon: What the hell? I was told you were dead!
The Joker: You’re not from around here either.
The Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
The Joker: We have more in common than you’d care to admit.
The Coon: (surprisingly agrees) except I don’t see gain in nuking a city… unless it’s full of hippies.
The Joker: (surprised) huh… touché I guess…
The Joker: Wow, Parent Chili… why haven’t I thought of that?
The Coon: Ya know, somehow your approval makes me sick.
The Joker: Oh don’t worry, I’m now pondering who to serve Coon-flavored meatloaf to….
 Vs. Poison Ivy
The Coon: Tell you what, give up and I won’t set any forests ablaze.
Poison Ivy: what makes you think you’d get that chance, little boy?
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Poison Ivy: You’re too dangerous.
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Poison Ivy: Young, dumb, and ready to die.
Vs. Robin
The Coon: Time I fight the king of sidekicks.
Robin: I don’t play sidekick or victim.
The Coon: “then you’ll be playing a corpse!” or “That attitude is why you’ll never be a good as yer daddy.”
The Coon: In a small way, you remind me of my student.
Robin: (scoffs) you have some wisdom to share?
The Coon: “(disgusted towards Damian) none that you deserve, ass-for-brains.” Or “You’re street-slime compared to Butthole.”
Robin: Should I kill you, or cripple you?
The Coon: Better question is; should I cut off your arms, or your legs with your own sword?
Robin: And people moan about my ego….
Vs. Scarecrow
The Coon: Ya know, I’ve a history of scaring people too.
Scarecrow: And yet your efforts are driven by your own fears.
The Coon: I hear the same can be said for you, Crane!
Scarecrow: So many curious fears The Coon has…..
The Coon: (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Scarecrow: You’ll experience them all at once!
Vs. Supergirl
The Coon: The Coon’s here to claw at injustice!
Supergirl: This sure is a funny way to show it.
The Coon: I hear your cousin might disagree.
Supergirl: How can you hurt so many people?
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes!
Supergirl: That’s not how it looks to me.
Vs. Power Girl
The Coon: Supergirl? How the hell did you grow that fast?
Power Girl: Nope, I'm Karen Starr of Earth-2.
The Coon: (groans) Now that’s not fair, at least not for me!
Power Girl: Time for me to do some pest control!
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Power Girl: There’s gonna be a juvie cell with your name it, kid.
Vs. Superman
The Coon: Well, if it isn’t the biggest insult to canon.
Superman: Who are you to judge me?
The Coon: Someone who’ll be taking your job from you.
The Coon: I have kryptonite ring claws as a Gear option.
Superman: Or maybe you’re bluffing?
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Superman: Why are you on my earth?
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Superman: My fists have a better idea.
Superman: This won’t be a fair fight.
The Coon: I see health bars above us that say otherwise.
Superman: Forget I said anything….
Vs. Bizarro
The Coon: I was gonna claw your face, but looks like someone beat me to it.
Bizarro: Am you trying insult Bizarro?
The Coon: Ha! you’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Bizarro: Fluffy critter make good pillow.
The Coon:  (slightly nervous) Something tells me I made a mistake…
Bizarro: Ah! Me must stuff you first!
Vs. Swamp Thing
The Coon: So I’m fighting a hippie monster. Sweet!
Swamp Thing: Your mockery is wasted, child.
The Coon: Ha! You’ll wish that was all I was doing.
Swamp Thing: You have offended nature.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Swamp Thing: The Green will humble you.
Vs. Wonder Woman
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Wonder Woman: You face a goddess of war.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Wonder Woman: You’ll hurt people if I let you go.
The Coon: (scoffs) Like you’re any better than me.
Wonder Woman: “This insult will not stand!” or “A shame you will die so young.”
 Vs. Darkseid
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Darkseid: (dismissively) Let my parademons deal with this..
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Darkseid: Even by Earth's standards, you are pathetic.
The Coon: Ha! You don’t know me that well, do you?
Darkseid: Your vanity will be your undoing.
The Coon: Prepare to get Cooned.
Darkseid: You are challenging a god, fool.
The Coon: Sweet! Dibs on Apokolips if I win!
Vs. Red Hood
The Coon: I thought you’d be in favor of me clawing at crime.
Red Hood: I know you only fight for yourself, fatso.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Red Hood: Now this is just bizarre!
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.
Red Hood: Maybe consider a new line of work.
Vs. Starfire
The Coon: So is there any chance I could join the Titans?
Starfire: I’m extending the offer to all the other Freedom Pals, but you’re not on the list, Coon.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Starfire: How can you justify what you've done?
The Coon: “You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.” Or “Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.”
Starfire: Think. Where has materialism gotten you?
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Starfire: The New Kid is with the Titans now, Eric.
The Coon: (angrily) MOTHERFUCKER!
Vs. Sub-Zero
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Sub-Zero: Dovahkiin is now a student of the Lin Kuei.
The Coon: I’ll just have to claw you into giving them back!
Sub-Zero: I now know the villain you truly are.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Sub-Zero: For the safety of all, you will die.
The Coon: You’ll either be dead or crapping your pants when I’m done.
Sub-Zero: To think so demonstrates your ignorance.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
Sub-Zero: Your former protégé told me of your crimes against them.
The Coon: What crimes?
Sub-Zero: “On their behalf, I’ll see you face justice.” Or “None of your deceptions will work on me.”
Vs. Black Manta
The Coon: Nice helmet, it’s mine now.
Black Manta: Assuming I don’t fry the fat off of you.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Black Manta: You’re out of your element.
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Black Manta: This is a waste of my time.
Vs. Raiden
The Coon: Okay! Where the hell did you take Butthole?
Raiden: Your former student is now training with the White Lotus.
The Coon: (angrily) MOTHERFUCKER!
Raiden: Your pretensions to honor do not fool me!
The Coon: You’re looking at a new take on superheroes.
Raiden: “Dovahkiin was wise to break from your influence!” or “To the Netherrealm with you!”
The Coon: Make way for The Coon.
Raiden: The Elder Gods will stand against you.
The Coon: Time to put Coon on top of the food chain.
Raiden: You are dirty beast befouling this realm!
The Coon: Uhhh…. you’re taking my raccoon theme a bit too literally, Raiden.
Raiden: Not even the Elder Gods can rehabilitate you!
Vs. Black Lightning
The Coon: The Coon’s here to claw at injustice!
Black Lightning: You're street slime with delusions of grandeur.
The Coon: Just for that, I’ll be sending you to Batman in a pitcher!
Black Lightning: It’s a shame Mr. Garrison was a subpar teacher.
The Coon: You’ll get no argument from me, he’s always been an asshole.
Black Lightning: That’s why I fight ignorance.
Black Lightning: Ever regret the pain you cause?
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
Black Lightning: “That’s what’s called an ‘alternative fact.’” Or “This time, you’re gonna listen.”
Vs. Hellboy
The Coon: Would you believe I once helped stop the apocalypse by swearing?
Hellboy: Yeah, I saw that movie. Liked you better on screen by the way.
The Coon: (surprised….) Wait… (….then excited) I got a movie?
Hellboy: Y'know, fighting kids isn't my thing.
The Coon: Now there’s a headline; “The Coon scares the devil!”
Hellboy: Geez what an ego……
Vs. Atom
The Coon: So it’s the Coon versus…. what exactly?
The Atom: Just a PhD candidate with a quantum bio-belt!
The Coon: (chuckles) Ever hear what usually happens to nerds who cross me?
The Atom: At school, I never liked big bullies.
The Coon: What’s Kinny been telling you? I’m a hero!
The Atom: I have a Hulu subscription that’s told me otherwise.
Vs. Enchantress
The Coon: Now I’ve been hoping for a chance to kick your ass!
Enchantress: Quite adorable that you think you can win.
The Coon: Consider this payback for the suck-ass movie you appeared in.
Enchantress (June): Son of a.. this can’t be happening!
The Coon: ah ha! a chance to kill you before you transform!
Enchantress: Too little too late for that, little boy!
Vs. Leonardo
Leonardo: You’re rarely a fighter, Cartman, why would you come here?
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Leonardo: That just spells disaster for every Earth, even yours.
Leonardo: So tell me, what did the New Kid ever see in you?
The Coon: (grins with slight genuine sincerity) they saw someone who respected their potential. Not even their parents did that.
Leonardo: Bet they’d like training under Master Splinter better.
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Leonardo: You won’t flip this turtle on his shell.
The Coon: You wouldn’t be the first dumbass I surprised.
The Coon: Ok, I KNOW you’re not from around here.
Leonardo: Just as much of a tourist as you are, dude.
The Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
Vs. Michelangelo
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Michelangelo: You’ll be rage-quitting in a heartbeat.
The Coon: Ha! Raph wishes he rages like I do!
Michelangelo: Just so you know, I’ve played your games AND watched your show.
The Coon: Show? games? How come no one told me I had those?
Michelangelo: Let’s just say you’re gonna wish you were fighting Kenny.
Vs. Raphael
The Coon: You know, I’ve always wanted to try Turtle Soup.
Raphael: Your head will crack before my shell does.
The Coon: Shredder’s got nothing on The Coon.
Raphael: (chuckles) And people say I got anger issues
The Coon: The Coon will tear through you like garbage.
Raphael: I fought Purple Dragons who were tougher than you, Eric.
Vs. Donatello
The Coon: Never thought I’d go from watching you on TV to fighting you and your bros.
Donatello: Unlike coding, this’ll be easy.
The Coon: (chuckles) Ever hear what usually happens to nerds who cross me? 
Donatello: I’ve got a theory as to why you fight.
The Coon: Why else? I’m here to seize Brainiac’s assets.
Donatello: I can’t let that stand.
 Mirror Match Intros
Player 1 Coon: Are you my parallel universe self?
Player 2 Coon: Maybe I am, and maybe I’m here to be a better teacher to the New Kid.
Player 1 Coon: Just means I can get away with shredding you.
Player 2 Coon: How the hell can there be two of us?
Player 1 Coon: I’m sure as hell not sharing Brainiac’s ship with you!
Player 2 Coon: Don’t worry, it won’t matter in a sec.
9 notes · View notes
fe3h blogging 5 because I’ve been posting on discord and I can’t remember what number I was on oct-feb???
So I'm doing another no recruit run and realizing how much planning I need Me: why do I do this to myself  Specifically its SS usuing none of the black eaglea So Byleths going to be soloing until I can recruit all the church staff... or flayn comes along... 
Lambert and the death knight have the same voice actor. Lambert=death knight. Mystery solved
Loog was only able to gain faerghus independence because the emoire was already weakened from its failed invasion of dagda
Also its part if the seiros canon that a great evil darkness came out of the north. That couldn't posaibly feed into racism
The greatest sin this game has commited was giving gilbert a redemption arc
if only the devs weren’t cowards...
Why does dorothea even have A supports with guys? Her head is filled with only girls. has she ever shown interest in a guy?? Beyond a I want to be financially secure and tolerate your presence. everyone else is bi/pan[ Except caspar Hes just an idiot 
I'm gonna post hot takes for the sexuality of each character and yall cant stop me
Edelgard: lesbian Hubert: Edelgard Ferdinand: pansexual Linhardt: grey spec pan but prefers men+ Caspar: too stupid to evaluate Bernadetta: "I want friends" Dorothea: big lesbian Petra: pansexual
Dimitri: confused and repressed Dedue: gay Felix: swords redheads Ashe: pansexual Sylvain: pansexual prefers women Mercedes: pansexual prefers women Annete: lesbian Ingrid: pansexual prefers men
Claude: Demi pansexual/romantic++ Lorenz: ~~noble obligations~~ pansexual and repressed Raphael: grey ace/aro+++ Ignatz: pansexual prefers women Lysithea: pansexual++++ Marianne: pansexual Hilda: pansexual but usually dates guys Leonie: grey ace
+Linhardt feels romantic/sexual attraction but not strongly. He feels romantic love but he doesn't get crushes. ++Claude is the type to fall in love slowly after an emotional connection has already been formed and then get a crush after they've been going steady for 10 years. +++Raphael feels romantic/sexual attraction but not strongly and usually prefers queer platonic relationships ++++more to do with the individual than gender, but girls are cute
Game crashed and I lost like 4 hours of progress TT^TT
I'm on SS (which is the only route I haven't played) and hnnnnng I miss claude its been like 3 months since I played VW. Also I need to write down a time line some time but the stuff the agarthans have been pulling feeds the world builder in me. especially hyrm
as nice as the idea of all the lords getting along and talking things out is, it wouldn’t work out in canon, Edelgard has tunnel vision. Dimitri is irrational and would rather listen to his hallucinations that evidence. And no one trust Claude enough to believe him
Hilarious really how Edelgard will call for Hubert to carry you despite her massive strength and how hubert looks like a gentle wind will blow him over
Macuil/Indech:  Shun society. Run off into the wilds. Have vaugue legends be told of you. Be a crpytid
linhardt is such an unrepentant bastard
I had a dream where I could make male units pegasus knights. And then I woke up to cruel reality
Alois is growing on me. At first I was like uuuggg another bumbling idiot. But you know what? Fuck Seteth for not giving Alois more vacation time to see his family
Cavalry units be like: crushes a watermelon with their thighs
Some of the knights were bullying Alois. Who was it. I will bring them untold pain.
Reason #??? to punch Gilbert: he saw this poor child struggling to control his strength and went this boy doesn't need to learn how to control his strength, what he needs is more strength training.  I mean absent emotionally distant and all over shitty father to annette is reason number 1. But dimitri is reason number 2.  Oh let's make this kid lift rocks and run around the moutains at night in full armor in winter. Instead of being able to pick something up without breaking it and you know be able to perform basic daily tasks.  Let's make a human shaped weapon instead of a functional person.  Gilbert single handedly ruined AM for me because he just wouldn't stop messing up everyone else's lives
Each character's recruit requirements are what they admire/respect in a person
I forgot hubert becomes unavailable in month 2. and now I'm stuck with his stupis razor
Hot take. BotW Link and part 2 Ingrid have the same haircut
I'm on my last route (SS) but i hate rhea so much...
why do you think maurice/the beast's crest was used to make aymr?
Also all the nameless backgound characters have brown hair but of the main cast, its only dorothea and claude
Annette’s handwriting: Neat and cute.  Linhardt writes in cursive because he cant be bothered to lift his pen Sylvain has nice handwriting. Ingrid's is very functional, felix's is half way to chicken scratch lots of sharp angles. Dimitri cries on the inside at the thought of picking up a pen. as a kid Dimitri has terrible handwriting and breaks a pen every 5 min. He practiced so hard. Most of what people think is his handwriting is Dedue's (neat and pretty) because dedue writes most of his letters for him
me playing azure moon: I want out. get me off this death train
Finally getting alois's support and wow he's like a human shaped puppy in the sahpe of a middle aged man.  Always falling over himself. Ridiculously happy. 100% all the time. Running and barking everywhere
Fact of the day: dorothea hates eating fish
Alright. Seteth and Flayn's descriptions of her mom are very different.  Where is the truth???  Seteth was like shes demure, quiet, pious, and honest. And Flayn's says she's like Judith
game is forcing me to flirt with Alois? Can I not please!
I keep saying it but Lorenz grows on you like a fungus. He has excellent supports
 i want to weave gold thread into claudes hair
Under rated character development: Dorothea. Every one of her lines in part 2 makes me want to cry.  "every rose has its thorns" -> "only thorns left on this rose" Her character development is that she just gets worn down by the war and I want to bundle her up in a blanket and give her a cup of warm milk.  Dorothea is so full of love. So she feels the sorrows of the war so intensely.
FE3H needs better dads. I mean even jeralt and seteth aren’t great dads. They're just not down right horrible.  Jeralt is emotionally distant with an alcohol problem that byleth had to clean up after him. But there are worse dads Alois seems decent but he needs to spend more time at home. Seteth should have given Alois more vacation time.  They aren't terrible dads. But they aren't getting medals either.  Love their kids but have flaws of their own.
ANNETTE DESERVED BETTER THAN GILBERT Burn him at the stake No wait. He’d want that
My loathing for gilbert is beyond description.  He hurts everyone around him, then doesn't listen to what they have to say, and then keeps continuing his existence as a sad sack of shit.  1. Emotionally distant, strict, and often absent father. Clearly cared about his work for than family.  2. He then straight up leaves with out a note or telling his family anything.  3 knows that annette is looking for him and avoids her.  4. Annette just wants her dad back. That's what would make her happy but he denies her that because he's a selfish bastard.  5. Then he goes on and on about his man-pain while not helping anyone. he self flagellates and blames himself a lot but he never tries to change and so he stays there, is this cycle of self pity.  "Ohhh I have sinned and can not be forgiven" .and I'm like why not do right by the people you hurt? And he's like "no no I have sinned. I cannot see them" or some other bullshit.  He also gets some bullshit redemption arc that I want to scrub clean from my memory because he doesn't deserve it.  Annette's support is all about oh i forgive you. And it puts all the emotional labor on annette and just makes me real angry. And i am going to stop thinking about that disgrace of a human now.
Seteth is controlling. Wont let flayn have friends. Boys arent qllowed to talk to her.  She can't go out. He has to know where she is 24/7. Seteth really is suffocating Flayn. Early in the game Flayn compares herself to a hot house flower, confined to a green house, doomed to die outside it. It bring up the question which is better, to live a long life in constant fear and isolation (remember flayn is very much a people person), or to live a short fulfilling life. The answer of course is that it should be flayns choice. But Seteth denies her autonomy. Flayn is not quite an adult, but even discounting the decades* that she has lived, even a teenager should have some say in the direction of their life. Time and time again Flayn expresses her will and Seteth ignores her. She is allowed little existence outside of him.  Its also hilarious how bad their cover story is.  Its true they love each other but Seteth causes Flayn a fair bit of suffering. Its played for comedy sometimes. And Flayn to some degree tolerates it because she understands that he does it for her sake, and she understands the real danger she is in. They just disagree with what is an acceptable degree of risk. Seteth tolerates no risk which at that point can't be called living. Flayn accepts the danger and believes it is worthwhile to enjoy life and help people despite it. the counselor box also reveals that seteth has been stalking her and think her talking to dudes is bad despite that having nothing to do with the danger of the agarthans.
A fun thing to think about is if Flayn was born of 2 nabeteans, she's a human halfie, or someother sothis bullshit.  I reviewed the sea nd sky paralogue recently looking for answers and there were some hints? Maybe? nothing definative. all we know for sure is that flayn’s mom died in the nemesis war.  Also I have a hypothesis that flayn was in a regenerative coma for most of the 1000 years so she's been active less than 200 years which is why Seteth treats here like a waylaid toddler.
the flayn seteth c support is great Seteth.exe crashes and then reboots right in front of our very eyes
Catherine has such big wlw energy. I didn't quite realize it until I got her supports but hooboy.  Saw a lady so pretty she forgot she almost died pfft.  And this is just with rhea.  The catherine-shamir supports themselves are gold.
Catherine: ever see a woman so beautiful you forget you almost died and decide to devote your whole life to her?
Catherine->Shamir: i get worried when you go out on missions on your own. I'm not there to protect you. I'm scared of you leaving me behind. I never want to leave you side. Between my life and your life i'd choose your life me: ! Shamir: i don't know what the future holds, but let's get married me: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Also catherine/christoph was a thing in the past. Highschool sweethearts. Before she executed him for treason
Ahahahhha this is great! And by great I mean hilarious. Dimitri dies even more offscreen in SS than in VW.  Ghost dimitri in ss made me laugh but  do we ever get an explanation for ghost dimitri or it like the cf finale? Themetically significant. Sure lets go with that
I'm really starting to see where the parts of vw and ss were smushes together
Embarr has the best night life
Recruiting sylvain into the gd feels mean. I'm taking away the only one with 2 braincells to rub together
Under all the noble bullshit, Lorenz really is a great guy
Do you think every demonic beast looks unique and its only that the devs didnt want to make more models that they dobt look different in game?
Recruiting sylvain into the gd feels mean. I'm taking away the only one with 2 braincells to rub together in the blue lions
Sylvain is warm
I wish we got to explore derdriu
PETRA DESERVES BETTER WRITERS. and give her a fluffy coat. She's gotta be cold in garreg mach
Count Varley is at the top of the hit list
Add alois onto team i'm scared of ghosts (lysithea, ashe, annette)[5:44 PM] That's it. I'm kidnapping alois from the church's clutches and taking him home. The church doesn't deserve him. And he hates his job
W h y  i s  everyone from faergus so eager to give up their personhood
Does faerghus seem really backwater to anyone else? Faergus reminds me of like 900's europe while leicester and adrestia are more like 1600's europe.  they still have that germanic warrior culture thing going. This is deep in the dark ages. I will accept the later half of the dark ages though since its post introduction of christianity. Leicester and Adrestia feel more like 1600-1700s They feel not quite french revolution, but getting there.  Yeah like the old institutions (crown and church) are still there but the cracks are showing.  Also the clothes
I thinki talked about this before. But when I say dorothea deserves the world. DOROThEA DESERVES THE WORLD. she’s been through so much
I need to go compare this with the verdant wind scene, but I was under the impression that sothis was in a regenerative coma after the war with the agarthans. But nope according to ss she was straigt up dead huh
i know I'm suppose to be fighting but I spent the last 30min exploring shambhala again
Damn it Shamir! Why'd ya have ta crit. I was trying to get dialog!January 2, 2020
gatekeeper > you < gatekeeper's identical twin brother who's on the opposite side of the war Its a sandwich
Oh wow the church really was up to some bloodborne level stuff
I turned every single one of the black eagles into a brigand (except linhardt and hubert).  Brigand gang brigand gang
The devs knew Claude and Lindhardt would just be too powerful. They had to be separated. thats why they dont have a support chain.  Sylvain and Claude has more energy but Sylvain has the conscious that Lindhardt lacks.  I mean Lindhardt singlehandedly lock picks  the holy tomb and disables rhea's magic mechs all while complaining he's sleepy.  Sylvain can be bullied into doing things and I love him for it.  Ah. I want both support chains
After Jeralts death both Claude and Edelgard both tell you that the world will continue spinning regardless of what befalls you personally but they do so in rather different ways. Edelgard phrases it like pull yourself together or the world will leave you behind. Claude phrases it like personal tragedies are such a small thing in the face of the world. You may have suffered a loss but there is so much to the world beyond that. There are still worthwhile things in the world. Both of say the world doesnt stop for you but mean different things.  And both are trying to motivate you to pull yourself together.  Whereas dimitri is like: you want vengence? You should go for vengence. I'll help you rip them apart. I'll kill for you.
Edelgard is socially awkward and blunt. She's also very practical minded so she doesn't know how to won't say something comforting when she can say something useful.  She's trying in her own way  To motivate byleth to start picking up their life.  Edelgard doesn't get people. Social interaction is a total mystery to her. She's just too stubborn to realize it.  At a couple points you can tease her and she thinks you're threatening her. She's not good at the people thing.  While she can come off a little rough because she doesn't understand how other people work. Hubert understands other people rather well and is an asshole anyways. List of characters who have threatened byleth: dimitri, hubert, sylvain, jeritza, catherine
Was sothis one of the divine dragon tribe? a lot of the other divine dragons had green hair especially the ones worshiped as gods (duma, mila, naga, tiki). But not fae or nowi.  I always got that dragon stones were like a dragon's essence sealed away so that while in human form they could stave off dragon degeneration. But what are crest stones. Were they made by the agarthans (artificial dragon stones) or are crest stones a natural part  of the nabeteans and the agarthans just harvested them. Or... ARE THERE BOTH. But the pov characters cant tell the difference.  This one group has messed with how many nations now?? SS has an interesting tidbit that's  been stuck in my head:  In the final map of SS its revealed that all high ranking church officials recieve Seiros' blood and a crest stone shard. WHERE ARE THE SHARDS COMING FROM. DAMN YOU SETETH YOU CANT JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT AND LEAVE ME. because if they are seiros crest stone shards that neans crest stones are not an Agarthan invention. But that condridicts VW where rhea says creststones are made of nabateab hearts. tldr: I'm confused. where are those fragments coming from??? Wait. This is all assuming a nabetean needs their heart inside them to live. Given how violently rhea reacts to losing even 1 crest stone I don't think she used the ones of her brethern. Which logically leaves only one weird possible answer. That rhea took her own heart/crest stone and has been giving out fragments. I mean she probably retrives the fragments when the priest dies.... this also means that nabeteans can survive with their heart outside their body... like a litch.... which I mean given sothis isn't too suprising? ??
VW and SS have such wacky endings. Let's go fight the cyberpunk mole people now!. Zombie invasion?  : check Weird bloodborne stuff and then we fight rhea?: check
Yeah VW was my first route and whew that was a wild ride. AM is so tame is comparison. but SS and VW lack the setup to pull out twists like that.  If this was like Nier: Automata where you get endings sequentially, it might have worked. But on their own the last 2 maps don't have anything at stake
hmmm  switching the final battles of verdant wind and silver snow? What would make a better story and why?  rhea kinda works because SS is all about rhea and saving her from herself as well as a revival of the church. But Nemesis also brings closure to Rhea's arc. She's been stuck for the last 1000 years to to fight the man who killed her most important person for good is like also really good thematically. VW is all about something new. Doing away with old structures and what better than to kill the pope? But facing the 10 elites also works for VW because that's the begining of the crest/nobility system you are literally killing.  I just like recruiting everyone and then killing the 10 elites with their own weapons wielded by their descendants.  its symbolic
Byleth is an excellent brigard. Went beigand and then wyvrn and their strength was higher than dimitri's
Claude: Rule? Nah. Gonna go be a scholar in an isolated mountain range. Books
Sylvain is a himbo wannabe
I should recruit annette and let her kill gilbert...  The one thing I'm worried about is that it'll hurt her more than it'll hurt him ... can I get crusher in crimson flower? If I were to recruit everyone and then get them all killed, what route would that be best in? Guess I'll be doing a death pact AM run some time in the future
Also koei tecmo and intsys are cowards for gender locking classes.  From a gameplay perspecrive too some characters are locked out of their ideal classes (war master for catherine and gremory for lindhardt). And then there's the in lore significance. Let hubert ride a pegasus.
Dorothea spent the entirety of their paralogue hitting on Ingrid. And then the RING at the end??? and they can’t support. Also Ingrid should have gotten an A support with Mercedes. They get along so well
Edelgard got the best designs in the game but Dorothea got the next best
Its canon. Edelgard thinks Claude grew up to be hot. Edelgard acknowledging that Claude is hot but but that she’s going to kill him anyways is just so good ....aaaaand one again I'm a coward who couldn't bring themself to kill Claude. But the completionist in me really wants to. The scene after sparing cluade between him and edelgard has kept me up too many nights.  What are the emotions here? My first guess was loss, grief. Someone else has interpreted it as aggtession though. And maybe we are both over thinking this but to me Claude's lines here say "I have failed"
Dorothea deserves a dragon
Caspar is actually real good for bernadetta. Its like talking to a sack of potatoes and doing so forces her to communicate better, firmly express herself, etc. Caspar has such great supports with all the ladies really
I really am just linhardt. I too disregard authority and despise being woken up...
I feel like we should all appreciate dorothea more. Death to the haters
ingrid equipping the duscar cavalry battalion is like  "I can exploit their labor so it’s alright"
I found felix was my solace in AM just because everyone else goes full death cult. despite how much i wanted to punch him when he told ingrid to go get a husband.  Also I should note I'm not sure felix whole heartesly believed what he said to Ingrid. I got the impression he said the thing he knew would upset her the most.  Not necessarily what he believed. That said he may actually believe it too.  Ingrid and felix remind be of squabbling siblings just saya the worst stuff to each other.  Unless felix has actively confronted the notion of faerhgus patriarchy he probably has internalized some of the beliefs. We all do. Thats why theyre so hard to dig out
Since we talk a lot about dads. Let's talk margrave edmund. tldr: complicated and interesting relationship with marianne.  What we know: he adopted marianne some time after her parents died, before she enrolles into the officers academy. Marianne says he's usuing her as marriage bait to marry up and increase the standing of house edmund.  This tracks with what others say about edmund: he's politically ambitious. And he's good at it enough to have gotten house edmund a seat at the round table.  In pretty much all her endings, he tutors mariannne until she's a political savant.  He forbid her from leaving the monestary in part 1.  Now let's go in between the lines. In part 1 marianne seems nervous of margrave edmund, but she also seems nervous of everything is part 1. In part 2, along with being more comfortable with herself she seems more familiar with him.  After the end of part 1 she likely returned to house edmund despite the attack being the perfect cover to disappear.  We don't get get much on edmund's personality buy he comes across as ruthlessly practical. The sort that goes "I can and will use everything to get what I want".  He likely adopted marianne not out of charity or compassion but so the house could have a crested heir and so he could use her as a bargining chip to other houses. But he sees enough potential in her to train her to be the next head of house. I think what started out as "ah another piece i can use" transitioned into a more friendly relationship as marianne began to assert herself and margrave edmund came to acknowledge her as more than how she could benefit him. I don't think he ever got over the "how can i use this" mentality but I'd like to think that after some years they came to get along. Ah yes I meant to do a hyrm thing and put it off for months. The Agarthans had long been infiltrating the empire and slowly increasing their influence on the government. In an attempt to stop this emperor ionius ix attempted to gain more power for himself to counter them by centralizing the government and taking power away from the nobles. House Hyrm attempted to defect to the leicester alliance with the help of house ordelia. In retaliation the Agarthans under the guise of the empire killed the members of house hrym and took control of hrym and ordelia. Also in response to ionius' move, the top ministers of the empire backed by the Agarthans began the insurrection of the seven where all political power was taken from the emperor. The Agarthans than experimented on ordelia and the royal family to implant crests while usuing hrym as a base of operations. After Emile killed that scrumbag baron bartels as well as the rest of the bartels family. Edelgard thought he could be useful as a piece not already controled by the Agarthans, and with their helped fabricated him a new identity as jeritza von hrym since hrym was a puppet for the Agarthans. Lord Arundel (Thales) then ensured jeritza a spot at garreg mach so he could act as an inside agent.
Anyone know the significance of rhea's mech's names (wilhelm, iris, etc.). past friends?  lol would it be messed up or what if its powered by his corpse 
Jeritza really is an acquired taste... wow
... I wonder sometimes if I like making things hard for myself... like I'll make rules like 4+ units have to attack an enemy before I kill them... or certain units can't be next to each other or just other abitrary rules. Anyways I'm just complaining because I did all this on the final map while under leveled last night (?) and am now just going "...why" at myself
Also, I wish we got the option of keep class headgear.  Some of it looks really cool and some of the classes (bishop??) look incomplete with out it.  Let me have my little hats!  Like mortal savant gets an oni mask which looks rad. And warlocks get flowery witch hats! Just finished crimson flowers again with warlock and then gremory dorothea and was like hmmmm.... she needs flowers in her hair
Also if you look up dimitri's dancer skirt you'll see he's wearing black short shorts
Team heretic: edelgard, hubert, petra, claude, leonie, linhardt in the closet: lorenz
So for those of you that keep up with my rambling... remember how i said the funal cf cutscene makes no sense? Did sothis self terminate? If she dud than why arent there records of other crest stones disintigrating? Or is it a sothis specific thing? Its possible sothis’s consciousness is stored in her creststone/heart but then how can you still s support her in CF? i've been trying to logic and reason this for several months and i cant get it to all fit. But on a symbolic level its like the coming of a new age, sothis' hold on the world (and her influence on byleth) disappears. Live on without dieties (literally in byleth's case). The new age of humanity and all so byleth becomes a normal human, no god powers yada yada. I think claude is the only one that knows byleth has no heartbeat?? (Maybe? I cant remember) since claude reads jeralt's diary. Thematic significance > narrative consistency. There's also that rhea goes beserk in SS and not VW, when the same stuff happens to her in both. Which doesn't add up for me. And Nemesis ...is he still sitting there in the other routes... Where did he get an army anyways? I assumed the agarthans just had a whole army frozen...But then why didn't they use it earlier? And can you imagine just a whole city of cryo pods underground. Just there.
Anyways I'm off to kill all the blue luons and solo with dimitri on maddening!  Can I get gilbert killed in AM or is he too plot important. I've been playing on casual like a coward so far
Ah ashen wolves shadow cinders looks edgy. I wonder why they have 4 kids in a dungeon. Theres that npc that talk about hiw garreg mach needs the abyss to survive. I wonder why they keep this system
I dont keep up with english VAs but it'd be funny if yuri was voiced by yuri lowenthal
anyone with a crest has less of a chance of  demonic beasting than someone with no crest in lore. In gameplay you can use any crest weapon as long as you have any crest. You just wont get the added benefits of that specific crest
Yuri is very pretty and I’m weak for beautiful long haired men.  But i kinda wish the nintendo would let us have BEEF
If only i could have 300 save files...
Yuri really just is Leon with amnesia. Down to the red eyeliner...
Who let balthus into a highschool
I have that insistent desire to punch the writers for putting dorothea and mercedes through all that
Manuela. Has. So. Much. Love!  And her line about how [as teachers] we cant lose the students to violence or cowardice
The head of felix plopped onto a generic brawler body will always be funny to me
Yeah... sylvain really treats you different when male.  There was a reason were many reasons I really wanted to punch sylvain when I first started playing. namely the misogyny
male Byleth just looks really good as a swordsmaster
From a gameplay perspective I think divine pulse should have been removed for maddening.  From a story perspective they did a pretty good job integrating time mechanics as god powers
I wonder if Jeralt reminded Rhea of Wilhelm
i love giving bad advice for the advice box
why is tea time is the hardest part of the game
Seriously. How does garreg mach even work? Fail school and you get sent to the dungeons for life. What.
Sylvain would totally be one of those dudes with too much money dolling out patronages
Let hilda be warmaster
Hmmm edelgard... fatalism....
Please mod gilbert out of the game Lorenz has got a good heart. But the words that come out of his mouth sometimes...
Oh yeah you know that rainbow flash dream sequence right at the begining of the game? Is it me or did I see skyscrapers in it
The inside of byleth's head is a smash tournament
Seteth can die and I'll kill him.  (Ok ok I don't actually hate the guy. But I don't like him either. He's the type I'd tolerate working with but want nothing to do with outside of the professional setting)
Caspar and linhardt really are THAT comedy duo. I need a whole book dedicated to their paired endings
Sylvain's dick is still the funniest joke on the internet
The weirdest part of part 2 felix's hair isn't even the aggresive side sweep. That can be explained by having stiff straight hair. Its the limp pony tail. If your hair is that stiff, any ponytail that length is going to stick straight out like as anime character. I have this hair type. I've succeded in replicating the side sweep, the ponytail doesnt work
give mercedes a gun cowards
Marianne with a cute bob. Marianne with short hair. very home of phobe of intsys not to make marianne like an actual werewolf or something
devs should have let Bernie learn how to beat her dad to death with her bare fists
I've returned home to my boy. I love Claude!
Mortal savant ignatz. I mean strength in swords and budding talent in reason. Youre going to ba a magic samurai ignatz!
I had forgotten how much gd plays like a mystery game. Also, whatever I said earlier I take it back. Lysithea has a crush on Leonie
I keep trying to imagine an adrestia that isn't tropical (because why else would they wear heavy coats), and failing...
I really love raphael. He's so good
Claude's this interesting mix of cynical and idealistic yeah. He has a number of strong ideals and believes in the potential of humanity to do good, to grow and learn, to come together and built. But he also struggles because at the same time he also believes humans will usually choose the easier path of ignorance and hate. People are cruel and don't care.[5:30 AM]He's really cynical about what people are actually going to do
Sylvain's just layer upon layer of unhealthy coping mechanism
I don’t really like the ingrid/claude ship. ingrid tends to fixate on one shallow quality in a person and then ship them shit about it. and that’s the support. and the writers don’t have her ever acknowledging the rest of the character’s personality or admitting her first impression might have been incorrect.  that especially doesn't pair well with Claude who hides so much of himself. Out of all the characters Claude can A support Ingrid's the only one I where I went "whyyyyyyy"[10:02 AM]It really felt like the typical C-B support. Of i cant stand you because of 1, 2, and 3. To hey maybe you aren't so bad
i can't help but think the empire and alliance are incredibly stupid for making lorenz a cavalier. He's terrible at it.
Hold the phone. Was jeralt a soldier in the leicester independwnce war? (On thw faerhgus side).  But thats 300 years ago. All we know is that hexs older than 100.  The almyra unvasion is another option. Its also possible that jeraly wasnt involved in any war
So I'm trying to get rhea killed on the last chapter of part 1 for GD and wow its really hard to lose the fight this way. Enemies will avoid her like the plague. I cant believe I'm struggling to lose a fight Rhea is unkillable. I have taken no actions for 15 turns are she is still not dead Starting to think its impossible to lose by rhea death in this battle Turn 31. Its only raphael and hilda left Yeah as long as you have 1 unit to keep enemy infanty out of the pink squares this map is inpossible to lose on hard mode  60 turns. All of Rhea’s spell and weapon uses are gone and she still wont die. I give up
I've been thinking of hilda dimitri hypothetical supports recently and i think they"d be halfway between her lorenz+ferdinand supports and her marianne supports.[1:48 AM]Hilda is the QUEEN of suckering people and dimitri is the biggest sucker in the game[1:51 AM]But like marianne's clumsiness, dimitri can't do basic tasks well so hilda hoisting her chores on him is sure to backfire hilariously. He also has that kicked puppy pitifulness that part 1 marianne has so hilda will end up feeling  sorry watching him struggle and help out[1:52 AM]But these 2 are both deeply compassionate so they could actually get along.  You know... i can see ferdinand and claude hating each other's guts. But there's such potential for personal growth...
Why is it that the agarthans have the most named npcs out of any factionJump
If gilbert is what it means to be an "exceptional knight". Then i dont want it. I dont want knights and i especially dont want execptional knights
I like playing on hard because i never have to worry about winning a fight only about how many style points I can rack up.
Why does fodland new year start on month 3.  Look i get that the japanese adopted the chinese calendar system of new year in early spring before adopting the gregorian calendar so "new years" events ended up split between month 1 (new years celebration) and month 3/4 (start of school). But that makes no sense for fodlan. In universe it doesnxt make sense. Why not have month 1 start in spring or have the new year in winter. Ok let's be real. The real reason its like this is that due to globalization and post ww2 american influence not to mention european colonialism, the gregorian calander is the one the world runs on. So its for us players benefit that month 1 is in winter and month 6 is summer. But in universe it doesn't make sense! Not unless you start making really convoluted excusrs[4:00 AM](Sorry southern hemisphere   No representation for you today) This only works for chinese new years because its 2 different calender systems being used at the same time. Which doesn't make sense in fodlan because why would rhea allow a new calander system in given her isolationist policy. Or if its a remnant of an old calender system, there's no way it lasted 1000 years
If jeralt hadn't been killed by kronya, he would have been consumed by the hivemind in SS and you would have been forced to kill him
The devs really went out of their way to give jeritza a unique class huh. He's a dark knight+swords. You can say it. He's just a dark knight. Yet they really went and slapped death knight on him[2:49 PM]Also as a pc his crit rate in underwelming
The s suport cgs are more stylized and its a little jarring
Is it only me than. Who get ways too many support points thant hey know what to do with.
We need a cats remake but its called rats and is dimitri in every role
I want a lysithea hilda a support[5:48 PM]Hilda's the only ine lysithea likes from the start[5:48 PM]They have mutual respect for each other[5:48 PM](Also side note. Wow lysithea is mean to ignatz. Poor baby)
Reminder that its Marianne who title drops vw
Did I miss something? Felix becoming the top advisor for all of fodlan seems like a bad idea. The only thing that comes close to showing he's competant is his ingrid support where it shows he's decent at tactics. Reason number 76 for why I'm worried for fodlan post AM. Along with ... ya know .. the Agarthans still running around.
One part of vw i didn't like was when the merchants went woohoo no regulations and free trade yay!Jump
I'll be honest. 7 year old me would have swindled dimitri out of his good halloween candy
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