#I’m normal 😃👍
girldraki · 7 months
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maddiebuckettebuckley · 6 months
✋⏸️um-I’m sorry..⏪who left you outside the restaurant?🧐 / mmmy date 🤷 / ..can we go back to the pronoun?? 🏳️‍🌈? / 🫥uhyeah okay I was iwasonadatewithaguyAGAIN . *sigh* 🫥 not-not really the point / mmmmuh! ✋ could be very much the point!! / well it shouldn’t be though right?? I mean uh. I’m an ally ✊🏳️‍🌈 / 😳 / I’ve-ive always been an ally! 🏳️‍🌈✊🏳️‍🌈✊ / s-so now you’re. you’re more than an ally. (🏳️‍🌈????) / it was my first ☝️ time, it was dinnernamovie, and I-I-I didn’t even make it to the movie 🎥🚫 😔/ ….wow / what wow 🤨😡🤨😡🤨/ no not wow 🫣/ 😡/ *confused big sister noises* like - wow! 😃 👍 I… didn’t think that that’s… where your interests would lie 😃 👍/ I didn’t either! I love women 👩‍❤️‍👨 I’ve… always loved women. 👩🫶👩‍❤️‍👨/ how long have you been mmmleaning in the other direction? 👨‍❤️‍👨 ? / I haven’t 🙅‍♂️ not specifically..I mean sure I’ll / 🙃 / checkoutahotguy’sass but that’s normal 🙂👍 / uhh 💁‍♀️ it’s-it’s not ab…normal 🫠🥴
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luffyvace · 5 months
Undertaker wants to Court you! ~(Headcanons)~
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Can’t wait for the public school arc who’s with me?!
this dude is so silly 🗿 enjoy some hcs of this ridiculous little man
Undertaker is funny. He uses that to his advantage when courting. Well, it actually depends on what type of humor you have- most of his are usually those jokes that are kinda funny but at the same time your like ‘That’s outta pocket! 🤦‍♀️😑😂’ yk?
he always wants to hear jokes. He asks you randomly and no matter what type he laughs at them. Rude humor? Hilarious! Dad jokes? That one really tickled his fancy! 😂 why did the chicken cross the road?? To get to the other side? 🤣🤣💥
now usually I feel he has a specific sense of humor but with you everything’s just kinda funny. It’s that moment when your with someone who you can laugh at the most unfunniest stuff ever and still be cackling at it anyway 😭💕
he’s always telling them as well. Might I say, at the worst times 😏 you just watched someone run over a stray animal? Oh he’s got a joke for that hear him out- LIKE BRO 😭⁉️
Let’s also talk about hiiiis…! weird side! (I’m saying ‘side’ like he’s isn’t always weird..) This is pretty much him just being a creep? Ish? Like that scene where he was in the barrel licking salt…🤨 or how he’s always in coffins (which tbh seems more normal for a grim reaper but still..) either way this dudes’ real weird and he doesn’t tone it down, even around you despite the fact that it may or may not (you decide) push you away
He’s a very mysterious dude, so how ever you met him I guarantee it was eerie and somewhat strange. Therefore you were likely intrigued by him, so when you went on your first date it was, well, very interesting! There’s so many layers to unravel with this guy! Ngl even now you’ve only semi unraveled this incomprehensible man but at the least you do learn more as you get to know him :P
his past is….complicated is an understatement- gimme a new word.
literally no one but him knows his full past all the way up to this very day. Looks like no one has stuck around long enough! Since you will I guess you’ll be the first to figure it out! ;)
now I’ll say this, he won’t sit down and just tell you everything, no. That won’t be any fun! 😄 you’ll have to have the intelligent to sit down and decode it piece by piece with the tidbits of information he gives you randomly. Yes! It’s going to be comical seeing you try and put this whole thing-a-ba-jig together! (^_−)−☆ 🤣
his nonjudgmental yet opinionated personality is scary if you don’t like folk who come off too strong. Or if your sensitive- 😄 he’s a ‘tell-it-like-it-is-and-I-don’t-give-a-ship’ type of guy. Buuuut! If your similar to him in that sense you’ll probably understand him a lot more. Him being nonjudgemental is perfect for peeps of all types so that’s a plus!! 💗
ranting about his fascination with humans during your dates comes with the package! ☝️He just does, it’s always one of his topics, and ngl it’s nothing boring either, he’s got quite a few stories to tell with even more jokes in between, which is sure to make for a lovely date <3 plus at some point all species in black butler experienced being a human, and idk about y’all but the study of human nature, psychology and how the brain works is a very interesting thing for me! I’d definitely be able to keep a conversation like that up for some time, me personally.
He puts up a front of a funny weird guy when there’s more to him if you read between the lines. Which, don’t get me wrong that certainly is a part of the real him, he just makes sure to highlight it so you don’t look at the rest 😃👌
he’s a real creepy fellow..even towards you 😭 (on purpose) and whether he’s trying to court you or not there’s no escaping it- if it starts to push you away he’ll find a way to incorporate laughter into it to make it more appealing, but no, he won’t change his ways 😭
(yes it’s canon 😞)
you force him to wash his hair 😘💋 pls he needs it. or at least do it with him so it’s more fun. It’ll probably be easier to convince him that way
Time to talk about his work as a grim reaper!!! :3 (retired anyway) if you are reaper you get to follow each other around doing tasks! human? You both go your separate ways to work, whatever that may be. A demon? The same as a human really! Just this time you might have a contract with somebody. Buttttt!! A perk of all three is getting to work in the funeral parlor with him ;3 it’s a good disguise if your a demon/reaper and also some good quality time for you and your reaper 😘 (i mean, I hope you don’t mind morbid stuff cuz he’s a mortician after all 😅)
his little Russian roulette with the phantomhives 🕺 (LOL) no seriously I have no clue what type of relationship he has with them besides the fact that he serves them for the price of top notch laughter 🧑‍🍳💋 but you might! I’d say he’s more willing to let you in then anyone if he’s trying to court you! That obviously means he wants to trust you with his heart! So yeah! You likely know a thing or two—more about Ciel than Vincent but any info will do at this point 😭 it’s a start right? 🤷‍♀️
whenever Ciel comes over you get to witness him or Sebastian try to make undertaker laugh, it’s not like they can kick you out, you work there! Perks 😏 You can pretty much tell the one time Ciel made him laugh himself it was just a whole bunch of tomfoolery 😂 (why did it take so long⁉️😭) Sebastian is also able to make undertaker laugh really hard immediately so I wonder what he does 🤪 guess you’ll get to see! 😋
undertaker opening up to you is a process that requires patience. And don’t be pushy!! I mean this for your sake, by the way. You’ll drive yourself crazy since you’ll never get an answer that’s not riddles or straight up jokes. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
yeah overall his way of courting is really strange but when it comes to making things official he’s poetically blunt. The type of blunt where you have to process for a second like ‘wait what does that mean- oh. OH-’
Anyway I’m gonna talk about the actual dates now cuz I’ve pretty much just been mentioning the madness that comes with it this entire time :3 and yes as I said that’s a way of courting to him. He’s weird and blunt but doesn’t wanna do things the traditional way. So getting you involved in his antics is his way of saying ‘hey i like ya and I want ya to stick around’. And jokes. HAHAHAH 😂
dates with undertaker normally consists of tea, jokes, human psychology and gossip 🗿 ever since I saw ciel in wonderland I couldn’t get over the fact that undertaker was at a tea party and now I headcanons him to like tea LOLOLOL! I mean I know that’s how the plot goes in the actual slice movie and he was just playing the role of the character but, think about it—don’t it kinda fit???? Like?? Okok Hear me out hear me out- imagine sipping on some tea with Undertaker and gossiping on the latest drama from the underworld, ‘I heard a rare case is happening where blah blah blah *giggle* *giggle* chatter chatter..’ ETC! like idk how to explain it but do you see the vision???
I can also see him doing that dramatic anime thing where they sip they’re drink majestically then say something intelligent sounding (☝️🤓) (about psychology, for him) as the wind blows 😂😂 YK? LOLL even worse if your in a outside background and his eyes shows (cuz the character who never shows they’re eyes always show them when they get serious 🤣)
i love how shameless this guy is
why don’t we know this guys’ real name⁉️ Can’t even give him a nickname because ‘undertaker’ isn’t nickname material!! What am I supposed to call him???? Taker’ ⁉️😭🗿
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meowriddler · 1 year
Baker reader x Edward headcanons
A/n: here is some random headcanons I wrote.
Warning: I didn’t proofread this 👍😃 and it’s my first time writing headcanons ( I have no idea what I’m doing)
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-Imagine you’re working in a bakery. It's pretty lonely. There weren't many customers throughout the day, which made you a bit sad.
- And bored terribly bored
- Normally, every day would be filled with people, but ever since that robbery that happened a few blocks from where you are, no one wants to be close to this place.
- It's been about a week now without customers coming in, and that isn't really good for the business but is worse for your boredom.
-But one day a new customer walked in. He was dressed in a slightly too big on him windbreaker, which made him appear smaller than he actually is.
-It was Also in the middle of summer, so what the hell-
- He had brown flattened hair, and he wore glasses.
-He was cute, but in a dorky kind of way.
-You still welcomed him in with a bright smile, and you were excited to finally have a customer.
-“Welcome in! How can I help you?"
-Edward was not ready for such a heartwarming welcome. He isn't sure how to react.
-He just wanted something sweet from your bakery, but after seeing you react so brightly to his presence, he isn't sure what to pick.
-Is there any "you" option?' He thought that to himself ( of course not having the balls to actually say that out loud lmaoo)
-He could barely stutter out his order without looking like a complete idiot.
-But that was ok; you still gave him a warm smile and took his order, which might’ve made his heart beat a bit quicker than usual, but you will never know that.
-After that incident, he couldn’t stop coming back for the sweets ( you)
-Our boy here becomes infatuated by u ( good luck on trying to get rid of him now! )
-He soon became your favorite customer. He was always quiet and polite, and his voice was as tame as his looks, never wanting to draw too much attention to himself.
-The way his face lights up every time you ask him to tell you one of his riddles or really talk to him about any of his interests ( which involved puzzles and riddles)
-Yeah, you totally aren’t falling for him or anything, right?
-You insisted on giving him baked goods for free, but he can't accept that; that isn't fair.
-But with your insistance (basically forcing him to accept it), he eventually took them.
-He even lets you test out new recipes on him (even the bad ones, but he won’t tell you that). He would always compliment your baking skills, always letting you know how ur pastries were the best thing he ever had in his life (which was true) with rosy cheeks and that cute little smile of his that you adore.
-Eventually he asks you out because he couldn’t take it anymore, even if there was a chance of you rejecting him (which would literally destroy him).
-He was shaking like a leaf while sweating buckets because, god, look at you, with that glint in your eyes staring back at his, seeming to be quite apprehensive while he tries to form actual words.
"Hey, I w-was wondering if you, um, would you know? Um, how can I say this?" he mumbles to himself (he practiced this like a million times in front of his bathroom mirror). He glances back at you while, of course, you offer him your kind smile, waiting for him to continue being so patient (god, he wanted you so badly).
He takes a deep breath and finally spits the words out that have been clinging to the back of his throat since the first time he met you.
"I-I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me if you wanted too! I-I'm not trying to force you or anything; you can always say no."
"Edward!" you call out to him. "I already said yes!" you exclaimed while giggling at his awkward confession.
(He wishes he could record your laugh just so he could play it on repeat.)
Anyway, back to more important matters:
He looks at you through his glasses as they slip down the bridge of his nose, trying to process what you just said.
Wait, you actually said yes.
Edward felt like dropping down on his knees. Maybe God is actually real!
But wait, he didn’t really plan that far.
You can tell he started to panic over the date, so you suggested a movie over at his apartment. Maybe you can even make him a treat.
He wanted to impress you by making your favorite cake, which shouldn’t be hard for him.
That was a lie. It was horrible. The cake looked like it was about to collapse on itself; it also looked half baked, maybe even raw, and he’s literally covered from head to toe in flour.
He felt like crying at this point. If you were coming in any minute, maybe he could try making another one.
He heard a knock at his door. It’s too late now; you're already here. 💀
He walks to his door with his head hanging low in shame. He opens the door to reveal
Standing there, looking more radiant than ever and also so very pretty (could he say that out loud?)
"Hey Eddie I brought you your favorite pumpkin. Wait, why are you covered in flour?" Now looking more confused, instead of answering you, he might as well show you.
He stands aside for you to come in, and what a surprise it was.
It looked like a cake (a deformed one), but still a cake!
He stands there awkwardly waiting for your response, which made him nervous as hell; he couldn’t read your face.
What if you don’t like him anymore? Do you even like him? Oh my god, what if you hate him so much now because of this? God, he was such a dumbass to have thought someone would actually like him. -
“I love it!"
“Wait, what was that?”
“I said I loved it." Now, looking back at Eddie, smiling so hard, your cheeks are starting to hurt. No guy has ever tried making you something so sweet, even if it looked raw. But It was still sweet.
You went up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist (he’s tall, ok?) absolutely smothering him with affection, not caring about the flour he was covered in.
Edward lets out a gasp, not expecting this reaction at all, especially having you this close (he can almost smell that fruity scented shampoo you always use; it adds to your already aching sweetness). He hesitates before wrapping his warm arms around you, completely engulfing you in his embrace.
He wishes to stay like this forever just standing here, feeling you around him.
Nothing good lasts forever, though. As you sadly pull away, your scent still lingers where your body was pressed up against his (giving him not-so-family-friendly thoughts).
As you look up at Eddie, you find him giving you a goofy smile while his cheeks are tinted red (god, you really are in love with this nerd).
You break the comforting silence first: "How about you go change while I get everything ready, ok?"
It takes him a few minutes to snap back (honestly, he’s really touch starved) just by a hug, you got him all spaced out on cloud nine.
He comes back fresh and clean ( also after giving himself a prep talk).
You guys end up chilling on the couch, sharing the best pumpkin pie ever (in Edward’s words, not urs), while watching a cheesy rom-com movie.
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Thank u for reading and I hope u enjoyed this don’t forget to drink water
If u guys enjoyed this concept I might do a full fic 👹 but who knows lol
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nenemyunart · 3 months
Sonic being infatuated with Shadow the second he saw him AUUUUGHGHHHHHHH- I’m so normal about the comic and sonadow i swear 😃👍✨
they were both so enamored by each other the whole game WHEW
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evostar · 6 months
I don’t have designs but I got names for Dolores’ kids!
Diego Baltazar - 17 years old (all the kids’ hermano mayor)
Paloma Abar - 15  years old
Ines Barbero - 15 years old 
Camilo - 15
Mirabel - 15
Xavier Cruz  - 13 years old
Jaun Alonso - 13 years old
Andres Delgado - 11 years old
Luz Almamilla  - 11 years old 
Marcia ruiz  - 10 years old
Carlos Ballon  - 10 years old
Lyla Cazarez  - 10 years old 
Esteban De Toro - 10 years old
Rosa Facundo - 10 years old 
Donaldo Granado - 8 years old
Daniela Granado - 8 years old
Damaro Granado - 8 years old
Leandra Henriquez - 8 years old
Esmerelda  Jerez - 8 years old
Olivia Jiminez Madrigal (the girl Dolores adopted)- 7 years old
Rafaela Lazcano - 7 years old 
Juancho Bertan - 5 years old 
Yago Terron - 5 years old
Frisco Segundo - 5 years old
Alejandra Mancha- 5 years old
Cecilia Reymundo - 5  years old 
Vicenta Marciel - 5 years old
Patricia Ortuno - 5 years old
Almira Dantel - 3 years old
Cruzito Pabon - 2 years old
Bronco Socarras - 1 year old
Angela Tadeo - 10 months old 
Amalia Tadeo - 10 months old 
Victorio Jiminez  Madrigal - 7 months old
I feel like the unofficial adopted kids (especially the abused ones) will use the last name “Madrigal” to estrange themself from the last name they got from their parents/guardian. 
Also, when a kid (or kids) feels unsafe at home do they go to Dolores and/or Mariano? I’m sure it’s a yes but I’m just makin sure. 
I kind of imagine a kid running to Tia Casita and going through the secret back door to Dolores. And in the morning all of the other madrigals just wake up and see a random kid at the breakfast table. Lolo silently dares anyone to say anything with her side eye. 
In that type of situation she’ll have the kid stay at Casita with Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio while she beats up the people who made her baby feel any sort of pain (and takes them to the authorities right afterwards.)
And on the plus side, a new baby gets to stay with her! 
Lil side thought: The kids definitely call Mariano’s grandmother Bisabuela and it warms her heart so much. 
Also I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most of the children there!! Don’t like being a (surname)? Dont worry just be a madrigal! 😃👍
When any of the children just start to feel bad at a certain point, they most likely go to Dolores. Calling her or just go into the room! But I’m sure that if they noticed that Dolores is busy they definitely will go to Mariano too :)
I would say that Dolores would’ve wanted the kids to rather have breakfast in the room since most of them maybe don’t trust any other adult but if they would still want to stay with Dolores (or any of the others) she would bring them down without an expectation!
Sooo true! It’s like- you hurt them and Dolores will hurt you 🙌 Dolores loves taking in new babies, since they’re literally adorable 🥹
Bisabuela on her way!💪 (literally such an cute name for her💕)
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The next morning after Dolores took the two in
Alma would’ve been just like “seriously…an other one..”
Julieta and Agustín would start to eventually adore them! (But then question later on from where they come from)
Pepa would be confused meanwhile casita accidentally left Félix out! (Not in a mean way, he was just late and casita forgot)
Mariano would’ve come to visti too, just to make sure everything’s okay! (Alma would think he came for Isabela, and would put him next to her which annoyed dolores a lot)
Mirabel would tell the kids that she would come play later! (She’s their favorite playmate and it’s normal for them to eat faster than the Madrigals)
Antonio introduces the girl everyone in his family and would definitely keep talking to her!
Isabela would get annoyed that Dolores is doing it, thinking she’s trying to ruin breakfast time (but she actually also adores the new children)
Camilo would try to irritate Isabela on purpose when he sees that she gets annoyed by it, mostly he does it because he knows that she likes the children (he makes sure they eventually talk to her too, if the wanna)
Luisa waves to the little one, also finding it adorable :D (Camilo did it on purpose but then he started to wave on his own)
And dolores just stares Alma down, daring her to say anything about it!
+ Mariano’s grandmother (don’t have a name yet) would be with the children upstairs, making sure they’re okay while Dolores is gone
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catmitosis-art · 9 months
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I’m so normal about him 😃👍
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burgercheese1812 · 1 year
Read at your own risk!
My emotions/thoughts through painted devils, because I just finished that shit and holy jamole-
(This took me days to write help 💀)
The seventh lie: (yes it has to be in sections or no one will be able to follow it, not even myself)
OOOO THE COVER JUST *chefs kiss*
Don’t scam the people, don’t scam the people- of course she did.
Hm making up a story about a god, yes this seems completely sane and won’t have future repercussions.
*fast forwards two months* Dammit Vanja.
Don’t go into the barn. DON’T GO INTO THE BARN- of course.
oh… Emeric… 😐
*sheep third wheeling is a vibe*
*Enter ScarMad*
Hi, yes hello, what do you mean you cLaiMeD mY bOy eMeRiC?? 😃
*Emeric proceeds to be high-fived in the chest, with red permanent marker*
*Enter PrOcToR KiRkLiNg* p.s: I already hate her.
I hope Vanja cuts KiRkLiNg down a few pegs. Ok a lot of pegs.
Who is Helga and where did she come from? *proceeds to knock KiRkLiNg down a few pegs* I like her.
#wish I could have seen KiRkLiNg standing on that bridge looking like a shocked fish as her lunch falls into the river
Oh how I wish I could go on a lovely date with my significant other to see murals of human sacrifices that may or may not soon involve them. Oh to be in love.
Ah yes Vanja, because I’m sure just screaming in a cave is going to summon- god dammit it ScarMad.
HA VIRGIN (I can’t say anything)
wait hang on so ScarMad claims people who haven’t… done it yet? Or have no intention of ever doing it? That smells a tad… *sniffs the air* Acephobic.
#cancel the Acephob ScarMad 2023 #acerights
“Human measuring stick I’m inexplicably fond of” I’m sure Emeric loves you to Vanja
Ah yes let’s all just casually stroll up to the other 5 brother and ask for them to participate in a BLOOD SACRIFICE that will go down swimmingly I’m sure!
*un- PG 13 -ifies your Vaneric*
Love Helga being a big sister figure in Vanja’s life. (What the poor naive dingbat did not know is that this is what we call ✨foreshadowing✨)
Great now I’m going to spend the next week wondering how the hell to pronounce blesséd
Of course KiRkLiNg has to come as well
I love Vikram with all my heart.
WhAt dO yOu mEaN yOu dOn’T HaVe gOdMoThEr’S????
Of course Vanja drunkenly yelled at one of the brothers
The sixth lie:
Vanja throws horseshit at Emeric, off to a great start 😃👍
Wouldn’t be a book with Vanja without some good ol’ Vanja fashion robbery
Cue the Robin Hood montage
Emeric is loving this.
Never seen the movie but I’m 95% sure this is how Annabelle started
Didn’t always have rails- OHS ‘bout to have a field day☝️😃
The fifth lie:
Oh right sister.
Ok let’s leave the absolute HORRORS of Vanja’s back scars and go back to this cliffhanger. Starting with:
Oh she’s just crazy ok. *mightily suspicious*
I will admit I was fully sucked in by the ant proverb-
Great the cult has followed them
The fourth lie:
Ah… brothels…
“The worst mistake of your life wasn’t upsetting me. It was starting a fight with her” SLAY EMERIC YOU TELL MEAN OLD MOTHER HUBBARD
Emeric has… questions…. 👀
Wish i could solve my problems with a giant ruby
Bath. I will elaborate no further.
Normal people: “i think I love them.” VANJA THE RIZZLER SCHMIDT (Ros) :“If every star were a reason I care for him—that’s how I feel, like I carry too many stars in me to count, like my skin might burst with the enormity of it all, like if I gather them all up, the only name I could give this is love.”
Thank you very much for teaching me to waltz whilst also teaching me organised crime
*gets called ugly in front of her sole mate* Vanja: dead bugs for you
The third lie:
Excuse me?
Ozkar: tells Vanja her mother is dead, also Okzar: ew don’t be sad yucky
Ozkar gets worst brother of the year award. Change my mind, oh wait you can’t.
Love that Emeric can just immediately finds Vanja BEST BOYFRIEND
Emeric talking loveingly about his family is giving both Vanja AND me life
Manacles? 🤨📸
honestly if my future partner doesn’t take paralysis pills when they’re possessed by an evil old glowy witch thing then I don’t want ‘em ✋🙄
THIS CRUSTY DUSTY ASS CRIMSON BIATCH HAS BLOCKED VANJA FROM SEEING HER GOD MOTHERS? This lady better be burnt at the stake and hung drawn and quartered when this is over or I swear to whatever is above that I will cross universes and do it myself.
Of course Vanja’s brother has been taken by an immortal sky women because, well because this was all just a tad too easy
The Imperial Abbey if Truth sounds like the most aesthetically pleasing place and goodness I want SO badly to go there now-
ScarMad clearly has to go back to preschool BECAUSE SHE HASNT HAD THE PERSONAL SPACE TALK YET, GET OUT OF MY BOY-
Cool. Emeric sleepy = no witchy
That was meant to rhyme :/
My poems aren’t as good as Emeric’s
Part 3:
THE ABBESS HAS CANDLES ON HER HEAD? She is so cool what the-
Girlboss fr
ScarMad the fabricated low gOd is in fact not a low god and is instead an… old wheat spirit thing?
Emeric really hates horses part 34
Alone? Vanja was alone at the end? I swear to all that is everything EMERIC BETTER NOT DIE-
Math crimes. (I shall be using all those jokes in the foreseeable future)
Emeric needs to be invited to do some money laundering STAT.
this book really is just an emotional roller coaster, except every once in a while they chuck water on you when you least expect it, just to add to the fun emotional experience.
Cue a lot of legal talk that went right over my head
and now Vanja has to go get her brother from the sky lady
The second lie:
Can you tell I love Ragne?
like… a horse…
on the feet…?
I swear everytime I think Ragne couldn’t get any cooler SHE BLOODY GETS COOLER-
Sky lady.
I love sky lady.
There are so many cool characters in this book I just- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Race! WHO SHALL WIN???
A tie? Nice 😎
Vanja has to ride with the Hunt for two weeks? Ok coolcoolcool definitely can’t see this going wrong in the foreseeable future-
She didn’t tell Emeric. 😐
And yet another scene that almost made me cry
I love Vanja and her sisters bonding through dressing her up
Jeezus crickey can ScarMad leave Vanja alone FOR FIVE BLOODY MINUTES??
“What is wrong with you, why are you red??”
the first lie:
Love that Vanja’s whole family just drops everything to help her 😭
I’ve done and am I currently doing a lot of crying and I’m not even at the end yet?
KiRkLiNg is being… tolerable? Perhaps I was wrong about her. Maybe I judged her to quickly? (Later I regretted ever thinking these words)
Just realised I haven’t mentioned Ambrozia (?) a lot and I would just like to say, girlboss©️
And today on Vanja’s list of low gods to befriend is moss lady
the goat scene. I will now go have nightmares now thank you very much.
she won’t let them up the bridge. she won’t let them get the anchor.
I have since fallen off the edge of my seat and am lying on the floor reading as fast as I possibly can
Ah yes, the only sane option, jump off the bridge into the jaws of a hellhound 👏👏
Emeric really is ride or die huh
I take it back please Emeric is just the ride NOT THE DIE I REPEAT PLEASE NOT THE DIE
I am crying with Vanja
The actual red maiden was just sitting in a cave CRYING THIS WHOLE TIME? I say, whilst sitting in my dark room after sobbing through most of this book
what in. the frick frack diddly dack, fuggle nuggles bloody HELL DID SHE JUST SAY???
HER MOTHER????????
911 child protection services?
Just Marthe dangling Emeric over a hungry hell hound ready to drop him in, Mother in laws am I right?
Gonna buy therapy for Vanja, Emeric, (Marthe can rot) and then myself.
this all brings me great satisfaction.
Ooooooo yeah 😬 makes sense that the town would lowkey hate Vanja
They get to have a dance 🥺🥺 (one that isn’t threaten by a glowing red demon mother)
Oh. 😳
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
Slay they deserve that.
Water break before the end 🥲
Take back EVERYTHING that I rethought about KiRkLiNg, girl still a baitch
Ofc KiRkLiNg would still want Vanja gone WHAT DID I EVEN THINK-
No Vanja. Don’t do that.
Screaming crying throwing up.
After the book i just lay on my bed clutching the book sobbing. Then i stopped sobbing and just lay there.
Truely a magnificent book and even this happens to pop up on your fyp and you read all the way down here then:
Gonna go reread it myself, I just love crying my eyes out 😗✌️, no but really the book is just amazing and I wish I could read it for the first time again. Thank you so much @what-eats-owls you are truly a magnificent writer and I cannot WAIT for book 3, thank you so much.
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yummycrummy · 1 year
So I had a little idea for Charlene’s backstory.. it’s a lot and it’s slightly.. unrealistic in a way.. her backstory is kinda like a fairy tale and I’m not sure if you’ll like it or not.. but,
There’s an ancient forest in the country of Canada, one that stretches for miles and miles with a big road around it, leading to different places. In the middle of the forest, there’s a town. In that town, there’s no concrete or anything, just grass and a few small bodies of water. It’s miles and miles to get into this town from the outside world, and people who come in don’t usually ever go out, and the people on the outside don’t even know this exists, yet some people managed to make it in. They now live a perfect life. A life of freedom, in a town with no crime, no hatred or anything bad. They even have a royal family for decisions. Issac and Lilac Dandy, queen and king of this ancient forest. They gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Charlene, and they raised her to become this beautiful teenage princess, Charlene. She’s adored by the town, and she was known as the princess of flowers, due to the amount of nature that was there. When Charlene was around 16 years old, she wished to travel. (I know that’s young but like I’m trying to stick to how she met Charles as well, the rest isn’t so realistic anyway.) And she had never left that forest before, so she had a ceremony, and they’re was many tears before she left, but she did. She was given a ticket for a plane to Britain that the people of the forest found, (again, crazy coincidence) and that’s where she went. She flew off to Britain and she went to an orphanage, where she was sent to a British high school, where she met Charles. Charles got into a lot of fights, and a lot of the girls thought he was attractive (back then). He was quite when he wasn’t fighting, he didn’t have any friends. He didn’t want any friends. He was miserable, until he stumbled across Charlene. He thought she was the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, and he notices that she feels anxious, considering the fact she didn’t know anyone there. He’d pass her notes in class, asking her is she was okay, and she slowly grew fond of him until they started going out. She never mentions the forest.. she just says she was from Canada, nothing special. She’ll tell him at one point.. but that’s how she grew to have an obsession with flowers and everything nature… just a normal woman..
(Tell me if you like please 👋😃👍)
Aaww I really like this!!! The fact u mentioned Canada tho hejrhfe thought that was nice- but yea this is lovely !! A pretti magical lady 💕🌸🌹🌷 so fitting for her, ur so creative?? U could definitely write something like this I bet
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larcenywrites · 1 year
how would Tony (young and regular/older Tony) react if you need to have your wisdom tooth removed and he's gotta take care of you? like, calm you down before the surgery, accompany you to the orthodontist, take care of you during post-op? and you're all sensitive and upset and feeling shitty and miserable :(
It’s been 8 years since I got all of my wisdom teeth removed but that shit was awful and sometimes the scars flare up and hurt to this day 😭 also my fav story to tell is that after my surgery I was so fucked up on those pain meds for a while (mine took a lot longer to heal than normal and hurt so bad so I took the hard stuff longer than most people lmao), and I played Mass Effect 1 all day every day, and completed it like three or four times over the course of a week 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 my two friends got theirs removed during the same summer as me, and there’s went so smoothly??? Like one had no paid after day 2 or 3 and was eating like normal on day 5, and my other friend took a while before chewing felt more normal but she said her pain wasn’t bad after the first day??? And I literally felt like I was dying for almost two weeks 😭
Young!Tony might have gotten his removed too! 3 or 4 years ago probably, but he’s been through it! He’ll drive you there and back, but on the way he’s probably not the best at comforting you 🤧 He’ll tell you it’s not that bad, and then proceed to tell you all about how he woke up mid-surgery 😭 he thinks it’s kinda funny, but it’s not when you’re about to be in that position :( If you’re anything like how I was after mine, instead of being loopy and stumbly afterward, you walk to the car (mostly) on your own (only stumbling a little bit) after being very grumpy and mean to both Tony and the doctor 😃👍 who thankfully think it’s funny, and Tony only annoys you further when you’re staring through the window with an angry glare and he’s busy asking you how you feel or if you remember anything. Yeah, you feel like shit! No wonder you’re so grumpy! He tries to stay quiet for the rest of the ride 😔 but he’ll put on your favorite songs :D He also made sure to put a towel on your lap maybe or maybe not after Maria advised him to beforehand…
If you don’t already live together, he’ll pretty much try to live in your house for the week even though your parents might be right there to also take care of you 🥺😅 buuuut blood makes him a little squeamish, so helping you replacing those first cottons balls might be a little bit of a hassle, meaning: he’ll be wearing gloves and will be visibly disgusted 😭 but you’re too out of it to notice anyway! The first day, you’re probably doing a lot of sleeping :( but he’ll sleep with you :D propped up with you on some pillow and just watches every movie you own! You probably can’t talk really good either that first day or two, which sucks because all Tony does it talk 😩 well, maybe it’s not so bad then? You also won’t be alone in having to eat things like Jello and pudding and mashed potatoes, because he’ll probably eat them too 😋 It kinda gives him an excuse to only eat vanilla pudding all day 😅 He can’t really help you feel any better besides being surprisingly on time for any medication, and while he promises to take you to your favorite restaurant as soon as you think you can eat real food (which is hopefully after the first week unless you’re like me, then it takes almost two 🙃), but that might kinda make it worse because it gets real boring only eating the few soft foods on that list 😭 And it’s frustrating honestly. Don’t feel bad about randomly crying when he brings you a cup of jello 😔 He’ll be like “wait, was that the wrong thing, I’m sorry 😰” and then he has to sit through your mini rant about being tired of feeling awful 😞 and there’s nothing he can do so he also feels awful 😞 But, at least you kinda have an excuse to sit in bed all week and watch movies or play games? Each day will feel a little better :)
Now older Tony, he’s been through a few surgeries, though it’s been years since this particular one. You can rest assured, at least, that you’ll have only the best doctors and best medical advice and stuff? Nah, it’s still stressful ^^;; Tony’s been through lots of surgeries, and he’ll assure you this is one of the easier and most routine ones! It’ll go fine! You won’t be able to eat normally for at least 5 or so days, so he’ll be sure to take you wherever you want to go the day or two before, too 😘 If you’re super freaked out, he’ll try his best leading up to it to avoid any mention of it unless necessary tbh. He’s suddenly around much more, trying to butt it on daily routines and work, chores or cooking, asking you’re opinion of blueprints or about vacation plans. But it’s pretty unavoidable when he’s driving you there :( He’ll ((technically)) be with you the entire time! He’ll be there when it’s done! It may not feel like it in the moment, but he was right when he said you’d literally be out of there within five minutes! Well, from your point of view anyway. You’re probably a little wobbly on your feet, and hopefully not trying to wriggle out of his guiding grip on your shoulders 😅 And sorry to tell you, while you won’t film it, he’ll purposefully be trying to get you to say ridiculous things and asking you all kinds of ridiculous questions 😔 And tell you all about as soon as you’re feeling better!
He made sure to buy all your favorite yogurts and he’ll even make some soups! Luckily he’s seen plenty of blood and had plenty of surgeries, so blood doesn’t bother him and he doesn’t mind having to help you clean up. And though you’re on bedrest for a few days (the surgery may just be in the mouth, but dental pain really takes out all your energy 😭), at least that means he (finally) has to take a break from work to spend all day with you 😁 though, it’d be better for both of you if you weren’t in pain and so over it :( He feels really bad that there’s not much he can do to help you feel better :( You may get a little snappy with him because you feel so bad, and he tries his best not to let it get him down 😔 But he’s still persistent in trying to find way to keep you entertained and keep your mind off of it (sorta). Puzzles, video games, napping as best he can with you- whatever helps! And when you start complaining about having to eat the same stuff all day, he’ll promise to pick up whatever you want as soon as you can eat better!
And either way, the biggest challenge for him is trying not to instinctively kiss your cheek before bed when your laying next to him 😭 those first few days everything hurts, and he hardly knows what a gentle peck is, so he’ll have to remember to swoop to your shoulder of top of your head that first week 😅
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madmadmilk · 2 years
Tumblr media
Yes, I’m obviously a person who copes well and likes things a normal amount 😃👍🌱✨
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writerrobinarnett · 1 year
jokes aside i have shorter questions this time (yes, i elaborated chapter 20 LMAO).
ok i noticed this particular earlier but i just wanted to be sure when i asked you this. is it mullo (the kwami ​​of multiplication– oh well, the mouse) who sends the diary pages to will and eleven? tbh i already figured it that was a kwami who was ​​sending them the informations, and i suspected it was mullo (to clarify, i just googled her name because until today i had no idea what her name was lmao). chapter 20 only confirmed the thing. but why a kwami should be free when the miraculous should be in the miracle box?
we were just talking about love square and will is just starting to notice mike (destiny). i'm really curious how will will understand that mike mayfield is actually mike wheeler (sometimes i forget that he's supposing to be max's brother LMAO). and i'm also curious to know how el will react if will confesses to her his feelings for mike (⚰️ <- this is eleven)
henry creel is the felix of this story. i just elaborated that. that's cool. that's not really a question but that's cool.
can vecna and tikki unify (i didn't understand this tbh) ?i
i've run out of questions for now 😃👍
ohmygosh Hello again! 😄
I see you’re back at it with the super insightful and awesome questions!
This is such an astute observation! Tbh the references are pretty subtle, so I’m impressed that you connected the mouse that keeps appearing to the diary pages. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is a spoiler, since it will be revealed later in the story. You won’t get the answer for a long, looooooong time, but you will get an answer, I promise! (Lmk if you want a very vague hint though lol)
Also, I’m curious, why do you think it’s a kwami that’s leaving the diary pages? Not confirming or denying it lol, just wondering 😊
Ahh, you’ll just have to wait and see how Will discovers the truth about Mike’s name. (but you won’t have to wait long hehe) I don’t have a moment where Will confides in El about his crush on Mike… But if I did, I think it would totally go like this:
Will: I think… I might like Mike El: *stares silently ahead, dying inside* El: *inhales deeply* Will: Um… El? El: JUST ASK HIM OUT ALREADY JESUS #$@%*& (the rest is censored, but it would go on for like five min lol) Will: geez okay omg. Calm down! I guess… I guess I’ll ask him tomorr– El: *grabs Will’s phone and throws it at him* No. ASK HIM OUT. RIGHT. NOW!
That’s such a cool idea!! I honestly didn’t realize they were so similar (I kinda wrote that chapter before I saw s5, but now that you point it out, I totally see it!) I just wanted to make a villain that was a big threat but had good intentions. But yeah, he really is a very Felix/Argos like character! Such a cool parallel 😊
Great question! I’m sure you’re not the only one confused, so I’ll try my best to explain it well. Okay. So, when Tikki and Vecna “unify” in ch. 18, it’s meant to be very different from how unifying kwamis works in MLB, and that is because of Vecna. As opposed to being an entirely new kwami, Vecna is half of Tikki. “Unifying” the two, in my story, is more like recombining two halves of a broken kwami. When I say “broken,” I mean how Tikki was losing control of her creation power (as well as her miraculous literally being cracked). To put the unification process simply: “broken” Tikki + Vecna should make a Normal Tikki. However! Vecna was created by a dark/fundamental magic that is “of the Earth.” That magic is not compatible with normal kwamis (who come from space). Because Vecna and Tikki can’t fully recombine, they have a partial unity. They are both tied to Will’s soul and bonded to each other, which stabilizes Tikki (filling in her cracked miraculous), but they can never recombine fully.
If the explanation for unifying doesn’t make sense, then don’t worry too much. 😊 It’s not super important how it works. All that matters is Will has two kwamis. He can’t ever take off his earrings or renounce his two miraculous. And he can switch between his upside down powers and his ladybug powers
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delulu--lulu · 1 year
Spider-Man into/across the spider-verse Spider-sona story
Oc name: Kyana (nickname is Yana)
I wrote a Spider sona story instead of drawing one because I suck at drawing more than writing... so 😃👍
Face Claim! :
Spider-Man into/across the spider-verse Spider-sona story 
Oc name: Kyana (nickname is Yana) Her family moves a lot. She was born and raised in Dallas Texas and her family moved to Brooklyn New York later. 
Her family moved because her father’s family lived there and her grandma was sick so they came to help. 
Mr. Wilson’s family lives in the Bronx but he didn’t want to move back so decided to move to Brooklyn.
She has two annoying younger brothers; Keenan (10) Kel (8). 
She speaks English and only knows a little bit of Spanish but the rest of her family speaks it well which Yana gets frustrated at cause she can’t understand the rest of them while her younger brothers speaks better than she does.
She understands it more than she can speak it unfortunately. So she hears what her family members say about her behind her back. She wishes she didn’t though.
On her dad’s side, they’re Dominican 🇩🇴 . Her mom is just American 🤷🏽‍♀️.
Yes, she knows how to dance bachata.
Yana’s parents swear she was born in the generation because she’s an old-head, loving all the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s classics. One of her favorite songs is I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston. 
Yana was bit by the radioactive spider before Miles was. 
She went to Visions Academy prior to taking the test in Texas and getting in (another reason why her family moves). 
Personality: she’s kinda awkward, little bit of anger issues, but is the nicest person on earth, she’s sensitive and gets taken advantage of sometimes because of it. A completely different person at school than at home (quiet kid 101). 
Got bit by the radioactive spider before she went to school. She was bitten by it without knowing (kinda like a mosquito bite) while she was listening to music and senerioizng on the rooftop.  
School was kinda ass for her. Despite the racial dysphoria of other people wanting to be her race, everything was semi normal.
“How come you’re Latina but your last name is Wilson?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe there’s something called colonization to other countries.”
She handled that better than she thought she would. “By the way I don’t identify as a Latina. I’m black but my ethnicity is Dominican and my nationality is American.”
Gwen noticed her powers first and they became friends first. Yana also spoke to Miles first. 
But that was a mistake after she remembered that her parents were more strict about boys than they were with her brothers about girls.
Ain’t that a shame 😔
Yana was who Miles talked about with his uncle but Gwen happened to be there instead of her. 
While he was trying to rizz up Gwen and his hand got stuck to her hair, he panicked and swung his arms around and it stuck to  Yana’s uniform shirt (she happened to be walking by). 
So they were all embarrassing each other in the middle of the hallway.
Yana spoke to Gwen about what happened afterwards when and explained to her that she thought Miles might be like them.
Spider-Man’s death didn’t take a surprise to Yana with all those crazy villains he fought. 
They both “befriended” him in the forest after they stole the hard drive. She went with Gwen first to save them in her store bought spider man suit. 
Miles and Yana had coincidentally wore the same store bought suit and Yana used one of his cringey lines from the beginning of school.
“Oh, my gosh! This is embarrassing. We wore the same suit.” She laughed but he wasn’t amused.
Yana goes with them to Aunt May’s for the first time and meets the new spider people. She befriends Peni first. She gets to tell her story: “Hi, my name is Yana Wilson and for the past two weeks, I’ve been Brand New Spider-woman.”
Her theme song is Push It by Salt-N-Pepa.
Yana’s spider-woman name is “Spider-Blast” because her spider suit is extremely colorful (she’s based off of the Green Bottle Blue Tarantula) it’s like a “blast” of color. 
The spider team didn’t think that Yana and Miles were good enough to save New York and it made Yana feel insecure about herself.
Of course I’m not going to be good enough, I’ve only been spider woman for two weeks!
When Miles ran away and his crazy self started jumping off of buildings, Yana accompanied him.
They both helped each other personalize their suits. Yana made her suit colorful with the Dominican flag. 
She wanted to practice with him because she felt like she didn’t deserve to be Spider-woman and if she was then she’d at least learn how to.
On that roof after Yana and Miles swung around the city they shared their first kiss. 
During the fight and while everyone was going to leave, Yana almost cried when Gwen had to leave but she assured Yana that she would see her again.
After the fight with Kingpin and after they save New York City, Miles and Yana start a relationship.
A secret one at that matter. Mostly secret from their families. 
Yana got her phone taken away for failing a class (because she was doing spider things) so she couldn’t call or text Miles.
But he randomly called her phone that was sitting on the counter and Yana just happened to answer the phone before her mom could.
“Boy, it’s past 12! I got minutes.” She whispers angrily into the phone. “Ima call you back on the house phone. Do not call back if I hang up.”
It took a lot of convincing and serious talk with her parents about boys before Yana finally takes Miles to meet her family. But they like him and say that he reminds them of their daughter (no sabo kid). 
Her aunts like that he’s Latino. 
Keenan and Kel do not like Miles at all. They speak about him behind his back in Spanish. Yana tells them to stop though.
Being the only spider people in their dimension gets lonely so they of course miss their friends. 
Yana notices that Miles seems to miss Gwen more than she does. (She finds his drawings of her). 
Once Yana got home from fighting a villain and Spider-Blast was on the TV news in her family’s living room. 
“Spider-Blast?” Her Tia Semira questions while helping fix dinner. “What kind of name is that?” 
Although Yana knew that her Tia didn’t mean it in a criticizing way but it still made her cringe.
“I heard that she was from la caribe.” Her messy Tia Maia says, sticking her nose up. “She better not be dominicana.”
“Nah.” Yana quickly jumped in the conversation. “I’m pretty sure she’s boricuan.” Her tias shrugged it off with a scoff. 
Yana quickly went to Miles’s the next day. “Man, I almost got caught by my nosy tias.” 
“Oh, word?” He says, smirking. “Let me guess… she said that she hoped Miss Spider-Blast wasn’t Dominican.” Yana nods with an eye roll.
When Yana and Miles first met the Spot, as said, Miles didn’t take him seriously. Y’know, that “villain of the week” mess. 
But Yana sensed something off and tried to tone Miles down but he wasn’t listening.
He had to go to his parent teacher conference and was already late so he was rushing. 
Yo girlfriend is always right, Miles 🤷🏽‍♀️
When it’s the party that celebrates Jeff’s promotion to captain, Yana puts off her spider work to go while Miles clearly does not. 
She gets to thinking that he supposes that he’s the better hero than her for still tryna save the city. 
He obviously doesn’t .
When he does get there, his parents are on his ass about not getting there on time and Yana calms him down. While sitting in his room talking, Gwen arrives.
Yana is ecstatic to see her best friend after a whole year and a half. But Miles seems happier. 
And she sho notices too 😒. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Are the last words said that Yana immediately knows will lead to trouble. 
Although swinging around the city with Gwen is fun, she feels like a third wheel even though she and Miles are together and not him and Gwen.
Yana’s petty like that and goes back to the party to see if Gwen and Miles would even notice if she was gone. They do, but not until a little later.
Strike 1
At the party, Yana sulks around watching Miles and Gwen interact on the tower thingy. Rio notices so she goes up to introduce herself to Gwen.
As you could tell, it didn’t go well.
After Gwen leaves Miles and Yana have a little serious talk about what happened and he says he won’t do it again. 
Mhm 😒. 
So to make up for the little argument, Miles decides to take Yana with him to follow Gwen. 
Great job bro 😑
Miles turns invisible and Yana camouflages (another perk of the green blue bottle tarantula). 
Blah, blah, blah, the learn about the spider society and follow Gwen into the dimension. Yana is the first to go in because she feels like she’s being pulled towards it. 
Miles tries grabbing her hand to pull her out but he gets sucked in too.
Meeting Pavitr is the best thing that could happen to Yana. That instantly become friends and she joins in on Pavitr grilling Miles about saying Chai tea.
“That’s like saying Naan bread. Naan means bread. It’s like bread bread, Miles! I thought we talked about this.”
He got sad. “Man, even my own girlfriend is chewing me out.” He mumbles. “I SAID I WAS SORRY, YANA.” ☹️
When Yana met Hobie, it was over. She befriended everyone instantly and it made her happy to meet so many friends since she didn’t have a lot back home. 
Gwen was a little upset that both of them were there because they weren’t supposed to be. But she didn’t have any control over it because Miguel requested both Yana and Miles.
Learning that the Spot was traveling dimensions to get power was nerve wracking to Miles because just yesterday he said that he was just a villain of the week and he wasn’t. 
Yana told him he should’ve known better because she warned him.
Strike 2 
Meeting Miguel could’ve gone better than Yana hoped. He wasn’t very friendly in her opinion. She definitely didn’t like him after how he talked to her and Miles.
She was tryna be nice and chill but obviously it didn’t work.
“Hey, my name is Yana-“
“You aren’t supposed to be here.”
“Damn. This is why you can’t be nice to ppl 😒.” Yana rolls her eyes at him. 
When she learns about the canon events is when things really started to become trouble. Miles’s dad was supposed to die and by Miguel’s introduction on saying that “she isn’t supposed to be here” he explains that Yana is the only variant of herself.
Meaning there are no other Yanas in any other dimension. 
Basically like America Chavez. 🤭
That’s when all her friends turn to stare at her in either awe, confusion, or anything else for that matter. Yana feels exposed in that moment. She didn’t even know it was true but somehow she felt judged.
But the look Miles gives her is something else. It’s the look as if he was hesitant. 
It wasn’t until she and Miles were being chased by every single spider person in existence that Miles realized that she was too fragile. There wasn’t another Yana, so if she died, that was it.
He didn’t want to lose her just like that. 
“Go find Margo and tell her to take you back to our universe.” He said.
Yana didn’t have much choice since she wanted to get out of the chase. These people were chasing her like she owed money. Yana didn’t find Margo until Miles found Margo.
He looked pretty upset. 
Even though they were both invisible/camouflaged, they could sense each other.
Turns out Miles wasn’t even meant to be Spider-Man. So that meant Yana wasn’t either… or so he thought.
Margo didn’t want to send Miles and Yana to Ty roe dimension due to Miguel’s constant threats to not let Miles nor Yana go. 
But she had too.
(She and Hobie the real ones). 
Miles helps Yana into the dimension switching thingy (I don’t know what that thing is even called😭). 
Yana and Margo made intense eye contact which was a whole conversation without even talking. Miles thought it was some girl telepathy thing.
Margo pressed the button. “42.” Yana says with furrowed eyebrows. “We’re not from 42-“ 
Miles yanks Yana along with him as they both tear down through the streets on New York to Miles’s house. Yana climbs through the window first and then Miles does.
His room looks the same… “but this isn’t our New York” she wants to say.
“We made it…” Miles sighs in relief before he turns to look at his girlfriend. “Yana, are you alright?”
She nods. “Yeah, I’m fine… But Miles, this isn’t our-“
The door opens, light filling the room. Panic fills Yana’s head. Since she’s the only version of herself in every universe, that means Rio won’t recognize her.
Yana swiftly hides behind the door. “Miles?” His mom enters with a basket of clothes. Miles had quickly put a large jacket on. “Is now a bad time?”
She continues to make conversation with him as Miles tries to figure out a way to tell her he’s Spider-Man.
Yana watches it all intently. 
“I’m… I’m Spider-Man.” He zips his jacket revealing his suit. 
Rio stares blankly at him. “Who?” 
That’s when Yana realizes. It confirms her suspicions that they aren’t in the right dimension. There is no spider-person in this universe.
No wonder the streets looked so gloomy and dark. As soon as Miles and Rio are out of the room, Yana makes a break for the rooftop. 
As soon as she’s on the roof she takes her mask off to breathe. Taking deep breaths in and out, don’t seem to calm her. They wrack her nerves even more.
Yana looks around. It’s night and it’s darker and gloomier than Brooklyn regularly is. Her eyes soon land on something that makes her jaw drop.
Jeff’s mural. It replaces Aaron’s.
He’s dead in this dimension.
The rooftop door opens. Yana panics again because this time she doesn’t know where to hide. So she goes over the roof but sticks to the wall so she can still see.
“You got the plan?” Aaron’s voice enters her ears. 
“Yeah…” Miles follows quickly behind him looking just as shell shocked as she is. “But maybe we should go over it again… just to make sure.” 
He looks around shocked at all the chaos. And at his face, that’s when Yana knows that he’s seen it. He’s seen the mural.
Aaron gets a text and upon that text, he turns to look at Miles suspiciously. 
At that moment, a dark figure jumps up and punches Miles in the face knocking him down.
Now, how immature would it be for Yana to shout something at this moment? Very. 
“Damn!” Yana exclaims. She didn’t mean to, it was an instinct. She quickly covers her mouth and ducks back down when Aaron and the figure look in her direction. 
“Someone’s here. Check the area.” Aaron orders and slips back into the stair room while the figure disappears. 
Yana panicky looks around for where the person went but doesn’t see or hear them until she’s getting smacked back into the rooftop floor right next to Miles. 
Despite the pain and ringing in her ears, she can look up to see the figure more clearly. A more clean design of the “prowler” suit. 
Another prowler?
The new prowler’s phone rings in his pocket. He takes it out and answers it and his mask opens up. 
Yana’s eyes widen at the face. It’s Miles, but not her Miles. 
It’s the last face she sees before she completely blacks out.
A/N : Do y'all know how long it took for me to finish this?? 😩 I was kinda on and off this this tho
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i’m really normal and okay 👍😃
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
From Normally-O-A-K :) !
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before. 👒: You come off as very friendly! 😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive. 🌱: I’d love to get to know you better. 😃: I love seeing you in my notifications! 😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before. 📺: We have similar interests! 😀: I would consider us friends. 🌴: I’m jealous of you. 👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
AW BUDDY!!! MUTUAL MOMENT....2!!!!!!!!!!! i am glad we've been vibin lately it's v fun 😎 love havin people thatll go bonkers w/me about Characters jsdlfjs
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rooolt · 2 years
Me solemnly listening to the falsettos songs i put on my dndads character playlists because i cant relate the jewish aspects to any of the characters
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