#I’m not a romance person but it’s genuinely kinda sweet
silverstreak27 · 1 year
Roses are red
Violets are blue
On top of this hill
I’ll pick both for you
But roses have thorns
And violets are toxic
So as I grab one, I’ll say
“Hey, I got it.”
A thorn can’t hurt me
Or keep me away
And a violet is only toxic
If you make it that way
You’ve always loved flowers
It’s so easy to tell
So much so you’ve rubbed off on me
For now I like them as well
On top of this hill
I’ll pick two for two
Because the roses are for us
And the violets are for you
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sourpatchys · 11 months
My personal Headcannons for Daryl Dixon that I will defend with my life
Just a warning! there is some nsfw❤️‍🔥 content in this list (not a ton)
This is a list full of random Headcannons I have, some are xreader related, some are just fun little things I’d like to believe because they’re fun
He l o v e s head scratches and chin scratches, just like a dog, his mom used to do it to him as a kid, it’s just really comforting to him
He is 100% dyslexic, he’s super insecure about it, which is why he leaves reading and writing up to anyone else who’s willing to do it.
This dude is secretly a math wiz. It came super easy to him, but he does tend to keep it on the down low because it was never something he was allowed to be proud of as a child, and it’s not really a needed skill anymore
I personally do not believe Daryl did anything hard while running around with Merle, Shrooms and weed were his limit 99.99% of the time, unless he felt pressured, but even then it would take a lot of convincing
He’s very self conscious about how thick his accent can get, he grew up in a much more rural area than the rest of Rick and Co. (apart from Maggie of course) and he feels out of place with his speech patterns at times.
Daryl was definitely a highschool drop out, assuming his birthday is January 6th, he left as soon as he was old enough to do it without a parent’s consent (18)
I just know this man never got his license. Can you imagine him paying his way through classes and taking a drivers test? I can’t. He probably just got a state ID for booze and just drove around illegally (if he got an ID at all, I’m sure he knew quite a few places that didn’t card)
He runs hot, the cold is a lot easier for him to handle than the heat, which is why he tended to wear sleeveless shirts or half sleeves
He has never had a “crush” in his life. He’s thought people were hot before, of course he has, but romance was never really on his mind
He’s not a total virgin, but he’s not exactly skilled either. His body count is probably 3, and I guarantee you he was not sober before, during, or after.
He’s a thigh and breast man. Hands down.
I know deep in my soul that this man enjoys some face sitting.
He’s not an overly sexual guy, if you were asexual he’d be okay with never doing anything, so long as you were happy
If you’re nonbinary, he was definitely mean to you at the start, with the way he was raised it simply didn’t make any since to him, BUT once you get closer and he starts to trust you, he might (he will) start asking some questions to understand you better
He isn’t a pet name kinda guy. He’s completely on board with calling you sunshine or princess, but anything past that just isn’t for him, and he really isn’t a fan of you giving him one either, unless it’s just a joking matter like how Carol calls him “pookie” from time to time
He’s a morning person and he hates it. He always wakes up at the ass crack of dawn, and every time he wishes he hadn’t.
He is definitely an insomniac, likely derived from having night terrors as a kid
He’s definitely self conscious about his scars, but not enough to cause issues if anyone happened to see them, he isn’t ashamed of them, but he doesn’t want to explain where their from, and he genuinely hasn’t thought of a good enough lie to tell instead.
When rick saw them for the first time Daryl had him fully convinced he was in a fight with a bear for about a week (rick never asked for the real reason)
He has a heavy sweet tooth, and likes to keep hard candy with him at all times (if possible) and he has never, and will never, pass up chocolate in any form.
He genuinely has chicken scratch for handwriting, he does not plan on ever attempting to make it easier to read, he enjoys the struggle people face when he’s put in a position where he has to write anything down. (Plus it helps conceal his errors if they do figure it out)
He does genuinely want kids in his life. Even if they can’t be his biologically. Being “uncle Daryl” is the best feeling he’s ever experienced, and he really wants to experience that with you if you’d allow it/want it (he would never pressure you to have kids)
Headaches and migraines plague his existence and they always have
He had super long hair as a kid and one of his punishments was his dad shaving it all off, which is why he kept it short until after the outbreak.
He would let you paint his toenails, or match his middle finger with whatever polish you decided to wear
This dude HATES clowns. Seeing a walker in a clown get up would absolutely kill him on the inside
You got sick? Don’t worry about it, he will absolutely attempt to make you soup from scratch using bone marrow and whatever else he can find
Fishing is not his thing. He knows how to, but he much prefers just catching them by hand or with a spear.
The closer you two get, the more likely he is to try and convince you that Bigfoot is real
Daryl is a secret star wars fan
He does NOT like country music, Led Zeppelin, Rob zombie, Ozzy osbourne and Lamb of god are much more his thing
He wasn’t a technology kind of guy, so if you tried to explain any aspect of social media to him he’d be completely lost (he didn’t even have a cellphone)
He has a super dry sense of humor
If he had to choose between starving to death or eating plain Cheerios, he would choose death.
One of the reasons he isn’t big on showering is because he doesn’t have a strong immune system from his childhood neglect, and he doesn’t want to shock his body and get sick
He also just hates the way soap feels on his skin. It’s way too sticky
During sex, he’s not strictly dominant or submissive, he’s ready to adapt to whatever you want, even if that means being strictly vanilla
He’s afraid of Santa Clause
And the Easter bunny
He’s willing to try anything once, even if he doesn’t think he’ll like it
He knows a lot of information on plants and herbs, so depending on your mood, he’ll try to find a flower to brighten your day with a little scribbled note explaining its meaning (because you can actually read his atrocious writing)
He’s never once told you he loves you, and your relationship wasn’t a spoken fact. His actions tend to speak louder than words, and if you say you love him, he will occasionally reply with a “back at ya.” Or “me too”
He always has weird shit in his pockets, like cool rocks he found, dead flowers, and fallen leaves.
He genuinely does not understand a single thing that Eugene says, and he never has.
The first time he ever kisses you on his own (you 100% have to make the first move) it’s a very rough and embarrassed act where he just grabs you and plants one in ya before you can even think about what’s happening
He will change his favorite color to whatever yours is, because if you can see beauty in it, then it’s all he can see from then on out
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xo-zozo · 2 months
TGG REVEIW *spoilers*
[ “sometimes, in the games that matter most, the only to really play is to live.” ]
4 | ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ |
i’m so happy that this book finally came out, i had been looking forward to it for the past year!! and as always, jlb did not disappoint. it was so fun to see all of the dynamics between the new characters and the old ones.
first and foremost, here were some of the bad things. i had no idea why grayson was playing in the game? like it made zero sense to me why he would need to, even if her didn’t participate in making the puzzles. he was an a lot better person in this book though so im thankful for that. i did enjoy reading this book but at the same time, i kinda wished that there was more things out of the escape room and moments with out the riddles because it felt REALLY jam packed with them.
but on the lighter side, i loved all of the new characters in this book and the little things that we got to see of the old ones. the riddles and puzzles were fun, and the setting was also really interesting to me. it is absolutely insane to me how jlb manages to connect things that happened in her other books with this one and somehow make it all make sense when it comes down to it.
i thought that romances in this book were actually pretty good. one of my favorites was savannah and rohan, but i’m also excited to see how gigi’s romantic life plays out. and as always, avery and jameson served as always and everytime they were mentioned, i got super duper excited because they’re cuties and i love them. and of course, lyra and grayson were pretty good but i was expecting a lot more than what we got.
lyra kane - so, on tumblr she was very hyped up and i have never really played into that because i didn’t have strong feelings about this character that we didn’t know. and now that i’ve read the book, i still have a lot of the same opinions on her and i mainly predicted how i would feel about her. although she was a good character and i did like her, she just didn’t feel like anything special to me? but that’s just a personal preference and i know that a lot of people d9 like her. A LOT.
grayson hawthorne - a lot of people know this as well, but i’m not a huge fan of grayson. and although a lot of the things i felt about him still stand, i did like him a lot more in this book than i did in the other ones. being with lyra must’ve just been really refreshing for him. he was just a lot more open than usual.
gigi grayson - as always i LOVE this girl. she’s so sweet and she genuinely reminds me of myself. (annoying in the best way possible) i’m so interested in where her story is going, especially because of all the new people in this book that she got to meet.
savannah grayson - oh. my. gosh. she’s literally my wife, but at the same time, the part at the end where she says that’s she’s gonna expose avery and the hawthornes for killing her dad was insane. i think she’s in the wrong for that but i’m excited to see where this is going.
rohan - all of the brothers hawthorne i HATED this man. the whole time i was like “who does this guy think he is” but i literally loved him this book, he was so flirty and sassy and it was great.
odette morales - she is my QUEEN she was more iconic than lyra could ever be… im being totally honest. her whole thing with tobias and alice was one of the most crazy things ever and im so excited to see where that goes too.
avery grambs - i have ALWAYS loved this woman, but she was serving even harder than in the other series in this book. the way that she was described was djejenhdehd. this made me even more excited for games untold in november.
jameson hawthorne - my man is always the best and he’s just the best. he’s always so sweet to avery in these books and it brings me joy.
knox - i don’t have any strong feelings about him… but yk excited to see what’s happening with him.
brady - same with knox… there’s a lot of things i’m interested in but i don’t have a lot to say about him.
[ “beside avery, jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one.” ] IM SAT.
[ “at sixteen, lyra had watched and rewatched that interview more times than she wanted to admit.” ] IM CRYING LAUGHING HELP
[ “my symptoms include a tightness in my jaw, increased heart rate, and a desire to use foul language in particularly creative combinations” ] ODETTE MY QUEEN 💋
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twost3ps · 3 months
I love guitarhero, mostly thanks to you! But now I have to ask. What would guitarhero’s first fight would be? I’m all in for the sweetness, fluff, and romance. But they have got to have a sort of quarrel at some point. Unless it’ll never happen, thats fine too!
That is such an honor rfiycbyfeyicbeficyb AUYWUYAWFGuyaG
But man that’s actually a hard question…
I’m not sure but they do quarrel quite a bit. Still a definite believer that Adam is a brat who is madly stubborn and crass, and while Micheal is pliant to most of Adam’s wants and opinions he does put his foot down from time to time. Every couple is bound to argue but that’s honestly something that makes any relationship stronger- working around problems.
But they’ve had fights before
Short answer:
In eden their first argument would have about the value of life. In heaven, it was to do with Adam's abandonment issues because of Micheal's work
Long answer:
For me, their first ever argument, not even as a couple just in general, was the value of life in Eden/earth. I kinda explored that in one of my other posts, but to keep it short- at some point Micheal had looked at what was ‘mortal life’ as inferior. The way angels and humans inherently view life is vastly different, for me personally. And when Micheal found himself in the garden and finally met Adam, who he thought as a miracle by god, he still didn’t value the other life in there as equally. Adam definitely got mad when Micheal would scoff at and ignore the animals who were trying to capture his attention. Adam was really soft to all the animals- closest thing he had to children back then (his little babies) They get into a couple more arguments about it till Adam put his foot down. He felt it on a level unfair that there was a clear bias to him and the other life and that Micheal’s behavior and Micheal tells him he is unable to understand the connection because he just doesn’t feel it. Then it’s this whole thing of Adam dragging Micheal everywhere and showing him the wonders of life, and like really showing him. Making him wait and watch. It’s a lust for life kind of thing. The valve of the living experience and Micheal slowly comes to understand lol
In heaven they would quarrel about like general stuff that couples do but-
I think their first real genuine argument up in heaven would probably have to do with Micheal’s responsibilities and Adam’s relationship insecurity.
Micheal is a man dedicated to order. He willingly takes on more work so that peace is kept, especially because he thinks its HIS duty. Mainly a mix of Lucifer’s fall with the apple and the fallout of it- Micheal felt as the eldest sibling, being Lucifer’s closest twin (or triplet but that’s for another time), and being ones of the few guards of eden, in a way the fall was kinda his fault. And while waiting for Adam to get into heaven, Micheal took on some of Lucifur's old responsibilities and additional duties that had been created because of the fall.
Anyway tldr: the fall caused Micheal to become very work active as a way to cope with the loss of his brother. He feels the need to constantly work to keep peace and also to never think about his personal failures lololol (if I don't think about it its not there mindset- very counter productive lol) He just wants that CONTROL
When Adam finally gets into heaven, that's finally when Micheal halts some of his duties. He makes time out of his schedule just for Adam. I mean, yes, Adam has training with Micheal so that he can be supervised, but Micheal makes REAL time just to have personal one on one time with him. There is though, that nagging part of him thats yelling at him to work.
And it stays like that for a while till finally more winners come up into heaven and there is a steady growth of the birth rate at Earth. Then the work is stating to pile high and Micheal is actively being called in. He falls back into his older routine, of working and working. Old habits die hard and he adds on more work than he really needs to. It's all about having that control bby. And while Micheal is attempting to do work, his personal time with Adam lessens and lessens. He thinks it's fine because a long time has passed and Adam has assimilated pretty well into heaven by then and what he's doing is benefiting Adam's descendants.
As for Adam, he definitely has relationship issues- specifically abandonment issues. With Lilith and Lucifer obviously and a bit of Eve (cuz of the possible infidelity thing and I don’t think she’s in heaven). Micheal had been his rock. The one part of Eden he still had. He also Adam's break. As a winner, Adam was relieved of his earthly duties. He was free to chill and relax (training was Micheal's idea, but Adam had the freedom to refuse) Relaxing is his time with Micheal because it's how he relaxed in eden. And now that Micheal was going away more, he felt scared. He afraid of being tossed to the side again and this made Adam more clingy. Whenever Micheal would tell him he’d have to leave, he’d try to cling on to him and tell him that he could just do it later. Both are emotionally constipated so instead of talking it out immediately they let that stuff marinate and build up, expecting the other to address it.
It all blows up when Micheal is called in for this very important project and Adam is trying to make excuses for him to stay. This has been going on for a while and both of them just snap and words are thrown around. Neither of them have ever had a fight like this before and it ends really badly.
Both stop talking to each other for a while, but it's obvious it's taking a toll on them.
Micheal has buried himself in his work, and despite his dedication, he's become very sloppy.
Adam hangs around in their old hangout spots but clearly wants no one around. He's a lot more quiet but very heated when he actually speaks.
Even when they see each other in training, they actively avoid each other. Adam even dropped out after some point.
It's until Gabriel intervenes that he forces the two to talk it out.
It's rough, and ends in tears and stuff. All that jam.
Adam comes to understand that Micheal has a life outside of him. That while he is granted a life of leisure, the other angels have their duties that they must attend to as well. It hurts, but still. But he also gains comfort knowing that Micheal would not willingly abandon him for his work. That what he's doing is also for both of their families.
Micheal is confronted with the fact that just overworks himself. That he puts too much time in trying to take control that he's losing control of himself and the relationships he has (his work has not blocked his relationship with Adam but also with his siblings) He also comes to the realization that Adam still needs him, not just to guide him, but also be there for him.
Both are also coming to the understanding that they really need to talk about how the fall and eden in general affected them. They work it out. It forges a deep bond between them because they both now that they understand and relate to one another URGWIEGFKWEUBHo
Theres also like, a bunch of other issues that they address as well
This argument also might pipeline to why adam gets into heavenly politics. It was a way of him getting directly involved with his descendants but also to watch over Micheal, because if that man is going to try and listen to anyone its gonna be Adam. Of course theres more to it than just that but thats a part of it.
ALSO im so sorry to the the ppl who have sent me asks Ive just been crazy sick and delirious. But i really wanted to answer this question lol
I'll be answering the ones I don't have any sketches for maybe 2day or tommorow. For the other asks im so sorry but i wanna draw them ,esuFwejvfejwyv
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tae-rhymeswithslay · 2 months
TMNT Hottake: TOTTMNT was disappointing (in my opinion)
i know i know!! i shouldn’t be putting down the new gen of turtles bc thats what every past gen fandom does to every single new iteration BUT this is my blog and i do what i want. Also, thisnis my OPINION feel free to disagree or debate.
SO MUCH wasted potential
GUYS the amount of openings the MM movie left for the series to branch off of was crazy. The Shredder and Cynthia Utrom and her extremely likely connection to the Kraang the were obviously plot points the writers were saving for the second movie and the turtles also couldn’t have drastic character development because of that, but still. The first movie left off on the turtle’s going to high school and regular kids, which was a concept that hadn’t been explored before in the franchise. And the show just. Didn’t. They didn’t go into their school life beyond passing comments about homework and wrestling. We could have gotten a silly shenanigan filled episode of the turtles trying to find after school jobs or clubs or even how they dealt with their newfound fame. That would have been epic.
2. Lack of story content
Really, we only got two complete stories from the series. part one with bishop and then part two with goldfin and even then neither villain really stuck out to me. Bishop had that inciting moment that tied her into the first movie with her mechazoid getting crushed by the superfly mutant. But then her ‘revenge plan’ still felt shoehorned in like they were trying to make a morally complex villain and failed. Her side backstory with her sister just fell flat. i’m sorry, I love sweet sibling bonds, but we just weren’t given enough information or time about Elena for me to personally care about her. Then at the end when bishop turned herself in and then immediately relapsed into villainous territory, I was like “wow, i can’t wait to see her descent into madness as the second half of the series progresses!” but then she was just pushed to the side COMPLETELY in order to start the goldfin plot line. Where Bishop was a fresh take on a classic character, Goldfin and the East River Three were completely new characters created for TOTTMNT. i can kinda see what they were going for by starting off with whats familiar to fans and then branching out into more creative territory, but the shift between stories was so jarring, it felt loke i had just started a whole new series entirely- though, now that i’m typing this out, that also could have been the feeling the writers were going for since part one was told through Leo’s point of view and part two was told through Raph’s. The writers might’ve purposefully made the transition choppy.
3. Personal gripes, aka my fave characters were not there
CASEY!! CASEY MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BOY WHERE WERE YOU?!! Casey was never named as a character in the show, but i will bet my bottom dollar that they were one of the unnamed purple dragons. I have theories that either the boomerang dragon was casey (really really hoping he was. he was my favorite dragon outside of Hun and Angel) or the knife-stick hockey girl was Casey (girl casey truther fr) and i really hope the bucket hat dragon is Keno bc that man NEEEDS to make a comeback. Theres really not much to say about this reason. MONA ALSO WASNT THERE. ik it would’ve been hard to do a space arc in the very limited number of episodes, but it would’ve made my 2012 and 1987 loving heart to see her just make some kind of appearance.
guys, i’m not a complete hater believe it or not
no uncomfy crushes/relationships/love triangles
after the Apritello disaster of 2012, i was waiting with bated breath to see how they would handle the Leopril romance introduced in MM and i was pleasantly surprised. It felt so much more genuine and like a realt teen crush. Hes so much more chill about it than Donnie ever was, but he is still clearly very in love and its all so sweet to watch.
HOLY SHIT WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?? it was nothing short of STELLAR- the subtle style changes as the turtles perspectives shifted?? UGHHH!!! i wanted to consume my phone. THE FIGHT WITH GOLDFIN???!! JAW!! ON THE FLOOR!!!
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AITA for staying friendly with my ex when it upsets my girlfriend?
Ok so I (36f) realized I’m actually very gay about 6 years into a marriage with my ex-husband (34m). I was raised hella fundie Christian and it took a lot of unlearning and time in a safe place to really understand myself and my sexuality. My ex husband is a really sweet, wholesome person (the literal definition of himbo. I swear he’s Kronk IRL). We took a really long time ending our marriage to make sure we both felt respected and honored through the process and I didn’t want him to feel like I was casting him aside for something frivolous, but that I was giving our relationship the gentle ending it deserved.
We’re still good friends, I mean it’s still kinda fresh but we still text each other about football and soccer and the dog we shared (he has the dog, a mutual decision, he just updates me on how he’s doing and all the funny stuff he does). There’s no romance at all, just two people who decided they were better off as friends, and are friendly.
I started dating my girlfriend about 3 months ago, but I’ve known her for ten years. We are so so good together and it’s a genuinely healthy, open communication relationship and we do so well, but she has a really traumatic ex that did a number on her and her self confidence. (Like, I’m a very non-violent person but I would hip-check that bitch in front of a bus given the opportunity.)
My ex and I used to rib each other about football and rivals and blah blah but they played against each other today so I texted and asked if he was watching.
My girlfriend got really quiet and subdued when I showed her what we were talking about. It took about an hour but she told me her ex used to pretend to be bros with her roommate but was actually cheating on her with him behind her back, and I guess it triggered that feeling of betrayal in her and we talked it out, but I can tell it’s still bothering her.
I understand how she’s feeling insecure about this, and I’ve tried to reassure her so many ways, but I can tell it still weighs on her. I spent a very long time making sure my ex and I ended our marriage on a positive note, but it still feels like I’m doing something wrong because it upsets my girlfriend. I’m not sure if I’m the asshole for still texting and having casual conversations (we live 1000 miles apart now so it’s always just a text chit chat), but we’re friends and went through a lot of grief to make sure we didn’t hate each other at the end of everything.
I still feel like I’m doing something wrong though. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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honoviadakai · 7 months
What you favorite Hazbin hotel song says about you 😈🎶😇
(This list includes songs from the pilot as well as a few others that are not official but are near and dear to the fandom's collective heart)
I’m always chasing rainbows 🌈:
…so how’s your relationship with your parents?
You have a good heart but you’re way too hard on yourself
You don’t always have to be busting your ass off, taking breaks is not a crime
Also failing is not the end of the world
I believe in you, please be kinder to yourself
Inside of every demon is a rainbow 🌈 😈:
Golden retriever energy
You are so sweet but so naive
I honestly feel like if this is your fav song, I could spit in your meal and you'd just smile and get a new plate
It's ok to go apeshit
If you did ever get mad I genuinely feel like you'd be absolutely terrifying
But you're such a sweet person, i can't imagine someone pushing you to that point
Inside of every demon is a lost cause/Alastor's reprise 🎶👿:
You're a cynical bastard and you wear that shit like a badge of honor
You're on the same page as Alastor in terms of redemption being impossible/pointless
If this song is your favorite, you laugh at children when they fall over
very loudly
You're the one in your friend group that everyone has to warn about before introducing you to knew people
You receive the bombastic side eye so often you smile every time it happens
You need a hug
All of the hugs
You're doing your best and I just want you to know I'm proud of you
Vox's Interlude📺🎶:
You like Dubstep
You like Dubstep to a concerning degree
You're also disappointed Vox doesn't have the same voice effect in cannon that he has in the song
You're a Vox simp, but you're really chill about it
Royal Flush🥃♥️♠️♦️♣️:
Hello my fellow Pansexuals and Husk Fans~
If this if your favorite song, you're a Mick Lauer fan and you were sad to hear he wasn't coming back to the official series and it made you even more jaded than you already were(I feel you)
You're also a fan of Johnathan Young and Rock music
You lowkey giggle every time you hear the "every hole is a goal" line
You probably have a sever resting bitch face that scares ppl sometimes, but deep down you're a softy
A jaded softy, but a softy
Radio Play📻🎶:
Hello Alastor fans that lament the recasting of Edward Bosco
Hello Black Gyrph0n fans that think he's not receiving enough recognition
How deep in the financial debt hole are you because of your love of Alastor and new found desire to have a retro 30's aesthetic once this song dropped?
You have good taste in music but I feel like you'd say out of pocket shit on accident
You probably know how to do the Charleston pretty well and that's pretty cool
Redemption arc🙏🎶:
Hello my depressed gifted child burnouts and Elise Lovelock fans
You're a girlboss, you really are, but I need you to take more breaks and drink more water
You strike me as someone who takes the phrase "act your wage" as a suggestion at best
If over thinking was an Olympic sport, you'd win gold, silver ans bronze
stop trying to carrying other people's baggage on top of your own, that's not building character, its building more work for your therapist
Assuming you've even allowed yourself to see one!
You're unhinged
like Niffty levels unhinged
but you have good taste in music
You're also a very vocal Alastor fan
You need to be watched 24/7 because you strike me as someone who'd commit war crimes for fun
Eyes on me📺🥲:
You like Techno a normal amount
you're probably a Bo Burnham fan
You also give the vibe that you like anime like Evangalion
as well as the vibe of hiding behind a chill facade even though you're kinda depressed
you also give the impression that you're into enemies to lovers and once sided pining in romance
You ship Vox x Alastor in a wholesome way and you're foaming at the mouth for their backstory
You hate Val(as you should)
Change the order 👑🪽:
You lament that Lucifer doesn't have a British accent
You HEAVILY lament Lucifer not being a heartless asshole
You oh so desperately wanna see Lucifer and Lilith in their prime/as a united power couple
You have slight daddy issues
You're also probably someone who grew up with some religious trauma
You're in your villain arc but it's mostly yo protect yourself
i highly suggest getting a dog, a rubber duck collection and a therapist
Get hooked🚬🦋:
Your search history is not suitable for human eyes
You definitely have daddy issues
You desperately wanna see Val on the poles
You're fun at partied but you cannot be left unsupervised under any circumstances
You radiate bad bitch energy but I feel like you'd apologize to a kindly janitor if you had to walk on a floor they just finished mopping
You can run in heels and I respect that immensely
Smile like you mean it😁🦌:
I get it! You love Alastor! Please lower your voice a tad friend!
It's concerning how quick you'd sell your soul to this man
You like jazz unironically(nice)
You wanna experience one of Al's radio shows
...I'm not entirely sure if you wanna hear it or be the victim...and that deeply concerns me
Use me up🕷️🥲:
You wanna see Angle Dust fuck shit up(same)
You don't make friends easily but you're the loyalest son of a bitch anyone could ever have and more people need to recognize that
You probably had a really rough childhood
You give ppl middle fingers and sass the way Oprah gave out cars back in the day
You just want a hug, someone to say they're proud of you(I'm proud of you friend) and a month long nap
We're sure to drown🐈‍⬛🥃🥺:
Hello again my fellow Pansexuals and Husk fans
Specifically the ones with severe depression, trust issues and think mixing Tequila and monster energy drinks will help with the abandonment issues
yeah, i see you, put the bottle down mf
get therapy, this a threat
You're so cynical that even shadow the hedgehog would ask if you're ok
asking for help doesn't make you weak fam, i get where your coming from but you need a good plucking you prickly cactus
oddly enough, you give the best advice to the few friends you keep in your circle but take none of your own advice
You listen to country rock with lyrics so sad that everyone in the car with you immediately get concerned
definitely a cat person
You either wanna be stepped on or do the stepping on
You probably watched Black Lagoon and loved Revy
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look her up, that's your type
Low key probably a pyromaniac
You're that one friend that's ALWAYS ready to punch your friend's ex's in the face
Honestly, I feel like you're scrappy enough to fist fight god with the confidence of someone who thinks they have a shot at winning
My machine 🐍 ⚙️:
You were really excited to see Pentious be one of the show's antagonists
You're still a little bitter about not getting your mad scientist, steam punk, snake man
You did love his War General outfit though
You probably really like shows like Arcane
You really wanted 'Enemies to lovers' CherriSnake or platonic/rivals CherriSnake
You probably have reptile as a pet
most likely a snake
Happy day in hell🎶🎤:
You're a basic Broadway bitch but your optimism is a tad infectious so I'll let it slide
You're a tad too optimistic though
Like, to a concerning degree
Someone could punch you and you'd ask them if they were ok despite having a split lip
you're definitely a workaholic
take that PTO sweetie, work will be there when you come back
Hell is forever😇😈:
you either really like Alex Brightman or you LOVE villains
you also love rock
You kicked your feet like a love sick when Adam did the guitar solo bit
Probably a fan of bands like Skillet
You have religious trauma but your coping mechanism is to crack jokes about it
some of them are probably inappropriate
Stayed gone📺🦌:
You ship Vox x Alastor a "normal" amount
You'd sell your soul for Vox and Al to have more duets together
You're probably a Vox simp
If you're not, its cuz you're an Al simp
You giggled at "That's the tea"
You also drooled at Al's demon form towards the end of the song
It starts with sorry🐍🥹:
friend, you are way too forgiving
someone could steal your life's savings and I feel like you'd just let them have it because "they probably need it more"
You were very proud of Pentious
You radiate chihuahua energy
You are 5'2 or smaller and 90 lbs soaking wet
someone need to make sure you don't run these streets lawless
don't get me wrong
You are absolutely a bad bitch that serves cunt like a 5 star restaurant serves gourmet steak
but you're gonna say the wrong thing to the wrong person one day
you cannot afford to fuck around and find out when they're over 5'9 my friend, sit down please
Whatever it takes🦋🩰:
you're the eldest child of your family aren't you
You don't need to prioritize everyone before yourself!
Love yourself first damn it!
You probably like Milfs or goths
You also probably wish Zestial had more songs
I have a feeling your favorite Disney movie is Encanto...
Holy fuck you need a hug
You're either a survivor of some kind or life has just been kicking you in the balls for no god damn reason
Come here, I'm adopting you and making sure you're actually happy
You're low key an amazing dancer
literally one of the best people to be friends with
Loser Baby🐈‍⬛🕷️:
hello my fellow queers, Keith David fans, Blake Roman fans and Huskerdust shippers
You are a connoisseur of slow burn romance
You're probably a depressed hopeless romantic
friend, if you want the Husker to your dust...the loser to your baby...you gotta talk to people...
go touch grass
you're that one friend who bullies your bestie but that's cuz that your guy's love language
If anyone messed with your bestie, you'd fight that person to the death the way Husk and Angel did to those loan sharks
Hell's greatest dad🪽🦌:
You either beef with ppl for fun or you're a very flamboyant theater kid
Its probably both tbh
You probably fell in love with the blonde short king after this song
You ship Radioapple
you want a sitcom ft Radioapple and you'd sell your soul to get it
Your fav Disney movie is probably Aladdin
You totally play "HaHA! Fuck you..." on repeat
More than anything🪽😭:
So how's your relationship with your dad...
You cried so hard to this song that it scared you
grab the tissues, get your coziest blanket and go get your favorite treat
and some therapy
Welcome to Heaven😇🎶:
Emily is your favorite character
Your gaydar was going off when St. Peter started existing
Your a chill person
A little too chill though…
You might still be an active member of your community
Ya might wanna consider reducing your hours, there is such a thing as too much loyalty
Treat yourself to a vacation
You didn't know😧🪽:
Hello fellow black sheep of the family with severe religious trauma
You freaked the fuck out when the “If Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie” line dropped
You felt so vindicated after this song and honestly, same
You LOVED Emily by the end of this song
Out for love 💗 🩰:
You like MILFs
You want Carmilla to kick/step on you
You’re either a magical girl fan, a fan of Latin music or both
You cheered so hard for Vaggie at the end you definitely got a noise complaint 🤣
Ready for this🎤⚔️:
You have anxiety
Your favorite character is probably Charlie
Your favorite movie is probably Marry Poppins or something in the same time period/genre
You’ve dealt with Karen’s before and watching Susan become tolerable was so satisfying for you
You want Alastor and Rosie to adopt you
More than anything(reprise):
You're the poster child of sappy hopeless romantics
You cried a little from joy here
You’re definitely not straight
You want this moment, go get yourself a Vaggie cuz you’re definitely gonna be the Charlie of the relationship
You're the ultimate theater kid
This song hit all the sweet spots in your depressed brain for you
Let’s be honest, your favorite part of the song was either the Vees or Alastor
It’d your favorite part was with the Vees, your a huge chaos gremlin
You cannot be trusted with information but you’re very fun at parties
If your favorite part was Alastor’s part, get therapy
If you related to that part on a spiritual level, you mask so hard I’d believe you if you said you were born wearing a mask
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danganronpa96 · 4 months
If ENA had lived, could Natsuki x ENA potentially have happened? Or do you just seem them as friends?
I’ve actually never even thought of that pairing before. Although, my intentions have always been to keep them platonic whether Ena had lived longer or not.
The main reason to me is the ages. One is an ageless being and the other is a highschooler. You could argue “well Natsuki is 18 so it’s not a big deal” but I still personally find it a little off, since one comes from a world where age doesn’t really define the developmental process. If Ena’s age ever does get confirmed (although I’m doubtful), my opinion might change.
Another reason is just because I headcanon Ena as aroace. To make it clear aros and aces can definitely be in relationships, but not everyone desires a relationship either (source I am aroace). In my opinion, romance doesn’t quite align with Ena—they’re just not interested in it.
A slightly smaller reason is because Natsuki/Yuri are sort of implied in the fic, sure not as heavily as Maitte and Kurusaka but I did sprinkle in some ‘lil hints. So it would be kinda weird for Natsuki to suddenly move on to have feelings for someone else (the key word here is suddenly because of course she could probably end up liking someone else in the future after her grievances for Yuri, but it wouldn’t happen that fast).
Now that may have sounded a little negative, but I genuinely think some sweet moments could’ve been found between Ena and Natsuki if they had more time to explore their friendship. It would’ve been interesting for Natsuki to share some of her other insecurities with Ena, such as her need for validation over her talents. From Ena’s different perception of the world, I can imagine they’d end up giving some odd but comforting advice :-)
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ice-sculptures · 1 year
Okay well I’ve already forced u to look at most of my pets so I’m kinda just gonna copy u…what r ur favorite buck and/or eddie quotes?? I can NEVER think of any when I’m making graphics and u remember the show so much better than I do LOLL
some off the top of my head:
"two cut lines" - like. okay. i still maintain that the rest of the firefam doesn't actually know how close buck & eddie are and definitely do not fully realize the extent of buck's role in the diazes' life, but one thing that the rest of them Do know is that buck would rather die than leave eddie behind and i love tht these three simple words encapsulate the strength of that undying devotion
"and that started with you. whatever happens to him next, you gave him that second chance. maybe that's the point." i will never ever ever ever ever ever be over this scene and how buck found the exact words to bring eddie back from the brink and show him that what he does matters, that there's still hope, that there are things worth living for and that he made a difference in someone's life. and i think that this right here is more than romance more than love this is just. soulmatism right here. i mean....to be seen to be found isn't that what we're all searching for?
AND ON THAT NOTE. BUCK. THERE'S NOBODY IN THIS WORLD THAT I TRUST WITH MY SON MORE THAN YOU. makes me fucking INSANE because what do you mean eddie forgave him instantly?? in any other show with any other pairing this would be a season long arc with the two of them tentatively reconciling at the very end of it all. anybody else would be (understandably, i might add) nervous to leave christopher with buck after what happened, but eddie forgave buck immediately. eddie, who adores chris with all of his heart and soul, who loves that boy more than anything else in this world, saw not that buck wasn't able to hold onto chris, but that he loved him enough to try. he didn't hold it against him for chris getting swept away, he only focused on the buck that spent all day bloody and bruised, searching for his heart. but more than anything, i think he saw all of that love and heartbreak and guilt and the self doubt that matches his own reflected in buck and decided to give his best, truest friend the chance that was never given to him 🥺😭
"comes in handy when you have a bunch of holes in the wall" i can't explain why i love this bit of casual reassurance so much but i just. i think it's so simple and so sweet and a testament to how they make each other feel so loved so easily :(
i don't remember the exact quote right now but do you remember that scene where eddie and hen are gossiping about hen's mom and eddie says that his abuela would love the tea bc she loves telenovelas and buck beams at him w the fondest grin ever and teases eddie about loving telenovelas too? i know they're soulmates and in love and all of that shit but they're also Best Friends and i love all these little reminders of how well they know each other and how much they genuinely like each other. also this being in the same episode as buck's look of complete confusion when his long term gf tells him she loves him was a Choice™️
"just gonna be you and me" from the LS crossover episode for no reason other than it was cute & i love buck's subsequent jealousy
"guess all that company must've wore you out" bc of the obvious Implications that maddie tried to rope eddie into her plan of sending buck visitors to cheer him up and eddie straight up said no because he knew that wasn't going to help. yet another one of the million examples of these two knowing exactly what the other person needs & also Being exactly what the other person needs
"three minutes and seventeen seconds" because what do you MEAN he knows the exact amount of time buck was dead for. what do you mean he counted the seconds that he lived in this world without his best friend, praying and begging that he could outrun the clock and he wouldn't reach the time that would make it permanent. what do you mean he memorized the amount of time and then he threw out that line so casually because he couldn't stand the way they were talking about buck's death as something fascinating instead of as the worst three minutes and seventeen seconds of eddie's life...
the one-two punch that is "you don't need to pretend with me" and "you don't have to be anything for anybody" because both of them have spent so much of their lives not feeling good enough and not truly living for themselves...and yet around each other they've never had to do that and are free to be nothing but themselves and still be loved not despite it, but for it.
and finally last but not least....the very thesis of their relationship: "you can have my back any day" / "yeah. or, you know, you could… you could have mine" because it's stayed true ever since the first day they met and will remain true for the rest of their lives. also i'll never stop thinking about how 911 straight up said "isn't that what we all want in a partner? knowing that they have your back?" in the season five finale and have shown time and again that buck and eddie have tried to accomplish this in their previous relationships but have only ever been able to have a full and true partnership with each other...yeah that shit will Haunt me forever
this is probably incomprehensible but my mind is running at a million miles an hour right now so i am not going to go back and edit it
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Ok what was that play
Ok hi everyone, episode 24 out (yes I’m aware episode 23 isn’t out so we lack a whole bunch of fucking context) but let’s try to analyze this anyways.
So. Let’s try to take this a little bit at a time.
Episode starts, and Adrien is in London (probably happened in episode 23) and clearly had a bad falling out with marinette, courtesy of abuse mcbusive dad. Great.
Listen Adrien this episode was a mixed bag for me, because on one side I’m so happy that he finally got to stand up to his dad and tell him shit as it is (especially considering what happens in the season 5 finale which I will not spoil for those who didn’t see the leaks, but let’s just say he doesn’t get the chance to ever stand up to that man again) but the fact that all of that eventually boils down to “I’m done with you because you won’t let me be with marinette” is kinda upsetting?
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And that’s really my biggest disappointment with Adrien’s character this season! Adrien was always a compelling and sweet protagonist that beyond romance, held friendship and support above everything, and craved freedom to live his own life, but all of this is kinda gone? He’s just a reward for marinette to win and save now, and everything he does (rebelling for his freedom) is only because of marinette.
If Gabriel decided to suddenly approve of Marinette or Marinette grew up to become just as bad as Gabriel (which frankly, considering the dynamic ladybug has with Chat Noir, where she constantly screamed at him until he became her yes man is unfortunately likely), Adrien would let it be, because he and marinette can be together! He would let himself be abused because he never actually grew as a person! If anything, he was downgraded by the show to purely Marinette’s love interest and it’s just such a disappointment because I genuinely enjoyed Adrien’s character (for all his flaws and bad writing in the show).
Anyways Adrien tangent aside, marinette goes looking for him during the end of year party (which just sidenote, a trampoline on the Eiffel Tower sounds super dangerous, and Marinette’s dress? Ugly as hell, for the dress that’s supposed to represent how much she’s grown and her talent in capturing people’s hearts with her designs, it is really bad, and I would have just put her in that concept art gown they had for her with the butterflies and warm pink gradient) and ends up in the art room of her school, where Felix and Kagami reveal to her the entire truth about the Agreste family!
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…ok so several notes on this entire situation:
1. I’m sorry but for the life of me I couldn’t take this fucking play seriously. The masks and the poor props (the pillow for the baby bump) and Felix and Kagami’s super stiff abstract acting made me lose my shit and laugh, they could have literally just used the camera amok to make something with a bit more of a budget and an interesting art style, and had Felix and Kagami be the narrators instead of this shit
2. The sheer absurdity of this show to reveal all the biggest plot points and the entire catalyst for this story (if Emilie never made the sentibabies she would have lived and peacock miraculous wouldn’t have been broken, hence Gabriel wouldn’t be Hawkmoth) through a fucking play is beyond me and shows how little care the writers put into the plot of this show that doesn’t revolve marinette and true love, we should have figured this out not from two side characters but rather through Gabriel himself (bonus points IF ADRIEN GETS TO KNOW THE FUCKING TRUTH RATHER THEN HAVE MARINETTE KNOW IT AND CONTROL ADRIEN)
3. Felix and Kagami’s motives
Ok so this is a bit of a longer point, so let’s break this down. So I don’t understand Felix and Kagami’s motive change at all? I thought Felix all this time was working towards getting the peacock miraculous and stealing all the rings from the abusive parents because it was a moral thing for him? Like he is a sentimonster and he knows Adrien is a sentimonster, and therefore he keeps fighting to protect and save his cousin?
BUT APPARENTLY THATS NOT THE SITUATION ANYMORE??? So apparently Kagami is a sentimonster too (tho she never before season 5 gave that impression at all? If anything she seems very headstrong and independent, and her mom was never villain levels abusive, BUT I GUESS SHE IS NOW?!) and Adrien is not (this I believe is purely Felix being misinformed and not having the full picture, because there’s no way in hell this show would literally use the same visuals they used on Adrien to describe Felix being controlled by the ring without wanting people to draw a connection, but I thought Felix knew? I mean he was saying how he did all of this in hopes of freeing his dear cousin, so I assumed Felix knew all this time)
And because of that? Felix’s motive? True loveeeee.
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…ok listen I don’t hate Felix and Kagami together but holy shit I hate that motive
Cuz it’s not like Felix can have a compelling motive for doing less then ok things because of devotion to family and protecting someone who’s the same as him (tho I will concede Kagami and Felix are apparently in love for being sentikids together and they are a cute dynamic so good for them) NO YOU GUYS WE NEED A HETEROSEXUAL ROMANCE, AND SCREW FELIX TAKING DIRECT ACTION TO SAVE ADRIEN AND TELLING HIM THE TRUTH, LETS JUST TELL MARINETTE EVERYTHING AND SHE’LL SAVE ADRIEN WITHOUT TELLING HIM ANY OF THE TRUTH BECAUSE SHES MARINETTE!
…but yeah I thought that entire debacle was a lot.
Also the way they removed akuma alerts this episode so Marinette can just not go to battle and be justified for chasing Adrien crazily, because otherwise she would have looked like a hypocrite? They literally had to remove something they had from day one of this show (an emergency alert for akumas) just to justify the fact marinette didn’t go to battle and chased Adrien so she wouldn’t seem like an awful person (and the way she’s literally not even feeling bad about missing a whole battle, and Chat Noir was berated for missing battles for not being able to escape his civilian life, BUT YEAH YOU GUYS ITS FINE LETS NOT THINK ABOUT THE DOUBLE STANDARD TOO MUCH)
Also Natalie’s hair going white to show she’s dying was kinda weird (was it supposed to show how she’s so sick she’s not even dyeing her hair red anymore?) and Gabriel’s akuma design was ugly as fuck.
But yeah I’m dreading the finale as I already know what is happening there and im fucking scareddd
(P.S. can everyone calm down saying Kagami and Felix are fucked up for how they got Marinette’s attention? They literally did the one thing they knew she’d care about aka she’s obsessed with Adrien she’d follow if Adrien is involved, this isn’t bringing up her trauma settle down girlies)
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sugarandstars-x · 9 months
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go out with me! (lore and notes under cut)
Since I have an oc tag, I figured I should at least try to start posting them here. I’m more active on insta so I’m always forgetting! Anyway, here’s some info on the characters here. This comic is during high school for the two of them, but their main story (titled Fatal Attraction for now) takes place in their early 20s.
Sumiye Honda
A prodigal detective who solved the murder of her parents when young, leading to her being taken under and used by the police. Currently attends school, but is often absent thanks to her cases. Due to her notoriety and general untouchable air, she’s gathered a lot of rumors about her.
Dresses somewhat sloppily, never seen without her jacket worn improperly. Despite being one of the best students, she tends to look more like a delinquent.
The smartest person in the room and makes you know it. This attitude garners a lot of annoyance, and even more so when she’s completely right. Also charming enough to make you forget she’s kinda an asshole.
Doesn’t actually interact with anyone outside of Kaori, considering it a waste of time.
Took an interest in Kaori after noticing how talented she really was. Fell hard for Kaori after getting to know how sweet she is , but doesn’t understand why she doesn’t take advantage of any of her skills.
While Sumiye is actually involved with a rich girl overseas, they’re not dating at all. She just happens to be a high profile informant.
Kaori Minami
A regular high school student. Secretly something of a prodigy herself—having a gift for coding and technology—but keeps to herself. She’s tried to keep eyes off of her as much as possible, but now that Sumiye’s taken an interest in her, it’s been nearly impossible.
Emphasizes with Sumiye being talented and not really having a life outside of that, but doesn’t really understand why she’s the way she is towards others or why she’s okay with everything people say.
Also doesn’t understand why Sumiye’s so adamant about spending time with her, considering she failed to get Kaori to be her academic rival the first time they formally met
Demisexual, genuinely has not developed feelings for Sumiye at this point, but gets easily flustered by her advances. This is a mix of her being in denial about Sumiye flirting with her and her not knowing what to do with the concept of romance anyway. Sumiye’s just like that, right?
Also doesn’t really consider herself “worthy” of getting involved with someone like Sumiye. Not only does she not really want the attention, she figures the girl has better options outside their high school. Ex: the rumored rich girl overseas.
Anyway, they’re silly. It takes them years to actually get together. This is just the weird period where Sumiye is no longer interested in Kaori for her skills alone and is head over heels but Kaori has not realized what the hell is going on.
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crit20art · 1 year
OC lore drop
An overview of my OCs and the settings they belong to! The settings range from “fully-outlined/partially drafted novels that i genuinely intend to write one day” to “loose string of scenarios to put my guys in.” 
Casey and Vincent
(she/her, he/him)
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Premise: Casey lives in the middle of nowhere Texas with an elderly woman (Margie) for whom she’s a live-in caretaker. Vincent shows up on her doorstep with a shovel in hand, asking if he can dig up something of his that’s buried on Margie’s land. Casey tells him no, and don’t come back. A few days later, while visiting a neighbor, Casey is attacked by monsters. They tear the neighbor to shreds and almost get Casey, but Vincent comes out of nowhere and distracts them while she runs for home. When she gets there, she realizes that the monsters can’t seem to cross the property line. Vincent gets badly injured, but Casey drags him to safety. 
They are then stuck indefinitely on this square acre of land, unable to leave lest they get torn to shreds by the many-toothed creatures prowling the invisible barrier. Casey nurses Vincent back to health and in doing so realizes that he is definitely something Other Than Human. She also learns that he’s really weird, but really sweet, but mostly really weird. He starts to dig up the land but still won’t tell her what he’s looking for. 
genre is romance and soft horror, very similar vibes to my tma fic "resigned" if you’ve read that. Vincent and Casey’s dynamic is p much "it's not body horror, not to me, not if it's you."
Max and Braiden
(both he/him)
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These two are from a story that was basically my highschool big brain take on "what if superpowers happened in the real world but people who had them got EXPERIMENTED ON??" That’s still the setting but the plot has taken a sharp turn into classic American road trip. Max has the power to generate, manipulate, and breathe various gasses, and Braiden can make copies of himself. 
The basic premise is that, while escaping the facility where he’s been trapped for a number of years, Braiden meets Max for the first time. Max already knows him, however, and is in fact madly in love with him. It turns out that Max was in a relationship with one of Braiden’s copies who was recently killed, and meeting the Original(™) Braiden is the first time he finds out that there’s more than one of him. Cue lots of questions about nature/nurture, what makes a person inherently themself, and Star Trek style philosophical ponderings on the personhood of clones. All of this happens in a ragtop convertible against a backdrop of late summer highway.
(if braiden reminds you of my martin design, no he doesn’t <3 (actually he does because he is a character i put a lot of my own struggles with depression into, and his personality is adjacent to martin’s s5 I’m A Huge Bitch Because I Have Boundaries Now vibe, so martin ended up reminding me of him and i committed IP theft on myself about it))
Fantasy / DnD OCs
I’m bad at fantasy worldbuilding so i just kinda toss all of these guys into scenarios in my head and mix them like salad. I’m trying to put together something with a cowboy/western kind of energy but i haven’t gotten far <3
I have a group of OCs from a scrapped fantasy setting who I’ll add to this when I have more recent sketches for all of them. (If you’re wondering where the lesbians are. They are here. I’m sorry I don’t have more drawings of you on hand, lesbians)
More dnd OCs can be found just in my dnd tag but here are the honorable mentions:
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Half-elf bard. He has been the icon on my personal blog for years and, in retrospect, playing him was absolutely my first step towards questioning my gender. He has 18 intelligence and 10 wisdom. He once hooked up with an NPC and scored a 24 on his performance check. He even has a meme. Party on, king
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(2nd image is before i gave him horns. ft. fiancé Pesh, they/them)
Aurelian is a pirate. He’s an outlaw. He’s a horse girl. He’s been looking for his mysteriously vanished fiancé long enough that he has trouble picturing their face. He exists because I heard Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae and had to make a dnd character about it.
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Angsty wild magic sorcerer who started as a hostile NPC when i DMed for some friends. Took on a life of her own and ended up in lesbians with the party’s orc fighter. Since that campaign ended I am trying to find her a gf like Mrs. Bennet matchmaking for her five daughters
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artsybug0 · 1 year
Hey bug, for the actor AU who confessed first? Wally? Or Millie? (Also your art is adorable!)
Millie of course! Wally never dated anyone or probably never even experience a romance before.
He doesn’t know how to act! So he denies, denies, denies. And when asked, DENIES. But sends her anonymous gifts that got more and more luxurious or expensive as time went by. He couldn’t be in a room alone with her, he can’t make eye contact with her for long or at all without turning red. He tries to act slick but you know he’s failing lol.
Millie isn’t new to dating. She’s dated a lot of people. Either with romantic feelings, or to use them to have a comfortable life. The majority of the people she’s dated or at least had a situationship with are no good people who don’t deserve her but got money so might as well use that to her advantage.
Wally was cold and kinda mean towards Millie before she won his friendship. He didn’t have anything against her at all! He did think she was cute!(though he also reminded himself he’s cuter 🙄😂) But was mostly looking out for his friends. He doesn’t know her true intentions and was wary of her being a new character for the show. But it did help that she’s a fellow puppet-. Millie would usually be rude back and very willing to punch a person who acts that entitled towards her. But she really wanted to get her youngest brothers meet their Idol. So she stayed kind and patient with him. She’s used to acting differently then how she feels, she’s also just really good at manipulating by using her looks to her advantage.
And when she found out Wally was the one sending the gifts, and notices how he’s acting. She knew instantly he liked her. She didn’t instantly confront him about it. Kinda teased and pretended like she didn’t know. And told Wally how much she loves the gifts and wants to meet the person who got them for me. How “when I meet them, I’m going to give them the most loving kiss I can muster!” And Wally just nods his head like “that’s nice..” and try’s to act uninterested but turns his head away to cover his mouth and snicker a little, or go to his dressing room and become a gushing mess, hugging himself and stomping his feet, just stimming uncontrollably basically haha! Now, originally she planned to use him for his money as her own little revenge for his act. But fell for him too. She was slightly disappointed and surprised by herself. But it has been a long time she’s felt genuine romance towards someone. And she has learned so much about Wally and why he is the way he is. And how he actually is really sweet sometimes. He just doesn’t know to how to show it yet.
It’s funny because when she does confess he’s all red and surprised but is like “well of course you do! Who wouldn’t?” But I just know he’s all giddy inside. Of course Millie does a lot in the relationship and teaches him stuff too. It took a bit for him to learn to be openly affectionate and initiate affection himself. He doesn’t do it as often as Millie does but a lot more often then he used too.
He’s gotten enough confidence to hold her hand in public! But everything else have some work to do haha!
They’ve done a lot together and over the years gotten comfortable enough to share each others stories. Their far from perfect people. But in each others eyes, the other is perfect for them. And they couldn’t think of anyone else they’d rather be with❤️
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
I read your “Lady Danbury” fanfic (which I loved) so I figured that means you’ve watched Bridgerton, so I’ve got to ask what are your opinions on Edwina?
Glad you like it(I'm going to try updating soon). Yes, I've watched Bridgerton and despite how much I talk about HOTD, it's my absolute favorite show on air right now 😊
As far as Edwina Sharma goes, bless her. I know she gets hate from a lot of the fandom(which I try to stay away from because I don’t need to be in two crazy fandoms 🤣 ) including from some Kate stans because of how she “acted” upon finding out Anthony and Kate had feelings for each other, but I genuinely don’t understand why.
Edwina reacts how any sane person would react and it’s not like she doesn’t forgive Kate, but that’s her sister (and Kate’s the older sister who speaking as an older sister 🫠). To have your sister fall in love with your fiancé/the man who is courting you is a truly mortifying experience.
Now I’m not going to blame Kate too much because again they are sisters, Kate isn’t a bad sister, and as much as I love Anthony Bridgerton he’s the one that puts them in an awkward situation.
Kate never really egged him on in that way, but as embarrassing as it would be, she should’ve told Edwina what was going on. Even if Edwina chose not to believe her at least she warned her about the situation 🤷🏽‍♀️
Of course, you have people who say that Edwina herself should’ve known what was happening, but she’s only 18, and who in their right mind is going to guess that their sister and their fiancé have feelings for each other 🤷🏽‍♀️
Before I go ranting on endlessly, season 2 was very messy. They did spend too much time dragging out the Edwina doesn't know drama, which is resolved pretty quickly in the book from what I've heard.
I can kinda understand why Kathony fans would be upset with everything being dragged out since it seemingly limited the spicy time(which is another reason why Queen Charlotte was so spicy), but Edwina herself is a sweet character who deserves nothing but the best.
If she popped up married to the prince or if they ever had Bridgerton The Movie and gave her a little romance arc, that would be perfect👍🏽
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ghost-proofbaby · 10 months
now for the lead up to how this happened bc I kept a note in my phone of important things to tell you for when you came back:
he met my parents! they like him. he wanted to take my guinea pigs home with him and I was TRYING to look out for him so he didn't get peed on by them and he was like it's fine I don't care and we kept bickering about it and my parents thought it was funny. we watched the first hunger games movie in my room and my dog took her chaperoning role very seriously. we were laying on my bed and he had his head on my arm and my dog wedged her jealous little ass right in between us and put her head on my arm too. I made her leave. she came back and then she had her head on his arm. the next day i texted him and told him that I still had his fingerprints on my glasses (we both wear glasses and like to poke each other's lenses to bother each other) and he said I guess I'm just permanent and I said I'd like you to be permanent 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe not on my glasses tho. and that was pretty much the end of that but then the next day he brings it up again unprompted and says he's been thinking about what I said and that he wouldn't be against it and I said I wouldn't either and i said so does that mean I get to stop calling you my sort of kind of boyfriend to people and he said yes and then we sort of kind of made it official over text but kinda mutually decided it didn't count until we saw each other in person. I went to his house after work the next day after the boyfriend talk and his parents had some friends over and I painted my nails with his mom and the one friend. he gave me two of his twenty one pilots vinyls bc I like them and don't have any vinyls. I thanked him like 5 times and wanted to kiss him but was really nervous about it so I didn't. but after his parents friends left he had me go in his room with him and he ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND and i said yes obviously. and i ended up hitting my head on the wall by his bed and knocking one of his posters off the wall 🤦🏻‍♀️ but that's okay. his parents told him that if we're having sex to make sure to wrap it 😂 and i don't know how to tell them that whatever noises they heard was probably me hitting my head and the poster falling down, and then later me trying to roll across him to get to the other side of the bed and missing, and falling off the bed. bc I was a hot mess. but I blame him for hitting my head. cause he was putting me on the bed. the falling off the bed was all me though 😂 and he was gonna come up to my house this past Tuesday but he ended up getting a flat tire on the way, so i came down. We went out to eat with his parents (and he bought me a squishmallow 🥺) and then we started watching catching fire in his room. His mom kept walking past his closed door and yelling that she didn't want any babies and are we doing sex things. And now this damn boy distracts me all the time even if I'm not talking to him cause all I think about is him but at least the feeling is mutual.
🎸 anon ❤️
I hope you had a great break ❤️
my heart is bursting i’m so fuckin happy for you!!! hell fucking yess!!!!! we did it folks!!! and by we i mean you but i’m still so so overly happy and genuinely excited for you that’s so sweet 😭 i love the making it official in person. i hope y’all have had a good first few weeks of being official!!!
ugh. my lil romantic heart can’t take this. i like to pretend to be bitter and grossed out by romance irl but it secretly warms my heart (do not tell anyone i’ve got a reputation to uphold)
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mambalae-s · 1 year
hi hi mamba, i want to start this off with a congrats and a thank you so much for putting in the work and the energy to do this event. i really appreciate it so much and i'm so so proud of you. you're doing wonderful, darling !
for your event, i actually can't decide myself so i'm going to give you the choice to pick for me between toji and satoru from jjk - (i really really hope you're not indecisive and are able to work well under pressure ! but you can let me know if you need me to choose one);
this might need a bit of a trigger warning, but something i'm still learning to love about myself is my weight and my body. i kinda struggle with my eating habits a little bit sometimes and i won't go into detail but it's something that i'm working on :)
as far as my personality goes, i would describe myself as someone who speaks her mind and usually doesn't hold back from doing so (mostly bc i think honesty is the best policy in any kind of relationship). and um this might be kind of contradicting, but at the same time i also isolate myself from loved ones when i'm feeling down or pressured and keep everything to myself bc i don't like arguing/conflict. my friends describe me as having a sarcastic sense of humour and say that i roll my eyes a lot but they also think i'm very very sweet because i flirt with them often just for fun hehe. i'm mostly an introvert because i need to have my alone time but when i'm feeling charged then i'm able to make friends very very quickly. and my dad says it's because i'm empathetic and always know what to say when it comes to ppl hehe. (ahh this is getting too long... i just love talking about myself. i'll try wrapping it up quickly!) some other things you should know about me: i'm a hopeless romantic, don't like horror, am a total daydreamer, i write romance, fanfiction, and poetry, pink is my favourite colour, i'm a lipgloss/lipstick addict (and collect them for fun even when i don't need them), spring is my favourite season, my love language is physical touch, i'm an infp, and if it's important for the moodboard i'm south asian!
let's keep this sfw for ease, so i'll end it by describing my dream date with both men. you can then choose which one you'll do!
1. i know satoru's really really tall, but i just picture toji being taller and bigger in my head so i have this headcanon that i'm like half his size (for reference, i'm 5'3-ish) and in my head we are just grumpy x sunshine couple all the way. dream date with toji would be us going to the amusement park (my fav place on earth) and just being kids tbh. i'd force him to wear cutesy animal headbands and ride the rollercoaster and the ferris wheel with me and we'd stand in long long lines just talking and he would probably whine and complain about everything but he'd put up with it for me (also i'd probably manipulate him with my big eyes and my own bratty attitude ^^)
2. with satoru, i feel like since he's pretty childish in a relationship, i'd definitely act more bossy/mature with him as a result. (he'd look so pretty taking orders, wouldn't he?) dream date with satoru would just be a stay at home date. we'd start off by cooking dinner and dessert together, then have a spa night, and end it by doing a disney movie marathon together. he's so money i just have the urge to show him that we can do things without spending so much or going out to fancy restaurants and stuff.
anyway, i'm sorry for making this so long. as you can tell, i'm a talker. i'll leave the choice up to you for which boy to pick, but i just want to say thank you in advance. i love u sm mamba. congrats again baby doll <33
my beloved safi!! my dearest angel!! i’m so so soooo excited to do your request!! genuinely kicked my feet and did a little dancy dance when i saw your ask and i started searching for your pics as early as 4am before work! as soon as you mentioned sunshine x grumpy, you’d gotten me on team toji! im gonna make the prettiest, cutest, sweetest boards and scenarios for you, because you truly are as bright as the sun and you deserve the world! hugging you sooooo warmly!
also please don’t feel bad for telling me as much as you did!’ it makes me happy to learn about you all during these little events!
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╰┈➤ cherry blossom lips — safi x toji
╰┈➤ song — pov by ariana grande
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 one of the first things that really drew toji to you was your smile. he finds the way your eyes light up and crinkle ever so slightly ever so enchanting. he’s so entirely enraptured, you have no idea just how much!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i’ve said this for others as well, but toji’s also the kind of lover who is very attentive to you and your likes. i also think that he spoils you quite a bit! he’ll take note of your collection of lipglosses and lipsticks and whenever he’s out, he always keeps his eyes open for ones that he thinks you’ll like.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 if you only ask him once, he’ll help you pick out a lovely combination for your days and contemplates very intensely on what look he thinks would work well! he’s very involved surprisingly and loves to see the way you switch things up every now and then, and finds it really cute when you keep returning to favourites time and time again.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 i also think he’d be very playful and loves to kiss your glossy lips, if only to taste the sweet flavours as he licks the tint from his own lips, keeping his eyes locked on yours with your chin between his fingers as he tells you how sweet you taste.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’s very perceptive to you and your feelings and always looks out for you as best as he can. he knows just how much you care for others around him, and him especially, always making sure that he’s alright, asking him about his day and of anything that he may have on his mind.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he might not be very vocal about it, but his way of reassuring you is at first to pull you in for a long hug. he rests his chin on top of your head and just holds you close to him, hands stroking your back and waist and taking slow, deep breaths so that you’ll follow his lead. especially during moments when he notices you quietly hurting, he’ll always mutter loving reassurances that he’s here for you, and that you don’t have to push yourself to talk to him until you’re ready — just know that he’s there for you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he also knows how much you try to show yourself love, especially when it comes to your body. toji can tell whenever you’re having a hard time showing yourself the love he feels for you, and his way of reminding you of that love is by initiating physical contact in very intimate ways!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 not intimate as in sexual, but he’ll lay down with you and shower your entire body with kisses, reaching beneath your clothes with his fingers and taking his time to let each kiss linger, with little whispers of everything he loves, every part of you that you’re still learning to love on yourself. like i said, he’s extremely intentional, so know that all of those kisses and light touches are overflowing with love he feels deep inside his heart, because he’ll be there to love you until — and even after — you’ve fully grown to love yourself the way he does
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𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when you ask him one day to visit an amusement park with you, he doesn’t think twice about saying yes! sure, he might act like he has zero interest in wearing those cute headbands with you, but he’d do anything just to make you happy!
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 sure, he’ll say that it won’t look good on him and that it’ll make him look silly, but how can he say no to those pleading eyes and pouty lips of yours? in the end, he’ll let you stuff his mouth full of cotton candy and grumble as you set cute mickey mouse ears atop his head — and don’t tell anyone, but he melts like putty at the way you light up and boop his nose, a little red faced as you tell him how cute he looks
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he’ll even match with you to wear pink themed outfits! if it’s a colder time of the year when you both go, he’ll buy you both pink lilo onesies ahead of time so that you can wear them together! absolutely loves the pictures you both take and sets them as your contact photo, his wallpaper, all so that he can see the way you smile at the camera while his soft gaze is trained on you
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 now this is a secret, but toji gets a little squeamish in high places, so he’s a little nervous at first about going on the roller coasters and ferris wheels, but it’s all so worth it as he gets to hear your joyful squeals and laughter, watching your eyes crinkle as you belt out all these happy noises. the fact that you’re enjoying yourself makes him all the more pleased and he takes his own enjoyment purely from you.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 he knows how you love the romantic things in life, so he takes you to the biggest ferris wheel in the park at night when all the lights shine like colourful stars. he wraps his arm around you and admires you admiring the scene around you, leaning into his embrace and just taking in the moment. he can’t stop himself from thinking just how precious you are to him, how much he loves you, and would absolutely tear the world apart to keep you safe.
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 when your cart reaches the highest point of the ride, he lets himself go and pulls you in for a sweet kiss, letting it last for seconds that feel like years and mere moments to him as he drinks you in for all that you are, pouring into you every poem he’s secretly written in his heart for you. he whispers to you how much you love him, “until the end of time, safi… i’ll always love you, even after then.”
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mamba celebrates 100 followers — jjk and haikyuu selfship event!
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