#I’m not used to doing this much physical labor 🥺
wanderinthedeep · 2 years
my body hurts, massage please 🥲
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canon-can-fight-me · 9 months
Drabblecember Day 9: A Walk Outside
Okay listen. Is it like ten days after the ninth? Yes. But I was too busy to write that day and this prompt was really cute so I wanted to post something for it 🥺
875 words
Pairing: Kai3po (pre-dating)
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He was so tired.
While promised that the event wouldn’t go on for long, and that he was sure to be an invaluable asset to the mission, Threepio served little purpose that night other than to be his former master’s coatrack. Granted, he was told to be on standby, should his services be needed, but at this point it appeared whatever Anakin and Obi Wan assumed was going to happen at the gala was nothing to warrant the lightsabers securely stashed away. The night had drone on for long enough, and while no verbal or physical labor had been required of him, he felt exhaustion coupled with utter loneliness. Standing still for hours, let alone with no one eager to use him for the one thing he was good for, was upsetting. That is, until his attention was brought to a flash of scarlet, in the form of a shiny red dress. The owner of said dress a familiar, not completely unwelcome sight.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely.”
He turned to see Kaiyo grinning, gesturing to the bowtie Anakin had fastened to him earlier that evening. It had gone a tad crooked at this point.
“Thank you…you look quite radiant yourself.”
“I know,” she teased, darting her head around before facing him again. “Did you come by yourself, or is your date just in the restroom?”
He mimicked a scoff. “I do not have a “date”. Master Anakin asked me to accompany him and Obi Wan here for a mission, supposedly…although I’m unsure why my presence is even necessary at this point.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” She jerked her head towards his shoulder, suit jacket draped over.
“I believe that further proves my point.” He said.
“Well…if you’re not too occupied, maybe you could join me outside for a walk?” She sighed dramatically. “It’s so stuffy in here, not even the food is worth staying for. You’d think with how wealthy the owners are they’d at least have a decent menu.”
“A-As lovely as that sounds, I must remain here. What if I’m needed?”
“I’m sorry, how long have you been standing here doing absolutely nothing? Two hours?”
“Oh, you poor thing.” She took hold of his arm, tugging him towards the exit. “Let’s get you some fresh air.”
“I must remind you, that as a droid I do not require ‘fresh air’.”
He hadn’t protested much. Keyword much, though he knew realistically Kaiyo saw through his protests and was aware he was grateful for an excuse to take a break. While unaccustomed to the chilly night air, he slowly started to prefer it to the stuffiness of the ballroom.
“Soooo, what’s this mission about, exactly?”
“I can’t tell you that! It would go against my protocol to reveal such information.”
Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly.
“They didn’t tell you much of anything, did they?”
“Well—“ he began to protest, “I—um, of course they did…”
Kaiyo gave a small laugh, her suspicions all but confirmed.
Heat ran through his faceplate, and he glanced away.
“L-Let’s not talk about that. I’m rather curious to know what you’re doing here.”
She shrugged.
“You have your mission, I have mine. Let’s just say I wasn’t able to gather the intel I was looking for.” She pressed her lips together, hoping he wouldn’t question further. He wasn’t always adept at picking up cues, but he had someone grown to recognize her tells. One of which, he noticed, was what he understood was the natural human response to the cold: shivering. He could tell she was trying to power through it, slightly increasing her pace, and he wondered why she didn’t simply suggest going back inside.
“Kaiyo…” he began.
She paused, turning back to face him, eyes widening when she realized that she had outpaced him by quite a few feet in an attempt to generate heat.
“Oh, sorry! Am I walking too fast?”
“Well yes, but—“ she hurried back to his side as he spoke, “I was going to point out that you seem cold.”
Her cheeks flushed slightly. “It’s pretty chilly…”
Wordlessly, Threepio slowly slid Anakin’s suit jacket off his shoulder, gently placing it around Kaiyo’s shoulders.
“Oh!” Kaiyo glanced up at him, further burying herself in the jacket. “Are you sure Anakin won’t mind?”
“I’m sure if he needed it, he would have asked for it back by now,” Threepio explained. Kaiyo nodded, a small smile gracing her face. Threepio forced himself to look away.
She had no business looking so cute.
He thought if he just avoided looking at her, focused his gaze on the grass, the sky, anything else, that the rush of energy through his circuits would subside. That is, until she seemingly read his mind and decided to make it worse.
Granted, while she could technically read some minds (a perk of her mastery of the Force), he thanked the maker that such a trick didn’t work on droids.
But as she reached to adjust his bowtie, patting it down slightly with a satisfied smile that made him feel like his circuits were melting, he wasn’t so sure.
All he knew is that he was pleased that he had decided to walk with her that evening.
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maximotts · 9 months
Hii! I miss you bunches too 🥹 I hope that you have been doing great and that you are finally getting to relax and enjoy the holidays! I hope you have the most amazing Christmas (if you celebrate of course and if not I hope you have the most amazing day)! 💖💖-📖
P. S. To answer that anons question, I have a degree in genetics so not even close to literature but I do enjoy reading very much 😂
My Christmas was very fun, but not restful unfortunately. Having events with my family entails a great deal of physical and emotional labor on me (I love them all very much; it’s just A Thing with my family dynamics) and now I’m back at work 💀 BUTTT I get a week off next week, and I’ll def be using that to get back in sorts with myself!!
Let’s enroll in the same university and then we can be literature major buddies, would that not be so super cool 🥹
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mbruben-stein · 2 years
Could I please get a matchup for LOTR and The Hobbit? 🥺
🍃 I’m Bisexual and Genderfluid but I would prefer a male ship please
🍃 I have Autism so I can be pretty awkward and a little flustered, especially around new people. I’m also super blunt. I stim by pacing and flapping my hands
🍃 I work at a greenhouse and I’m really muscular. I really enjoy physical labor and getting muscular because I feel so good about myself when I look buff and lift things with ease
🍃 My love languages are 100% physical touch and acts of service. I’m not one for grand romantic gestures though, those embarrass me. I’m a lot more lowkey with affection
🍃 I’m like 4’ 11” with long wavy brown hair that I usually have up in a bun, glasses and the body type of a rectangle. I don’t have many curves
🍃 I’m pretty diplomatic and can be very witty, I’m really good at coming up with jokes and funny quips on the fly. I am very protective over people and I really just want to take care of those I love. I have a strong sense of duty to take care of others and make up for my wrongdoings. I’ve been told I’m pretty charismatic, which is a surprise to me
🍃 I’m so used to taking care of people that when somebody takes care of me, I get a little freaked out. I can be a little nervous about love in the beginning, but I come to pretty quick
🍃 I study like a maniac. I just LOVE learning new things
🍃 I look really sweet at first but then I turn right around and show my true chaotic self. I used to wander around in abandoned mineshafts as a kid, I swear like a sailor, and I have a terrible disregard for my own personal wellbeing
🍃 I can also be really anxious, overly sensitive and confrontational. I don’t start fights but I don’t back down from them easily
🍃 I give really good advice though. I’m really smart and have a lot of experience with different things, so I’m good at counseling people
🍃 I can’t stand being cooped up inside, I need outside time every day
🍃 I mainly write and draw, but I also love carving things like wood and stones. I mainly write comforting things for other people because I just want to make people feel better. The world is cruel, so I won’t be
Sorry that’s so much, I hope you’re doing well!! Thanks so much honey, have a great day!!
A/N: Hi, I am so glad you ask. You are the very first person to ever ask for a match-up for that thank you. I hope you enjoy this.
The Hobbit:
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Your Match is Bofur.
Bofur would be a person who doesn't care what your sexuality or gender is, he would love you for who you are.
He would think your hair up in a bun makes you look really cute.
For your height let's just say he would give you a lot, and I mean a lot of hugs. (This man is a big softie, and I am not kidding.)
For your autism, he would think it's just another beautiful thing part of you.
He would think you are so funny because you can automatically come up with a joke and funny quips on the fly, which would automatically make him laugh, as well as make his day.
He would think your protectiveness to family, and friends, kind of make you attractive even though he won't admit it.
Now your chaotic self on the other hand, oh man, he would think it is just so adorable.
Every time you would start swearing like a sailor, let's just say he would start laughing and a few times he would fall out of his chair.
Bofur would love that you love to learn new things. He would definitely teach you how to make wooden toys by hand. It would definitely become you guys' favorite bonding moment to gather.
Bofur would definitely love to hear all the stories of things you did when you were a kid, especially about when you used to explore abandoned mineshafts as a kid.
Overrule Bofur would love you to pieces.
The lord of the rings:
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Your Match is Frodo Baggins.
Ferst off this little hobbit would love you to pieces.
He would be really understanding that it would take you a while to get used to this new relationship.
Frodo wouldn't push you to do something if it made you uncomfortable.
This little hobbit would smirk everytime you get flustered. He would honestly think every time you're flustered and you have read little Rosy Cheeks he would think you were adorable.
Every time he would see your muscles or see you lift something he would get flustered.
(You two would definitely start a war on who can get the other flustered LOL...)
He would definitely give you a lot of physical affection like kisses on the cheek, hugs, kiss you on the top of your head, etc.
He would play with your hair and help put it up in the bun every morning.
Honestly even though you take care of a lot of people, he would try to take care of you and return even if it did make you flustered.
Honestly this little hobbit is very protective of you and loves you to pieces.
Even though you tell him you could take care of yourself he still will do it anyway.
He loves to hear all your stories when you where a kid, (Just like Bofur).
Overall this little hobbit loves you so so much.
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