#I’m so hungry :(
earththings · 2 months
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jakesguitarsolo · 5 months
Anyone else salivating or just me?
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📸: sophiechoosestheroad on insta
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Making stuffed peppers 😮‍💨✨
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Had to add the finished pic
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flanbolt · 7 months
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I feel very align with the struggler state of mind 🧎‍♂️
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st4r-cr0ssed-l0v3r · 1 month
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Oh yeah he’s done
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lmkobsessedmoth · 3 months
I love how the saying of money can’t by you happiness is both true and false. Ya money can’t by me happiness but it does make me happy when I can afford some food
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stuffeduplikeadump · 6 months
That feeling when you finally get out that burp after eating pizza and drinking soda>>>>
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littlegreengent · 2 years
I like to imagine those eah snapshot intros happen in real time and it’s just accepted that when you enter a conversation you must look slightly to ur side, strike a pose, then look back and not acknowledge it
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You should be able to tell restaurants you’re high so that they can prioritize your meal.
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earththings · 9 months
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batbirdies · 9 months
Today has been a mess. I was really tired on Wednesday and Thursday, napped in Thursday afternoon and then couldnt for the life of me fall asleep last night until after 5 in the morning. Called out of work and slept in and have felt like a slug all day. Napped again. Hope I can sleep tonight.
But I read comics and I just ordered myself delivery, for morale
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the-sea-merchant · 23 days
Dnd if it was cringe and unbased
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The main men. And boy. I love them
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fatbabywitch · 1 month
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Good morning, about to eat my weight in chocolate chip pancakes. 🥞🤤💓
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staunr · 10 months
A random thought occurred to me
So if The Lady Bone Demon made Wukong, whose a stone monkey, and MK is also a stone monkey, then that would possibly mean that LBD also made Mk. Making Wukong and Mk kinda sorta brothers. And remember how Ink dude said: “The chaos and destruction we’ll bring upon the world will make Wukong’s run seem like nothing!”
What if it wasn’t wrong?
If LBD made the stone monkeys, then it wouldn’t be to bold to assume(I think) that she made them to fulfill her goal. Wukong being the first, and Mk somehow being the second.
But the LBD was sealed when Mk was formed, so who made his stone statue?
Well it couldn’t be LBD, Mayor, or Wukong. Here’s why:
LBD: she was sealed away, so she would be unable to make any new ‘vessels’.
Mayor: Even if he has LBD’s powers I don’t think he’d be strong enough to make new life with those powers. But then again I don’t know exactly how powerful he is.
Wukong: while maybe he could, I don’t think he would. I also don’t know if Wukong even knew before s4 that Mk was a stone monkey. Part of me thinks- Well maybe he did, he had observed Mk for sometime. But the other part is like- he probably just sensed Mk’s power and observed him to make sure he wasn’t a threat.
So if no one else could have made Mk or would want to, who did?
My dear little planets and stars, I think it could be the next main villain or a new character in s5. And before someone says: we won’t get one!
Yes we will, while I may not have twitter. I have enough brains to know when there’s cliff hanger, you can not(possibly) tell me that the ending scene was not a cliff hanger.
Speaking of the ending scene, I will now be moving onto that. What it could mean and who the voices possibly are.
In the beginning of the season, we see some random cloaked figure with two marks near the cheek area taking the Memory scroll, and the, possibly, same person returning the scroll.(from the way they turned back around I would assume that it’s the same person. Maybe not)
In the weird temple place that the scroll is housed is around eight people whom I’m going to name,
*drum roll*
The Council! Creative I know..
Anyways, this council was unaware of the entire ordeal and has no clue of who it could be. Maybe they do, I’m just going off the clip we were given.
Doing more research into the scrolls form JTTW, the scrolls are presumably called Hell Scrolls
Doing more research into that, there seems to be 24 scrolls in all. Each representing a different hell. There’s 8 great hells and 16 lesser hells,
8 hells:
1. The Hell of Excrement: I think it mean a shit load of human dung. I translated the text next to it and that’s literally what it translated to, shit and poop. I’m not joking.
2. The Hell of Measures: this one was a little confusing, because the translation was just- Measures institute, kanryohso, and contents.
3. The Hell of Iron Mortar: now at first I was like, “wtf is mortar??” Then i was like, “… daaamn, that’s painful.” Now Mortar is apparently the stuff people use when glueing bricks together. So. Yikes.
4. The Hell of the FLAMING ROOSTER: A the name suggest, this hell consists of a giant FIRE BREATHING ROOSTER.
5. The Hell of Black Sand Cloud: as vague as the name is, this hell is only just where people burn down others houses as black rain clouds rain burning sand.
6. The Hell of Pus and Blood: According to a single source that will be listed, this hell is for murders and murders only. Except, it’s only if you kill animals :). I bet Miss Katy would be proud. But I to also for those who are selfish essentially, like if someone stole from a elderly person. This is the only thing I could find on this hell. THE KNLY THKNG.
7. The Hell of Foxes and Wolves: Now this one is a little tricky as well, and the only CLOSE I could find was just dogs and no foxes. This hell is for those who start disputes or cause trouble to retain power. Stuff like that. And basically your hunted down for sport my dogs. Also your naked, eeewww.
Now I CAN NOT find ANYTHING on the eight hell, so if anyone could help I’d really appreciate that. Coooonnntinuing on!
What seems to be housing or gateway to each hell are hallways each ruled or owned by a king. Because I’m kinda going off track here, I’ll do all the scroll hells in a different post because this intrigues me.
Now I also could not find anything on a memory scroll, so maybes that’s sometime specifically in JTTW? I’m not sure.
But that LONG tangent does hopefully say something about what the scrolls purpose is, to punish those who’ve done wrong. Which is why Peng and Yellow Tusk(YT) were placed in there. To think about what they’ve done, which clearly neither of them have learned anything. They should’ve just have gotten therapy.
Who is the council? Well, I don’t know exactly but if I have a guess. And maybe you have as well. I think it’s possibly the kings of each hall. And there ten, not eight. (This next part is actually from Tumblr: @yamayuandadu , good work btw, also, GO CHECK OUT THEIRS!)
King 1: Qinguang Wang or Shinko- this dude basically shows where people go for the time being before they get re-birthed.
King 2: King Chujiang or Shoko- basically his hell is where you drown! In stinky and yucky liquid with floaty things in it! Fun :D! But wait! There’s more! The second on is a shit load of ice where you turn into a popsicle, yum. But your still alive. And hungry. And thirsty.
King 3: King Songdi, or Sotei- this one’s really bad, basically if you’ve been a shitty person you get hung upside down! but wait! THERES MORE! KNEES GET CRUSHED, SKINNNJNG, AND EYEBALL TORTURE! And! If you raid tombs you get fried like a pig! How fun..
King 4: King Wuguan or Gokan- BLACK POOL DUDE! Aka.. uh.. ‘dark red of freshly congealed blood’ pool.. nice.. anyway. This one varies from crime to crime, so I’ll sit copy and paste because my brain is running on two Kraft mac n cheese bowls and a singular apple with music: “This is where forgers, counterfeiters and cheats end up. Tax evaders, false vendors and people who write warranties for electrical goods also get punished here. Punishment varies according to crime, with cheats being clobbered with hammers and dodgy Ebay merchants getting the full crush-to-a-pulp treatment. The Pool of Blood is always hungry, so Wuguan Wang also takes care of family matters. Disrespectful daughters and rude sons are mashed into theiir component parts with great gusto.”
There also BEE TORTURE!
King 5: King Yanluo or Enma- I couldn’t find much, but he’s basically the judge for anyone whose about to be re-birthed. So. Yeah.
King 6: King Biancheng, or Hensei- This one is basically= sexual sins? GET RATTED ON! OMNIMBIM. You get gnawed on by rats. Are you a liar, or gossiper, or a slanderer, or a deceiver or someone who twist words? Here, have an iron nail through the mouth :)! There more, but I don’ wanna rn.
Anyways. King 7: King Taishan, or Taizan- Meat jam hell..?? WHAT ARE THESE NAMES??? Basically: arsonists, deceivers, terrorists and traitors are fed into the mincing machine. The resulting mess is known as meat jam.
The site I’m using didn’t go into more detail. I don’t want more details.
King 8: King Pingdeng, or Byodo- basically another judge. Just this time your stuck in a giant iron web. If you’ve sinned then you stay there. If not you leave.
King 9: King Dushi, or Toshi- basically if you don’t believe in the gods your cooked alive. Hell’s actual kitchen. Nice.
King 10, FINALLY: King Wudao Zhuanlun, or Godō Tenrin: I don’t know. I can’t find anything. Someone help.
Alright! I am so sorry for how long that is..
That’s all actually. It was an interesting ride. Whether this’ll be correct or not is not likely and I’ve just spent around more than 3 possible hours researching this. ANYWAYS BYE!
God it’s like I unlocked my inner osp.., I’ll label the link later…
Link 1: JTTW reference of the hell scrolls
Link 2: The wiki of the hell scrolls
Link 3: Hell of the flaming rooster
Link 4: ‘introduction of the painting on each hell’, aka every single hell scroll and king+ more
Link 5: Yamayuandadu’s post
Link 6: Chinquang Wang
Link 7: Chujuang Wang
Link 8: Wuguang Wang
Link 9: Yanluo Wang
Link 10: more Yanluo Wang
Link 11: Biancheng Wang
Link 12: Taishan Wang
Link 13: Pingdeng Wang
Link 14: Dushi Wang
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jennhoney · 3 months
Yesterday I was looking at stained glass tools and kits and I told myself to calm down because I’ve been absolutely desperate to weave more and make rugs and I don’t yet have the tools for those things. So I was thinking I could take another stained glass class this year but I don’t like the offerings so far. The class I took was a good starter and I even like what I made but now I need more advanced stuff to challenge me.
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alias-copper · 6 months
Food served over rice… best meal on this earth
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