#I’m still salty about what they did to Poe too
anakin-pilled · 9 months
okay i finally finished the star wars sequel trilogy and here’s my opinion and thoughts on each of the movies that no one asked for but i want to share anyway 🤓🤓 spoilers below!
The Force Awakens:
Don’t have a strong opinion on this movie TBH, I think it’s the weakest of the three but it’s a good introduction movie.
Wasn’t expecting Han’s death…RIP TO A REAL ONE😭
Still don’t understand how Rey was able to beat a trained Kylo Ren in battle…she was too OP for the first movie.
Kylo’s back story isn’t convincing enough and I think he’s kind of lame, I don’t think they did him justice.
Transitioning between scenes is so reminiscent of the OG triology and I love it.
The Last Jedi:
THE BEST OUT OF THE THREE!! I really enjoyed this movie; especially all the different sub plots. I loved that we got to see more characters.
I liked Rose’s character and her dynamic with Finn!! Kelly Marie Tran did not deserve all the hate she got ): Rose was awesome ):
The scene in Snoke’s throne, Kylo reminded me so much of Anakin in ROTS, from the hair to the expression on his face, I literally think he channeled Anakin’s energy into his performance (think of Anakin when he first pledged loyalty to Palpatine)
Kinda confused on the direction they went in with Luke. You mean to tell me Luke refused to kill Darth Vader because he believed there was light still in him, but couldn’t extend the same hope to Kylo? Idk, Luke’s main characteristic is that he’s the hopeful, optimistic hero and I feel like they completely scrapped that. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY DONT EVEN DIRECTLY TELL YOU WHY KYLO HAD SO MUCH DARKNESS IN HIM, i blame the story tellers
Luke saying no one’s ever really gone…yeah I cried 😭
I knew Luke died from like years ago, but watching his force spirit in front of the two suns just reminded me of that iconic scene in ANH where he’s standing in front of the two Tatooine suns. Literally one of my favorite Star Wars scenes EVER 🥹
The Rise of Skywalker
I think my biggest gripe with this trilogy is that it completely ruins Anakin/Vader being the Chosen One. Like….George Lucas confirms he’s the Chose One and then we see in ROTJ that he helps brings balance to the force, thus completing the prophecy. BUT THEN PALPATINE DIDNT DIE AND HES BACK AND THAT MAKES THE PROPHECY COMPLETELY MOOT AND THATS AN INSULT TO MY POOKIE.
Didn’t expect Leia to die…I know Carrie died (RIP TO A REAL ONE) but I honestly didn’t know she was going to die in the movie and I kept on wondering how they were going to pull it off. And I’m just realizing they killed each of the OG trio 😭
We needed more Rose.
They built up Finn to be a love interest for Rey in the first movie then completely scrapped that idea for Reylo 😭
Not sure how I feel about Reylo. I was really hoping they wouldn’t kiss then BOOM they kissed. Idk I just don’t think the chemistry was there.
I still think they did Kylo’s character building dirty, but I did enjoy his redemption arc. RIP
The voices of all the Jedi guiding Rey, I CRIED OKAYYYYYY
I love FinnPoe, but also Finn and Poe separately. Oscar and John were amazing
Seeing all the Death Stars crash, the Ewoks looking up and cheering, the celebration scene 😭😭😭😭 I cried so much IDK it just reminded me so much of the the end of ROTJ and honestly I’m a huge sucker for a good winning final scene.
Overall, I enjoyed the trilogy more than I thought I would and while I do think it’s not PERFECT and I do think there’s a lot to fix, I do think a lot of SW fans are just salty and hated the idea of a more diverse, female led franchise. I would definitely watch again (:
Now I need to know what happens after lol
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
…and I just finished Ducktales! Here are some semi-random notes on episodes roughly in order:
1. Okay, i’ll admit I am a little sick of kids’ shows always feeling obliged to stick a Real Santa in, but Ducktales did it perfectly. Super appreciate that they even made Santa a contemporary of Scrooge, because what could be more fitting or accurate?
2. The last Fenton episode was great, poor tiny anxious Huey. And Fenton was not faring much better but at least he had a girlfriend to show for it. Also, Mark Beaks acting like a stalker with a crush towards Gizmoduck, which is peak Beaks right there. And I loooove that Huey brought in Louie to lie for him, and didn’t even think to tell him about Fenton! Lol Dewey knew because he was right there when Gizmoduck debuted, Huey figured it out quickly when Gizmoduck was in front of him fighting crime, and Louie never even had a scene with Fenton or Gizmoduck until that moment did he? L O L.
3. I am still a little bit salty that the Talespin episode didn’t even mention Launchpad, but i get why now, it was all about following in the footsteps of the mentors and there really wasn’t room for Launchpad. I will just politely headcanon that Stunt Pilot Molly Cunningham is friendly rivals with Launchpad’s sister. And maybe that Della got home and promptly told Launchpad he is no longer the worst pilot she’s ever met.
4. I’m impressed how many flashbacks they crammed into The Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck! And also, Poe! I don’t think even 1987 Ducktales ever gave us Person Poe. Aw how cool. I feel pretty bad for Magica with that story. Scrooge really was a bit of a dick to her, and I’m glad that’s the one he owned up and took responsibility for. As an Animorphs fan, you really do not want to accidentally lose a loved one in bird form. Birds have short short lives.
A. Definitely felt like we suddenly hit fast forward and had to cram a ton in at crazy speeds, but Ducktales pulled it off!
B. I cannot BELIEVE they crammed a gargoyles reference in there too, Frank Angones you madman. With the addition of Keith David this truly was the correct thing to watch after I finished Community s6. It was practically the same cast!
C. Impeccable division of teams, so that everybody went up against the appropriate villain, teams were logical, and banter was beautiful
D. DARKWING AND GIZMODUCK AND LAUNCHPAD. OMG. I still would like to have approximately twelve seasons worth of bantering between Darkwing and Gizmoduck, and Fenton and Drake, and all combinations in between. Launchpad is everybody’s sidekick, EXCEPT WHEN HE PUTS ON THE GIZMO SUIT AND GETS TO SHINE. AWWWW LAUNCHPAD.
E. Okay I’m going to ramble about Launchpad some more for just a minute here. First, Launchpad’s subconscious has been struggling to tell everyone this intel the whole time??? And without his double-o mission they would have been stuck at square one?!? HOORAY LAUNCHPAD HELPED! Also, who is the first character to say “isn’t family the greatest adventure of all?” or most of it at least, that’s right, Launchpad! He is the HEART and I love him and I am very proud of him.
F. Back to Fenton and Drake, I am now going to assume that both of my suggested scenarios happened. Fenton had a long day and said something like “ugh, don’t even talk to me about Gizmoduck!”, then Drake took that as his cue to start griping about Gizmoduck, and Fenton just awkwardly agreed to be polite at first, and Drake was like “haha, yes! He clearly hates Gizmoduck too! My new buddy!” Also, I find it hilarious that Darkwing refuses to consider the possibility that Fenton is Gizmoduck, possibly because he likes Fenton too much? Which is great. I loved the classic versions getting on each other’s nerves every which way in Tiff of the Titans, but this is an extremely lovable dynamic as well. Especially that Fenton got frustrated enough to try to just tell him. These guys are terrible at secret identities, and yet still Fenton somehow managed to have one from Drake, and from Louie. Somehow.
G. Hooray, I finally know the thing about Webby properly! And yes, there was a TON of foreshadowing and themes about nature vs nurture all over the place throughout this show, omg! Especially as other clones we have seen on the show were (usually?) exact duplicates, while there is no question that Webby is fully her own person, despite having clear streaks of Scrooge in her. Which, to be fair, also could have just come from growing up around him! I wish there was more time to get to know May and June, and I love the way Beakley just kinda… bluescreened and went off on her own over Webby.
H. Seeing Scrooge and Donald and Della together in action was glorious. Surely we saw it before, can’t remember, buuuuut still glorious.
I. also aaaaaaaa Huey’s woodchucking skills saving the day, the parallel with the villain coming together nicely
J. and all the kids getting to shine too!
Okay, I’m sure I forgot a ton of important stuff as I just sat down and started rambling. Now I can look at TVTropes and the whole rest of tumblr and AO3 and everything!
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solohux · 4 years
@anonynous submitted: Poe:- As he should've been
 I am still so fucking salty that Poe got left behind as the awkward third wheel that no one seemed to know what to do with. His character was horribly underutilized and if anything, went through character regression, not character development! TFA!Poe and TLJ/TROS!Poe are practically different characters! It just doesn't seem.... natural for the compassionate, confident (NOT arrogant!) pilot we met in TFA to suddenly be totally ok with sacrificing dozens of his fellow pilots for ego in TLJ and to have been an ex-drug dealer in his youth as revealed in TROS! 
  By no means am I saying that Poe should be flawless. But his flaws and failings should’ve made… sense. He can be compassionate! Just have it get the better of him! Like say:- Poe takes every death of a pilot under his command hard. He feels guilty, as if he’s failing his pilots personally by not preventing their deaths. That would even tie into his extended backstory as revealed in that comic series he had! So Poe over-extends himself, he refuses to put his pilots in danger when it’s not “necessary” so he’s constantly volunteering to go on dangerous solo missions… 
  Just like the one where we were introduced to him in TFA! 
  Holy shit! Having Poe develop a Savior Complex could even have made TLJ work better! You could even keep the bungled attack in the opening! So Poe leads the attack on the First Order, he places himself in a truly ridiculous amount of danger to give the evacuation enough time to get away… but it still goes horribly wrong! Despite Poe’s best efforts his pilots die like flies, he’s one of the only survivors. 
  Leia can still be disappointed in Poe, only she’s upset with him because she knows he puts himself in too much danger! She can still want him to put himself in a less “In the air with his troops” mindset! But now she’s genuinely concerned that Poe will never get the chance to transition to a “Lead from the command deck” role like she wants him to, because with the way he’s been acting he’s going to get himself killed sooner rather than later! 
  Then Leia is incapitated shortly thereafter… (Or we can just substitute her for Holdo, whichever way works)
  Now we have a distraught Poe, who is pretty much convinced that he’s a failure (Because not only did so many of his pilots die, his mentor is disappointed with him!) and then Holdo sweeps in and doesn’t want much to do with him! 
  Only now Holdo has a different motive for giving Poe a wide berth. She’s one of Leia’s personal friends and is an accomplished military leader in her own right. She takes one look at Poe and immediately knows what type of person he is. So instead of barring Poe from being amongst the leadership and planning The Resistance’s next move because she doesn’t like his attitude… she tells him to stay out of things and get some rest because she can see that he’s in no emotional shape to be of any help to her! 
  Poe naturally is even more freaked out and left frantic! He's lost confidence in himself, but he just has to help! There must be something that he can do....
  So there we go, Poe can still be a “menace” to Holdo during her short term of leadership (Or he can simply go on the ill-fated mission with Finn as the first draft of TLJ’s script had planned to do!) but now TLJ!Poe is more consistent with TFA!Poe because we have changed his motives for acting the way he does throughout the film. Making Poe (And the various character he interacts with!) seem more sympathetic even if his attempts to help just keep making things worse. 
  That can cumulate in Poe learning a valuable lesson “That he can’t save everyone and shouldn’t light himself on fire just to keep others warm” and thus actually develop as a character. 
  Oh my god, now I’m even more pissed off at Rian Johnson for not taking that route. It just seems… so obvious! It would’ve been a refreshing change of direction ( ;) A “subversion” if you will) for Poe’s character archetype (Seriously, just how common is it for male leaders to be so emotionally invested in those under their command that they become distressingly self-sacrificial?) and more importantly, not stereotypical! 
  Ugh! And now that TLJ has been fixed, TROS would go so much more smoothly! You can have a more nuanced Poe, growing weary and perhaps a bit jaded by the seemingly endless war. He’s transitioned into a more traditional leadership role like Leia wanted him too. All of this causes some tension between him and Finn and Rey. 
  Poe can regain more of his original optimism by having him go with Finn and Rey ( :) And Chewie! And the Droids!) on the big mission, where he can have opportunities to patch up his bond with Rey and Finn and thus now that he’s feeling more like himself again Poe can inspire more people to join in the final push against The First Order (There we go! The perfect way to bring the Spice Runners into the film without giving some bullshit excuse about how Poe was a member of their gang as a teenager!) and then during the big final battle Poe can showcase all that he’s learned over the course of the trilogy by comparing and contrasting what he does there to what he did during TFA’s opening scene! 
  Lol, now I’ve made myself even more mad! It’s just so clear that the Sequel Trilogy genuinely could’ve worked -Even without a lot of big changes!- had the characters simply been more consistently written. 
  I just re-railed Poe’s character simply by making some small changes to his motives! Things can still progress closely to how they did in the various films’, but now Poe is a stronger character that does more stuff, has opportunities to naturally bond with Finn and Rey (And other characters too!) and again, isn’t stereotypical in any means! 
  I just kept Poe’s backstory (A rebel born of rebels! With a closer than usual relationship to the heroes of the Original Trilogy. Oh yes, I just realized that a potential childhood friendship with Ben could easily be worked in, which would help out with Kylo’s character as well…) in mind the whole time and had him react to various things happening as he logically should react! 
  -Sigh- If only Poe’s backstory had been upheld from the start… 
  But ultimately I am pleased with myself for coming up with all of this, so thanks for listening Lottie! Hope you didn’t mind me dumping this into your submission box. :) Hope you have a great day.
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mermaidxatxheart · 3 years
Better Together Chapter Seven
Chapter 7 already? I must really love you guys. I hope you enjoy. If you'd like to be added to my tag list, send me an ask. My work is not to be reposted under any name or anywhere else. Reblogs and comments, however, are always welcome.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Warnings: trauma, probably language, descriptions of violence, torture, blood.
Word Count: 2k
Series Master List
Chapter Six
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Chapter Seven
The sunlight is bright and you twist your face into Poe’s chest, trying to hide from it. You feel him chuckle under you and it’s only then that you realize he’s awake already.
“Morning.” He says softly.
“What time is it?” You mumble.
“Early, about six.”
“How can you sleep with the sun shining in your eyes like that?”
“I like getting up early.” His fingers trail lightly over your arm and he pulls you tight against his side.
You’re quiet for a long time, but it’s not because he’s lulled you back to sleep. You feel bad for waking him up so late last night. “I’m sorry I woke you up.” You say finally.
“It’s okay. I’d rather you wake me up if you need me than suffer by yourself.” He brushes your hair back behind your ear. “I don’t sleep much anyway.” He admits.
“Because of dreams?” You ask, twisting your head back to look up at him.
“Among other things, yeah.”
You squint and he smiles softly. If you had to pick which is brighter, the sun or Poe’s smile? Poe’s smile wins by a landslide.
“Here, roll over.” He urges, guiding you onto your other side. He turns behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“This isn’t any better.” You huff. His chest shakes behind you as he laughs. You lift his arm and roll back over so you’re facing him. His soft brown eyes are watching you, amusement sparkling in them as you shift.
“Now you’re facing the window again.” He points out. So, you tuck your face into the crook of his neck and take a big, satisfying breath. “G-good now?” He asks quietly.
“Yeah.” You whisper, eyes already drooping shut again.
“I can talk to Leia, you don’t have to do the report.” Poe says.
“I told her I would. She said I could take time but I was petty and angry at the time and said I would have it for her by today.” You tell him, pushing yourself up from the bed.
“So that means you can still take your time.” He says, catching your wrist gently. “Stay.” He whispers and you turn back to him. “Please?”
“Come with me. You can get some food. I know you need caf. I kept you from doing your usual stuff all morning.” You say, kneeling on the bed. This feels dangerous. It feels like flirting, like crossing a line. But you meant it when you said that Poe is the easiest person to be around.
“You should get food, too.” He says, pushing himself up closer to you. One little inch and you’d be almost touching. You could kiss him. You could feel his lips on yours, tell him how much you…
Your eyes close and he pulls back. You should have expected it. But that doesn’t stop you from feeling like the floor is falling out from under you. Suddenly, you don’t want him to go with you. You straighten up, feeling dizzy and unbalanced. You feel numb, you can’t feel your pulse, can’t hear the way you’re breathing too quickly.
“I just remembered. It’s been a while since I’ve showered. I should do that first.” You mutter, already turning for the door.
“Y/N,” he calls, but the door is already shutting behind you and you squeeze your eyes shut. You deserved that. Why would you think he would want to kiss you again?
Poe can only be your friend. Nothing more. He doesn’t want anything more from you. And honestly, count yourself lucky that he even wants that much.
You hurry off to your room, locking the door behind you. You just want to be alone. That’s what’s best for everyone. Painfully, you peel off your clothes, wincing as every move causes you pain.
You shower quickly, blindly, taking no more time than is absolutely necessary. It would be so easy to just let yourself cry, pretend it’s the water dripping down your face instead of salty tears, but you can’t go there. You can’t let yourself feel sorry anymore. You made this mess, ruined a perfectly good friendship, cheated on your boyfriend and now you have to deal with the consequences of that. You’re in your comfiest clothes, settled at your desk to start your report. You wish you had thought to ask how much detail Poe had put in his. He clearly exaggerated about your part in what happened.
Your hands hover over the keyboard, waiting for your brain to tell them what to type. The longer you wait, the more they start to shake. You yank them back against your chest, squeezing them painfully to get them to stop. You welcome the pain, it somehow serves as your penance for what you’ve done.
Your door tries to open and there’s a muffled curse outside, startling you. You quickly unlock it and outside is Bryce. He holds out a caf silently and your eyes widen and you realize you promised him you’d be in the med bay after his shift.
“How was it?” You ask, taking the cup and backing up to let him in.
“Boring as always. I hate post work. Nothing ever happens.” He grumbles, following you and flopping on your bed. “What happened?” He asks, balling up your pillow and stuffing it under his chest to rest on.
“Um,” you clear your throat, scrambling for an answer that wouldn’t start a fight. I went to sleep with the guy you hate would definitely start a fight. “I couldn’t sleep. Kept waking up. Then I just said screw it. Been trying to work on this stupid report of what happened.” You gesture and he nods, understanding. At least, understanding your words. You know he doesn’t understand what you’re feeling. Nothing bad has ever happened to Bryce.
“What did happen?” He asks, tilting his head to look at you.
The blood drains out of your face and your hands start to shake. Your stomach falls to your feet and your knees get weak. “I-I don’t… I don’t really wanna talk about it.” You mutter, sitting back down before you fall down. You take a sip of the caf and try not to blanch. He never makes it how you like it and every time you forget.
“Well, you’re gonna have to talk about it. People are gonna wanna know.” He says, his voice gentle like he’s trying to be kind. But it feels like a punch to the gut. Why would people need to know what happened to you? Before you can protest, there’s a knock on your door. Bryce glares at it before looking at you. “Expecting someone?” He asks pointedly.
“No. I wasn’t even expecting you.” You stand up and press the release, even more surprised to see Snap on the other side.
He looks nervous as shit, holding out a bag of food from the commissary, and a caf. He has never ever brought you food before. “P…” he cuts off and glances down the hall. “Pando in the lab wanted me to remind you that he needs your help analyzing those plants you brought back.” He says, rolling his eyes at the name.
You frown in confusion, taking the bag. “Pando?” You repeat.
He narrows his eyes and slides them to the right, back down the hallway where he looked the first time. “Yeah. Pando. That’s what he told me. He needs your help.”
The name is entirely unfamiliar. As far as you know, it’s not even a name at all. “Alright… well, if you see… Pando, then let him know I’ll be there in a while. I have something to finish.” You say and he nods. Abruptly he turns and walks down the hall to your right and you blink. Maybe Snap is losing it? Too many missions? Flying too close to the sun? Maybe his ox-mask isn’t operating at full capacity. You poke your head out to watch him, wondering if he’s okay, and a figure darts from view before you can catch a good glimpse.
“That guy.” Bryce shakes his head.
“He’s a good dude. Just under a lot of pressure.”
“Who’s Pando?” He asks, taking the bag of food from you and rolling over onto his back.
You have a feeling you know who Snap was talking about, but why would he lie? Do you keep up the lie? Something in your gut tells you that telling the truth would be a bad idea. “Just one of the guys from the science division.” You shrug.
Bryce digs into your food and you frown. “I thought I knew all the freaks you work with.” He tilts his head, biting into a yacba fruit.
“They’re not freaks.” You snatch your food back. “And you don’t know everything about me. I have work to do.” You say and he rolls his eyes.
“So? Do it. I’m not stopping you.” He sighs, stretching out and laying back.
You want to hit him with something, that rage burning through your veins again. To save your holopad, you grab it, the bag of food, and the caf from Snap and march out of your room. You’ll find somewhere to eat in peace and then go to the lab and find this Pando.
There’s an observation tower on the outskirts of the compound that isn’t used anymore. You climb to the top, leaning against the stone post overlooking the woods. Finally, peace and quiet.
While you eat, you try to get as much of the report done as you can. You decide to be vague on the method of interrogation, instead focusing on what they wanted to know.
The lack of horrific details in your report doesn’t stop you from remembering them.
Hours. He has been asking you questions for hours. For every one unanswered, he slices at your best friend, nicking his skin all over. His face, his hands, his arms, his chest, his legs. There isn’t a body part left unscathed.
For his credit, he never wavers, never gives any sign of weakness, never cries out. He just clenches his jaw, and squeezes his eyes shut.
You, on the other hand, can’t stop crying. You’ll keep your promise, but seeing your best friend in so much pain hurts more than anything you’ve ever experienced.
In the back of your mind, you wonder how he knows about being tortured. As far as you know, he’s never been captured. He’s an excellent soldier, always on guard, always alert. He knows his shit, he’s good at this.
Until he goes on a solo mission with you.
And then you kiss him. And he drops his guard. Now he’s being hurt.
The trooper grunts in dissatisfaction and sets his blade down. “Seems like you rebel scum like pain.” He says, starting to take off his gauntlets and gloves.
Your stomach tightens, nerves spiking as you watch his movements warily. Is he going to give Poe a break, and turn on you?
“Nothing’s as painful as living in the world of the First Order.” Poe replies calmly.
Before you can see it coming, the trooper throws his fist, slamming it into Poe’s solar plexus. Poe doubles over as much as he can, coughing hard and gasping for air. You press your lips together to keep from crying out as your tears spill over. The trooper rains down blow after blow all over his body. His lip splits against his teeth, blood dripping down his chin. Around his eye, his cheekbone, along his jaw; you can hear his ribs shifting, maybe cracking.
Your heart breaks for him. You want to do something to help him, but you’re useless against your restraints.
“Ready to give up your precious General?” The trooper sneers, grabbing Poe’s thick hair and pulling up on it to see his face.
The trooper drops his head unceremoniously and turns to you for the first time. “You can stop his pain.” He taunts. “Just give us the location of your base.”
You straighten yourself as much as you can in defiance. “What base?” You ask coldly.
He grumbles and grabs his gloves, stalking from the room. Poe lets his head sag, breathing hard. You don’t dare speak. Blood drips from his mouth slowly, pooling on the floor.
You twist your face away so you don’t have to see your handiwork, crying silently. You can only hope that for the next session, they turn their attention to you instead of Poe.
He deserves so much better.
Chapter 8
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mandareeboo · 3 years
ok now im curious what your most petty thing is (regarding the dp post)
Oooh boy, here we go! Buckle up fuckers this is gonna be a longer one.
My senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class. Partially because I needed to fill the slot, mostly because I wanted to improve my writing (spoiler: I did not). Now, my high school was a three floor building- first was mostly gym, second was general, and the third was senior lockers and art classes. I spent a good chunk of my schedule senior year on the second and third floor, going between an art class to my earth science (I took that one entirely as filler, but also bc I like science) to my locker and so on.
Creative writing? Creative writing was in the fucking basement. Go to the first floor, go to a corner generally used for health and development classes, to another corner, follow a ramp and some stairs, and boom there it is kind of basement. (Side note but this teacher was REALLY into attendance and would get you in trouble if you were late which was really annoying since basically no other class was in that part of the building).
My creative writing teacher wasn't bad, per se. I've had worse teachers. I had an algebra teacher who delighted in making freshman girls cry and mocking them for it. I had a journalism teacher who would use her class time reporting how Hilary was secretly ill during the election. I had a history teacher say trans people weren't real to an openly gender nonconforming student (I didn't know them well enough to ask for specifics on their alignment, but they were using they/them at that point) and set up assignments just to mock students on the take they were told to make. It was more that she was uncreative and took it out on the kids doing creative writing.
She gave us two books to read. Basically “how I write” by published authors. I don’t remember the first one well enough and I donated it ages ago, but the second was Stephen King’s “On Writing”. It was 3/4′s personal stories about his life and 1/4′s “also write a bit every day”.  I mostly remember the first author bc she had those fake dreadlocks white people do when they destroy their hair and she gleefully told a story about making her son have a meltdown at a party or wedding or something bc he got overwhelmed and she wanted him to learn that “sometimes you don’t get what you want”. So. You know. Not much there.
She also instructed us to write in a journal every day, which she would check every few months or so. It had to be at least half a page. She would leave little comments in every one else’s journals when she checked them, but not mine- I realized pretty quickly she was a bit uncomfortable with LGBT+ content, so I made it my mission to make every journal drabble as gay as possible bc I was bored and she couldn’t mark them WRONG when she just stated we needed to write.
But it doesn’t end there! Through the entire class, we got exactly five writing projects. Stories that follow very specific guidelines that we would then read in front of the class, group proofread, and then have the teacher give final grades for. These things were approximately like a thousand words a piece, and I was writing out my 10,000 word “It Starts off Small” story in class when I got bored, so it wasn’t difficult. 
Our first project was a character going through a difficult decision. Or... something? I honestly forget the criteria. Anyway, I was HYPE. I’d had this idea for a long time now a human choosing between peaceful death or reincarnation, and this gave me the push to write it! I had a whole thing planned with death being a deer and reincarnation being a wolpertinger (bc reincarnation leads to many possibilities, ed boy, so a Frankenstein bunny made sense to me). Anyway I poured my heart and soul into this bastard and, bright eyed and bushy tailed, handed it in. My classmates all thought it was pretty good. Not to toot m’own horn, but there was some pretty bad ones going in, so I thought I’d get a solid B or something.
I got a D. I guess the struggle was too metaphorical, or it didn’t perfectly fit her criteria. I was devastated. Then I was mad. Bc I was a bored senior who thought they’d made something pretty decent for this completely optional class and her refusal to see that really hurt me at sixteen (I was always a year younger than my other classmates, so despite being a senior I didn’t turn eighteen until almost a year after graduation)
Well, fuck it, I decided. I’m going to parody the shit out of this class.
Our next project was a fantasy story. I was bitter and grumpy. The other fantasy stories read aloud were stuff like “yeah this dude fought a wizard and got a girl, then they went home and banged” (this was not hyperbole, he would’ve written and read the smut if allowed, I knew him personally) and “this girl that NO ONE UNDERSTOOD was called CRAZY but this S@!$ cheerleader who Stole Her Boyfriend so she killed them all” (fun fact: the girl who wrote that was my age and a sort of half-friend from middle school. She was a yaoi fangirl who didn’t mind lesbians as long as they, you know, didn’t FLIRT with her or something.) 
So I get up there. It’s the last day of presentations. And I present with a polite cheer. My story is about two magical shepherd type figures who are called Sister Brighten and Brother Dick as they chase down a werewolf who was drunk off his ass and accidentally bit someone else. They then revealed they were basically supernatural designated drivers for the whole town. I made Brighten mention that Dick’s name wasn’t even Richard. I titled it “His Favorite Brand is Grayhound”. It fit every single criteria. I got an A. I could tell she didn’t want to, because there was no comments or anything like everyone else’s, but she had to follow her own criteria.
Our third was a conjoined effort thing so I didn’t pull any fuckery there, but the fourth one was about common myths and spinning them into real or fake. One girl did the hook-handed door handle thing and the boyfriend ended up above his truck hanging (somehow???). I think someone did the age-old adage of a haunted wedding dress? I kind of read through those presentations. 
Now, I’m salty-salty at this point. I wasn’t expecting His Favorite Brand is Grayhound to get me a good grade. I half-assed a lot of it. I am in full Not Happy Teenager at this point. I grab a daddy long leg and settle in.
My fourth story of the year is “Paperskin.”
Paperskin is about a boy named Billy with the thinnest skin membrane ever. Just full on body horror. You could see his teeth behind his lips. Billy gets bored one day and wanders out of his house, tries to kick a soccer ball, and breaks a leg. As he’s laying in the grass a daddy long leg bites him- and his skin is so flimsy the fangs sink in and he dies. I’m actually still pretty proud of Paperskin. It’s a horrifying, Edgar Allen Poe of a monstrosity, but it made people squirm, which was the point. The teacher is clearly a bit unnerved at this point, but she gives me another A. 
I wrote a more “normal” story after that of a contentious objector forced to house kids going to see if any confirmed soldier deaths were any of their parents as my final one and I could feel her spite as she gave me a B.
So, yeah. That’s the story of when I tormented my creative writing teacher with The Gays and my weird ass sense of humor after she called one of my best works at that age a piece of shit.
 Here’s a google drive of these bad boys, because yes I do still have these things. I turned these fuckers in for grades, people.
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Night Changes [Bonus Scene II]
Summary: Honeymoon
Warnings: This is pure, filthy smut. Some fluff too, but it’s all about the smut baby! WC—2K
Summary: What better way to say thank you for 500 followers than a bonus scene from their honeymoon?! Please enjoy!
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You woke because of pressure on your bladder, glancing down as you blinked blearily to find Poe’s head resting on your stomach, an arm hugged around your waist. Smiling, you gazed down at your sleeping husband for a few moments in the filtered early morning light of the tent. He looked entirely at peace, his breathing even and deep, and you wished you had a camera to capture the moment; instead you took a mental photo, memorizing how the lines of his face were relaxed, the dip of his nose and bow of his lips, how his dark lashes kissed his cheeks.
Stars, you were happy.
Admittedly, you were a little sore from the copious amount of sex you’d enjoyed with Poe the last couple of days, but your muscles could easily be ignored when he dipped that perfect tongue, hot and eager, into your folds or slid his length inside you, hitting every perfect spot so deeply. Still, you thought it would be nice to start this last day on the beach together in the water to help soothe the aches.
With careful movements, you slid out from under Poe, pushing your warm pillow under his head so that he didn’t wake. He had always been a deep sleeper, enough that you could slip away to relive yourself unnoticed. It was a beautiful morning, the sun only just beginning to peek over the horizon of the water, the resulting spray of pinks and golds brightening the otherwise soft blue morning sky. You stared at the water as you tidied yourself, then made your way back into the tent contemplating whether you should go back to sleep.
When you moved to slip back down next to Poe, you glanced at his face to find his eyes half opened, watching you with a soft smile. “Morning, flyboy.” You whispered, laying next to him and propping up on one arm. You ran your hand across his forehead, brushing his messy curls back, and then leaned down to press a kiss to the end of his nose.
Poe chuckled, his voice thick from disuse, “Morning, sweet girl,” He moved then, flipping onto his back and reaching for you with both arms. He tugged you close, your bare chest on his, and then cradled the back of your head before pulling you in and capturing your lips in a sensual kiss. For a couple of minutes, just the sounds of the ocean played in the background as you tasted one another, his lips melding perfectly to yours.
At this point, you couldn’t say for certain which of you more often initiated sex, the blissful days now blurring together. You felt you were near equal in your desire and hunger for each other and wondered how you’d return to base and be able to keep your hands to yourself. This morning, though, it was you who rolled your body to cover more of Poe’s, your thighs clenching over how broad and muscular he was, before reaching one hand down to gently stroke his erection. His hips bucked in surprise, and you captured his moan in your mouth before pulling back to look into his eyes.
Oh, those warm honey-brown eyes. You hoped your future children inherited them, and perhaps his picture-perfect teeth.
“So ready for me, Poe,” You murmured, stroking your hand along his shaft and pressing a final kiss to his chin before shimmying down his body. His hands, still resting in your hair, followed you down, and you could see the question in his eyes. “I’m going to taste you now, handsome.”
His eyes widened, and then you were licking your tongue over the tip of him and they closed as he focused on the sensation. Smiling to yourself, you surprised him by immediately taking him all in your mouth, swallowing around the thick length to deep throat him. His eyes flew open, the hands in your hair suddenly gripping as he gasped.
“Shit, sweet girl—” You only gagged a little when you glanced up and meet his eyes, the honey colour now nearly gone as his pupils blew out in lust. You could see the muscles of his neck straining; his body wanted him to press back into the cushions but was overruled by his need to watch you. “Fuck you are amazing at t-that!”
You hummed in reply, pulling back enough to pull air in through your nose, and his hips bucked as he cursed and grunted for you again. Just how vocal Poe was always made you extra wet with need, his sounds were so fucking erotic. You pushed your head down again, just getting him all the way in before the hands at the back of your head pulling you up, your mouth parting from his cock with a loud ‘pop’.
With his impressive strength, Poe hurriedly positioned you laying away from him in the pile of blankets, his body pressing to your back. You whimpered when you felt his fingers press into your cunt, testing your readiness, then let out a long, heady moan as he tilted his hips and thrust into you fully. Fuck, he was huge, stretching you in the best ways every time and hitting you deeply, so deep you almost wanted to cry for how good it felt. “Poe...”
He didn’t move his hips, his body pressed against you in a way that made you feel small and safe. His face appeared at your neck, kissing you there before he whispered, “Sweet girl, you take me so well,” And then he let his hand trail down your side, squeezing the curves and soft skin as he went, before coming back up to knead your breast. “You feel how deep I am?”
“Shit,” Your head tilted back as you arched, pressing your ass toward him to let him move at the best angle. He started slowly drawing his hips out and then sinking back into you, his hand falling to press against your stomach, holding you in place. “Fuck, Poe—so good, baby.”
He grunted, his next thrust a little harder, then froze. Before you could ask what he was doing, the hand on your stomach pressed harder. “Fucking hell,” He thrust again and you whimpered, it felt so fucking good, “Swe—shit, I can feel how deep—” He broke off with a groan as he moved again, his breath hot in your ear.
You weren’t sure what he meant, but he reached for your hand then and placed it where his had been, on the softness of your stomach, pressing it down and thrusting again. Stars, you could feel him inside of you, only a little but you shuddered in response. Gasping when he picked up his pace, he moved his hand next to yours as he fucked you deep and hard. The angle, his groans in your ear and the new pace were enough to send you over the edge out of nowhere.
“Fuck, Poe!” You cried, the crest of the wave of your orgasm so intense your whole body stiffened.
“That’s it, cum for me,” He growled, still holding you close, “Beautiful girl, you are so fucking perfect.” He kept his pace steady, drawing out your high as long as he could.
It was almost funny—you were just about to tell him how perfect he was, how he knew exactly what your body needed, how he got so turned on from your pleasure that it only made you weaker for him, but you couldn’t find words. Static was filling your brain as you came down from the intensity of your orgasm and you had to shake your head a few times to clear it.
He’d kept rocking his hips into you, his pants and grunts increasing and you knew he was getting close. You whimpered because you wanted to tell him not to cum yet, and you don’t know how he did it while in the haze of his own incoming orgasm, but he seemed to just read your mind, his thrusts halting.
“What is it, sweet girl?” Poe mumbled in your ear, his hand wiping your hair back from your face so he could look at you. “Tell me what you need, fuck I’ll give you anything you want...”
You moaned again, “I want you t-to cum in my mouth,” Your voice was only a little louder than a whisper, but you might as well have screamed it with how instantly Poe reacted, grunting loudly as he pulled out of you and pushed himself onto his knees. He helped roll you over so that you were on your stomach in front of him. You gazed up at his cock, wet with your juices, as he fisted it to finish himself.
After a beat, you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, smirking wickedly up at Poe. His mouth dropped open in shock, eyes wide.
“Fuck,” His free hand shot to your face, cupping along your jaw and holding you in place, “Wanna drink me up, baby? H-here, take it—” Poe growled as he came, thick ropes of him coating over your tongue and lips as his hips jerked in pleasure. You moaned, keeping your mouth open and waiting for him to close his eyes...the moment he did, you leaned up and wrapped your lips around him, sucking gently to pull the last of his spend into your mouth.
You swear, the sound he made above you was almost enough to make you cum again. The hand on your jaw flexed somewhat, the look on his now wide-open eyes giving away that he was torn between pushing you away from the overstimulation or pulling you to take him deeper. You chose for him, dropping your hands in front of you to push yourself up, his cock sliding down your throat. Poe was a wreck above you now, and when you met his eyes, your face stuffed full of him and cum leaking out the sides of your mouth, you felt him convulse before another spurt of cum burst from him.
This time, you swallowed, the salty essence that was Poe turning you on so much you didn’t even realize you were humming around him until he was yanking you off of his cock with a growl. “Holy Maker-! Fuck, fuck,” He gasped, falling back to sit on the bed in front of you, where he panted heavily for a minute before reaching for you.
With a broad smile, you let him pull you into his lap and dropped your arms around his neck. Still breathing heavily, Poe held you steady with one hand and then, his expression trained on the cum still coating your cheeks and lips, reached up to push it all into your eager mouth. You moaned at how filthy the act was, never looking away from his face as he ensured every last drop was cleaned up.
“Open,” He murmured, his gaze intense, and you showed him your tongue, “Good girl...swallow it all now...”
You made a show of it; licking your lips before moaning and gulping the salty cum down, your eyes fluttering shut. His lips found yours before you could look at him again, and Poe held you close as he kissed you deeply. When he finally pulled back, you smiled again, smacking your lips.
“You taste so good, Poe.”
“You’re going to kill me, you realize that, right?” Poe cupped your face in his hands gently, pressing soft kisses to your cheeks and nose, “That was the single hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and considering these last few days together that’s fucking saying something, sweetheart.”
You giggled, running your hands through his hair happily, “Didn’t want you to think you were the only sex expert, flyboy.” You wiggled your brows playfully.
Poe shook his head, grinning widely at you, “We can repeat that any time you feel you need to prove yourself, in that case.” And you laughed loudly with him, the warmth and happiness almost reaching an overwhelming level as you cuddled together and Poe held you like he would never let go, the ocean waves playing in the background and your hearts beating in tandem.
Did you enjoy this? If so, please consider reblogging or commenting to soothe my inner turmoil as a writer!
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theodorebasmanov · 3 years
Disclaimer: this post was made on the first of January 2020. Adam Driver was one of my main celebrity crushes at the time. This post is cringe. You’ve been warned. 
You thought that it’s going to be a musical post but I tricked you and it’s another “Star Wars” post and it’s probably to be unbearably long. Sorry. I’ve watched “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker”. In the cinema, but since it’s already not an actual topic I decided to make this post queued too. Okay, firstly I’m going to state one thing clear – I enjoyed it while watching. It made me feel feelings and I cried. A lot. Like, more than I expected and more than usual. I had salty stains on the inside of my T-shirt because tears were running down my neck and then inside of the shirt. That’s even though I’ve known most of the spoilers (SPOILERS!) about 
Palpatine, about 
Hux, about 
Reylo and about 
1) The stupidest thing ever. Really? Did you need to start that Indian movie stuff again? Did you need to bring back that old creep to move the plot? The new characters weren’t enough? Rey just being Rey wasn’t enough? I mean – yes, fanservice and so on, but weren’t voices of the other Jedis enough? You could have brought Palpatine voice to talk to Kylo, for example. Whatever – the idea about emperor was strange and unnecessary. Minus five out of ten.  2)They reduced Hux’s role to a minimum and brought back some old general, who served to Palpatine and he somehow stands between Kylo and Hux – in the previous movie Kylo was his immediate boss and now Hux’s boss is that general and he takes orders from him and not from Kylo. Though – there was one scene in which Supreme Leader asked general Hux if he likes his mask – this scene seems to be shot specially for Kylux shippers and those Kylux mmv videos. Let’s talk about his betray. What? I mean it was fairly unexpected, but not really motivated and again this old general spoiled the whole plotline by immediately shooting Hux. I don’t want an old general I saw for two minutes to shoot general Hux, I want Supreme Leader to deal with it, to read his mind to make this a tensed spy subplot. Two out of ten.  3)Well… (inhale-exhale it's not the time to swear. Yet) You know that I don’t like that pairing and now I have a question – is it canon now? Or what? What did the hell happen? Or was it like Finn and Rose kiss – Disney is going to forget about it and want to us to do it too? I’m not that much against it but it just came out of nowhere – she stabbed him half an hour ago and now they are kissing and you want us to believe that it’s sincere? Really? Even if this was to happen, I want to think of it as something which happened just because they were both exhausted physically and morally and did it on autopilot just because the hug wasn’t enough. So, not here for Reylo. I’m here for the final Poe/Finn/Rey hug. Three quarters out of ten, especially if it’s considered canon now.  4) *internal screaming and external suffocating* They killed Kylo! They made him disappear! I know how stupid it sounds right now; I don’t care. Even knowing all the spoilers, I was sitting in the dark cinema hall and internally chanting: “Don’t you dare!”, like if they can change the movie, because I don’t want him to die. To be honest, I can understand why they did, but I don’t want to. They did it because they didn’t know what to do with him if he survives: most of the onlookers still think of him as a simple villain, and the redemption ark was too short, too brief and they are going to be disappointed. I still start trembling every time I think of it. At least they let him *voice cracks*smile – when he smiles, my heart melts like ice-cream in the sun. Minus infinity out of one hundred.     
Well, I enjoyed Finn/Poe communication (fist-bump to Oscar Isaac, who shames Disney for not making Stormpilot canon (and shames Disney in general)), I enjoyed action scenes and light sabre fights. I adored Jannah and her fellow former stormtroopers. The scene with cavalry on a Destroyer may work as an excuse for the pathos of the second half of the movie. The ending scene is very-very moving. 
P.S. They actually reduced Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) role because of Chinese racism?! *a lot of swearing* 
P.P.S. Our distributors didn’t cut the lesbian kiss, which was cut in Chine and which you can miss if you blink. Hooray, I guess. Jesus, I’m being happy because they didn’t cut that scene. Maybe they just didn’t notice it. 
P.P.P.S. If you can recommend me some Kylo x male reader or some fix-it fanfiction, you are a saint, please do it, you are very welcome.
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javisjeanjacket · 4 years
Stagnation - (poe dameron x reader)
A/N: everyone needs a lil hurt/comfort Poe Dameron daydream :). I tried to make this one as gender neutral as I could, but please let me know if i missed something! I want to work on being more gender neutral when I write. 
As always, if i use your gif let me know so that I can tag ya!
Warnings: um...none? I mean its a hurt/comfort so there’s some angst and some fluff.
Word Count: 1.6K
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Your breath shook and kissed the metal of the door before you. You tapped the strap of the blaster holster fastened around your hip with the very tips of your fingers. Once, twice, three times for good luck. Armed with the luck of your blaster and a steaming bowl of soup in one your hands, you pressed an open palm to the handprint scanner stationed beside the door.
The mint green of the scanner zipped underneath your hand, casting an eerie glow through the tendons and muscles there. It beeped with satisfaction and then the door in front of you slid upwards, revealing an absolute mess of a room and an absolute mess of a man curled in the bed sitting against the far wall.
You stepped inside, blinking in the palpable must and stagnation of Poe Dameron's quarters. The Resistance's most valuable pilot had willed the fates so strongly that they had been forced to allow him to freeze time and remain here-frozen in his grief and guilt. His hands wrapped so tightly around the cord of time that he seemed to warp all the stars around him, strangling them as tightly as he did the blanket lying beside him. 
You cleared your throat and moved cautiously, walking heel to toe as to not spill the steaming bowl of soup; past forgotten flightsuits, tossed machinery manuals, tired boots, and crinkled wrappers of Poe's favorite candy, Koyobursts.
The pilot did not stir in the unmade bed, his body laying so that he faced the viewport on the opposite side of the room.
You sighed, the weight of the empathy pressing devilishly on your shoulders. Sitting delicately upon the side of the bed you had left just hours ago, you gently moved the bowl of now cooling soup to his nightstand. Your eyes scanned over his form, a nurse assessing their patient's wounds, and you reached out a tender hand to touch his shoulder.
The fabric of Poe's t-shirt was worn and longing to be washed, it's fibers straining against his oily skin. You squeezed his shoulder softly, tempting him back towards yourself.
"I brought you some soup." You whispered. The words seemed to resound in the room as the shouts of a mighty chorus. You could hear them ringing in your ears and shaking through your veins.
You worried about Poe every day, of course. Worried about his hot head and his quick trigger finger and his burning heart. You worried when he kissed you hurriedly, lips squished and harsh against yours, as he ran to his X-Wing. You worried when he didn't talk to his father for more than a week. Kes's voice and sage advice always seemed to comfort and guide him when he felt that he was less than what he should be. But this, this absolute emptiness, the broken shell of a man lying in bed next to you, this worried you more than any First Order attack or close call ever had.
Poe seemed to not hear your offering of soup, or maybe he did and didn't have the energy to say he wasn't hungry. His body remained as a statue, a heavy laden stone doomed to spend eternity crumpled like this in his Resistance issued mattress.
Sitting next to Poe, his face sullen and the stars in his eyes burnt out, sent a knife through your chest; chopping and catching on every tendon of your aching heart. You softly unbuckled the belt holding your blaster and kicked off your boots, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. With as much grace as you could muster, you wriggled into the smelly sheets behind him and wrapped your arm around his middle, pulling yourself close enough to kiss the back of his neck. His skin was oily and coated your lips with a salty taste as you worked your way up his neck and to the space behind his ear.
Poe realized you were there now, one of his hands reaching up to rest upon your arm tucked around him.
"Are you hungry?" You whispered, your lips pressing again to the stubble collecting on his jawline.
The dark-haired man sighed meekly and shook his head no.
"Baby, you have to be hungry. I haven't seen you eat anything but Koyobursts in two days." You tried to reason with him as you took a piece of his oily hair and ran your fingers through it, gently pulling your fingernails across his scalp.
"I'm not." His voice was soft and filmy, the cobwebs of melancholy resting over it.
You sighed and rested your head in the crook of his neck. You moved your hand now to run over his hair, over and over again, the greasy pieces flipping up with resilience as you moved over them.  "Poe, you couldn't have known what she would do. You did what you thought was right. We all did."
"Holdo died-" His voice caught as her name always did in his throat. "She died because of me. I couldn't just shut up and trust her and she died."
You tucked your lips into your mouth. "Sweetheart, you're not the one who made her stay behind. You weren't even conscious when she told Leia she would stay."
Poe's form grew rigid underneath you. You could feel his teeth gritting in his jaw. "But we would have had more time to get away," His voice was sharp and unyielding, searching for an undamaged part of his heart to scathe. "We would have been able to come up with a better plan, if I-"
Pressing your palm to the underside of his chin, you pushed against his pillow to gently move his face from the bed. "Hey." You interrupted, your voice now finding it’s legs. "Of course we would have been able to come up with a better plan if we had had more time. But we didn't. We didn't have more time and we didn't have more ships or more people. We had what we had and we did what we thought was best. So did Holdo. That's all we could have done."
Poe's eyes were swollen and red-ringed, the skin underneath them puffed up with emotion and over stimulation. His dark eyebrows, now scattered and wild from tickling a pillowcase for a few days, pushed themselves together as he looked over your face. His umber colored eyes danced across your features and his breathing picked up when he met your gaze once more. Wrenching himself out of the indention he had made in the bed, he turned to lay with his face to you.
"I've been thinking." He began.
You sighed and braced yourself.
"You should leave me." He said, his voice cracking. 
Knowing Poe and knowing how he allowed his failures to creep up from behind him and whisper to him that he was nothing without their sweet devotion, you perked an eyebrow and replied. "Alright. State your case."
Poe nodded and swallowed, his conviction settling over him. "I'm- I'm a liability. I'm too hot-headed and I can't keep you safe and you would be better off with someone who hasn't gotten someone else killed recently." Your boyfriend looked out of the side of his eyes and over your face, searching for any kind of clue as to what you were feeling, searching for you to reassure him, to hold his heart even closer now that he had asked you to leave it alone.
You paused a beat and felt waves of adoration wash over you. Looking over his yearning face, you could see every time he had flashed you a smile as he hopped in his X-Wing, every time he had touched the small of your back when you stood together, every sweet whisper in your ear in the midst of a crowd. You could see his love for you hiding under the ridge of his nose and in the shadows of his eyelashes on his cheek. "Nah, you're not getting rid of me that easy, Dameron."
A soft smile crept up on Poe's face and tugged at the edges of his mouth. He let out a sigh and looked down to the intermingling of your legs with his. “You sure?”
Playfully, you reached out a hand to push against his shoulder. “Of course I’m sure.” 
Poe’s dark eyes flicked back up to yours and you noticed the first embers of warmth returning to them.
"This thing is going to be over one day." You said, reaching out to tuck a particularly unruly curl behind his ear. "And it's not going to be over because Poe Dameron made one bad choice one time in one situation."
"You don't know that." He whispered, his eyes still avoiding yours.
"You can't carry the weight of the fight for every single planet all by yourself, sweetheart. Your shoulders will get too tired." Smiling gently, you moved your hand from his hair to his cheek and ran a thumb across his stubbly face.
The man before you sighed heavily and pressed a kiss to your palm. "I know that. I'm just....I’m so tired. I want it to stop." His heart rested so carefully on his tongue, teetered on the brink of collapse.
Echoing Poe’s bleeding one, the heart inside you jumped at his words, yearning to reach out and take the agony from him. To curl and squish it, until it was small enough to hide somewhere he would never find it. "It will stop one day. We just have to kick their asses first."
He chuckled. "Yeah, just that little thing first."
You smiled and scooted closer to him, tucking your head underneath his.
Poe ran a hand over the top of your head, pressed a kiss to your forehead, and rested his hands around your waist. A beat of silence passed between the two of you when he said, "Did you bring me soup?"
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POE DAMERON TAGLIST: @softly-sad​ @itsamedeemoney 
What did you think? I really hope you enjoyed reading my work. Just your liking / re-blogging it means a lot. If you have a moment, I would love to hear your thoughts! Tell me what you think via my ask box or a comment always warms my heart!! Thank you again for reading!
Need more reading material? You can visit my Masterlist for more Poe Dameron content, as well as my other works.
Want to be kept in the loop? Let me know so I can put your handle in my taglist form. Right now, I’m writing for Poe Dameron, Santi, Shara x Kes, and Din Djarin, but I have plans to expand my SW character list, and eventually add in my favorites from the MCU as well.
Thanks again for reading! Sending love! -hai
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gloomybabygirl · 4 years
also hi sorry i’m back skdjdjjd could i please be added to your permanent tag list? also maybe if it’s not too much trouble may i request a fic with poe and an overwhelmed empath reader 🥺🥺 i’m so sorry i keep botherin i hope you have a great day :”)
A/N: hi Sunny! don’t you ever apologize for leaving an ask, they make my day!! you’re 100% on my tags list now babe :) I’m sorry this took so long, I’ve been insanely busy with school but I had a conversation with my boyfriend tonight and this prompt really hit home today and i got carried away oops. I hope you enjoy sweet girl!! 
Warnings: angst angst angst. fluff at the end don’t worry. bad writing!
Word Count: 1k 
Summary: Poe comforts you
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You couldn’t tell how long you’d been crying. Your eyes were so bleary from the tears that you could barley see the details on your own hands. You pressed the heels of your hands into your eyes to dry them and try to stop a fresh wave of tears. 
Fighting in a war was difficult, to say the least. Especially for an empath like you. Seeing the people around you fight, cry, struggle, die was overwhealming. Most days you could handle it, especially because of how easily Poe could take your mind off of things. But today, he was gone doing observation routes and you were left completely alone. Usually, you could handle the empathy you felt for everyone. It could be a lot to take at some times, sure. But nothing you weren’t able to breathe through. 
Today was different though. Not only was your emotional support pilot gone, so was your emotional support droid. There had been a squadron that returned that moring from a mission where they lost people. Good people. People who fought selflessly to save innocent people from loosing their lives. Seeing their faces during the debrief was heart wrenching. You spent all of your time that moring comforting the fighters and it took all of your energy to stay brave for them. But that all fell apart the second you were behind closed doors.
Oh Maker, here comes a fresh wave of tears. 
You took a deep, shuddering breath in. As soon as you shut the door behind you, you fell to your knees in the middle of the room and broke down. Ugly, messy, gut wrenching sobs filling the empty room. You couldn’t get the poor people’s faces out of your head. Coming back from a mission with a piece of them missing was something you couldn’t shake from your memory. 
You began to spiral from there. What if you lost people close to you? Rey? Finn? Poe? They were always making risky, life threatening decisions for the cause. You don’t think you could handle loosing them. Especially Poe. 
Gods, what would you do without him? 
Another tsunami of salty, wet tears came crashing down on you, making you nauseous. You laid your face in your hands and rested your forehead on the floor, knees bent under your stomach. And that was how Poe found you. Collapsed on the floor with your shoulders shaking, the room filled with the sound of your heartbreak. 
You felt a small sense of relief just hearing the door open. 
“Princess?” The concern in his voice made your stomach lurch. You didn’t want to worry him further. He already had the whole Resistance crew to look after. 
“What’s wrong my love, are you okay?” He was crouched down next to you now, coaxing your head up with a gentle hand. 
As soon as he looked into your eyes, shimmering with tears, he felt his heart shatter for you. You looked so… broken. He couldn’t stand seeing you cry. He carefully grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap so your back was pressed to his warm, solid chest. He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in the crook of your neck, leaving small, sweet kisses there. He didn’t speak until he felt your breathing calm down considerably. 
“What is it that’s overwhelming you today?” He asked quietly. 
“I saw the Red Squadron come back from their mission. We lost so many good people.” He let out a breath of understanding and exasperation against your neck, but let you continue. He knew once you started talking, everything that was bothering you would come spilling out. “It took all my energy to not break down in front of them and as soon as I came back here, I shattered. And then of course, I started spiraling and thinking about how awful it is that we’re losing so many people and how I would be a wreck if I lost Rey or Finn or you. It would kill me.” 
You drew in a shaky breath. Poe was still holding you tightly to him, anchoring you to reality with his firm, loving grasp.
You continued, the flood gates opening. “Then I started freaking out more. Wondering what would happen if we lost the war, if I was separated from you. Or if you got captured. Or if we do win? You’ll be so busy rebuilding the republic, I don’t want you to have the burden of also taking care of me. I don’t want to be a distraction for you. I-” Poe cut you off with gentle, quiet shushing sounds. 
“Okay, I see where you started to spiral. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to comfort you and help you through all of your feelings and the feelings you took on from seeing people hurting today. Can we do some breathing?” You nodded, sniffling. 
Poe led you through a breathing exercise you were both familiar with, as he often did it with you when you were having an empath episode. 
“Good job, Princess. Now let me reassure you on some things.” He brushed some stray hair out of your face and pulled you even tighter to him, wanting to give you a feeling of stability and security. “We don’t know what the war will lead to. There are so many ways things could work out, I won’t lie to you about that. Look at me.” 
You turned slightly to look up at the sweet man. 
“I need you to trust that I will take care of you no matter what.” 
“Promise?” You whisper. 
“Promise.” He confirmed, holding out his pinky. You intertwined your pinky with his, then touched the tips of your thumbs together. You moved your hands to form a heart with each of your hands making up half of it. Then you both broke the heart, and placed the pieces in your shirts for safe keeping. A little promise ritual the two of you have had forever. 
“I’ll always be there to make sure you’re okay and take care of you.” He kissed you softly on the lips, gently moving you so he could stand and lead you to your bed. You crawled in next you him, once again allowing him to wrap you in his arms and hold you in a cocoon of protection. 
“Get some rest, Princess. I’ve got you.”
taglist (currently open!): @softly-sad @clumsy-writing-rdb
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years
Im goin to sleep rn so i dont wanna do stuff but i want you to do this so have an untraditional tag
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Oooh, this was fun Lucy!! Thank you :D
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*I used orange as it’s one of my favourite colours XD
I’m going to explain them a little to say why I chose the shading I did! Or at least for most of the characters XD
Atsushi - I like him as a main character however I don’t have much attachment towards him beyond that so I only filled it up to around half-way. He’s kinda bland asadfdsasdfgfd maybe I shouldn’t say that but I can’t help but feel that way T-T
Dazai - The light of my Bungo Stray Dogs experience <3 I love Dazai a lot, he’s such a complex and interesting character and while the fandom frustrates me with how little they understand him which reflect a lot in their work about him, I still love him a lot and it hasn’t diminished my love for him. I get attatched to characters way too quickly and strongly T-T
Kunikida - I like him! I find his and Dazai���s dynamic really interesting. His ideals are a double-edged sword and we see time and time again on how often he’s confronted about them and how they’re constantly pulled into question.
Ranpo - Brat detective! I love him. He’s both the smartest member of the ADA and the dumbest and it’s such a combination T-T I am curious how he’d be able to solve a crime that relied on the knowledge of train times and tickets though considering he knows nothing about them...
Kyouka - Precious baby who must be protected at all cost. She’s cute and I’ve loved seeing her struggle to fit in with the armed detective agency. Her “first mission” is still one of the funniest things to watch. I’m kind of disappointed we haven’t had more Dazai and Kyouka bonding considering they’re both former members of the mafia.
Yosano - Waifu. I should have more shame in saying that but I can’t, I love her. That only grew even more when we got to learn her past and what she had to go through. It really makes you understand why she was so unforgiving towards Kaiji for his views on death when she fought him.
Chuuya - Short gremlin who I also care a lot for. His shading is brought down by the fact I’ve faced fatigue from the fandom using him as the mouthpiece to shame Dazai constantly and how the fandom ignores more of his negative (but very interesting) personality traits to do it. I also wish we got to see more of him in canon by I digress T-T
Akutagawa - He was like Atsushi for me at first, I liked him but found him a bit boring and so didn’t get really attached. But then the fandom happened, my lord does the fandom love to use what happened between him and Dazai to completely rip Dazai to pieces and yet then turn around and make Akutagawa and Kyouka best buddies <.< It’s like with Chuuya, the fandom ignores all his negative traits for some reason and hyperfocuses on Dazai’s instead and it’s tiring. I’ve grown to dislike Akutagawa because of that :(
Mori - I hate Mori but I do appreciate his character. He’s a horrible person but he’s not bad for the sake of it, he has reasons for why he is the way he is even if those reasons are fucked up logicial reasons. He’s an interesting villain to say the least (I just wish the fandom would stop turning him into Mafia Dad. Guys, Hirotsu is right there and has adopted four children already *I’m including Higuchi and Akutagawa*).
Oda - Oda revival when? asadfgfdsdfg I love Oda. I mourn for him very strongly because I want him back so bad but most people don’t write fix-it aus for him (I’m going to have to be the change I want to see T-T). I love him, he’s so interesting and I can see why Dazai was fascinated with him too. Shading brought down by the fact I’m sad he’s dead D:
Ango - Ango is another interesting character for me. I don’t like him but I appreciate his character. I know he’s not a bad person, in fact he’s going out of his way to help the ADA clear there name and helping Dazai despite how antagonistic Dazai feels about him and I appreciate him for that. But I’m still salty about the Oda thing T-T I also hate how the fandom have this bizarre insistance that Dazai should forgive him and move on (and yet other characters don’t have to do the same for Dazai) so my like is also brought down by that.
Francis - I liked him as a villain and I don’t mind his role as a mostly neutral entity in the story so far. Out of everything Francis wanted, bringing back his dead daughter wasn’t what I expected. I’d be interested in how he met Lovecraft because that seems like a story.
Poe - Lanky mystery goth/nerd who’s crush on Ranpo is really cute T-T I love his and Ranpo’s dynamic, it’s cute. Poe is just cute, if you looked up cute in a dictionary you’d see Poe’s picture next to it. Have I said cute enough yet?
Fyodor - Another villain I enjoy! I like smart villains and so I actually did enjoy the ADA and the PM teaming up to take him down in season 3. I want to learn more about him, though I do admit I was a bit put off with him when he and Dazai were able to speak in code somehow despite no code even existing between them...
The rest - There shading is based on how much I enjoyed their roles in the story so far rather than characterization. They don’t really have much characterization beyond Lucy and Oguri who aren’t exactly stand out characters for me. I’d be interested in learning more about Gin and her bond with Akutagawa but it’s kind of ignored and pushed to the side :(
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fiddleabout · 4 years
10 and 17 for the salty ask meme (also do 17 for star wars pplease!)
10. Most disliked arc? Why? 
jaune :|
but also i mean in seriousness... i don’t know that i would call it a specific arc but i’ve been generally frustrated around how rwby’s handled the faunus of it all throughout the show.  mostly the fact that most of what we’ve seen or heard about the discrimination of the faunus has been from, y’know, characters like adam, who went for violent retribution, or bits like back at beacon where you just saw cardin bullying velvet.  it’s created a nice neat binary of “good humans are nice to the faunus” and “bad humans are cruel to the faunus” and leaves no room for the vast array of human nature in between it-- specifically that a lot of good people can be and are still racist or prejudiced.  it’s also infuriating that there’s been so little of it in the atlas arc so far, given that atlas has been so heavily implied to be the worst offender of racism against the faunus; there was the bit early in v7 with the drunk guy in mantle, and the crotchety racist grandma in v8, but aside from that it’s just been throwaway bits.  add in the fact that both of those bits have been more about weiss and yang, respectively, than blake, the actual faunus on the team, and...yeah.  the whole faunus situation in the storytelling hits very much like a series of whiffs for me.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
for rwby hmmmmm.  v4′s adventures of team rnjr frustrated me because in a lot of ways it supplanted ruby as a main character with jaune, and in a lot of ways put ruby’s trauma related to pyrrha’s death in the backseat to jaune’s lost not-girlfriend, and also because in general it seemed to prioritize jaune and ren over ruby and nora.  both ruby and jaune’s survivor’s guilt and trauma surrounding pyrrha are equally valid stories, but it seemed like it focused more on jaune than ruby, which frustrated me.  similarly, v4 was where we got the groundwork for ren being a shithead in v7-8, and in a lot of ways treated nora as a prop for his storyline than her own character. 
also like-- and i acknowledge that this is probably generally colored by opinion of how ruby and jaune were handled in the volume-- v4 had a lot more dudes ~saving~ girls in it than i ever like.  qrow showing up to save ruby from tyrian-- because honestly, that really did read more like a ruby fight than a team fight-- and flashback!ren saving nora with his semblance and sun helping/saving blake from locking herself away and tai helping/saving yang with her trauma.  individually each of those stories worked well, but all of them happening in the same volume was like. no thank u.
for star wars: there’s a really great post somewhere that i’m too lazy to find that’s like instead of making anakin basically a war machine when they took him in, the jedi should have made him a crechemaster; if his inability to sever human connections is the worry, then make him connect with a lot of humans and leverage that as a strength instead of a weakness.  rigidly sticking to the dogma of connections = bad and forcing anakin, a traumatized former child slave who loves deeply and without reservation, into being a weapon who’s constantly told he’s forbidden from loving other people, is a recipe for disaster with a dessert of stupidity.  yes, i realize this would mean there’s no epic space opera story to tell and no, i do not mind.
also like.  the entire sequel trilogy tbh.  finn getting a lightsaber and being a jedi just like rey because didn’t they learn in the original war that p much wiped out the jedi that working as a team is better than alone. poe not being a plot punching bag.  rey not being palpatine’s grandkid because what the fuck.  the way they really took the worst part of the og trilogies-- aka that the whole galaxy suffers because of the stupidity of one or two families of people-- and doubled down hard on it and leaned even more into the idea that people are only viable heroes if they have the right bloodline.  i am Not A Fan.
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crazyanimationchick · 5 years
With You I Will *A Reylo Fix-It Fic*
She didn't know what to expect. After all, she's never kissed anyone before. So when her emotions get the better of her, causing her to collide her lips with the now redeemed Ben Solo, she was surprised at how soft and euphoric kissing actually is. She's seen people kiss before, has wondered about it in her younger years, but has always found it...odd. Why is the touch of lips from another such an act that others take so seriously?
Well, Rey finally knows what the big deal is, and when she and Ben pull away for air, the sight of his grin nearly causes her to kiss him again.
He's smiling, she thinks as she mirrors it, laughing, It's beautiful.
And Ben thinks the same about her laugh. Maybe I really am dead, he thinks as he brings his hand up to caress Rey's cheek, like she had done a moment before to him, Because she has an angel's laugh.
"I thought I lost you," he said, wanting to kiss her again, but knowing that there are things that still need to be said.
Rey leans in to Ben's hand and brings her own hand up to rest it upon his. "Well, you always were successful in finding me."
Ben chuckles. "Not from the dead."
"True," Rey says, "those other times you were trying to kill me."
She was teasing, he knew this, but he still cringes. "You ruined the moment. And I wasn't trying to kill you every time. Most of it was self-defense and-"
"And it no longer matters," Rey interrupts, seriously, wanting the past to be erased, forgotten, and for a new era to begin. "All that matters now is..." but she trails off because there's much that matters now.
The reactions of her friends and allies when they see her with Ben, the dead, the living, the mourning, the rebuilding, the-
"Healing," Ben says for her, and she nods.
"Yes," and her mind wonders to Leia. "Ben, I don't think I ever told you how sorry I am about...well...about-"
"Stabbing me in the middle of a raging sea?" He suggests. "I found it rather romantic and arousing." He laughs when Rey gently smacks his shoulder, which, despite how gentle she was, still hurt. His whole body is weak, especially after bringing her back to life by giving her some of his life force, but he didn't mind it. He'd do it all over again. Besides, losing her to death for a moment hurt a helluva lot more.
"No," Rey says, the hint of laughter in her voice. However, her little smile quickly turns into a frown. "I'm sorry about Leia. Your mother."
Ben stiffens at the reminder. For awhile, he had forgotten that his mother no longer lives in her physical form, and his heart aches at both forgetting and remembering. So does Rey's. He can tell by the pain in her eyes. "I...She..." but he didn't know what to say. What was there to say anyway? So he says the only thing he can. "I'm sorry too." And Rey knows it wasn't just about his mother.
It was about his father.
His uncle.
All the other people he's killed.
Everything he has ever done that has caused so much pain.
Ben's eyes are closed as a moment of silence passes and Rey watches every second of it. She drinks in his details, while he drinks in the memories that she knows he must be witnessing. She notices the scars, the dirt, the blood, the sweat...the tears.
She's holding him before he knows it, and before she knows it she's crying too. "She loved you so much, Ben," she said into the crook of his neck, voice mumbled, but still audible. "She still does. She's still with us. She'd be proud of you."
Ben nearly released a sob, but he held it in, his only response was the tightening of his arms around her. This girl. This scavenger. This...
The granddaughter of Palpatine.
The Emperor wanted her to kill him, to ascend, and kill him she did, but ascend? Well that's a matter of perspective. Rey did ascend, but not in the way that Emperor Palpatine, her grandfather, had wanted. She became something better. Something stronger. Something...
Not white and black, but gray.
Not red and blue, but purple.
A mix of light and dark.
Good and bad.
Life and death.
"She'd be proud of you too," Ben said. "Just like I am." And he feels her lips against the skin of his neck curl into a smile.
"I heard you, by the way," she says, keeping her face buried in his neck, breathing in his scent, which wasn't really his scent at all. Just blood and sweat. Metallic and salty. 
"I...I died, Ben. I know I was dead. Everything was white and I heard so many voices. Some of them welcomed me, but there were others that told me to go back. That it wasn't right for me to be there when I never got the chance to really live. I tried telling them that I didn't know how, but they insisted that I reach out. I think Leia, Luke, and Han were the ones saying that. Maybe my parents too. I don't really know. Everyone was speaking all at once, but then...then there was only one voice. A voice I heard loud and clear. A voice that drowned out all the rest. Your voice."
She pulls back to look at him again, new tears springing to her eyes. "You said-"
"Be with me." Ben said for her, surprised that she actually heard him. "You heard?"
Grinning, Rey nods. "And I listened. I took your hand."
And by hand, she means the energy, the life force, that she felt him offer her. He was nowhere to be seen, but she felt him. He was near and every thought about joining her parents and Luke and Leia and Han...they all disappeared. She had a choice. A way out. And it lead back to him.
It was a tough choice, but not a hard one. It was rather easy.
She’d always choose Ben.
"Your mother said I'd be a fool not to go back," Rey says, her grin lowering into a fond smile as she remembered the words of Leia before she accepted Ben's life force, "She wouldn't want you to blame yourself, you know. She'd want you to forgive yourself. To forgive you like I have. Will you do that for her? For me?"
I'd do anything for you, Ben wanted to say, but instead he says, "I'll try," because really forgiving oneself is not an easy task and he's rather not lie to her and say he will.
There's a chance he'll never forgive himself.
And perhaps that's what he deserves, to drown in his guilt.
But, as cliche as it sounds, if it all meant meeting her, getting to where they are now, which includes the deaths of his parents and so many others, he'd gladly go through all of it again. It's twisted to think so, and perhaps there will always be something twisted in him, but one thing is for sure...
It's unbinding.
The sound of the spacecrafts up ahead reaches their ears and it makes them look up at the survivors who Ben feared wouldn't welcome him with open arms. "You should go." He says, not wanting her to go, but also not wanting her to stay with him when he has nothing to give her.
Just a wounded heart.
She deserves more.
"What?" Rey says, not believing her ears. "You...you're coming with me, right?"
Ben shakes his head. "No," and then he forces his lips to curl into an assuring smile, "and I promise I won't follow this time. Go live your life, Rey. Go heal."
But he cuts her off, not wanting to argue with her. Because the longer she stays, the more it'll hurt when she does leave. The more likely he is to not let her go at all. It’s what the Kylo that is still in him wants. But it’s not what Ben wants.
He wants her to live.
Without him.
Because it’s what she deserves. She deserves better. So much better.
"No, Rey. You know as well as I do that a welcoming party is not going to happen. They'll kill me on the spot, and even if they don't they'll never learn to trust me. They'll always be on guard, and your friends..." he pauses to hold her cheek again, "they'll turn on you. Think that you betrayed them. You have what I don't, Rey. A family. Don't throw it away. Not for me."
"And if I refuse?" Says Rey, hating the torn feeling that is ripping her apart. Her friends think she's dead, so it'd be easy to run away with Ben and start off fresh, but Ben is right. Her friends are her family. She's wanted a family so long and she finally has one. She can't abandon them, and yet...
The thought of leaving Ben again hurts her more.
He's family too.
Ben chuckles and says, "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"
"I could say the same to you," she retorts, a cheeky smirk painted on her face. "But you're right. The Resistance won't be friendly. They probably never will, and I don't blame them." Neither did Ben. "Which means..." she pauses as she takes another moment to fully think through her decision.
"Means what?" Ben asked, eagerly, knowing that her answer will be one he won't like, even if it means joining him in a self-proclaimed exile. He wants nothing more for her to finally join him, but not if it means bringing her unhappiness. He doesn't want her to choose between him and them.
Not again.
She doesn’t answer right away. Instead she staggers to her feet, causing Ben’s lap to grow cold at the absence of her warmth, and holds her hand out to him.
And he found it rather symbolic.
A sense of de ja vu that is reversed.
For it was now her holding her hand out to him.
And unlike Rey did in the past, Ben takes it with no question.
She helps him to his feet, which was a struggle since his leg is badly injured, and wraps his arm around her shoulders. Her own arm slips around his waist, giving him support, and when they take their first step together out of the destroyed throne room, she finally answers him. 
"It means I have to say goodbye."
She stayed for the celebrations while Ben hid deep in the forest, letting her enjoy the rest of her time with her friends. Her family. They were ecstatic at the revelation that Rey lives, and of course, Ben related to their relief. Rey was just as happy to see Finn and Poe, alive and in one piece, as they were to see her. Maybe even more so. She cried for what seemed like forever.
And oh how she so badly wanted to tell them that it was Ben who they need to thank for bringing her back to life. That if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be there to celebrate with them, which wasn't much of a celebration since Ben wasn't there. He deserved to be there.
He doesn't deserve to be left alone.
"I know I'm not alone anymore," he had told her when she voiced her concern before reuniting with the others after the battle. "I don't mind waiting for you." He had chuckled at this before brushing some of her hair behind her ear. "I've done it before." He had leaned forward, and for a moment Rey had thought he was going to capture her lips, but instead he kissed her forehead.
He leaned his forehead against her own, eyes closed as he drunk in the moment. "Besides, it'll only be for a few days. I think you'll manage just fine without me like you've done in the past."
Rey playfully rolled her eyes. "It's not me I'm worried about."
And it makes him grin. "Aw. It’s nice to see that you care."
She left him with punch to the arm and an echo of laughter in the wind.
The celebrations lasted an entire week, and while Rey did have fun, enjoying every second she had left with Finn and Poe, she simply wasn't complete without Ben. Not even seeing him through their Force Bond was enough to satisfy her. It did bring her comfort though when the nightmares came that first night. Ben had them too. They are haunted dreams that both knew won't be going away any time soon.
They comforted each other through the Force, but it wasn't until they reunited again at the end of the week that they both felt true relief. Rey had secretly snatched all the supplies that she could, said her goodbyes, a time of self healing she had said, and managed to get away without trouble.
Finn, Poe, Chewie, and BB-8 were sad to see her go, but knew it was something she needed. Although, according to Finn, healing in isolation isn't really healing at all.
Unbeknownst to them, she wouldn't be alone at all.
She still cried though when she left them, and was still crying when she had found Ben in the deserted cave they had left him at. For a moment Ben had thought it was because she was there to say goodbye to him, that she had changed her mind, but no. That wasn't it at all.
"Leaving them is hurting you. I don't want you to hurt anymore. You can stay," he had assured her as he held her in his arm, wishing he could stop her tears.
"With you I will," she said and pulls away from his chest to look him in the eye. She places both hands on his face and says again, "With you I will stay." And seeing the seriousness, the certainty that her eyes held, the love, it made him weak in the knees but strong in his confidence.
He swooped down to her lips so quickly that she makes a noise of surprise against his mouth. It makes him smile a little, but that smile didn't last long at all because she's quick to compose herself and is kissing him back ferociously. Kriff, they’ve both wanted to kiss each other again ever since they had their first kiss the week before. And they both swear by the Maker that this kiss is so much better.
It held way more passion than their first one.
Because this kiss is a promise.
Ben's arms snuck around Rey's waist quickly, pulling her closer to him, and his fingers squeeze into the flesh of her sides, making sure that she's really there, that this isn't a dream, and when she moans at the action of his fingers, he deepens the kiss, making her moan into his mouth again, and...well...some thing told him just how real this was.
And he prayed she didn't feel it.
He pulls away before he could lose control to his lust, and says, "I’m sure you’re tired of this question, and as much as I love kissing you, I have to ask you again. Are you really sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to...run away with me?"
Rey smiles and it makes his knees weak again. "Ben," he never liked his name, but when she says it, it's like music and it sends shivers down his spine, "I'm not running away. I'm moving forward. With you. I didn't take your hand before because it wasn't yours. I'm taking it now." And down her hands went to entwine with his.
A perfect fit.
"But I have nothing to give you-" Ben tried to argue, but of course Rey always has something to say.
"I didn't want you when you had everything," she said, the memory clear as day in her brain, never to be erased, but can easily be forgiven. "All I want...is you. Only you."
And damn, did that make him emotional. His chest tightened and his throat went dry and his eyes, well they certainly didn't stay dry at all. They teared up and he laughs before kissing her again. Genuinely laughs. Both in happiness and out of shock.
Because she loves him, though she didn't say it. She doesn't need to say it. He knows it. He feels it within their bond. As does she.
And even after a week, it all still feels like a dream.
And perhaps it always will, but in all honesty...
If it is a dream...
Neither of them want to wake up from it.
And when they bury his mother and uncle's sabers in the sands of Tatooine, outside of Luke's old home, confronting an old woman who was passing by, Ben doesn't realize how truly real his new life is until Rey speaks.
"I am Ben. Ben Solo." He had said to the woman.
"And I'm Rey.” She said, smiling kindly before turning her eyes to him. “Rey Solo."
Ben's heart either stopped beating or it was beating too fast for him to feel or hear a pulse. He looks at her in bewilderment while the old woman smiles.
"Siblings?" She guesses.
Rey shakes her head. "No ma'am. Definitely not.” And that's all she needed to say for the woman to understand.
For him to understand how she exactly sees him as.
Husband material
Ha, who would have thought?
"Ah," the woman says, her smile wider than before. "I see. Well, welcome to Tatooine, lovebirds."
And off she goes.
And off they go too.
Walking into the sunset, with no idea on where they're going, but knowing that they don't need to have a direct path.
Because the only path that they'll ever need to follow...
Is each other.
A.N: Th end. (Ben deserved to fucking live god damn it!)
A Silly Bonus:
"Rey Solo? I figured you would have gone with just Rey. Maybe even Skywalker."
 "Well, whether it's Solo or Skywalker, it's still a connection to you. Do you not like it? Shall I find that woman and-"
"No, no. No need for that."
"Because it'd be a waste of time or because you like it?"
"It does have a nice ring to it doesn't it?"
"Indeed it does. Very, very much."
"And since it has a nice ring to it, perhaps you should make a ring to officiate it."
"Are you suggesting I propose to you?"
"Nah. We're pretty much already married."
"Well, we haven't consummated yet."
"Are you suggesting we bed each other?"
"You know you want to."
"Ben, your mother would be scandalized."
"My father would be proud though."
"Not if he found out you're a bottom."
"Am not!"
"Hmm then I guess you'll have to prove it."
"Look who's scandalous now."
"You know you like it."
"Correction, my dear Rey Solo. I love it."
"Oh geez, maybe giving myself your last name was a bad idea."
"Actually, I think it's the best idea you've ever come up with."
"Oh ha ha."
"Hey, Rey Solo?"
"Yes, Ben Solo?"
"I love you."
"I know."
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Spring Break (Rey x Reader High School AU)
Request: Could you do a rey high school imagine where it’s a break from school (summer, winter spring) and they go on vacation with Finn and Poe? Maybe Kylo/ Ben has to go as a chaperone? By anon.
Words: 1,721
A/N: Changed it a little bit, I hope that's okay. Honestly I started to make it, had a breakdown. Bon appetit.
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“No.” said Ben crossing his arms over his chest.
“Ben, please.��� asked your mom. “I’d feel more comfortable if you go with her.”
“No way, mom.” your brother refused leaning against the kitchen counter “One thing is driving Y/N and Rey wherever they want and other very different is driving her whole crew of weirdos."
"Hey!" You claimed.
"Not sorry." He said glancing at you for a moment.
"Oh, come on, Ben." You begged him "It's just gonna be a quick trip to the beach, just a few days."
"I hate the beach." He said.
"Yeah, but Rey has never seen the sea before, this spring break is the perfect chance to take her there and spend some time with our friends."
"And what about me, Y/N? I want to do things with my friends too." He told you. "I have plans with Phasma and Hux"
You saw your mother looking up to him with a serious and dangerous gaze, you knew that look. He was probably in trouble.
"What plans exactly?" She asked and brother looked away.
"Just plans" he answered rolling his eyes as if he didn't care.
"Benjamin Organa Solo, tell me what you and those guys been planning!"
A smirk formed in the corner of your mouth as you saw a bit of fear on your brother's face and you pitied at the same time, your mother could be so intimidating when she was mad and to be honest she pretty much disliked Ben's friends.
"Hux found a place to go and listen some rock" he confessed. "That's all, mom"
Leia stared at him with a cold gaze, examining your brother’s face until she sighed and rose her voice again.
“You better be telling the truth, Ben” she said and then she stepped closer to him. “Can you please at least drive them there?”
“Dameron can drive, they don’t need me.” he said. Your mother sighed again, you knew she trusted Poe, he was one of your closest, if not your oldest friend. She knew he wa someone she could trust and smiled everytime you invited him home.
“Fine, you can go. Y/N. Just please take care” Leia said looking at you.
“I will” you said before you rushed to grap her into a tight hug. “Thank you!” you told her. Then you let go of her and ran into your room to get things ready.
Hours later you found yourself sitting happily in the back of Poe’s car that raced through the highway heading to the beach. Rey was beside you, she just couldn’t stop smiling, this was so new for her, all of it. The trip, the beach, everything.
Poe and Finn were a bit lost chatting, you laughed happily with the sight of your friends having a good time already.
“Hey, Rey.” said Poe as he looked for a brief moment over his shoulder, getting his gaze back on the road as he made sure he had her attention. “You said you’ve never seen the sea. Take a look.” he said smirking.
The car was climbing a small hill and as it reached the top it revealed the view of the open sea, the bright blue of the water contrasted slightly with the cloudy sky, you were sure if there were not clouds the borders between the sea and the sky would totally fade leaving a never ending sea of fresh water.
By the corner of your eyes you was Rey’s fascinated face as she contemplated the see through the front window of the car.
“You like it?” you asked her.
“Yeah” she told you as a wide smile curved her lips one more time. "It's beautiful."
"I knew this was a good idea." Playfully said Poe.
"Don't ruin the moment, Dameron." Protested Rey eliciting a collective laugh that rumbled through the car as it came closer to the beach with every passing moment.
"Hurry up, babe. If you want to swim today we have to go now, we arrived a little late" you said waiting outside the small bathroom of your hotel room, already wearing your swimwear ready to enjoy the first time alone with your friends.
"I look ridiculous" you heard her say.
"What? Rey, can you come outside?" You told her and waited until she unlocked the door and stepped outside.
Oh, she looked everything except ridiculous with that black swimsuit around her slim figure, some sheer panels allowing you to see her skin. And her messy hair down laying softly over her shoulders. You had to take a breath before you spoke again.
"You look flawless." You gasped.
"Is this how it's supposed to look?" She asked as she looked at her own body.
"Better" you told her finally owing a smile in response. "Now, let's get you to the beach." You said taking her hand.
The guys were already waiting for you in the lobby and focused their gaze on both of you as you come closer.
"Looking good, Solo." Poe joked winking playfully at you.
"Y/N's taken, Dameron." Rey told him as she put her arm around your shoulders.
"You don't look bad yourself, Rey" he said.
"I'm with Poe, you look great." Added Finn "Can we go now?"
"Yep" you said leading the way outside the hotel. There was a quick walk until the hard concrete was replaced with the soft warm sand and the sound of the waves invaded you. Your small group raced to the water, Finn and Poe immediately plunged into the salty water while all Rey could do was stare at the way the water moved up and down the seashore in a hypnotizing and constant motion, doubting to step any closer.
She felt your gaze on her and smiled at you before she walked to the water, amazed with the way the water covered her feet and she kept going until she met the boys.
“How is it, love?” you yelled as you prepared yourself to join them in the water.
“A bit cold” she said floating in the soft waves.
“Really? No, it’s nice, totally fine Y/N” said Finn “Come on”
You observed the for a moment wanting to preserve this memory in your mind, everything was beautiful, the sea, the sun shining and reflecting on the water, your friends having fun as they dared each other to swim as fast as they could and Rey beautiful waiting for you. Yeah, it was a good day.
When the night fell your friends and you let the beach behind to find a place to eat, you were too tired to focus on the conversation but you did laughed more than you remembered enjoying the company.
“So, what you think about the finals?” asked Finn.
“Seriously, Finn?” laughed Poe.
“They’re right around the corner.” Finn said making clear he was not joking, sure he wasn’t. He was such a good student always trying his very best to keep his grades up.
“Man, we literally came here to forget about school and you wanna talk about exams?” said Poe a bit annoyed which made a smile curve on Finn’s lips.
“Yep, that’s exactly what I want” he said making you all burst laughing.
Then finally the day was over you came back to the small hotel room for Rey and you, so tired for the swimming and the laughing all day long.
“Stars, I’m dying” you said before a yawn left your mouth making Rey giggle. She was laying in bed as you left the shower, didn’t want all that salt on your hair.
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired too.” she said and gestured for you to get inside the soft bed.
As soon as you were there she wrapped her arms around you pulling you closer to her smiling. Without asking she brushed her lips against yours and you kiss her back, humming happily in response to her touch.
There was a phone ringing, but both of you decided to ignore it.
The phone again. Your phone.
“You should answer” said Rey letting you go. You took your phone and answered the call.
“Hi” you said to the phone.
“About time you answer the damn phone, Y/N.” said the deep voice of your brother through the speaker.
“Hi, Ben. What is it?” you asked and winked at Rey so she knew who was calling.
“Mother asked me to check on you.” he said with his usual careless and yet annoyed tone. “How is it going? Are you staying somewhere safe?”
“Oh, my brother really cares about me.” you mocked, both Rey and you laughed.
“Is Rey there?” he asked.
“Of course she’s here, where did you expected her to be?” You told him as Rey got closer to hear the call.
“Tell her to…” you heard Ben irritated voice.
“Tell her yourself, brother. You’re on speaker” you pressed a the screen and then his voice sounded louder.
“Hey, Ben.” greeted your girlfriend smiling
“Rey, you better take care of my sister, make sure Dameron doesn’t pull her into something stupid I know he’ll try.” you laughed with how much your brother knew you and your friends, even if he acted like he hate them all the time.
“Yeah, I will” she answered.
“If anything happen to her…” Ben started but he was cut off by Rey.
“You’ll destroy me, I know, Ben.” she giggled “We were about to sleep, care to call in the morning?” she said and he huffed.
“Yeah, whatever. I’ll tell mom you’re okay, Y/N” he said before hanging the phone.
You placed the smart device on the nightstand and shifted in the bed with Rey, allowing yourself to enjoy the warm sensation of her body as you wrapped your arms around her, your mind already dragging you to dreams of the possibility of things you could do the next day in this small break from school.
“Y/N” you heard Rey whispering. “You still up?”
“Yeah” you murmured half asleep.
“Thanks for bringing me here, I really loved the sea.” she murmured.
“I knew you’d like it” you murmured. “Love you, Rey. Now sleep” you murmured with a tiny giggle.
Then you finally let yourself totally fell asleep, your tired body melted into the bed with Rey, beyond happy for this little escape.
Tagging: @1-800-depressedlesbian
(In case you want to be tagged for specific things, just let me know)
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ahmedmootaz · 4 years
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And so, the trilogy of Fanciness is concluded!...Well, the main series is, anyways; there’s still the Prequel Trilogy, detailing the pre-Fancy age, and then the Sequel Trilogy, this time focusing on the products of the Fancy age and introducing a side character that starts a live-action spinoff.
But seriously, I had a lot of fun drawing these two dorks in fancy garments. I figured it was only natural to draw the both of them after drawing them separately. I really love how both of them turned out. The clothes were fantastically fun to draw, and the poses were simpler than I thought. The facial expressions look exactly like I envisioned them, too. I tried for a ‘I got your back!’ pose, but this seems to work out just fine.
So, the big fancy party is finished. The dance was done, the dinner was had, and everyone is having fu- Hey. Why’s that duck’s hand letting out...sparks? Why did the other duck’s coat emit a click?
And so, here’s a robbery for the ages. I intentionally made Magica’s hair messy. I imagined Poe would force her through the entire Fancy act, forcing her to ignore her favorite roast duck meal in favor of caviar. Literal salty fish eggs. And the dance number...brrr, don’t even mention it! Her legs were going to hurt after Poe stepped so many times on them!...At least they’re getting the money.
Poe is perhaps a little more casual about all of this. He takes it seriously, yes, but in the end, it’s an opportunity to coax Magica into eating caviar. What’s not to love? Again, they’re not exactly petty thieves, (not ALL the time, anyways.), but they’re active enough to pay what’s due when it’s due. How do they escape? Well...I thought about ‘giving’ Poe teleportation powers. Not too powerful, I’m not trying to create a Mary Sue-esque character here, but enough to get by. It was supposed to be the branch he specialized in, but due to his rough teenage-hood, it never reached its full potential. It can move pretty far, yes, but it’s not transcontinental (Heck, even going from Sicily to Lombardy is difficult, unlike other teleporters).
I’d make make head-canons, but I don’t want to make this post longer than it should be. So, until next time, stay safe and see ya’, everyone! Do leave your thoughts and comments! Also, disclaimer, I do not claim to know how caviar tastes like. I did not eat caviar before, but I did eat fish eggs.
The dialogue, as always:
P: “Well, it would appear we need to drop our little façade, Magica.”
M:”Finally! I’ll kill you, Poe! After this...this atrocity you called ‘dinner’!”
P:”I love you too.”
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ninadewitt · 5 years
Colour me Curious Part 2: Monday
Just another Ben Solo High School AU! 
Warnings: Swearing 
The only thing worse than a regular Monday, was the first Monday back after the winter break. It never mattered how long the holiday was, you just never felt rested; Christmas created the perfect opportunity for drunk family members to strangle you for information and force their, unwanted, opinions down your choked throat. The holiday was made worse by the pre-celebration preparations, where your mother would go on an intense cleaning spree creating a (Y/L/N) house reformation. Everyday household items such as the straighteners were deemed too offensive to be allowed to be within two miles of a guest. Therefore, your mother took it upon herself to move them to a nondescript location, without informing you that she was doing so, just to save you the embarrassment of having to explain to your relatives why you owned such a perverse item in the first place. Over the years you had gotten used to this strange behaviour and just let her be, but this time she had forgotten where she had hidden the appliance. So, when Monday morning came around and your, normally gloriously crisp locks, were stuck in a bun looking like a tumbleweed had made a home atop your head, it made an already shitty day into one that included some equally shitty hair. Thanks Mom!
And so, you sat at the lunch table with your group; Finn, Rey and Poe, shifting your hair around hoping to keep it in order, at least until the end of the day, and at the same time, actively trying to avoid being dragged into one of Poe’s daily school football rants. Although, one of your best friends he was a bit of a hot head regarding the sport, and ever since Kylo joined the team, with around a hundred pounds more muscle and an extra 8 inches in height, challenging him for captaincy, he became even more insufferable than usual. Finn usually listened intently, his doe eyes fawning over his ‘friends’ passion but even now he seemed a bit sick of listening to Poe’s anti-Ren speech, yawning and rolling his eyes.
This continued on until Rey eventually threw her hands up in the air and smacked them dramatically on the table, gritting out “Poe, please stop, my head is going to explode if you mention Ren’s ‘bad attitude and poor tactics’ one more time”
“All I’m saying, is that if a guy disappears for years, he can’t just come in expecting to be Captain, it just doesn’t happen, right (Y/N)?” For some reason he smacked your shoulder confidently while smirking at you, expecting some support.
“Oh please, as if she’s gonna be on your side, (Y/N) is the biggest traitor here, giving the Big Emo, ‘stalker’ eyes, every time he walks past. Haven’t you guys noticed how she’s become a massive book worm recently, hanging around the library, where Kylie spends all his spare time?”
“Well, now that you mention it…” the boys looked at one another and then back at you, with curious looks on their faces.
“Rey! What the fuck, why is this about me now? I have not been giving him ‘stalker’ eyes” and in an attempt to defend yourself, you sacrificed your last chip, chucking it at her with immense force and scrunching your brow in a way that let her know that you were pissed.
And Rey being Rey, was willing to challenge that look. picking the chip up from the table, looking you dead in the eye and crunching it, signalising that she did not give a fuck. “I can’t listen to football talk anymore, and if I have to sacrifice you to make him stop, I will. Sorry (Y/N) nothing personal.”
Sometimes you really hated her.
 Watching the silent chip filled stand-off that was occurring between the two of you, Finn, wanting to avoid being covered in lunch meat before his fifth period Trig, attempted to diffuse the situation
“So, who watched the Witcher over break?”
  “I did, it was great, loved Geralt” You replied, eager to change the subject but unfortunately, it looked as though you weren’t going to get out of this mess yet.
  “Of course you did, your love of Ren has exposed your cave man kink, you love an angsty man” Poe teased, apparently, he decided he didn’t want to be on your team anymore and high-fived Rey, forgetting their past beef as she joined in, deepening her voice and widening her shoulders:
  “Hm fuck, (Y/N), I love you, be Mrs Ren”
  “I’d die for you (Y/N), I’m ignoring you to keep my heart safe”
  “you like it when I grunt, I’ll show you a grunt”
  It was at this point that you regretted munching down all your chips with such haste, and noticing the unfortunate lack of ammo you, instead of attacking the duo, proceeded to flip both of them off and dig your head into the table, with your bun whacking it dramatically in the process. However, this seemed to only give the pair more confidence:
 “I only ever hunt for my own food and I kill my prey simply by raising my left hand threateningly, I can provide for our family (Y/N).”
“By the grace of my goth training I will not be seduced by Coldplay.”
 When the bell went off, you practically skipped to biology, moving away from the trio, still holding up your middle fingers, as Rey and Poe practically crawled to class, wheezing the entire way. It was Monday lunches like those that really made you thankful that none of your friends were interested in bio, with both Rey and Poe focusing on Physics and Finn avoiding sciences as though they were the plague. Its not that you didn’t love them and their bantering, but sometimes when you were in a mood, like today, it was hard not to get a bit salty about the whole situation and just need a break.
A break to work on your Solo experiment. It was on the walk to class when you thought about whether Kylo would acknowledge you today, that you realised that maybe Rey was right about your stalker eyes. But now was no time to back down. You knew that with Kylo it was all about consistency, he was like a jittery animal; jump at him and he will almost definitely run for the bushes and avoid you for life, but if you approach him slowly, letting him gain some familiarity, maybe throwing in some “sksksk-ing” as though he were a cat, he might let you in. So, in that logic you assumed that if you popped up around him now and again, he might realise that you mean no harm. Or he would avoid you further, only time would tell.
Reaching the class room and plonking down in one of those high-up science stools you began to ponder; why did science feel the need to make its seats absurdly tall. They were those types of seats that were, normally, exclusively used at hipster ice cream parlours or smoothie bars. They always made sitting down so uncomfortable, giving you absolutely no back support and your knees would consistently knock off the metal bar of the desk leaving an unflattering gum stain on your jeans, for the rest of the day. Maybe that’s why everyone found science hard to grasp, because they spent the whole period trying to contort their bodies in a way that would make sitting comfortable.  It was during that very intelligent inner monologue that Kylo stomped in and plopped into his seat, on the other side of the class, crunching his knees under the desk. You could practically hear his six-foot frame groan at being pushed into such an awkward seat. That couldn’t be comfortable you thought, before diverting your attention from the dark prince to Mrs Barr, ready to be riveted by some spores, fungi and bacterium. Delicious.
And all was going swell up until the end of the period; your notes were tidy, you only lost interest a couple of times but you seemed to understand what she was getting at, then she started talking about the next assignment. Partner work was the first issue with the task. It wasn’t ideal but you always knew that Jess would be willing to group up, but then, issue number two, Mrs Barr pulled a fast one and said that she would be picking the pairs. Well, fuck. Finally, for issue number three, what did the woman do? She only went and paired you up with Kylo, just before sending the class away, to go figure out in their teams what they were going to do their projects on.
To some people this would have been a godsend, but when you saw his gaze latch on to you and his frown deepen, you couldn’t help but want to crawl into a hole and die. Yes, you wanted to get him to be your friend again and yes, you suppose this would help, but you wanted the reconciliation to be done on your terms. Your slow and steady pace. This caused the process to go from a crawl to a sprint and quite frankly, it was probably going to give you whiplash. And if that didn’t Kylo suddenly being right in front of your face would. Somehow despite his large stature, he could move incredibly quietly if he put his mind to it. It made you wonder if he stomped down the hallways for theatrical purposes, maybe you could ask him when he stopped staring daggers at you. But it didn’t look like he would anytime soon.
 “Oh, Hi, Kylo” you stuttered out to him, tilting your head up as far as it would go, he was much taller up close.
 “We are gonna need a study space, my house is empty, Leia’s working. So, assuming you can walk ten feet without falling we can work there.”
 Wow, maybe Poe was right about him lacking some social skills.
“Yep, that’s fine” you replied in a less friendly tone than before, sure you wanted him to be your friend, but you weren’t going to be a doormat.
 “Fine, four o’clock, don’t be late.” And with that he stomped away in a cloud of rage.
 Well, maybe you made a mistake in wanting to be his friend again. You supposed you would find out after school.
~This cool Kid wanted to be tagged and you can be too @shockwavee (But Idk if I’m doing it right)
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damn-stark · 5 years
Blinded Ch.24
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A/N- Its a long one! Hope you guys liked it! Leave your thoughts!! Just a couple more chapters left :(
Warning- some swearing, violence, angst, spoilers.
Pairing- Poe Dameron x Solo!reader
Takes place during- The Rise of Skywalker
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The ocean waves crashed violently against the old remains of the destroyed Death Star; one that had crashed here in Kef Bir long ago. In a war that your own parents had fought in long ago.
The old weapon was fascinating in ways; that only being that it still stood there, in the middle of the ocean intact....somewhat intact.
“What- What is that?” The little cone headed droid, D-0 asked, seeing the sight of the Death Star.
“It’s the Death Star. It’s a bad place, from an old war.” Rey explained, as you all stood on a high cliff observing the haunting sight, letting the salty ocean wind blow on your face, as it also blew back the white cloak you wore on your shoulders, the hood you tried to keep on your head too defiant and impossible to stay on because of the same wind.
“It’s going to take us years to find what we’re looking for.” Poe said, saying your same thoughts out-loud.
“Oh dear.”
You walked forward and stood by Rey, looking through the scope of your blaster to get a better look at the Death Star, all while hearing her mutter something before she pulled out the blade. You put down your blaster, watching carefully as Rey pulled out something that had been hidden inside the blade. You followed her movements with your eyes, as she slowly moved the blade, trying to find the exact outlining that would match what the blade now showed.
“The wayfinder is there.” Rey said as she matched the outline of the blade with parts of the Death Star that had the wayfinder hidden.
The distant sounds of heavy footsteps and what seemed to be neighs coming from orbaks, interrupted what you wanted to say and made you turn back to see people approach. “Heads up.” Poe warned as he also turned, quickly aiming his blaster at the strangers. While you on the other hand put your blaster away, as you saw that they seemed to be no threat to any of you compared to who you’ve face today.
“Rough landing?” The girl asked, she stood in the middle of her group, leader of sorts probably; she didn’t seem at all intimated by the blaster pointed at her face by Poe.
“I’ve seen worse.” Poe retorted.
“I’ve seen better. Are you resistance?”
“That depends.”
“We picked up a transmission from someone called Babu Frik.”
“Babu Frik. Oh, he’s one of my oldest friends.” Threepio interrupted the girl, making you look back at him with your eyebrow raised shooting him a pointed look before turning back to the girl. “He said you’d come. He said you were the last hope.” She continued.
“We have to get to that wreck. There’s something inside there we need.” Rey informed the girl.
“I can take you there by water.”
“Have you seen the water?” Finn retorted, pointing to the scene behind you all.
“Not now. Too dangerous, we can go at first light tomorrow.”
“We can’t wait that long! We don’t have the time.” Rey responded, surprising you by the sharpness of her voice, letting you also know that she was beginning to get desperate to get her hands on the wayfinder.
“What other choice? Let’s get that ship fixed.” Poe told her but you could see on her face that she wasn’t convinced by the answer he had given her.
“Rey, Poe’s right, we don’t have another choice right now, we have to wait until the waves calm down. We can fix the Falcon in the meanwhile, so when we find it, we can make a fast escape.” You told her, putting your hand on her shoulder to guide her back to the Falcon; which Poe almost destroyed when he landed it here, due to the landing gear not working. Just another problem of many.
“We don’t have the time y/n. You know most of all that we have to find that wayfinder.” She complained, her anger showing something you had seen so rarely on her; but you also knew why she felt it, why she felt so desperate like it was the only thing you all needed to focus on.
Her true identity had shaken her to the core, making her feel sad but most of all angry that her family was taken by the same man who was supposed to be her grandfather. She wanted to kill him; she had expressed that so clearly before on your way here, that’s why she was so angry, their was a new darkness that you felt covered her, you didn’t like it on her but you also understood that it wasn’t easy, hearing what she had heard.
Even if your grandfather wasn’t Palpatine, you still understood her, your own grandfather had once been Darth Vadar and it was terrifying when you had first heard it, first found out of the past. He had killed so many people, spread darkness throughout the galaxy with Emperor Palpatine; but it’s like you told her before, on the Falcon. They don’t define who we are, their names and reputation don’t decide our future, it shouldn’t influence us...even if at one point you were being trained to be like your grandfather, you didn’t let it happen; because that’s not who you were, and not who you wanted to be, ever. And she’s not going to be her grandfather, she’s not going to follow into his dark path, you won’t let it happen, not to her.
“I know Rey...I know what it means for you to find it, but we can’t, we have to wait. Okay? I promise as soon as we can I’ll be the first one by your side.” You shoot her a small smile and she returns it but you don’t notice how forced it actually was. You move forward, heading towards the Falcon alongside Chewie and Rey, but she quickly and very discreetly falls behind, knowing that you wouldn’t notice..not right away anyway.
“What a dreadful situation, is everyday like this for you people? Madness.”
“Did we ever find his volume control?” Poe complained, growing annoyed by all of threepios comments.
“No, we’ve tried remember?” You both share a laugh at your comment, forgetting about your troubles for the slightest moment.
Sparks flew, making you flinch back briefly, before having to get back to fixing what was broken on the Falcon, the silence again surrounding the room you were in. Your mind reminding you of the problems and what you felt about the man next to you. Reminding you that this was the first time you two were in a room alone together ever since leaving base, after arguing. After you gave him back his necklace, one that was so painfully visible around his exposed neck after he had taken off his scarf. A scarf that had once before covered part of his chest that was also now partially exposed; making it hard for you to avoid looking at.
Your eyes travel from his chest, to his lips and then fully captivating his face, seeing how eyes were narrowed and his eyebrows knotted in concentration. You bit your bottom lip, quite frankly enjoying the view, forgetting for that brief moment, the jealousy you had felt for Zorii and him, forgetting your own self inflicted guilt that was the cause for you to distance yourself from him.
“What?” His questioned making your shoulders jump slightly, and for you to break away from your sudden haze to turn back to what you had been working on; trying to hide how flustered you had gotten.
“Nothing.” You shot back quite quickly, too quickly, something he didn’t fail to notice. A smug like grin growing on his face, his eyes never leaving what he was working on.
“Enjoying the view, Princess?”
Your breath catches in your throat, your cheeks burning hotter than the Tatooine suns, your heart hammering inside your chest. “Shit.” You mutter out as you fumbled with the part you had in your hand, making Poe’s grin wider. “I...” you clear your throat, finally composing yourself after feeling like you had felt when you kept denying your feelings for him.
“Ow,” the sound of his complaining allows you to ignore and avoid what had just happened and lets you focus on the wound on his arm.
“Let me patch that up for you.”
“No, I’m fine.”
“Poe, you’re not fine, you got shot, let me help you.” He stops what’s he’s doing and turns to face you, his expression giving away his conflict on letting you help him when you so obviously needed to work on the Falcon; but also the conflict...more like the wanting to finally talk to you..alone. Without prying ears.
“You know this is the most you’ve talked me since leaving base.” Poe points out as he followed you out of the room and somewhere where it was just the two of you.
“Well, I didn’t think you’d want to talk to me.” You confess quietly, surprising yourself and him by your revelation.
“What? Why would you say that?”
You gently push him down on the booth, making it easier for you to try and heal his wound, avoiding his eyes that were heavily trained on you.
“Just forget about it, and stop moving.” You order him but you knew he wasn’t going to drop the subject; it was a mistake to utter those words to him, you didn’t want too, but it had caught you by surprise and couldn’t stop the words from flowing out, like they had been wanting to be freed for so long.
“Forget about it?”
“Yes. Forget about it.” You responded harshly, feeling your self guilt resurface, the anger you felt at base that was long forgotten by him and naturally by you too, but the anger. Jealousy, you felt for Zorii and him wasn’t; so instead of letting him continue with the questions he had, you remove his scarf from his arm.
Your face got long and hard, your anger now letting itself be shown, letting it be noticed by him. He wanted to question it, finally question what was going on with you, but as soon as he parted his lips to ask he noticed that you were lacking materials to heal him, knowing how you were actually planning to heal him.
He pulled his arm away from your grasp making you gasp but look up at him with an angry glare. “No, don’t. Don’t use that on me.”
You furrow your eyebrows at his defiance and put your hands on his wound again only making him grab your hands to pull them away.
“I’m serious.”
“Poe. Stop. I just need to heal you.” You try and push back but he only grabs onto your hands with the both of his, tightening his grip on them to make it hard on you to move them away.
“Yeah and while you do, you’re using your own life to do so. So no, don’t. Just patch me up.”
“What? No! It’s just a little force healing Poe, it will heal you way better—”
“And I said no, I heard what Rey said after she healed that serpent, it’s your own life essence. I don’t need further explanation on what that means. It’s obvious.”
“Y/N. Why didn’t you tell me before huh?”
“To avoid this exact same thing, to avoid how you would get.” You turn your gaze away from him, feeling your anger rise on his denial.
“How I would get?! Y/N You’re using your own life to heal me!” His voice begins to get higher pitched, his own anger showing itself to you.
“See this is exactly what I was avoiding! Poe it’s nothing.”
“Are you not understanding me?! Y/N I don’t want you to die for me! I don’t want to lose you! I can’t!”
“Oh really? cause it seemed that you were okay with it when you were up in that balcony with Zorii.” The words had came out too fast, not really thinking about what you were going to say until you said them. You didn’t want to express out loud what had you been feeling, the jealousy you felt, but you did, again the words just flowed out.
He begins to look more perplexed than angry, dropping your hands and scrunching up his eyebrows. “Are you being serious?....tell me you aren’t?...okay tell me then, tell me you that you didn’t want to go with Alya? That you don’t feel something for her? Because I mean she was supposedly dead, now she’s back, so you tell me. That she didn’t make you feel something again.”
“No she didn’t! Shes part of the past Poe.”
“Really? Cause it didn’t seem like it to me. Is this why you’re so distant with me? Because you don’t lo—” he stops his eyes brimming with tears, the words he wanted to say coming to a stop as he couldn’t find it in himself to finish the sentence. He followed by inhaling deeply, clenching his jaw and swallowing back his tears. “Tell me y/n. Talk to me. Because this is starting to feel one sided.”
Every bit of anger you felt quickly faded away at the sound of his words, the sound of how hurt and desperate he was to know something, anything about how you felt about him, what you thought of him. The look on his face made your heart hurt, it felt like someone was squeezing it so tightly inside you. Your self guilt now fully taking over the anger, jealousy from before.
“No. This...it’s...something el—”
The sound of BB8 rolling next to you and his worried chirping, interrupted what you were struggling to say. Some part of you relieved that their had been an interruption.
“What is it buddy?” Poe asked standing up and moving past you to crouch down to talk to BB8. The little droid quickly explaining his worry to the both of you, about a certain individual that had been gone too long, someone you failed to see anywhere in this ship. Rey.
“What do you mean you haven’t seen her?”
“She took the skimmer?!” The girl Jannah asked as you took the binoculars from Finn to watch Rey in the distance going to find the wayfinder all by herself. Something you all told her against, but you should have known better, she’s struggling with herself, you know how that feels and you left her alone.
I have to go after her. You thought to yourself knowing that their was no other way, that was the only thing you could do, you needed to help her. She would do the same for you.
“We have to go after her y/n.” Finn said as he came to walk next to you, sharing the same worried expression as you were while also ignoring Poe’s complaining ahead.
“I know, we are.” You told him as you put a hand on his shoulder with a slight smile on your lips; because of that action you felt something so familiar within him. You turned to meet his eyes to only have him already looking at you with a knowing look; one that told you that what you were thinking was right. Making you finally piece everything together, finally knowing what he wanted to say without him having to say it verbally. It was because of that same feeling that when you bumped into him back when you were leaving the first order he stuck to your mind, you didn’t forget him when you met him again in Takodana, it was because of what was inside him that you remembered; why you also in ways felt connected. He was—
“We have to get the Falcon fixed and get out there as fast as we can.” Poe said making Finn look over at him, stomping forward with fumes basically coming out from him, because of the anger he felt for Rey’s actions.
“No we’re going to lose her.” Finn argued.
“Look she left us, what do you want us to do?! Swim?!”
“Guys!” Your shouts go unheard as they both continue to argue, you let out an irritated sigh and as you were about to argue alongside with them, you felt something...you felt..Kylo.
He’s here.
“Finn! We have to go!”
Both Finn and Poe turn to look at you. Poe’s expression letting the anger go for a second as confusion for your words invaded in; but unlike him Finn nodded and began to walk forward towards you only for Poe to stop you both. “You guys can’t go! Theirs no way until the Falcon is fixed!”
“She’s not herself, you have no idea what she’s fighting.” Finn contended
“And you do?!” Poe shot back.
“Yeah I do, so does Y/N and so does Leia.”
Poe eyes shifted to you, wanting to argue against you but he knew that you were more than capable and qualified to help Rey; but he didn’t want you putting yourself at risk to actually go after her.
Poe directed his comment to Finn, looking away from you while his temper got the better of him. “Well I’m not Leia.” He sneered.
“That’s for damn sure.” Finn snapped forcefully taking the binoculars from his hands.
Before turning away from Poe to follow after Finn, you look back at him. “We’ll talk after.” He wanted to argue back, he wanted to stop you but he didn’t, he knew that whatever he told you,that you wouldn’t listen, not when it came to things like what you were going to do.
Violent clashing was heard up above, crackling from the sabers, big waves crashed outside the destroyer making everything more ominous; it made you feel nervous. Hesitation hit you, before climbing up on the platform; going up there was going to mean fighting against Kylo, facing him after he lied about Chewbacca’s death, he had lied to you, to put you against Rey and you should be more angry than what you felt now...but you couldn’t seem to muster up any more of it; not after finding out that he in fact didn’t burn the Jedi temple or kill Alya.
But he was trying to kill Rey now...you couldn’t let that happen.
As soon as you stepped up at the platform you were met by the cold breeze that came from the grey ocean waves; they only got more intimidating up close as they looked bigger than when you were on the cliff; these only seemed to grow higher and higher almost like the ocean was intending to swallow all of you whole. Once you looked ahead you saw the scene you had heard below, Kylo’s eyes immediately meeting yours as soon as he spotted you.
“Rey! Rey!” Finn bellowed as he tried to walk ahead, trying to reach said girl as he saw that she was fighting against Kylo. At the sound of her name she quickly turned and forced pushed Finn back, also attempting to push you but you stood your ground and continued walking forward, leaving Finn behind.
Her anger was clear, the way she so violently swung down her lightsaber, her fighting stance and her scowl gave it all away, it was beginning to blind her in ways you understood; and you couldn’t let that happen to her.
“Rey! Stop! You’re going to get yourself killed!” You bellowed, making sure that you were heard over the noise of the waves, and their lightsabers crashing against one another. “Don’t let your anger blind you!”
“He destroyed the wayfinder! I have to kill him!” She surprisingly responded. Letting you know by her words that she was the one that had initiated the duel and not Kylo; either way they were both trying to kill each other now, you couldn’t let them kill one another; but you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop them from fighting each other, especially not with how Rey was.
Her anger was blinding her, she was letting it control her, not letting her think clearly and even if Kylo has done bad things, he was still your brother and you couldn’t let her kill him...even if you yourself had tried before; but it was because you’ve gone through what she was feeling now, that you needed to stop her before it was too late.
But before you could try anything Kylo was lunging forward, instinctively you jump out of the way all while pulling out your lightsabers; he swing at your side but this time you anticipated his strike so you manage to activate your sabers and clash them with his. A growl escapes your lips as you try and push him back, your eyes shift from the burning light of your lightsabers and up to him; you didn’t want to strike first, you didn’t want to fight him in the first place, but he thought you were here to kill him like Rey was.
“You can come with me too, become Hale Ren again. We three can rule the galaxy, together.” He offers pushing you further back
“No.” You kick him back causing him to stumble a little before he composed himself and had to spin back to block Rey’s swing.
The sound of a roaring wave makes you look over your shoulder to see the wave growing exponentially. Quickly following Rey’s and Kylo’s actions you ran forward, force jumping over to another platform before the wave could crash down on the three of you.
As you landed perfectly behind Kylo, he was already swinging back at you. “Stop this!” He gives no response instead he throws his arm back, blocking Rey’s attack. It went on like that, him blocking both Rey and your swings, neither of you getting the upper hand until he clashed his saber with Rey’s, creating a bright vibrant violet color. A color that lit up Rey’s face, letting you see her scowl, one that in many ways was menacing, nothing you’ve seen on her before.
Ignoring her look, you notice that Kylo is putting all his force to push her down, so in a means to help her pick herself up, you throw your lightsaber, guiding it past him and into her already waiting hand. Instantly she brings up your white lightsaber and manages to push him back. She throws you back your saber, letting you catch it in time to block his attack, with both your sabers.
The sound of clashing lightsabers continues, until Rey manages to push Kylo’s lightsaber down, melting a hole into the metal ground before she lets go and flips back, high enough to land in another platform. Kylo looks back at you and before he could try anything you run forward flipping back over him, and landing next to Rey.
You look over at her and your lips part to tell her to leave with you but before you could voice your comment, Kylo ominously walks forward, emerging from the falling water. As soon as he’s close enough he lunges forward but you flip over him making him swing at Rey after missing you. Rey stops his attack mid-swing using the force to do so like you had taught her. After managing to be freed, he turns back to you, he tries to strike again but you block his attack again and again. It continues like that, him spinning back and forth to block strikes that came from Rey and your.
It wasn’t until he finally manages to push her down with a mighty swing, you try and swing at him to stop him from swinging down at Rey but he force pushes you back. Luckily you don’t fall back, managing to slide back on your feet. Quickly you move forward to try and stop him once again but as you do he came to halting stop. He slowly brings down his arm and turns his head back to you, only he wasn’t looking at you, it seemed he was looking at something else in the distance, something that wasn’t there. You want to question it, but from the corner of your eye you see him drop his lightsaber; you expected it to drop to the ground but it didn’t, instead Rey caught it before it could hit the ground.
Taking his distraction as her opportunity she stood up, swinging her arm forward, activating the lightsaber and impaling him in the abdomen before you had the chance to stop her.
Your eyes went wide at the sight impact, “NO!” You bellow out as you throw your hand forward to try and force push her back, away from him, but before you could you froze.
You felt your chest tighten, every ounce of blood felt like it left your body, you felt like you had stopped breathing, if felt like you could hear your heart break into millions of pieces inside your chest. You felt the familiarity of emptiness that you felt once before.
“No, no, no” as you fell to your knees if felt like time had slowed down, like you were falling in slow motion. The grip on your lightsabers loosened, dropping to the ground a loud clash. Everything that surrounded you tuned out, blended into nothing. The only thing you saw were the tears that flooded your eyes.
It all felt too familiar, you hated the feeling, you felt it before, when you felt your father die and you’re feeling it again now...but only this time it wasn’t your father...it was your mother.
Even if her death felt different, felt like their was purpose behind it, a purpose for one person, it still hurt. Once you felt like you could breath again, felt some sense return to your body, is when you looked up seeing Rey crouched by Kylo. You saw her lips move, saying something you didn’t catch; remembering what she had done to Kylo, you quickly pushed yourself up only for her to stand up too, she tilted her head up and met your gaze briefly before she turned and ran away. You wanted to stop her but you didn’t, instead you walked over to Kylo who was still on the ground.
Realizing you were still here, he looked up at you, he saw the tears that rolled down your cheeks and the grief in your eyes, he wanted to say something to you, to say anything about what he had felt too, about your mother’s death but he didn’t. Instead he clenched his jaw and formed his lips into a firm line, pushing himself up all in the meanwhile.
The sound of his TIE fighter finally made you look away from his already healed wound, to see Rey flying away. You made no attempts to stop her, instead you force pulled your lightsabers back to your hands before hanging them on your sides. All you were focused on now was on your brother in front of you.
“Y/N! Let’s go!” You hear Finn’s distant shouts, making you look back at him before quickly looking at your brother again, in that instant getting an idea; you carefully remove the double golden dices that hung on a chain around your neck, and let it dangle from your hand. You notice Kylo’s eye’s immediately look down at them, his eyes giving away the emotion that the rest of him didn’t. Carefully you take a step forward, and begin to reach for his hand with your metal one, making him look at it and ball his hand into a tight fist. A quick emotion you didn’t catch flashes in eyes, causing him to carefully move his hand away but you reached for it either way.
“It’s okay.” You whisper, his eyes travel to the scar on the right side of your face and his hand goes stiff.
The sound of Finn calling to you in the distance makes him look over your shoulder. He wants to push you away, he wants you to leave but he lets you stay, he lets you take his hand. He slowly opens his hand letting you gently place the dices on his gloved palm before closing his hand on them, securing his hold on them.
“I know my brother is still in there. Ben I know you’re still there. Don’t let moms death be in vain. She believes in you...I believe in you.” You pause and take in a deep shaky breath, more tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. A small sad smile tugging at the corner of your lips as certain words your father had said to you came to mind. The same words that helped you, made you really open your eyes again. Words that you were now going to tell your brother.
“I know you aren’t lost.” You spoke softly, making his breath hitch, his eyes so desperately wanting to let the tears roll down his cheeks but he wouldn’t let them, instead he tightened his hold on the golden dices that were now in his hand. At the sound of the Falcon approaching you shoot him one last hopeful smile and turn to leave, but before you could, you turn to him one more time.
“Ben.” He immediately meets your look at the sound of his name.
“..I love you brother...come back home.”
When you step foot into the Falcon and saw Finn, Poe, and Chewie is when you felt your chest tighten again. They had no idea what you had felt, what had just happened, who you had all lost. The idea of telling them broke your heart even more, but you knew you had to do it, it should come from you and not anyone else at base.
As soon as you were in hyperspace knowing that it was okay for Poe and Chewie to leave the cockpit is when you called them over to the booth; ignoring how soaked you actually were from all the ocean water you sat in the middle with all of them sitting next to you. Tears begin to roll down your cheeks before you can utter a word, you breath in a shaky breath and look down at your hands before looking at them all again, seeing a worried expression on all of their faces.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Poe asked noticing your long silence.
“I...I have to tell you all something.”
Tagged- @treblebeth , @mcrvellouslystcrk , @themythicallifeofesmerelda , @thescarletknight2014 , @sfnari , @bitch-imma-head-out , @arsonistvoyager , @chloe-skywalker , @emotionalcal , @theholycakehole , @justxriot , @stvrdustalexx , @the-dream-catch3r , @theoralpha , @sleepyblossom , @basically-hayley , @iamaunicorn4704 , @sneekygeek , @carisiswaistcoat , @creativelyquestioninglife , @daniellajocelyn , @wnygirl2012 , @imjusttryingtocatchavibe , @holy-kylo-stars , @patdsinner33 , @avmps , @xxrouge-lexxx , @x-thunderbird-x , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @winter-scolder , @constantdisgrace , @valeecruz16 , @angelicaxhouston
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