#I’m sure I’m forgetting a few tags here but I’m tired so it’s fine
Would that I by Hozier but make it Merthur in the last episode
I didn’t have time to do line by line analysis so it’s more of an overview, but go look up the lyrics and you’ll see what I mean.
The song is about finding new love and old relationship troubles, as the trees in the song, are burned down by the new love, the fire. That’s literally Arthur learning about magic and what it is for Merlin. He learns about this huge thing and accepts it, then all the lies and every idiosyncratic thing he’s never understood about Merlin falls into place and it makes sense because of the magic, without disregarding every other aspect of his person.
-“That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree” when Arthur asks Merlin why he risked so much knowing that magic was punishable by death.
-“oh but you’re good to me” is Arthur realising how much Merlin has done for him.
-a lot of mentions of fire, Arthur seeing gold in Merlin’s eyes, “Amber of ember glows” do I really need to say anything more?
-“it’s not tonight where I’m set alight” Arthur being relieved or whatever you want to call it about Merlin still being Merlin, still drying his boots, helping him to eat. He’s still the same, just Merlin and magic now.
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amirasainz · 23 days
Hi literally get so excited when you update! Can you write one where charles x alexandra x reader where charles and alex are away for an event and forget that it's the reader birthday ans only remember when someone tells them birthday it and they try and make it up to her.
Hi loves. I hope you enjoy this little piece. Let me know what you think. Comments are always apreciated!I'm sorry,but the Sydney Sweeny picture was perfect, so I had to include it😉
Also, question (and please answer me that in the comments), does anyone read what I write before the story? Like the little message here? I'm just curious❤️
Enjoy reading and send me requests!!❤️
The Birthday disaster
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You couldn’t believe it. They weren’t here. They didn’t call, text, or even send you a freaking letter. Your own boyfriend and girlfriend forgot your birthday. And not just any birthday, it was your 21 birthday. Instead of celebrating with Alex, Charles, and all of your friends in a vibrant club, you were sitting on the balcony of your apartment. Despite the cold wind hitting your bare skin mercilessly, thanks to the cute short dress you wore today, you couldn’t bring yourself to walk back inside.
Of course, your friends tried to get you to come out with them to celebrate your birthday properly. But it just hurt too much, and to be honest, your mind was too tired and sad for any kind of festivity.
When Charles and Alex first informed you about the event hosted by one of Alex’s friends, they eagerly asked you to join them. Unfortunately, your job didn’t allow you to tag along, which both of them understood. However, they promised you that they would return today at around 5 o’clock. To be honest, you thought they had something special planned for your birthday. But last night, at around 11 pm, you received a text from Alex, informing you that they would be staying longer in Venice, where the event was held.
At first, you thought this was some kind of joke. Maybe they wanted you to think that they weren’t able to celebrate with you, only to surprise you with a birthday party. But sadly, when you woke up this morning, nothing happened. Throughout the day, there was complete silence between you and them.
Your group of friends, who had been with you a few hours ago to at least celebrate your birthday a little bit, tried to convince you to go out and party with them. Before you could agree, you got a notification from Instagram. You were tagged quite often in a post showing Alex and Charles at the event. They looked so happy and carefree, making you feel even more numb.
Despite their best efforts, your friends left after half an hour, after you reassured them with phrases like “Yes, I will take care of myself,” “Yes, I will call you if I need anything,” and “No, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m completely fine.” They knew you were anything but fine; however, they also knew that you needed to be alone right now.
So here you are, sitting alone in the cold with your only companions being the vodka bottle you brought with you and the relentless wind hitting your skin. “Happy fucking 21st birthday to me, I guess,” you muttered to yourself, staring out at the sea.
“Oh my god, Lisa. You truly outdid yourself,” complimented Alex, her friend. And it was true. The event was filled with beautiful flowers and lights, giving the room a fairy-like appearance. The soft glow of the lights reflected off the petals, creating a magical ambiance that made everyone feel like they had stepped into an enchanted garden. Charles, who stood next to his girlfriend, only brought her closer to him and said, “Yeah, I have to agree. I’m 100% sure YN would have loved it.” “You are so right, love. I wish she was here with us,” agreed Alex, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
“Wait, I’m confused. So there is nothing wrong between you guys and YN?” asked Lisa, her brow furrowed in confusion. Alex and Charles shared a look with each other, both of them equally puzzled. “No, why would there be anything wrong with us?” Alex replied, her tone defensive. “Oh, I just thought you had a fight and this is the reason why you are here and not with YN today. But I must have been wrong…” Linda’s voice trailed off, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She shared a look with her partner Mary, both of them realizing the gravity of the situation.
“Wait, stop. Pause. Why would we be with YN tonight? You invited us to your event and we are here. I don’t get what’s going on right now,” said Alex, her frustration mounting. It felt like Mary and Lisa knew something she and Charles didn’t. Mary, who was now also becoming more annoyed with how the two of them acted before them, didn’t take any nonsense from Alex.
Without hesitation, she looked straight into Alex’s eyes and told her with an ice-cold voice, “Well, we weren’t expecting you to show up today because we thought that you would be busy celebrating YN’s 21 birthday today. But from the looks of it, it seems like you forgot your own girlfriend’s birthday. So don’t talk to us with that rude tone of yours. At least we remember each other’s birthdays.” With that, Mary took Lisa by the hand and left, leaving Alex and Charles standing there in stunned silence.
Alex and Charles were left behind, both staring at the space where the couple used to be a few seconds ago. Both of them felt a wave of guilt and shame wash over them. How could they forget their own girlfriend’s birthday? Turning on their phones, they saw the flood of messages they had received from not only their fans but also their friends, YN’s friends, and their families. Each message was a painful reminder of their oversight.
“We messed up so badly,” muttered Charles, looking at Alex with a pained expression. The woman could only nod, still speechless. Charles took her arm and gently but firmly led her out of the room. “We have to go to her. ASAP,” Alex told Charles, who was already a step ahead of her and had their jackets in hand. With that, the couple left the event, both feeling a deep sense of remorse. How could they forget their girl’s birthday?
As they hurried to their car, Alex’s mind raced with thoughts of how to make it up to YN. She knew it would take more than just an apology to mend the hurt they had caused. Charles, too, was lost in his thoughts, thinking of ways to show YN how much she meant to them. They both knew that they had a lot of making up to do, but they were determined to do whatever it took to make things right.
At around 1 am, the couple finally arrived home. The ride back had been silent, the air in the car feeling oppressively thick, making it hard to breathe. They parked their car in the garage and, without hesitation, jumped out of the vehicle, racing towards the elevator. The few minutes it took to reach their front door felt like an eternity, each second stretching painfully.
When they entered the apartment, everything was shrouded in darkness. A figure sat on the balcony, barely visible in the dim light. Charles immediately sat next to YN, while Alex kneeled in front of her. YN didn’t even look at them before taking a gulp from the nearly empty bottle of vodka. “Hey love, I think you’ve had enough for tonight,” whispered Charles, gently trying to take the bottle away from the now 21-year-old girl.
YN shook her head, her voice trembling as she reminded them, “No. NO, you do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do. Not after you forgot about me.” “Baby, we didn’t forget about you,” Alex tried, her eyes already filling with tears. YN only laughed, her own tears streaming down her face. “No, Alexandra. You do not get to tell me that after you forgot my birthday, and you certainly don’t get to cry.” “Ok, let’s all calm down,” Charles attempted again, his voice soothing but firm.
“No Charles! I don’t want to calm down. You both forgot about me. You two promised me that something like this would never happen to us. You promised me that you would always love me. You promised me that the age gap didn’t bother you when we started dating when I was 19. But look at us. You already broke one of your promises. How can I be sure that you won’t break another one?” With that, YN broke down in tears. Her whole body shook with the force of her sobs, her head held in her hands.
Charles and Alex immediately moved to comfort her. “YN, breath. We are so freaking sorry. I guarantee you, we didn’t mean for something like this to happen. We were all so busy with our jobs and social lives that we didn’t mean to forget something so important,” Charles began, his voice filled with regret.
Alex took YN’s head into her hands, gently wiping away her tears. “We love you more than anything in this world. You are our air and our heart. And we will apologize for the rest of our lives if we have to,” she said, her voice breaking with emotion. YN only whispered, “I love you guys too.” Alex didn't hesitate before kissing her girlfriend. after a moment the they pulled apart.
Charles turned her face towards him, speaking softly, “And we didn’t lie when we told you the age gap didn’t bother us. And we certainly didn’t lie when we promised you that we would always love you, ok?” After YN nodded, Letting Charles also kiss her. This kiss was filled with as much love as Alex, just a bit more urgently but still gentle. After their kiss, the three of them cuddled close to each other, finding solace in their shared warmth.
It would take some time before everything was alright between the three of them again. But for now, sitting together and watching the city lights flicker in the distance was the perfect way to start healing.
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tyxoxo · 1 year
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fourth time trying to get this to show in the tags, i’m so sorry ㅠㅠ
warnings: dubious consent
milf!lover jeno who is such a perverted piece of shit, appears innocent on the outside as he attends his favorite class, just to see his favorite professor in question, you. but on the inside, he’s thought of the dirtiest fantasies, with no ounce of shame that you were twice his age. who could blame his desires, when you looked so fuckable in your professional attire. 
the only reason he hasn’t failed physics is because of his attendance record. without your presence, he would surely have been sent to the Dean’s office for his negligence. 
his chosen seat in the lecture room, elevated in the back, gave him just the right amount of obscurity to palm himself through his denim jeans as he watched you pace back and forth along the ground floor. 
he actually felt sorry for you.
you seemed disheartened by the lack of enthusiasm in your students, their ambition thwarted from the harsh realities of university—student loans, terrible diet, and all the other vices that came with being a young adult.
jeno knew just the thing you needed. someone like him to destress your mind and body. someone like him that would ravage you beyond repair, so you no longer cared about the miniscule details. 
fucked so hard that all you cared about was him, and his raging cock.  
every day he prayed to whatever god just as vile as him, that the slit in your pencil skirt would grow a little taller. maybe even a hole would appear in your sheer pantyhose; he always loved the look of that. 
if you were inquisitive enough to look past his nerdic qualities, you would never go back to men your age. jeno knew he was the entire package.
but jerking off in his dorm room just wasn’t fulfilling his needs anymore. and his roommate got tired of the constant, wet sounds of him beating his dick into oblivion every night out of the week. so much so that just last week the dorm RA held a “wellness meeting” per request of his roommate.
jeno shook his head free of that poor excuse of a therapy session in regards to his masturbation addiction. today was the day that he would approach you after the lecture.
with a hefty sigh, you said your usual,
“don’t forget the discussion post due tonight by 11pm! everyone have a good weekend!”
you knew your reminder wouldn’t hold much weight. there were only a few that would actually participate. but there was only so much you could do.
and it was a well known fact that physics was among the most-hated subjects here.
luckily, this was the last class of the day. and the weekend was just around the corner. you were excited to try out a new cookware set that your daughter brought you for Mother’s Day, even inviting her and her fiancé over for dinner tomorrow as a show of thanks.
as you packed up your laptop, and planner into your leather tote bag, you were surprised to find that the lecture room wasn’t empty yet. 
the last one, Jeno Lee, had just reached the final step along the walkway. 
you paused on your gathering of items, deciding to give your undivided attention in case he had a question or concern.
the only concern you had, was the hard-on poking past his light blue denim jeans. 
it was painfully obvious, and quite intimidating considering his slim stature. 
“is everything okay Mr. Lee?” 
you tried your hardest to keep your eyes focused on his face, even deciding to zero in on his browline glasses to distract you from his groin.
“yeah everything’s fine.”
he stood in front of you like nothing was amiss, casually hooking the single backpack strap on his left shoulder, his other hand resting in his right pocket. 
“if that’s the case, i’ll go ahead and have my leave now. have a good weekend.” 
you failed at making it less obvious that you were dying to get out of the lecture hall. it wasn’t out of distaste, far from it.
rather, you felt disgusting for liking what you saw. everything down to the simple plain white tee, loose-fitting jeans, and light blue Jordans made you rub your thighs together as you stood there. even the veins that tensed along his forearm as he clutched his backpack strap was enough to make your breath hitch deep inside your chest.
fortunate enough for you, your phone buzzed with a notification from your daughter as you made your way to the exit. 
bringing the phone up to get a clearer view of the message proved futile, as you felt his warm hand snatch your wrist, causing your phone to flail out onto the linoleum floor. 
he waited until your back was turned, like the coward he truly was, to go in for the kill. your entire body swung back to face him, with a single yelp escaping your lips as you tried to fight against the whirlwind that was your student.
you winced as he escorted you back to your desk, back arching from the sharp strike to your spine. chest pressed firmly against his own as he let his backpack slip off his shoulders and onto the floor. the third button to your white dress shirt had popped open upon impact, revealing a lacy black bra that was waiting to be ripped apart, much to his liking. 
you were overly sensitive to the stimuli he forced upon you; wrist beginning to sting from his harsh hold, waist feeling singed down to the bone as he gripped you there with his other hand.  
upon opening your eyes, you were met with a being that surely dreamed of this moment. to watch as you felt his dick prod at the middle of your skirt, licking his upper lip in concentration as grinded upwards into your clothed heat.
his blissful expression soon turned to disappointment as your pencil skirt provided too much of a barrier between his swollen cock. 
he would have to take care of that soon.
despite letting up on your waist, all of your thoughts of an escape were in vain as you heard the familiar unclasp of a belt buckle, yet somehow you couldn’t forge a call for help, not when his lips were millimeters away from your own. 
your eyes trailed from his blown pupils to his mouth as he spoke, nowhere near prepared for the filth that fell from his lips. 
“i hope you don’t mind that i give you another one, since you’re already a mom…” 
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seuonji · 10 months
night shift ★彡 xu minghao
xu minghao x yn ln
彡when yn’s juniors finds trouble with some fellow college mates, yn goes through mountains just to get them justice, even if it means needing to infiltrate and make friends with the most intimidating clique on campus.
#12 an easy man! | #13 kuromi pic! | #14 white tee!
notes: there’s a writing part under the cut! (0.5k words)
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minghao walked into the back. taking off his apron, he smiled at you. you had already gotten up and folded the blanket to which he stuffed into the bag he carried.
“ready to go?” he asked as he looked up to you. you stiffly stood by him, hands holding the strap of your bag awkwardly and you just nodded.
you closed up the store and went your way out.
you lead the way to the bus stop you usually go to as minghao treaded right beside you.
“crazy i didn’t see you yesterday,” you randomly brought up.
minghao slowly turned to you and squinted his eyes, “we did but like just for a few seconds.”
you immediately made an ‘o’ with your mouth as you recalled.
the bus arrived and you two got on, sitting by each other, your shoulders touched but non of you moved. perhaps you were too tired to?
“you were gonna go out with mingyu today?” he tilted his head. “ah well it wasn’t a set in stone plan, i didn’t even know if i’d wake up the next day,” you laughed. “and you didn’t,” he giggled and sighed. it’s true, you slept for most of the day.
“but that was the first time you hung out with mingyu right? you two seem so close.”
“i think i just adapt well,” you reasoned. notably, you had to adapt well because of how good it would’ve been for the mission.
“understandable. if i didn’t know how friendly you were i would’ve just guessed that you fell for mingyu and that’s what brought you to say yes to going out with him.”
“well isn’t mingyu that guy all of the people in school fall for?” you turned your body to face minghao, showing interest in the conversation.
“oh, are you one of those people yn?” minghao tapped on his chin to provoke you.
your eyes locked into minghao’s out of shock. you coughed out a chuckle and retracted your eyes to the floor. “no,” you sighed out and grinned. “not at all. my heart belongs to someone else,” you softly let out.
as minghao got silent, you swiftly turned your eyes to him but all you saw was a warm smile on his face.
“am i going to unlock the yn secret and find out who it is today?” he poked in more fun.
you sneered and rested your head on your hand, “don’t need to unlock it today when you’ve already guessed it before.”
shit, why are you the one revealing secrets to him? shouldn’t it be the other way around? that’s what you thought as you kept speaking. but minghao’s response cleared your cloudy head.
“well i hope that goes well for you. i’m sure it will.”
there it was again. the tinge of sweetness from minghao that somehow made your heart melt.
it was nice to have someone like this around but also, it wasn’t. he was gravely making you forget why you’re here in the first place.
and the lingering texture of he blanket on your skin made it all the more forgettable.
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funfact: the manager wasn’t at work today which is why yn decided to nap straight away. yn thought falling asleep during work was going to be the end of their career however waking up to having a blanket over their shoulders made them realise, they’re glad to have met minghao and have him as a coworker.
taglist: @weird-bookworm @kissesfrmwonwoo @haecien @amxlia-stars @addyanm @anemoiant @kokoiinuts @leewonkyeom @silver-liner @zzenkha @buffhoshi @woozixo @porridgesblog @ilovehimyourhonour @koala-wonderland @bangantokchy @limbomoon @som1ig @imprettyweird @hyelium @sikuthealien @isabellah29 @itsokaytobedumb00 @pineartease @stayhereitscoldoutside @luchiet @ckline35 @akunoeyebrows @minhui896 @to-mi-yo @userjunhuii
send an ask to be added to taglist! (replies are fine but i may not see them!!) — tags in bold means i couldn’t tag you — please check your visibility before asking to be added to taglist! if your account is hidden it won’t allow you to be tagged on posts!🤍
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alieinthemorning · 1 year
Tired of Me Yet? | Leona Kingscholar
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Established Relationship, Happy Birthday Leona!
Pronouns: None
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don't forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
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“Are you tired of him yet?” 
You were in Heartslabyul’s lounge, studying for an upcoming exam with the help of Riddle, Trey and Cater (mainly Riddle and Trey). 
Cater, who had been scrolling through Magicam, suddenly asked you that question. 
“Tired of who?” You knew who he meant, but you decided to play dumb.
“Come on—you know who.” He slung a hand over your shoulder. “I was scrolling through your feed, and like, I see all these cute pictures of you, but none of your boo—”
You rolled your eyes. “You know that he doesn’t care for all that—”
“But what about you? Don’t you care?” He pushed. “I mean—you’re dating a prince!”
You sighed. “So doesn’t that mean that what I’m doing makes sense.” 
He nodded. “Sure, sure—but he literally just posted an hour ago.” He shoved his phone on your nose.
The picture was candid, Leona was looking outward to the horizon. His face was relaxed and his lips were slightly upturned. 
You smiled. 
“Cater, either get back to studying or leave.” Riddle scolded him. 
“My B, Riddle.” He shifted back into his seat. 
You spent the rest of your time thinking about what exactly had Leona smiling like that. 
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“Okay guys, I’m gonna go now—bye!” It was halfway through lunch and knew Leona was getting impatient (and so were you, you wanted to see him now).
“You’re deliverin’ his food again?” Jack asked, scratching the back of his head. “Aren’t you tired of doing that for him?” 
You frowned. “Is there an issue with me going to spend time with my partner?” 
“No, I don’t mean like that. I just mean—” 
You cut him off. “The issue is me bringing him the food. Okay, but why wasn’t it an issue when Ruggie did it?”
“Because Ruggie had a motive.” Epel, surprisingly, answered. “He’s got me caught up on shi—stuff before.” He rolled his eyes, frowning bitterly. 
“So, I have to have a motive to see my partner?”
“I think what they mean,” Ortho began, “is that they feel like you’re being used by Leona Kingscholar and they don’t like that.”
Your frown lessened a bit. You guess you understood where they were coming from. Epel knew Leona from Magishift, and from what you’ve heard he could be pretty stringent. Jack knew him as his Dorm Leader, someone who had saved his bushy tail from getting jumped by 30 of his peers, but he did let him get beat on a bit before he stepped in (beat the lesson in his head literally). And Ortho mainly knew him from information gathered online, other students' words-of-mouth testimonies and his brother, Idia’s ramblings and tangents. 
You held back a sigh, instead choosing to smile. “I get it. Thanks for worrying about me, but I’m fine—we’re fine.” 
Yes, you were fine. 
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“Alone again?” Your lips flattened at the question. 
After your last exam of the day, you decided that you were going to treat yourself to the new drink at the Monstro Lounge.
Or at least you were attempting to. 
Jade had been suspiciously waiting on you more than the rest of the customers, and you knew that this was for some other reason than good customer service because now Azul had decided to grace you with his presence. 
“That Leona Kingscholar, I can’t believe that he would leave you here all by your lonesome…” He placed a hand over his chest. “Aren’t you tired of him, my dear?”
You stood, shoving the thaumarks against his chest. “The drink was wonderful.” You spit, stepping past him and out the lounge. 
You weren’t going to listen to his shit. 
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“Yo! The party has arrived!” Ace called as he and Deuce entered Ramshackle. After the Halloween incident, Ace had basically bullied Crowley into giving him (and a few trusted others) a spare set of keys.
“Why is it so quiet…?” Deuce wondered as the two entered the common room. 
“...with Leona…” Grim answered through a yawn. 
Ace groaned, plopping down on the couch. “Lammee. We already had this planned out.”
“Maybe the Perfect forgot?” Deuce supplied. “We did just finish our back-to-back exams.” 
“Nah, got a call from Leona…didn’t hear what he said, but …myrah rushed out the door before I could ask.”  He rolled over on his back, pawing at his belly. “I’m used to it.” 
“Used to it?” Ace raised a brow. “This happen often?” 
“Yeah” He shrugged. 
“Really? Are you really okay with that, Grim?” Deuce asked, peering over at Grim whose face truly didn’t give anything away.
“You sure you’re okay with being left here alone so often?” Ace pushed, “Aren’t you tired of that?”
He shrugged. “My hench-human is happy, so I’m happy.” He paused, then smirked wide. “Plus I was given the okay to eat whatever I wanted. Nyehhehe!” 
Deuce sighed and shook his head while Ace stood, nodding toward the door. 
“Well come on then, you can crash with us tonight.” He smirked. “We might even be able to get Trey to make us some sweets.”
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“Tired of me yet?” Out of all the people to ask—
You were surprised that it took this long. 
You sighed (you had been sighing a lot lately), a bit more huffy than you meant. “No.”
You were currently lounging in Leona’s room after dealing with Rook and Floyd who had been lingering around the Savanaclaw Mirror. For some reason the two were more susceptible to your words, so after a short exchange they vacated the area. 
Leona, who was laying with his head in your lap (fighting off the rumble in his chest as your fingers carded through his hair), stared at you, but said nothing. 
You closed your eyes, scared of looking past the surface of the chartreuse gaze. “Sorry, it’s just ...I've been asked that a lot lately.” 
“Oh? Small world…” His voice was flat, but your ears didn’t miss the way that it started off breathy. “Well, if that’s the case then—” He started to raise up, but you pushed him back down gently. 
“I sent them straight, don't worry. Cater was confused about why we don’t have any pictures up on my Magicam, but I’m okay with that— I know how you don’t like taking pictures like that.
“Jack, Epel and Ortho—well mainly Jack— was worried that me taking food to you was like you were trying to take advantage of me. Like I had become your new Ruggie, but with more benefits.
“And then Azul.” Your lip curled, eyes snapping open. “Fuck him especially.” 
“What did he say?” There was an obvious edge to his tone. 
You rolled your eyes. “He didn’t say much, but ugh! It’s just the way that he talks—oh I wanna punch him.”
“Snrk!” The snort became full blown laughter that had his chest rumbling. “You’re gonna punch, Cephalo-punk?”
“I just might, yeah.” You nodded at him.
He fell quiet again, gaze searching yours. Then the corners of his mouth dropped and he sighed. 
“There does need to be change.” He sat up, this time with no push back from you. He adjusted himself to face you full then grabbed your hands. “Do you want pics of us on your Magicam? In general?” 
You pursed your lips then nodded. “...I’d like that yeah.” 
“Okay I can try to do that. I can also come and get my own lunch, but you best believe that I’ll be taking you back out with me.” 
You bit your lip, trying to fight up the growing smile. “Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Oh! But what about Grim?” Leona raised a brow, so you continued. “I can’t just keep leaving him by himself. He’s basically a kid…”
At the mention of the word ‘kid’ his face scrunched up, he relented regardless. “Yeah, I get it. I guess I can come over there and—”
“And spend the night? I mean we have been working on those guest rooms and there’s plenty of them and I think it would be if you—” 
Warm, supple lips pressed against your own, making you putty against it. 
“Let’s go shopping this weekend for my stuff, alright?” 
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“Tired of me yet?”
“After all these years?” You paused as you tapped a finger against your lips, the glint of the metal wrapped around it glittering in the morning sun. “Of course not. If anything, I yearn more for you.” 
“You are so corny.” He said through a bubble of laughter.
You grabbed his face, gently pulling him to yours and enveloped him in a kiss. 
“Happy birthday, My King.”
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I didn't mean to tho. I meant to just keep this in the present, but King Leona bullied his way into this.
Anyway, ion where this is in the timeline (is there even a timeline), but this happened at some point ig lol
Uh anyway-anyway,
Happy birthday, stink!
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I GOT HIM I GOT HIM I GOT HIM AAAAAAAAA (I almost got all the standard Leona cards actually...)
Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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fanatic-writers · 1 year
Adventures in Babysitting
Chapter Four: Bad Ideas
Previous | Masterlist | Next
A/n: Thanks for hanging in there and being patient with me on this one guys! School has gotten crazy and this part feels a little all over the place to me at the end but I just wanted to get it out to y'all and do something fun for me. Hopefully part five will be out in the coming week!
Word Count: 3825
Pairing: (Eventual) Din Djarin x Mandalorian!Reader
Warnings: Canon levels of violence but it's very tame, unedited like everything cause I'm lazy lol, lil bit o' angst
Summary: Reader is the Armorer's daughter and is also a foundling. She and Din have known each other for a long time but he was never quite able to break his shell. When the Mandalorians help Din escape with the child she is ordered to go to his ship to help him care for the thing.
Tag List: @theclassicvinyldragon @yeeteth-the-raven @crowbird
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Things had been slow since your last conversation with Din, the same routine of stopping every so often for food and odd jobs. He usually made you stick with the ship and the kid, knowing he’d be safer there with you than out with him. On one rare occasion, you had convinced him that you should be the one to go out and gather supplies, that he needed rest, but that seemed to be a one-and-done situation.
“Come on,” You pleaded as Din packed up a small bag to take with him on his errands. “You always get to go out and I love our little green guy but if I don’t get off this ship I’m going to shoot something.” “You don’t even like using blasters,” Din commented, fixated on his satchel. You sighed “Din…” you paused, not having used his name since you were a kid. Part of you hoped it might awaken something in him, something that you could prod at until he got tired of your company and sent you out. It seemed to work well enough because a few moments later he was tossing the satchel to you. “If you’re not back-“ He started but you interrupted him. “I’ll be fine, I think sometimes you forget we have the same training.” You chuckled lightly, giving a small wave to the child before heading out. When you had come back there were blaster marks on your suit and you were out of breath. “Don’t ask just get us the hell out of here.” You commanded, putting Din into a small panic you couldn’t see as he took off. He heard you mumbling something to yourself about people accusing you of stealing, something you promised him you didn’t do a couple of nights later when he asked about it.
The sound and feeling of the Razor Crest docking brought you from your thoughts. You looked around the hull of the ship you had landed in and frowned. The place gave you a bad feeling. Sure you’d run into plenty of criminals and places like this on Navarro where the guild had control of most things and what they didn’t’ were other small groups of criminals, but this was a different scale and you didn’t have a child to worry about back then. “You’ll stay here with the kid. I’m going to lock the ship up so no one will bother you and I should be back in a day or so.” Din spoke as if sensing your concern. “And I can’t just fly the ship away and come pick you up why?” You asked. Clearly uncomfortable with the idea. Something about the whole place just made your mind scream at you to get out. “Because you can’t fly.” Din sighed; you opened your mouth to object because he technically was wrong. You, in theory, could fly, just not well and you weren’t really the best at landing. “Fine. But if someone gets in here, I’m taking off. I don’t care if the whole place blows up because of it.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
A cry from the bunk signaled that the child was awake and also not exactly happy about the situation. Din followed you down, watching as you picked the kid up and cradled him in your arms. “It’s alright buddy, we’re still here. Mando is gonna be gone for a couple days.” You explained to the child. “Which means you’re stuck with me and next time it's his turn to babysit I’m pumping you full of sweets.” Din shook his head at your comment, a small chuckle making its way through his emulator. “You think it's funny now but I’m serious.” You spoke as he opened the door to the ship, quickly slipping out of it before closing you and the kid inside once more. You kept near the bunk, preparing a snack for the growing child. Every knock and noise from the outside had you on edge and the kid could sense it. He looked up at you with wide eyes and a frown. All you could do was sigh and be thankful that he couldn’t see the fear on your face. You’d been to a lot of places with Din, hell the most recent ones ended in shoot-outs, but this was the first time you felt unsafe. This was the first time something felt off. “It’s going to be ok Bug.” You told the child, placing him on the bunk and handing him his food.
While the child ate you busied yourself organizing things around the ship. It wasn’t possible for it to get too messy but you didn’t want to risk going into the captain's quarters and being seen so this was your next best option for keeping busy. Your plan was to feed the kid and then make something for yourself, hoping the child would go back to sleep after being fed since he hadn’t slept that long in the first place. You were moving around the rations, looking for something that would make a half decent meal when you heard tapping at the door. It sounded like the thrumming of fingers and you recognized it instantly. When you were younger Din had made a habit of making his entrance known to you. That being said he didn’t always want everyone in the commune to know that he was at your door, especially your mother who seemed intimidating to the younger Din. So instead of knocking he’d thrum his fingers against the wall, a way of letting you know he was coming without making it obvious as to what his intentions were. Of course, the others picked up on it rather quickly but to a new audience it would just seem like some sort of tick. You quickly closed the door on the sleeping quarters, ordering the child to stay put before going back to your work in hopes you’d look inconspicuous enough to whoever would make up the ships new crew. You were surprised when a droid was the one that walked in, Din standing behind him. “Take him up to the cockpit.” He told you and you could hear the annoyance in his voice. “I thought-“ you paused looking between the droid and Mando “Change of plans.” He sighed and you eyed the crew that surrounded the table behind him
You made sure everything was in its place and the child was hidden away before the rest of the group stepped on board. The droid, who had left briefly, went back to its spot in the cockpit and you frowned. “There’s another one.” The bald man spoke up “Two Mandalorians, why were you keeping this one hidden away huh?” “Because she isn’t a part of the mission,” Mando spoke firmly, his entire attitude had changed from when he’d left. He was stiffer, almost puffing his chest out like he was putting on a show. “She?” The twi’lek spoke up next, getting right up close to you and inspecting your form. You stood your ground, eyes not breaking contact with her despite the fact that she wouldn’t see it through your helm. “Is this why you left us Mando?” “No.” He spoke before moving up to the cock pit. You opted to stay down with the rest of the crew, not wanting to risk them finding the child. That and you didn’t want to seem afraid of them. You knew if they could sense even an ounce of fear they wouldn’t leave you alone. You sat opposite of the man and the twi’lek as the Devonian man paced the ship. They didn’t exactly make good company and you felt that being too talkative would ruin any reputation you had with them. You didn’t know these people, you thought that they might have introduced themselves, but you hadn’t been paying much attention. What you did know was that you didn’t trust them and you wanted to be more than ready to defend yourself, the child, and Din should it come down to it.
The trio seemed rather bored and you hadn’t moved an inch since you sat down, the demon guy must’ve thought you had fallen asleep because he started to push buttons, trying to figure out what they were for. You turned to look at him, frowning when the armory opened up. You watched as he made his way over to the wall of weapons, standing from your spot. “I wouldn’t mess around with things that aren’t yours.” You spoke up finally “She thinks she can stop me.” He spoke in a gruff voice, the other two laughing. You made a move to step forward but the door shut before you could get too far and Din pushed past you to get to him. The bald man, you think he had called himself Mayfeld at some point, quickly did what he could to dissolve the tension between the two, at least enough to stop the brewing fight. It really went all downhill from there. “Why do we even need a Mandalorian anyway?” The demon asked resulting in a short conversation about your people. A conversation that left you on edge with the mention of the slaughter of those who live on Mandalore. When the talk shifted to the fact that the both of you couldn’t show your faces you grew even more tense and agitated with the people you were forced to call guests. “What about you sweetheart?” Mayfeld asked “You wanna show us those pretty little eyes you got hiding under there.” You clenched your jaw, staying quiet as you stared the man down. “That’s alright, we don’t gotta trust you. We just gotta trust him.” He turned his attention back to Din and you notice the Devonian take another step closer to the man beside you. “You ever seen his face?” Mayfeld asked the Twi’lek, Xi’an you’d learned now that you were paying attention “A lady never tells.” She smiled, looking between the two of you and you did your best to ignore the pit in your stomach. There was some mention that they may have been close before and you had tried not to let it get to you. You couldn’t imagine Din with someone like her, someone who didn’t seem to respect him or his creed. You noticed Mayfeld nod to the Devonian who approached and made it clear he was going to remove Din’s helm. You were about to punch the man in the face but Din beat you to it, grabbing him and tossing him back behind him. His fingers must’ve hit the command center to the sleeping quarters because in an instant the door was open and the child was staring at the scene before him.
If you thought your body was tense before that was nothing compared to how you felt now as you looked into the eyes of your little bug. You wanted to reach out and grab him, pull him into your arms, and keep him safe from the people on the ship but Mayfeld had other plans. He moved past you, talking about his failed attempts at previous pets. You knew that the kid was more than that to Din but it was safer not to correct him. Instead, you watched as he took the child into his arms, pretending to drop him. “Maybe it’s hers,” Mayfeld spoke up when the crew had all decided it didn’t make sense for Din to have a pet. “Or maybe they’re going to eat it.” The Devonian spoke once more. Before you had a chance to speak you were being thrown back into the wall and then onto the floor. You were thankful for your proximity to Mayfeld and the child as the kid slipped from his grasp. You were able to dive out and catch him before he could tumble to the floor. It had caused you to roll down the open space of the ship, almost right under Din. “You alright?” he spoke softly, letting his guard slip for a brief moment only you would see. You nodded, keeping the child close to your chest before looking down at him. “He’s good too.” You practically whispered before pushing yourself up once the ship had steadied.
You took the child back to the bed and closed the door, watching as Din got to work. You weren’t exactly fond of the way Xi’an and Mayfeld looked at him, or the way you could barely hear her whisper something. At least you’d be on the ship, you could be a sort of backup should Din need it. You paced around the ship, waiting as patiently as you could for his return.
He hated this job, he knew he shouldn’t have taken it and he knew he should’ve backed out when the Crest got involved. It was clear he was pretty much on his own, just a number and someone that was expendable to the rest of his crew. That was made even more clear when he had to take down the droids on the ship on his own. He was well aware that the other three were just standing there watching him when they could have been suppressing fire or doing literally anything to help. He just had to get this over with. Then he could get back to you and the kid and the three of you would never have to see these people again. When he saw the human on the ship Din realized once again that this was a mistake. He’d stopped doing jobs like these for a reason. There was nothing honorable about them. Maybe when he was younger and trying to build a reputation there was. Back then he had convinced himself he was doing something good at least. Now he knew the likelihood of the rest of his so called team ending an innocent life was high. What had he gotten himself into, what had he gotten you into? He worried that you’d think of him differently after this, that whatever semblance of a friendship you’d started to rebuild together would crumble to the ground when you saw how checkered his past was. He just had to keep them from killing the poor man in front of them who was just trying to do his job. “Hey, hey listen to me ok.” Din spoke up while Mayfeld and Xi’an bickered. He holstered his blaster and put his hands up, the looks from the others not going unnoticed. “What’s your name.” “D-Daven.” The man answered, his fear clearly written on his face. “We’re not here for you Daven. We’re here for a prisoner. If you cooperate we’ll let you go with your life.” He tried to reason with the young man although Mayfeld had other plans. Son Din did the only thing he could think to do, he pulled his blaster on Mayfeld. In the chaos that action caused Xi’an threw her blade across the room, killing Daven. “Would you both just shut up?” She rolled her eyes as she got up and retrieved the blade. No one seemed to care about the signal that was now sent out, letting the New Republic know what they were up to.
You heard the droid give the warning to the crew from the cockpit, a frown etched onto your face. You looked down at the connection between the ships and back at the closed door that the child was behind. They had twenty minutes. You’d give him 10. You really needed to establish some form of com link between the two of you for situations like these. Granted you hadn’t exactly found yourself in this exact situation before you found yourself craving a way to make sure Din was safe more often than not. You had heard Mayfeld say something about getting them off the ship right around the ten-minute mark and decided maybe it would just be best for you to stay put. Whatever the droid had found out didn’t exactly matter if it meant Din would be back soon. And then there was the word that someone had escaped. The light below you had turned red and you were far too focused on what that meant for Din to notice that the child had escaped the spot you’d left him. You dropped yourself down into the ship, blaster in hand before you slipped behind a corner, ready to strike at whoever came down your path. You nearly jumped out of your bones when you had been waiting for what felt like hours just for Din to put a hand on your shoulder “How did you-?” You asked, a hand flying to your chest as you tried to steady your breathing. “Saw you on the cameras.” He spoke softly, he looked you over for a moment before stepping in front of you, leading you back to the entry to the ship. You hadn’t rounded the corner just yet when you heard Mando speak up again. You spotted another twi’lek, he looked somewhat similar to Xi’an and as they spoke you slowly started to piece things together in your head. “Get back to the ship.” Mando spoke to you, “Now.” He finished when you showed signs of hesitation. You waited for a moment before slipping past the Qin and up to the ladder. It was then that you saw the droid staring into bunk. You didn’t hesitate, you just aimed and shot, hitting the thing in the back and through the chest. When it crumbled to the ground you moved to the child and scooped him up, setting him in your lap as you sat in the bunk and locked yourself in. You’d had enough of the day and at the moment all you wanted to know was that the child and Din were safe. Since the Mandalorian had seemed to be fine you settled for holding the child close and curling up in the bunk. It wasn’t the most comfortable with all your armor on but you made it work and the child didn’t seem to mind.
It wasn’t until he had dropped off Qin and entered hyperspace that Din let himself move down to the hull of the ship. It was rare that he left the area while flying but he had switched on autopilot and they would be safe for the time being. He moved down to the bunk and thrummed his fingers against the door before opening it. You were still curled up on your side but you looked in his direction when the door opened. “We won't have to worry about them again.” He spoke, staying still as you slowly rolled onto your back and sat up, moving deeper into the bunk so your back was against the wall. You stayed quiet but patted the spot in front of you before curling your legs into your chest to give him more space. “You just do stuff like that all the time?” You asked finally, your voice soft. Din moved to sit in front of you, sitting with crossed legs, his back leaning against the right wall of the bunk. “Not all the time. Left it behind for a reason.” “And you and the twi’lek?” You tried not to sound as disappointed about it as you were. “I was young and stupid.” Din sighed “It was just after everything happened with my mentor,” he admitted to you “I thought it would make things better. It didn’t” “So that was where you ran off to all those years ago.” You raised a brow head tilting to the side “Those were the kinds of people you left me for, left us for?” You tried not to sound hurt or angry but it was hard. It was hard knowing that back then Din would’ve rather had been with a group of people who didn’t care if he lived or died rather than you. “You thought I left you?” Din turned to look at you, he supposed he had now that he thought about it. “I didn’t want to but I couldn’t be there anymore. I had to get out, to do something.” You shook your head “So you ran around with a bunch of criminals? At least when you’re hunting bounties they’re usually bad people.” You huffed looking away from them. “And yeah, I did. You were eighteen and you just disappeared. You didn’t say goodbye and you never talked to me again aside from a brief hello when you came back.” At this point, you had given up on trying to conceal the bite in your tone. “I spent my time wondering where in the universe you were and you were out almost getting yourself killed for reasons that aren’t even worth it. Reasons that I’m not even sure follow our creed. And then you just showed back up again and pretended like I didn’t exist.” “I didn’t want to bother you,” Din mumbled but he knew it was useless, he knew how you got when you were worked up. It had just been a while since he was on the receiving end. “I’m not done, Din!” You huffed, uncurling yourself “I waited for you, I waited and waited and you did nothing, you said nothing. I could barely get a hello out of you. You’ve spoken to me more in the past couple of weeks than you have in 20 years Din.” You had gotten so worked up you didn’t even know what you were mad about at this point, you were just plain mad and Din was the closest thing to take it out on. You’d regret it later, you knew that, but you didn’t care. “And now you just want to pretend like nothing happened. You want to go play hero for people and pretend like you didn’t abandon me for years. Like the commune hasn’t looked on me in pity for the last 20 years because as far as they were concerned you pretty much left me at the kriffen altar.” You huffed out your last breath, feeling tears well in your eyes “You said we were friends once and you were wrong. We were so much more than that and you know it but you didn’t care.” Your head sunk to your knees and your body shook with the excess emotion. “Cyar’ika…” Din mumbled, hedging his bets and getting closer to you “Don’t- Don’t call me that and think that makes everything ok.” You huffed, not daring to look up at him because you knew you’d break if you did.
Din sighed, he pressed his helmet against yours for a brief moment before moving back to the pilot's seat. He knew an apology wouldn’t matter to you now, so he thought he’d just give you space until the time was right to tell you just how sorry he was.
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royal-ruin · 1 year
red, white, and royal blue fic recs (part 2)
other rwrb fic recs here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
five times henry's competency turned alex on and the one time it turned him into a pile of romantic goo by helenblqckthorn (~4k)
Alex has a fucking thing for competency. A competency kink, if he wants to be crude. And it just so happens that his boyfriend is one of the most competent men in England. Well, Alex, he thinks. You sure know how to pick ‘em.
*ever so careful (heartbreak remix) by everwitch (~7k)
Did you know about me and Henry? Henry is a singer in the mega-popular boyband Honey. Alex is an award-winning actor. But before either of them made their claim to fame, they were something else entirely.
so heart-breakingly beautiful
*i see you (your whole heart) by indomitablelove (~7k)
‘I think he’s excellent,’ Arthur says, picking up a knife from the pot of jam to spread over his toast. ‘It’s refreshing to see someone be so unapologetically themselves. I think we need more of that.’ He glances at Henry. ‘I think that everybody should be able to be exactly who they are, without shame.’ Five times Arthur tried to tell Henry he knew (and one time Henry told him).
when i tell you this had me tearing up
*fleeting seconds (wish you would hold me for more) by zellymaybloom (~9k) incomplete
Henry and Alex have a tradition where they kiss on New Years. 5 times they do, 1 time they don't. Henry isn't sure how much it means. OR in a world where Rio doesn't spark a rivalry, but instead a friendship, Alex kisses Henry every year instead of Nora.
more of the boys being completely oblivious (mostly alex ofc)
(baby) don't make me spell it out by extasiswings for letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (~2k)
One night near the end of first semester 1L finals, just a few weeks before the two-year anniversary of their first kiss, Alex finds himself looking up from his desk with its messy piles of color-coded notes and tabbed textbooks to see Henry asleep on the couch, clearly having dozed off waiting for him to come to bed, and unbidden he thinks, God, I’m going to marry this man. It startles him, the spike of adrenaline that floods through him waking him up and bringing the parts of his brain turning over concepts like proximate cause and strict liability to a standstill as he stares at Henry.  I want to marry this man.
a must-read. i never get tired of alex's pining. (should clarify, they are dating here)
I'm Fine With My Spite and My Tears (and my beer and my candles) by Megg1223 (~8k)
Henry leaves Alex at the lake house, but Alex doesn't storm Kensington. What happens when they see each other after three months? With the election right around the corner can Alex keep it together enough not to cause another international incident? Alex just needs to get through the night and then he can forget about the boy who broke his heart, but he's finding it increasingly difficult as the night goes on.
tagged with a happy ending, but it is angsty :(
**God Save the Blessed American President Mom by zipadeea (~31k)
["June stopped by at lunch; she showed me a delightful channel called Hallmark, which repeats the same story every hour after they swap one round of white, straight, small-town conventionally beautiful actors for another. It was entertaining.”  “June and I used to play a drinking game with those. Take a shot every time someone goes ice skating, sledding, or leaves the big city for their tiny hometown.”  “Good lord, you must’ve been sloshed in the first ten minutes.”] --- On December 4, 2021, an attempt is made on President Ellen Claremont's life.  Alex gets shot instead.
if you haven't read this, you definitely have to now. be warned it is very angsty though.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 5 months
Happy birthday week! How about "maybe they're long distance and send them a whole package of their favorite things" with willex? ;D
The band drags themselves and their luggage into the lobby, grateful to finally have the opportunity to spend a few nights in proper beds with proper showers and surrounded by proper walls. They love tour life, but the difficulties of living in a bus for weeks on end were severely undersold. 
Luke walks over to the counter to check them in: two double rooms so everyone can have their own bed. 
“Is one of you Alex Mercer?” the front desk attendant asks after confirming the reservation. 
“Alex?” Luke calls back to where the group had decided to stand out of the way. 
Luke nods him toward the front desk. “Apparently you’re needed.”
Alex walks over to join Luke, his brow furrowed in confusion. “I’m Alex.”
The attendant gives him a bored look, “Cool, something came in for you the other day. Can I see some ID?”
Alex’s confusion deepens. He exchanges an uncertain look with Luke.
Luke shrugs as he finishes signing the paperwork and accepts the keys from the clerk. 
Alex digs his wallet out and presents his ID. The clerk barely glances at it, just long enough to confirm Alex’s name, before leaving through a door behind them. 
They return with a box and place it on the desk in front of Alex. “Here you go. Enjoy your stay.”
“Thanks,” Alex says as he checks their name tag, the confused expression never leaving his face, “Naomi. Do you know where this came from?”
He’s met with a shrug, “There was just a note on the reservation. That’s all I know, sorry.”
“Not your fault,” he murmurs. “Thanks again.”
Alex picks up the box, giving it a gentle shake, before following Luke back to the others. 
They greet him with curious expressions of their own but nobody says anything as they accept their keys and room numbers from Luke: Reggie and Luke in one room, Julie and Alex in the other. 
Alex and Julie had determined long ago that they were never rooming with the others if they had the choice. Luke doesn’t sleep and Reggie talks - whether he’s awake or not. Sure, Alex snores but Julie can handle earplugs if she needs them. It’s the lesser of available evils. 
Julie and Reggie had loaded up a cart while Luke and Alex were occupied so Alex’s arms are free to carry his new box as they make their way to the elevator. 
“Who’s it from?” Julie asks once the door closes behind them. 
“There’s no return address?”
“Oh,” Alex says softly. He hadn’t thought to look and glances at the label, narrowing his eyes in suspicion as he reads it. “Willie.”
Luke hums in understanding, “That makes sense.”
“But why?”
“Really?” Reggie asks as if it’s obvious.
“Dude. You really don’t know what tomorrow is?”
“Tomorrow?” Alex takes a moment to think. They’d stopped being able to effectively track time a long time ago and he doesn’t honestly know tomorrow from yesterday most of the time. 
Julie starts laughing as soon as she figures it out. “Oh, of course!”
“Can somebody please fill me in?!” Alex whines.
“Alex, I know you’re tired. But really?” Reggie teases. “To forget your own birthday?” He tuts disappointedly.
“Oh. Oh no.”
“Oh no?” Luke echoes as their elevator stops on their floor, dinging their arrival. 
“Really? It’s Willie,” Alex reminds him as they file out into the hall. He holds the box up, “We’re opening this in your room.”
“Ours?!” Reggie squeaks. “Why?”
“If whatever’s in here explodes, I don’t want to deal with it.”
“Dude, he’s your boyfriend.”
“Yeah, I’m with Alex on this,” Julie chimes in. “Keep the chaos in the chaos room.”
Luke groans, “Fine. But if there’s anything embarrassing in there, I get full rights to-”
“Yeah, yeah fine,” Alex interrupts. “You can make fun, whatever.”
Luke and Reggie whoop exaggeratedly only to be shushed by Alex and Julie. They pull up to their adjoining rooms and unload the cart, dumping their stuff just inside of their respective doors. 
“I’ll take the cart back and then we can see what Alex’s beau sent,” Julie offers. 
“Can’t he open the box first?” Reggie pleads. 
Julie exchanges a look with Alex, silently asking him what he wants. He nods his approval and Julie agrees with a laugh. “Of course your birthday gift requires a proper audience.”
“It’s Willie!” Reggie reminds her. “I don’t want to miss out on whatever he’s got planned.”
“And Alex started it, insisting that it needs to be opened here,” Luke adds.
Alex rolls his eyes but walks toward the table in their room, setting the parcel on it. He looks down at the tape job and then around the room. Luke presents him with a pocketknife.
“Why do you… Never mind, I do not want to know,” Alex starts to ask before changing his mind and accepting the blade. 
“It’s for my guitar strings, smartass.”
“Right and you just… always have it with you?”
“How have we been friends for this long and you not know this?”
“Guys! Present!” Reggie interrupts them excitedly. 
Alex sighs and starts slicing at tape, of which there is much more than necessary. Alex can’t quite decide if Willie was just worried about box failure or if he intentionally wrapped it like this as a prank. Neither option does much to assuage his anxiety about what he’s about to experience.
He finishes working through the tape, taking a deep breath as he sets the knife down on the table. 
“It can’t possibly be that bad,” Reggie tries to assure him. 
Alex turns on Reggie with a glare. “It. is. Willie.”
“And you love him and he loves you and blah blah blah, would you open it already?”
Alex closes his eyes as he takes another deep breath. He lifts the flaps of the box. When nothing happens, he cracks open one eye. And then the other. He slowly lets out the breath he’d been holding as he digs through the bubble wrap and packing paper. 
His confusion returns as he starts removing items, one at a time, under the watchful eye of his friends.
First is Willie’s tie-dye crop top. He absolutely does not smell it in front of his bandmates. But absolutely considers doing so in the privacy of his own room later. Mostly his room. He’ll figure it out.
Then there’s a pair of hotdog socks that cause Luke to snort and Alex to roll his eyes. He’ll never live down almost dying on street food but at least it’s entertaining for everyone else.
Two cans of Cactus Cooler that Willie knows he hates. And absolutely could have exploded due to being shipped across the country but luckily didn’t. 
Luke immediately grabs both cans, “I love this stuff!”
Alex grimaces, “You can have it, man.”
There are some bags of his favourite candy and hiding underneath everything is a mini, unreasonably soft stuffed dragon and a short letter. Alex blushes as he quickly skims it before stuffing it into his pocket before any of the others can get their hands on it. 
To remind you of home, Willie had written. Well, that explains the cans of citrus soda. Alex can’t help the smile that stretches across his face. Willie might be a prankster and constantly keeping Alex on his toes, but his sweet streak undercuts all of it. And all of those sides are what Alex loves about him.
“Oh, lovesick Alex has taken over,” Reggie teases. 
Alex responds by sticking his tongue out and gathering his gifts, except the cans of soda, and retreating to his and Julie’s room. 
If he diverges from his usual style for their show the next night, sporting Willie’s top and his new socks, well, he can deal with the talk. It’s worth it if he can feel like his boyfriend isn’t on the other side of the country for even just one night. 
And if maybe he has a new drumkit mascot for the rest of the tour, well, nobody else needs to know that at all.
birthday prompts
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dc418writes · 1 year
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✨Pairing✨: NBA!Colin Sheaxblack!reader
Summary🪄: It’s time to settle a long lasting dispute
⚠️: partial nudity, likkle bit of playful, sexual tension, pretty much all fluff in the form of a hilarious game of horse
A/N🎙️: a little sneak peak of a story I’ve been thinking of inspired by the iconic basketball scene from “What’s Your Number?” I hope you guys like it☺️!
“Colin, if you get us arrested I swear-“
“Relax peaches we’ll be fine,” he winks holding open the large, metal door leading to the quiet tunnel.
Knowing Colin everything definitely would not be fine.
The hum of the AC and low squeaks of your sneakers along the linoleum wood - appearing freshly polished from its shine of the few overhead lights on above - is all you hear in the empty arena. Looking around at the vacant seats imagining the cheers and shouts from fans, you understand how it could become addicting.
“And you’re sure you can be in here?”
“I’m a player aren’t I?”
“Yea but not with the Lakers,” you answer. Arms crossed against your chest anxiously biting your lower lip it reminds him of the you he knew from his childhood. Incredibly shy at first, but once comfortable enough around him - and only him at the time - he found just how sassy you could be.
“Will you tell me why we’re here now?”
A grin spreads along his pink lips squatting down to his duffle. “We’re gonna settle this once and for all.”
Watching as he removes the orange and black basketball, you suck your teeth before huffing a laugh of disbelief.
“Are you serious right now? Colin it’s one am.”
“And neither of us could sleep, so what better way to kill time?,” he responds as he repeatedly bounces the ball. Of course he knew of a better way that would definitely tire both of you out, but with your situation this would have to do. “Or do you not wanna play because you’ll have to cheat again to beat me?”
“I didn’t cheat! It’s not my fault you were off your game that day.” Little did you know the reason was you and all the feelings you awoke in your childhood friend that he didn’t fully understand until becoming an adult.
“We’ll see.” He bounces the ball a few more times warming it up - even dribbling between his legs in cocky yet impressive fashion - before passing to you. Your finger pads running along the smooth yet bumpy surface bring back so many memories you’ve desperately tried to forget.
Although some of your happiest times, the unresolved trauma always had to tag along growing obnoxiously louder the longer you reminisced.
Colin lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet flapping his arms like a chicken is his tactic to spur you on. Smirking as you narrow your pretty brown eyes, he sees it’s working.
“You’re so childish. It’s been over 10 years and you’re still thinking about that game?”
“Fine,” he stops, taking a step closer to you. “No more kids games. We play See-Horse.”
Colin nods with that famous boyish grin. “Still horse. But every shot you miss, I’m gonna see a lot more of you. And vice versa.”
“So..basically strip horse,” you state trying to ignore that pesky tingling you feel.
“Yep, an adult game for those who aren’t at all childish. Here, I’ll even give you a one up.” Before any words could pass your lips, all you see is his bare chest littered with more tattoos than you remember. The formerly single quote on his left pec now joined by various pictures and words scattered along his torso and sides. You swear you see what looks like a peach on his ribs, but his arm blocks you from further investigating.
“First point is yours.”
Rolling your eyes, you begin to dribble stepping closer to the net. “I don’t need your petty point Shea.” You stop at the corner spot closest to the rim bouncing the ball a couple more times before flicking your wrist and easily sinking what would be a point in a regular game.
He easily catches your pass grinning as he gets into position and readies his shooting stance. “Alright then peaches.”
About an hour later Colin is down to his boxers with bare feet padding around the court thinking of what to do next while you stood in your lacy, black bra and grey biker shorts. Your own bare feet starting to get cold the longer you waited.
“Cmon Shea, before we turn 100.”
“Hey I didn’t hassle you with your shots. Gimme a minute.”
Hands up, you silently giggle watching him pace back and forth trying to come up with something to stump you. He finally settles on a half court shot, surprisingly making it look simple as the ball easily slides through the net with a swish.
“Your turn sweetheart,” he winks passing you the ball once he’s retrieved it. It shouldn’t make your gut flutter the way it is now, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy the feeling.
Standing in the exact same spot, you analyze the space between you and the net trying to figure out how you could do this.
“Take your time,” Colin states with a knowing grin. Your glare just makes him chuckle with arms crossed on the top of his head. “Just trying to be encouraging peaches.”
Dipping the ball between your legs, you swing both arms up with all your might hoping for that swish but it falls just in front of the rim before bouncing into the chairs that were the floor seats.
An air ball that of course tickled the man a few feet away from you. “You messed me up.”
“You talking threw off my concentration,” you grumble. Along with your tattoos, big arms, and stupidly muscular body. Turning around reluctantly removing your shorts and tossing them in the little pile with the others, you miss the way his eyes rake over your body greatly appreciating how you’ve grown up and filled out in all his favorite places over the years. Not to say he didn’t admire you as teens, because you were beautiful then - although he knew you didn’t think so. But grown you with this confidence and newfound attitude of not letting anyone get in your way or treat you any less than what you deserved? Let’s just say this moment was the most self restraint he’s had to use in a long while.
“Well, looks like I win again.”
“Um..I’m sorry?”
“I have two pieces left on, you only have one.”
He snorts with hands on his hips. “Only because I don’t wear a bra.”
“Excuses excuses,” you tsk making him playfully narrow his eyes.
“Whoever misses their next shot loses.” Dribbling the ball he begins his jog to the board, but any further movement is interrupted by a bright beam of light shining down on the both of you.
“What’s going on here!?,” a baritone voice yells clearly not pleased with what they’re seeing. Colin’s quick to shield your body from any further view as your feet keep you stuck in place. Your brain seemingly not functioning either being solely focused on your embarrassment and how mortified you were to be in this situation in the first place.
Colin’s clearly nervous too how his finger taps against his thigh, but definitely holding himself together better than you could. “Uh, hey! Um..i-it’s not what it looks like!”
“So you and that beautiful young lady behind you weren’t in here trespassing?”
“Well..,” he nervously chuckles scratching the back of his neck, “I mean..”
A group of giggles breaks the silence confusing both you and Colin as he tries to peer through the light to see what was going on.
“I think we scared him enough Q,” a much higher pitched voice states before giggling herself.
Very fitting nickname.
Colin’s confused yet relieved tone let’s you know he’s familiar with whoever Mouse is which eases your newfound anxiety. There’s also a hint of something else taking its place though. Jealousy? Possessiveness? Anger? You’re not sure and equally don’t know why it’s there in the first place.
The light suddenly goes away to show a group of five standing in what would be the upstairs press boxes. You shift just enough to the right - peering through his underarm - that you can see the shortest, and most petite, of the group standing with arms crossed over her chest. Behind her three other women ranging in races and heights, and one man. All wearing exercise clothes of some sort.
“What are you doing here?”
“Well, seeing as though we have scheduled practices, being cheerleaders, I’d say we have more of a reason to be here than you do,” she replies earning another set of hushed chuckles. The man still shielding you simply nods with hands on his hips. An embarrassed “right” slipping from his lips as he reaches behind to press you to his back.
The pleasure seeking portion of your brain enjoys the warmth of his palm resting on your lower back instantly igniting your body, while the logical part knows better trying to push against his skin to re-establish space between you.
Feeling his muscles bunch and move beneath your fingertips only incites your internal pleasure seeker to want for more though.
“Um what are you doing?,” you ask with a hint of annoyance.
“Trying to keep you covered while also getting our clothes if you’d stop moving back there.”
“Oh no worries! We’ll give you guys some privacy,” the girl termed Mouse smiles with gleaming teeth. “Heads up though, Bobbie the security guard is on his way. He usually meets us out here, for safety reasons of course, and he might not be as understanding as us.”
You and Colin manage to sidestep in sync until you can get to your clothes; pressing all of them close to your front seemingly not caring about Colin and his black boxer briefs.
“Thanks. We’ll be out in a few seconds,” he waves. “And uh keep this between us guys?”
Sliding her manicured, pinched index finger and thumb across her lips she mimes as if she’s zipped and locked them before throwing away the key. “Our lips are sealed,” she winks. “Always nice seeing you Colin. And friend!”
Arriving back on your floor, the mood is noticeably lighter than when you first left the arena. Colin of course apologized before trying to charm his way back to your good side noting how nothing happened like he said.
“Cmon peaches, we’re good! You gonna be mad at me the rest of the week now?” Meanwhile you silently contemplated if you could get away with this man’s murder.
In conclusion, yes but only if he wasn’t such a notable player.
“Well, I guess in the end it was a good thing your friend was the one to catch us,” you state before a yawn bombards its way through your throat even catching you off guard.
“Why you gotta say it like that?,” he asks with an amused tilt to his thick brow. His fit body leaning against your doorframe prevents you from escaping this conversation and to your bed calling out for you louder and louder as the seconds pass.
“Say what?”
“Friend. Why’d you say it like you don’t like her or something?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You did. Those feelings from earlier still hadn’t left, which only annoyed you more - in turn making you crave the safety and solace of your room. “I just met her, how could I not like her.”
Tilting his head back, his eyes study you like a teacher knowing he’s caught his student in a lie. You don’t make it any better tucking your lips between your teeth growing more antsy the longer he gazed at you.
Clearly a guilty move you’ve had since your youth.
“Colin come on it’s almost four and I need my bed.”
He grins slowly standing up while he bites the corner of his lip. The remnants of his cologne hitting you with one final, dizzying punch as he leans forward hovering just above your ear. “Alright. See you tomorrow peaches.”
“S-See you,” you quietly reply watching him saunter to his suite right next to yours throwing you a final wave.
Finally on the other side of your door, your feet drag but help you to your neatly made, king bed. You don’t even bother changing into your pajamas instead opting to stay in the oversized hoodie comfortably draped over your upper body.
The hoodie that you now remember is not yours, but the man sleeping next door.
Hey, forgot I have your hoodie..I’ll bring it over later (sent 4:12 am)
Keep it (sent 4:13 am)
Have a feeling you’ll get more use out of it than me 😉 (sent 4:13 am)
The light fluttering building in your gut at his words is soon replaced with hot bricks from your newest incoming message. Suddenly - with a harsh pause - your soft smile fades as you’re brought back to the reality you seemed to forget the moment Colin Shea entered your life again.
Morning babe❤️! About to go in the office (sent 4:20 am)
Know you’re still probably sleeping but hope you’re having fun! (sent 4:20 am)
Not too much tho since I’m not there lol😘 (sent 4:21 am)
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fanfic-scribbles · 11 months
Building Bridges, Trying Not to Drown: Filling in the Cracks
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Summary: Steve has a bad night. Thankfully, he knows someone well-versed in getting through them.
Quick facts: Friendship – Steve Rogers & Reader –Nondescript Reader
Warnings: Depression, 1st person POV, part 3 of a series (first one can be found here, second can be found here, but there are more warnings for those so please mind the tags)
MCU Timeline: Set some nebulous time after CA:TWS
Words: 2485
A/N: Surprisingly not a lot of warnings for this one, and no tense shifts, yay \o/ Pretty self-contained and self-explanatory so not much to say; I'm not sure if this requires knowledge of the previous parts or if you can just enjoy it as is, but I've included links above just in case. Take care of yourselves, and I’ll hopefully have something a little more light-hearted next month <3
Bucky was away on a special mission with Natasha, Sam was off visiting relatives, and I was on the bridge…alone.
That was odd.
Steve had made it a point to be with me just about every night over the past week. It wasn’t as trying or tiring as it might have been normally– I was doing relatively all right, and I could see that he was…not. He was fairly good at putting up a mask, especially when other people were around, but he couldn’t, (or maybe just didn’t), put up a front with me all the time. We sat quietly. He stewed in his own head and deflected questions that hinted at concern.
I thought on that for a little while. I didn’t really like people poking at me too hard when I wasn’t feeling well. It was why I had tolerated Steve so well– he didn’t press too hard, asked a few questions maybe, but otherwise was content to talk about anything at all when I was unresponsive. It was like he just wanted to be present to know I wasn’t going to do anything drastic. And I…I felt very suddenly like I could understand the impulse.
Well. I stood up and dusted my pants. Sitting out here wasn’t helping anything anyway. Was kind of boring, actually. Time to change the view.
I knocked on the door of Steve’s and Bucky’s apartment and waited. And waited. And…I frowned. Was he out? I’d thought he said he wasn’t going on assignment. Then again, it wasn’t like he didn’t get called on emergencies, but he always told me if he was going to be busy, even if he was texting while running off.
I knocked again, a little hard and a little fast. If this was karma, it fucking sucked.
“Who is it?” asked a man’s voice, so sharp and short and stern I had to double-check and make sure I wasn’t knocking on the wrong door. It sort of sounded like Steve, but…
“Steve?” I asked uncertainly, even though I had been here before and I knew I was in the right place.
To my relief, he said my name in a normal tone and immediately unlocked the door. His voice was a little rough and rushed, and when he opened the door he looked a mess. Well…more a mess than I was used to. A piece of hair fell in his face and– I hadn’t known he could get eyebags. How long had he not slept?
I resisted the urge to sigh and squared up while he rubbed his face, brushed his hair back, and otherwise tried to pretend he was Fine, Just Fine, Really Truly Fine, Honest. He smiled weakly, but it fell fast, thank goodness. Not so thankfully, it was replaced with a worried crease of his brow. “I meant to tell you I wasn’t going to– God, did I forget to text?” He rubbed his face again. “I’m so sorr–”
“It’s okay,” I said and walked in past him. “We can hang out here.”
“You…might not want to,” he said, dropping some of the act but shutting the door behind me.
It was a little messy, yes, but I’d seen worse. Lived in much worse. However this wasn’t a competition, and Steve was flagging by the second. What to do, though? Tasks– Steve needed something else to focus on. “Do me a favor,” I said as I pulled off my jacket and tried to make a plan. “Do you have coffee or tea?”
“Fresh out of coffee,” he said, with enough regret that I could guess how my ‘how are you sleeping?’ question was going to go over. “But I do have some good tea.”
“Cool. Start boiling some water.” I stopped and quickly added, “Please. Can I…use your bathroom?”
“Of course,” he said, sounding even a bit lighter, though whether that was real or just an act for my benefit was not something I knew how to tell. So while he went to boil some water, I went to the bathroom and took a look around. It wasn’t bad– maybe because it hadn’t been touched much. Steve didn’t smell terrible, but even just looking at his hair I could tell he hadn’t washed lately. So I took down a couple of fresh towels, ran the shower, and used a washcloth and some of the warming water to wipe down the bathroom counter. On second thought, I grabbed a clean washcloth and set it next to the sink.
I stepped out and entered the kitchen to see a slightly amused expression on Steve’s face. “Is your shower broken?” he asked. He lost his attempt at a smile and leaned on the counter. “Are you okay?”
“I’d ask you that, but I don’t think there’s a good answer, is there?” I asked. He swallowed, tried to speak, but after a few attempts just hung his head and shook it.
“I’m sorry,” he said, a little quieter. “I didn’t want to…put anything more on you.”
“I know the feeling,” I said. “But I wouldn’t be here if I thought I would make things worse. So, here’s the plan–wash up, dress in something really comfy, and we’ll sit on the couch with some blankets and just…make it through the night.”
“I’ll be okay,” he said gently, and lifted his head.
“Eventually,” I agreed. “But you don’t have to get through the ‘not okay’ part on your own. If you don’t want to. If you do…”
“No,” he said, quickly enough that I felt reassured this was the right thing. However, he then looked towards the sound of the shower with an expression of dread that was very familiar. Or at least, felt familiar.
“Life hack– you don’t even have to use soap,” I said. “Just stand under the water for a few minutes. And if you really can’t stomach the thought, just wash your face in the sink; maybe take up a washcloth if you want to.”
He nodded, but he looked really just…resigned. Defeated. “Okay,” he said in a small voice I’d never heard from him before, and turned towards the bathroom.
I felt suddenly struck by…not quite fear? He wouldn’t do anything while I was here, I was pretty sure, but it just…it felt so wrong to watch him shuffle along so miserably. I grabbed his shirt before he could go. “Steve,” I said as I tried to collect my thoughts into something coherent. “I’m…I’m not trying to shame you into, or out of, anything. I’m just here. To help.” I lifted my head to look at him. “So I’m here. Until you tell me to fuck off and you mean it. Okay?”
He swallowed very visibly, and gave a little tremble. “I get– I mean, I underst–” He tried for a few more words, crumbling further with every attempt, and his arms moved up and stopped and up and stopped, and then dropped.
I opened my arms. “Come here,” I said, barely getting the second word out before I was being hugged for dear life. I let it go on for a few minutes before I patted his back. “Go on. I’ll take care of the tea,” I said and stepped away to go for the kettle.
He smiled with watering eyes but shuffled away for the bathroom before I could see them fall. I started steeping the tea, and as soon as I heard the bathroom door click shut, I moved to the living room and started picking up.
Obvious trash went in a plastic grocery bag. Clothes got tossed into a pile out of sight. I remembered where the blankets were from when Bucky had gone to get one for me when I was having a bad night and couldn’t be alone, so I went and started feeling over the folded edges of each one. They were all fairly soft, so I picked a few at random, stopped off in their bedroom to get some pillows, and then went to make the couch as nice as I could. It was a large couch, wrap-around, and I set up the longer sitting side for us to rest on. I put the TV on with some quiet nothing nature videos and went back to get the tea. I checked the cupboards and there was food, but I wasn’t sure what Steve could stomach, so I let it be. If I suggested eating, he would want me to eat too, and I wasn’t sure if I could, so I had to leave that battle for later.
It took a few minutes after the water stopped running that he came out, changed into his PJs, with brushed but dry hair. “I couldn’t do the shower,” he admitted. “I put a washcloth under the water and used that instead.”
“Good job,” I said and meant it. When he stopped and made to go for the clothes pile though, I said, “Steve.” He stopped and looked at me. “Is it really bothering you that bad, or can it keep?”
He looked like he gave it some real consideration, but his face went slack and he shrugged. I nodded and patted the seat I had made just for him, with the best pillow and blankets. He took the offer for what it was, came and flumped down, and just sort of…stared at nothing with a blank look on his face. I handed him his cup. “It’s warm,” I said and slanted my body so I could lean on the couch arm, preparing for the next part.
“Does it help?” he asked and took a sip.
I shrugged. “Maybe cumulatively?” I suggested, because I really didn’t know. “Sometimes you just gotta ride it out. Better to be comfy.”
“I guess I can’t argue that,” he said and sipped the tea almost mechanically. Like it was another task off his list. I sipped at mine a few times before I set it on the coffee table and leaned against the couch arm. I used the blanket to protect Steve from my clothes, which were not as comfy. After a few minutes he set his cup down, half of it gone, and sighed. He looked so tired, but he kept blinking his eyes open.
“Hey,” I said. When he turned his head, I opened my arm in invitation.
He gave me a look over. “You don’t have to,” he said.
I tried not to roll my eyes. “I know. I do what I want, in case you haven't noticed.”
A ghost of a smile haunted his lips for a brief moment, and then he moved slowly and carefully to lean against me. He didn’t cuddle so much as just rest heavily, but within minutes he was breathing deeply, his eyes shut, and so I didn’t dare move except to make sure my phone was on silent.
It was. Had been, long enough that I’d gotten a message on the walk over and not noticed.
Bucky: Can I ask a favor?
I tried to be very careful in how I moved as I tapped out a reply.
Me: I’m staying with Steve right now. Me: Related?
It took only a few seconds for a reply. He must have been done with his…whatever he was doing.
Bucky: How is he?
I looked at Steve, whose mouth was slightly parted and showed absolutely no signs of waking. I blinked a few times. I was a little tired too, actually.
Me: Sleeping on my shoulder Me: He washed up Me: I don’t know how to bring up food Me: But I’ll try. Later. Bucky: Thank you
I almost shrugged, even though he couldn’t see me. Something about the thanks chafed, so I let it go.
Me: Gonna sleep now Me: Be safe Bucky: Will do
I set my phone aside, pulled up the pillow into my arms, and laid my head against it. Even with the lights and TV, I fell asleep without any issue.
When I woke up again, I first noticed some extra weight. I wondered if Steve had shifted, but he was still sleeping in the same position, only now his arms were loosely around me– and resting against him was Bucky. Bucky, meanwhile, was watching Sam and Natasha, who were in blankets on the floor in front of Steve, on their phones, …playing a game?
“God dammit Nat,” Sam said and cursed quietly as he tapped furiously.
“Shouldn’t have left the east wall broken,” Natasha said smugly.
I blinked a few times, noted the early morning hour, and clouds outside besides, and decided I would rather go back to sleep than figure out what the hell this was.
“Now the north wall too,” I heard Bucky comment as I started to drift off.
“Yeah, thanks, hadn’t noticed that with Natasha killing my guards…”
At least Steve was sleeping through all this nonsense.
When I woke up again it was because Bucky was waking me for lunch. Steve was already up and occasionally running a hand through his hair while looking vaguely apologetic, but every time he started to open his mouth he received a glare from Natasha, or Sam, or Bucky, so apparently I had missed the most annoying parts.
“Cool; free lunch,” I said as I slid into the open seat next to Steve as everyone else settled in front of their bowls. Pho or something with a rich smelling broth and not too much stuff in my bowl, thank goodness. I looked at Steve. “Other life hack– broth totally counts as food if you can’t handle much.”
“I’m actually pretty hungry,” he admitted and took up his chopsticks.
“That’s good,” I said. I looked at him and what was with that expression? It wasn’t sad, wasn’t down, it was…annoyed? Pouty? I looked at Sam, who shook his head, and I looked at Steve again, until he looked at me. “What’s wrong?”
He blinked. “Uh…nothing. Nothing new, at least,” he said and stared at his soup. “I’m just…embarrassed, I guess.”
“Oh. You’re embarrassed?” I asked and thought about that as I blew on my spoonful of broth. “Should I be embarrassed?”
Bucky snorted, and Sam grinned. Steve’s face went through a few expressions, (one of which was definitely annoyance), before he settled on a wry smile and reached over to gently rub my head. “No,” he said softly.
“Good.” I took a tentative sip. “That sounds like it would be annoying. For everyone.”
Steve rolled his eyes and Sam laughed. Natasha passed me an egg roll and, to be polite, I nibbled on it. It was pretty quiet for the rest of the meal, but not in a bad way. This wasn’t going to fix whatever Steve was going through, but it didn’t have to. He’d pull through and feel better again. Eventually. For now, he was making it through. And that was good enough.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Band kid!Robin x color guard!y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
word count: 1.1k
warnings: I’m blanking but I know there’s gotta be at least one please let me know if you find one I’m sorry in advance
REQUESTED: @amberputh
summary: Robin is in love with the best girl on the color guard team, and little does she know you’re just as crazy for her
For 3 years Robin had been admiring you during pep rally’s and halftimes and other events. You joined color guard in freshman year at the same time Robin joined the band, and Robin now had the biggest crush on you because of it. You were considered one of the best on the team, you were very skilled and the tricks you were able to do made the crowd gasp and cheer throughout the performances.
And god, the way you looked had Robin messing up the music and nearly forgetting to play all together. You were so beautiful, and so confident too. You always came to the band members and told them how good they sounded, sometimes even bringing them snacks for after the games and the long and tiring school events.
What Robin didn’t know, was that you didn’t always watch band practice just to practice your routine. You didn’t stay after every game and talk to the band team only to congratulate the band team. You didn’t buy special snacks for Robin just because you overheard her talking about her gluten allergy just because.
You did all these things because you wanted to see her. You wanted to talk to her the most out of everyone. You wanted her to realize you listened to her and actually cared about her. But she never seemed to notice and it broke your heart sometimes.
Both of you were terrified the other was straight. So for 3 years you just watched each other, falling more in love with the other with every performance.
You started working at Family Video and shortly after Steve and Robin walked in with applications. You knew only one other position needed to be filled but you begged Keith to make up some other job so both of them could work here and you could see Robin more often and really truly get to know her.
When they started their first shift, Robin ran off to explore and memorize things on her own and it was just you and Steve. “I know there was only one position left. How did another suddenly open up if you’re still working here?” He asked and you looked around nervously.
You chuckled and said “uhh I’m not sure” “oh come on, I know you like her. It’s okay, I don’t care that you like girls. Besides, it’s kinda obvious. You were basically drooling when Robin was walking around trying to memorize the sections” he said and you chuckled nervously.
You blushed and said “ok, fine I like her. But please, please don’t tell her. I don’t know if I’m ready yet. Oh and uh, I convinced Keith to just kinda make a new position for her to fill” “alright, alright, I won’t tell her. But you don’t have to be scared about asking her out, trust me” he said and winked.
It still took you 3 months to say anything. It was the last basketball game of the year, and you were doing a solo routine. You were a little nervous, solo routines made you anxious because there was no one else to hide your mistakes.
“You’re gonna do good. You always do good,” Robin said and you sighed, fiddling with the flagpole. You smiled and said “thank you, Rob” She smiled and a few moments later everyone was on the field and was performing with incredible skill.
Robin watched you like she always did, admiring your focus as you twisted the green flag over your head and then waved it beautifully as you swayed your hips slightly to the song. God, those shorts looked too good on you.
When your solo came Robin was smiling so hard it was getting hard to play properly. You did amazing, didn’t even mess up once and you even improvised a few moves you had been working on that weren't actually supposed included in your performance, but that just made it 10x better.
Once everyone was off the field, you ran to the bathroom to catch a breather and also fix any makeup that got sweat off in the heat of Hawkins. Robin ran to the bathroom and tackled you in a hug, congratulating you and squealing about how amazing you did.
You giggled and said “are you sure it was good? Even the parts I improvised?” Of course Robin knew your entire routine by heart as she’d been watching you practice for weeks. She nodded and said “it was amazing! Dare I say, beautiful! It was! It was beautiful! I- you…you’re beautiful, y/n”
Your eyes widened at the words and she looked down at your lips for a second, before gently leaning in and kissing you softly. You smiled, kissed her back harder. She pulled away and gasped, covering her mouth.
Tears pricked her eyes and she said “I’m so sorry…please, oh god please don’t be mad at me. I don’t know what I was thinking- please don’t be mad-” “Robin, stop it. I’m gay. Like, really fucking gay. Especially for you”
Robin laughed, tears still streaming down her face. “Me too, y/n…me too” she said, whimpering a little but still chuckling. Your child trembled as you said “Robin, please don’t cry” You moved forward and cupped her cheeks, kissing her softly.
She kissed back just as soft as her hands found your waist, caressing it softly. You moved one hand to her back, pulling her flush against you. She smiled and you pulled away for air, pressing your forhead against hers.
“I really freaking like you, y/n. You don’t know how long I’ve waited to kiss you” Robin said and you chuckled. You sniffled and said “I like you too, Robin. I watched so many goddamn band practices just to see you and be in the same room as you. I don’t know how I went so long without kissing you, I don’t ever want to stop now” You pecked her lips softly and she giggled.
You brought her to your house after the game and after you showered she just couldn’t keep her hands off of you. She hugged you from behind as you made frozen pizzas and kept stealing kisses whilst you waited for it to cook.
You loved her, you knew that you loved her already. But you didn’t want to scare her away. So for now you’d let her smother you in kisses and you’d do the same, that girl has no idea what she just got into by dating you. You were completely and utterly obsessed with her. You loved everything about her.
Just you wait, Robin Buckley. You’ll be stuck with y/n for a long time.
Taglist: @amberputh
As of now l'm writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and l'll add you :)
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Hello, random ask, why do you think that a pretty character with bad personality is famous in the fandom (epsecially anime/manga)? Yes, one of them (that I mean) is Gojo Satoru from JJK. Do you watch or read the series?
So 4 months ago, I'm not into the fandom, but my friend made me watch it with them, so I binge watch s1, the movie, then s2, and now I'm one of Gojo fan and SatoSugu shipper (even if I'm late)... Sorry for the rambling, feel free to just ignore my silly ask.
I'm also into Merlin BBC kinda late, just in 2022, when I first watch it. At first I thought it will be hard to find Merlin fan blog (because the show ends in 2012 or 2013), how wrong I was. Thanks to you @that-nerd-who-writes-fanfiction I can be more understanding of their characters, especially Merlin and Arthur's dynamics. Thanks for sharing your posts.....
So I haven’t seen much of jjk, I watched the first few episodes while I was very medicated in hospital last year (I’m okay) so I don’t remember much of it. I need to rewatch it at some point, from what o do remember it was pretty good.
As for the character archetype, I’m honestly not sure. Usually the characters tend to have more than just the bad personally, think Denki in MHA and Mineta, Mineta is just there for the “comedy” of being a perv where Denki doesn’t take it too far, backs off when told (when he asked Uraraka out and accepted her rejection) and has more than just that to his character, and Gojo was a mentor or something, wasn’t he? I can’t remember enough to comment on him.
But anyway, that’s not always the case, I can’t think of any examples off the top of my head while I’m on Merlin brainrot but I know there are some. SAO, SOTE and possibly Beastars (I’ve only heard from friends on that one) probably have some interesting characters that have varying levels of morality and reasons. Other times, they’ve got a tragic backstory that people can relate to, MHA villains or harlequin, also assassination classroom characters for example.
Personally, I’ll overlook a bad character aspect if it’s only like 10-20% of the personality, any more than that and I can’t get myself to like them, but that’s just me and it’s different for everyone based on their own opinions and a bunch of other things. I don’t pretend to understand people, I really don’t.
My thing with character analysis is that in media, I can see all aspects of the character. I can go back and analyse parts and sit watching situations for as long as I need to work out whatever I want to work out. In real life, or when it comes to real people rather, I’m lucky to get anything about a person from the types of interactions you get in fandom spaces so I can’t really speak for other peoples opinions on characters or why they have them.
I’ve seen people who feel the same about Morgause and Morgana despite them having entirely different personalities and reasons for their varying levels of dubious morality, I’ve seen people heavily stan Meliodas from seven deadly sins and say he’s “just flirting” while others will not like that part of his personality but like him overall.
Mostly, I’ll just live and let live. As long as discussions aren’t hostile and everything is kept respectful, different opinions than my own are what keep fandom spaces (and conversations in general) interesting so I’m always interested to hear what people think.
And as for coming into Merlin late, welcome, happy to have you here. I only started watching 2020, rewatched a few (understatement of the decade) times since, and joined the fandom mid to late last year but the fandom is still going strong. It’s definitely one of my favourite fandoms, so I’m glad it’s growing.
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writingsofmax · 2 years
hiii your sick reader x edward story made me think about another writing idea :''))) edward's reaction to fainted reader. they fainted because they  have iron deficiency anemia. annndd I really love your writings!!
I've Got You Word Count: 620 Tags: riddler x reader, chronically ill reader, fainting, caretaking, fluff author's note: hi anon!!! Sorry for taking five hundred million years to get to this request!!!! this request made me SO happy to get. I don't have iron deficiency anemia, but I do have a similar condition that causes me to faint so I can relate a little bit. I really hope this is okay and that you like it. happy holidays <3
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You were in the middle of a conversation with Eddie when you started feeling it. You had been excessively tired all day, and your head swam every time you stood up to do something. But now his questions were getting harder to understand, and your heart was pounding. On top of that your hands felt cold and clammy. You prayed that you wouldn’t pass out. “Sweetie?” Edward asked, a confused smile on his face. “Hm?” “Did you hear me?” “I’m sorry,” you answered, rubbing your brow to try and force your brain into working properly, “What did you say?” “I asked if you were hungry..” he said slowly, watching you carefully. You realized then that you hadn’t eaten yet that day, never a good choice for you. You had just been so busy and had forgotten all about it. “Uh… yeah..yeah” you answered, forgetting what you were talking about again a second later. “Where do you want food from? I can order some.” Eddie offered, watching you like a hawk. You stood up, leaning your weight against the kitchen table heavily. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you mumbled, thinking that maybe splashing some water on your face might help. “I don’t think that’s a–” Edward started. And then you were down. Eddie dove for you, catching you in his arms before you hit the ground. “Angel?” You were unresponsive, “Sweetie?” He felt your pulse, it was there but weak. Had you been forgetting to take your iron pills again? He laid you down gently on the couch, making sure to rest your feet up on pillows. He frowned as he held your hands, they were cold and clammy. His poor angel. He waited there for a few minutes, tucking a blanket around you and moving a pillow under your neck. He brushed the hair away from your face as you began to come to. “E-Eddie…?” you asked, your voice shaky and confused. “Hi Angel… You fainted on me..” He explained, his voice calm and low as he rubbed your hand reassuringly. “Oh… Sorry..” you mumbled, as you closed your eyes again, trying to calm the pounding of your heart. “No. No need to apologize, it’s okay,” he murmured, leaning over to kiss your forehead gently. “I didn’t eat anything yet today,” you explained… “And I actually don’t remember the last time I remembered to take my iron pills..” “Where are they?” he asked, standing up from his kneeling position at your side. “In the medicine cabinet..��� He nodded and stood up to go grab them for you, pulling his phone out of his pocket and raising it to his ear as he walked away from you. The sound of his voice was so comforting and before you knew it you were fast asleep again on the couch. You were awoken a while later to steaming piles of food laid out across the coffee table. “Here baby, drink this for me, okay?” Eddie said as he handed you a glass of orange juice, “And take this before you start eating,” he instructed as he laid an iron pill in your palm. “I called your doctor and they said you should be fine, but they’ll get you in next week just to make sure,” Eddie said, smiling at you as he brought over silverware to use. Your eyes filled with tears as he sat down next to you. “Sweetie?? What’s wrong?” He asked, reaching up to pull you into a hug. “Nothing Ed..” you smiled while wiping your tears away, “You’re just so good to me… I really appreciate you is all..” Edward smiled back at you, before kissing your lips gently. “I’ll always be here for you angel, always.” 
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Work-in-Progress Wednesday
Hello, hello one and all and welcome to my circus of angry idiots. *cue the heavy metal circus music* What's that you say? Heavy metal circus music isn't a thing? Fine. Ahem. Anyway, I have some words which I wrote on my Scrivener document which I would like to share with you!
Poking some friends gently with a stick to see if they have candy: @oblivions-dawn @paraparadigm @tallmatcha @rainpebble3 @mareenavee @frankensonnet @blossom-adventures @sneaksandsweets @rose-like-the-phoenix As always there is no obligation to share, and please consider yourself tagged even if I didn't tag you. Sometimes my brain forgets things and the problem is even worse because right now my entire head feels like it's floating on a cloud. <3
“Are you sure that’s going to work, Ulfric?” Galmar looks down at his friend who is sitting behind stacks of papers. They seem to cover every surface of his desk, scattered about without any sense of rhyme or reason—ledgers here, requests there and documents which he can make no sense of everywhere—they litter every inch leaving none untouched and spill from every drawer. No place is safe nor sacred.
Galmar does not envy the headache that he must have now.
Ulfric pinches the bridge of his nose as he tries to keep his temper in check. “It’s going to have to. A whole restructuring must happen after what occurred at the Moot. I can’t allow Jarls who are actively undermining my authority to stay in charge.”
“What will you do with Elisif and Balgruuf? It won’t be popular to—”
“Whatever I damn well please!” Ulfric slams a fist onto the top of his desk, further sending the papers there into disarray as they begin to cascade off the edges of his desk.
“But who are you going to replace her with? You have few options and even fewer friends in Solitude.”
Ulfric fists a hand in his hair as he looks up with tired, red eyes at his housecarl. He knows that he isn’t doing this on purpose, but he honestly wishes he would take his difficult attitude and shove it up his ass for the moment. “I don’t know, Galmar, but I will figure it out. I always do.”
He then turns his eyes back to what he was working on. What was he even doing?
In the days since being named the next High King, his brain has been spinning faster and upon their return to Windhelm there were more documents than ever to cross his desk—and more worries. Dahlia has been unwell and has expressed that she has been having headaches more days than not as of late.
It’s the stress. It has to be. He’s told her time and time again when she has tried to accompany him late into the night in order to sift through the endless seas of words and ink flowing across his desk that she should go to bed, but she insists that she doesn’t want to leave him alone.
“What about Falk?” Ulfric asks as his quill scratches a hasty signature on whatever is in front of him. He doesn’t even care at this point.
“Firebeard? The Steward?”
“Yes, who else would I be talking about?” His patience is being tested, and despite the fact that Galmar is his oldest friend, there is only so far that will stretch. “Obviously, I cannot execute her nor Balgruuf. It will turn them into martyrs, and it would not paint a favorable picture. I have only just started trying to change the minds of those in Skyrim to see me as something other than a criminal.” He licks the tip of his quill before putting it to the document again. “I will send her off to Cyrodiil where she belongs."
“That all sounds well and good on parchment, but what if she refuses?” Galmar shifts his position to lean against the windowed wall behind Ulfric.
“I’m not giving her a choice.”
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imtooscaredforthis · 1 year
Chapter Twenty One: Matchmaker
Mentions of: Cheating (kinda?), Drug use, alcohol use, smoking, and nothing rlly
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A/N: I’m so tired y’all, but I hope you enjoy this!
Tags: @dead-bixxxtch-walking @mama-miya @prettycutebunny @moonshineinasippycup @vandeaad
Ever since that one night, you and Frank haven’t talked as much. Honestly, a good amount of it was a blur..but you didn’t forget when he almost kissed you. A part of you wanted to, and you told yourself it was just a dream, but deep down you knew it wasn’t.
It probably had something to do with the drugs and alcohol in your system that night but no matter what the reason, you weren’t a homewrecker. Even if his girlfriend was a psychopathic bitch, you refused to break up his relationship. You’re better than that.
You needed a break from searching for the pages, especially after what happened with Bubba. You needed more time to plan so you didn’t have that nightmare happening again. You need to do this right so you can get out of here. So you can see Allison again.
In the meantime, you’re spending more time with Susie again. During a smoking session, you found out that she had some feelings for Joey (even though it was pretty obvious already.) And now you have a little side project of trying to get her set up with him.
“Hey Suse! Conveniently, The Entity brought me some old dresses and makeup. Who knows? Maybe she thinks you guys would be good together too.” You greeted as you entered her room.
“Shhh.” She said, her cheeks pink. “What? It’s not like he’s here.”
“Yeah, but he could walk in at any second.” You rolled your eyes at her. She was so dramatic. “Just try these on.”
You went through a few of your clothes before you found something that suited her. It was a pink dress from your sophmore year homecoming dance. Once you got the dress on, you did her makeup. Nothing too heavy, just some light eyeshadow, blush, and lip gloss.
“Pop your lips. There you go, perfect.” You grinned. “Wanna see?”
She stared at her reflection in shock. “I look so different.”
“Do you like it? I mean, I dig the edgy rock look you and The Legion have, but I think this is cool too. You look gorgeous. So hot!” You remarked.
“Thanks.” She blushed, smiling at herself. “But I feel a little overdressed.”
“Don’t worry, I got some stuff for myself too. You can’t be the only one looking this good.”
For some reason, the Lodge looked different today. More lively. When Frank walked inside there were candles lighting the area, music playing loudly. It wasn’t just metal, but also rock. It was like a party, but without all the people.
He spotted Susie and Joey talking…and then you. You were a sight for sore eyes, wearing a black spaghetti strap dress that fit your curves perfectly. You whispered something into Susie’s ear, grinning at her, before walking off and approaching Frank.
“Hey.” You greeted him. Fuck, you looked even better up close. He did what he could not to stare at your crimson coated lips, and tried not to notice how you weren’t wearing a bra. “Hey.”
“I threw a little get-together thing. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just, I needed to take the edge off a bit. Have some fun.” You admitted with a shrug.
Why is this so awkward? Why is he sweating so much?
“Oh no, it’s fine. A party sounds nice, actually.” He nodded. You grinned, looking over your shoulder at Susie and Joey.
“Aren’t they so cute? It’s so obvious they like each other, you know? I wish they would just say it already.”
So that’s why you were having this party. You wanted to get them together. “I never pictured you to be the type to play matchmaker.”
You shrugged your shoulders, sipping your beer with a coy smile. “I guess I’m just full of surprises then, aren’t I?”
He wants you so bad.
“I guess so. Don’t get your hopes up about Susie and Joey, though. Julie’s been trying to get them together for years. It’s never worked.” He grinned.
“Well, I’m not Julie. Knowing her, I’m sure we have different methods to our work, and who knows? Maybe my efforts will succeed.” You passed him a beer from the cooler.
“We’ll see.” He replied.
You took another swig of your beer, grinning to yourself excitedly as another song started to play. “Oh, I love this song! Wanna dance?”
After a while, Susie and Joey went off for a walk. It was a win in your book because who knows what’s going to happen on that walk? You’re sure Susie will tell you later. But it was also a little awkward since it left you and Frank alone together.
“So what happened to getting out of here?” He couldn’t help but ask. “I’m just taking a little break to figure everything out. Once I do, I’ll be leaving as soon as possible.”
For some reason, Frank felt a little pang in his chest at your words and at the thought of you leaving. Something he didn’t like.
“What if it doesn’t work? What will you do then?”
“What do you mean?“ You asked, your eyebrows furrowing immediately at the possibility. “I mean, what if you can’t escape?”
You shook your head. “I have to try. I’m going to get out of here, no matter what.”
He could tell you were getting irritable from the topic, so he decided to change it. “So why haven’t you been around as often? Did you just need a break?”
“Yeah.” You replied, lighting a cigarette. He noticed some other tattoos you had, another on your thigh, and another on your ankle. You handed him a cigarette, lighting it for him.
“Really? That’s the only reason why?” He pressed you. You sighed. “I’m not a homewrecker, Frank. And I don’t know what happened that night. I don’t know if it was because we were stoned and drunk, or whatever..but it can’t happen again, okay?”
He blew out some smoke, silent for a few moments, the only thing being heard was the fire crackling from the furnace. He could feel your intense stare on him, and he knew you were taking this very seriously. So, he replied. “Okay.”
Unfortunately, he’s never been very good at keeping his promises.
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
I have eyes everywhere. On every blog. 💀 When harry had to cancel some tour dates, the reaction was “Poor babe. He’s sick. I hope he can rest and get well soon 🥺” not a single fan said “he doesn’t give a shit about fans who spent money on plane tickets, hotel, cars, trains, ships, spaceships, ufos etc... now it’s all Louis’ fault. “Fans need an explanation. They need to know why he canceled a whole tour is asia. They need to know. This is so poorly written. His team needs to let fans know. Louis needs to come to my house and tell me why TF he canceled a tour is Asia! His tweet was so fake. He doesn’t care. Why is he acting like he’s canceling a Saturday night with his friends? LOL” and I’m here thinking...you don’t deserve to be his fans. “Leave this guy alone. Forget about him.” At the end of the day, these people can only criticize him. We don’t know what really happened. Why he canceled that tour. It’s wrong that it happened all of a sudden. I feel sorry for his fans. I’m sure he’s sorry too because he Couldn’t wait way to get back on tour. All I see his fake trolls saying “he canceled because he didn’t sell enough tickets” and I’m here saying “he even sold the tickets to your parents!!! That wasn’t the problem!” Something happened. Who knows what. But this “louis is this. Louis is that. I’m so disappointed...” sounds like the usual non larries/louies pretending to be fans. Just to spread hate. And certain blogs let them do that.
You were doing so great lmao then you dropped the “you don’t deserve to be his fan” and fucking hell, nope nope nope. You don’t get to say things like this. I’m sorry, but there are upset people who haven’t ever had the chance to see him. So, if they are disappointed for how poorly it all was managed, they have all the rights. We need to stop with these excuses. They’re big boys who know the pressure they are under.
He’s always there saying he loves his fans, he owns his fans everything and wouldn’t be here without them and then when unforeseen circumstances happen, it’s 🦗🦗🦗🦗. It’s a tweet, guys. It takes 2 minutes tops to type 140 characters on twitter where you mention 1. Your Asian fans 2. What was wrong. As I said in tags, he really went on instagram posting his xrays to say he was sorry for the London shows, but when a whole tour leg is cancelled, you type… that? People will find it weird. People will be upset. The fandom police should stop saying “you’re less of a fan for saying this or saying that” because fuck it, that’s not how it works. I think explaining what went wrong would do him no harm, because fans would understand and support him next time he goes in Asia, for example. You don’t have to say the actual truth… you have to sound credible and honest. That’s it. Otherwise next time your fans will think twice to spend money on your tickets, knowing there is a possibility for whatever reason that the show will be cancelled. Because the problem is not about the tickets per se, it’s all that comes with a show: booking hotels, flights, trains or whatever. And fine, that’s our problem if the show gets cancelled but you bet I would overthink until the next time I book something again for another show in general lol this is not a cult. You don’t happen to be blindly devoted, you have to pay back the support and loyalty with respect and empathy.
Don’t get me wrong. Things like this happen all the time. My maneskin show was postponed like three times for two years. Lewis Capaldi postponed it too. Shawn cancelled his tour, Stromae did et cetera et cetera. But he was in Tokyo saying he was excited for tour just a few weeks ago and now this? It’s upsetting and of course people will demand answers. Some people act like this privacy thing is the biggest deal ffs it’s just about being professional.
And I agree with the pressure part. I said it in tags a few posts below. It is tiring to always have to defend him from people calling him a flop or asking too much from him, but saying something more about why all of your shows in Asia got cancelled? This is not too much.
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