#I’ve been doing mostly hand sewing the last couple years and I’m slightly surprised each time I go back to the machine
gothicmagpie · 8 months
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Working on the binding. Machine stitching the first seam, pressing, and hand-stitching down the second.
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kittybellestark · 4 years
Valentine’s Day
This is soft boi Peter celebrating Valentine’s day the best way he knows how too.
I’m a little late with this I know. But but but I’m also right on time? Anyways please enjoy this. It’s really not angsty at all. There’s a lil bit of insecure Peter, and some miscommunication but this is some soft stuff okay?
Valentine’s Day was probably Peter’s favourite day of the year. He loved the pinks and reds and the extra excuse to cherish all the people he loved. It was cheesy and corny, but did Peter ever love the day. He never got to celebrate it for what it actually was-a romantic day- not with his short fling with Liz and not with MJ either. But that’s okay, Peter loved the day anyways.
He didn’t really understand people’s hatred for it. Yes, it was now mostly just a capitalist ploy to have everyone buy into, but it was more than that for Peter.
Valentine’s Day was an excuse Peter was able to use to show the few people he had left that he appreciated them. It was a day of celebrating love and a day to fall in love with yourself. Peter liked that.
He worked hard on finding what he could make that could fit into the Valentine’s theme without being too obvious. it often took months of work and crafting to make sure he was content with what he’d gift to everyone.
For Ned it was a portrait of the two but made of Lego. For MJ (despite the relationship ending they were still friends) sketchbooks where he made the paper and bounded it himself. For May a new throw blanket, made with the chunkiest yarn he could find at the discount store. For Happy a keychain with a little toy car attached, painted to say ‘Happy Taxi,’ on it. For Pepper a crocheted cardigan this time with crushed velvet and for Tony a painting of his mother.
He was good at making things for other people, to show them his appreciation and love. He worked tirelessly on them, letting it take up his free time. But it made him happy to know that he made something with his bare hands and was able to gift it to someone he loves.
No one really understood why he gave these gifts other than May. She would always give him a small smile and a hug and then the next day he’d get discounted chocolate. May was the only one who knew that Peter did all the work himself. Everyone else just thought he purchased them. Which was fine.
No one needed to know about the sleepless nights or bleeding fingertips. They didn’t need to know how long he spent working on each individual thing. And they most certainly didn’t need to know that Peter was selling some of his own possessions to be able to fund their gifts.
Peter didn’t really plan on telling any of them either. Why should he? He’s showing his appreciation to them, learning these new skills and then becoming good at them is just a way to learn and to show his love. Besides, he wants to show his appreciation, not force the people he loves to gift him something back.
Maybe the presents he gifts them end up shoved in the back of closets or tossed out after a month. That was fine. Just because he was showing his appreciation doesn’t mean they have to show theirs. Valentine’s Day is Peter’s favourite day, it doesn’t mean that the people in his life also need to like it.
But now it was nearing Valentine’s Day and Peter and Harley were kind of sort of maybe a thing. Honestly, Peter wasn’t very sure at this point. It wasn’t like Harley was one for talking about these things. But they had made out a few times and seemed to dance around any possibility of feelings.
Harley wouldn’t talk about his feelings, he was never very open about his emotions. Besides, Harley had a reputation at school for his relationships, if anyone could actually call a hook-up a relationship. Overall, Peter was very confused. Harley was sweet and kind. He made jokes that only Peter would get and casually sling his arm over Peter shoulders. Sometimes at the tower they’d find themselves cuddled on the couch when no one was around or sometimes Peter would find himself pressed against a wall as Harley tried to bruise his neck.
There weren’t officially together, due to the lack of communicating, which meant they technically weren’t exclusive. Peter wanted to be exclusive, but every time he tried to talk about it Harley would deflect and change the conversation. But now it’s coming close to Valentine’s Day and Peter doesn’t want it to be weird. Harley only started going to school with them this year, and while he’s been in the same friend group as Peter, it doesn’t mean he won’t look at the gift wrong. Most people think that Valentine’s Day is inherently romantic. And Peter really doesn’t want to freak Harley out, especially not when they’re still... enjoying each others company. 
It’s not like Harley ever celebrated Valentine’s Day the way Peter does. No one really does. So this might scare Harley. He could think that Peter believes their exclusive and while that is what Peter wants, Peter is also very, very painfully aware that that the two of the just hook up.
Spotting Harley already at their lunch table, created the perfect opportunity for Peter to explain his version of the day. Ned and MJ would be there, which would let them serve as proof that Peter just likes Valentine’s Day. So Peter hurried over to their table and sat across from Harley. It didn’t take much longer for Ned and MJ to join them and everyone to fall into their easy banter.
“So! Valentine’s Day is next week.” Peter couldn’t help the little shoulder shimmy, showing his excitement.
“Yeah, loser, what’d you get us this year?” MJ snorted.
MJ thought Peter’s idea of Valentine’s Day was cute. She was morally against the Hallmark Holiday but she indulged Peter by always accepting his gift. MJ would always roll her eyes and make some remark of her not celebrating the day but would always thank Peter for the gift. She knew the day was important to him and wouldn’t ever flat out reject Peter’s way of showing he cares.
“I can’t ruin the surprise, you’ll just have to wait,” Peter rolled his eyes, bumping his shoulder against hers, “but Harley has never been here for a Valentine’s Day before.”
“Valentine’s Day is a romantic holiday to take advantage of susceptible couples what of it?”
“Peter doesn’t celebrate the day like that,” Ned explained. “He uses the day to show the people closest to him he cares. So he usually buys us all something he thinks we’ll appreciate.”
Harley raised his eyebrows surveying Peter like this was some sort of mystery when it was really simple.
“Yeah, I mean my family is like all dead, so I like to show the people that I have left that I appreciate them. Valentine’s Day is a good excuse. Also not tainted the way other holidays are with missing my family so...”
“Peter!” Ned scolded, “You can’t just drop the dead parents card, that makes people uncomfortable.”
Ned threw a pack of crackers at Peter in punishment, not that it actually ended up hitting Peter. Instead Peter caught it before cracking opening up with a cheeky grin, popping one of the crackers into his mouth. 
“Listen, if I can’t talk about how my parents are dead because it makes other’s uncomfy then I don’t want other people talking about their alive parents because it makes me uncomfy.”
The group laughed before getting back onto track. 
“Anyways, Harley, I’ve got everyone else a gift for Valentine’s Day, can I get you one or does that make you uncomfortable? I don’t mind either way, and you don’t have to get me anything back, I celebrate the day differently and I don’t expect anyone else to celebrate the way I do.”
Harley seemed to consider Peter’s words, his eyes squinting slightly and his head tilting to the side. There was an edge of discomfort and something else Peter couldn’t really identify painted onto Harley’s face. Peter bit onto his own lip waiting for Harley’s answer and really couldn’t help but notice how pretty the boy was. 
“Peter buy’s the best gifts. Last year he bought me this quilt and I literally cannot sleep without it now.” 
The amount of times Peter bled over that stupid quilt- it wasn’t a stupid quilt. It was actually really cool. Peter went from thrift store to thrift store finding cool t-shirts and fabric swatches. He found an old sewing machine- from the 50′s no less- that hardly worked and he fixed up the best he could. No one really made parts for a sewing machine that old anymore, not with them being antiques and everything. But because it was so badly damaged, he got it for next to nothing. Fixing the thing had taken what felt like a century, and the research behind it along with creating all the necessary parts was extremely painful. But the quilt was worth it, and Peter was able to get all the bloodstains out. Ned loved the thing. It was big enough to fit on a king bed, not that Ned had a king size bed now, but there was a possibility he’d get one in the future.
“It’s true, last year Peter got me this painting done of my Grandmother in Washington protesting. I still have no clue how he found that.” 
Finding a picture of MJ’s grandmother was already very, very hard to do. But he managed to find a picture when he was over at MJ’s house once and cross referenced it from a textbook from the early 2000′s. From there he had the picture enhanced and expanded. Then it was just a matter of tracing the picture onto canvas, and learning how to paint. The whole thing was a wreck and Peter was positive that he was going to ruin the whole thing multiple times over, but eventually it resembled to actual photo and then started to look decent. By the time Valentine’s Day came around he only needed a frame, and Peter was okay with the idea of just purchasing a frame was more than enough. 
“I do happen to know a lot of people, and they also know people. And a few of them owe me some favours.”
“Peter there’s no way you know enough people to find something like that.” MJ rolled her eyes.
“I personally know three, no five billionaires, but I only consistently talk to three, I know not one, not two but three groups of super heroes, then I also know a bunch of other vigilantes and not to mention I know so many small business owners. It’s called networking M, it’s an extremely important skill to have.”
MJ scoffed in response, now taking her turn to bump her shoulder into Peter’s. 
“I don’t know why I ever broke up with you, you could have networked me into a world take over.”
“Maybe because we both realized we weren’t straight, I’m bi, you’re a lesbian? Wait no that was a power move, lesbian-bisexual solidarity. Honestly I’m not too sure anymore, might be the long distance thing we had going on, we used to sit kiddy-corner to each other at lunch. It was much to far to support our relationship.”
Ned pretended to gag, but in actuality was trying not to laugh. 
“You guys were insufferable when you were dating but it’s marginally worse now.”
“It’s because we’re gay,” Peter answered.
“Say’s the token straight friend,” MJ quipped.
Ned stuck out his tongue, and crossed his arms over his chest.
“So am I buying you something or not Harls? Whatever you’re okay with, I don’t expect anything back.” 
“I’m only sayin’ yes because of those wonderful testimonies. I better be dazzled Parker.” 
The table cheered. Peter couldn’t help the pit of anxiety that started to form in his stomach. Now he had a week to make Harley the perfect gift and make sure that the message behind it didn’t lead to far on the romantic side. Up to this point Harley was clear about the one thing they’re not, which is the one thing Peter wants the most. So now this gift not only was going to be rushed, but not put any more pressure onto Harley then there already was. 
This was going to be tricky.
The week went by faster then Peter was expecting. Valentine’s Day was the next day and Peter had just barely managed to pull together something, somewhat decent for Harley. Between his friends and the occasional make out session in the alley way behind the school, Peter was genuinely surprised he managed to make things work. 
He scoured the internet and libraries looking for the perfect thing. Harley had been getting increasingly homesick, bringing up certain stores and area’s of Rosehill that he missed the most. So Peter found old pictures, many of them pre-dating Harley, and some from when the town was first established and he learned to stretch canvas and print the pictures onto it. Before printing the pictures Peter printed the headlines that the town had that really stood out to him, some from the city being founded, to others about Tony Stark making an appearance in town. With the pictures printed on top the headlines were only visible in certain lights. 
Peter really hoped that this gift wasn’t too much. 
“May?” Peter called from his room, each gift was laid out across his bed, except the one for May, ready for inspection. 
He paced around his room, worried that nothing was good enough, that he had made a mistake somewhere. Maybe the cardigan was too loosely crocheted, or the painting of Maria wasn’t accurate. The sketchbooks not enough, the Lego portrait not the right colours. Maybe everything was completely wrong and now it was too late to restart them. This would be so much easier if Peter just purchased some gifts for everyone instead. God, what if he had over stepped with something.
May walked into his room, a smile forming on her face at each display of affection her kid created for the people he cared about. Peter taught himself new skills to try and create things people would love and he never, ever took any credit for his own work. All Peter ever wanted to do was show people that he cared and loved them.
“Peter these are beautiful. When are you going to be giving them out tomorrow?”
Peter shook his head.
“I’m going for brunch with Ned, MJ and Harley. Then after that Harley and I are going to the tower, so I’ll be able to give Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts their gifts. Then Happy will be driving me home so I can be here for when your shift ends, so he’ll get his then. And then you get yours tomorrow night,” he explained voice rushed, and face flushed. “I think I overstepped though, with Harley. Honestly probably Mr. Stark too. I don’t know. It’s not like they’ll be keeping this stuff long term anyways right? It’s not actual quality, they’ll keep it out of curtesy then toss it out when they no longer feel like I’ll be offended. I mean, Mr. Stark probably won’t because that’s a painting of his mom, so it’ll probably just end up in storage. But Harley will. May, he’s going to think I’m such a loser for getting him this, I don’t know what I’m doing.”
May hummed, pulling Peter in for a hug. The boy melted in her arms, hugging her back. Peter rested his head on her shoulder, and tried to calm his breathing. May could feel him trying to force himself to match her own. 
“Baby, you made them all thoughtful gifts. You put your heart into this stuff. They’ve all been so good at accepting and appreciating the things you’ve given them. Now I don’t know how Harley will react to your gift, but I don’t think you over stepped. You’ve been pinning after that boy for months now and if he can’t see how much of a gem you are from this then he needs to open his eyes a little wider. Peter Benjamin Parker, you are a beautiful soul and these things you made for everyone reflects exactly who you are.”
“Okay. Sure, yeah. Alright. Tomorrow will be fine.”
It wasn’t fine. 
Well, it was fine, it just didn’t go over the way Peter was hoping for. Brunch went pretty well. Peter and Ned sat next to each other in a both, with MJ directly across from Peter and Harley next to her. They all drank milkshakes and all got different breakfasts. Peter ate crepes, MJ ate waffles, Ned had pancakes and Harley had a typical eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. Their group was there for nearly there for two hours when they started to wrap things up. Which meant it was time for Peter to give them all his gifts.
“I think Harley should get his first, because it’s his first time being here for Peter’s version of Valentines Day.”
MJ winked at Peter after her suggestion. She knew about their complicated web of a relationship. 
“Yeah!” Ned agreed, “we’ve all gotten years of this so Harley gets the honour of going first.”
Peter nodded in agreement and Harley smiled. All the gifts were in canvas bags, leaning against the window of their booth. It was best for proper protection, and also made carrying the canvases a lot easier. 
“Show me whachu got darlin’. I’m sure you found somethin’ great.”
He pulled out the canvas with a picture printed of Rose Hill’s town square, from some time ago. A few of the businesses in the were shockingly still around, and there happened to be a festival going on at the time. Peter had tried his best to find out what festival could have been happening but unfortunately there wasn’t much information online.
“Alright, so I managed to find this, but if you don’t like it I can have it returned,” he couldn’t return it, but Harley doesn’t need to know that. Really, Peter would either put it in storage or he would burn it. 
Peter handed it over with a smile, Ned nudging him just a little bit. Harley took it, and stared at it for much to long without a reaction. His face remained blank, jaw set and Peter felt his stomach drop. Peter had really believed this was something Harley would like, but maybe he misread what Harley meant by homesick. 
Peter felt like an idiot.
“Okay well, MJ here’s yours.” 
He pulled out the homemade sketchbooks, each in a different colour and tried not to look back at Harley. MJ took the notebooks, flipping through the pages a smile on her face. There was orange and red and blue and green, enough of a variety to give her a challenge when drawing, or to set the mood.
“They’re all 100% recycled paper. I know you were saying you were running low on sketchbooks and wanted to find some more ethically made ones so...”
“They’re wonderful Peter, thank you.”
She reached out and squeezed his hand. No sarcastic remarks this time, a clear sign that MJ didn’t approve of Harley’s lack of reaction. Peter shook his head and MJ frowned.
“Okay Ned, this one is for you, be careful it’s a little delicate, not that it can’t be fixed but if you drop it then that’s it.”
“Yeah, yeah just let me have it.”
Peter handed over the Lego portrait, it was large, to say the least, the background red and it was accurate as it could be for plastic blocks. Ned gasped, and his grip tightened on the portrait. Peter watched Ned put it down and was pulled into a quick side hug.
“Dude! This is so cool, this is us! I can’t wait to put this on display in my room. This is so cool, they better make us into a Lego movie now.”
Everyone except Harley laughed. MJ and Ned both gave Peter looks of confusion and he didn’t have a response other than a shrug. This wasn’t the reaction any of them were expecting Harley to have. Not this silence. But Harley just continued to sit there, looking tense, no longer looking at the picture gifted to him.
“Okay, well Mr. Stark is expecting us at the tower in the next hour and we’re an hour and a half away so Harley and I should probably get going.”
Alone time could help. Or it could make things worse. They only had to sit through a bus ride and a subway trip before the tower. Maybe then Harley will have something to say. Besides they both have to work with Tony together. It’s a lot of time to spend together.
The group of teens all walked out of the diner, saying goodbyes and as they separated, gifts in hand. Peter followed slightly behind Harley as the made their way to the bus, trying not to accidentally destroy Tony’s or Pepper’s gift by taking up too much room on the side walk. He couldn’t help but notice the tight grip Harley used to hold on the canvas and Peter was very worried that Harley was going to stretch it or break the thing. 
Peter tried to start conversations with Harley. But every question ended with a shrug for an answer. It was clear to Peter that somehow, someway he royally screwed up. The bus ride was bad, the subway ride was awkward but the elevator ride up the tower was unbearable. Any reaction would have been better, in Peter’s eyes. He would take Harley screaming and tossing the canvas, never wanting to see him over this horrid silence. It was too tense, and Peter was genuinely worried that making any sort of sound or movement would make things crumble. At least he wouldn’t be at the tower for too long.
The elevator doors opened to the penthouse and both the boys exited. Harley stormed off to his room and Peter went to the kitchen. After hearing Harley’s door slam shut Peter put his bags down onto the island and checking to make sure that there’s no damage on either of the gifts. 
Tony entered the area, a big smile on his face. He was dressed up a suit jacket being carried in his arms. Tony and Pepper were supposed to be going out on a date, apparently Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to leave work behind for a few hours.
“Hey Roo, thought you and Harley would be hanging out?”
“Yeah, we were supposed to but I’m gonna head home. I just wanted to make sure you and Ms. Potts got your gifts. Right, yes okay first of all happy Valentine’s Day second of all I have gifts.”
Tony rolled his eyes with a fond smile. He placed his jacket down on one of the stools, and jumped up onto the island counter. He was careful to not disturb the things that were already on the counter. 
“Why is it that you get to buy Pepper and I gifts but then when I try to buy you something it becomes a whole thing?”
“Because when you buy me gifts it is typically something that is over the top. You tried buying a chocolate company because I was sad they were discontinuing my favourite kind. Our idea of gifts are very different.”
Peter stuck out his tongue and Tony flipped him off. 
“Okay, fine whatever now gimmie. You bought me a gift that means you can’t just not give it.”
The teen laughed pulling the painting out from the canvas bag. He handed it over and Tony took it, flipping it around to see Maria. Tony’s one hand went and covered his mouth and Peter gave a small smile. Tony gave himself a minute to recompose himself before reaching out his hand to touch his mothers face.
“Pete... How did you find this?”
Peter shrugged. “I know some people, and they also happen to know some people. They happened to not know that this was your mom and were trying to sell it so I got it.”
Really Peter saw a picture of Maria in the Penthouse, took a picture of the picture, stretched canvas went to the art store bought supplies. Sketched out Maria, tried putting down a base coat, cried because it was ugly, Tried painting it again, cried a little more while repeating “trust the process,” and the eventually it started to look vaguely familiar. Peter hated the process from beginning to end, but the painting itself was goo enough to gift so that was great too.
Just then Pepper walked into the room, hair curled and in a beautiful dark blue dress. She smiled at Peter before taking notice of Tony and the painting in his hands. Pepper grabbed onto Tony’s leg with a soft sigh. Peter felt like he was infringing in their moment when Tony looked up and her and Pepper ran her fingers through his hair.
“I uh, I didn’t get it framed, I didn’t feel that was right to do. I thought you might like finding a frame that fits your moms personality or making one, I dunno.”
“No, no, no that’s perfect. Thank you, Peter, this was just- thank you.”
“Literally no problem, Mr. Stark. I also got one for you Miss. Potts, though it’s not like an emotion one, I just thought you might want something for comfort when at home.”
Pepper tilted her head, a smile playing on her lips, eyes crinkling just so. “Peter, you really didn’t have to buy me anything.”
I know,” Peter dragged out his words head bobbing back and forth as he reached into the bag to get the sweater. 
Once it was out of the bag, Peter all but pushed it into Pepper’s arms. She unfolded the soft crushed-velvet cardigan. It was a deep purple colour, and used a simple enough pattern. There were a few golden buttons sewn on in case Pepper would want something that buttoned up. Getting Pepper’s measurements weren’t too hard for Peter, he just logged into FRIDAY’s servers, then went searching through things he doesn’t have access too and then wrote down everything he needed to know. Luckily for Peter, Pepper and May roughly were the same size, so May was his model in the end. The Cardigan should reach to just above Pepper’s knees and be slightly oversized on her. The entire process was painful, using a crushed velvet yarn was an ambitious move, especially considering that Peter’s crocheting skills are very basic. It was overall a success but a painful one.
“Oh wow, Peter this is really nice.”
She put on the sweater, lifting up one finger up before rushing to the bathroom to look in the mirror. 
“Peter this is so nice? Where did you find this? The quality is incredible and you can tell this is handmade by someone who cares for their work. Also It’s soft and, oh my god there’s pockets. Tony, honey, look, pocket’s I’m just saying that there’s not enough pockets in the world. I think I could fit a book in these pockets.”
Pepper stepped out of the bathroom and Peter was very happy to see it fit her properly. Her hands were deep in the pockets lifting the two sides of the cardigan up to showcase that the pockets were in fact real. She dropped her arms to the side after a moment, taking her hands out of her pocket and giving a little twirl. 
“This is probably my new favourite sweater, Peter. Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem Miss. Potts. I’m going to head out now, happy Valentine’s Day.”
Both the adults wished Peter well and on his way out Peter had seen Happy and was able to let the man know not to pick him up later as well as give him the little keychain.  Happy pretended to think the Happy Taxi keychain was very funny. Peter knew he did in fact enjoy the joke, as Happy had put it onto his keyring immediately. And Happy doesn’t do anything he doesn’t want to- at least not when it comes to Peter.
The journey home from the tower was rough. Peter couldn’t help but thinking of Harley. By the time Peter got home he was consumed by everything he could have possibly done wrong. Maybe the gift was too much. Or not enough. Harley might actually hate the pictures that Peter picked out. Peter could have messed things up earlier and Harley just felt this was the right time to ice him out. Did Peter’s breath stink the last time they hooked up? Was he too clingy or just not good enough? Harley has a few people he hooks up with at school, which he’s stopped with everyone except Peter, so maybe Harley was upset with Peter.
Peter just wanted to scream. He tried his best to be what Harley wanted, to go with whatever flow was being set. Harley didn’t seem to want anything serious so Peter stopped trying to define what they were. They’re friends who kiss and that’s fine, except maybe Harley never wanted any of this and Peter pressured him into this. The entire thing was a mess, and Peter wished he knew what he did wrong. 
Boys are complicated.
Harley is complicated. 
It was March 1st before Harley started to talk to Peter again. Their group of friends had been tense, Ned and MJ did their best to keep things from getting awkward. None of it really worked. Harley would talk to everyone but Peter, and when Peter would try and talk he would be glared at instead.  But finally after two weeks of nothing Peter got a text.
Come over now ?
Peter’s anxiety went through the roof, but this was good right? A step in the right direction? Peter wasn’t so sure what it could mean, but talking was definitely better than nothing. So Peter responded and made his way over.
This could be the end of their friendship. What if Harley friend-breaks up with Peter? That would be mortifying. To be called over just to be told that Harley no longer see’s Peter as a friend is nightmare. It could be a reality. Peter must have messed up badly if Harley was calling him up to friend breakup. 
One Peter made it up to the pent house he was surprised to see Harley making popcorn in the kitchen. Peter had stepped out of the elevator, arms crossed over his chest, moving to sit at the kitchen island.
“I’m making popcorn. We’re watching a movie.”
Peter couldn’t help but nodding too fast too soon. He didn’t much like the way Harley was talking or Harley’s tense shoulders. It was too matter-of-fact. Harley didn’t have the emotion’s that usually filled his actions and move, not a single nickname or pushing his accent to sound stronger.  This was just Harley without the usual charm and it worried Peter. 
They both moved over to the living room once Harley was done with the popcorn. Peter sat down in his usual spot- on the left end of the couch and Harley, well Harley just a little bit farther away than usual. It wouldn’t have been too noticeable to Peter if Harley hadn’t shut him out.
But now Peter noticed everything. 
He couldn’t help but notice the way Harley’s heart was beating just a little bit faster than it usually did. Peter noticed the way Harley would not relax, how each movement was carefully thought out. Harley wouldn’t let himself take full breaths, and Peter could feel the vibration on the floor from Harley bouncing his foot. 
Peter was so focused on Harley, trying to find out Harley could possibly be thinking. He wasn’t paying any attention to the movie was playing, or even what Harley’s actions were. Peter was so focused on trying to understand everything about Harley that he missed it when Harley moved. 
Well, Peter missed it up until there was lips on his neck. 
Harley’s hands moved to Peter’s waist, trying to pull Peter up on top of himself without losing any contact. The tension in Harley’s muscles started to relax, and Peter couldn’t stop himself from melting into Harley.
This- Peter could be what Harley wanted like this. He can be pliable or rough. Whatever Harley needed, whatever Harley wanted, Peter could be it. It’s easy to be good and in the moment with Harley. There was no talking, sure, that wasn’t great. But kissing? Sitting on Harley’s lap? That was good.
Here, Peter can be whatever Harley wants him to be. No picture on a canvas or anger. The attention isn’t solely wrapped around the lack of talking between the two, but of them together. Peter can be what Harley wants, he really, can. He just need too-
No. Peter can’t be whatever Harley wants. Not without the communication. And definitely not with everything that’s happened in the last two weeks. Every day Peter has ran through what exactly went wrong on Valentine’s Day. Whether it was the gift, or the place, maybe it was some sort of unknown expectation Harley had. But it led to nothing. Peter felt like nothing. Peter doesn’t what to be nothing, not even if that’s what Harley wants him to be. 
He can’t be here, not like this. 
“Harley, Harley, stop.” 
Tears burned in Peter’s eyes as he forced them shut and turned his head away. Harley pushed Peter off of his lap without a second thought, and Peter hated how that felt personal. 
“Darling, what’s happening? Did I do something to upset you?”
Peter wanted to hate that honey-thick accent, but he also just wanted that concern to be real. Not that the concern was fake- Harley wasn’t the type to fake concern- but Peter wanted it to be more than just situational. He wanted things to be deeper, Peter wanted Harley to care about him the same way he cares about Harley. And if Peter couldn’t have that, then he wanted to hate Harley and his stupid accent, and southern charm, and blue eyes and not-quite-brown-but-not-really-blond-hair. 
So he straightened his shoulders out, and took a deep breath in. Peter opened his eyes to Harley only being a few inches in front of him. Barely enough room to breathe, but also way too much room. Peter sat more up right and shook his head.
“I can’t do this Harley. I can’t be the person you call for a good time. You haven’t spoken a word to me since Valentine’s Day, and now this is it? We just make out for a little bit and I have to pretend like I never felt like I was the one to do something wrong? I can’t do that.”
Harley pulled himself backwards, his hands pressed into the couch. His head was tilted just a little bit the the side, eye’s flickering back and forth as he thought.
“You literally gave me a present for Valentine’s Day, Peter, I wasn’t okay with that.”
Peter wanted to pull his hair out- he really did. He stood up and walked around the coffee table one hand tugging lightly at his hair while the other stayed at his hip.
“Why would you tell me that you were okay with me getting you something for Valentine’s Day if you’re going to be uncomfortable then. I asked you so I could avoid this. You even saw me give MJ, who is my ex-girlfriend, a present and Ned one. If you were not okay with it then why did you tell me to dazzle you?”
“Because I thought you’d buy me something. But you didn’t. Nobody has ever heard of Rosehill let alone sold pictures of it with headlines from the town’s news paper. You made that. I don’t want you treating me like I’m special.”
Harley also moved to stand, making his way closer to Peter. With every word he jabbed a finger in Peter’s direction, his voice getting louder as he continued. His face was patchy-red and Harley’s jaw was set tight.
“I don’t buy shit for anyone on Valentine’s Day, Harley. I made the Lego portrait of Ned and I, and MJ’s notebooks, I also painted Mr. Stark’s Mom, and crocheted Pepper a sweater, and May a blanket. Also I made Happy a little Happy Taxi keychain with working headlights. I don’t claim to buy anyone’s gifts. I do it all myself. So my bad for making you feel special for doing a two minute Google search and printing something out I’d thought you’d like. I spent months making gifts for everyone, except yours because I just didn’t know you well enough. I did what I could, but everything I gave was made by me.”
The room fell silent again. The teens stood face to face, just a few feet away from each other. Harley’s blue eyes were filled with anger and disbelief and Peter couldn’t help but feel hurt. They stood there, starring at each other for too long, breathing too heavily. The movie continued to play, casting different lights across the room and they all just seemed to fit too well.
“Okay,” Peter finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper, “okay. I’m going home. I really cannot do this anymore, Harley. The ball is in your court now. Just- if you decide that we’re not going to be friends or whatever can you please not just ignore me at lunch? It’s awkward. Also it’s not fair to MJ or Ned. And please don’t tell anyone I make their gifts, I don’t want them buying me something out of guilt. I do it because it’s important to me. Other than that, if you want to stay out of my life or whatever you decide it’s fine. I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I’m really sorry, Harley.”
With that Peter turned away from Harley. He hated that he was the one that was bringing things to an end. Is that even what this was? Peter gave Harley the choice, it doesn’t mean that Harley will choose to burn everything they’ve had to the ground, but he could. This could be it. No more friendship or laughing or kissing. It’d all be over. All because of a stupid picture and Peter’s need for attention. 
That’s all it was ever about. Attention. It had to have been. If he was being rational, then Harley’s silence wouldn’t have bothered him. Peter wouldn’t have met with Harley after school or during lunch. This was all Peter’s fault. He just liked the attention.
No. No. That wasn’t it. It couldn’t be. Peter liked Harley. He wanted a relationship with Harley. It’s not like he didn’t try waiting for him or communicating what he wanted. Peter tried to give Harley all the time he needed. It just wasn’t enough and now Harley has a choice. This wasn’t over a picture, or attention, it’s about Harley.
So Peter walked away. He made his way to the elevator where FRIDAY already had the doors opened and waiting for him. Harley just needed time, to figure out what he wants. That’s all this is. Time. It’s not an ending. It just feels final. 
Peter turns around and smiles at Harley, tipping his head forward. Harley is still all the way across the living room, just watching Peter walk out on him. The doors started to close when Harley finally, finally called out to him, making FRIDAY re-open the doors.
“I’m sorry for freaking out. I just thought you were trying to make me feel bad for not getting you anything.”
Peter sighed, “I don’t care if you get me anything, Harley. It’s my holiday, not yours. No one get me anything in return, it’s why I don’t say that I make the gifts. But I stand by what I said. I’m not doing this weird friends who make out thing anymore. I can’t be waiting around for weeks because you’re upset and wondering where things stand between us. You’re either in this or you aren’t. I can’t be another name on a list you work your way through because you’re bored.”
“Darling, you’ve never been another name on my list. I swear it.”
Harley made his way from around the couch and Peter stepped out of the elevator, but not enough to really be in the room. The both of them were saying their words a little too loudly, and it all felt like too much. 
Peter could feel the heat burning his eyes as he tried his best to to cry in front of Harley. His jaw ached from the feeling and everything in him said he should just leave. Cut his loses and leave. But Harley was here, pretty as ever, with his splotchy-red face and freckles. Peter just couldn’t convince himself to leave. 
“Cindy. Brad. Sarah. Ashley. Josh. Eric. Damion. Brittany. Jessica. Me. That’s a list, Harley. I tried to be okay with it, I swear. But there’s only so many times you can brush me off when I try to talk about it. You can’t tell me I’m more than just a name on a list when it’s all right there.”
Tears started to roll down Harley’s face first. Harley’s hands shook as he tried to wipe them away and Peter tried not to sob at the sight. Peter stayed where he stood and Harley moved forward into Peter’s space. He lifted his hands up to Peter’s face, thumbs on Peter’s cheeks and finger’s tangled in Peter’s hair. Harley cried as he held Peter, and Peter did his best not to lean into Harley.
“I’m so sorry, Peter. I’m sorry that I’m scared and that I wouldn’t listen to you. I like you so much, sweetheart. I’m so sorry that I made you feel like this. I’ll do better. Please, honey, I don’t want to lose you.”
Peter couldn’t stop himself from sobbing. Tears streamed down his face as he let himself fall into Harley. He wrapped his arms around the taller boy, and Harley had one arm wrapped around Peter’s back and the other holding onto the back of his head. Peter was relieved to hear that Harley wanted him to stay. He just couldn’t imagine a life without Harley.
“We can be boyfriends, if that is also what you want Peter. I know I’d like that a lot. Just the two of us, no one else.  How’s that sound?” 
“Yeah, I like that, just the two of us, no one else.”
Harley tried to laugh as he held Peter, but it didn’t work out well. Instead the two just held each other as they cried. Finally releasing the emotions they held in during their fight, and instead of being left alone they got the comfort of each other’s arms.
The elevator closed. The movie played on. Peter finally got the one.
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patrick-donovan · 4 years
WHEN: June 2nd, 2020.
WHERE: Thea Hudson’s house.
WHO: Thea Hudson & Patrick Donovan
EVENT: Thea invites Patrick over and lets him use some of her drawing materials and it kinda escalates. 
PATRICK: Patrick hadn’t really slept for the past couple of days. It had mostly been because of the whole situation; he didn’t want to go to sleep, because he didn’t want to miss out on any opportunity there might have been, to go home. He was still not feeling completely safe with going to sleep, and had only gotten a few hours here and there. The thought of his parents having to mourn him, absolutely broke his heart. But it meant that he was getting grumpy. No sleep and no appetite made him irritated and even more frustrated that he couldn’t do anything about it. 
Unfortunately for him, he’d ended up taking it slightly out on Thea. He hadn’t meant to be so grumpy, but it had just sort of happened; her pushing him to get a job and settle down on the island was something that had ticked him off. He knew he wasn’t in the right for saying some of the things he had, especially not after what Thea had been through, and he felt bad. 
He’d just gotten out of the shower when Thea had messaged about the class assignment that Patrick hadn’t signed up for. He was too tired to even consider doing it, not sure if he was in the right mindset for doing such a thing; he was focusing on trying to get off of the island anyway. He’d gotten himself ready after that, and she’d soon invited him over after he’d protested about the way that everything was run, his homesickness, his lack of creativity - and he honestly didn’t understand why. He’d been complaining and yet she still invited him to come over. The girl was truly something else, and Patrick knew that. 
Clad in a pair of black jeans, a white t-shirt and a blue denim shirt over, Patrick knocked on the door to Thea’s giant mansion, once again. He rolled up his sleeves as he waited for her to answer, softly biting his bottom lip in anticipation. She had that effect on him.
THEA: Thea had been struggling today to try to help Skylar as much as she could and also just trying to figure out how to get back into her Domme headspace after everything that was going on. It was definitely not the first nor the last time she would probably feel this way. But at the moment she was trying to be a Domme in a nonsexual way. Encouraging Patrick to get a job and not talk poorly, making sure to get Skye to find her hard limits during her recovery.
When she had messaged the male, she didn't realize he was still having these types of thoughts after he had been over yesterday and said nothing about them. It worried her. And she knew it would take time to adjust and figure out what exactly this island was, and the only she probably adjusted so quickly was because of her lifestyle back home and also her siblings being here. And so she figured she needed to show some patience with Patrick. She was hoping that coming over would help. 
Thea was back in her everyday fashionable attire, a small skirt and tight top. She had told Skye that Patrick was coming over and she had told her that she would be in her room. Thea made her way downstairs when she heard the door and opened it to find him waiting. "Hey," she said calmly.
PATRICK: It wasn't the first time that it was sort of tense between the Hudson girl and him. There had been many arguments and fights over the past five years of them knowing each other - over silly little things that weren't even relevant. And usually, it was Patrick who would apologize and try to make things good again, hating that weird "distance" between them. But this was different; it wasn't a silly little thing that wasn't relevant. This was incredibly relevant. It was their lives. And Patrick didn't want that tension to be there now. He wanted it to be like yesterday, when his primary goal had been to cheer the girl up, get a laugh out of her and make sure that she'd smiled at least 40 times during his short visit. 
He thought he was going to be on a high and float around on a pink sky, after she had kissed him, but his thoughts and brain had screwed him over on that one, when he'd laid down to go to sleep and thought about his parent's Sunday routine. He wanted to feel like he'd just won the lottery, again, but the thoughts inside of his mind were just too heavy. 
It kind of disappeared when he saw Thea in front of him though. It was so easy to get caught up in her beauty; that was why it was so easy for Patrick to draw her. A small smile grew on his lips. God, it was so obvious how smitten he was with this girl. He walked up to her and moved in to give her cheek a kiss. "What's up?" He greeted her and pulled away to take a look at her, his smile still there. "Are you okay?"
THEA: Seeing him smile, she thought maybe he could get over this sadness. But she couldn't be with him 24/7 to help him forget that this place wasn't home. Thea missed home a lot too, but she also had a lot of privileges here that she didn't have back home. So, she couldn't quite relate to his sadness for the moment. Thea let him kiss her cheek before walking him a bit more inside to close the doors. "Not much," she said before looking over his expression as she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just want you to understand, but don't know how I can make you understand. But right now, I think drawing might help relax you, and get you into a better headspace." She said as she gently took his hand. "Skylar doesn't feel like being social, by the way, sorry." She guides him up to her studio area where she had brought out her sketchpad for him.
PATRICK: It was all of the free time that Patrick had, especially when he was alone, that made him think about things; if he was distracted by someone or something else, he was fine. Which was why he so badly needed to paint or draw again. He couldn't take the loneliness and boredom, because it made his mind spiral out of control. He didn't want to feel that way, especially not around Thea. Back in New York, it had been so easy for him to just go and sulk alone whilst painting something, or sketching a random thing down in his book, and it had meant that he wouldn't take it out on anyone else. He couldn't do that here. At least not until his best friend had mentioned the supplies that she had. Thea was completely right. Drawing something would definitely help him relax. "I've always wondered why Van Gogh cut his ear off, y'know? It's making more and more sense to me, these days," His tone was teasing; he knew the original story. And Thea knew Patrick too well, to know that making art would help. He looked down at their hands holding. It had all happened so fast, but Patrick was grateful that he was actually moving into a territory with Thea, where they could share little intimate things like hand-holding and cheek kisses. "No, no, don't apologize. I can always see her, in a couple of days when she's had time to recover," Patrick said, alluding to the fact that he probably wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon. He looked at the supplies in front of him; she had it all, but that was probably down to the fact that she had to sketch her designs. "Thank you for doing this, by the way; letting me use your things." He turned to her and smiled softly, his eyes locking with hers. "A knife can only do so much on a plate, it's not quite the same as a pencil or a brush."
THEA: She rolled her eyes, "Now you're being just as dramatic as ever," Thea shook her head before giving a small smile as she wonders what Skylar was doing up in the room she was in anyway. "Yeah, she definitely needs friends surrounding her," she agreed, genuinely worried for sister's well-being. It felt like Skye was saying something without saying anything when she had told her that Patrick was here. So, now she just would live how she would until told what exactly was wrong, if anything actually was wrong after all. Shutting the door behind the two of them so that way the noise wouldn't bother her sister. She watched Patrick take in the space as she smiled and gave a small shrug. There were two desks, one with her fabrics and sewing machine the other one for sketching. She grabbed the seat from the desk filled with fabrics. There was a half-finished outfit on the mannequin but still so much more space. "Oh, c'mon, why would I keep this away from you? I've got some watercolors and colored pencils if you want to have at those as well." She let her eyes look into his, "Well it's a good thing that I have both of those then," she gives a soft smile before standing back up to grab a few more materials out for him. "So, just draw what you feel and get your catharsis."
PATRICK: "Does that come as a surprise to you?" Patrick asked, a small smirk lurking on his lips. Thea helped him tremendously to feel better, but he knew that he couldn't rely on her. She was someone who had been there, in his life, for such a long time, and they had done so many things together, so she had become this beacon a positivity in Patrick's adventures on the island, reminding him of all the good things that were there. "How do people treat her here, do you know? Other than the whole Switch thing that's apparently offensive to someone," he paused, rolling his eyes at the thought. It was ridiculous. "She's not got beef with anyone, right?" Patrick asked her, biting down on the inside of his lip. That had been another thing that had kept him awake; worrying about Skye and the attack, if he was in any danger at all. He sat down at the desk with all of the drawing materials and was ready to just get going and actually make something now. "Just wait and see, I'm gonna create some magic here." Before too long, the pencil was hard at work on the paper, lines coming into existence, slowly letting a figure take form. Patrick's face scrunched up as he concentrated, his jaw clenching and unclenching as his eyes stayed focused on the piece of paper. The figure was slowly coming to life, and with one last line going across, Patrick breathed out, satisfied with his work. Then he ripped the piece of paper out and was about to give it to Thea. Maybe he shouldn't? Maybe it was for the best if he didn't. Clenching his jaw again, he made a decision to go against his doubt, and he leaned over to give it to Thea. It showed her sat with her head in her hands, clearly upset. He'd only seen hee like that once - when Skylar had disappeared, back in New York. She was so good at keeping it together and not show anyone her vulnerability, but that moment had struck a chord in his memory, and the image of her sat like that, in total despair, had remained.
THEA: "I suppose it shouldn't be at this point," she said with a small smile before she felt herself tense a bit when the conversation came to her sister. "I mean...she doesn't really like talking to most people in general." Thea gives a shrug and shake of her head, "Um not really, not that I know of, why?" She asked not seeing what the relevance was. But she decided to add, "You know, she would probably be a good person to talk to about being a Switch and helping you figure things out as a Switch," she adds not wanting to put Skye on the spot right now while she was still recovering, but thinking it would be smart for them to know they were in this together. Once she was done placing everything down, she laughed at Patrick's comment, "Alright, alright, let's see what you got." She said before watching him a moment as he was in the mode. She had seen that face various times and it was odd to see it now, in this whole different place. While she waited, she did a sketch of her own, a dress she had been thinking about for a couple of days now. She didn't quite finish it when she heard the paper rip out and she looked back towards him. She watched his hesitancy, confused as to what exactly he was worried about as he had given her plenty of his sketches before. Leaning over to take the paper she looked at it and her heart sunk as she looked at it. It made her look weak and helpless. She remained silent for a moment before giving it back to him. "Why did you draw that?"
PATRICK: Patrick had met Skye only a handful of times through Thea; it was inevitable since they lived together in New York, and Patrick sometimes came over. He liked the girl and her sass - it seemed to be a trademark of the Hudson sisters, and Patrick enjoyed that. He shrugged his shoulders at her question, that being the answer. "I was just wondering," yeah, wondering if they could somehow figure out who had done all of this and punish them for the crime that they had committed. And not punish them the way that Matthias had punished Patrick for not including titles when speaking to him. "I know that she can take care of herself, she's like you," his hand moved up to pinch his nose quickly, his gaze falling to the floor. "You're both really independent. Stubborn. But that's a given," a small smile lingered as he looked up at her after he'd said that. "But that's not enough for anyone to have a grudge against someone," Patrick knew that it came down to the whole Switch thing, everyone had said so themselves. It seemed like they were specifically targeted for some reason. "What's so wrong about being a Switch here?" He asked her, his eyebrows furrowing. 
Patrick kept his eyes on Thea, wanting to see her expression. He knew that she didn't want to be seen in that kind of "negative" way, but Patrick found it beautiful. It resonated with him. "Because that's how I feel," he said, not hesitating that time. Maybe it was how she felt as well, after everything with Skye? He didn't know, he didn't want to just assume her feelings. But he knew that the hopelessness that her posture represented in that drawing was exactly how he felt about being on the island. Quietly, he turned back to the desk and started the next one. He could feel the tension and anger leave his body with each line he drew.
THEA: Thea gave a small nod as she adds, "She may be able to take care of herself, but it doesn't mean she shouldn't have to do this all alone, but I know that's not what you meant." She gave a small smile as he complimented her resilience, letting out a little bit of a laugh. "Yes, it's just in our DNA," she agrees before turning a bit more serious. She shook her head and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, the people who think that it's wrong? They are the ones who are in the wrong. They're the problem. They think that just because Switches weren't one of the original marks you could have and it's only about Doms and Subs in a relationship that one person can't be both. And they're stupid and I hate them." She said as she started to feel a bit more anger about what happened to her sister, but tried to release that tension as it wasn't going to help Patrick. 
When he told her that the reason he drew it was because it was how he felt, she felt her heart hurt as she leaned forward a bit and kissed the side of his forehead. "I'm sorry, Pattie," she said softly as he goes back to drawing. She once again also turns back to her own sketch, figuring out what type of material she would want for it as she erased a few little details and corrected them.
PATRICK: "Yeah, no, definitely not. It's a good thing that she's got you, Thee," He told her. She probably knew that already, but he wanted to tell her. He was so proud of her, how she'd gone out of her way to make sure that her sister wasn't alone at any point in time, making sure that she was safe in her home, and seemingly dealing with crap from other people on top of it all. It was a lot, and he wanted her to know that she'd done an amazing job. She was using her stubbornness for something that benefitted both of the girls. Patrick listened to her as she explained. It didn't make sense to him, how people could care about something so much that they would harm another person. To Patrick, compassion was one of the most important things in life. His lips went into a straight line and he shook his head in pure anger, disappointed that it was such a problem. "But, it means that I could potentially offend someone, just because of my preferences?" It was the kind of danger that Patrick couldn't be bothered to deal with, it wasn't anyone's problem but his own, and it didn't make much of a difference to anyone else's life. Knowing that someone had taken it personally and almost like a threat to them, and then taken it out on poor Skylar broke his heart. 
Thea's kiss was welcomed. He didn't want her to feel sorry for him, because he wasn't the type of person to be pitied, but the kiss caused a wave of reassurance through his body; he knew that, even if he didn't have his family, he did have her. She was important to him. He appreciated the gesture. "You don't have to apologize," He told her softly, his dark brown eyes finding her hazel ones. "This is helping, a lot." He said, gesturing to the art. He was really thankful that she'd let him use her things for now, until he got a job and a steady income to buy his own supplies.
Patrick's style when drawing was more realistic, than when he painted; they were considered to be abstract expressionism, and he was moody and aggressive when he painted. Drawing was different. He paid attention to details in his drawings, and while they were quicker to do and didn't require a whole lot of brain power, it was good practice for him, and it stimulated him in ways that only sex really could. Looking over to his side, Patrick took in Thea's features as she sat there. The way her jawline curved sharply, her long eyelashes curling upwards, her round cheeks and those damn lips; they were red and full, and something that Patrick wanted to feel against his own again. If he tried hard enough, he could still feel the way his lips had been buzzing, when he’d walked home after their make-out session.
After a while, Patrick had produced yet another drawing, this time of Thea in the moment, and the way that she had been concentrating on her own work. He once again ripped the paper out and placed it on the table. He was getting pumped about feeling creative again. Leaning over, Patrick peeked at the work that the girl was doing. He looked serious as he said, “That fabric makes me itch, you’re not getting me into that,” He joked deadpan, but wasn’t able to hold it for much longer and soon enough cracked a smile. He got up from his seat and walked up to stand behind her, his hands moving into her hair as he pulled it back gently. Then he leaned down, his lips almost ghosting her ear. “But you can get me out of this.” He whispered, referencing to his clothes. It was a typical Patrick-move.
THEA: Thea felt her anger starting to get to her about the whole subject as it had a few nights ago. It made her want to punch a wall and burn down houses and break shit and even then it wouldn't have been enough at the moment because her sister was not okay and the guy who did this to her still could be out there. "Fuck the people that are offended by your mark, Patrick. They mean less than nothing. Don't go near them if you can help it," she warned him as she wanted to leave the subject at that. 
She said gently, "I know I don't have to apologize, but I wouldn't want anyone to feel the way I felt that day or any of the worst days of my life." Thea commented as she kept her eyes on him. She gave a small smile, rubbing at the back of his head for a moment before nodding, "I'm glad it's helping," she said to Patrick as she felt a proud feeling of at least she was doing something right. 
After a bit more time of perfect the look of the lace on the dress she thought that maybe it was done and with perfect timing too as she heard the sound of paper ripping once again. She looked over at the drawing with a smile. Patrick had sketched plenty of similar things of her, probably to the point that he could fit a whole art gallery with them. She had kept all of them in a shoe box in her apartment. If she was having a bad day she would look through them and it would help. She wondered what happened to that box now. 
She saw that his eyes wandered over to her sketch, and she looked up at him and said in a matching tone, "Well then it's a good thing it's not for you," Thea retorted before she watched him get up, feeling his presence now behind her, his hands moving through her hair. She felt the heat of his body move closer towards hers as he whispered in her ear, telling her to take off his clothes. If Thea was a Submissive, she would have melted, yet she was not and she turned her head to look at him, "I promised my sister it would only be kissing today."
PATRICK: Patrick hated the discrimination that existed. If he absolutely had to be sucked into a pocket dimension, couldn't he have been sucked into one where all these social problems didn't exist? He didn't want to talk about it anymore, he knew that nothing good was going to come out of it, unless he found a way to revolt against all of it, and even then, he relied on hope that it would actually work, and that he wouldn't get punished. The latter result seemed to be more possible than anything else. "I won't. I'm good at taking care of myself, and I don't plan on getting hurt by anyone." 
Smiling softly, Patrick almost purred at the feeling of her hand at the back of his head. The way she touched him made something within him feel more alive. Like she'd turned a switch on and electricity was flying through his body. He was a big fan of that feeling. She had a way of making him feel comfortable and safe. "You're helping," He softly corrected her, smiling. 
Slightly disappointed that his flirting wasn't working wonders on the girl, he had to remind himself that she had been immune to his charms from day one, for several years. Not everyone would melt under his touch, and he knew that, but after years of pretty much getting what he wanted, it still felt like a slap in the face when he got rejected. Shrugging his shoulders, he moved to kneel down beside her. "I'll happily take what I can get," He said, remembering how her kisses had been one of the highlights of the past couple of days. He want content with that decision, so he leaned up, one hand on her knee and his other hand moving up and under her hair and to the back of her head to pull her in for a deep kiss, finally connecting his lips with hers.
THEA: She was thankful that they didn't have to talk anymore about it. And once Patrick had finished his first painting he was starting feeling better. A small smile went on her lips as he corrected her statement, letting him her know that the act of painting wasn't the only thing that was helping, but that she was in general helping him. Thea let out a small sigh of relief at that. 
But it wasn't until after the second painting that he started to get a bit antsy. Thea watched over his expression and grinned as he knelt down. "See, you are starting to get the idea a bit," she teases at the way he was on his knees. Although she felt a bit odd with him him trying to take charge. She leaned forward to kiss him in return. Her hands moving to his shoulders as she slides her tongue instantly into the kiss, thinking of the drawings he had just been doing for her as she makes out with him.
PATRICK: There was this give-and-take relationship between the two of them that made sense and worked. He'd tried being there for her, when she'd found out about Skylar, and now, she was there for him, letting him do this thing and helping him express his thoughts and feelings. Granted, he'd only drawn two pictures, and they were both of Thea, he figured they were both a good representation of what it was like for him, at the moment. She'd been more supportive than he could ever have dreamt of. 
But there was still that adjustment that he had to make to the whole thing. She was a Domme, and he knew that. She wanted to be in charge, and he was flexible, only really caring about pleasing her and doing what she wanted, so she could be satisfied. But he also wanted to show her how grateful he was, how much he'd missed her, even if it had only been a couple of days they'd gone without speaking to one another. He wanted to let her know that he had this love and affection for her, and that he had a hard time expressing that outside of art and sex. That was why he had kissed her and initiated this make-out session. That was why he muttered the next thing. "Teach me?" 
With a sharp intake of breath, Patrick felt her tongue against his. He felt a flutter in his stomach, and the skin on the back of her neck felt like silk under his fingertips. He moved his hand to cup her cheek, as his lips danced with hers, and his body leaned further and further into hers, wanting, no, needing to be closer with her.
THEA: Thea was enjoying kissing him, he told her to teach him and it was all she could do to rip off all his clothes right now and teach him a lesson on being a Submissive sexually. But Thea also felt like he may need a lesson on what it meant to be nonsexually too. She didn't know how to reel this back in. He already knew her as a friend, as equals. But now she would have to figure out how to discern between the two. She was able to do it with Kurt, but then again they were never sexual. Thea thought how it was a good thing that Patrick and her had not been sexual yet. "Do you want to be my little bitch?" She murmured against his lips. 
She sat in her chair still, enjoying the fact that Patrick was on his knees as she was happy to kiss him, but Thea only pulled her lips away when she felt that need to breathe. But then she looked down at him. "If I teach you, you have to listen and take in what I say. Understood?" She said while looking down at him, "You have to learn how to be good."
PATRICK: Patrick had always enjoyed being dominated in the bedroom; it rarely happened, because of the people that he slept with were naturally submissive to him, when he initiated things, but the few times that someone had taken charge, he'd been absolutely ecstatic. To hear Thea speak to him like that was new and something that he didn't expect, but he didn't hate it. Even if they were just kissing for now, he couldn't help but find it incredibly hot - whatever she wanted to do with him, he would do. He nodded into the kiss, happy to oblige. "Please," He sighed. "Make me your bitch." 
Both of his hands had moved down to her thighs, slowly rubbing them. The fabric of Thea's skirt slipped out of his fingers every now and again and he could feel her soft her skin was, but he didn't dare to go under her skirt, not when she'd wanted them to stay at a safe level, and just kiss. He looked up at her, his smile having faded as he listened intently. "I understand. I'll be good, Miss Hudson." This time, he didn't have a problem with saying it, because this was different. This was him being willing to learn, seeking it out, and not being forced to do anything that he wasn't ready for.
THEA: She kissed with even more passion as he seemed to want to learn what it really meant to be in a Dominant/Submissive styled relationship. Thea had expected at some point he would figure it out, but it was a lot sooner than she had expected. Thea was definitely collecting Switch bitches now it seemed. The only thing she was nervous for now was how this might affect their friendship. But it was obvious they were bringing things to the next level anyway as she had her tongue in his mouth. 
Thea felt his hands and tried her best not to feel wet, but her body couldn't help but reacting, but she wouldn't show that to Patrick. She wouldn't indulge him with that quite yet. When she looked over his face, a smirk rising on her lips, "Good bitch," she said softly before standing up so she was towering over him. "Now, before every scene starts, a Dominant will ask for you safe words, your hard limits, and sometimes your soft limits. Tell me yours."
PATRICK: To go from friends for so many years, to suddenly kissing and now to him being Submissive to her was a drastic change. He hadn't seen it coming at all, but he didn't mind it. It made him focus his energy on that, instead of him being stuck on the island. There was still a huge amount of fear that this was ruining their friendship. It was one of the things he'd thought about when he'd returned home after their first make-out sesh. He didn't want to lose Thea, and while he figured that they were both adult enough to completely destroy their friendship, he was still absolutely terrified about what would happen. Patrick was normally really chill, and took things one day at a time, not one for worrying about things in advance, but with Thea it was different, because he actually valued their friendship a lot. 
She looked so powerful as she stood there in front of him, her long and lean legs right there for him to touch and kiss. But he didn't. He remained calm, following her orders of keeping it strictly to kissing. "My safe word is 'Voodoo'. I don't do anything that involves bodily fluids, like watersports, scat or vomit," He let out a deep breath, his eyes raking over her body. He wanted to touch her so badly, he could feel his fingers itching to do so. "I might be okay with letting you peg me at some point, but not today, Miss." Licking his lips, he moved his eyes upwards to finally connect with hers. "How can I satisfy you?"
THEA: Thea looked down at him as she gave a nod as she listened to his words. She moved to pet his face a bit, a bigger grin moving across his face as he told her he would be interested in pegging. "Well, I do enjoy getting my dick out for special bitches," she smirks as she moves her fingers to stroke under his chin for a moment as she shook her head. "Well, we won't be doing anything sexual today, but don't you worry, I'll keep that in mind. I think your heart might explode if you saw me naked, so we'll work up to it." She teases Patrick a bit before sliding her hand down the side of his face. "I want you to think of a title that you would like to call me while you are my Submissive, that is your first task."
PATRICK: Patrick let out a light moan at the feeling of her fingers. It felt like they sent sparks through his body, and he was melting under her touch. "And I'm a special bitch?" Patrick asked her, a soft smirk on his face. He wanted to hear it, even if she'd implied it. He was almost drooling at the thought of her being naked, and it really wasn't fair that she was just dangling it in front of him. What the hell was he supposed to do with the growing boner in his tight jeans? He couldn't just whip out his dick and jerk off right then and there, that didn't feel right. Instead, he snapped out of it and paid attention to the Domme. "Just the anticipation of it..." He started out, biting down on his bottom lip softly at the thought of it. "Well, let's just say that I'm glad that I jerked off in the shower, before coming here. If I hadn't, then there would've been a major cum stain on these jeans right now." It wasn't because he had problems in that department - no, Thea would've heard about that from her friends if he did. It was more a testiment to how fucking sexy she was. He hummed lightly and leaned into her touch. "I do enjoy calling you Miss, even if it didn't seem that way a couple of days ago," he said, referencing to his stubbornness about not wanting to give into any control. "Would it be okay if I called you 'Miss'?"
THEA: She looked at him for a moment before giving a very light slap to his face, "That is yet to be found out yet, my sweet bitch." Thea said teasingly as she looked down at him, seeing a bulge start to form in his pants at even the mention of her naked. "Yes...anticipation," she said eyes his groin before letting her slowly come between his legs and run up his crotch before bringing it back to her other foot. "Oh is that so, little bitch? Tell me what you thought about while you were jerking off in the shower," she let her eyes meet his as she watched him like he was a kitten rubbing up against her touch begging for more. Her thumb rubbed against his lower lip as she thought, "Hmm, I was thinking more creative, like 'my muse'." Her eyes glinting with joy and power all at once.
PATRICK: The slap took him by surprise. God, if he had known that she was like that, before coming to this island, he would've tried way harder to get into her pants. His smirk turned to a surprised smile, his mouth slightly open. Who knew she had it in her? It wasn't long before the smile on his lips turned into a genuinely surprised and perfectly shaped "O" and he gasped. The sensation that he felt on his crotch made him almost fall over, and he had to put a hand on the floor in order to keep his  balance. Why were jeans so fucking stupid and always in the way? He wanted to be free of them. He could barely think straight, having difficulty getting an answer out. "I- hnng..." He was lost for words until she finally stopped teasing him, and he let a deep breath out, not knowing he'd held it in. Then he straightened back up and looked up at her again. "I was thinking about you," his voice came out in heavy breaths and he licked his lips. "And that little red dress that you used to wear, whenever we went out with the group. And how it'd slide up... That, mixed with your kisses and you straddling me." Patrick revealed, not caring that he was sharing all the details. He saw the expression on her face and how it'd lit up. He liked seeing that. "You're right, 'my muse' is 110% better. I apologize."
THEA: Seeing how he reacted, she could tell he was turned on and that only made her more excited. Thea watched his facial expression change almost instantly as her foot went between his legs and she could see just how easily she could tease him. Seeing how he couldn't even focus as she felt him up. She felt herself tingling between her own legs, but she would deal with that later. Right now it was about torturing Patrick. Thea gave a nod as he spoke. "Oh really? Were you a naughty bitch? Would you peek to see if I had anything on under my dress? I bet you enjoyed that, the feeling of me on top of you. Who knows, maybe the next time that happens it'll be because you're inside me," she teases him as her fingers go from his lips into his thick hair. "That's what I thought, bitch."  Her hand moved to the back of his head, tugging at his hair to bring his head up more, "Do you enjoy how I'm talking to you?"
PATRICK: One moment, he had been quietly drawing, trying to get his mojo back after feeling frustrated and angry, and now, he was on his knees, so incredibly close to begging for some sort of release. Nodding, a slight blush crept up on his cheeks. He hadn't actually meant to look at her and check, but there had been times where it had been obvious to him; those were the nights where he would also feel a little jealous, knowing that she probably planned on going home with anyone, but him. "I liked it when you wore the black thong," he admitted, still wanting to show her a little bit of respect. He'd enjoyed it when she'd gone commando too, but he was still a gentleman, and he wanted to show that, despite it not being very gentleman-like to say. "I truly hope so. My hand is great, but if your kisses are anything to go by, then you're even better. Perfection, even," Patrick mused, already dreaming about the moment where he'd be inside of her. God, he hoped that'd be soon! He groaned quietly when she tugged on his curls and he moved up slightly. "I do," He groaned out again. "I do, my muse. I love it."
THEA: Thea could see just how excited he was for her. She raised a brow as he mentioned her thong and knew exactly what he was talking about. She actually purposely wore it knowing it would rile Patrick up, especially letting it ride up her body when it was in view of him. The brunette slid her hands away from him and towards her skirt, sliding the cloth up her body slowly to reveal a black thong, "You mean this one?" She grinned before letting the material fall back down again. Thea gave a small shrug before saying, "I've been told I've been the hottest sex someone has ever had on multiple occasions." Thea smiled at the small noise that came from his lips. Loving the new name he was calling her, and the fact that he enjoyed feeling having her be in control only made her think that this could work out. "Good bitch," she said as she let go of his hair and went back to normal Thea. "And that's just a little taste of a lesson of me being a Domme." She said with a sly grin.
PATRICK: Patrick watched as Thea's hands moved up her legs, her skirt following. He didn't blink or look away, or anything; his focus remained on the girl's legs. His breath hitched in the back of his throat when he finally got a peek of the black fabric, barely covering anything, and it had to take him everything he could to not just grab her, push her down on the table and have his way with her right then and there. But he didn't. He was going to be a good boy, and submit to her. "Yeah, that's the one," he told her, swallowing hard. And then it was all over again, thankfully. Another second of seeing that, and Patrick would've leapt up immediately. "I believe them," he managed to croak out, not sure how he hadn't started touching himself yet. He was quite impressed with himself. And then all of a sudden, she switched back to normal, and Patrick almost got a little bit sad. He'd enjoyed it. But he also knew that it couldn't continue, if she wanted him to just stay kissing her and do nothing else. "Fucking hell, Thee," Patrick sighed and let himself fall back onto the floor. His cock was twitching in his pants, he could feel it. A hand went to rest on his forehead as he closed his eyes for a second to take it all in. "That's so fucking hot," he told her, before looking up at her from his position on the floor. "But what am I gonna do about this mess?" Patrick asked her, pointing to the bulge in his jeans. He needed a release, it would just be pure torture if nothing happened.
THEA: She felt so evil but yet so good all at once as she teased her friend by showing off her underwear. He was malfunctioning and it was all just so delicious. He could barely talk or even think it seemed like. Although she was surprised at how well he was controlling himself. Even though she could tell he was eager from his facial expressions and his words, the way he stood still, it made it even more aware how obedient he could be. But she could tell if she went any further he might have a stroke. A laugh left her lips as he went to the ground. She saw how hard he still was and looked down at him with a nod, "It is right? You were really good. Very good self control." When he asked her what he was going to do about his boner, she grinned before she expertly slid off her black thong coated with her own anticipation and tossed it down at his face. "Suffer," she said teasingly as brought her foot down towards his crotch and rubs up against with a bit of pressure.
PATRICK: Patrick wanted to show Thea that this was worth it, that he was worth it. He knew that she may have had her doubts about him being a Submissive, but he figured that had been because he'd put up a fight earlier, with both her and Matthias. He didn't like being told what to do, he didn't enjoy being controlled - unless he asked for it. Unless he actually wanted that, then there was no way in hell that he wasn't going to rebel against it all, just a little bit. But he was proud of himself when she praised him. He could be very obedient when he wanted to be. Before he knew it, she was peeling off her underwear, and then it landed on his face. His hand moved up to it, but he didn't remove it. Instead, he took in the sweet, delicious scent that was Thea. "You smell amazi-" he groaned out, interrupting himself when he felt her foot on his crotch. "Fuuuck..." He hissed and closed his eyes, his breathing harder. "Please," Patrick moaned. "More."
THEA: Thea was watching him on the ground, watching as he inhaled her scent and it only turned her on more. His reaction to her foot only made her even more excited. But, she had promised her sister that it wouldn't be anything more. She had teased Patrick so much now, yet she enjoyed the thought of making him leave with a massive boner. Her foot pet up against him once before she took her foot away and said, "Alright, alright, I expect to see you soon as I know you'll most definitely be wanting more." She smiles down at him, giving him a wink.
PATRICK: His eyes rolled to the back of his at the sensation. Though there were two layers of fabric between her foot and his dick, the pressure that she was putting down on it was enough to make him moan out. He wanted to grab something, needing to hold onto something, so he couldn't help himself when his hand found her calf and his fingers wrapped around it. It wasn't to remove it or take control, he just needed to support himself on something. And then all of a sudden, it was over. Her foot was off of him again. He groaned, absolutely frustrated that he wasn't getting a release. A heavy puff escaped his lips as he sat back up straight and looked up at her. "You're definitely going to be the death of me, Thea Hudson."
THEA: He was practically writhing, and Thea felt his hand come up to her in pleasure and she just really couldn't help herself with teasing him. She could see his frustration and laughed a bit as she watched him collapse once more before sitting up. She gave him a little pout at his words, "Aw Pattie Melt, I'm sorry. Like I told you, I promised Skye." Thea held out a hand for him to take to stand back up again, not wanting him to leave just yet, but also knowing if he stayed any longer she absolutely would be fucking him.
PATRICK: Patrick accepted Thea's hand, and stood back up, finally getting to look right into those hazel eyes of hers. He was still trying to catch his breath after what had happened, but he was calming down slowly. His dick, however, was not. It was still eager to escape the prison that it was encaged in. He heard her words, and knew that he needed to just go home and masturbate, like he'd previously done. She was making his balls blue, that was for sure, but it also made him want even more. He just had to be patient. "I get it, don't worry," Patrick told her, a soft smile. He understood, but that didn't mean he wasn't suffering. "I'm gonna go home and...take care of things," Patrick teased, leaning in to kiss her lips. He bit down on her bottom lip, smirking. "I might send you a picture." And with that, he pulled away and turned to walk towards the door.
THEA: She smiled as she looked back at him, letting her fingers linger with his a moment before taking her hand away. Glad he wasn't being pushy with her, because that would have totally turned her off. She was surprised to how well this experiment had gone, and was looking forward to testing his limits even more as he learned his role. She let out a small laugh as he said he was going to go take care of things. When he bit on her lower lip, her hand moved to smack his face as she knew that would turn him on. "You better, bitch." Thea murmured as he started to leave, she cleared her throat, "I believe you're forgetting your present." She said scooping up the thong that was on the ground and dangling it in front of his face.
PATRICK: The slap made him groan at first, but then grin. She really wasn't helping the situation, and now he had to walk all the way back with a huge boner. Something about it turned Patrick on though; knowing that she had the control over him. He was already looking forward to the next time he would be seeing her; even if it didn't involve any foreplay or other sexual antics. Hearing her, he looked over and saw the thong. Another grin grew on his face, and he walked back, delicately taking it away from her. Leaning in, Patrick still wore the grin, and growled lightly before pecking her lips again. "Call me."
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robbie-lee-zombie · 5 years
Random thing, will be edited and added on when Robbie finds more of the random stuff Robbie has sent to @thetickleeraven
Adding a ‘Keep Reading’ because this will get VERY Long. Might copy/edit/paste this post with every add on so it won’t glitch out too much, and if you’d already seen the first few paragraphs of an idea, just scroll until you see one of the numbers (like #2) that you haven’t seen before! 
Hope that helps, anyways enjoy the rambling of HCs and Ideas
Edit/Add-On #1 
Taking place in Raven’s recent couple of fics with Prince Roman and the magical Logan (since we can’t spell mid-evil) that AU. HC: Pat is either 1. The king of the place, and Roman’s dad figure still. OR 2. (HC I use more) Patton is the news-reporter-writer-helper-etc guy. He orders the seeds for farms, sets up meetings for Roman and other lands, making sure things work and stay kinda organized. You’d never think of someone so dad-like to have that kind of job, you know? Good HC tbh-
Imagine Patton’s first couple of lessons were a tour and knowing the potions and ingredients around the place. He writes everything down, admitting to Logan that he’d have a bad memory if he didn’t write it down. He was trying, though, and Logan respects that to the fullest. When Logan flips through the beginners spells, the one Roman had used caught Patton, of all people’s, eye. He smiles. “Mirth brought to light? Aw, that sounds adorable! Making people happy is the best spell I’d say! But you don’t need magic for that!” He glances up at Logan. “What do you mean, Pat?” “I have you to make me happy, you dork!” Commence Logan to be slightly flustered as he continues to flip through and explain the spells. Including the Mirth of Light one. “So it just makes people more aware of how ticklish they are? Gosh, that sounds amazing!” “How so?” “Well, it doesn’t hurt anybody, and it could probably be used on thieves or villains instead of slaughtering them, you know? Have them cough up where the money is!” “That’s… rather childish, but pacifistic, I must say.” “Good thing I’m no criminal! I’m insanely ticklish.” Okay, wow, no one probably met someone so blunt and honest with statements like those. “Really? You say that to everyone you meet?” “Hush! It’s not that bad!” “Not that bad? You mean you enjoy the sensation?” “You mean tickling??” “Yes. That.” “Of course!” Logan paused, giving him a puzzled look. “Why wouldn’t I? What’s not to like?” Patton’s eyes lit up. Not like the time he first saw the room of potions, or when Logan drones on, but still lit up with joy. Huh. Never thought this would happen, Logan thought.
~Continuation type deal of the first paragraph of ideas~
Patton is the town/castle news/reporter type deal at first, running around making sure everyone has everything they need (surprising Virge didn’t have that job-) and that’s when Logan saw that sparkle of look in Patton’s eyes when things got done. Patton never showed his whole adoration and appreciation of work and order much, since he felt geeky. Logan took a step up to Pat as the dad took the pencil out from behind his ear to write a few things down in his note-pad, scribbling random messy ideas. “You. Come with me.” Logan orders him to follow. Once they make it to Logan’s specific tower, You can just… tell. Patton looked at every potion with detail, even drawing a few mini sketches of each one to take notes like ‘purple round potion bottle:’ and 'blue triangle bottle’ and etc. Patton’s eyes just… light up! You’d never expect someone so loving and innocent outside the castle to be into such geeky and dorky stuuuuff, clearly Logan thought it wasn’t geeky… much. “You. You’re going to be my assistant from here on out. I will teach you everything I know, and even after that we will continue to work together. What’s your name, sir?” “Sir?? I’m not that old, not even much older than you, but a lot of people think I’m Roman’s father, how funny is that??” Patton giggles, holding out his hand. “I’m Patton, the castle reporter and document-er!” “Big job, huh?” “Eh, I mostly just take care of the village complaints and problems, order stuff like seeds for the farms, plan the meetings, boring stuff-” “It’s not boring, it’s very intriguing. Tell me more.” Patton’s eyes lit up again. No one’s ever wanted to hear him talk this much before.
Edit/Add-On #2
“It Came From The Trees” Gives me so many little t-fic ideas like, Virgil would hang upside down from a branch right when Princey is heading back to the treehouse since “I caught a fish by myself omg Virgil will be so happy-” Virgil’s face is right in front of him popping down. “SUPER-CALA-FRAGI-FUCKER–” And Virgil’s just laughing.
Imagine the life style of him and Roman over the time in the woods!!!!!
“I found these little red berries they look like cherries they can’t be that bad-” ate two Virge is carving a stick with his blade he’s had for years, not looking up. “They’re poisonous, Ro” Roman freaks out and almost faints, tossing them all away and sitting on the ground like “that’s a relief-” “…Dude I was kidding they’re just little red berries, I’ve ate them for years-” “I will destroy you-”
Raven’s fics of Roman being that one Prince and Virgil being his guard, what if WHAT IF HOLY CRAP- What if It Came From The Trees is set like, waaay before Virgil was his guard??? And when Roman came back to the Palace, maybe even 2 years later (He’s wearing whole other clothes Virgil’s taught him how to sew) and Pat (king or intern or whatever he wants to be) Is just like “HOLY CRAP MAN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE THOUGHT YOU DIED-” Logan, ironically, is also freaking out. He’s doing that classic thing in cartoons where they’re at his arms, legs, checking him for bites or scratches and etc, like a mother (ha-) and he’s like “Guys, really- it’s cool-” But Virgil’s still at the Tree House, since Virge thought they’d think 'hOLY CRAP ROMAN WHO’S THAT WE GOTTA KILL HIM-’ so Roman said “I’m just going to go tell them I’m alive, K? I’ll be back. Promise.” A day-ish later, he comes back to Virgil who got jump-scared when he did, not expecting the PRINCE to be so good at sneaking around in the dark, so it was startling. He’s rambling about how he’s told his closest friends about Virgil and that he’s allowed to apply for a position in the village, whichever position he wants! Virge thinks about it for maybe a week and is like 'dude, what if you were my guard? You kind of saved my ass seven times when we first met!’ “It’s not my fault you’re so fancy-” “Excuse me-” “You had NO IDEA what you were doing-” “I’ll have you know–” “You thought the leaves growled in the wind~” “…Okay, yeah, whatever-” Anyways, Virgil works up the courage to jump through the trees, Roman still not the best at it, but able to keep up with Virgil to do so, and they jump to the walls of Roman’s land. “You sure I’m… allowed in? They won’t attack me?” “Of course!” Getting through the gate, of course, Logan and Pat are both there waiting for Roman, and Logan (like with Roman) examines and pokes and prods at Virgil with questions and his eraser/pencil, Virgil’s slightly pink like “YOU SAID THEY WOULDN’T ATTACK ME!” “He’s not! ..Specs, please get out of his mouth, he has one row of teeth-” Since that nickname, before Virge knew their real names, he called them nicknames for months never asking them 'what’s your name?’ since Roman told them to go with it and it was hilariously cute. When Virge first found out Logan’s name he glared at Roman like “Wait so his name isn’t Specs?” “Nope.” “It’s not Nerd either? Not Four-Eyes, Harry Potter, Geek-a-zoid, none of those??” “Nope.” “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME-” “Because it was cute watching you get used to it~” “…Is it too late to be an outcast again-”
~Continued of the last mess of a paragraph thingy, yes, very aware of some grammar mistakes and mess ups. If it says ‘you/your’ when it shouldn’t, it’s probably because these were just copy pasted when I rambled to @thetickleeraven and said ‘you/your’ to them so don’t freak out about that~
Pass a week or two, put Virgil in that one dorm area you talked about where he almost died in that fic I can’t remember the name of- maybe it wasn’t your fic I don’t remember– Anyways- Put him in the dorms area, he got used to it, even let Roman help him decorate with so so so many things he’s like “Dude I don’t need posters they’re just paper, you could’ve used that for something else-” “It’s not a crime to treat yourself, Virge. Plus you love the Nightmare Before Christmas!” “..True-” And even when he first signed up to be a guardsman he had to go through the training. Since he lived in the woods for so long, he passed the agility and strength tests no problem. The hardest part was the test that most guards are good at. This was the hard test Virgil knew he’d fail at as soon as he heard it. Endurance Test. Not only did they have to stand in a line, A-Z, standing up straight and all (ouch for his back-) but Roman was the judge of the test. He walked to people randomly, doing anything he saw fit to make the others 'snap out of character’ like laugh, smile, the smallest thing would make Roman grin with victory. It’s not that it was a bad thing, of course, but first hearing the TEST part, Virgil did EVERYTHING HE COULD not to fricken mess this up. So as SOON AS ROMAN GOT TO VIRGIL, he just gave him that snarky little face of a grin and raised eyebrows. They had… so many inside jokes, it was easy for him. “Remember that time I tried to eat your shirt in my sleep because I hadn’t learned how to catch a fish yet?” Okay, Virgil snickered. Quietly though. Roman noticed, however, and he was going to focus on Virgil now. Once someone broke completely, they stepped off to the benches or bathrooms for a break, but Virgil, with Joan and Talyn, were the last three still 'Mature’ or in this case in the Test. Virgil was in the middle of the other two, and you can sense the other two thinking “Wow, what’s their story?” Roman continued. “Remember I tried to eat a worm? You told me if I couldn’t climb that tree in 30 seconds that would be my dinner. I had it in my mouth, you pleb!” He put a hand on his chest, dramatically, going on and on about how Virgil almost 'made him’ do these things. Luckily, Roman didn’t eat the worm, he got real dinner, but Virgil got a kick out of watching him try and almost release it into the wild with a “Virge, this thing has a family, come on-”. Virgil let out a snort, okay, it was super hard. ROMAN STOP BEING FUNNY! WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! Since Roman didn’t know Virgil was ticklish (until the potions fics) he relied on his cunning charm and humor to spite Virgil, which of course was the same Virgil did to Roman. It was so close, he could pass the test! He’d make the guard if only- “Remember the porcupine incident?” Virgil fell to his knees laughing, it was so stupid and unfair! The others had no idea what Roman said, since they couldn’t hear, but Talyn and Joan shared a look like “?????” along with a look of “..awww they’re friends-” Virgil, the next day, thought he failed. Roman came back with the results. “Virgil, Talyn, and Joan. You three are the head of squads A, B, and C.” Virgil was shocked. After Roman finished, everyone but them two left, and Virgil was like “But- But I thought if we weren’t serious enough we’d fail-” “Oh please! You think I’d fail you just because you laughed at something I said?? Virgil, I don’t want my guards to be losers! I don’t want them so stuck up about the rules and court, the way we do things, that stuff is so boring! I want guards who are more than just that, they can /have a sense of humor!/” Virgil was about to tear up before he turned bright red and glared at him. “YOU LITTLE SHI- YOU MADE ME LAUGH IN FRONT OF EVERYONE WHY–” “It was adorable, stormcloud!” “Storm..cloud?” “..Do you not-” “Nah, it’s actually cool. I’ll keep that nickname over pleb, thanks.”
Edit/Add-On #3 Not Yet Here
~This little area will change when edited, so refresh if you need to to check if it’s newer~
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sasuhinasno1fan · 7 years
I was rewarded your love
Its @plumeriafairy14’s birthday and the one year anniversary of the completion of her story Taking Chances, which is still one of my fav klance stories. Last year as a gift and desire of mine, I wrote a companion fic based on Keith and Lance celebrating Valentine’s Day with Lance making Keith his favourite desert and Keith getting Lance a kitten. This year, and mostly because I feel like I’ve been pushing this couple to the backburner, I thought this year, I’d do Shallura. I did something in my bookbinding class and I wanted to do something similar for all my followers. So I decided to have this be around the same time Lance is doing his gift, so I hope you enjoy and happy birthday fairy!
Allura loved the kids at the kindergarten she taught at, but she never realised how much they could beg for something or want attention until she was trying to finish something. Lance was taking a bookbinding class and he had sent her a video of a book that he had been making for class as well as sending her letter pressed covers they had made. Lance said it was one of the easiest things he had done, but the instructions on how to properly sew all the 10 sections and cover together was utterly confusing. Honestly, if she didn’t want to do this idea so badly, she would have given up long ago. Then again, she wasn’t raised a quitter, not with the life she had.
She left her family after she became pregnant with Lance and she didn’t regret a single moment raising her beautiful and happy boy. It didn’t seem like long ago that they both got something they didn’t think they had time for, a love life. She became her son’s future boyfriend’s tutor and fell in love with his guardian, Shiro. She let herself fall in love again, even with Shiro’s mother looming her scornful face over them. It was hard, having to deal with a controlling mother but Shiro was willing to give up his fortune to be with her and that’s all that mattered. Now she was married to the love of her life and her beautiful boy was engaged and if everything went well on Valentine’s Day, it’d be official with rings and everything.
For her first valentine’s day with her husband, she knew he’d be getting back late because of a scheduled exam at the police academy, so she wanted this gift done, so he’d have it with him the whole day. If only the kids didn’t get into fights or come begging for answers to questions or doing the things that little kids did that seemed to eat up all the time.
“what ‘cha doing?” a little girl named Lindsey asked, rocking back and forth on her feet as Allura struggled to tighten the thread to keep all the pages connected to the cover. It was to create the binding on the cover but she already messed up on the last two making them slightly loose compared the perfect tight bonds Lance had in his book.
“I’m trying to sew a book.”
“You can’t sew a book.” The little girl said matter-of-factly
“Yes you can. Go get a hard book and a soft one from the bookshelf and I’ll show you.” Allura said, which allowed her a few moments to figure out what she was doing wrong. Of course right when she figured it out, her phone started to ring. She let out a sigh and put the book down before answering her phone. “Hello?”
“Hi mom.”
“Lance, sweetie. How are you? Don’t you have class right now?” Allura asked, smiling at the sound of her son’s voice.
“Cancelled, so I’m picking up extra hours at work. I know you’re at work but I’m meeting with my Statistics TA tonight so I wasn’t sure when I’d have time to call you. How’s everything? Getting your project done?”
“If only. You made this seem extremely easy in your video.” Just then Lindsey came back with her books in hand. “Though I’ve seemed to of gained a student. One second sweetie. Ok, see on the soft book where all the pages meet the spine, the back of the book. See all the glue?”
“Yeah, but that’s not sewing.”
“That’s because you sew the pages on the hard book. Can you open it and look at the top? Yeah, just like that. Do you see the thread?” Allura pointed out to the little girl, loving the look of curiosity on her face. This is why she loved teaching, just to see these looks
“I see it, I see it!”
“See, that’s what I’m doing. It’s not going to look this amazing when I’m done, but it’ll look close.”
“Can you teach me?” Lindsey asked, buzzing with excitement
Allura was silent trying to think if it was doable.
“Mom, I’m more than happy to ask my teacher if there’s a kid friendly way to do this. Plus pre punched holes and plastic needles would work.” Lance said, still on the line and hearing his mother.
“I’ll talk to Ms. Ryner and see what she says ok? Go and put the books back and go and play with your friends.” She gently ordered, watching Lindsey go and put the books back, happy with the promise.
“And another happy student thanks to the wonderful Mrs. Shirogane. But really, how are you doing on that project?”
Allura looked over to the half-finished book sitting at her desk. “If I send you a picture of where I am and explain where I’m lost, do you think you can help me?”
“Well, you’ve got a day and a half to finish this and I could use some company. No one ever comes to the school’s art gallery unless there’s a show so I’ve got nothing to do. Text I a picture and I’ll help you.”
“Sure, and while you’re at it, you can tell me exactly how you plan to officially propose to Keith.” Allura said, right before another kid called for her. “Though, this might take a while. Coming Mike.”
It took so long, having to work whenever she had free time or the teacher she worked with Ms. Ryner was able to keep the kids distracted long enough but finally it was done. Granted, the binding wasn’t as tight as she would have liked and she knew one of the sections was slightly messed up and at the top and bottom on the spin, the thread was able supposed to join into a braid but only the bottom braid actually looked like one. It wasn’t as perfect as Lance’s was, but it was perfect for Allura. She just hoped Shiro thought the same thing. She wrote something on each page for him to read all throughout the day, hoping that by the last page, he’d be home to read it with her.
The morning of February 14, morning after their anniversary, Allura stirred as she felt the bed move and the soft footsteps of Shiro getting ready. He moved into the guest room to get changed into his uniform, so Allura took the time to wake up and pulled the wrapped gift out from her bedside table and put it on Shiro’s side so he could see it when he came back in. she was drifting off back to sleep when she felt the bed dip and lips pressed against her cheek.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Shiro whispered his gift in hand as he watched his sleepy wife wake up again. She let out a small moan, obviously not getting up that much, leaving Shiro to smile down at her. “Your gift is being delivered to the school, so all the kids will be envious. I’ll call you when you get to work ok?” Allura nodded before her husband kissed her cheek again, his fingers brushing against her cheek softly before he got up and quietly left the bedroom.
The police academy was sporting a few red hearts as Shiro came in, the woman sitting at the front desk handing out chocolate Kisses to those coming in. Shiro decided to spoil his breakfast a bit by eating one, right when his superior seemed to sneak up on him.
“Kolivan, sir.” Shiro spun around, hand in front of his mouth as the chocolate started to melt and stick to his tongue.
The tawny eyes of his superior made Shiro feel like he was a student back at the academy, “sweets at 8 am Shirogane?”
“I wasn’t able to get a kiss from my wife?” Shiro said, trying to justify the sweets, but the sigh he got told him he wasn’t successful.
“You’ve got 3 3 hour classes today plus the exam tonight but seeing how it’s Valentine’s Day; don’t be surprised if you’ve got distracted students on your hands. I take it you’ll be texting your wife?”
“Maybe more than usual. I haven’t opened my gift but according to the note it came with I have explicit instructions that I look at the pages she tells me to, except for the first one which I can read whenever.”
“That’s fine, but on breaks only, got it?” Shiro nodded. “Good, now go put your things away, I want to have a meeting before classes start.”
“Yes sir.” Shiro disappeared into the locker room where a few of his other co-workers were, putting their things away and talking amongst each other.
“Ah! It’s the married man! How was the anniversary last night Shirogane?” one of his co-workers called at the sight of him.
“It was fine and that’s all the details you’re getting.”
“I bet today’s going to be even more intense. Married day before Valentines, that’s something.”
“I mean it works out so you two don’t have to go insane for both days.” One of his female co-workers pointed out.
“We’ve decided that this year we’d do both and see what happens next year and if we can’t do anything on those days, there’s always White’s Day.” At the confused looks he got, he explained, “in Japan, Valentine’s day is a day were women give the gifts to men and white’s day which is March 14, is where men give gifts to women.”
“Ooh. We need that.”
Shiro laughed as he pulled Allura’s gift out of his bag, which got attention.
“Is that the Mrs gift? Jewellery?”
Shiro shook his head as he took a seat on one of the benches. “She was making something.” He ripped the paper off and smiled at the sight of the familiar book cover. He was there when Allura opened the gift Lance sent. “It’s a book.”
“A book?”
“My son is taking bookbinding at college. He sent us a spare book cover and a video of how he did it. I found a bag from the craft store the day after. If the mild cursing I heard when I came in late was anything to go by, it wasn’t as easy as Lance said. She told me to open pages when she told me. I did get a text from her telling me to open the first page.” Shiro opened the printed cover and read the note out loud, knowing his co-workers would be nosy and read over his shoulder anyway. “Happy Valentine’s day to my amazing husband. I have 30 moments that I will always remember with you. The first one is when I met you for the interview of Keith’s tutor. The magazines didn’t do you justice. I was terrified but soon I realised you were perfectly polite and I’m sure that’s what started my feelings for you. You’ll have to wait to find out the next moment when I tell you. All my love, your wife Allura.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet.”
It was, Shiro was going to have a hard time not turning the pages.
Teacher meeting was over when Shiro got a text from Allura to go ahead and open pages 2 and 3. His teacher partner, Antok looked over his shoulder as they headed towards their classroom.
The second moment was the next time I saw you again. I went a bit coupon crazy and was sure I’d be a sweaty, tired mess with all the groceries I had but there you appeared, a gorgeous man, out running when you saw me. You didn’t have to but you helped me take them to my house. Do you remember on our way there, the old couple thought we were together? It was like the universe was trying to say something but I kept myself from listening.
The third was when you came to the apartment for your reward of the no-bake blueberry cheesecake. You said you loved it but I didn’t realise how much. Our conversations were on the boys and their school life but I barely finished my one slice by the time you seemed to devour half the cheesecake. You looked so embarrassed; it was one of the cutest things ever.
“So the blueberry thing isn’t new?” Antok asked, obviously remembering the blueberry cheesecake Allura personally brought over for his birthday, a bright spot in being teased for being a leap year baby by his co-workers all day.
“Nope, and I still do it too.” Shiro proceeded to devour the whole cake while Allura talked to his co-workers. They didn’t notice until he was on the last piece. The scolding from Allura was well worth it.
“I’m sure.” His co-worker said drily as they finally reached their classroom. A few students were already in their seats and the teacher’s desk had been littered with different sweets as gifts from their students. It certainly put Shiro in an even better mood at the sight of it.
The classes had two breaks and Shiro was a bit disappointed their wasn’t a text waiting for him at the first one but the second his phone buzzed at the start of the second 15 minute break, Shiro immediately pulled out his phone, his smile getting bigger when he saw Allura was calling him.
“Hello, wonderful wife of mine.” Shiro said, ignoring the giggles from passing students
“Hello husband of mine. I just got to school, the power went out here last night and all the cupcakes we pre-bought for the kids today melted, so guess who had to go and brave the grocery store?”
Shiro flinched. Because they were on their honeymoon, they avoided the whole rush of Valentine’s Day. Keith and Lance however? Let’s just say he heard the horror stories. “Do I need to send a police escort to come get you? I’ll happily volunteer.”
“I’m sure you would. But no, I’m fine. I know you have a break and after what I went through I wanted to hear you read pages 4 and 5.”
Shiro looked around. There weren’t a ton of student’s in the classroom but he was sure the sight of the book would cause questions that would eventually he’d have to answer. So holding the phone in between his shoulder and ear, he thumbed to the next two pages.
“The next moment was the moment I knew I had feelings for you. While not one of my favourite memories, it was something that showed me just how I felt. That night Pidge and their brother found Keith in the park and I had to call you. I thought the woman you were with was his mother because I didn’t know the truth then. When I realised just how much it affected me, it became apparent to me that I was feeling something for you and I’m actually glad it happened now because who knows how long we would of spent buzzing around each other if it didn’t happen. Oh, Allura.” He knew that Allura had been affected about the call when she realised he was in bed with Valerie long before he and Allura went out but he never really heard it out how she really felt.
“Honestly it was thanks to her it started to make me feeling clear. Now read the next one.”
“Ok. Memory five made me question myself. I thought you were with Keith’s mother so I tried forgetting you but you completely ruined that when you called and asked Lance if I liked coffee because you wanted to give me a bag as a thank you. Honestly, you didn’t have to, but you were making it extremely hard offering, what was truly fine ground coffee. Even now you do it, when I’m mad at you and you give me gift to try and earn my forgiveness, it usually works all the time. Don’t think this is always going to get you off the hook. Nice to know. Maybe I can talk to one of my old associates to get you another bag of that coffee. Though you obviously love me more right?”
“Do I?” Allura teased
“Very funny Mrs. Shirogane. I make you coffee in the morning. I’m more than willing to stop.”
“No, no, no. I’m sorry. Please don’t, how else can I survive in the morning?”
“My love alone?”
“Shiro, not even you can do that. I’ve been waiting near the door while I talk to you but Ms. Ryner just spotted me so I have to go. I’ll text you when you can look at next set of pages. I love you.”
“Love you too, love.” Shiro said, glaring at the students who could hear him and ‘awwed’ mockingly. He made note to call them out for answers as payback during class.
“Moment six wasn’t the best but you kept me calm while I was close to panicking and fearing Lance would lose his scholarship. You were able to take one look at me and kept me calm; telling me you’d make sure Lance wouldn’t lose his scholarship. But we had nothing to worry about when Keith took the blame and we both realised he wasn’t the same difficult boy as before and I felt happy knowing that he was doing better and I knew we were both confident it would improve from there.”
“My Wi-Fi router had died the day I came to see you at your company. I was expecting to see you briefly and leave you on your way, but instead I found you overworked and close to breaking down. I didn’t think being a good person with offering a bit of help would land me a job as your secretary but I don’t regret it. I was around you more and that made me happy.”
“Moment eight was one of my favourites. I had been working with you for a while and you were getting tired of all the paperwork and suggested lunch. It was our first time at Le Petit Jardin de Verre where Vicky worked. The food was good and the company amazing and it made me feel good that you felt comfortable enough to share the place with me. We’ll have to go back there some time”
“This moment was a very big one, but it’s a fond one. You had fallen asleep at your desk because you overworked yourself again. You still do this, keep working until you fall asleep at your desk. I covered you with me shawl and told you to take care of yourself and of course you heard me. I now know unless you’re on a bed, you’re an incredibly light sleeper.”
The next four pages got him through his next class and he was able contain his excitement until lunch when he was told to read from pages 10-17.
“That’s a lot of pages.” Ulaz, one of the visiting EMTs who helped teach the first aid class, said when most of the co-workers gather around to hear what Allura wrote.
“There are 30 pages in here. My day is half way done. I’ve got another class after this and then the exam to oversee.”
“Don’t interrupt him. Most of us don’t have anyone waiting for us at home.” A co-worker told Ulaz from his place.
Shiro felt like a school teacher sitting and reading. But he continued anyway.
“The next moment happened the day after when I was greeting with coffee, my shawl and a red and white tulip. The fact you got close to my favourite flower was certainly something. Not everyone can guess it. It confused me, I’ll be honest since I didn’t know the truth then, but you certainly knew how to woo a girl.”
“Damn Shiro, coffee and flowers, your girl is easy to please.”
“No, she just enjoys the simple things. Doesn’t mean I don’t like spoiling her. Now, shush. Number eleven seems so silly but it’s such a big part of our lives now that the boys got us hooked on it. When I went with you to the event for the Arusian Children’s Hospital, we talked about Space Rangers and how the boys loved it when they were kids. Of course, now they’re obsessed with it all over again.”
“Does your son still have the Space Ranger phone you got him?” Ulaz asked
“Last I saw it, not a scratch on it. While twelve and thirteen happened in the same time frame, I felt like they both deserved a spot. Twelve was watching you win me the lion. I didn’t think it was possible that you could hit all 5 targets in 15 seconds, but it was like you never left the force. I’m sure that carnival man still hasn’t seen anything close to it. Thirteen was proving the man at the strength test booth wrong, and you I guess. Seeing your stunned face when I won you that 2 litre jar of blueberry jam made it even more worth it.”
“Jez, you and your blueberries. Remember when he ate the whole cheesecake his wife made?”
“It was my cake and you guys were being assholes. Don’t yell at me because you got what you deserved.” Shiro said, quickly reading over 14 were Shiro clearing up the confusion about who was Shiro’s mother and what happened to Keith parents made her happy he trusted her with the information and that he wanted to know he was available. It was more private and he didn’t want to broadcast it to the room. “The next memory was when we became gushing parents when Keith and Lance went on their first date. You told me that we were sure Keith would stick to his promise and take care of Lance and he’s done so for the past almost 2 years. The next one is one of the more special ones. My mind had been on memories I didn’t want to remember and instead of getting upset I wasn’t focused, you were worried about me. You told me that I made you nervous, nervous enough to clue me in on how you felt about me. We shared our first kiss than and I knew that I wanted to give this a chance. The next moment is just as special. You opened up to me about your brother and I told you about Lance’s father. We take a chance and put ourselves out there and were rewarded with the start of a new relationship.”
Shiro finished and was rewarded with a collective aww from the room. He knew Allura would be busy with the kids lunch so he texted her an ‘I love you’, silently begging for permission to continue so he could relive these memories. All those memories were important because it made the relationship they had today.
Shiro’s last class had finished when he was greeted with a call from Allura. It was close to 6 and Shiro knew she had to of been home for a while. The exam he was looking over didn’t start until 8 and it was a two hour exam so he’d still be at the school for a while.
“So I was greeted with an Edible Arrangement and chocolate strawberries at lunch today. You were right, the kids were envious.”
“Was there enough to go around?” Shiro asked, knowing Allura would share with her students.
“There was, though the strawberries were all for me. I can’t believe you remembered I wanted one. Is that why you said I had to wait for my gift?”
“Well the other one is us going to see the boys over the weekend, who will hopefully have good news.”
“Lance texted to say he was finally heading back to the couples dorm. Keith will hopefully still be at work.”
“Last I talked to him, he said he’d be getting back late so I’m sure. Let’s not worry about them. They’ll be fine, I know it. Can I read you more memories?”
“Yes you certainly can. You can read up to 25. I want to read the last 5 when your back home.”
“Ok.” Shiro got himself comfortable in the chair in the classroom the exam would be held and opened the book. “Ready?” at Allura affirmative hum, he started. “Moment 18 was after we decided to be together you asked me to dance. I couldn’t remember the last time someone other than Lance turned on music and asked to dance spontaneously. I loved that moment as simple as it was. I loved the kisses during then just as much. I loved them too.”
Allura laughed over the phone. “I hope so. Continue reading.”
“The next is small but it was meaningful to me more than anything. Our first dinner together with the boys. It was both a double date with the two who meant the most to us and a family dinner all wrapped in one. It was the first of many though we didn’t know it but it meant a lot that you both opened your home to us like we did for you. Allura, you were more like home than that place.”
“Even that early into the relationship?”
“Yeah. It was hard not to feel completely comfortable with you. It’s one of things I love about you.” He could hear the smile in Allura’s laugh. “Ready for the next one? I didn’t know the meaning behind it when you gave it to me but it’s one of my most treasured possessions. When you gave me the engagement necklace, you told me you wanted to match and even though I tried to say no, you insisted. I kept it, not knowing what it fully meant but knowing I would treasure it forever. You have no idea how much I battled with myself to give it to you. I couldn’t tell you what it meant just yet but I knew that you were the one.”
“Really. Shall I continue?”
“Alright. Watching you win at the meetings was amazing and something that always impressed me. You took me to Aroura for a celebration and gave me the nickname princess. I still blush at the thought that you think me of some kind of royalty. I practically hinted that I loved you but you didn’t seem to get it. Still, I didn’t think we’d be leaving to having one of the most memorable nights. Really? That good?”
“I married you didn’t I?”
Shiro had to give her that. “I don’t know if I can read the dirty details in my classroom.” Shiro joked looking at the next page.
“I’d rather you be here so we might relive it.” Shiro groaned at those words. He wanted that, really badly. If only time could pass quicker so he could be back with his wife.
“Ok, skipping twenty-two, the first time we made love, twenty-three. I got up before you to let myself think. I didn’t regret anything that happened between us but you told me you loved me before you fell asleep. I was never in a relationship were I felt I could say I love you since Owen and I wanted to tell you how I felt. When I told you, you didn’t push me. You were fine with waiting and I wanted to take a chance. I had a feeling that I wouldn’t regret it and I don’t and never will.”
“I don’t regret taking that chance. It was a risk I was more than willing to take.”
“And I’m glad you did. Looks like your next memory fits, with you having to deal with my mother. Moment 25 was terrifying but I know that it was necessary. Your mother arrived without warning, ready to try and take control of your life and I know you’ve been able to defy her enough but seeing you do it for the first time was something else. I didn’t fully grasp how horrible she was until that dinner but I’m glad I had even more reason to hate her. It just makes me more proud of you for being able to stand up to her. Didn’t even regret it then?”
“Nope, not for a minute. If I’m remembering what I wrote correctly, that was 25?”
“Yes princess it was. I have about an hour before the test starts, so really 45 minutes before the students start coming in. how about you tell me about your day?”
“Where do I start? Well for one, Ryner and I weren’t planning on the kids getting cards from everyone but most of the parents wanted to start early so while I got more cupcakes, she had to make mail boxes and then told me to get any kid friendly cards I could get my hands on so some kids didn’t feel left out. I didn’t think parents would be this bad on Valentine’s Day. I feel so horrible that it took me so long to get back, though I really did want to talk to you, so she forgave me. The rest of the day was insane though…”
Allura perked up at the sound of the door unlocking and being pushed open. Soon she saw Shiro coming into the living room to see her laying on the couch waiting for him.
“Keith and Lance…”
“Have made it official.” Shiro finished for her. She was happy for her son, she knew Keith would say yes again but he had been so worried. She let out an ‘oof’ when a sudden weight was dropped on her. Shiro, looking tired, was sprawled out on top of her, her head pressed against her chest, his arms wrapping around her waist.
“Last test hard for the kids?”
“They actually all finished early but I had to do a small amount of paperwork before Kolivan felt sorry for me and let me come home.”
Allura pressed a kiss on top of his head, running her fingers through his hair, noticing the new amount of silver hairs he had. She smiled silently, decided to hold the jokes about him stealing her hairstyle for later.
“Are you hungry?” she asked instead
“I’m hungry for you. I seem to remember that we need to go over a page in your gift.”
“Cheeky. How about we finish the book first?”
Shiro let out a whine at the thought of moving but eventually did. Shiro arranged himself to be pressed up against the back of the couch, Allura cuddled close, her head on his chest, just like he did. She could still see well enough as Shiro pulled the book out of his pocket and thumbed to the correct page.
“How about we take turns reading them out loud? I’ll go than you?” Allura asked
“Alright. That gives me time to put my glasses on.”
“Old man.” Allura couldn’t help but tease.
“Hey! You’re married to this old man.” Shiro said, voice full of fake insult. “Pass my glasses pretty please.” Allura leaned over to wear Shiro’s bag was and pulled out the brown case, handing it to her husband, waiting until they were on and Shiro’s arm was behind her comfortably before she started reading.
“You’d had made it clear to Lance early on that he could trust you and I know he appreciated that. So when he went missing after he was wrongly expelled, I know he was upset that we’d be disappointed in him. That was the last thing on my mind. I was a complete mess, worried for him and you didn’t leave my side for a minute. You got help from your police buddies to go look for him and you made sure Keith was safe so he could go find him. He brought him back and we both told him how proud of him we were before you pulled us all into a hug and I felt like we were a family all over again.”
“And we are. Even more so after the boys are finally married. My turn?” Allura nodded against his chest. “Ok. After we found Lance and he was asleep, you asked me a question? You asked what if you loved me so much to the point you were willing to stay by my side for the rest of your life. You loved me and didn’t want me to bear the burden alone, even though you knew I’d push through. I knew from just hearing those words, my answer would be yes. It would always be yes.”
“Even if you ask me again and again.” Allura promised, leaning up to kiss Shiro. Shiro pulled her closer until she pulled away. “Sooner we finish this, the better.”
“Fine, it’s your turn.”
“Ok. Moment twenty-seven was a whirlwind. You were finally free of your mother, even if it meant she disowned you. My mother was surprised that my sudden new fiancée was now living with me but I didn’t care. It was different and it was an adjustment, but it was one we all made together. Everything was better then, Lance got his scholarship back and he and Keith continued to grace the top ten list. You were in a job were you rarely fell asleep on yourself and we knew we had each other.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t put when you called my mom a bitch.”
“I could have put when you cursed at her and threw juice in her face. After the fact it was so much funnier then.”
“Are we horrible people for making fun of my mother?” Shiro asked
“Sweetie, she was worse. Your turn.”
“This moment is another small one but one that I truly appreciate. You told me you wanted to ask Lance if he wanted a new dad. You asked Lance if you could have his blessing to marry me. When Lance told me he called you dad, I knew that the rest of my life would be perfect. You know, I was actually scared Lance wouldn’t give me his blessing.” Shiro said sheepishly
“Lance loves you Shiro, you couldn’t be more wrong. But the fact that it meant that much to you makes me happy.”
“I’m glad he said yes and that I get to call him my son. It’s gonna be weird calling Keith my son-in-law soon.”
“But you’ll enjoy every minute of it. Ok, last you for me. “Moment twenty-nine will always be a favourite of mine. Last year, on the day before Valentine’s Day, we walked down the aisle and said our ‘I dos’. I never thought the chance to say that would be something I’d ever get but I did with you. I took a chance opening my heart again to love and I was rewarded with the most amazing husband and a new life together. I love you so much and I know our years together will be just as amazing as our last.”
Shiro knew he had one more page, but he didn’t care right now. He pushed his glasses up and pulled Allura into a deep kiss, hoping she could feel all the love he put into it. Judging from how she kissed back, she did and she was doing the same.
She pulled away again, Shiro trying to pull her back in but she pushed the book back in his hand from where he dropped it.
“One last one and then you can tell me thank you.”
“Fine. Moment thirty. It’s a moment that is happening now, a moment that will last and grow and it took everything in me not to say anything. This moment seems only to last 9 months, but it lasts so much more? Wait.” Shiro sat himself up and looked Allura straight in the eye, his hear stuttering in nervousness. “Allura, love, please tell me if I’m right. Allura, are you pregnant?”
Allura broke into a huge smile as she nodded and was pulled into a hug by her husband. “Yes Shiro, I’m pregnant.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to be a dad?”
“I’m going to be a dad!” Shiro said in excitement. “Does anyone else know?” he asked, pulling away to look at his wife’s face
She shook her head. “I wanted Lance to focus on his moment; we’ll tell them when we go see them. Are you happy?”
“Allura, this is the best Valentine’s day gift I’ve ever received. We’re going to be parents.” He said, kissing his wife before hugging her again.
He was going to be a dad. He was going to have a baby with the love of his life. Allura had taken a chance in opening her heart, just as much as he did and they were both rewarded with the best things, each other.
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years
Adrienette Christmas
Happy birthday, Season! I wrote a fluff piece for you since you’ve been doing it for everyone else ;)  It’s the very first one I’ve written so I apologize in advance for poor grammar.   
              The annual Agreste Fashions’ Christmas Party was approaching.  Fashion designers, models, photographers, set designers, lighting and camera men, even the interns that ran around like crazy fetching coffee or running final copies were invited to the biggest Paris event of the year.  Marinette, who had recently been hired as an assistant to one of the designers, had received, RSVP’d, and invited Alya as her plus one all before realizing that going meant seeing him.
                Adrien and Marinette had been avoiding each other since the big reveal.  Not because of anger, but the dynamic had shifted afterwards. Adrien didn’t know how to treat Marinette out of costume and kept calling her ‘My Lady’, earning a lot of weird looks from their friends.  Marinette didn’t know how to turn off the awkward in costume and would just catch herself… staring, let’s just say.  Staring instead of catching an akuma.  Several attacks were prolonged because of this and the press had picked up on it.  They had on their own decided the best course of action was to avoid each other as much as possible.  Trading parole shifts, tackling the akumas as best they could on their own before the other had to show up, and definitely no interactions out of the masks.  It was easier to pretend to be someone else if you couldn’t see their blush.
                Alya wouldn’t let Marinette out.  They arrived, were seated, and enjoyed the award ceremony all by themselves.  After the last award was given out, gentle music started and the party dispersed into dancing, conversation, and eating.  As they were both 18 now, they drank the champagne and wine until they had worked themselves into a warm blush from their heads to their toes. They made rounds around the room, laughing amongst themselves before Alya excused herself to ask some questions of a photographer.
                Marinette leaned against the edge of a buffet table, white skirt billowing around her ankles and watched the room.  She had spotted Chloe a few times, looking more like a disco ball than a girl, but other than that there was no one she really recognized.  She swayed slightly to the music and watched an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Capelle, move closer and closer together, never once breaking eye contact.
                “You know, they’ve been married for 48 years,” Marinette jumped at the sudden voice, pushing the table back ever so slightly and causing a shriek of metal on tile to resound across the room.
                “Oh, I’m sorry, Marinette. I thought you saw me heading over,” he pointed to a table directly in her eye line.  She blushed; she had been too caught up in the atmosphere of the room.  “I saw you and figured I’d ask,” he cleared his throat roughly, “ask if you’d like to dance?”
                “Dance? Um, I don’t know if I-“
                “She’d love to,” Alya had returned, toting Nino.  “She was just telling me how bored she is watching everyone else dance.  What great happenstance you saw her!”  Marinette shot her a look but, of all the friends in the world, it seemed she had picked the one least likely to give up their position of wing woman.  “Nino just asked me to dance as well.  Weird how your plus one and your plus one just so happen to be a couple, huh?”  She winked and spun into Nino’s waiting arms. To an onlooker, the two seemed to have come together in their matching purple and black.  They galloped away, much to the annoyance of the dancers who were trying to keep pace with the waltz.
                “Shall we?”  Adrien dipped low, extending his hand.  He peeked up at her through his eyelashes and grinned, his Chat Noir showing through.  Suddenly, it was a challenge. 
                Marinette stuck up her nose and smirked, “Sure.  But you have to keep up with me.”  She moved her skirts out of the way and they waltzed to the center of the floor.  Adrien was an experienced dancer but Marinette had a more graceful air about her.  They matched each other perfectly and, when Marinette inevitably tripped on her skirts, Adrien plucked her up before she could fall.  She would have swooned had it not been for her embarrassment. 
                They resumed dancing until Nino and Alya returned to them, holding wine for all four.  The clock above the stage showed eleven and the crowd had started to disperse.  Sipping their wine, the four moved back to the walls.  The band had given reigns to an iPhone as they packed up, but the soft Christmas music added to the ambiance of the room.  The gold lights twinkled around the group and their soft voices made for a pretty greeting card, Marinette decided.  Nino suggested a karaoke bar and they left the warm hall for the snow covered streets. 
                “Just you wait, boys, my girl Mari has the voice of a saint,” Alya skipped ahead and turned around, tottering on her feet.  “Also, I have a voice of a saint.  Don’t I, Nino?”
                “The best, babe,”
                “How much did you two drink?”  Adrien reached out his arms as though to steady her, but she corrected her footing before she fell.
                “I only had 4 glasses of champagne and 2 glasses of red wine; you’re welcome.  Nino over here almost bankrupt the whole Agreste family fortune because he drank 6 glasses of wine.  I only had two. Those glasses weren’t even filled half way, can you believe it? Cheap.”
                “Light weight,” Mari teased.
                “You can’t even tell I’m under the influence.”  Alya tugged her skirt down so that it rest slightly below her knees, “I’m freezing.  If we go on ahead, I’ll be warm. Come!” She turned with a flourish, stumbled, and jogged forward.
                “I’m going to keep up with her.  Those glasses may not have been too full, but she downed them like shots.” Nino loosed his tie and ran to catch up to the escaping drunkard.
                The silence that followed ate at Marinette.  While dancing, they hadn’t spoken of anything other than the winter collection and upcoming spring collection and they had exhausted the subject.  She struggled to think of anything else, but came up blank.
                “Voice of a saint?” She turned and met the eyes that make her heart stutter.
                “Apparently.  I can’t even think of when Alya has heard me sing.”
                “My lady, you are full of surprises.  I’m sure you probably sang while sewing or something and Alya picked up on it.”
                They fell into awkward silence.  My lady, Marinette thought, I’m not your lady; Ladybug is.  She watched the slush seep into the hem of her dress, dulling the white.  She had added enough tulle to keep the snow from reaching her ankles but if she didn’t hurry it would be a matter of time before she had Popsicle feet.  She glanced at Adrien.  He too was watching his feet, face red.  She couldn’t tell if it was from the cold or from his slip up.
                “What do you sing?” Adrien asked.  He refused to look at her but seemed to be uncomfortable with letting the quiet persist.
                “Anything, I guess.” Don’t mention you only sing in the shower, she pleaded with herself.  “It’s been mostly Christmas songs here recently but that obvious. The acoustics in the bathroom are incredible.” Damn.  “I mean, I also sing while driving probably.  Or… or baking. Not just in the bathroom.  I’m pretty sure.  It’s, like, 40% shower, but split pretty evenly between driving, sewing, and baking.” Oh my god, shut up.
                He chuckled a little, finally meeting her eyes, “Well, either way, I can’t wait to hear you sing.”
                They fell quiet again.  Tikki, in a hidden pocket of the dress, pushed against Marinette’s leg, both as a hug and reassurance she wasn’t alone.  Marinette took a deep breath, shakily exhaled and began to sing. 
                She didn’t consider it singing, not really.  How can you when your diaphragm isn’t fighting to escape or when your volume barely raises above a whisper? But she sang.  Silent Night filled the streets of Paris, the moon reflected off of the show, and the boy beside her stopped to witness.  She refused to look at him and instead stopped as well, closing her eyes from her own embarrassment.  The boy, however, did not close his eyes.  He took her in. 
                Her arms were holding her together, crossed in front of her torso.  The red beaded bodice faded into fewer and fewer beads until it reached the pure white skirts, now a dull gray on the edge.  Her hair had captured some of the snow flakes and they added a striking contrast to her black hair, twisted every which way.  It had started falling out some point during the night, but the pearl pins and snow made it seem as though it had been planned to cascade over her shoulder instead.  He watched as she held each note.  She finished the song and shivered, either from standing still in the winter air too long or from feeling his gaze. Either way, he slid out of his coat and draped it around her shoulders.
                “I… I don’t know what to say,” he admitted, watching the love of his life clutch the lapels around herself.  “Alya wasn’t kidding; you really do have the voice of a saint.  Thank you.”
                “Thank you?”
                “It seems right to say thanks, you know?”  His eyes were popping out of his skull, “Someone so wonderful sings for you on the streets of the most romantic cities in the world in the most beautiful voice and it just seems impolite not to thank them.”  He felt desperate for her to sing more, but also wanted to get this stunning creature inside before the clock struck midnight and he was forced to avoid her once more.  The thought of the following day dropped in his stomach like a rock.
                “I don’t want you to ever stop singing.  For me, at least.”  Her eyebrows stitched together at his musing.  “I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and feel like I dreamt that because it was so great.  I want to be able to call you up and ask you to sing again and you’d sing because you’d want to sing for me.  I’m tired of looking outside and knowing that you’re out there but finding you means talking about where we go from here and you don’t want that.”
                “Why not?”
                “Because it’s awkward! You know I have a crush on Ladybug and obviously you don’t feel the same way or else-“
                “Excuse me?”
                “Is that… is that why we stopped patrolling together? Because you thought I was trying edge you out? I’ve had a crush on you since we were fourteen, Adrien Agreste.”
                “I thought you needed space when you found out your partner, the graceful and strong Ladybug, was nothing more than a clumsy, weak fool who had puppy-dog eyes for you for ages. I assumed you were immediately put off by the girl behind the mask once you knew who it was. Of course, you have a crush on Ladybug but I’m not Ladybug; at least not all the time.”
                “And I’m not Chat all the time.” They both looked at each other. “I don’t love Ladybug because she can catch butterflies.  That’s a ridiculous reason to love anyone.  I love her because she was given superpower gifts and, maybe not immediately, but pretty soon after, stepped up to the plate and declared herself a protector of her country,” Adrien started stepping towards her, “She saved her friends and showed compassion towards those who had previously caused harm. Sure, I was initially attracted to Ladybug, but Marinette has the same qualities as her.  She ran for class president, she baked cookies the first day, she stands up for those who can’t seem to stand up for themselves. Finding out the girl behind the mask was Marinette didn’t lessen my feelings, my lady; it grew them ten-fold.”  They were face to face now.
                “Can we stop this? Can we please… please…” his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down, “can we please go back to patrolling and hanging out together? You’re my friend; I’ve missed you.”
                “I’ve missed you too.  I… I didn’t realize we both made the same assumptions.  I had started thinking of Chat Noir last year as someone who I loved.  Maybe not in a crush kind of way, but finding out who you were…are? I’m glad it’s you.  I couldn’t image anyone else.  I wouldn’t want it to be anyone else.”  Adrien grinned and leaned in closer.  “If you… if you want, I’ll sing for you again.”
                “Maybe later,” he responded with a sweet smile.  He closed the distance between them and kissed her, a gentle first kiss that ended too soon.  “We… we need to go find our friends.”
                Marinette mutely nodded her head, staring at his chest.  “They’ll be waiting on us.”
                “Yeah, they will.  Two inebriated teens can’t be too far from trouble.”  Adrien reached down and intertwined his fingers with hers beneath the coat.  As they strolled away, they heard the clock chime twelve.  He pulled her a little closer and they walked the rest of the way, grinning like idiots but not once letting go of the other.
Ahh! Thank you so much for this, @arubymeadow! I love it! <3
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world-of-asteria · 7 years
Asteria: The First Chronicle
Ch-2: Ashen
A breath of what may have been anxiety escaped Alysia's lungs as she finished packing what Sir Darian said she would need for the journey ahead of her and the stay at Fort Paxborne. Just the essentials, he'd told her, with a day to do so. These were just some last minute additions to what she was bringing. Some extra clothes, a brush for her hair (it could get fairly wild if she didn't brush it each morning), and a couple of old books to read along the way, among other things.
Uncle Ezekiel had been none too pleased when he learned that she'd accepted Darian's offer. He'd kept his distance from her all day yesterday and the night before, only speaking when he showed Sir Darian where he could sleep for the night, then retiring to his own room, and only coming out to tend the field. He likely wouldn't come out to see her off, which was something Alysia wasn't sure how to feel about. On one hand, she would at least like to say goodbye, but then again, she was never a fan of goodbyes. She hated the finality of the word. It never sat right with her.
Regardless, she felt this was something she had to do. It was something her parents did. Why shouldn't she follow in their footsteps? Knowing that she was the daughter of what Sir Darian described as heroes helped fuel that fire somewhat. That same fire, however, was also burning doubts into the back of her mind; what if she didn't live up to her parents' reputation? What if this was all for nothing, and she was just a talentless fool that reached too high?
She sighed with a shake of her head. Now probably wasn't the time for second thoughts. Her only prerogative right now was to join Darian outside and head for Fort Paxborne. With that in mind, she she closed up her bag, strapped it over her shoulder, and left her room, slowly passing through the house she'd called home her whole life.
Sir Darian was outside waiting for her, tending to his horse, an elegant chestnut mare named Eona. When the Paladin noticed her, he nodded in greeting. "Ready to go?" he asked patiently.
Alysia shrugged. "As I'll ever be."
"Good. Tie your bag onto Eona's saddle and hop on, and we'll—"
"Wait!" came a shout from the house. Ezekiel jogged out, stopping in front of Alysia with something clutched in his hand. He took a deep breath, apparently collecting himself, and said, "I… wanted to give you something, Alysia. I suppose now's as good a time as any." He held out what was in his hand; a small diamond. Other than that, there didn't seem to be anything truly special about it. It was just a shiny rock as far as Alysia could see.
Alysia blinked at it as she took it into her own hand. "Uh… thanks, but… why?"
"It belonged to my little sister, your mother," Ezekiel explained, a melancholic look on his face as his niece stared at him in surprise. "When she left to join the Paladins, she gave me this diamond, and kept the necklace it had been placed in. She said that it would be like having a piece of her around, so that her big brother would never truly be alone. I've kept it all these years. I like to think that it's brought me luck over the decades, and that it will bring good fortune to you as well."
"I…" Alysia stammered. She huffed and threw her arms around her uncle, keeping a tight grip on the diamond. "I'm going to miss you, Uncle."
There was a silence that lasted for several seconds as Ezekiel returned the girl's hug, running a hand through her bright red hair in a comforting manner. "I'll miss you, too." Gently, he pulled out of the hug, placing his hands on her shoulders. "You go. Make me proud. Make your parents proud. But most importantly… come back."
"I will, Uncle," she promised. "You just make sure you take care of things around here. Talk to Ol' Beth and Gertrude. They like that. And be nice to Bulk, even if he gets stubborn, and don't strain Cally, and—"
She was interrupted by her uncle's laugh. "Don't worry. I know I'm not as good with animals as you are, but I should be able to make due. I'll see you when you return."
A smile crossed her face. "Good."
"Alysia," Darian chimed in from atop his horse. "Come on. It's time to move."
With a nod, Alysia gave Ezekiel one last hug, then climbed up onto Eona's back. Darian gave a gentle kick on the mare's side, and she trotted off. Alysia gave just one more look back, seeing her uncle waving goodbye before he turned and headed toward the house again. She took a deep breath and looked ahead.
"He'll do fine," the man sitting in front of her said. "I've known Ezekiel long enough to know how diligent and resourceful a worker he is."
Alysia hung her head with a sigh. "Yeah."
Several days had passed since they left for Fort Paxborne. She wasn't used to sleeping outside, and especially hated when it was her turn to take watch at night. Either she was up later than she would like, or woken up even earlier than she was back on the farm. Part of her wished she'd just stayed on the home. That wasn't nearly as exhausting as watch duty.
Fortunately, it wasn't too long before they came across a village with an inn. Darian make it a priority to speak with the innkeeper after he had his horse Eona taken care of, while giving Alysia the responsibility of going around the village to buy supplies for the road ahead. She was almost floored by the amount of money he'd entrusted her with. She'd never seen so much gold in one coin purse before. The most money she'd ever had to her name was a handful of silver nari coins and around twenty or so copper. There had to be at least fifty gold nari to Darian's name in this one pouch! She wasn't particularly good at math, but that had to be somewhere up in the hundreds, if not thousands.
Looking around, she found that this village was a fair deal livelier than Redleaf. It didn't seem much bigger, but there were a few people around who looked like travelers. Some of them were rugged-looking men, clad in lightweight armor and armed with swords, bows, or other weapons. A few were women that honestly made Alysia feel inadequate, many of them wearing attire not unlike their male counterparts, while she was still wearing one of her simple dresses.
As she eyed the coin purse in her hand, she wondered if maybe she should consider getting clothes that were more suited for travel? She'd certainly have an easier time of it. Her clothes had already gotten snagged on plants and exposed tree roots more times than she'd care to admit. Darian might agree with her on this, now that she thought about it. As long as she didn't get anything too expensive, he might not mind.
Nodding to herself, Alysia asked around, and eventually found a shop that sold what she was looking for. The store was filled with all kinds of clothing, not just outfits suited for what might be called an adventure of sorts. Dresses, men's suits, various footwear, and even full suits of metal armor lined the shelves and walls, some worn by mannequins to display the outfits properly.
"May I help you?" said a man's voice, making Alysia jump. The man didn't look much older than Darian, with a mostly hairless face, save for his mustache, which was groomed almost too perfect. His hair was clean and black, and he was dressed in the fanciest clothes Alysia had ever seen. The man had a welcoming smile as he greeted her. "Terribly sorry, miss. I had no intention of startling you."
Alysia smiled back, albeit awkwardly. "Uh, that's okay." She glanced around for a moment. "I'm sorry I didn't notice you. I've never seen a store with so many different clothes. And suits of armor, too?"
The man beamed. "The local blacksmith is a friend of mine. He and I have an agreement of sorts. He's no good with people, so I sell his goods for him and give him the money his armor earns." He suddenly snapped his finger. "Oh, but how rude of me! I've yet to introduce myself. My name is Daniel, and I own and run this fine establishment. All the clothing you see around here is my own handiwork!"
"Alysia," she replied. "You really made all these clothes yourself?"
"Naturally, madam. I'm sure I have something to suit your wants or needs, and if not, I'll make a whole new outfit just for you! For an added fee, of course. I do need to make a living."
She nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm traveling with a friend, and the clothes I have aren't really… well, travel-worthy."
Daniel frowned slightly, looking her up and down a moment before speaking again. "Mm. Yes, I can tell. Little tears along the hem of the skirt. Snagged a few roots, did we?" He laughed at Alysia's embarrassed blush. "Oh, don't get so down about it, Miss Alysia. You'd be surprised how many young women go off adventuring in skirts." He muttered to himself, "Those who survive usually have a different outlook on life."
"I'm sorry?"
"Oh, nothing! Just thinking aloud." He clapped his hands. "Now, let's see if I can find what you need. I assume you're traveling by horse? You'll need riding pants, then. With your rather lithe build, I may need to make adjustments to a pair I already have in stock. A leather shirt for combined protection and comfort in travel… boots of the same material, maybe some gloves to keep your hands clean when you're out in the rough. I'll need to take your measurements, my dear."
Alysia quietly groaned at that statement. She'd seen people get like this before, especially store owners. Focusing on the potential sale and often ignoring the customer's personal comfort. It seemed sort of backwards to her, really. This might take longer than she'd hoped.
It took far longer than she'd hoped. All in all, however, she couldn't argue with results.
Daniel had a bit of a challenge modifying the clothes to fit her properly, having to cut and sew pieces together several times to remove excess material and to fit her slim body. Eventually, he finished, giving her a proper outfit suited for extended travel, primarily made of leather, the leggings being made of a softer, dark green material that provided fair protection and mobility. The shirt's sleeves were made of a similar material, but hugged her arms a bit more snugly. Resting on her shoulders were small, iron pauldrons that felt surprisingly light, and the boots Daniel gave her also sported some light armor as well.
The shopkeeper had given her a fair price of around seven silver nari. He was nearly floored when he saw all the gold coins in the bag Darian had given her. After working out the change of three silver, Daniel kindly gave her directions for good places to find supplies for a long trip, most of which were "coincidentally" run by some of his friends and family.
Fortunately, they all worked much faster than Daniel did. After just around an hour or two, she had all the supplies she could carry, ranging from flint and steel to make campfires, food, extra canteens for water, some medicinal herbs and ointments from a local apothecary, and tools to keep weapons and armor in decent condition.
When she finally made it to the inn where she and Darian would be staying, she found herself bemoaning the world's cruelty as she climbed up the stairs with her awkward burden. She found herself nearly tripping over the weight and tumbling back to the bottom several times, just barely managing to right herself. Upon reaching the top of the stairs, she was graced by the sound of someone chuckling under their breath.
"Well, I certainly hope that's everything we'll need," Darian said, mirth filling his voice.
Panting from the effort, Alysia turned to give the knight a half-hearted glare. "Oh, very funny. Could you help me with all this? It's heavy!"
With another chuckle, the knight moved to retrieve a few of the heavier items the girl was carrying. He led her through the inn, for which Alysia was grateful. She'd never stayed in an inn before, and wasn't sure on how to navigate one, though she doubted they were all built the same.
Once they arrived in their room - a comfortable space with two beds on either side - Darian helped sort through all the items Alysia had purchased. He briefly held a dismayed look at how much she'd spent on all of it, but assured her that it wasn't a major concern. However, he took that as an opportunity to give her a lecture on the value of nari coins.
"A single gold nari is worth one hundred copper," he said. "Silver nari is worth ten. You're fortunate that the folk in this town are honest workers. There are those in the world who would take advantage of such innocence."
She nodded at that, fairly certain that she understood. It was rare, but occasionally, Redleaf would be visited by a salesman or two who would sell some sort of product that they professed would cure all ailments, restore someone's youth, or even make someone smarter. Uncle Ezekiel had always warned her that such people were nothing more than con men, trying to swindle honest, hard-working people out of their money.
Minutes passed as they worked their way through the supplies, a tedious, time-consuming affair. By the time they were finished, night had fallen, and Alysia let out a long, exhausted yawn. It felt as though she hadn't slept in days. Maybe it was all the traveling they'd done recently. She was almost ready to thank whatever gods were watching over them for being able to sleep in a real bed tonight.
Darian must've noticed how she felt. "Go to bed. I'll go and check on Eona."
Those words were music to her ears as she dropped herself onto one of the beds, relishing in the distinct and welcome difference between a mattress and a forest floor. She fell asleep nearly as soon as she closed her eyes.
The insufferable sound of bells ringing outside urged Alysia back into the waking world, where she bemoaned the light drifting in from the window. It felt as though she didn't get any sleep at all. Before she could voice her complaints, however, she felt a hand grasp her shoulder. Darian had a look that was somewhere between serious and panicked. She'd never seen him like that before.
"Alysia, we need to leave," he said as he hurriedly started gathering their supplies and packing it away.
Baffled, Alysia looked out the window, and her eyes spread wide at what she saw. The light coming in through the window wasn't sunlight, as she'd first thought. It came from vast flames, eating at buildings. She could hear screams outside, and was instantly tackled with a thousand questions as to what was happening.
Darian grabbed her by the shoulder. "There's no time to explain! We need to go, now!" Without ceremony, he pulled her out of her bed and into the hall, then down the stairs to the main room. The door had been kicked open, and beside it lay a motionless body, covered in dark armor, with blood spilled around its head. Alysia was given no time to question it, as Darian continued to pull her out of the building.
From inside the inn, things seemed chaotic. Outside, it was even worse. The bells rang brutally, their volume matched only by the cries of the people of the village. More dark-armored warriors like the dead one in the inn stormed about, butchering anyone who dared to oppose them and smashing their way into homes and businesses. The once peaceful town of merchants had been reduced to a blazing hellscape, screams of terror echoing all around.
Fortunately, the raiders hadn't reached the stable where Eona was being kept. The horses must not have been their priority, something Alysia was grateful for. She didn't know how they would get out of this without one.
Although spooked by the raging fires and screams not far away, Eona was quick to calm down, allowing Darian to saddle her and climb up. Alysia quickly hopped onto the horse behind the Paladin, and they readied to ride out of the town.
"What about everyone else?" Alysia asked, thinking back to the merchants she'd met.
"There's nothing we can do!" Darian exclaimed as he guided Eona. "There are too many of them! We can't afford to stay here!" He gave Eona a kick, and she got to galloping through the town, past the invaders and the pleading townsfolk.
As they fled, Alysia watched as the horrific scene flashed around her. The warriors slaughtered indiscriminately, sparing no man, woman, or even child in their wake as they burned everything to the ground. For one instant, they passed a group of the armored warriors, one of whom had armor much more elaborate than the others, with a spear in hand, his helmet covering his head completely, with ram's horns protruding from the sides of the helm. In that instant, the world seemed to slow down as Alysia stared at the intricate knight, whose masked gaze might've met her own.
The moment passed as Eona galloped by, soon making it out of the village and out to an open field, at the end of which was a forest. Alysia struggled to process everything she'd just seen. All she could do was hold onto Darian as they rode for safety.
Hours passed. The sun had finally broken over the horizon, yet still they rode. They'd long since stopped galloping, however, once it became clear that the attackers weren't following them. Eona simply trotted along, occasionally letting out a light bray. Darian glanced back at Alysia now and again, as if worried she would disappear.
She felt as though the sky itself was mocking them. Why was it so clear and sunny today? After what happened in that village, it should've been raining, or worse. There should at least be dark clouds overhead. Something to reflect the dour feeling that filled her. Instead, the sun shone, and birds tweeted their songs, like nothing had even happened.
Finally, Darian spoke, "You have questions, no doubt. Ask, and I'll answer to the best of my ability."
Alysia froze up at that. She wasn't expecting to talk so soon after what had happened. Her head hung low as she attempted to gather her thoughts to form a coherent sentence.
"Who were they?" she finally asked. "Those pillagers."
Darian let out a breath through his nose. "I assume you've heard of the Ashen Knights. That was them." He looked back at her. "They are no mere pillagers, and they are far more dangerous than many are willing to believe."
He faced the road ahead again, and a silence fell over the pair for a few moments until Alysia continued. "I… I saw someone. One of those… Knights. His armor was different."
"Their leader," Darian answered seriously. "Supremus. Not much is known about him, except that he has the skill of ten Paladins and that he lacks any form of conscience. A blackhearted devil wearing human skin." His voice grew gradually colder as he spoke. "If there's even anything human under all that armor at all."
Another grim silence fell over them at that. Alysia pressed her head against Darian's back as she took in everything he'd told her. She knew the world outside of Redleaf would be dangerous, but to see the sort of carnage that people were capable of firsthand…
"I don't know about this anymore," she meekly murmured. Darian could only glance back at her when she spoke, and he heaved out long sigh.
"You don't have to come with me, you know," he said. "I could always take you back to your uncle."
A large part of Alysia wished she could go back to the farm and forget about that horrible night. A different part of her, however, said something entirely different. That part of her was screaming at her that something like this shouldn't pass, that no one should have to suffer that fate.
"You'll be able to do something about it," it seemed to say. "Keep it from happening again."
Her hands tightened around Darian's waist. Every part of her but that one small bit was telling that this was a bad idea, that she'd only end up getting herself hurt, or worse. That small bit, however, was strong. It refused to be ignored. With every word of discouragement came reassurance, to the point where she couldn't argue with herself any longer.
With a determined face, she looked back up at Darian and said, "No. Let's… let's keep going."
The Paladin eyed her quietly for a moment. "You're sure?"
Alysia gave a certain nod. "Yes. What happened last night… it was horrible. Inhuman. If I can help prevent something like that from happening again, then… then walking away now would be just as awful."
Darian stared at her, his expression surprised until a smile stretched across his face. "You're just like your mother. Nothing could keep her down for long." He faced forward then. "All right. If you're certain, then let's go. Fort Paxborne awaits!"
A grin spread on Alysia's visage as Darian gave Eona a light kick, urging the mare onward. Despite everything, she couldn't help but feel like things would get better. She would become a Paladin, not only to honor her family, but to help stop the senseless violence wrought by the Ashen Knights. Nothing was going to stop her.
Miles from where Alysia and Darian rode, a dark spire rose from the ground, hidden in a secluded vale in a forest that only the bravest and most foolish adventurers dared to tread. The tower loomed hauntingly over the gray-armored warriors who marched toward it, dragging along several prisoners who had long since stopped pleading for their freedom. Now, all they could manage to do was whimper and shrink away as their captors forced them onward.
The leader of the band, his horned helm denoting his rank among them, ordered his followers to take the prisoners away. As they split apart, he ascended the tower, walking up the many stairways to reach a massive chamber, at the end of which stood a pair of elaborate, oak doors.
"Enter," said a cold voice, with no hint of warning or where it might have come from. It bothered the knight little as he pushed open the great doors and approached a man clad in dark red robes that bore a golden trim along the hems, who stood with his back turned to the warrior, gazing out a massive window at the landscape beyond. "How goes our recruitment, Supremus?"
The knight, Supremus, knelt down before speaking. "All is going as you have foreseen, my liege. Our ranks swell even as we speak. And I have seen the girl."
The red-robed man turned slightly, though he still did not face his subordinate. "Have you now?" He hummed in thought for time. "So… it's almost time, then. Excellent." A dark chuckle escaped him. Supremus was right; everything was going just as he had foreseen.
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
A New Glader?
Pairings: Thomas x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 1940
Request: Do you think you could do a Thomas imagine from the maze runner? Where Y/N is the 2nd girl to arrive at the maze and Theresa feels threatened by her but Thomas trusts her and starts to like her? And maybe Theresa tries to do something stupid/mean to Y/N?
Authors Note: This was requested to me and thought that I’d give it a shot. I want to thank @dylan-ohbrien for proofreading and editing it for me! Enjoy bbys! 
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I gasp awake and start coughing up water. I move the wet hair out of my face, my clothes damp, looking around the space I’m in. The noises of animals cut through the sound wave as I desperately try to figure out where I am. It’s dark, but not entirely pitch black, there are lights outside of the box I’m currently trapped in and it seems to be that the cage I’m in is moving.
        “HELLO?” I yell out, “HEY! IS ANYONE THERE? WHERE AM I?!”
The box’s speed seems to increase and I cower near one of the corners praying that I don’t die in here. It comes to a stop and a bright light shines through as a trap door opens. I look up seeing a bunch of guys and a girl surrounding the opening and I immediately feel intimidated. A guy jumps down into the box squatting down in front of me and I try to back up slightly, but I’m already against the wall.
        “Hey, it’s going to be okay.” The guy tells me holding his hands up.
        “Wh-Where am I? Who are you?!” I ask my eyes wandering up towards everyone who’s watching me closely. The guy looks up at everyone and asks them to give us a minute. They all go back to whatever they were doing as this very attractive guy looks back at me.
        “I’m Thomas and you’re in the Glade. Tell me, do you remember your name?” Thomas asks me.
        “My name’s Y/N,” I say quietly and he looks at me shocked, “I-I don’t understand why I’m here though. D-Did someone put us here?”
        “We don’t either. We’ve been trying to figure out why and who,” he helps me off the floor and I watch him jump out of the box, then he brings his hand down as I grasp onto it and he lifts me up, out of the box, “this is the Glade. Where we work and live to survive at the moment.” I look around at everyone working and my eyes land on another girl who seems to be giving me a death look.
        “U-Uhm, who’s she?” I ask looking back at Thomas and he looks over at the girl.
        “That’s Teresa. I’m not going to lie to you, but it’s a little strange that you’re here.”
        “Why’s that?” I ask as I run a hand through my hair.
        “Well, when she came up in the box there was a note attached to her stating that she’d be the last one, ever. That was a couple days ago and now you’re here.” He tells me as he brings me to what I assume is the sleeping area. He sits on his hammock and motions me to sit next to him.
        “So we have rules here. First everyone does their part, no slackers. Second, never hurt another glader. We have to trust each other. Lastly, never go outside the glade, unless you’re a runner.” He tells me.
        “What’s a runner?” I ask curiously.
        “Runners, well mostly myself and Minho, are the ones who go into the Maze. We run through it everyday.”
        “Even though you just got here it already feels like we’ve known each other for years.” Thomas chuckles rubbing the back of my hand with his rough callused fingertips.
        “I honestly feel the exact same way. I’m trying to remember if it was possible that I know you, but my mind’s just drawing a blank.” I confess looking around, my eyes finding Teresa once more. She’s standing near a boy with sandy blonde hair who’s trying to get a stump out of the ground. I see her eyes giving me a mean glare and I gulp slightly looking away.
        “You okay?” Thomas asks me looking towards where I was looking then back at me.
        “I-I don’t think Teresa likes me that much.” I say rubbing my face and a sigh escapes my lips.
        “She just doesn’t know you. Don’t worry about it too much okay?” He tells me rubbing my back softly and I nod my head in response.
**Few Days Later**
I was helping Newt and the other Track-Hoes with planting some vegetables. It’s been a few days since I’ve gotten here and seemed to gain trust from most of the gladers, but the one person who doesn’t seem to trust me still is Teresa. I don’t really understand what her problem is with me, I haven’t done anything to her. Thomas keeps telling me to just give it time, but I’m starting to have my doubts. That’s another thing, Thomas and I have been getting really close lately and it might be possible that I like him, a lot. He’s absolutely gorgeous with his chestnut colored hair, honey brown eyes, those adorable pink lips with moles that splatter across his left cheek. Not to mention that nice muscular body he has. My heart thinks that he likes me as well, but my brain says that he doesn’t and I don’t know if I should confront him with my feelings or just keep them in the shadows.
Teresa’s POV
“Thomas you can’t just go around trusting people!” I yell, “what if she works for WCKD?! We need to banish her!”
        “Teresa, we worked with WCKD, so you want to banish us as well? I’m telling you that we can trust Y/N. She hasn’t done anything wrong and I don’t see why you don’t like her.” Thomas tells me crossing his arms over his chest.
        “You barely know her, so why do you TRUST her so much? Is it because you like her?” I ask angrily crossing my arms as well.
        “So what if I like her? Is that against the law? Last time I checked it wasn’t.” He tells me cinching his eyebrows in anger.
        “If you’re not going to do anything, I will, Thomas. We don’t know anything about her past or why she remembered her name.”
        “What like when you remembered your name? We trust you don’t we?” He accuses.
        “That’s different. I was supposed to be the last one and a few days later she shows up? It’s suspicious and you guys aren’t doing anything about it!” I yell storming away from him.
Stupid Y/N. What the shuck does she have that I don’t? In the midst of my thoughts I heard Y/N laugh at something Newt had said to her. I groan heading towards the cooks hut grabbing a small knife.
        “I’ll just take care of this myself. Thomas was supposed to be mine, not hers.” I say heading towards Y/N who’s still planting seeds.
        “Hey Y/N will you help me? There’s this thing I need from the woods and it’s stuck, I need some help getting it out.” I ask.
        “Uh yeah, sure.” She replies and I bring her out into the middle of the woods. She walks in front of me looking around on the ground for the thing I needed help with. She turns around about to ask me where it is when I shove the knife into the side of her stomach. She gasps out and I pull the knife out as her hand covers her wound.
        “W-Why?” She asked me.
        “Well, because you can’t be trusted. Also, nobody likes you, they just pity you, including Thomas. I’ve seen the way you look at him and know that he doesn’t feel the same honey.” I tell her throwing the knife leaving her on the ground to bleed out.
I watch her walk away as I go in and out of consciousness putting pressure against the wound. I hear a twig snap near me and I look around desperately trying to find someone.
        “HELLO? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME! THOMAS!? Please…” My voice goes quieter as I hear someone yell my name.
        “Y/N!?” Thomas yells out.
        “Thomas!? Thomas please, I need help.” I cry out and see him run towards me jumping over some roots from the trees. He reaches me falling onto his knees next to me.
        “Oh my god, Y/N. What happened? Who did this to you?” He asks me taking his shirt off wrapping it around my stomach, tying it off to keep pressure applied to my wound.
        “T-Teresa. S-She told me that no one likes me or trusts me i-including you,” I look up at him seeing tears in his eyes, “is that true, Thomas? That you don’t like me.” I ask him, tears sliding down my face and I close my eyes. I feel Thomas’ fingers wipe my tears away and I open my eyes seeing his face in front of mine.
        “Of course it’s not true. None of it. We all trust and like you, Y/N. I like you, a lot and I wish I would’ve seen this coming. God this is my fault.” Thomas mentions running a hand through his hair.
        “Thomas, this isn’t your fault. You didn’t know what she had planned, okay? Just help me get to the Med-Jack tent please.” I smile up at him and he lifts me up bridal style and I gasp in surprise, “oh gosh Thomas.” I chuckle.
        “C’mon cutie let’s go get you patched up. I’ll have to tell Newt what happened.” He tells me carrying me to the Med-Jack hut laying me on the table. Clint and Jeff come in and gasp at the sight of me.
        “What happened?” Clint asks as Jeff gathers the supplies to stitch my wound back up.
        “Teresa stabbed Y/N. I need to go get Newt. I’ll be right back.” Thomas says running out of the door.
I lay back against the table as Clint unties the shirt Thomas placed there, lifting my shirt. They pour peroxide onto my wound and I wince as they clean it before Jeff starts stitching the skin. I take my mind off Jeff sewing my skin and think back to what Thomas said, I like you, a lot. I smile at the memory and hear footsteps running into the hut. Newt and Thomas run through the entrance to see Jeff finish up my stitches. Thomas stands next to me rubbing his thumb against my forehead, I smile up at him as my delicate fingers wrap around his arm.
        “So Teresa did this to you?” Newt asks me and I nod in response. Newt hums nodding his head rubbing his chin. “Alright, well we’re going to have to banish her. She knows the rules and she broke one.”
Thomas and I nod as he goes and gets a council meeting ready. I look up at Thomas to see him already looking down at me and a small smile spreads on his cute lips.
        “T-Thomas, I think I love you.” I tell him.
        “I-I think I love you too, Y/N.” He smiles leaning down placing a soft kiss against my lips. I kiss back placing one of my hands on his cheeks. He pulls away placing a gentle peck against my lips, nose, forehead, and each cheek.
        “I’m going to get us out of here okay? Me and Minho have it figured out. We were all supposed to leave in the morning when the doors opened.” Thomas tells me and I grab one of his hands intertwining our fingers.
        “I fully trust you to get us out of here and I know you’ll keep me safe no matter what.” I mention leaning up placing a kiss to his lips. He groans in response kissing me back with more passion than the first kiss.
        “C’mon we need to get to the council hall.” He tells me. He helps me off the table and walks us across the glad with our hands still intertwined.
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khymer-vulture · 7 years
Happy Father’s Day!
I decided to post a story for this day, I’ve written it a couple weeks ago, but I still feel like the theme is most appropriate, since Zack is in dad mode.
Also I did mention a while back about secretly editing Sanctuary, it was to make the house a lil bigger...now you’ll know why lol
Takes place after Last Chapters
Life had many various stages with each new step being taken, some were happy, and others were emotionally taxing. Life had its rewards and struggles.
 Rachel and Isaac continued to live their life with their small family, their son Caleb had eventually learned about their past and it was a difficult time for the both of them to speak such an ugly truth to him. The world can be kind but also cruel, and Caleb was understanding of that. Despite the past both Ray and Zack had lived, their son knew that his parents did everything to give him a good life, and refused to see the two in a dark perspective.
 Even after dark secrets were learned, things continued as normal, with an occasional visit from the old Reverend here and there.
 While Caleb was in school, Rachel found herself a job to work, a simple flower shop where she could make different bouquets and even took up sewing different ornaments to perk up the look. She wanted that feeling of independence to support her family, and she still felt like she owed the man of the cloth for aiding her and Zack for so long. Like before, Gray did not want to accept payment, but Rachel proved to be just as stubborn as Zack and insisted. The old priest quietly relented, but chose to take the money to be put into savings just for Ray and her family. He felt a sense of pride to see the pair take on their own sense of responsibility.
 When both Zack and Rachel were alone, the two relaxed in the little haven Ray had made, just sitting there in their own little world with Zack holding Ray close in his arms while the woman leaned against him on his lap. This innocent time of togetherness was a secret guilty pleasure to Isaac, even if they didn’t do anything, just having her close made him feel content.
 Sometimes Ray would read one of her books, sometimes the two would chatter away, or they would just do nothing and enjoy the intimate togetherness.
 Rachel faintly blushed as she felt her husband gently press his lips against her neck and run a hand underneath her shirt to caress her abdomen. Isaac did enjoy the feel of her silky skin and loved the smell of her alluring natural scent, once the cool metal of his wedding band touched Ray’s skin, he felt her flinch from the touch, and it caused him to chuckle.
 “That’s never going to get old,” he teased.
 Ray huffed as she glanced up at Zack, then pulled him in for a quick peck on the lips. The gruff man accepted her token of affection, and didn’t hesitate to deepen it. As the two eventually parted lips, the couple stared at each other for a while, then Ray gently caressed the man’s cheek.
 “We made quite a life together…didn’t we?” she rambled.
 Zack felt his cheeks grow faintly warm, never in his life he thought he would settle down, and have a family like a normal person – he didn’t regret it though, not by a long shot.
 “Y-yeah…” he replied, his slight embarrassment showed in his voice.
 Ray knew that topic often left him flustered, it amused her and often liked to see his reaction. She brought her hand to Zack’s, entwining his mischievous fingers with hers as she stared off into the distance.
 “Caleb’s grown to be more independent nowadays,” she spoke.
 “Is that…good or bad?” Zack asked.
 “It’s good, he’s growing up and showing he’s capable of taking care of himself,” Rachel replied, “It’s kind of comforting to know that we did a good job at being parents…but it’s kind of sad too.”
 Zack quietly listened, he did feel a sense of pride after hearing Ray’s answer, but he was curious about what else she had to say.
 “Sorry to say that, I only said it because whenever I see Caleb…I just see him as the small child we brought into this world,” Ray continued.
 Zack thought about it, she was right, even he had shared the same sentiment. It must be the feeling that most normal parents get when their child is growing up.
 “Do you miss being a mom or something?” he shyly asks.
 Ray faintly blushed, “I’m still a mom, Zack…but…yeah, I miss the stuff I used to do.”
 Zack’s already warm cheeks began to grow hotter as more thoughts swelled in his mind, he even felt his heart at his throat as words began to fill his mouth, yet was unable to speak them. He swallowed hard and buried his face in her neck as he began to mumble lightly under his breath, Ray knew that Zack wanted to say something, but it was a subject that was too embarrassing for him to ask – from all the years spent with this man, she eventually deciphered his body language.
 “What’s wrong?” she asks.
 Zack grumbled in the back of his throat as he tried to force the words out.
 “Do you…want…to have…a-another?”
 Ray felt her heart pound rapidly from his question, she turned her body around to embrace the man tightly, then pressed her lips against his once more. The man felt his own heart beat just as wildly as he ran his fingers through his wife’s flowing hair.
 “I would, absolutely…” Rachel whispered as soon as they parted lips, “I think we should talk it over with Caleb first…”
 That would make sense, instead of surprising their son. His opinions mattered too, because they were all a family.
 When the two had the time to talk with their son, Caleb seemed rather happy to have a sibling in the household, and approved of the idea for the family to have one more addition. Gray was eventually given the news as well, and was rather surprised over who asked the question first, but like before, he helped make arrangements to aid the pair.
 “Your spouse has told me thou art the one that has requested the growth of thy family…I’d never expected someone such as thee to make the request first,” Gray said to Isaac.
 It was just the two of them outside, reflecting on the news of the future child.
 Zack mumbled under his breath as he kept his eyes away from the old Reverend, even though he could feel the strange and proud parental stare coming from the old man.
 “I like seeing Ray as a mom…it’s when she’s the most happiest,” Zack replied, “…fuck, growing up with Caleb made me feel pretty damn good too…watching that little munchkin grow up is kind of…”
 “Y-Yeah…” Zack said, “…people like me and Ray wound up making a damn good kid like him. Even after that talk we had about the past…that kid doesn’t judge us.”
 “Caleb does have quite the pure soul,” Gray spoke, “thou must be proud of him.”
 “Damn fucking proud.”
 “Art thou afraid of thy next child?” Gray asked, “I recall thou had quite the problem with nerves the last time.”
 Zack growled in slight annoyance, but shyly replied, “…A little…I was really confused and fucking unsure of myself last time. I guess I have some confidence now.”
 “To take the step on thy own accord is proof enough of thy grown confidence,” Gray said, “You and this life thine both have made surprise me with each passing year. I’m quite proud thou hast found happiness thou have sought for so long.”
 Isaac never hear anyone praise him in that way, it felt like his inner child screamed out inside of him with joy, he quietly swore to himself as he focused his heterochromatic stare at the priest.
 “…Th-thanks old man…” he said. His voice was hesitant, but his eyes showed gratitude.
 The old priest smiled to the man, then lightly pat his shoulder as he decided to let the family be until his next visit.
 Time passed as the couple made their attempts to conceive, though Zack did feel some frustration when they yielded no results, but Ray would just softly smile and remind him to stay patient. When the day came and was finally met with success, Zack felt a little excited, though he still felt a bit of nervousness because he cared for the health of his wife as well.
 The memories returned to him, there were days where Ray felt tired and slightly weak, or sometimes she was overcome with dizziness. Zack would even recall when her emotions fluctuate beyond her control, but he also remembered how damn beautiful she was with that natural glow that emanated from her. After experiencing the times before Caleb was born, Zack knew exactly what to do now instead of being outright confused. Though, there were moments that he didn’t want Ray to overexert herself, even Caleb was around to help out when he felt it was needed.
 Months went by, and the familiar stages of bringing a child into the world had resurfaced, Zack seemed to notice the randomizing mood side effect didn’t show but he was aware that Rachel had been extra cuddly and affectionate – not that he was complaining, he kinda liked that side of her.
 “Shit, why aren’t you like this all of the time?” Isaac whispered into her ear.
 Ray faint her cheeks grow warm as she felt Zack’s hands tenderly caress her belly, she didn’t want to admit that she found that gesture during her pregnancy rather pleasing - at least, not yet.
 “Because you get embarrassed when I do.”
 Zack paused for a moment, then buried his face in her neck - she got him there.
 “Told ya,” she added.
 Soon, the two could hear a voice from the living area, “Get a room, you two!”
 Now Zack couldn’t hold back a snicker, he didn’t know who Caleb inherited the mischievous wit from more, him or Ray, but damn did he laugh when it showed.
 “He gets it from you,” Ray said as she ruffled her husband’s hair.
 “Psh, please…you’ve done your share of running your mouth,” Zack retorts, then scooped her up in his arms.
 “Ah! What are you doing?”
 Zack had that devilish grin that he was known for, then saw him turn the other way to shout, “You heard the man, time to go get a room…let’s go, Ray.”
 As Ray felt Zack carry her to the bedroom, she could hear Caleb shout in a flustered manner, mostly consisting of ‘Oh my god’ or ‘I was just kidding’.
 They were quite the “unique” family, but it was a loving family nonetheless.
 The day finally came for their second child to be born, it was a girl this time, and the two stuck with the name that was once planned in the beginning – Ellie.
 Her hair was a dark amber color, and her eyes had inherited the golden hue from Zack’s odd-colored stare.
 Zack didn’t feel that sense of skittishness like he had felt previously, now that he knows how it feels to have a child. He wasn’t overcome with a sense of panic when he held the small infant in his arms, but rather, a warmth. Even Caleb was curious about his new sibling, watching his dad cradle her in his arms with that familiar protective look on his face.
 “Were you like that too, when I was small?” Caleb asks.
 “Well, yeah…but, I was kind of scared too, you were so freakin’ small,” Isaac replied, “I was worried my big arms could squish ya.”
 Then he allowed Caleb to hold his sibling for the first time, watching him immediately bond with her.
 Life was going peacefully for the family, and thankfully Zack never got to see Rachel’s protective mama-bear mode again – though he secretly did warn Caleb about it.
 Gray had accepted the role of grandfather figure for the children, even if they were not related by blood. Zack seemed amused to poke fun at the old Reverend whenever Caleb always referred to him as Grandpa. Aside from that, Gray had noticed the man’s demeanor has gotten much calmer over the years, almost as if his past deeds were in fact a distant memory now.
 Like with Caleb, when Ellie got a little older, Rachel would take the child with her whenever she was in town. One day, she decided to take her to her place of work. She wanted to show her new child to the owner of the shop while planning on an eventual return to do some work. Time seemed to fly during their conversation, and Rachel noticed that it was starting to grow dark, if she had spent too much time away, she knew that Zack would come out to escort her back home. It did make her feel safe during the times of her employment.
 She said her goodbyes before leaving the building to head home and possibly meet up with her husband on the way back home. Rachel held Ellie close to her as she walked down the sidewalk, remembering her usual route back home, and anticipated Isaac to show up any moment soon.
 Noise could be heard in a nearby alleyway, was it her husband coming to meet her?
 Ray paused for a moment as she glanced curiously. There was a figure staring at her, but Rachel could feel a hostile vibe coming from it, she glared defensively as she held her child close. The figure was quick to grasp the woman and drag her into the alleyway, but Rachel did not hesitate to shove herself from his grip.
 “Don’t fucking struggle…” the strange man growled, then pulled out a knife, “…give me whatever you got and maybe I won’t hurt you too bad…”
 Soon, she began to hear her child start to whimper, she brought a hand to gently caress the back of her head to soothe her, but it began to agitate the man.
 “Shut your fuckin’ brat up, or I’ll shut it up for you…”
 Rachel shot the man an intense glare, “You can threaten me all you want, but don’t you dare threaten my child, understand?”
 The man appeared surprised to see someone standing up to him, then held his knife up threateningly, “Or you’ll what?”
 Rachel was ready to unleash the wrath only a mother could bring upon the world, but she saw the man’s arm twist and contort behind his body and watched as bandaged fingers grasped at the man’s throat. It may not be the mother that the man shouldn’t fear at all, but the father.
 Zack angrily held onto the man as he tightened his grip with both of his hands, Ray could see a sort of bloodthirsty glow coming from his golden eye, and could hear a growl coming from his breaths. Ellie’s whimpering had progressed into cries, Ray tried to quietly hush her, even Zack’s parental instinct didn’t want to hear his daughter cry from fear.
 “Ray…head on home…I’ll take care of this bastard…” Zack spoke softly, then his expression changed to a gentle one as he glanced to Ellie, “hey…don’t cry, baby girl…your dad’s got this…”
 The cries reduced back to a soft whimper and Ray reluctantly stepped back to return home, she knew Zack was more than capable of taking care of himself, and the safety of their child came first.
 As soon as Isaac watched Rachel leave to head home, it was just him and the man that pulled a knife on his family. His former soft expression changed back to rage, then twisted the man’s arm yet again to make the knife jab against his own side.
 “You made a big fucking mistake…” he growled, “two actually…you threatened my wife and made my kid cry…you think I’m gonna let you walk away breathing?”
 The man felt Zack’s grip tighten even more on his windpipe, he carefully maneuvered his other arm down without getting the angered man’s attention, then dropped the blade into his free hand. Before Zack could notice the man’s lack of struggling, he suddenly felt something stab him into his abdomen, the bandaged man let go for a second as he stumbled back.
 Isaac saw the knife stick out of him, and felt a surge of rage burning deeper inside him. That all too familiar sense of bloodlust was beginning to overwhelm him as he glared at the man, he ripped the knife out from his body and gripped onto it tightly. This man was now his prey.
 When Rachel had returned home, she noticed Gray was there, it seemed the old priest had paid a visit while she was away and Isaac asked him to keep an eye out while he went to retrieve her. The Reverend noticed a troubled look on both Rachel and Ellie’s face, and Zack was nowhere to be seen.
 “What seems to be the matter?”
 “A man tried to attack me and Ellie on the way…Zack stayed behind…I’m worried about him,” Rachel replied, “I should go back to check on him…”
 “No, thou must stay here and tend to the children. I shall fetch Isaac…”
 Rachel was ready to argue, but Gray did have a point, she was gone long enough, and she didn’t want Caleb to worry as well. The woman sighed as she let the older man go retrieve her husband, while she went to take care of her children, it was around dinner time after all.
 Meanwhile, Gray quietly walked down the street, he knew the back alleys was the best place to find a man like Isaac, especially if the situation had called for a confrontation. The old man was quick to spot drops of blood on the ground, then a small pool, and eventually it began to trail to another location. The trailing drops eventually became large drag marks, which meant that the situation turned deadly, and he knew who the victor was – but he wasn’t expecting the sight he would eventually see.
 Zack was crouched over a corpse, repeatedly stabbing at what once was a man, but had become horribly mutilated. The white cloth that had covered Zack’s body were completely stained crimson with blood, along with the rest of the articles of clothing.
 The man swiftly turned his head as he pointed the bent and bloody knife towards Gray, there was that familiar crazed look in Zack’s heterochromatic eyes once more, followed by his insane grin. It appears that an old demon had returned to reclaim Zack.
 “Isaac, thou dare wishes to turn a blade on someone new?” Gray asks.
 Zack didn’t reply, but only let out a sinister laugh as he slowly approached the old man. Gray was not going to be afraid, yet he was worried for him.
 “Isaac, what would’st thou do if it was not me standing here before you…what if it was Rachel…or perhaps young Caleb?”
 Hearing those names halted the man for a moment, like the sane part of him had taken hold once more from recognition, Zack dropped the knife as he continued to charge towards Gray. The Reverend felt the man roughly grab at his clergy robe by the collar and yank him close while his other arm reeled back for a punch. Gray did feel a slight bit of hesitation as he saw the clenched fist propel towards him, but Zack stopped at the last second before making impact.
 Zack had a furious expression, but his crazed look was no longer there. His fist then changed to an accusing point, and directed it at the older man.
 “Don’t you ever fucking bring them up like that again…” Zack growled, “…you’re god damn lucky that my kids like you…”
 Gray breathed a sigh of relief as he felt Zack let go of his robe, “I do apologize, Isaac…it was a low thing to do, but it appeared to be the only way to snap thee back into reality…”
 Zack stared at the tattered corpse nearby, then glanced at the bloody cloth covering his scarred hand, the other clasped at the stab wound to try and stop the bleeding.
 “…He pulled a knife on Ray…made my fucking kid cry…then the cheeky little bastard stabbed me,” Zack rambled, “I was fiending to kill after that…”
 Gray stood beside the man as he looked to the body, “…There will be prying eyes and high suspicions once the body is discovered…”
 “Don’t think that I don’t know that already, I fucking ripped the shithead apart,” Zack growled.
 “This will not be easy, but I shall see to disposing of any evidence of thy own doing. Go back home to the family, Isaac…thy spouse worries, and thou art wounded…but in such a condition, please be discrete,” Gray commanded.
 The Reverend was right, waltzing back home completely slathered in blood would be a terrible idea, he would have to sneak in back home and clean the blood stains off his body.
 “Please, do take care, Isaac…” Gray said as he watched the man slowly walk off.
 Zack clenched onto his wound, it wasn’t the first time he had to do it, as he still bore the massive scar across his belly to prove it. He had to tread carefully to keep it from bleeding out even more, but he was glad that the knife didn’t stab him too deep, or hell, that he wasn’t bleeding profusely to render him unconscious.
 His home was within his sight, all he needed to do now was crawl in through the bedroom window and discard his bloody attire, not to mention, tend to his wound as well. Zack remembered that Ray kept one of the windows unlocked in case she wanted to let in some fresh air. The man carefully climbed into the house and slowly got to his feet as he made way to the bathroom.
 Rachel began to hear sounds coming from her room, but never saw or hear anyone enter the house.
 “Caleb, keep an eye on your sister real quick.”
 Caleb nodded as he picked up one of Ellie’s toys and bought it in front of her to play with.
 Ray slowly opened the door to the master bedroom, she saw one of the windows was open and there was a small trail of blood leading to the bathroom.
 “…Zack?” she beckons.
 Now she heard a swear, it was him.
 “Zack…are you alright?”
 There was no answer for a moment, until she saw the door open, Ray held back a gasp as she saw her husband was covered head to toe in blood stains.
 “Did that man hurt you?” she asked.
 Zack grumbled as he clenched at his gut, “Yeah…it’s nothing big…but I fucking lost it with him…I almost attacked the priest.”
 “Where is Gray now?”
 “Cleaning up my damn mess…” Zack sighed, then glanced at Ray, “…could you please patch me up? I’m still bleeding here…”
 It had been ages since she used a thread and needle on flesh, she lightly nodded as she went to retrieve a sewing kit to stitch up Zack’s wound.
 “Let’s get you cleaned up too…there’s rubbing alcohol under the sink…” Ray said to her husband.
 His least favorite thing when it came to patching up wounds, the sterilizing liquid always felt like freaking acid on his open lesions. Zack reluctantly retrieved the bottle, then began to tear off every bit of his splattered wrappings, along with the stained clothing. Ray returned with a needle and a spool of thread, she took the task of disinfecting the wound first with the alcohol, then heard Zack growl out frustrated swears as it began to eat away any potential bacteria.
 “Alright, sit still…and don’t flinch…”
 “I won’t, it’s not like it’s the first time you’ve done this shit for me, Ray…just…be a little more gentle with how you do it this time,” Zack murmured.
 “I will…the wound isn’t as big…it shouldn’t take long…”
 Rachel was carefully stitching the wound closed, Zack would wince every now and then from feeling the needle pierce and exit his skin, but it was a bearable pain.
 The memory of the man’s carcass came to his mind again, and let out a sigh.
 “I’m kinda glad Gray came instead of you…fuck…I probably would’ve never snapped out of it,” Zack mumbled, “…I couldn’t live with myself if I had done that shit to you too…”
 Their old oath was for Zack to kill her, but he had already done so in a unique way, he had killed what made Ray who she once was. Zack killed her old identity of Rachel Gardner and she was given the life as his wife, Rachel Foster. To kill that would be painful to him.
 Rachel paused for a moment to press her lips against Zack’s, she could feel him freeze from surprise, but allowed her to continue as he eased up.
 “You would’ve snapped out of it…don’t go doubting yourself…” Ray softly spoke.
 Isaac felt his cheeks grow slightly warm, then leaned close to tenderly bump heads with her, “God damn, do you know how fucking important you are?”
 Zack slightly grinned, “…Good girl…”
 Stitching was finished, and all there was left was to clean the remaining bits of blood that stained Zack’s skin, Rachel was quick to get a damp cloth to help run it against Zack’s body. His skin wasn’t heavily coated, thanks to his wrappings absorbing most of the blood that had splashed against him.
 “Hey…is Ellie alright? I really didn’t want to see her cry like that…” Zack asks.
 “She was a little shaken up, but she went back to normal after Caleb played a bit with her,” Ray replied.
 She could hear a sigh of relief coming from Zack, she smiled to herself as she felt glad to know that Zack was still concerned to their child’s sense of security.
 “They’re both lucky to have a dad like you watching over them,” she added.
 Annnddd, there was Zack’s trademark flustered look. Boy, did she enjoy seeing that.
 “G-god dammit, Ray…saying that embarrassing shit again…”
 “I’m just saying the truth…I know how you hate liars,” Ray said as she kissed her husband’s forehead. “How about you stay here for the rest of the night? I’ll bring you something to eat, after I tell the kids that you’re back.”
 After losing quite a bit of blood, it did leave him a little drained, it was an offer that he didn’t want to pass up.
 “That sounds good…thanks Ray…um…let them know that I’m alright…just tired,” Zack said.
 “Will do, now get some rest…”
 Soon, he had the room to himself, and decided to lay down on the large bed that occupied his and Rachel’s room. It didn’t take long until he had drifted off to sleep, perhaps he was more worn out than he had thought. Even Rachel was surprised to see him sleeping away when she returned with some food for him to eat, perhaps another time.
 When Zack awoke, he saw that dawn had already broken, and was quite surprised just how long he had dozed off. In the bed was Rachel, snuggled up against his chest as she held onto him tightly, and close by was their daughter’s crib.
 Waking up to such a sight and the thought of being in this family made the man feel content. Sure, he had almost relapsed to his old self, but he wouldn’t regret in dealing with any foe that posed a threat to his family. Ray may have her supposed “mama bear” mode, but Zack could be just the fearsome protector as well.
 Should anyone dare to come between the two and their children, there would be hell to pay, and they would not hesitate to take on any opposition - no matter how big or how strong. This family they had built together was their entire world, and they would never let anything tear it from them.
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