#I’ve been so into b*tt stuff lately
crybaby-bkg · 2 years
cw: butt stuff
Bakugou always wants to be so close to you whenever you guys have sex, and you’re just the same. He holds you right up against him, sweaty skin against sticky flesh, mouths breathing in the same air, he consumes you wholly, and you let him every time.
You’re on top, but all you have to do is sit there and take it. He wraps both arms tight around you, locked against your sides, his mouth buried against your cheek as he huffs against you. You’re all high, staccato moans, arms wrapped tight around his neck, fingers holding onto his nape. He feels so deep in this position, like he’s trying to carve a path inside of you no one else can follow.
“Feel good, huh baby?” Bakugou grunts, cocky and grinning, the slaps of his thighs against yours loud in the quiet room. You meet his hips at every thrust, face buried into his neck as you try to keep your cries at bay. You go to answer him shakily, and you can feel his arm moving, but you don’t think too much of it.
“S’good,” you slur, craning your neck up to mouth messily at his pulse point, squeaking when there’s a sudden wetness against your rim. Bakugou laughs meanly, licks the tip of his fingers again before he creeps thick digits down until they circle you again.
“That—that’s my ass,” you weakly protest, despite untangling your arms from around him, reaching a hand behind you to spread yourself wide. You can feel his grin more than see it, as he takes the opportunity to start teasing at the unprepared hole.
“Yeah,” he sighs dreamily as he watches you open yourself up from over your shoulder. “I fuckin’ know.”
It’s embarrassing how fast you cum when Bakugou slides his finger inside your ass, back arching to keep feeling his cock rub your g spot, his pubes rubbing against your clit sweetly. You scramble from the pleasure, still holding your ass open, still meeting his thrust, pushing up on your free arm as you scream your pleasures to the ceiling. Bakugou watches you, adoringly all the while, bites at his bottom lip when your tits bounce in his face, when your eyes cross, and you call his name for mercy.
He finishes inside you in mere seconds, the feeling of your cunt spasming around his cock and your ass sucking in his finger, there’s no way he’s supposed to last any longer than he did. You both collapse onto the bed, sweaty and heaving, wrapped all around each other once more. He rubs your back and you massage his stomach and arms as you both lay there, trying to catch your breath, thinking.
“You liked a finger in your ass?” Bakugou asks bluntly, and it makes you snort. You hide your face in his neck as you nod quickly, and he hums in response. It goes quiet again before you sit up a little to look at him, a deviously evil little smile on your face.
“Can I put the finger in your ass next time?” You ask him, expecting him to push you away so he can get the wet rag. But Bakugou only looks at you funny for a while before he shrugs, dragging you into a sloppy kiss.
“You’re a nasty little freak, aren’t ya?” He asks you, but he never actually says no to your question. You take it as a win, anyway.
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soshinee · 1 year
hope u don’t mind some questions i have but it’s i wanted to ask these since ur a shawol :P sooooo
1.) what r ur absolute fav shinee tts?
2.) what r ur abolsute fav shinee b-sides?
3.) what ur fav concepts they’ve done (in terms of like in comebacks)? —> hope i make sense 😅
4.) how would u personally rank shinee’s solo work?
5.) how excited how u 4 shinee’s comeback?
- fellow shawol 🐯
hi okay sorry this took me so long to answer omg
1) my fav titles shift around all the time tbh!! i think i’ve had a dedicated phase for each one at least once at this pt (except for our page for obvious reasons lol). rn i wld say my top 3 are why so serious, good evening, and lucifer
2) another question that changes a lot so i’ll just say the 3 i’ve been listening to most lately which r heart attack, black hole, & your name
3) in terms of general concept, my favorite by far is the fake reality concept from don’t call me, which they didn’t really do much with in the mv but i loooove the photo shoot from that and the album cover. otherwise, i really love the everybody concept i think it’s so wacky fun and crazy
4) i think more objectively speaking like.. in terms of quality, i wld say my solo discography ranking is jjong > onew > key > taemin > minho. but i listen to onew’s solo stuff the most i think
5) i’m so excited i’m like crazy. my irls are so brave for the ranting and raving they’ve had to endure already
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Bad Night, Good Knight
@damianwayneweek day 3: That Wasn't Supposed to Happen
I'm playing a little loose with the prompt since the thing that wasn't supposed to happen takes place before the fic starts but you know what? Sometimes you just want to write a few pages of Damian reacting to a bad patrol instead of experiencing it (and also experiencing more bad patrol).
After what Damian would consider a fairly disastrous start to patrol, Spoiler takes over and helps him work out some of the stress and frustration he's still feeling.
AO3 Link
Damian kicked his feet out, letting the heels of his boots hit against the brick behind them. He shifted a bit, so he was leaning back on his palms. Below him, the city sparkled on a rare clear night. The city looked bright, glittering almost like Bludhaven did after the rain.
His thoughts were not as carefree or bright. Damian focused on his breathing, attempting to still his heart as it continued to race, even well after the anti-toxin had kicked in. He kept his eyes on the buildings, on shadows moving behind curtains, and an owl that fluttered by. It was much better than closing his eyes.
Closing his eyes meant being back in that warehouse. It meant not knowing the difference between truth or fiction. If the hands on him were friend or foe. It meant worrying--thinking-- believing he’d gotten his family killed.
Sharp pain raced up both wrists and he hissed, pulling forward to lift the weight off them. Careful, Damian tugged at his gloves and pulled them off to examine the skin underneath. His wrists were ringed with red, bruised, with slightly raised lines here and there. Left over from the ropes he’d been tied with for the better part of the night.
“Tt.” he turned his hand over, displeased that he’d come away so affected, in mind and body.
“I’ve got some cream for that.” Stepahnie’s voice preceded her by a moment as Spoiler dropped to the ledge beside him.
A purple glove held out a small bottle to Damian which he took, and eyed. It was what she’d said, bruise cream, the container about half empty, but with plenty left for Damian to use.
“You keep this on hand?”
She shrugged, “You never know when you’ll need it, for us or civilians.”
He hummed, and popped open the top, a light citrusy scent tickled his nose. Stephanie waited while he applied the cream to one wrist, then the other. It made things feel better almost immediately, if only because it felt cool and soothing.
“Thank you.” he said, capping it and handing it back over.
Stephanie ruffled his hair, “No problem.”
Damian scowled and leaned away from her hand, but she followed him, truly messing up his carefully styled hair. Well, it had been carefully styled before they’d left for patrol. He had no idea how it looked after being nabbed by Crane and dangled as bait for the rest of his family. His hair hadn’t been at the top of his priorities for the past few hours.
“Where are the others?” he asked, attempting to keep his tone casual.
“Batman’s wrapping up with Crane. Hood’s already left to finish his route. And Nightwing’s back at the cave resting, and has been for a while. The others are where they’ve been all night.” She mimed dancing and drinking tea, “At the gala we got lucky enough to miss.”
Damian’s heart twinged at Nightwing. He wanted to ask further about Richard, but Stephanie’s tone seemed to indicate he was fine. Still, tone was not enough to still the worry in his stomach. The last he’d seen of Richard was the man sitting up, bleary eyed, with blood trailing down his forehead. And then Damian had been dragged too far away to see him at all.
“Is he--” the words slipped out before Damian could stop himself.
“Wing’s fine, Robin.” Stephanie’s voice softened, “I found him after you disappeared, and he’s been home since under A’s careful eye. Argued up a storm over not being allowed to come help find you, but eventually B talked him down.”
Damian nodded, injured Richard would have only been a further liability in the field. Damian had already made himself enough of one by being captured, Father would not have wanted any more sons in danger.
“And are you here to return me home?”
“Do you want to go home?”
He shook his head.
“Then I say we continue to patrol. Bruce isn’t the boss of us.” She stood, and reached a hand down to Damian, “Come on, grab those gloves, we’ve got stuff to do.”
Damian let a smile slip across his face, the first all night, “Excellent.”
Stephanie took point on their route, and Damian was happy to let her. He wanted action, and movement, and whatever they could do to help shake the fear still lingering over him.
They started by stopping a mugging.
Together, Spoiler and Robin dropped down behind the two men, and broke them up. Damian distracted one, dancing around him to force him to move away from the woman they’d been terrorizing.
Behind the guy, Damian watched as Spoiler kicked over the other man, and he stayed down. Damian ducked a wild swing from his own opponent, and threw a punch at the man’s open side. It landed and sent the guy stumbling backwards.
Damian let his attention slide back over to where Spoiler was. She was leading the terrified woman away from danger. Good, that’d give Damian room to really move if he needed to.
He traded blows with his opponent, before leveraging himself off one of the nearby buildings to slam his feet into the man’s chest and take him down. Damian zip tied him, and stood, turning back to search for Spoiler and the woman again.
Instead he found himself face to face with the other thug. The man loomed over him, and Damian froze. Fear raced through his chest in a sharp wave. He was back where he’d been earlier that night, surrounded by green gas he couldn’t stop breathing in and facing down an enemy too big for him to deal with while Nightwing was hurt, on the floor behind him.
Damian knew what was going to happen next. He’d try to lure the man away only to be knocked out by a lucky swing from the guy’s bat. Then he’d be caught. Dragged away from his family. Trapped. He’d--
Purple flashed across his vision as Spoiler jumped in with a high kick that cracked the man’s jaw so hard Damian heard it clearly. The sound snapped him out of his haze and he lurched back into action. Together, they took the guy down in seconds.
When they were done, Brown eyed him but didn’t comment beyond, “I’ll call it in, let’s keep moving.”
While Spoiler’s voice rattled off the crime and location over the comms to the GCPD Damian mentally worked out how to get them back on their regular route.
They patrolled for another ten minutes, swinging from building to building and occasionally stopping to sweep a street. Worried meows of a cat caught Damian’s ears. He froze, then scanned the street.
It was a residential one, lined with apartments and old trees that climbed close to buildings. After a moment a high, young, voice followed one of the cat’s noises.
“Chance, please get down, boy. I can’t climb up there!”
Damian and Stephanie exchanged looks, then together they moved in the direction of the noises. It was obvious after a moment that Chance, a tabby, was stuck not in a tree, but on a jutting portion of roof overlooking a child’s bedroom window.
The voice belonged to a little girl, with braided pigtails and Wonder Woman themed pajamas. She was leaning precariously out of her window and waving frantically at the cat. At the sound of vigilantes landing on a nearby tree, her attention shifted, and blue eyes widened at them.
“Robin! Batgirl!”
Stephanie winced and muttered, “Spoiler, but close.”
She elbowed Damian indicating he should be the one to rescue the cat. He rolled his eyes behind his domino.
“Don’t worry.” Damian said to the girl, “I’ll get Chance down for you.”
Somehow her eyes went even wider, as if she couldn’t imagine how he might know the cat’s name, despite having yelled it out moments before.
Careful, Damian climbed from the tree to the building’s roof. Then he made his way across shingles to the cat, terrified and clinging to its spot on the roof.
“Here boy,” Damian murmured, slipping a treat from one of his utility belt pouches (Father had once told him that animal treats were a waste of a good space, if only he could see their usefulness now), holding it out to the frightened cat.
Well, Chance seemed to be still a kitten. A growing one, but he had not reached full adulthood yet, which was probably why he was so hesitant to jump the easy distance into the girl's arms.
Damian waited patiently for the scent of food to overcome the kitten’s fear, and when it was distracted enough, he scooped the creature into his arms, and let it have the treat.
He hooked his grapple to the roof and lowered himself carefully down to the window. The girl eagerly reached for her kitten, and Damian made sure she had a secure hold on the creature before fully releasing it.
“I would suggest against opening the window late at night, even a little bit, Chance is still small enough to wiggle through and get stuck again.” he said.
She gave him a serious nod, and then, “Thank you, Robin! And thank Batgirl too, you’re both so cool.”
Damian smiled at her, “Have a good night, you and Chance.”
He pulled himself back up to the roof and then rejoined Spoiler in her tree. The two waved at the girl, and jumped back into patrol.
After that they stopped to help a woman unloading groceries from a late night shopping trip, walked an inebriated young man home, and shooed off teens eager to graffiti a food truck. They were all easy tasks, and somehow they never turned to another mugging or robbery. Damian did not realize that until he was standing beside Spoiler as she helped change a flat tire with the surety of a pro.
“Spoiler,” Damian said, after the car was on its way back down the road, “Are we going to stop any more crime tonight, or act as errand boys for Gotham’s late night citizens?”
“Errand boys and girls.” Stephanie corrected, “And we’ll stop crime if we see it. O hasn’t phoned anything in where we’re at yet, and it’s good to be helpful. We’re preventing crime, rather than stopping it.”
It was a smooth, practiced answer. Like she’d heard it before when questioning Batman or Timothy on a previous patrol. Damian let it slide for the moment, intent on keeping a careful eye out for other crimes.
His hesitance earlier would not be repeated, he would make sure of that. He would prove that he was fine. That the shaky feeling in his chest when he breathed was exertion, not lingering fear or embarrassment over his earlier predicament.
Only, they continued with the easy tasks. They waited with another Gothamite who’s car had overheated, until the tow arrived. Then they found a box of puppies and took them to a local shelter Damian recommended.
Finally Oracle called in an alarm going off at a convenience store nearby where they were patrolling. Damian moved instantly towards it, unwilling to let Spoiler pull him back again.
She didn’t say anything, only fell in beside him as they made their way over to the store. When they arrived, four men were exiting the building in a hurry. One of them carried a register they’d grabbed, two of the others had a huge burlap sack carried between them, and a third carried a smaller one heavy with whatever they’d taken from inside the store.
Damian swung down, a wrecking ball of force and frustration. His feet slammed into the chest of one of the men carrying sacks. The man went flying, the contents of the bag scattering across the concrete around him as he landed.
Before the other three could really figure out what was going on, Damian had turned away from the thief he’d taken out, and was already throwing a batarang at the guy carrying the register. It caught his hand and he yelped, dropping the register with a crash.
By that point, Spoiler jumped into the fray, her cape flowing out in a huge swoop meant to blind the men still on their feet.
Damian turned back to the guy who’d dropped the register and threw himself at him. The element of surprise had faded at this point and the men were rallying, but Damian was trained well, no matter what his failure earlier that night had pointed to.
He swept the man’s feet out from under him in an arc, then came down on his stomach with his elbow.
As Damian stood, someone grabbed him from behind, and hauled him up. Damian scrambled, and grabbed at the hand but whoever had him didn’t seem to care about the way Damian’s fingers scratched at him. Before he knew it, Damian was tumbling backwards, thrown down not into the ground like he’d expected, but into something soft that caught him just before the hard concrete.
One of the bags the men had been using to steal from the shop closed around him and Damian felt his heart speed up. He tried to shove himself up, darkness closing over him as whoever had grabbed him tightened the strings on the large sack. But his hands couldn’t get purchase on the bag. It was taught with his weight, meaning there wasn’t a good area to grab at.
He kicked and shoved, his brain whiting out as the idea that he was trapped closed over him. No. Not again . This couldn’t be happening again. He couldn’t have failed a third time tonight he--He couldn’t breathe.
And then the bag swung. Damian’s stomach lurched, with the movement. He braced himself as best as he could, curling tight to protect himself before the bag slammed into the ground. The impact broke his curl as his knees and elbows cracked into the hard ground and he gasped with the pain of it all.
The only good thing he could take about the jarring action was that it had shaken him from his stupor. Body aching, he dug a batarang out and sliced the bag open. He tumbled out as the man lifted the sack again for a second attack.
Damian rolled over to push himself back to his feet. His arms were shaking, his chest tight. Something curled in his chest that felt vaguely like unshed tears. Damian couldn’t quite name the emotions tossing themselves around his head like he’d been tossed helplessly in that bag, but none of them were good or a call to get up and fight.
Behind him, he heard Spoiler grunt, followed by the smack of weapon against skin, and a thud. Then, for the second time that night, Damian found a purple gloved hand reaching out for him.
“Need a hand?”
He squeezed his eyes shut, but took her hand and let her help him to his feet. His head swam slightly, but otherwise he was fine.
“Thanks.” he murmured.
“No problem.” She said, giving his hand a quick squeeze before letting go.
Damian busied himself tugging the unconscious men towards each other and tying them up, while Spoiler made their second call of the evening.
“If you’re ready, I’ve got our next location locked in.” Stephanie said, as Damian stood.
He wasn’t. He was pretty sure the only thing he was ready for was bed. To curl up, safe and sound, with his face pressed into Titus’s flank thoughts of failure long gone in the comfort of home. Instead of admitting that, Damian nodded. He was Robin, and he’d be as useful as possible as long as their patrol lasted. Even if he seemed to keep freezing up. At some point he’d get over it. He always had during training back in the League, eventually he got over his fear. This was no different than that. He just had to keep pushing.
Spoiler led them both to a playground. It was known for late night drug deals between some of Gotham High’s more affluent teens.
The playground was large. It had a swing set with six swings, a couple seesaws, those little animals on springs, and a sand pit. To top it all off it had a huge sprawling play place in the center. Tire swings hung off it, monkey bars and rope bridges connected portions of it. Three slides of various types came off it in different areas. It even had a little rock wall for enterprising kids to use instead of the other stairs to climb up.
“What are we doing here?” Damian asked, looking around.
“Acting as deterrents. Oracle said she’d heard some chatter about a meet up tonight. I figured two vigilantes camped out should be enough to make any wayward teens think twice.”
Damian nodded, relieved that they wouldn’t be moving directly back into action. Mentally he berated himself for that, if he were to get over the night’s failure he needed to be more proactive, not less.
Damian followed Stephanie to a spot on the play place where they could look out onto the park. Stephanie leaned up against one of the walls and Damian kicked his legs over the edge eyes scanning the park.
“So.” Stephanie said, “Ready to talk about it?”
“Tt.” Damian pulled his legs up and towards his chest.
She had given him long enough to calm down a little from the night’s events, and while he was still shaky, the effects of the toxin had at least seemed to fade a bit.
“It was--unpleasant.” he admitted.
He pressed his eyes closed, remembering. On a good day it was not fun to be captured and held as bait. They had an in-joke about how Robin held the honorary title of boy hostage, but in truth none of them enjoyed that role. Robin’s duty was to protect Batman, and being held against him was the exact opposite of that.
But Damian had been held hostage, and used against his family.
He’d been taken on what should have been a routine investigation of a shady warehouse. He, Nightwing, and Spoiler were just supposed to look. Instead, once the three had split up, Crane had attacked. Damian made it to Richard before anything too terrible happened to his brother, but he hadn’t been prepared for the toxin, hadn’t been prepared for the number of goons.
It was pure luck that Crane had only taken him. Though, Damian now assumed that to be Spoiler’s doing, showing up before both Nightwing and Robin could be taken. As the lightest, of course they’d grabbed Robin.
“I--” he started, and shook his head.
Stephanie knew what it was like to be taken. What it was like to be under the effects of Crane’s toxin. He did not have to explain how he’d struggled to escape or the panic that had laced his chest when his family had arrived to rescue him and he’d watched as they fought, were cut down, continued to fight, and were cut down again. His worst fear of them dying because of him playing out on a loop until Father managed to administer the anti-toxin.
Stephanie laid a hand on his shoulder, “It’s never fun to be taken by someone you’re trying to stop, and even worse when they hurt you because of it.”
He squeezed his arms around his legs, old feelings of embarrassment at being so vulnerable tried to claw their way out of him. And another feeling rising up, protectiveness over them, guilt over being why they’d been in danger.
He shook his head again, “I do not care that he hurt me. I put the family in danger. Father, you, Todd. Richard.” he admitted, “You were led into a trap because I was too weak to defend Nightwing. Too slow to catch onto the toxin in the room. I failed, and you all could have died because of it.”
He trained his eyes on the swing set, unwilling to meet his sister’s gaze. He was being far too open with his emotions, but--the talking helped. Stephanie and Richard had drilled that into his head.
Talking. Trusting. Letting himself fall so they could catch him.
But? Should he if it put them in danger? Tonight seemed to blow a wide hole in all those promises. Richard was home, injured, and all because he’d trusted Damian. Stephanie had saved Damian three times this night alone because of his own inability to be better. How many falls were too many?
“First of all, you didn’t fail. No more than any of us did when Scarecrow made his first attack. We were all caught off guard. You were just a little more unlucky than we were.”
“It was Nightwing they attacked.”
Stephanie leaned over, so her face was in Damian’s field of vision, hair hanging over a shoulder, “You protected him. Got him a mask, and kept them from taking him instead. I’d say he was pretty lucky to have a little guardian Robin looking out for him.”
She poked him in the arm, “Don’t tt at me, you know it’s true. Would you rather Nightwing not have had you there?”
“Never!” Damian spun on her, and Stephanie grinned with victory. She’d tricked him into looking her way.
“There we go, now we can have a proper conversation.”
“We were talking.” he huffed, but maintained eye contact.
Stephanie reached out and cupped his cheek, “You were the one we were worried about. Did you forget that we want to protect you just as much as you want to keep us safe?” She brushed a finger across his cheek, and he felt the spark of pain where a goon had hit him to wake him up.
“You matter.” she said, reading his mind, “Your health and safety is as important as the rest of ours. It’s okay to be rescued from time to time.”
He huffed, “I know. But knowing does not help the frustration. I am supposed to be better. Be worthy of Robin and able to protect you all. Instead I was--I was-- helpless.” Just saying the word brought heat to his eyes, tears pricking at him, begging for release.
Stephanie tugged him close, into a hug, “It’s okay.” she said, a hand in his hair, “It’s hard, I know, but you’re allowed to be vulnerable, Dames.”
He sniffed, blinking back tears, “No names, Spoiler.”
She scoffed, squeezing him a bit tighter, “There’s no one out here to hear.”
Damian huffed, but did not pull away from the embrace. It was nice, resting like this and letting Stephanie play with his hair. It made the tight feeling in his chest ease. Knowing she was fine, that he was fine, that things would be fine.
After a moment he pulled away, running a hand under his nose. Stephanie let him, and they settled back apart, both at the edge now. They were quiet for a while after that, the minutes ticking by in peace.
Then, they saw a car pull up into the lot at the far end of the park. A figure climbed out of it, and started making their way towards the park. They hadn’t seemed to realize that Robin and Spoiler were the one’s camped out in the park yet, and actually raised a hand to wave.
Stephanie winked at Damian and raised her own hand in response.
“Let’s see how long it takes him to realize who we are.” she whispered.
Damian smiled, and chuckled lightly.
The young man pulled out a phone and started messing with it, typing something into the screen as he moved forward. He made it almost all the way to Damian and Stephanie before he looked up. When he did he froze, staring at them, mouth agape.
Stephanie waved again, “Hi. What’s a good kid like you doing in a park like this so late?”
“I--” he said, and Damian thought he looked a bit like a catfish, blinking and startled, “Nothing.”
“Well, Mr. Nothing, I suggest if you don’t have any important reason for being here, you head home.” Stephanie said.
Damian gave him one of his most unsettling smiles, sharp and toothy, “Yes, this park isn’t safe after dark, and we wouldn’t want you getting hurt or into trouble.”
He looked between Spoiler and Robin and seemed to decide that whatever deal he’d had planned for the night was not worth bothering two vigilantes over. With a sharp nod and a “yes, yeah, good idea.” he scurried off, half running half tripping his way back to his car.
“Drive safe!” Stephanie called.
After he was gone, Stephanie broke into a fit of giggles and Damian followed soon after, her laughter infectious.
“Alright.” she said, after a minute, “Let’s go get something ridiculously greasy and terrible for us, as a reward for a deed well done. Then after I say we head home. ”
She stood and held out a hand to Damian, “Unless you’d rather do ice cream?”
He took it and let her pull him to his feet, “Fast food sounds perfect, lead the way Spoiler.”
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 3
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
Bruce sat at the head of the long oak dining table and waited for his children to make their way into the room for dinner. They came in as a staggered group; Jason arguing about some novel with Dick while Tim and Damian brought up the back as they discussed their patrol routes for the night. After Alfred and Damian helped serve the food, Bruce cleared his throat pointedly and waited for everyone to pay attention. 
Once everyone had looked up from their discussions he spoke. “Alfred has a friend named Gina; and she had called this evening to see if her granddaughter could stay with us. She lives in Paris; but her classmates were bullying her and her parents thought a change of scenery would do her some good. I have agreed to let her stay with us in the Manor.” Even before he had finished speaking the table erupted with different questions from his children.
“Bruce are you sure this is wise?” Tim questioned over Dick’s ecstatic squealing (“I’ve always wanted a little sister!!!”), and Jason’s grumbling (“Shut the fuck up Dickhead. I don’t know why the fuck B is bringing someone into this house to live with this dysfunctional family.”). Ignoring his siblings; he pressed on “I mean, how are we going to hide Batman and the vigilante stuff from her?” As Bruce paused to answer Damian stood up and scowled. “Tt. This is a moronic decision. Inform me of when this girl is to arrive and inform  her to stay out of my way.” He lifted his chin and crossed his arms before marching out of the room.
After Damian’s outburst, Jason looked over from where he was arguing with Dick and added his input “Timbo’s right, B. How are we going to hide that from her?” 
“We’ll have to make sure at least two of you remain in the manor each night so that she doesn’t get too suspicious.” He answered. “Now, the only reason I agreed to letting her stay here was namely for Alfred, and also because of what her classmates did to her” 
“What do you mean, Bruce?” Dick questioned. “Did they like assault her or something?”
“Or something” He responded grimly before sending the photo to all three of them. 
As they looked at the photo, he observed their reactions to the image. Dick was not smiling for once, and his sunny blue eyes had darkened to an icy frost. His whole body was tense; and his jaw was so clenched his teeth were grinding together. Jason was standing up with two guns locked and loaded in his hands. He had also managed to procure a knife from somewhere, which appeared as he leant forward and asked “What were the names of the people who did this again?” in a completely lethal tone. Tim, already hacking away at his computer responded “Not there yet, but from what I can find out, she goes to College Francois DuPont and she’s fifteen.” He briefly looked up and made eye contact with Bruce before asking “How fast do you think we can get our lawyers onto those kids B?” At the declarations of his children, Bruce closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers. “We can not file any lawsuits yet, not without Marinette’s permission.” He answered, sighing tiredly. “Marinette?” Dick questioned. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Tim responded instantly. “That’s her name.” 
“She will be coming on Monday, and Alfred will be picking her up from the airport. She is also going to attend GA, so someone please tell Damian.” Bruce said as he stood from the table. “Now hurry up, we have patrol tonight, and there have been rumors about a drug ring near Crime Alley.”
After coming back from the hospital and having a sleepover Thursday night, Chloé and Adrien were completely sleep-deprived as they trudged into school the next morning. Settling into her usual seat beside Sabrina, Chloé silently thanked all the Kwami that she didn’t have to sit next to Lila. Halfway though class, Mrs. Bustier suddenly frowned and looked at the back row. “Does anyone know where Marinette is? She still hasn’t arrived yet!”
“Probably still sleeping at home! She’ll come in completely late as usual!” Alya cackled. At her words, Chloé felt her entire body heat up with righteous indignity. She opened her mouth to tell that wannabe tabloid reporter to get her facts straight, but then Adrien caught her eye and shook his head. He then pointed at his phone, and mimed unlocking it before pointing to her. Catching the hint, she checked her messages to see that Marinette had sent them a text.
FashionableBug: Mari said to tell Chloé and Adrien not to do anything to Lila or anyone else that starts making stuff up. (From Luka btw)
You’reUnderAgreste: Me-ouch, My Lady. I would never!
QueenofMean: shut it with the puns, Noir. Maribug, I will only listen to you because you’re injured and I’m not going to go against your wishes.
Putting her phone away, Chloé resigned herself to a miserable school day. 
After school, she walked into Marinette’s room and flopped dramatically onto the chaise, before letting out a long groan.
“That bad?” Mari chuckled as she scribbled sketched one-handedly in her design notebook. 
“You have no idea.” Chloé responded. 
Their conversation continued into mundane things, such as everyone’s patrol routes, and various theories on who Hawkmoth was. Totally normal topics for teenagers. As the day drew to a close, they made plans for everyone to come over to start packing the next day before Chloé left the bakery and headed home.
Come Saturday, Marinette, Chloé and Luka spent the morning playing board games one handed “to level the playing field” as Luka put it and eating lots of cookies and pastries-provided by Marinette’s parents of course. Adrien and Kagami were attending their various classes until afternoon, so the remaining three spent their time relaxing, and coming up with a list of things to pack for Mari’s stay in Gotham. Two o’ clock rolled around, and the bells over the bakery jingled to announce the arrival of the final members of the packing committee.  
Any plans to begin their assignment of somehow fitting all Marinette’s fabrics into the suitcase were cut short by an Akuma. 
They all transformed, even though Kagami and Luka has been  extremely reluctant to let Mari go even though the suit temporarily healed her injuries. Climbing through her roof hatch, they set out across the rooftops to defeat their latest villain.
Five hours later, the teen heroes dropped into her room, and detransformed in various flashes of multicolored lights. They collapsed onto the bed and chairs and silently agreed to just  sleep , and get the packing done the next day.
All of Sunday was spent throwing various clothes and accessories into Mari’s pink and black suitcase. There were several sweaters and hoodies (added by Chloé), as well as several leggings and many thick pajama pants (Sabine).
Adrien (with the help of Tom) had somehow managed to pack over ten different pun-covered t-shirts, and by the time they were discovered, they had been buried under piles upon piles of fluffy socks from Kagami. Luka also threw in some scarves before Marinette added some toiletries, her sewing kit, and her computer.
Picking up the backpack she had decided to use as a carry-on, Marinette rifled through it to make sure she had everything in there as well.
Spare change of clothes in case she loses her suitcase? Check. Phone, headphones, and charger? Check. Sketchbook and pencils? Check. Disguised Miracle Box? Check.
She turned to her family (Not her teammates, not her friends, but her family.) and smiled. It was small, and bittersweet, but it was a smile. “Alright guys, I guess I’m all set.” She said, before joining them all in a group hug. They offered her soft, tearful smiles before Tom carried her big suitcase down the stairs. 
That night, Marinette fell asleep surrounded by all the people she loved, and she couldn’t have been happier.
The next day, her Papa carried her downstairs and placed her into her wheelchair (since she had a broken foot, and couldn’t use her leg, they had given her a wheelchair) before wheeling her outside and placing her into the car waiting by the street. 
Her friends were all inside, and she gripped Adrien’s hand tightly as they drove to the airport. 
As she stood to board the plane, she turned back to catch one last glimpse of them all. Chloé was leaning into Kagami’s side who was holding her girlfriend’s hand tightly. Adrien was waving wildly, and Luka and her parents all raised one hand in farewell. Her Maman and Papa has some red rimming their eyes, but they smiled at her as she was wheeled into the plane. Next stop: Gotham, New Jersey.
Since her flight left Paris at 10 AM, she was set to arrive in Gotham at around 12 PM/noon. With that in mind, she decided to stay awake for the entire flight so that her body could adjust better. 
As they crossed the Atlantic, Marinette, sitting in first class thanks to Chloé and Adrien’s combined nagging; popped her earbuds in, and began to sketch. 
She stared out the window as she touched down, shocked by all the dog and darkness in the city. As she collected her bags, and wheeled her way outside to look for her host family, she couldn’t help but notice how everyone in this city was much more on edge than most normal people. ‘They act as though they are expecting an attack at any second of the day.’ She mused to herself. Her train of thought was cut off by the sight of an elderly man with a powerful aura standing next to a limo with a sign saying “Marinette Dupain-Cheng”. She wheeled her way over to him and smiled brightly. “Salut! My name is Marinette! What is yours, Monsieur!” She questioned, holding out her hand for a handshake.
“It’s lovely to meet you Miss Marinette, my name is Alfred Pennyworth.” Alfred responded, smiling gently down at her. “Now let’s get you and your bags in the car, shall we?” He reaches out to shake her hand, and the moment their fingers touched her vision was filled with dark blue and red. She laughed and smiled up at him. “It is an honor to meet you, noble Peacock.” She greeted him in the Guardian language, honoring his position as a True Holder. “And it is an honor to meet you as well, Ladybug.” He answered. She grinned and allowed him to help her into the back of the limo before he climbed into the driver's seat and they sped off to Wayne Manor. 
When he saw the young girl, Alfred was shocked to say the least. She was roughly 5’ 4” (162.5 cm), and was very petite. Her stature, combined with her wheelchair, wrist brace, and the cast on her leg, all strengthened his resolve to protect the young girl from any further harm. That was only intensified when their auras recognized each other. How could anyone place the responsibility of upholding balance on such a young child? 
As he drove to the Manor, she informed him that the Cat, Bee, Dragon and Snake were active on her team. Before he could ask her what the threat they were battling was, they had arrived at the Manor, and she had immediately tensed and gone silent.
Deciding that it was better to ask more questions later, he got out of the car to retrieve her bags and chair. Master Bruce and three of his children except for Master Damian were waiting in front of the doors to the Manor, and they all waited patiently for her as she exited the car. 
Marinette was nervous. Sure, taking to Monsieur Alfred was really fun, and she couldn’t wait to tell him more about Paris, but now she was meeting her actual host family! What if they didn’t like her? What if they decided to send her back?! Then what would she do?? A small cough interrupted her downward spiral, and she looked up from her lap to see Monsieur Alfred waiting in front of the open door with her wheelchair. Grabbing her backpack, she awkwardly maneuvered herself into the chair and allowed herself to be wheeled out in front so she could meet Monsieur Bruce Wayne.
Note: Alfred doesn’t know that Marinette is the Guardian. He just knows she’s a Ladybug holder.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Mixed Signals
Author: @wordsfromthesol​ Taglist: @lana-king @marvelfreakbrynnlee​ Pairing: Older!Damian x Reader Summary:  *cough* read the request pictured below *cough* Warnings: Violence, cursing, the good stuff Word Count: 2k A/N: Quarantine requests have begun! I’m going to try and post a little more frequently during this time so ya’ll have some new content while you’re bored (my work has not been suspended...but trying to write as much as I can!) 
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“Master Damian, your father wished that I remind you of my granddaughter Y/N’s arrival tomorrow.”
“Tt, and why would I need this reminder?”
“Well, she is staying with us at the Manor. Vigilantism is to be kept to a minimal, as Y/N is unaware of this family’s nighttime activities. Your brothers have been informed and as such, will only enter the cave, if necessary, from the exterior.”
“I shall do the same then.”
“I was hoping you could refrain altogether. Perhaps accompany her around Gotham?
“Tt, I am not a babysitter Alfred.” And with that Damian stormed out of the living room and headed immediately for the training room.
“Papa!” You exclaimed as soon as Alfred opened the door. You quickly enveloped him in a hug, before stepping back and admiring his living quarters. “These Wayne’s you work for are clearly loaded.”
“Y/N, you know that is no way to talk.”
You just shrugged as you walked inside. “You’re happy though, right? They treat you okay?” You knew exactly how ‘the help’ could be treated.
“My dear, of course. In fact, Master Damian has agreed to show you the Gotham sights.”
“Somehow I doubt he did that willingly.”
“Some coercion from his father may have been necessary.” Alfred smirked. The two of you sat at the kitchen counter catching up on life, when Damian turned the corner. You glanced his direction.
“You must be my tour guide I’ve heard so much about!”
“Tt, only if you wish to go to the worst parts Gotham has to offer.”
“Hm, sounds much more fun than the best parts. Everyone gets to see those.”
“I am confident Alfred can accompany you around the city.”
“I am too, but he said he’s got something to do for your father all day tomorrow.” Alfred shot a look of disappoint towards Damian, as you continued. “I don’t want to intrude, if you have something to do. I’m sure I can entertain myself for the day.”
“Fine. I will escort you through Gotham tomorrow.”
“So Dami, how’s babysitting?” Jason teased his younger brother.
“Fantastic. I must chaperon the ray of sunshine all day tomorrow. See the sights that Gotham City has to offer.”
“From what I remember, Y/N is capable of handling herself just fine around Gotham.” Dick chimed in, trying to ease Damian’s clear frustration.
“Well Father would be most disappointed in me if I left her to fend for herself.”
“Lighten up, I’m sure her positivity will make the day enjoyable.” Jason smirked knowing full well that would only further agitate his brother. You didn’t want to hear any more of the conversation, clearly Damian disliked you. You would just have to live with that, you thought as you stalked up to the guest room.
“I just do not comprehend how she can be so positive. All the time.”
“Hm, been thinking about her a lot since that first meeting…haven’t we?” Now Dick joined in on the teasing, realizing the effect you had on his youngest brother.
“Of course not. The notion is ridiculous.” With that Damian left his brothers, no longer wishing to endure their quips.
You expected the day to drag on. In fact, you didn’t even know if Damian would actually take you on a tour of the city of not. To your surprise, he was waiting for you in the kitchen when you sauntered down to grab some coffee.
“Damian. You’re awake.”
“I was unsure of when you wanted to leave.”
“Honestly, I’m more of a nightowl. Mind if I grab some coffee and then go get ready? Say we leave in an hour?”
“I will meet you here in an hour.”
You smiled and nodded as you passed him to get to the coffee machine. “So from a true Gothamite’s perspective, any places that are a must see?”
“Tt, I am not from Gotham.”
“Oh. I thought – nevermind – where are you from?”
“No where you would be privy to.”
“Sorry for asking then…” you stumbled out of the kitchen, preparing yourself for an awkward day.
You put on a smile as you walked down the stairs, determined to have fun despite the storm cloud accompanying you. “Ready?” Your cheery voice echoed through the hall.
“As much as one could be.”
You were okay with the silence as you took in the sights. You grew up in a fairly small town, no building was over five stories. This was astonishing. The amount of people and cars around you, everything constantly moving. Finally, the car you were in stopped.
“Where are we?”
“Wayne Botanical Gardens.”
“How rich is your family…?” You question as the two of you got out of the car.
“Heh, I am not sure that I can answer that question.”
“Maybe one day I’ll ask a personal question you do know the answer to.” You sighed before gliding over to the garden entrance. You didn’t talk for the next hour, you were too enthralled looking at all the plants and flowers. Damian was too enthralled gazing at you. You saw the beauty in everything, granted flowers are a typically beautiful plant, but you seemed to admire everything around you. He even watched as you bent down and picked up someone else’s trash. The action seemed to be done subconsciously, as you hadn’t even realized what you just did. As you neared the end, you turned towards him, an undeniable sparkle in your eye.
“Oh, where to next? Is every place in Gotham this beautiful?”
“Tt, that would be impossible.”
“Right,” you sighed, remembering who you were talking to.
“Wayne Tower is near here.”
“A garden and a tower, my oh my, the Wayne’s do get around.”
“Yeah. Want to go?”
“Why not, perhaps we can stop for lunch nearby?”
You trudged forward, ignoring the short responses. Before you knew it, the day seemed over. You knew you hadn’t seen half of Gotham, but Damian seemed rathe insistent you head back as darkness enveloped the city.
“Oh, come on, Damian. Are you scared of the dark?”
“Of course not. I am not a child.”
“Good. Let’s go to a bar! I’ve heard the Iceberg Lounge is a must!”
“A must avoid, perhaps.”
“Well, I am going. You are more than welcome to join me.”
Surprisingly, the rest of the night went on without a hitch. Damian didn’t even suspect that you were actually gathering intel at the lounge. Unbeknownst to Alfred, you had ulterior motives for visiting him in the big city. Your dad was finally letting you in the family business, this was your first assignment. Gather intel on the drugs being pushed out at the Iceberg Lounge in Gotham City.
A few more days had passed, and you managed to get to or near the lounge every night. Sometimes you went inside, sometimes you waited and watched from the rooftops. Thankfully, the Wayne Manor was surprisingly easy to sneak out of. Or so you thought. Alfred, however, was growing more and more concerned by your nightly disappearances.
“Master Damian, might I inquire how your day of sightseeing with my granddaughter went?”
“Fine? Did she claim otherwise?”
“No. Did she seem particularly eager to go somewhere?”
“The only place she requested was the Iceberg Lounge. Why she would associate herself with such an establishment is beyond my comprehension.”
“Hm. I feared as much. Master Damian, I might request a small favor.”
“Does this favor involve Y/N?”
“It does.”
“What do you require?”
“She seems to be leaving each night. I am afraid she may get herself into trouble. As you know, Gotham is no place to wander. Could you follow her?”
“Of course.” Damian left and immediately geared himself up, as much as he dared to in civilian clothing. Then, it was the waiting game. Just as Alfred said, around 10 you snuck out through the window. Luckily, Damian was waiting close by on a motorcycle.
This time you decided you would go in the lounge. You discarded the dark robe, uncovering the rather revealing outfit you donned, as you entered the taxi. Upon entering the lounge, you saw a few of the suspects already downing drinks. You didn’t hesitate in approaching them. Unfortunately, this approach had caused wrong person to take notice of you.  
“Hey beautiful. I’ve seen you in here a lot lately. Yet you haven’t come and talked to me. I thought I’d take the initiative.”
“How sweet of you. I’m afraid I can’t indulge your fantasies tonight. Perhaps another.”
“Huh, see…I think you can.”
You smiled at the unsavory character, as you did he latched onto your wrist.
“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”
“Awe, does the pretty lady know self-defense.”
“Yeah, she does.”
“Good.” The man seemed to sober up almost instantly. “Then you can tell me why you’ve been grilling my men.”
Shit. You quickly brought your knee up into his groin, causing him to release you. You grasped the gun in your purse and shot in his direction.
“Can’t even hit me?”
“Oh honey, I wasn’t trying.” You smiled as a light fixture swung down and crashed between the two of you. As you turned to make a run for it, the room filled with smoke and someone grabbed you by the waist and placed the other hand over your mouth. You quickly realized they were pulling you to safety and decided to see how the situation played out. Once you cleared the smoke, you recognized the figure. “Damian?!” You stopped dead in your tracks.
He looked back at you, once he noticed you weren’t going to move, he pulled you in close and pulled out what looked like a gun. Except this gun pulled the two of you up through the air, landing you on a rooftop.
“What the hell were you doing?!” You had never heard Damian raise his voice; you didn’t even think he was capable of it. “You almost got yourself killed in there!”
“What?! Did you follow me here?!”
“Of course, I followed you. Gotham is not a safe place. You should not be out here alone.”
“Why the fuck do you even care? You hate me!”
“Hate yo – ? I was protecting you!”
“Well, I don’t need your protection. I can handle myself.”
“Clearly. But I could not take that risk.”
“You barely know me.”
“I can tell Alfred loves you.”
“Oh, you followed me because my grandfather asked you to.”
“No. Well, yes. However, I would have followed regardless. If I had known earlier.”
“You seem hold this astonishing ability to acknowledge the good in everything and everyone. It amazes me. But Gotham…everyone in Gotham is capable of tremendous evil. I could allow it to take you as it has so many others.”
You took his hands in yours, causing him to momentarily tense. “Damian, I choose to believe that everyone has the capacity for good. But I am not so naïve to believe everyone utilizes that.” You sighed, “If I tell you something. Do you promise not to tell my grandfather?”
Damian just nodded at your words.
��My father, he followed in his father’s footsteps. And I, I’ve chosen to follow in my father’s. We, I suppose the closest thing to what we are is spies. He told me just to gather the intel. I guess I got a little trigger happy.” Your gaze seemed to freeze Damian on the spot. “Though, I’m guessing your family knows a little about that. Unless normal citizens of Gotham carry smoke bombs with them.” Your statement shook him from the trance.
“No, unfortunately, I cannot say that is true. I am a vigilante, spy, hero, whatever terminology you wish it to don.”
“Good. Then you can continue protecting me. And maybe I can return the favor.”
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mediawhorefics · 5 years
Five facts about the wonder that is tired tired sea 💕
1. i didn’t write it with this goal in mind at all, but it’s absolutely turned into my love letter to scotland.
2. tts louis is the most me of all the character’s i’ve ever written. to the point where i would sometime actively think ‘oh i’ll just add this thing from my own life/own personality to the fic’… to the point where it’s extremely awkward for me to think about that many people reading it and maybe noticing. 
3. i’ve briefly mentioned this before and idk how many people saw it? but harry 100% proposes via postcard a few years post fic. i’d say at least… 4 years later? long enough that they’ve established a way they can make their very different lives work and that they’ve got all sorts of routines in place for when harry is home and when he’s away on tour. it’s a pretty normal chill day. 100% late autumn/early winter so the b&b is empty except for louis, harry & clifford and they’re just chilling in the living room (cuddling/reading/h playing guitar ?? idk something soft) when the mail arrives and i’m thinking they bicker a little as to who is gonna have to get up to collect it and harry is weirdly insistent and pouty so louis finally gives in. he’s flipping through bills and nonsense as he makes his way back into the living room when he gets to the postcard. i’m thinking it’s a vintage one h got in a charity shop somewhere – either something super scottish or some cheesy early 20th c. romantic picture of people embracing – and on the back there’s just something short and not really effusive with sentiment like ‘hey lover of mine, wanna get married?’ or ‘what if we got married? thoughts?’ or even just ‘hey, marry me?’ because harry’s feelings get beautifully written for louis in most of his songs so he doesn’t really want a big romantic gesture for this. but louis still gasps a little, surprised, when he reads it and he drops everything else on the floor, a flutter of paper scattering at his feet that cliff can’t help but come and sniff at. when he looks up harry is still sitting on the sofa looking a little amused and a little smug, shrugging in a ‘what do you think’ kind of way. and the first thing that comes out of louis’ mouth is ‘you don’t even have a ring’ and harry laughs, then says ‘if that’s the only thing stopping you from saying yes i can remedy that’ before getting up and reaching inside the pocket of his jeans for a ring he bought probably years ago. he’s still a little nervous, even though he’s trying to hide it, so he drops the ring on the floor in his eagerness and it buries itself in the carpet and while harry bends down to pick it up, louis just says something like ‘holy shit’ and ‘are you serious?’ and he’ll deny it later but he’s crying a little and his hands are shaking where they’re still holding the postcard. maybe he presses it against his chest, hands flat against it to stop the trembling? and harry gets back up, holding the ring tightly in one fist, heart pounding as he wrinkles his nose and says ‘am i serious?’ back at him, voice a little strangled when he takes a few steps towards louis. ‘am i serious?’ he repeats, reaching for louis’ cheek with the hand not still holding the ring. ‘babe, i’ve never been more serious in my entire life.’ and louis would say yes but he just really needs to kiss harry right now. ‘we’re getting married on top of the lighthouse,’ louis says when they finally separate. ‘just you and me and whoever officiates.’ harry smiles, kissing louis’ forehead. ‘sounds about right.’ 
4. eventually, when harry officially moves in, they turn the lighthouse keeper room into an ‘immersive experience’ for guests and they keep one of the nice bedrooms with an amazing view of the cliffs for themselves. harry has a house in london where he keeps most of his pop star stuff like tour outfits and gifted clothes and extra instruments and various awards, but he obviously keeps his favourite guitar around the b&b. it kind of becomes an attraction, to louis’ annoyance, because harry plays it everywhere around the lighthouse and leaves it lying around. guests will stare at it like it’s some sort of magical artefact and when they think no one is looking, they’ll sneak a touch like it somehow means something to touch an object harry has touched. louis never comments on it even though he’s always tempted to remind them harry actually lives here and there’s not much left in the building he hasn’t put his big paws on. hell, louis would tell a couple of teenage girls on holiday with their parents that harry is most likely the one who folded their sheets one summer, if he wasn’t afraid they’d faint on him. instead, he watches them whisper at each other and look at the guitar with awe, blushing furiously when harry comes back from his morning run with clifford sweaty and dimply, waving at them before heading upstairs for a shower. it’s a weird balance to strike, allowing regular folk into a space harry occupies and out of the two of them, louis is probably the one who struggles with it the most, aggressively protective as he is. but all in all, louis has a steady clientele who have been coming for years mixed in with random backpackers and tourists, and the number of people coming with the hope to gawk at the popstar aren’t as high as he feared. and they dwindle as the years pass, as harry’s unlikely lifestyle choices become boring old news. louis doesn’t allow harry to keep his grammy in public rooms though, no matter how much harry thinks it’s fun to let people play with it, no matter how much he wants to normalise his life, to not be deified by the masses. but there are limits to how much popstar related stress louis can endure and he really doesn’t want the damned thing to show up on ebay someday. 
5. harry relapses two years into their marriage, while on the longest tour he’s had since before he got sober. he doesn’t go off the rail and has to be tracked down at the crack of dawn in some shady part of a city he doesn’t know, but he does get completely shitfaced in his hotel room before calling louis in tears to tell him how much of a failure he is that he can’t even handle something he’s done dozens of times before without losing it. it’s probably the worst call of louis’ life, not because harry’s drunk, but because he’s so angry and disappointed in himself and louis isn’t even there to hold him through it. but they both know sobriety isn’t a straight line and they get through it together. it takes a while, but eventually, harry believes louis again when he tells him he’s proud of him. and harry doesn’t try to do year-long tours anymore. no matter how steady on his feet he feels, how confident he’s been, he doesn’t try again. not when he hits five years sober again, or ten, or even twenty. the older he gets, the better he is at knowing his limits and the less tempted he is to play with them.
i know i’ve left it on a bit of a sour note, but i promise they’re okay and they’re happy. even if there are some ups and downs. 
Send me a name of a fanfic I wrote And i’ll give you five facts/headcanons about it!
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
Curious what your thoughts are now that Isabel seems to be back for good or is being used as a way to make it awkward for Jason once Artemis comes back/is working with the all-caste? I remember you saying that she was probably using him but then y'know she confessed she loves him today so Lobdell is all over the place to no ones surprise (i still think she'd be more liked if she was drawn better b/c let's face it we're stuck with Lobdell forever so we can only fix the art)
I’m so glad you asked. Because I got around to reading this late last night and had some thoughts.
To begin, @m00nslippers and @holy-fate-worse-than-death (don’t know why sometimes tags don’t work…) discussed their theories about Isabel HERE and they’re both probable. I’m more inclined to agree with M00nslippers just because experience has primed me to expect cheap drama over good story/character development. Holy-fate’s idea would definitely be a better story. Better than I think Lobdell is… not capable of, because I think the guy can be a pretty decent writer when he wants but… I think they’re both better than he’s willing to do. I just feel like the guy thinks to himself, “Red Hood sells 20,000 copies consistently, regardless of what I do. I’m just gonna coast.” As I’ve said before, I’m not as anti-Lobdell as a lot of people. I think the guy sets up decent ideas and then either doesn’t know how to follow through or loses interest.
There’s a lot of fun, dangling plot threads hanging out there, not just in RHatO but across the Batfamily books, that could be connected into this amazing, huge, expanse of a story. But it’s gone on so long now that I have very little faith that something that elaborate would ever happen. Remember when Teen Titans ended with Damian and Jason meeting covertly, immediately linking the larger plots of both TT and RH, where we find out that someone has put a hit on Commissioner Gordon and LITERALLY THAT SAME WEEK (or the one after) KGBeast shoots Dick in the head when he’s standing on a rooftop talking to Gordon? I can’t be the only one who thought that there was going to be a connection there. That that was a purposeful, story driven, choice by the writers and editors, to establish a larger scheme. This is right after the wedding, mind you, when it’s revealed that Bane is trying to break Batman and Tom King and DC are insisting that it’s a much bigger story and we’re all sitting here like “it better be a big fucking story because a runaway bride is not enough to break a man who has watched his children die.” Damian estranged from Bruce, Jason loses his team, Dick gets shot in the head, Batman’s wedding goes to hell… it all felt like it was connected and meaningful. But all the plot lines that were going on before that seem to have either been abandoned or rushed through.
Honestly, I went back to check because I could have sworn we’ve had Ric FOREVER. I was legit thinking it’d been over a year. But we haven’t hit the year marker yet. Everything in early Rebirth looked promising, like there was an ambitious, intertwined story unfolding and then Batman #50 was a con, HiC trashed the face of Rebirth, and all the titles feel like they took a hard left turn. I can’t help but wonder if this is all filler stuff because everything was supposed to tie into Doomsday Clock and that’s so massively delayed.
*ehem* Sorry, I deviated a little there.
All that to say… this is why I think Lobdell is taking the easy way, though maybe not the easiest way, and making her some kind of minor antagonist. Still for the sake of cheap drama, but not quite as cheap as fridging her for a quick emotional motivator. 
For one, her timing is VERY convenient and she comments on those coincidences. 
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Then this…
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Did Isabel have a surname before this issue or am I just forgetting? If not, giving her one now says to me that they are trying to superficially flesh out her character to a) make it more emotionally meaningful when they kill her off or b) make her a full antagonist. 
Regardless, surname or none, marking her as the sole source of normalcy in Jason’s life is absolutely to set up a future schism. Whether she leaves because he’s still Red Hooding (which she knows because he literally put on his new gear in front of her five seconds after they reunited), gets killed, or has a shady agenda, they were doomed.
Now that I’ve written that, lets be optimistic. Maybe Lobdell looked at all the other batboys and thought “You know what? Even Damian has had normal friends for a hot minute. Jason never has. Let’s give that a try.”
I doubt it. But I like to look on the bright side occasionally.
What makes me really skeptical though, is this:
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That was fast. And smooth. And exactly what Jason craves. And I am suspicious and paranoid on his behalf.
Grr mobile editing here sucks. Anyway, I spent hours on this at work yesterday and then “saved to drafts” instead of posting and I responded to other conversations about this topic as though I had already posted. Apparently, it doesn’t matter how many times I do that, I will keep making the same mistake.
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franeridart · 6 years
Bakugou with that undercut is everything. I'm absolutely in love with your art!!
!!!!!!! thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn’t really call it a cliffhanger tbh lol but yah, sure, someday, as soon as I feel like it again
Anon said:We want seme kirishima and uke bakugou
Then I’m really sorry to let you know that you’re on the wrong blog
Anon said:Do you still ship BakuKami?
Anon said:Your page is glorious, I await every update you have impatiently but it’s worth it every time. Keep up the absolutely stunning work. And would it be possible to ask for a Ferris wheel date (kiribaku), if not all is good.
Thank you so much! And I dunno, you’re asking for a pretty complex thing there (and I’m not a huge fan of ferris wheels myself so there’s that) - but, sure, if I find myself with the motivation for it why not? It’d make for something pretty scenic, if I could manage to find the strength to put in it all the effort it’d need!
Anon said:Literally I just wanna day ur probably my fav BNHA artist.,,.,, especially kiribaku.,,.. they way you draw them is so cute and wholesome ;-; thank you for my life..,..,,,
Nuh thank YOU for being so kind to me!!!!
Anon said:i miss ur bokuroo art so much. i get it u are more into bakushima and bnha now but do u think u will still draw for hq? love ur art either way
Thank you!!! And maybe? Depends a lot on inspiration, ngl
Anon said:Hey! I was wondering when are you gonna draw the kids again ? I just saw your posts about them and I love them already aha
I’m glad you like them!!! And I’ve been answering “soon” to this question for a while now but I still haven’t gotten around to it, so who knows? I’ve especially been itching to draw Baku and Tai lately ngl………..I wonder when that’ll happen
Anon said:Your art style is really amazing and I love it! Your Kiribaku content gives me life ❤️❤️❤️
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:Fran, I have the KiriBaku suit art as my phone wallpaper and show it off to everyone. Is so beautiful and it makes me cry whenever I see it. You’ve drawn their faces and expressions so perfectly in that that it makes my heart ache every single time I unlock my phone. I just wanted to drop by and tell you how much I love it and appreciate you for drawing for this fandom.
GODS I’m happy to hear you liked it that much!!!!!! Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTOTT
Anon said:Your art of todoroki is so cool! His hair looks so fluffy!
Thank you so much!!! His hair is a lot of fun to draw!!
Anon said:I Fucking LOVE your art ! Honestly, you are the person who have me get back on tumblr. Your Kiribaku gives me life ! But I am too shy to say it with my account.
Anon said:hello!! i know reposts are not allowed under any circumstances, but i was wondering if that was limited to video edits? i really love your art and was going to make an amv with it but of course since you don’t allow reposts id be best to ask before doing so
Nah videos are cool as long as you link back to every post with the pieces you used for it 👍
Anon said:Are Bakugo or Kirishima or both the jealous type?
I headcanon them both as the reasonably-jealous type, I’d say - not an unhealthy amount of it, but still jealous now and again. It’s born mostly from the fact that I hc them as not necessarily being popular to the point of having people often hit on them? The general status-quo is that the only person actively interested in Bakugou is Kirishima and the only person actively interested in Kirishima is Bakugou, so usually they’re pretty chill about jealousy and stuff because they don’t have to be jealous. It does mean that it’s all the more irking to them when someone shows interest in the other, since they’re not used to feeling “threatened” like that, but they tell each other how much they love each other often enough that they don’t really have any reason to be worried anyway.
It’s like, yeah they don’t like it when people get touchy with thir bf, but they trust each other enough to not be actually worried about it. To be honest with you aside from very specific scenarios more than jealous/possessive I prefer my krbks as the protective sort 💕
Anon said:If Kirishima and Bakugo got into a huge fight what do you think it would be about?
I don’t… actually think they would fight? For them to get in a serious fight it’d take either a serious misunderstanding of sort or a situation in which both of them are stressed for other reasons and it comes all out with them taking it out on each other. Aside from that, the most probable thing I can see them fighting over is anger fueled by worry for each other’s well being tbh - Kirishima doing something extremely risky and Bakugou turning his fear and worry into anger, and Kirishima being angry right back because they’re heroes, Bakugou can’t be angry at him for acting as an hero should, and Bakugou’s anger getting even worse because Kirishima isn’t valuing his life as much as Bakugou values it, for example. Or Kirishima being worried about Bakugou and for one reason or another pushing it too far and having Bakugou get on the defensive as he does and it all just turning into a fight of “I don’t need you treating me like I can’t take care of myself” and “why must you always be so uselessly stubborn” and so on.
But all of these wouldn’t actually be about them being angry with each other, it’s all stuff that comes from love? From them loving each other so much that their care can turn into something ugly too, that is. At least, that’s the way I see it
Anon said:After seeing the asks abt the nsfw, may I ask why? I totally understand and respect your choice, I just want to know why would you never draw it? It’d be very interesting to see!
There are actually a lot of reasons why, tbh, but the most practical and obvious one is that as things stand right now in fandoms posting nsfw content is exactly the same as lighting up a very huge arrow pointing straight at you and yelling “please be an ass to me”, and that’s absolutely not what I want my fandom experience to be like, considering I already have enough of that without adding posting nsfw to the mix
Anon said:Can I ask if you like uraraka? Mostly bc you said she was reduced to her romantic supplot, and I wanna know your opinion of her (sorry if I worded this wrong)
Hm, what a question. Overall, I’m pretty indifferent to Uraraka as a whole? I like her design and she’s fun to draw because she’s easy to draw, so that’s part of it. I’m incrdibly unhappy with how Horikoshi is writing her, because he’s given her a lot of potentially very cool traits just to make literally nothing of any of them, and that’s just disappointing. As she is in the manga right now, whether she’s there or not doesn’t change anything for me because A, she’s barely there ever anyway and B, she doesn’t really have any sort of relationship with my faves so my attention doesn’t gravitate much towards her all in all. She’s said a couple of things in the past I’m not much happy about, but I realize they were mostly things said to move along the plot so I made peace with it. I’m not much of a fan of her fanon characterization? So I generally prefer it if she isn’t part of the fancontent I cosume, but that’s on the fandom and not on Horikoshi. 
All in all, lots of wasted potential, but she’s cute I guess? She hasn’t done anything worth notice since the sports fest lbr so I’m very ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about her as a whole
Anon said:i loev your art. have a brilliant day.
Thank you!!! I hope you have a fantastic day too!!!!
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microsoftedgy69 · 5 years
Goliath, part 1
-- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering tremoloTangible [TT] at 11:11 -- TG: yo TT: Hey, what’s up? TG: have u checked up on our tl lately TT: Depends. What century? TG: ours TT: Then no. I haven’t been there in several months. TT: Why?
TG: k so TG: the carapaces are still there right TG: and i sometimes check up on em to make sure theyre doin ok. get enough to eat etc TG: but theyve all been losin their shit lately and i mean its kinda hard to talk to em properly but i dont wanna beat around the bush here so im not gettin into that TG: theres been some concerning stuff happening on our good old earth al TG: my alternian is p rusty and my translator gave me some weird results here n there but im gonna send u an article abt it and trust that ur language pack can handle it -- tipsyGnostalgic [TG] has sent file ______.png --
You don’t have blood that can turn cold. You don’t have breath that can stutter in your chest. But some years ago, you were a human kid, and in this very moment, you remember perfectly how all these things felt.
TG: al
You reread the article. In your mind, your non-existent blood goes from freezing to boiling. You almost forget to switch your language pack to English when you reply to them.
TG: u still there TT: Yes. TT: Sorry. TT: She is turning Earth into a military base. TG: yeah thats what i was getting from it too TT: Hmm. TG: i dont like what that prob means 4 the carapaces TG: cant imagine shell give a shit about em yfm TT: Yeah. TG: idk abt ur part of the world TG: u said the apartment is underwater anyway aint it TT: It is, yes. TT: It’s still… I don’t know. TT: This might be silly. TT: But it’s still my home. TG: its not silly TG: this whole thing feels wrong TT: Yeah. TG: sooo TG: what do we do abt this TT: What? TG: we should b able to do something about this right TT: You wanna stop the Condesce? TG: ppl in other timelines have done it TT: That is correct. TG: we could do it TG: right TT: I have drafted a plan or two in the past. TG: o have u TT: I wasn’t sure if you were interested. TG: im pretty interested these days TG: the others not so much tbh but i cant blame em TG: theyre worried bc u know. i happen to be a lot less immortal than her or you TT: I’ve planned for that. TG: lmaooo TT: We’ll get you immortal and kill the Condesce, Rox. TG: man u rly are him huh TT: Told you.
Your name is Alan Strider. Sometimes, when you jerk awake at night, you are sure, one hundred percent sure, that Her Imperious Condescension is not done with you yet. Sometimes, when you sit on the deck of the boat you live on, recovering from nightmares, you think that she might come for you one day.
When that happens, you make plans.
You prepare.
It’ll be you who comes for her.
It’s you who’s not done yet.
i wanna hunt like david. i wanna kill me a giant man.
Roxy looks good when they come to meet you by your storage unit in Brazil. Grown up, you think, and determined. Nevertheless, something flickers over their face when you show them what's inside; when they lay eyes on the dismembered imperial drone you stole from your home timeline. You can relate. Your face doesn't show as much, but you feel the same every time you think about it.
You sit on scrap metal and talk about your plans. You have several, for different scenarios, and you accept what Roxy wants to change about them. The phrase Are you sure you want to do this is uttered back and forth a couple of times, before you both understand that yes. You're sure.
The way you end up agreeing on is simple enough -- if it works, you end up with a dead Condesce, a conditionally immortal Roxy, and a destroyed spare body of yours. If it doesn't, you have a list of other plans you can resort to. Stakes are high, but you've thought this through.
It's worth it.
So, you and Roxy get to work. You have to program the drone to go back home to mommy -- step one of the plan is both to find out her whereabouts, and to start coaxing her back to the planet she's having rebuilt. It might take a while, so it'll give you both time to… well, to gather up your things and make arrangements like pet care in your absence and telling your respective friends what's going on, you guess. You're not looking forward to this part of your masterplan, but you barely have time to think about it.
Anything that has you accessing an imperial drone's software is still prone to give you flashbacks bad enough to make your mechanical hands shake, so it's good that you have Roxy by your side this time. Practiced as you might be, they are still way better at this than you. You give them pointers to where they’ll find the parts of the programming you need to hijack, just to speed up the whole process, then you leave them be and go do your own work.
Roxy laugh-scoffed at the way your notes concerning the drone looked. When you disassembled it, you made yourself a map so you could put it back together, but it doesn’t look like something anyone else could ever decipher. It works for you, though. Part for part, the heap of metal starts resembling the huge beasts that almost killed the both of you on numerous occasions again.
“You wanna look over this before I finish it off?” Roxy asks eventually.
“I’m sure you did great,” you say, but you want to look over it anyway. You don’t get shivers down your spine now that you’re a robot, but you feel the sense of cold and dread in the back of your mind, going over the very program that made your lives hell, that both saved you and killed Dirk. Roxy reaches for your hand, and you take it. You exchange another We’re really doing this, huh? look, but nobody says it out loud anymore. You say, “Looks good.”
You captchalogue the finished drone, then transportalize back to Roxy’s part of your home planet, and release it. It’ll find its way back to the Condesce, and then promptly self-destruct, leaving in its wake only a message to goad her back to Earth. Once she’s made it back here, you’ll move on to the next part of the plan.
Until then, for now, you will wait.
Roxy hugs you before they disappear back to a different timeline’s Barcelona, and you disappear back to your boat in a different timeline’s Indian Ocean. Only once you are home and alone do you allow yourself to actually feel something.
Everything from Roxy messaging you to your feet hitting the deck of your yacht again happened without pause, your mind going on autopilot. Something was happening, so something had to be done in response, your plans had to be set in motion, there was no time to think about any of this. No time to fully realize what’s going on.
You stand there in the scorching evening sun of your current timezone, stare out at the horizon, and wait for the fear to come.
What hits you instead is cold, calculating, ready-to-maim anger.
You are not scared of her. Not when you know exactly what you’re going to do, where, how, and when you’re going to do it, to bring her down. You’ve been scared your whole life, and it’s enough, now. It’s enough. She’s taken your family from you, your childhood, your friends, your life as a human kid. If after all she’s put you through there is one person who has the right to destroy your home planet as well, it sure as shit should be you.
You square your shoulders, flex your hands, and refocus. You’ll have to talk to Alma to make sure you can time this coup just right to be back home for his big day.
And before that, after months and months of fighting it, you’ll have to tell your boyfriend that you’re doing the exact thing you promised him not to do.
There’s no going back now. You’ll make whatever sacrifices you need to end it once and for all.
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Hello my lunar flower, long time no speak hehe how you been? Sorry I'm all ghosty with my presence ^^;.. as of lately Yuu can barely can keep herself awake long enough to be on the internet. Ahh i misses you, your stories and your energy, it's all so breathtaking. I've been keeping up with reading em, sadly I just never enough time to properly comment as I usually do. Still doing amazingly I might add. I made a few friends and gods know they love to keep busy but i still miss my fluffball.
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*d RO WNS*
YUU, IT U IT U IT U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT’S YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MY HOOMAN IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Well,  technically never gone, but it’s been so long since I heard better about you, and I’m ECSTATIC, ABSOLUTELY HYPED to read you in my inbox again!!!!!!!! YUU, MY FAVORITE PERSON OF ALL THIS SITE, YOU WONDERFUL CREATURE, FANTASTIC MUFFIN, YOU SWEET....ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!
It’s okay that you’ve been ghosty!! U busy! Lookie, you’ve been very silent because of school, sleep, and friends, WHICH HONESTLY COULDN’T MAKE ME ANY BIT HAPPIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUU, U BEEN BUSY IN REAL LIFE LIVING AND DOING STUFF AND ASLKDJLKAGJDAG EVERYTHING IS FANTASTIC TO KNOW!!!!!!!!! School equals learning, which always does good to the soul, and sleep is SUPER VITAL and I’d be more offended if you forced yourself awake to be on the internet, AND NEW FRIENDS!?!?!? DATS FANTASTIC, THAT’S ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
How’s school? I hope it’s all been ok and that you’re happy in it despite how much it can wear you out. Also sleep, u been slepingz better? I SURE HOPE SO YOU WONDERFUL COOKIE
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh reading u miss me makes me feel SO HAPPY AND IT FEELS SO WHOLESOME AND MY RACCOONIE HEART DOES THE THING!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
NononoNO, don’t even say a thing of hwo you haven’t commented on my stuff as you usually do I MEAN!?!?! YOU STILL
Aaayy, Yuu...
You’re honestly so nice to me. So, so, so immensely, profoundly kind to me, even with “little things” like reading my stuff, especially with how busy you’ve been...that’s so kind and I don’t know if you can see the depth of it... ;^;
Really, thank you so much. Thank you for dedicating time to my stuff despite the tight schedules and the scarce free time. Dedicating time to my stuff is dedicating time to me and I value that a lot, especially so when you’re not entitled to it and you’re busy and yet you still do it.
Thank you, Yuu. Like I’ve never been able to say every time? Like that, again. :’)
What makes me the happiest and what matters the most is that you’re doing alright in real life and being happy, AND HECK I’M THE ABSOLUTE HAPPIEST KNOWING YOU’VE BEEN DOING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tester10001000 · 6 years
How KH3 could have gone and still been Nomura’s:
I’ve never posted on tumblr before, might never again, but I needed to get this out; for the sake of the catharsis I didn’t receive after 16 years with the end of KH3. The game itself was fine, in fact, I’d even rate it as a ‘great’ up until the Keyblade Graveyard. That’s when things go off the rails. So let’s rethink KH3, keeping all of Nomura’s plot points and intentions, but communicating them in a way that feels, I hope, much more rightful. I hope you enjoy this! First, the good and mostly-good. -Keep Gameplay as is—very nice. Very satisfying. Keep nice world set-up and secrets. Maybe ratchet up difficulty. Make a Coliseum in Zeus’ court to round off the whole thing as a triad. Have Yoko Shimomura write the soundtrack for real life, plz. Keep the lovely humor. Keep Sora’s excellent arc. Keep most worlds as-is: I was pleasantly surprised by how relevant and well-done most of the world’s plots were. -Cut back on the ridiculous amount of minigames that like 5% of people will be invested in and use those resources to make other improvements (like these?).-Rewrite Arendelle and Corona (and maybe Pirates?) to be unique stories–or, at least, only loosely based on the movies, while actually including important plot points. Have Pixar do it, because they kicked butt with their worlds. Include more Disney-bosses and either get rid of 100-Hundred Acre Wood, or do something more with it. -Don’t give Larxene and Marluxia magic cutscene powers like sleep and time-stopping they won’t use elsewhere. Don’t let the others, like Ansem SoD in TT or Luxord in Caribean, became decayed and cheesy versions of their prior threat. Get rid of, or explain better, why there are six new Princesses+Kairi. Explain “the Power of Waking” just a bit better. -Give us scenes between every world with more meaningful stuff re:Kairi and Riku. We haven’t really known them in awhile, so we need to be reacquainted. Have Riku actually do stuff—rather than constantly fail until Sora literally falls from the sky—like, expand on Repliku return? Or involve him in the Maleficent angle, because of his obvious and interesting connection? Maybe follow her around out of suspicion, making the Maleficent stuff feel less-tacked-on?   -Have Kairi do more stuff, with more scenes expanding on her (like that lovely scene where she talks about Namine!), rather than just how Axel sees her as Xion (but still keep that, too—hence, more scenes!) -Insert a mid-climax between Corona and Monstropolis, with a return to Radiant Garden. Seriously needed to unbloat the climax and evenly redistribute the story. You could do some of this: 1. Meet the FF peeps and conclude their plot with RG’s redemption (How cool would be to hear Leon finally say “you can call me Squall”?); see how everyone is doing and how they interact with the people like Ienzo and the apprentices who caused RG to fall. We could setup the replica/sea-salt trio better here (Roxas body/who and how Xion/further Axel redemption), even though it’s probably the best thread currently, behind SDG. The FF folks were foundational to the start, they should at least be acknowledged in the end. 2. Give. Us. Sephiroth version 3.0. and resolution to that thread. 3. Have some seriously needed interaction among the Destiny Trio—(A) as individuals (sorely needed for Riku and Kairi–have her interact with her forgotten home!), (B) as a united friendship (Kairi/Riku, plz!) and © to set up the SoKai stuff better. Like, for real, we need to be able to take selfies with them—seriously, how could we have the phone and NEVER have a change to selfie with our OG friends?!) 4. Save Aqua here (don’t make her passively suck suddenly with OOC decisions) and then Ven; cement their return and relationships to everyone else (so as to stop rushing the finale and let their moment have its own power—just say they need to “rest” till the climax). 5. Tell wtf happens with Demyx. Set up Vexen/Ansem stuff better. Nomura, you could even tease Subject X girl more. C’mon. Have a tease-fight with the Org, rather than saving it all for the end.
6. It would probably be too much to ask to have Kairi and/or Riku accompany Sora the rest of the way, though it would be dearly needed. So have them do something interesting and important with their time post-RG. Make RG/HB the hub world, returning to it for various stuff. Play up Repliku, Namine, and Roxas/Xion in their hearts so we feel more invested in their persons and, thus, more catharsis when they are retrieved. -Expand on the lovely “calm before the storm” moments for our heroes—especially the Destiny Trio. Have the paopu moment, but don’t rush it so much. Have Riku, Sora, and Kairi doing something together. Have Axel engaging with someone about Xion/Roxas—along with the good Isa stuff. Show us what Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are doing -together-. -At Keyblade Graveyard opening, don’t make everyone suddenly suck. Why is Aqua not reacting -at all- to Terranort killing Ventus? What was the point of Kairi’s “infinite time training” if she just stands there so Sora can, also, not draw his Keyblade? Why are Riku and Mickey just twiddling their thumbs? Have everyone be badass, but still get beaten—then do all the interesting Final World stuff, with Riku’s words keeping Sora encouraged in death while SHOWING Kairi, as a PoH, still in the Realm of Light, somewhere in the tornado, ACTIVELY WORKING to keep Sora’s hanging on in the FW, rather than including her passively after. Or show her doing something beforehand. Just show some damn agency and the profound bonds of the Destiny Trio.
-Make the Namine scene here mandatory—I can’t fathom why they’d let that crucial plot point pass as optional.
-Keep sick final-boss rush, but don’t make everyone take a heel-turn redemption (and give us some team-up limits with everyone! Riku/Sora limit! Sora/Kairi limit! Sora/Roxas limit! SoRiKai Limit!). Marluxia and Xemnas needed to be more ambiguous in death. Luxord, Larxene, Xion, Vanitas, YX, Terranort, Xigbar, and Repliku were all great—even perfect. Saix needed to prove himself more, and there’s NO WAY Ansem SoD can suddenly be sympathetic like that. Slow it down. -Give the Xion-return moment to Kairi—not Sora. It’s perfect for her; she’d remember her because she is made of her. Gives Kairi agency and unique engagement for the both of them. Keep giving other characters agency in these moments other than Sora—let Aqua and Ven play centerstage in returning Terra, rather than Sora’s magic. Don’t make Sora the savior of every story—it feels cheap and demeans the character journeys we’ve been invested in for so long when they don’t play an active and significant role in their resolution. -Don’t have Kairi just be kidnapped again after 30-seconds of scripted fighting, after promising to -finally- invest in her immensely untapped potential. Have Saix (+Xemnas?) versus Sora, Xion, Roxas, Kairi, and Axel (also, explain how Axel got his keyblade -back-). Axel, even though he couldn’t face Xemnas, still has -powerful- character moments—at least give Kairi the same respect. Make that the last scripted battle, so that Kairi accompanies Sora to meet Mickey and Riku. -Either have Kairi use her infinite-training to join the fight with Xemnas, Ansem, and YX (to resonate that the whole Destiny Trio is together at the end, evolved, but together) or have her doing something else important (maybe with, I dunno, PoH POWERS?!). Have her ACTIVELY sacrifice herself for Sora, mirroring what he did for her in KH1, rather than MX passively killing her for no good goddamn reason while snarking at the camera that Kairi exists literally only for Sora’s motivation—even though Sora was already charging MX. Also show Riku have some damn emotion about his other best-friend. Sorry, I’m reaallly salty here. -Don’t have MX give up so easily, and get his motivation to work better with what came before in all these years. Don’t swap it out to something else in literally the last 30 minutes of the game. Don’t let the story treat flippantly him being the cause of everyone’s pain and suffering , as he is given a divine “thumbs-up” by turning into a kid with his best bud, giggling, and floating away into the light of Kingdom Hearts. What was that? Xehanort deserves better than that. Have him struggle to the end, and have our heroes really counter him—thematically, emotionally, and physically. Have Eraqus usher him away—stubborn to the end. If you want to redeem him, Nomura, you gotta be setting that stuff up WAAAAAY earlier. -Have anyone, anyone, other than Sora also care that Kairi is now missing. Have Riku and Sora go together to find her—because, you know, they’re BFFs and have the power to. Preferably explain and make it playable how they do that. Then have the lovely ending with Namine returning and with everyone together (except redeem Isa better). Keep everyone’s great new clothes, and have the whole party on the beach—end happily, with everyone (seemingly) together again in satisfied bliss. Wrap up the saga on a cathartic high note, for goodness’ sake. Then, and only then, Nomura gets to keep his ending—but in its proper place, separate in our minds from the ending-ending, in which we can feel full satisfaction for 16 years of investment. -In the Epilogue, before going to the Foretellers, show Sora, Kairi, and Riku leaving the Island. Riku and Kairi are on ahead, everything seems happy and complete (joking about Sora finally getting his mom’s dinner, eh?), when suddenly Sora hears the echo of YX telling him that “there’s a cost for it all” and that “it’s too late for him”—suddenly, Sora fades away. Show Riku/Kairi reactions -together-. Fade his fading into the dust of the Keyblade Graveyard. Do all the Epilogue. Do the Secret Ending. Everything on whatever track Nomura wants—but for us, the audience, all of us, we FINALLY GET SOLID, CATHARTIC CLOSURE FOR EVERYONE IN THIS SAGA AFTER 16 YEARS—WITHOUT IT ALL BEING TEASER BAIT FOR SOME UNION CROSS/TWEWY CROSSOVER COMBINED WITH NOMURA’s OBSESSIVE BITTERNESS OVER FFv13! Sorry, also salty about that. -Secret Ending is Riku AND Kairi going together to find Sora in Shibuya. Boom. -Also, for all our sakes, get rid of the concept of worldlines and minimize the time travel here, plz. That’s the quickest way to undermine the stakes of your story. Tl;dr: Give us more of the characters and their agency, don’t have them act OOC for bad plotting, give us a mid-climax to slow down the rushed 3-hour ending, let us appreciate what’s happening with more characterization, explain some things better, don’t fridge Kairi (and everyone other than Sora, really), give us a real, cathartic ending for 16 years of investment—then tease us in the epilogue/secret. Thoughts? Too much to ask? Too little? I tried only to make only minimal changes to Nomura’s vision, adjusted to some universally shared criticisms among fans. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and what you liked/didn’t like! If you liked this at all, I’ve been writing Kingdom Hearts at Fanfiction under the name “Marsuvees” (with hopefully increasing quality) for over ten years. I love this series deeply, and hope Nomura can get it back on track next time. He really needs to get other people involved in writing and plotting.
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heaven-delight · 6 years
[ETC] 170716 FANBOARD EVENT - Yeri
Hi~ Nice to meet you~ Luvies1~ Uncle2 Rim3 has appeared
I’m gonna start now~ Come on!
Yerim~ Here are sincere book recommendations for you~ Uh~
When you recommended “Was? Wäre? Wenn?” on Instagram, I finished reading the whole book the next day! I think it’s been two years since I’ve read a book... Consider these recommendations from me as a thank you gift~ I don’t know if you’ve read mystery novels, but if you finish reading “The Devotion of Suspect X,” you’ll feel like it’s a great name for this novel! It’s a really fun book. “Ties of Shooting Stars” this is made up of two books, and although it’s kinda loose, it has a plot twist!! Recommend lots of books for us~ I’ll read a lot of books and recommend books to you~~
→ Yeri: Oh that’s super great hehehe I’ll read them! You’re the best, luvie!
Kim Yerim where are you kekekekeke
Hurry up hehe
→ Yeri: I’m over here
Yerim, your dark circles...
You have dark circles under your eyes...
I could see them in the V-Apps, the music shows and even on the “Knowing Bros” episode yesterday..
I know it must be tough for you, preparing for your comeback and going through all those schedules TT
Since it’s the summer, remember to get good food, good sleep and good rest!
Yeri! Red Velvet! Good luck to everyone!!
→ Yeri: I’ll cover the dark circles...
Ms. Yerim! Ms. Yerim! Ms. Yerim! If you had a week for yourself right now, what is the first thing you want to do?
→ Yeri: I’m gonna travel
Ms. Yerim~~~ What do you order at a bingsu4 place? Coffee bingsu vs Fruit bingsu vs Cheese bingsu vs Green tea bingsu?? What do you eat?? ^^
→ Yeri: I like milk bingsu without red bean paste
Yerim, do you have anything you want to eat these days??
What is it?? Tteokbokki??5
→ Yeri: Right now.... I want to eat sweet potato pizza.. With lots of cheese....?
Do you have any movies that you had fun watching recently?
I’m outside right now, and I’m thinking about watching a movie!!
→ Yeri: The most recent movie I watched was “Anarchist from Colony!”
Yerim, I had fun watching “Knowing Bros”
It was fun TT
→ Yeri: Did you have fun...? kekekekeke I haven’t watched it yet... I’m worried kekekeke
Ms. Yerim when you’re feeling down, how do you cheer yourself up?
→ Yeri: Hmmm... I buy an excessive amount of books and read a lot of them. Cheer up!
Yerim could you recommend some of the songs you’re listening to these days
What could there,,be?
→ Yeri: I’m listening to the OSTs of “Fight My Way” a lot these days, but out of those, I’m listening to Kassy’s “Good Morning” a lot. Eventhough the drama is over, I’m still hooked on to the songs
Yerim! Compliments for the pigtails you wore during the “Knowing Bros” skits!!
It’s cute.. TT
→ Yeri: Pigtails? kekkeke Thank youu
Yerim!! What’s your favorite song out of “The Red Summer??”
I like “Mojito!!”
→ Yeri: For me, it’s “Zoo!”
I read the books that you read, Yerm6, “Malice” and “The Good Son!!”
Personally, I thought Keigo Higashino’s “Malice” was super fun...
→ Yeri: hehehe I really like Keigo Higashino’s books too. They’re good.
I shall ask this politely...
I am curious about what Yerm’s favorite colors are 
→ Yeri: Black, white, pink. I shall answer politely too kekeke
Did you have lunch? What did you eat?!
Did you have lots of yummy food TTTTTT *sniffles*
→ Yeri: I ate two ice creams so far kekeke Instead of eating food I’m just eating snacks
Yeri why do you want to travel to the UK so much?
I saw you say it on “Knowing Bros,” so I’m curious
→ Yeri: Because I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter! 
Did you succeed in getting tickets for the Ariana Grande concert??
→ Yeri: Didn’t the ticketing period end.. TT
Yerim, what do you order when you go to a cafe?
→ Yeri: I... right now, I usually order vanilla smoothies, but I drink americanos too and like milk tea too
Yerim!! What book are you reading these days??
Recommend books for me ♥ ♥
→ Yeri: I’m reading “The Moment!” I’ve never spent so much time reading a book before/
Ms. Yerim~~~ Did you have any nicknames when you were young? What’s your favorite nickname??
→ Yeri: I think I’d been called as “Yerm” the most hehehe
Yerim did you buy lots of snacks??
You said that you were going to bring Japanese snacks home..
→ Yeri: Er.. What was the name of it.. I absolutely love eating the Alfort chocolates, shiori koibito and coconut ice cream TTT My favorite snacks
Young and rich and pretty Yerm~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yerm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is my luv
→ Yeri: What’s this kekekekek You’re young and rich, pretty too!
The oldest members did a cover stage of Greedy, right? What song do you want to do a cover stage of, Yerim?
Every song? Or Greedy Younger Member ver.? kekeke Personally, I want to hear you sing “The Way” ~.~
→  Yeri: Oh recommend more songs to me! Give me idea
Did you read "Miracles of the Namiya General Store?
That's really fun too TT
→ Yeri: Of course!
Because you have such a nice vocal color, I think it'll be nice for you to sing songs like ballads too!
It was so nice to hear you sing short clips of those on radio shows or on Yoo Hee-Yeol's Sketchbook TT It'll be great if you would sing those during the concert too!
→ Yeri: ♥
Do you know the song "Tattooed Heart?" I want to hear you sing it in your voice
 I love that song so much TT TT TT TT
→ Yeri: I like that song too hehe If you see the performance clips of that song, you'll fall in love with it even more!
Tell us one line of your song "Luvie!!"
Please leak just one line of the song TT TT TT TT
→ Yeri: I know that in the end, I’m me Thank you for being bold and brave You know too, right that there’s a lot I ran away because I was scared; I kept myself busy while hiding this It’s OK to be like that.
Yeri, one of your related search words are ‘nationality.’
As expected from UK Rim...
→ Yeri: OMG Really...? kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Yeri, are you really doing Happily Ever After in Red Room?
I’m curious!7
→ Yeri: I’m curious!
Yeri, why do you read so many books?
Do you read books because of a specific reason? I like seeing you read during your busy schedules, but also, I’m curious
→ Yeri: Hmm... It takes me to another world of my own
Rim, what are you going to name your song if you make one??
I’ll be looking forward to it!
→ Yeri: I already wrote lyrics about how I feel at the end of my teen yeras kkk For now it’s named “The Edge” kkkk
Rim, do you have any books that you want to recommend to luvies?
I’m curious!
→ Yeri: Out of the books I read, “The Pursuit of Happiness!”
What if you finish reading “The Moment???”
What are you going to read!!!???
→ Yeri: Maybe out of the books in my room, “Jacob’s Room?”
I’ll recommend songs to the recommendation fairy Yerim!! I think you might like these(?)
O3ohn - Down Bye Bye Badman - Your Wave I’ll recommend two songs!!! Give them a listen if you have time ~.~ They lyrics are so good ㅠㅅㅠ
→ Yeri: How do you know those songs! I listened to them a lot for a while
Yeri, I heard that last time, you put extensions on.. Are they uncomfortable??
→ Yeri: They are
Yerm did you eat good stuff at Osaka?
What did ya eat?!?!
→ Yeri: Oyakodon, Mon chou chou, beef curry
Do you like Baek Yeri’s “As If You Don’t Know Me?.?”
I think your voice will go well along with that one. Sing it next time for us...!
→ Yeri: Of course! I’m Yerin’s fangirl!
Yeri, are you feeling alright? You said that you had an IV in the last V-App ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Rest well at Japan and eat a lot ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠStay healthy I always feel loved by you I love you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
→ Yeri: I’m alright now hehehe The garlic IV is the best! Don’t worry about me and take care of yourself
Thanks to you I’m listening to a lot of Sesame and Cotton Candy!
I like “song B” and “Is It Over Here” the most hehehe I’ll recommend a band that I’m listening a lot to these days, Life and Time~
→ Yeri: Oh Thanks for the recommendation kekeke I’ll give them a listen
They say that a cute kid is here
Is it true hehe
→ Yeri: hehehe I’m here
I hope you can grow bigger musically Yerim!
With each new album, your voice is getting better and more emotional!! You did as well as everybody expected in the “Red Summer” album!!! I love your emotions!! As a fan I’ll listen and watch a lot and root for you!!
→ Yeri: I’ll always root for you too, you awesome people
Yerim, do you like Cheeze’s songs too? There are lots of good songs like “Madeleine Love,” and “How Do You Think!!”
  → Yeri: Of course
Hi~ Nice to meet you~ Luvies~ Uncle Rim has appeared 
I’m gonna go bye
This is fun
I’m back kkkk
Yeri, which character in Harry Potter do you like the most?
My favorite is Hermione Granger!! How about you?~~
→ Yeri: Since I’m blonde these days Malfoy
S...Sorry... I have to go..kkkk
I’ll be back later kkkk
1 This is the name for Red Velvet’s official fanclub. 2 In Korean, this refers to 아재. It’s a shortened form of the word 아저씨 (ajusshi), which is used to call middle-aged men in Korean. Recently, it’s meaning has changed to refer to someone who has ‘old’ taste, someone who makes old, corny jokes, and someone who’s late to the newest trends. 3 Kim Yerim (Yeri’s real name) → Rim 4  It’s a Korean dessert made up of various toppings on shaved ice with red bean paste. 5 This is a popular and famous Korean dish that is made up of rice cakes stir-fried in pepper paste, along with other ingredients such as boiled eggs and fish cakes 6 Kim Yerim (Yeri’s real name) → Yerm 7 This is a line from Happily Ever After
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odilestory · 7 years
Two Years - Super!Reader x Tim Drake
pretty long one shot with Jon’s sister (superman’s daughter) and Tim Drake. *SLIGHT NSFW BUT NOTHING SERIOUS* towards the end. also mostly based off Super Sons,,,enjoy! 
Being a Kent is about as normal as you’d expect. Obviously, my brother and I inherited my dad’s powers, those being dominant traits (I’m guessing). I remember when I gained my first ability; the super hearing. I was around three years old, in preschool. Now, when you first get the ‘super traits,’ you can’t control them. At all. So, when a kid woke up crying during nap-time, to me it sounded like someone was blowing a trumpet right next to my ear, and I woke up bawling as well. At six, I got the heat vision while in the bath. Thankfully, mom figured out she better take me out of the tub before I boiled myself. At seven I got the strength. I saw two kids fighting on the playground and decided to step in. I interfered by pushing one of the kids, but much to my dismay I didn’t push him to the ground. I pushed him across the school yard. That was an interesting call home. But, by far the most exciting power I gained was when I was eight. That’s when I started flying, and boy was dad excited. Mom was concerned, but she trusted me (even though I was eight) and she trusted dad to help me with it. We had just gotten a trampoline (I think it was a birthday present for me and Jon) and of course, I had to try it out. I remember Mom holding Jon next to Dad while I jumped. One, two, three, and on the fourth, I stayed up there. Just hovering. I looked at my Dad, confused at first, but soon we both smiled at each other and he flew up to meet me. The rest of the powers came over the years. Flying will always be a major perk of being a Kent.
Now I’m seventeen and Jon is ten. I’m a senior and Jon is in fifth grade. We both go to the West-Reeve School, of course he’s in their elementary program and I’m in the high school. We used to go to public school, but Bruce (Dad’s apparent best friend and semi-local billionaire) made quite a donation to the school and insisted that Jon and his son Damian, a.k.a. Robin (did I mention Bruce is Batman?), go there in exchange for their own heroes-and-vigilantes-in-training-headquarters as I like to call it. I had friends at the school, so when Dad told me Jon was going and asked if I would like to, I said sure. The only catch being I had to drive them back to our house everyday. Damian usually stayed at our house after school to do homework. To get home, he usually got zeta beamed back to Gotham via their HQ. Occasionally, I use the head quarters as well, but mostly to monitor Jon and Damian. Some nights, however, I meet up with Batgirl in Gotham and patrol with her under the mantle Supergirl, soon to be Superwoman in about eight months. We’re good friends with the bat-family. After all, I drive one of them home everyday. They’re kinda like my older brothers and sisters in a way. Whenever we would visit them or visa versa, Dick would always entertain me while Dad and Bruce talked about League stuff.  Jason taught me a lot about self defense, and even though I would probably never need to know, he taught me how to shoot a gun (much to Dad’s disapproval). Damian was like the annoyingly rude little brother that I never knew I wanted. Steph, Cass, and Babs are like my sisters. We even have a group chat dedicated to bitching about our brothers. Tim was different though. As embarrassing as it is, I’ve had a crush on him ever since I met him at a Wayne Enterprises party. I think I was thirteen and he was fourteen. We kinda hit it off at the party I guess, and we started hanging out a lot. His smart matched my smart, and his stupid matched my stupid, even though at times we were either smarter or more stupid than the other. Not long after I caught feelings, and after about a year and a half of crushing, he asked me out when I was fifteen and he was sixteen. Shockingly, we’ve been able to keep it a secret from both our parents. Being vigilantes helps a lot, I’ll just say I’m on patrol with Steph or Babs and instead hang out at his house while Bruce is gone. Alfred and Babs are the only ones who know, and they’re sworn to secrecy and trusted as well. However, I get the feeling Dick knows too; he always gives me these looks when I’m around him and Tim. I’m not worried though, like Alfred, he’s to be trusted.
On this particular day, Friday, I had plans to go out with Tim. It was our two year anniversary of him asking me out. I never really kept track of anniversaries, but he seemed to enjoy the thought of it, so I went along. He said he had something special planned, even though as far as I knew we were doing the usual and just hanging out at his place while Bruce was on patrol. We didn’t get to see each other as much lately. He had a lot of cases and he started his internship, which meant he was extra busy. Somehow, he still found time for our time. My first mistake of the day happened before we left the school parking lot. Jon had a big school project on a try-fold that he wanted to put in the trunk. I was waiting for them to get to the car, sitting in the driver seat, texting Tim. I was in the middle of typing when Damian got in the passenger seat and informed me that Jon needed to put his project in the back. I couldn’t open the trunk without the keys (my car wasn’t the newest thing ever), so I left my phone, open, on the seat as I went out to open the trunk for Jon. Of course, in the minute I was out of the car, Damian had noticed I left my phone open. And he found it interesting how I was texting Tim. So, being the sneak he was, he went through as many messages as he could, undoubtedly finding the short “love you”s and “babe”s hidden somewhere in there, because when I got in the car again, we had this weird look on his face like he was trying not to laugh. Or gag. The second mistake wouldn’t have been such a huge factor if Damian hadn’t looked through my phone, but he did. So this didn’t help his developing theory disprove itself: I told the boys I needed to stop at the store and said that I’d buy them a snack if they wanted to come with. I really needed to go to get coffee. For Tim. I figured it would be a nice gift for him. I knew his favorite kind, and the store was on the way home, so I took advantage. Before we started driving I finished my text to Tim, saying “see you later :)” during which I caught Damian trying to take a peek at my phone, but he tried to play it off as stretched him neck. We got out of the car in the store parking lot, I locked the car, and walked into the store with my hand on Jon’s shoulder and Damian on my other side. I made a B-line for the coffee, and left Damian and Jon to pick out their food. It took we a while to find the right kind, so both the boys had found me and their snacks before I could find the right coffee. The boys were quietly bickering next to me. I found it, and picked it up off the shelf checking the price. Damian was quick to notice the one I had picked. He smirked and said, “Is that the one you’re buying?” I responded without looking at him. “Yep. Why’d you ask?” “Well, I couldn’t help but notice that Drake quite enjoys that brand and roast. Any significance?” Damn that kid. Him and his detective mind. Then Jon had to help him out and interrogate me too. “Yeah, sis, you don’t even drink homemade coffee, you only get iced mochas from the shop. Why are you buying it?” They were trying to get me. “A present for a friend.” Was the best I thought of in the moment. “Tt.” Damian made that weird noise and turned, walking to the register. I followed, cursing myself under my breath. If he had suspicion, he was gonna tell Bruce, and then Bruce would call my Dad, and then everyone would know. Including the media. I can just see it now: “WAYNE WARD DATING JOURNALISTS’ DAUGHTER!” Great. The ride back to our house was a nightmare. I could hear Damian murmuring fractions of sentences to himself. He was most likely debating how he should tell Bruce.  When we got back to the house, as I unlocked the door, I heard Damian whisper to Jon, “We need to talk. In your room. And she can’t hear.” I scoffed and set my bag down on the couch, going to get a snack from the kitchen. Mom and Dad were still at work and would be for another hour or so. “Sis, me and Damian are going to my room, and no super hearing! We are having a confidential conversation!” “You got it, hun!” I yelled as Jon ran up to stairs to his room, Damian trailing behind. It was a rule in our house that if someone explicitly said for no powers to be used, then we weren’t allowed to use powers. It’s a big trust and loyalty thing, often used as punishment. Instead of grounding us, we weren’t allowed to fly or use super strength or speed. Which, in a way I guess is grounding us. I decided to get the little weekend homework I had done before my night out. I was going to meet Barbara for dinner and catch up time at 6, and then be at Tim’s at 8. I had never been over there that early, it was usually always after 10, but Tim said Bruce was away on business, so he would’t be there. And Damian went on patrol with Dick whenever Bruce left him alone, so we didn’t have to worry. I was done with homework by the time Mom and Dad got home, around 4:30, and Damian left around then as well, making sure to give me a look before he walked out the door. I greeted my parents as usual when they came home. “Hey!” I said when they walked in “How was work?” “mm, it was good. Nothing special today. Did Damian already leave?” Mom said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before setting down her things. “Yep. Just a few minutes before you guys got here.” “How was your day, sweetie?” Dad lifted me up from my chair and spun me around a few times, making Mom laugh. “And where’s my son?” “Your son is upstairs, hopefully doing homework. My day was good.” Jon ran down the stairs and jumped onto Dad’s shoulders, making him stumble. They started their own conversation as I walked to the kitchen to meet Mom. “Do we have anything going on tonight?” I jumped up and sat on the counter, watching as she took out a snack for herself. “I don’t think so. Why, do you have a date?” “A date? Not on my watch!” Dad commented from the living room, earning a look from his wife. I laughed a bit nervously. “No, but I was planning on meeting Babs for dinner at 6 and then maybe helping her on patrol. Is that ok?” “Fine with me. Clark?” She looked to him. “Alright with me. Just be home before 12. She can handle the rest of the night on her own. And call me if you need any help.” “Ok, Dad.” I laughed and hopped off the counter, putting the books I was done with back in my bag and headed up to put it in my room for the weekend. Before I made it halfway up the steps, I was interrogated again. “What’s this coffee for?” Mom yelled from the kitchen. I froze, but gave her the same answer I gave the boys. “Present for a friend. I’m gonna drop it off on my way to Gotham.” “Ah.”
The rest of the night went without conflict. It took me around thirty minutes to fly to Gotham, so I left at 5:15. I liked to be early. I headed out with a kiss from Mom and Dad and a hug from Jon, a change of clothes and the coffee securely in a bag. I landed in Gotham and changed into civilian clothes and walked to the restaurant Babs said to meet at. I gawked at the sight of it. It looked too fancy and expensive. Bruce was definitely paying for this one. Over dinner, I would find I was right. We just talked about stuff in general. She asked me how it was going with me and Tim, and I told her about our planned meeting. She teased me about it, but in a sisterly way. After dinner, we parted ways and I headed to the manor. I arrived promptly at eight and was greeted by Alfred. “Good evening, Miss Kent. Here for Tim, I presume?” “Hi Alfred! Yup, is he upstairs?” I entered as he stepped aside. “I believe so. Is there a special occasion tonight?” I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. “Two year anniversary, actually.” I smiled at him and he smiled back. “A congratulations is in order, then. Might I ask when you plan on telling Master Bruce?” I sighed. “I have a feeling he’ll find out soon enough.” I turned and headed to Tim’s room. “Whatever you say, miss. If you don’t find him in his room, check the theatre. I saw him there earlier.” “Thanks Alfred!” I hurriedly walked up to stairs and stopped at Tim’s door. I could hear him talking to himself. Cute. I knocked on the door, and then heard some shuffling and a laptop shut. I opened the door and saw Tim finishing writing a note on his desk. I set my bag down on the end of his bed. His room was clean. A rarity. He looked up and smiled at me. “Its been a while.” He said smoothly. “I know.” I walked over to him and put my arms around his neck, and his went around my waist. “Boy, have I got a lot to tell you.” “Well, we’ve got plenty of time. How long can you stay?” “Dad said to be home my twelve. I can stay ‘till 11 just to be safe.” “Sounds good to me.” He smiled and kissed me. Not quickly, but not too slowly either. Maybe for two or three seconds we held onto it. We pulled away at the same time, smiling. “So, what’ve you got planned, lover boy?” I sat on his bed and watched him walk over to me. He stood in front of me, hands on his hips. “If it’s cool with you, I thought we could just hang out. Nothing super special, just fluffy stuff. Watch a movie, cuddle, make out. The basics.” Tim was usually kinda shy and awkward, but we had become so close that he almost reminded me of Dick. Outgoing, and more forward. As just witnessed with the “make out” thing. I laughed lightly. “Sounds perfect. Before we get into it though,” I reached into my bag and pulled out the coffee. “Here’s this. It’s not a lot but you seem like you could use it.” He got this dorky excited look on his face. “Thanks, babe. You didn’t have to get me this, but thank you. So much. I’m sure it’ll be helpful.” He took it out of my hands and gave me a kiss on the forehead, then went to set the bag of grounds on his desk. He turned to me. “Theatre?” He held out his hand. “Theatre.” I took it and we made our way downstairs. We picked an action/thriller movie that got pretty good ratings. Tim was picky about movies. Lucky for him, we barely watched the movie. We were either talking to each other while cuddling or complaining about the movie’s production. We were both quite the critics. Within the last thirty minutes of the movie, we got into a heated make out session that included removing a few garments of clothing. Shirts were no more, but I kept my bra on, I don’t think he minded. I was sitting on his lap, legs hooked behind his back, on one of the couches in the theater room. Last time I checked the time, it was just ten ‘o’ clock. No one was supposed to be home until at least 1 a.m., so we had plenty of time My hand started tracing shapes on his chest and abs, he then moved kiss my neck and collar bones, trying to give me a hickey, earning a soft moan from me. I tried not to be loud. I didn’t want to scar Alfred. We had gone farther than just make out before. We had gone all the way a few times, and I thought tonight would be one of those nights. But before he could take his lips off my neck, we heard: “Drake?” We looked at each other with panic. We were making out, shirtless, and Damian was about to catch us. How embarrassing. “Drake? Are you home?” I quickly handed him his shirt and he found mine, I got off of him and sat next to him, quickly putting it back on and watching him put on his. Damian was gonna get it for ruining my night. “What do we do?” I whispered to him. “I don’t know! If you go upstairs he’ll see you!” “I could speed past?” “He’d still notice…” “Shh! I hear his footsteps,” I put a finger to his lips. “Tim he’s coming in here!” He sighed. We both knew there was nothing we could do. He didn’t even have to say anything, we both knew. Damian walked in. He laughed. The little demon laughed! “So, my suspicions were correct. Between the texts and the coffee, I knew you’d be here, Kent. I told Dick I needed to stop by, and now that I know I was right, I’ll be on my way. Good night, Drake, Kent.” He laughed as he walked out, clearly pleased. After he was gone, Tim and I just looked at each other. We burst out laughing. I fell into his chest and we hugged each other, just enjoying each other’s company. It was almost eleven now, I would have to leave soon. “Thanks for the coffee, babe.” “Thanks for the hickey, sweetie.” I gave him a kiss, said goodbye, gave him a final kiss, and flew off.
I got home at 11:34. I unlocked the door and saw Dad in the kitchen. I figured he had just gotten back from a crisis. “Welcome home.” He walked over to me. He looked tired. “Were you in the city?” I asked as he hugged me. “Yeah, had to check something out. It wasn’t major. Only took an hour.” “Ah. Well, I’m goin’ to bed. Night.” I made my way to the stairs, but again, I was stopped before I made it upstairs. “Why do you smell like…cologne?” I froze again, and sighed. I gave up. I walked back down and sat on the couch. He sat beside me. “Who’s the boy?” I put my head in my hands. He put his hand on my back. I could feel him smiling. “Tim Drake…” He laughed and pulled me to his side. He wasn’t upset at all. He was probably glad it was someone he knew. “How long?” Here goes the shocker. Slowly, I spit it out. “Two…years…” I winced, awaiting reaction. “Two years!?” He pretty much yelled. I heard Mom and Jon coming down the stairs to see what was wrong. I hung my head back on the couch. This was gonna take some explaining.
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xiaoxiongmaos · 4 years
(1/3) hiii xixi !! super sorry for this late reply TT i've had quite a bit going on this week but i'm p sure it's all good now (cue felix)! ^^ classes are good, but extremely tiring sjgdj thankfully i'm on winter break now so there's that! i do get dipping after classes though loll 😭 so you have it online? omg over here we have to go to school like.. physically ahah.. it's super hard </3
Hello annonie~
Ah, no worries! I’m sorry for replying rather late too; I barely get time to open asks/mentions (at times even chats) these days but hopefully the day after tomorrow will be the last one for half a month! That’s cute (*  ̄ ▽  ̄)b my classes start from like 6 in the morning and finish around 1-2 and all of them are consecutive (save for the 15 minute break around half past 11) so I’m tired but have a while lot of work to finish so I get free at 7 mostly... then I’m so tired from staring at the computer screen that I don’t have it in me to gif/reply to people, thus it happens right before I sleep/start classes so I tend to forget that I’ve to respond to a couple asks too 。 ゚ (。 ノ ω ヽ。) ゚。 I prefer college grounds more cause then I can ask my teachers about stuff I didn’t get without girls speaking over me/getting muted all the time + they put in effort to speak English there rather than make me self-translate all they say :’)
(2/3) i feel like 2min in a unit would be (definitely) chaotic but i feel like we'd also get to see the softer side of the dynamic too so 🥺 i'd love it tbh. seungmin has that effect on me too ksjd how ppl can pick a definitive bias line i'll never know 😓 any felix or jeongin duos are the softest n i agree with all of what you said about the other ones 😞💞 my personal ult would have to be seunglix though i am a big simp for minlix, jilix, minjeong, seungsung .. basically all the calmer ones :D
I love all the chaotic ones but I think that I watched vids with either one of aussie line this year... but true, true! I will never know how anyone decides on a bias/bias line; guess I’m way too indecisive for it LOL 
I'm assuming you sent in a third ask but I didn’t receive it? I’m so sorry to not have been on earlier so that I could respond before, time’s ticking away so soon ;-; I’ll ask again: when did you get into them? Oh, and! Who’s voice is your favourite?
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> Jiznake: Message yo’ good bro.
golgothasTerror [GT] began pester'n timaeustestify [TT] at 5:57
GT: Bro. GT if you gots a paper stack: Ahem. GT paper'd up: Be yizzy thizzere? GT: I H-to-tha-izzate ta be a pest 'bout dis n i know ive made a hearty trizzay of myself a G-to-tha-izzood dizzeal lately... 
TT: State yo' business, Jake. 
GT: I shizzould preface this request wit an overture of appreciatizzle. GT: Fo` how mizzy yo' coo' n brotherly friendship means ta me. GT: It hizzay just B-to-tha-izzeen... GT: Absolutely *bully* hav'n a standup gent like yizzy 'n mah nigga yeah yeah baby. GT: Jiznust a grizzay a dude whizzle a cut above tha otha in class n camaradizzle. GT droppin hits: Phizzay... *gropes fo` frizzesh kerchizzle.* GT fo all my homies in the pen: I hope dis shit isnt com'n across as platitudizzles. I really M-to-tha-izzean it! 
TT: Hollaz to the East Side. Takes it easy, brizzle. TT: Just 'bout tha only wiznay I could salvage endizzle from dis perilizzles slope of horseshizzle wizzould be ta wanna be gangsta, really fuck'n sizzoon mind you, it was a prizneamble ta sizzome flounder'n invitation fo` me ta rush ta yo' vicinity as nakedlizzle as possible. TT, ya feel me? But since we've already S-H-to-tha-izzot that wad eventuality on so many dry runs of flustered ambizzle that wizzle as hilarioizzles as they were one sided, TT: That leaves only one hope fo` dis message ta avoid spiral'n toward qualification as a critical cruisin' defect 'n tha H-to-tha-izzull of tha Mach 10 rocket that be mah precious spare tizzime. TT: N that hope lies 'n tha extizzle ta whizzay you wizzle rhymin' artfizzle insincizzle like a motha fucka. TT: Now yo' opportunity ta pretend that what you were gunn'n fo`. I suggest yizzle S-to-tha-izzeize it, chill yo. 
GT: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. I... GT: Oh. Nigga get shut up or get wet up. Yes fo' real! But of courze. GT: Tha ironies! GT: Good grief hizzay i was doggy stylin' them J-to-tha-izzust now. Yizzle K-N-to-tha-izzow me dude in tha dogg pound. GT: *Blows smiznoke off red hot ironizzle pistizzle.* GT: Tru niggaz do niggaz. *NONSUGGESTIVELY fo gettin yo pimp on!!!!!* GT: Um. GT: Yeah. 
TT cuz its a doggy dog world: Ok, funky ass fo my bling bling. TT: Now that yo' obsequious prefizzle hizzay been established as indispizzle entertain'n fo` all tha right reasons, n intentionally so, TT: Let bear down on theze dire as sizzy needs you gots. TT: I'm guess'n yoe probably jones'n fo` uranizzle 'bout niznow. No? Tru niggaz do niggaz. 
GT: One, two three and to tha four. Pshizzle! As if i would be so reckless wit tha stuff. GT like a motha fucka: I wizzay hiznave ta be mighty irrespizzle ta rizzle out alreadizzle. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. GT: No no im all set 'n tha uranium department and really whizzen you takes a look at tha biznig picture Y-to-tha-izzoull find i am *sitt'n pretty* when it comes ta just abizzle any radioactive isotope yizzle could mizzle. GT: Howeva... Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. GT: My backup reserves that i keep strictly fo` emergencies be runn'n a shawty L-to-tha-izzean in tha mutha fuckin club! GT: You know whizzay mah grandma tizzle me about preparedness. *Tugs at colorfizzle lizzles. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all.* 
TT: You be out of uranium with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. TT: It's basically mathematicallizzle impizzle that nizzot why yoe contact'n me fo all my homies in the pen. 
GT: Christ whiznat an insufferable off tha hook nigga yizzy be. GT: Ok can you pliznease just sendificate me sizzay M-to-tha-izzore already straight from long beach nigga?? Im 'n kind of a hurry wit da big Bo$$ Dogg!  
TT: You do know my offa still stizzands so i can get mah pimp on. 
GT ta help you tap dat ass: Whizzle like a tru playa'? 
TT: I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. You know upside yo head. I've offered ta construct tha rabbit fo` you many timizzles before. I would crizzay a much deadlia modizzle. 
GT: Oh i knizzle you would its jiznust... GT: Damn it dawg ive tizzle you dis be just sum-m sum-m i hiznave ta do myself. GT: Its a promize i made to jizzy n im mackin' ta live up ta it evizzle if im nizzay tha best or even second best robizzle i know! 
TT: Yeah, I K-N-to-tha-izzow this be yo' policy. You done a good job n yizzou should be prizzoud. TT: But it mah responsibility as yo' nigga ta drug deala one liznast time. TT like old skool shit: Just as it mah responsibility nizzy to J-to-tha-izzust fizzle rappa a bunch of uranium just coz yizzy ask me in a moment of wizzles. 
GT: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Frizzay ridin' in mah double R!!!!! GT mah nizzle: Why not??? 
TT cuz Im tha Double O G: It's too easy. TT ya dig? N yizzle yoself be tha one stak'n priznide 'n dis. TT: If you were half-ass'n dis prizzle n made some slovenly plizzea fo` it, I'd just say, F-to-tha-izzuck it, here's a lot of grizneen rizzocks dude, go nuts. Hollaz to the East Side. 
GT: Ok then! Im gang bangin' it! GT: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. Look. See? Only a bisected bottom be present! Wizzy be tha otha half you ask cuz I'm fresh out the pen? GT: Why... it be nowhere ta be found. I didnt uze it! 
TT: Nizzle. They call me tha black folks president. Not buy'n it. TT: I knizzle T-H-to-tha-izzat evizzle ounce of yo' premium behind can be accounted fo` 'n that rizzle, n there no goddamned messin' it. TT in tha mutha fuckin club: N you know perfectly wizzay where some mizzore urizzle can be located. 
GT: Jesus christmizzles yiznou be sizzy a fuck'n diznouche. 
TT: It seems yizzle think I be a fuck'n douche. Bounce wit me. TT: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. That's yo' opinion, I guess. That's coo'. Im crazy, you can't phase me. 
GT: I knizzle you wizzy go'n ta sizzle this. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. I dizzy know whizzay i bothered ask'n! GT: Hustla wizzy mizzay you always be such an obstinate S-T-to-tha-izzick 'n tha mud??? 
TT: It sizneems that you consida me ta be, no lizzay than one hundred percizzle of tha tizzy, an obstinate stick in tha mud. TT ridin' in mah double R: I unironically respect yo' position on this drug deala to increase tha peace. Hey, let continue ta exchange ideas. 
GT now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe: Wait... GT ta help you tap dat ass: "It S-to-tha-izzeems"?? 
TT: Whizzat? Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. 
GT: Oh fo` fucks sizzy. Holla! 
TT: Be sum-m sum-m tha poser, Jake? 
GT: Thizzis be yo' auto responda now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe.
> ==>
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nctwinwin · 7 years
mutuals appreciation! write heart-felt messages to some of your favorite mutuals (or even ones you haven't talked to yet!) and tag them, BUT don't tell them which message is theirs, let them guess! after you're done, send this to 1 mutual you want to get a message from! 💌
this sounds so … difficult omg ALDJSLD BUT OKAY IM GAME UHH GET READY FOR A HUGE MOUNTAIN OF SOFT by yours truly, lauren TT ?? i basically wrote anonymous love paragraphs to everyone *wipes sweat* you’ve all been warnedhere i’ve tagged ;-; !!! (in no particular order asdfghjkl)@jeongyunos @nakasyuta @tofuhu @nctjaemin @hey-uta @haechnn @nakamuto @minhynug ❤️messages under the cut because they’re REALLY LONG (god this came out SO long wtf aldjs) and slightly embarrassing (T▽T) … HAVE FUN GUESSING WHICH LETTER IS YOURS MY LOVES I MADE IT REALLY EASY OKAY💕
A) WE TALK EVERYDAY!!! ;-;❤️ i’m so comfortable around u i can just tell you anything HAHAHA we talk on the phone sometimes for hours??! and we also message in two places … one for regular messages and one for … tea time️ + memes!! YOU ARE TRULY SOMEONE I LOVE TO TALK TO AND BICKER WITH, AND IM SO HAPPY TO HAVE U🤧 even though i’m always calling u out, our relationship is like cats and dogs so it makes sense right!!! or … should i say we’re like a dragon and a bug …  anyway I LOVE U SO MUCH and don’t forget to change your url😘B) you always put up with me asking you questions about everything OTL (and i put up with u having jaehyun time at 4am lmao) YOU LIKE TO PRETEND YOURE NOT SOFT *rolls eyes* BUT you really care for me a lot in your own secret ways, and i see it and i appreciate it so much TT you somehow always post 🏆🏆 stuff when i’m feeling down ?? i cant believe you’re softer than i am (ㆆᴗㆆ) ??! and i cant believe we really spent 7 hours talking together doing nothing sldjdkfk u must love me a lot😌 … which is good because i love u too !!! TT❤️ (always remember i have your phone number and can text u on three platforms so you’re never getting rid of me *evil laugh* ; v ;)
C) we talk very very regularly !!! and it WOULD be everyday but our messages are always huge mountains of text and … HAHAHA TT️❤️ we talk so much i think people would go crazy if they saw how long our messages get sometimes (ー∀ー;) you’re always there to tell me if my sets have any mistakes in them ily ;; we don’t only talk about just nct or kpop together either, but really everything ; v ; !! anime, music, school, our families !! we’ve even seen each other’s baby pictures HAHAHAour tag is also the cutest ???! WHO COULD BEAT OUR EMOJIS … thank u for being one of my closest friends i love u TT️❤️D) SO WE JUST MET SO RECENTLY OMG BUT WE DO MESSAGE EVERYDAY ???! WLDJSKS we have so so so so much in common??? and our conversations always make my day brighter️️️☀️☀️☀️ we truly “get” each other i guess u could say … and every time we talk it’s so much fun ;-;️❤️ YOURE ONLY JISUNG’S AGE SO IM TEMPTED TO BABY U ALL THE TIME BUT I HOLD BACK … i’ve only known you for maybe a week but it truly feels like it’s been at least a year *cries* i love u so much !!!!!️❤️ also i know this is a spoiler but *whispers* MARKWINE) we message pretty often omg and you’re always the sweetest person TT ??? one of the first people i started talking to on this side blog i think!!! we usually message in all caps HAHAHA and have similar music taste choices too *nudge nudge* I ALSO GOT TO BE THERE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR LOVE STORY IT WAS GREAT *wipes tears* i’m still so proud of uuuu while talking we just click very very well and i’m so happy to have you as a friend i love u!!!!️❤️F) WHENEVER WE TALK ITS ALWAYS SO NICELY AND EXCITEDLY I JUST … always think of you as a cute and super sweet person TT ??! *clutches heart* we interact so well with each other honestlyyy people would be jealous of how fast we were just like “HELLO FRIEND??!“️❤️ WE’RE USUALLY LATE REPLYING TO EACH OTHER RIP BUT WHEN WE DO GET TOGETHER (jaehyun firetruck voice) we get lit*i did not just say that but I DID please accept my bad jokes … * u have the best bad jokes, i love your accent your sense of humor and i love u !!! and i hope you’re always always doing well and being happy !!!! ;-;️❤️G) AHH WE STARTED TALKING JUST RECENTLY ;-; !!!️❤️ our situation was so funny because we interacted so much through tags before messaging we didn’t even need to introduce ourselves HAHAHA BUT ILY ALREADY AND OUR MESSAGES ARE SO FUN HONESTLY ??! FINALLY SOMEONE WHO LOVES ALL CAPS AS MUCH AS I DO HAHAHAwe sort of just officially met ; o ; … but i can already tell we’ll be good friends in the future too hehe (^▽^) so here’s to our blossoming friendship which is already sooooo great ; v ; !🌸H) WHEN WE FIRST MET WE WERE SO EXCITED TO FIND SOMEONE WHO LIKES ANIME ALONG WITH NCT HAHAHA we just screamed about anime the entire night??! our messages have dwindled a bit because of school and our lives and everything rip rip but i think about u always ok !!!! ;-;️️️❤️ i can go to you for anything, we talk comfortably together and it’s the best thing TT️❤️ you’re like a wise older sister to me HAHAHA one day i can see us just sitting and watching anime together for hours ; v ; remember not to tire yourself out from school too much okay!! ily !!!!
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