#I’ve hit a block and I don’t have anyone to bounce ideas off atm
deniigi · 5 years
do you happen to have any random hcs/facts/info about the electric sheep verse? (i'm in love with it)
hi anon!!
Sorry it’s taken me an age and a half to get around to this question, I’ve been in dissertation-mode for the last two weeks or so.
I love love love my electric sheep series and I would love to maybe do a quick little spin off piece or two with it at some point.
I don’t really have too many headcanons/facts atm, but I do have this fun idea at the top of my head right now (I’m putting it under the cut since it’s long and silly)
So electric sheep ends with Matt becoming a vigilante for droids. At some point, Jess realizes that she can make something of him for her PI work and tries to borrow him off Foggy and Fogs is like, yeah, fucking take him he’s droid-teething and keeps chewing on all the Expo markers in the office. Jess does.
They get into all kinds of trouble. Jess starts dragging Matt with her further and further out of Hell’s Kitchen and he starts making other friends along the way.
He befriends Clint who doesn’t realize he’s a droid at first. He’s just like, ‘woah, Jones, handsome, flexible boy you’re got there, mind if I borrow him for a minute for some satellite-dish-related issues?’
To which Jess thinks, ‘I need to see this android confronted with his dumbass dish-cousin; this is gonna be like him crooning at Nelson’s laptop all over again’ and says, ‘yeah, take him.’
After this, Clint learns that Matt’s a bot then just assumes that Matt is kind of like a household AI. Like a really fancy roomba. So any time he sees him, he’s like ‘heeeeeey, Red. You got a minute? I got a pilot light out.”
And Matt doesn’t know what to make of this friendly human and the hair ball that stalks him, so he just kinda goes, “help? I am good at helping. What is a pilot light? Does it fly?” and he goes and Clint eventually realizes that he’s teaching this droid more about home repair than the droid is actually repairing his home and it finally dawns on him that maybe this is not Matt’s primary purpose.
But, not to fear! Clint is familiar with someone like this!
He introduces Matt to Bucky, who is partial droid with his arm and the like. Buck, though, is confused by Matt because, well. “he’s one of them war-bots, man.” And Clint is like ‘oh. Fuck.’ Only to realize that he’s lost Jess at some point and he doesn’t actually know who Matt belongs to.
Matt tells him he belongs to himself and both Clint and Buck get freaked out because they think he’s like a sentient AI built specifically for fighting purposes and they decide they need to remove him from his owner, actually, since this guy is a warmonger-er.
So they laugh nervously and watch Matt bounce off back to Hell’s Kitchen and then they go panic-run to Steve who is, at least in the eyes of the law, Buck’s owner in the case that he goes berserk or something. And Steve is like,‘oh fuck. no. I’ve heard of that cat, he’s the rogue bot that’s been out at night fighting humans left, right and center.’
So he agrees to go intercept Matt and take him to Buck’s mechanic to get him sorted out and reprogrammed to be less of a violent hellhound (they still don’t know that that isn’t his programming, that’s just him being him.) Anyways, they go and track him down to find him lawyer-ing away with Fogs and trying to sneakily chew on shit in the office and they’re like,
But they try to intercept anyways, and then that turns into them accusing Fogs of being an underground war-bot trafficker and he throws them out and Matt waves while he does while Karen tries to tell him that this is “no. This is bad. Those are not friends, Matthew.”
This really only makes Steve, Buck, and Clint more concerned than ever, so they decide they’re gonna steal Matt.
They do not have to steal Matt. They catch him in the middle of a fight, right after a perp lands a hit that sends his processor flying and voila, just like that, they’ve got dopey, sweet, droid!Matt who knows mostly that his human is Foggy and, in the absence of his human, he really likes Clint (the pilot-man) and his harmonica.
The others note the personality change and the missing processor several blocks over and go, ‘wait no, that seems problematic.’ They ask droid!Matt about it and he hums without it and takes an age and a half to answer any of their questions, at which point it becomes very clear that that thing on his face was very important and–oh, fuck. He’s one of those human-made-droids and they just lost the key to giving him his humanity and oh, god, they’d harassed Nelson for no reason–they’re about to get their asses sued to hell and back over violating android rights.
Rather than face Nelson who will murder them in cold blood, no doubt, they decide to hold onto Matt to keep him safe until they find his processor. Then they’ll give him back and apologize for the misunderstanding.
Steve goes back to find it. Buck and Clint, not knowing what to do with this very friendly bot in the meantime, decide to take him to Buck’s mechanic to see if they can do anything for him until they find his processor.
Peter’s the mechanic. Teeny baby 12yo Peter working with Uncle Ben in their bot-shop.
Peter falls in love with Matt instantly; Ben recognizes his hardware as Advancement’s tech, though, and immediately knows the shit he’s been through. He knows that Matt is programmed to be a fighter bot and he wants him to get the fuck away from Peter–but it’s too late. They love each other.
Matt gets territorial over Peter and won’t let anyone touch him. Steve comes back with the processor and they wrangle Peter away from Matt and then the processor back onto him. And just like that, now they’ve got a pissed off, disabled, former-warrior-bot-turned-lawyer on their hands, threatening them with legal action.
He huffs. He puffs. He leaves, embarrassed. He finds Foggy and clings. And the others are all so baffled at what’s just happened and Matt’s frankly incredible abilities that they decide that they want to get him to work with the Avengers Initiative.
And then a whole new cycle of ‘fuck you, don’t you even look at me or my human ever again’ starts up between Matt and Steve and Buck, whereas towards Clint Matt’s always like ‘why have you betrayed me like this pilot man? I thought you were kind and good?’
Clint feels bad and tries to make amends and in doing so finds himself becoming a Trusted Human for half the former-fighter bots in the city. They all call him the Pilot Man. Peter starts calling him the Pilot Man and sneaks into the circle to do rogue repairs and programming for these former war-criminals.
And end scene.
Anyways, this was a whole lot of nonsense anon, but I hope it did something for you!
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ravynnwritestrash · 5 years
I Know You
This is part two for I Know Who You Are so if you haven’t read that I recommend you start there first.
I Know Who You Are(p.1)
Summary- This is just Civil War, my guys.
Warnings- angst, fluff, swearing, angst again cuz that’s basically all this is.
A/N: I know this took a while to get out but I just wasn’t in the right headspace to write all of this sweet sweet angst. I’ve decided to make this four parts. Part one- CAWS (you knew that), Part two- CACW (You also knew that), Part three- Infinity War, and part four- End Game (which I’m sure you guessed already). I will have a tag list for this so if you want to be tagged let me know. We also have a tag list for people who want to be tagged in all of our fics so let us know if you want on that.
“Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It’s a good target.” Wanda’s voice was calm and quiet through my earpiece. I sat not far from her, just close enough where I could see her.
“There’s an ATM on the south corner, which means?” Steve asked
“Both cross streets are one-way.”
“So compromised escape route.”
“Means our guy doesn’t care about being seen. He isn’t afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?”
“The red one? It’s cute.” I let out a small laugh at her remark careful not to draw any attention to myself.
“It’s also bulletproof,” Nat spoke up.
“Meaning private security.” I finished for her.
“Which means more guns,” Nat added with a little extra sass than she had before. “Which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.”
“When is it not our headache?” I sarcastically added picking at the napkin in front of me.
“Eyes on target, folks.” Steve interrupted keeping us on track. “This is the best lead we’ve had on Rumlow in six months. I don’t want to lose him.” Sam laughed at him through the comms.
“If he sees us coming, that won’t be a problem. He kinda hates us” he added.
“Sam, you see that garbage truck? Tag it.”
“That trucks loaded for max weight and the drivers armed.” my heart rate quickened as I got ready for the fight ahead of us.
“It’s a battering ram,” Nat said.
“Go now!” Steve slipped into his captain voice instantly and the rest of the conversation slipped from my mind as I stood and casually made my way around the corner from the cafe. Hopping on to my motorcycle and waiting for Nat to make her way around the corner as well. When I heard her coming I started up the bike.
“You going my way,” she asked into the comms as she passed me. I let out a small laugh before driving off after her.
“Only if you can keep up,” I joked as I pulled passed her, both of us racing in the direction of the gunfire. I leapt from my bike shortly after Nat throwing punches at the first guard I saw, trying to make my way towards Rumlow.
“I got him!” Nat yelled to me and I focused on keeping the rest of the guards off of her while she fought Rumlow. The vehicle behind me exploded distracting me long enough to get knocked down by one of the guards. My vision went black as my head bounced off the pavement and for a second I was falling from the helicarrier again. Falling from Bucky. Bucky. My vision flooded with white as I opened my eyes just in time to roll away from the kick one of the guards was about to hit me with. I quickly jumped up and slammed his head into the vehicle effectively knocking him out. Jumping on our bikes me and Natasha raced in the direction that Sam was flying.
“I got four their splitting up!” Sam said into the comms.
“I got the two on the left. (Y/N), keep civilians out of harm,” Nat said.
“ On it.” I started ushering people away from the scene. It became increasingly more difficult as the gunfire started. People were scattered everywhere and I moved to keep them away from the individual fights. I spotted Steve and ran over to where he was fighting Rumlow.
“Whos your buyer?” I heard him ask.
“You know he knew you?” Rumlow asked before glancing over at me and back at Steve. “ Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky.” he spit out. I wanted to punch him for saying his name.
“What did you say?” Steve asked dragging Rumlow closer to him.
“He remembered you. I was there. He got all weepy about it. Till they put his brain back in a blender. He wanted you to know something. He said to me.”My heart was racing in my chest and I felt like I was going to throw up. I wanted to go to Steve but I couldn’t force myself to move. I wanted to shut Rumlow up but I needed to hear what he had to say. I needed to. “‘Please tell Rogers. When you gotta go you gotta go.’…and you’re coming with me.” he glanced back at me with a wicked look in his eyes. “ You and your girlfriend. ” before either of us could make a move he pushed the trigger and begun to explode. It felt like time slowed down and my heart stopped until Rumlow let out a scream. I realized Wanda was containing the explosion. Relief flooded through me and Wanda threw him into the air. I wanted to cry in relief. Steve was okay. Thank god Steve was okay. My relief was cut short as Rumlow exploded my gaze lifting up to where he was. Horror flooding through me as the explosion envelops part of the building.
“Nat, I can’t sign them,” I said after Steve had left.
“Maybe it’s the right thing to do.” We were both staring out into the city from the window in the compound. “Maybe it’s something we all have to do. To stay together. You know that’s all Tony wants right.” I glanced back at Tony who had returned to his chair and then around the room before sighing.
“You heard the way Ross talked about us. We’re not going to be working for the U.N. We are going to be their weapons. I know why Tony wants this. I really do. I just… I just can’t back this one.” she let out a sigh as she took in my words.
“So, you’re retired then?”
“I mean. I am one hundred years old. I think it’s about time.” I joked with her masking the sadness in my voice.
The news was filled with reports of the Winter Soldiers attack on the U.N. I quickly pulled up my hood and made my way towards the building, keeping an eye out for Sam or Steve. If they were going to do something stupid, which they definitely were, then I was coming with them. I spotted Sam sitting in a crowded cafe and made my way towards him.
“Sam,” I greeted finding him sitting at the counter and I sat next to him.
“Oh no! I am not getting involved in whatever fight is going to happen between you and Steve.”
“Sam! Look, I need to be there. I need to come with. I can’t just sit around being.. Retired.” he let out a small laugh at my words. “Besides, you two idiots couldn’t last a day without me.” Sam faked offense before bumping shoulders with me. I was thankful for Sam. He was loyal to Steve and I had grown to trust him with my life. More than that I had grown to trust him with Steves. Not that I would ever tell Sam this but I was glad he was our friend.
“Fine. Fine, you have my vote.” I shook my head at him and stole his coffee.
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Don’t make me take that vote back.”
“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this” Steve said to me as we snuck into Bucky’s apartment building.
“I can’t believe you think you could stop me.”
“Just watch the stairs, please.”
“You got it.” I gave him a soft nod enough so he knows that I’m okay. Enough so he knows that I have his back and I trust him with whatever he is about to do.
Everything was quiet as I stood in the corner of the stairs, hoping that anyone who might see me would think that I was waiting for someone.
“They’ve set the perimeter” Sams voice came through the comms. My heart started to pound as they started to make their way up the stairs.
“Fuck it.” I grumbled and silently dashed up the stairs to where I knew Steve was. To where Bucky was. I opened the door as quietly as possible and shut it behind me. My eyes focusing on Bucky before I tore them away. ”Steve,” I spoke causing both men to turn to me.
“I told you to wait,” he growled.
“Yeah, well you didn’t say for how long and it was either here or draw a lot of attention.” my eyes flicked back to Bucky before I spoke again. “We’re out of time. We have to go.” the words had barely left my mouth when we were under attack. Quickly the three of us began taking down German police. Someone started to shoot and Bucky pulled me behind him using his arm to shield us from the bullets, only for Steve to step in front of him a moment later guarding the three of us with his shield. I followed bucky out the door helping him taking down anyone who was trying to stop us. Bucky made a jump for the window barely making it to the opposite rooftop only to be taken down by a man in a black suit. “Steve, opposite roof.” was all the warning I gave before taking a running jump for it. My chest slammed into the edge of the wall and I pulled myself up the rest of the way thanking the gods for kevlar. I ran to where Bucky and the stranger were fighting and quickly tackled the man away from him, only for him to throw me off and make a b-line back towards him. Bucky made a run for it making his way down the building the man not far behind him as I got up and followed shortly behind this time with Steve directly behind me. We made our way to an underpass my sole focus on keeping Bucky alive.
“(y/n), stay on Bucky. I have an idea.”
“On it, Cap” I didn’t need to be told twice I pushed myself a little more to slightly close the gap between us and ran where ever he did. Just when we had made our way out of the underpass Bucky pushed a man from his motorcycle spinning it in the air and climbing on. Damn. I shook my head of the image and spoke “He’s on a motorcycle heading your way. Mind giving me a lift?” I asked no one in particular.
“On my way” Sam spoke. I didn’t have to wait long before Falcon scooped me up carrying me towards the fight. “Where too, sweetheart.” he joked.
“Call me sweetheart again and I’m breaking your wings.” I sassed back. Just when we were caught up the roof caved above us causing sam to involuntarily drop me and I rolled across the pavement. I quickly got up and ran to where Steve was only to quickly be surrounded by cops… and Rhodey.
I stood next to Steve watching Bucky getting his evaluation. Anxiety filling my chest. Tony walked past me with a question in his eyes he already knew the answer to and I shook my head. I let the conversation Steve was having flow to the background as I focused on the screen. Suddenly everything went black. I quickly turned to Steve the small amount of fear in his eyes telling me everything I needed to know. He grabbed my arm and took off running keeping me close behind him. After a while, he let go and I followed behind Sam. the first thing I noticed is the cage, for lack of a better word, that they were keeping bucky in was empty. Steve ran into the room.
Sam had barely entered the room when Bucky took a swing at him. At first, I thought it was a mistake. It had to be right?. Once the fight drug on I knew it was no longer Bucky. Sam was thrown against the cage and Steve focused his attention on Bucky. I quickly made my way to where Sam had landed to make sure he was alright. When I moved to check his pulse and he let out a grown.
“I’m starting to hate that guy.” I didn’t have time to focus on what he was saying my eyes snapped up to Steve and Bucky in time to see Steve thrown down an elevator shaft. I followed Sam through the sea of people being evacuated cursing when we found the abandoned sweater of the doctor who had been in charge of evaluating Bucky.
“Hey guys, your boys up,” Sam spoke breaking the silence. Steve and I quickly made our way to where Bucky was.
“Steve?” Bucky spoke and I had to fight to keep my feet where they were.
“Which Bucky am I talking to?”
“Your mom’s name was Sarah. You used to were newspapers in your shoes “ he let out a soft laugh and I couldnt help the smile that grew on my face as I looked to Steve.
“That’s not in a museum is it, Stevie?” Steve rolled his eyes at me jokingly
“I told you not to call me Stevie.” He joked back causing Sam and me to let out small laughs. Steve didn’t let the moment last too long before he was asking questions. Questions about the doctor and what he wanted. I allowed myself to slide down the wall so I was sitting on the floor as Bucky told his story. I listened, of course, but for most of it, I was trying not to slip back down my own memory lane.
Bucky and I sat in the back of an old bug with Sam in the front.
“Can you move your seat up?” Bucky spoke.
“No.” I rolled my eyes at sams tone and place my feet on the back of the seat ‘accidentally” kicking him.
“Whoops” I joked as I looked out the side window.
“I’m not doing it.”
“I just said whoops.” I could practically hear Sam rolling his eyes and he was true to his word he didn’t move his seat up but I was able to get a small smile from Bucky so I counted it as a win. Moving my feet back down to the floor I leaned forward, “Is he actually going to get our stuff or is he just going to flirt?” I joked. Sam let out a soft laugh before responding.
“Give the man a break. He needs a little love.” Sam joked back.
“All I’m saying is while we are all wanted it might not be the time.”
“Or it’s the best time.” the car fell silent for a moment. Until Steve and Sharon began to kiss. Causing Me and Sam to laugh. “Told you so. Best. time.” I rolled my eyes going back to my seat. With a small laugh. I risked a glance over to Bucky smiled giving him a light shrug trying to hold back the heat rising to my cheeks when he smiled back. I looked away in time to see Steve pulling away from Sharon. Once he glanced towards I could tell by the look on his face we were all giving him the same look.
“So, I have a question,” Sam said turning slightly to face me while grinning.
“I’m not kissing you.” I sassed.
“That wasn’t it.”
“Bucky’s not going to kiss you either.”
“No. Does kissing Captain America-”
“Oh god” I groaned trying to hold back a laugh.
“Count as service to our country.”
“Please stop talking.” I laughed.
“Because I mean she served him… some tongue” he added through laughter and I let my head hit the window of the car as I groaned at his joke.
I was running behind Sam and Bucky. I just had to get bucky out safe. Bucky out safe and then protect Steve… from our friends.
“What the hell is that?” Buckys voice broke me from my concentration.
“Everybodys gotta have a gimmick.” the man in the red and blue suit quickly threw Sam to the side before moving to Bucky. I stopped dead in my tracks when he easily stopped one of Bucky hits.
“Wow, cool you have a metal arm?” before I could process the voice sam flew back around taking the kid with him.
“I’m sorry. Stark brought a child?” I asked partially into my comms and partially to no one.
“Apparently he’s called Spiderman,” Steve answered.
I leaned over the rails look at the two men currently webbed to the ground trying to hold back my laughter.
“Don’t even start. Just get me out.” Sam barked at me. I ran down the stairs cutting Bucky free and then moving over to Sam.
“For the record, I didn’t say anything.”
“Well, you didn’t help much either.” I rolled my eyes and flipped him off before we started in the direction fo the Quinjet. We wall stood in a line looking across at our friends. I looked over to Steve as Sam spoke.
“What are we doing cap?”
“We fight”
After throwing a few punches with Nat I made my way over to Bucky and Steve in time to see Antman turning huge. The three of us mad our way to the qinjet barely making passed falling rubble. Once inside we were stopped in our tracks by Nat.
“You’re not going to stop” she spoke
“You know I can’t”
“I’m going to regret this.” Instantly I put up my guards for a fight only for her to hit T’challa.  Quickly the three of us ran to the quinjet leaving Nat behind to fight off  T’challa.
I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest as we watched the video. The video of Tony’s parents getting killed by the Winter Soldier. A tear fell down my cheek. I couldnt imagine what Tony was going through right now. I placed myself between tony and bucky hoping it wouldn’t come to this. It all happened so fast after Tony hit Steve. I placed a kick behind his knee and he took me down with him.
“You’re going to fight for him? For a monster?” Tony asked holding me to the ground. “I saw you like family. “ his voice was broken as he spoke his mask coming down over his face. “I loved you like you were my own child.” He spoke through his mask. I kicked against his chest pushing him off of me and he instantly turned to Bucky and they began to fight. No matter what we said to him Tony couldn’t see past his grief. Not that I could blame him. I wished he could but I saw all of the reasons why he couldn’t. Reliving the pain of your parents passing had to be a new kind of suffering. Learning that everything you thought you knew about their death was a lie. Learning that a man you considered a friend knew all along an never said a word. I knew why Tony had to fight. I just hoped when the dust settled that he would see why we had to as well. The building began to crumble around us as we fought. Each punch to Tony broke my heart, he was like a father to me, but I couldnt let him kill Bucky not when I was so close to getting him back.
On the way to Wakanda Bucky and I caught up, in a I’ll talk to you later kinda way. With stories, half finished and half-truths that the other caught but doesn’t say anything. I knew what was going to happen when we got to Wakanda. I understood why he needed to do it so I held back my tears and replaced them with cheese jokes I knew would get a smile. A smile I wanted to memorize. Once there Steve left us on the jet for a moment alone.  
“This is what’s best,” he spoke after a moment of silence.
“I know, Buck.” I kept my gaze focused on my hands. Slowly I watched his feet come into view as if he was unsure of what he was going to do one he reached me. His hand found its way under my shin and he lifted my gaze so that our eyes would meet. I wanted to apologize. Apologize for the sadness I knew he saw there. I watched him fight for the right words to say for a moment before speaking.
“This won’t be the last time you’re seeing me, doll.” I wasn’t sure if he used the old nickname for my benefit or because it felt right but I was thankful that he did it. I gave him a soft smile and felt my cheeks flush slightly under his gaze.
“We’ve met under less likely circumstances already.” I joked. He just nodded in response. He leaned in and placed a soft fleeting kiss on my lips before turning and leaving in the direction that Steve went. As I watched him walk away I gently placed my fingers on my lips as if trying to convince myself that it truly happened and let myself cry.
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