#I’ve let go of the idea of going
torturedpoetsdpmt · 1 year
Manifesting that one of you will appear in my ask box with a night 1 or 2 LA eras tour ticket for sale at face value or something reasonably close ✨🫧🔮🪄🧙‍♀️
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mroddmod · 6 months
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little scrapped comic bc it felt a bit ooc to me in hindsight
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captainmaxatx · 4 months
Late Mermay idea!
Orca mer Ghost in an aquarium but he is almost always hiding and quite depressed so the aquarium decide to give him a little more enrichment.
With humans lack of mer knowledge they come to the conclusion that because orcas eat seals then surely an orca mer would eat a seal mer. They decide that during closing hours (to avoid guests seeing the blood bath that will surely follow) they will drop a live seal mer into ghosts tank so he has the natural experience of hunting instead of just being fed slabs of meet.
But mer’s don’t eat other mers, regardless of secondary species.
So when seal mer soap is dropped into his tank, ghost just thinks he’s being given a very energetic handsome roommate.
And the humans are confused as to why ghost hasn’t eaten the seal mer yet
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the-midnight-sugar1 · 9 months
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I may or may not be getting really into this whole RaPomzel idea…
Credit for the name goes to @dayseedrawz2 it’s a cute name, well done!
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wynandcore · 4 months
Okay lemme go crazy for a sec
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Season 2, episode 9: Guilt
When Tron’s simulation machine malfunctions while he’s attached to it, Beck has no choice but to manually figure out what’s wrong, getting transported into Tron’s system. Time for a trip down memory lane.
As Beck travels through Tron’s system, things start to freak out, as it slowly starts trying to fit Beck into these simulations so as not to disrupt or alter them. This leads to him being put in some weird positions.
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When Beck finally gets to the dream simulation that led the machine to malfunction, he finds a horrifying sight.
If Tron doesn’t stop, he’ll end up not just hurting his subconscious.
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firebound-press · 7 months
Todays bind! Fools Gold, by @tigers1o1 !!
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Personally, I absolutely adore the paper and bookcloth combination on this bind. I got the cloth a while back for free and I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it, and then my friend Cam got me this paper as a gift! It seemed way too perfect to not use!
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This was a very exciting bind, because it gave me the opportunity to try something completely new, gilded edges!!
Although it didn’t turn out perfect, I’m still super proud of how clean it ended up. Plus, I personally think the flaws make it better :D
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The typesetting here was very exciting for me. A few months ago Ty held a tattoo contest for the fic, and I couldn’t not use them when I saw the two finalist designs. So I went ahead and contacted the artists, and they both said I could use them!!
Title page design: @eldrigeonsss
Chapter header design: @sheeeeeeeepherd
Thank you both again for letting me use your beautiful work!
You can read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42798252/chapters/107512251
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llumimoon · 2 years
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So that poll I did the other day was to decide who I wanted to be the center character tehe <3
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rotomartsblog · 2 months
The reason EAH is a children’s franchise is because only a child who Doesn’t Understand Things could possibly consider Royal being the right stance
#like the show will try to push that both rebels and royals have a point (case in point the whole ‘roybel’ thing) but it doesn’t work#because in the end it’s made clear which choice is right#like being royal is only shown to benefit the privileged with ‘good endings’ while being a rebel is for the benefit of everyone#and I’ve seen some claims that people can be royal by wanting their own destiny but letting others choose#but that specific line of thinking is present in maddie and cedar to some extant and they’re literally two of the main rebels in the series#identifying as a royal is saying ‘I think everyone has to follow their story no matter what ending they get’#and being a royal made sense when the idea of they’re being consequences for going against the stories was present#but those possible consequences are never really explored and in the end it turns out they’re isn’t any consequences actually#and then what’s the point of identifying either royal or rebel after the storybook pages get ripped out?#everyone chooses their own destiny but there isn’t really a system anymore anyways so both titles become devoid of meaning#so what’s the point of a character being a ‘rebel’? you’re not rebelling against the norm by choosing your own path#or believing others should because that’s what everyone gets now#and what’s the point of a character being a ‘royal’? the stories don’t have power anymore so what’s the point in everyone continuing#to play them out anymore other than maintaining status#the only people who have actual credibility for being royal are the fairies cause they’ll literally disappear but that only applies to othe#fairies and isn’t actually established in the show so how canon is it?#rotomtalks#ever after high#eah
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
I’m tired. I’m tired of all these Youth Pastor Paladins. Folks who see the Lawful Good stereotype and just roll a… a… magical cop.
They don’t. They don’t understand. The Paladin is someone who devoted their entire life to an idea. To an abstract concept. To a Code.
They are God’s most Autistic creatures.
Of course, all this is because of DnD’s garbage alignment system, which has the depth of a soup spoon and pisses me off.
The MTG system is much, much more robust. The fact that the folks at Wizards never cross pollinated is a fucking travesty. But, given how Executive management has been shitting the bed across our society, I suppose that’s no surprise.
That does it. I’m doing it myself.
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daboyau · 3 months
I got an idea when looking at this post by @tangledinink. I couldn’t rest until I’d jotted it down. The art possessed me like an evil spirit. warnings for body horror, vomiting, general fuckery. 💚
what probably happened directly before Leo found himself in this situation:
Leo: Fairies? No way those sparkly little assholes are real.
The fae who happened to be within earshot: and i took that personally.
Anyway, here we gooooo:
Leo opens his mouth to scream, but the sound won’t come out. He gags on the feeling of it catching inside his throat, and then again when the trapped scream begins to grow thorns. It scrapes its way up, and he claws desperately at his throat, trying to tear the feeling out, falling to his knees as he gags around the forced silence.
The threat of suffocation is enough to tear his attention, however briefly, away from the horror of what is happening to his shell. His body is changing itself on the urging of some other thing’s whims, and even though his nerves didn’t seem to get the memo that a dissolving shell (you know, the thing that most of his internal organs and, like, half of his bones need to stay inside his body?) should probably hurt a lot, he can still feel it.
He retches as the first flower falls from his lips. It hits the ground with a disgustingly wet sound, coated with bile and saliva. It shines wetly, rich orange hues standing out brightly against the black soil. The rest follow shortly after, a painful deluge of familiar colors, and he’s helpless to do anything but dig his fingers deep into the rich soil and try not to let the horrific impossibility of the situation drive him crazy. Tears flow freely, staining his cheeks before they fall to the ground below, greedily absorbed by the cursed earth of this place.
“Oh, dear,” a voice says, too close for him not to have noticed their presence. He tries to jerk back, but he can’t pull his fingers from the dirt. It hurts when he tries. A high pitched whine escapes his throat, but he’s too terrified to be embarrassed by that. The voice shushes him, soothes him, and warm fingers wrap tight around the back of his neck. They come to rest just above where the lip of his shell should be. He sobs at the way his back squirms as heat shoots down his spine and something begins to grow. The furred fingers drag like velvet against his scales as they squeeze, the sharp prick of claws threatening to break skin, and then release him just as suddenly. 
“So much sorrow and pain. And, oh, so many regrets,” the thing says as she circles him, humming a tune that makes his head pound in rhythm with his racing heart. His hands have sunk beneath the black soil, and it has begun licking greedily at his wrists as well. He can feel tendrils of something wet and cold winding themselves around his fingers, and he wants to scream again, but the bursts of bile-soaked colors decorating the ground keep him from opening his mouth. He can feel a petal still clinging to his bottom lip, and when the thing kneels before him, she reaches out to pluck it off, unbothered by the way he shrinks as far away from her touch as he can manage.
She slips it between her lips, and he catches a flash of a blackened tongue as it darts out to meet that single purple petal. Her teeth are sharp when she smiles at him. They hadn’t been sharp, when she’d first approached him in the Hidden City. Nothing about her had been.
In the dim lights of the underground world he and his brothers had only recently begun to explore, she had looked soft. He’d seen her approaching, and the first thought to flit through his head was, aw, bunny. A fluffy, rounded face. Big eyes, dark and deep as a still pond as they reflected the flickering neon of a sign in the shop window behind him. A pink nose had twitched when she’d smiled at him, sweet and kind, and asked him for his name. 
(What had he told her?)
Now, she would be unrecognizable, if not for the same strawberry patterned dress that drapes over her stretched out frame. He’d think to compare her to a hare now, but the hares he’d seen when watching Animal Planet with mikey had never looked like they would take delight in tearing his nails off one by one or plucking out his eyeballs. They had never made his vision swim or his body shake when he’d looked at them. Maybe she’s become more of a wolf.
The soil has reached his elbows. Those cool, slimy tendrils have circled his wrists like shackles. They’re squeezing tighter and tighter, and he feels his fingers throb and tingle as circulation is cut off. 
His mind flashes briefly to raph and how he used to tell them not to wear rubber bands on their wrists, convinced that their hands would fall right off if they got squeezed too tight. He wonders if the things that live beneath the dirt will steal what they’ve claimed, just like she’s stollen his shell. Another sound wants to bubble up his throat at the thought, and he lets it, because what use is a swordsman without his hands?
The hysterical giggles escape as big, iridescent bubbles. They glitter pink and blue and leave a bitter taste on his tongue. They only float a few feet into the air before they fall back to the ground, their attempt to flee the horror of this situation not getting too far at all. Soft green grass rises up from the dirt to catch them, but they do not pop. They rest, suspended on those tiny blades, for far longer than any bubble he’s ever blown before. He watches, transfixed, as his laughter is eventually swallowed by green. It begins to spread.
A hand cradles his chin, and his gaze jerks back to the thing that brought him here. She is watching him intently, eyes darting to take in every tiny change in his expression. She looks curious, in the same way that donnie does when he’s thinking about all the ways he can take something apart, and what he can do with those pieces to create something better. 
Her hand is soft where it touches him. She is gentle as she wipes a cloth across his mouth. It feels like water, soothing and cool, and he finds himself leaning into this tiny offer of comfort among the stomach churning violation of what is being done to him. His eyes flutter, and he distantly registers that the face she wears seems to swim before his eyes with each rapid blink, shifting back and forth between bunny and wolf and something other. She looks like she wants to devour him whole, no matter which face she wears.
From this close, he can see the way her eyes sparkle and dance when she smiles. He can’t help but think that maybe being swallowed whole wouldn’t be such a bad way to go, after all. 
The writhing shackles around his wrists tighten. 
She laughs, breathy and soft, and the sound is layered and beautiful like wind chimes. It conjures a hurricane inside his mind. Her cool breath gusts over his face. It smells like churned dirt and funeral flowers and pustulous rot. He doesn’t know if he wants to gag or breathe deeper. 
“Little blossom,” she croons, cupping both his cheeks, dragging their faces close. He doesn’t resist. She giggles, and she drags those soft hands and those sharp claws down his neck and over his shoulders, fingertips bumping against the disgustinghorriblewrongparasitetumor gathering of delicate buds that have sprouted up all across his back. She pinches one between the pads of her fingers, and he wants to screamcrybeghertostoppushherawaycutherdownandtearthemalloutbytheroots be good for her.
“Little blossom,” she says again, and those dark eyes catch his gaze and hold it as a heavy feeling settles against his skin, across his shoulders, around his neck, and he can’t look away no matter how desperately he tries. But he doesn’t want to try. Her smile stretches wider, wider, and for one brief flicker of a second he can see blood on her teeth as she asks, “Do you believe now?”
(Side note just for fun. The flowers that appear in this but aren’t actually described or named are:
Orange marigold, for grief and despair
Purple hyacinth, for sorrow and asking for forgiveness
Red cyclamen, for goodbye and resignation
Yellow zinnia, for missing a friend and remembrance
Bluebells, for gratitude and everlasting love 
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heyclickadee · 8 months
Hey howdy hey I just realized that Wrecker was watching out of the back of the tram car longer than any of the others were. Omega ran to Hunter, Echo was trying to get the car to stop, and Hunter was dealing with Omega. Wrecker, though, was just staring out the back right up until the moment they crashed.
Now, I think the reason he’s staring out the back is because he’s in shock and can’t do anything else, but. But. It’s possible that while he was standing there in shock he may have seen the shadow of something happening under the cloud cover. It’s possible.
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robotsandjunk · 17 days
Idk if you like a little angst in your asks, but you mention Soundwave being unhealthy with intimate/kink stuff and I’m a sucker for it 👀
Like, I imagine that SW was with Megatron in an emotionally taxing relationship (Meg’s and Starscream is its whole thing when thinking about MegaSound)(cheating) that wasn’t really that healthy at all. Of course there’s also Soundwave being second fiddle to OP as well, and don’t even get me started on when he abandons him when he joins the LL. Then post war SW gets with Cosmos who teaches him that he’ll love him, even if he makes mistakes or gets injured and can’t work, yk?
Use ≠ Love in Cosmos’s book, which is NEVER something SW even considered being a thing
And that he loves Soundwave no one else, no one. And it’s WAY better on SW.
Anyways Cosmos and Megatron interaction with angry shuttle Cosmos… “masters don’t abandon their dogs”
Anyways hiiii I love your content 🫶
Hi! I’m glad you enjoy my content anon! I’m always down for a little angst you’ll be happy to know
My personal interpretation of Megatron and Soundwave was unhealthy but not out of any sort of malice, they’re just two very emotionally unstable people that found comfort in each other. Unfortunately this comfort did come in the form of Soundwave using Megatron to punish himself on occasion and Megatron not putting a stop to it through fear of Soundwave turning to someone else. There’s also that aspect of Soundwave being a stand in for someone else (be it Optimus, Starscream, or whoever else) and Soundwave never bringing up how it makes him feel because he doesn’t want to take that away from Megatron, especially since Megatron needs some kind of outlet and if Soundwave can get something out of it too? Then he just sees it as fair. It’s a very mutual toxicity but one founded on misunderstanding, there’s love there but not love that can truly be romantic
Soundwave meets Cosmos and adores that little ufo, and Cosmos finds Soundwave fascinating. They eventually get into their relationship and Cosmos is horrified by what Soundwaves idea of love is. I think Cosmos focuses more on wanting there to be a ‘bad guy’ in the situation rather than acknowledging that the whole situation was a mess, he doesn’t fully grasp that prewar Cybertron for both Megatron and Soundwave was a society centred around earning everything and so naturally that carried on into their personal relationships. Cosmos also likely assumes the power dynamic was a lot more skewed than it was which doesn’t help
Cosmos does confront Megatron, who doesn’t deny any of it, in fact, he agrees. The whole thing prompts Megatron to actually talk about it with Soundwave rather than just assuming Soundwave wouldn’t want to speak to him, which in turn emboldens Soundwave to talk to Cosmos about the whole thing from his perspective. At the end of it everyone has a nice healthy chat, Soundwave and Cosmos are as in love as ever, and Megatron and Soundwave start hanging out again on occasion
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nico-the-overlord · 4 months
So, Logan is based off the teacher character yeah? What if I just
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+alt version and sketch I’m not gonna finish
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For context if anyone is confused: Carson Dellosa Education is a company that makes worksheets/posters for elementary school students.
Tried to replicate their art style (what the internet has dubbed the ‘Carson-Dellosa’ art style’). Idk if first ones are also called that, I know the sketch is most like their style, but I’ve also seen first type alot in classrooms so yeah.
[Image ID start. Four separate drawings of Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides, drawn in a cartoonish art style. Most notable of the style is a wide, simplistic smile. First drawing is a drawing of Logan standing, looking forward.
Second drawing is a poster that reads “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” in round white block letters outlined in black. In the middle is a drawing of Logan reading an untitled blue book, his head and hands only visible peaking out the sides of the book. The background has purple swirls, and many little purple and white stars.
Third drawing is the same as the first drawing, but without Logan’s brain emblem on his shirt.
Fourth drawing is an uncolored pencil sketch of Logan standing, looking off to the side. He is holding a spiral notebook to his chest with both hands. Image ID end.]
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rarilight · 3 months
one day I’m actually going to grab everything I went through last year and pour it into a raritwi breakup fic where they don’t get back together and I don’t do my usual thing where I hint there’s hope for them
And I think that will probably be a very emotional and good fic but also it’ll probably be incredibly crushing more than anything Ive ever done so honestly maybe we should all be grateful I haven’t written it yet
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mollyrolls · 2 months
200,000 FOLLOWERS???? WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!!
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we grow stronger every day. mollyrolls world domination next.
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psychotic-nonsense · 3 months
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The complexity of accepting how wrong you were, but being far too late to change it.
You are simply left to wonder.
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