#I’ve sent audios pictures videos I’m just losing my mind over him tonight
anna-justice · 4 years
Kidnapped - Jeff Wittek
Summary: With the help of y/n, David pulls off the most epic prank in Vlog Squad history.
Warnings: None I think, lol, maybe swearing?
A/N: This is my first vlog squad imagine so let me know what you think! Also, sorry if I messed up who lived where, I honestly can’t keep up.
David is always looking for new content when it comes to his vlogs, so 3 months ago when Jeff introduced everyone to his new girlfriend, he knew it was the perfect opportunity to do something big. He waited until he knew it was serious, Jeff was a bit of a playboy, but after several weeks of him catching glances and ditching the gang for date nights, he decided to put his plan in motion. 
Y/n fit into the group extremely well, she was energetic, funny, easy to be around, everyone loved her and how good she was for Jeff. When David asked her to help him she was all in, along with the rest of the group. They had spent the last month setting the stage, hiring an actor to play a crazy fan, planning a rager for Jeff’s birthday and most importantly making sure everyone was in on it but him. 
It started out simple, a twitter account by the name of Kendall Lochlin would DM Jeff once or twice a day professing her love for him. Obviously David put that in the Vlog and the account became more and more popular, only making the story more realistic. After a few weeks of DM’s the actress that David hired upped her game, showing up at places where the group was, “paying” for everyone’s meal from a table across the room, posting them on her instagram story at parties. Not to mention the threatening texts about y/n. David made sure she was a step ahead of them and that everyone else was always playing their parts. 
However, everything changed last week, when David decided that it was time to kick it into high gear…
Yln was leaning into Jeff’s side on David’s couch while they joked on Todd and Natalie. She snuggled in further as she laughed, Jeff pressing a chaste kiss to her temple, grinning big. Jeff pulled out his phone and mindlessly scrolled through instagram as the banter continued. He noticed a new direct message notification and checked it, jumping up in his seat when the photo sent is of the back of his head. “Babe?” Y/n asks, setting her hand on his thigh. 
Jeff bounds towards the back sliding door to David’s backyard. “That girl, she’s here, she sent me a picture of all of us just now.” Y/n smirks, catching Natalie’s gaze, Jeff being oblivious to the fact that everyone in the room was faking their shock. Y/n makes her way to Jeff’s side in the backyard, playing her part as the terrified girlfriend well. She grips his arm tight and tucks herself into his side. “Doll, please, go back inside, you shouldn’t be out here.” Y/n nods, squeezing his arm and sighing before turning towards the house, making a face in David’s camera as she passes. 
David and Heath stand their ground next to Jeff, “What the f*ck dude, are you sure?” Heath asks, throwing his beer bottle in the grass. 
“Yeah man I’m sure,” Jeff yells, pacing around the yard. 
David hands his camera off to Jason. “I’m gonna call the police.” He says, running back into the house. Jeff’s jaw is visibly clenched, his knuckles white, ready to pounce on anyone who dares to hurt his friends. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, David and y/n struggle to contain their laughter as he fake calls 911, giving the actress time to leave the premises. David bounds back out the door, “They said to call again if she comes back since we don’t have proof she was trying to harm us.” Jeff nods, easily believing his blatant lie. 
Everyone slowly trickles back to the living room, the excitement of the moment leaving them. Jeff pulls y/n close once again, holding onto her as if his life depended on it, because no matter how irrational it was, in that moment it felt like it did. 
Tonight was the long awaited birthday bash, not only were tonight's plans a secret from Jeff, but so were the festivities. So everyone sat in Jason and Todd’s kitchen, going over the plans for the night. “The biggest thing is for everyone to act normal.” David says, jumping up on the counter. “We have to be seamless, there is a strict time frame we have to follow!” He announces and everyone laughs as the intensity of his speech. “Y/n at 12:25 you need to tell Jeff that you are going to get a drink, make sure he is nowhere near the front food, meet Suzie at the end of the street. I’ll text you when we start phase two. Jason and I will be with Jeff. Brandon, at 12:30 it’s your job to point out “Kendall” to him across the room. The rest of you have to make sure that Jeff doesn’t get anywhere near her or y/n.” David points at Lizzy, the actress he hired, “Kendall,” He smirks, “You sneak out the front door and book it down the block to where Suzie and y/n are waiting. Depending on his reaction we will keep going.” Everyone nods in agreement. “The most important thing is that Jeff doesn’t call 911, if he insists, someone else do it and call Nick, you should all change his contact to 911.” David takes a big breath, “Is everyone on the same page?” There is a chorus of yes’s and David smiles wide, excited to pull off something this big.
Heath speaks up, “I’ve got a question.” 
“Why Jeff?” Everyone laughs.
David shrugs, “This seemed more fun than getting him a car.”
3 hours later, it’s not long before the plan is set into motion. Jeff was ecstatic when he arrived, completely shocked by everything you all had done. As the clock approaches midnight, the house is packed, there was barely enough room to move through it, let alone dance. At exactly 12:25, y/n presses her hands against Jeff’s chest and moves her lips to his ear, “I’m gonna go get another drink.” He nods in his drunk state, pressing his lips against hers before turning back to David and Brandon. 
Y/n runs for the front door, booking it down the street as she giggles, turning her phone off once she gets to Suzie’s car. 
Brandon takes his place, lightly punching Jeff in the arm to get his attention. “Hey, isn’t that your stalker?” He laughs, pointing out Lizzy (Kendall) to him. 
Jeff swears under his breath, “What the hell is she doing here?” He begins to charge at the girl, but Jason grabs his arm and turns him around.
“You’re really drunk man, do you really want to go after her?” He asks.
Jeff tears his arm out of Jason’s grip, “Yeah I do actu-” He stops when he turns around and sees the girl nowhere to be found. “Shit, we need to find y/n.” They all nod, leading him towards the kitchen. 
It’s almost one when Jeff starts kicking people out, desperate to find his girlfriend amongst the crowd. He has the majority of the group call her, making him even more upset when they all go straight to voicemail. Seeing that the night has turned for the worst, the remaining partygoers make their way out and leave Jeff to his panicked state. He runs his hands over his face and throws his hat on the floor, “Has anyone seen her?” he screams. They all remain silent. “Someone call 911.” He says in defeat.
“Jeff, they wont do anything until she’s been missing for 24 hours…”
“I don’t care, call!” Jeff yells, cutting Jason off. Jason nods and leaves the room with his phone pressed to his ear. Jeff stands and slams his hands against the wall, “How could I let this happen?” He screams, hitting it again and again. 
While he’s distracted, David slyly texts Lizzy: Phase 2 is a go. Y/n smirks as she reads over her shoulder.
Back at the house, Jeff gets yet another notification. “Guys, she sent me a photo, come here.” Everyone crowds around him, knowing what’s coming next. Jeff clicks the video she sent, the audio: If I can’t have you, nobody can… Plays as she shows y/n unconscious in the back seat of “her” car. The phone falls from his hand, he runs out the front door, screaming when he hits the driveway. David feels a pang of guilt hit his chest and considers setting down his camera and calling off the whole thing, but at this point they were in too deep. 
Jeff turns to his friends with teary eyes, “What do we do? What do we do…” He trails off. David cracks a smile when Suzie’s car pulls up in front of the house. Y/n steps out, unharmed and Jeff stands there stunned. “No…” He looks at David who is laughing, “No, no, you son of a bitch.” He wants to punch David in the face, but he can’t because his mind flies back to the beautiful girl standing in front of him. He rushes to y/n, pulling her into his arms, she laughs, wiping a tear from his face. “Baby, I thought you were hurt or worse…” He says, pressing the palm of his hand against her cheek. 
“I’m okay, I’m right here.” She says as he pulls her into his embrace all over again. “I’m so sor-” Jeff stops her by passionately pressing his lips to hers, it lasts so long that Zane and Heath start to hoot and holler, everyone following suit with whistles and “damns.” Y/n pulls away blushing before the two of them face the crowd. 
“I hate all of you.” Jeff says pointing at everyone. He turns to Lizzy, “And you, who the hell are you?” She laughs along with him and gives him her card, stating that she is an actress for hire. Jeff throws it on the ground and groans, kicking himself for how bad they got him. “So it’s been fake this whole time?” Everyone nods, “Why couldn’t you have just bought me a car?” 
Later that night, Y/n and Jeff are at his apartment, Jef still recovering from the trauma of the night. “I can’t believe you did that.” He sighs as y/n giggles, “I was so worried I had lost you, I was ready to kill someone.” 
Y/n wraps her arms around his waist and presses her cheek against his hard chest, “You’ll never lose me, I don’t know what I would do without you.” Jeff tilts her chin up and kisses her sweetly before they wrap up in each other again and sway to the rhythm of the others' heartbeat. 
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