mikejudge · 2 years
so like judge said in an interview w Paste that they did 8-9 middle aged eps in total (altho in another interview he said they did 6-7 so. lol. what is the truth.) but if that's the case and we only got 3 this season... that would mean half of the episodes next season will include old b&bh? ??
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jesncin · 8 days
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Don't Call Me Superboy, origin remix! Meet,,,Project 13?
Join me as I go on a quest to tie my (Don't Call Me) Superboy comics into an arc about family, identity and legacy.
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it's kind of funny that we're back at the start, as it was known from the very beginning, as the story always was, the old lore: "the Divine Gate was built in response to the destruction and suffering of the Calamity as the Prime Deities realized was far too much and, as such, they needed to also remove themselves from Exandria to protect it from the ruin that the gods dwelling here brings"
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orengejoshi · 5 months
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Flug is such a Golden Retriever man...🦮
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chiaraislily · 5 months
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The only way to improve at art is by drawing @chibigaia-art 's ocs i don't make the rules I'm sorry
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 months
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Obligatory Chiba wearing Hyunjin's outfits for Stray Kids' ATE 🥠 comeback season because he looks too good 😩🤌🌹
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hellishfig · 5 months
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(Link to the shop if any of y’all are interested, go check it out: https://lmkfanzine.bigcartel.com/    )
This is what the full bundle looks like
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solaestial · 3 months
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I'm glad you're evil too - Pinocchio-P
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
My lecturer just canceled the class for Thursday and Friday it's like the universe is telling me to play Modern Warfare III. It's the will of the world that I cry myself till my eyes are dry IT'S MAGIC
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crimescrimson · 4 months
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Albert Wesker in Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (2000)
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freaky-flawless · 5 months
My work already got in some of our Halloween stuff and y'all...
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How perfect is this to display a Clawdeen doll???
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campbyler · 9 months
good news everyone, learning how to drive a stick shift monday
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prince-liest · 2 months
Wooo, the past two days have reminded me that I really enjoy medicine! It's just the emergency department that isn't for me, almost as if I chose family medicine for a reason, haha. (Also apparently our local ED is a shitshow. I wouldn't really know, as it's my only point of reference, and as far as I know most EDs in underserved areas are shitshows. At any rate, I lost a patient for 3 hours the other day because someone moved them without telling me and updated the chart incorrectly, and I hunted for them all around THRICE without finding them, and signed them out as Left During Treatment until someone finally called me like, "Heyyy... so did you send X to the pharmacy...?" and I was like, "They're STILL HERE???"... ANYWAY.......)
No matter what rotation we're currently on, the family medicine residents do 1.5 days of clinic a week, and half a day of didactics. ED shifts can't be interrupted, so mine are all lined up so that I have all of Tuesday in clinic, and Wednesday split between clinic/didactic. I've basically gotten only half a day off so far in the past two weeks due to the night shift schedule, but this litte two-day family medicine interlude has felt like a break in its own way, haha. Now that I'm getting a better hang of the EMR, clinic just feels very nice, and it's exactly what I want to be doing. And as part of our didactic, we spent a couple of hours today doing sports physicals for the nearby college, which was neat! Got free pizza after, too, eyy.
One small thing I really wish was standardized is that anybody on inpatient service and emergency medicine rotations had an official break, at least 30 minutes per shift (which is not a lot considering shifts are 8-10 hours for ED and 12 hours for inpatient service). Most other rotations (including even inpatient pediatrics) have an hour designated for lunch, but two of the most grueling ones don't, and what ends up happening is that even if my seniors have told me not to worry and to take a 30 minute lunch in the ED, I feel guilty doing it because everybody else is scarfing down a 10 minute sandwich at their computers while staring at the patient charts and I feel bad taking even 15 whole minutes because it's noticably 5 minutes longer than the EM resident took! And it's the same thing for my coresident that's currently on inpatient service. It's just a long time to go without a dedicated break and it's part of what makes those services exhausting.
Anyway, today and yesterday were both good and I have some things I'm sooo excited for! I got into contact with the new endocrinologist that works with our program because she does trans health care and we're going to start a trans health clinic together. The only real question, which my program director is going to be talking over with her, is figuring out how I can participate in that longitudinally, because unfortunately it doesn't count for my family medicine continuity clinic, and there are some rotations where the hour requirements apparently don't allow me so much as to take a half-day per month for a different service (lookin' at you, inpatient service - which is 6a-6p, 6 days a week, so they'd also be breaking duty hour restrictions if they put the clinic half day on one of my single weekly days off lol).
Regardless, we'll figure something out! I really, really want to do this and my PD is excited about it, so I think they will try to make something work. I'm kinda crossing my fingers that they do allow me to take one half-day per month for this even on inpatient service.
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cjarts18 · 3 months
traffic light trio! 💗💛💚
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I will draw persona art in a sec but I had to draw something Monkie kid themed ASAP as I just finished watching season 5 and Holy VUJHbkjhabjsvhabjahgbasjkhb I loved it! It has to be the best season of all the others and I don't care if the animation is different, remember from season 1 to season 4 that Flying bark worked on, if the animation got better then then I'm sure it could be the same case for this company working on the show now but omg I just finished it and it was amazing! I wanna brag about it but I'll hold back for the sake of those who have not seen it yet, bc Spoilers are not cool! (PLEASE DO NOT STEAL OR REPOST)
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roseofcards90 · 11 months
Thinking about the similarities between Amane and Kotoko…thinking about how they had to go through a hellish childhood (very likely in Kotoko's case tbh based on her behavior) and grow up too quickly as a result...thinking about that one timeline conversation where Amane appreciates Kotoko for not treating her as less then just because she's a child and Kotoko brushing it off with her saying "at your age I was already the person I am today" and that she wouldn't let Amane off the hook just because she was a child...and yet Kotoko didn't attack Amane even though she was a guilty prisoner between T1 and T2....thinking about how Kotoko mainly targeted those who would hurt "the weak" (most specifically children and young girls) and how the last "Ko" in her name means "child"...thinking about how Kotoko probably sees a lot of her childhood self in Amane and how Kotoko is a reflection of what Amane could become if she continues to go through her suffering in the cult 😭😭😭
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