#I'M annoyed that it's been a year and we're still getting abuse hurled at us spouting YOUR rhetoric
So. Like. Izzy doesn’t have the social or emotional power over Ed to be his abuser. He’s not good at manipulating people, let alone a ‘tactical genius’ like Ed. It speaks volumes on some of yall’s opinions on Ed that you think he can’t just get rid of someone trying to hurt him like that.
It’s easy to reach a conclusion when you’re starting from the conclusion and working backwards to an explanation. I could just as easily go through a list of ‘signs of abuse’ and call Ed Izzy’s abuser but I’m not going to do that because, while those signs might be there, it’s more complicated than that. There’s nuance that’s being ignored by labeling either one of them as the sole ‘bad guy’ in their relationship (however you interpret the word ‘relationship’).
I’m not going to argue the specific points because there’s no point, I’m going to block and you’re not going to see this unless someone shows you or you block evade (which I can’t see why you would so I doubt you will). I will say though, the toe thing was not ‘striking back’ at abuse. It was premeditated assault. It was done with intent to control. To put Izzy back ‘in his place’.
If Izzy brings it up as a negative that’s because it IS. Genuinely, I don’t know how many times we have to say it but disabling someone is not a punishment.
You say you’re not an expert on abuse and it shows. Reading a single text on ‘things a perpetrator might do’ does not give you authority to ascertain anything about their relationship, especially when you’re only looking at one side of the relationship. You are certainly allowed to interpret their relationship that way but you HAVE to understand that it’s just YOUR interpretation and that not everybody is going to see things the same way you do. If you don’t like seeing interpretations you disagree with then, by all means: block those people. Ultimately these are two fictional characters we’re talking about and it does no inherent harm for people to have these differing interpretations. Remember: discomfort is not harm, and can be easily avoided by the block button.
(Also? Hiding replies that disagree with you really doesn’t reflect well on your argument, just saying.)
Anyway, bye. May we never cross paths.
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