#I'd never joined this sorta thing before so if there is someone planning something like this
none-i5 · 8 months
WITH VALENTINE'S COMING UP, I wonder if there's going to be a like, Valentine's prompt week sorta thing for furilumi?? Like draw or write them in x valentine date idea...or like, anything related to Valentine's in general
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writebackatya · 2 years
Director's Cut for 'Indie-Quack' (What'd I Miss?)!
Before I begin info-dumping there are two things I’d like to start off with:
1. This group I have in this story (Della, Fenton, Gandra, and Gyro) is a fun group and I think a lot of great stories could be made with just the four of them. They all are fun characters on their own and have these similarities and differences with one another that make them play off one another really well. Plus I feel like none of them are the true “adult” of the group since they have characteristics that make them in some ways more mature than the others as well some that makes them more immature than the others. Also I could totally see Della say, “Pfft! White birds, amirite!?!” to Fenton and Gandra whenever Gyro acts up or something
2. This interaction between Gina Linetti and Rosa Diaz from the episode Game Night (S05 E10) of FOX’s NBC’s Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
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Okay, let’s talk about Della and Gandra!!
So this is a story I’ve had in the back of my head for a long time. How long? Well I think it’d be safe to say since I wrote the story Under the Influence of Gandra Dee! where I had Gyro tell Gandra that she reminds him of Della
And it's a funny thing on how my stories come to be, 90% of the time they start off as a funny interaction or joke between two or more characters and then if I am too tickled by my own sense of humor I'll be like, "Well now this has to be a story". For this story it was the interaction Della and Gandra had where they both joked about being fired by Gyro for getting high in his lab
Finding a reason for them to be there was not too hard, I did always love the idea of Gizmocloud and since it was never really completed in the show I just felt that could be a good side story to have in the Indi-Quack! series (yeah, I do plan on having a story where it is completed, the main characters of that story will be Huey and B.O.Y.D.). And having Della join the team for the Gizmocloud just made sense to me cause: 1. Della is my favorite character and I'm biased, 2. Someone like Della who is not only handicapped but also missed out an entire decade of technological advances on Earth could offer a unique perspective on the Gizmocloud and help the team make the program and make it more accessible to everyone which I'm sure is the goal, and 3. Della actually is an intelligent duck and could make good use out of it
I never really talked about this since I'm pretty sure this is the first time someone has asked me to talk about Indi-Quack! but the presence of weed in these stories is one of the elements that I tend to overthink (at least in the ones where the characters actually use it). From the very beginning I always told myself these stories need to simultaneously be about the weed but also not about the weed, if that makes sense. I feel like if these stories were just Disney characters getting high they'd wear thin real fast so I try to have some sorta heart in my stories (I'd say the stories Legalize It! and Often Imitated; Never Duplicated! are just straight up goofy stories that are just jokes) so far this one I figured a story about Della and Gandra catching each other up in what the other has missed out on while being isolated while also being able to embrace their chaotic side around one another would make for a sweet story
I always have fun putting two characters together that never really interacted in the show and figuring out how they'd be around one another. Things I always consider when doing that is figuring out their similarities, their differences, the type of adventurer they are, the people we've seen them interact with, and the kind of comedy they produce in their episodes
When it came to thinking about the kind of comedic shenanigans for these two, I knew right away I wanted the story to be about Della and Gandra spending most of their work hours just goofing off with one another and then eventually finishing the job they were supposed to do at the last possible second
When writing these two, I feel like I took a lot of inspiration from Della's "friendship" with Penny and the friendship Gandra has with Fenton. Della being more on the extroverted side with Gandra being more of an introvert brings a nice balance to this dynamic
Something I always make sure I do whenever I write for Gandra is to include a lot of facial reactions to whatever the hell is going on or whatever is happening to her, because a lot of her comedy comes from that. (Seriously. Watch any episode with Gandra in it, she has some hilarious deadpan reactions. My personal favorite is in the finale when Dewey was happily talking about how often this adventure stuff happens to the family and Gandra has this face that's like "What the FUCK is wrong with this family?!?") And having someone like Della is just perfect for her to play off of, for how in-your-face Della can be whether she means it or not. Not to mention I love making puns and snarky jokes, so some of the dialogue for Della and Gandra just comes natural to me
Besides jokes, I did really want to a moment where Della and Gandra reflect on their own lives and what they struggle with because I think they would understand one another and know where they other is coming from. Della is often seen as unintelligent and I know that Gandra would be able to find the brilliance in her that others might not see (kinda like with Fenton). And honestly, Gandra has done a lot of cool things but I don't think anyone has ever told her they were proud of her and I always felt that Della would be the one to do that if they were to ever interacted with one another.
A line I really wanted to include in the story (and I was glad when the right spot for it) was Gandra telling Della that they weren't built to live that 9-5 lifestyle, because when I think of those two I think just that
Della doesn't really have a job, she's an adventurer. She knows how to do adventure stuff. If she were to have a job, I like to think she'd take over Launchpad's responsibilities once that pilot moves to St. Canard and marries Darkwing Duck like he always wanted to do. Plus when it comes to adventuring, Della's never really in it for the monetary gain, she's just there for the adventure. (Which the more I think about her time on the moon, the more I realize how much of a cruel ironic punishment that is. Just a decade long adventure alone by yourself trying to get home)
And when it comes to Gandra, sometimes I feel like I'm one of the few people that doesn't want her to work at McDuck Enterprises. Like collaborate with them, sure. Definitely. She can still work with them, but when people act like that her part of her character development is getting a corporate job, it just doesn't sit right with me. It just feels like they're making her be more like Fenton or Gyro when she's her own damn bird, damnit. Her being a freelancer is not a bad thing
There were a lot of stuff I wanted to include in this story that just didn't make the cut because it would've gotten the story off track, not really add anything to the story, take away from the story, etc. I might as well share some stuff:
When Della was talking about the friends and family she'd hang out with are all over the world living their lives, one I was thinking about including was the penguin character Skittles from the '87 DuckTales show who befriended Webby in the original show. That scene would've ended with Gandra asking a couple of times "Her name was Skittles?!" and then BOOM cut to vending machines where they're snacking. But I like the ending to that scene because it does bring up Launchpad who I already knew I wanted to appear at the end as well as Della telling Gandra "Fuck you" after Gandra did the same to her moments ago. I love a good friendly "fuck you"
Speaking of the vending machines scene, originally I wanted to Gandra to just vent about ALL the F.O.W.L. members she worked with, but I figured it'd be best to just focus on the main two, Heron and Bradford, her bosses. Mainly because I'm already working on another story where Gandra shows her disdain for Steelbeak and I always had this headcanon that Della was never a fan of Bradford Buzzard even when he was "on their side" due to his bureaucratic and anti-adventure attitude.
I think at one point I wanted to the two drink a whole bunch of energy drinks (think stuff like Bang or Monster) but that idea didn't really go anywhere
In the story I had the two sing The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani, but originally I thought they should sing a song by P!nk, but the more I thought about it I felt that the P!nk song reflected Della more than Gandra, and I wanted the song to capture a side of Della and Gandra they both share. I will say this, Della will sing that P!nk song in another story I'm working on that does star Gandra
Originally the Gizmocloud scene would have been nowhere near as entertaining. I did want to do a joke about the Gizmocloud being similar to the Holodeck from Star Trek which then would have lead to the two jokingly using technobabble to explain what they were going to do to Della's leg to improve it, but that would've just ripped off a joke Futurama did ("Like putting too much air in a balloon!")
Speaking of the Gizmocloud scene, once I knew I wanted the two to fight in there I thought it would be funny if they started generating friends and family to fight on their sides, but that would've been way too much. I might write that someday here as a little bonus, but for now, I have no plans
At one point I thought it'd be funny to cut to them in the middle of building Della's leg where out of nowhere Della asks Gandra if she tops Fenton and then Gandra casually replies with a quick "Oh yeah." And then Della responds with a "Nice" and then the scene ends. But I didn't want to do too many sex jokes in this story and I felt the cut from the two fighting to the two finishing their work was funny enough. (Also I'm surprised with the amount of Ace readers I have when I write sex jokes that'd make a 7th grader roll their eyes)
I did think it would be funny if the two did do some damage to lab such as Della and Gandra actually attaching rockets to her leg and that leg getting itself stuck in the wall or something, but I wanted the two to be true to their words about being responsible for Fenton and Gyro
Not really something cut, but something I almost cut out of the story was the final scene with Launchpad. My mind kept going back and forth if I wanted to do that scene or just end it at Gyro's final line of the story because it would've made for a sweet little ending, but I love the Launchpad scene way too much to just drop it
Well I hope you enjoyed reading all this, I'm sure there's other stuff I wanna write. But I really wanna go jogging right now.
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itsohh · 2 years
I can’t judge, I straight up orphaned one of my works when it was halfway done cause my ADHD got so bad I couldn’t write so I feel ya there! I love your works so much, maybe one day I won’t be super shy and will come chat with you (I’d love to hear more on Kali if you want to share?). I was very briefly in a discord with the main author for a while and they did chat about how they hated their first characterisation of Ash so I know for a fact we’ll see some changes with her. If you read some of thier other fics that Ash is in she’s completely different so I’m hoping we’ll get a serious by the book upgrade to her. Either way I’m just happy to share the siege love and buzzed that you liked it. I think the author is on tumblr but I could never find them, probs a good thing 🤣 Keep up the good work, can’t wait to read what you come up with next ❤️
Oh sweet, I'd love to see how Ash is for them now cause yeah Ash is very much a more secluded trust issues sorta person, I wonder if their role will be given to someone more outgoing. #ADHD buddies, I have uh like two big fic's I was working on, one for ffxiv and the other for RE8 that I just... haven't updated. The RE8 one cause I got block and then the FFXIV one cause I forgot what I had and hadn't put in and couldn't be bother rereading my writing to edit properly XD.
Ah I feel you about being shy tho, I've joined discords for writing before and spent like 1 day there cause I'm too shy to talk lmao which is pretty funny cause I'm the Overshare Master 3000™ in rl.
But you see now you have me talking about Kali. So Kali is such a grey character. Because unlike someone like Ash or Mira she's not super black and white in terms of her actions and views. We see in her psych report that it's unknown how she feels about her country, especially with her born wealth. She's someone that's always gotten what shes wanted so to be refused to be deployed because that fact shes a woman, I imagine it would have been very frustrating and pissed the fuck outta of her. That being said I can't think imagine its the first time shes experienced sexism of course that leads to her in Nighthaven.
There must be some level of morality inside of her, to stay as a PMC rather than fully going underground- the fact she even applied for the military must mean something. I don't think it was out of the kindness of her heart though, shes not like that. Perhaps it's because of her love of combat. Shes careful to stay within the laws, adapting her PSC to become a PMC, she's known to be amazing at negotiating which is why it's so almost odd that they would be so easily caught in what's currently going. It just doesn't seem like them, for Nighthaven to take in Rainbow Operators then directly work out in the open with criminals, it doesn't quite add up.
Sure she's one for money and ultimately Nighthaven is a business but I can't imagine her putting it at such a high risk without proper motivation. Kali gets a lot from her deals as written in her biography right? So something this big such as putting everything shes built up on the line must have a high reward if she's doing criminal activity.
Kali is cocky, shes arrogant but shes not dumb, the fact that she planned out everything and got almost everyone she wanted recruited shows her talent for her leadership, shows her skill. But shes also still human, her support for Osa isn't something driven from manipulation, they wouldn't be so close if it was. In Osa's bio we know that Kali supported her through her transition and the pair of them are pretty much like sisters at this point. I imagine she has sympthay for Osa's struggles, Kali sure has been given a lot of things but shes certainly had to fight for a lot aswell. So shes not cold-hearted, she does care about someone else.
Now, shes a bitch. It's obvious, she taunts Ash, there's no need for it, but it makes me wonder if the same situation would have happened under Kali's command. Shes an advocate for doing anything it takes to get the job and for risks such as friendly fire so long as its non-lethal. In her interviews as her as captain she does mention that she doesn't want people to die, least her team. The entire situation is interesting because she went rogue when she used Ash as bait so I wonder if it was more in her control, would she have communicated to her team what she was doing? There was a disconnect in trust in a team that was designed to fail. In Nighthaven how does she lead? In such a situation you have to trust your leader, what does Kali do to keep that trust when she's an advocate for well shooting your team in the back (lowkey) Kali doesn't have the charisma, shes far too arrogant, perhaps it's her knowledge, she knows the battlefield well and her risks are calculated. Kali knows her skill level, shes good and knows it. So far we haven't seen her overstep that boundary unlike Grim (get dunked on idiot)
Anyway, Kali also has this one line in game when u kill (headshot?) someone which is 'bow before me' and every time my gay ass brain restarts. Waman pretty hot.
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta (cold mafia boss)
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Prompt: 20)“The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets.” - 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AUs
A/N: since NCT 127 have decided to attack us since Friday with all their day/night posts and whatever more things they still got in the back storage, I just gotta do some fics about the dark concept, cause like, yea XD. I asked my friend whose bias is Yuta to choose a prompt and so, here we are XD
Warnings: some form of harassment, cursing (it's Yuta) drinking, spiked drink and hint of kidnapping
It was a Friday night and you were more than excited to finally have some time off to hang out with your boyfriend, Yuta, who was also part "gang leader" of NCT, an infamous group that people thought do illegal doings when they're the ones shutting the illegal businesses down.
Yuta being Yuta didn't disclose what he did from the beginning. But he also never fully tell you everything which, is understandable, it was confidential information. Despite so, Yuta never restricted your movements and you both would have some normal cafe dates, picnic dates, etc. Even so, there will be times where Yuta would have you do some personal training that includes self-defence, quizzes about types of chemicals, guns, etc. In his defense, he just wants you to be prepared should something goes wrong and you're alone.
Despite following Yuta's needs, you would sometimes joke about how it won't happen or that Yuta will make sure it wouldn't go too far or even if anything did happen, you were sure that Yuta would eventually find a way to make things right. Boi, were you in for a treat.
As mentioned, you were finally going to have a night out with Yuta after so long and had just finished getting ready when you received a text from Yuta saying, "hey love, sorry this is super last minute but could you change into a more black-tie dress code? We are sort of having a business dinner tonight and I want to bring you as my date. I'm on my way to pick you up right now. Don't worry, you don't have to put on anything you're uncomfortable cause whatever you wear, you still look hot to me ;)"
So of course you did what Yuta asked. You changed into a simple long black dress that fitted your figure and touched up your makeup a bit more and let your hair down. As you were putting on the last of your accessories and about to put your shoes on, Yuta was already ringing the bell. You quickly opened the door for him and told him that you were just going to put your shoes on which Yuta chuckled and helped you as he saw you struggling.
"You didn't have to go all out and wear heels babe, you'll have sore feet by the end of the night" Yuta mentioned, holding you steady as you were putting on your heels
"I mean, if it's just dinner, I'll just be sitting either way. You so owe me with a pizza movie night next week" you complained, finally putting your shoes
"Anything for you babe. Let's go" Yuta smiled, bringing your arm wrapped around his and helped you get into the car before he went to the driver's seat
Arriving at the dinner, you felt out of place since this was the first time Yuta actually brought you. Noticing your nervous state, Yuta wrapped his arm over your shoulder, telling you that he'll be right beside you unless you need to go to the restroom or need some personal space.
Nodding, Yuta gave you a heartwarming smile and brought you around. First and foremost, to his other members that were joining the dinner, the people you knew the week you and Yuta started dating. Allowing some weight off since how worried you were.
"Oh, (Y/N)!! Welcome!! Hope Yuta didn't force you to come here" Johnny greeted you which Yuta gave him a glare
"Well, he sorta promised me for a pizza movie night date next week, so I guess it's a winwin" you replied, chuckling
"Oooh, can we come? I miss just watching movies on the weekend" Jungwoo requested, pulling out his puppy eyes
"Maybe if you find yourself a girlfriend, I'd consider it" Yuta hissed, you hit him playfully
"Hey (Y/N), sometimes I wonder what you see in Yuta. He's so aggressive" Jungwoo joked as Taeyong tried to calm everyone and directed everyone to their table since dinner was starting
Dinner surprisingly went well and the opposing business partners were actually cooperating; like, they would agree to what NCT were asking, even giving some suggestions for the corporation. But nevertheless, every NCT member were on their best guard; heck, they all had their guns rested by their hips and even knifes hidden within their clothing.
Seeing how the talk about the business bore you, you took a big sip off of the drink the waiter had just poured for you. Suddenly feeling the urge to go to the bathroom, you excused yourself from everyone at the table, nodding your head when Yuta told you to immediately come back once you're done.
However, you didn't go to the bathroom because of the urge to pee or anything. Instead, it's because you didn't feel too good, maybe the alcohol in your drink was a bit too much to your tolerance but whether you want to admit it or not, you didn't feel good and felt like you could pass out at any second.
After purging and sitting down for a bit, you felt slightly better but not good enough because everything around you was tilted. Taking a deep breath, you just kept on thinking how the dinner table wasn't that far and if you hurry, you can just make it to Yuta's side and pass out however you like.
Pulling whatever willpower you have left, you stood up and started to walk out of the bathroom. Holding onto the wall, you slowly walked down the hall back to your table, until someone came up to you, asking if you were alright which you told them that you were fine. You may be dizzy and not feeling good, but you surely weren't dumb nor were you drunk.
Despite the guy saying that all he wanted to do was to help you, you clearly knew that wasn't his true intention since he was gripping you a bit too much to your liking. You've tried pushing him away but that only made his grip tighter. And to top it off, instead of helping you to your actual table or at least asking where your table was, he brought you to a more quiet area; making your heart beat quicker.
Unfortunately, at this point, whatever was in your drink was sinking it and you slowly start to lose consciousness and hope as from what you can see, you were far from your table. But thank the universe because all of a sudden you hear a loud ring and the tight grip was gone; instead, it was replaced by a warm embrace.
"Get him out of here before I actually kill him right here and now" you heard Yuta's stern voice commanding his other members
"I got you, baby. Let's get you back home, hmm?" you heard Yuta's voice turned soft; not having any more energy, you just nodded and fell asleep in his embrace
Because Yuta felt he can't leave you alone nor not torment the people that hurt you, he decided to bring you back to NCT's place. Wiping off your makeup and putting on your skincare for you, Yuta had one of the maids help change your clothes and then he tucked you in bed; not leaving your side until he's convinced that you're fully asleep before leaving a gentle kiss on your forehead then quietly leaving the room.
Walking out of the room, he saw Jeno and Jaemin, asking them to guard your room until he gets back. Making his way to the basement, he met with the NCT members that joined the dinner that did not end well at all.
Turns out, not long after you left, the neos already had a bad feeling; that something was not right, especially since their "business partners" were eyeballing the situation around them and it was revealed that the dinner was just a cover-up and that they were planning to use you to get to the neos, which clearly did not end well for them.
"Is she alright?" Taeyong asked, seeing Yuta was fuming
"She's very much passed out the second I found her. Are they all in there?" Yuta questioned strictly
"Yea. All tied up and blindfolded on the ground" Johnny mentioned
"Good" Yuta smirked, slamming the door open, making the prisoners jerked in surprise
"Rise and shine motherf*ckers. I hope you're ready for what's coming" Yuta shouted as some of the neos took their blindfolds off
"And y'all call yourselves men. Tch. You guys may be agile but not agile enough. The only time a man should be fast is when he’s trying to dodge my bullets. Not getting caught by their enemies. And surely not looking or thinking to do anything to another person's girlfriend. Oh well, what's done is done. Be lucky that we all got there in time. But, that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you. Let's see...should I start off with your fingers because you touched my girl or your head for ever thinking that little stunt of yours. Either way, I'm definitely going to take my time with you all" Yuta ranted, a smirk forming on his face as he saw the horror of his prisoners while the neos put their blindfolds back on
A/N: yeap, this turned out longer than expected. Welp, this is what happens when NCT updates with a dark concept I guess XD
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minisoc · 3 years
As requested, line by line breakdown of testoster2's anti communist rant about parties.
> idk which baby leftist needs to hear this
off to a great condescending start from someone whose only left credit is claiming to be on the left on their Tumblr
> but joining a socialist party will be a waste of your time.
I couldn't imagine a more cop opinion to start us off with. i see things like this and i think: whose interests does this serve? "oh no baby leftists, don't join a party" just brings to mind this image
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> you'll probably have to pay a monthly due
that's true. every communist party in history has taken dues from members. it's typically scaled to what you can manage though and it's part of the collective effort of the party organization to make social change. my dues sent comrades to Venezuela and Cuba to learn from socialists there, they produced our programs for free lunches, it built our community centers. i have no regrets about paying my dues, i pay dues to my union as well.
> that goes to like. flyers no one reads
projection. sounds now like op is defending their own lack of action with a lack of belief in the possibility of change. in my experience people do read things and even change their minds after reading things. if people were not able to be affected by the written word then propagandists on all sides would be in a tough situation.
> that you yourself will have to give to people
oh no, you mean joining a party means you might have to do outreach and talk to people? can see why it's not for op, then.
> (this in case the money doesn't go straight in the party leader's pocket).
op has never seen this but says it like it's a fact. it would be pretty easy to find out if your party leadership is embezzling and your party should be structured in a way that you know they'd be thrown out if they betrayed everyone like this. i have that confidence in my party, at least.
this is also very reminiscent about how anti communists engage with propaganda. they feel comfortable making claims of any kind whether supported or not. anyway, this is another obvious cop opinion.
> you'll waste time writing papers and reports and shit, it'll feel like having a second job.
not explained is why writing is a waste of time. i think writing for a party is almost always a useful activity, whether you're making plans for a new action or campaign or producing new agitational materials or analysing the results of previous work so you can improve on it.
it is a job, though. being a communist does mean doing work, society won't change by sitting at home and attacking communist parties on Tumblr. the lifelong sacrifices made by hard working communists are why we have seen so many socialist victories in the last century.
> the most exciting events will be lib shit like elections
this again can only be projection. the most exciting times for me have been in some of the countries largest protest actions, organizing campaigns to free political prisoners, providing at risk communities with basic needs and engaging with them, building new unions, etc. etc
> or peaceful protests that the party would still organize w/o you as a member
here's the key issue with op i think. they want to be vital to the revolution. they don't want to think that they're only one of many people all working together. yes it's true the party will continue without you, especially a wannabe cop like you. but it doesn't mean party work is useless, it just means you are useless as an individual.
> (showing up at a protest w/o having a party affiliation gives you more freedom
freedom to do what, i do wonder? being afraid of party work bc it doesn't let you do whatever you want is kinda silly, if you don't want anyone to ever tell you what to do then yeah don't join a party. if you want to make change in the world then do.
> + makes you a bit less arrestable - as opposed to if a cop saw you carrying a name tag w the hammer and sickle on it. just fyi)
this again appears to have been just made up by op. I've never been arrested for wearing a pin or a party tshirt. i don't know a single person who has. and I've known plenty of people without any markings get arrested.
> all this w/o even mentioning how (depending on your luck) there could be a lot of infighting, splits, sometimes purges
well yes it sounds like there would be a lot of drama wherever op goes but it doesn't seem to be the case generally. my party did form in a split, but over 15 years ago. i don't see any reason to worry that it would happen again any time soon. we don't infight at all, sorta the concept of the party is people who want to work effectively together.
another bit of funny evidence that op is anti communist is the inclusion of the word purges, lol. purge means expulsion from party, ooh very sinister.
> all in all, joining a socialist party is a very, Very ineffective way of building communism lmao
well first it's simply a truth that no socialist country was ever built without a communist party. not one.
but also, did any of ops points have anything to do with effectiveness? all i gathered is they're pushing an individualistic, don't tell me what to do outlook. and the condescension about protests and flyering suggest they want something more adventurist, possibly involving violence. remember the fbi and police always instigate when they infiltrate groups. they always push for criminal actions and violence.
> i'd instead recommend you talk to your neighbours abt their lives, and see how you can help each other.
hey, guess what a party does! do you think our new tenants unions and unemployed councils could come into being without talking to neighbors? do you think our new unions could come into being without discussing the way we could help each other?
> if you live in like a very rich neighbourhood or something, instead of joining a socialist party
well isn't this an interesting premise. i wonder what it says about op that they want to emphasize what the well off should do.
> it'd be way more effective if you joined a liberal/conservative party and then fucked their shit up as much as possible
sure, just see every other attempt in history at wrecking or entryism with the Democratic party. i encourage you to look into it
> if ur only goal is meeting other leftists, only go to the first 2 or 3 party meetings, by then you'll know the scene and you'd have already befriended the interesting people. that;s my advice at least
this piece of advice is generally good. in fact before applying to join any party if at all possible i encourage you to meet with the members local to you, see how they work, see what you think of their ideas and what they're doing. if they're not active in your community, ask why not. there's nothing requiring you to join if it isn't for you. but if you want to make change in this country, learning how to do it from those with experience is best. and working together in an organization that can effectively chart a path forward is the only option there is. every communist revolution was built with the leadership of the communist party.
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echodrops · 5 years
Hshshsnansna seeing that ask got me in a HUGE HaaH mood. Like, I went through and read a bunch of asks, and I'd probably go reread the fic itself if I had time. So!! Is there anything about HaaH you've always wanted to share but never had the chance to? Headcanons, worldbuilding, backstory, hidden details- anything at all??
Oh friend… There is so much. I have a Word document that’s like 17k of JUST headcanons and world-building for this fic kghsdkjhdkfg I’m not crazy, I swear.
It took me a while to respond because I had to comb through and find stuff that wasn’t spoilery, but tada, have some Home and a Half Hunk and Shiro (and Matt) headcanons and backstory under the cut!
Also, as for hidden details… Same as the Garrison professors in the show were named for staff members, Neuhahn and Ania are named after IRL contributors to the Voltron animated series–Chris Neuhahn was a producer and Ania O’Hare was the casting director.
And here are some Hunk, Shiro, and sorta Matt headcanons/backstory that shapes their characters in HaaH. (Please note, these headcanons ignore absolutely everything from about season 6 of the actual show and on. I stopped watching Voltron after Season 6 because I just couldn’t handle the writing anymore. T_T)
Hunk:- He’s mixed ethnically, and although his parents are from Samoa, his family tree actually spans many different countries, mostly in Polynesia, including Tonga, but even places as far away as Malaysia.- His parents were converted to the LDS church by Mormon missionaries in Samoa. A few years before Hunk was born, his parents moved to Utah to be closer to the church, so Hunk has only ever been to Samoa once, on a vacation to visit family.- His first name is actually “Hyrum,” and until he met Lance at a Garrison-sponsored summer astro-camp when they were nine, everyone just called him by his real name.- Lance actually meant to call him “Incredible Hulk” at camp, butttt to nine-year-old Lance’s utter mortification, it came out “Incredible Hunk” instead. “Hunk” stuck.- He has a little sister who is even more sensitive than he is.
- Although Hunk’s parents originally agreed on the plan to move to America, after the family arrived, they experienced difficulty fitting in with the very selective Utah culture, and Hunk’s mother grew disenchanted with the church. Employment was difficult to find in their small, rural town, and Hunk’s parents both struggled with being isolated from their extended families. Tensions over whether or not to remain in America, as well as over money, led to some miserable fights that contributed to Hunk’s aversion to conflict when he was younger.
- Hunk sometimes had to play the role of family peacekeeper, working hard to make sure that his youngest sister wouldn’t notice the strain.
- Nevertheless, despite their share of troubles, the family is extremely close-knit. Hunk values his family and their opinions more than anything in any world.
- Which is how he ended up agreeing to go to Garrison, even when he really just wanted to help his parents kickstart the restaurant they were planning to open. His mother felt that working in a family restaurant, even if Hunk is a great cook, would squander his incredible academic and engineering talent (which Hunk thought of as just a hobby), so she begged him to go and continue his schooling instead. Hunk couldn’t say no to his mother, even if the thought of being shipped off into space terrified the living daylights out of him.
- Hunk doesn’t curse and is somewhat uncomfortable with people cursing, at least in front of him. Although Lance used to have a pretty colorful repertoire, when he learned that cursing made Hunk uncomfortable, he immediately adopted all of Hunk’s weird Utah replacements instead. “Holy crow” and “let’s kick some trash” are things they actually say seriously.
- Hunk is always down to cuddle and is never embarrassed by asking for or giving cuddles to anyone. He would 200% cuddle Shiro if he thought Shiro would let him. (Shiro would, in fact, let him.) Hunk’s favorite person on the team to cuddle is actually Keith, because Keith (who was taught to comply by Garrison scientists with all unexpected/unsolicited touch) will just sit obediently for hours letting Hunk hug out all his stress. Hunk knows that something is off about Keith’s behavior, but his leading theory—that Keith allows the hugs because he’s touch-starved—is unfortunately false.
- Hunk knows the lyrics to every Disney song EVER.
- And he’s like a dog with a bone when it comes to secrets. Once he discovers that someone’s keeping something under wraps, he goes a bit crazy with curiosity and cannot stop thinking about what they might be hiding. The rules of privacy go totally out the window when he gets like this, but time and again, Hunk’s adage that it’s always better to tell the truth bears itself out.
  Shiro (and Matt?):
- Shiro is the only member of his immediate family whose first language was not Japanese. His grandparents on both sides immigrated to the US from Japan due to work transfers relatively late in life, when their own children, Shiro’s parents, were already young adults. As the first family child to be born in America, Shiro’s parents strongly emphasized the need to learn English well, which unfortunately resulted in Shiro being pushed away from learning Japanese when he was young. Even though he’s a capable conversationalist now, he’s struggled his whole life with regret over not learning the language when he was young and could have picked it up easier.  
- There’s a running joke in his family that he’s actually an ogre in disguise, given that he is much taller than many of his other family members. Tradition demands that the first photo of every holiday gathering is a joke group shot in which Shiro’s posed so his entire head is outside the top frame of the picture.
- Shiro was mercilessly bullied as a child because of his height. The other children frequently suggested that he didn’t belong in their grade because he was too big and that the school must held him back multiple times for being dumb. (Shiro was never held back. In fact, he had excellent grades from kindergarten to the day he graduated from Garrison—and no, not because his parents forced him to study; in fact, throughout his schooling, they often ended up having to force Shiro to go to bed already instead.)
- On top of being teased for his looks, Shiro was naturally shy. He barely spoke, even to his teachers, and would stumble miserably if he was put on the spot in class, contributing further to the rumor that he was stupid.
- Shiro loved learning, but he hated everything that happened in school and didn’t have a single real friend outside of his cousins until he went off to middle school and met Matt Holt in sixth grade.
- Barely two weeks into their first middle school year, and it was already obvious that Matt was the school’s biggest nerd; he’d been bumped up two grades because of his obvious genius and was the textbook definition of an alien conspiracy theorist (It’s not a conspiracy if they’re REAL, guys!) But the strange thing was that no one bullied Matt—he was just so quick on the sarcastic (and biochemical) comebacks that teasing him wasn’t even worth it. Instead, the school’s resident assholes took it out on targets a little less likely to corrode their homework with miniature magnesium bombs—read as, they picked on polite, well-meaning Takashi Shirogane instead.
- Out of pity more than anything else, Matt finally stood up for Shiro one day and ran off the assholes. (It was not, as Mrs. Shirogane insists, with a home-made taser. It was not.) After something like that, well… You sort of feel obligated to befriend a guy, don’tcha?
- Becoming friends with Matt Holt transformed Shiro’s life. Even if Shiro wouldn’t originally speak up for himself, he was ferociously proud and supportive of his first real friend, and learning to be bold for Matt taught Shiro the value and meaning of standing up for not only others, but also himself. Being friends with someone as off-the-cuff and tricky as Matt helped Shiro grow more spontaneous, less self-conscious, and ultimately much more confident—even if, to this day, most of that confidence is still focused on helping others, rather than on being self-assured.
- It was Shiro admiration for Matt’s father, Sam Holt, that led Shiro to take his childhood obsession with military history a step further by actually joining the military. Shiro and Matt enrolled in Garrison together, although Matt was part of the research rather than the combat division.
- Matt was the one who convinced Shiro to get his hair styled in an undercut. It was originally just a dare, but Shiro ended up loving it afterward. The “Undercut Incident,” as it has come to be known in the Shirogane family, was the official straw that broke the camel’s back and resulted in Mrs. Shirogane declaring Matt Holt a “bad influence,” the only impact of which was that Matt had to sneak in through Shiro’s bedroom window instead of coming to the front door when he wanted to hang out.  
- Shiro has received two separate Medals of Honor for making dangerous supply deliveries to war-torn countries across the globe, delivering the vital food and medicine that helped save hundreds of lives. He has also been part of several missions to save stranded astronauts from failing international space stations.
- Shiro is actually a giant memelord, but his crushing sense of responsibility keeps him from indulging in quality shitposting in front of anyone he actually knows. He had a ridiculously active secret Vine account before leaving on the Kerberos mission. His snaps are legendary. Deep down, Shiro dreads the inevitable day someone connects him with his cringey social media accounts.
- Literally the worst at adulting. His mom still filled out his tax forms for him and booked his dentist appointments. He has no idea what the hell he’s doing leading Team Voltron when he can’t even remember which of his clothes are machine-washable and which aren’t.
- When they were in their third year at Garrison, Matt conned Shiro into volunteering as a camp counselor for Garrison’s summer astrocamp program, even though Shiro had minimal understanding of how to take care of children and mostly just BS’d his way through, hoping that none of his campers had anything close to a serious issue.
- He won “best camp counselor” the very first year he volunteered. Mostly because Lance cheated and voted for him 23 times, but still.
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raccoonhearteyes · 4 years
Alright so I'm gonna try this long ass post again I guess maybe I'll break it up into two parts. It's pretty much relationship advice and its sorta similar to your relationship anons issues but not quiet fully to that extent? So anyway my gf and I have been together for about 5 years living together for about 3? It started out as an ldr and it was good and fun and I enjoyed going to visit her and she enjoyed visiting me and it was great. The texting was great. I realized about 5ish months ago I'm over her? The thing that'll make it insanely hard is that we work together. Not really in the same department but we essentially do work together. Same schedule and yeah. Theres still occasionally sex involved but its sooooo infrequent that I dont really have much of a sex drive anymore. So during our ldr most of our little arguements consisted of her getting upset over things and not really wanting to talk which I'm fine with but she never actually outright would say "hey I'm upset can you give me space?" It would just be her straight up ignoring me like no responses for days or anything I would literally have to force her to answer me by either sending her the same text a few times until I got some sort of simple 1 worded answer or in real life I'd go "is that okay babe?" 3 or 4 times until she said something. I'm a talker though if I have an issue I'll talk about it to someone or talk to the person I have the issue with. Recently I've been noticing shes kinda looks down on me and my issues? (Yeah I know I'm joining the club) like so recently I had a project I was working on at work and I could do it myself but a coworker wanted in on it because its something hes good at. I declined said thanks but I can handle it plus I'll finish it faster. He didnt like the answer and went to our boss and our boss put him on the project with me. I have a generally good work relationship with this guy so I was gonna talk to him but I talked to my gf about it first and she literally said "that's your problem you should learn to deal with it" like my plan was to talk to the dude first then go to our boss about it if it didnt really get resolved but okay. A lot of times when she gets upset at things she'll pick at something I do? Like if i put a water bottle on the kitchen counter she'll literally get upset that it's in her way. Also I cant stand doors being slammed shut from childhood trauma and she knows this and she'll purposely do it when shes mad at me but most of the time when shes mad st me its over me forgetting to put my water bottle in the fridge or something. 1/2
So anyway she'll get to the point where she straight up wont talk to me for days because she gets mad at me for whatever. Like today on the way home we were arguing over a former coworker who worked in my department like his office was literally right next to mine. She spoke to him maybe 5 or 6 times? He was a body builder but she kept saying he wasnt but he would always talk to me about it so I just kelt saying he was and to ask whoever she wants to if he was ir wasnt. She kinda just stopped talking to me after that and hasnt spoken to me the rest of the day? Because of a guy who left our place to go some where else? Like what? So before covid hit I was taking kick boxing classes and it kinda helped with my frustration of dealing with her in a sense but since I can't now I'm pretty much back to what we were doing? Like I cant talk to her about why this is bothering her so much because she literally wont talk to me? We really dont have many friends in common besides one or two of them and any time I talk to some about it they just tell me to talk to her. Like I've tried a lot but any time I do she just ignores me and shrugs me off. Or if I have another issue I've been trying to deal with I just get told I'm being annoying and I'm not listening to her or her suggestions when most of the time she never suggested anything and just immediately went to "you're being really annoying right now" but anytime shes dealing with shit I'm expected to be focused on her all the time? Like I constantly get interrupted when I'm trying to talk about something so she can talk about herself or so she can say "I cant believe so and so did this" and it's never relevant to what I was just talking about? Like I feel bad because she moved really far to live here and we have plans to move to another state but I'm not sure I want to with her and i cant really afford my own place and neither can she. But when shes finally over being mad she acts like nothing ever happened and if I'm still upset about it she tells.me to get over it and stop being so sensitive? I dont know I just know she moved far to be here and I helped her get the job she has and everything so idk 2/2
Anyone who ghosts and stops talking to you for a few days because of a silly argument is not worth dating. It is one thing to be upset and need some time away from the person, but to spend days not talking and then never addressing it is bullshit. I have wasted time on those people and all it does is make you walk on eggshells trying not to piss them off, but you never succeed. They need to learn to communicate like an adult. Bottom line.
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Germany x Ireland!Reader: Snow Storms and Confessions
Ok so the plan was to post another scenario and write two more yesterday. But Tumblr did an oopsie and deleted everything.
Every cloud has a silver lining however, my friend sent me this gem of a find and all I could think about afterwards was this story. I was going to write them as scenarios but I found it difficult to imagine situations for the other characters.
Tumblr media
So here's a different story. A one shot...goody.
*Ireland's POV*
I sat there cold and alone in the Russian airport terminal. My flight cancelled due to the violent snow storm outside and no hotel room to go to. All the other countries had already left, the usual flights to Ireland weren't available. Just one at 10pm when a blizzard was due. Russia didn't exactly give a direct response when I brought it up...
*flash back*
"Little Ireland! You are feisty small one, you're lack of fear is amusing."
"I'm not being feisty I just want to know why there's none of the usual planes to my country. I don't want to end up caught in the blizzard"
"Она умнее, чем выглядит...I don't involve myself petty plane issues. Perhaps this is fate, you believe in a lot of those magical fairy tales no?"
she's smarter then she looks
"Она также говорит по-русски. Что ты прячешь?"
she also speaks Russian. What are you hiding?
*flash forward to present*
Just before I could pry, Germany got the meeting started and I was left to get to my seat and ponder over Russia's behaviour. He's a strange study for sure.
Germany was as well. We became properly acquainted in the early 1900s only labelling ourselves as friends around the 70s when I joined the early version of the EU (then EEC). He definitely is a layered character, and even though he is sweet once I became closer with him, he seems to still be hiding aspects of his personality. But enough about that I'm cold and have to figure out where I'll sleep tonight.
"Ireland? Vhat are jou doing here?"
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive...
"Hey Germy, my flight got cancelled and it was the only one available, my hotel booking also ran out so I'm just sorta stuck here haha."
A rather enjoyable shade of red spread across his face at the mention of the nickname. I'd do anything to see those little cracks in his tightly woven character. Anything to see the little smiles or chuckles, the crush I'd developed over years of friendship pushing me to.
"V...Vell mein flight vas cancelled as vell...vould you like to share a hotel room vith me? I still have an extra day."
"I wouldn't be against it, but you probably would like to not share a room so I understand if you don't want to and everything. Thanks for the offer though"
"Nein it's fine I don't mind ve're friends ja? It's ok!"
The air is so fucking uncomfortable. Big brother France is looking on in disappointed from Paris. I just know it. After a few more rounds of pitiful back and forth we agreed we both were ok with sharing a room and set off, chittering throughout the walk.
*[insert timeskip joke] Germany's POV*
Ireland was in the bathroom getting ready for bed as I sat mentally preparing to sleep beside her.
At some point my feelings of friendship began to be replaced with... love as Italy put it. I thought I was ill whenever my heart would flutter like a manly butterfly near her. After voicing my concerns to my brother and Italy, bruder proceeded to have a laughing fit. Italy took the time to gush about love long enough for me to come to the conclusion I was in it.
Ireland. She's not perfect by any means and we've had our fair share of arguments and disagreements. Though we always manage to work then out. Would it be the same if we were dating? I would be living in a dream if that was true...
The door opened and in she came. In the shorts she wore for sleep her false leg was on full display. I remember helping her make it, replacing the standard wooden one for a metal one with upgrades bring added whenever we visited eachother or were together in our free time from longer summits. The leg, essentially fully functional due to her use of spells and my use of metal. Light blue swirls, famous for their use in her history giving off a slight hum in the dark room, dancing up and down the metal limb. Gott she was an angel.
"That meeting left me a wreck." She stifled a yawn, lowering herself slowly to the bed beside me. The blue began to fade slowly as she stopped using magic, bleeding up her leg until disappearing once it reached the end of the metal at her upper thigh. "How does it vork?" I lowly hummed.
"The magic I use to move the leg? It's a weird mix of electricity and telekinesis. I use the electricity to stimulate the metal wires and pistons you put into it and use the telekinesis to make it move in a more natural way. I just wish it didn't glow, it makes it impossible to hide"
Hide? Why hide it? It's beautiful...is it inappropriate to say that out loud? I settle on a less invasive response.
"Why hide it? The blue looks like the tattoo you always joke about getting?"
She went quiet did I go to far? No she always said when I went too far same as I always did if our discussions on my...past got too vivid...She continued.
"When I lost my leg, I lost a part of myself. The image of the country who would fight anyone to be free, that had the confidence of countries ten times her size, it was gone. I kept up the act in letters and statements acting like the leg didn't phase me...Then I got to finally see my siblings again. None of them were allowed near me after one of my attempts for freeedom out of fear I'd help them escape or convince England to go rogue against his boss. They watched me struggle to do anything, they watched me have to ask for help to move, they watched me weak. It's been hard adjusting...then..."
She took a deep breath and looked up. Something she often did when trying not to cry. I gently lay a hand on her back and put on the calmest voice I could.
"Then vhat? Take jour time, I know it's difficult, but please tell me vhat happened?"
"I met someone. They helped me without even realising it. They slowly built up my confidence in myself, taught me how to laugh and smile like I used to. Obviously my family helped but the help from this person stuck with me more I suppose. He built me up, tried to help when he didn't have to."
He. My world slowly shattered and fell around me. So she has somebody else. Someone better. Someone who can show her all the love they probably expect being raised by someone like France and England.
"Oh...vill jou tell me more about him?"
She let a slow smile spread across her face.
"He's kind and sweet but covers it over with a stiff outer shell. He has many talents...so many talents. He's amazing really, but one thing in particular is what I think made me fall for him."
"Vhat vas it? That he did"
I was probing. I was pushing too far into her private life. If she never spoke about him in all our years of friendship, she had a reason not to. She's a damn ex-spy and rebel leader she knows how much to trust people. But...I didn't care. I wanted to know. Needed to. I had loved her for years only for her to slip away the moment I had started working to con-
"He built me a new leg. Then he called it pretty and sleek and said he liked the blue the magic made on it."
Oh...this was...not what I expected. I was the one who built the leg...she knows that...she...she...
"Ireland I..."
I slowly pulled her gently, she was straddling me so I could look into her eyes.
"Do jou really. But vhat I've done. How could jou?"
"Fall for a lovable human being? It's rather simple. I'm just hoping you'll give this amputee a chance."
She looked at me hopefully through her eye lashes. At that moment I realised why us Germans aren't seen as great romantics. We're better at doing, not speaking. So do I did.
I kissed her. Pouring every piece of emotion I felt for her, because of her into it. Desperately trying to show her how much I cared regardless of how bad I'd be at saying it. And it was bliss. My pulse was racing faster then any of my, no Germany's, F1 cars.
She was with me, not my country, not my people, ME. And I'm going to be selfish.
Her soft warm lips, pushing against my colder ones. Tasting like that brand of chocolate she loves mixed with the minty taste of toothpaste. Her arms, laying around me neck, playing with the hairs on the back of my head. My arms, pulling her closer filling every gap between us I could find. I was in heaven, kissing an angel, and I wasn't going to give it up for anything. The entire world could be damned so long as she was in my arms. Everything Italy, France, Spain, Bruder, and all the other countries preached about love suddenly clicked. I loved her. I never wanted to leave her side. I wanted to be her hero, her Ritter (knight), her lover.
And by the way she was kissing back she wanted to be mine.
*POV switch*
I barely thought of anything else, all I could focus on was getting drunk off his kisses. He was kissing me like the world was ending and I loved it.
At some point it went from me in his lap to beneath him on the bed, staring into icy blue eyes.
"vell..." He drawled "ve have a hotel room, a snow storm. no ozher countries on zhis floor, or anyvone for that matter until tomorrow. and a very horny country. vhat do jou suppose ve do Ms.Ireland?"
I spoke before my mind could think. "Well Mr.Germany. A second, equally as horny country is beneath you so the real question is...Was wirst du dagegen tun?
What are you going to do about it?
"Ich heiße nicht deutschland Ich heiße ludvig" he growls out. Responds very well to German if the kisses are any proof.
My name isn't Germany. My name is Ludwig
I leant up to whisper in his ear..."Es ist gut zu wissen, was ich später schreien werde. Ich bin (Y/N)."
It's good to know what I'll be screaming later. I'm (Y/N).
I hear a growl before my hands are held above my head with kisses attacking my neck...If this was Russia's plan for only having only one flight home then he's getting cookies next meeting.
*both POV*
Thank God/Gott for snow storms.
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jishua-moved · 7 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by the lovely Miss Elli <3 @jieqs I hope you’ve been well, sweetie!
Thank you for the tag! ~~
So, you gotta answer the 11 questions, then make up your own 11 questions and tag other ppl.
I tag: @verngyu @baekbyun @suneokmin  @choco-seventeen @verngyu @mxxn-taeil @mimisgf @22wooji @wesaverockandroll  @ohhhappydae @swimmingfool @jeongahn @jeong-hanie @je0nghans @jeongguktm @wooziology @vitaminniedk @boovely @sparkleskwan @sapphire-scorpion @jamlessjisoo @@woozismonth @wonnmoo (asdfghj I tagged a lot of you cuz it’s been ages since I talked to most of you but I always see you on my dash and activity and just know that you guys are loved.)
Questions for you:
Have you met/plan to meet any of your online/tumblr friends?
Have you ever received or a sent a letter/photocard overseas?
What’s a great recipe you’d recommend? Or your favorite dish?
Scariest movie you've ever watched?
Best summer vacation you’ve been on?
Earliest childhood memory?
Plans for the last month of this year?
What do you want to be when you graduate and when do you graduate?
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
If you were offered a position of an actress in svt’s mv, what would your reaction be, how would you act, etc and would you even take it?
Some good advice for someone going through hardships, depression, anxiety, etc?
My answers to @jieqs ‘s questions are below the cut!
1. What are three favorite photos you have of your bias(es)?
I have them all under my fave tag!
2. If you were able to lucid dream (be in control of your dreams), what would you do?
I actually have had some lucid dreams and omg they were sooooo incredible but I don’t think I've ever been in control. If I could be I'd actually make sure to stay asleep until the dream is over because I always wake up at the most interesting part xD
3. Do you wear your shoes inside the house?
Nope, but I do wear slippers most of the time unless I'm wearing socks. Then I only wear slippers if I go into the bathroom or to the kitchen.
4. On days you don’t have to go out and can stay home, do you change into anything or something different than what you slept in?
Also nope. I sleep in my pajamas and I stay home in them. I’m just too lazy asdfgas and never felt the need to change into sleeping clothes/stay at home clothes. I feel like I will do it once I'm married tho lol.
5. Give me an opinion about socks.
Socks are great cuz I'm legit always cold so I have to wear socks to stay warm, esp during my period but I cannot sleep in them whatsoever.
6. Is there a certain routine you do that you think nobody else does? (Example: I usually warm up salsa (I don’t even eat salsa aksljgksjl))
ajhdsgahs I'm not that special. I had to sit here for a solid 15 mins to come up with something... I wake up every day before sunrise to pray *shrugs* that’s all i got, man.
7. What other fandoms are you in? Have you left any?
I’m into gaming and that’s probably the only solid fandom I've been in since forever.
As for the ones I left or am in and out of (sorta) : the hunger games, teen wolf, the maze runner, taylor swift, game of thrones, the vampire diaries, scream queens, reign, marvel, etc, etc
Recent fandoms I joined/am into currently: stranger things, buzzfeed unsolved
8. Gush about a favorite person or character!
Let’s go with person cuz she’s the one who popped into my head as soon as I saw this question.
She’s something special, literally. She’s super smart, wise, beautiful, has an interesting sense of humor and a voice of an angel. She has an impressive amount of skills and hobbies, can handle legit anything you throw at her. Is one of the most patient people I know. Always has some good advice/solution for you. Strong. Inside and out. Has a heart of gold and even though she can mess up sometimes and maybe not care as much as you want her to but she will try because she does care even if she’s bad at showing it sometimes... If that makes any sense at all.
She’s someone who drives me crazy half of the time but someone I always come back to because I love her with all of my heart... And every time I have a solid conversation with her I am reminded how much I really love her. My complete opposite who never fails to surprise me with her softness. My weakness. Someone I already miss a lot ;-;
9. If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
Go to the national library with my irl bff ;-; We really wanna see those damn books.
10. If your room has windows, do you prefer the shades/blinds/curtains covering the windows or not at all?
I have curtains in my room currently but I don’t really stay up there. I’d definitely prefer curtains in my house or like automatic blinds with a remote.
11. You’re suddenly your bias(es)’ guardian angel for the day! What are you protecting them from or guiding them to do?
who is even my bias? *shrugs* let’s go with Josh then. I’d protect him from simple accidents, harm, etc. The usual since he’s not clumsy or anything and I'd protect him from feeling inner loneliness, making him realize of his self-worth and whatnot. I would guide him to speak up more, interact more, bring him out of his shell and stuff like that. Because Joshua is usually very quiet and doesn’t receive as much attention as some of the other members (imo idk) . And he’s got so much talent and potential and I really hope he can show more of it someday.
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