#I'd so much rather just get an 'I don't know' lmao 😔
grassbreads · 7 months
I have to organize an event at work. I asked the assistant of the guy running the event whether he wants anything changed in the event room (tables moved, chairs added, etc).
She said "he wants the same layout he always uses for events."
I said "Can you be more specific? You know what the room's default layout is. Does he want anything moved or changed?"
She said, "I think he'd like the same setup he has always used."
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arealtrashact · 4 months
hello i LOVE ur art! ive always wanted to ask, do u like…plan ur really intricate illustrations? Like thumbnails, color comps, the whole shebang. Or do u just make a loose sketch, color block and go straight to rendering? ur art is so dynamic that i cant picture planning anything like it without getting stiff lmao. ALSO a loooooong time ago u mentioned making a tutorial thingy for CDQ that didnt get published. will we ever see the masters process 😔. feel free to ignore my rambling !
Hello. You are correct ; I don't create thumbnails or color palettes. I'm sure if I did, my art would appear much more professional.
In the case of the type of illustrations you mentioned, I do a loose sketch ( as you said ) and then I just draw on top of it a few times to experiment with character placement and posing. I suppose that's my version of thumbnailing.
This was the sketch phase of the Lavinia illustration. Even as I was coloring it, I was actively challenging the decisions I'd made in my sketches. For an example, Lavinia's pose went through a rather drastic change -- From constricted to open.
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I guess when it comes to personal work ( that is, artwork that is not for a studio or client ) I don't want it to feel precious. I want to be able to change it at any stage in the process. I want to be able to scrap elements entirely and feel like nothing is lost or that I'm deviating from a plan I made beforehand. I always start these illustrations with an idea /concept, but I want that idea to remain malleable for as long as it can.
Regarding CDQ : Unfortunately, I have no way of knowing if they did eventually publish my tutorial in a different issue. If they haven't, I'm not sure I could post it. It was paid, contract work ( thus making the tutorial itself no longer mine. )
Ideally, I would stream my art, so I could show you my process but . . . I'm a little shy.
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purpurussy · 5 months
what is all of this like for post-hiatus phannies?
I've been trying to figure out how to phrase this for a minute. The most obvious comparison would be that it's like starting a TV show 10 seasons in, but that doesn't come remotely close to the amount of required reading necessary to understand even 5% of the references. This has not been a problem for me, as I love nothing more than a good all-consuming hyperfixation rabbit hole, but something I'm realizing is that you really just had to be there to fully Understand.
I got into d&p properly in December of 2023, when gamingmas appealed to my emotionally curious nature and then gave me some kind of irreversible brain damage which I'm still trying to process. Since then I've been consuming their back catalogue as though it's laced with cocaine, and obsessively lurking on phannie tumblr until I finally made this blog a few weeks ago.
I actually watched Dan's videos for a little while back in roughly 2013/2014, but something about his content back then just wasn't working for me like it does now (I have such a clear memory of watching Reasons Why Dan’s A Fail and thinking "aw man why does this cute little twink hate himself so much 😔" and then going back to watching Jenna Marbles lmao. Funnily enough it did make me change my negative self-talk a little bit). I was very much a brief casual viewer who went off them pretty much after watching a few videos, and after that I was sort of vaguely aware of them as the cultural icons of the 2010s that they were, but I wasn't keeping up with them at all. 
I don't even remember BIG coming out, which is insane because I've always been extremely chronically online and it definitely broke containment as a cultural moment (although I think I was trying to minimize my social media use at that point in my life, so maybe that's why it went over my head). I feel like I must have heard something about it at the time, though, because I knew they were gay when I started watching them last year. What's really strange is that a lot of this stuff is kinda timeless to me. I don't remember it happening 5, 10 or 15 years ago - I just witnessed it very recently. For a lot of you guys, BIG happened 5 years ago, but I just watched it for the first time a few months ago. At the same time, in my mind they've just always been gay, since I wasn't in the trenches of the unhinged online culture surrounding them in the early/mid 2010s. It's so confusing to balance my weird temporal perception of these events with the impressions that I get from you guys. Oftentimes I have to judge roughly when something would have happened based on their appearances - it's not actually a *memory* for me, like it is for you. I absolutely love the dynamic and branding they have now, and the deep dives into their past are more of a curious exploration of how they got here, rather than actually nostalgic (or, I suppose, mildly traumatic) for me. It’s still very interesting and compelling to me, but because I love the current iteration of Dan and Phil, not because I’m emotionally invested in who they used to be. 
Sometimes I’ll be aware that an event happened, but I won’t realize how monumental it was until I see people talking about it (I hate to say it but I genuinely don't fully understand why the BONCAs thing was so earth-shattering, but like I said, I've always lived in a post-BIG universe, and I think you just had to be there). There are also plenty of references to stuff that's just been lost to time, which I have to piece together with context clues, as well as the more unhinged demonic stuff that I just don't have any interest in exploring whatsoever (I think I might have watched the v-day video if I'd been there when it leaked and I was a stupid teenager, but at this point, I don't even feel any kind of morbid curiosity for it. I just feel really bad for them that it got leaked. Plus, unfortunately, I think I've learned all I need to know about it through internet osmosis here). I feel like a lot of these events have a real emotional meaning for you guys, when to me, they're just interesting/funny/insane anecdotes which give some context to everything. Some of the shit that you guys lived through back then is absolutely wild, and I love and appreciate all of you for meticulously archiving and documenting everything and for being so willing to answer the same questions over and over again! Otherwise I feel like I wouldn't be able to really be part of this community, and posting my silly little memes on this blog is so fucking fun. So thank you all for that.
It seems like this is one of the most ride-or-die fanbases I've ever seen. The fact that they could invent the concept of YouTubers doing world tours, successfully execute that multiple times, branch out into several other ventures, come out as gay not fully knowing how that would affect their careers, disappear for several years and then come back knowing that there would be a solid audience waiting for them even after their virality had died down, drop merch every 3 seconds - I don't know who else can really get away with that, for almost 15 years, in the extremely "live fast die young" culture of internet fame. And I think it's in no small part because you all have chronic "unconditionally supporting dan and phil" disease. (While we’re on the topic, I feel very lucky to have missed the hiatus era. There's kind of a compression in the timeline for me between the gaming channel going dark and Dan starting his WAD tour, where it's like that time just doesn't exist in the Dan and Phil cinematic universe for me. It took me a while to realize how insane it must have been when they came back in full force, I can't even imagine how that must have felt.)
Of course, there's a caveat in that I'm saying this only really knowing about the tip of the demon iceberg. I’m aware of people engaging in behaviours such as doxxing them, outing them and stalking their families, which is horrifying in and of itself, but I don’t know how long it went on for or how many people were involved. I think people are generally pretty well-behaved at this point, and most of the drama seems to be between different schools of thought within the fanbase itself. I assume a big part of the reason for that is people's varying degrees of involvement in (and remaining notion of guilt for) the boundary-crossing behaviour from the old days. Living with the spectre of this insanity is kind of strange - it makes me feel nervous sometimes that I’m gonna accidentally say something that hits a nerve, or cross a line I didn’t know existed, because there’s all this history that I don’t fully understand, beyond just the normal unwritten rules for interacting with fan spaces online. 
The topic that got me writing this in the first place was the orange heart incident, and everyone’s subsequent meltdown. For me, the excitement in them soft/hard/semi launching is more about me just getting excited about any open, proud expression of queer joy - it heals something inside me every time I hear a man referring to his husband or a woman referring to her wife (excuse the gendered terms, ykwim. gay shit). It's just that sentiment, combined with the fact that I'm parasocially invested in them: I'd love to see that energy from my fave little guys who live inside my computer. I am basically rooting for them to become more comfortable with just talking about gay stuff more openly and candidly, and I guess that would require a bit of a hard launch, although I can understand that they don't want to potentially open the door to excessive questioning regarding their relationship. I feel like it ✨hits different✨ for people who watched them for years before they came out. Like, you guys are rooting for people who you watched in real time struggling with their identities and internalized homophobia for years and years, while to me, they’re just some guys who I’m a fan of. Sometimes I get caught up in the emotional frenzy of their hard-launch breadcrumbs even though I don’t feel quite as insane about it as you guys (I said in some tags a few days ago that it’s like the base instinct to turn around and start running if you see a crowd of people running towards you and screaming in terror, even if you have no idea what’s going on). Anyway, I would love to see them being more gooey with each other, and I am gobbling up the breadcrumbs they're feeding us atm, because I love seeing gay people expressing gay love with no shame 🧡 
I think my perception of them as a couple, or of their sexualities independently, is just kind of an extension of everything Dan said in BIG. I really have no doubt that they're a couple, and I don't feel any kind of weird Catholic guilt in saying that, since I neither witnessed nor participated in the insanity back then. I interpreted (I'm paraphrasing) "obviously we were more than friends, but it was more than just romantic, we're like, actual soulmates" followed by "as for the situation now? we're private people and we'd like to keep that part of our lives private" as him essentially saying that obviously they're a couple, but that their relationship is not part of the Dan And Phil™ Brand. The brand is 2 guys who have great chemistry doing comedy together (5 feet apart even though clearly they are gay and in love). And I think that's a completely healthy decision to make, even irrespective of their history. I think a hard launch would be subtle, and it wouldn’t realistically change the nature of their content that much. 
With that being said, to me, it seems slightly wild for people to adamantly insist they're not a couple, or that it’s “invasive” to assume that they are one (not that that really applies to anyone here, but elsewhere on the internet). If they were a straight man and a straight woman, and there wasn't a huge chunk of people on the internet struggling with this oddly conditioned aversion to seeing them as a couple, then nobody on earth would be insisting that it's weird to assume they're together. Dan confirmed that they became romantically involved around the time they met, and building a forever home with your ex is crazy, that's all there is to it.
This is kind of a messy stream of thoughts (it ended up sort of becoming 2 essays for the price of 1) and I don't really know where I was going with it. In conclusion I think that day 1 phannies are braver than any US marine and you have all suffered more than Jesus on the cross, and I'm extremely thankful that I get to reap the rewards of your labour now without having lived through the dark ages myself. I also think some of you are holding onto a bit of unnecessary guilt for dumb shit you said on the internet when you were a kid. And Dan and Phil are gay and I love them and I reeeeaaaallllyyy want them to do a podcast so bad because this is all conjecture and I would parasocially love to hear their actual thoughts on it
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mvshortcut · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals.
Tagged by @trentcrimminallybeautiful thank you gert my beloved <3
Are you named after anyone? - Yes, but I don't really feel a connection to my birth name much, so I'd rather talk about my online chosen names! For the name Fallon, I just picked it because I liked the vibes honestly and also after an oc I made when I was really little. And as for the beloved name bestowed unto me, Milk. I made a typo introducing myself ("Gallon") and it stuck 😔<3
When was the last time you cried? - hm, probably a couple weeks ago? I cry when I get hungry lmao
Do you have kids? - This bear flowerpot thingy is my beloved son:
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But as for human children, no.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?- unsure if absurd threats of eating furniture in response to Cool Art/Fic count as sarcasm, but if so, yes
What's the first you notice about people? - if they have a Funky Outfit on I'll probably notice that first (and then get too intimidated to talk to them because they're CoolTM)
What's your eye colour? - brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - happy ending sorry I'm a coward
Any special talents? - I play violin, and I'm particularly adept at making typos
Where were you born? - hospital
What are your hobbies? - writing, reading, rug-hooking, cooking/baking, going on walks in nature
Have you got any pets? - yes, this is my beloved fool of a dog Clyde:
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What sports do you play/have you played? - none on a team, but I like playing tennis and roller skating
How tall are you? - 5'5" I think?
Favourite subject in school? - used to be English lit, but I'm a sociology/gender studies major now. but I also love Italian despite not being very good at it!
Dream job? - currently looking to go into academia! (scary!) but if I could have any job in the world, it might have to do with marine bio/conservation, or cooking, or writing, or an archivist of some sort, or a forensic entomologist, or someone who Sorts things all day, or-
Tagging (no pressure of course!) : @shiningsagittarius @never-wake-up @personinthepalace @xkurtwagner @hangrybluewhale @ae-jurumi @middle-class-trash @deeskip @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @papermillll @amysterywrappedinanenigma @nobody33333333 @sophieswundergarten @itsgoghtime @kneeslapworthy @oflightningandstars @rebecca-mbs-fan @phtalogreenpoison @crow-in-springtime @heyitsthatonesmolgay @lemondropletters
ok listen I know it said 15 but I got carried away-
that being said I definitely am forgetting people - if you see this, this is your open invitation to join (and I do mean that!)
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markantonys · 11 months
My Mom Reacts To: wheel of time season 2 episodes 5-8 (episodes 1-4) (season 1)
the episode 1-4 post did not contain book spoilers, but this one does, so beware!
first, some dinnertable questions that arose in the past few days:
mom: 3000 years ago, when the first dragon was around, was ishamael--wait. was ishamael the dragon? me: no mom: but he was around back then? me: yes, he was the first dragon's best friend, but then he betrayed him mom: just like how liandrin is betraying everyone
(also, she keeps trying to call him "ishmael" like the moby dick character)
mom: at the end of 14 books, does good triumph over evil? me: i'm not gonna tell you that mom: well this show won't go for 14 seasons, or if it does, i'll be in a dementia ward by then
mom: how long is someone the amyrlin? me: for life, unless they get removed mom: is it an elected position or would they have like a coup? me: [sweating] it's an elected position
she wanted to know where everything was, so i pulled out the handy randland map mug she gave me for christmas to show her! haha
she also asked if we see more of the other colors (ajahs) in the books, and i said if anything we see less because liandrin and alanna have much less screentime in the books, and she was very surprised to hear that
dad: [setting up a dad joke voice] what's it called when lan dies? me: what? dad: lan's end
(okay that might be an americans-only joke lmao there's a big clothing chain called lands' end, not sure how widespread it is. but it cracked ME up, at least!)
mom: does lan die?!?!?!? me: you read his wikipedia article like 2 months ago mom: well i don't remember any of it, that was a long time ago!
she also assumed that no one who is together now (lanaeve + randgwene) will end up together. i'd straight up told her a while ago that rand and egwene don't end up together but she wasn't totally sure of that now, so i think it's actually okay if i tell her spoilers because she'll forget them immediately djkfjgh
episode 5
"she should be glad to get those ridiculous nails cut"
she was horrified by the horse slaughter!
my dad laughed at the guy getting his head exploded, maybe it's not just rand maybe he just likes to see Anyone have a bad time
elyas: your friends from the two rivers aren't your pack mom: ohhhh 😔😠 elyas: neither was your wife mom: [GASP]
she loves hopper so much and i'm not ready for her to see ep8!!
brown sister trio introduced, we pause as i am tasked with writing down every ajah and what they do lmao
my mom repeatedly asked if suroth was a forsaken. probably because she has The Audacity to talk to an actual forsaken Like That!
not much reaction to aviendha at all this episode! i think my mom was a bit overwhelmed by all the new info being learned in this episode, so she was more concerned with trying to figure out who the aiel and the seanchan are than with paying attention to aviendha specifically (partially my fault bc i first explained the aiel as "those warrior people" and she thought i meant the seanchan lmao). she mourned that we hadn't started our character/terminology list on a bigger piece of paper!
i had to fight to keep it together rather than shout with joy during the gawyn namedrop djkjfgh
mom: did the red one free nynaeve so they could try to escape?? me: yes mom: she is just too complicated for me
in this same vein, my dad later referred to liandrin as a "double double agent"
moiraine: [big sigh] dad: she's always a drama queen
he's not wrong jkdjfg
ishy tenderly stroking rand's face also got no reaction, much to my surprise haha i meanwhile was silently losing it
when the seanchan were bringing out egwene and saying how powerful she is, my dad was like "but she's the wrong one, it's the other one who's powerful" oh my god let poor egwene LIVE djkfg even he is pulling a "did you hear that nynaeve is the most powerful channeler we've seen in 1000 years" on her!
my mom cracked up at moiraine saying "it's your choice rand, i mean it this time" and was like "yeah i was gonna say, is she ACTUALLY going to let him choose here?"
episode 6
my mom literally THE SECOND renna's bracelet linked with the a'dam: "so she can channel too? i thought these people punished everyone who can channel" not her INSTANTLY clocking The Sul'dam Secret when in-world it apparently took hundreds of years for anyone to notice hahaha this certainly lends weight to the "this information Is Known but routinely suppressed, as fascist governments are wont to do" interpretation over the "literally not a single person had any idea until the wondergirls" interpretation
lanfear: why do you think you can't trust me? mom: because you have a silly hat
911 lanfear's just been murdered. i guess some people (straight women) ARE immune to her dominatrix outfit djkfg
my mom also voiced her displeasure with rand's haircut again in this scene. my mom 🤝 me 🤝 mat
BOTH my parents thought lanfear's condition was going to be that rand had to kill moiraine himself! the second he opened his eyes they both said it! they're already thinking so dark!
on that note, i'd predicted my mom would be annoyed at moiraine for refusing barthanes's sandwiches, but that was not the case: instead, she and my dad both went "oh i bet the sandwiches are poisoned" they're so suspicious of everything now! and rightfully so
"i can hear you bickering from the fruit market" got a good laugh
my mom also gave a hearty, appreciative chuckle at mat shitting on rand's hair. he spoke for all of us!
mat: i'll meet you in an hour mom: they don't have watches, how will they know when it's been an hour?
mom when moiraine apologizes to barthanes: why is she being nice? me: because she feels bad mom, as if it never occurred to her moiraine might have a conscience: oh..............
mom when siuan arrives in cairhien: now someone can tell her about liandrin! me: but no one here knows that mom: UGH!!!
haha welcome to wheel of time! the necessary information is always stuck in the wrong plotlines and unable to be passed along to the relevant people!
elayne to nynaeve: if we help ryma, we can't help egwene mom: oh this poor woman, now she's faced with another hard choice just like in the arches! me: [sits there stunned because i never made that connection]
episode 7
my mom loved lan telling rand to tuck in his shirt, naturally
lan: heron dips over the wing [or whatever the name was] mom: what? me: it's a sword form, they all have weird names mom: oh, that would explain why it didn't make any sense
lan: your duty is to protect everyone in the world, not just the ones you love mom: that's a big responsibility :(
she laughed and said "she doesn't like not being the boss!" at nynaeve's face when elayne told her to do what she said
she is SO PRESSED about other characters needing to find out about liandrin. she was so excited when anvaere eavesdropped and then so mad when moiraine left before anvaere could tell her the news (but i reassured her by saying that moiraine is about to go to the same place as nynaeve & co who will be able to tell her)
moiraine: [is Mean to lan] mom: TUH! dad: he should just slay her
mom: so what does this tea do? me: allegedly it will show mat his past lives mom: but it might be a trick me: ishamael DOES call himself "father of lies"
my dad was like "that was cool!" after mat's bad trip, which is among his biggest reactions to anything, other than "[chuckles] that was a good one!" when egwene said "renna i will kill you"
ishy: i just want to close my eyes and never have to open them again mom: so kill yourself then 🙄
911 ishamael's also been found murdered. i think she could put the forsaken in line honestly, "you have a silly hat" "kill yourself" she's just not having any of their shit. i hate to compare her to cadsuane, but it's kinda giving cadsuane.
lanfear's dominatrix outfit did get more appreciation this time though when the silly hat was not present ("they had fun with her costumes")
rand: i need your help lanfear mom: ??????? doesn't he know she's evil???????
"she could at least say something nice to lan 🙄" when moiraine fails to say something nice to lan after getting unshielded thanks to him
lanfear: [broken amyrlin line] mom: is she broken??? me: i think she just meant metaphorically, not physically mom: oh. but their love is broken :(
episode 8
my dad actually put his laptop away to watch this episode with his full attention. this is high praise! he never does that!
mom: who's that? [dain] me: the whitecloak perrin spared when he escaped with aviendha mom: i don't remember that me: we watched that YESTERDAY mom: 🤷
she did remember after another moment though haha but that supports my impression that ep5 was A Bit Too Much New Info for her to take in all at once
lanfear: rand i'm the only one who truly cares about you mom: i don't think THAT'S true!
when perrin tells hopper to stay there: "he's just going to leave his dog out in the desert with no water???"
mom when lanfear calls ishy sweetheart and strokes his hair: wait was he the one she was in love with????? me: no it was rand's past life, that's why she's obsessed with rand mom: rand's past WIFE???? me: LIFE
babe wake up new polycule just dropped (lanfear/ishy/lews/ilyena)
she GASPED when renna cut off egwene's braid! as she should!
she said "too bad min isn't here" during the episode (she thought it would be helpful if min could tell mat what would happen if he were to touch the dagger; i was like "i think he knows it would be bad mom" lmao) and after the episode she anxiously asked if we would ever see min again, dammit mom don't you dare become a min stan on me jdkfgh (although, the fact that she thought we might not see her again indicates it's 0% on her radar that min might be anyone's love interest, which is interesting! a number of show-onlys were at least expecting her to be mat's i think)
nynaeve: i'll make you regret the first kiss your mother ever gave your father mom: [delighted] that's a creative one! dad: there are a lot of nasty women on this show and only one nasty man [ishy] me and mom: TUH!
although he is not wrong to say that s2 was the season of Female Villains and Women Being Mean (and i loved every moment of it!). don't you worry dad, rand's gonna be stepping up to fill the Nasty Man Quota soon enough. and i can't wait!
dad when rand is watching egwene from a distance: he's not doing a good job of hiding me: at least his cloak is the same color as the wall dad: well his dumb face isn't
why is he SUCH a hater when it comes to poor rand jkdjfg please, that's your future son-in-law!
they both were repeatedly pressed about everyone carrying the horn box (or rather "the briefcase" as my dad called it) out in the open
mom: they need to just put it in a sack! me: they don't have any sacks on hand! mom: there's plenty of sacks lying around!!!
she keeps thinking that rand got the heron-marked sword from his mom, and when she saw that turak had one she was like "but i thought those were the swords of the aiel?" and i cracked up imagining how offended aiel would be to hear her say that
she missed rand killing all the seanchan because she was too busy asking me the above question, but when she looked back at the screen she went 1) "oh, this is so gory" 2) "did RAND do all that????"
she was sad about ingtar, she was like "ohhhh, i liked him :(" imagine caring about ingtar, could not be me jdkfg
me: so lanfear is talking about the seals of the other forsaken, she wants this guy to throw them all in the ocean because she doesn't want them to be released mom: why doesn't she just do it herself? me: me: me: i don't know, actually..................
(maybe she just wanted them gone stat but didn't want to leave falme for even a moment while shit was going down with rand and ishy? or maybe she was like, I'm Too Hot And Iconic To Get My Hands Dirty Doing Things Myself)
mom as soon as renna's shown to be alive, after egwene's picked up the collar: she should go put the collar on her!
she been knew again!
mom at the mat-perrin reunion: put the spear down before you hug him, you'll stab someone by accident!!!!
she was glad to see egwene get her vengeance, but added "but now i bet she'll feel guilty for killing someone because she's a good person :("
ishy: [talking about what rand did in his past life] mom: rand doesn't even remember that! rand right on cue: i'm not lews therin!
i warned her "you might not want to look" just before hopper's death, but she did look, and she was very sad. as was i!
she thought that one of the heroes of the horn was stepin and i told her it wasn't (it was just some random guy with similar hair) but maybe i should've let her keep on believing it because it's a nice idea!
mom when the spear goes through ishy and hits rand: OH NO!!!! just like min said!!! me: [vibrating with glee over The Great Cauthor Stabbening]
when ishy said "i'm sorry old friend" to rand here my dad said "that sounds familiar" and i was like what's he talking about? but then realized that's what LTT said to ishy in the cold open!!! my heart!!! thank you dad for catching that parallel, i gotta go make a gifset now
"how is one guy holding off all these soldiers by himself?" mom i cannot believe you of all people would doubt lan!
she laughed at rand being like "[half-dead] who are you???" but made no comment on the subsequent romantic shot of elayne. however, after the episode she was like "'who are you?' rand said................is something going to happen with him and elayne??" and i was like 🤷😁😁😁😁 and then she said "but they both have red hair, are they from the same place?" and i told her that elayne is not aiel and not ALL redheads are aiel lmao and maybe i should've just said "you'll see" but. i don't think it's a spoiler to confirm that elayne is not aiel.
she does not believe that ishy is really dead, and she kept asking me if he was really dead and if he shows up again later in the books and i swear, the three oaths possessed me in that moment and made me incapable of saying "yes he's really dead, no we don't see him again in the books". so i just kept shrugging which probably made it obvious that indeed, this is not the last we see of him haha
mom when moiraine starts weaving fire in the direction of the tower: what's she doing?! everyone's up on that tower!!! me: she's not trying to BLOW UP RAND mom: oh
at some point during all the battles she was like "now what's lanfear up to during all this? 🤨" a good thought to have always!
at the end of the episode: "now we have to wait a whole year or two for the next season!!!!!" she's hooked!!
favorite character roundup: my mom said lan is #1 and egwene is #2, and she also loves loial, and she said that she didn't care for perrin last season but likes him a lot now. my dad said his favorites are "the tree guy" (loial) and "the new woman at the end who's more powerful than anyone we've seen so far" (moghedien! that one was a surprise to me. tumblr 🤝 my dad. i hope he'll enjoy The Season Of Moghedien next season! tho it could also be that he just said her because she was the last character we saw and he'd already forgotten all the other ones lmao)
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tizeline · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Oh this is fun! :D
1) The drawing I'm the most proud of this year is actually one I never ended up posting lmao, so I suppose this is the perfect reason to actually do that
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I always feel a bit self-concious about posting non-fanart drawings cuz they don't tend to gain as much attention. Which, I am fully aware that there are more important things than clout! But I am a simple woman, I crave validation 😔 Anyway, I am still very happy about how this one turned out. I very much prefer drawing characters over enviroments, which led to me being way worse at drawing enviroments than characters, so I've been pushing myself for the last couple of years to get better at drawing backgrounds and surroundings. While I still definetily have a lot of room for improvement, this illustration here is the best I've done in drawing enviroments yet.
2) Again, original stuff don't tend to get as much attention (which I fully understand btw, I don't wanna make it seem like I'm complaining too much, I very much appreciate any and all support I get!!!!) but this post with some doodles of my OCs as well as this random drawing of some forest with a big stone head lying in it are a couple of posts I wouldn't mind if more people saw so..... the links are there if ya wanna have a look 👀
3) Oh man, I've seen so many awesome artpieces this year, i can't guarantee that these are my actual top 3 picks, but here are some that I could remember liking (and that I also managed to find lol) (also these are in no particular order
This GIF was the first piece of RotTMNT fanart I ever reblogged and it's still glued to my mind it's just great honestly.
Man I do not like Timothy in the 2012 TMNT series at all but MAN do I love the way pinetreevillain adapted the character for the Rise universe! He's made quite a few comics of Rise!Timothy and he made the character so extremely likable I just hdsjhgjakfga also Pine's artstyle is delicous yummy yum go check out his art now!
I really like those reanimation projects where a bunch of people collaborate and reanimate induvidual segments in their own style, and there was recently one of those released that was a remake of The Clothes Don't Make The Turtle episode from season two of RotTMNT and it's great! Go and watch it here!
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causenessus · 23 days
Hi! I’m sending in another ask because I have horrible brainrot and need ALL the headcannons about suness <3
1. Does he let you paint his nails? If so do you guys get matching nails?
2. What’s your first dance song at your wedding?
3. What was the moment you were like “oh- I love him.”
4. What’s the weirdest situation you’ve said “I love you” in?
Please I need the fluffy things and so what if I bring up weddings a lot? I am projecting bcs I very much want to get married one day lol
-love bakery anon 🍪
does he let you paint his nails? If so do you guys get matching nails?
HHHHH idk if you've read thru some of mango anon and me's yaps but i once told her about skater boy™ who unfortunately had me paint his nails once 😔😔 BUT!! I WILL TAKE THE POSITIVES FROM THAT SITUATIONSHIP AND LEAVE BEHIND THE NEGATIVES SO YOUR ANSWER IS YES!!! he lets me paint his nails <3 the first time it happened was we were watching a movie together and after i finished mine i grabbed his hand and he didn't realize what i was doing at first until he felt the little brush yk <3 and he simultaneously didn't mind and was also slightly worried about his teammates being annoying about it <3 but when he showed up at practice the next day he was like "actually, i'm cooler than all of u. my gf painted my nails 🖕" and then everytime he raised his hands and saw the black nail polish (ofc it's black <3) he was reminded of me teehee <3 but lowk without meaning to yes they match!! simply bc i love black nails and he likes black nail polish too so then it's fun when we're sitting on the train together, hands intertwined, and both of our nails are black <33
what’s your first dance song at your wedding?
HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM hold on i gotta look thru my spotify playlist for this bc idk anything about weddings and i literally hate playing music for others LMAO 😭 (ofc i went to the love notes playlist straight away) OKAY I'M HCING OUR WEDDING WAS VERY SMALL AND NICHE ANYWAY and maybe we lowk kissed everyone out for our first dance or were one of those couples that does it behind a curtain so it's an intimate moment and i would love for it to have been to heaven (take care), lose me on the way (hope sandoval) or darling (mannequin pussy) <33
what was the moment you were like “oh- I love him.”?
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i love this man so much <3 probably the first time we were in a conversation together with some other friends and i got talked over but he was looking at me the entire time and was kind of like "what were you saying? before atsumu so rudely interrupted you bc he doesn't know how to wait his fucking turn? i'm listening ❤" and i almost fell to my knees and knew i must have this man
what’s the weirdest situation you’ve said “I love you” in?
i just KNOW that we have so many weird moments but def one of the weirdest was when we were at a cafe and this man accidentally knocked over a glass of water 😭😭 and i was embarassed af but he's also my man and i love him so much and i wouldn't rather be anywhere else but on the floor with napkins cleaning up a water spill with him <3 and i was just like "rin i love you you're so pretty" and he was just like "ness. angel. sweetheart. pls don't say that right now i'm bent over the floor cleaning up water. i love u too tho <3"
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: episode seven!!!!!!!
I should be fucking revising, instead I'm watching gay people
Nice scenery
LAN YI!!! My idol. I love you.
You're a one woman army and you're so so strong
She is shooketh by the thought of meeting another Sanren disciple awwww
I'm sobbing violently, she's so happy
Who let Wangji and Wuxian in?? They're like stray cats
Nooo, Lan Yi....
Literally, Wuxian asking the right questions
Xue Yang, you WORMHOLE
They ARE being silly, aren't they.
So how does one get the fuck out of them
L-Lan Yi??? Don't go??? Please!!!! I love you so much
Go on, Wuxian, you're stuck together
Hahaha the jutted chin towards Wangji
The boys have to work together now, hahaha
Wen Qing is honestly so so pretty, and so so ingenious
They're both looking for him toootalllyyyy
Only Cheng could recognise Wuxian literally screaming around
Hola pretty boy, let me fall on top of you. PLATONICALLY.
Maybe...untie him??? Also, stop dragging him around, Wangji.
Of course you didn't, Wuxian.
They look so gay like that, I think Wangji's in shock
"Wei Wuxian!" I don't know why Wuxian is smiling, I'd rather face an army over an angry sibling
What a gay situation you two are in hahahaha, not suspicious at all
Oh shit. The whole family has been looking
Wen Qing looking so pretty in the back.
Wen Qing, you aren't actually allowed to know. It's a secret.
Wangji looking at Wuxian for his reaction.
Wangji looks very pleased...
Wen Qing, stop it, I love you
The fuck is going on? We being treated to Xichen's expert flute playing.
They are all horrified
Wuxian looks terrified hahaha
Everyone's telling Wuxian he's smart, he's going to get an ego.
Okay, so, there's a lot of lore going on, but I'm guessing that Qiren has been going to Nie clan (Nie Mingjue) to talk about this growing issue, and Xichen has been holding down the fort here. They knew about the Yin Tiger Tally (that's what it's called in the danmei, I've forgotten it's name in this) but didn't expect it to reveal itself to Wangxian.
Wen owl thing, this can't be good
Is it trying to break through the border??? What the fuck?
It's hard to make funny comments when this is just lore 😔
Although, I do respect that Qiren is finally letting Wuxian be in the tea party (gossip session)
Ah, using it as a tracking device!!
The nod between Wangxian is so sweet
So just...hide it away? As if.
Wangji is literally bringing up good points, don't try and ignore them!
Wuxian is so eager to pledge promises, he's like a little kid. I love him.
"WEI WUXIAN!!! WEI WUXIAN!!!!! Second young master Lan. WEI WUXIAN!!!" Huaisang, my beloved
Huaisang has way too much trust in Wuxian, I would not trust this dumbass to look after himself
Literally throwing Wangji under the bus, no remorse hahaha
Wangji is so stoic, HE'S MEWING!!!
Cheng looks so suspicious lmao
Bro is about to tell Huaisang something and Wangji looks either concerned or jealous, I can't decide
The way Wangji relaxes
Wuxian gets the strangest joy from scaring the shit out of Huaisang and I am living for it
"never mind, don't tell me, don't wanna know" me too, Huaisang, me too
Cheng approaching from behind like the next boss fight
Ohhh, he's jealous of Wangji lmaooo
The little exhale and smile on Cheng's face as Wuxian reassures him 😭 they're brothers
Oh, he looks so sad, I feel really bad for him now. I want to cry.
Or maybe he's realising he's in love. One of the two
One of the Wens, who fucking knows which one at this point
Oh, Wen Chao.
Xue Yang has literally no chill.
How the fuck is Wen #243 sitting like that?? Cannot be comfy
Bro is going to go feral in Yueyang
Literally just you wait, don't underestimate the Lans
Awwz they're all making lanterns
Jiang Yanli, you are such a sweetheart but you can do better than Jin Zixuan. If he's who you want, I love you for it, but WEN QING!!!
"shall we make a lantern together and wish because we've been through so much together?" "I'm used to being alone" WANGJI MY BABY, YOU DON'T NEED TO BE ALONE ANYMORE
"you can change your habits."
"my lantern is made specially for you" Wuxian you fucking flirt!!!
Bro was startled by his own emotions and took it out on Wuxian. Now chaos will ensue.
"you can't afford it" he isn't wrong....
Qiren and Xichen coming to watch the show, actually quite sweet.
The lanterns look so pretty
Wuxian looks so pleased, I am in love with this man
These are so beautiful, I wouldn't want to let mine go
Wuxian sneaking a look at his boyfriend
The little look between Zixuan and Yanli is adorable
I'm upset Qing was on her own, WHERE'S WEN NING?????
Ooh, everyone's wishing now, this is very wholesome
Hahaha "I don't want to fucking come back here" Huaisang, you're so real
"I want my little brother to be safe and sound his whole life" Qing 🥺🥺 the world doesn't deserve you
Cheng hearing and giving her the sweetest little smile, maybe they are in love
"I wish that I can stand with justice and live with no regrets" adorable, innocent sentiment, but that does not go as planned
That is the gayest look I think I've ever seen Wangji give Wuxian yet.
Man's is quite literally in love. Period.
Make a wish, dumbass!
Don't look at the Yin Tiger Tally, your wish should be GAY
Wuxian looks so happy and peaceful
This is such a sweet little scene, really breaks from the fucking lore
"what did you wish for?" "I wished you'd fucking grow up" YANLI I LOVE YOU. SO MUCH. YOU'RE SO ICONIC.
Wuxian's adorable ass pout, I love him
Women. I love you. Stop it.
Wuxian, kill him. Launch attack.
Smack him to pieces. Kill him.
What's going on??
Hahaha, Wei Wuxian's beating the shit out of Jin Zixuan.
You two are barely fighting.
Look at how many people it takes to hold them back lmao.
Literally just wants him to stop, listen to him!
Holy shit, Zixuan looks like shit.
The muttering of distaste. Yanli looks so upset, I'm going to beat Zixuan myself.
The way they all fucking glare at him. Good
Wangji thinking that Wuxian is crying and going to make sure he's okay 🥺
Also, don't think I didn't notice that you're calling him Wei Ying now, you sly dog.
...... Don't worry, Wangji. He's just a a fucking idiot..
Wangji can't even comprehend what goes on in Wuxian's brain
He's in love hahaha
"these ants are so cute" Wuxian, I love you
The goofy ass music that plays when Wuxian is doing anything stupid is very special to me
What is he even doing???
Bro, no need to be so harsh, Jiang Fengmian
The glare bro gives him, hahaha
Cheng just wanting to mock Wuxian, I love him
Wuxian receives joy at the thought of Zixuan in pain. What a guy.
"I'd change my surname if he didn't cry because on kneeling" Wuxian is a very loveable dumbass
He's been scolded loads by Qiren, bro ain't scared. He's plotting his revenge.
Nice moustache
The lads having a get together hahaha
Basically telling them to sort their shit out haha
"Wei Ying is a naughty boy" Yes, and an idiot, but not a toddler
Jiang Fengmian doesn't need to apologise on Wuxian's behalf
"I'll scold him" "no need lmao, I did it for you"
"Tell me of your request." "ABORT THE WEDDING. ABORT ABORT."
Fuck off Guangshan, let them decide.
I like Fengmian's style.
Don't blame Wuxian for everything!!!!
I love how Cheng went literally running to Wuxian
The worry on Wuxian's face 😔
He just wants to make sure Yanli is okay...
They're just being suspicious now haha
Dramatic ending to that scene
Wei Wuxian sprinting to make Jiang Yanli feel better
He's trying so hard, I love him for that
Paper thingy moving aaaaaghhh
I'd probably squash it
Stop, this is so sweet, Yanli looks a little happier at least
Go on Wuxian, you know what someone needs
I'd beat him if it were me
"I don't want a wife" you want a husband called-
They're literally so so sweet
Back to old men gossip (and Xichen)
They've shown their cards now, you can fight back
Guys, you can't look so worried, it creates a bad mindset
Cheng feeling jealous 😔
Nobody can discipline Wuxian hehehe
I love how Fengmian doesn't even try to disagree
What's up now? More shit?
I bet he's not looking at Wuxian because he doesn't want to cry
Wuxian literally has to be dragged away from Wangji
Cheng is so easily calling our gay man out haha
They're literally not even out the doors and fighting already awww
I love them
Playing tag
Wangji.....you look so very sad. You're entering gay mourning now
YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM. He'll find out anyway, he's a slippery little snake.
Awww, Wuxian with playing with rabbits, that's fucking adorable
He wants them to be happy :((
He's thinking about Lan Zhan all the time. How cute.
See, he's already figured it out haha!
I wonder if we'll go back to the future yet...
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fresiants · 1 year
I found a character poll on twitter few weeks ago and I can't believe so many marauder fans were shocked that Severus is more popular than Barty and Rosier.
this is honestly so depressing, but i know i shouldn't be surprised, the other day i too found a twt poll that put remus/severus and remus/regulus against each other and remus/regulus won by SO MANY votes! i wanted to drink a whole bottle of hemlock. i couldn't believe it. that rich twink doesn't have a fucking personality he will Never be as nuanced as severus as a character, or as impactful!
"Hide Kreacher, I'll do anything" "Kreacher? After all this time?" "Always"
YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LAUGHED AT THIS, I CHOKED ON NOTHING 😭😭😭 i'm sure you're aware of people shipping regulus and james? before i stumbled again upon this abomination of a fandom, i was rather open minded to the idea of shipping anything as long as it's age appropriate, but i just don't have the patience for ships involved fabricated personalities where one of the parties involved's ENTIRE personality was snatched from My favorite character.
but its as you depict it! there IS a prejudiced and shallow component in the way people choose their faves, for the lack of personality and depth to not matter when the character is supposed to be "attractive". the whole "making snape to be ugly" always rubbed me the wrong way, for the poor and neglected kid to be bullied and antagonized, and everyone justifying it TO THIS DAY, favoring their rich, "supposedly conventionally attractive" main characters? from r*wling it shouldn't be surprising, but from everyone else to run away with it, justifying every ugly action from james or sirius, even lily? then they act as if they're any better than r*wling herself 🤡
i've been reluctantly into hp again for at least two or three months and every experience outside of the snape fanbase has been so exhausting. loving remus and find content of him that doesn't involve sirius or james or that doesn't misinterpret his character is also hard, i really can only trust snupin stans and absolutely nobody else 😔
I too found a twt poll that put remus/severus remus/regulus against each other and remus/regulus won by SO MANY votes!
Lol Idk if they did this out of spite but I found a huge ship poll with thousands of votes few months ago and remus/regulus was in bottom five. I guess they were upset that Snupin at least managed to be in top 20, while Snily and Snegulus were in top 10 lmao. Here's the link if you wanna check it out.
I'm sure you're aware of people shipping regulus and james
Ngl jegulus is just Wallmart jeverus with Walmart James. Idk how they got so popular in a short period of time. They have no interacting whatsoever in the canon lol.
favoring their rich, "supposedly conventionally attractive" main characters
Because they're shallow-minded and there's just no way to change their opinions. They are too deep in the fanfiction rabid hole they started treating it like canon. According to them, ugly people aren't allowed to make any mistakes. This is the type of discrimination we see in real life as well. I expect them to be better considering how they always turn their favs into gay feminist icons but well... I guess when they mention feminist, they mean ugly people exclusivity radical feminist.
Loving Remus and finding content of him that doesn't involve Sirius or James or that doesn't misinterpret his character is also hard
I barely follow any Remus' blogs/content creator anymore because whenever i search for them, at least 60% of them contain Wolfstar, while the other 40% MIGHT contain Severus' bashing. I'd rather stick and wait for Snupin shippers to drop more Remus Lupin contents. Well.. I guess some Remadora fans are fine but there's just too many Snaters out there. I'd rather take care of my mental health and not get involved with these people.
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damnation-if · 2 years
Honestly gotta say, the lore setup of the world alone has filled me with Such intense emotions bc CHEF'S KISS nothing beats world building for me, i want to learn All the Things, no matter how wild or mundane
as such, Twilit has caught my attention for their own interest in knowledge, atop being overall very intriguing to me ( shoutout & air kisses to my darling Heluur too ); the deep irony is that i have severe mottephobia, to the point where even just thinking abt moths ( or anything moth-related ) for beyond a few seconds results in prolonged nausea on my part, which kinda really sucks fhrjjdjf
nonetheless i am determined to at least TRY to woo them, as Largely Beyond Human Comprehension & Old AF are def favored traits of mine to find in characters
thank you for all your hard work you've done thus far! i hope you're getting proper rest too! I'm very excited to continue playing this delightful story 🥳💖
thank you so much for your kind words! i have really enjoyed all the worldbuilding... i'm so glad that other people are also enjoying it! <3
but oh dear... i'm so sorry! obviously don't. feel obliged to push yourself if it's really making you feel ill lmao i'm very sorry that my story has ended up adjacent to your phobia 😔 i Have mentioned it before a long time ago but Twilit isn't really all that Moth-y (in fact they're even less Moth-y than the moth!mc), though i don't really know if that will be any consolation. but hopefully not having buggy eyes or antennae is Something at least.
ironically i ended up going with this fairly lowkey set of moth wings because i thought their original concept would be too scary skbsdfg. in the end i figured i'd keep the original concept as a "true form" of sorts; all of the older and more powerful demons have to do things in order to make themselves Small, in order to Fit inside hell, so much of Twilit's being is. Elsewhere lmfao
i do have a faceclaim for their humanoid avatar that mc mostly gets to interact with haha, which i don't for most of the other ROs. so maybe that helps?
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i'm going to spoiler the True Form description for people who don't want to look at it and also possibly just because it's. spoilers, i guess? however i don't think this is ever going to be a Reveal, it's just not obvious at first glance looking at them.
it's not super advisable to look directly at Twilit's true form unless you want a bunch of psychic damage, but obviously other archdemons are capable of Beholding them fine. they're Huge, with differing layers of loosely-connected corporeal form overlapping; the. central body? is squid-like in shape, though the skin is scaled and tough rather than an actual squid's blubber or whatever, with a mass of long tentacles that extend from the uh... torso? the head/face region has that... let's say "conical" squid-shape but augmented with bony plates and cilia that evoke the biblical descriptions of angels, with a halo like a burning wheel and so forth. circling the body is a shroud of moth-like wings that can fold up in on themselves or unfurl based on their whim - when unfurled, they vibrate with a loud humming, buzzing noise. black in colour; they have no visible eyes, ears or mouth, but no matter which direction you look at them from, they always seem to be watching you.
squid... How Do They Work
it's not particularly new ground as far as eldritch beings go but i enjoy a good tentacle... Conceptually i mean. they were actually not a demon in this original iteration though haha... they were an elder god. so. things change!
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mattohonbung · 1 year
himalayan wild yak
🇳🇵 nepali
📍 brambleton town center, ashburn, virginia
📅 dinner; July 2023. 1st time
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😋 overall: the centering of yak on their menu makes this nepali restaurant stand out. they don't fuck around with their spice combos!!! everything we tried had complex, interesting flavors that made me want to keep eating (except for the desserts, which were mid). I'd come back to try literally everything else on their menu
more food pix + detailed review under the cut!
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🍹 mango lassi - tasted slightly more yogurt-y than mango-y, but a strong-enough mango flavor that I didn't complain upon 1st sip. I wouldn't mind getting it again
🍸 cocktail that I forgot the name of - they didn't put much alcohol in this but I forgive them because this was a delicious drink. i'd get it again!
🍹 zero-proof cocktail that had citrus in it - in love with this flavor combo. this was tangier than it was sweet in a way that made every sip interesting. i'd definitely get it again!
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🥩 grilled yak (medium rare) - what a delicious cross-section. I can tell that yak is a tough meat, but the sous vide worked to make it tender. they seasoned this meat simply but effectively; it was a tasty bite. just 1 bite. lol between 5 ppl this appetiser portion was gone way too quickly!!
I would get the entree portion next time lmao
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🥟 steamed buffalo momo - honestly I don't remember much about this dish but both the momo and the accompanying sauce were delicious. I don't remember the buffalo having a distinct taste tho 🤔 I was kinda afraid that the buffalo would be tough but then again it's steamed meat.
I'd get it again! I love dumplings lol I wanna try their veg ones next
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🍛 spicy pork curry - man we fucked around and found out. this dish (labeled VERY SPICY tbf) HURT to eat a few bites in 🥵🥵🥵 I forgot the texture of the pork but I know it wasn't dry. I kept going back to the sauce even though it was spicy as hell (I felt like a masochist)
I wouldn't get this again cos i couldn't take the heat 😭 like you know when a dish is so spicy that you have trouble focusing on the actual flavors? and then the spiciness lingers in your mouth for a LONG TIME even when you eat other dishes? 😭😭😭
🐐🍚 [in the 1st photo] bone-in goat biryani - they are LYING when they say that it's for 2 because it easily fed our table of 5!!!!! they brought out a whole pot and mixed it right in front of us!!! i looooved the bits of burnt rice. the goat wasn't tough, the spice level was bearable (compared to the pork curry at least lmao), and the spices themselves were wonderfully warming in my mouth. we had like 1.5 portions of this as leftovers
I want this again but also I don't because I wanna try everything else on the menu and my stomach real estate is scarce 😔 what a dilemma
🧄🫓 [in the 1st photo] garlic naan - I'm conflicted whether or not i'd consider this dish as having a reasonable portion cos the slices were a good size but each piece was pretty thin. I definitely wanted more after my piece was gone 😆 the garlic was fragrant but I feel like they could've been heavier with it (but also i'm the type who puts 4x the recommended amount of garlic in recipes).
i'm a sucker for garlic naan. I'd get it again!
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🍡 gulab jamun - lots of gulab jamun end up being a chore to eat because they're so soaked with their sugar syrup that they're overwhelmingly sweet. that wasn't the case with this dish tho (maybe that was also accomplished by using honey rather than sugar). as for the yogurt- I feel like it didn't add much to the dish other than being a light element to counteract the heaviness of gulab jamun.
I wouldn't get this again tho like it's not that interesting
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🍮 kheer - this is prob the most fragrant rice pudding i've ever had. it's kinda lacking in the taste department tho 😔 slightly sour, in a good way, but not much else going on. it was refreshing to eat after the spicy entrees
I wouldn't get it again. this dessert also wasn't that interesting
💲 price: we were definitely very full! I was surprised by how affordable the food was- each entree was less than $20 and each dessert was $4-5. considering that it's is like 1 of the only restaurants in the DMV that spotlights yak, they offered it at a much cheaper price point than I expected.
🗒️ other notes: this restaurant is COLD AF 🥶 also their space is so huge; I appreciated that they spread out their tables. land is cheap out there in ashburn I guess
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pitynostars · 2 years
rewatching PotD properly let's gooo
"is there anyone out there" "yes." This was hot
"what am I doing, I've got a date to get to" is Dan talking ABT Diane ???
The idea of doing an EP about just the cyber TLs would be so interesting imo ajdkkfdjks... Like they're not converted humans but that's their whole deal usually so like....
"don't get shot" *Dan gets shot* prime comedy
"don't lose my sonic" patronising 13 i hate u
Did anyone else expect Dan to turn evil here the way he hesitated over the controls? XD
The alien shows them what they want right ???? Why does the doctor see a random kid?
"I'm the doctor I'm going to protect you" "the doctor lies" lmao
Ive seen people say like. The train CGI the painting CGI is rlly bad but honestly I can never notice but I don't rlly have eyes for that sort of thing
Ace and Tegan Skype friends <3 the ending should have been like this w all the companions where they're all just swapping adventure stories rather than the support group thing
"should we pick u up again in 24hrs" so Dan is on and off the TARDIS at this point ??? Having dates ??? Assuming w Diane but the only person we see him w in the rest of te EP is Graham so I mean....
"Yaz u and I can see where the cyber masters took that child" so... Yaz saw it as a kid too? Did I mishear the line ABT it looking how u want
"it's not my life" hmm I buy that BC we saw his life before of pretending to b the museum guide and helping out at the food bank and stuff he's a community guyTM sure hate that this is so weirdly rushed less i guess "I can attack it now because I've been with you" I buy less lmao... He's had no growth at all??? Also the way it's framed like he's talking to the doc is so odd when he spent more time w Yaz (unless they've been travelling for more than 3 years ???)
The doctor saying "homes important" just makes me HOWL tho ngl
"I'll b kipping on mum and dads sofa tonight" .... Where have u been sleeping all the other 24 hr breaks youve appaz been dropped off for ???
"not one for goodbyes" idk I buy that w 13 we saw the whole "one happy one sad" the hug goodbye for Ryan and graham
...so why can't 13 tell yaz about this traitor dalek??
also the concept of a dalek realising theyve strayed from their og mission does actually kind of slap but we did just see daleks v daleks in revolution so i'm glad this wasnt the main plot again
sacha dhawans acting<3<3
the scene where he looks in the tsarina (?)'s eyes and he's like "are my eyes not full of certainty" and u see him reflected in her eyes.... SICK. have they mentioned the master is kind of hypnotic yet in this era before this?
where are the dhawan telling the tsar to take a holiday vs donna telling caecilius and family to take a holiday in pompeii parallels.
are they saying dhawan master replaced rasputin nd made an alt universe with this cyberplanet in the sky? or is there some historical note about there being something in the sky at that time (?)
i love that the doctor and yaz both barely react to the hahahahahhaha tardis there's no like. wtf. moment they just head straight in.
i think it would have been sweet for 13 to stroke one of its panels and be like "oh shes not mine." nodding to that theyre telepathic!! but we seem to have forgotten that this era 😔.... i feel this generally in this era the relationship between the doctor and the tardis has been lacking actually like apart from ghost monument and spyfall we barely see them interact... i know its not always a Thing but man i loved 11 & the tardis' relationship so much i'd love to see a writer feature it more again 🥺
ive seen some people claiming yaz reads gallifreyan off the screen in the tardis. that would be cool but 100% you can recognise readings u can tell what data/readings are without labels necessarily like i can go into a car and look at a speedo and i dont need numbers on it to know what the readings mean yk?? either way it does speak a lot to teh familiarity she's got with the tardis and i <3<3 ... yaz and the tardis' growth is fun to think about. do you think she was grumpy that yaz was hanging out with the other tardis on earth in revolution ? XD
DOCTOR: Ah, there's a rudimentary cloaking shield in operation. Soon fix that. The Cybermen have tethered that child into this planet. It was registering as an energy source.
YASMIN: How is that child an energy source?
DOCTOR: Wait, there's more layers to the shield. Oh, not just cloaking. It's a consciousness shield! A creature trying to evade capture, hiding behind a visual projection shield, and this one shows us what we instinctively want to protect, as a defence.
Help me out here. Are they saying that the Qurunx also set up the cloaking ??? or that the cybermen cloaked it and it also put up the consciousness shield? ? or was it all the cybermen?? why would it need both?
also the idea of it showing what you want to protect -- do yaz and the doctor and dan ALL just happen to see a child in this situation then ??
"is this planet your doing?" doctor you literally saw the cybermen kidnap the qurunx to bring here 😭😭😭... YOU FOLLOWED THEM HERE
just once i'd like the "your master awaits" to be subverted/mirrored with "your doctor awaits" ...... the "this country needs a doctor" line is hot but its not the SAME.
"have you got any idea whats going on in outspace in 1916 rn" "strangely enuf. no" this line always gets me aklsjflk i love kate
"I'm Yaz. The only one here who doesn't really know what's going on" sorry babe that's your whole character
i am once again asking ok these paintings got "defaced" so its not an alt timeline??????????? they never fixed this in the end right ??????? sweats. so rasputin was teh master alll along historically (?)... and he jst put himself in paintings in modern day ?? but then the dr says "some people think you're rasputin" ?????
"this is the day youre erased from existence forever" .... how does turning into her erase her from existence 😭
dhawan inventing acting
i still dont understand why this "give her a gun" moment is in there.
wait what happens to vinder in the end??? his ships broken
"you'll feel safer with me in the building" LMAO
"she really doens't want us back in there" and then yaz just drops her home w no goodbye to the doctor coolcoolcoolcoool
ok but why did the master clone ashad specifically what difference does he make over like. any cyberman/cyberleader??
love the russian doll cyberman lmaoooo... reminds me of that arc thing from doomsday/aog... TIME LORD TECH
if i had a penny for every time the doctor is forced into one of their enemies only for it to be purely for transport i'd have 2 pennies which isn't a lot but its a bit funny it happens twice
i love the rasputin moment but i dont rlly get the lead in ngl 😭 hes just like k time for my dance number mid speech. which i suppose like. in character XD
sacha dhawan in thirteens outfit.... i'm bisexual<3 i need to get my ears pierced
"Don't… don't… don't worry. You'll get used to me. Everyone will. I still need a companion to ask and… bask in my brilliance. Come on, Yaz. Let's go on an adventure! Don't make me ask twice. I'd hate to have to bring you down to size." /
"Come on, Yaz! Let's save a civilisation! Let's correct history! Rescue a sick animal! These yours? Oh, bless. Ow! What was that? Some sort of dirty protest? Unless you want to be consigned down a black hole for eternity, you'd better behave! I am the Doctor, and you will obey me." snapping in yaz's face "I AM THE DOCTOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-> this would have hit soo different if this actually was the doctor i would HAVE LOVEDDDD it. first time watching i honetsly thought this was still the doctor and the tardis was reacting like that bc the regeneration was so unnatural (like the way she reacted to jack in utopia) but no 😔
mandip inventing acting<3
"very 80s" "thanks!" LMAO
"gold star and a sticker" u r sick
the random news drone on top of a random 2 planets is so.... ??? i feel like a lot of this was cut somehow aslkfjklgds..
also where's the awkward cut scene of yaz standing around while the master's in the wardrobe picking his outfit aksfjgdlkf
[plays the recorder on a burning mushroom planet] king shit
"quite the strength of character this incarnation" "DOCTOR 6: Our predicament! This is supposed to be handed over. You can't ruin it for the next one. / DOCTOR 5: And you were doing so well." i hateee these bits so much its SO patronising
"i dont do robes" lmao
why is whittaker in the reversed robe/the robe they used for time here hm
the hologram i do like as an idea tbf especially as we've seen the basic version w 9 and 11 and whatnot so her developing it to be more ai is rlly fun ... especially after she saw how handy having three of her in diff places was in flux lmaoooo
"it should only activate under the gravest circumstances. Like if I'm no longer around. Now, that would be disastrous. But I will have very subtly inserted a sonically triggered nano-implant under your skin and passed it off as static electricity. f I remember to do that. I must remember to do that." -- so either 13 has only just finished the hologram ai before this ep OR she KNOWS shes about to walk into some Real ShitTM and takes precautions akjfgldf.....
"HOLO-DOCTOR: Whoa! The emotional receptors on the AI are a bit oversensitive. Apparently, you're annoyed with me? Apparently, I should apologise for something?" this is so fucking funny because it comes across literally just like thirteen was she is always this fucking mean and patronising and borderline manipulative lmao its so askjdfglkdf......... blame it on the emotional receptors being oversensitive sure 🙄
i reiterate my point that most of the things/wins we get are done by the hologram dr, yaz is STILL asking the doc for validation even when shes a hologram 😔
"can't hurt the feelings of a hologram" SHE JUST TOLD U SHE WAS AI. watching this after measure of a man is like. HELLO.
"yeah well i didnt" [tosses bag] I LOVE TEGAN
they cld have mentioned nyssa in this rant tho fr
"i'll distract the cybermen" "how are you gonna do that" [cuts to screaming] hELP ASKFJDGLF... THE COMEDY IN THIS EP IS SO
the shot of ace falling into the console room is so fun actually <3
dhawan hood up<3<3
vinder no idea who the doctor is or their history w the doctor or yaz in this ep is. q funny to me.
"YASMIN: I'm sorry. / MASTER: Are you? Truly?/ YASMIN: Came back, didn't I? / MASTER: We could have fun, you know? I am fun. Different type of fun, but fun. We could travel. You'll see. "
i am once again saying i wish we got dhawan!doctor fr with this vibe
the touch of the ai mirroring the companions emotions is cute but i do still kinda wish we'd got whittaker to do these scenes fully
god i want ace and bill to meet actually
"the joy is to watch them fly" 😭😭😭
"former bus driver" is such a funny thing for graham to think when introducing himself
"wanna see how i dealt with them in 1963?" i'm kissing you on the lips
kate sacrificing herself is so<3<3 redgraves acting here is sooooo
jasfkdj tegan slipping on the ladder... is this a ryan reference or is that purely for plot convenienceTM
if the daleks plan is to destroy the planet through volcanoes then who do the cybermen have left to convert .....😭
wait the tardis in this shot LOOKS SO BAD i never notice cgi and whatnot idc but like LITERALLY THATS OBVIOUSLY A BOX WITH THE BACKGROUND PAINTED IN 😭
jo martin my beloved<3 god i wish she got more to do
vinder shooting the master is sooo<3 king
yazs speech about friendship and love got me actually.
i reiterate its the hologram telling yaz what to do this isnt her win wholly and that frustrates me so much 😭...
also how do the daleks and cybermen and master and vinder SEE ruths hologram when the doctor didnt plant the ai in them ?????? the whole static thing was the flag hello ??
"dont let me go back to being me" pleaseeee
"where there's hope..." YOU DIDNT FINISH THAT. THERES WHAT.
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felixantares · 2 years
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @the-francakes 💙
Relationship status - single
Favourite colour - dark green that sort of borders on blue, like a pine forest just before dawn
Favourite food - I recently had covid and while it didn't take my taste or smell, it did mess something up so everything has tasted just slightly off for the last 2 weeks, like everything's a different brand/recipe (it's my own personal hell). That being said I've had to branch out with my foods to things I don't normally eat so I can't tell if it's different and my new favourite is chicken phanaeng. (RIP chicken teriyaki you will be missed 😔)
Song stuck in your head - Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift. Honestly the whole album is on loop in my brain constantly.
Last thing you googled - "ancient runes hp" (which makes sense, since I was doing research on the classes last night before bed)
Time - Monday 08:31 (Yes, I'm at work while writing this, don't tell my boss)
Dream trip - I'm not big on travel where it's one sightseeing trip after another. Honestly, I'd much rather take a couple of weeks and rent a cottage somewhere pretty and cold and just hang out rather than run around doing a bunch of stuff.
Last book fic you read - I recently finished Digging for the Bones by Paganaidd, a wonderful angsty severitus fic that had me in tears!
Last book you enjoyed - These questions about books are making me realise I don't read enough published books because all my recent books have been rereading old favourites, otherwise I just read a ton of fics. I did really enjoy my reread of The Magician's Nephew though, so I guess that counts.
Last book you hated - I don't think I've read a book I didn't like in a really, really long time and usually when I'm not enjoying something I just stop reading it and forget about it.
Favourite thing to cook/bake - Any kind of pastry, but probably peanut butter drop cookies. My recipe is 3 ingredients (gluten and dairy free) and takes 7 minutes to bake and you have cookies in under 20 minutes. 😍
Favourite craft to do in your free time - Writing should definitely count, but if it doesn't, linocuts are fun even if I don't do them very often anymore.
Most niche dislikes - I originally read this as cliche and was very confused. I immediately started asking myself what I dislike and my brain oh so helpfully was just like "you've never disliked anything in your entire life" so nothing I guess!
Opinion on circuses - Traditional circuses with animals and stuff? Uhhh.. definitely not good. But Cirque du Soleil is pretty cool!
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what's the worst way you've gotten lost? - I've got a decent sense of direction but sometimes I like to get lost on purpose! When I moved to my first big city, I would just pick a direction and walk and go down any street that looked interesting. It was a good way to get to know the city but in hindsight probably not the safest lmao
Tagging (only if you want, I also don't know who all's done this yet so feel free to ignore this!): @nanneramma @fiendishfyre @allalrightagain @bluesundaycake @bluestringpudding
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donghoonie-3 · 1 year
My teams aren't very strong, yanfei's the highest at lvl 84 because I keep running out of books aldjkshdk the new banner is only put sep 5 and it's Zhongli and Childe!
Bro I hate the abyss but it's primos so might as well😔 and I use it to test out team synergies and character strength! I took layla out of my main team to put Lyney there to level up his friendship so I can hear more voicelines but you didn't hear that from me😄 now my team has no shield or healer, just 4 dps
Ngl I hope the twins appear more in the next archon quest so I can hear them talk about Arlecchino, she's genuinely so interesting already. Like the fandom is mischaracterizing her so bad because the kids say she's amazing and sets time for them and loves them but at the same time the orphanage trains child soldiers to join the ranks and whatnot😭
Also that sounds so cool!! I wish I could get more piercings but I don't have funds and I'd rather get a tattoo.. but I hear that belly button piercings aren't painful to get, maybe just a little more than an ear piercing so you've got this!! I lowkey wish I could be a little busy too I'm doing basically nothing at home besides making genshin my personality afkjhslf
Another character I want??? Mf ginger 😭😭 ALSO I HAD THE WEIRDEST DREAM LMAOO yk about the glitch with kaveh and nahida where if you co-op with them they can delete stuff in your world? Well I had a dream that I had kaveh and wanted to see if its true for some reason??? And deleted something but I forgot what it was 😭.
No same !!! I love the primos BUT OH MY GOD it stresses me out so much 💀 and then when I pass it all I'm like thank god lmao then I don't do it in another couple months 😭.
Same!! I hope we get to meet her cuz omg???? She's such a good person <3 at least from what we know lmao. Also just in general I miss the twins already </3
Ahh I still didn't get a tattoo bxjd I might get one soon and when I say soon I mean maybe next year lmao but it'd be the next thing I'd do at the tattoo piercing place sjsns if that makes sense lmao. AND JVE GOT IT DONE!!! Pain I'd say 2 or 3 out of 10 so yay. No cuz I get what you mean 😭 idm being busy I just hate how tired I get after sksn
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Honestly I'd like to know what would happen if TSSM Otto and Raimi Otto met. What would they say to/think of each other, etc?
Honestly, they probably wouldn't recognize each other as other Otto's tbh, I mean they're pretty different looking 😅 I'm sure their first course of action would be like "how is this happening and how do we get this guy back to his universe", but that would take some time, so they'd probably just bond for a while.
I picture this as like an "into the spider verse" thing, so Alfred's doc is still like a normal human and tssm Otto is more or less a 2D cartoon lmao. Alfred's doc would probably be more like what. the... Fuck. 🧐 while tssm Otto would be pretty terrified if you ask me lmaooo.
After all, Alfred is much much bigger then tssm Otto, who is already quite short even in his own world. That's not even considering the fact that humans have easily seen cartoons before so it's weird but whatever, meanwhile I don't think a cartoon man like tssm Otto would have ever seen a live action human before, so yeah he'd definitely freak tf out 😭✋🏻
But, once tssm Otto is able to be convinced that he's not in danger, I think they'd get along rather well. Although, I feel like they'd have a little heart to heart after a while, like Alfred's doc would definitely want to be like "hey little fella, friendly word of advice, but you need to grow a spine or something, you can't just go through life terrified and pathetic all the time"
Otto would probably agree, but he doesn't really know how to be brave, nor does he really have any opportunities to stand up for himself as practice considering his universe's Norman has him firmly under his thumb.
Also also, I think Otto would be kind of in awe after a while of Alfred's Otto 😅😅 He's so tall and confident and good looking... He even has a wife!
Tssm Otto would probably argue that all that "be brave" stuff is easy for Alfred's doc to say, after all, look at him! He has everything tssm Otto could ever want, some things he could only even dream of having. It's hard being a round little cartoon man 😔
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Okay. So, first things first, OMG CONGRATULATIONS ON 500 AND YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT AND SO MUCH MORE CAUSE YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING AND ILY SO MUCH. Ahem. Now that I've screamed that out (sorry not sorry), I decided to take part in the event :) You absolutely don't have to do all of them if it's too much, I just thought I'd give you options XD (pls do Apollo though cause I'm a musician and a huge sucker for playlists 🥺)
🦉Athena- Tell me your favourite Hogwarts class + give me an aesthetic and i will make a moodboard for you! (e.g.: Charms - dark academia)
I suck with aesthetics and don't know anything about them so why don't you this for you. I'd love to know ^_^ (only if you're comfortable)
🎼Apollo- Give me a character + a theme and i will prepare a playlist (e.g.: romantic dinner with Lucius)
A trip with Severus wherever you plan (based on Hades :p)
📜Hermes- Letter activity is back! Write a letter to any character as their friend/lover/student/anything and i will reply as the character!
Dear Remus,
How have you been? I'm sure you've heard of Sirius' escape. I don't know whether you believe him to be innocent or not, but there's something I need to tell you. Something I know Sirius had meant to tell you before he was convicted for Peter, James and Lily's murders. Personally, I do not think he's gulity. He's simply incapable of betraying them. However, I'm not writing to you to convince you of his innocence, but rather to inform you of his feelings.
You're aware that we broke up a few months before he was arrested. Honestly, it was a long time coming; we had been slowly drifting apart. The moment we chose to break up was when we both realised that we had developed feelings for other people. If I'm being honest, I think we'd always been in love with other people but found momentary comfort in one another.
I eventually found the courage to confess to Severus and the opportunity to find my happiness but he never did. Believe me when I say I've written this letter so many times over the last 12 years, and thrown them away every single time, but I feel like I should tell you now. Just like I was in love with Severus, Sirius was in love with you. Always has been, ever since school, I think, and I doubt his time in Azkaban would've changed how he feels about you.
My main reason in telling you is that... maybe you should expect a visit from him soon. I'm sure he'll want to make up for lost time and explain things to you.
Take care Remus.
Sincerely, Axe
💋Zeus- Fuck/Marry/Kill game because it’s the most fitting thing for Zeus😂
Harry, Draco, Neville ehehe and Lucius, Sirius, Lupin
💗Aphrodite- I wanna have some fun too, so you guys ship ME with a character this time and tell me why!
Severus Snape!! Because I know you like him (and I know that because of your url lol) and that's what counts <3 You write him so well (like all the characters you write) so I know you get him too :)
(lmao my answer sucks I'm sorry)
🗺Hades- Tell me your favourite character and I will plan a trip for you!
Severus Snape! <3
Once again, please only do the ones you feel like. I want you to enjoy it, not get stressed by how many I asked 😅 And congratulations! To this milestone and many more! 🥳💕
THANK YOU SO MUCH HONEY! AH YOU ARE SO SWEET, LOVE YOU TOO!💕💕😽😽 As i said to you earlier it made me really happy that you’re very interested in the event and you are always welcome to request anything!🥰 i said i would do them all but i feel so tired both mentally and physically because i will be moving to another city tomorrow. So I couldn't write the letter request even though it has such a great concept, sorry…😔
Athena- Aww asking me to do this was so kind of you! Sometimes i wanna take part in my own events too but never happened so this is the first! I am not into a particular aesthetic but i guess my vibes go with dark academia(?). And my favourite Hogwarts class is History of Magic! I am a historian myself so not a surprising choice😅
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Apollo- I wanna give you some romantic and French songs that i love. I hope you will enjoy them!
Zeus- fuck Draco/ marry Neville/ kill Harry. I don’t like Potters at all, sorry not sorry💁🏼‍♀️
Well now this one was hard since i am into the older men of HP. Fuck Sirius/ marry Lucius/ kill Remus. I wouldn’t like to kill Remus but in this group he didn’t stand a chance😅
Aphrodite- yay another Severus! For some reason in this ship games people give me Severus so rarely, most of the time it’s Sirius. But i think we would make a good couple and i am not saying this because he is my fav; our personalities would match in my opinion.
Hades- I changed my mind so many times on this one😂 I didn’t want to choose Paris at first, i thought it will be basic but i love the city and lately i have an urge to visit it again so Paris it is! It will be such a romantic trip for you and Severus! You would enjoy the museums, French pastries, architecture and of course some French wine🍷
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