#I'll find the one in ressurection later
the-ghost-of-a-spirit · 11 months
So, remember Somnolent? From resurrection? when skug said "I didn't want to tell you about Somnolent" yeah
China was ordering skulduggery to kill serpine, he said "that's not what i do" then china said "oh really? Tell that to detective Somnolent"
this implies that skulduggery had to kill Somnolent (and might have been ordered to by china)
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onnahu · 3 months
Batman apocalypse au
Part 1 - the beginning; Batman, Robin and Batgirl
Bruce Was 8 when the apovalypse came. His parents died in the first wave. Now I don't know if we're going with zombie, or aliens, or maybe the most scary - just earth doing earth things. Yeah. I'll go with that.
Let's say the capsule Clark came to earth in did somehow wavered the climate or ozone layer or wtv. Anyway, it triggered an apocalypse. He still got adopted by Kents, but they parented him in the world where everyone's against everyone. Although maybe the joined some group of survivars or... nvm, it's not about them.
Anyway. An earthquake kills Martha and Thomas. For now, society is still working, so after the first chaos, emergenvy services menaged to bring Bruce to Alfred. Btw Wayne Manor is in crambles. So yeah.
Catastrophies only come afterwords. Earthquakes, storms, cyclons. At some point, we lose electricyty, emergency services stop working, bc people have to care for their own families. Society collapses.
Bruce grows up with Alfred who teach him how to shoot, how to fight. (Bruce has some deep, unfounded fear/hatered for guns, tho. Maybe it's from his past life...) As people become more desperate, gangs starts to form. Who is stronger, that will live. The law of the jungle. Bruce and Alfred live in what stayed from the Wayne manor. Alfred grows vegetables in the garden, and is merciless with his rifle if someone comes too close.
When Bruce is around 14, they find out his cousin, Kate Kane, is alive. At least was alive a week before when she left gotham, looking for purpose in this dangerous world. Bruce want's to follow in her footsteps, but Alfred says no.
It's only three years later, when Alfred wakes up to find a letter and a radio Bruce fixed up. Now, 17 years old Bruce Wayne goes into the world looking for a way to help people.
Who would have know - some cult/assassin organization called the League of Assassins is still functioning in perfect condition. And it's not even because of the Lazarus Waters. They are secluded enough and skilled they can do whatever. And they have plans for the world. Not that Bruce knows about them. Not yet, at least. (Also he falls in love. And his DNA is stolen one night when he sleeps. Not that it matters. Not at all.)
After another 4/5 years, Bruce finds his way home. He's glad to see Alfred alive, even if more tired. Alfred gives him an earful, but still welcomes him with an open arms. Bruce Wayne takes on himself taking care of what was left of Gotham.
It's about 15 years sunce that fateful night, when Bruce finds himself in Gotham when he sees flying Grayson fall from the building they tried to find a safe space for night with their son. Bruce hurries up, and finds a man, later we learn his name is Tony Zucco, trying to grab a child - 9 years old Richard Grayson.
Tony Zucco menages to run away, as Bruce is more occupied with the newly orphanes child. But Richard Grason, in his head, swears a revange on him.
Not long after, Robin joins Batman in Gotham.
One night, Batman meets one Jim Gordon, who lost his wife to earthqake and his son to that apocalitic madness. Jim wants to ressurect the emergency services. People need someone to execute law and give medical help. They quickly become friends.
It turns out Jim has a sweet daughter, Barbara. Too smart for her age. At the rapid age of 13, she becomes Batgirl. (Oh by the way, did you heard about that gal running around calling herself Batwoman?)
Babs and Dick are quick friends, but when Dick is older and become more brash, tored of Gotham and Bruce, and runs away, she declines his offer to join him, deciding on staying with her father and Batman.
So when 17 years old Dick is running around finding friends who will eventually become Titans, Batman and Batgirld (and Batwoman, but she kinda does whatever she wants to do on the other end of Gotham so yk) are a sole protectors of peace. This is a year later, when while on his way out for patrol, he catches a 12 years old kid trying to steal his potatoes. Guess who that is? Jason Todd.
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tophat-cy · 9 months
🦪💮Pearl Posting💮🐚🦪
Sorry for the many delays I made with this post. I'm not going to waste any more time with the explanation and get straight to the point.
Behold! An actual character reference, with Pearl ^v^ !
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She was planned for the Resurrection OCT, from which unfortunately I had to give up due to personal reasons (👁️👁️) also, I might remake it later on since this REF is more Resurrection OCT exclusive due to that purse (like if I get that out, the REF would remain way too bland, it's better to do a new one instead).
And bellow are some work I did during my stay in the Tournament :
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Also here you can find the audition I did for Ressurection, decided not to delete it since it's been a long while since I actually wrote something :')
It's sad that I had to go though. Maybe I'll be able to stay til the end in the next OCT I'll get in. Until then, see y'all around!
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
Okay, so
I wrote a scene of my fanfic and I really liked it AND I'd like to translate it to English properly but my English is not the best, so I'll just describe the situation in it:
It's a Reverse Robins AU but for this scene it doesn't really matter, considering the fact that after all things that changed, including different roles for every batkid in the family, Jason still died. Because I just want some immortal!Jason (i mean the thing where he is very much able to die but he wakes up some time after) appreciation, okay? I mean, there are some things in comics that KINDA prove that (mostly the thing at the end of the Under The Red Hood arc, I'm pretty sure many people saw that theory). And, well. Things go the same as canon went once (annual #25 of Batman and some parts about Talia taking care of Jason in the Red Hood: The Lost Days) until after the Lazarus Pit.
You know how Ra's got reeeaaaally upset after That Thing with the Lazarus Pit? He didn't kill her but boy he was really intimidating. Probably because he was fresh out of the Pit.
Soon after he sends people after Jason Todd. And in my AU days later he has to deal with some urgent League business far away himself, suspecting that Talia set this up to let Jason escape the League assasins. Is he right? Is he wrong? Who knows.
We know that Jason was in some motel and got the news that Joker is still alive and as always goes in and out of Arkham like he owns the place. And we also know that in Lost Days after that he leaves all the trackers Talia put on him behind and runs away, trying to get to Gotham (and kill Bruce with that bomb under the Batmobile).
The thing is, in my AU he doesn't get far away before the League men catch him and bring him back to the League. Oops.
Ra's still isn't there but Talia knows that it won't take too long and she fears that as soon as Ra's gets the news of Jason being caught he'll order to eliminate him. You know, because of the stuff he told Talia about Jason being havoc or desease or something. You probably remember better than me, if you read the Lost Days.
But again, that's not the point.
The point is, that Talia (in my AU) for certain reasons actually suspects Jason being able to ressurect again. There is only one way to find out - to kill Jason. It would also keep her father's interest long enough to set Jason free once she's ready.
Jason, by the way, trusts her, even though he shouldn't and even though he doesn't remember most of the time being... unwell before the Pit.
So he doesn't expect her poisoning him with a f TEA.
The scene I wrote and can't translate good enough is about what happened right after, where Jason wakes up (and i really forgot here that i wanted to make him universal glitch again so he would wake up always after 6 months BUT I WANTED THIS SCENE TO HAPPEN SO BADLY), trying to pull himself together, and after an hourS long brooding and existential crisis he finally walks to the room next to this one (which is some sort of morgue or the infirmary, he isn't sure) just to see Talia, calm as ever, slitting there, cleaning her blade, relaxed, and he should be furious, but she just says, still looking at the blade, "Regrets are for fools". And you know, I did some decent Talia description in this dialogue but it's all in Russian and I'm a little sad.
But the thing is, Jason, knowing her, realises that she's lying to herself - and he answers after a minute of sudden muteness that if she wasn't sorry she wouldn't say something like that in the place where no soul would accuse her of anything.
And - her shoulders drop a little and she, like, relaxes. And THEN he realises that oh shit, it was her twisted and stupid way to say Sorry. And he knows he should be angry, because she poisoned him, killed him, and now she's sorry?? But he doesn't get angry, he is a little amused by this little exchange and bone-tired, but he's not angry even a little.
After that there are few more kinda cool things i wrote in Russian and then he tries to get warm and kinda just wants to rest and to look as empty as he feels and to curl in the corner under some blanket, so Talia delicately leaves the room and lets him grieve himself.
And the last line of the scene is Jason remembering what she said him once, long time ago,
"Don't show your own weakness and always aim for your enemy's one." Врушка.
Врушка basically means "little liar" and can be used as affectionate word.
So. I don't know why but i just wanted to write it. Still wish I had some person who could help me translate things in the cool way. But whatever.
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inprogresswriter · 1 year
Warning: Rambling and shitty grammar ahead
When you're a writer and have no idea what to write for your story but you know you want
Like I want a monster romance like I am craving it and wish to write it but the big question is which fricking monster
We got:
Fae (General idea nothing solid)
Divine beings
Animal hybrids
Eldritch Abomination
Don't wanna do vampires cause they feel overdone but also vampires are amazing when done right like Alucard in Castlevania I'm crying tears of joy although he's a Dhampire. But you get the idea less Twilight more Castlevania like but I also like the ideas of Vampires just being absolute little shits like they are immortal bored and need to stir shit up ironically its the non immortal who has their shit together
We love a chaotic King/Queen/Royal
Werewolves are amazing, like I love them and their potential, but I feel they aren't presented well, or maybe I haven't found a good one yet I like. Like they are more than buff jocks like come on, just like how vampires are not just emo rich dudes who sip wine in their castle. Like why can't I have a smart werewolf rat king who could bring the end of the world. Or a werewolf who just wants to find their soulmate but has horrible luck or a werewolf who's trying to get accustomed to a life away from their huge family.
Potential here like I would read this or maybe write this but will I really or will this fall down the abyss known as stuff I'll do later(never). Less Jacob imprinting on a child (baby?) and more Bigby from Wolf Amoung Us (Anyone excited for Wolf Amoung us 2) gotta love the rough but caring detective.
Gorgons oh how I love you. I love gorgons Ok like sexy snake lady who could snap me in half sign me up. She's more snake then human even better I'm not picky. This is spawned from my love for snakes and the story of Medusa just kills me everytime I'm also a slut for greek mythology.
A matriarchal society of snake ladies who turn people to stone but make it a royal who's possibly trans Male and is trying to find themselves in a race which is 90% female but they are still proud of their culture and race and is ofc a Feminist. The gorgons are kinda confused but try their best they have the spirit like they are hissy with everyone else but with their own kind they are open and relaxed.
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(First time making a meme)
Also you can be a race of badass women and still not hate men like I don't really get it like you can be all for womens being strong without shitting on other genders.
Now Fae is an interesting on since its a huge category. We got like fairies, pixies, elves etc they are amazing BUT not really my jam like don't get me wrong love elves like Fenris my sweet love but elves are done to death and are kinda bland Dragon Age actually doesn't do too bad with Fenris story being really interesting but also making me want to headbutt a wall (Fuck you Denarius). Love me fairies and pixies and no disrespect to those who adore them but they are just not me cup of iced tea (too hot for tea).
Now Demons/Cambions on the other hand are something I find cool I swear I'm not a cultist. Like for example Hellboy is my jam (although he is a Cambion), Damien and Dhalia from Monster Prom etc. Like Demon characters with a soft side. I'm just not sure how to fit them but I want them in just not sure how. Demon literally fist fight and burn to their goals if only I could too.
Now Revenants are a special place in my heart (I swear I have not done anything illegal). Since one of my favourite movies is The Crow with Brandon Lee and I just love the idea of someone coming back to life getting revenge on those who wronged them like yesss. Like forgiving people and kissing and making up sometimes isn't enough and murder is indeed the answer. On a similair note its one of the reason's I adore Jason Todd although he isn't a revenant he was still ressurected and mentally fucked consumed with anger and revenge.
Seriously though Joker really needs to die like Batman doesn't need to do it but like doesn't America still have the death penalty so like why hasn't he been executed yet for fucks sake.
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But seriously if we can't agree on whether Joker should be killed can we at least agree Jason deserves better (all of them deserve better) although I am on the fence with Batman sometimes he can be an ass.
Moving on while I am all for stories of chasing revenge I want a story where they find a way to exist despite this like try get revenge and it consumes them so their found family helps then gain revenge but doesn't let it consume them if that makes sense. I'm a sucker for found family the Bulls Chargers with The Iron Bull and Krem destroys me.
Divine beings I'm talking Gods/Goddesses, Spirits and basically anything which is immortal but not dead in someway or spawned in Hell. Now I have mentioned before I love Greek mythology so you bet your perfect ass I am a fan of stories of Gods with mortals (cosentually being the key)so Apollo and Hyacinthus 100%, Euridice and Orpheus, Rauru and Sonia defo and by some people's opinions Icarus and the Sun God/Titan (Apollo or Helios). But I do like romances amoung immortals themselves Hades and Persphone Hell yess any romance with Zeus and Poseidon get in the bin.
Now when I say Animal hybrid I do not mean Furries I mean creatures who look human with animalistic features for example Satyrs, Fauns, Tengu, Kitsune, Centaurs but also characters like Catra who are more human looking with some animal like features and behaviour I mean idk why but I love these type of creatures maybe because it forces us to create new things for them for example Avian creatures need different clothing depending on the shaping of their wings or more hairy animal hybrids need help with shedding and personal grooming. It gives a lot of opportunities for creativity.
Merfolk which maybe a bit of an unpopular opinion idk it's kinda bland wait let me explain. Merfolk much like elves are pretty standard and often are a copy past of eachother you know the beautiful mermaid who probably sings and looks like she belongs on a L'Oréal advert. Which is OK but like something different like gimme some variation also while I know sirens originally where supposed to be these bird like ladies I do like the more fish like version personally I am considering it but only if I cam figure how to make it interesting.
Leaving the best for last we have an eldritch abomination. (Seriously I swear I don't have a cult). Which to be fair I have no idea how to even explain this which is pretty on brand tbf if tentacles, lots of eyes and random gaping maws plus selling your sanity for love is your jam then here you are. A lover who you will go crazy for literally. While I love the idea again much like demons I have no idea where to begin cause let's be honest Chaos from Hades is Gender but they are also hot. Ik technically they are a god sort off but they give me big eldritch vibes and I'm here for it also their chaos so it makes.
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Although what better way to understand Eldritch horrors then with reading Lovecraftian novels I kid you not they scare me but also hot hmmm I mean life already makes me feel insane minds well be benefiting from it amiright
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But also
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Anywho I'm gonna keep digging although tumblr is giving me appreciation for monsters I had not yet considered
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whumpshaped · 2 years
they're the ocs for this story of ragdoll I have! It's about this kingdom where the king is corrupt.
So these are the characters
Queen- She was a poor villager who got to be one of the candidates for the King's wife position. And she won and became the queen, because she came from a poor family the other rich and royal people look down on her and don't see her as an equal so she doesn't like them. And she is also disliked by the other villagers because they think she got the easy way out by being the king's wife so she doesn't like them either.
Because of that the only people who she loves is her husband the king and her children. One boy and another girl, I'll talk abt them later.
King- Ok so the king was raised by his equally spoiled and corrupt parents who taught him that because he's a king he gets everything yk idk how to explain. Like they taught him how to be spoiled and corrupt and have that kind of mindset that because he's royalty he is better than other people and he gets what he wants.
Now he really loves his wife, he wanted her so he got her, she reciprocated ofc. And yk how I said the parents made him think whatever he wants he can gets well that was an uno reverse to them because they wanted him to marry someone rich and royalty too so yk uno reverse parents XD
Prince- ok so this prince has friends who're both villagers and royalty and he knows about his family's corruption so he feels really guilty about it. And he always brings these things/food for the village kids when he comes to play with them because of his guilt. They accept it but they still always voice their thoughts about his family's corruption which keeps making him bring them stuff.
Until one day they tell him to stop and they say that the things he brings them will never be enough because he only brings stuff for them but not the other people. So the young prince is distraught and he doesn't know what to do. So they tell him that he has to help them and that when he becomes old enough he'll inherit the throne and become king so he'll stop the corruption.
And I'm going to insert one of them say something misogynistic that his sister won't be crowned queen and that it'll be him so he has nothing to worry about but he'll defend his sister and set them straight about that.
Princess- ok so the sister, since the brother is always out in the village with the other kids helping etc he doesn't mind her much because of his guilt and want to help the suffering villagers. So the she feels alone. And that's where the parents come in. Her father teaches her all about how to rule the kingdom according to his corrupt ways because that's how he's been raised and since the mother doesn't care about anyone but her family she's ok with that and supports her daughter and husband.
So it's been years and the brother found out the sister is the one who's going to inherit the throne and he finds out his sister has been brainwashed into becoming greedy and uncaring for others like his father. And when he asks his sister to do the right thing for the villagers and tells her about his father's corruption she doesn't care because he's never been there for her all those years. He only cares about the villagers she says. She also talks about how the village kids talk bad about her because she's always inside studying to become a queen and how for him they only have good things to say.
So at this point she only cares about her parents she doesn't care about him anymore.
So where is ragdoll in this situation?
She's in the museum in the kingdom, her eyes are inside glass coverings to prevent her from regenerating. And the prince gets an idea to ask for her help so he breaks the glass and ressurects her again. But they don't make it and the princess becomes queen and her first order was that her brother is a criminal because of treason so the prince is now a wanted criminal.
and idk yet what goes after that so what do you think :D
OOOOOOOOO OKAY EXCITING. okay okay okay so i rly love the traumatized sister stuff thats going on and i think the brother should absolutely remind her that as royalty they ARE supposed to care for the villagers a lot bc power comes from the ppl!!!!! and if the ppl r dissatisfied its gonna end badly. i absolutely think the prince should try to become the leader for a revolution and i think the villagers should be like "no actually we hate u now bc u failed to become king and end the corruption". and also also i think the queen should def be killed during the revolution bY THE VERY BROTHER WHO ABANDONED HER ALL THOSE YEARS AGO... and i think she should cry and be like "all i wanted was for u to care for me and look at u!!! killing ur own sister!!!" i just think it should be very sad okay-
for ragdoll i think she should be the connecting link between the prince and the villagers. i think she should somehow be the one to convince them to follow the prince since i mean, he has vast knowledge of fighting and the inner workings of the palace and stuff like that. THERE SHOULD BE A SCENE WHERE RAGDOLL HELPS THE UPRISING BY DRESSING UP AS THE WANTED PRINCE AND GETTING KILLED BY THE ROYAL SOLDIERS. BUT NOT RLY KILLER BC SHES KIND OF IMMORTAL RIGHT- but still she should suffer a lot before they realize shes not actually the prince-
anyway u dont have to use any of this i just felt a lil inspired
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The true evil of RWBY
We all know Salem is meant to be the big bad and Ozpin (who we now know as Ozma but will be referred to as Oz to make like easier) is the one meant to be the good guy, tasked with destroying her, however I find him to be questionable, in fact volume 5 kept lowering my opinion of him ever further. My friend and I like to roleplay and make more of a character out of characters, you'd expect us to have Oz as a good guy and Salem as a bad guy but actually it's quite the opposite, Salem is generally our favourite character, she's a fierce beauty and we know barely anything about her (or at least before V6 we knew nothing but hooray for lore) we've come up with our own headcanons, we usually see her as a fair boss or loving mom, and Ozpin barely has a second thought, maybe sometimes we've thought of him as an ex love, or the opposite side to her but really we don't think about him much, reason being because we don't particularly like him, don't get me wrong he has a great character but like I said, I find him questionable and I'll tell you why in just a moment. Chapter 3 of Volume 6 showed us exactly what happened over a thousand years ago with the Gods of Light and Darkness and Salem and Ozma and answered a lot of our questions, but it got me thinking about who the real villian is, of course it's Salem but when you break down the four characters you begin to realise it's not all black and white...
The Gods
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So we finally got to meet the brothers we've heard of only in stories by a campfire. The God of Light (GoL) and the God of Darkness (GoD) are two new interesting characters we had the misfortune of meeting, and yes it is misfortune. Good ol' GoL denied Salem of her love, refusing to bring him back, that's fair, and GoD brought him back but later destroyed him when he found out he was Salem's second choice after his brother, that's also fair, except he brought him back without question in the first place, likely appreciating that someone actually came to see him (but I won't get into the precious GoD headcanon). For her actions Salem was cursed by GoL with immortality, and told she must learn the importance of life, and this turned out to be the biggest mistake he ever made and you'll see why in a bit.
Upon Salem's betrayal GoD destroys THE ENTIRE planet, instead of simply taking away all magic (Salem's too), or condemning Salem to external purgatory, or literally anything else, instead he just decides to effectively Thanos snap the entire planet because one bitch did a thing, thousands of completely innocent lives, gallant warriors, and dutiful worshippers gone in a second, and GoL just let's it happen like yep this is completely acceptable. I understand the idea was to punish Salem with a failure so big that there is no possible way she would ever be able to undo it but they still kept Salem there... With hope that she could change and see the importance of life... But if there is no life how can she learn it's importance...
And then there's the fact they just up and abandoned that entire planet, then destroyed the moon as a f*** you, because there was no need for that really.
If you thought the world was a lost cause why not wipe the slate clean and start anew, why would you ever trust humans to set aside their differences and unite themselves, humans are incapable I mean look at our Earth for example, there will always be something they find to cause conflict, and everyone will never get along, it's impossible, and how can there be any good without the bad to balance it, there was likely conflict even with the Gods there so what hope is there without them... Well actually I believe that hope was Oz and Salem...
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Now sure Salem was an arrogant demanding bitch when Ozma died and she called the Gods monsters for taking him away from her again and again even though they were probably just trying to keep the natural balance of life and death in check, and I know she kinda rallied the humans to try to take down the Gods but really... It's not that bad. I know that sounds insane but hear me out, her punishment could have been a lot worse, and she could have found another way, I mean she could certainly take her time to come up with a plan that's for sure. She got punished with eternal life, now for some that would be a blessing, getting to live forever, never having to fear death, and of course watching everyone you've ever loved fade away around you as their lives come to an end and yours keeps on going... doesn't sound too fun actually... But this was her punishment for betraying the Gods, and she had to learn her lesson, learn the importance of life, you'd think with eternal life that would be a synch... WRONG, the worst thing you could ask of an immortal being is to learn about the importance of life, what does life mean to someone who never dies? It means that no matter what mortals will come and go but you will stay forever as you are, you're guaranteed to outlive anyone and everyone you meet, losing people constantly, it makes you bitter, so you isolate yourself to avoid getting attached and losing them as you know you will again and again, and you become detached, mortal beings have no place in your life because they can never match you, especially when you have magic and they have nothing, why should you care about them when you are in every way superior, you even control their deepest fears (since Salem is basically Queen Grimm thanks to GoD's Grimm pits), and Ozma's own curse makes learning her lesson even worse, he's the only person she loved, and he is cursed to die and be reborn, into a different body, the only death she would care about is his, and if he keeps coming back even as a different person death eventually doesn't bother her, Oz will always come back, and that's a constant so why should mortal death matter when it's not the person she loves. On top of that she is definitely affected by the Grimm desire to destroy things, so she can never be 100% held accountable for her actions after she fell into the pit.
But the biggest point is - Salem was right.
Her suggestion that they forget about the Gods and become their own Gods was sound, sure the gods helped them but it's not like people knew of that now, the Gods abandoned them when their experiment failed and left the saving of the planet to the guy who knew the person to spark all this... Oz and Salem were beings of infinite potential, one can never die, the other will always be ressurected, and both have magic, a thing which no one possesses anymore, following them would be wise, they could have led the humans to a new kind of salvation. Now of course destroying those who don't comply is a little extreme but if Oz talked to her then he could have let her see that there was no need, why force people to follow you when they'll do so of their own accord, and if they don't believe then that's their loss, it's not like they could actually DO anything about it... They couldn't take the two out, they'd always exist, and they have superior power and displayed mastery over using their gifts to destroy Grimm, seriously why wouldn't you want to join their side!
I'm not excusing things she did I'm just saying she was right, and things would be incredibly different in the present had Ozma just talked to her, which brings me smoothly over to him...
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The glorious Oz, originally Ozma, we know him best as Ozpin, and now as Ozcar, but of course based off the wizard of Oz who was at the end of the story a big fat fraud... Huh... his roots don't seem to really work in his favour...
"Blessed" by the God of Light to experience death in every form and to join with another's soul to be reborn in a cycle that will last for eternity. Really it's more of a curse, dying over and over and over and over and over again doesn't seem too fun, but boy did he come to learn the importance of life because surprise if you have to experience death and live in another's shoes you really start to appreciate what it means to live. No wonder Salem will never learn her lesson, the Gods didn't do her any favours... the same Gods who abandoned their people because their "experiment" failed... and left the saving of the entirety of mankind to one guy just because he knew the person who basically "caused" everything... Whom the Gods created by providing eternal life... because he died and she wanted back but the Gods wouldn't allow it... and their solution was to have her live forever and eventually bring him back to her anyway and have him always be reborn... Seems they contradict themselves too...
Anyway point being Oz didn't seem to have things in his favour from the start, and it only got worse from there...
Turns out Oz has ALWAYS had that issue about not telling people things, it seems his most constant flaw that even thousands of years of dying and taking host of a new body couldn't fix, I mean I understand him to an extent but right at the beginning he didn't tell Salem about GoL's conversation with him straight away, and when he did he kinda just left it at that and didn't talk any more about it... And Salem didn't even seem to really mind (her eyes white showing she was in control and chill), that is she didn't mind until he tried to leave with their kids (eyes turned black with Grimm anger) and the fact he had to have his weapon didn't help him - I'm still not excusing what Salem did though, but they both killed their kids, caught in the crossfire, fatalities of the destruction they both caused.
Before I skip to Ozpin and Ozcar I have a gentle reminder here for you, this revelation came to me when I saw a post about how Ozpin has made more mistakes than everyone combined and one being the fact he had sex with Salem... A Grimm Salem... Multiple times (the exact wording being "Putting my dick in /that/ for starters") however that appendage wasn't his own, you forget at that point he had been shoved into a random guys body and immediately took over and controlled his every action, we know he had barely any care for his vessel or "host" (if we want to start the whole Oz is a virus rant) at the beginning because Jinn tells us that after his fight with Salem he EVENTUALLY learned to live in harmony with the soul who's body he shared... after ruining the lives of a countless many... we also know or rather assume he only suppresses the other soul rather than takes over completely as learned from Ozcar (and potentially Ozpin too), which means there was a suppressed and confused other soul wondering what was going on and being forced to take a back seat watching Ozma do whatever he wanted in a body that didn't belong to him, I can't imagine him actually being ok with this random and extreme series of events, this man watched as Oz made a family with Salem without even a fleeting thought for the man's own family that he no doubt had... And then Oz got this man killed in an unnecessary battle... what a glorious hero...
Anyway grazing over the numerous lives Oz ruined and all the other sh!t he no doubt did that brings us to Ozpin, though we know fairly little we know enough to say that he has a bad habit of doing things like playing the pronoun game, providing half truths, and of course not telling anyone what they actually need to know - "You have silver eyes" yes she does... What about them? (Hype for getting that answer this volume) - he fails to inform people of what matters, preferring to leave that until later when people have already died (including himself, so he is now Ozcar) and people are desperate... Except oh wait sorry he doesn't even tell you then, he holds back mostly everything with the excuse that you don't need to know, and even when he 'tells you everything' you STILL find out he was holding something back... Classic Oz I guess
Now we're on Ozcar and you see that he has a second bad habit of taking over control forcefully, he hasn't learned harmony with the other soul at all, this given how he's lived for the past thousand or so years shows that he hasn't changed, sure he may be 'better' than he was before but he still very much has not changed. Even when he and Oscar apparently talked about that he took over anyway in an attempt to prevent people learning about something he didn't tell them (shocker) except this time the vessel fought back (something I doubt many if any have done before)
All in all he is an extremely questionable character with even more questionable motives.
But as much as it may seem like I'm dragging him through the dirt I won't deny the achievements he HAS managed, the academies for one major thing, it really helped out the world and there'd be a lot more fear and chaos had he not intervened in such a major way, doesn't explain why he likes to throw kids off of cliffs or any of that but still, I'm sure he has his reasons, don't expect him to tell you them though.
He truly has made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on the planet...
When you really take a look at everything you begin to realise that the Gods kinda set them both up to fail, whether they knew it or not, imagine how different things would have been had a single thing gone differently, and how easily things could have changed
And thus concludes this post, I hope I didn't miss anything (but if I did then oops)
Now I don't know about you but I would totally go up to Salem and tell her she was right, if Tyrian doesn't murder me the immediate second I show up, I've been leaning towards her side more and more since Oz pulled that sketchy move of controlling Oscar without permission (though I do realise death was a possibility it was still sketch) at least she doesn't build your hopes up only for you to discover they're lies, she seems like she'd tell you what's up. But that's just how I've committed think of her I suppose, she is an amazing and beautiful character, who we still don't know all too much about even with this lore... I really hope this means we get more backstories for more villians, I want to see a baby Tyrian.
But I digress.
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Closed Starter for @the-king-of-the-wind
Another nightmare....
The same nightmare that his own vision shown him many times over the course of his stay in the world after he was ressurected and brought back by Elraine to become her pawn to which he absolutely refused that led him to be thrown to the place he thought he would never see again. Passing the threshold of his past over and over again really struck the stability of his emotion. His own dark memories that kept playing on the screen within his dream.
"Oi, Judas! Wake up!"
A voice called out to him, even with his eyes closed he could name who was calling out to him. Judas woke up and slowly opened his eyes, he was surrounded by trees and sitting comfortably on the green grass as he leaned his back on the branch. How long was he sleeping? The first thing that Judas thought as he slowly risen and stood up on his ground. "So apparently, that woman brought us to another world again? Is it the past? Present? Or the future?" Loni said with hint of impatient within his tone. Kyle then rubbed the back of his head trying to calculate the situation at hand but seem failed to do so, typical Stahn, Judas thought. It was then he noticed the missing members to the group and turned to the duo, ❛ Where's Reala and Nanaly? ❜ Judas asked, Kyle was first one to respond to him. "Ah! They just head off to check what's ahead of this forest." He explained, 'Yeah, that's right. We are out of clues here so we have to find out what kind of place is this.' After awhile, Reals and Nanaly returned with a little information on their hand, they said that there's town head and a kingdom. He thought at first that they might be thrown in the past in Seinegald but he wasn't convinced either.
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❛ Instead of throwing out conclusions here and waste our time, let's head to the town and find the answers ourselves. ❜ Judas then turned to the archer, ❛ Lead us. ❜ the archer nodded in acceptance before walking to the same route she took earlier with Reala. Several moments later, a town with a little modernization compared to the previous place Judas served as a knight came to a view. Now he was entirely convinced that it wasn't Darilsheid nor Seinegald, and he was sure its another different world. The fencer examined the place as they go further, "Isn't this place more pleasant that our own?" Loni gleefully said but he was actually referring to the girls around town, not that Judas care anyway and it can use to manipulate the carefree young man easily, for the purpose of shutting him up. "This place is quite big, should we just look for a specific place that hide lens so that Reala can use her power to bring us back to our own time?" Judas somewhat agreed with what Kyle said. ❛ I have an idea. You Kyle and the others go around town and gather Intel, I'll go on my own. We'll meet later. ❜ Without waiting for an answer, Judas left the group and took a different path. He headed to the Kingdom and thought that maybe they have lens in their possession and of course to gather information regarding the town.
Due to him being a knight in a kingdom long ago, he was somewhat familiar how to negotiate but it might be difficult this time because of his mask that hide his identity, it may lead to suspicions. When his foot was near the entry of the palace, a guard immediately blocked his was to prevent him from further, Judas halted and stoically eyed the guard, ❛ Tell his majesty that I would like to speak with him. ❜ he said in a stern voice, the same tone he used to the knight of Seinegald before. "State your business!" Said the guard, Judas tried to composed himself as he started to lose his patience,
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❛ I believe such matters only involved me and His majesty, a guard palace like yourself has no right to know. Your job is to look after the kingdom not to interrogate every visitor of His majesty. ❜ His harsh persona accompanied with a sharp tongue somehow threatened the guard, he also noticed the sword on his hip. "I-I'll talk to His majesty about you, Sir. Please wait for awhile." Judas didn't answered and just wait for the guard to returned, the other palace servants were looking at him, he knew his mask do attract attention and suspicion but to received glance every now and then irritated him so much. It would be best to ignore them until they stop. As Judas stood within the threshold, he surveyed the structure of the palace, and look for a possible escape route should anything happen.
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lostinmcyt · 3 years
Idea 1: Phil finding a temple dedicated to Death. The place was abandoned for sooo long but Phil, being an archaeologist got really interested in the forgotten place, returning to the ruin every day for weeks, documenting everything, until one day, he finds a woman there too. He asks her what she's doing there and she tells him that she's a historian.
They immediately click, and explore together. Every day, he returns there and she's already waiting and slowly, he is more excited to see her rather than to explore the temple.
She tells him legends of the past, ones he's never heard before, he writes them down.
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Philzaanon I am in love with this????????? this is so sweet?? please I need more canon dadza and mumza in my life they're the only thing that matters ;-----;
hc that when dsmp!Phil was trying to find books regarding ressurection for Wilbur's sake he also tried to reach out to Mumza for help because who else would know how to revive someone than the Goddess of Death? but he can't reach her as long as he stays on the smp- and that's why he was so disbelieving when he saw that forest appear- Anon I'm Sad now
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