#I'll go for a different aesthetic but IT`S LOOKING GOOD TOO OK
gigizetz · 5 months
trust the process he'll look good
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socstudies · 1 year
Hi, as someone who is going to be in their first year of college this fall, I'm curious about the note taking part
Is physical or digital note taking easier?
Is spending money on a laptop nessesary?
What is something you wish you would've done differently during your first year?
Do you have any advice?
If by any chance you see this, your blog and your aesthetic are amazing!
I'm wishing you a wonderful day/night.
If you do decide to reply, thank you in advance <3
helloo! sorry for the late reply & thank u for the ask! :)
ive tried both and i think i prefer handwritten notes, however they both have their pros and cons:
handwritten pros
proven to be better for retaining information
can't get distracted by other tabs
lighter to carry
costs less than a laptop
i've had some classes where we weren't allowed to use laptops so it's good to already be used to taking notes this way
much slower. sometimes i find im missing stuff and i have to go back to it at the end
have to print out diagrams etc if u want to include them
could possibly lose them, spill something etc
not enough space on desk for both laptop and notebook so u can't get slides up or google something
digital pros:
much quicker
easier to organise & pull up different notes at any time - u don't need to carry around or find older notebooks to be able to study or refer back to past classes
some people make notes directly onto the slides which u would have to print out if u wanted to do by hand
can also use for research and writing essays which u will need a computer for at some point so might as well do everything in one place
more stressful if u lose or break it
if u forget to charge it and u don't have paper .......
this upcoming year, im using a combination. most of the time i'll handwrite my notes, but for classes where they talk too quickly i'll type them (it's not worth the stress & extra time having to go back to recordings after). my notes for readings will be annotated straight onto the pdf. i'll be taking pictures of notes to put them all together.
unfortunately, i think it is because you'll need computer access to research and write ur essays, as well as to find course information etc. HOWEVER some universities (most?) have laptops that u can borrow and computers in the library, so if u know that you'll be motivated enough to get up and do all of ur work on campus, you could save this cost - bare in mind when u move off campus after first year it might be even harder. definitely look into this if cost is an issue for you! it doesn't need to be a fancy one if u do buy a laptop though, just remember u'll be carrying it around so don't get a super heavy one!
as for something i wish i'd done differently: as a sociology student, none of my classes have exams where i have to memorise things, instead it's all essay based. this led me to not 'study' i guess ??? like the stuff that i wrote my essays on, i knew like the back of my hand, but everything else i couldn't remember well. so if ur taking an essay based subject, remember that u still need to study a little & remember these things !! i was so overwhelmed tbh that i forgot about this oopsie!
extra advice:
when people say that after u skip one class, u'll skip the rest THEY. MEAN. IT. literally try so hard not to miss class bc you will never go again if u do. my classes would start off with not enough seats for everybody and end up with just a handful of us by the end of term.....
make time for urself !! it can become all consuming, especially if u live on campus, but pls make some dedicated time away from studying !!
u will find ur friends eventually. pls remember that it won't last or be that fun if u stick with friends who u don't have that much in common with just bc they were the first u met. tell me why i was going to bars and clubs with people in first term bc that;s what they wanted to do ????? it's ok to move onto different people bc u will eventually get tired of doing these things u don't like just to be able to hang out with people !! now i go to bookstores and cafes with my new friends and i love it!! don't settle !!
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oneatlatime · 1 year
Return to Omashu
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Fire nation priorities. Yes, there's a war to win, but first! We must make our colonies aesthetically consistent. Couple of gates, some gold trim, and some spiky bits! Can't forget the gold spiky bits!
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Fulfilling the beat up Sokka quota this episode is raw sewage.
That sewer trek must have been long. They went in during the day and it's night now.
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I spoke too soon! The quota is in fact filled by tribbles.
"it's so awful I'm dying." I get the feeling that Sokka has been waiting years to use that line. I love how quickly everyone in the Gaang supports each others' spontaneous plans. It's a sign of a good team if you can ream off fake names without blinking and fake the plague without being asked. They all work so well together. Zuko could take some lessons from these guys on lying.
Well this episode's going to land differently post-Covid.
Looks like Zuko Jr.'s going to be in this episode. Bummer. Although tweedledee and tweedledum are intriguing. Who'd ever think to give a teenage girl villain a pair of eighty year old poetry twins? One of the great things so far about this show is how they consistently choose to go with the most out-there option and always make it work. In a show about defeating the firelord, they chose to kill the moon for the finale. And it worked. The plot point, not the killing.
So I'm thinking that orange and yellow must be an acknowledged fashion choice among the four nations outside of an airbending context, because of the number of times fire nation guards have looked right at Aang and not seen him. Also I think his tattoos must have selective invisibility.
It's a crying shame that Hot Topic doesn't exist in the Avatar universe, because this May girl just passed their employment interview with flying colours. I'm siding with what I'm guessing is her mom on this one. Just chill for a bit.
Ok maybe don't chill for a bit. Yeah my bad. This is not a good time to chill.
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Reusing the same Naruto run shot literally two seconds later.
How many projectiles can you fit in one pair of sleeves? She's got a whole armoury up there.
Seriously I know she's bored and all but no teenage girl should have access to that many weapons. If I'd had access to an armoury when I was a teenager, people absolutely would have died.
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So cute. I'll take 12 please.
Every sentence that Zuko Jr. is saying to this pink girl is some kind of veiled insult or threat. I'd adopt Pink Girl's wilful obliviousness too if I had to deal with that.
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Smart Bumi. He knows his people and his element. We've seen more than enough times already that something about being an earthbender makes you too stubborn to quit and unable to change plans even when your original plan is obviously not working (looking at you, Fong). So, knowing that his people are unable to change course, he prevents them from entering on to that course in the first place.
And Aang picks up on this too! Actually, since Bumi knew Aang growing up, do you think he picked up the concept of strategic retreat from airbending?
Tribbles to the rescue! Given that these are sewer dwelling creatures, this fake plague might turn real.
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I love how casual Sokka is about touching other people.
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Every street in Omashu seems to have a couple of bundles of twigs propped up against a wall somewhere. It's probably an animation trick to fill up the background.
Love the one guy really committing to the bit who just flops on the ground.
"Pentapox! I'm pretty sure I've heard of that." Humans are so suggestible.
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I love that Flopsy remembers him. Aang's propensity to make friends wherever he goes paying off again. Also, exactly how much metal to the fire nation have access to? They're doing the floor, walls, ceilings, of the whole city. There must be some crazy budget surpluses that need using up.
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This baby has an absurd throwing arm.
Machine gun Momo!
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This is what happens when you don't feed your lemur AANG.
I know cartoon physics is a thing, but can this baby secretly fly or something?
Poor Momo didn't ask for any of this. Guy just wanted some berries. Now he's getting his tail pulled and bitten (hopefully no teeth yet).
Add absurd grip strength to this baby's list of other superhuman characteristics.
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Baby apparently weighs quite a bit too.
Flying lemur unintentionally kidnaps baby. Did not see that coming.
Tiny nitpick: the circus master introduces Zuko jr. as "the firelord's daughter" rather than as Princess Zuko jr. Does she not have a title?
Nope. He's calling her princess now. Maybe there are a bunch of princesses in the fire nation and he was just being specific?
Thus begins the bullying of pink girl. Imagine going to school with a bunch of fire nation noble girls? There must have been casualties.
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I love Sokka so much. Expert hug administrator.
"everything so clever. So tricky." Actually the avatar forgot to feed his lemur and it kind of snowballed from there. Hands down one of my favourite tropes is when one side in a conflict assumes their enemies are master manipulators, then we learn that actually they're just failing upwards through shenanigans. Love that.
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Poor pink girl. The only viable strategy, both for her own safety and the safety of the whole circus, is appeasement.
"The universe is giving me strong hints that it's time for a career change." No blame cast, no fingers pointed, but also not giving Zuko jr. credit for influencing her. That's some fancy talking.
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And now they're reusing the campsite shot too?
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Poor Momo. That's about the face I make around babies.
I spoke too soon again. This episode's beat up Sokka quota is actually fulfilled by Katara's backhand. Because apparently it's a cardinal sin to prevent a baby from chewing on a potentially bladed weapon? Priorities girl.
Well that accidental kidnapping had some unintended positive consequences. Don't you love it when problems fix themselves?
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She even paints her nails black and wears fingerless gloves. Seriously. Hot Topic. STAT.
"Well, Asula called a little louder." Hell of a lot of information in that sentence.
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How long is her neck?
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Ego much?
Zhao was an asshole and unpleasant, but at least he had some good banter. Zuko jr. is just mean. I hope I see less of her going forward.
Bumi! Hi Bumi! I love Bumi.
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Pink girl's loyalty was tested with burning nets and released beasts. Now May's loyalty is tested with her brother's life. Zuko jr. is so good to her friends.
Why is no one able to recognise Aang? He's dressed like an airbender. The only one of those left is the avatar. It's not that hard.
Pink girl is lucky that Sokka is quite prone to friction.
More wood bundles. I guess it's for scaffolding?
Gotta give it to Zuko jr., she has excellent balance.
May has leg knives as well as arm knives?
And shirt knives. How does she not stab herself every time she sits down? And if this place is so boring, why does she feel the need to carry 8 billion knives?
Love the Appa tail slap. Underrated and underused move.
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So Bumi has no spine left.
Facebending. Neat.
Neutral Jing is a neat concept, but I'll be damned if any earthbender we've seen apart from Bumi ever bothers with it.
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Suddenly the 100 year gap between Aang and Bumi can no longer be ignored. Bumi is still Aang's friend, but he's got a century of learning and a city to protect. This is kind of a sad moment.
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Do May and Zuko have some history? Is that's what's being implied here?
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Wouldn't expect any less. I wonder how these two are going to explain the return of their son without painting the resistance in a really good light.
Zuko jr. is spelled with a Z.
Final Thoughts
Zuko Jr. gets a girl squad, the Gaang gets a reason to spend a season gallivanting all over the Earth Kingdom, and the audience gets to see Superslide part 2. A weird mix of establishing groundwork and having fun this episode.
I totally buy that the fire nation guards and governor fell for the plague thing. Anyone remember "that lemur! He's earthbending!" These guys are not smart.
The plague thing did not bother me at all. I thought it would, since the anti-science idiots in the Fortuneteller really annoyed me. I think since the fake plague was treated as a joke the whole way through, and never actually endangered anyone, it didn't bring up Covid memories.
I think Flopsy's pupils are sideways hourglasses, which contributes nicely to his uncanniness.
I think the stuffy that the baby was throwing is the same animal as the beaver bear thing at the circus.
I love Momo the machine gun. I think those are the same berries as the ones Iroh was going to double poison himself with.
Sokka getting to plan the plague and getting to save the day with boomerang was fun. That's two episodes in a row where he's been the plan guy. Katara got to use some of her new and improved waterbending as well, but she was really pushed to the background otherwise.
I think pink Girl, whose name I still haven't caught, is quite good at reading people. I caught more than one 'shallow-on-the-surface-but-actually-way-deep' statement from her. Also she can Vulcan pinch people's bending? I'm guessing it's temporary or else Katara would be really freaking out.
May was just too much. Too overdone. Yes, there are teenage girls like that, but it felt a bit on the nose. Actually, way too much on the nose. I get that she can't show any emotion in front of Zuko jr. for her own safety, but "can I offer you an egg fireflakes in this trying time?" is not exactly an appropriate response to your little brother's disappearance.
I'm still not liking Zuko jr. But I'm someone who never likes the villain anyway, at least not when our heroes are this likeable.
This episode was not easy on Aang. It was an interesting mix of bringing home the reality of the war and the reality of the time passed. Even when he seemingly got to save his friend in the end, he actually didn't because things are more complicated now. He untied the damsel from the railroad track and she tied herself right back on.
Further evidence for my 'entire fire nation is colourblind' theory this episode. Aang was not disguised apart from a hat made from a very incriminating colour. He had a giant blue stripe down the back of his head! Come on!
No Zuko this episode. He was last seen stealing a perfectly nice lady's bird horse, and it'll be a while before I forgive him for that, so good call by the writers to not have him around.
Now that I think about it, there was a lot going on this episode. Sewer break & enter, assassination attempt, fake plague, hostage exchange, water v. knife fight, fire v. air fight, vulcan pinch v. bending fight, Boomerang & bison v. knife fight, earthbending philosophy, girl squad assembly, lemur harassment, and baby restoration. This episode felt long in a good way.
How about, instead of learning the elements, Aang learns pink girl's vulcan pinch and just does that to the fire lord?
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minty-playhouse · 1 year
Round 2 of Eurovision let's GO!
Same deal as last time, just worrying down my thoughts as I watch it hah
Really liking the Denmark song, yes yes! The energy is very good!
Also speaking of energy I'm very salty about Malta not making it to the finals like what the hell, they should have removed Croatia and put them!
Armenia is pretty OK. Just not really my kind of music I guess? It's not even bad but it didn't get me hype, sadly. The presentation is lit though.
Liking the Romania vibes already from the looks alone 👀
Wha- Not the song I was expecting but it was a pleasant surprise! Really like the different style of both song and presentation, hoping they make it to the finals!
Estonia is OK as well. Also not super my type of song, but I can see the merit.
Ah, no way Belgium is 100% gonna deliver, they already look cool!
YES I KNEW IT I WAS SO RIGHT!!! Those are some funky fresh vibes!!!! PLEASE SEND THEM TO THE FINALS LET'S GO LET'S GO!!!! We haven't had this type of music in a while, we should bring it back!
No way I love this so much, PLEASE I WANT BELGIUM TO WIN SO BAD!!!!!
Ah, that's where Graham is, can't wait to see him comment the finals!
I'm sorry Cyprus, this is not impressing me much after Belgium blew my fucking mind lol
OK now that Iceland didn't really hype me much, regardless of how I'm feeling for Belgium, this second round of semi finals is being much weaker than the first, I'm not really getting excited by many songs, which is a bummer because if Belgium doesn't make it I'm gonna side eye a lot of finalists lol
Alright I'm glad I waited to say something about Greece because I'm actually digging this, but it started a little weak. But I quite like the beat.
Yeah OK this song grew on me, good on you Greece!
SYNTHWAVE AESTHETICS??? Hey now, the song kinda slaps too. Really liking the early 2000's pop group vibe.
AH NO WAY THAT'S SOME PUSSYCAT DOLLS SHIT!! Very good, hope they make it to the finals too.
Really cute guy alert on the Slovenian group 👀 Also loving the looks specially the singer's shirt! And the song is pretty good too!! We need more rocking tunes on Eurovision! Please go to the finals!!!
OK I was proven wrong this round is now delivering some good content! Finally some good fucking food.
Was not prepared for that in the slightest! Really damn awesome presentation and the song is so unique, I like it! Rooting for Georgia as well! It's like Middle Eastern electronic music, what's not to love?
Yeah, damn this round isn't pulling any punches now!!
Honestly Eurovision is such a fun way to look back into fashion, music styles and styles from the ages they are from. It's a super fun time capsule of European vintage tastes.
Oooh, more rock boys with San Marino?? I'm listening!
OK, pretty cool, but the Slovenian boys were still a bit better, but that's because I liked their style more. But I really dig them visually! (and of course the weirdest guy in the group is the one playing the bass, it's always like that!) ((please know that I use the term weird affectionately because I too am weird but I can't play the bass.....))
Austria girlfriends????? 😮
NO WAY EDGAR ALAN POE BOPS???? ABOUT WRITING??? No way, easily my second favourite after Belgium, this is GENIUS!!!!
No way this song is too lit!!!! They didn't need to go so hard, and yet!
Albania's performance is looking and sounding top notch too, great job everyone! When everyone began singing together it was hella cool!
OK Albania just keeps getting better what the hell!
Lithuania's song just changing like that without warning! But it made it a little more interesting for me, I'll admit. The backing vocals are also a mice addition.
Woah, wait up, Australia bringing some fire too! Very cool song and presentation, I'm here for it! Hoping to see them in the finals!
KEYTAR?? NO WAY! That was really good!
Argh, no I will not narrate my reaction to the countries that make it to the finals because I will get angry, I can tell! So let me just post this!!!
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sako-mii · 3 years
Nice to meet you! May I have a bnha matchup please? I use she/her pronouns and I prefer male!
I’m Infj / 2w1 / Ravenclaw / Capricorn / lawful good.
I’m caring, tolerant and even-tempered. I’m good at playing the role of mediator in my friend group because I'm good at calming others down and solving their problems. I can appreciate any form of love language from my s/o, but the love languages I usually give would be words of affirmation and acts of service.
I have a perfectionism which makes me become competitive and hardworking when it comes to my work, but this often makes me stressed easily. (I’m currently a student, so my strong work ethic applies to being the best academic achiever!) When it comes to socialising, making good impression on others is very important to me. I feel a bit guilty when I can’t be helpful to others, and I sometimes overthink what they might think of me. My bad habit is pretending everything is okay and not talking to someone when I have a hard time.
I’m 165cm. I have chin length hair with bangs and round eyes. My friends say that my overall appearance gives a cute impression rather than “gorgeous”. I think my aesthetic is a mixture of soft girl and light academia. Floral perfumes are one of my favourite daily item!
Thank you!
I'll assign you...
Bakugou Katsuki
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At first, bakugou didn't like you. He thought of you as an extra just like the rest.
But you were competitive and could keep up with him, he didn't really like it but he kinda enjoyed having someone he can compete with.
One time, you couldn't solve a question and bakugou screamed at you "OI DON'T FALL BEHIND OR ELSE I'LL KILL YOU"
You two became friends and rivals. Sometimes you would have study sessions in which bakugou would mostly scream at you
But over time, his screams became into sentences he wouldn't scream at you. He would stay quiet during your study sessions. You were surprised that he doesn't yell at you anymore, but you didn't really mind.
You thought it was weird. He doesn't scream that much at you anymore, he would call everyone else extras besides you, and if he talks to you, it's more gentle and less screaming and anger filled.
But nonetheless, you still liked him for who he is. Sure he seemed mean to you at first, but over the time you've learned that he's a good guy.
Bakugou confessed to you kinda like this, "ok I'm not really good at this but you're someone who doesn't annoy me like the rest and I can somehow tolerate you...." You said yes <3
On your first date, you both kinda spent the day doing different stuff like watching a movie, going to the café, etc.
When his friends found out about you two, they were laughing like no tomorrow. Denki would tell you "since you tamed him ,tell him to be nice to us too" Kirishima would congratulate you.
To your surprise, he was actually quite loving, he would make sure you are alright. He'd give you headpats and sometimes would kiss you too. He'd also respect you.
When you overwork yourself and get stressed due to your perfectionism, he would get mad and would make you relax too.
He likes being with you, whether it be on a date, studying together or just hanging out, he enjoys it and feels kind of calm around you, even when you both are silent, likes it.
You would sometimes overthink of what he thinks of you and if he likes being with you. You asked him once and he said, "well, obviously I wouldn't be here if I didn't like you" but then he'd kiss your temple and say, "of course I love you, stupid."
Sometimes when you're stressed, you'd pretend as if everything is okay, bakugou doesn't like it.
When he notices that you're acting different than usual, he'd ask you what happened. You'd lie to him that everything is fine. He wouldn't pry any further and tell you that he's always here when you needs it.
If you still don't talk about it, he'd just stay quiet and would look out for you, making sure to give you comfort when you need it, and be by your side if you ever want to talk about it. He doesn't like seeing you hurt.
He just likes being with you and would honestly beat up anyone who dares to hurt you.
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Enjoy your new realm, that's where you'll stay now
Please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself. Don't keep everything to yourself when you don't feel alright. You should look out for yourself too. Have a nice day/ night and stay safe ❤️
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