#I'll never forgive Usher
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n chapter seven! Gosh, who would have thought that this would grow into something this big. Idk... writing this story does something to my brain.
warning: kids, mention of past trauma, wing clipping and all the horrors of Illyrian camps, vomiting, I think that's all...
Azriel was stalling, and he knew it. For the first time in his life, the spymaster just couldn't put the needs of his court first. He tried. Mother knows he tried hard. But every time Azriel even came close to winnowing back to Velaris, he stalled. Waited. The tug pulled him back. The need to stay in the sanctuary held him in a chokehold. Something deep within him kept telling him that if he left on his own, even if it was for a couple of hours - he would not forgive himself. And the consequences - he didn't want to bear them.
"Keep your head up", Azriel articulated in his much lower voice, "Don't tuck your shoulders". One of his hands was pressed to Axel's back, making sure the arch was right. Away from the eyes that hawked between the walls, Azriel had finally ushered Axel out for morning training. The male didn't remember anyone being so happy to wake up before the morning sun. To be out in the chilly morning wind. To train. But Axel didn't even yawn once; he didn't rub his eyes. He was here, and he wasn't going to back down.
"Good job! Just like that", Azriel fueled Axel with praising words. He gave shit to Cassian when they were sparing. But while Cassian and he worked better when they were pissed at each other. The real broody fea raging. Axel was a whole different story. He ran off of Azriel's attentive care. Of him showing up. Of him seeing the boy. "Let them rest", Azriel stated his last order firmly, and Axel, with a couple of sloppy beats with his wings, seized his movements to a halt, panting breathlessly. The leather healed nicely. Way too nice for what it should have been, but that without doubt had something to do with your powers. It had to. That was another itch in Azriel's brain. A summoner? What was that supposed to mean? Sure, he had seen you wield light, heal, and slow heartbeats, but that in one big package didn't shape one solid answer.
"You're okay?", Azriel glanced down at the boy sitting on the fallen tree trunk. The biggest smile spread over Axel's face as he nodded his head. "Do you think I'll get to fly with you eventually?", the boy pointed towards the sky, Azriel's eyes following his movements. The spymaster's heart clenched at that. He hoped that would be possible. He hoped that with solid, strong back muscles and flying lessons, Axel too would bathe in the song of the wind. "We'll do everything we can to make that happen", Azriel threw a smile boy's way, something he found himself doing a lot lately. "Does your back hurt?", "A bit", the boy admitted shyly. Azriel only nodded. "That's a good sign; it means you're doing everything perfectly", and with that alone, all doubt and fear vanished from Axel's eyes. "Come, I'll carry you back", the boy didn't miss the invitation as he leaped into the warmth, snuggling into the male. Azriel held Axel with delicate care, mindful of the sore wings. He continued to run his hand over Axel's scared back. A sickly feeling still crept through him every time he came in contact with it. Azriel could endure the pain of his scars, but seeing Axel bear it as well fueled an anger that had never raged before. So Azriel pulled the boy just a little closer as he continued walking.
"What about this? It's blue", Zofie had been pulling out dresses from her closet all morning long. You had told the kids about the invitation to Velaris. Hoping that they would refuse to go. Make your own choice easy. You hoped you could hide behind their answers so you wouldn't have to make the decision yourself; just the two of them had been over the moon. Eager to go. It was as if Azriel had hung the moon for them, and now, no matter where or what he suggested, they were swooning with happiness.
"It's your favorite", you say, looking up from your seat, pealing your eyes away from the shirt Axel had placed into your hands this morning, practically begging you to fix the hem of it. "You said you'd use it for a special occasion", you continued. Because that dress was more than special. You had made it for Zofie after she had admired that she had never had one. Only clothed in scrappy cloth bags her whole young life. "It is special. We've never gone anywhere", she said firmly, looking down at the deep blue of the tule. "Do they have a big dance floor?", her eyes darted back at you, gleaming. You wanted to tell her that Velaris was like nothing she had ever seen before. She'd find much more than just a breathtaking ballroom, but you tucked that deep within yourself. "I don't know, sweetie. You'll have to ask the spymaster of the night court". The girl tilted her head to the side, "He has a name - Azriel. You know it", she sassed back at you, scrunching her forehead slightly. Because while you pulled back, they ran straight into Azriel's arms. You weren't jealous. Well, a little. You knew you weren't being replaced. You just... You wished you could find strength in yourself to trust once again.
The door to the room swung open after a little knock, and in strolled the two boys. Both still slightly sweaty and... "Oh, this is not okay!", you huffed as you watched them both standing there with their shirts off. "What's all of this about?", you rested your hands on your hips, trying to scowl. There was no doubt that you failed miserably because it was practically impossible to ignore the way Azriel's toned chest looked. Your hands had touched that... You quickly cleared your throat, leaning closer to Axel. "Real soldiers don't wear shirts when they are in the middle of an intense workout", the boy stated so casually that you quickly tilted your eyebrows up, glancing at Azriel, who looked way too mischievous for his own good. That bastard knew what he was doing. But it was the way Axel wore the scars on his back as if they were nothing that tugged at your heart. As if they didn't weigh him down. As if he didn't care if anyone else saw them, and deep down, you knew it was Azriel that you needed to thank.
It was Zofie who washed away the prolonged silence, "We're packing for Velaris", she said, lifting her hands up and showing off her dress which was still wrinkled. Azriel's hopeful eyes darted your way immediately. You two hadn't talked about his promises. About the things he had said. You had been cold toward him. You didn't want to, but his words had struck deep, making your defense walls waver. "Do they have a ballroom?", Zofie chirped, stepping closer to the male, who almost by nature had sunk to one knee so he could be more at Zofie's eye level. "Yeah, they do. I hope you'll save a dance for me", Azriel stated firmly, and Zofie nodded eagerly at his words. Giggling as the shadows swirled around her, turning her hair into a big cloud around her, lifting it from her back as she swirled with them happily.
Azriel's smile faltered. A pain like no other struck him. She was wearing Axel's shirt, no doubt, the loose material falling off the back, as she finally collapsed to the floor, screeching. Yet all Azriel saw were two deep red marks that ran all the way up to her shoulders. He didn't need to see more to know what that meant. He didn't need... Azriel stood up so quickly that his head spun. Turning abruptly, he shot out the door. Images of that night. That torturous night when he and Cas had to pull Rhys away from the lifeless bodies of his mother and sister filled his head. Now clear as a day. The torn-apart flesh in their back. The blood. The broken bones. The gashed. Azriel didn't make it far. He bent just slightly as he leaned against the wall. His breakfast coming right up. He heaved and gagged for what felt like forever. Head pressed against the cold stone as he tried to calm his breathing. Tried to shove the image of the mutilated bodies. Zofie's lifeless... That alone had Azriel hurling all over again.
"Drink", the strong smell coming from the cup was enough to let Azriel know that it was ginger brew. And the warmth of a hand on his shoulder—enough to let him know that you were here. But he was too afraid to move. Any movement threatened to make him heave again; he was convinced of it. "You look pale as a ghost drink, Azriel", you pushed the cup closer to his lips, holding onto his jaw as you tilt the mug up. Azriel manages to take a couple of sips before pushing back. "She's...", he managed to whisper. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, "Wingless? Yes". Azriel let out what seemed to be a superseded whimper, and all you could do was lower your head. You could speak of it only because you've walked with that pain for so long and yet it still clawed at you in moments like this.
"Who?", the tone seemed pure death. "Azriel...", you said in a pleading tone. This man had proven to you more than once now that he was willing to bring hell out for the kids. Yet you still denied it. "Give me a name! Tell me what camp. I will skin him alive", you swiftly moved to cup his face as you shook your head. "Do you remember what you told me about the fact that all they need is love?", you asked, looking into his deep golden orbs. "They need the same from you, Az", the darkness plunged back into its cage. Yet his breathing was still heavy. "This isn't fair", his words spilled through his gritted teeth, his hands pressing onto your hips. His way of grounding himself. "You and I both know that life is cruel", you offered him a sad smile, but he only shook his head. "But", you breathed out, knowing deep down that you needed to say this. "Azriel... She's up there right now, thinking that she has done something bad. That Axel's scars didn't scare you, but her...", and that's enough for Azriel to pull back as he turns around, only a black mist of his shadows left in his track.
And she's there in his arms when you finally make your way up. Splotchy face pressed against his shoulder. Zofie is a tiny girl as it is, but in Azriel's embrace, she almost looks microscopic. His palm covers most of her back. She has a fistful of his shirt in her tiny fists. "You're just as special", you hear Azriel muttering under his breath. Axel inches closer to you, arms wrapping around your leg as he nuzzles into you. You're convinced that the only time this man was brought to his knees was when he was pleading to stay with that female, but in his time here, he kept kneeling in front of the two of them. And it doesn't seem to bug him. It doesn't seem to clash with the cold mask he has built.
It's hard to hear their conversation, but then it's for them alone. And the bits you do hear—"I'm sorry," "You're one of the strongest girls I've met", and endless mutters of "I'll keep you safe" and "You'll never have to be afraid anymore"—are more than enough to make your eyes sting. Because you know that Azriel would not let go of her, or Axel, for that matter. They were logged into his heart. Fully. Permanently. It soothes you that Zofie doesn't understand and doesn't remember the way things had happened. Her father had taken it upon himself to carve her tiny wings out the same day she was born. A poor baby caught an infection. Leaving her slightly sickish and way smaller than she should be for her age. But she still kicked around fearlessly. Determined to not let monsters like that win. You dabbed a tear away from your cheek quickly. Letting the feeling of Axe's soft hair pull you back out.
"Can I fly?", the girl lifted her head from Azriel's shoulder, tiny palms rubbing her eyes. You sucked in a breath. She had never thought about that or asked about it. You want to cut in; try to say something. But Azriel pulled the blanket off the bed before carefully wrapping Zofie in it. "You say a word, and you'll be soaring through the clouds", Azriel says softly, and her eyes spark with anticipation. She glances your way, and you give her a tiny nod. "Then I want to fly", she whispers, and that's enough for Azriel to scoop her up as he moves towards the balcony. Her tiny hands spring out of the blanket as she wraps them around Azriel's neck, and they are airborne. Together.
You find him hours later. Everyone has long gone to bed, but you've spent way too long tossing and turning. The pull in your chest was too unbearable. So, with kisses on both of the kids' foreheads, you let your feet lead the way. And it only hits you that you're standing right in front of his door when it opens and you see his figure. Your body seizes, just like it always does when you're in front of him. Or, well, when he's shirtless.
You lift your haze and say, "I... wanted to check on you. Make sure that it's...", you topple over your words before managing to take a breath in, "Are you okay?". Azriel says nothing; he just steps to the side, a silent invitation. He's nursing a glass of whiskey. He's been off alcohol for most of his time here, so this... This had to reopen deep wounds.
"She was ecstatic. I've never seen her eyes so bright", you try to breathe in that sense of peace in him. "How is this still happening? Rhys has put out clear laws", is all he says in return. You step closer to him, reaching for a glass in his hand, and Azriel gives it up rather easily. "These males run things by their books, and you know it, Az. The sanctuary has a dedicated armed force, and there are missions. We do what we can," you state calmly, but Azriel simply shakes his head. "Come here", he mutters, his hands reaching up for you. "I don't want you going back to these camps", his words are firm as you rest your head against his chest. "You can't boss me around, remember?", you jab at his chest painfully. "Then I'll be going with you", Azriel says, as if it's so self-explanatory. You pull back slightly, shaking your head. "Start by taking us to Velraris, foreign soldier", you murmur, and that's the first time you get to see a smile paint his lips. "While you're in a silk nightgown?", he muses, and you let out a gasp, wrapping your arms around your chest. The reality that your nightgown has been the only thing separating your bodies all this time slowly seeping in, making your cheeks grow crimson. "In your dreams, shadowsinger", you purr back at him.
The next morning is filled with anticipation. Little feet running all around the place, shoving some of the forgotten pieces into the overnight bags. Throughout the breakfast, the conversation lingered around Velaris. As Azriel pulls story after story, the two younglings gasping. The list of places to visit getting longer by the minute. You were happy for them. This chance to explore something new—that child-like thrill—made even the smallest of things seem huge.
"Bacon", Zofie quickly jabbed her finger toward the plate, making Azriel let out a light chuckle. But he makes quick work of assembling the perfect bite before carefully turning the fork towards the girl's mouth. "Good?", he asked, leaning to the side slightly so he would be able to see her face. Zofie just smiled up at him, kicking her little feet happily as she chewed. She was perfectly capable of feeding herself but more than aware that she had Azriel wrapped around her little finger, meaning that one tired look was enough for the spymaster to usher her onto his lap so he could help her eat breakfast.
"You can't carry us three", Axel said as he too cut into the last bits of food on his plate. Azriel lifted a brow in a challenge, "I bet I can". The boy shook his head, "You only have two hands; there's three of us here". The shadowsinger only smirked, "Who knew you were so good at math", Axel let out a gasp before his face grew mischievous. "Will we go one by one?", Zofie asked, turning her head to look up at Azriel. And just as always, he was quick to sense the panic in her voice. The thought of having to be at some place alone while the others came around clearly made her antsy.
"No, we're all going together. I'll winnow us there", Azriel said firmly, followed by an explanation of what that meant. "Will this hurt?", Axel was quick to cut in. "No, you'll hold onto Y/n; I'll hold onto you all,", the spymaster said calmly, knowing well that the first time might feel rather unsettling when you're not so used to the sensation. "Can we get lost?", Zofie's voice was barely audible. Azriel placed a quick kiss on the crown of her head before leaning closer to her, "No", his eyes were fully focused on the little girl, "Because I won't let that happen".
The cool air nibbled at your skin first. Pinching your cheeks and painting them slightly more pink. It was way cooler here, even if the sanctuary was in the mountains. Magic had its perks. Azriel's grip around you loosened as he stepped back, the warmth of him melting away. A part of you wanted to hold onto him for a moment longer. You two still hadn't had a proper conversation about everything. Not that there was anything much to say, but you felt like letting him know that you trusted him.
"Look up at the sky, Zo", Axel practically shrieked with excitement as he softly pulled on Zofie's dress. She carefully peeled her palms away from her eyes. Even with Azriel humming through the quick journey here, her little panic took the best of her. "You can see all the construction", Azriel pointed up at the sky as he rubbed her back softly. "Rhys is a show-off like that", he muttered, mostly for you, and you couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Perseus...", Zofie motioned with her little finger, making Azriel nod, "That's right, we can find them all later on".
It took you a moment to look around. You haven't been here in... ever. The only time you had come down here was straight to Rhys's office. You haven't been out of the sanctuary since you were first brought in. Except for the camp. An uncomfortable shiver runs down your back. The place Azriel winnowed to felt pretty secluded. The buzz of the sitting seemed further away. The street was brightly lit, with dangling lights and flower beds blooming on every window sill. "This isn't the main house", you muttered. It didn't feel like it. A least, you had no clue how Rhys would fit a study so big in here. Azriel shook his head as he lowered Zofie to the ground. "I wanted you to warm up your feet in Velaris first", he said while shaking his head. "So, we're not meeting everyone tonight?", a wave of relief washed over you. Sure, you were excited and all, but... one can only take so many stimuli at once. And well, for the kids' sake, that was a perfect start. "I wanted you to meet someone first. Someone special", Azriel said softly before stepping closer to the door and knocking gently.
The kids quickly rushed to stand up tall, yet their hands were gripping the sides of their skirts. Putting on their best behavior. So eager to meet someone new. Someone they hadn't seen around the sanctuary. Someone who seemed to be a part of a whole new world. But it's not really what you expected. In all honesty, you didn't even know what you were expecting.
An elderly woman opens the door, the brightest smile on her face as she sees Azriel. Her hands instantly reach to cup his face, and he doesn't pull away. He basks in the softness of her touch for a moment before moving to kiss both of her palms. "My boy", she beames, and you're convinced your heart had stopped working. Or there's a blood vessel that popped, hence the roaring in your ears. No, Azriel brought you to his... "Mother, I want you to meet someone", the spymaster steps to the side to give his mother a clear view of the kids and you.
You wait for her smile to falter, but she only seems to smile brighter. "Oh, dear...", she holds onto Azriel's arm. "Aren't you two adorable", she opens her embrace warmly, and that's all Zofie and Axel need as they rush forward toward the woman. Big eyes observing her as she cups both of their faces. You bite the inside of your cheeks.
"Yours?", the woman says, looking up at her son. Almost a hopeful gleams there as she watches him. "Not by blood", the spymaster says, and he says it so naturally that you nearly feel your legs buck. Convinced your nails are drawing blood from the way you are squeezing your palms. "And this lady, must be the lover?", her soft eyes land on you, knocking the last air out of your lungs. You open your mouth, but Azriel beats you to it: "Not yet, but I'm working on it". The elderly woman hums softly, a knowing look on her face as she glances between the two of you, before turning her eyes back on the kids, "Why don't we head inside, loves? I'm making cinnamon rolls", and the two younglings don't even do a double take at you as they walk toe-in-toe through the arched wooden door.
You turn to Azriel. "You're insane", you whisper, your eyes already full of tears. "No, I'm just trying to make the right choice for the first time", Azriel says calmly, reaching out for you, but you back away. "Azriel, this is...", you breathe out. "Don't back away from me", hurt flashes in his eyes. "I know I made questionable choices", Azriel pleads. "But this feels fucking right... I can't explain it, YN, but it feels as if I was meant to be here, meant to...", he states, almost in slight disbelief himself, "Don't take this from me".
You watch Azriel for a heartbeat. One. Two. Before you just leap forward, crashing your lips against his. And it's way better than you could ever imagine. It's eager and hungry. Messy, but so... right. As if this was something that was meant to happen. Azriel brings you closer as he deepens the kiss. His palms moving straight to your hips, a habit of his by now. You arch into his touch, your body working on its own rhythm when it comes to Azriel. And when you finally pull apart breathlessly, with a slightly rosy cheek, you can't help but smile at him because maybe just maybe. This is your chance to have your person. Your home.
"If I accidentally winnow us to my apartment now...", Azriel muttered breathlessly, making you let out a laugh. "Don't you dare, soldier", you say, pointing your finger at him. "I won't... Just thinking about it...hard", he states through hazy eyes. You shake your head as you brush your fingers across his lips, trying to clean up the smudged marks of your lipstick. "In your dreams," you purr lightly. "Well, I've been dreaming for a while now, love", Azriel reaches to you, resting his forehead against yours before his lips find yours once more.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace
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soolh1k · 1 year
Skz ghosting you ! (pt 2)
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notes: english is not my first language so apologies for any misspelling or grammar. i hope u like it !! :))) this is only the hyung line
type: text post | narrated text
genre: kinda angsty but w fluff
WARNINGS: swearing, a little bit angsty, let me know if you'd like me to tag u :)
Hyung Line pt1 | Maknae Line pt1
ೋ Christopher Bang
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Your heart ached. You knew he hadn't intentionally ignored you, but he did anyway. You really didn't know what to do. Maybe it had been a little immature to leave home without saying anything, but what he did wasn't very mature either.
Your head was a mess. You simply wanted to disappear from the face of the earth. You felt so many things at that moment. It was clear that you still loved him and would continue to do so for a long time. But if he had already hurt you once, what assured you that he wouldn't do it again? You were simply afraid. Maybe not only Chris was the problem, but both of you.
You had to return to his arms. It was clear. Despite the fear you had, the love you had for him was greater.
The doorbell rang throughout the apartment, catching Chris' attention. He quickly went to the door, hoping it was you on the other side. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened the door. A few minutes passed in which only you and he looked into each other's eyes, as if you thought it was all a dream.
"Hello, Chris," you said to break that eye contact.
"Oh my god, you're here, love. I thought I had lost you completely," a sad tone escaped his voice. He gently took your wrist and ushered you into his apartment, so you could talk comfortably.
"I also thought I had lost you, Chris. I really did, and it hurt like you have no idea. Every day without you is hell," you started to tell him, pain evident in your voice. "But it also hurt that you ignored me. You know I understand how complicated your job is, especially being the leader. I admire you so much. However, your job has been driving us apart for months. I don't want you to stop doing what you love because I know it makes you happy, and that makes me happy too. Clearly, I'm not going to make you choose between me and your work. That would be stupid. Can you just promise me something, Chan?" you asked, on the verge of tears. He was lost in his thoughts, realizing the damage he had been causing for months. Was he really that oblivious?
"Chris?" you called out to him, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"Darling, I would do anything for you. I wouldn't even have to think twice if I were given a choice between you and my work. You've always been my priority, and forgive me for not showing it. You're my everything. I shouldn't have neglected you from the beginning. You're the person who has always been there for me, supporting me in every decision I make, giving me love at every moment. I don't want you to leave. I want you here with me. I promise I'll change," your loved one replied almost instantly, shedding tears in the process.
"Chris, listen to me first," was your response to his heartfelt speech.
"Baby, please. I don't want us to end," he whined.
"Chris, listen to me," you repeated.
"I don't want to. If you're going to break up with me, I don't want to hear it."
"Christopher, I love you with all my being. I'm not going to break up with you. I just want you to promise me that you won't ignore me like that again. If I'm your priority, then love me as if it's the last thing you could do. Please."
"I promise, but never leave," he whispered as he hugged you.
"I'll never leave, Darling," you whispered back.
ೋ Lee Minho
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One missed call after another, Minho had been looking for you for days, but it seemed like you wouldn't be returning anytime soon, which was tearing Lino apart. It was never his intention to hurt you; you would always be the only person he loved, so he couldn't let you walk away from him. Why did he have to ruin things? Everything was going so well, so why did he leave you without any specific reason? He felt like the worst person in the world.
All he needed right now was to find you and resolve things between you. He crossed seas and lands to locate you, only to find out that you were staying with your best friend since she couldn't find you at your apartment. He knocked on your friend's apartment door and waited patiently for it to open.
Your friend opened the door, visibly tired of seeing you in distress and falling into a depressive state because of the issue. She hadn't even realized that you had been sending messages.
"Please, fix things with her. She's been going through a really tough time," your friend told Minho.
"Believe me, I want to fix things with her." She simply nodded and let him go, informing him of your whereabouts. He quickly made his way to you.
"Angel, thank God you're okay. I was so worried," he exclaimed as he recognized your voice.
"Minho, what are you doing here?" you asked, upset, not because he was present, but because you looked terrible.
"I need to make things right with you, bunny. I messed up big time, and I can't express how sorry I am. You're the best partner I've ever had, and I don't want things to end between us. I need you in my life; you're the only thing that brings me happiness. I understand if you can't forgive what I did, but please, give me another chance," he said with so much pain, almost on the verge of tears.
"Minho, to be honest, I'm hurt by what you did, and I don't understand why. I thought everything was fine between us." Now you were the one on the verge of tears.
"I'll be honest with you because I love you. I was afraid, afraid that you would be hurt because of my work. The other day, Felix showed me everything they were saying about the girlfriend of an idol, and at that moment, I started thinking about what would happen if they found out about us. Would they hurt you like that? I didn't want to allow that, so I started to withdraw into my thoughts. I wanted to protect you, and my first instinct was to stay away so that those hurtful comments would never reach you. But I can't, I love you so much that my heart won't let me stay away. I'm sorry; I just wanted to protect you, but I did it in the worst way." The love of your life couldn't stop crying, and with everything he told you, you realized that neither of you was the problem.
"Why are you like this? Why do I have to love you so much, Minho? Come here, from now on, things will be better. We just need to talk about it, okay? Nothing will separate us. I love you so much," you reassured him and planted a tender kiss on his cheek.
"I love you too. I'm sorry," he replied, hugging you tightly.
ೋ Seo Changbin
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Changbin didn't even dare to go home after what he did. He had truly hurt you, and he didn't know how to fix it. How could he have been so stupid? Did he distance himself from you just because he loved you? Wasn't that ridiculous? What was he doing with his life? Why wasn't he going to look for you? Those were some of the questions swirling in his mind at night. Lately, insomnia had prevented him from sleeping. He had been having sleepless nights, and every day away from you made him feel dead.
Chris advised him to go look for you before it was too late, but he already felt like a coward and firmly refused. It wasn't until Chan opened his eyes completely that he gave him a hypothetical situation where you both broke up in the worst possible way, even inventing that you could hate him. That day ended with him crying oceans, but with a clear mind, he knew what he had to do. He couldn't fail you once again, so he made his excuses and ran to his apartment. He had to apologize properly, he had to show you how much he loved you, that he would never hurt you again, and he wanted you to know that.
You were finishing up dinner, hoping that today your boyfriend would show up. You missed him so much and didn't want things to end badly between you. You didn't want to break up with him or for him to break up with you. You loved him too much, although you were afraid. He said he was afraid to love you. Was it because of something you did? Were you just a game to him? Why did this have to be happening, and why to you? You thought he really liked you, but his actions showed otherwise. Maybe it was all a bet, and being so naive, you gave him everything. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even realize someone was knocking on the door.
"I'm coming!" you yelled as a warning, and you headed to the door and opened it. When you saw who was at the door, all you could do was sigh in disbelief.
"Sorry," was the first thing you heard from the person you had been waiting for so long. You couldn't even react when you felt him embrace you.
"I'm an idiot, forgive me. I don't know why I was scared," you began to hear small sobs, and that's when you realized Changbin was crying. So you let him in, offered him some water, and tried to calm him down.
"Tesoro, it's okay, don't worry, alright?" you reassured him, but he only became more agitated.
"Honey, it's not okay at all. It's not okay to ignore you or make you feel bad. I had no reason to be afraid of loving you. It's just the first time someone has made me feel this way, and it was pure panic because I didn't want to lose you, honey. I didn't want my insecurities to affect you, but I think that's all I did. God, I'm such a fool. Please forgive me." So it wasn't you, not a bet, none of that. It was just how you made him feel.
"Oh my god, I thought you didn't love me because you didn't like me. Tesoro, the next time you feel like that, just tell me. We can solve things in a better way. Don't doubt how much I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love you, and I'm not afraid to say it. Please don't hate me. I want to be the man you spend the rest of your life with," he told you before giving you a small kiss.
ೋ Hwang Hyunjin
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You knew how closed off he could be. At the beginning of your relationship, it was also very difficult to get him to communicate his feelings with you. It was as if someone had hurt him, and he continued to have the constant fear of talking to you and getting hurt. But it's clear that he knows you wouldn't do such a thing. It's clear that you are the love of his life. No one has ever evoked such feelings in him. Even in his worst moments, he was sure you wouldn't leave so easily. But he needed to meet you to solve his problems. He became so happy and relieved when you sent him an address, telling him to meet you there in 15 minutes.
"Did I make you wait for too long?" he heard behind him, startling him a little.
"No! Of course not. I would wait as long as needed for you, Belle," he said, getting up to greet you. He pulled out your chair, waited for you to sit, and then sat down himself.
"I missed you so much, Hyunnie," you said, looking outside, avoiding eye contact.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. My mind just wouldn't let me do anything. It was like I ceased to exist for a couple of days. I didn't talk to anyone, literally, not even the guys. I know I should have told you that I wasn't feeling well to avoid worrying you, but I truly couldn't. I didn't even want to look at my phone. Nothing was motivating me," he said, his head down, afraid to see your reaction.
"Handsome, don't worry about that. I just want to know why you're feeling like this," you understood that he hadn't been okay with himself lately, so he couldn't be okay with anyone else until he resolved his internal conflicts.
"Oh God, if I say it, I'm going to start crying, Belle."
"And I'll be here to comfort you, my love. Please, talk to me."
"Everything they say about me on social media, they hate me so much, and I can't stand it. Do you hate me?" you could hear the brokenness in his voice.
"Of course not. I could never hate you, Hyunjin. You're the most precious person in my life and probably in the lives of many others. Don't pay attention to them. Those people are just filled with envy. They're jealous because they can't be you. Literally, they're sitting at home, commenting stupid things, while you're touring the world. They're just bitter. So don't listen to them. Many of your fans are doing everything they can to make all of you happy. I love you, okay?" you assured him, taking his hand and kissing it.
"I'm truly sorry. I love you so much. Like I said, I'm yours, and I'll continue to be for the rest of my life. Please love me the same way. Stay with me. In the future, be my wife," Hyunjin declared, looking directly into your eyes.
"I love you like no one else in this world, Hyunjin. In the future, let's be happier than ever."
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petriwriting · 3 months
Vero Amore - Theodore Nott X Reader (Part 4)
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Summary: Theodore is on trial for being associated with voldemort due to his father and family history, His odds arent looking so good. Luckily for him you are called to the stand to testify on his behalf, and you just might be the key to his innocence.
Fluff, established previous relationship, Exbf!Theo, Older!Theo and others. Post hogwarts.
Previous part here
The prosecution had painted Theodore as a greedy criminal, despite his previously spotless record. It was all about the chatter, and breaking away from the path his father had paved for him would have proven to be difficult. You were ushered back to your seat, away from the center of the courtroom. a mixture of skeptical and sympathetic faces passed you by, if these people wanted a love story, they got one. there was not a single ounce of dishonesty in either you or Theodore, or any of his witnesses'.
During closing arguments, Your escort gave an impassioned plea about Theodore's outstanding character and the complete lack of real evidence against him. The prosecution tried its best to poke holes, but their arguments rang hollow after everything. and it was now in the hands of the jury, you hoped and prayed they would be forgiving. After just an hour of deliberation, the jury returned with a verdict of not guilty on all charges and accounts. You finally let out the breath that felt like you had been holding for months. His life and reputation had been salvaged, he was no longer tied to his past. and he would not have to be sent away to suffer for his fathers wrongdoings. you were overjoyed, elated to be able to see him one day do all of the things he always dreamt of. Once the court was dismissed, you scurried over to Theodore to embrace him, he picked you up into the embrace, holding you closely with a huge breath of relief and fresh air. Blaise appeared, he had been sitting quietly somewhere in the courtroom, though you hadn't noticed. "I told you it wouldn't be so bad." he assured Theodore with a stern pat on the back. Theodore was practically in tears, happiness. "I'm so shocked," Theodore says, the courtroom is now being emptied. you are all being ushered to leave.
As the three of you continue forward into the lobby, Theodore lets out a heavy sigh. He says your name, gently. "I'm so happy you are here," he begins. "Thank you, so much. I am indebted to you." he says. You smile softly. "You don't have to thank me," you say. "I'm glad I could be here." you say. 
After a sentimental moment between the two of you, Blaise is quick to leave. "I do have to get work now, but I'll leave you two to have a more proper reunion." he says. "It was great to see you again," you say politely. Blaise was never super close to you, although you were cordial since he was friends with theo. "Thanks, for everything. We'll celebrate at my place later, yeah?" he says, Blaise nods, and then is off. 
"I don't suppose you have plans after this?" Theodore asks you as you both walk, exiting the ministry building spilling onto the busy street. "No, actually, my calendar is clear for the day." you explain. "Would you like to come to my place? we can catch up- I'd just like to properly thank you for being there today." he says, his hands reaching for his pockets. "That sounds really nice actually." you agree. 
Before too long you are at Theo's small flat. It's messy and lived in. "Sorry it's a mess." he says. "But it's home." for someone that grew up a pureblood slytherin who was well off financially, it was quite modest. "It's fine. I don't mind it." you say, sitting at the kitchen island. Theo is standing on the other side. "Would you like a drink?" he offers. "sure" you say. Although you are both happy that he is now a free man, there is still a slight tension from spending so many years apart after school. you are both attempting to make up for the lost years. Theo offers you a glass with some tea, your favorite kind. He's incredibly thoughtful. "What happened to your father?" you ask, after some contemplation. "After the war, he realized he would be prosecuted. He attempted to flee to America, but he was caught and he passed shortly after." Theo says. 
"I'm sorry to hear that." you say. "It's alright, I don't miss him. but he's the only family I ever had." he says sadly. "That isn't true," you retort. "You have draco, pansy, and blaise." you thought. "and me." you say softly. Theodore gives a grateful smile. there's a special exchange between you. His mother passed away when he was young and his father was awful...  "The past few years have been rough," he sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "with the trial dragging on for so long, and with everyone busy moving on with their lives I always felt like I was stuck back in time... It's been really lonely." he says. "Sometimes I think back," you begin. "and I remember all the things we did, all the fun we had. Laughter, Tears, all of it. I'm sad it's gone now, but I'm grateful that it happened. Those are my best memories." you admit. "Seeing us in those memories kind of changed me." Theodore admits, biting his lip slightly. there is uncertainty. "What do you mean?" you question."I just meant that," he begins, but he back tracks, his hands resting on the counter behind him as he leaned back, his arms stiff. "I've been really lonely and part of that has to do with missing you." he exclaims. "For a long time I absolutely hated myself for leaving you there like that without an explanation, knowing that I ruined one of the best things I've ever had in my life. For a while I couldn't get out of bed, It was so heavy. But I asked you here today so that I could just let you know I'm sorry for that." His head is low, he's ashamed of himself. "Theodore, you don't have to apologize for that." He shook his head. "I do when I've thought about it almost everyday for years." he manages to say softly. "We all did things we aren't proud of, there was a war happening," you say. "That doesn't matter, but I am sorry," he says. 
You shift in your seat, taking a sip of your tea and placing the cup on the counter. you swing your feet over the edge, and you are now standing in front of Theodore. "I know that you had to do that," you comfort. "You had no other choice to survive. and that's okay." you comfort the man in front of you. "And by the way, I thought about you too. a lot. an embarrassing amount. But I wanted you to grow, even if that meant leaving me to do so." you say. Theodore is speechless, he feels like the same teenager he was all those years ago, scared to say anything. so he didn't, he pulled himself forward to place a gentle kiss on your lips. 
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gemstone-roses · 1 year
I’ve really enjoyed your Hannibal fics and I was wondering if y could do one with fem reader when Hannibal and them get in a argument and he tries to woo her with gifts and stuff but it doesn’t work so he sets up like a really cute picnic or something xx thank you 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Hi! Thankyou so much! I enjoy writing them!
Warnings: bit of angst, fluff, kissing.
Reblogs and comments much appreciated thankyou🥺
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He realises he's fucked up about three seconds after the door shuts, he steadies himself on the counter.
He can't even remember what you had been arguing about, but he remembers the moment the words left his lips before he could stop himself.
And your reaction hurt him the most.
You didn't yell, you didn't shout, scream, tell him he went too far, you just calmly said,
"Well then, I think I'll go now".
There's no attitude in your words, no sarcasm, no fight.
And hannibal realises then he's really done it.
He hesitates to call, it takes everything in him not to pick up the phone but he knows its what you need.
He starts with flowers. They appear on your desk, they are far too grand for you to feel comfortable displaying them, and he knows that, but he's not thinking with all his usual consideration right now.
He knows the gifts he's been sending probably didn't go down well, because your still not talking to him.
He even saw you pour the coffee he had left for you down the sink.
Deep down hannibal knew buying you gifts to apologise would never work, so when his mind has cleared slightly, he can think a bit clearer, he knows exactly what to do.
Instead of finding a gift at your desk today, you found a note. Handwriting out of a fairytale, you knew it was from hannibal.
It said to meet him on the top of the hill you'd spent your summer evenings on.
You loved it, there was a single cherry blossom tree at the top, and when the wind blew and the petals fell, you felt serene up there.
You walk the path up to the hill, your mood towards hannibal had long gone, you were just waiting for him to come -with a bit of grovelling- back to you.
You reached the top of the hill and hannibal stood from the blanket he'd laid out and walked towards you.
"Hi darling" he whispers, relief washing over him, because you showed up.
"Hi" you smile.
"I, I made some food, your favourite" he smiles and you think you might melt because here is hannibal, tripping over his words, apologising.
"Ooh, good, I'm starving" you laugh.
Hannibal wraps his arm around your waist, tenativley.
You lean into his embrace and he holds you tighter.
"Im sorry" he kisses the top of your head.
"I know" you say
"Truly, I should not have said what I did, and I hope you can forgive me" he says, his hand stroking up and down your side.
"Hannibal, we've all said something we shouldn't have done at one time or another, myself included" you assured him.
"I know but- "it still leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be" you say. And hannibal smiles. He ushers you to sit down and grabs a bottle of your favourite sparkling drink.
"Here darling" he offers you a glass and you stretch your legs out on the blanket.
"Thankyou, this is beautiful". You whisper, tilting your head back to look up at the canopy of the cherry blossom tree.
"Much better than that horrendously over the top bouquet you sent me" you jibe at him, hannibal leans back with you and laughs.
"Sorry about that" he says, and he leans his head forward just a tiny bit as if to indicate he really is sorry. You place your free hand on his chin, placing your drink down behind you.
You lean into him, catching his lips in a kiss. Hannibal props himself up so he's able to grasp your face with his hands.
He kisses you like it's the last thing he'll ever do.
He breaks the kiss eventually, leaving you breathless.
"The food is going cold" he whispers, hand running across your jaw.
Finally, hannibal hands you a plate of the food, smiling.
"Thankyou, you say" the stunning picnic he's put together warming your heart, and hannibal, is forgiven.
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alice-after-dark · 3 months
Deer Wife AU - Mimzy
Inspired by @hiemaldesirae's deer sinner Vox designs (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) and his Attic-Wife Vox AU
Vox meets Mimzy!
(Woke up early and brain went buzz and finished this instead of going back to sleep lol)
Unlike Rosie, Mimzy's visit is not planned.
Instead, the small woman appears at the door, proclaims she'd heard from Rosie about Alastor's new "squeeze," and demands to meet him.
"Well ain't you cute!" she exclaims, holiding his face in her hands. "Alastor, how'd you get your hands on such a cutie? He's way outta your league!"
Vox blushes and fidgets with his skirt. If anything, the opposite was true...
Alastor gently taps her arm with his cane. "Personal space, Mimzy dear. Vox is a nervous creature."
The singer gives him a sour look but nevertheless releases Vox, allowing him to straighten up as she circles him. "You really got yourself a little sheik, huh?"
A what now?
"Mimzy dear."
"Oh come on! Ya gotta let a girl know the details! How's the barney mugging?"
The what?
"That is hardly appropriate!"
They begin to bicker, their tone light and playful. Vox, on the other hand, hasn't the slightest clue as to what they are even talking about. Sheik? Barney mugging? He decides to ask Alastor later.
Somehow, Mimzy has managed to get Alastor into the kitchen, citing something about being a good host and fixing up some snacks and drinks. It's startling. Vox has never seen anyone push Alastor around the way this woman does.
"Now," Mimzy ushers him to sit on the couch and hops up beside him. "Don't you let him get away with nuthin', got it?" she says, oddly serious. "And if he ain't treatin' you right, you let me know and I'll straighten him out. Okie dokie, sweetheart?"
Vox blinks, surprised by the sudden shift. "I...yeah, okay...but I promise, he's been nothing but good to me."
"Good." The small woman crosses her arms and nods. "I expect nuthin' less from him." And then the seriousness is gone and she waggles her eyebrows at him as a sly grin slides across her face. "He better be treatin' you right in other ways too."
Vox's face goes bright red. "I-! No-I mean-! We're not-! We haven't-!"
Mimzy looks practically scandalized. "Are you serious?! Alastor!" Vox wails and hides in his hands as Alastor appears with a tray of snacks and drinks. Mimzy gestures wildly at Vox. "What's the big idea not sexin' up this cutie? Do you know how many mooks he could have eatin' outta his hand right now and you're leavin' him hangin'!"
Alastor sputters.
The sound is so alarming that it makes Vox look up. Alastor's face is bright red and his ears are back flat against his skull. His shadow is snickering behind him as Mimzy continues to lecture him.he is very pointed not looking at Vox. Vox feels his heart skip. Wait...does Alastor...want to...?
Alastor changes the subject. To what, Vox doesn't remember, but it successfully distracts Mimzy while Vox continues to have an existential crisis. Alastor wants to have sex with him. Alastor...wants to have sex...with him. Vox can barely string together any coherent thoughts for the rest of the afternoon.
"I do hope you'll forgive the dear woman," Alastor says as he does the dishs later. "She can be...excitable."
Vox sits at the table as he drinks the tea Alastor made him to calm his over socialized nerves. Alastor's shadow hovers around him like a mother hen.
"You're awfully quiet," Alastor says, still not facing him. "I suspect I know what you're thinking about." He sighs. "Mimzy can be a rather...forward individual. If she made you uncomfortable..."
"No!" Vox says quickly. Embarrassed by his own abruptness, he tries again. "I mean...no, what she said didn't...bother me. I just...do you? Want to do...that, I mean." Vox's ears are back and he knows his face must be bright red. He feels like a child, unable to even say the damn words properly. He's a grown man, dammit!
"Yes, I do." Vox nearly chokes on his tea. "However, I have no intention of taking advantage of you in the regard. I understand many Overlords and soul-owners would, but I will not force you to satisfy me in that way."
Vox swallows hard. "And...if I want to?"
Now Alastor turns to face him, eyes dark and searching. Vox holds his gaze. He fights the urge to look away like he normally would, flustered as he is. Alastor is looking for reassurance, affirmation that Vox is not saying this to just please him, but because he truly wants this. And Vox wants this. He has for a long time, he realizes. For how sweet and docile he has been for the past several months, Vox is a greedy thing. He knows this about himself and he wants every part of Alastor he can get his hands on. Literally and figuratively.
Alastor clears his throat. "I see." He dries his hands and moves closer. He takes Vox's chin in his hand and Vox's heart skips. Alastor rarely touches him beyond his hands or perhaps his shoulders. This touch forces Vox to keep his eyes on Alastor. The red deer grins down at him wickedly. "Have you ever had intercourse with a man?"
Vox shakes his head.
"Words, darling."
Vox's breath catches in his throat at the commanding tone. "N-no."
Alastor hums. "Well, we can address that later. If I'm going to have you, my dear, I intend to do it properly. You're not a two-cent whore. I've been...delicate with you since your arrival here, but I won't deny that there are many things I wish to do to you. My desires are not conventional, darling. If you are to accept a courtship from me, I need you to understand that."
Vox's mind goes blank. Courtship. Alastor wants to court him. The Radio Demon's hand moves from his chin to stroke the side of his face and Vox leans into the touch as his answer. Alastor kisses him then, slow and so deep that Vox swears he means to consume him.
Vox decides he's alright with that.
1920's Slang:
Sheik - A young sexy man
Barney mugging - Sex
Mook - An ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person
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ghostlyforxst · 1 year
Hi sorry to bother but if your requests are open I’m hoping you can read this? I was wondering if you can write a reaction of the hashiras finding out that y/n was an assassin before becoming a hashira? Like what are their thoughts, are they ok with her, do they still like her, are they afraid of her? Please take your time and no rush :) I hope you have fun with this.
(Ps: her being an assassin is a family thing kinda like Killua from HXH.)
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNINGS: Assassin Reader, Slight! Metions of Family Trouble, and Slight! Angst
CHARACTERS: Gyomei Himejima, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Muichiro Tokito, Giyuu Tomioka, Kyojuro Rengoku, Mitsuri kanroji. Uzui Tengen, and Shinobu Kacho
A/N- I am still taking request, and I'll make post if I weren't! and of course I can write this for you, so enjoy!
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     Startled, with a few being slightly more alarmed than shocked, but they are interested and curious—I'm sure quite a few questions are itching to be answered. 
     If you are currently a hashira and gave brief information about your past to them, then I really doubt they’ll dislike you if all of you were on friendly terms before. But you’ve got people like Obanai and Sanemi, debbie-downers of the hashiras, skeptical and concerned if you would still end in those troublesome behaviors for a quick buck. Within enough time they’ll forget it and notice it wasn’t your fault for being forced by your parents to continue that trade. The rest would simply be the phrase “The past is in the past.” They’ll continue on as before, feeling apologetic and compassion for you after you disclose your story of being ushered into that work by your parents, offering you some comfort as much as they can give.  
     Tears wettened the hefty man's checks, bowing his head and hands clapped together to pray for your well-being. “You poor soul, I hope that now you can find some peace being amongst us and release yourself from the past.” 
    He frowned and scoffed, “how do we not know you’ll not go back to your old ways!?” 
But then expresses his apologies after putting some thought to it, “forgive me for being insensitive.” 
     He scowled and pointed his finger at you, “and you're a hashira? Hashira defend people, not murder them for payment!” 
     Obanai won't apologize verbally, but in a way his gaze softens and his actions seem less hostile once you told more about your past. 
     Externally unbothered but shocked, then forgets. “The clouds are pretty.” 
     Unperturbed, though his eyes soften. “I’m sorry to hear that.” 
     The time a smile never comes to his face, beside the sympathetic one as he rests a hand on your shoulder. “That must've been hard for you, Y/N. But I'm proud of you and how far you have come. Remember to set your heart ablaze!”  
     Her eyes widen, a mouth hiding her quivering lip, before rushing and embracing you into her arms. “It okay, Y/N. I promise that we see you no different than before, I am happy that you were comfortable to share that with us.” 
    He nods his head and pats your head, “that was very flamboyant of you, but no matter what don’t let the past hold your back!” 
She smiled softly and rubs your back, “well at least you are out of that situation and are coming into a more stable life with us.”
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sick-mouths-asks · 12 days
I have a few more snippet ideas for the fanfiction that I probably may or may not write in the future. I think it's safe to say it may contain some spoilers.
Luigi tried to have some one on one alone time with Bowser in his chambers. He just wanted to spend the night but if things took an interesting turn, he wasn't going to complain because that's what lovers do. Bowser, on the other hand, did not consent to this.
It's been about 5 minutes since Luigi was ushered out of Bowser's bedroom in quite the hurry, still clutching his robe he had some time to mull the situation over.
"I hope you can forgive his gaurdedness," Kamek said coming up to Luigi's side "He's not one for this type of act, so while you're here I implore you to take on the bigger picture of your actions."
"Yes, I understand."
"Good." That was easier than he thought. Maybe the green Mario Brother wasn't so mindlessly in his own head after all. Love spell be damned.
"I mean, given the way he acts," Luigi started to explain, lifting his head. "I had no idea he was so reserved. Especially with his aesthetic and his attitude."
"Excuse me?" Kamek tried to question. This was taking a weird turn.
"I mean," Luigi huffed "putting on a front like that, he even fooled me! You would have never guessed, ya know?" Shaking his head in though, talking to himself mostly.
"What are you getting at?!" Finally able to interject and get the green man's attention, Luigi turned to Kamek.
"I had no idea that Bowser was celibate." He stated plainly.
That... was not way he was expecting or where this was going at all. "Wha-"
"To think, all that overconfident boosting he does with that massive ego of his, but it turns out he's more traditional and respectful for such an intimate act." Luigi put a hand to his cheek and turned away. " And here I am a total vixen pouncing on him like a slab of meat." A light blush dusted his cheeks.
"I don't think he-"
"If that's how he feels I totally respect his wishes." He announced getting up. "If Bowser wants to stay pure of heart I'll do my best not to sully him."
Kamek is so tired. It's late and he is so very tired. "Ah... yes. I'm sure his majesty will forgive you for your lucrative actions this one time. Just make sure it doesn't happen again." He demanded loosely but sternly.
"Absolutely!" Luigi agreed, making his way back to his guest bedroom for the rest of the evening. Finally this crazy night can come to an end.
"After all," Luigi stated looking back over his shoulder with a gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. "What's more romantic than consent on your wedding night."
With that, Luigi retired for the night.
I'm still so very new to writing this kind of way, I don't even know if I did okay, but I hope I painted a good enough picture of what's going on in the fanfic. Once again, it's called:
I Love You, My Darling Bowser
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esmedelacroix · 9 months
14 days til' Christmas
going to your daughter's hockey game and running into singleparent!miguel o'hara ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
25 days til' Christmas ← previous part
You watched as your daughter Mari waved goodbye to Gabi through the window. "I really liked playing Legos with Gabi, it's so much more fun with a friend," your daughter explained.
"That's so true when I was your age I used to love playing Legos with my little brother. We would build the sets together and play for hours," you said thinking back to the moments that you spent with your best friend in your childhood home.
You quickly ushered Mari back into the house not wanting her to catch a cold. "Mari! Get your overnight bag I packed for you and come downstairs your dad's going to be here soon!" you called out to her.
"Okayy!" she called back. You heard her little footsteps echoing above your head.
Soon enough she rushed down the stairs with her duffel and you handed her all of her gear. "Thanks, mama," Mari said as she motioned for you to bring your face closer to hers so she could kiss you on the cheek.
Just then you heard a knock on the door and realized you left the gifts that Mari had gotten for her dad under the tree. You opened the door for her dad and quickly rushed to stuff the gifts in her duffel(Mari wanted it to be a surprise).
"Hey Rafael, come in just packing one last thing," you called out.
You heard him greet Mari followed by her laughter. "Alright don't be too long," he called back, tickling her some more.
"Sorry about that, I almost forgot her favorite stuffed animal," you lied as you handed him her bag.
"It's fine I've gotten used to you never being prepared," he said as took Mari's hand.
"Not in front of her, we said we wouldn't do this in front of her," you muttered as you crossed your arms glaring up at him.
"What? I can't tell the truth? I don't even know why I only have weekend custody, look at this place! There are Legos all over the floor!" he said pointing at the mess.
"Ay dios mío[Oh my god], Rafael! You're scaring her," you said pointing your hand towards Mari working hard to keep your tone in check, unlike her father.
"I'm scaring her? You're putting her in danger by letting her play with such small toys, she might step on them," he said, keeping his tone down after realizing that Mari was starting to get upset.
"Danger? The only danger is you coming into my home and trying to instigate some kind of fight to make me look like the 'bad guy' in front of my own daughter. Mari is nine years old, she knows not to put Legos in her mouth, and she's not blind, she can look where she's walking," you said as you ran a frustrated hand through your hair.
"Okay, but were you even supervising to make sure she was okay?" he said, trying to find some kind of fault in your parenting skills.
"¿Eres estúpido?[Are you stupid?], Of course, I was. Miguel and I were watching our daughters play with Legos," you said as you simply guided him out of your house.
"¿Quién es ese cabrón?[Who is that fucker?]," he asked as he put Mari's stuff into the trunk.
"None of your business, don't forget to make time for Mari's game tomorrow, ¿Vale?[Okay?]," you said as you gave Mari a hug and a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm sorry, me and your dad always fight all the time. I'll make it up to sweetheart, I promise," you whispered as you gave her one last parting kiss before she got in the car.
"Okay, I have a Hockey game tomorrow. Can I go now?" he sighed.
You rolled your eyes making sure Mari could hear you even though you knew she couldn't really understand, "Vete a la mierda[fuck you/fuck off],"
You slammed your door and texted him, 'If you forget to take her to her game like last time, I'll never forgive you'
You hated that you had to say goodbye to Mari every weekend and not see her for days. But you could sympathize with her father because he didn't get to see her on the weekdays.
You couldn't help but shake the feeling that Rafael wasn't as committed to parenting as he was before meeting his girlfriend. You could give two shits if he had started dating just months after your divorce but his girlfriend didn't seem too interested in Mari. On top of that Mari could recount multiple times when she would be dropped off at his neighbors because his girlfriend wanted alone time.
You weren't going to let the toxic thoughts plague you any longer and you allowed yourself to rest and go to sleep.
. . .
The next day was very relaxing. You were able to do some deep cleaning for the winter and since you work on your own hours you popped in and out of shifts and did some grocery shopping.
Once work was finally over and you finished eating an early dinner you checked your watch. Rafael was probably dropping Mari off for her game. She had to be there two hours in advance to prepare herself and warm up.
You had called her and her father in the morning and she seemed very excited about her game. You took your time getting dressed and doing your hair to go to her game. You know you were just going to end up bringing your look because of how passionate of a sports watcher you were.
It didn't matter what sport it was, you were going to scream whenever a player messed up and cheer on the team you thought was going to win if you didn't already have a favorite. To make matters even worse you had a tendency to eat like a pig when you watched sports.
That's probably why none of the single dads approached you at games. You went crazy when it came to being a supportive parent for your daughter.
Just as you were about to make some snacks for Mari's teammates for the end of the game someone was blowing up your phone. Rafael was blowing up your phone.
You picked up his call and put it on speaker as you prepared each teammate's bag. "What is it, Rafe?" you sighed.
"Heyy, mama listen, I don't want you to get upset, but Angela had to go out because she's not feeling well, and I completely forgot about dropping Mari off," Rafael explained in a hushed tone.
"¡¿Qué?!" you gasped hoping that it was just some sick prank.
"Please don't get mad, I'm sorry but it's an emergency. Mari is at Peter's house," he said.
"Seriously? Rafael, I knew you would choose her over your own daughter again. Wasn't feeling well? Just take Advil seriously, is she a child?" you yelled.
"Look I'm sorry I really am-" he started.
"No no, don't apologize to me. Apologize to Mari when you see her after her game," you said as you abandoned the snacks and put your coat on getting your bag and keys.
"Well, I can't make it to her game... Angelica is going to want to eat somewhere and she's vegetarian, she can't have the food at the stadium," Rafael explained.
"You gotta be shitting me. No. For Mari, find a way to at least make it to the end, or else," you threatened
"Or else what?" he instigated.
"Or else I have my lawyer ready. I have so many instances where you neglected our daughter and I can easily take full custody. Seriously, why pick her up just to take her to Peter's house?" you asked. You really didn't want to threaten full custody but he needed that push.
It may have just been a hockey game from anyone looking at the situation from the outside but it's about being there. Being present. I would’ve wanted both my parents present. You thought to yourself. It already hurt enough knowing Mari is different from others in her class and her parents aren't in love anymore. The least we could both do is be there for her.
All you heard was silence on the other lie so you hung up and got into your car. You definitely obeyed all speed limits and most definitely didn't run a red light or two 'on accident' just to get to Mari quickly.
You practically ran up the stairs to the apartment right next to Rafe's. You knocked on Peter's door fidgeting hoping your daughter wasn't upset and she wasn't posing on his evening.
"Hey, squirt!" Peter said as he opened the door greeting you Mayday in his arms obviously wanting to cry.
"Hey Peter, listen I'm sorry about Rafe," you started.
"It's fine, it's always a pleasure having Mari over. I would’ve taken her to her game but Mayday here isn't too fond of the cold," he explained.
Just then you heard Mari run to the door and give you a hug. "Hi mija[darling]," you said as you got on your knees to hug her back.
"Mommy I'm late!" Mari said with tears in her eyes.
"I know and Papa's really sorry but I'm going to get you there in time. Trust me," you assured as you quickly got all her gear and her bags.
"Do you need help with all that?" Peter asked.
"I got it!" you called down as speeded down the stairs.
Mari followed giggling cheering you on.
Once everything was in the trunk and all seatbelts were on, you drove to the Hockey rink. You weren't really speeding because you had your baby on board and you wouldn't allow her to witness your road rage. Well maybe.
You were doing a really good job keeping the yelling in check but there was a car pulling into the rink going at painfully slow speed. You honk your horn at them before driving over the grass patches to overtake them, flipping them off and yelling, "Do you even know how to drive?!"
You swerved right into a parking seat and hopped out of your car, opening the trunk and giving Mari all her stuff telling her to run into the auditorium and get her gear on.
She wasn't on time for the team stretch or for the team dinner but she was right on time for warmups. You already texted her coach about her situation. You were so lucky that he was so understanding.
You were just about to go into the auditorium before taking a look at your terrible parking job before just leaving it and walking in.
You got yourself some snacks and took your seat. Your eyes immediately scanned the ice for your little girl. There you saw her warming up. She was number 23 and she looked ecstatic. A lot more excited than she looked before any other game. That's weird. Is her father here for the first time in forever? You asked yourself to look around to see if he was sitting anywhere.
When you finally looked to your left you saw none other than Miguel?! "Oh my god, hi, what are you doing here?!" you asked as you waved and motioned for him to take a seat next to you.
"Well, my daughter's playing today. On the opposing team," he said as he took his seat.
"Well, then I guess we're rivals today. Best of luck to your daughter though," you said as you looked down and waved at your daughter.
"Best of luck to your daughter too. I hope she's not a crier 'cause her team is about to get crushed," he said.
"Really? So it's like that? You're on Miguel O'Hara. This is war," you quipped.
The two of you laughed at your stupid parental rivalry over your daughters' sports.
"You won't believe what happened when I was pulling in. I take it we were both running late but when I was entering the stadium, there was a car on the way and they were driving as slow as a grandma. I flipped someone off in front of my daughter for the first time. I swear when I find them I'm gonna.... do something bad that will make them regret it," you said, unable to think of a good threat.
Miguel laughed and shook his head before saying, "I'm pretty sure that was me," he chuckled.
Your mouth hung open in shock at his revelation. "And for the record, I do know how to drive," he said before sipping his hot cocoa.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't mean that. I speed all the time and have terrible road rage issues," you said, placing an apologetic hand on his shoulder.
"I thought you were going to do something bad to me that would make me regret it," he teased.
God, this guy knows what he's doing. With that naturally erotic voice of his. You thought to yourself as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
"Well, I'm very forgiving so I'll let you off easy just this once," you said, turning away from him, hiding your flustered expression from him.
Just then, the lights in the stadium began to dim and the game started. The two of you immediately entered sports spectator mode leaning forward and watching your daughters play.
The two of you occasionally yelled when there was a good play and whenever one of your daughters had the puck. Their positions were immediately rival to one another so whenever they were going against each other the two of them went insane.
It was nice to know that there was a parent who was just as crazy about his daughter as you were. The two teams were keeping up with each other pretty well; the score was 3 - 3. There was only one minute left and both teams were doing everything they could.
Luckily Mari's team was working on a fake pass. They weren't going to try it originally but you saw Mari make the hand motion to her team mate and she faked the pass well leaving open space for her to go up the goalpost and shoot with all her might.
Gabi was on her tail but she ended up making it. The stadium erupted with cheers for the team and they all hugged. After Mari celebrated with her team she immediately went to Gabi and pounced on her. She was overjoyed to see her and they were so happy to be playing against each other.
"How does defeat feel?" you asked Miguel while doing a little victory jig.
"Worth it," he answered as he saw you in such a euphoric state with ketchup and mustard on the corner of your mouth from the hotdog you were devouring during the game.
"Here got a little on your mouth," Miguel pointed out as he took out a handkerchief and wiped the condiments off your mouth for you.
"Thanks," you said sheepishly before being interrupted by the stadium erupting in applause randomly. When you looked up you saw you and Miguel on the screens in the center of the stadium for the Kiss Cam.
The two of you looked at each other awkwardly while everyone begged the two of you to kiss thinking you were a couple or something. You turned to him looking up at him. You could feel your heart pounding in your throat. He took the sides of your face in his big warm hands and gave you a quick peck and everyone cheered for you.
You just kept looking up at him tracing your hands over the lips that he kissed. "That wasn't too bad," you joked as you snapped out of the trance he put you in.
"Yeah," you said, shaking his head.
"We should probably go," you started.
"Yeah let's," he said.
The two of you walked down the stairs to go see your daughters in the lobby. Mari and Gabi immediately ran up to the two of you.
"Hey you girls played so well," you said as you gave Mari a hug.
"What do you say we go out to eat?" Miguel suggests looking at you for a nod of approval. You looked down at Mari who was giving you the puppy eyes.
"What the hell, why not?" you said.
"You wouldn't mind if I joined would you?" you heard a voice behind you say.
"Papa!" Mari exclaimed as she ran to hug him. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
"Actually we would mind so maybe you should just crawl on back to your apartment," you said
"Hi I'm Rafael, I'm Mariana's dad," Rafe said, shaking his hand, acting all nice and angelic.
"Oh goodness I'm sorry, you probably just watched me kiss your wife. Look man I'm really sorry I didn't know she was married," Miguel apologized profusely to Rafael.
"No, you kissed my ex-wife, it's all good," Tafael corrected.
"Oh, well you could join us if you would like we were going to get a bite to eat," Miguel started before looking down at Mari who was pulling at his shirt, shaking her head.
"Mama and Papa are fighting right now," she whispered as you glared at Rafael.
"It's okay you all should go. I have things to take care of at my place, you played well today Mari," he said, giving her a playful nuggie.
He waved goodbye and signaled for you to call him later tonight. Probably so that he could explain why he forgot to drop off Mari and left her at Peter's house.
Dinner with Miguel was fine and thankfully he didn't mention or ask out Rafael after seeing how his presence alone upset you so much.
Your daughters had fallen asleep and were in the car. The two of you were outside conversing. "When can I see you again?" Miguel asked.
"You mean like when is our daughter's next playdate?" you asked not sure how you felt about meeting with Miguel alone.
"I was kind of hoping we could have a playdate," he said. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and ears. That voice of his always made the thing he said sound so forbidden but maybe this time it was intended.
"Maybe next week? I'm usually free on Wednesdays," you said.
"Okay it's a date, I'll text you, looking forward to it," Miguel said before getting in his car.
"It's a date," you whispered to yourself with the dumbest smile on your face. you turned around and did a little victory dance forgetting that Miguel was still in fact, right there.
. . .
next part → 9 days til' Christmas
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pbforeva · 3 months
part 6!!
just a warning, this speed will not last forever unfortunately 😔
Evelyn's pov:
It's about 5 p.m. and I need to start getting ready to go over to Paige's dorm, there's only one problem. I need to grab my things from Blake and I's apartment. I say a quick prayer before I open the door, hoping he won't be home, but of course, he is home. I see his head lift from his spot on the couch when I step in the door.
"Evelyn? Is that you?" He mumbles while his eyes focus on me. It's funny, those are almost the exact words he said to me yesterday.
"Yes," I say to keep it short, but he runs up to me and I can tell he is a little mad.
However, when he speaks his voice is soft, "Ev, I'm so sorry, I was just so mad, and I don't know what I was thinking." he pauses before he starts again, "Do you think you could forgive me? I mean I only did it because you made me so angry."
I guess he is right, I bet he wouldn't have done that if I hadn't made him mad. "Yeah, of course I can forgive you Blake," I say as I watch him smile a bit, "But I think I need a little bit of space for a day or two if that's ok." I add, hoping not to make him too angry.
I watch his eyes flare up in anger before he calmly says, "Yes, that could be good for both of us, just don't be gone for too long." I was not expecting that response, but at least he agrees, I guess.
"Ok, I'll probably just stay with Aurora for a night or two, but i'm gonna go grab a few things." I reply, and he nods then turns back to the couch.
I go into our room and grab a few makeup products and a few outfits for the coming days, but I don't know what to wear out tonight. I don't have many 'going out' clothes because Blake and I never go out. I bet Aurora will give me an outfit to wear even if I bring something.
I finish packing up before walking back out to the living room, where I stop in front of Blake. "Well, I'll see you in a few days Blake, I love you." I say to him.
"I love you too, please be safe Ev," He says before pulling me into a hug. His hugs have always been really tight, sometimes I feel like he does it because he knows it will hurt, but he would never do something like that, right?
I shake the feeling and hug him back, ignoring the striking pain in my ribs. We pull apart and I leave, a part of me wishing I hadn't left.
I arrive at Auroras dorm after an agonizing walk thinking about Blake. She ushers me in and asks what I brought to wear tonight.
"Sooo, what did you bring to wear tonight?" She asks in a curious tone.
"Well, I don't think you would've approved of anything from my closet, so I thought I could wear one of your outfits." I say as I set my stuff down.
"You're probably right," she shrugs and heads to her closet.
"Oh, also could I stay here for a few day, I mean of course it's ok if not, but Blake and I just-" I ramble before she interrupts me by saying. "Of course you can Ev, stay as long as you need."
I let out a sigh of release before Aurora goes back to her closet to look for outfits. I head to the bathroom, where I straighten my hair and apply a light coat of concealer. I finish my mascara and put on lip gloss before heading back out to see outfit Aurora picked out for me.
I look at the bed, where the outfit is laid out. I see a pair of black jeans with a cream long sleeved crop top. Well, I can't wear the top. I walk over to her closet, as she's in the bathroom now, and I take out a white, short sleeved, t-shirt. The shirt is short enough to be considered a 'going out top', but not short enough to show the bruises that line my stomach.
I quickly change and check to see if Aurora is ready to go over to their dorm, because it's 7:50 now. She comes out of the bathroom and notices the change in my top, but thankfully she doesn't say anything about it, and we grab our bag to head over to Paige's dorm.
Paiges pov:
Okay, I'm actually freaking out a bit now. It's 7:30 and I just finished getting ready, I have my hair in its natural curls, and I'm wearing a pink crop top, green cargos, and an opened white button up. We're suppose to be going to a party tonight, but honestly I don't even know where it's at.
"AZZI," I shout, I wanna know where we're going, but it's too much work to yell all of that.
She walks in the room and says "What?" while looking around.
"Where is the party tonight?" I ask.
"Oh my gosh, you could've asked me that without making me come in here." She says while rolling her eyes, but she continues, "Umm, I think it's at Alpha Chi, though."
"That's not too far then." I say while deciding to put on a coat of mascara.
I can't stand waiting here. It's 7:50 and Azzi left me a while ago, and everyone else is still getting ready. I groan for like the fourth time until Aubrey comes in my room.
"PAIGE, GUESS WHAT!" She screams at me.
"WHAT," I say back, matching her enthusiasm.
"You can stop groaning now because your 'friend' is here," she replies while giggling a bit.
"Hey! she is my friend!" I retort before I realize what she meant by 'friend'.
"HEY!" I yell while looking for Aubrey, but I just hear her giggling outside of my room.
Whatever, at least I won't be bored anymore. I stop to look in the mirror on my way out of my room, making sure my makeup wasn't messed up. I walk into the living room and I see Evelyn, she looks perfect.
"Hey," I hear Evelyn say to me.
"Hey, are you guys ready," I say, trying to tear my gaze from Evelyn.
"Yeah, but I don't think KK is yet," I hear Aurora say from beside Evelyn.
I clear my throat before saying "Well you guys can come sit on the couch, cause you never know how long we'll be waiting for KK," I say while laughing, managing to look away from Evelyn.
Evelyn sits beside me on the couch and we all talk about random things, except Evelyn. She is just sitting there, listening to everyone else's conversations. I can't help but try to sneak glances at her as often as I can, and eventually, KK comes out, saying she's ready.
party next chapter 😜 and i have it like planned a bit
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continuous-spec · 4 months
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Here's a snippet of Chapter 5!
Shepard rubbed her arm where she had been pricked as she walked out to the waiting room. Garrus sat going over a datapad, busying himself. The green and yellow suit still left much to be desired. But she felt her vision clear slightly, opening her left eye for the first time that day. Shepard couldn't help but note he at least looked better out of C-Sec's bulky armor. "So trust me to go on my own this time? Promise I won't be late. Finch isn't as forgiving," Shepard said.  "Again, it's up to you if you still want to work with me," Garrus retorted.  "Only if you change out of your "I'm not a cop' outfit." Garrus' brow rose in a look of confusion, looking down at the brightly colored outfit. "This is my best suit." "Nice to know you wear your Sunday best to stakeouts, Vakarian." "What do clothes have to do with days?" He asked in an unamused tone.  "Never mind, maybe just find something in a darker shade? Black and white. Those colors would fit you better for Chora's." Garrus flicked out his mandibles in response, almost as if he were annoyed. "Fine, I'll be early to get situated too." "Try to snag a seat by the back doors near the strippers." "You take me to such lovely places," Garrus deadpanned while ushering them out of the clinic back into the sparse ward.  "Spas, strip clubs. Let's try out a casino next." "On C-Sec's dime?" Garrus asked jokingly. "You catch on quick. A casino is better than a clinic any day, even if the doctors are so caring." Shepard placed emphasis on the last word.  "Well, Dr. Michel is one of the good doctors on the ward and helps as much as she can. She's been a good friend over the years," Garrus said innocently, not understanding what Shepard's inflection implied.  "Friend?" Shepard asked, her eyebrow raised up, trying to coax more information out of him. She was having too much fun with it.  "Yeah, she's kept insisting for years about owing me a favor after helping with a blackmail case. About time I used it."  "Oh, she owes you something, alright," Shepard laughed, pulling up her omni-tool.  "What do you mean?" Garrus asked, head cocked to the side. Shepard again tried to stifle another laugh. So he didn't know that the doc was totally into him.  "Oh, nothing," Shepard said with a smirk while activating her cloak. "I hate when you do that."  "See you at Chora's, preferably in a new outfit," Shepard said, already running off towards a public shuttle. 
Read the rest on Ao3 :)
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Timothèe Chalamet was such good casting for Elio and I can proudly say I've read the book and watched the movie (this is fucking astonishing because I normally lurk around the internet)
There's barely any of these so I'll make one myself
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Summary: You take the place of Oliver. Elio is 18, you are 20. This takes place in the part of the movie version where Oliver leaves and Elio is left heartbroken but you however realise you can't live without the love of your life so you drag your ass back to him.
Have you ever heard of the phrase distance makes the heart grow fonder? Well in your case that statement is very much true.
You'd just arrived at the airport and your flight was due to be boarding any minute yet you had a sickening feeling in your gut with every step you took closer to that gate. You were about third in line, your passport open on the page with your picture, when suddenly tealisation hits you like a freight train.
This was wrong.
You shouldn't be here.
You should be with him.
So you closed your passport and bolted murmuring 'excuse me' every time someone got in your way because you were now a man with a mission. The wheels of your suitcase could barely keep up as they groaned from your frantic dragging, it was now that you were thanking the lords above that you only travelled with one item of luggage.
You made your way into the main foyer and ran towards the main entrance trying to flag a taxi.
"Scusi, do you need help?" A small woman asked from the side of you seeing your struggle of trying to get a taxi.
"Yes, I need to be in Crema as soon as possible but none of them seem to notice me." You say with a pitiful tone laced with spite.
"Crema?" She asked.
"Yes, I need to visit someone very special to me before it is too late." You reply looking downcast.
"I am going to Crema, I will give you a lift." She said sympathising with your unfortunate situation.
"Really! Thank you so much I'll be forever grateful!" You say in disbelief of this womans generosity.
She just smiles and nods her head. You couldn't resist and wrapped your clumsy frame around her in a loving hug, she laughed and patted your back.
"Come on we must leave if we want to make it by the end of today" She demands ushering you towards the car.
You place yourself in the passenger seat as she gets in the drivers and quickly pulls out of the hellish car park. Your leg bounces up and down in nervous excitement. What if he never forgives you for leaving? What if you were just a summer fling?
What if he didn't want you to return?
"Tell me about them" She says.
And that's how you spend the seemingly never ending journey, rambling on about the boy you had fallen in love with in a scarily short amount of time. The conversation wasn't completely one sided as she tells you about a husband she has waiting for her in her small residence in Crema and how she's been so excited to see him and her little boy - Lèon.
You ride was filled with a love sick aura as you discussed those who you loved dearly and she didn't even blink when you mentioned your lover was a boy. By the end of the journey you'd made a new friend.
The beautiful place of Crema began to appear with its trees lined paths and cobbled roads, outside was nearly dark now as the last 5 hours had been pure travelling with your new companion. She drive the car through the quiet streets before she reached the dusty path that had begun to feel like home over this summer.
She stopped the car and turned to look at you.
"Go in there and you tell that boy you love him and if no one accepts you here come to mine and I'll gladly make up the spare bedroom." She says smiling widely at you.
You lean over and hug her tightly.
"Thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me." You tell her.
Before you could say anything else though she shooed you out the car wishing you luck.
Nerves started creeping in along with all the negative outcomes and scenarios playing on repeat through your mind as you approached the doors of the Italian villa. Your hand clenched into a fist - your knuckles pale - and knocked on the door thrice.
The sound of rushed footsteps and the noise of blanketed voices talking in Italian caused you to stand up straight with a nervous smile etched on your lips. The door opened and the woman known as Mrs Perlman or as she insisted you called her Anella, had her face turned away from you still in conversation with Mr Perlman.
As soon as she turned her head towards you she let out a gasp and then smiled widely pulling you in for a big hug.
"What are you doing here (___)!?" She said happily.
You were unsure of what to say.
"I ..... couldn't leave?" You said with anticipation.
"(___) my son is in love with you and if you are in love with him then I give you my blessing" She poke quietly and you couldn't help but let tears begin to pool along your water line.
"Go, he's in his room, he hasn't stopped crying since you left." She told you.
With that you bolted up the stairs running towards the door that you'd acquainted yourself with, knocking gently.
"Leave me alone" A voice that sounded almost like a whimper said in Italian.
You turn the handle and peak your head around the door seeing Elio's thin form curled in the bed you used to sleep in, your shirt clutched tightly in his hands.
"Go away" His voice was so tired and fragile.
You went to the bed perching yourself in the space by his upper body. You saw the redness of his cheeks and the paths of the tears leading from his closed eyes, it broke your heart to see his agonised body lying tense in front of you.
Your hand approached his hair and you brushed a stray curl off his forehead, only then did he open his eyes.
As soon as he saw you he leapt into your arms and collapsed into sobs, fingernails dragging along your arms, trying to draw your body impossibly close.
"(___)" He said softly almost as if he wasn't sure you were really there.
"I'm here my love." You whisper moving your arms to wrap around his waist and resting your head on top of his.
You sat like this for what seemed like seconds but was actually nearly half an hour, he just kept whispering your name and clawing your arms and back while sobbing desperately in your arms. Finally his cries subsided into sniffles and he relaxed slightly in your arms.
He looked up at you and you raised your hands to cradle his face in your palms.
"Why are you here?" He asked as if he was scared of your answer.
"Because I love you and I can't imagine my life without you in it." You said before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss onto his lips which conveyed all the emotions you couldn't put into words.
He kissed back before pulling away with a smile.
"I love you too. Promise me you won't leave again." He asked.
"Of course not, I plan to stay as long as you'll have me." You respond, every word being the truth.
And that's how your life went, a life full of romance and happiness, one where you never left each other for anything that wasn't completely necessary.
It was just you and Elio.
Don't judge its 1am so sorry for any shitty mistakes or anything
It's short but something, I had an English exam today and I think that might of sucked all the good writing out of me so my condolences
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chuu-huahua · 1 year
@downbadforpixels has once again sent me brainrots instead of writing them out themselves (smh) but they're so cute so i'll like. forgive them ig. anyways, BSD HIGHSCHOOL AU (wrote them all in one post cuz there were so many) (they're all prom centric by the way)
dazai and chuuya are they type that would wordlessly go from best friends/frenemies/whatever-the-fuck-they-are to lovers, so during prom they just ask each other what they plan to wear, and match their outfits. they enter the room side by side, dazai already teasing chuuya about wearing heeled shoes to "attempt to match him in height, not that it's working anyways :D" and chuuya nearly kicks him into the punch bowl. i think they would actually have a lot of people asking them to go to prom together, but they were all turned down because they both knew they were going together
atsushi and akutagawa are they type that would be very obviously crushing on each other, but would only get together right before prom. atsushi originally asked lucy to go to prom with him, but she just stared at him and said "aren't you going with your boyfriend? you're not cheating on him now, are you?" and atsushi is just like "🤨🤨 boyfriend? what do you mean boyfriend??" and lucy just facepalms and tells him to "hurry up and confess to the guy you always scream at everyday, dammit". and when they DO confess, it's somehow in front of the entire school, so when atsushi asks akutagawa to be his prom date, they whole school is just so silent and then it explodes with cheers and screams of "OH MY GOD THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER I WAS WONDERING HOW LONG IT WOULD TAKE THEM"
kouyou and yosano are the ones who earn the titles of prom queens (they had to make a second prom queen title because they both had the same number of votes). they had plenty of people coming to ask to be their prom dates, of course, but they were all turned down with a simple "sorry, i'm already going with yosano/kouyou". and when they turn up at prom they're both so so pretty?? all eyes are on them, but they only have eyes for each other fr. they danced together too AHHHH ME AND WHO WHEN :(
fyodor and nikolai, on the other hand, were pretty obvious with their relationship long before prom was even scheduled. nikolai would decorate fyodor's locker with roses and hearts every year during valentines, and fyodor would open his locker to love letters falling out due to the sheer numbers (75% of those were from nikolai). of course, the feelings are reciprocated; fyodor gifts nikolai with lavish gifts during their day to day meetings, ranging from souvenirs from overseas holidays to expensive foods. no one tried to ask either of them to be their prom dates, so they definitely turned up to prom together :D
ranpo and poe, are the ones who seemed to have resorted to traditional courting methods. poe would gift ranpo candies and chocolates on a daily basis, as well as request for him to read all his manuscripts. ranpo agrees, claiming that he's "never had someone match him so closely in intellect before!" they both go to prom together and hang around at the food table for so long they had to be ushered away (i'm sorry guys idk how to write ranpoe)
ok but prom with bsd characters is amazing. thanks tille :D
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samcscreams · 1 year
I got this idea from @krikeymate here
“Are you sure you really want to do this?” Sam asked as she walked hand in hand with her younger sister 
Tara just looked up at Sam and shook her head with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Okay big girl. Go give it your all” Sam kissed Tara on the forehead as she ushered her off. 
Tara had recently become infatuated with soccer and insisted she try out for one of the local YMCA teams. Of course their mother was nowhere to be found so Sam took it upon herself to take Tara to try outs. 
Sam’s chest burned as she watched Tara run with the other kids, as she was already a head small than most of the players. If Tara got hurt Sam would never forgive herself for taking her to tryouts. But those big brown eyes, how could she say no. 
That was two years ago.
Tara was now a star player, the fastest on her team. She mainly played striker after the one incident where they put her in defense and some kid from the other team rammed her so hard she flew out of the field. Tara was completely fine but Sam had a “talk” with the coach after that. 
Sam was at every game and practice with anything and everything Tara could need. Snacks? Check. Water? Check. Ice pack, Sun screen, extra inhalers? Check, Check, and Check. Some of the parents eventually try and talk to Sam but she’s not there to socialize. She just wants to watch her baby sister be the star that she is. A couple parents are almost intimidated by how prepared and supportive Sam is. How is she already a better parent than they are? 
The whistle blows and that’s half. The team hustles in for a water break and a pep talk. They're only up by one so they need to stand their ground in this next half. 
“Great job guys. As a reminder let's keep our eye close on number 18. They’ve got a great cross and we can’t be caught off guard.” The coach is optimistic about his team winning in the second half. That is until the refs pull him aside. 
“Sam” Coach called 
Sam confused got up from her place next to Tara and walked over.
“So I know what we talked about before with Tara and everything. But there’s this rule that the Y mandates.” He hesitated to finish his sentence 
“What’s the rule?” Sam asked feeling like something was wrong
“I have to put Tara in as goalie. Now before you get mad, if I don’t we have to forfeit the game.”  He grimaced at Sam waiting for her to blow up. 
“What kind of stupid rule is that?” Sam wasn’t as mad as she thought she would be. It could have been worse. Honestly out of any news he could have given her it was the best. The goalie is protected more than a regular player. Sam was more upset that Tara would have to play a position she’s never played before. 
“I know its dumb but rules state every player in the under 10 bracket have to play every position on the field to make it fair. I put off placing Tara in goal as she’s well ya know. Small” 
Sam didn’t know whether to agree or be mad the coach thought less of her sister. 
“She’ll be fine. Just let me tell her.” Sam said walking away 
“Hey baby girl I know this might not be what you would like but your coach has to put you in at goalie for the second half” 
“What why?” Tara groand at the idea 
“Its some rule the program has in place. Every player on the team as to be goalie at least once.” Sam stated 
“Aww fine. I really wanted to score again.” Tara had a passion in her eyes that made Sam buzz with delight 
“You can score every goal next game.” Sam said giving Tara a little nudge 
“Well if goalie is what they want goalie is what they’ll get. Im small so they’ll underestimate me. Then i'll show’em who’s boss.” Tara was determined to be the best goalie she could be. Her team was gonna win and she would protect the goal at all costs. It couldn’t be that hard she thought to herself. She’s watched her sister for years. All she has to do is what Sam would do. And Tara did just that. 
If a player broke through there defense Tara met them head on. She new the closer she was to the player the bigger her body would be in the way of the goal. She made five saves. One was a bad kick and an easy scoop. Two were her quick thinking and kicking the ball out and the other two were half way decent shots. Tara was so proud of herself even if she wasn’t scoring to help the team out she was protecting their goal. 
Sam thought she might pass out. Tara had full forced run at two people sliding to get the ball. She could have easily been hurt. Sam didn’t take into consideration how often Tara would be running and sliding into danger while playing goalie. She knew she was probably over reacting but still. 
“Corner Kick” Yelled the Ref. 
Corner kick Great… Sam thought to herself. She couldn’t even see Tara anymore amongst the players crowding in the box. Sam looked at the score board 4-3 and a minute and 30 seconds left. Shit, it’s now or never for the other team to tie.  
Tara found herself crowded with players from both teams. She couldn’t even see over anyone to where the ball is coming from. But that didn’t stop her. If she couldn’t see the ball then she would listen for it. She closed her eyes and focused on a sounds of the grass. Then she heard a big swish and thud. They must have kicked it. Tara looked up to watch the ball fly threw the air. If the player wasn’t on the other team she would be impressed with the control and power of the kick. When the ball landed everything went slow-mo. Every one looked around to try and find the ball but Tara saw it first. Being lower to the group allowed her to see through the crowd and find it. Before she could even think twice Tara dove for the ball. She looked down and she had it. She actually had the ball! She was about to get up when she felt a striking pain shoot through her torso over and over. Then WHAM. She couldn’t see. The pain traveled through her nose to the back of her brain. It knocked the wind out of her. Tara opened her eyes to a girl kicking the ball in her hands over and over again. (Which is illegal by the way) She had missed one of her kicks and kicked Tara square in the nose. Tara felt the blood leaking down her face as she stood up. She felt wobbly but noticed she still had the ball. She ran forward and dropped kicked it as far as she could. The players chased after the ball leave Tara along in her goal bleeding profusely. 
Sam didn’t breath until she saw her sister again. Once she saw tara break out of the masses ball in hand she jumped with glee. Only to be halted as she was staring from the side lines she saw red. Blood. Taras face was covered with blood and and it was all over her jersey. Sam was certain Tara would be crying if she was bleeding that badly but her sister just stayed in the goal eyes every so carefully watching the ball. Sam lunged forward but a hand came out of nowhere holding her back. 
“Let go” She growled 
“20 seconds and we win. Tara did good. You running on the field would causes, problems” It was the coach holding Sam back. He was right. Tara seemed to be perfectly fine other than the blood loss. She wasn’t crying or seemed to be in any pain. So Sam just stood there, eyes locked on her sister waiting to see. 
3…2…1… The whistle blew. They had won. Tara immediately locks eyes with Sam. Before her teammates could even congratulate tara on a good game she was sprinting full speed for her sister. Seeing Sam let Taras body know she was in a safe place to hurt and hurt it did. Tara started to cry before she could reach Sam. However, Sam knew the second they locked eyes her sister needed her. Tara flew through the air with how fast she was running straight into Sam’s arms. 
“Did I do it? Did I protect the goal?” Tara said through muffled cry. 
“Of course you did big girl. Im so proud of you.” Sam said as she pulled Tara back to get a better look at her nose. 
Before Sam could go get their bag, hands from all around them reached out with towels, wet wipes, and water. The parents of other players understood the importance of Sam staying with Tara until she calmed down. 
Tara just clinged to Sam as Sam cleaned her face up. Taras nose didn’t seem broken but she defiantly might have a black eye after this. As time went by Tara started to relax more and the bleeding stoped. Her teammates congratulated her on a job well done as they all went home. 
“You think you're ready to start walking home?” Sam asked looking down at Tara
“Mmm ya” Tara added reaching for Sam’s hand. They said their goodbyes and headed home. 
“You were amazing out there today” 
Tara perked up at the compliment. 
“Well I couldn’t have done it with out you.” Tara admitted 
“How do you mean? I was just cheering you on like always.” Sam watched her sister walk next to her. 
“I protected the goal like you protect me. Ive never even played goalie until today.” Tara didn’t even look up at Sam as if her words were a simple fact that everyone should know. 
Sam just squeezed Taras hand. Her heart fluttering at the reassurance that Tara dose in fact know how much she means to her. 
“Wait but why didn’t you flag the refs down after you got hurt?” Sam asked oozing concern 
“The goal wasn’t safe yet. If the game stopped and I saw you I don’t think I would have been able to pull it back together to finish. I didn’t want to let my team down.” 
“Oh baby girl you didn’t let anyone down. But maybe next time it’s okay to say you got hurt. Okay?” 
“Okay fine.” Tara seemed upset she couldn’t play through injury. Maybe her baby sister’s tougher than she thought. 
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antiquatedsimmer · 3 months
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"Please excuse her," Lucile said as soon as they were inside, her voice trembling, "She’s not feeling well, and I think the weather has only put more stress on her… She’s not normally like this."
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Nia’s eyes softened, "Lucile, I'm old. It takes more than a sharp tone to ruffle my feathers. Besides, I remember how hard it is."
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A brief moment of silence stretched between them, before Nia continued.
"Do you have any children, Lucile?"
Embarrassment welled up inside Lucile, the same feeling she had as a child when she felt out of place. Women her age usually had several children by now. She sighed, disappointment coloring her words. "Not of my own."
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" From an experienced mother...When I was carrying my youngest, it was difficult to move around. You can ignore my advice if you like, but I don't think straying too far from home is wise. She could end up hurting herself and the baby.""
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Lucile nervously steepled her hands, tapping the tips together anxiously. This was something she had always hoped to discuss with her own mother, but with her gone...
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"Lucile." Nia’s voice cut through her thoughts, pulling her back to the present. She realized she had spaced out without responding.
"Oh—uh, you're right," she stammered. "We just got caught up in the rain. I'll make sure she rests more."
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Nia’s face had hardened into a stony expression, her brow furrowed. The look made Lucile feel like a child about to be scolded. She tried to hide the anxious fidgeting of her fingers.
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"Lucile, come here."
Nia's tone was firm as she ushered her toward one of the empty tables. "I’m going to ask you again—what’s wrong?"
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"Woman to woman, I can tell something is off. Whatever judgment you might face outside of here, I promise it won't fall on you while it's just us in this room."
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"Forgive me, I…" Lucile struggled to maintain the polite tone she had practiced, but exhaustion and stress broke through. Her shoulders slumped. "These past months have been awful…"
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What began as a small confession about her and Josephine being alone, struggling to find work and living in the woods, snowballed into a torrent of emotion.
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Her parents' deaths, her brother's betrayal, their neglect, and the harsh reality of leaving the home her father had meant for her all poured out in an avalanche of words.
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Nia listened patiently, occasionally nodding. At one point, she got up from the table and poured them both glasses of wine. Lucile stared at the purple liquid in Nia's glass, her own glass already empty from stress-drinking it all.
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"I know what that feels like, Lucile. You're not alone," Nia said, her voice a soothing balm against the raw edges of Lucile’s despair. She gently rested her chin on her hands.
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"You do?" Lucile perked up.
"Of course."
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"My people were forced away from their home years ago. We walked for miles, and thousands of my people perished from starvation, disease, abused by the control of US the army."
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Lucile's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't heard anything about this, not even in her history classes with her father.
"I-, that’s horrible. I… had no idea. Papa never mentioned anything like that."
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"Imagine writing a book about your life. Wouldn't you be tempted to leave out the most unflattering chapters?"
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Silas always had a way of painting changes at home in a positive light, even when they served only his own interests. Those memories flitted through Lucile's mind like fleeting ghosts.
Nia’s voice broke through her reverie. "People like us are often seen as mistakes, something to be erased. My point, Lucile, is that I understand the pain of losing family, the toll of disease, the upheaval of moving, and the challenge of starting over...That type of pain, never truly goes away. "
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"And raising a child in such harsh circumstances? It's a immense task to take on alone."
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A choked cry escaped Lucile's lips. "I don't know what to do. Everything I've done… it's never enough."
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"Nizééʼ!" Nia's words cut Lucile's cries short, her words like a lash. "Life will give you plenty to cry about if you don't do what needs to be done."
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Lucile squirmed in her seat, straightening her back and doing her best to stifle her sniffles. "Well, wha—what can be—I mean, what can I do?"
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"You ask for help."
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yoon-topias · 2 months
Sunday Morning battles Part Three
{ Ordinary Sunday's }
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⟡ Best friend's older brother x OC
⟡ 18+ (minors DNI, mature content)
⟡ Warnings: Fluff, angst, Domestic!Yoongi {Fluff to the max} Slight teasing. Reference of one night stands.
⟡ Summary: What Sunday's looked liked before it all changed. A peek into the dynamic of Vi, Hans, And Yoongi with some special appearances. Very fluffy, and Domestic side of Vi and Yoongi.
⟡ 11.3k Words
⟡ Part one | Part Two | Part Three
⟡ Series Index
All rights belong to @/Yoon-Topias. Do not copy/ translate.
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Yoongi Pov:
When I get out of the shower ridding myself of sins, I walk out to the living room and see both the girls in their respective spots on the couch. I even have my own spot which I can't complain, it's the best spot. In the corner of the couch with the lounger. Vi has the middle so she can be near either of us because ninety nine percent she will end up on one of us with her fuzzy blanket. She is a touchy feely person as I like to say and me? I'm not. Only for her. Hans has the right corner of the couch she likes to lean on the arm. They both have their pajamas and a fuzzy blanket on their laps and Vi is sitting closer to my side, guess she is picking me today.  My food is plated up for me on the coffee table and lo and behold Fruits Basket is playing on the tv. Who would've thought.  
"You both started without me? I'm offended, I bought it." 
"Well you shouldn't have been late Yoon." fuck. How did she even notice she was in the middle of a fucking battle with my sister. My jaw drops and she looks at me with a damn smirk. "You forget I'm very observant Yoon, the clock on the stove was behind Hans. Five Minutes late in fact." She didn't even turn her head when she was in the fight and didn't even move her body just continued fighting with Hans. How would she know I was behind her? Unless she wanted me to see-
"Yoongs sit the fuck down. Vi put on tv or else your food will get cold.” Hans is ushering me to sit. I'll gladly sit next to Vi. Grabbing my plate that by the looks of it Vi did because there is powder sugar on the French toast and she is the only one who does it. I get in my spot on the couch, it's a cozy day it seems in this house. As soon as I sat down I leaned over and whispered in Vi's ear "Thank you princess for plating my food." She nods focused on the tv in front of her, can't say I would pay attention if it was Slam Dunk. The French toast is from our favorite spot to eat, it's so fluffy and none of us know how the hell they do it but it's amazing. Currently we all have been on a streak of making French toast every Sunday until we get it like theirs. By the end of it I bet we'll be so tired of French toast we'll never want it again. 
Next to me I hear Vi mumbling with food in her mouth "Kyo! Tell her!" Ever since we started this show she is addicted, never seen her so engaged in a tv show. I have a feeling this is gonna turn into one of those habits she has. "Hey Vi you going out tonight with that boy?" I turn and look at Hans,  she is smirking pushing her elbow on Vi. "No too soon, gotta see his vibes more. You know this. Also its Sunday its our cozy day no boy will take that away" and Hans makes a face like she did something wrong. 
"Uh, so I thought you would since you know, you brought him home and all..I thought you'd go out tonight so I made plans with Mingyu." I see Vi drop her fork on her plate and slowly turn her head to Hans, yeah I'm not in this I'm gonna just sit back and watch. I'm an observer, always have been. 
"Excuse me? Just cause’ I brought him home to hangout does not mean I'm dating him or that he gets my Sunday's, but I can see how it looked. I never bring anyone home. He is cute I can say that, but I need to get to know him more before he gets all of me." 
After that she hits her arm in defense. It seems they both don't even care that I'm here and hear all their "girl talk". Am I just one of the "girls" now? 
"Vivi I'm sorry! Please forgive me but now I can't cancel ya know that dick is just too good." Okay I never thought I would hear the words from my sister..I guess I can mark that in my book of things I hate. 
"I know you told me all about it! But just cause’ its world shattering doesn't mean you plan on a cozy day!" 
"But you know you could get your own." and Hans is smirking, raising her eyebrows up and down.  Nope I do not want to hear about this. Definitely not. "Just cause I did some things with him does not mean. I'm gonna give him my virginity Hans!" 
Well now I know she is still a virgin and that does something to me, brings out a primal instinct  to never let him near her again. I want to mark her and claim her as mine, give her all her firsts, but I know it won't be me and I need to accept that. In that case I'm gonna have to get used to being one of the "girls" unless I make my move which I'm not ready for in any shape. Also why would Hans say something like that with me? She knows my feelings. She always has tried to push me to be ready but I can't fathom telling her when I can't even control my emotions.  It would be unfair to bring that into her romantic life. She deserves all the first to be perfect and not broken by my fucked up self. 
I need to step in and that's what I'm going to do. "Woah! You both need to chill okay?" They both turn and look at me wide eyed like they didn't know I was on the couch next to them. 
"Now I planned on staying here tonight, because it's Sunday. Hans you are gonna go out with your boy toy and I will spend the night with Vi, got it? Now let's enjoy the day before Hans leaves. Shall we?'' They both nod to my stern voice, or rather my "daddy" voice to others. To them it's just my stern voice when I'm not messing around. 
I see Hans nods she knows this is not a time to fuck with me, and I see Vi swallow hard. She blinks at me "Yes Yoon." I can tell there is a submissive side to that bubbly, determined, stubborn girl she is. "I'm gonna go call Gyu to see when we are going out." She stands up and walks to her bedroom, leaving just Vi and I. She sets her empty plate down on the coffee table and takes mine also. After she does I straighten out my legs and get comfortable.  "C'mere Vi."  She turns and looks at me with a small smile. My arm is spread out along the couch length and she grabs her blanket and nuzzles her head in the "pocket" as she likes to call it and I hear her hum. I think she likes to be close to people she cares about, because she didn't get long with her dad and her mom is another story. 
I never have minded how close she likes to be. The only time it has bothered me was when I first met her and it was a lot to say the least and after two weeks I got used to holding her hand, hugs, her wrapping her small fist around my finger, her poking my cheeks because they were "squishy", and many others actions she does. I on the other hand have never been like that since I was born, even as a baby I did not want to be held the moment I could make it known. I show my love in other ways, subtle actions. It's always been different with Vi. I know she needs more and I cave every time for her. I lean my head down and whisper in her ear "Now what did I hear about a boy, princess?" She rolls on her back and is looking up at me, those misty gray eyes meeting mine, slightly smiling. I see a small tint to her cheeks. 
"Uh, well I met him at orientation, his name is Taehyung. He's a fine arts major and we will have Latin together. He said he chose it to understand more art and meanings behind the name of stuff. But ya know what Yoon?" I give her a hum in response. I'm here to listen to everything she has to say, even if it feels like my heart is shattering, my ribs are being pulled apart, my blood draining out of my body. But to see her happy and smiling I'll live through it everyday. I did it in high school when she went on her first date, which ended in me punching the little fuck for thinking he was getting in her pants. She called me, I heard everything and raced my ass there. 
Vi rolls on her stomach and props herself up on her elbows and places her hand near my ear "I didn't even sign up for latin. It was Hans who picked my classes cause’ I was too nervous." She laughs about it. It's nice to hear that laugh every single time. "And why were you nervous, mhm?" She looks down and back up at me "Well ya know, never done it and couldn't choose my first courses. So Hans did it and even picked the ones for the first semester so I don't get too overwhelmed with my struggle classes! I would never have thought to scatter them that way" 
I gesture my finger towards her to come close and I whisper in her ear "Well you know where she gets all her smarts? Me. So technically I picked them Princess."  She doesn't need to know Hans called me freaking out trying to pick the classes and sent the log in to me so I could go in and pick them. I lined them up perfectly for any new classes, including Latin. Now I regret choosing it, but I took it and honestly find it more romantic than any language so I chose that, it wasn't too hard to grasp either. She lightly smiles "Are you calling Hans stupid Yoon?" 
"No, but we both know school was never her strong suit. She is going for fashion in a Program where she doesn't need long schooling. There's no issue with it, but who is going to college to be a mechanic?" and I poked my finger to her nose, she took her hand from her cheek and pointed her finger at me. "That's right princess." As much as I want to call her princess to be in another meaning, there's no denying it has become just like the nickname 'Vi'. It all started when her and Hans went through their fairytale phase and Vi always has to be the princess. Said "It's only right if I am." and with that she became our princess, Hans always wanted to be the evil one in whatever they decided and for me? I became a knight or peasant.  Hans said "Eww you can't be that to me you're my Bubs." To be honest I miss that nickname she gave me. It now has morphed into 'Yoongs' to match 'Hans'.  
Our nicknames may have changed slightly through the years, but to me she will always be princess. Hell she makes me get on my knees and beg if I fuck up. I'll gladly do it every time. Only for her. It's not sexual or anything for me, it's weird If I look into it because fair enough, I would call my sub 'princess' but with her I have distanced my mind from that. Okay maybe sometimes I break the door open and enter the room with silk sheets and her in there waiting for me, but that's me and my deepest secrets. She doesn't need to know.
"Yoon, we gonna have our night?'' Even if we're talking about another guy I'm still the one she wants to spend her nights with, and what does that say about me? She is mine first. 
"Of course, Princess but if you start to date they will be different so this one may be the last one. Better not take it for granted" 
"Why would they be different Yoon?" 
"Because if you're with someone I'm obviously not going to sleep in your bed huh?" That is where I'll draw the line. I will never let someone be with me in any way if they are in a relationship. I know I couldn't handle being cheated on in any slightest way and with her I'll draw that boundary for the other person cause I know she couldn't say no. It would be unfair to her and the other person involved. "But we're friends Yoon, why not?"
I put my hand on her cheek and lightly rub my thumb up and down. She leans into my touch "Because Vi, I don't think whoever the person is would like you in another bed with someone else. Let alone a man" She knows why but she is playing stupid. I know her, trying to get what she wants. I know it's not out of any harmful intent for the other person. She just does not like being alone. I see her eyes glaze over, knowing the look that's on her face; bottom lip jutted out a tiny bit "Why you upset, mhm?" 
"I don't want to be alone when Hans leaves.” Her bottom lip quivers. 
"And who said you'll be alone? I'll be here on this couch every night if needed."  That makes her smile a little bit. Yeah I know it'll suck making these boundaries, but I have done it forever so my mind automatically thinks of them now. Can't blame anyone but myself. I'd rather live like this then her experience my episodes and me being unstable. My goal is to use her time in college to get stable enough to finally tell her how I have always felt. 
Wait for the right time in both our worlds. 
"Pinky promise?" She holds out her pinky, waiting for me to reciprocate. Latching my pinky with hers, I bend and kiss my thumb and she does the same. 
And we press our thumbs sealing it. I'll never get over these small habits she has. I smile at her and pat her head down to get back in the 'pocket' and she accepts, snuggling in. Yet I'm just the best friend's brother. Right?  
"Wanna come closer Vi?" I whisper to her. I wanna give her what she wants, but also maybe fulfill what I want. She practically hops up and jumps on top of me "Oh my gosh Yes, Yoon!" Smiling at how happy she is, it hurts my cheeks how much I have smiled in the past few hours. I haven't smiled this much in days. Maybe weeks. 
I scoot over into the arm of the couch, stretching out my arm and she scoots into it, laying her head on my shoulder. I reach over to grab her fuzzy blanket and throw it over us. We move our bodies and get comfortable being close. I smell her Vanilla scent on her and it's mixing with my musky vanilla scent. The aroma is mixing, becoming one like we are becoming one in this moment. Our bodies are connected at our hips and I pull on hers to make her scoot in more, to be even closer as she is the little spoon. "Comfy, princess?" 
She reaches and gives my hand a squeeze. "Mhm yes." Turning our heads, unpausing the tv and watching her show. Is this what home feels like? We make no movement even when Hans opens her bedroom door and walks out. Once she makes her way to us she gasps loudly. Neither of us turn to look, we know she is dramatic. "And you both started cuddles without me? make room for Hannie!" and she runs over and rolls on top of both of us in the middle to squish us, as she does every time, and lands her spot next to Vi. "Trio hugs." I hear Vi whisper. I can picture it now, her smiling saying that. 
"Guys I'm leaving before dinner kay?" We both nod and in unison say "kay" and we spend the rest of the morning all laughing, being close. I'm going to miss the three of us together. It is filled with laughs, dozing in and out of sleep, and arguing that it's too hot but none of us ever move away from each other, nor take the blanket away. My hand falls on Vi’s hip as we lay here and I give her comfort squeezes every now and then. I know she has trauma even if she doesn't talk about it. She likes being close to people and if I can give it to her I gladly will. 
When Hans went to get ready, she said the phrase again "Dick too good." It made me want to run away and never step foot into this apartment again, or even look at my sister again. Yep we'd live through texting.  Vi currently is still passed out on my arm and I hear her little snores, I could get used to this. I think about it anytime we do end up this close. I remember when we went on a trip to the beach and she fell asleep on my shoulder the entire road trip, and insisted we stay in the same room because "I need someone to protect me." She has always been worried when she is out of her comfort zone, so if I can give a sort of comfort zone by being there, I will.  My pocket buzzes and I reach to pull my phone out.
Jin: Hobi said to tell her you love her
Me: How about NO? Not until I'm stable. Also she is talking to a guy but yet guess what?
Hitting send, I swipe down and hit on the camera icon and angle it at both of us and take a pic of her curled up in my arm, passed out. I sent the pic to Jin. 
Jin: ALSO 
Jin: No doubt she's yours fuck that guy! 
Me: how many times do I need to tell you to send just one text? But yes she is mine FIRST. 
Jin: Excuse me? I'm your elder! Respect me! And that's how my brain thinks sorry not sorry. 
Jin: Have a good night with them. 
Me: Yeah you and Hobi don't crash on the couch ass naked again don't wanna walk into that again. 
Jin: You should be grateful to see my handsome body! You know you love me. 
I feel Vi stirring in her sleep and she rolls over into my chest. I hear something, throwing my phone on the other cushion, leaning my head down and I hear the smallest "Yoonie, Hungy" God she is like a child when she is asleep and I absolutely adore it. 
"Oh yeah?"  I run my hands through her hair. We haven't eaten since this morning, of course she is hungry. "Pass Yoonie his phone, he threw it." She takes her arm off me and flings herself over and her hand is searching for it, eyes still closed. "Little left." and her small hand finds it. She swings her arm and practically throws it at me. “Vi, bad girls don't get yummy food now do they?"
"I'm sorry, just eepy." I pull her back into my arms and she just accepts her fate like I do. Hans comes out of her room. It's now five o'clock and almost dinner, and she is late. She runs out of her room "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Throwing her bag on the counter and rushing to the shoe rack, hopping on one foot trying to put on her sneakers that really need to be untied to be put on. "You're gonna make an angry Vi." 
I sent Jin a text about seeing if he can make her favorite pizza. 
Me: Can you make Vi's favorite pizza? I'll pay you for bringing it over. 
Jin: Of course he will! ANYTHING for Vi. -Hobi 
"Eh she is used to me by now." She waves off my concern of waking her up and she comes to stand in front of me in a very short mini dress, which I do not approve of, but I know she won't change. "How do I look?" And as she does that she rubs on Vi’s leg, moving her head to look at her and slowly opening her eyes "Pretty Hans. Go get that dick." Can they please stop talking about this guy's dick for god's sake. 
"Thanks ViVi! You." pointing her finger at me, glaring. "Make sure you feed her favorite since I'm not here." I flash her my phone with Jin’s messages and she nods her head in approval of what I'm getting her for dinner. 
"Vivi, kill him if he tries to sleep in my room, got it?" She just lifts her thumb up and gives her a small "You got it." Now I'm offended she would even say yes to it. I give her hip a warning squeeze and she makes a sound "See you got her angry for waking her up." I give her one more squeeze and she turns into me more and mumbles "It's okay Hans. I need to get up anyway, just don't wanna." 
"You two have fun, not too much fun! Love you both bye!" And she is walking out the door, shutting it behind her and locking it. 
"Did Miss Vi have fun saying she would kill me?" She is laughing at me and turning to try and get away. "Oh no you don't." I wrap my wrap around her body and pull her into me. "Vi, you wanna kill me? You'd kill me by just being you so don't use it against me Kay?" 
"Nothing princess. Now go get the dishes out for us to eat. It should be on its way soon." I give a tap on her hip and she throws the blanket off her body and runs to the kitchen. I need to check with Jin for an update on how much longer. 
Me: Hey how much longer Hans just left
Jin: Oh and I'll be there in 15
Me: thank you, and why would I need to tell you Hans left??? 
And he reads the messages and doesn't respond. That's so him. Well he'll be here soon, time to fold up the extra blanket Hans was using and get the place tidied up a bit. Their apartment is literally like a second home and I need to make sure I stay on a schedule when I'm here. Jin has worked too and normally while he is cooking dinner I'm cleaning our place up, so here I do the same. Picking up our three glasses, taking them to the kitchen to load them in the dishwasher, I see Vi playing music low on her phone and swaying back and forth. Standing here watching her is like what I wish my future would be like. With her. 
She is placing our plates out and new cups for us behind the plates so we can fill it with whatever we choose when we eat. I load the dishwasher, afterwards I press on the volume button on her phone and hold my hand out to her "Will the princess give this peasant a dance?" She smiles at me. 
"She will, but one dance only." We have never given up our roles in our fantasy worlds. I bow to her "Yes my princess." and she holds her hands out like she is wearing a dress and fake curtsies, places her hand in mine. I pull her close and we are dancing like we always have. She places her head on my chest and we're just swaying back and forth in the kitchen that once was a battle ground. 
"You think I'll be okay without Hans?" Swaying back and forth lightly and moving in the kitchen slowly. "Why wouldn't you Vi? You're so strong you're gonna get through college and help all the people you can. You're the main character of your life, we're just the supporting characters." I move my hand and place it on her back and she wraps one arm around my back, lightly rubbing her back as we sway. "Thank you for always letting me know I'm strong enough, Yoon." 
"I'll always be here to remind you" And I hear the front door open. Now how did he get a key? I lean my head down to her ear "Did you give Jin a key to your place" 
"Huh? Why would I?" 
"Honey! I'm home!" 
"You mean. Honey! We're home!" 
And there are the two dumbasses I love. They are both laughing and I wait till the last moment to let go of her. "I guess we'll figure it out huh, Vi?" She hums in response and I'm facing the opening of the kitchen and I see both of them staring at me. Jin is holding the container with pizza in it and Hobi is holding a sprite. Of course, with his hand over his heart smiling at us. "Don't mind us! I'll leave this here" Jin goes to leave the pizza on the counter and right when he does Vi pulls away and looks at him. "You didn't! Yoon! My favorite. Jin I love you!" 
"Ha I'm her favorite you hear that?" He has a smirk on his face and she goes up and gives him a hug. "What about me?" She is lighting up so bright, my whole earth right in front of me. "Hobi!" Letting go so fast, she runs up and gives him the biggest hug. He drops the sprite but I run and catch it before it can hit the ground. The last thing we need is sprite all over the kitchen.  "Hobi please! Have dinner with us" 
"I'm offended you only want Hobi" Jin is pouting, crossing his arms acting upset. I swear Jin is my sister just in a man's body. She looks at him, still holding onto Hobi "Group hug, Jin." and Jin can never turn that down and with Hobi and Vi? Yeah he never caved fast enough in his life. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him and wraps his arms around me. I found mine around Vi. At least it's the one person I'm comfortable with being this close with. The other two? I'll just forget about them. I'm with Vi and that's all that matters. "Okay, okay, let me go" 
"Oh, Yoongi, stop being so sour. Get you some sweetness in your life." Hobi pats my back after saying. What he doesn't know is that the sweetness in my life is reserved for the girl that is in my chest.  
"Okay are we done with the hug party? Let's eat if you're staying." They unwrap their arms from each other and I bend down before I let go of Vi "Princess go get their plates and after it's Vi and Yoon time, kay?" She lets go of me but as she does I button up her pajamas one more button. Even if they are a couple they still don't get to see her in her home like this. "Thank you.” and she walks over to the kitchen and gets their plates out. 
Jin comes to my side, elbowing me. "So, when were you gonna tell me it's just you and her tonight?" 
"Didn't think I needed to. Hans had to go 'get that dick', god why am I saying it now." Hitting my palm to my forehead after speaking the words I just said. I'm unbelievable. "She left like thirty minutes ago, probably won't be back for the night." We are looking at Vi and Hobi plating the pizza all up and of course his sprite he just has to have. Vi looks at me with those wide eyes "Yoon?" Humming in response to her. "Juice or soju?" I have been not wanting to drink while trying to get my meds in order. Also coming out of an episode and drinking would turn into a disaster. "He'll have juice Vi." Jin steps up and says what I couldn't say as I started to question my own self even though I know what I should have.  
"Just don't make a fuss about it, kay? She didn't wanna be alone if Hans left and then I did too. She needs to prepare herself to be alone." He nods in understanding, walking to grab his plate and cup from Hobi holding it out for him.  Vi holds her pointer finger up and yells "To the couch!"  And Hobi yells "Pizza and sprite!" Shaking my head at their antics and grabbing my food, I walk over to my spot. When we have them over, Hobi takes Hans spot, Jin sits in Vi place, Vi takes the corner I normally sit in, pushing herself all the way back so she can stretch her legs out, and I sit on the lounge and pull her feet on top of my thighs. 
We all get comfy, putting the blanket back over Vi's legs so she is comfortable, handing her plate of not one slice of pizza, but three large ones. Thank god Jin made a large one but they aren't eating a lot because they will go home and have their late night snack like they always do. I hear them trying to whisper in our kitchen but clearly not. "So what are your plans for tonight you two?" I look at Hobi and Jin munching on their pizza. With a mouth full of food Jin starts to talk about their plans "Well, we are gonna watch a movie and then, uh? Have ‘us time’ if you know what I mean." and he is raising his eyebrows up and down. "Jin, we have our baby Vi here!" Hobi slapping his arm. 
Vi raising her hands in defense "Don't censor on my part. You should hear me and Hans." 
"Yeah, you don't wanna hear them together. I heard enough of it today." I lightly laugh thinking about what I heard today. Will it ever leave my head? Nope, might as well learn to live with it.  
"Thank you so much for bringing dinner, Jin." She smiles at him with a mouth full of pizza. There is no stopping her from talking. Before, I tried to correct her and tell her to wait until she was done. It didn't work. "Of course Vi, anything for you, just call me." winking at her, and she puts her other hand to her heart and gasps. God she is taking after Hans, maybe she should "get that dick" more often, she is corrupting our sweet Vi. 
Hobi places his plate down after finishing his one slice he wanted "So, what are you two doing tonight?" And we both look at each other and smile "Vi and Yoon night is a secrets sorry, Hobi." She says it for me so I don't have to try and explain myself. They won't question anything she says. I tap on her thigh and smile as if saying 'good job'. We all laugh, catching up and even telling them the story of hearing about my sister getting dick tonight and ditching us. It's been about probably two months since the four of us have been together because school, work, and life in general is catching up to all of us. But when we're together it feels like a damn double date every time. It makes me wonder what it would be like to actually call it a double date and not having to control my inner thoughts. Wants. Needs. Desires. 
Maybe one day we'll get to that point. Hobi and Jin have been together since our third year, guess you can say high school sweethearts. Made it through all the discrimination against them be open about it and pushed forward, both going to college. They grew together and I wish I would be able to do that with Vi. But we are growing together, just in a different way.  I'm so proud of how far she has come and excited to see her move forward in her passion.  Hobi went for dance and Jin well he went for culinary. How did they make it work? I have no idea, but they definitely made it happen. Hobi and I both get the best food we have ever had. Now when Jin was in school that was another case, he would throw random things together. We would just eat it and nod telling him it was good and he would light up like a shooting star in a pitch black sky. We'd both do anything for him. 
He met Vi a couple years ago, when I finally was okay with letting my worlds mesh together. For the longest time I wanted to keep her to only Hans and me, but that's unfair. It's part of my mind once something is mine it is MINE. No one else's. I learned to share her with Hans because technically she was Hans in the first place so I need to submit to that, but in my mind she is MINE. FIRST. 
It started with her meeting Jin and then Hobi followed a little bit after. Jin didn't know about all my mental struggles until I finally told him after one long treatment session and he got upset, saying I can't just come and go out of his life randomly. I couldn't lose one of the only people I had, so I told him and he took on this role to help me.  Once she met Hobi and found out he was studying dance she wanted to learn everything and I mean everything. So many nights they had one on one sessions. She tried to keep up with him. She only learned the basics, but she definitely gravitated toward slow dancing and all forms of it. 
I spent many nights in our apartment with Hobi teaching me until three in the morning when I had classes crazy early, just to be able to dance with her and show her she can dance with not just Hobi but with me. 
I look over and see Vi yawning, still tired from her nap. I bet if we laid back down she'd be out for the night. "Hey Jin, will you pick up oranges on the way home? We're out." using this against him, knowing the stand he likes to go to closes in about thirty minutes. Pulling his phone out to check the time and his eyes go wide "Hobi! We got twenty nine minutes, can we make it?" Vi hands over her plate for me to place on the coffee table for her since she finished. While those two are talking if they can make it, me and Vi talk, rubbing her leg "Full?" She gives me a nod and pats on her stomach with a small smile. "Good."
We both hear Jin and Hobi let out an 'awh'. Cheeks turning red, she looks away towards the window facing away from them. Leaning over and whispering "Oh is someone shy to be close to me? Is that it?" 
"No, a princess needs her peasant to save her from the two minions over there." 
"Of course, my Princess, I'll do anything. '' I bow my head lightly and laugh at how we never will not do this. Turning my head to them, putting my hand up to my neck and making the signal to cut it out as I tell them "Well you better make it to the shop for the oranges." They get what I mean.  They are holding in their laughter as VI is still looking away from them, trying to cool off her face. "Yeah we're goin' don't worry. I'm ready to be in my bed if you know what I mean." wiggling his eyebrows. I hope they have fun, glad I will not be there to hear it. "I'm gonna pick up and then walk them out, come say bye when you're ready." I tap on her legs and she takes them off me and pulls her knees to her chest taking a deep breath. I forget sometimes she is the most outgoing person I know, but on the inside she gets very shy and uses her outgoing personality to hide it. 
Stacking our plates and cups, bringing them to the kitchen with Jin and Hobi following suit. "Did we go too far?" Hobi asks, sounding concerned "Nah you know how she is sometimes, lets it get to her and shows how she feels on the inside." I shrug and let them know to give them ease to not worry. Opening the dishwasher, placing our plates and cups in it. "Hey, can you grab the washing pack under the sink?" Jin grabs it and tosses it to me, starting the dishwasher so we have dishes for the morning breakfast I know we'll have tomorrow. Betting its French toast again, that will taste nothing like the place we love. We're getting there, okay? 
"Vivi, come say bye to your favorite tall person!" and with that I hear "Ahh! Don't leave yet!" She runs into her bedroom and I have absolutely no idea why. "You need dessert!" She comes out of the room shuffling, with a bag in her hand of those damn lollipops she loves so much and why the hell does she need a 5 pound bag them? 
And why is she bringing the whole damn bag? She could have just brought a handful but nope. Jin is laughing his ass off and Hobi is literally on the ground laughing at her trying to carry it all and not spill the bag has a rip down it. Shaking my head at her, walking to her and grabbing the bag from her. "Oh, thank you, Yoon." she says out of breath. She walks over and sits down next to Hobi on the ground still laughing "So this is where we sit now? Not too comfy, huh?" He has his fist to his mouth laughing, trying to contain it but can't, his loud laugh roaring through the apartment. 
Right at this moment, Alexa goes off and we hear Hans voice sending a message. "You two better not be messing up the house! Also I miss trio cuddles! But Gyu's dick is too-" and she stopped there because he was calling for her in the background. And you thought it was only Hobi and Vi on the ground, now Jin is on the ground next to them "See? I told you Hans keeps saying it!" 
"You're just jealous you're not getting any." Hobi says while snorting laughing. 
"Oh no, he got some last night! Should have seen the girl, pissed when I said he had to get here for morning breakfast with Vi" and I want to smash my head into the wall at this moment. She does not need to know about the one night stands. I mean, technically I just heard about her and a guy, but this is different. I never wanna hear about her fucking unless it's with me. If she does move forward with this Taeyong guy, or whatever his name is, I will be drawing that line. 
My mind wants me to unlock that door and live in my utopia forever, but this is reality and when I look at Vi she has her mouth gaped with a guilty look on her face. Like she did something wrong and I need to talk to her and get this worked out, cause why would she be feeling like she did something wrong? "Okay, okay, time to go! Thank you for coming and eating with us. Jin I'll see you in the morning unless you're at the restaurant" I grab both of their arms, pulling them up. Vi is still sitting on the floor just staring straight at me. "Come on Vivi, stand up." I hold my hands out for her to take and she shakes her head no at me. That will not fly with me, grabbing her hand by myself and pulling her up and she just goes along with the motions, looking like she isn't fully there. 
As soon as she sees Jin, she smiles and puts on an act for him and I know it. "You gotta have lollipops, they’re pineapple!" and she grabs a whole handful from the broken bag on the counter and shoves it in his hoodie pocket. He pulls her in for a hug "Thank you VI, and whatever the dumbass did, he didn't mean it, kay?" We all read her so well that he even knew a switch flipped in her head once he said what he did, but he did nothing wrong. I can't get mad at him for it. Hobi goes and joins their hugs "Bye-bye, ViVi" Since they aren't bringing the leftovers with them all they have is their keys and those damn lollipops. I might as well hold a grudge against them since an inanimate object is closer to her lips than I ever will be. 
They let go and she walks them to the door, grabbing their keys and coats from the entryway. "Oh, are y'all going on a ride?" 
"Well I hoped so, but maybe not. We'll see." she replies back to him and he just nods, walking out the door and waving bye. "Jin! How did you get my house key?" 
He places a finger over his lips and whispers to her "Well, when that one," points his finger at me, "was sleeping, I took his keys and made a copy just in case." He places his hand on top of her head and ruffles her hair and she laughs at him. "Bye Jinnie and Hoba!" Coming behind her and placing my hand on her back "Bye, guys. Be safe."
She backs up into me so she can shut the door, locking it. Once she does she crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her head up and walks right past me. Oh, I fucked up. My phone vibrates and I look who it is, of course it is. 
Jin: Good luck with the gremlin! I'll plan you an amazing funeral. I didn't mean to mention it! 
I don't reply, but shove my phone back in my pocket, chasing the angry little gremlin into her room. I find her already on her bed, looking at her phone. "What'd I do?" I feel like I'm bowing down to a toddler throwing a tantrum, but I know if it was the other way around I would be way more than a toddler. I'd be on a warpath. 
I sit down in front of her and grab her phone and throw it behind me on the bed "Hey!" 
"No Vi, we are going to talk about this. Why are you upset?" 
She is picking at her fingernails and I grab them so she can't do it. "Well, you said things would change if I'm with someone, but you are clearly with someone, so why would we nap together today? I don't wanna push those limits." She thinks I'm with someone and thinks she is the one doing something wrong by being close to me. 
I laugh about it, I can't not laugh. "What? Why are you laughing at me?" She is pouting looking at me. 
"Vi, I went out and got drunk and had a one night stand. She was nothing special. I pinky promise. I'm with no one." 
I hold my pinky out for her and she squints her eyes, contemplating if she should do it. Mumbles "I believe you. You better not make me a home wrecker in someone's eyes."
She locked her pinky with mine and kissed her thumb. I do the same. 
Pressing our thumbs together and sealing them together, she lightly smiles. There, that’s better. I can't take her one, being mad at me and two, upset in any way if I caused it. I wonder what she thinks of the one night stand. She didn't go further with questions about it, just wanted to make sure I wasn't with someone. I lift my hand to her cheek and of course she leans into it. Time to mess with her a little bit. "What, is my princess jealous?" She smacks my hand down, those heavy lidded eyes glaring at me. "No of course not, a peasant can fuck who he wants, but if she wasn't memorable seems like you need a better fuck." 
"And how would you know, princess, when you're still a virgin?" I glare at her back. We taunt each other with the phrases like a cat and mouse to see who will cave in first. "Who says I haven't done other things, Sir?" She fucking smirks at me and those eyes turned more suggestive. Lustful. Sinful. 
I have never seen her eyes like this and I want to lock her away in my utopia and never let her out. The way she is looking at me with no shame makes me want to make her feel that for it not being with me. Those gray eyes are not the soft, misty, doe eyes I'm used to looking back at me. Also she used the word ‘Sir’? Excuse me, she has never used it unless we were talking to elders, it makes me swallow hard. That word coming out of her mouth feels so wrong, but so right. 
"Princess, stop. You're pushing boundaries." she blinks at me slowly and her right side of her lip positions up and she looks so fucking mischievous, if I had it my way she'd be bent over my knee teaching her a lesson. Maybe one day. I run my tongue in my inner cheek and feel my tongue pricing grazing my cheek, trying to rein in my inner thoughts. "Oh, am I? But haven't we already pushed them before?" Fuck. The time we might have gotten a little too close for comfort and she felt my fucking hard on when we woke up from a nap. Me being half awake, coming out of a not so PG rated dream. I stuck my hand behind her legs and pulled her back into me and said "And where do you think you're going." And she fucking played into it and came back with "Yoon, more please" and that’s when I snapped out of it and my eyes went so wide you couldn't even see my eye lids. 
After that time I still don't know if she was fucking with me or what because when I tried to wake her up she didn't budge, she was still dead limp in my arms. I'll never know, because the true answer lies within her mind. I have tried to get it out of her, but she tells me she was asleep. Deep down I think she was not asleep but knowing. Yeah, that's what I like to think. I also have apologized for it over and over. Thankfully I have not done anything like it since the first time. Have I had to scoot away when we're waking up? Yes, but nothing like that. 
I tap under her chin and make her fully pay attention to me. I know she isn't this confident, she is distancing herself from it so she can say these things. "No more, Vi. It's time for Vi and Yoon time, but if you wanna continue Yoon will leave. You want that?" she shakes her head "No don't want that." 
"Good. Then you understand me, huh?" she nods yes to me and her bottom lip pokes out a little bit. That's the Vi I know. "Now go get the polish and snacks" 
She hops off the bed running to the bathroom, grabs the purple bag with all her nail stuff in it, throws it on the bed. Yes, I paint her nails for her but it is my pleasure to do it, stops her from biting them and I might let her paint mine every now and then. I definitely hear about it from the guys at the shop. I don't care though. I'm different and that's okay, who wants to be ordinary? I sure don't. "Imma get snacks!'' She really is something else. Opening my phone, going to the moon icon on the first page and turning on the starlight again since it turned off from the timer. 
She comes barreling into the room with those damn lollipops, chips, oranges, and two juice boxes. And right as she gets in front of the bed, the bag finally rips all the way open and she screams "Noooo! My snacks" dropping to her knees, definitely on top of some of the food on the floor. We are both laughing our asses off at what just happened. Getting off the bed, I get down and help get everything on the bed besides the lollipops. While I'm doing that she opens a lollipop and plops it in her mouth and makes a small 'mhm'. 
"Wanna help?" 
"No, I'm good" She is sitting on her knees smiling with the damn lollipop in her mouth. Might as well know what she is tasting, unwrapping and plopping one in my mouth. 
Sweet. Sweet. Pineapple. 
I start to pile them up on top of the broken bag to use as a way to transport them to her vanity. Her, on the other hand, is picking one up at time and placing it down on top of the huge pile I have already made. "Good right?" 
"Yeah" If I go farther I'll want to ask if she is as sweet as the lollipop in my mouth. If the taste matches her own juice. If she has ever tasted herself. No, stop Yoongi. Snapping myself from those thoughts before I need to leave while she is sleeping and call one of my regulars and swing by their place for a quickie. 
Once we get them all picked up, we stand up and I grab both ends of the bag and carefully pick them up, trying to not spill them all over the floor again. Setting them on her vanity. "They're all picked up. Now get on the bed and get ready for nail time" She smiles and gets on the bed and pulls the covers back waiting for me to get into place. I pull out my phone and go to amazon and place an order for a candy jar to be overnighted. "Watch out for a package tomorrow, kay?" She nods and knows I often have stuff shipped here. I work tomorrow, but she is on break before her classes start.
She is sitting criss crossed on the bed in her spot, unzipping the bag and picking out her color for this week. She already took off the red color she had on last week. "Mhm, black." she raises it up and shows me the color for this week. "Only black?" I raise my eyebrows at her as I sit down in front of her. "And one diamond on the ring finger" Okay, okay, I get it. I'm a guy that knows how to do nails and designs. Sue me. 
"Okay, pick out the stone you want this time, kay?" I might have asked Ma to help me get used to doing nails, but now she gets hers done every other week by me so I don't see her complaining.  
She pulls the, funny enough, pill case we painted purple and black and wrote on the top 'Yoon and Vi Jewels.' She said my name had to be first because I'm the one doing her nails, so technically it's my case first. 
"This one" She opens the one compartment and it has shiny lilac stones in it. I nod, opening the black polish and she sets the case to the side once she is done. Holding out her hand to take the polish bottle, we have a system, I take her right and in my left hand, holding on to her pinky with my hand. I start by going over her tiny pinky with a coat of the black paint and work my way through her other fingers. Once I’m done with the first coat, I make my way backwards and do one more coat. "Yoon, can I paint yours?" 
I hum in response to not mess up on their pointer finger. I'm working on keeping all my focus on it. Once I'm done with her first hand, I grab the bottle and move it to the nightstand and I'll have to reach over every time I need to dip into it. Placing her other hand on my leg for drying. As I work my way to her other hand, reaching over to get another dip of paint, I see her in my peripheral vision and she leans in and kisses my cheek. "Thank you, Yoonie" 
"Y-yeah no problem." and I fucking stutter. She doesn't chastise me about it though, thank god. Once I finish this hand, I lean and grab the bottle and close it. Both of her hands are on my thighs drying. She could have moved the first off, but didn't.
Grabbing the stone box, glue, and tool to apply it with "Gimmie first hand Vi." She holds it out, dipping  into the glue and placing a small dot at the base of her finger so I can apply the stone. Once I apply the stone, I look up at her. Those eyes speak a million words and they are glittering with such warmth, like sparks from a flame. "It's perfect, Yoon!" She says this every time, even when I was still learning and it would be a mess and crooked. 
We finish her other hand, putting up the stones in the bigger bag and looking at her. She is staring at her hands with the biggest smile on her face. I'm glad I can make her smile over doing her nails. What's twenty to thirty minutes of my time? To see this smile, absolutely nothing.  "You gonna pick my color and be nice or are you gonna be evil Vi tonight and make stuck with fucking bright ass yellow." She taps on her chin like she is thinking. "Nice Vi. Matching black! But with a purple ring finger since no stone." 
I look in the bag for the purple polish she has and pull out the darkest one she has "Dark purple do?" She nods head yes. Thank god, I don't know how much shit I could take from the guys at the shop with a bright lilac if she chose it. "Get into positions!" She points her finger up and reaches for her juice box, opening it, taking a sip "Juice me." She laughs and takes it out of her mouth and pushes her box toward my mouth, taking a sip of her juice.  I love our little dynamic when it's just the two of us. It's different in a good way. 
I scoot towards the end of the bed and open my legs. This is how she does it every time, in her 'pocket'. She gets out of her spot and flips herself around and sits right in between my legs and grabs a pillow to prop my hands on for drying on our legs. She snuggles in and shoves the black paint into my hand and untwists the lid. When she does, I rest my chin on her shoulder to look over and watch her as she paints them, her tongue sticks out just a little bit focusing on doing it perfectly. I so want to just poke her tongue and tell her to put it back in her mouth. "You know you don't have to do mine. I can do my own." 
"No I gotta! This is a two way street, Yoon.” She is finishing the second coat on all the fingers she is doing black on, closing the cap and grabbing the purple, shoving it into my hand again.  Vi is the only girl I let this close to me, even the one night stands are not this close to me ever. If we accidentally fall asleep in my bed or theirs, they are always far away from me. I never let them near me sleeping. That is reserved for Vi, that's her pocket no one else's. It all feels strangely intimate, but ultimately, it feels so right every time. My heart melts before it can even race and I just take in the moment, how close we are. If anyone walked in on us they would definitely think we were together but I'm just the best friend's brother. 
I lose myself in my thoughts and my body is on autopilot as she does my nails. Her scent is blurring my vision. My mind. It cascades a blanket over all the looming bad thoughts that are waiting to burst the bubble I'm in. My own utopia.  
"Hey, Yoon, you there? I finished" 
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm so tired Vi. I zoned out." 
"It's okay, Yoon. How do they look?" I look down and my hands are on the pillow. Dark paint on all my fingers besides that one purple finger on each hand that will remind me of her every time I look at my hand. She has forever invaded my utopia. She just added all her clothes to the dresser in the corner. Added all her perfume on top of it. It's hers now. 
"They look perfect, princess, thank you so much." She smiles looking at me. Our faces are so close that I can feel her breath on my face. "Yoon?"
"Will we have to stop this if I date someone?" 
I nod my head "At least not this close Vi." She nods her head and takes in the information I give her. "But we'll still have Yoon and Vi nights?" I take my hand off the pillow and rub her thigh. 
"Of course, princess. How can a peasant not have his princess?" 
"You're right, what would he do without me?" She smiles, grabbing the pillow and moving it off our legs. She doesn't rush out of my legs. Hell, even staying on purpose.  "Why don't you go make the popcorn and I'll get the room set up for Kyo and Torhu time."
She nods and slowly gets out of the pocket "Don't forget to put up the nail stuff, Vi." always needing to remind her. She grabs it and runs to the bathroom, throwing it in the drawer and running to the kitchen shuffling her feet across the floor. I swear she never actually takes her feet off the ground in this apartment since it has wood floors and she shuffles across it in her socks. 
The starlight is on, curtains are closed, pillows all stacked up, projector is turned on, and the little cat plushie I got her is on her bed. Also the bane of my existence, my enemy, the body pillow that lays between us when we sleep. Glaring at the pillow. 
We are ready to finish this night, walking into the main living area, checking the door, making sure it's locked before we reside in our own little safe haven we have built together. 
The popcorn is popping and slowly stopping popping, she is hitting cancel on the microwave when I look over at her on her tiptoes, reaching up to open it. Walking behind her, I reach over her, opening it and taking it out. "Should've called for me." I turn around and open the bag and pour it into the bowl she has set out. "I get stuff out of there everyday. I didn't need help.” She is so stubborn sometimes.
Grabbing the bowl and shoving the extra juice boxes in my pockets "Let’s go, princess. Time for your tv time." She sprints ahead of me, shuffling across the floor "Wait up for me." laughing at her and she turns her head back "Nope, a peasant comes in last to the safe place."
She hops onto the bed, grabbing the blankets with her and hiding under them “Oh no, where did she go? I need to call the guards." She pokes her head out, laughing "She is here, guess you need some glasses." Meanwhile I have contacts in, but it's her that is clouding my vision.  
"Guess I do. Grab the pop." She fully emerges from the covers and grabs the bowl. I shut and lock the bedroom door. What? It's for safety. 
I walk to my side of the bed and get under the covers and scoot the barrier over a little bit. Pulling out the juice boxes and putting them between us, taking my phone and sending Hans a quick text. 
Me: You all good sis? We are about to watch fruits basket and have a snack. 
This girl is always on her phone, I swear she could be in the middle of- nope. I'm not saying it, and she would answer. 
Hans: Oh I'm DEFINITELY good. Have fun I hope y'all have good tv time. Also don't get too close to her. she's MINE. 
Hans: OH! Tell ViVi I won't be home ya know? Round two and three. I'll be home around 2pm probably. 
Me: You gotta STOP talking about your sex life with your brother. But I'll tell her. Love you Hans be safe I don't want any nieces or nephews YET. 
She just likes the message. "Hans isn't coming home, told me to tell you she'll be home around two. Looks like it's truly a Yoon and Vi night, don't gotta sneak from the living room into here and back out there before she wakes." 
Vi is munching on the popcorn and I steal some from her, turning the tv to Crunchyroll to watch her show and as I hit play on the next episode she whispers a small "Yes", shuffling her feet into her sheets.  They really are soft, pale purple pair of silk sheets. I want to mix and match my black ones with her purple ones. Hell, move them into my utopia, make my whole world purple. 
"Ready Vi?" She nods rapidly with her mouth full of popcorn. The intro starts and she starts wiggling down to cocoon herself into the pillows with the popcorn on her stomach. When I lean back, she scoots her head over breaking the barrier and lays on my shoulder "Okay?" 
"Of course it's okay, Vi" I tap on her head, smoothing out her hair.  We watch about three episodes before she is dozing off and her head starts to fall forward. I swear she was yelling at Kyo, even while falling asleep, about telling his feelings. If only she knew the feelings I've been holding inside for years. Would she yell at me too? 
I grab the bowl and move it to the other side of the bed on the ground while trying not to move her too much. "Yoon, more." 
"No, you're falling asleep. It's time for eepys." She blinks and scoots farther into the bed "Mhm comfy." 
"Yeah, I know you're comfy. I guess we're skipping teeth brushing?" 
"Noooo, do it for me" And of course I'll cave for her every time. I move her head over slightly and she just falls into the pillow. I get out of bed and walk into her bathroom and brush my teeth, looking into the mirror. Something is refreshing about the domestic aspect of this all, makes my heart melt. Grabbing her tooth brush and a cup from the counter, putting a little toothpaste on it. Walking over to her drowning into the bed "Princess, sit up." She slowly sits up, squinting her eyes to see where I am. Sitting on the edge of her bed and pulling her chin towards me and I start brushing her teeth for her. "There, can't have nasty teeths, huh?" And she just makes a small noise, 'uh huh' As I brush her teeth, I see her sleepy droopy eyes ready to fall into her dream land, slightly smiling at the girl in front me. I know I go too far taking care of her, but I can't stop. I won't stop. 
"Okay, time to spit" I hold the cup for her and she spits into the cup and grabs the water next to her bed and takes a small sip to rinse her mouth out. "All dones, Vi. Good job." and she just falls back down into her bed. I rinse out the cup and set it on the counter. I'll take it to the kitchen in the morning for a cleaning, too late to do it. I just wanna get back into bed with her.  
I turn on the ceiling fan because she can't sleep without it. She'll wake up in the middle of the night saying "It's too hot." and last time she ended up only in a sports bra and the smallest of shorts. Let's not repeat that.  At least not tonight.  
When I get into bed, she is already cuddled up into her side of the bed and I hear some small snores. "Vi, do you want your hair pulled up?" And she just makes a small sound that sounds like a yes? She leans up not sitting up fully, taking the hair tie off my wrist and pulling her hair up into a messy bun for her. I place a kiss on her forehead "There you go, sleepies time." 
She lays into her pillow, cheeks squished, lips pouted out. She looks unreal to me. I don't want no model as my person, I just want her. My perfectly, imperfect Vi. I lay down next to her and stare up at the ceiling, the glowing stars, and I hear the smallest of voices “finger” Oh, how could I let her cloud my mind so much that I forget to place my hand so she can hold onto my finger when she sleeps. Rolling over and placing my hand next to her and her small hand wraps around my pointer finger and she just lets out a small, “hm Yoonie, thank you.” 
“Of course, Vi. I’m always here. Thank you for today. I needed it more than you know”  She is lightly breathing and I hear them becoming few in between. She is about to be fully out like a light for the rest of the night and I’m glad I’m the one next to her.  “Night night, Vi. I’ll see you in the morning” 
“Night night, Yoon. We have French toast tomorrows, maybes we get it right this time.” She slurs on her word as she gets them out, I can’t help but smile at her. 
“That sounds amazing, Vi.” She gives my finger a squeeze and we both drift off into the night, connected only at our fingers, breathing in and out in sync as we both sink into our own utopias. I know where I’ll end up, in my silk sheets with her. Maybe she is in her own silk sheets with me. I just hope she’ll be there when I’m ready and no one has swooped in and saved my princess before I could.
Thank you for reading. ₊˚⊹♡
All rights belong to @/Yoon-Topias. Do not copy/ translate.
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Always and Whatever Comes Next
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count: ~600 Rating: General: no warnings, just fluff Prompts: ice skating: @choicesficwriterscreations & @choicesholidays
Synopsis: Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
This precious art of my forever OTP is by the amazing @weetlebeetle! Look at how adorable they look!!! I will never get enough of Neb's chibis!
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There weren't many opportunities like this one, and Alex was determined to make the most of it. It was no secret she loved the snow. She somehow convinced Thomas to even have a winter wedding in Lake Tahoe. The glistening snow. The brisk, refreshing air. The feel of the cool wind on your rosy cheeks. Alex loved it all. She loved California, but she would always miss winter, a true winter.
Even with the snow she enjoyed during their many trips to Lake Tahoe in their years together, finding a frozen lake for ice skating wasn't something that happened often. It took a very specific set of circumstances and a whole lot of winter magic, but here they were. It was a small lake south of South Tahoe, but it was gorgeous. The sun glittered against its icy surface. It was everything she hoped it would be. 
Excitement sparkled in her eyes as she stood from the rock on the lake's shore on which they had been sitting to put on their skates. "Are you ready?" 
"Not even remotely," he stated apprehensively, remaining where he sat.
"It'll be great. I'm right here." Alex gave his hand a gentle squeeze as she attempted to usher him forward.
Thomas glanced at the shimmering surface with uncertainty. "I wouldn't want to hold you back."
"You never could do that." Alex took his other hand in hers, gently guiding him to his feet. She helped steady him as he got his footing, standing on his skates. "You can do this! We can do it—together."
He took a tentative step forward toward the frozen lake. With the safety of her beside him as his anchor, he continued steadily.
"I won't let go," Alex reassured him, her thumb brushing tenderly along his hand. "I'm right here."
With cautious steps, Thomas ventured onto the ice, wobbling almost immediately. His legs flailed out to the sides, threatening imminent disaster, but Alex's steady guidance kept him upright.
"Okay, just follow my lead," she encouraged, directing him with gentle patience. "Just like that." 
They glided in unison, Alex's effortless grace a stark contrast to Thomas's stumbling attempts. Even still, their laughter echoed across the frozen expanse as they carved paths on the ice.
"Just keep holding on," Thomas insisted, his grip tightening around Alex's hand. "Don't let go."
"I wouldn't dream of it." Her warm lips brushed a tender kiss on his cool cheek. "You're stuck with me, Mr. Hunt."
"I can think of far worse fates," he teased.
"You mean like if I let you go?" She wagged her brow playfully, pretending to loosen her grip on his arm.
"No." He shook his head to the sides, his faith that she wouldn't let him fall remained unwavering despite her feigned threat. "Losing you, not having met you—a life without you—that would be the worst fate I could imagine." 
She guided them to a halt, the warm sun tickling their rosy faces. "I'm not going anywhere. This is where I belong." Her fingers traced the strong lines of his jaw. "This is where you belong." She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him close. "Together—this is where we belong. Now and always." 
"Always." His lip twitched up into a soft smile. "That sounds like a good start."
"A start? What comes after always?"
"I don't know, but whatever it is, I hope I'll find it with you." 
"Always and whatever comes next," Alex pondered, but her words were lost on his lips as he drew her in for a slow and lingering kiss. 
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This is not edited so please forgive any mistakes. I got inspired to write this little snippet so I wanted to share it before I second guess myself and delete it.
Thank you for reading! I always appreciate any support for this couple. They will always have the most special spot in my heart!
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