#I'll obviously choose delena lol
userlaylivia · 6 months
please nobody say anything about stydia, they are still endgame to me idgaf about the movie and it's implied they'll get back together eventually anyway they are show endgame that's all that matters!! and pls don't say anything about chair/roschel their my otps and I'm allowed to ship them! I also ship dair in gg and have more of them on my blog so!!
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x14: Crying Wolf
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I prefer Slater over Stevie, but okie.
This show does a lot of alternate meanings. Not just in dialogues, but in episode titles. Crying Wolf means raising a false alarm. It'd be like pulling the fire alarm when there is no fire. I'll show the "Crying Wolf" when I get there. Because this show has werewolves, we could've actually seen a wolf cry.
I see at least 5 dead bodies in this opening scene. That's how many werewolves Damon and Stefan dropped on a moment's notice. This is the torture episode, and if you haven't seen me say this before, know that I love it when people torture Damon. Understand that I'm not talking Whitmore torture, I'm talking characters like Bonnie and Mason, Rebekah and Jules. Damon's high tolerance for pain is fun to watch. It's nothing compared to Enzo's tolerance for pain, but it's good enough. Both can endure pain because of the Whitmores.
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"We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town." Brady couldn't even survive Damon, he needed Jules to cover his ass. He's certainly not gonna survive Stefan. I mean, Stefan killed three werewolves before they even got the drop on him. "Uh, this has everything to do with that." Elena tells Stefan she wants to get as far away from Mystic Falls as possible. She's like Damon, she runs away from her problems. I think it's hilarious that Elena doesn't take him to the lake house for the sole purpose of a romantic getaway. She takes him to the lake house to run from her problems.
"And you're falling hard." Damon compels Andie. To be a distraction from Elena, he needs it to be as real as possible. He didn't do this with Caroline because he wasn't using her as a distraction. He only had one purpose with her, and she fulfilled it in 1x3 when Elena invited him into her house. I do think he was the same with the vamp-stuff, though. Like Andie, Caroline couldn't say that he bit her or drank her blood. Obviously, the last thing he'd want is for Caroline to tell her mother. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him, but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met." Damon is lying to Alaric. He's totally gonna kill Eiljah at this tea party lol. Bonnie has a plan to find out the truth of Elijah's plan for the ritual, and she plans to get that truth from Luka. Caroline is digging a few holes. Matt knows she wasn't with Bonnie. In truth, she was recooperating from being tortured. If I were her, Matt would've been compelled to move on just like Isobel did with Alaric. That would be the kind thing to do.
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"That's Elena Gilbert. I've known her my whole life." They pull Tyler into the mix and show him a photo of Katherine. They're basically using his standing in Mystic Falls to find the doppelganger in Mystic Falls. He's gonna realize who his friends are. They're talking about breaking the moon curse so that he doesn't have to turn at all, but fail to tell him Elena has to die to make that happen. Tyler just can't catch a break with people, for real. From Mason to Caroline to Brady, they can't stop lying to him. I don't know why Caroline is fighting this. She should compel Matt to move on. If she truly cared about him, she would. I mean, it's not like she's choosing to be honest with him. Tyler purposefully runs into Caroline to grab her phone, and does this so they can get a location on Elena. As much as I feel sorry for him, he also flip flops too much with his trust. He just had Caroline taken and tortured, now he's gonna put Elena's life at risk. "The two of you want to get together, fine, there's nothing I can do about it. But do me a favor, and both of you stop lying about it." Caroline is lying to them and to herself. That's why she's so hurt by Tyler's betrayal in the previous episode.
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They do certain repeats with Delena, and the Gilbert lake house is one of them. I refuse to ignore the fact that she's planning to self-sacrifice, and Stefan has no idea. No one does road trips like Delena does road trips, but I do love Stefan's cherry red car.
Elena: You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good. Stefan: Oh, that's great because I'm, uh… I'm stuck.
Stefan needs to be invited into the lake house. Know what "stuck" means for Elena in 3x11.
"Oh, my god. You can't get in. Stefan, I can't. My parent's left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I - I completely forgot."
Elena is getting very good at this lying thing, which becomes a huge thing in seasons 3 and 4. Their kiss in the kitchen here, this is where their season 5 Markos vision comes in.
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"Thanks for introducing us, Jenna." Damon is sweet to Jenna., and to be fair, she likely hooked them up to stop him from putting his paws on Elena lol
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Caroline: She's giving him the sex smile. Jeremy: Alright, Caroline. I get it.
Jeremy's jealousy doesn't drive him like Stefan's does. He's actually quite chill about it all. It certainly doesn't take much with body language. You can tell by Caroline's that she knows about Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie. When you combine Elena's ability to lie to Stefan about the lake house invite with Caroline's body lanuage here with Jeremy's feelings for Bonnie, you basically have season 3 and season 4 Elena. Even though Elena lies about her feelings for Damon, it can be seen in her body language as well as everyone elses.
So it's made clear that Bonnie roofied the drink she handed to Luka, and it didn't take much to drop him. From what I saw, just one sip. "Do you ever think about us, what our future will be like, our memories?" Elena opened the box, the coffin because she plans to close it with her inside. Something to hold onto when she dies. Makes me wonder what she holds onto when she dies in 3x22. This part of her lake house trip should be remembered when she takes Damon because, unlike with Stefan, her and Damon are completely open with each other.
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So I'm gonna dive into these initial scenes. Damon is working on the other side of Bonnie, trying to get information from Elijah just as Bonnie is trying to get information from Luka. The difference is real simple. Bonnie doesn't trust Elijah, so she doesn't trust Luka. Damon doesn't trust anyone, so he's going straight to the source. It should also be known that while Damon is afraid of Elijah, he refuses to give him his fear. He's all heart, all courage, and this is despite his knowing that Elijah could kill him in an instant.
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The context of Elijah's comment makes this scene altogether funny to me. He has no idea who he's talking to. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect." He's basically speaking as a parental figure, as a father vampire, and demanding Damon's respect. Yeah, he doesn't know Damon.
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Respect isn't given, it's earned. That's the difference between respect and dignity. Damon would no sooner respect Elijah than he'd respect his sperm donor of a father. That's why this scene is funny to me.
"Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her." John is going after Alaric's relationship with Jenna because he's trying to kill Damon. He wants Alaric off his game. "You're a dick." lol… this is coming from Damon's friend. John pulls with Alaric and Jenna what Damon pulled with Stefan and Elena in the first season. It's their continued Katherine-Isobel parallel. Some of their Alaric parallels are for Damon and Katherine and some are for Stefan and Katherine. That's how most of their ship parallels work.
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Stefan and Elena find a secret storage space in her parents' closet. This is how Damon would hide his humanity in his bedroom. That's why he has storage lockers. He keeps his cares hidden away. That's where Damon hides his tracking on Stefan in season 3... his closet. One could walk into Damon's bedroom and have no idea what he cares about. He hides those "cares" because they would be his weaknesses. He's basically protecting his friend in New York by hiding the photo of them in his storage locker.
"He is so crushing on you." lol… Caroline is trying to play matchmaker with Jeremy and Bonnie. Caroline can't begin to understand Delena if she can't begin to understand Bonnie's connection to Luka. Traitor or not, he understands her. Caroline says they're not in any position to judge because she's a vampire and Bonnie is a witch. As if not being a vampire and not being a witch would put them in the position to judge. At any rate, this sounds hilarious coming out of Caroline's mouth because that's all she does is judge their relationships. Like girl is only cool with her friends dating the boys she wants them to date. She's cool with Bonnie dating Jeremy because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Bonnie dating Ben or Shane. She's cool with Elena dating Stefan because she tells her to, but she's not cool with Elena dating Damon. And while she judges everyone else, she hates it when she herself gets judged. She judges so badly that Stefan has to confront her about it in season 5. "Caroline, how would you like to be judged solely based on what you're attracted to?" All the more hilarious because when he confronts her about it, she's judging Elena for being with Damon after she just slept with Klaus. That's how bad Caroline is.
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Damon: Ooh. She's got spunk, huh? Alaric: Just don't kill her, please.
That's one of the things Damon likes about Elena. Her spunk. This is now the second time Alaric died with the Gilbert ring on. I think he dies like twice more before he starts going mad on it. 3x4 with Damon and 3x10 to save Jeremy.
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"Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe." Damon is strong, but he's not the stronger brother. This scene is like 1x5, "I'm stronger than you think." That's why he escaped the cellar. He's strong af. Even more so in the fact that they've been building their tolerance to vervain. I don't consider Damon power hungry like Klaus. He's fine being a regular vampire, but he wants to be as strong as he can be as a vampire… if that makes sense. That's why he's building his tolerance to vervain. It's all about survival for him.
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Elena finds more of Johnathon Gilbert's journals. An entire season for her to read about how Stefan is a bigger monster than Damon. And it'll take another season for her to accept that truth. Yes, Stefan has her that blind. "I always knew you were lax with them, but I didn't think you were negligent." I hate to say it, but John is spot-on with Jenna. If she weren't the least bit, she'd already know Elena is dating a vampire. I mean, the woman has never been compelled. "He's a liar, Jenna. Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?" I hate how blind she is to everything going on. However, John is completely alienating the entire team that's protecting Elena, at a time when he should be using them. Damon, Stefan, Alaric. These are wars he could've started after the ritual. John is literally diggng his own grave.
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"And that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back." The audience already knows that Alaric has a Gilbert ring and he's wearing it. Here, they're showing Damon's concern for his friend. They want you to know he's purposefully looking for that Gilbert ring to make sure his friend is wearing it. The one thing he didn't know when he killed Jeremy in 2x1, so you see how his character shifts ever so slightly as the episodes move along.
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A high tolerance for pain. Not as high as Enzo's, but good enough to make me laugh while they try to torture him for information. A true torturer would know their victim, and they clearly don't know Damon. If they did, they would've kept Alaric alive and used him to torture Damon. Damon is literally laughing at Jules here, and this is despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. That's why his torture scenes are fun to watch. He endures them because they have no idea how to torture him. Rebekah is the only one that comes close.
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Damon doesn't just laugh in Jules' face. He uses Mason's death to taunt them. Again, he does this despite knowing they can cause him more pain with just one pull. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Damon is telling it like it is. And as I've said many times before, most of their foreshadows sit with his character. Someone will lose a heart.
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Just look at the way he endures it, the way he fangs in response. "Actually, it seems that dog has slipped its collar." Damon can handle a great deal of pain, but this… I felt it was the right time to mention Sybil's comment. They have a dog theme in the show.
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Some episodes end opposite the open, so you get neck spikes with Damon and Elijah. Elena really thought she could keep this ritual secret. Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie are flipping their lids. Lukas just told them that Elijah's deal requires Elena die. Brady shoots Stefan with a wooden bullet. He has Tyler guarding him with the gun and a stake while he goes after Elena. I swear, some of these characters don't think. This was Brady's single mistake. Elena would trust Tyler before she'd trust him. I mean, why the hell would this girl trust Brady when he's at her family's cabin in the middle of nowhere and shouldn't have any clue as to its location? And Stefan would be screwed out of an escape with Brady because he doesn't give a shit about Elena, but Tyler does. I mean, Tyler just got done telling them that he's known Elena his entire life, you really think he's gonna let you kill Elena? lol... if I were Brady, I would've guarded Stefan and had Tyler get his hands on Elena. That would've been the smarter move.
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"In order to break the curse, Elena has to die." Tyler's face lol. Any one of Elena's friends would suffer the pain of breaking their bones every full moon just to keep her alive. Tyler is no exception. Brady doesn't need an invite. He's a werewolf. Unfortunately for him, Elena has the home field advantage. More so with that recently discovered closet full of goodies. lol… Elena stabs Brady in the gut, then gets him in her closet full of goodies. This girl is taking on a werewolf by herself lol. "I just… I don't want to be like this anymore." I can list a lot of reasons to love Elena. Her understanding is at the top of my list.
Damon and Elena are written opposite each other in their strengths and weaknesses in such a way that they complete each other. Just thought I should mention that while I'm here.
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"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." I can't stop laughing at Damon because Jules has no idea who she's torturing. She's talking to him about how buckshots work. He's like… And?
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I also love his reaction when Elijah walks in.
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"Let me tell you how this is gonna go: You're gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart." Three hearts gone in an instant. Jules takes off running, she doesn't feel like dying tonight lol. Stevie tries to hide in his jacket, which is hilarious af. Elijah severs his spine without decapitation.
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There's something insanely sexy about Elijah pulling those chains off Damon. "So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah underestimates Damon. I'm not saying Damon wants to die because he doesn't, but when he gets himself into situations such as this one, he is prepared to die. Elijah won't see Damon until he walks in to see the Salvatores fighting. That's when he knows he'll have to kill Damon to kill Elena.
"I know the deal I made, Stefan. Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me." Bonnie called Damon to inform him, then Damon called Stefan to inform him. Elena knows how real this is because of Rose and Trevor.
"Elena, how… how could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future when you don't even expect to have one?"
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Because she didn't expect to have one. She wanted something to hold onto when she died. It's kinda like Bonnie lying to Jeremy, then calling him as she's about to die with Damon. It's hilarious to me that Stefan expected more from Elena when their entire relationship has been a dishonest one. They lie to each other, and constantly. "No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr." This is Stefan's problem in season 3, and the reason he loses Elena. He thinks he's keeping her safe, but he's not. As Damon clearly and honestly states, he's being an insufferable martyr. "Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely begun. And now you want to let yourself get killed? That's not heroic. It's tragic." This line of dilogue is perfectly suited for Damon in the series finale. The difference between living and existing, thus, the difference between Stefan and Damon.
I also think it's hilarious that they basically shat on every conversation Stelena had about the future.
"You think I'm hot?" Like Damon and Elena and his most attractive look, Bonnie thinks Jeremy is hot. I hate this ship, but I'm happy that they're happy. Tyler is saying his goodbyes. This is the perfect time for him to break from the group to learn more about himself, and I do like Jules. It was always about Tyler for her, and I think that's why I like her more than I like Mason. I love Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt. Perfect for a love triangle, and something you don't see with Stefan. In fact, Tyler's moment of honesty with Matt is every bit Damon's honesty about Stefan.
"No more lies." Jules is gonna have one hell of a crash. She just lost another 5 werewolves all because of a lie Klaus spun for the sake of triggering his werewolf gene. All she has is Tyler. Given how they're written, I'm thinking Mason was the leader of their pack. Not saying he was, but that's my guess.
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As I said before, some episodes end opposite the open. That's what they did with the alternate meaning of the title, Crying Wolf.
Stevie: They're putting everything in place to break the curse. Stefan: No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that.
The false alarm of the episode.
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 months
Full Episode Commentary
2x2: Brave New World
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I think it's important to note the title of this episode because of Elena's transition to vampire in season 4. A "Brave New World" for the girl that's too scared to admit she wants Damon. Understand this, and you'll know why Elena becomes a vampire. They could either have her settle for Stefan, or allow her to be with the brother she really wants. You'll see Delena in some of this.
Caroline opens the episode, and she's insane to watch because girl is in the right place to complete her transition lol… she's craving human blood at the hospital, and craving it badly. She devours an entire blood bag. Bonnie and Elena talk about Katherine, about how she's not a typical ancestor because they look exactly the same. "And I don't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related, okay? I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy." Elena acts like Stefan is human, that's how blind she is. I'm ilke... you do know you're dating a vampire, right? "Well because she's not human, obviously." lol! Here comes vampire Caroline. Jeremy has his scene with Stefan. "You're pretty confident in yourself telling me all the different ways I could kill you."
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Damon doesn't just tell Elena how to kill him, he shows her. "Yeah, Damon is the one that deserves it." Jeremy is pissed that Damon killed him, and he has every reason to be, but… he's gonna change his mind because of their scene in 1x22. He knows that Damon has his humanity, so he will be kiling an actual person. "I want you to forget about Damon, all right? He's hundred times stronger than you and right now -he's not stable." Damon is a one and done. I consider him more stable now than he's ever been. I refer to it as a one and done because that's what being impulsive is. Damon doesn't snap Kol's neck twice, he takes Rebekah to bed.
"Jeremy, if I thought you wanted to kill me, we would be having a much different conversation." This is a nice backdoor threat. "We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'v' word is not uttered." Again... you do know you're dating a vampire, right? Girl is so blind to the truth of her life. "We're going to be boring high school students who live in a world where the 'v' word is not uttered." Girl is literally dating the "v" word, like hello. I blame Stefan for being a wolf in sheep's clothing. For Elena, it's no "D" word because he's a "V" word lol... Girl is in total hate mode, and I love it.
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"Unfortunately, Katherine showing up has him in a little bit of an odd place, little off-kilter, kind of dangerous. Who knows what he's up to?" Stefan doesn't know his brother very well. Damon is exactly where he needs to be… investigating the Lockwoods. Unless Stefan doesn't care to know that a single werewolf bite could kill him. "With Richard gone, I'll be acting as interim mayor until the elections and I'm going to need someone to spearhead out the council. I'd like that person to be you." Damon is now head of the founders council. Hell, I'm just gonna say it… if not for Damon, the Salvatore School wouldn't exist. As I often say, rebels change the world. Peacemakers tend to keep things as they are. If you want a town to stop hating on vampires, put Damon in charge. That's just the way it is. And I kinda view it as a whole, really. Mystic Falls is built from hate just like Delena is. I think it's altogether beautiful how Damon basically fell into his calling with the founders council, and the best way to change it is from the inside. It's something that I imagine him still being part of while he's human.
Damon is listening into Tyler's conversation with Mason. He's looking for supernatural elements similar to his own vampirism… strength, speed, etc. Mason talks to Tyler about his anger and aggression, and that's all Damon. The only word Damon needed to hear… amplifies. Vampire emotions are amplified, magnified, heightened. Choose your synonym lol. So Mason and Tyler give Damon reason to continue his investigation. He wants to know what they are because he knows they're not vampires. If they were, the mayor wouldn't have been able to move with a full injection of vervain. Carol has no idea that Damon has been listening in. Apparently she buys him spacing out mid-conversation.
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"Close it." Caroline finds out that vampires don't sparkle in the sun and her boyfriend looks good enough to eat. I know I shouldn't be laughing, but this is too funny. Let's talk about being very sweet when you want to be.
Damon is fixing himself a blood bag snack when Stefan walks in. "Are you worried that one day, all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back?" lol! I wanna know why Stefan picks the small animals. Like why not feed on a bear? "I'm just happy that's a blood bag and not a sorority girl supplying your dinner." Stefan still doesn't get Damon. He was expecting four sorority girls like Damon had in 1x15, but no. Damon is done, like done - done. "I like this. You, walking on eggs shells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Very suspenseful." Damon is having a bit of fun because "exploding" was yesterday's news.
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"Is Elena worried too? I bet I'm your every conversation."
Stefan still doesn't get it because he wasn't there. Damon hearing from Katherine was yesterday's news lol. Stefan isn't supposed to know about Damon's scenes in 2x1 because they play their own role in Stelena's argument. "Is this your new obsession?" Love magnified would look like obsession. Just thought I'd point that out. Elena is literally the only reason Damon involves himself with Katherine at this point. He'll do what he has to for the sake of protecting her. But yeah, Damon is done - done, so Stefan is left to deal with Katherine's infatuation with him lol... Cheers!
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The Lockwoods being supernatural could pose a threat to their humans. That's why Damon tells Stefan about it and refers to "our town" rather than worries about them alone. His role on the council is no longer just self-preservation for him. I view Anna's death and Vicki's death like I view Stefan's season 3 summer and season 5 summer. Damon can't pick and choose when to help someone, so he's forced to watch Anna die. Stefan can't pick and choose when someone helps him, so he's forced to drown for an entire summer.
So, in this conversation regarding the Lockwoods, you have Damon protecting a vampire Anna AND a human Vicki. Yeah, I think Anna's death affected Damon that much. His role on the council shifted, and I feel it shifted at the right time.
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This is one of those Delena scenes I was talking about. Caroline puts the necklace on that Elena gave her, having no idea it's gonna burn her because she knows nothing about vervain. So when 3x4 rolls around, Caroline knows what she's saying there. Yes, pay mind to her backdoor Delena shipping lol... "Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it. What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be cooking without Stefan." She may hate Damon, but she's got scenes like this that will wow you. Caroline starts vamping out in her hospital room, so they make it clear that completing the transition is possible on blood bags, it just has to be human blood. And she's... freaking out as I'd expect for a high maintenance girl. Caroline finally caves and feeds on the nurse, that's how hungry she is.
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I can't stop laughing. Would Bonnie be so hard-pressed to kill Damon if she weren't crushing on the guy that Caroline kills? lol… probably not, and Caroline feels the same way about Jesse. These young girls and their crushes, I swear. Expect death because you've got vampires in your lives, seriously.
Mason is looking around the Lockwood estate for the moonstone. Yeah, so it's no coincidence that Mason and Katherine arrived in town at the same time. I feel for Tyler. As dangerous as it is to know their secret, he should know why he is the way he is. He catches Mason snooping.
I'm gonna skip over Damon's scenes with Jeremy... for now. I'll get back to them later. "I don't know how that works, but it's brilliant." Caroline has me cracking up. Damon already knows about the Lockwood rage, now he's checking out their strength. Mason and Tyler are arm wrestling. Stefan laughed in Damon's face when he told him John is Elena's father. Now he's telling Damon that he's reaching. Stefan is an idiot. However, this arm wrestling scene has a parallel that sits in Stelena's argument. Damon isn't reaching in this scene, and Elena isn't reaching during Stelena's argument.
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Anyway, their arm wrestling scene is another one that I always point out whenever I talk about Stefan being the stronger brother. Damon put the Salvatore strongest against the Lockwood strongest. That's why he's so upset with Stefan in believing he didn't try hard enough. He did, Damon just can't believe how strong they are. Damon's like, what?! And Stefan wants to joke about it by referring to them as ninja turtles. Like man, you won't be laughing when you have newbie Caroline out in the woods ready to get eaten. "No comedic timing at all." Typical Stefan crap, not taking dangers seriously. He does the same thing when Damon warns him about Silas. Damon has better comedic timing, but he's even better at seeing people. That's why he's almost always right. He tells you what's gonna happen before it happens. "That Tyler kid is incapable of walking away from a fight. Let's see who intervenes. Maybe it's the ambiguous, supernatural mystery uncle."
"Game on." Damon has a moment of insanity because he's basically realizing Katherine turned Caroline, and she just delivered Katherine's message. Like, he really doesn't wanna be bothred with this bitch because he's done - done. The last thing he wanted was a message from Katherine. "You suck." Oh Caroline, you should know that all vampires suck. Their survival literally depends on them sucking lol. Stefan watches as Mason and Tyler fight with Bonnie's crush. No, Stefan isn't all hero, he plays peacemaker when it suits him. Well, it's pretty obvious that the Lockwoods are supernatural because Mason's eyes turned. I'm not a fan of werewolves, but whatever. "Whoa, hey, nice shot, killer!" Matt is too funny. Caroline can't be silly enough to believe that anyone would believe those bottles were already broken lol
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Elena hates Damon right now, and he knows it. He's been... giving her space to deal with her feelings about him while burying himself in his Lockwood investigation. "I know I'm the last person you want to see right now, but I need you to come with me. Yeah, I need you to come with me right now, Elena." But Caroline becoming a vampire gives him an excuse to talk to her, to intrude despite how she feels about him. He's not happy about Caroline being a vampire, but he's happy that he gets to have this moment with Elena. "Because Katherine is a manipulative, nasty, little slut." I swear Damon gets off on saying this. Just listen to the way he says it.
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Damon is hilarious. He warns them, but they rarely listen, and he's almost always right. Liz is gonna find out they're vampires. There's really no way around it, and stupid for them to believe otherwise. "We're not gonna kill her." If only Stefan were this dedicated to not kill Vicki. "Your silence is deafening, Stefan." This comment of Damon's… you'll understand the lyrics to Beauty of the Dark by Mads Langer. "The beauty of silence Is the noise of no words." Stefan's silence is so loud that it'll make you deaf. You'll find this type of silence throughout the show. Caroline is like Harper. She apologizes before draining Bonnie's crush. Sorry, but girl's gotta eat lol
"Yeah, I'm used to the insecurities and all that. It's who she is, love it or hate it. But this seemed… I don't know… different… more. I can't explain it." I love their "more" dialogues, which they typically use for vampires. But Elena… she talks this way about Damon before she turns, that's how deeply she feels for Damon. That's why I tell fans there's no comparison, Delena will always be better than Stelena because Elena will never love Stefan as deeply as she does Damon. She feels "more" for Damon before becoming a vampire, then feels "more" for Damon in her emotions being magnified as a vampire. That's the reality of Delena. Trust me when I tell you that Charlotte is your biggest clue. She was "crazy" about Damon before he turned her. Elena was too, but she hid it in denial.
Damon found a stake because he's not playing. He knows Liz will find out sooner or later. Stefan is so pissed that he punches one of the carnival stands. Yes, he knows Damon is right. They both tried to hide Katherine's vampirism from their vampire-hating father, hiding it from a parent would be so much harder. Especially a parent like Liz. "Damon's right, not about what we should do but about what's gonna happen. Katherine already signed Caroline's death sentence." Mason and Tyler fight over what they are. It is dangerous for Tyler to know. He'll be terrified of triggering his curse which could make things worse, that's why it is dangerous to know. But I'm being honest in saying that Tyler should know. The secrecy doesn't help.
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"Yes, I can be sweet." Soft with Caroline just as he was with Vicki. I wish he'd let his caring side out more often. Yeah, he's beautiful when he wants to be.
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This is the moment Elena sees what Isobel saw… the power she has over Damon because he's in love with her. Elena is the perfect detour for impulsive Damon… "See vampire, kill vampire." The way he looks at Elena... it's extremely gorgeous. I'm 100% certain had Elena stood between them, Damon wouldn't have snapped Jeremy's neck. That's how real this scene is. "Whatever happens, it's on you." lol… I love Elena's face because she knows Damon isn't playing. She stopped him from killing Caroline, so yeah… it's on her.
I'm laughing at Bonnie as she flips out. She finds out that Caroline is a vampire, then finds out Caroline devoured her latest crush. "She hates me! Bonnie hates me." A reason Damon calls them judgy little things. But yeah… nature requires balance. People live and they die. Vampires are monsters. But Bonnie... she's so twisted in her hate for Damon that she can't see how deep she's digging herself. But Elena is gorgeous as hell in this scene. Even in her hatred for Damon, she's like… you're not gonna kill him. You're not even gonna blame him for something that isn't his fault. "Why… Why did you stop me?!" Bonnie doesn't get it. Even in her hatred, Elena is still Elena. It makes me laugh how Bonnie tries to blame Damon for Caroline's eating habits. It's like Stefan blaming Damon for him being a ripper. Like stop already lol. And Bonnie knows exactly what role she played in all of it. She urged Damon to heal Caroline using his blood, then she turned to Katherine and told her all about it.
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This was the first time I felt Steroline. Stefan's cleaning the blood off her face and doing the whole breathing thing, and I'm like… damn. I also think it's insane how they pulled this full circle. Damon's plan to kill Caroline when he got through with her in the first season. Now that she's a vampire, he's back to feeling the need to kill her.
"I promise you I will not let anything happen to you." Because Caroline gets her memories back as she becomes a vampire, she's left with the knowing that Stefan is the only reason Damon didn't kill her the first time. It makes their scene all the more powerful. Sorry not sorry, but Steroline is gorgeous.
lol Tyler knows exactly where the moonstone is. I'm actually surprised that the mayor put something so important in a safe that Tyler has access to. I mean… I'm sure Tyler's father would've given him access to it eventually when they had their whole father-son talk, but Tyler shouldn't already have the code to the safe when he has no idea what the moonstone is for.
So back to Damon and Jeremy. This collage is the only way for me to explain their scenes. 2x2 is written opposite 1x22. Damon's neck snap in 2x1 not only falls in between them, it also pushes the parallel they have coming. I won't tell you the parallel until I get there, but trust me when I say the parallel is relative in season 3.
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For now, just focus on how 2x2 is written opposite 1x22. "Jeremy, it's so good to see you alive." This is Damon's hope. He needed to see Jeremy alive for the same reason he needs to know Sarah Salvatore survived. Even though he had no idea Jeremy was wearing the Gilbert ring, he IS still alive. Damon is able to cross him off his sin list. Only time and effort can heal the wound that he caused, and Damon will put in the effort.
As much as fans hate the fact that Elena forgave Damon for what he did to Jeremy, she's not the only one. Jeremy was the one that died, and he forgave Damon. Alaric was the one that died, and he forgave Damon. Understand it or not - like it or not - it is what it is. That's me spitting facts, and why I often refer to 3x6. You can't have Elena pushing Alaric to pick up his friendship with Damon after Damon literally killed Alaric right in front of her.... while at the same time, have Elena expect different for Jeremy just because he's her brother. Girl views Alaric as a parental figure in season 3, and she watched Damon snap his neck.
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Jeremy is being an absolute idiot, and Damon pushes him not to be. Consider his threat a favor. "This is what we're not gonna do: we're not gonna walk around like we are invincible when it's this easy for me to end you." Despite the fact that Jeremy was there to witness Isobel take John's ring in 1x21, and despite the fact that they all know Katherine took John's fingers in 2x1, he's actually threatening to out Damon while showing off his Gilbert ring. He's acting as if Damon can't take that ring from him. As harsh as Damon can be, he always gets his point across. He did the same thing with Elena in 1x6, literally made her fear him killing her for the sake of educating her on home invitations. As great as it is for Jeremy to be courageous, he has to be careful about his threats. Sure, vampires have humanity, but it is their basic instinct to survive. They are predators, period.
This scene basically shows the truth of their parade in 1x22, about the fact that Stefan's interruption was unnecessary. As rough as Damon was with Jeremy, it's not like he was gonna kill him. Stefan was being jealous - as he typically is.
"You don't lock your front door." I can't stop laughing. There's no point to vampires locking their doors. They need human homeowners to keep other vampires out, and humans…. they can just eat those who trespass. "Look, I don't do the big brother thing very well. Sorry, I don't have any milk and cookies to offer you." Damon isn't trying to be a dick, he's being honest. He hasn't been the big brother in a very long time, and he knows he's not good for Jeremy. But Jeremy is... desperate to get the side of Damon that he got in 1x22. The side of Damon that apologized for what he did to Vicki.
This scene basically shows you that Damon was being honest in his scene with Jeremy at the end of 1x22, he's simply limiting himself because he doesn't want Jeremy to think he's the right person to look up to. He's not a role model, he's a vampire.
Damon and Jeremy have a great deal in common, and I see this more as the seasons move along… to such an extent that it's as if Jeremy is taking on some of Damon's traits. But yeah... be ready for the parallel that's coming... you will find that Jeremy is as blunt as Damon lol
I love everyone Caroline is with, I simply prefer Steroline over all of her other ships. But yeah, I like this scene where Matt sneaks into her bedroom window. They really know how to cut scene.
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Elena: It's not going to get any easier, is it? Stefan: No, it's not. Stefan: Ah, it'll get easier. Elena: But I don't want it to get easier.
This is the beauty of Delena. "It's no one's fault, you know? It is what it is." Elena can say the words, but she still doesn't see it where Stefan is concerned. Girl's bf is a vampire and she treats him like he's human. Just wait, the necessary parallel for season 3 is coming.
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