respectthepetty · 26 days
hey petty :)
I am majorly off my queer love game right now bc....life ya know
could you do me a solid and tell me what you are watching atm?
bc in your taste I trust!
thank you ♥
I'm glad you are carving a little time for you in the hot mess that is life right now, but . . .
*deep breath*
Even if I like the same shows as these respectable people in BL Land, I like them for trash reasons. For example, The Loyal Pin is doing everything right. Every single thing about it is elite! It is number one because it is so excellent. But I'm watching it because I want to nibble on Songjet's earlobe.
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Takara's Treasure? I like that Taishin keeps looking up to Takara with those big eyes. Takara also likes it but my emphasis is on the fact that it's from a lower position, and if you don't understand what I'm implying, that's because you aren't trash like me.
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Also, I just really like dick jokes in the Thai remake of Addicted Heroin.
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I like the messy women in The Trainee.
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I like desire being expressed, subtly, in First Note of Love
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And directly in 4 Minutes.
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I really like Big in Monster Next Door.
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And I fucking love colors, which means I'm seated for whatever YinWar give me in Jack & Joker!
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So the reasons you or anyone else might watch and like a show could be complete opposite of me; therefore, I never recommend shows, so even if I tell you what I'm watching, I'm not saying any of them are good or that you should watch them. Much like my favorite Britney Spears' song "Gimme More," I just want more of what makes me happy. And like Slayyyter's gold-standard remix of it, I love when shit is extra for no good ass reason.
Looking at you, MosBank in Sunset x Vibes.
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So you gotta pick your own adventure. Do you wanna see if we are being queerbaited in Peaceful Property?
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Do you wanna see stepbrothers make out in The On1y One?
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Or do you wanna see Ohm be the best babygirl to ever babygirl in Kidnap?
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You make that decision for yourself.
But I know the reasons why I'm here.
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And they are not to be trusted.
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nobodyimportantdaily · 11 months
Do you ever just feel like giving up? Like no matter how hard you try, it's just never enough? And its just never going to get better.
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so... i wrote another thing.
inspired by this beautiful amazing incredible wonderful awesome gorgeous lovely terrific fantastic fabulous super cool masterful art piece linked below~<3<3<3
by @darunyama
go like the pic and support this lovely amazing beautiful wonderful incredible awesome terrific gorgeous fantastic fabulous super cool masterful artist<3
they say a picture's worth a thousand words... WHOLLY DISAGREE--
these were worth SO MUCH fucking MOAR~<3
lmao i'm so sorry boo, i just could not for the life of me get this one outta my head, so after much internal struggle and mild laziness~ my hands just got to work and birthed the monstrosity above (do hope you at least like it tho<3)
thanks so SO much for arting~<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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Listen… I know he's a vile, sadistic, bloodthirsty monster who would absolutely eat me in a non-sexy way. HOWEVER, have you considered that his boobs are huge? 
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nsstress · 1 year
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I have no excuse
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gemocide · 6 months
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Can't believe it, he's re-ben-erating.
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the-broken-faucet · 2 years
I may or may not have spent the weekend making a Heimdall edit
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leadon-illfollow · 6 months
You ever get scrolling through a tag and you're pretty far in but then the page REFRESHES and your back at the start?
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s0lace-1n-s0l1tude · 8 months
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jellybracelet · 8 months
When Jared stares at Genevieve like he can't look away from her 😭
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writingwenches · 18 days
Storge 3 and Pragma 1 for Lyn?
Finally answering this from days ago~ THANKS darlin' These were some fun ones for someone raised an orphan ehehe 💕
I'm going to write so much because I'm finally in the mood so apologizes for the essays but THANKS for giving me a place to gush and have character study time ^.^
3///STORGE — How far does parental approval (imagined or expressed) impact upon their current sense of self-worth? What might they sacrifice or attempt to achieve in order to ensure the approval of their parents?
Life as an orphan: Lyn was surrounded by strong female role models, she was raised exclusively by woman in a Motherhouse south of The Neck amongst Septas of every shape, race, class, etc. I gave it romanticized catholic all-girls sleepaway camp in the deep woods. LOL A Motherhouse is the Westeros/Faith version of a convent, which were historically little economy run by woman.
SO, her approval from the Septas was always based on THEM holding the power to keep her housed/fed, so she needed to get their approval of else she'd be sent packing (like many other girls, especially stolen wildling girls). This situation sets her up to WANT a "comfortable" life. She's been offered a place to live with various wildling clans some girls escape to, but Lyn turns them down, wanting the "comfort" of a stone house with a hearth, especially in a place that has harsh winters. She is realistic about life and wants to maintain her "current standard of living" so, working in a Keep would be (in her opinion) the best life option for her.
The Septas aren't asking much, they are asking their girls to be "realistic" regarding their place in life. They aren't raising women to be "wives" because these girls have zero prospects, so they teach them life skills to get a job and make their own money to support themselves and not rely on the charity of others. She sacrifices being lazy, and enjoying hobbies that aren't also side-hustles. Her "art" is basket making, but always with the intention of selling it. And...she doesn't really day dream about being "saved" from her life by a man, so all her daydreams of romance are based on mutual respect and "duel income" lifestyles of them both working to support each other LAWL
(in the asoiaf wiki it says the Motherhouses teach girls to read but not this one because #1 working/servant class girls should learn to read because it might give them ~big ideas~ AND #2 we can have a later adorable plot of Lyn learning to read hehe and also #3 an illiterate character is fascinating, she could get a letter with detailed war plans and its meaningless oops)
Life as a highborn: THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE, is more or less the pivotal plot point of the whole story hehehe~
Currently what I have written is the happy fun part, and the next chapter is Cinda putting her foot down and explaining how things work in high born society. This is where the horror of the story comes in. In our modern times, what Cinda does to Lyn is torture, mostly psychological...but in Westeos society its just "how things are done" especially to women who misbehave. I think about these historic women often, because they are purposefully forgotten by history. Cinda basically explains to Lyn that she's a highborn lady, and for the Lannister family it would be better for Lyn to be dead than allowed to life a "low-born" life of potential bastards etc.
Is Cinda doing this because she's a psychopath or does she have an ulterior motive?? Fun question!
Lyn does not want to sacrifice ANYTHING for this new family. She wants nothing to do with their freaky traditions and rules and wants/tries to escape often. She is basically a hostage in a cult and everyone around her (including our poor bb aemond) can't understand why she can't "just be happy about it all!" Fun fact, Lyn has a large facial difference/black skin patches on her face, so the knowledge that the Lannisters will pay for anyone to bring her back to them if she escapes just traps her in their world lol oops
Lyn is basically Handmaid's Tale style trapped in Gilliad and always trying to escape, so her "sacrifices" are to play her part juuust enough to be allowed to live. So, lots of pushing that boundary in the plot, and learning how the ~high born game~ is played as she's playing it lol
1///PRAGMA — Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
HEHEHEE and the ~romance~ part of the story. This originally started as an Aemond x OC story! But always from the perspective of OC women at court. So, obvs my Aemond is completely AU because of the other characters added around them. I'm focusing on him being more "emo teen boy" given way too much power.
Because I love romance as a genre, but also I like playing with tropes, in my story all the "men" are treated like ~accessories~ Sure, they have problems but its major First World Problems™ that get put into perspective through the story. Aemond in this story can be summed up by Agony from Into the Woods
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Lyn ends up with Aemond! That's the romance~ But, it takes a lot to get there.
Lyn is the embodiment of Elizabeth Bennet during Darcy's first proposal.
Aemond: But I love you! Lyn: We've spoken three times! You don't know anything about me! Aemond: but you're so not traditionally beautiful and helpless D: and I'd be such a good person to marry you! D: Lyn: 🤢 SIR PLEASE stop following me Aemond: I can give you the world!! I can make you queen of the kingdom! Just have by babies and respect my authority. Lyn: That's not good enough
Through his life, Aemond is going to be begging woman to marry him because he can "save" them from misogyny of the world.
He can save Cinda from being mocked for being unwed, she doesn't care about that and turns him down through his childhood.
Ivyanne Tyrell, the only daughter of the current Tyrells with little to no other relatives to succeed them. Ivyanne being a woman is already causing a secession crisis for them. They spent time in Essos trying to find some sort of foreign rich prince to marry her. Then they realized they would marry her to Aemond. The next Lord Tyrell would be a Targaryen Prince. DONE. Right? Wrong. Ivyanne was caldron made, and magic loves to fuck everything up. Ivy is the character in history that horrifies me to think about. Ivy is a lesbian through and through, knows it about herself, and will not marry a man. Her issue, is she can't be killed to make way for someone else with a claim, so the world is attempting to force her to marry Aemond. Ivy is a sword lesbian and Aemond's greatest rival, even though she can't train in the yard, or fight in tourneys. She does things like cut/shave all her hair off to rebel and gets punished for it. Aemond begs her to marry him, he is a "good person" and wouldn't make her do anything, and she can live her life and deal with the consequences later. And she tells him, many times, that's not good enough. Aemond argues that they'll kill her before giving her what she wants, and Ivyanne says "then I'll die free" 🤷🏻
There's no therapy in this world, so OBVIOUSLY the angst of the story is Aemond internalizes all of these rejections to be about HIM and not about the world.
In a very "cruel prince" trope way, Aemond turns all of this into anger and hatred and lashes out. I love playing with classic tropes so things like "if you touch her I'll kill you" is psychotic and terrifying so...that'll happen oops.
Thankfully, Aemond is very Zuko coded and realizes through the story, and mainly through interacting with someone raised as a peasant, that his problems are very small compared to others', and his "redemption arch" will be learning to be an ally. He changes from lashing out in cruelty to learning to use his privilege to help others.
SO, Lyn and Aemond will end up together as Aemond learns what love truly is and what friendship truly means...all while Lyn is trapped in the Stepford Wives horror castle. I see the relationship lasting, and they'll be happy and together one day...but it takes a while.
HEHEHE, also many of these characters "escape" the dance by traveling to my original continent of Nossos #whoops Nossos is experiencing their own civil war, inspired by history of Samurai, their war is more "small folk" against former dragon-lords and everything will change when Lyn and co. bring an IRL dragon (Helaena and Dreamfyre) to the samurai party 👀
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respectthepetty · 1 year
please i beg you, give me some reasons to push myself to start watching kiseki: dear to me, im in a drought
Anon, you need me to give you some reasons to watch Kiseki: Dear to Me?
I got one:
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Like you either want to watch people "Be Gay. Do Crime." or you have morals so . . . WWJD? Support the queers, obviously. Duh.
But if you really need reasons beyond the one above:
It's Taiwanese, which is MY favorite country for BLs
It has a color coding
It has the gay sheets
It has wound tending
It's about a mafia, and EVERYONE IS GAY
Everyone who has been in a Taiwanese BL will be in this show at some point
Like the Be Loved in House: I Do guys already popped up and were gay and a couple
And the gay antagonists are the couple from the HIStory-that-shall-not-be-named
The gay guy from DNA Says Love You and Plus and Minus showed up too as a gay guy
The gay boss of the very gay mafia is in love with his gay second-in-command/bodyguard
The boss's gay adopted son is in love with him (maybe)
And the boss's other gay adopted son is in love with the first gay adopted son who is (maybe) in love with his gay adopted dad
Then this other gay mafia guy forcibly hid out in this gay kid's room who wants to be a doctor and they are falling in love (see above)
So the kid will take the fall for something for his mafia boo and ends up in jail for four years with the boss's other adopted son (who is love with the first adopted son)
And the kid who wanted to be a doctor won't be a doctor but instead a baker because when he fell in love with the mafia guy, they had this thing about a strawberry cake
Did I mention everyone is gay?
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Go quench your thirst.
Watch it.
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nobodyimportantdaily · 11 months
Watching the sunset in a graveyard is like nothing else on this Earth. You'll never find such peace and quiet anywhere else. I can't wait to spend eternity in such peace.
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ciircex · 5 months
It always makes me scream when people like my blog cause it's like I don't really expect people to like my blog all that much. It makes me cry every time.
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Me waiting for 7pm to come so I can show you what I was doing today instead of working.
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raaaaandomgirl · 1 year
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Me on my way to write the most questionable, rapey fanfic of a show, which is deader than my favourite characters.
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