#I'm also not that happy with the horns. but i didn't want to spend to long on them that i get frustrated & end up not finishing the drawing
myinnerartist · 7 months
IT IS I, Load, once again!
And okay, so i found this hoodie on pinterest, and i HAD to draw noi in it. It was just too cute of an idea!!
So i hope you enjoy! I also drew it in a more rendered style this time around!
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puripurin · 8 months
— Cute!Yan!Monster, who is nothing more than a literal cutiepie. Sure, his jaw is bloody and quite literally hanging by muscles, but his mannerisms are totally different than by how he looks.
The first time you saw him was in an abandoned building you were exploring for fun, dangerously stupid, but quite frankly stupid was in your middle name with all the dangerous stunts you had pulled, so this was the usual.
Until you saw him jump out of nowhere but still didn't come close to you as he banged his head on a piece of hanging metal, to which tears started forming in his eyes.
You pouted as you got a closer look. The monster that had tried to scare you had strawberry blonde hair and deep red eyes. Overall, the monster was cute except for his hanging jaw.
"Erm... are you okay?" You stooped down near him and handed him a napkin. He stared at you before taking it gracefully and wiping away his tears.
"I... I'm sorry for doing a poor job of scaring you... I'm just bad at what I'm supposed to do..." He weeped some more as he patted his tears. His voice was soft and slightly scratchy, but you had no idea where it came from, so that was a bit eerie.
"Hey, no... you actually scared me. The atmosphere was really scary as I heard your footsteps periodically, and I was always looking back. Even if it was botched, you did a good job." You patted his head as his eyes widened in happiness.
"You mean it??? I am so happy that I was able to scare you! Ah! My papa says that if you love someone very much you should marry them!" He nuggled into your chest, leaving you in confusion. "I am not letting you leave here. My papa says you should never let the person you love the most leave... I think that's for the best for you..."
"Wait, what--"
"Ah, anyways, what do you mean by you heard my footsteps periodically?" He looked up at you and tilted his head.
"Oh, it just meant I heard you walking around. Is there an issue?"
"But I don't make sound when I walk."
"Wait... then, who...?"
"Oh! Wait, you're talking about my papa!"
"Your papa?"
Just then, a horned monster layered in short black fur appeared in front of you both and screeched loudly. The cute monster giggled as he ran up to hug his papa. Meanwhile, you pass out in fear.
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Eh, i think ill make a fic about his papa later. Oh also, i did post an intro, but deleted it because it was ugly so I'll have redo it, plus i was tired while doing it, so uh yeah. Also, he's not really yandere in the beginning, but once you spend more time, the more he wants to lock you up and keep you as his wife <3
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liveontelevision · 5 months
Hi! I wasnt exactly sure if you’re taking request but i was hoping for something with Lucifer and a babysitter reader. Maybe they baby sat Charlie, and they just have a lot of tension. And then maybe them reuniting after him and lilith have split and it all goes down 👀
Love your slowburny Lucifer fics 🙏🙏
First off, thank you! I'm really glad you enjoy my stuff! I've been struggling with writing recently, so your request was perfectly timed lol
Also Yes! I'm always taking requests!
Plus, it's such a good request.. so good, I had way too many ideas for how it could go. So - this is a 2 parter >:) Suffer
CW: No smut yet, just suggestive fluff for now
(Edit- This series is complete! All parts are on my master list and I'll tag them here aa well!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Suffer | Lucifer x Reader
It really was a happy day in Hell when the royals introduced an heir to the throne. A darling daughter, who was the first of her kind; A hellborn baby, birthed by a sinner and an archangel. No one really knew what to expect or what kind of powers she held. But they had to be immense. She had to be some kind of beast, based on her genes alone. In theory. 
One look at her, all swaddled up in her mother's arms, Lucifer fell in love all over again. Sure, he was ecstatic to hear that he was having a child, but he didn't realize how much of an effect she’d have on him. She was an absolute angel. Mostly. Great powers must be controlled, and that isn't exactly something an infant can comprehend. It was innocent at first, with little fireworks coming from fingertips, toys being lost in portals, and horns and tails emerging during temper tantrums. Nothing a good nanny couldn't fix. 
That’s what Lillith’s mindset was, at least. It was a heated debate between the married couple, with Lucifer arguing a child needs to be loved and adored by their parents. He was willing to put in the time, why wasn't she? Of course, Lilith was a busy demon, with the whole empowering demonkind with her voice and songs thing, but too busy to handle her own baby?
“She’s gonna be an adult before we know it. Can’t you spend a few decades seeing her grow up..?” Lillith delicately takes her cutlery to her mouth, picking at the dinner she shared with her husband, who was seated on the other end of their lengthy table.
“Unlike you, my love, I have duties to attend to. Someone has to keep things running smoothly, to keep every demon’s hopes as high as they can be. You remember what it was like falling, being all alone and left in an unfamiliar world? I wouldn't want anyone else to feel that way. Would you?” He hated to agree, but did so anyway. She always knew what to say to make him feel guilty. Either way, she was right. He really didn't do much nowadays. He worked in his shop more, his newborn daughter becoming a great source of inspiration, but Lillith handled most of the publicity. Which, in Hell, is one of the only purposes for royalty. Lucifer didn't need to create life anymore, Hellborn creations were multiplying just fine. Probably a little too much, actually. He had all the free time in the world to shower his daughter with affection. 
“ I mean..! I guess not, but they're filthy little demons, and this is your daughter! You want to leave her in the hands of some stranger? It’s just.. not right..! She needs a mother, Lily!” He was clearly passionate about this. Slamming his fists on the table, he sent ripples through the poured wine in front of Lillith’s plate.
“Lucifer. You’re causing a scene.” He hated when she said that, too. And again, he shrunk back in his seat, keeping his mouth shut. They had been drifting apart for a while, the distance not doing them any favors. He had no interest in interacting with demonkind and was fully comfortable with letting Lillith take that on, so they became more distant as she tended to Hell’s growing population.
When she rose from her seat, he finally perked up, hoping to meet her eyes. She was already halfway out of the room. “I’ll do all the work, darling, not to worry. I’ll make sure any candidate is thoroughly interviewed and trained, I promise.” Her voice was reassuring, even with the heartless subject matter. Leaving Lucifer alone in the room with some imps that usually stand along the walls, he spotted her almost untouched plate. pushing away from the table, he nearly knocked his heavy, ornamented chair onto the ground and left through another exit.
“Oh, Charlie.. Your mother loves you very much.” He swung the bundled-up baby in his arms, reveling in the sound of her giggles. Pressing a quick kiss to her forehead, he placed her carefully in her golden crib. Standing over her, he leaned onto the railing, watching her large red eyes flutter shut. “And.. I will shelter and adore you, sweetheart. I love you, more than anything.” He wiped a little tear that began to well up in his eye when he spoke and struggled to finally pull himself away. Protecting himself from his intrusive thoughts, he held his arms across his chest and turned to leave her nursery.
“Aww, that was so sweet..” The figure leaning in the doorframe caused him to let out a startled yelp. “Who the Hell.. You have to leave, whoever you are.” He became immediately defensive, holding his hand away from the crib in some form of protection, but he still spoke in a hushed voice. If you were just an imp he wouldn't be as worked up, but you were a sinner. A sinner who suddenly appeared in his daughter’s room. “O-oh! Um, sorry, I thought the queen would’ve.. I’m your new nanny..?” You let out a nervous chuckle, shrugging your tensed shoulders. And now? You’re admitting you're the very demon who’ll be raising his daughter alongside him. He dropped his arms, letting out a scoff, clearly unenthused. Looking you up and down, he stood there staring daggers. After a moment of awkward silence, you held out your hand to shake his, but he didn’t respond to it.
“What are your qualifications? Where did you come from? What makes you think you’re worthy of laying hands on my daughter? The princess of Hell?” He circled you, in an attempt to intimidate you, despite his small stature. “Well, um... When I was alive, I was the oldest kid at the foster house I grew up in. It wasn’t the best facility, so I basically raised most of the girls there.. I’ve seen it all, I guarantee.” You tried to lighten the mood with a quick smile, but it didint do much. “And Lillith approves of you?” You nodded, gripping the hem of your skirt nervously. “Hm. I am not as easily swayed as my wife. She’s my daughter, too. You’ll have to do better than - “ An ear-piercing wale comes from behind him. The commotion must've woken Charlie up. “Oh! No no nono..” His demonic presence faded to reveal what he really was. A father. He scooped her up and cooed, hushing her and swaying her slowly. It did nothing to help. That’s when another fact clicked in your mind; he wasn’t just a father, he was a new father. He lets out a nervous groan, wiping tears away from her heated cheeks.
“Your majesty..?” You slowly approached him, both of you still on edge. “May I?” He was clearly still debating the idea, but another loud wail had him hesitantly passing the swaddled child to your arms. He had such a light hold on her, you noticed his hands trembling when he finally released her into your grasp. You held her close, her front against your chest as you hummed in a low tone a little tune. You picked up a little trick, the vibrations from your chest helped calm her down. The action of swaying the baby and engrossing yourself in the little song running through your head actually calmed the both of you. You still spoke softly, in a low tone, “Thank you, sir. For trusting me with her, i mean. I’ll be here for anything you need. Anything she needs.” You sent him a warm smile. He simply nodded his head slowly, still witnessing the miracle that is someone with experience caring for a child. Maybe this could work out.. What could go wrong?
“I’m gonna getcha!” A high-pitched giggle filled the corridors of the manor, Lucifer rounds the corner to follow after his surprisingly speedy toddler. He was mostly having fun with this little game of tag but was also mildly concerned by her growing distance. “Gotcha!” A pair of arms swooped down from around another corner, scooping Charlie up as she let out a playful yelp. You held her in a tight hug, before adjusting your position to hold her up comfortably. Lucifer panted, smiling at the sight of you and his daughter, despite him being out of breath. “G-good catch.. Hoof..!” He stretches his arms upwards, then places them on the small of his back. “Aren’t you the most powerful being in Hell? Why are you acting like a middle-aged dad with a broken back?” you laughed through your words, the sound making Charlie laugh along. He stood up straight and crossed his arms over his chest, a pout on his face. “Uh, It’s for fun? Ever heard of playing pretend?” You bit your lip to prevent yourself from mocking him anymore. “Don’t laugh!” You shook your head, then watched him open his arms out to you. Or, to Charlie, actually, but you stepped back instead of handing her over. “Oh, I forgot to remind you, you actually have to head to the Heaven Embassy in a bit, so I’m gonna put Charlie down for her nap instead.” He dropped his arms and grimaced. “Right..”
This mid-day nap was a sort of tradition for Lucifer and his daughter. It was one of the few moments that Lucifer looked forward to these days. You knew that. As much as you enjoyed your job, it came with the unfortunate privilege of seeing Lucifer in his slumps. You rarely saw Lillith, actually, but that made sense. You were only here for Charlie while Lillith couldnt be. When you did spot her iin passing, you’d hand Charlie over and let the two of them have a sweet interaction, usually a quick hug and peck on the forehead, but that was usually it. You’d always notice Charlie clinging onto your shoulder and looking back in her mother’s direction whenever she handed her daughter back to you. It always crushed your heart to hear her go silent after those moments.
“Actually, I was wondering if you’d want to help get her ready for the gala tonight? You should be back in time and it won't take long. Lilith only wants her to make a quick appearance, so it shouldn't be too much work.. Good bonding moment, too!” His eyes sparkled at your invitation and he was quick to accept it. “Thank you, dear. I’ll find you after that meeting.” As he goes to walk past you, he places a hand on your back. He does this often, but as the years went on, it shifted from your shoulder to your shoulderblade, and now he delicately places his hand on your lower back whenever he can. It made you anxious at first.. Was anxious the right word? Either way, you didn't stop him.
He leaned in to place a kiss on Charlie’s forehead, becoming increasingly close to your own face. It wasn't a quick motion. He pressed a dramatic kiss onto her head, letting out a mwah! sound as he pulled back. But before he did, he looked up to you with half-lidded eyes. The eye contact seemed to last forever. And you ever wanted it to stop. A small hand came up and patted Lucifer’s cheek, a childish giggle breaking the moment between you two. What were you thinking? He’s your employer, he’s a king. He’s kind, and sweet, and tries really hard to be a good dad. Nope! Stop it.
“Right! Meeting! Heaven! Gonna.. Yup, I’ll see you.. Uh..” You finished off his words, “ - tonight?”
“Exactly! You got it! Bye, Darling!” He waved his hand off and walked off in a random direction that you were pretty sure didn't lead to where he was supposed to go. “I-I was talking to Charlie, by the way!” You heard from around the corner. You couldn’t stop your laughter with that one. “I know.” You said it softly, not letting him hear the slight disappointment in your voice.
The Gala wasn't a new event, Lillith held them often. Lucifer made his appearance with Charlie, then usually would make up some excuse to get out of the room. Gathering the leaders of each ring of Hell and some of the more powerful overlords, and demons, it was still a big deal. You dressed up Charlie often, since she would throw a temper tantrum when any of the stylists would try to get her ready. You didn't mind, you actually enjoyed prettying her up. You stalled for as long as you could, before beginning to dress her. You wanted to wait for Lucifer, but you assumed he got caught up in some kingly duties. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Don’t be upset. Stop missing him.
“Sorry - Sorry! I'm here!” The blonde demon rounds the corner, hopping on his one foot to balance himself before stopping firmly in Charlie's room. He was wearing an incredibly elegant suit. A dark purple sash cinches His waist, which was only visible because his jacket was hung over his shoulder. His shirt was speckled in gold, matching his hair when under certain light. “Had to convince them I could finish getting ready on my own! Damn stylists, can't catch a break with them.” He let out an awkward laugh, followed by a hoot. He sees Charlie, in her dark purple dress, with small poofed out sleeves, made of a transparent tool. “Charchar! Look at you, kiddo!” He scooped her up and held her close while he swung around. “You're beautiful, sweetheart.” He knew she wouldn't understand that until she was older, but never stopped him from praising her.
He pressed his forehead against hers, laughing along with her. You hated to break the tender moment, but you cleared your throat, bringing the attention back to you. “She's just about ready, just got her hair left.” He placed her back in the chair as you went for a brush. Working through her hair piece by piece, Lucifer suddenly stopped you. “Um.. can I try?” You nodded eagerly, handing the brush over. He swiped slowly, ebing startled by the crunch of a knot, he froze and pulled it away. “It’s okay, you won't hurt her - “ You didn't need to help him this way. Honestly, if anyone were to come in and witness this you could be fired. Still keeping that in mind, you place your hand over his, and guide the brush indirectly, to carefully work through her hair.
After far too long, you pulled your hand away and went to grab some other accessories. His brain was completely fried by the interaction, if this were some looney cartoon, smoke would be puffing out his ears. You weren't as calm as you were coming off as either. Why did you do that? You’d face a fate worse than a second death if anyone saw that. After letting your face cool down, you turned back and bumped Lucifer over with your hip, to take his spot directly behind Charlie. Placing your hands on her shoulders and kneeling down a bit you smile at her reflection. “What do we think, hun? Ponytail? Pigtails? Buns?”
“Braids!” You look at her with a questioning hum. “Pleease!” Braids it is. You start to section off her hair and quickly wrap one clean braid down her back. It only took you a few minutes to do it, leaving bystander Lucifer to sit in awe. He did that a lot. Whenever you’d do something with Charlie that came as second nature to you, he would watch intently. After you noticed his gaze, you began showing him how to do whatever task you had on hand. He needed those moments with her, you knew that. “Wanna give it a shot?” He jumps, as if you had just caught him doing something he shouldn't be doing. “A-Are you sure? It looks kind of complicated, I don't want to ruin her hair if - “ You interrupted his nervous rambling by calling out his title. “I’ll show you, just come watch.” He nodded, almost too quickly, and rushed to stand near you. Very near you. He stood close enough to let your shoulders touch whenever you would lift your arm a certain way. You unfurled the braid you had already done, making Lucifer let out a little sound of disappointment, that you’d ruined your hard work just for him. After attempting to explain it, he manages to struggle his way through a messy braid. He saw you holding in some kind of laugh and sent you daggers.  “No - no! It’s good! Especially for your first time, it’s holding up pretty well! Here - “ You pulled the braid back out, then restarted it, letting him pick it up at an easier place. You took his wrists every so often, to turn his hand in the proper direction before letting him go on.
The focus between the two of you suddenly became intense. He stuck out his tongue a bit, too engrossed in his styling to notice. You stood behind him, your hands pressed on his back, while you stood on your tip toes to observe what he was doing from over his shoulder. Pointing out little pieces of hair that were falling out, you would reach out your pointer finger to gesture towards it, only bringing you a bit closer together.
“Is.. Is that it?” He stepped back slowly, giving you the chance to back away with him. You swung around and examined the braid that he had probably spent too much time on, with an overly dramatic hum. Tapping your chin and squinting your eyes, you researched the braid as if it were some puzzle to solve. “It looks great, Lucifer.” Looking towards him, you were expecting an overly confident grin at the acknowledged accomplishment but instead, was met with a wide-eyed bundle of nerves.
“Sir! I-It looks good, Sir! Well - I’ll let you finish getting ready and take Charlie to -” Reaching out your hands to pick Charlie up, Lucifer stops you by grabbing your arm. “It’s okay! I mean, that’s.. That’s my name! Makes sense for you to call me that, considering its my name, so - “ He lets you go and starts fiddling with the clasps on his sleeves. “It’s okay.. for you to do that..” You smile to yourself, going back to tidying up Charlie’s get-up, doing little things like putting on her darling little shoes and tying a ribbon at the end of her hair.
Lucifer then stood in front of the mirror, brushing off his shirt and slipping on his jacket. It was a dazzling plum-colored suit coat, with golden clasps across his torso, and a golden shoulder plate, that allowed a sheer cape to drape down his left side. He was absolutely stunning. You did your best to avert your eyes, staring at him felt like staring at the sun. You only turned in his direction when he cleared his throat to get your attention. “Sorry.. dear, but uh… If you’re done with Charlie, I just - I’m struggling a little bit here..” You watched him attempt to adjust his lopsided tie, finally drooping his head with a sigh of defeat. “Wow, I thought you wore one of those every day, what’s the problem?” The teasing always helped lighten the mood, you placed your hand on your hip as you leaned your weight onto the vanity.  He glared at you again, letting out a huff before mumbling under his breath. “It’s a clip on..”
You let out a breath you had been holding in, partially from keeping in your laughter, but mostly from the nerves. With the combination of you wearing house slippers, and him wearing his particularly taller pair of boots, he managed to look down at you when you approached him. You should've made it a quick motion, you’ve tied bowties dozens of times, so it definitely wasn't a new task for you. But instead, you took your time. You carefully traced your hands up to his neck, tugging on both ends to pull it as far forward as it could go. You stopped to straighten the collar of his shirt, then delicately knotted the tie with ease. Your breath became heavier when you rested your hands on the finally tied bow, feeling his heart pounding against the side of your palm. After he caught you in your act, he stepped back, the image of his wife suddenly popping into his head. “Ahha.. Well, um - Thank you. I’ll take Charlie, it’s about that time anyway!”
"R-Right.." you suddenly felt guilty for your actions, worrying that you overstepped some lines. He didn't seem upset or uncomfortable, he was just silent. As he lifted Charlie from her chair, the vision of the two of them left you breathless. A beautiful pair, with porcelain skin contrasting against a palette of muted purples, and the biggest, brightest eyes. Charlie's braid hung loosely down her back, same golden strands accented in the light off the room. You almost wanted to be in the moment with them.
"Hey, so.. if you think you have time, you're welcome to go down to the ballroom for a drink or.. something... if you want." He really had to consider if that was a good idea. The thought was sitting on his mind while he enjoyed the view of your focused expression on his tie. He watched your eyes light up at the notion, his heart swelling with.. with something.  "Oh! I mean - The queen talks about it like it's this big important fancy thing, but.. if you think it'll be okay.. I'll - um - " She thought for a moment, looking around the room. "I don't exactly have anything to wear.. I'll join next time, if the invites still open?" You smiled, but it was strained. And he could tell. "No problem! I'll have her find something for you, then you can slip in whenever you want. No pressure!"
With a wave of his hand, a little imp girl came from a portal he had conjured up. Peeking inside, you saw a vast collection of gowns. The imp took your hand and dragged you in silently. You stumbled, then stammered something out, something that should've been a thank you, or a show of appreciation, but you were too stunned by the situation. He waved, then Charlie waved, then the two were out of the room.
The picture of them together ran through your mind. Not just them in matching outfits, but whenever he would press his forehead against hers, or he would show off his horns when Charlie was prodding at her own. Or when they really seemed like a family. Lillith was never in those pictures. Fuck, don't be jealous. You're getting paid far too much money to feel anything like that. Plus, you're being treated to an elegant evening gown without even asking. You don't get to be jealous.
Luckily, the imp rolled out a rack of dresses, it was stuffed to the brim, but was still a more manageable collection compared to the entire room. You sifted through them, and each one that twisted your face, she took off the hanger and set aside. After narrowing it down, you were stuck on two dresses; a sultry red dress, with an incredibly high slit and a stretched velvet material that hugged you in all the right places. Definitely a head turner. Even if this gala had a V.I.P list, maybe some handsome individual could help you distract yourself.
But the other option was a glistening lavender color, the neckline went across your shoulders, turning to gloves that tapered at your knuckles. A sheer corset held your curves in place, and it was paired with pearl accessories, to go with your sleek white heels. Both were gorgeous of course, but turning your hips and taking in how you looked in that lavender gown.. you could see yourself fitting quite nicely into your mental picture of Lucifer and Charlie. You would never admit that's why you picked it. You were prettied up, your hair pulled to one side with pearl clips scattered within the strands, and a little touch of makeup that you really didnt want, but was convinced without a word by the stylist. You looked like royalty. And that made you feel good in so many ways.
Lucifer said you could "sneak in", and you thought it best to take that literally. Waving and greeting all the workers in the kitchen that you knew, you finally slipped through the door where the caterers traveled from. You went straight for the bar, not because you needed a drink - well, I'm sure that's part of it - but because you had no idea what to do. What, were you supposed to walk straight up to Lucifer? Or Lillith? The idea of seeing Lillith suddenly made your stomach churn. You realized that you actually got there in time to see the introductions for most of the more esteemed guests. They went through the sins, who were larger than life, then a flared announcement for the Morningstar family was belted out.
Lucifer stood with a devilish grin, looking handsome as always. Lillith was still stunning, her gown trailing behind her.. but it was black. It wasn’t purple, or plum, or lilac, it was just black. It may not have looked like a contrast to everyone, but it upset you for some reason. Charlie stood between them, looking incredibly calmed considering the intensity of the moment. Lillith was holding her small hand, but the difference in height made her strain to keep their fingers intertwined. You cringed watching her stand on the tip of her toes to keep contact with her own mother.
Quietly, as to not interupt the announcements, you beckoned the bartender to bring you a drink. You sat and sipped, your back arched as you leaned your weight onto your elbows. What were you doing here? Was this all worth it? To have your little Cinderella transformation? 
"Hello, darling.. and who might you be?" A sultry voice came from behind, causing you to swivle in the chair to face where it came from. It wasn't Lucifer, which left you mildly disapointed, but you definitely weren't upset at the curvy woman standing in front of you, wearing a dress that left nothing to the imagination. The swishing demonic tail wasn't something you hated either. A real fox.
"Oh, a friend invited me, I didnt want to cramp his style, so here I am." As you spoke, the bartender brings a tall flute of champagne over to the gorgeous demon in front of you. She glides to sit in the seat next to you. "Hm - well, I'd hate to see you all alone tonight, mind if I keep you company, love?" She slid her fingers up your arm and you have no idea how you managed to keep your cool. "Not at all~" maybe it was the confidence of your new appearance, but you had no issue with spending the night with this stranger.
All of a sudden, Charlie was plopped into your seated lap, causing you to look up towards an intimidating Lucifer. Examining the sudden shift in mood, you were relieved to see Lillith talking to some demons on the other side of the room. "Glad you could make it! Charlie here - reeaally missed you, thought I should say hi." He smile was forced, you noticed a slight twitch in his eye. "Ah, I see you've met my nanny! Quite a beauty, wouldn't you agree?" Lucifer came incredibly close to you, leaning in and placing his hand on your back. The only issue was the low cut of the dress, allowing you to feel his warm hands on your skin. You hoped he didn't feel the shiver run up your spine.
Taking a hold of Charlie as she climbed up your lap to hug your neck, you let out a natural laugh, feeling like yourself for the first time tonight. Looking back to your conquest, who was definitely about to ask you to "get out of here", you see a face of absolute disgust. Oh, right. You're just a sinner to these higher ups. And a working class one at that. Nanny wasn't the most flattering occupation apparently. She made a terrible excuse to get out of the conversation and walked away a little faster than she should've.
"Sir! I have no problem watching Charlie tonight, but - I was about to -" your face flushed as you tried to explain how you were just trying to get laid tonight. “Get a drink, right? Make sure you stick to the non-alchoomic stuff, hun, sounds like Charlie gets to stay up late tonight!" With a hefty pat on your back, Lucifer stepped away to talk to another random demon. What the fuck? Lucifer had beckoned the bartender over again, and when you looked back to the counter, you see a sad looking soda water. With a sigh, you guzzle the drink just to wet your dried throat.
As much a you loved Charlie, there was no better chick repellant. And even for the brave souls who decided to approach you and still show interest, Lucifer would suddenly appear, keeping his hand just above your tailbone as he mentioned your hard work as his employee. Maybe it was the word nanny, or the intimidating presence of the king of Hell, but he had to be doing this on purpose. You kind of hoped he was doing this on purpose.. After one too many fleeting suitors, you worked your magic and calmed Charlie until she fell asleep in your arms. You hummed a little tune again, the method was something she became accustomed to after you started taking care of her.
"My my~ what a sweetheart." A broad shouldered demon approached you, his lower voice ringing throughout your chest. "Isn't she? She's exhuasted, I should really get her to bed." You never took your eyes off of Charlie, making it easy for him to slip a hand around your waist." Ah, you’re her caretaker, hm? Well.. what do you have going on after you get her to bed?" His hand trails down to your hips, starting to trace a circle with his thumb. You swung away, a look of disgust on your face." Probably going to bed. By myself." You hissed. You never had a problem handling those kind of advances, and you'd do anything to keep Charlie safe, so you kept your distance. "You don't have to do that, baby~ why don't you show me around the Morningstar manor?" He closed the distance, and as you go to step back, your back hits the bar. "N-No thanks, I'm.. not..." You would have gotten nervous in the moment, if you didnt see a blonde headed angel approaching with horns threatening to burst out.
"Stay away from her." A small puff of flames came from Lucifer's snarl as he reprimanded the thug. He scoffed and stepped away as if nothing had happened. Probably the smartest thing for him to do at this point. Lucifer's suddenly glowing red eyes returned to their normal hue once he turned his attention to you. You froze in place. It felt like you were in trouble too. "You're okay?" He spoke blankly, you couldn't tell what emotion he was trying to convey, let alone how he actually feels. You nodded, keeping a hand on the back of Charlie's head." Get her to bed." With a dramatic turn, his transparent cape flew behind him and he returned to Lillith's side. He placed his hand on the small of her back.
You wanted to cry. To scream and drink until you can't think of anything. Charlie was your main priority, though. You took her to her nursery as soon as you could. Carefully changing her into her pajamas, a cute little onesie with ducks printed all over, then placed the drowsy toddler into her bed. "Oh Charlie.. You are so lucky to be so loved." You spoke geniunely, no matter your feelings, the amount of love Charlie is given and how much she gives in return was always so unbelievable to you. She was made of pure joy. Brushing some hair away from her face, you stepped back, taking your time on returning to your room.
"That is so sweet." You shot your head up, unpleasantly surprised by Lucifer's sorry face. "She's in bed, what do you need from me?" You spoke softly, as to not wake her. "You look beautiful. I just.. didn't get a chance to say that earlier, is all." Your face twisted in digust. "You know, you weren't the only one who thought that tonight. That was the first time I've been hit on in months. Couldn't you let me just enjoy the night..?" You were becoming increasingly frustrated, and it was translating clearly through your words. He flinched at your aggression, suddenly becoming defensive.
"That filfthy demon was feeling you up..! What else did you want me to do?" He started to match your energy, quietly responding in an aggitated state." Not him, the rest! I was about to leave with that lady at the bar, and I'm sure others would've enjoyed my company if I wasn't getting handed a toddler every second." You'd regret that one later, referring to Charlie as just a toddler. "That's your job, dear. Remember why you're here." He puffed out his chest, becoming increasingly close to your figure. You shrunk away, your eyes widened at his words.
"Oh- Oh, no, I didn't mean to - wait, I wasn't - " He stammered, his intimidating stature immediatly dropping as he say your eyes start to glaze over with tears, which only flowed down your cheeks after batting your made-up lashes. "Nonono! Please don't cry I - um.. " his eyes darted around the room, before reaching his arms out and reeling you in to a tightening embrace. Your chin sat on his shoulder, the shock momentarily keeping the water works at bay.
"I got nervous, okay..? I didn't want anything.. bad... to happen. I didn't want to lose you in there." Those words shouldn't tug at your heart strings at much as they did, but that and the low rumble of his voice just slightly hitting your ear made it impossible.
"I-I can handle myself.." You sniffled, your breath becoming heavier as you felt his hands start to explore your back. He rested one hand on the small of your back, sending a familiar warmth to your chest. But then, his fingers traced upwards, holding onto your shoulders for a moment, before lightly clawing down your bare back. He traced over a certain spot that tickled you the wrong  way, causing you to force out a little yelp. You both stopped for a moment, the only thing you could hear was the uneven pants coming from your mouths. He pulled away for a moment, keeping his hands on your shoulders. Then eyeing you up and down, he ran his grasp across the length of your arms. "I known you can.. you're wonderful." He somehow spoke as if he was completely unaffected by the intimacy he was just showing you. Your breath only picked up more, instantly regretting what you were about to do.
With a small leap, you pulled him in by his collar and messily met his lips. It couldn't be a quick peck, that's too confusing. You wanted this to last forever. He kept his lips sealed shut at first, but that didn't last long. With a shakey breath against your lips, he pulled you in by your waist suddenly, bringing you as close to him as he could. The motion took the air out of your lungs, forcing you release a vocal sigh. He only held you tighter after that. Your arms trailed up and around his shoulders, combing through the hairs at the nape of his neck. He broke for a moment, his kisses traveling down your lips to your jawline, then down to your neck.
Flicking your hair back, he latched an incredibly wet kiss on the softness of your neck. Lucifer took the invitation of your strapless dress to fully cover you in kisses, occasionally running his tongue up the length of your neck. A panting mess, you pulled him back up by his chin, finally getting a good look at his face. He was falling apart at the seems. He looked desperate to get back to working on your neck, like he hadnt been intimate with anyone in years. You needed his lips against yours again. Holding his jaw, you pressed a kiss on his lips, then squeezed your thumb amd index finger to open his lower jaw and push your tongue into his mouth. He let out a nervous moan, before quickly catching up to you.
This wasn’t right. This part wasn't in your mental picture of a perfect family. And you knew why. Your thoughts were silenced, feeling his mouth trail back down to your collarbone. He thumbed at the top of your long glove, beginning to pull it down. God, never let this moment end.
But you forgot. You're in Hell.
With a frantic patting on his shoulder, you quickly attempted to get his attention. When Lucifer met your eyes again, they had gone wide, and he finally noticed you shaking. "Hey, hey! What is it? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"
"Yes." He froze. He slowly turned his head to the door. Lillith.
"Darling, please, I'm sorry, you know you're the only one for me - it was a long night, mistakes were made, let's just move on, hm..?" He was begging for this moment to be over, as Lillith moved past him and approached you. You had to crane your neck to look at her, your entire body trembling. You had mascara running down your eyes, and your lipstick had smeared in all directions. Lillith lifted your head up even further, wiping some smudged lipstick from the corner of your mouth. "Lily..?" Lucifer let out softly. She let out a soft sigh. She didn't seem to be angry, which seemed to make you more nervous than if she was. "D-Don’t.. don't hurt her..." It's like he was scared to stick up for you. That, and the fact that he just called this past interaction a mistake, weighed heavily on your heart. "You think that little of me, my love? I would never. It was a mistake, after all, just as you said." She spoke so calmly but knew exactly what to say to make you cower in fear. You let out a pathetic whimper, "P-Please... I'm s-sorry, Your Highness..." She smiled and tightened her grip on your jaw for a moment before letting you go. You didn't realize she was actually lifting you up slightly until you were dropped down. “So.. we can talk and figure this out, right? Lily?" She kept her eyes off of the anxious mess that Lucifer was becoming." Of course, love. We'll talk in the morning. Oh, and obviously - " She turned towards you just before leaving the room. 
"You're fired.”
Anyway, there is absolutely a part 2 for this don't worry and I'll get to it.. eventually.
( @vififofum @thornwolfy235 @tinywolfiegirl @chipper-chip @bat-boness @misfitgirlwrites @nayomi247 @lonelynmisunderstood )
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g3llyfish · 3 months
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MK x GN!reader
Established relationship
Comfort and fluff<3, you both miss eachother :{, tired and overworked MK
   You stare at the text with a sigh when your boyfriend, MK, apologizes for not being able to spend some time with you again because he was busy training with the monkey king.
     Sometimes you would wish that he isn't the monkey king's prodigy, you're happy that you're with someone special like him but with all the training and working at pigsy's. He ends up overworking himself and risking his physical health and mental health and you're getting more and more worried for him.
     You understand why, ofcourse you're not one of those possessive partners that controls every decision your partner makes but you really miss him, you can't even remember when you two had a proper date or even a sleepover.
     You turn off your phone again and rose up from you bed, determined to think of a plan to spend some time with him, until you got an idea.
     You grabbed your phone again and starts to dial Mei.
     "Hey, I'm gonna do something for MK, do you think you have some time to help me real quick?"
     MK, the Monkey Kid, the great sage somewhat equal to heaven, the one who saved the city from damnation from several demons is currently driving in his delivery vehicle to pigsy's noodles to finish off his chores after the training he went through.
     He swears he could feel his bones breaking just from sitting down, his eye bags were deep and his skin became slightly pale from exhaustion.
     Wukong noticed this ofcourse and told him off to get some rest, the monkey king isn't that cruel to his successor, if he has to be honest, the monkey cares about MK so much more than himself.
     MK sighs as he remembers when he texted you that he was too busy to be with you, he missed seeing you, holding you, being with you, just you in general.
     He stops at a red light and decides to pull up his phone to see if he has any notification... Nothing, just the wallpaper of your first date together, he looked so tense and nervous in the photo making him scoff a laugh.
     The monkey man doesn't know why but you still make him nervous in some way, you're amazing as a friend and also as his partner, he still doesn't believe that you accepted him to be your boyfriend until this day.
     The brunette was too busy reminiscing the time when he was with you to the fact that didn't even notice the light turned green until a loud horn from behind took his attention away.
     "Hey kid! Get a move on!" "S-s-sorry!"
     MK walks inside the noodle shop with the neon light above the door off,—indicating that they're closing up, MK only sees Pigsy cleaning by himself with a mop at hand, roughly cleaning a stain on the floor.
     "MK, you're finally back!" The pig notices MK and stops mopping.
     "Hey, pigsy!" MK greeted his dad "here, I'll help you with cleaning the shop."
     He was about to grab the mop from Pigsy but the noodle shop owner stops him by grabbing his hand and puts it down as he shakes his head no.
     "You can get an early off, kid" Pigsy pats MK's arm "you've been hard on yourself, too hard if I have to be specific so go up and get some rest."
     MK looks at Pigsy flabbergasted and blinks a few times.
     "But what about the shop?" "Don't worry about it, Tang is here to help me out so it's fine"
     From afar MK could hear Tang shouting 'I did not agree to this!' in the kitchen then the sound of a bunch plates falling down was heard making Pigsy flinch.
     An early day off? And it doesn't cut off his salary? Is this a dream?
     "Don't worry about me pigsy! I'm okay, really..." MK yawns, not helping his excuse "I want to help you, four extra hands with your hands can close the shop up early."
     The brunette smiles cheerfully with dark eyebags making him look like some escaped patient in an asylum and reaches for the mop again but the pig sways the mop away from the man making MK pout.
     "You can help me out by going up to your room and not bother me cleaning, now go up and rest" Pigsy demanded.
     MK took a second to respond, his eyes squinting in suspicion.
     "Am I in a Kalabash again?" "It's an order, MK!" "sir yes, sir!"
     As MK walks up to his apartment or more to say room, he wondered why everyone was sending him home more early than usual. First it was Wukong and now Pigsy? Sure, he was tired and his body feels like it could sink to the ground but he can manage it!
     He's the monkey kid afterall, he can deal with anything! Right? 
     The man yawns again as he stumbled slightly and opens the door to his place,  his groggy and tired eyes lit up seeing a well made fort on his bed.
     MK walks forward and see how comfortable it is then noticed the Sun Wukong plushies in the fort and Monkey Cop could be heard on his TV.
     He pulls out a tired smile, it was like he already knew who made did this. The door behind him opens.
     "Awh dang it! You got here before me..." Your voice calls out making him turn around to see you, who was carrying arms full of snacks.
     "[Y/n]..." MK breathes out a hearty laugh.
     "I was just getting some food for us for incase you were hungry once you come home," You walk pass him and sets down the various of snacks on his bed "I wanted to surprise you but oh well..."
     You turn around to face him and does an awkward jazz hands.
     "Sur... prise? I guess?"
     This made MK laugh as he walks towards you and wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, he buries his face on the crook of your neck as he lets out a delightful sigh.
     You were shocked about the sudden hug but you held him tightly anyways, missing his warm embrace for so long.
     This is what MK needs, you, the tenseness of his shoulder relaxes as he inhaled the smell of your shampoo, he loves your scent... It made him feel like he's at home weirdly enough...
     MK's eyes closes and cherished this moment with you for a brief moment, it was as if he never wants to let go.
     "You doing alright, MK?" you ask, as your hug tightens.
     "Hm," he nods "I just miss you."
     This made you smile, knowing that he misses you the same way that you miss him makes your heart giddy as you let out a giggle.
     "What?" "Nothing nothing, you're just cute... I miss you too"
     You pull away and grab both MK's cheek firmly before planting a kiss on his lips, he froze on the spot from shock of your bold action before melting into your lips.
     He places his hands on your hips and pulls you towards him as you both savor this short moment with eachother.
     MK starts to smile in the kiss. 
     You both pull away as the two of you look at eachother for a while before laughing at eachother like it was your first kiss all over again.
     "Come'on, let's watch some Monkey Cop together" "Yeah! haha... Can you stay a while even after the movie?" "Ofcourse..."
Requested from Quotev :3, it's really not that much but I tried TT
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Happier-Conrad Fisher
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A/n: Thank you so much for requesting, I'm so happy you wanted to part 2. This one goes out to @TamiBMarshall. I hope you like this one. This is kind of based on Olivia's song, but there won't be lyrics. This was requested from my other writing cite.
Your POV
I was on my way to my last final until I could spend time at the summer house when I felt an arm go around me. I immediately smiled...
" Hey Noah." I softly said 
I felt him kiss the side of my head. " Hey beautiful, heading to your last final." He said while walking with me
I nodded, " Yup, Are you done with yours." I questioned 
We stopped at the class room and he turned me around which made me smile. " I just had mine this morning. I'll see you in like an hour, baby." He said giving me a small peak so I could walk into the classroom. I went to take my seat and took a deep breath before the test. 
Noah's POV
After I left Y/n/n to go take her last final I went to the lounge to chill to wait for her since we were driving to the summer house she always goes to. I saw my friend in the lounge as well so I just talked with him. 
'hour later'
I heard my phone ring and looked over to see a picture of Y/n. I smiled and answered the call. 
" Hey, Baby" I said 
I could tell she was smiling through the phone. " Hi, where are you?" she questioned 
I chuckled, " I'm in the lounge with Jackson." 
She let out a chuckle as well. " Okay see you soon." She said hanging up 
" Was that Y/n/n." Jackson questioned 
I nodded and smiled, which just made him chuckle. 
Your POV
I saw the back of Noah's head and ran over to him. I wrapped my arms around him. " Hey babe." Noah said, kissing my head, Jackson just waved over at me. " So you both are excited to be at the summer house." Jackson questioned 
I immediately nodded, " I'm super excited to see everyone again and to introduce Noah." I explained 
Noah chuckled which made me happy to hear his laugh. I heard my phone ring, which made me pull it out of my pocket. " Hey Jere." I said into the phone 
" Hey Y/n/n, Are you both finished your finals." he questioned 
I let out a chuckle. " Yes, both of us are down. We're going to go pack my car soon so see you down there."  I explained 
I could tell he was smiling. " I can't wait." 
We both said our byes before hanging up the phone. " Hey babe, I think we should start heading out now." I softly said 
He smiled, saying a couple more things to Jackson before we made our way to grab our stuff. 
Conrad's POV
After that day I broke Y/n/n's heart. I've been regretting my decision. I've just been scared to talk to her. This will be the first year that we see each other cause the past summer she didn't even show up which hurt but also made me feel guilty. I just hope this summer is better. I was packing some stuff so I could make my flight. 
Your POV
I was in the passenger seat helping Noah with the directions. " So you are excited to meet everyone." I asked him 
He chuckled, " Babe, you asked me that five times already and my answer doesn't change." 
I giggled, " Sorry I'm just excited for you to see everyone." I said 
He put his right hand on my knee. " I know and I can't wait to meet them."  
I smiled and nodded while looking out the window. 
I saw the sign to Cousin's Beach and squealed. " Omg! I can't believe I'm here again." I said opening my window 
I could feel Noah's eyes on me, but I didn't mind. Once we pulled into the driveway I saw Jere's jeep and Laurel's car. I reached over and honked the horn. I then immediately saw them rush out the door. I got out of the car and was immediately getting spun around by Jere. " I can't believe you're back!" 
I giggled, and went around hugging the other three. I then walked back over to Noah. " Where's Conrad?" I asked confused
" He's on his way, his flight just landed." Jere responded with 
I nodded, then turned to Noah. " Well guys this is Noah, the person I was talking about." I shyly said 
They all greeted him and then we went to my room. " So what do you think of them?" I softly said while putting some things away. 
" They all seem very friendly." He said 
Conrad's POV
I was taking an Uber since my car was at the beach house already. I felt nervous to see her again. When the car stopped I saw the house. I thanked the guy before grabbing my stuff and walking inside. " Hello?" I questioned since it was super quiet in the house. 
I then saw her peek around the corner. She looked different but in a good way. She gave me a small smile, then walked out from the kitchen. " Hey Conrad." She whispered 
I smiled, " Hey, how's college..." I paused ,my mouth still open to find a guy I didn't know making his way over to us. She smiled, " Oh Conrad this is Noah." 
All I did was stare and nod. I just knew that I lost her. " Um...where is everyone?" I questioned 
" Jere and Belly went to the beach. Steven's in his room and Laurel she went to the store." She said while Noah wrapped his arms around her. " I'm going to unpack." I whispered, feeling awkward now. 
I felt her eyes on me while I headed to the stairs to my room. 
Your POV
I sighed when Conrad left for his room. I felt Noah rub my arm. " What's wrong babe?" I just shook my head. " It's nothing really, we just had history." I whispered 
He just hummed and told me he was going to the pool outside. " Come with me." he whispered
" I'll come, just let me put on a swimsuit." He nodded giving me a quick kiss before I walked up stairs to my room. I was looking for a bikini when I heard Conrad's voice. I spun around to see him. " So when did you move on?" He questioned
I sighed, " It took me a good 8 months Conrad. Why?" I questioned 
He moved more into my room. " You know I regret saying what I said over text so much." 
I looked at him shocked. " Then why did you do it?" 
He shrugged, " I don't know, I thought I was losing feelings, but when you didn't come to the beach house last year it felt like a part of me was missing." he admitted 
" Conrad, I don't know what you want me to say." I whispered shocked 
" I know I'm sorry." he paused before asking, " Are you at least happy now?" 
I smiled, " I am and I don't mean to rub it in. Don't blame me Conrad, I felt super heartbroken about it." I said
All he did was nod. " Then can we at least try to be friends. " he whispered 
" Sure, but right now I was about to go in the pool so can we talk more later." I said 
He nodded and started walking out of my room. 
Conrad's POV
When I closed her door it felt like my heart was hurting from losing her all over again. I walked into my room wishing about my life choices. Hoping she was happy, but not happier when she was with me. I know that might be selfish for me to think, but at least I still have her as a friend. 
I don't really know how to end this one but I'm hoping the ending is okay. Please enjoy this one and let me know your thoughts. 
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will80sbyers · 3 months
So I already talked about how the plot of Legend (1985) seems it could fit in a parallel with Will, Mike and Vecna in a previous post but I'm finally watching the movie and I'm finding these things interesting:
So Lily is a princess with a pure heart and she's in love with her friend Jack, one day she commits a sin when she's with Jack but against his recommendations, by touching a sacred creature (the unicorn)... If the two unicorns die this brings perpetual darkness to the world and the villain needs that...
She didn't do this intentionally but basically after this happens the goblins sent by the villain kill one of the unicorns and take the horn, this transforms the earth from a beautiful summer to a frozen land full of snow where even time seems to stop (Upside Down much)
Jack thinks she's dead for a bit but then meets other creatures of the forest that reveal he must be sort of the hero and save the unicorn so he goes on a journey to take the weapons
At the same time, while Jack was taking the weapons, Lily wants to remedy her mistake so she goes to seek the other unicorn to protect her when she learns that the goblins want to kill her too, but she gets captured by the goblins and brought to the villain that looks very Vecna like in how he presents himself, there is one of the main scenes where he comes out of this giant mirror and the first thing that appears is his hand
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Also the villain is fascinated by lady Lily (Will) because she is pure and he talks to some evil spirits that tell him to corrupt her before and make her one of them ( do I have to explain??? )
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So he makes her see some illusions and dresses her up as an evil version of herself, Lily tries to resist him while he gives her jewelry and stuff to corrupt her
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(very Vecna)
Meanwhile Jack found out she's still alive so he goes where the villain brought her with other characters that help him and he makes up a plan to use the shining things in the house and make the light of the sun come inside the place because the light kills the villain
The villain and Lily start to talk, and he offers her to spend eternity with him and says stuff like
"I was content with solitude, until that moment I felt your vivid presence."
Imagine if Will has powers and Vecna felt it and took him because of that!
He also says to her that he values her thoughts and he's trying to manipulate her and make her join him!
She pretends she's accepting him and she asks him one wish, that she'll be the one to kill the last unicorn (what if Max is the unicorn, or Holly! Or El ? )
He accepts... But remember she's tricking him 🤭 he even says this shit to her about ''creating a new world'' like Vecna wants to make a new world
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at this point, Jack is watching her almost kill he unicorn and other characters think she really joined Vecna so they want him to kill Lily
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but you know, true love and all that....
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Lily frees the unicorn and makes her run away! The villain, that's called Darkness, hits her and Jack goes to attack him... they fight while the other characters try to make the light go inside to kill the Darkness... Jack takes the unicorn horn and stabs him with it while the light comes inside and almost finishes him, Darkness is holding onto the walls before a void of space and Jack cuts his hand making him fall in the void!!!!
At the end of the film Lily is under a sleeping spell and Jack has learned confidence in himself and has to find a way to wake her up now (Mike's confidence journey eheh)
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he has to keep a promise he made to her to save her so he goes to do that, he has to retrieve a ring in a lake.... he does that, brings it to her and then the true love kiss wakes her up! They kiss!! Super cute!! Happy ending and obv the unicorn comes back to life and all is good!
some final moments:
I love you, Lily. Come back to me. Come back to me.
I… love you, Jack.
I love you, Lily.
I had such a terrible nightmare.
Did you? It's over.
Jack, was it all a dream?
You're safe now.
So many terrible things happened. I… I learned something about myself… and something about you.
What's that?
You belong here. You're my prince.
I'm only Jack.
My Lord Jack.
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My son was right, this was a good movie!!!
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backjustforberena · 1 year
How would you describe Rhaenys and Meleys’s bond?
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I'm really guided by what Eve says about the dragon-bond, specifically with Rhaenys and Meleys. I think she's got a lovely way of phrasing it and has put thought into it and, obviously, she has that in mind whilst playing the character.
So it's hard, for me, to overestimate how important it is when Eve says that they're almost a part of one another - that Rhaenys is a part of Meleys and Meleys is a part of Rhaenys. And then furthermore, when she likened them to the daemons from Phillip Pullman's books - saying that Meleys is really representative of Rhaenys and, moreover, a hidden part of Rhaenys - a manifestation of Rhaenys's inner wildness. She is a Targaryen and dragons are what they are. And when you're couched in Velaryon colours and held at arm's length from your paternal family, that means all the more, visually, on-screen.
Meleys has also been designed to echo her rider. One of the VFX artists describes her as "Regal, matriarchal, older, wiser," Bell elucidated. "Much more royal in the design, the horns are almost crown-like to a degree.", so all this has been done very deliberately. Whatever Meleys displays, Rhaenys is feeling. Whatever Rhaenys is feeling, Meleys displays. To me, it implies that whatever Meleys does, whatever her flights are like or behaviour, is telling about Rhaenys. Whether that's keeping far away from the wake, whether it's instructing Seasmoke, whether it's controlling her temper or doing a dive-bomb (man do I have a stupid amount of feelings about that dive bomb).
I think there are lots of things to consider, both in general with the bond and relationship and then the more specific to this dragon and this rider. We've seen that dragons are very empathetic towards their riders, that, certainly after a while, they sort of seem to create a feedback loop in terms of strong emotions; pain, especially. We know that after a certain point, they don't listen to anyone else. And with Rhaenys and Meleys, they are the longest bond we've seen.
But more than that, I think there's such a level of trust between them. Of respect. And acceptance. I don't know, that's just the impression I get. I don't believe there's any sort of fussing or infantilising of Meleys. I think they're partners. Rhaenys was willing to risk everything to get to Meleys in Episode 09. She was the first thing she asked about when Alicent held her prisoner. They've been together longer than anyone. Longer than some dragons have even been alive. There are decades of experience there.
There is such a contrast to compare Vhagar and Aemond to Rhaenys and Meleys, specifically their control when their emotions and, more importantly, their dragon's emotions are at their peak.
Rhaenys has her dragon in a confined space, surrounded by loud, yelling people, dust, and guards (a threat), after having burst through floorboards. Yet Meleys never does a thing that Rhaenys doesn't want her to do. Even anything that Rhaenys feels like doing, because she is tempted to just tear it all down. But Meleys doesn't burn, she doesn't stop, she doesn't create more carnage than she needs to. Meleys, in herself, is not volatile in that situation despite the massive upheaval and the massive emotions coming off of her rider.
Whereas Aemond, a relatively young bond, under similar strain, loses control a little bit, resulting in an outcome Aemond didn't want, despite many verbal commands - Vhagar does as she feels she needs to.
To me, Rhaenys feels most at home on dragon-back. Most settled in her skin. She spends a lot of time on Meleys, flying. Her saddle was designed to show that and show the interest and knowledge Rhaenys has in that, having her own modifications. She's tried and tested, she's at home, she's still made unbelievably happy by it.
She wears armour, red as her. A necklace of spikes, like her. Now she prepares to go to war and she volunteers herself and Meleys. There's a sense of her feeling safe, so long as she has her dragon with her. There is definitely a sense of pride. They are a team. I think being a dragon-rider is an undeniable and intrinsic part of her. Meleys has been her constant, her friend, her companion, her escape, her freedom, her heritage, her home. Her pride and joy.
Meleys is a reminder of all Rhaenys is and can be.
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itsscromp · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x reader platonic
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Hey again everyone, as of time when I post this it'll officially be my birthday in 1 weeks time, so what better to celebrate than by giving you all a birthday fic with 2099 himself, let's dive right into it. word count:1.1K
Since joining the society, you have accomplished many things, some of which you thought you weren't even capable of, All thanks to help from Miguel. He was the one person you could always count on.
The day before your birthday as he was looking through the universes to find potential anomalies, Lylla spoke up.
"You do know it's y/n's birthday tomorrow miggy"
"Lylla I told you not to call me that"
"Sorry chief, but I am right about the birthday part"
"Are you sure ??"
Lylla then pulls up your file and read through.
"Yep Y/B/D is just as correct"
Miguel was slowly now starting to freak out, he wanted to do something special for you, but since it was tomorrow how could he find the time.
"Qué debo hacer, Qué debo hacer" (What do I do, What do I do)
"Maybe take them to a movie ??"
No no, he couldn't do that, he wanted to show how much you meant to him. how much he loved you. After laying in bed staring at the ceiling, he had an idea.
"Lylla !!"
*yawns* Lylla's hologram popped up, she looked like she was sleeping too. "This better be good"
"I have an idea"
The next day.
Today was your birthday, another lap around the sun. well, now another lap around the multiverse. You didn't feel much older other than knowing it was your birthday, It was exciting as you got to spend it with your bestest friends in the multiverse. As soon as you woke up, Ben barged into your room with a party horn.
*party horn noises* "Happy birthday pal !!!"
"Hey ben thank you" you smiled at him
He then wraps an arm around your neck and gets you in a gentle and playful chock hold
"This is called a chocker hold, I'm using my bicep to constrict you so i can noogie your head" He did so, stuffing up your hair
"Ben !!" You laughed, managing to get out of the hold and hugged him tightly. "Thank you"
Ben happily hugged you back just as tight "Anything for my best friend"
"Who has completed another 365 days around the sun, They have been such a bright light in my life.."
You didn't care if he was narrating again, He was there.
"Come on, some of the other spider people have a surprise for you."
the two then swung to were some of the other spider-society members had a little party for you.
"Surprise !!" Gwen was there, Hobie was there, pavitar was there, Peter B and mayday too.
"You guys..." You looked around finding the decorations and the cake.
"Happy birthday y/n" Gwen ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing !!!, Y/n is also amazing !!" pavitar spoke up.
"This day is yours mate, You do you and don't let anyone tell ya how. Hobie spoke up and ruffled your hair.
You then heard babbling as a certain spider baby crawled up behind your back and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"Y/n !!!"
"Mayday also says happy birthday kiddo"
You smiled as you then held mayday and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you guys so much"
"Alright, who's ready for cake !!!" Pavitar was super excited as he spent all day baking it, infusing an array of sweets and spices into it.
As you gathered and chatted and laughed, you noticed one person missing, Miguel.
You knew he wasn't the gathering type but you were sure he would make today an exception.
"I wonder where Miguel is."
"Oh bro ain't the birthday type" Hobie immediately
"Come to think of it, He hasn't really celebrated any birthdays" Gwen spoke up.
"No No, he did celebrate this little one's birthday when she turned 1" Peter B gently bounced Mayday as she giggled "Isn't that right my sweet cheeks ??" He gently kisses her head.
"I'll go and find him."
You then ventured to Miguel's base.
"I wish you luck y/n !!!" pavitar shouted
Entering the base and ignoring the creepy nearly completed suit-looking thing, you looked up to see Miguel not on his platform.
"Miguel ??!! You here ??"
Miguel was hiding, Lylla alerted him of your imminent arrival having prepared his idea, he set it into motion.
The room suddenly went dark.
'Miguel ??..." You then saw the familiar digital droplet falling down and blooming into the tree you saw when you first met the society.
"What's going on ??"
But when the webs were forming, something was different. Instead of the canon events of every single Spider-Man, it was just you and Miguel, all the moments where smiles and laughs were shared.
You smiled looking through all of these events, Looking back at your favorite ones.
"Miguel did you see that !!!!" You saw one event where you caught your first anomaly. Miguel was so so proud of you that day.
"I did y/n, Great job." he patted your shoulder before the two of you brought it back to the society.
"Ok... so if x equals that then the web shooters would be able to extend further than they normally would" In one event you were making modifications to your web shooters to make them extend further as they were having some trouble shooting.
"That should be correct. Give it a go Niño" (Kiddo)
You then aimed your web shooters at the test dummy which was further than usual. shooting at it, the webs stuck to the dummy.
"Miguel we did it !!!!" You smiled widely at him
"Look at you go little genius" He ruffled your hair A proud dad moment.
"Come on Miguel just one game please." You managed to bring your games console back from your universe and convinced Miguel to play just one round with you.
"Ok Ok just one round"
But one round turned to multiple, he was having so much fun with you.
"Your going down y/n."
"Oh no your not !!"
But at the last minute surprisingly Miguel pulled a combo move on you, eventually making the game his for the taking.
"Guess I can say I'm the ultimate Spider-Man and gamer" He even did somewhat of a victory dance which got you laughing.
Seeing all of this made you smile wide, You've shared a lot of fond memories with Miguel.
The webs disappeared and the room lit up again.
"Happy birthday y/n" Miguel came out of his hiding spot, smiling widely.
"Miguel..." Your happy tears brew as you rush to him and hug him tightly. He wrapped his strong arms around you, hugging you just as tight.
"I loved it... thank you so much"
"I love you Niño, so so much, happy birthday"
Lylla appeared blowing her party horn and popping digital party streamers. "Happy birthday to the one and only Y/N !!!"
The smile not leaving your face all day. you just witnessed the greatest birthday gift of all time. Miguel spent all night organizing each event into one web. You couldn't have asked for a greater birthday gift than that.
taglist: @callofdudes
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onion-orlesien · 23 days
So yeah, that IGN video made me even more excited, if that's even possible! If you don't want any look into the missions or the Lighthouse, maybe don't watch it though! If you're fine with seeing how it all looks + knowing a little bit more of Davrin's mission, you can watch it on mute (because they LOVE to ramble about spoilery things 😭). So I'm keeping my thoughts under the cut (long post)!
An aquarium. And aquarium in the Lighthouse. I didn't expect it at all and I am SO COMPELLED to see that!! I'm gonna stare at them half the game. The whole Lighthouse interior in general is so pretty, and I see some worn out murals on the walls 👀. I wonder what we can learn from the past in this place. The exterior blew my mind, I didn't imagine that at all! I imagined we'd live in a tiny lighthouse shaped building where everyone would have a room, cramped together, but I'm so happy to see that it's actually different buildings. Stepping outside really reminded me of stepping outside Skyhold and I know I'm quickly gonna call this place home.
I hear people don't like this rook, but I really like how they look. Also they look so in love with Davrin somehow xD And that left horn is so nice! Looks like a decoration or a prosthetic.
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What I don't like too much is the transition between the skin and the horn, but I wonder if it can be customizable. Also the hair, but that's purely because I don't dig the hairstyle xD But they look so happy when they smile 🥹🥹
Davrin and his pecs look hot af tho...
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(help how do I make smaller pictures on Tumblr 😭)
I'm not a fan of the running animations for now, it looks like they're "jumping" a bit and each step looks very heavy, but maybe it's because it's a tall Qunari. The jumping one is also... a bit weird xD The facial expressions are rather stiff for the other NPCs, like their mouths move but their eyes look Tranquil? We'll see how it is on release, but it won't stop me from enjoying the game.
Small thing, but I love how the Eluvian slowly reveals the Crossroads as you approach! Also what was that about re-living someone's memories???! I want to see that so bad. The lore is gonna be incredible.
Codex! Always happy to see this, I'm really curious about their interface (DAI codex is an absolute pain to me).
ALSO MORE WARDENS! I will never not be happy to see Wardens, especially uncorrupted Wardens just doing their job.
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MERCHANT INTERFACE HELLO? Who knew we needed Tarot cards for business. They're amazing. Also there seems to be so many different types of currencies/points to spend!
Environment is amazing, I love anything snowy in Dragon Age and this does not disappoint! I will explore every little corner of every map.
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A familiar statue!
The blight looks very nicely disgusting, which is all we ask for
I do miss the loot screen! I like to be able to pick what I take or not. This also makes me wonder about the inventory system: do we have a limit? How does the game decide which items we pick up or not if the limit is about to be exceeded?
So yeah from what we've seen until now, the good greatly outweighs the less good for me. We will see when it's released, but I'm fairly positive I'll have a great time~
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
taylor!!!! congrats on 2.5k!!!!!! wooooo!!!🎉🎉
okay so i watched the top guns and fell in love so for a celebration request i was maybe thinking a Bradley Bradshaw (the fact that they named him that oml 💀) with the prompt “Why does it sound like you’re saying goodbye?” but with some fluff in there to not shatter my heart maybe? (if not that’s chill, break my heart). thank you and happy writing!!!
well, i'm happy to be of service. i too watched top gun and fell in love. also, no angst here, all fluff :)
1. "why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?" (from this prompt list, angst)
you and bradley were... something. you weren't sure, but whatever it was, it was pretty new. you knew what he did and knew that he could be called away at any given moment.
bradley had gotten a phone call a couple hours after you had left for work. he had been wracking his brain and trying to figure out a way to tell you.
on the way to your work, he made sure to pick up a bouquet of flowers and some sushi, which was your favorite. he walked into the hospital and looked around.
usually, he would see you at the nurse's station, but when he didn't, he walked up to the front desk, "do you know where nurse y/l/n is?"
"i'll page her." the man smiled, and paged you. within moments, you were walking down the hall.
when you saw bradley standing at the desk, your smile brightened, "what're you doing here, chicken-man?" you joked, and he rolled his eyes.
you leaned up and looped your arms around his neck, "can't i just visit you at work?" you led him to the garden in the hospital where you had more privacy.
"no, 'cause you're usually at work, too." you raised a brow, "so, why're you here?" you sat down on a bench, following him with your eyes as he sat down next to you.
"well, i have some news."
"what kind of news?" you tilted your head to the side.
"will you let me finish, woman?" he poked a finger into your side, causing you to squeal.
"sorry, you're making me anxious."
"i got a call this morning. nothing bad, but i leave in two days."
"leave where?"
"can't say."
"are you serious?" your face fell and his heart broke.
"yeah, i'm sorry."
"two days? isn't there like some kind of two-week notice, they're supposed to do?"
"i don't think that's how it works."
"well, that's how it should work," you commented.
"i just wanted to let you know."
"okay, that just means we'll be attached at the hip for the next two days." you softly punched his shoulder.
over the next two days, you and Bradley did spend the entire time together. you spent it doing whatever you wanted.
but when those two days were up, it was finally time to say goodbye to bradley. you were standing in the entryway of his apartment. your arms were wrapped around his neck and his were around your waist.
he was dressed in khaki uniform, which was strange because on the night you first met him, with all of his colleagues, all of them were wearing their khaki uniforms but bradley wasn't. he was in his silly hawaiian shirt and jeans.
"don't fly too high."
"that's kind of my job." he laughed.
"just don't like burst into flames 'cause you're flying too close to the sun."
"i won't." he shook his head.
you sniffled and pulled away, "i really like you, so don't go dying on me."
"i'll try my hardest." he smiled, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
"do you know when you'll be back?"
"i don't, but when i do, you're my first call."
"why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?"
"i'm not." he laughed, wrapping you in a hug again, "i promise." he kissed your head again, "i really like you, too, and i'll see you soon."
"see you soon." a horn honked outside, and you sighed, pulling away. bradley picked up his bags and kissed you again.
"don't miss me too much." he smirked.
"leave now, bradshaw." you laughed, pushing him out the door jokingly.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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angeart · 4 months
It's intimidating to share because you're a good writer!!! And I only have ideas and I don't know if the ideas are good, let alone how to go from one idea to the next to make anything coherent. xD
But yes there was meant to be angst and I'm happy you ran with it! :3 Because so many things become so much harder without a voice. Scar invites him dolphin wrangling? He'd love to, he wants to fly off with Scar and just have a piece of normal but... one of them needs hands on a lead which means either Grian can't type or Scar won't be able to read.
I also had thoughts about the custom horns!!! And yes they're not quite him, they're not quite right and there's nuances that would be missed, but in my mind everyone thought this would be a short term problem (it wouldn't take X and Doc too long to fix it, right?? It would be a couple days at worst??) but it'd been a few weeks by the time Cub calls him over and I imagined the hermits recorded their voices specifically for him to use (Joel gave him a 'shut up', Impulse gave him 'I need some help', BDubs a simple 'hey') and wouldn't that be just a little touching? That your family is looking out for you and loaning you their own voice and trying to help you out like this?
..... he can't tell any of them 'thank you' in his own voice
What if he hasn't told a certain someone 'I love you' yet and now he's not sure if he'll ever be able to
your ideas are good dw!! <3
the idea of scar inviting him dolphin wrangling has so much in it, too. grian won't be able to give tips, or alert him when something goes wrong, or... anything. he'd just sort of be there.
and if they'd end up separated, because scar stops paying attention as grian's doing something, and then realises too late? something about scar taking so awfully long to realise, because he's used to grian being quiet, it doesn't even occur to him to look over his shoulder if grian's keeping up and following. something about that horrible pit in his stomach as he realises he's alone and he left grian behind and didn't even know.
scar means well, with that original invitation, and it's nice that he still wants to spend time with grian, but... mmmhm.
i love love love the idea of hermits specifically recording phrases they think grian might want to use. them trying to help.
maybe over time they look at what grian types in the chat a lot and pick the phrases or meanings to put into new horns, as this goes on. see what grian's missing.
and it's not easy. grian's hands and inventory is full of horns, and he has to fumble through them, searching for the correct one, or hope he'll have it ready and on hand when he needs it. but it does return some agency to him—although he isn't sure bdubs' loud "hey" is any better than him sneaking up on hermits, lol. they startle all the same (and are confused at first, expecting bdubs, not grian—)
the bit about grian not being able to thank them in his own voice, oR THE TINY FONT THING THERE AT THE END, I SEE U. (yES)
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felice-jaganshi · 5 months
Alastor's Leash
Chapter 4
This one correlates to chapter 13 of fallen apple. Lucifer's wedding!! For the actual ceremony and vows, go to that chapter, then come back. Unless you've already read it.
(Also, the ai covers of the songs used if you'd like that ~ ~ )
Over the next few months, Alastor got to know Zariah's dear friend Becca better. Which meant he also got to spend time tormenting Lucifer. Unfortunately, both women seemed determined to curb the worst of his antics and get the two to “play nice”.
But he did enjoy Becca's company whenever he was able to get her away from Lucifer. Zariah herself was enjoying getting to know Lucifer as well. It turns out, Zariah had a chicken obsession in life, so she could relate to his duck obsession on a deeper level than even Becca could. Much to Alastor's extreme frustration.
One day he found Lucifer shifted into a chicken in her lap. She was petting his feathers and purring. Alastor had summoned her chain that day and reminded them both that he wasn't fond of sharing what was his. He ended up dragging her to his room and just holding her while he growled and grumbled about how she should know better than to pet another man!
“He's specifically known for stealing other men's wives!” He huffed.
“Al, Al! Two things.” She grabbed his face in her hands. “Two things… one, both the women he stole were Adam's. He hasn't done that shit since. Two, I'm not your wife. I'm your platonic afterlife partner, if you really want to put a name to what we are.” She then kissed his forehead. “So calm down Al, because I'm not going anywhere. It was just a friendly situation. I will never leave you…”
He sighed, and held her tighter, and began singing.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray.
I'll always love you and make you happy, If you'd only say the same. But if you leave me to love another, You'll regret it all some day.”
Her tails wrapped around him as they sat on the bed. “I know, I know…” She pet his head, avoiding his ears. 
“Maybe after their wedding… you and I should have one.” He said it so casually, Zariah froze completely. 
“You're… you're kidding, right? You're just messing with me in revenge for upsetting you.” She was staring at his chest, refusing to make eye contact. 
“Hm, is this proposal not to your liking? Very well, I'll try again later… Would you rather a big musical number in Cannibal Town?” He tilted her chin to force her to look up at him. He was being serious. 
“I… you… yes please… I'd like that.” She had lost her words.
“Very well. Then when I do ask again, you had best have your answer ready, Mon Cherie.” He smirked and kissed her forehead. Her brain fried to mush whenever he spoke in French.
It was the day of Lucifer's wedding to Becca. Alastor was on Paparazzi duty, keeping them all away enough to not interfere with the ceremony. Including destroying several of Vox's drones. Charlie wouldn't stop crying every ten minutes, and Lucifer was switching between excitement and panic. Eventually Alastor decided to step away from paparazzi duty and properly tend to the king.
He entered Lucifer's room where he was getting ready, Charlie was sobbing on the phone with Zariah, who was with Becca; and Vaggie was trying to fix Lucifer's hair that he kept messing up by running his fingers through it.
He sighed, “what a disaster. And you call yourself king of hell?”
“Oh fuck you Al!” Lucifer shot back, horns coming out from the stress, almost stabbing Vaggie's hand. 
“Ah! Dude! Fuck it, fix your own damn hair.” She crossed her arms.
“Hm, not interested, save that for your honeymoon.” Alastor chuckled, “I didn't come here to start a fight though. I came here to save the day before you make a disaster of yourself.” He eyed Lucifer's new “suit” from the back; it almost looked like a dress with the three tiered cut to the lower cape. And with the diamond cut out on the back… “Are you trying to look like a woman?” Alastor was genuinely perplexed.
“Oh shut up! I wanted to look nicer than usual, okay?! And I always thought wedding dresses were… okay, look, I'm going through a phase! I'm ten thousand years old, back off my ass!”
“I…. See….” He cleared his throat. “Well then, back on point, I came here for a good reason.” He walked over, and Lucifer turned to look him head on.
“What Al?” Lucifer glared, not trusting him.
“Hm, and here I'd thought we started to mend our bridges… Now you need to keep something in mind. That girl, your little angel. She needs you to be strong right now. Because eventually, Lilith may return. And when she does… Becca will need the memory of your confidence on this day, to remind her you chose her over your ex. And that you did it without regret or hesitation. Otherwise, she'll question you and your devotion when she needs to be strong to stand against her. So for her sake. Grow a fucking spine. Believe in yourself, and believe in her. If you can't do that, don't even bother waiting at the end of that aisle.” He then turned on his heel and left the room. Leaving Lucifer in shocked silence.
The after party was as chaotic as expected. Lucifer took over the karaoke machine immediately when angel and husk finished setting it up, insisting he needed to get the first song in since it was his wedding .
“So this song is how I should have proposed. I dropped the ball on that one. But I can at least sing it at my wedding! And maybe someone else can take advantage of it.” He shot Vaggie a wink, she blushed a put a hand in her pocket with a nod.
“It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you.”
Alastor grabbed Zariah and danced her around the dance floor for the first half of the song, before suddenly stopping her after a spin and getting on a knee.
“Don't say no, no, no, no, no
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And we'll go, go, go, go, go
If you're ready, like I'm ready.”
“I do.” She whispered breathlessly, tears filling her eyes before he even got the ring out. Everyone erupted in cheers, including Becca, who tackled Lucifer in a hug to keep herself from interrupting their moment. Luci then whispered something to her and the two disappeared. 
Alastor put the ring on her finger, a red band with black stones all around it. As soon as he stood she threw herself into his arms. He kissed the top of her head. “Mon petite ange, now I own you in every way I can.”
She laughed at this, “Possessive bastard.” And nuzzled into his chest.
“Well, isn't this quite the scene to return to.” A woman's voice cut through the joy. Everyone turned to look and froze in fear.
Charlie was the first to move and speak.
“Mom? You're… home?”
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nobuharashinyao · 7 months
Hello! Just yesterday I posted an art from my Hazbin Hotel oc and said that I would make a presentation blog. So here I am I'm going to try my best to explain it properly so I hope you like it.
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Firstly I gave her the name Lisbel, I thought it was a beautiful name and decided to put it on the character. Lisbel is practically an old woman, she's just not older than Charlie. Despite this, Charlie sees her as a motherly figure, as do the others, apart from Alastor, this charming demon, who sees her as an interesting and good woman to spend time peacefully together.
— Appearance :
Lisbel is a woman/demon with short, chocolate-colored hair down to the middle of her neck, large eyes with golden irises and violet-colored pupils, her face is thin with thin lips and a small nose. The woman has pale, almost white skin, her body is somewhat slender with sharp nails and a bust a little larger than the other women in the hotel. Lisbel is always seen wearing a dungarees with a dark blue mid-length skirt, a white long-sleeved blouse, long black tights and brown boots. Lisbel also has a pair of horns identical to those of a lamb or sheep that grow larger whenever she enters her demonic rage state.
— Personality :
Lisbel is usually a sweet and kind woman, always willing to help with anything. Normally she tends to act like a concerned and protective mother with the Hazbin Hotel staff members always caring and somehow trying to help with her problems. Despite this, Lisbel also has a small problem... She tends to get angry or snap easily, but it also depends on what the person did or said, and when the members are involved, she basically activate your maternal mode and you better pray to make it out alive. Lisbel feels embarrassed to show this side and always tries her best to control herself but in the end she ends up not being able to. Other than that, she is still a kind and "polite" woman towards other demons, Of course, until someone came to play like her...
— History :
— Past ; When Lisbel was alive, she lived a comfortable life, the young woman had a small restaurant, where he served food from every possible place, he was always a culinary lover. The girl also had a happy relationship with a man called Alastor (coincidence?) a local radio host, they were a loving and envious couple... The woman also has two beautiful children who she loved with all her heart and always did her best to be with them both and not miss anything. One day Lisbel was trapped in the restaurant and would take a while to get back, so she asked her children to come home from school alone because she thought everything would be fine. Until many hours passed and the children didn't show up, which left the woman worried and, together with her partner, they called the police. A few days passed and the young woman still had no answer she held on and went after it alone and in this search the poor woman found her children, both were dead with some limbs missing and without clothes... When contacting the police after examinations it was discovered that Both suffered sexual violence and that the missing parts could have been taken for sale or for cannibalism...
Horrified, the woman spent two days without leaving the house and without wanting anything, until hatred and anger became louder and Lisbel decided to go after whoever did this. Upon discovering it, she ended up doing revenge with her own hands and despite being satisfied, the woman also felt bad about what she had just done and ended up ending her life. Thus causing her arrival in hell.
— Curiosities :
— The fact that Lisbel resembles a lamb is because when she lived, her favorite animals were lambs and sheep.
— When Lisbel arrived in hell, for some reason she couldn't remember practically anything about her old life, just the reason she was in hell.
— The fact of Lisbel's extreme maternal instinct comes practically from her past and she also blames herself for losing her children.
— Lisbel is not afraid of the overlords of hell, so much so that she does not hesitate to face anyone if she messes with a member of the hotel or with her.
— Lisbel is also an overlord but she has a different appearance, this current appearance is just a fake one to walk calmly through hell.
— She knows Charlie long before any of the team, even longer than Vaggie.
— Charlie has her as a motherly figure because Lisbel has always been by her side and supported her in her decisions, especially to build the Hotel.
— Lisbel is taller than Charlie and shorter than Alastor by a meter or two.
I don't think I'm forgetting anything... Well, I tried to summarize it well, but if you have any questions, just ask! I hope I liked it. I'll be back soon with more of her art, see you later!
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i-me-mine · 2 years
As time goes by | Chapter 6: Sweet Summer
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | AO3
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Eddie doesn't notice you approaching him as he is under the van, probably trying to fix something in the undercarriage. He is just lying in his old rigged jeans, shirtless, making it hard for you to concentrate. 
"Hey there, Eds! What about a break?" you say, trying to get his attention.
"Look who decided to show up! I haven't seen you in a while," he says, coming to hug you.
 "It's been just a day, silly," you say. "How are things? Did you finish the car?"
"No." He frowned. "I'm still working on it, it has not been easy, but we'll get there." 
"Sorry, I can't help much." 
"That's ok, sweetheart! Gareth stopped by yesterday to help me with the transmission and the breaks, and we made good progress." 
"I didn't know Gareth could fix cars…" you comment while sitting down cross-legged on the ground
"He's crazy about his cousin's car and is trying to learn a thing or two from him… it ended up being useful to me." 
He continues to tell you what he was working on in the van. Of course, you don't understand most of it, but you like to see how excited he is about it and happy he is having a good time with his "personal project" as he likes to call it.
"Where were you yesterday? I missed you." 
"I was with Nancy; I needed some girl time." 
You know he wouldn't understand that having a hopeless crush on someone you have no chance with can be a little overwhelming. Spending time with Nancy was a great way to distract you from your miserable life. She is a great friend and always makes you happy, and while she usually sees her brother Mike and his friends as inconveniences, you care about them deeply, and they like you too. 
Eddie is still looking at you, wanting to know more but afraid of asking and making you uncomfortable.
"We even had a pajama party! It was fun, helped me relax… we watched movies, had snacks and drinks, painted nails, talked about boys..."  
"Did you talk about me?" he interrupted you.
His question took you by surprise. You wanted to reply, "Absolutely not!" and that would be the truth. There is no way you would tell Nancy about being in love with Eddie. She would probably be like Jonathan, trying to convince you to confess your feelings. 
"We talked about boys, not twisted little devils," you reply with a smile.
He sticks his tongue out, making devil horns with his hands, making you laugh hard. He also laughs upon seeing your reaction. 
"I wonder which boys you were talking about; you always hoped to find someone you would be deeply in love with… you know what, I rather not know," he avoids your eyes. 
He goes back to work, now working on the van's engine. Eddie chatters happily, and you stay there talking and laughing, watching his fingers work through the metal pieces. It was fascinating to you to watch his skills. While his hands looked too big for the things he was doing, he was doing everything with ease and precision. 
He looked gorgeous. His hair was pulled back into a wild bun, with a few strands framing his face. He rubs his forehead with his arm since his hands are occupied working on the engine, his tongue sticking out just a bit, and his brows scrunched together in concentration. You can see a slight sweat forming. You decide to light up things a bit.
"You know, maybe this is too big of a challenge for you..." you say playfully while getting up and getting closer to him.
"I find your lack of faith utterly disturbing, M'lady," he replies with a mischievous smile.
And before you can avoid it, he boops your nose with his hand that has grease on it. He laughs, probably because you are looking back at him with a shocked face. He then rubs his dirty finger on your cheek. You then start pushing and wrestling each other like annoyed kids, yelling and laughing. 
And then you stumble on something, hitting the ground, Eddie falling on top of you. You can feel his weight; he is so close to you that his hair tickles your face. You are frozen to the spot, your heart thumping like a drum solo is being played in your chest, when suddenly you hear footsteps and Wayne's voice:
"Hey kids, I'm going out and probably won't be back until night…" 
Eddie jumps out of you to stand up, and at the same time, your eyes go wide, and your cheeks immediately flush pink. You hope that Wayne hasn't noticed it. 
"But I'm sure you'll be ok. So don't mind me, just take care," he says, raising his hands and quickly turning around and walking back. 
An odd silence is in the air; you cannot speak anything, being too ashamed. Eddie closes the van and comes to grab your hand. He tows you out of there with his rough and warm hand. "That's enough for today, huh? Let's get out of here."
You can only think that as long as he is holding your hand, you will follow him anywhere.
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The days pass quickly, but you are comfortable with the new routine. Your father is out most of the time, not that you spend much time at home too. The awkwardness of that day is long gone, you are not sure if Wayne saw anything, but if he did, he had not said a thing. You spend time with Eddie while he is working on the van, and most nights, you also spend together listening to music, drawing… You could get used to this life. 
But today is one of those days you spend the whole morning doing tedious chores at home. You are putting the last plates back in their places when a horn honks on the street. You don't pay much attention, but it keeps honking, so you open the door to see what is happening. Eddie is standing there with the van door open and the biggest proud smile. 
"Oh my fucking lord, I can't believe it! You did it! You fixed the van!" you speak in a high pitch. 
He opens his arms, and you run into them, giving him a tight hug. 
"Eds, you're amazing!" you breathe.
"See, you need to have more faith in me, sweetheart. I can be pretty obsessive when I have a goal in mind." he laughs.
"Obsessive, stubborn, talented… I don't know which option to pick." 
He lets go of the hug but holds your hand and gives it a small kiss. "Would you give me the extreme honor of going on an adventure with me?" 
"What, now? Where to?" you ask, unsure about it.
"Yes, now… but I can give you some minutes to get ready. I wanna take you to the lake. Please, please say yes; I've already packed everything." He looks at you with those puppy eyes, trying to win you over. 
"Let's do it!" you agree more enthusiastically, and Eddie smiles in deep satisfaction. 
Once everything is ready, you join Eddie in the car. The ride is smooth, but you don't recognize the road you are taking.
"Hey, I don't think this is the road to the lover's lake." you point out.
"Nah, we already know that one. I'm taking you somewhere new," he says, looking at you, trying to read your reaction. 
"An adventure indeed!" you reply, and he seems relieved when he sees you laughin' from the passenger's side.
He parks the car on the side of a small track that leads to the lake below. "Let's go."
He opens his most impossibly charming smile while helping you get out of the van. Your eyes dart around as you try to take everything in. It's such a beautiful place! You turn back to him with a wide smile before looking back to the lake and slowly walking to it. You then see him coming back at you with two beach towels. 
You roll your eyes at him. "If you think I'm going into the water, you are truly delusional." 
He laughs. "Oh, what we have here… Are you scared?"
"No, I'm just wondering if it's safe," you reply, not moving an inch. 
"I guarantee it is. And you're gonna want to lose a few layers, sweetheart," Eddie said while pulling his shirt over his head. "You'll need something to put back on later. Unless you're good with just a towel… I wouldn't mind."
He winks at you, and you scowl back but immediately start stripping without hesitation while Eddie takes off his pants. Two could play that game. It wasn't until he saw a flash of blue lace that it occurred to him this was not his best idea. He quickly turned his eyes even though it was clear you didn't care what he saw. 
"Ready?" he heard you call out. 
He looked at you and nodded, and you laughed, seeing that he was making sure to keep his eyes steady on your face and nowhere else. "Ready."
You started running before him, but he caught up quickly. You screeched as soon as your toes hit the water, but you continued until you had run waist-deep.
"I have to admit I wasn't sure if you would accept the challenge; most girls don't."
"Does that mean that you bring a lot of girls here?" 
"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell." Eddie jokes, and you roll your eyes and nudge his shoulder, making the both of you laugh. But the truth is that you don't like the idea of Eddie being there half-naked with other girls. 
He interrupts your thoughts, "Hey, what happened? Are you judging me?"
"When am I not, Eds?" you say, trying to sound playful. 
"See? You are so mean to me! Maybe if we never met, I could still be a sweet innocent kid, and no one would be judging me." 
"Well, if you didn't want me to be part of your family, you should have killed me when you had the chance." you shrug.
"But that's exactly what I'm doing now," he says before pushing your head under the water, pretending that he is trying to drown you. You are taken by surprise and swallow a bit of water, coming back and splashing water on him. 
"That’s not funny, Eddie Munson!" you say while squeezing his cheeks so he looks like a fish, and you both laugh. 
"We could do it, you know," he says quietly.
"Do what? Kill each other?" 
"No, silly… pretend we are family, just run away somewhere and start anew. Fuck school, let's go to another town, get jobs that will be enough to pay the rent… or we could live in the van, we could make it work if we wanted to…" 
"I'm not sure, Eds… maybe we should finish high school first…" 
"You are not responding as I imagined you would when I acted out this conversation in my head; just stop it." 
"Of course I'm not, Eds," you return, "I'm not crazy."
"What, and I am?" He pretends to look outraged. "I'm hurt, sweetheart. I thought I trusted you, and you're making fun of my plans for us and calling me crazy."
"Maybe you are," you counter, "you chose to be friends with me, didn't you?"
"Ah, but I don't regret that in the slightest," he scrunched his nose.
"And you are forgetting a small detail… if we do that, you would have to deal with me every day, forever."
"Every day? Ouch. Yeah, I underestimated how impossibly annoying you are to be around. I can't hang out with you every day."
You stick your tongue out and start to swim away from him. He chases after you, and you spend some time playing in the water until you both get tired. Then, back on dry land, Eddie picks a towel and throws it at you while he gathers your clothes in his arms.
"Car!" He yells, running to the van, hearing you laughing behind him. 
He opens the back of the van and leaves your clothes there. You pull in your shirt and tug the wet bra strap through your sleeve to take it off under your shirt. While the back of the van was not that big, you both managed to wiggle back into your jeans without having to get out.
He lays down and smiles while covering you both with a blanket and plopping you next to him. You stare at each other with your hands under your heads. 
"Would you mind if we take a nap before going back?"
"Not at all, Eds."  
He smiles wider, adjusting his position to be more comfortable. He plays with the hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead before closing his eyes.  
You shouldn't allow yourself to get this close to him, but staying at the back of his van, legs intertwined, and comfortably lying among the various pillows and blankets is too good to reject. 
Your mind can't help but want him now. Damn it, your mind can't help but want him forever. It's such a good feeling to be able to relax, breathe, and sleep with his arms around your body and his face tucked into your side. You wish you were stronger enough to resist temptation, but you are not.
You open your eyes and are unsure how much time has passed, but you see that Eddie is still asleep. You lean forward and press your lips against his temple, calling his name, but he does not move. Slowly, trying not to wake him, you lay his head back on the pillow, releasing him as you lean on your elbow, looking down happily at his face.
You are selfish. You want him to yourself; you can't help it. But you are torn between saying something and later wishing you had not and saying nothing and wishing you had. Most of the time, you cannot express your feelings, and there are things you wish he could realize without you saying a thing. 
"You know, I have this urge to tell you how I feel, mainly hoping you'll feel the same. But you probably don't," you whisper. 
You know you are cheating, confessing things while he is sleeping, so he wouldn't listen, but giving you a chance to take this out of your chest. 
"Some days, I wanna come clean so you'll reject me already. Put me outta this misery. Rip the band-aid off. But I always chicken out. I'm a coward, you know? I'd rather have little pieces of you than nothing at all."
Maybe one day you'll have the courage to tell him this while he is awake. But today is not that day, so you'll just stay there quietly, waiting for him to wake up. 
After a while, he yawns. "How long was I out? I'm sorry; let me get you back home." 
During the ride back, you were still thinking about your unheard confession while your eyes were heavy - and you wish you had taken the time to sleep more. 
"Something on your mind?" Eddie asks, seeing that you seem distracted. 
You simply reply, "Nah." You can't share your true feelings with him because how do you explain something you can't even understand?
"You seem so lost in thoughts in that pretty head of yours. I wish I could follow you there and understand what's going on." 
"That's not a good idea… you would get lost too," you reply, resting your head against the window. 
After some time, Eddie notices that you have fallen asleep. He thinks about things he wants to ask you, but every time he tries, your eyes make it hard to him to say the words. So now he just stays there, his hands against the wheel, knuckles tight, thinking how much you mean to him. 
"Wake up, snoring beauty, we have arrived," he says while gently pushing you. 
"I do not snore," you mumble groggily, stretching and wincing at the crick in your neck.
"Do you need help to get home?" 
"Not needed, Eds… thank you for the day; it was truly amazing!" 
"You're more than welcome, sweetheart. See you soon," he says, returning your smile warmly. 
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You can't believe it's your last weekend before going back to school. You had such a good time with your friends that just thinking about having to go to school and back to work did not improve your mood. Eddie knew that and promised you a special last weekend out. On Saturday, you find Eddie waiting for you on the porch. You check your watch, worried that you may be late, but you are 15 minutes ahead of schedule.
"Hm, I-I'm kind of nervous… so I've been waiting here for an hour," Eddie said as though he had read your mind. 
You step into the van with his help, and he goes to the driver's seat. He presses play, and metal blasts through the radio. He starts driving, and you both sing while he takes the road. After a while, he turns the volume down to talk:
"You know, you haven't asked where I'm taking you."
"I've decided to trust you" you wanted to add that you would go anywhere with him, but that was a detail that was better left unsaid. 
"That's a horrible decision, really," he said jokingly.
You roll down the window, letting the air blow through the car. Eddie twists his hand up so that he can intertwine your fingers. His touch on your skin never fails to make your heart thud erratically, and you could swear that he could hear your heartbeat if the music were not playing. You see the smile on his face, his curly hair lying triumphantly on his shoulders, and you can't help but think that life is good. 
"It's a steep walk up to the top of Weathertop, but it'll be worth it, I promise," he says when you arrive, turning off the van and jumping out of his seat, hurrying to open the door for you. 
He opens the back of the van, picks a bunch of food, drinks, and some blankets, and then heads up for your improvised "picnic." You gasp when you arrive at the top, impacted by the beautiful view of some portions of the city on the horizon and the surroundings where Eddie was spreading the blankets covered with beautiful purple and yellow flowers. You lie in the sun, feeling the wind in your hair, enjoying the food while talking and laughing. 
"Toss one," you tell him, daring him to toss one of the snacks at you. He smiles as you open your mouth, and he tries to throw it inside. Surprisingly, you are able to catch it, which makes both of you cheer.
"Remember when we were kids and couldn't wait to grow up…what the hell were we thinking?"
"I don't know… now that I'm growing up, I have to worry about the future, about being responsible, trying to do something good with my life…" You say, lying down, staring up at the sky.
"And that doesn't sound fun, right? But at least we are on this together; everything I do is more fun if you're doing it with me," he says, lying beside you. 
"I'm glad you think that way… we may not be doing right this whole thing of becoming an adult, but at least we are having fun." 
"To be honest, I deserve compensation for not being the menace I could be. After all, this is making me skip out a hell lot of fun," he argues back. 
"You are not as frightening or a bad person as you think you are, Eds." 
"I'm far from being a good person."
You are unsure if he believes that or is teasing you to try to make you say something nice about him. You turn your head to look into his eyes before continuing:
"C’mon, Eds.. aside maybe from Wayne, you're the best man I know." 
"I know the company you keep and where we live, sweetheart… the competition ain't too fierce."
"That doesn't change the fact that you are probably the most amazing person I've ever met." 
"The feeling is mutual, sweetheart."
You keep there in silence, gazing into each other's eyes. You are mesmerized by his brow eyes. You had to hold your breath as his fingers laced through yours. You did your best to try to keep a straight face, trying to keep hidden the wave of emotions within you. He smiles as his other hand moves to brush away a strand of hair that has fallen over your face due to the wind. You feel a jolt of electricity in your body, and you can feel the butterflies in your stomach.
The daylight dims as the night approaches, and you notice the tiny details on his face thinking how everything about that moment seems perfect. There is intensity and beauty to the fact that you are there, madly wanting him but doing your best to restrain yourself, and there is an unspoken tension in the air.
"Come, you'll want to see the sun setting here… it's beautiful," he says, standing up and moving to another spot at the mount. You sit again beside him and admire the view, the sky color changing and the sun disappearing on the horizon while the city lights start to appear. Eddie is by your side, with his pinky finger absently tracing lines against the side of your hand. 
You are back in the van as the night comes. Eddie is distracted listening to music, and you are starting to feel weird again with those conflicted feelings of being happy for being close to him, afraid of losing these moments and aching because you wanted to be so much more to him. 
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" 
"Nothing, Eds," you say, but you don't sound convincing.
"Are you feeling ok? Do you want to go back?" 
You look up, trying to stop the tears filling your eyes from falling. "No, I'm just thinking; nothing you have to worry about." 
"Hey, you don't have to keep secrets from me. I mean, it's ok if you want to, I understand… but I want you to know that you don't have to," he says gently. 
Your heart aches a bit again. You'd never done anything good enough to deserve a friend like Eddie. You never had secrets with him before, but there is no way you would tell him how madly in love with him you are, how much you fear losing him. But he deserves better than an omission or a lie… would a half true be enough? You could try. 
"I.. I-I'm afraid of being alone. Of not having someone I care about to do things with me or someone who wants to be with me. Things can change so quickly." you whisper. That was the only explanation you could come up with without saying too much about your feelings. There is a moment of silence. 
 "Don't bullshit me, sweetheart. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard," he laughs. 
His words hurt you. You just tried to confess something, and he has not taken it seriously, making you regret that you said anything - and this probably shows in your face as you notice his shifting pose. 
"Oh my, you really mean it. I'm sorry, I'm an idiot… how are you?" 
"I'm fine," you reply in a cold voice. 
"No, you're not. Bring all these insecurities over here; let me take care of them."
He pulls you into his lap, hugging you and gently running his fingers through your hair. In a way, it reminds you of when you were younger, and he did the same thing to calm you down when something bad happened, such as when your father hit you, or you were bullied at school, or you got hurt, scared… he always knew how to make you feel protected, his arms are always your safe place. 
"It’s stupid because you will never be alone. I'm not going anywhere… all I want is for us to be always together."
"You have your own life, Eds… I can't always be the needy one."
"But you are not. You see, I need you. When I'm with you, things are better. I'm happier. I'm less alone too." 
Hearing those words while feeling his arms around you is so impossibly good. You know that they don't mean what you would like them to, but they still find their way into your heart and create roots there. You two stay there in silence for a few minutes when you notice that he chuckles and you see his arm reaching out to a pillow. 
"Eds, don't!" you try to say at the same time that he says, "Pillow fight!" 
You hurry to pick one - the back of the van could be more spacious, but you keep using pillows as weapons in your playful, mock battle. 
"You won’t get rid of me so easily!" The pillow hits your arm.
You both giggle and laugh as you hit each other with the pillows. This is such a fun and playful way to bond and show affection while also letting loose and having a good time that it helps take out the sad feelings you had in your heart.
"As long as you want me, I'll be here for you. That’s a promise." with that, you melt, not trying to defend yourself anymore, and he hits you a last time, celebrating his victory, and you are both laughing so hard that your cheeks start to sore. 
"You can do so much better, Eds… All I can offer you are these stupid conversations…" you mumble. 
"And they mean more to me than you'll ever know." a small smile forms on his lips while he replies. 
You can't help who you fall in love with, that's a fact, but all of this is just making you fall even harder. Finally, he wraps his arms around you under the blankets while he kisses your head saying good night, making you think you are the luckiest girl in the world. Eddie began softly snoring, and the sound soothed like a lullaby, making you fall asleep quickly. 
The next day you wake up noticing that he is semi-awake, still holding you, with one hand petting your head and the other softly touching your tattoo. You enjoy it for a bit before trying to move.
"Hey sweetheart, there is a conversation going on between my fingers and your skin; it's rude of you to interrupt it."
You giggle at his comment. "I'm sorry, but I think we need to go… I have tons of things to do before going back to school tomorrow." 
"Why can't good things ever last? Ok, you win, let's head back."   
Eddie did not turn on the radio - you were still sleepy, and the next thing you knew, you heard him saying, "We're here…" his voice pulled you from your light sleep. 
As you leave the van, you remind him, "You're driving me to school, don't forget that." 
"I won't! I'll be right here waiting for you."
He hesitated, then half-smiled and raised his hand to stroke your cheek. His fingers lingered softly on your skin, and you couldn't help leaning your face into his palm, sending your heart into frenzied palpitations.  
"See you tomorrow!" 
While heading home, you are reliving in your mind all the great moments you've spent together recently. It's a terrible thing to know what you want and know you can't have it. You take a deep breath, thinking, "I wish he knew." 
Little did you know that Eddie was also thinking, "I wish she knew."
Read Next Chapter
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Notes: Here is another chapter, I hope you like it! Thank you for reading! Feedback, likes, reblogs, comments... are always appreciated and make my heart happy!
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@sidthedollface2 @bimbobaggins69 @roxy9295 @aftermidnightwriting @ghosttownwherenoonegoes
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nerdywyrds · 9 months
Still thinking about Pluto. I'll put my thoughts under a cut for Pluto fans to avoid.
The thing that gets me is it has a really good story in there, the writing is just incomplete/lazy. Here are a few unanswered questions that bugged me as I watched the show:
What happened to the grandson and his mother? We spend like thirty minutes freaking out that they're going to be killed by the Pluto-tornado, and then as soon as Atom is injured we completely forget the grandson and mother exist and they are literally never mentioned again. Even though they are related to a major character!
What happened to Duncan? We spent an hour going through his life story and watching his character development. He finally found true happiness for the first time in his long life and then his friend and caretaker was murdered in front of him. Does he get a new caretaker? Is it another robot? Is his happiness shattered? Is he able to find peace again? Does he keep North No 2's legs as a memento? Does he get a new piano protege? Does he ever play piano again?
What happened to Wassily? This already deeply traumatized child was juuuust starting to heal and then he was sold by his caretakers to a bad man who kidnapped him to a different country, a different bad man physically threatened and hurt him, a monster threatened him, and then his caretaker was brutally murdered while protecting him. Is he like, going to be okay? Eventually? Is he going to go back to the orphanage he was living in with the caretakers who broke his trust? Will he ever recover mentally and emotionally from what happened to him?
Does the bodyguard who protected Wassily stay with the orphanage or does he move on?
How is Brando's family doing? Are they going to be okay financially? I was also unclear on whether they were robots or human-- I might have missed it if it was said-- so if they are robots, do they get to go through the same thing and become extra special like Helena and experience the human emotions of grief and anger?
How did Brau 1589 get to Turkey? Did Atom unpin him from the wall? How did he get past all those security measures keeping him confined? Did they just let him leave? Did Atom clear it with the guards? If not, how did Brau get past them without killing them? Did he crawl from wherever he was (Japan? Germany?) to Turkey? If he was in Japan, how did he get across the ocean? How did he get into the bunker thing the teddy bear was in? Were there any guards he had to get past?
I don't think the teddy bear was adequately foreshadowed or explained. I know he ended up being The Mastermind, but he felt completely disconnected from literally everything else. For the majority of his scenes my general reaction was just "bwuh??" His death completely neutralizing the existential threat was just too tidy for such a complicated story.
What was up with the child robot that killed Gesicht? I'm assuming he got body jacked by Pluto, but like, when did this happen? Who brought him from Turkey to Germany? Who strapped that gun to his arm? Was it cockroach man? Goji? Why did Gesicht get to be killed by a child while everyone else (of the robots) got to be killed by Pluto himself? Why didn't Gesicht get the horns calling card?
Who was cockroach man? Functionally he was just a goon who showed up when we needed a non-Goji non-Pluto villain, but in-universe, who exactly was he? Why were there a lot of him?
What the hell was up with Bora? I know a big mystery of the show was "what is Bora" but "it's a giant evil robot but don't worry Pluto kills it in ten minutes" it a pretty unsatisfying answer.
I think there is a really good story in Pluto, it's just if you think about any non-Atom story bit for longer than a few minutes, or if you care about any of the side characters, it falls apart. I just find it to be very lazy writing because so many characters exist only to further the plot or give the protagonists something to do.
I really wanted to like the show, I just kept thinking about the dropped storylines and characters and getting irritated at the lack of answers.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Avengers / Brain Fog
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(Random light hearted crack fic)
I was laying in my bed as I groaned, I knew what was coming.
"Fuck, please not now." I muttered as I held my stomach in pain.
It had been just under a year since I'd been with the Avengers, they knew I was a demon but they didn't know everything about demons.
And right now it was demon mating time.
I had forgotten to keep track of it, with everything that had gone on.
This was going to be hell, no pun intended.
But at least this time I had friends on my side to keep me from fucking any demon that showed up to mate.
I had an idea and I grabbed my phone, dialling Stephen's number.
"What do you want?" He asked, I knew he wouldn't have my number saved.
"It's Y/N, I need a favour." I muttered as he groaned.
"I barely know you and you're asking for a favour?" He asked making me whine in annoyance.
"Yes, I am because if you don't it means an all powerful fucking demon could mate with me and destroy the world!" I shouted back making him sigh.
"It's demon mating season isn't it?" He asked as I groaned in embarrassment.
"Yes, and I need protection around the tower so no higher demon can get to me." I replied as he went silent for a moment.
"Okay, I'll put a protection up. But, if I get in trouble with a demon you owe me help." He said as I agreed to it and hung up.
I got up and put my bed coat on before I made my way upstairs.
I got to the kitchen to see Steve coming back from his workouta and drinking water.
"God dammit." I growled as I watched him hungrily.
Imagining him pinning me up against the counter and just-
"Morning, Y/N." Steve said as I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Hey, Steve. Good... Good run this morning?" I muttered, trying my best to keep my cool.
"Yeah, nice to get out into the cold morning. Many plans for the day?" Steve asked as I continued to stare at him.
"Y/N?" He questioned as I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Sorry, probably not much. Might just spend the day in bed." I muttered as he looked at me with worry in his eyes.
Suddenly Strange appeared behind us.
"Okay, the protection is up, Y/N. You owe me for not letting demons fuck you." He said before disappearing, making me groan.
"Sly, Strange." I grumbled as Steve looked at me.
"What's going on, Y/N?" Steve asked before Bucky came down stairs.
"Fuck..." I muttered staring at Bucky and biting my lip.
"Y/N, what did he mean?" Steve asked as I whined. 
"It's mating season for demons, and because I'm a lower demon it means I'll spread my legs and beg any demon to breed me." I replied as Steve's eyes widened as his face went red.
"So, Strange put a protection around the tower so no demons can come in. But, it also means that I'm so fucking horny I want to rip that shirt off and..." I was cut off by Bucky starring at us.
"Is there something going on between you too?" Bucky asked as I whined in embarrassment
"No! I'm sorry, I can't fucking help it. Maybe Tony will fuck me." I muttered as I began to leave but Bucky grabbed my arm.
"Nope, you're not having sex with Tony. Explain, now." He demanded as I shivered from his voice.
"Short story, it's demon mating season, means my brain just wants to get fucked over and over." I said as he continued to stare at me.
"So, basically you're so horned up you want to fuck anything that moves?" Bucky said as I nodded.
"Yes! If Nat were to walk in right now I would be fucked!" I shouted as Bucky chuckled a little.
"It's not funny! This shit sucks! All my past mating seasons I got passed around like a damn joint." I grumbled as Bucky looked at me sadly.
"Alright, I'm sorry. But, I'm happy to help." He said as Steve and I looked at him in shock.
"What!?" Steve and I both said as Bucky chuckled.
"Oh, calm down virgin. We're close friends, you can trust me and if you wanted to stop at any point we would." Bucky suggested as I looked at him.
I suddenly jumped up onto him and began making out with him.
"No! To a room, for gods sake!"
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