#I'm also tired of the distortion or misleading arguments being made about Democrats
mariacallous · 2 years
it's so annoying that the media is still covering races as if they have no wider effect, like okay you elected the "moderate" Republican, but that Republican will vote to empower Kevin McCarthy (or Mitch McConnell) who will decide what gets voted on on the floor, or in the case of Mitch in 2016, not voted on for a year. They will also empower people like Trey Gowdy to hold insane hearings about nonsense, a 2023 US House under the Republicans will quickly become a FOX News segment holding "hearings" and every Republican will vote to make that happen and the news should make that clear.
And also like... to use this specific example, I don't have any faith that the exceptions to abortion being banned (all of which are difficult to prove or be able to use, let's point that out) will be enough to outweigh their support for a nationwide abortion ban, or the pressure from their fellow Republicans to support such a ban.
This is the same fucking party that opposed the bill providing care and services to veterans exposed to fucking burn pits and other hazards out of a temper tantrum. The same party who some of them say they don't support or agree with Donald Trump but then go out of their way to seek his support or vote to protect him. The same party that talks about people of color being used by Democrats and then vote against voting rights protections or police abuse limitations and rail against "white people being made to feel ashamed of being white" and act like "critical race theory" is an evil bogeyman and against any kind of economic measures that might benefit them.
All the Republicans have is the cravenness of their convictions.
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