#I'm gonna say this but I also need everyone to forget this IMMEDIATELY afterwards. okay? okay.
beast-feast · 1 year
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I'm messing with a picrew and I just. Look at these kids. They were literally just kids what happened to them. And why. Who let it happen to them.
(Callie, Kole, Nicholas, and Cody, in that order.)
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azucarmorena97 · 1 year
Just a Friend (BTS Reactions || Hyung Line)
"Oh baby, you got what I need."- Biz Markie. Everyone loves a friends to lovers trope- let's see what happens when you guys finally acknowledge the elephant in the room <3
A/N: some mentions of dr*g @buse. Also Twilight slander.
Maknae line ||
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1.) Jin
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"How about this?" You turn to face yourself in the mirror, the tight black dress you'd bought earlier that day clinging to every curve on your body, "Too much?" Jin glances at you and then back down, "Looks great." His voice is noticeably flat, his face equally fallen. "Jin? What's wrong?" You ask, turning to look at him. He's silent for a moment, debating on whether or not to speak. "Did you forget we had plans tonight?" He asks. You furrow your brows, trying to remember what he's talking about. "We were gonna watch my brother's band play tonight and then hang out afterward." You slap your hand to your forehead, "Oh God. I completely forgot. I'm so sorry," You step closer to him, though he immediately recoils, "Just forget it." "Jin, come on. Don't be like that. I completely blanked- I never would've agreed to have gone out with Jimin if I'd remembered, You know that." "I said forget it." "Jin-" You reach out to grab his arm, "I get being annoyed but why are you being so cold?" You ask; he's never been this way with you. In all the years you've known each other, even in his low points, he is so gentle with you. When he looks back at you, he doesn't pull is arm out of your grasp; he just stares for a long while. "Jin, talk to me." His eyes soften, and now he looks more like the Jin you know.
"Y/n...we need to talk." "Okay," You let go of him and he straightens out his shirt, "Sit down. Please." You nod and take a seat on the edge of your bed. He goes over a few feet away and sits down on the stool that goes to your vanity. There's a long stretch of silence, as seems to be the pattern for tonight. When he finally does speak, his voice is low and steady, "I'm not sure that I can do this anymore..." "Do...what?" "This," He motions between the two of you, "I know we've been friends for a long time but I just can't..." He lets his head fall into his hands. "What? What do you mean you can't do this anymore? Because I forgot our plans this one time? I don't get why it has to be such a big deal, dude. I can just text Jimin and postpone. I don't get-" "Are you blind, Y/n?" His head shoots back up. You're dumbfounded by his question, "How is it that everyone can see it but you? How? How can you be so dense?" "See what?" You feel yourself getting more and more annoyed with his tone. "That I'm in love with you, Y/n. That's what."
Your heart feels like it stops mid-beat, and you have a difficult time processing what he's just said. "You- you what?" "You heard me," His voice is slightly hoarse, "I've loved you for years, and-" You see his eyes getting more watery, "-and if you don't feel the same way, I understand but that also means that I can't do this anymore." "Jin I- I had no idea." He laughs incredulously, "Oh really? No idea? Then tell me, Y/n- what happened at the office party this past Christmas? Hm?" You know what he's referring to, and you feel your cheeks heat up, "I don't know what you're talking about. I- I'd had a lot to drink." "I was with you all night and you had ONE vodka cranberry. You kissed me- and not like a friend. You kissed me like-" He runs his hand through his hair, and when he speaks again, his voice is soft, "like I was so much more... and then the next day, you pretended like you didn't remember. Do you know how that made me feel? But I didn't say anything. Didn't bring it up again. Just like I didn't bring it up again when you cried into my chest that night when you had that fight with your dad, or when you had me hold you all night during that rain storm- but I'm done not acknowledging this, especially when I know that you feel it too."
You look down at your hands, unsure of what to say. Of course you know what he's talking about, but to give it a name...you'd risk losing everything. This friendship has stood the test of time but this- this is something else entirely. "I don't feel like this is a wise thing for us to talk about at this point in time." "Okay, then when?" His heart is beating hard, already anticipating the worst from you. "I- I just don't want this to get ruined, you know?" You feel the tears starting to form. He nods, "Well, alright then." He stands up and walks over to get his jacket from right next to you on the bed. "Jin, please don't go." The brokenness in your voice gives him pause as he's about to turn the knob on your bedroom door, though when he looks back at you, you see a look of pained finality on his face, "See you around..." And with that, he's out the door, leaving you stuck in place, completely unable to even chase after him.
2.) Suga
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You let your head fall back, causing for the sweat to drip from the sides of your face rather than forward into your eyes, "Just gimme a few minutes, I'll be ready to beat you again," You say, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. "Oh please, those were lucky shots," He laughs. You simply shake your head, a smile forming at the corners of your mouth. The gym is completely empty; different from how it usually is. You quite like the silence, save for the occasional basketball dribbles from Yoongi. It's so nice, you even close your eyes to take in the uncharacteristic calm.
He goes over to where you're sitting on the ground and settles down on the bleachers right behind you. "Hey, Y/n...let me run something by you real quick," He says, breaking the silence. "Mm?" You grunt, not even bothering to open yours eyes. "You know Jin, right? My friend from the gym?" "Mhm?" "He has this like...enormous crush on his like, best friend from childhood-" "Oh, are you about to spill some tea?" You ask, eyes shooting open as you turn to look at him, your smile getting bigger, "Has he told her?" He blinks a few times and then quickly looks down, "Uh- no- I- I don't know. That's why I was bringing it up." "Psh. What's there to bring up then? You know I hate incomplete gossip." "Well, he- he asked me to ask you what he should do..." He looks back at you, eyes abnormally wide and doe-like. "About...his crush on his best friend?" You're a bit confused as to why Jin would want to know your opinion, seeing as how you've only met the guy a handful of times. "Yeah, about his friend."
You go quiet for a bit, mulling over the situation, considering all the possible outcomes- very Dr.Strange. "I...I don't know. On the one hand, they've been friends for kind of a long time by now and if he tells her how he feels and she doesn't love him back, it could not only damage his ego but even break apart their friendship. Scenario number two would be that he tells her, she feels the same, but then it doesn't work out in the end and we're back to scenario one..." Yoongi goes back to looking down, his eyes seemingly low and his expression crestfallen, though you assume it's just him being overly invested in Jin's love life as he tends to be, even with yours. "Although, there is the possible third scenario...one where he tells her and maybe she feels the same way and they try it and it's even more beautiful than they imagined, you know? Like maybe it was what they should've done all along and the timing was overdo- or maybe...the timing is just now completely perfect..." You look over at him, shrugging your shoulders, "I don't know though." "I love you."
You stare at him for a long time before it clicks, your heart feeling confused and simultaneously...something else. "You...love me? What do you mean?" "I mean..." He trails off, standing up from his spot and then turning his back to you. You can tell his mind is racing- and so is yours. Finally, he turns back around to face you; his eyes are fixed on you in such a way that it makes your heart flutter in your chest, "I mean that being your best friend already gives me everything I could ever want, but that being more...would be so much more than anything in this world that I could ever want." You're quiet for a long time but he doesn't stop staring at you.
His gaze is soft and patient, "Y/n, if you don't feel the same way I understand, and look, I will never bring this up again and I will still love you and support you just as much as I do now- but if there's a part of you- even just an ounce- that believes this could really be somethi-" You don't know when exactly the decision was made within your body, but somehow, you find yourself standing to your feet and completely closing the distance between the both of you. Your arms wrap around his neck and you press into him, taking in the delicious smell of his cologne. You couldn't get any closer to him if you tried. "I love you too," You say into his neck. His arms tighten around your waist and he also buries his face into the crook of your neck,
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to say that..."
3.) Hoseok
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Your stomach is in knots and your palms are incredibly sweaty. You feel as though you might pass out but you try to calm yourself down. Breath. Breathe. Breathe. You're about to do what you swore to yourself you never would...
You and Hoseok have been friends for years now; your connection was instantaneous and completely different from any other friendship you've ever had. You'd meet up for coffee, and then coffee turned to grabbing a drink with friends, then chugging beers just the two of you at whatever crusty bar you'd decided on that night- he was hilarious and sloppy and so...wonderful.
You're not really sure when it changed for you, but one day it was like a switch had flipped and things were...different. You couldn't put your finger on it but suddenly, you could feel something else going on between you. You used to be able to talk about your individual love lives: who you'd been with, who you wanted to be with, etc. but now, you feel your blood absolutely boil when he mentions even the vaguest interest in another girl- but you can see it's the same for him too. It wasn't lost on you when you brought up your date with Taehyung, how Hoseok's grip tightened on his beer bottle; his knuckles practically turning white even as he downed the rest of his bottle. His mouth was a tight line, his lids low and narrowed- and if it were physically possible, you're sure you'd have seen literal fire in his eyes.
Hoseok's been having a hard time lately. Things have developed in his personal life that would make anyone buckle...he was drinking pretty heavily for a while and even dabbled in...other things- but he's been working on himself and you've been as supportive as humanly possible. These days, you see the light back in his eyes the way you used to. Now, it's finally time to come clean."What are we watching?" Hoseok asks, plopping down on the couch, individual kernels accidentally dropping out of the bowl of popcorn. You clear your throat, snapping back to reality, "Uhm- I was thinking of something super cheesy and dumb." "Twilight it is," He scrolls through until he finds it and then the screen turns black for a moment as you wait for it to load up. In the blackness, you see your reflection; your facial expression is heavy with worry, but he doesn't notice. I need to tell him. I need to tell him. I need to tell him. Before you know it, it gets to the part of the movie where Bella goes out to meet Jacob and his dad.
"You know, I was so peeved when I re-watched the first movie after watching New Moon," He says, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Oh? Why?" "Because her and Jake should've been endgame." You furrow your brows, "Really? I always thought she looked good with Edward," You shrug. "Are you kidding me?" He turns to look at you, "She had so much more chemistry with Jake- Edward didn't even LIKE her at first and basically wants to kill her all the time. And besides-," He takes a sip from his glass of Coke and then hands it to you to drink from as well, since he knows you always forget to serve your own drink before sitting down, "-everyone knows it's better to start off as friends first and then go from there." You stare down at the glass for a moment. This is it. This is my in. "I- I guess you're right." "Of course I am," He says, turning back to the TV. "Uhm, Hoseok?" "Mm?" "Can you pause it for a second?" He immediately pauses and looks at you, "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine- I just need to talk to you about something." "Okay, shoot," He positions himself so that he's able to face you directly, his expression showing concern. You suddenly feel your cheeks get hot, his gaze burning you with every second. "You're my best friend, you know?" "Of course." "I truly feel like you know me more than anyone and that you are the absolute most amazing person I've ever known." He smiles and looks down, "Shut up, dude." In the light of the TV, you can see he's blushing and it makes your heart flutter. "Hoseok, I love you." You stare at each other for a few seconds, and you watch as your words enter his ears and then settle into his brain- though when it does, his smile falters. Wait- what's happening? "Hoseok...say something." He remains quiet, his eyes moving from your face to his hands, and then he turns his whole body away from you so he's back to facing the TV. He presses play and then...nothing. He's completely mute. You let it go on for a few scenes, your heart about to break out of your chest. Tears begin to form in your eyes and you're so grateful that the lights are off. "Hoseok, please. Please say something." "What do you want me to say, Y/n? That I'm happy you told me? That I'm happy that now things are gonna be different?" "They don't have to be different," Your voice comes out as barely a whisper. This was not how you imagined this going at all. "Doesn't have to be different? Y/n, in case you haven't noticed, I'm-" He catches how loud he's getting and then his voice drops down to a whisper, "I'm not okay right now. I'm messed up. I don't have the capacity to give you- to be the thing you need me to. I'm incapable." He lets his face fall into his hands. "Hoseok, I don't need anything from you. I just wanted you to know-" "Why, Y/n? Why did you need to tell me? Why did you need to take this away from me?" "Take- what?" You're getting more and more confused at his reaction; granted, you always knew there was a chance he'd reject you, but this is so much worse. "This, Y/n. My best friend. My comfort. I'm never going to be able to feel like this again. I'll always feel like I let you down." "You're not letting me down," You try to reach out and touch him, but he tears himself away from your hand. "I have to go." "Jhope, please. Let's just pretend I didn't say anything-" "I need to clear my head. I have to go." You want so badly to get in his way, to stop him, to block the door- but your legs won't listen. Within two minutes, he's gathered his things and walked to the door, "I'll…talk to you another time."
4.) Namjoon
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Music is blaring from all sides of the club; bodies are practically sticking together from how hot and sweaty everyone is, and you've lost count of just how many people have bumped into you in the last hour- but he's here. Right next to you. He hasn't left your side all night. When he invited you out, you assumed it was because he'd felt bad that you'd be alone tonight and reluctantly, you got as ready as you could and met him there. He was standing out in the front with some of his boys, which made you nervous since you'd only met them a couple of times. You haven't gone out with him to a club in a few years; not really your scene so he doesn't invite you that often, so you assumed he'd eventually ditch you to go dance with some girls, but to your surprise, he stayed. "Hey!" Namjoon says loudly, leaning in so you can hear him over the music, "Wanna go get some air?" "Sounds good!" Immediately, he grabs your hand and pulls you so that you're as close to him as possible as he guides you through the sea of people. You're trying to focus on not tripping but it's hard to do when all you can think of is how you've never held his hand before. Of course, you've never really had the opportunity to do so. You've been best friends for years and he has no idea that you...feel the way that you do. No one does. When you finally make it back out to the front, you both let out a deep breath and he lets go of your hand. "Oh my God- fresh air!" He exclaims. "It was hot as hell in there, wasn't it?" "Yeah, and it's clear some people have never heard of deodorant," He scrunches his nose in disgust, making you laugh. "I'm gonna be honest, I don't know that I can go back in there," You chuckle. He smiles gently, "We don't have to. I know clubbing isn't really your thing to begin with. Thanks for coming." "Oh, it was nothing. I wanted to come." "Oh yeah? Plans to dance on some totally hot guys tonight?" He jokes, raising an eyebrow at you. You roll your eyes, "Oh please, the last thing I need is for some weirdo to latch on to me all night." He lets his mouth hang open in mock disgust, "I'm offended." "I meant a different weirdo than you," You assure him, a smile creeping up on your face. "Of course, of course," He smiles back, dimples on full display. "God, I love your dimples." Your eyes widen in shock; that was supposed to remain in your head. "Well, thank you," He says, surprised at your compliment. "Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud," You blush, immediately looking away to avoid further embarrassment. "Why not?" "Because no." "But I liked it." You bite your lip, looking down at your shoes and wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole. "Why are you getting shy?" He asks, reaching over and lifting your head by your chin so that you're looking at him. Your stomach is practically doing summersaults. "I don't think I've ever seen you blush before," His smile is even bigger now. "Who's blushing?" You ask, trying to calm yourself internally, darting your eyes every which way just to avoid looking at him. He steps closer, hand still cupping your chin, "You are." His tone is low and soft, and yet, it commands your attention completely and you can't help but lock eyes with him. You can practically hear your heartbeat in your ears and you're almost positive that he can too- but neither of you break the connection. In fact, with every passing millisecond, you find that the both of you are inching closer and closer until finally, you can feel the heat of his face so close to yours. "Can I...?" He whispers, lips already parted in anticipation. "Please..." You say, finally allowing yourself to press into him.
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jksian · 8 months
Umm if you have study tips can u share them? Im literally gonna fail upcoming exam I feel it in my boobs 😭
In your WHAT!? lmao😭 I was malfunctioning after reading that💀 anyways....
So, the thing is that I wasn't very consistent during my college years tbh💀 like I didn't study everyday for couple of hours as most of the people suggests but still, I achieved a pretty good grade and was on the list of top students when I graduated (I graduated last year)
So, if you're thinking you're gonna fail, you are WRONG. I believe you can still make it!
So, what I did was, I used some study techniques. Which was -
Pomodoro method - well, I think it's pretty common now days. Every other student know about this I think? Basically, you study for half an hour *based you attention span because if it's short, you probably won't be able to focus for that long AT FIRST* then take 10 minutes of break and again continue it. I did it and my attention span grow much better after doing it a few times!
Warning: do not use social media or any other things where you can be distracted easily while you're on a break. Take a walk or listen to music or any other relaxing thing where you brain can adjust to the information you just consumed.
Music: music is something I listen to everyday and it helped me soooo much during my exams! NOT ANY CATCHY SONGS AND DEFINITELY NOT BTS OR KPOP🚫 do not listen to the songs to which you can dance, WE AREN'T HERE TO DANCE! we are here to study. When I said music, I meant instrumental and classic one! Listen to ambient music, piano mixed with rain sounds which will help to focus on your tast. There are some Gama sounds or something on YouTube I listened to, I don't remember💀 but listen to the music where you won't be distracted and your brain will be relaxed and help you to calm yourself so that you can focus more. Whenever I panicked about 'oh no I don't have time' or 'i won't be able to complete it' I just put some classic instrumental music on shuffle and immediately my mind relaxed. It was so helpful!
Focus: Now, ofcourse you know that you have to focus but you just.... can't, right? Yeah, that happened to me too! But, a little amount of focus right now can maybe make your life better. Maybe, if you get good grades you'll be able to go to your desired uni or your dream job or your life will be so good! I'm not saying that your grades can decide your future but what's so harmful about trying and giving your best, right? You know what you have to do to focus, hide your phone or any other distractions bla bla bla.... Everyone knows but no one applies because our brain can't let us, so tell me, why you're letting your brain control your actions? Wouldn't you be the one who will control your brain instead?
Remember, your little efforts today can make your tomorrow better.
Lastly, don't stress yourself out. Don't pressure yourself much. Don't worry. It'll be okay. The more you think 'Oh I'll fail' or 'I can't make it' or 'I don't have enough time' it will menifest in real life, instead focus on the tasks you have in-hand right now, make a strategy, devide those chapters, put some small challenges for yourself like 'I will complete this chapter in ____ amount of time' and focus on completing it and reward yourself afterwards with some food or a break.
Also, never forget to take proper amount of sleep. Let your brain rest and consume those knowledge you just pour into it all together because, now if I make you eat some food forceful and don't give you proper time to digest, you will have digestive problems or gas or even worse. Your brain is just like that. It needs nurturing just like any other part of your body.
Lastly drink water to keep yourself hydrated and eat your meals because if you don't even have nutrients and minerals in your body, how it will function properly? Then also, you brain won't be able to work.
So take care of yourself, focus, study and believe in yourself! I know you can do it.😊
Best wishes for you!🤍🌸
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Essays are done!! Here’s some Shadow propaganda because the propaganda we currently have sucks and I need to fix that. While yes, Shadow being Catholic is a meme, there is more to outside of the simple “fandub said so” and its not quite stated its Catholicism but just how he behaves and his actions. There’s a lot of Sonic content so I will try to keep this brief. Gonna get headcanons out of the way.
Posting all the asks as one text post :) I'm doing a read more since it's long but tldr: vote Shadow, he's latino and does good works :)
Shadow is Chilean and so are Maria and Gerald Robotnik because I fucking say so and they’re Catholic. He definitely had un rosario next to his like. Bed or test tube whatever he slept in. So did Maria btw. Alright let’s move on because I am 100% correct.
Let’s start with some background for Shadow. Shadow was created as a cure for a girl called Maria and he grew to care for her as a sister and loved her deeply. He was artificially created but still holds a soul that is similar to Maria’s. Long story short, Maria is killed protecting Shadow who watches as she’s shot in front of him. He has his memories tampered by Maria’s grandfather, Gerald, who manipulates him into carrying out revenge on the Earth, even if Shadow ends up as collateral.
Shadow struggles with frequent identity crises, even before Maria’s death and always wondered what his purpose was, what he was made to do. Was he a weapon? Was he a cure? He’s the Ultimate Lifeform, but what does that truly mean? ? He’s Shadow, but what more is there to him? He doesn’t know what his purpose is other than what others have prescribed to him, and he guides himself through the will of others (something that he breaks through afterwards but not yet). Shadow at his core is self-sacrificing and constantly punishes himself. This is where you can see some of that good old guilt that everyone has been using as propaganda, but we also see someone who is giving and kind.
He is snarky in the game, especially when interacting with Sonic, but he’s having what is essentially an ongoing mental breakdown but keeps moving because it is his duty to his sister. He doesn’t believe himself important enough to continue on after her and sees it in himself to act out on “Maria’s wishes”. After the revelation that Maria’s final wish for Shadow was for him to make those on Earth happy and to protect them, he immediately sacrifices himself to do so.
Okay, that’s a lot and you’re probably asking “Okay, you mentioned he is a giving person and yeah he has guilt, but that’s not really Catholicism” and yes you would be right! So let’s go into the more important part of being Catholic. The charity, the community, the kindness, etc. Shadow is a very reserved person and has the habit of being a dumb teenager because well. Yeah. Anyways, he definitely has a soft spot for those he cares about and while his whole arc (in my opinion) is about finding the freedom of self-autonomy, it is also Shadow growing as a person and deciding not to save people because others have told him he needs to, but because he wants to. It is born from his soul and its his nature to care for people. It is who he is, and he knows it now. He’s not doing it because he’s a hero or because he is told to do so. Shadow is a very giving person and I think people tend to forget about that especially due to bad writing from the past decade or so. He is also stated to help out at food shelters and volunteers a lot. He is proud and a bit prickly, but he cares so deeply about those he loves. He is stronger with his loved ones and will always do his best to protect them. These are minor, yeah, but you don’t need sweeping and enormous acts to get attention for the good deeds you do. Most of what you apply of Catholicism is done at the personal level, between your friends, family, and community.He also goes to Mass whenever he can and if he can’t he goes to the capilla and also does the sign of the cross whenever he runs by a church. Cutting this off because this is already 740-ish words and I had to send these across multiple asks I am so sorry Catholic mod
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Valentine's Special Prompt Game ♡
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Pairing: Lee Minho x Male Reader
Prompt: Blind date/ set up by friends
Genre: Fluff
Also expect some harry potter pickup lines bc I love hp
☆ Requested
Word Count: 1,4k
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"We have to do something," Jeongin says. "Because they're really getting on my nerves, and I'm pretty sure they won't do anything on their own."
It was odd, but your friends were talking to the high school athletes as they nod in agreement, since it was no secret you and Basketball's School Team's Captain had something between hands, but didn't have the guts to properly admit it.
"Well, we have noticed that Minho has tried to get close and talk to him, but right when he's about to do it he chickens out." Changbin admits, to which everyone in their small group nods. "Maybe because he never gets the chance to see him alone in the halls in between classes."
"And in the classes they share, ____ leaves as soon as they're over, so there's no opportunity for them to talk." Chan contributes to the conversation.
A silence sets between them and they take that time to look around, making sure you or Minho aren't near.
"I know Minho hyung really wants to ask him out, but as we said, he gets really nervous and it's probably because he wants to do that privately." Felix sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "I'm thinking of... making them casually bump into each other on an empty room?"
"How is that gonna happen?" Changbin protests, thinking that is a difficult task. "And where? Were you thinking of shoving them inside the janitor's closet?"
Everyone looks at him as if he just had the best idea ever.
"Do you have something better in mind, then?"
His silence as an answer makes them be decided about it.
"Alright, let's figure out how are we going to do this!"
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The bell rings throughout the institute, causing many students to come in and out of classrooms, walking briskly through the hallways after searching their lockers for their belongings. Fortunately you have a free period, so you quickly find your friends on the first floor, who appear to be waiting for your arrival.
"Cafeteria? I'm starving." Jisung asks, and everyone agreeing with his premise head to the place, exchanging a few words about upcoming classes and confirming your study session on this week.
Just as you take a seat on a free bench, Seungmin gasps, as if he just remembered something.
"Oh no, I just remembered I have to make small corrections to the model of my science project."
You look at him with curiosity. Seungmin wasn't really someone who would forget something so important like that, and he didn't look as worried as you think he'd be.
"____, could you do me a huge favor? I left the model on the janitor's closet since it was big and it wouldn't fit on my locker. Also, I didn't want to carry it all day." He explains as he grabs some books out of his backpack, along with his supplies. "I'll treat you with something from the cafeteria in exchange!"
"Uh, yes, of course. In which one you left it? Second floor?"
Seungmin nods with a smile and thanks you as you stand up and walk back to the hallway, not really thinking about how come that could happen to him.
Putting that aside momentarily, you find yourself walking nonchalantly into the closet and once you're inside, start looking for your friend's assignment on the shelves.
A few seconds later, the door opens unexpectedly, revealing the figure of Minho in the door frame. Changbin behind him, looking anxious.
"Are you sure the basketballs are in here?" He asks to his friend without talking his eyes off you, apparently nervous.
"Yes, the coach said there are behind that-" And before he can finish that sentence, he is pushing Minho inside the closet and closing the door behind him.
He almost bumps into you, but manages to hold on to one of the ledges, almost falling to the ground on the spot.
"Oh my God, are you okay?" You ask as you help him to stand up and quickly making sure he isn't hurt.
"Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine." He answers in embarrassment. His ears and face turning red in a second. "I'm sorry, my friends are jerks."
You chuckle, nervously turning around to continue looking for Seungmin's model and hearing Minho is trying to open the door. But of course it's closed from outside.
Immediately you know it's a set up.
Minho curses under his breath and takes his phone out of his pocket when he receives a text message from the group chat with his friends.
Ask him out and we'll open the door ;)
"You have to be kidding me." He mutters and turns around to see the confused expression on your face. He could lie to his friends and say he did it, right? And then this would be just an awkward experience that eventually you'd forget. Probably.
But he now thinks it's stupid but genius at the same time. His friends knew he was nervous to ask you out or even say a word to you, but now you are alone. It was a closet, yes, maybe not the ideal circumstances, but it was private, by all odds.
"-locked it?" You ask, bringing him back to earth. "Is the door closed? We should call someone."
Minho smiles and eyes his phone screen one more time. "Actually, my friends will open it. Soon. They just want me to- ask you..." He sighs, and you look even more confused than before.
With the nervousness making his hands slightly tremble and hia heartbeat increasing, he manages to build up the courage he needs to keep talking. "Look, they just thought it would be a great idea to shove us inside here so I could, uhm, ask you out."
He says that last part rapidly and, but you understand, making you also get blushed and nervous.
You don't say a word for a moment, so he speaks up again.
"I'm sorry, this was obviously dumb. You don't have to-"
"For real?" You ask, still trying to figure out is this was a terrible prank from them. It's not like he had done something like that before. He was, along with his friends, actually very well-behaved and charismatic, despite the stereotypical things said about athletes in the institute. You wouldn't like him if he were like that.
"Yeah, I've liked you for a while now, actually."
No stutter on his words and his eyes fixed on whatever inside that closet but your eyes; his cheeks red and that subtle biting of his lower lip melting your heart. So those gaze exchanging in your classes and whenever you ran into him in the hallways or on the gym weren't a product of your imagination. Minho was really looking at you the same way you did look at him all this time.
"I'd love to." You answer. "Go out with you, I mean."
His eyes dazzle with happiness, finally daring to look at you and getting closer. Not knowing what else to do or say, he sloppily hands you his phone.
"Let's exchange numbers?"
You smile, taking your phone and handing it to him and grabbing his, saving your number with trembling hands and typing your name with a smiley face next to it. He gives you back the device to see he had registered his name with a heart next to it.
"Great. Thanks, I'll message you soon."
"I'll take your word, then." You smile at him, visibly more relaxed, but still going through a roller-coaster of emotions inside.
Minho sends a quick text and a minute later Changbin comes back to open the door with a huge smile on his face.
"I'll see you around, ____." He says with a smile and before he exits the room, he gets closer to leave a small kiss on your cheek, almost running afterwards and making you laugh. You also hear Changbin's screams to tease him.
Later in that day you receive that long awaited message from him, saying he will be taking you this weekend to a thematic coffee shop of a book saga he knew you liked along with a cute pick up line referring to it.
Did you survive the Avada Kedavra curse? Because you’re drop dead gorgeous ;)
Lol, of course I did look up for Harry Potter pickup lines
But that's okay because
I might as well be under the Imperius curse, because I’d do anything for you.
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cross-d-a · 4 years
As I'm slowly making my way through DMBJ Vol. 8 (takes place right after Ultimate Note), I'm coming across a lot of little passages that I adore and want to share bc Feelings✨
Warning: these excerpts obviously contain spoilers for what happens after Ultimate Note. So if you don't want spoilers please skip this post! (*・∀-)☆
For all these posts I'm using MereBear's absolutely amazing translations!!! Please check out their work!!! They put a lot of time and effort into it❤️✨
The scene I really wanna talk about first takes place in Chapter 25: No Choice.
To set it up a bit: Wu Xie is still masquerading as Sanshu and has returned to the mountains to try to find his friends. He's got a whole team of people with him and he manages to reunite with Pangzi who's escaped the horrors underground. Pangzi's got a map leading to Xiao Ge carved into his own belly. Before Pangzi wakes up, Pan Zi and Xiao Hua decide to follow the map while Wu Xie anxiously waits above ground. Then they lose contact and Pangzi wakes up. Wu Xie and Pangzi are eager to rescue their friends so they set out with the rest of their team. Except!! Wu Xie hasn't found a good moment to reveal himself to Pangzi!! He's still posing as Sanshu and it's Stressing him The Fuck Out. THEN! We get this lovely little gem of a passage:
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It's such a cute little moment!! And also a meaningful one. Pangzi knew it was Wu Xie and he still kept up the charade so Wu Xie could save face. Wu Xie's somehow managed to fool everyone but Pangzi (and believe me, Wu Xie's barely scraping by the skin of his teeth at times). But Pangzi knows Wu Xie so well that he immediately saw it was him. And he still chose to follow Wu Xie despite not knowing his plan. Despite not knowing why exactly he was masquerading as Sanshu. He trusts Wu Xie so much that he didn't even question it. He just ran with it, damn the details.
Except, okay I'm gonna rip the rug right out from under this sweet moment because there is something hilarious about this scene, too. In Chapter 15: Fatty in the Gap, Wu Xie finds Pangzi who is hurt and mostly unconscious, and Wu Xie is just losing his mind a bit with worry. I'm gonna do a post about this particular scene later, but what you need to know is this:
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Wu Xie TELLS Pangzi that he's actually Wu Xie and not Sanshu! He fucking tells him! Is Wu Xie so worried about Pangzi that he immediately forgets this? Does he get so distracted by everything after this moment that he forgets? (Xiao Hua and Pan Zi do leave after this, and Wu Xie's going a bit crazy worrying about Xiao Ge) Pangzi is also very out of it when Wu Xie tells him and he's comatose for a while afterwards, so maybe Wu Xie didn't think Pangzi heard. But even through the pain Pangzi reaches out and grabs Wu Xie's wrist, like Wu Xie is the only thing that could reach him. And then he relaxes. Like he's acknowledging Wu Xie. Like he's comforted by Wu Xie being there. He trusts Wu Xie. That is so painfully obvious. (And oh god there is a LOT about the deep trust between Wu Xie and Pangzi in Vol. 8 like holy shit)
But also, if we assume that Pangzi does know 'Sanshu' is Wu Xie because he remembered this moment- it is fucking hilarious that Pangzi chooses to tease Wu Xie in that Chapter 25 reveal moment. It is so in character for their relationship. However, I think Pangzi would know it's Wu Xie without being told. They just know each other so well. They understand each other so well, though they're still learning. (more on this in a later excerpt post!!)
And right after Pangzi reveals that he knows who Wu Xie is, Wu Xie scolds Pangzi for not telling him beforehand:
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And there we have it again. Pangzi's unwavering trust. "Of course I'll cooperate with you," he says. Because Pangzi would follow Wu Xie to hell and back.
And, because I am always crying about the theme of trust in Vol.8, the conversation ends with this:
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I just- have so many feelings about this little scene. Once again, Wu Xie and Pangzi understand each other so well. But I think Pangzi understands Wu Xie more than Wu Xie understands himself. We talk about Wu Xie being a bleeding heart a lot, and it's true. And Pangzi knows it. He sees it, he recognizes it, and he knows it's Wu Xie's greatest strength and worst flaw. In these chapters, Pangzi establishes that he does not trust Xiao Hua. He does not trust Granny Huo. He does not trust anyone in this expedition. He trusts no one but Wu Xie. And Wu Xie trusts far too easily. Pangzi loves Wu Xie so much, but he realizes that if Wu Xie continues in this way he won't survive. Not alone. This is why Pangzi puts himself in this caretaker role. He'd rather be the one to take the brunt of the darkness of the world (he is much like Xiao Ge in this way, treasuring Wu Xie's innocence). But Pangzi is also practical. Pangzi can't always be there to save him. In fact, Wu Xie's been separated from him for a while now. And as much as it pains Pangzi, he wants to teach Wu Xie not to trust so easily. Because he knows Wu Xie won't survive this by being so naive. (Again, even if his naïveté is one of the reasons why Wu Xie is so precious to Pangzi)
There's a lot of character development in Vol.8 that really hurts, especially because it foreshadows Wu Xie's character in Sha Hai. Here, Wu Xie is young, and he's thrust into this grand plot he's desperately trying to figure out. And he's alone for a lot of it. Left to fend for himself and pretend to be someone he is not. Someone who is ruthless and scheming. Someone who puts the mission above all else. And this someone (Sanshu) raised him. It's a lot to deal with. Especially when he starts seeing these traits reflected in himself. But if he doesn't act this way, then the people he loves will die. So he forces himself to carry on despite this bleeding heart. I'm gonna do later posts about how Wu Xie sees himself, but I think this book is really the beginning of how young Wu Xie grows into the hurt and weary Wu Xie we see in Sha Hai.
Anyways, I just really wanted to share this little moment between Wu Xie and Pangzi. Especially because I feel like their relationship sometimes gets overshadowed by Pingxie. This little scene stole my heart not only because it's adorable, but because it's very heartbreaking and truly reveals their characters and relationship ❤️
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makeste · 4 years
Who is the bitch in the first year hero courses most down for murder, do you think? Surprisingly, despite being the only one to actually MAKE death threats, I'm mot sure Bakugou is all that high up there? When you've got Todo freezing people from the inside out, Mushroom Girl choking people, Honenuki drowning people and dropping industrial chimneys on them etc etc... What would your rankings be?
what better way to spend a Sunday evening than by ranking all of U.A.’s first-year students by murder.
disclaimer: I am doing this for fun and this entire post is ridiculous so please do not take it too seriously. also just a heads up, this post contains some recent manga spoilers as well as a couple of spoilers for Heroes Rising. now then, let’s quantify these bloodthirsty little savages.
okay so despite being entirely too plus ultra for their own good, approximately 99% of these kids would never dream of doing any kind of permanent harm to another living being. so I’m just listing the first thirty in no particular order, and then we’ll get to ranking the top ten.
despite having that brief moment in chapter 167 where virtually everyone thought he was a serial killer, Aoyama is actually a good boy. a bit stalkerish, maybe.
Mina did dream up that one attack where Ochako floats her up in the air so that she can rain acid down on people, which is slightly homicidal. but she’s not a killer. honestly if she was we’d all be dead already. see: thicc Girl Noumu.
if Tsuyu had ever killed someone she would have already told everyone all about it because she is open about these things so safe to say she is not a killer.
all Ochako wants to do is help and support people. she can be pretty hardcore from time to time but my baby girl would never. not to say that villain wouldn’t be a good look on her. I still get a shiver up my spine remembering that one time Toga turned into her and demonstrated exactly how deadly her quirk could be.
nah. the worst thing Ojiro has ever done was throwing his empty plain yogurt cup into the wrong recycling bin by accident, and he felt terrible about it afterward.
real talk, Kaminari could very easily kill a ton of people with his quirk if he actually tried. but he hasn’t, because he is only two and is too busy learning his shapes and colors and leaving his lego duplo blocks all over the carpet for other people to trip on.
do I even have to justify this at all. duh Kirishima doesn’t murder people sorry to anyone who came into this post all excited to read a big paragraph going off about Kiri’s raw bloodlust. I don’t know what you expected.
Kouda is probably deadlier than everyone thinks. imagine him commanding, say, a mob of giant hornets to swarm and kill someone. it’s a good thing he wouldn’t actually hurt a fly.
I sat here for a while thinking about what I could say about Satou. but just. can you picture him killing a guy? nah, me neither.
one of the things I like about Shouji is that he looks older than he is, and kind of creepy, what with the masked face and the freaky tentacle arms and all the like. and so he very likely experienced some of that good old fashioned quirk racism growing up, and people were afraid of him and/or thought he would become a villain. but instead he decided to become a hero. and I think that says so much about Shouji’s character. it reminds me a lot of Shinsou; his desire to become a hero was so strong that he overcame prejudice and circumstances which could just have easily have led to him becoming a villain (and in fact, it’s not all that different from some of the actual villain backstories). anyway so yeah no murder for him.
I think she would consider killing anyone who ever hurt Momo or Kami, but aside from that NO because she is a good pure girl who loves music and rocking out and putting smiles on people’s faces.
poor Sero is so not-murdery that when he does get pitted against someone with more murdery energy such as Todoroki, he basically gets immediately overwhelmed and everyone is just kind of wincing and then timidly applauding him and saying “good try.” that’s Sero’s life. he would just sit there and get murdered rather than going in for the kill. he’s a good bro.
needs several restraining orders filed against him, but wouldn’t actually kill someone.
well one time she did explode a grenade in Aizawa’s face. but no.
now we have come to the 1-B kids. I will give brief descriptions in case you, like me, sometimes have trouble remembering their names. so, Awase! the welding, Momo-rescuing one. he is not murdery.
the rotating limbs one. one of the least murdery kids in the fairly murderous 1-B on account of his quirk is just too ridiculous. sorry Sen.
the Tokoyami one. more likely to bore you to tears talking about death than actually kill someone. which is too bad because he honestly would make a pretty bitching assassin.
would say she’s probably in the top fifteen. god I love her quirk so much. just want her to slap some bitches to death. but she probably wouldn’t.
the growly monster one. he does get some bonus points for tending to lose control once he goes full beastmode and werewolfs out. and he is fairly deadly.
the roly poly double smashy one. it’s actually only a matter of time before Shouda kills someone, most likely. his quirk is way too dangerous, and the thing is, it’s probably hard for him to tell how dangerous a particular impact is going to be beforehand. one of these days it’s gonna be way stronger than he intends and somebody’s neck is gonna get snapped.
never forget that time Pony stabbed Ojiro and Shouji like a dozen times and everybody was just cool with it.
the air platform one. he did try to suffocate Kouda that one time.
only if he’s fighting Shouto. or teamed up with Shouto. then all bets are off as to whether or not he’s going to drill his superheated steel fist right through somebody’s face.
the severed limbs one. she just has kind of a murdery vibe to her. stalking everyone with her various body parts. yuuugh. I bet if she did kill someone nobody would ever be able to prove it was her.
the speech bubble head one. is going to destroy so much public and private property once he’s set loose on the streets. but no deaths.
the glue one. and nah, Bondo is cool.
the Ant-Man one. doesn’t strike me as particularly murderous, I even went and reread her part of the joint training arc to confirm it. she’s fine.
the kung fu dragon one. not especially murdery. overall probably one of the least bloodthirsty in class 1-B in fact.
the vines one. she’s extremely murdery. I can’t be the only one who thinks that, can I? Shiozaki scares the shit out of me. if I were Kaminari I would have nightmares about her.
would murder every single member of class 1-A if he could. would be the criminal in a Detective Conan two-parter. would give a long monologue about always being the side character and never in the starring role until one day he finally couldn’t take it anymore and snapped. why does his hero costume make it look as though he’s going to steal a bunch of famous jewels out from under everyone’s noses. nah but I’m just kidding and Monoma would never actually kill someone. but one day he’s probably going to be framed for murder by a villain and Kendou and Shinsou will have to team up to defend him and catch the real culprit.
10. Yanagi
the creepy pale ghost-girl-looking one. contrary to what you are probably all thinking, her high ranking isn’t just because of her general horror film vibe, but also because she attempted to bludgeon Mina to death during the joint battle arc. but also yes it is because of her general horror film vibe.
9. Kamakiri
the stabby one. he’s up here because I’m pretty sure he tried to kill Jirou that one time. like what was he even gonna do if Bakugou hadn’t stepped in. though to be fair I don’t think he actually had his knives out at the time so maybe he was just gonna elbow her in the face or something idk.
8. Bakugou
I agree with you that Bakugou is much more bark than bite, anon. and not only is he remarkably careful and precise with his quirk and good at avoiding any collateral damage (and even better IMO ever since his supplementary training), I think that due to his various struggles with being perceived as a villain and also trying to find his own understanding of what being a hero means, he’s probably more self-aware than most of the other kids at this point when it comes to matters of “is this morally okay.” so in spite of his generally violent demeanor, I very much doubt he ever would or could actually kill someone. but he’s in the top ten because his high shounen protagonist levels do place him in the “would potentially go apeshit if and when something happened to someone he cares about” category, though. and also because he and Deku did basically attempt to disintegrate Nine, and then when Nine just dropped off the face of the earth afterwards, no one even bothered to wonder what had happened to him. which leads me to wonder if Deku and Katsuki straight up assume they did in fact kill him and just dgaf.
7. Deku
see above re: Nine. and also he may have to kill AFO one day. so while he probably wouldn’t be happy about it, I think he could still potentially do it. and also because he absolutely does lose his gotdamn mind every time someone hurts one of his friends, and especially Kacchan, and I could picture him just snapping if something really awful ever actually did happen. I don’t think it would in canon because it’s just way too dark, but I don’t think it’d be out of character if he did.
6. Iida
literally tracked down the villain who attacked his brother with the full intent of personally killing said villain once he got his hands on him. true, Shouto and Deku talked him out of it in the end, but still. that was some real motherfucking killing intent. also I will never forget the image of this kid sitting his ass down in middle of the woods and mutilating his own goddamn body without any anesthesia. listen, everyone. just please, for your own safety, do not fuck with Iida.
5. Shouto
and now we reach the top five. listen, feel free to disagree, but I stand firm in my belief that out of all the non-traitor and non-demon-possessed children in class 1-A, Todoroki Shouto is absolutely the most likely to straight up just kill a bitch one day. this boy froze a man from the inside out until a tower of fucking ice was jutting out of his fucking throat, and was all “go ahead and hibernate for a while” like excuse me, THE FUCK. and the thing is, this wasn’t just a one-time occurrence either; he literally pulls this kind of shit ALL THE TIME. froze an entire fucking building with his classmates in it and was all “feel free to bring it on but fighting without the soles of your feet will be painful.” heh. what the fuck. and do you all remember when he fought Sero and was in a bad mood so he iced half the fucking stadium. nearly killed a few people right then and there. “I got carried away.” whaaaaaaat. and I could go on and on; he nearly burned poor Shindou alive, and basically the entirety of chapter 205 could have been submitted as evidence in a court of law had that training battle against Tetsutetsu gone only slightly differently. basically Shouto is an entirely too realistic portrayal of a very sweet but marginally unstable boy with a completely broken power and a shitload of unresolved personal trauma which he is still working through.
4. Honenuki
somehow more murdery than Todoroki “HIBERNATE!!” Shouto. this is entirely because of chapter 205, formerly the most murdery chapter of the entire series, and dethroned only by the recent chapter 266 for obvious reasons. anyway so during the joint training battle, Honenuki bludgeoned Todoroki in the back of the head and would probably have let his unconscious body slump into the softened ground to drown had Iida not saved him. he then proceeded to drop a water tower on top of the both of them. a whole-ass water tower. this was a fucking training exercise. and Honenuki was the only one who kept his calm throughout the entirely of said exercise. and he was praised for his calm murdering skills afterward. because he was fucking awesome tbh. anyway but the point is this is supposed to be a hero school not an assassin school but I’m not really sure anymore you guys.
3. Tokoyami
my man would have straight up killed Moonfish in that forest and sure did try his best. he’s got the same issue as Todoroki in that his quirk is as powerful as it is unstable. and while he himself is not murdery, when Dark Shadow loses control, though… hooooh boy. I was gonna add something about him also interning under Takami “literally stabbed my friend in the neck for the greater good” Keigo, but I think that makes them both come off as more sinister than they actually are. I do think a big part of Tokoyami’s story is him overcoming his inner darkness and wresting control of it and mastering it, so I don’t think it’s very likely that he actually will kill someone in the story. but he’s got a murdery side, no two ways about it.
2. Toadette
straight up filled Tokoyami’s windpipe with mushrooms during a training exercise. he uses that to breathe, fyi. she then offered him a lozenge afterward. do not fuck with Toadette. do not. just don’t.
1. Hagakure
last but not least! Hagakure “hasn’t killed anyone officially but is also definitely the traitor” Tooru! y’all know how it is! I’m committed to this theory! I’d even be willing to put money on a reveal scene where she does just straight up kill someone, and that’s our cliffhanger establishing that the traitor is none other than! and this is coming up sooner than you might think too, guys. Horikoshi brought up the traitor again relatively recently during the Christmas Eve chapter, and that kind of foreshadowing isn’t for nothing. anyways I’m here for it though so bring on that body count you funky little turncoat.
so there you have it. my not-that-definitive definitive ranking of classes 1-A and 1-B by murderous inclination. there’s really not that much rhyme or reason to it tbh but this was fun, thank you anon!
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mrsmaybankhere · 4 years
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As soon as Charlie opened her green eyes, her hand went to the necklace on her neck, holding tight on the delicate gold rose pendant.
"Thank you, Rose!" She whispered with a smile on her full lips, now can fully starting the day off. This became a important part of her morning routine because a few weeks ago opening her eyes was a miracle. And Rose saved her and she will never get the chance to thank her for it. So she will do it every day for the rest of this new life.
After changing her sleep clothes into something more decent, she was really energic while crashing into the kitchen where her father and Rose are drinking their coffee, waiting for the rest of the house to finally get up. Of course she is the first one coming to the breakfast. Sarah takes a lot to get ready into the morning, Rafe probably overslept like always and Wheezie is just too lazy to move that quickly.
"Good morning!" Her smile was big as she took a sit at the table. That placed a smile on Ward's face as well.
"Good morning, sunshine. How are you feeling?" The large scar on her chest is quite visible with the tank top she put on this time and she immediately regreted it. He was always thinking about it anyway, she don't have to shove the memory of it in his face too.
"Never been better."
On the table are a lot of fruits, pancakes and eggs, but she felt like eating fruits this morning. And maybe some green tea. Today is gonna be a long full day. If until now she only went out for a quick walk in the neighborhood or for groceries, today is the big day.
"We are so happy to hear that. But don't forget to-..."
"Yes dad, I will tell you if something is wrong. Stop thinking about it, please?" Ward became soft at her pleading look, so he just nodded while holding the hand of her wife. Her name it was the same name with the girl who saved her. That's probably the only thing Charlie loved about her. Beside this, she was just fine.
Soon they started eating and Wheezie joined them too with not too much enjoyment, busy playing some game on her phone. But as soon as they heard screams coming from upstairs, they knew that Sarah and Rafe are finally up and ready for the day, starting with a screaming match just like always. It was their routine and Charlie was glad that she can finally hear and see them in same time because not too long ago, she was just listening from her room that was exactly the same with a hospital one. She was grateful for every little moment.
"No, she deserves something good! Not some Kook awful full of d-..."
"God! Can you get off my ass, Sarah? It's too early for this shit." Rafe groaned and Ward muttered something under his breath.
"There we go again..." Rose muttered, exhausted with their daily fights. Charlie had to try her best not to laugh.
"You're the only one talking shit here, asshole!"
They walked into the kitchen, earning a warning glare from their father. Wheezie was really excited, she loved the drama and thank God this family had a lot of it. Charlie only heard about it, she wasn't quite there to live it with them.
"First, language. Second, good morning. It's a pleasure to have a nice family breakfast." He said sarcastically and Rafe whispered a "you're welcome". "What were you two arguing about this time?" Ward was being serious, but Charlie couldn't keep her laugh in anymore so she just laughed. Rafe ruffled her blonde hair as he walked behind her chair to sit down into his right next to her like they always do.
"'Morning. How are-..." He asked her with a lower voice, only for her to hear it and ignoring Ward who was expecting an answer.
"Please, don't end this question. I'm good. Very good actually." She can understand their reasons to be worried, but that was in the past and the present is different now. Her heart is different now.
"Well, excuse me then." He talks while throwing some grapes into his mouth and she winked at him, making him chuckle.
"It was nothing" Sarah muttered instead of Rafe and then her whole expression changed and everyone knew that face: the pleading, innocent look she do when she wants something. "Can we sleep to Kie's tonight?"
Charlie knew Kiera Carrera and she actually liked her, but they never really talked. No one from outside of the family was able to enter her private "hospital" room and that's why she doesn't have friends at all. She was too busy not dying to actually talk with someone. But tonight is gonna be a party and Sarah doesn't want to get back home afterwards; probably because of her boyfriend. Charlie never met him, but she could tell that her sister was totally in love with him.
"We want a girls night for Charlie. She never had one." Sarah wasn't playing nice, using Charlie to easily get what she wants, but she was beyond happy to finally have her sister back and she was ready to show her what being a teenager really means.
"Yes, fine. Just take care of you and call me anytime, okay?" He smiled at them and Rafe growled.
It's not something new for the ones in the house that Charlie was Rafe's favourite human ever. He never cared that much about someone or at least he never really showed it for anyone else beside the blonde girl. On her bad nights and days, he wouldn't leave her side. He would talk to her for hours, telling her about what's happening at the high school, the last gossip on the island or even telling her jokes, even if she couldn't laugh at them. Some nights were so bad that she didn't even remembered him being there. But he was there for his favourite person and now hearing that she will meet the Pogues, the ones he hates so much, irritated him more than he thought it will. What if they will change her and her opinion about him?
The rest of the breakfast was quite and it was something new for the Camerons, but as soon as Rose and Ward left the house, Charlie realized it wasn't over yet.
"I'm so not agreeing with this. I don't want her near them." Rafe said while following the girls outside of the house. Today was also a shopping day; she really needs new nice clothes since most of them are just large plain t-shirt and shorts. She needs new interesting thing, especially for the party. Her first party ever. If going to a party at five years old doesn't get count.
"We didn't asked you, Rafe." Sarah said as she played with her keys between her fingers right in front of Rafe's eyes. He was ready to kill her with his glare and Sarah totally loved that.
"Well, why can't you just come with us?" Charlie softly talks from behind them, in ignorance of the cause. Of course she knew about the constant fighting between Kooks and Pogues, but she didn't know how messy things can get when they all get together in the same place.
So Sarah was quick to say no, but Rafe's smirk grew even quicker on his lips.
"Anything for you, princess."
The first day as a normal teenager went good, actually really good until now. They went through every store they find and they bought everything they liked, not really caring about money as they weren't a problem, just as their father told them. And when Charlie looked at her in the full length mirror while dressed in some short jeans and a white floral crop with some makeup on and some loose curls in her blonde long hair, she didn't believed she was the same girl that was dying a few weeks ago. Her scar was successfully covered by the piece of cloth and she was happy about that. She wasn't trying to hide it as she was proud about living it to show it off, but Sarah already warned her. "They say I'm the princess of the Kooks, well...Sis, they also say that you are the princess of the whole island." She was a riddle, a mistery, a name without a face and there are probably less than five people on the whole island that actually met her once. But things are gonna change tonight and she is totally ready for it.
Rafe wasn't home when they left the house and she kinda wished he was, but they will meet at the party anyway. Sarah wasn't too happy about it and Charlie can't understand why. Rafe is amazing and the best brother she could ever ask for...For her at least.
A curly short girl was already waiting for them outside of Carrera's house and she quickly jumped into the car, a backpack on her left shoulder and a bright smile on her lips. Charlie immediately compared herself to Kie; she was so beautiful and her skin was tan and flawless. Charlie's skin is pale, almost white and literally blank. There wasn't anything special about her.
"Hello girls. Ready to have some fun tonight?" Kie laughed and kissed their cheeks. "I'm really happy to have you here with us, Charlie. You look amazing."
Yes, she looked amazing for someone who was dying. Not amazing in the full meaning of the word. But she smiled anyway.
"Thank you, Kie. You look so beautiful."
"Oh, shut up already. We all are beautiful." Sarah said with a smile as she drove to the other part of the island and they all giggled.
The short car ride was funny and felt like fresh air for Charlie, knowing what's coming next. They jumped out of the car and Kie and Sarah got out some alcohol bottles from their backpacks. Charlie actually packed some clothes and personal stuffs and she thought her sister did the same. She should have known better.
"A lot of tourons are already here." Kie said excited for the party and she grabbed Charlie hand; they pulled her into the middle of it where three boys were surrounded by tourons. Some reggae music was blasting and Charlie smiled because the vibe was already nice and chill, ignoring all the looks that are throwed in her direction. People are talking while looking at her, but she tried to ignore it all. Nothing can ruin her first night out.
"Kie! Come here, we're almost out of beer!" A tall blonde boy screamed at the curly girl and they quickly found their way into the crowd, pushing the others away to meet their friends. Charlie can't read their faces, but she can tell that the blonde boy from earlier wasn't too happy to see her. But why? They didn't even knew each other.
People started dancing around to the music, everyone was drinking and smoking, a strong smell of weed coming right from the boy that had a joint between his lips.
"Charlie, he's John B. My boyfriend." They smiled so beautiful at each other. "John B, she's my sister, Charlie."
"You're really cute together." Charlie said with a smile and Sarah melted, beyond happy to see them talking.
"Is nice to finally get to meet you. I was beginning to wonder if you really exist or S-..."
"Why would you say that, dumbass?" A brunette boy asked and smiled to Charlie, kinda sweet that he was thinking at her emotions, but she didn't minded his question. She actually laughed at it. "I'm Pope, nice to meet you and please ignore all the stupid things he's gonna say."
"Nice to meet you too." Pope looked around like he was looking especially for someone who wasn't there, but he eventually found what he was searching for. "That blonde grumpy guy...He's JJ, but for your own good, don't talk to him."
Charlie couldn't keep her mouth closed, her curiosity eating her inside as she asked with a frown that put her brows closer together. She turned her head to the side, looking at the boy who was leaning on a tree, a beer in his hands and the stinky joint still in his mouth. He looked devastated; Charlie can recognize pain from miles away as she was in this state for all her life.
"Why not?"
"It's-...It's for the better." He realized he may say too much and he only talked to her for like two minutes.
"Guys, come here!" Kie screamed after them since they were left behind and Charlie followed Pope with a casual fake smile. She felt a knot in her stomach as she caught the exact moment when Pope looked down to her chest. He wasn't able to see the scar or anything else, but he looked at it and gulped down and that has to mean something.
She turned her head again to look at the sad blonde boy  and he was still there, but now he was also looking at her. A cold shiver runned on Charlie's spine at their intense visual contact. There was something in his eyes. These dark eyes were looking through her and at her in the same time, fulled with despise, hate, terror. All of them.
When you felt that pain in your life, that kind of pain when you get to the point when you beg God to show you mercy and ended it all, you can recognize it to another. And this JJ...He definitely feels it now.
After gulped down her first cup of beer and Sarah hugged her, happily that she actually enjoyed the party, she managed to escape the supervision of her sister and with tiny calculated steps she walked to the old tree the mysterious guy was leaning on. She took a gasp of air and her fingers randomly played at her back, feeling how emotions took control over her.
"Hey! I was-..." Her voice pathetically cracked when he moved his eyes from looking down to looking right into hers. They are a special color; a deep icy blue, reminding her of a storm in the middle of the ocean.
"I am-..." She tried to speak again, hoping that she won't get laughed at, but he stopped her when his expression changed to surprise and he talked before she even had the chance to say her name.
tag list (lmk if you wanna be added babes): @afterglowsb-tch13 @asaks6082 @seneng-banget @paradigmax @jj-maybabe @sovuckie​ @talksoprettyjjx​ 
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
Fandom: MCU (post-Avengers) Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Tags: Fluff, Pining Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and the 21st Century summary:  As Steve discovers the internet, he also discovers old memes.
As Tony and Bruce climb out of the lab, the sound that echoes in the room is so foreign that it takes Tony a moment to realize it’s a laugh, and one more moment to realize it’s Steve’s.
At the top of the staircase, Tony sees him on the couch, and yeah, he’s laughing. Not politely chuckling or awkwardly forcing a laugh, mind you, but actually, genuinely having a belly laugh, complete with a pink flush all over his face, his eyes turning into tiny blue streaks as he wipes them with back of his hand, catching his breath.
It’s—well. It’s a vision, to be blunt.
“Sounds like you’re having fun,” Bruce says, and that’s the understatement of the year, because Steve looks downright delighted. He struggles to catch his breath, still grinning helplessly as he looks away from his phone.
“Oh,” he says, as if he’s just realized their presence. His flush deepens, Tony notices. Steve’s has kind of an ugly flush, that shows up in red spots coming up from his neck as well, instead of sticking prettily to his cheeks. Tony sticks his hands in his pockets to control his itch to touch it. “Hi.”
“Hey, Cap.” Clint throws himself on the couch next to him and leans, trying to take a pick at his phone. It’s rude, but Tony can’t really blame him, because he’s one step away from offering actual money to find out what made Steve laugh like that. “What are you looking at?”
Steve controls his grin into a more schooled smile, but he still perks up , and in a moment Tony is right behind the couch, leaning forward to place his hands over the cushion. From behind Steve’s broad, sculpted-by-the-Gods back, he catches a glimpse of a Twitter feed.
“I was trying to learn how to use, hmm—Twitter, right?” He pronounces it correctly, which really shouldn’t make Tony want to kiss him in congratulations, but it absolutely does. “And I found this, this page…” His face twists in an effort not to laugh. “You’re not gonna believe it. Here, I’ll show you. You guys need to see this.” He holds up the phone a little higher for Tony and Bruce to see.
As he types – a little slower than most people would – a name into the search bar, Tony’s heart kind of breaks.
“It’s genius,” Steve says, as the account opens. “I was just looking at this one—”
“Wait,” Clint interrupts. “Are you serious?”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks, with a little frown between his eyebrows that Tony’s hand itches to smooth it out. “I know it seems silly, but it’s really funny.” He turns, and, at Clint’s gaze, grows more indignant. “The pictures are very good and the captions are really creative.”
“I know,” Clint says bluntly. “It’s Dog Rates, Cap. They have over eight million followers. It’s a huge account. Everyone knows it.”
Steve’s frown vanishes, but it’s replaced by something a lot worse: surprise, and then a clear, raw disappointment that he does his best to mask. His posture deflates, his hand going to the back of his neck, rubbing it.
“Oh,” he says, and he’s back to his usual man-out-of-time voice, probably feeling old and stupid, the excitement from before already a distant memory.
It’s legitimately like someone turned off the sun. So, really, nobody can blame Tony for saying, “I didn’t know it.”
Steve looks at him. “Really?”
“Really?” Clint asks, a thousand times more skeptical, and Tony gestures flippantly at him.
“Not all of us have free time to troll on Twitter, Barton,” he says. Then he turns to Steve, who’s watching him with wide blue eyes that almost make him forget how to form words. “So? What’s all the fuss about?”
“Oh, yeah,” Steve says, a hesitant smile already blooming on his face. He turns further to show his phone exclusively to Tony, signaling for him to lean further so their heads are closer, which isn’t a configuration Tony minds, at all. “See, it’s very simple – they post a picture, and give it a rate. At first, I thought it seemed a little harsh, because, really, which dog should ever get a low rate, right? But, see—all their rates start out at ten.”
He proceeds to show some of his favorite posts. Tony’s seen them all, either from following the account or from random dog memes Rhodey sends him sometimes, but he plays along, ooooh- ing and ­ awwwww -ing at the right moments, and in no time Steve is grinning again, glad to be explaining something to someone else for a change, feeling in the loop.
Some people could say what Tony’s doing is lying, but he disagrees, because he isn’t faking it at all when he grins back.
After Steve finds out Dog Rates, it doesn’t take him long to find Thoughts of Dog, which he finds even more delightful. He shows it to Tony during breakfast, sitting next to him on the counter as they go through the tweets together.
“This is amazing,” Steve says. He’s at that stage where it seems like his cheeks hurt from smiling. Tony thinks he should look like this more often. Maybe all the time. “When they explained it at SHIELD, I thought the internet was more of a tool, like a huge encyclopedia. And obviously, it is, but it didn’t occur to me it could be…”
“Fun?” Tony asks.
Steve looks at him and smiles. Tony is quite fond of that sequence of events.
“Yeah,” he says. When he smiles like that, a dimple shows up in his cheek.
Tony isn’t even a dog person, but it couldn’t matter less.
Steve eventually expands his knowledge of animal memes and pages to include cats, which means Tony starts receiving lots of videos that were, at one point, considered the pinnacle of internet humor, with cats playing piano and sliding over wood floors.
Steve finds out about Grumpy Cat a few hours before he learns she’s dead. In between, he texts Tony a bunch of pictures of her with a message reading “this is how you look at morning team meetings”.
Tony honest-to-God giggles, because, really, he’s a lost cause.
A few moments afterwards, he receives a lengthy message of Steve saying he just found the cat in the picture had died, but she had apparently lived a long and happy life and so he hoped Tony wouldn’t be sad by finding this out.
Since Tony doesn’t immediately answer (because there’s a marching band leading what is apparently an eternal fourth of July parade in his chest), Steve then apologizes for sending the memes in the first place, and, look—if nobody sees Tony sighing, nobody can prove anything, regardless of what the dopey smile on his face might suggest.
On a remarkable occasion, Steve sends in a “important Avenger news – waiting for your thoughts, Iron Man” e-mail, and, when Tony opens it, he’s rick-rolled in front of his entire office.
“This is the cringiest shit I’ve ever seen,” Clint, who’s there to get suit upgrades, says.
“Shut up,” Tony says.
“SHIELD has informed him we think it’s best if he doesn’t have a Twitter account,” Natasha, who’s there to have lunch with Pepper, says, and even through her supreme spy training Tony can tell she has to try hard to keep an even expression. “For his… reputation.”
“Oh, shut up,” Tony repeats. “It would only make him more popular, and you know it.”
Natasha shrugs with a knowing smile. “To some people, maybe.”
Tony looks away, his face heating.
Eventually, Steve confronts him about it.
They’re on the couch, right after what wasn’t exactly a date, but also wasn’t definitely not a date either—Steve had said he was hungry, and Tony had asked if he wanted to get dinner, but then Steve said “sure, there’s pasta in the fridge”, and they had ended up eating in the living room, plates full of large portions of heated up pasta from lunch (which, against all odds, tasted really good).
Now they’re on the same couch, bodies lax and full of carbs, and sitting pretty close to each other already, although Tony does take advantage of any opportunity to slip a little closer. They’re watching as Steve scrolls through a series of images on his phone, all historical pictures or paintings with a photoshopped, photobombing squirrel.
Tony chuckles, because he barely remembers this one, and because Steve seems happy and relaxed and this makes it easier for him to laugh.
“How come you don’t know any of these things?” Steve asks with a raised eyebrow. “You work with tech.”
“Machines don’t make memes,” Tony says. Then, after a second, he adds: “At least not good ones.”
“Your profile is one of the most followed of all time on Twitter and Instagram,” Steve counters.
“Wow, okay—cyber-stalking much?” Tony replies, which makes Steve’s cheeks grow a little pink, but he doesn’t seem too embarrassed, just a little shy as he opens a small smile. Tony takes the opportunity to nest a little closer.
“I was just looking,” Steve says, his eyes landing on the point of contact between his and Tony’s shoulders. They’re so close now they’re basically leaning against each other, and Tony is about to retreat and mumble an excuse to leave and save himself the embarrassment, when Steve adds: “It’s nice. That—that you don’t mind me sharing things.” Then, to Tony’s bafflement, he comes closer and leans his head on Tony’s shoulder. “There’s so much to catch up on. Sometimes it’s nice to—to feel like I’m in the loop for a change.”
There’s a knot in Tony’s throat, and yet his body is reeling, completely taken by the warmth of Steve’s frame cuddled up against him.
There must be something in Steve’s eyes, too – something more than what his words say, something brighter and warmer that’s almost blinding as he stares at Tony, something that makes Tony confident enough to lean forward and press a kiss on the top of Steve’s head.
“No problem,” he muffles against Steve’s hair.
Steve hums pleasantly and then asks Tony if he’s seen the world’s fastest skateboarding bulldog yet.
Of course, Tony hasn’t.
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Because I can't keep only making Haikyuu videos, I'll just do this here
(Part 1) I'm gonna go ahead and rate every match in the series
1) We need to see a significant portion of the game, so simply glimpses of practice or official matches or just really short games don't count (so let's say more than 2 chapters long in the manga (with one exception as it's kind of a crucial one), I know this will miss out a few great moments, and basically the entirety of the training camp, but this list would be like 1000 pages long otherwise)
2) I'll go in chronological order as opposed to preference order because I'm too lazy for that
3) This first post is gonna be all the matches already in the anime, and I'll make a second about the manga (I'll post a link to each other on both) so this is spoiler free. Here's part 2 with the manga matches-
Yukigaoka Junior High Vs Kitagawa Daiichi
Okay, obviously this was more like a prologue than anything else. It holds a place in my heart for introducing us to these characters, and later on for not dropping Kouji and Izumi, and I liked the little details like how being in the football club meant he was able to make a good save or 2 with his foot. But of course this was hardly a match necessarily. Still fun and I enjoyed a lot of it, though.
Karasuno 3 Vs 3
Oh, Tsukki, to think you aren't as big of a douchebag as you seemed here.
I really do appreciate the entire situation, though. Tsukishima never disliked volleyball, it wasn't like he suddenly started getting serious after never doing so before when the Shiratorizawa match came, he was always one who could be riled up but he just didn't want to show it because it was irritating to him that people were so intense.
The match itself was really nice for what it was. The early matches really contained a lot of foreshadowing, like Yamaguchi messing up the serve we saw him do. And of course this was the start of the partnership between Kageyama and Hinata. Still warming up to proper matches, of course.
Karasuno Vs Aoba Johsai practice match
Okay, this is undoubtedly the funniest match of the show. Not necessarily the funnest (I won't forget Jozenji) but it was kind of hilarious. Poor Hinata freaking out, I love him, but it was so endearing. And of course there's the serve mistake he made. Baby crow grew up afterwards.
But then Oikawa's introduction was badass as hell. I love the entire Seijoh team, they're great, and I love every opposing team, but Oikawa is still the best rival in the series in my opinion. And people like Tanaka got some spotlight too which was nice.
Karasuno High Vs Neighborhood Association
Listen. I may be biased because I love the Neighborhood Association, but I absolutely loved this match. It was hype even though it was low stakes. We got Noya and Asahi playing for the first time, and Suga as well in fact. The introduction of the jump float serve. Some fantastic saves and spikes. I love it. And it was emotionally fulfilling.
Karasuno Vs Nekoma practice match
NEKOMA! Sorry, sorry. Just love them.
Anyway, I'm only talking about the match so I can't count how much I adored Kenma's introduction and the two of them meeting (Hinata, you're my cinnamon roll), nor can I count the ridiculous interactions before and after (Yamamoto and Tanaka, Kuroo and Daichi, and Yaku and Suga, are just too perfect) but other than that, I REALLY liked how Nekoma was the first team to show us how any spike can be countered. I loved Hinata and Inuoka's rivalry, and I so appreciated how they showed Kenma being a strategist. Also, in the manga, there's like 20 panels of him like this
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Which is a) a freaking mood, and b) one stupidly endearing quality about him.
Maybe this match is just about how much I love every character?
But it was so fun. Oikawa is the best individual rival, but Nekoma is their best rival as a whole. It's just so great.
Karasuno Vs Tokonami
I loved how we got backstory for Daichi. I don't know why, but I didn't exactly expect it? Like I expected development, but I guess I'm used to the focus being purely the main characters in terms of backstory, at least this early on, in most series. But I really like Ikejiri and I find his dynamic with Daichi endearing.
Not the best "match" but I appreciated the sentiment
Karasuno Vs Dateko
Oh, now we're talking. Gonna be honest, Dateko is one of my least favourite teams (I still love them! I love every single team. They're just on the lower end of a really highly appreciative scale) but this match was fantastic.
Again, I may be judging this based on one aspect, but I mean to this day Noya's save is one of my favourite scenes in anything. It was so well done, both anime and manga, and I just fell even more in love with Noya. And the symbolism of smashing through the iron wall was so great.
Karasuno Vs Aoba Johsai (1st official match)
And we come to the only team which Karasuno faced more than once in an official game (that we see) and that means I can't help but judge it harsher because their second game was awesome
HOWEVER! I still 100% love this game. It's such an important game to everyone and though I won't count the after effect, in the restaurant and all, I will count the immediate aftermath. It was so sad but also understandable and the entire match itself was intense. I could go into it, but it just paid off. The build up and the animosity between some of the players, the background we got for the characters during this game, the freaking soundtrack which is incredible in any of the matches.
Karasuno Vs Oghiminami
Karasuno Vs Kakugawa
...Meh again
With a side of interest in the idea of facing a 2m tall player, but...yeah, meh (neither game was bad, I just hardly cared about the actual matches. I enjoyed the surrounding discussions and all way more)
Karasuno Vs Jozenji
Most certainly NOT meh!
I love Jozenji so much. I want to see them more! They're so, so fun, and this shows you don't have to stick within a specific type of play. Be able to have fun while also being serious, it's important!
And, like, they're good! They're not bad or anything, even though they're messing around. They're entertaining as hell but also try hard.
I love them
And we got to see Suga playing too. I love him so I need to point this out.
Karasuno Vs Wakutani
Firstly, rip Daichi.
Alright, but seriously, I'm so glad we got to see someone like Takeru. His playing style is completely different to Hinata's at this point, yet they admire the same player, but neither of them are actually cruel or rude to the other team. This was such a respectful match while also being intense.
And we got to see an injury of a key player who couldn't go back on the court unlike Kags in the previous game, which, while unfortunate, is actually really, really good to see. It happens and can throw a spanner in the works, but it allowed us to also see 1) Ennoshita stepping up, 2) Tanaka's reaction to accidentally injuring Daichi (though it wasn't really his fault), and 3) an entirely different type of dynamic on the court.
Also, Yamaguchi! My baby! I felt like crying for the poor thing, but this was the start of his confidence and I love him so much.
I really, really, really liked this match.
Karasuno Vs Aoba Johsai (2nd official match)
Okay, firstly, the strategies in this game. Using a double edged sword like Mad Dog from Aoba Johsai, and Karasuno going with a more tactic savvy thinker when in a bind, like Suga, even though Kageyama is over all a better player, it was SO great to see. Suga may not be a genius or a prodigy, but his intelligence doesn't just lie in volleyball, so he can use general knowledge to his advantage so well, and teach Kageyama something too.
Kyoutani is such an interesting character and forms a brilliant dynamic for the team to play with, it's great.
Oikawa being shown to make genuine errors is such a fantastic thing. No matter how good you are, Oikawa, Kageyama, Ushijima, whoever, you will never be 100% perfect, and you will always have moments where you make mistakes. I really enjoyed seeing that. Especially his serves, which we were introduced to before his setting.
And, of course, the Hero of the match...
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Sorry. Got over whelmed. But real talk, I also liked that they did eventually lose that set. Miraculous plays don't automatically win the game, but it also doesn't diminish their importance.
And finally for this list
Karasuno Vs Shiratorizawa
Well, do I really need to say it?
Yes, Tsukishima owned this match, this season of the show, but he wasn't the only great player
Nishinoya had some amazing moments, Hinata is such an idiot but he utilised that to his advantage by...not thinking. Like, he deliberately received the ball with his face. I mean, come on.
Yamaguchi played great too, Suga was such a key part even when on the bench (yelling at them from the side lines is absolutely brilliant), pretty much everyone was amazing here.
But while it was longer, I still preferred the Aoba Johsai game. Only slightly. Still-
Okay! So that was the anime, now...
I committed to do the manga too, didn't I?
Alright, it does contain my 2 favourite matches, so you know what? Yeah, let's go
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grammarkid · 7 years
can you rant about Jennifer's body plz? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on it
oh, my dude.. my dude, ur rly gonna regret asking me this. like, i legit wrote a paper on this film. i analyzed it for a month straight and did research. for ur own sake, i’m so sry. for everyone else, i’m gonna put it under a cut, bc.. it’s a lot.
ok, i just want to preface this by saying that i know that the movie is objectively just bad. tbh, the writing is terrible, and diablo cody? thought she could tap into the hip cool teen lingo™️? but she was rly just pulling words out of her ass, so i always get torn between finding the dialogue laughable and cringe-worthy.
but i love the movie to death and i actually got the chance to write a big paper about it in college. long story short, i took this english/social studies class that was all about monsters – vampires, werewolves, zombies, cyborgs, etc. – and how they were representations of society’s fear of those who transgress social norms. so, basically we spent an entire semester studying ‘monster culture,’ a way of reading texts that parses the social anxieties from within their monster stories, bc the word ‘monster’ comes from the latin ‘monstrum,’ which literally means “that which reveals or warns.” so in monster theory, a monster always signifies something other than itself. & our final assignment was to analyze a monster film that we hadn’t discussed in class and explain the issues behind the film’s monster – but i won’t get into all that, bc that’s kind of a diff story.
but without going into all the social anxiety stuff about teenage sexuality, simply put, the film is an allegory for the ways in which sexuality and one’s self-esteem are intertwined. literally, jennifer gets turned into a demon, and the only way she can remain healthy and beautiful is to kill/feed off the guys at her school – but, rly, the story behind that is about jennifer’s insecurities. 
listen. jennifer slept with a lot of guys, even before she was transformed into a demon. needy said that jennifer lost her virginity in junior high. did u know that adolescents who have sex earlier are more likely to be depressed and to have issues with their self-esteem? (i told u, i did the research.) and teens with high levels of “sexual permissiveness” are often low in self-esteem in comparison to those who abstain. (no judgment at all, that’s just what the studies say. and let’s talk about the word ‘permissiveness’ here – it’s explicitly stated that jennifer’s already done anal. i’d say that’s permissive for a teenager.) and studies have also found that ppl who do participate in sex will often experience a temporary boost in self-esteem afterward, bc it makes them feel desirable – shocking!! 
so, ok, the point is, what jennifer does with boys after she becomes a demon is rly not that different from what she did with boys before she was a demon – she uses them to improve her self-image. (the only difference now being that she.. u know.. kinda eats them.) bc as confident and pretty as jennifer is, she has a lot of problems with her self-image. she’s peppy and vivacious whenever she looks pretty, but rude and mean when she feels ugly. & like, the biggest fuckin’ insult needy could use against her was that she was insecure?? literally nothing else that needy said had any effect on her, but she rly cracked when needy accused her of being insecure. i mean, she literally starts crying as she’s putting on her makeup for the winter formal bc she can see herself in the mirror and she’s ugly, and the only way she can fix that is to, u know, eat a guy – and it’s not just any guy, ok? she’s not just going around murdering the random 65y/o dude in the mcdonald’s drive-thru or the lady running the convenience store. they’re all young guys, around her age, who very obviously find her attractive. 
hmm. deteriorating demon eats boys who are attracted to her to regain beauty vs. human teenage girl with deteriorating self-worth and self-esteem sleeps with boys who are attracted to her to feel beautiful again. and uh let’s not forget that girls who regularly use guys are often called ‘man eaters.’ like, it literally could not be more obvious?? yet so many ppl i’ve talked to about it are oblivious.
but the thing that rly gets me about this movie? it’s the relationship between jen and needy. and i’m not just talking about the fact that they made out in bed for thirty seconds – although that does play a factor. i’m talking about how the film is rly an exploration of how these issues literally destroy their relationship.
bc jennifer is detrimentally obsessed with being pretty and popular and ‘socially relevant’ but she can’t let go of needy. needy even says that it’s to the point that kids at their school literally can’t understand why jen hangs out with her?? and i think that reason is pretty obvious.
like, ppl have their opinions, but i feel like there is clearly something between jennifer and needy beyond just friendship? jennifer is constantly sizing needy up, flirting with her, touching her, etc. jennifer even says that they used to play ‘boyfriend-girlfriend’ when they were younger. like, idk, that doesn’t seem like something friends do to me?? & it definitely doesn’t seem like something needy would suggest. no, that had to have been jennifer’s idea. but why? bc she has feelings for needy. hint: jennifer didn’t go after anyone in the film other than ppl she could use to her advantage – she explicitly mentions wanting to sleep with ahmet, jonas is the quarterback so ofc sleeping with him would be a boost to her esteem, colin asked her out on a date despite her lackluster appearance, and she also mentioned finding chip attractive. (if she could get him to choose her despite his loyalty to needy, wouldn’t that be a rush? why do u think she was so adamant when she said ‘tell me i’m better than needy’??) she doesn’t even attempt to approach anyone else in that way except needy. immediately after jennifer’s transformation, she goes back to needy. she’s the first person jennifer thinks of, and the first person we see jennifer approach in that way. and the scene definitely isn’t lacking sexual tension?? but ultimately it just suggests that needy could, in fact, give jennifer the same thing she got from the boys – i would even go so far as to say that, as a whole, the film suggests that needy is the only one who could give her that – but she can’t bring herself to do it. she cares too much about her to hurt her, to use her like that, and she even admits that later in needy’s bedroom. she literally says “i couldn’t hurt you.”
like omg the real tragedy of the movie is that needy and jen are torn apart by their missed opportunities. they’re constantly reaching out for one another, but they’re never in sync. after jen’s transformation, needy tries to be there for her, asks her questions, wants to be sure she’s okay, but jen can’t let her in bc she can’t even cope with the truth herself. after she kills colin, jen goes to needy’s room and tells her what happened to her bc it’s taking its toll on her and she’s desperate for needy’s support and validation, but needy is already convinced that she’s evil and her aggressive questions make jennifer retract. and without needy, jennifer has nothing. that’s why she goes after chip, bc it will hurt needy the same way needy hurt her. & personally, i don’t think jennifer was ever truly attracted to chip – i think she was attracted to his loyalty. & she was jealous of needy’s relationship with him bc it was steady and respectful and jen had no way of obtaining that for herself. and at that point in the film, she’s got nothing left to lose. honestly, like, with the others? jen didn’t hesitate. she made out with them and tore them apart at the first available opportunity. with chip? she took him to the pool and they just.. fucking sat there?? she tells him “i feel so empty” and yea most ppl probably take that to mean that she’s hungry, but if she was starving, then she’d just have her way with chip and be done with it, wouldn’t she? but she didn’t want to. she feels empty bc it’s all catching up to her and she doesn’t even have needy to help her through it. needy pushed her away. 
which is why i personally think that jennifer looks her absolute worst in the final scene with needy in her bedroom. she fed a bit off chip, obv, bc it was enough to kill him, and enough to completely heal the giant gaping hole in her stomach – which she plainly says to needy only happens ‘when she’s full.’ and yet she’s still so ugly. her skin is pale and her eyes are yellow and bloodshot, why? bc her physical state is a literal representation of her self-image and she feels terrible about herself so she looks terrible. ok, another hint: immediately after jen dies? she’s beautiful again. you literally watch it happen. & yeah, bc the film is about demons and the occult, u could say that the demon left her body, blah blah, but i think she becomes beautiful again bc that’s what she looks like when it’s not being distorted through the lens of her own self-view. all her insecurities aren’t killing her anymore, bc there’s nothing left. (and, just one last note about this final scene. what allows needy to kill jen? she tears off her bff necklace. and then jen literally loses all her power. she falls out of midair. it’s like everything stops, bc she still wore the necklace, she was still holding on to needy, even tho needy pushed her away. that was the last thing holding her together and needy took that too. and i think, rly, that’s what ultimately killed her. sure, the boxcutter had something to do with it, but there’s a reason that moment took up so much screen time, why it had such an impact, whereas the knife going in and that stupid ass ‘my tit’ line were so rushed in comparison.)
ugh, gosh. ok, i rly need to stop now. all that is already all twisted up and it hardly makes any sense bc i was rushing. i could literally go on for days about this movie, but this has already taken up like an hour of my day?? and i’m sure no one has even read this far anyway. but yeah. i have a lot of feelings about jennifer’s body, because imo it’s rly a tragedy disguised as a horror film.
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