#I'm his assistant at the moment and it's such a delight to work with him
cherrylindreams · 4 months
today, I asked my coworker who's in a pretty high ranking position (second highest here) how his day went and if all his appointments went the way they were supposed to and he smiled at me and said "yes, everything went well! and it was a lot of fun as well! I really do have fun at work every day" with such sincerity that it filled me with enthusiasm. he then went on to say that he really needs to be careful to not work too much and slip into burnout because it's so much fun to work... like man... you're such an inspiration
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simphornies · 8 months
Could I have it's fine if not
A vox x reader where shes his secretary?
A/N: Your wish is my command, <3 This was fun to write. I definitely headcanon Vox as someone that would fluster easily because he's just constantly around the Vees so being around somebody else that he isn't trying to hypnotize or boss around is new territory for him. Enjoy a flustered Vox. Definitely let me know if you'd like a part 2. I love subjecting him to this in my stories.
Word count: 2.9k words (2,948)
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Breathtaking [ Vox x Secretary!Reader ]
The moment Vox saw you standing in front of him in his office, he immediately took notice of your curves. The way your uniform hugged every inch of you nicely. He didn't want to admit that you are Velvette's top model. Not that random bitch Valentino tore up in his fit of rage.
Your intelligence. Your charisma. Your hunger for power. He watched you ever since you demanded to work in his company. He took note of every quirk you have, replaying everything you've done throughout the day just in case he missed something.
When he saw that you were getting approached by Valentino, something boiled inside of him. He didn't want him to have your soul and body. Hell. Your body. He wanted you all to himself. No contracts. No deals. But there's one problem. He has no idea how to approach you. Like at all.
"C'mon darling~" Valentino plays with your hair, "I promise I can make you a star. Imagine it, you and Angel Dust. Side by side. You'll make so much money you won't even know what to do with it!" He breathes out his red smoke, surrounding you both. You could only see his eyes glowing behind it. "Don't run away, babe. Make a deal with me." He grins as his voice echoes around you.
You were about to try and fight for your life against an overlord until the smoke clears out with a zap. You feel the electricity crackling in the air. An arm wraps around your waist, pulling you into them. It was Vox.
"Valentino!" He smiles, "I see you've met my new personal assistant." Val scoffs, a little upset that he got first pick. You weren't entirely aware that you got boosted up to being an assistant but hey. You'd rather that than be a pornstar.
"You never told me this little princesa's your assistant. When did that start?" He whined.
"It started now. I told you I've been watching one of our..." He chuckles, trying to find the right words as to not expose him basically watching you, "...newest recruits."
Valentino almost chokes on his smoke, offended at the lie he just spat out. "Well I need that gorgeous body on set." He lifts up your chin with a finger, taunting you.
Vox moves you behind him before putting his arm around Val, his voice distorting a bit, "Val Val Val..." He chuckled, "You can have any other woman we can reach." They start walking a little bit out of ear shot for you. "I want this one. Got it?" He flashed his hyponitizing eye into his unaffected fellow overlord.
Valentino rolled his eyes and raises his hands up in defeat, "Fine. Fine. Take her." He scoffs, "But as soon as she's gone from your hands. She'll be mine." He chuckled.
"Fucking asshole." You hissed under your breath, secretly hoping he didn't hear it because you're kinda scared of him.
"Well, well. Nice to finally meet you." Vox pivots on his heel to face you, "I'm sure you've heard of me, HA! Who hasn't? The name's Vox." He extends his hand out to you, "And you, my dear, are?"
You take his hand to shake it, "I'm Y/N. I've been watching your work ever since I fell into hell and I've been doing my absolute best to finally get a chance to speak with you! I have so much to say and every time I try to get a meeting set up and-" You rambled before getting cut off by Vox pulling you closer to him as he grinned in delight. "My my. You have a lot to say there, doll. Why don't we go into my office so we can have a real meeting."
You get a bit flustered with your blabbering. "Ah. Yes. Apologies. I was just-" You take a deep breath, "Thank you. For saving me back there."
Vox chuckles a bit and teleports the two of you into his office, leaning into his folded hands. You felt the static all over your skin, your hair floating a bit in certain parts. He walks around his desk and plops down on his chair. You fix yourself up and sit across from him.
"So, Y/N, what were you saying earlier?"
"I want to be yours." You blurt out. Vox blinks, his smile faltered a bit.
"Excuse me?"
"I MEAN-" You clear your throat, "I want to be your assistant. I want to work for you. Under you. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty if it means you rise up in strength as the overlord of this city." If there was anything you can do right, it's killing. And blurting out the wrong things.
Vox chuckled in amusement, "Alright dollface, let's see what you can do." He grins, holding his hand out for you to shake. You shake it with eager delight. ------------------ It's been almost a year since you've begun your work as Vox's personal assistant and it's safe to say that his admiration for you grew over time. You were now next to him at all times. Even though you were his assistant, he was at you beck and call. You honestly didn't expect this behavior out of the powerful demon, but you weren't entirely opposed to it.
"Y/N. Pull up the statistics for the lowest earners this month." Vox states, stress oozing out of his words.
"Yes sir." You nod, directly transporting what he had asked for into the screen in front of him.
"I told you to call me Vox." He groans before cracking his neck, flicking through the screen to note down the employees that haven't met anywhere near the required quota. You take note his stiffness, specifically in his left shoulder. 'He must be working overnight again.' You thought to yourself.
You walk up behind him, gently massaging his shoulders. He flinches slightly from the sudden physical contact. "Wh-what are you doing?" He glitched a bit, hoping you didn't catch that.
"You stayed up overnight again, didn't you?" You sigh, "Sir, you need to take better care of yourself. You may be a powerful overlord but your wits will lose its touch if you don't get the proper rest you need." You work your fingers to massage the knot out of his shoulders as he slowly melted into you touch.
He groans a bit in pleasure, "I-" He started to protest but cut him off before deciding not too. "Whatever. Work your magic. You're good at that with me." He leans further back into his seat as he shuts his eyes, giving into your massage, "And call me Vox!"
You smile, looking down at him, "If you insist," You lean down, whispering into the side of his head, presumably where his ears would be, "Vox."
He was lost in your massage before the sound of his name slips out of your lips, causing his eyes to dart open. "You said my na-" He froze as soon as he turned to face you. Your face was so close to his screen. His face lit up as he slowly starting to buffer.
You grinned at his flustered state, "Sorry. Too close?" You pull yourself back and finally got that knot out of his shoulder. "How come you only have that stubborn knot on your left side?" You thought it strange that it was only on the left. You moved your hands off of the frozen overlord in front of you before shifting over to where he was facing, lightly tapping on his screen.
The taps got him out of his buffered state. He was flustered with you catching him so off guard like that. "No." He coughed, "Just caught me off guard is all." He brings back his signature grin as he looked up at you. "Now what was that question again? Something about a side?"
You roll your eyes, "Your shoulder. The knot I got out was only on the left side. What in the seven rings could you be doing with just that side of you? You arm wrestle Velvette or something?" You state, "You know, I did try that once. She beat me with such ease I never dared to try it again. Valentino just kept trying to lick my arm."
You continued to ramble as he sat and realized why. You haven't left his mind, or his screens, for the last couple of months. He couldn't tell you he's been busy jacking it off to the thought of you sharing his bed with him every night. He couldn't tell you that he wished you were there every time he woke up.
"Ahhh. Yeah! Yeah. Such a bitch to beat." He laughs nervously before quickly getting up, "Well enough of that. Thank you, doll, for the massage. Now, it's almost been a year since you've been by my side and I believe I owe you a treat." He smiled brightly, taking your hand in his, "How about we both the rest of the day off? Let me treat you to a nice restaurant as a...thanks. For your hard work."
Your fingers tapped against the back of his hand, "So...like a date?"
And he glitches again, "No! I mean-pff-what. Nahhhh. That's not-" He stutters, "No! No. I would never-"
His instant denial made your head, and heart, drop a bit in disappointment. You've grown to like him, more than just a close friend and ally. It seems that he took notice of your disappointment as he stopped his ranting to lift your chin up with his free hand.
"Look, just. Get ready. Look pretty! Get Velvette to help you with an outfit if need be. Tell her I sent you. And meet me outside in an hour." He reassures you, "I have quite the surprise for you, Y/N. You know I never disappoint."
"Okay, Vox." You manage a smile, holding his hand tighter. "I'll see you in an hour." You walk towards the door and head straight to Velvette.
Vox puts on his best suit and bowtie. Not allowing a single piece of garment out of place. He waited by the entrance of his building a little bit earlier than the discussed time, eagerly waiting your arrival. Before he knew it he was swamped with reporters, bombarding him with questions regarding the change in the extermination date. He easily answers the questions with his idea of "VoxTek Angelic Security" or so he calls it. He totally just pulled that one out of his ass. He hypnotized the crowd to keep them at bay. As soon as he did, you exit the nearest elevator.
He turned at the sound of heels clacking behind him. You wore a beautiful black dress with red accents that wrapped around your body nicely, hugging your every curve. The drop of your dress went a little bit too low for your liking, straight down from your chest to under your bust, but Velvette insisted that the fashion tape she put on it will prevent any accidental spillage. A slit that revealed the red and blue garter you wore on your thigh that resembled cables. Your hair was curled, half up and half down, falling nicely on your shoulders. On your ears were jewelry that matched the antennas on his signature hat.
The sight of you took all the air out of him, you were stunning in his eyes. "My..." He mumbled to himself as he walks towards you. "You look..."
"Silly, right? I told Velvette she didn't have to go all out. That I was just going out for a meeting with you to celebrate our first year working together." You sigh, looking up at him with a worried look, "If you don't like it, I can quickly change."
Vox couldn't help but snake his hand around your waist, "You look stunning." He grinned, "I can't wait to walk into the finest restaurant in Pentagram City with you by my side." He led you out into the limo waiting, "You're going to break necks with how fast they're going to turn at the sight of you, Y/N."
You blush a bit at his flattery, the makeup you wore barely hiding it. He held the door open for you. You thanked him as you sat inside.
The whole ride there was a test of self-control for Vox. He wanted to hold you in his arms. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, so much so that he swears you could hear it at this point.
You peek out the windows next to Vox. You thought the lights were beautiful, nothing like what they have on Earth. You were captivated by the lights and he took quick notice of you shifting. You scoot closer to him, trying to get a closer look out the window on his side. "The lights are wonderful here, Vox." You smile, taking in the sights.
You place a hand on his thigh, causing him to blush intensely, leaning over him. "If I were to ask you of anything, I'd love to have neon lights in my room." You look up at him, "If you permit it."
He gave himself a mental pat on the back with how quickly he composed himself. Vox places a hand around your waist, "I will give you anything in my power at your asking." He hypes himself up to finally ask you out to be more than just his secretary. More than just his friend. "If you permit, will you consider this as my first attempt in courting you, dear?"
Your face quickly turned red at the sudden turn on events. You lean back, taking your hand off of his thigh. You attempted to back up but his firm grip on your waist stops you, if anything, he pulls you close to his chest. You blinked at him in disbelief, "I-Of course. I shall. I'm honored at to have your attention."
"Love, you've caught my attention since you arrived in hell." He confessed. Before he could continue, the ride slows to a stop as you both arrive at your destination. "Now, shall we?"
You step out of the limo, hand in Vox's as he assists you, careful to not allow you to trip. "I've gotten us our own private dining room here. Somewhere we can speak freely without anybody listening in on our conversation." He leads you into the restaurant, his words earlier still replaying in your head. 'Is this really a date? A date with Vox?' You thought to yourself.
He pulls out the chair for you before seating himself. He sits across from you, propping up his head on the table with his hand. He chugs the bottle of rum on your table to ease his nerves. A couple gulps in, he was ready to talk. "May I confess something to you, Y/N?" He smiles.
"Yes. Of course. Anything, Vox."
"You drive me crazy." He starts, "You're double drop dead gorgeous. If anything is an honor, it's to have you here in hell as my date. These last few months have been my equivalent of heaven."
You fluster at his words, turning red at the compliments. "Y/N, if I may be so bold. I have fallen for you. You're in my mind, always. Your gaze recharges me as much as it short circuits my system."
He gets up to move his chair right next to you, "My dear, I know I just said for you to consider this as me courting you." He holds your hand in his, "But if I'm going to be honest, I don't think I'd be able to handle keeping my hands off of you for tonight. You're absolutely breathtaking."
In response, you finish off what was left in the bottle he drank out off to ease your nerves. The alcohol flushed your face more than it already was from his confession. "Vox. May I be so bold as to speak my truth in return?"
He gulps down his nerves, a bit on edge. "Yes. You know you're always allowed to speak your mind around me."
"Pardon me, then."
"Pardon you for wh-"
You throw yourself on him, kissing him with passion. His hands instinctively wrap around your waist, closing the gap in between your bodies. You shift to sit on his lap, lacking the shame a normal person, probably not in hell, would have in a high rated restaurant. You wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning into him. You feel his tongue enter your mouth, taking control of yours. He relished your taste. What felt like hours in each others' hold, you finally pull away for air. You gasp and pant, looking into his eyes.
"I've worked as hard as I did, climbed the ranks and dirtied my hands to catch your attention the moment I learned of you. I absolutely adore your mind. Working with you solidified that." You smile sweetly at him, enjoying the shock in his eyes. "I'd love for you to keep your hands on me all night." You winked, "Take that how you will."
You hop off of him, returning to your seat. You sigh contently, holding his hand in yours.
"3..." You count down. Sparks fly from the back of his head.
"2..." You turn to him, his screen was flashing all types of errors now.
"And 1."
His excitement, shock and happiness absolutely drained the city of its power. You giggle and rest your head on his shoulder, waiting for him and the city to properly boot back up. If he unfortunately forgets, you'll just repeat it again for him to remember.
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yourdoorisunlocked · 8 months
What A Dish, What A Doll! - Part 3
🎙️【 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑰𝑰 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑰𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑽𝑰 】🎙️
𝐀/𝐍: Yup, we're getting into it now. Remember that this man is literally a cannibalistic serial killer who convenes with dark spirits and shit.
But I think that just makes him more attractive tbh.
Btw this man is like 6'1 in this story in his human form, so do with that information as you wish. ;)
. . .
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟑,𝟕𝟔𝟖 𝐓𝐖/𝐂𝐖: Descriptive gore, sacrificial rituals, just Alastor-coded shenanigans and levels of down horrendous I'm embarrassed to share... 😭👍 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: - ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʀᴜɪᴛꜱ | ᴘᴀʀɪꜱ ᴘᴀʟᴏᴍᴀ - ꜱʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ
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. . .
There was always a moment when Alastor had to take a small smoke before finishing off his prey, allowing the adrenaline of the hunt to wear off as he reveled in his latest kill.  
A gentle evening wind brushed against his ears, ruffling his cocoa-brown hair as he smiled up at the full moon with teeth as white as its luminous surface. Translucent curtains of gloom drifted past the celestial orb of night, just as the scent of a marshy swampland drifted up and enveloped Alastor in its nostalgic, wistful aroma of home.  
Though he relished the private, intimate moments he spent with you, times like these, where his mind could simply slip away from the drag of life and reflect upon the day, were as precious and rare as gold.  
Alastor simpered to himself as he fixated upon you being the star-struck little darling you were, mad with elation to finally be able to watch him host his radio show in the studio you both worked at. And he imagined you’d needed such a treat, after your delightful breakfast at that restaurant you’d wanted to try out for so long.  
It was too bad. Alastor quite liked that cozy little diner. Oh, well.  
Perhaps you could work there yourself, now that a fresh, new spot for a job had opened up at the restaurant, perfect for a lovely little doll like you. You wouldn’t have to deal with your rather overbearing supervisor anymore, who gave Alastor much more leeway than you.  
Ha! Who was he kidding? Like he’d ever let you take so much as six steps away from him, from the safety he could provide.  
He couldn't have you running around willy-nilly, gaining the attention of unworthy scumbags, after all! 
Then again, Alastor didn’t mind the image of you rushing around, serving him ever so politely in one of those form-flattering, tight waitress uniforms that had swept New Orleans recently.  
But that was an experience for him, and him alone. Besides, the reverie of having you as a pretty little assistant would do just fine, for now. Perhaps he could bring that idea to fruition, someday.  
Oh, one can only dream!  
With a last puff of smoke that condensed in the chilly night air, Alastor disposed of the cigarette and ground it into the dirt path with his heel. Maybe he could use an assistant around the studio; being the most charming, captivating voice in all of Louisiana wasn’t easy, after all! 
Plus, it meant more alone time with you, and your dazzling, melodic voice, and that divine smile that he could only wish to be blessed with. He drank it all up, your enthusiasm to be in his presence, your witty yet flustered company...
God, he could just eat you up–  
Muffled groans and wails broke him from his peaceful midnight musing, and he turned his attention towards the small shack he used. Normally, he’d relish in such helplessness from his latest kill, though his patience was wearing thin, tonight.  
But Alastor needed this one to be alive. The Loa didn’t favor cold, dead prey.  
Then again, it never complained of the condition its scraps were in. Only that Alastor could provide any. 
“Why, hello there!” The radio host’s air of exuberant showmanship rolled off him in waves as he stood above the crumpled form of the waiter who had insulted Alastor’s very being with his rotten presence.  
A throbbing pain at the front of his head where he had been knocked out with a bat ached painfully, and he cradled his wound with an anguished groan.  
“Ouch! That’s got to hurt, ha-ha!” Polished western-style shoes thumped against the wooden floor of the shack as Alastor made his way over to his victim, before bashing his head against the floor, reveling in his pained groan before he slumped in Alastor’s grip.  
“Hm, a bit meatier than I had expected... He’ll have quite a feast, tonight!” A dark chuckle, laced with venom and coated with mirth filled the small room, and Alastor hoisted the body over his head and dragged the unconscious prey out into the forest.  
Darkness enveloped the waiter’s mind, like a weighted blanket upon his consciousness as the pain worsened, before fading as his body gave out.  
. . .   
The sound of shoveling and short, exhausted huffing awakened him as he slowly came to, and the wintry night air brought him from slumber like the bony, thinned hands of Death itself.  
Shadows danced around his vision as his eyes fluttered open, and the light of Alastor’s lantern roused him fully awake. The quiet croaking of frogs, and the midnight lullaby of chirping crickets filled the otherwise eerie silence. A large, wilting tree hung over him, where moss and fungus sprouted from each branch as its hanging leaves reached down to him and the scent of dampened swampland baffled his senses. 
W-Where... Where the hell am I...?
Alastor watched with an amused smile as the pitiful lad tried to raise a hand to hoist himself up from the dirt, only to struggle for a few moments against his cursed restraints that bound him to the forest floor.  
Slim-fit gloves tightened against the handle of his shovel as Alastor leaned against it with a condescending grin, moonlight bouncing off his glasses as he looked down at the pitiful prey.  
“Oh, please don’t struggle too much. I did go to all that trouble of tying you up, after all,” Alastor cooed from his standing position above his victim, like he could possibly escape from the rune-encrusted stakes he had been bound to. 
“Now, be polite...  
And say hello to my old friend, for me.”  
A gust of wind howled around the pair, bringing Alastor’s attention towards the crooked trees standing tall against the swamp. The bushes rustled softly beneath its branches, when suddenly, a buck jumped out from behind the bramble, kicking at the dirt and eyeing Alastor’s little summoning circle with curiosity.  
It was a shame he hadn’t brought his hunting gun; those magnificent antlers would’ve been a dazzling addition to his collection. 
Also, the idea of impressing you with such a display had Alastor catching himself drifting off into his fantasies yet again. He really needed to stop doing that. You were turning the demented radio host into a moony-eyed sap, and in the middle of a sacrifice, no less!  
The deer slowly trotted towards Alastor with its head tilted in confusion as it eyed him, regarding the man with caution.  
Slowly, the radio host lowered himself into a respectful bow, and the buck reciprocated. It strayed a little closer, and a step too far proved to be its undoing.  
The busboy jolted with each snap of bone within the animal's body, the grotesque sounds echoing across the forest. The deer grew suddenly limp and collapsed upon the forest floor as the waiter’s eyes bulged out of his head. 
“W-What...? What the fuck is that!?” Alastor ignored his victim’s struggle behind him as he kicked at the chilled, marshy dirt with his bare, scabbed feet, hoping to create some distance between himself and the massive, horned beast that was forming rapidly.  
A futile effort, really... 
An animalistic screech of anguish would be the last sound that the deer ever made, as it finally fell completely under the control of whatever unholy beat had been foolishly summoned into existence. Shadows flooded the inside of the poor animal, hollowing it out at a rapid rate, and the unseen horror took its puppet upon a sleeve to speak to the mortal who summoned it. 
Whether it was utterly foolish or terribly sadistic was a true mystery. A gamble that made these little summonses the least bit entertaining, particularly if it was the latter. 
The sound of groaning wood echoed across the forest as two large, crooked antlers bent towards the sky. The creature’s hanging ribcage protruded from the gaping hole in its stomach, revealing bloody, mossy innards riddled with mold and buzzing flies that gluttonously fed upon the mangled buck's entrails. 
An ominous emerald glow shimmered within the buck’s maw, and two stark-black eyes fell into its open mouth, before sliding down its tongue
The deer's organs were promptly squeezed out of the corpse's slit belly and dropped onto the ground as the carcass thinned dramatically. A puddle of thick, glistening liquid that was much too dark to be considered regular animal blood had gathered beneath it.
Drip. Drip. Drip. 
Tarred, ashen-gray skin glimmered underneath the moonlight, as a guttural roar shook the forest, leaving the branches trembling with terror. Alastor stood before the beast with his hands crossed behind his back with an unbothered, almost bored expression.  
As the Loa stood before him in its complete, beastly form, Alastor brushed off an imaginary speck of dirt from his coat sleeve before opening his arms up to his old friend with a wide grin that nearly split his face in half. It had been a while since he’d borne witness to a proper summoning.  
“Quite a good show, my friend! Captivating as always,” Alastor called out cheerfully, clapping once or twice in emphasis.  
“Ɱվ ƒօɾʍ էąҟҽʂ էհҽ ìժҽղէìէվ օƒ ҽąçհ ʂօմӀ էհąէ çąӀӀʂ էօ ʍҽ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ,” the Loa's voice answered his old friend in a deep, gravely rasp from the mutilated buck's unhinged jaw. It stood proudly on its hind legs as it hunched over Alastor with a low rumble, and the stench of rotting flesh overpowered the natural, swampy scent of the forest, to the radio host’s distaste. 
“Then I do hope my soul has been quite the treat to replicate!” he clasped his hands together behind his back, folding his arms tightly behind him. 
“చհվ հąʂէ էհօմ çąӀӀҽժ ʍҽ հҽɾҽ, մքօղ էհìʂ ղìցհէ?” Its impatience wore thin as it looked upon the setting of the candlelit circle, and the pleasant aroma of fresh blood brought the Loa’s attention to the young man tied up behind Alastor.  
“Why, of course! How impolite of me to keep you waiting,” the excited glint in the radio host’s eye evolved into a look of complete madness as he gestured to the poor sap behind him, who gaped up at the Loa’s ghastly form in horror.  
“Presenting the main course for tonight, this pitiful little insect that I had the unfortunate displeasure of stumbling upon! Though it seems this chap appears to be faring far worse than I!” A cynical chuckle dripped from his thin-lipped grin as he bowed before the Loa like a true showman.  
Alastor hadn’t even noticed he had been rambling like a supervillain, monologuing about his latest victim as if it were a typical evening hosting his radio show. 
“įէ ʂҽҽʍʂ էհօմ հąէհ.. φҽɾʂօղąӀ հìʂէօɾվ աìէհ էհìʂ օղҽ,” the Loa rumbled thoughtfully, now circling the panicking prey as he thrashed in his roped constraints. 
“Ah, just a little disagreement, is all. Apparently, manners are no longer an important matter of discussion within one’s own household,” Alastor ‘tsked’, shaking his head in mock disappointment, “A shame, truly.”   
“įէ ʂʍҽӀӀʂ ƒɾҽʂհ,” the horned creature inhaled deeply, stinking putridly of decay as he bent over the trembling busboy, its skeletal back cracking and snapping as he further hunched over. Its victim blubbered pathetically, shaking his head as hopeless tears spilt from his eyes while he choked out helpless pleads. 
“Ꝉìҟҽ… Ͳҽɾɾօɾ…”   
In a flurry of shadows, the Loa pounced upon its feast, rumbling with fervor and gluttony as its fangs tore through flesh, ripping its prey apart as it aimed for the meatiest bits of its meal.  
The agonized moans of the damned that protruded from the Loa's maw conducted the symphony of terror, and the screams of the disrespectful runt carried the harmony as Alastor stood off to the side, relishing the gory display.  
When the Loa had finished, a long, blackened tongue licked its chops as it rumbled in satisfaction. It turned towards Alastor, who bowed before it, as was a respectful custom whenever the God finished its meal. 
"Ͳհìʂ աąʂ զմìէҽ ʂąէìʂƒąçէօɾվ. చհąէ çąӀӀʂ մքօղ էհվ ʂքօղէąղҽօմʂ օƒƒҽɾìղց, էօղìցհէ, ȺӀąʂէօɾ…?" 
"Oh, I was just taking out some trash. Honestly, you're doing me quite a favor, old friend! Think of it as a celebration for our friendship," Alastor grinned impudently, before bidding the Loa a silent farewell as he turned on his heel. 
"Now, I'm afraid that our time together must be cut short. I have a little darling to check up upon, and she is quite the feisty one, I'll have you know!" Oh, how perfectly this night had ended. Ridding himself, and you the trouble of ever dealing with such a pest ever again, and cuddling up to you while discussing your day over dinner, and ending it with a-
"చհօ ìʂ ʂհҽ?" 
Alastor stopped in his tracks, his smile beginning to strain and actually make his cheeks ache as he half-turned back to the Loa. Fuck.  
It seems that his utter enthusiasm for running his mouth about you has overridden his reasoning. 
"Whatever do you mean, my friend? Don't tell me you've taken a liking to my darling?" He pointed a teasing finger at it with a wide, knowing smirk that bordered upon a warning. 
The god eyed Alastor with pure contempt, before huffing impatiently and nodding towards Alastor's house in the distance. 
"Ƕҽɾ. Ͳհҽ βɾìցհէ ටղҽ. చհҽղ հąʂէ էհօմ ƒąӀӀҽղ ƒօɾ ʂմçհ ƒɾìѵօӀìէìҽʂ?" 
Alastor stubbornly clasped his hands together behind his back and stood tall as the ancient god bent down towards his level, empty sockets glowing an emerald green and practically blinding him as it asked again. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ҟղօա օƒ էհìʂ… ժìʂէɾąçէìօղ էհąէ հąʂէ էհҽҽ ìղ ą ҍìղժ ʂմçհ ąʂ էհìʂ," for the first time in thousands of years, the god's interest had been caught. Quite a peculiarity, considering that the Loa did not care for petty mortal matters that Alastor would rarely partake in himself, but the mention of a girl brought slight surprise to it. 
And judging by the glimpses the ancient being took within Alastor's mind, he could understand why the radio host had taken such a liking to you. 
Like the sway of wind, by the bloom of daffodils, you were akin to a wicked, unruly summer wind sweeping up sea salt and touching the hearts of those you met, everywhere you went. 
A rare commodity, in a corrupt world such as this. 
"Oh, well I suppose I must've slipped the word about her. Well!" Alastor placed his fingertips together as the memory of first meeting you surfaced in his mind.  
"I'd be happy to tell you how we met! It all began when I came across the darling little Doll in a charming diner. I'll tell you; the place couldn't have shined as much as it had without her presence, ha-ha!" 
The eldritch horror noted the complete adoration that swept the normally deranged man off his feet. Alastor’s animated announcer's voice and occasional jazz hands did all the talking for him as he spoke of you. 
The spirit never thought it'd see the day... 
"She was certainly efficient at her job, as well! Carried the entire restaurant on her back, in my humble opinion," of course, Alastor was completely biased in his reasoning. He'd take any excuse to sing your praises all night. 
"Why, she even gave me a shock when she rolled into the building with a pair of skates, one Thursday afternoon! Quite the compliment to that stunning dress pattern, I must say..." 
How curious, that the boy the Loa had met all those years ago, the one who seemed to have no such interest in pursuing relationships, who outwardly expressed disgust at the mere thought of being touched found someone like you to keep him company. 
"So, I decided to give the Doe a chance at my radio station, and we immediately hit it off!" The radio host's smile nearly cracked his face in half as he fondly recalled his first meeting with you, and the spirit tilted its head to the side. 
How strange, indeed... 
Well, now it just had to meet the girl who had captivated Alastor so and sprung upon this new sacrifice earlier than what was expected of him. 
Then, the Loa nodded towards the direction of Alastor's house in the twilight, softly hitting its hoof against the ground with an insistent thud. 
"į աìʂհ էօ ʍҽҽէ հҽɾ. į աąղէ էօ ҟղօա ահąէ ҟìղժ օƒ ʂօմӀ հąʂ çąքէìѵąէҽժ էհҽҽ ʂօ." 
Alastor slowly turned towards the beast, whose antlers seemed to grow even larger in return, sensing the human's challenge. 
"And what makes you believe that you have a right to meddle in my life, if it does not offend you to ask? Her soul is not yours, and her heart shall soon lie with me."  
The Loa huffed, before bowing its head towards the maddened, lovesick mortal. How foolish, the way such silly human matters have clouded the ever-articulate mind of one of his oldest acquaintances.  
Honestly, what did Alastor think it was going to do? Snatch you away from him? 
Like it'd ever get the chance. 
"βմէ ìէ ժօҽʂղ'է. ហօէ աìէհìղ çմɾɾҽղէ çìɾçմʍʂէąղçҽʂ. į çօմӀժ ƒì× էհąէ, հօաҽѵҽɾ," The Loa rumbled, knowing it was pricking at a soft spot as the young man shot him an unamused glare with a raised eyebrow.  
"į ʂհąӀӀ ҍҽ ժìʂçɾҽҽէ, օƒ çօմɾʂҽ. Ⱥ ʍҽɾҽ ìղէҽɾƒҽɾҽղçҽ ƒɾօʍ ąƒąɾ." Alastor scoffed and fully turned to the Loa with a sneer darkening his too-wide smile, his teeth seeming sharpened in the glint of the moonlight. 
To the Loa, Alastor appeared merely to be a puppy baring its pint-sized fangs. 
"Ha-ha! You seem to misunderstand me, my friend," he stepped boldly towards the beast, his hands folded behind his back with half-lidded eyes that dared it to cross the very clear line he had drawn.  
"I believe you have crossed a bit of a line, there, implying that I do not own her heart," the radio host sneered; a threatening grimace hidden behind a thin mask portraying a cheeky, unbothered smile. But the underlying threat was clear. You were not to be touched. 
Honestly, Alastor reminded the Loa of another, more ethereal being it had met long ago. Madly in love and willing to do anything, preform any atrocity, to protect his fleeting fancy. Looking back, he was rather short for someone of his status, and impossibly pale, having a sort of 'heavenly' hue to it. 
How ironic. 
The Loa looked upon the human with slight amusement dancing within its soulless, ominously glowing sockets. The mortal held such determination, such drive to keep you solely within his hold, a kind of devotion it hadn’t seen in centuries. 
Such a pitiful display of favor for his new toy had the Loa truly interested, now. It was sure that Alastor would do anything to keep you, anything to win your affections. 
Of course, good things came to those who waited. And so, with a soft nod, the Loa dropped the subject. 
“Ⱥʂ էհօմ աìʂհҽʂ. Ͳհօմցհ, ʍìղҽ օƒƒҽɾ ʂհąӀӀ ʂէìӀӀ ʂէąղժ." 
“Duly noted.” And with that, Alastor’s clipped tone snapped through the air, cutting off the conversation entirely. The distant hum of insects whispered against his ears as he waited for the Loa’s dismissal. 
"ƑąɾҽաҽӀӀ, འօէէҽժ ටղҽ. į հąѵҽ ҍմʂìղҽʂʂ ҽӀʂҽահҽɾҽ.” Finally, the Loa turned away from the mortal, its shadows dropping the corpse of the deer and vanishing from the scene. Alastor paid no mind to it, however, as there typically wouldn’t be any human nor animal remains, come sunrise. 
The god fed gluttonously, after all. 
Alastor swiftly turned on his heel and started back upon the path. “Adieu, my good friend! I do hope we’ll see each other again,” as he strode further away from the ghastly terror, all mirth had evaporated from his voice, leaving a biting cold edging at his words and rivaling the winter chill as he neared the house. 
But every step closer to you thawed his heart as he strolled through the bramble, choosing to shove away the thoughts that mulled over the Loa's offer. That would be something for 'Tomorrow Alastor' to deal with.
It wasn't long before he had finally made it back to the house, confidently striding across the forest as if nothing had ever happened, and Alastor slipped through the front door, brief as the wind and quiet as a shadow.
He was quite disappointed to see you had left for a bed, and his heart panged with guilt at the thought of you solemnly retreating to your quarters when you realized Alastor was probably working late tonight.
It was far from the truth, but it'd suffice as a good cover.
I'll make it up to her tomorrow.
Carefully, Alastor crept up the stairs, avoiding each loose board and step that would creak under the pressure of his weight. 
Then, after seeming to have climbed a mountain simply to get upstairs, he slowly opened the door to your room, his hands clenching the doorknob to the point where it'd snap in half from his vice grip.
Alastor took steady, silent steps over to your bedframe, standing over your soundly sleeping form with a lovesick simper.
Since when had he grown so infatuated with little ol' you? Was it when you ran up to him with stars in your eyes and that beautiful, kissable smile plastered on your face after you listened to his podcast from start to finish? When you raved about how amazing it was, how captivating he sounded?  
Moonlight was cast over your form, painting a pale, sleek canvas of stardust over your skin as Alastor drank in the sight with trembling fervor. 
Leaning over, he took a hand and carefully twirled a lock of your hair around a slender finger as he stared down at you adoringly.
"Darling... what are you doing to me~?"
As Alastor bent down to nuzzle your loose hair, your scent hit him almost instantly, and he groaned softly as the room became so hot, so unbearably tight as he became ever aware of the throbbing bulge tightened against the confines of his trousers. 
With a heavy, forlorn heart, and an aching erection he'd soon have to tend to, he pulled away from your slumbering form, and brushed a stray lock out of your face.
A warmth crept up to his cheeks as you leaned towards his familiar touch, smiling softly at the mere touch of contact as you mumbled incoherently in your sleep.
"Mmmph... Alastor..."
With a tender, close-lipped simper, Alastor placed a chaste, tender peck to your forehead.
"Sweet dreams, my Doe~."
. . .
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𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: So, I lowkey lied, saying it was gonna be a shorter chapter...
I'm sorry, making these longer ones are so much fun, and I can't for the life of me shorten any paragraph or story I'm working on. Even the end notes are an essay long lmao.
Anyway, thanks for reading, as always (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
393 notes · View notes
gammasnippets · 5 months
[CHANNEL_9] fromis_9 '채널나인' EP61. Spotlighting 🐼 Part.4
fromis_9 Lee Seoyeon
10,141 words (Co-edited by @digipigichopshop)
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To review and edit a video is often more difficult than one might think. It requires keen attention to detail, making sure that every frame is flawless and the narrative flows seamlessly with no room for error. Mess up a bit and it would have to go through additional rounds of revisions. Luckily, the initial editing appears to be free of mistakes so far. You're two videos in and instead of it being one hell of a frustrating task, it's as if you're in the comfort of your home watching porn videos in private.
It's nearly time for lunch. While everyone else is thinking about where to eat and what to have, your attention is still captured by yet another mesmerizing video in front of you. After watching Jiwon and Chaeyoung get ravaged by their partners in their videos, your craving for more intense and passionate moments only grows.
A video with a Panda Thumbnail catches your attention. As you hit the play button, excitement slowly overwhelms you knowing that Seoyeon, fromis_9’s resident rapper, is the main focus of this video. You can't wait to see how things will play out for her since she can portray both the cuteness of a panda and the fierceness of a tiger on camera. Once again, the memorable intro card for "Channel_9" appears and while it plays, you decide to include a brief recap from the previous video to refresh viewers' memories.
As the intro comes to an end and the recap plays, you prepare yourself for what is about to unfold.
The video starts with a glimpse of the opulent bar interior, featuring soft lighting, plush velvet furnishings, and a stylish polished bar. The space appears vacant as though anticipating some thrilling event. Just then, the camera transitions to the entrance where Seoyeon, dressed in purple office attire, cautiously opens the sturdy wooden door and enters.
"Oh! Hello to you all," she greets the cameras as she spots them one by one with a bow.
She's immediately astounded by the stunning visuals of the bar, taking in every detail with wide eyes and a sense of wonder.
"Wow... This place is amazing," she comments as she walks further into the bar, her voice filled with awe.
As Seoyeons steps further inside, she takes in the beautiful surroundings of the bar, with its elegant decor and welcoming atmosphere. The excitement on her face becomes even more visible as she explores the space as if it’s her first time.
After a few steps, she ends up in a large room adorned with a mesmerizing crystal chandelier that shimmers with a soft, enchanting glow.
"Whoa..." she breathes out in amazement as she gazes at the chandelier and everything surrounding it, fascinated by the room’s grandeur. "This is beautiful."
Walking deeper into the room, she gazes at every intricate detail adorning the space until she reaches the bar counter. A man in a sleek suit is standing behind it, carefully polishing a glass. Her arrival draws his eyes and he looks up with a courteous smile.
"Good day to you, miss," the man greets Seoyeon, his voice smooth and inviting.
The lady in purple responds with a gentle nod and a shy smile. "And to you, sir."
"I would assume that you are here for the challenge?" the man asks curiously.
"Ah, yes. I am," she replies, sounding nervous.
"I see," he says as he puts down the glass. "I was told to assist you."
Seoyeon smiles and nods with a delighted look on her face.
"Nice to meet you!" she tells him with a slight bow, her tone sweet and full of energy.
"Likewise. I look forward to working with you," he replies, his tone warm & welcoming.
Seoyeon then lets out a soft chuckle, as if excited for what's about to come.
"So… what are we supposed to do?" she asks.
"I'm afraid I don't have the answer, Miss," he replies. "I was told to wait for further instructions."
"Ohh..." she nods her head. "Maybe it's something related to mixing cocktails? Or how to toss drinks?"
He chuckles softly. "Perhaps you're right."
"Or... It could be just about drinking a lot," she makes a quick jest, laughing nervously at her joke.
"Well, that is something that I certainly wouldn't mind," the bartender smiles at her playful remark before gesturing to take a seat at the bar. "Please, do have a seat."
Seoyeon heeds his invitation and settles on a stool nearest to him.
"Thank you," she replies as she makes herself comfortable.
"So, do you drink?" he asks her politely.
"I do, but not that much," she confesses, her cheeks blushing.
"I see," he responds with a smile. "Would you like a drink?"
She nods gratefully. "Of course. Something light, please."
The bartender nods and starts preparing a drink for the lady in front of him.
"I'll make you a nice mojito," he says, reaching for the mint leaves and muddling them gently in the glass.
"Oh, I love mojitos!" Seoyeon exclaims as she hears his suggestion. "They're so good."
"They do. Yeah," he nods as he pours the different ingredients into the glass, mixing them skillfully.
Seoyeon observes closely as the bartender skillfully moves his hands, impressed by his mastery. He can’t help but smile at the sight of her patiently observing his craft, a hint of satisfaction visible in his eyes. As he completes the mojito and places it gracefully in front of Seoyeon, he leans in closer, speaking in a soft tone.
"Here you go," he tells her, his eyes fixed on hers. "The best mojito you’ll ever have.”
"Why thank you," she giggles as she reaches for the glass and takes a slow sip, savoring the refreshing taste on her lips.
The bartender observes Seoyeon as she sips the mojito, his gaze focused on her parted lips as they touch the rim of the glass.
"So how is it?" he asks, his voice filled with anticipation.
"Wow... It's good," she replies in a soft, appreciative tone. "I've never had a mojito like this before."
"Thank you very much," he responds with a satisfied smile. "I'm glad you enjoy it."
"It's very sweet and minty," she adds, her eyes twinkling with delight. "You can’t even taste the alcohol!"
The bartender giggles at her observation and gives her a nod. Her delighted reaction to the drink almost made him blush. She may be an awesome performer, but her fans are mostly drawn by her innocence towards a lot of things.
As Seoyeon continues to enjoy her mojito, they hear a ring coming from a monitor at the end of the counter, grabbing their attention. As they turn their heads toward it, a message pops up on the screen, causing their curious eyes to meet once again.
"What is that?" she asks curiously.
"That must be the challenge we should take," he replies, his voice filled with intrigue.
They read the following message together that appeared on the screen;
Learn how to be the best bartender!
Your partner will teach you the basics about mixing cocktails. It’s up to you to make the best drink ever!
You have 3 hours to prepare your drink.
Your partner will taste your cocktail. He will provide you with the result.
The screen then transitions into a countdown timer set for 3 hours.
— Digi stopped here but may continue if he has time tomorrow —
"Ooh..." Seoyeon mutters in surprise, her eyebrows raising and her eyes widening. "Cocktail mixing?"
"Indeed," he responds with a smile. "You seem interested."
"Ah, well… You can say that," she replies humbly, a light blush appearing on her cheeks.
"That’s good to hear," he responds, his voice tinged with warmth.
"So, what’s up first?" she asks, eyes bright with excitement.
"Well, for starters… Head over here," he answers, gesturing to come closer.
"Ah, right," Seoyeon says, embarrassed. She then walks around the counter and approaches the bartender.
"Now, I will be teaching you about mixing drinks," he says, his voice tinged with pride.
"Okay, what's the first thing I need to do?" she asks, sounding enthusiastic.
"First, we'll need to prepare the ingredients," he answers.
"Got it."
"You might want to take off your jacket. It might get stained."
"Ah! My bad," Seoyeon chuckles as she removes her blazer and tosses it far from the bartender's workspace.
The video then transitions to a brief montage as Seoyeon and the bartender begin preparing the ingredients for her first few cocktails. They combine liquids and fruits in a shaker, shaking it vigorously to create a distinct sound of ice and liquid blending together. As she continues mixing, they sample each cocktail with small sips, engaging cheerfully while bonding over this interesting activity.
"Mmm, it's quite good," the bartender remarks. "I think it needs a little more ice."
"Okay," Seoyeon nods. "So that’s what it only needs?"
"Yes," he confirms. "A few more ice cubes and it will be perfect."
"Alright. That seems easy," she responds, a small smile gracing her lips.
They continue mixing more drinks, making slight adjustments here and there until they've created a cocktail that both of them are satisfied with.
"Now, let's see if you can make this," he says, handing her a shaker and a glass.
"Sure, I'll give it a try," she responds with a determined expression.
She pours the ingredients into the shaker, shaking it with great care. She then tests the drink, taking a small sip.
"Oh wow!" she exclaims. "Whoo! That's good!"
"Thank you," he says with a warm laugh. "It's something I prepared before you arrive."
"Kinda strong for me but yes! I like it!" she remarks, a pleased expression on her face.
"Do you think you can recreate it?" he asks, his eyes filled with curiosity.
Seoyeon then ponders his question, scratching her head.
"I'm not going to tell you its ingredients, though,” he tells her with a firm tone in his voice. “But it's an easy one so you should be able to figure it out," he adds, trying to reassure her..
"Okay. I guess I can try…" Seoyeon nods as she thinks deeply.
The lady in purple then starts to carefully examine the different ingredients and liquors that are laid out in front of her. She carefully examines each one, trying to determine what could be in the cocktail she was just served.
"Hmmm," she murmurs to herself, her eyes scanning the bottles. "Maybe this will... No, that's not it."
"It’s okay, Seoyeon. Take your time," he urges her, smiling encouragingly.
"Do you think I can make it before the time ends?" she asks him curiously.
The bartender chuckles. "We barely just started, Miss."
"That's true," she replies, laughing lightly.
"There's still plenty of time, so take your time and do the best that you can," he reassures her, making her not rush things.
Seoyeon then returns to the task, now focused on recreating the cocktail she tried earlier. She carefully examines the ingredients, trying to identify their significance. After selecting a few key items, she adds them to the shaker and starts mixing under the watchful eye of the bartender who provides support and guidance.
"I'm not sure if this is correct, but let's see," Seoyeon tells herself as she tests the concoction.
After tasting her work, a delighted expression appears on her face.
"Mmmh. That's pretty good," she exclaims, looking rather pleased.
"Is it? Let me try," the bartender says as he takes the glass from her.
He then samples her creation and a pleased expression appears on his face as well.
"It is quite good. Good job," he tells her, his voice filled with warmth.
"Really? Thank you," Seoyeon smiles happily.
"However, I believe you missed a few things," the man says, his voice laced with a bit of teasing.
"Is that so?" she asks, a mix of interest and intrigue.
"What you just recreated is a Long Island iced tea. Very popular in the US," he explains, a smile tugging on his lips. "You missed adding a bit of gin."
"Ooh, that's what it is," Seoyeon responds, sounding impressed.
"Yes," he replies, nodding his head. "So how do you feel after learning a bit about mixing drinks?"
"It was quite fun," Seoyeon remarks, her face flushed with excitement. "I enjoyed it."
"I'm glad to hear it," the man tells her. "Should we proceed to your challenge? Maybe you would like to learn more, perhaps?"
"Can you teach me more?" Seoyeon inquires, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.
"I could," the bartender answers with a smile. "But you look like you had enough drinks."
The camera focuses on her face, showing her rosy cheeks and glossy eyes, signs of being drunk. She scrambles to check his claims, putting her palms on her cheeks.
"I'm fine. I'm not drunk yet," she retorts, laughing, as if embarrassed.
"Are you sure? The ones you drink are pretty strong," he asks, his eyes narrowing at her, a playful smile dancing on his lips.
"I'm sure," she answers, her voice tinged with certainty. "I'm fine—hic!"
She covers her mouth, embarrassed, hiding her hiccup.
"There we go," the man tells her, his voice soft yet firm.
"N-no. I'm not..." she stammers, trying to hold back another hiccup.
"Well, you are," he insists, his tone playful.
"I-I'm not... Agh!" she tries again as she slowly shows frustration in her state.
"It's alright, Seoyeon. You can be honest," he encourages her, his voice gentle and kind.
"But I'm not. Really," she tries to convince him.
"You sure you are not drunk, yet?"
"No. Yes. I mean—hic! Aww, man!" she hiccups again, a small smile playing on her lips.
The bartender laughs lightly, amused by her stubbornness.
"See, Seoyeon. You're not fine at all," he tells her, his voice filled with warmth. "You've had enough."
"But I want to learn more!" she insists, her voice filled with determination. "We still have some time left."
"We can do that later, okay?" the bartender assures her. "After all, you can't mix drinks if you're drunk."
"Hmmm... I guess you're right," Seoyeon replies, nodding slowly.
"Alright. Let's take a rest over there," he points at a plush couch placed in a corner of the room.
"Okay… Nghh…" she replies, groaning.
"Come, follow me," he says as he gestures for her to walk.
They then make their way towards the couch. Despite having a few drinks, she moves steadily yet he follows closely beside her, supporting her as she goes. Soon after, they both take a seat on the couch, sitting closely next to each other.
"This couch is nice and comfy," Seoyeon observes, a small smile appearing on her lips.
"It is, isn't it?" the bartender comments, his tone soft and warm.
"Yeah," she nods her head.
He then offers her a glass of water, which she accepts gratefully.
"Thank you," she tells him, her voice tinged with gratitude.
"You're welcome," he replies, his voice gentle and soothing.
Seoyeon takes a sip of water and leans her head back against the couch.
"So... How do you find bartending?" he asks her, his voice tinged with curiosity.
"Well, it's been fun so far," Seoyeon tells him, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Glad to hear that," he replies, his eyes meeting hers.
"I'm learning new things with your help," she adds, her tone grateful.
"Anything for a cute customer like you," the bartender compliments her, and a warm smile can be seen on his face.
"You flatter me," Seoyeon responds, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Hey. Your face is getting redder," he teases her.
Embarrassed, she tries to cover her cheeks with her hands. "That's because you're flattering me!"
"No need to be embarrassed, though," he tells her, his voice gentle and understanding. "It's the alcohol's doing."
"Ah, yeah... I'm a little bit tipsy, I guess," she admits, her voice filled with sheepishness.
"Just a little bit?"
"Yeah! I'm not drunk!" she argues.
"Really? Because you're hiccuping a lot."
"But I'm not—hic!"
The bartender laughs. "There it is again."
"Ugh. I can't help it," she groans, sounding frustrated.
"Well, I'm sure you can," the bartender counters. "Maybe you just need some help."
"Help? How?" she inquires, her voice curious and hopeful.
"You see... They say kissing helps stop hiccups," the man replies, his voice low and suggestive.
Seoyeon chuckles at hearing his explanation. "Is that so?"
"It does," he insists. "But only if you want to stop it."
"I don't believe you," she retorts, her voice playful.
"Well, then... Shall we find out?" the man offers.
"Fine. Go ahead," she gives in, her voice tinged with a hint of teasing.
The man then leans closer, his face just inches away from hers. You can see her blushing cheeks and biting her lips. He then slowly brings his lips closer to hers, stopping just a hair's breadth away.
"Ready, Miss?" he whispers.
"Mhmm," she nods her head. “Go ahead.”
Seoyeon closes her eyes, waiting patiently for the kiss to happen. But the bartender has other plans. He moves his lips to the side of her mouth and kisses her cheek.
"Ah?" she sighs, her eyes fluttering open.
"Not there, right?" the bartender teases her, a playful grin appearing on his lips.
"Oh, you!" she giggles, slapping his arm playfully.
"My bad," he says, giggling. He then leans in once more. "Here, let me try again."
His lips finally land on hers, kissing her. They start slowly, moving their lips against each other gently and sensually. The two of them eventually get lost in the moment, enjoying the taste of each other's lips. After a while, they pull apart, gasping for air.
"There. Better?" the bartender asks.
Seoyeon examines herself, finding no more hiccups. She then smiles, looking at him with bright eyes.
"Yes," she breathes out, her voice filled with relief. "I think it worked."
"Well that's great," he responds, a pleased smile forming on his face.
The two looked at each other for a moment, a comfortable silence falling over them.
"I hope it won't come back," she says, her voice low and soft.
"It won't," he assures her, chuckling.
"Are you sure?" she asks him, her eyes locked at his’.
"Maybe... But why don't we make sure it won't?" he suggests, smirking.
Seoyeon's face flushes even redder, and she quickly averts her gaze.
"Hmmm…" she trails off, a slight tremble in her voice. “I guess we can try.”
The bartender's eyes then travel along the contours of her face, his gaze settling on her lips. He then leans closer, his nose brushing against hers.
"Shall we try it again?" he asks, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Seoyeon's breathing hitches and her heart pounds in her chest.
"Sure," she answers breathlessly.
He then brings his lips to hers and begins kissing her deeply. Their tongues immediately tangle together as their lips move in sync, like a romantic dance. His hand caresses the nape of her neck, while her hands rest on his shoulders, holding him close. As their lips continue to collide, their bodies become even closer. He gently pushes her body down, making her lean on the sofa, his lips never leaving hers.
"Mmmh... Fuck," she moans against his mouth.
The bartender's kisses eventually trail down her chin and neck. The sensation of his lips against her skin sends her shivering, and she can't help but whimper softly.
"You like that?" the bartender murmurs against her neck, his voice deep and seductive.
"That feels good," she breathes out, her eyes half-lidded and glazed with desire.
"Want me to do it more?" he asks, his lips tracing a line along her jaw.
"Yeah... Mnhh…" she nods, her voice heavy with lust.
As his lips trail down her neck, he gently bites her skin, eliciting a soft moan from her.
"Ah! That's... Ohh!" she cries out, her voice shaky and breathless.
He continues kissing her neck, leaving small bite marks all over her.
"You smell so good, Seoyeon," he breathes against her ear, making her shudder.
"Thank you—oh fuck!" she moans, her head rolling back.
His hands then begin exploring her body. They caress her curves and trace the outline of her breasts. He gropes and fondles them through the thin fabric of her shirt, making her whimper in pleasure.
"Fuck. You're driving me crazy," he growls, his voice dripping with lust.
"Ahh... I was about to say the same thing," she responds, her voice laced with desire.
"I'm happy to please," he murmurs, his lips brushing against her ear.
"And I'm glad to be pleased," she whispers back, her eyes locking onto his.
He then kisses her passionately, his tongue pushing inside her mouth.
"Mmmh!" she moans, her hands tangling in his hair.
Like a hungry animal, he hastily unbuttons her blouse, revealing her luscious breasts hidden behind a red lace bra.
"Shit, Seoyeon... These are perfect," he whispers, his voice hoarse and thick with desire.
"Looks like you're loving the view," she purrs, her eyes locked onto his.
"Oh, yeah. You're a fucking goddess," he replies, his gaze full of lust.
He then places his hand on her breasts and squeezes them, making her moan in pleasure. He then kisses her neck and licks the shell of her ear, his tongue flicking and teasing her sensitive skin.
"Mmmh! Fuck... Yes," she moans, her breathing ragged and labored.
"Do you like that, Seoyeon?" he growls, his lips trailing down her neck.
"Yeah! I love it," she moans, her voice heavy and desperate.
"Then let me show you something else you'll love," he growls, his eyes glinting with lust.
He then moves his hand between her legs and gently separates her thighs, revealing the matching red panties underneath.
"Oh fuck," she mutters, her voice filled with anticipation.
He slowly runs his fingers over her panties, teasing her through the thin fabric.
"You're so wet, Seoyeon," he whispers, his voice dripping with desire.
"You're the one who did this," she retorts, her voice filled with desire.
"Blaming me for it, huh?"
"Y-yes," she breathes out, her voice weak and shaky. "You're the one who has his hands all over me."
"Well, you're the one who looks so irresistible," he counters, his lips tracing the outline of her ear.
She moans, her voice quivering and breathless.
"Ah! Ohh... Fuck me," she whimpers, her voice heavy and pleading.
"Gladly," he growls, smiling.
With her permission, his hand dips between her legs and pushes her panties aside. Her partner is left breathless at the sight of her wet lips. But that didn’t stop him from rubbing his thumb against her inviting folds, making her whimper to his touch.
"Oh! Fuck, you're such a tease," Seoyeon comments, a slight snicker forming on her face.
His fingers continue to attack her sensitive bud, her toes curling as her grip on the couch tightens.
"Mmmm... Fuck," she mutters, her voice strained.
"You like that, huh?" he growls, his eyes dark and filled with lust.
"Oh, yeah," she moans, her body squirming and trembling.
He continues rubbing her wet folds, his fingers expertly pleasuring her.
"You're so fucking sexy, Seoyeon," he breathes, his voice thick with lust.
"Aah! Fuck! Fuck!" she cries out, her body writhing in pleasure.
"On your limit already?" he smirks.
"N-no! I'm just—ooh... So good," she whimpers, her voice breathless and shaky.
He chuckles at her reaction and continues pleasuring her, his fingers rubbing her sensitive flesh.
"Ah! Oh fuck," she cries out, her body writhing in ecstasy.
"My... Aren't you sensitive?" he teases, his voice tinged with amusement.
"Fuck off... Mhnn..."
He then slips a finger inside her wet pussy, making her gasp and moan.
"S-shit! That feels good!" she breathes, her voice shaky and weak.
"Looks like I hit a spot, huh?" he whispers, his voice thick with lust.
"Yeah! Mmmm... Don't stop," she moans, her body trembling and quivering.
He slides his finger deeper into her, his thumb rubbing her sensitive clit.
"Fucking hell! Oh shit," she gasps as her hips buck in the air.
"How does that feel, huh?" he growls at her, his voice thick with lust.
"W-what do you think? Mmmh!" she moans out.
"I bet it feels good," he says, his voice dripping with lust.
"Yeah! It does," she gasps out, her body squirming and trembling. "Now, hurry up and make me cum."
He smirks.
"With pleasure," he whispers, his voice low and seductive.
Suddenly, the camera cuts to a wide-angle shot, and you can see both the bartender's and Seoyeon's expressions change dramatically. The man's eyes widen, and his mouth falls open as he stares at the beautiful sight before him. Meanwhile, Seoyeon's face is contorted with pleasure as she moans loudly and squirms on the couch, her body arching and writhing uncontrollably. They look like they're in a state of pure bliss, a mesmerizing scene of intense intimacy and raw desire.
"Aah! Your… Your thing is—oh fuck!"
Seoyeon's loud, sensual cry fills the room as her body trembles and quivers, her pussy clenching and convulsing around the bartender's fingers. The bartender looks down at her in amazement, his face flushed with arousal and his eyes dark with lust.
"Getting close, are we?" the bartender asks, his voice dripping with desire.
"Yeah. I'm gonna cum soon," Seoyeon breathes, her voice shaking and quivering.
"You like this, don't you?"
"Fuck yeah... I do."
"Damn, you're incredible," he whispers to her ear, his voice hoarse and strained.
She lets out a weak, satisfied chuckle.
"I aim to please," she tells him, a playful tinge in her voice.
The bartender chuckles and leans down, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Their tongues once again meet in a passionate dance, their bodies pressed close together. As their intense make-out session goes on, so do his fingers, pumping in and out of her pussy.
"Oh shit… Let it out, Seoyeon," he commands her, his voice husky and thick with lust.
Seoyeon's breathing becomes heavy and erratic, her body quivering and squirming under his touch. She whimpers and moans, her pussy clenching and convulsing around his fingers.
"I-I'm so close…" Seoyeon whimpers, her voice filled with desire.
"Then come for me," he growls, his voice dark and husky.
He pumps his fingers in and out of her pussy faster and faster, making her body tremble and convulse.
"Yes! Yes! Oh fuck! Yes!" she screams, her body arching and quivering in ecstasy.
"There. Let go, Seoyeon," he encourages her, his voice low and commanding.
"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna—oh fuck! I'm cumming!"
Seoyeon's body suddenly shudders and convulses as her orgasm hits her hard, sending her reeling in ecstasy. Her pussy clenches and convulses around his fingers, her juices spraying everywhere. She can be naughty at times, especially around her fellow members. But her current display of eroticism is on a whole different level.
"Mmmh! Ooh! Ohh! Fuck! Oh fuck!" she screams, her body writhing and shuddering in pleasure.
Her eyes roll back and her mouth falls open as she loses herself in the throes of pleasure, her body spasming and quivering uncontrollably. Her loud cries of pleasure and ecstasy fill the room as she rides the waves of her orgasm, her pussy clenching and convulsing around his fingers.
After what seems like an eternity, her orgasm subsides. The bartender looks at her, his eyes dark and lustful, while Seoyeon's are glazed and unfocused. They remain motionless for a few moments, both catching their breath.
"How was that, hmmm?" the bartender whispers, his voice filled with satisfaction.
"Oh f-fuck... It was incredible," Seoyeon tells him, her voice hoarse and shaky.
"You were amazing, Seoyeon," he responds, his voice heavy with desire.
"Thanks. You too," she replies, her breathing still labored and uneven.
"I'm glad I was able to please you," the bartender murmurs, his lips brushing against her neck.
Seoyeon shudders at his touch, her body still tingling from her orgasm.
"Nghh… Y-you definitely did," she breathes, her voice quivering and weak.
"Well, it's only natural for me to reciprocate," he chuckles, his voice low and seductive.
"Is that so?" she asks, breathless and husky.
"Mhmm," he hums, his lips trailing down her neck.
"I guess I should pay back the favor, then," she tells him, her voice heavy with desire.
The bartender then lays himself back on the couch, his hands crossed his head.
"Go ahead, then," he whispers, his voice dark and husky. "The floor's yours."
A smirk then forms on her face, her eyes burning with lust.
Without hesitation, she proceeds to unbutton his pants. She works slowly and methodically, teasing him through his boxers. The bartender's breathing hitches and he bites his lip, watching her intently. Once she has unbuttoned his pants, she slides both his pants and boxers off, freeing his hardened member, already glistening with precum.
"Oh my," she coos, her voice dripping with lust.
She then leans down and takes a close look at his cock, her eyes studying it intently.
"See anything you like?" the bartender teasingly asks.
"Yeah, I do," Seoyeon answers, biting her lips.
"Why won't you indulge yourself, then?"
"If you insist," she tells him, her voice low and seductive.
Without hesitation, she begins playing with his dick, stroking and squeezing it with her hands. She licks her lips and leans down, kissing his shaft from top to bottom. Her movements are slow and sensual, making sure he feels every single one. He gasps and groans, his cock twitching and pulsing. She then takes the tip of his member into her mouth, planting a kiss before sucking on it gently.
"Mmmh, yes... That's it," the bartender murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
"You like that?" Seoyeon asks, her voice low and husky.
"Yeah. Keep going," the bartender breathes, smiling, his eyes closed and his head tilted back.
Seoyeon giggles and resumes her actions, slowly sliding his entire length into her mouth. She gags slightly at first but quickly recovers and starts sucking and licking his cock, slowly bobbing her head up and down.
"Fuck... You're so good at this," the bartender grunts, his hands gripping her hair.
"Mhmm," she moans, the sound vibrating against his member. "Dho yu luhv ith?"
"Fuck, yeah. Don't stop," he growls, his voice husky and full of desire.
As instructed, Seoyeon increases her speed and sucks harder, taking his cock as deep into her mouth as she can. The bartender groans and grunts, his body twitching and spasming.
"Ooh, Seoyeon. Just like that. That's so good," he pants, his voice heavy with lust.
Seoyeon hums in acknowledgment, sending a pleasurable vibration against his cock. She continues sucking and licking his hard shaft, her movements becoming more frantic and desperate.
"Shit, Seoyeon. You're amazing," the bartender groans, his body tensing up.
She keeps her pace and continues sucking and licking his member. The bartender seems to be getting closer and closer to climaxing, his body twitching and his cock throbbing. Suddenly, he grabs her hair and forces her head down, making her take his entire length into her mouth, taking her by surprise.
"Mbph? Mphh?!"
"Yes. Just like that. Suck that cock," he growls, his voice heavy and strained.
"Mmmh!! Mlph! Mlrgh! Mrrrh!"
She gags and coughs, but continues sucking and licking. She places her hands on his thighs, holding on tightly, determined to make him cum. In response, the bartender's hips begin thrusting, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth.
"Oh, fuck, yes. That's it, Seoyeon. Just like that," the bartender grunts, his voice low and strained.
He continues fucking her mouth, his movements becoming faster and more frantic. The room is filled with the ecstatic sounds of Seoyeon choking and gagging on his cock, their bodies twitching and writhing.
"Shit, Seoyeon. I'm close," the bartender growls, his voice thick and husky.
"Yeah. I'm gonna cum. Get ready," he groans, his hips thrusting and spasming.
The bartender then slows his movements, letting her suck his cock at her own pace. With one hand on her head, he guides her head up and down, almost at the same pace as his', taking his member into her mouth with ease. Her tongue swirls around the tip of his member, making him grunt and groan. This synchronous motion of pure pleasure unravels in front of the camera, the erotic act being captured in all its glory.
"Oh, shit. Yeah. Keep going. I'm gonna cum," the bartender growls, his breathing erratic and labored.
"Mhmm, mmmh," Seoyeon nods, her eyes closed, her mind focused on her task.
"Here it comes! Urgh! Fuck!" the bartender cries out, his body trembling and shuddering.
Seoyeon's movements become more frantic and desperate, her pace matching the bartender's. Suddenly, the bartender grabs her head with both hands and pulls it towards his body, forcing his cock deep into her throat. She gags and chokes as his cum sprays into her mouth and down her throat, making her eyes roll back in her head.
"Hahh… Fucking hell," the bartender pants, his breathing heavy and uneven.
He thrusts a few more times, emptying his load into her mouth. You can see in Seoyeon's face that she's swallowing his thick, warm seed, not letting a single drop of it go to waste. But it seems too much for her and she pulls out, coughing and gagging, cum spilling out of her mouth.
"Mmph! Ghck! Gah!"
"Fuck! Sorry, Seoyeon. I couldn't help it," the bartender says sheepishly.
She continues to cough and splutter, the bartender patting her back.
"Are you alright?" he asks, sounding concerned.
"Y-yeah. I'm… I’m fine," she replies, a bit of frustration in her voice.
"I may have overdone it," the bartender laughs, his tone light and cheerful.
"No kidding," she chuckles, her voice raspy. “You almost choked me.”
Seoyeon then swallows what's left of his cum inside his mouth, a satisfied smile on her face. He looks at her with utter awe, amazed at how a small lady like her was able to take his load.
"Fuck. That was hot," the bartender compliments her.
"Thank you," Seoyeon says, licking her lips. "That was quite fun, you know?"
The bartender nods in agreement. "Fuck… You're just making me want you even more."
Seoyeon chuckles. "Looks like someone wants more."
"What can I say? Thinking about what else you can do... It's making me crazy," he tells her, his voice husky and seductive.
She blushes and bites her lips. "I guess I'll have to find out for myself, huh?"
"I can help you with that," the bartender smirks as his hand reaches for his dick, stroking it back to life. To her amusement, it doesn’t take long before her shaft stands up on its own, tall and hard as it was.
She lets out a soft, breathless chuckle. "Well, aren't you energetic?"
"For you? It's a given," he replies, smirking.
"That flattery will get you anywhere," she grins.
"I'm sure it will," the bartender replies. "But for now…"
He suddenly leans in, his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers. His hand lands on one of the buttons of her blouse, ready to unclasp it. Their breathing becomes more shallow, adding to the tension in the room.
"This is where I want to be."
Seoyeon is seemingly satisfied with his response, evident in the slight curve of her lips as she looks into his eyes, anticipating his next move.
"What are you waiting for, then?" she hums, her voice soft and sultry.
The bartender's finger slowly slips through the first button, and the second one, then the third. The thrill makes Seoyeon shiver in excitement, reaching for his lips with hers. Eventually, he reaches the last one, and the bartender finally opens her blouse, revealing a red lace bra as her blouse slides down her shoulders, the thin fabric caressing her skin.
He takes a deep breath, his gaze filled with hunger. He immediately cups one of her breasts, massaging it, his lips then trail down her neck.
"Mmmh!" Seoyeon hums, her body quivering.
He then reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, making her gasp in surprise.
"Red suits you, Seoyeon," he breathes, his voice heavy with desire.
"Really now?" she chuckles, her voice low and seductive.
"I mean it. You look stunning."
She blushes. "Well, thank you—wah!"
The bartender then interrupts her by pulling off her bra, his eyes gazing upon her bare breasts. They're full and supple, perfectly proportioned for her size.
"Oh, wow…" he breathes out in wonder of the mounds of flesh before his eyes.
"Why you..." she chuckles, still shocked by his sudden move. Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.
The bartender smiles sheepishly and leans forward, his face hovering above her breast.
“You look good, Seoyeon,” the bartender comments, his voice dripping with lust. “They really look good.”
"They're not much, really," she shrugs, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Are you kidding? They're gorgeous," the bartender counters, his tone sincere.
"I guess..." she trails off, biting her lips.
"Do you mind if I touch them?"
"And what will you do if I don't?" she challenges him, her eyes burning with desire.
He doesn't answer her and instead proceeds to grab one of her breasts, kneading it softly.
"Mmmh," she hums, her voice heavy and sultry.
"Is this enough for an answer?"
"Maybe… For now," she answers, giggling.
His fingers pinch her nipple, a soft moan escapes her lips. His other hand then massages her other breast, making her gasp and whimper.
"Aah... Y-you're a bit rough, aren't you?" she mutters, her voice strained.
"Am I? I'll try to be gentler, then," he responds, his voice low and husky.
"Don't even try," she says, her voice hoarse and strained.
The bartender smiles and continues playing with her breasts, his movements becoming rougher and more aggressive.
"Hah! Aah!" she cries out, her body arching and shuddering.
His lips then find their way to her breasts, leaving kisses and bite marks all over them.
"S-shit," she moans, her voice quivering and weak.
"Does it feel good, Seoyeon?" the bartender asks, his voice dark and husky.
"F-fuck yeah," she breathes, her voice heavy and strained.
"Do you like it when I play with these?" he whispers, his lips brushing against her ear.
"O-of course," she moans, her voice hoarse and breathless.
"Would you like me to do it some more?"
"Fuck yes..."
"As you wish," he replies, a sly grin forming on his face.
The bartender then places both of his hands on her breasts, squeezing and groping them.
"Mmmh! Ahh!"
"Your breasts are so soft, Seoyeon," he coos as he firmly gropes them, his voice low and husky.
"Ooh! Oh f-fuck," she gasps from his touch, her voice strained and shaky.
"Tell me how it feels."
"Amazing... Mmmh, yeah," she breathes, her eyes fluttering. "I love it."
"That's good," the bartender grins, his voice low and sultry.
His lips then trail down her body, his hands exploring her curves. He eventually stops at her skirt, his fingers slowly unzipping it.
"Let's get this off, shall we?"
"Yes, please," she nods, her voice weak and breathless.
He removes her skirt and panties in one go, leaving her fully naked in front of him. He tosses it high in the air, his gaze fixed on her pussy.
"Now, that's a sight," the bartender growls at the marvelous view, his eyes wide and filled with lust.
"You like what you see?" she asks, her voice low and seductive.
"You know I do," the bartender replies, his voice thick and husky.
She chuckles. "I figured you would."
He takes a step forward and runs his finger along her slit, making her whimper and squirm.
"You look breathtaking," the bartender murmurs, his eyes filled with hunger.
"Mmmh, yeah. That feels nice," she sighs, her body squirming.
"Do you want more?" he asks, his finger slowly tracing her wet folds.
"Y-yeah... I need it," she moans, her voice breathless and desperate.
"Tell me what you need," the bartender asks, grinning.
"I need you. I need you inside me," she whimpers, her face flushed and her breathing labored.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. I fucking want it,” she begs, her voice hoarse and strained.
“Hmmm... Well, then,” the bartender grins, satisfied by her response.
“Please… Oh fucking please…”
Before he gives in to Seoyeon's pleas, he looks at the timer displayed on the monitor. There's less than an hour left before the challenge begins.
"Well, I guess we have some more time," the bartender tells her, a mischievous grin forming on his face.
"Then why don't we make the most of it?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. She spreads her legs wide open, showing him her glistening wet folds.
"Why, that’s a good idea."
He then stands up and starts taking off his clothes, wildly throwing each piece aside. Soon, he's completely naked in front of her. Seoyeon's eyes widen and she bites her lips as she watches this display, her gaze travels along his body. She takes in his muscles and broad shoulders, his strong arms and abs, and finally, his cock, already hard and twitching.
"Like what you see?" he asks, his voice dripping with desire.
"Definitely," she answers with a devilish smirk.
The bartender smirks and leans forward, his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers'. His hand finds its way to her hair, tangling in her long black locks.
"I can't fucking wait any longer," he growls, his voice husky and filled with lust.
"Me neither," she pants, her voice heavy and breathless.
"How do you want it, Seoyeon? How do you want me?"
She bites her lips and smiles.
"Surprise me," she challenges him.
"Oh, I intend to."
Without another word, he pushes her down, making her lay flat on her back. He then climbs on top of her and positions himself between her legs. He leans forward and grabs her wrists, pinning her down.
"Oh fuck," she breathes, her body trembling.
"Ready for this?" the bartender asks, his voice dark and husky.
"Yes... Fuck me like you mean it," she commands him, her voice filled with desire.
He prepares himself, pressing his length against her wetness.
"As you wish," the bartender tells her, his voice low and husky.
Without further hesitation, he plunges his cock into her pussy, making her scream in pleasure.
"Ahh! Oh shit!"
"Yeah, that's right," the bartender growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Yes... Oh, you're so big," she groans, her voice strained and shaky.
The bartender then thrusts his hips forward, burying his cock deep inside her, making her scream in pleasure.
"Fuck, you're tight," he breathes, his eyes filled with lust.
"Mmmh, yeah... Give it to me," she moans, her voice heavy and sultry.
He grunts and continues pumping his cock in and out of her, his hips slamming against hers. She moans and whimpers, her body writhing and convulsing.
"Ohhh... Yes, that's so good," she moans, her voice hoarse and strained.
"Liking it?" he asks, his voice low and seductive.
"O-oh, yes," she nods, her face flushed.
"I'll make you feel even better," the bartender promises, his voice low and sultry.
He places his hands on her waist and grips her tightly, his fingers digging into her skin. He amps up his speed, pounding into her harder and faster. She gasps and arches her back, her body squirming and quivering.
"Ohh fuck... Oh fuck!" she screams, her voice breathless and ragged.
"Yeah. That's it, Seoyeon," he growls, his voice low and husky.
"Fuck... You're wrecking my—nghh!" she cries out, her voice strained and shaky.
"I'm gonna destroy your pussy," the bartender tells her, his voice thick and hoarse.
"Ooh, f-fuck me..." she whimpers, her eyes rolling back.
He then grabs her legs and lifts them, making her wrap them around his waist. He thrusts his cock deeper into her, his pace relentless.
"There we go," he grunts, his voice hoarse and heavy.
"Fuck, yes! Harder!" she cries out, her body arching and spasming. "Fuck me harder!"
He continues his assault, his hips slamming against hers' repeatedly, his cock pistoning in and out of her.
"Yes... Oh fuck... Mmmh, just like that," she whimpers, her voice breathless and ragged.
"Ugh... Your pussy is getting tighter," he growls, his body tensing up.
"Y-you... Your cock..." she stutters, her words failing her.
"Yeah? You like my cock, huh?"
"I-it'sh getting... Even bigger inshide me... Mnhh," she mewls out, her voice starting to become slurry.
"Yeah. Take that fucking cock," he growls, his voice filled with desire.
"Yesh... Oh fuhg..."
Her eyes roll back, her body twitching and spasming. Seoyeon starts to drool from her mouth, her eyes glazed and unfocused. Her hands grip his arms tightly, her nails digging into his skin.
"Nghh... You're close, aren't you?" the bartender asks, his voice gruff and rough.
"Hngg! Oh s-shit!" she cries out, her body arching and squirming.
He suddenly slows down his pace, making her whine in frustration.
"What the fuck—Mngh?!"
He then leans forward and kisses her passionately, his tongue exploring her mouth. He keeps a steady pace, his cock moving in and out of her slowly, driving her mad. She moans and whimpers, her body writhing and trembling.
"I fuhging lhuv dish," Seoyeon says, her words slurred, her voice barely audible.
"Oh? And what else do you love, hmm?"
"F-fuhking me... Fuhking my pushy," she tells him, her voice breathless and shaky.
"You love this, huh?" he asks, teasing her with slow yet powerful thrusts.
"Yesh... So m-mush," she moans, her voice weak and strained.
"I'll make you love it even more, then," the bartender growls as he pounds her harder, his pace becoming rougher and harder.
"Oh god... I lhuv you," Seoyeon mumbles, her voice weak.
"Mmhm. I love you too," the bartender replies, kissing her again.
Seoyeon wraps her arms around his neck, her nails clawing his skin. Her legs wrap around his waist, her heels digging into his back. The room is filled with the sounds of their flesh slapping together and their lust-filled voices, moaning and groaning as their bodies writhe and grind against each other.
"F-fuck... Oh yesh!"
"Yes. Fuck yes," the bartender growls. "You know you love it."
Despite their paces amping up, their bodies move in perfect sync. Their hips rocking against each other, their rhythm perfect. Non-fans wouldn't think it's their first time being intimate together, their actions are fluid and natural. It's a spectacle to behold.
"Fuck, fuck... Mhhh! I'm gonna..."
"You wanna cum, Seoyeon?"
"Y-yeah. I wanna cum so bad!"
"Then come," he whispers into her ear. "Come for me, Seoyeon."
"I'm... I'm gonna—oh shit! I'm c-cumming!"
Her body tenses up, her back arching. She screams in ecstasy as her orgasm hits her, her pussy clenching and convulsing as she displays another intense orgasm, her juices spraying everywhere.
"Ohh! Oh f-fuck! I-I can't stop cumming! Mmmmh!"
"Fuck yeah... Squirt all over me, Seoyeon," the bartender growls, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Her whole body trembles and shakes, her limbs flailing around uncontrollably. The immense pressure of her orgasm causes his cock to slide out of her.
"Oh, shit! I-I'm cumming again!"
"That's it. Let it all out," the bartender growls, his cock throbbing with arousal.
The petite vixen continues to scream and wail as she climaxes, her body trembling and convulsing. Her juices gush out of her pussy and splash onto the bartender's abdomen, soaking him in her sweet nectar.
"Fuck, you're incredible," the bartender tells her, his voice husky and filled with desire.
Eventually. Seoyeon's fantastic waterworks show subsides, leaving her a trembling, gasping mess. She can barely reply, her mind still hazy from her orgasms.
"Hngh... Mnhh... I..."
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen," he responds, his voice thick and hoarse. The bartender smiles at her, his eyes burning with hunger.
"You... Y-you're..." she mumbles, her words failing her.
"Amazing, right?"
"Y-yeah. You are..."
"Again, I aim to please."
He then leans forward and kisses her once again, softly, his lips brushing against hers. He grabs her breast and squeezes it gently, making a soft moan escape her lips. His tongue gently enters her mouth, exploring every inch of it, tasting her sweet juices. Albeit weak from the multiple orgasms she just experienced, she responds in kind. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Their tongues dance around each other, their kisses deep and passionate.
"Mmmh… So good," she moans, her voice weak.
His hands roam her body, squeezing and kneading her breasts. His fingers pinch and rub her nipples, making her gasp and whimper.
"You really are gorgeous," he tells her, his voice low and husky.
"Why, you're quite the charmer yourself," she chuckles, breathless and husky.
"Only because you bring it out in me," he grins, his eyes filled with desire.
She giggles. "Why do I think it's not the first time you said that?"
"What makes you say that?" he asks, his voice heavy and seductive.
"I don't know, really," she laughs weakly. "You look like the player type."
He chuckles at her. "I promise you, I'm not a player."
"Whatever you say," she says, giggling.
"But I'd love to play with you," he tells her, his voice low and sultry.
"Mmhm. I'm sure you would," she replies, still catching her breath.
The bartender then leans forward and kisses her again, their tongues dancing around each other, their bodies grinding against each other. They lose themselves in the moment, their movements becoming more frantic and desperate.
"Mhnn... It's your turn, mister," Seoyeon coos, her voice low and seductive.
The bartender smiles and nods, his cock throbbing with arousal. He then carries her to the table next to them and lays her down on it. He positions himself between her legs, his cock pressed against her pussy.
"This is gonna be fun," he growls, his voice low and husky.
Seoyeon smiles at him and wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer.
"Do your worst," she tells him, her voice low and sultry.
The bartender then grabs her hips and slides his cock into her wet folds, making her gasp and whimper.
"Mmmh... Fuck, yes..." she moans, her voice heavy and strained.
The bartender then begins thrusting his cock in and out of her, his pace relentless.
"Ahhh! Yes! Oh, fuck..." she cries out, her voice strained and shaky.
He continues to pound into her, his hips slamming against hers. He grunts and groans as he fucks her even harder, his movements becoming faster and more frantic.
"Oh, shit! You feel so fucking good," he growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Fuck yeah... Give me that fucking cock," she moans, her voice heavy and sultry.
"As you wish," he growls as he amps up his speed, his thrusts becoming rougher and harder.
"Yes! Oh fuck... Yes!" she screams, her voice strained and shaky.
Her eyes roll back and her body trembles, her orgasm building up inside her.
"Fuck... Oh fuck! Sho beeg!"
The bartender laughs. "I know. You love it, don't you?"
"Yesh! Oh fuck... Yesh I lhuv ith!" she screams, her voice weak and almost incoherent.
He laughs. “I thought so."
He then places his hand on her neck, gently pressing down on her throat.
"Nghk... Mnah!" she yelps, her eyes widening.
"You like this, huh? You like when I choke you?" the bartender growls, his voice thick and husky.
She nods, weakly. "Oh yesh... Choke me hard—Nghh!"
He squeezes her throat tighter, making her gasp. He then leans forward and goes for another passionate kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth. Seoyeon can't help but accept it, her lips parting. Their tongues dance around each other, their bodies grinding against each other. As it happens, he revs up his pace, pounding into her harder and faster, his hips slamming against hers.
"Oh shit! Yesh! Jusht like that!" Seoyeon screams, her voice is strained and shaky.
Her body arches and spasms, her nails digging into his skin. His grip around her throat tightens as he continues to fuck her, his thrusts becoming rougher and harder.
"Ohh! Oh fuck... Yesh... Yesh! I'm gonna—oh shit! I'm cumming!" she cries out, her voice hoarse and strained.
"You wanna cum, Seoyeon? You wanna cum all over my cock?" the bartender growls, his voice hoarse and thick with lust.
"Y-yeah... I wanna cum... Oh fuck..." she moans, her voice breathless and strained.
"Let's cum together, then," he growls as he pounds into her relentlessly, his hips slamming against hers'.
"Yesh... Oh yesh! Ghiv it to me!" she screams, her body writhing and convulsing.
"You want my cum so badly, huh?"
"Yesh, pleash!" Seoyeon begs, her voice weak and shaky. "Fill me up with your fucking cum!"
"With pleasure," he breathes out, his tone desperate.
The bartender then repositions himself, he squats on top of Seoyeon with his feet planted firmly on the ground and his hands on her knees, pulling her legs up against his shoulders, allowing him to thrust deeper and harder. This speed is unlike what he’s done to her earlier, this time he's more brutal and animalistic, and his grunts are guttural. Add Seoyeon's wanton screams of pleasure to the mix and it creates an audio-visual treat.
The cameras are capturing such an incredibly indecent act. It's nothing like you've seen in any porn or erotic media. It's primal, it's savage, it's visceral. It's fucking hot.
The bartender's cock pounds into her tight little pussy relentlessly, her body trembling and squirming beneath him. Her eyes roll back and her mouth opens wide in a silent scream, her orgasm building inside her.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" she cries out, her voice hoarse and strained.
"Urgh... I'm close, Seoyeon. You ready?" the bartender grunts, his voice heavy and husky.
"Cum... Ghiv me your cum," she breathes, her voice heavy and sultry.
"You fucking slut," the bartender growls.
"Y-yesh..." she stutters, her eyes rolling back. “I’m your fucking shlut.”
He thrusts his cock into her even faster, his hips slamming against hers. He pounds her as hard as he can, his thrusts becoming rougher and more brutal. His breathing becomes more ragged and erratic, his body tensing up. While Seoyeon lets out an animalistic howl, a guttural noise from the back of her throat, the bartender grunts and groans.
"Here it comes, Seoyeon! I'm gonna—Nrgh!" the bartender growls, his eyes rolling back.
"Pleash! Oh, pleash!" Seoyeon screams, her voice hoarse and shaky.
He lets out a loud groan as his thrust his cock deeper inside her, spurting white stuff all over her pussy’s walls.
"Argh! Take it, Seoyeon!"
"Ohh! Oh fuck, yesh!" Seoyeon screams, her eyes rolling back.
After a few strong thrusts, the bartender's hips come to a sudden halt, then bucks them, as he pours his load inside her. Seoyeon can't do anything but lie there and take his load, her body twitching and shuddering, her moans hoarse and shaky.
"Ooh... Fuck yeah," the bartender groans, his eyes fluttering shut.
"Ahh... Your cum... Sho mush... Nghhh!" she moans, her voice low and sultry.
"So tight, Seoyeon…" the bartender whispers, his voice thick and husky.
He thrusts his cock in and out of her several more times as if milking his cock dry. Each time he withdraws, a mixture of their fluids coats his shaft before being pushed back in, creating wet sounds as the excess spills out of her.
After a while, the bartender withdraws from her, a large amount of his cum dripping out of her abused pussy. She moans and writhes as he removes himself from her warm folds. And once free, she starts to squirt uncontrollably. Her lewd juices, mixed with his seed, splattered everywhere. She moans and whimpers as she experiences an intense yet silent orgasm, her body convulsing and twitching like something similar to an X-rated movie. It's obscene and vulgar.
"Shit, you're letting out a lot," the bartender breathes.
"Ohh! O-oh god!" she cries out, her body spasming.
The bartender just chuckles and looks at her, a satisfied smile on his face.
After what might be a minute of her uncontrollable orgasm, Seoyeon collapses onto the table, gasping and panting. She's completely spent.
"Damn, that was hot," the bartender breathes.
Seoyeon desperately catches her breath, her chest heaving up and down. Her mind is hazy and cloudy, her thoughts jumbled and unfocused.
"You did great, Seoyeon," he says, patting her head.
Seoyeon doesn't respond, her eyes fluttering.
"It's okay, you can rest now," he assures her.
Suddenly, a loud ring emanates from a distance. The bartender looks at where the sound came from. The camera then switches to the view of the timer. It's up.
"Damn. Time's up," the bartender sighs.
One of the staff members can be heard speaking up.
"Mister bartender... Seoyeon... It's time for the challenge," the staff member informs them.
"Understood," the bartender nods. "However..."
He shifts his attention to Seoyeon, who's still a picture of a blissful, fucked up mess.
"I don't think she can right now," the bartender chuckles.
"But the challenge," the staff member reminds him.
"Well, I don't really have a say in this," he shrugs. "It's her challenge to do, not mine."
The rest of the staff then discuss the current situation with each other. Meanwhile, the bartender checks up on Seoyeon. He cups her cheek, causing her to open her eyes slowly.
"Hey. Are you okay?" he asks, his voice gentle and concerned.
Seoyeon just responds with a weak smile.
"Can you still do the challenge?"
Looking disappointed, Seoyeon shakes her head, still weak.
"You'll fail the challenge if you don't do it," the bartender warns her, a calm tone to his voice.
"I—ugh... Hahh... My body's too weak to move," she admits, still catching her breath.
"I'm sorry," he tells her. "I didn't mean to get that rough."
"No, it's alright. It was fun, anyway," she tells him, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.
"Thank you," the bartender smiles, relief evident on his face.
"I… I aim to please," she jests, a weak smirk forming on her lips.
The bartender laughs gently.
"So... Are you forfeiting the challenge?" he asks, his tone worried.
"Yeah... I guess I am," Seoyeon admits, looking down.
"That's unfortunate," he sighs.
"I'm sorry," she mumbles, her voice low and timid.
"Don't be," he replies, his voice kind and reassuring. "It's not your fault."
"Thanks, I appreciate it," she nods.
The bartender then turns to the rest of the crew, telling them what they just discussed. The staff nods in response.
"Unfortunately, Seoyeon has failed the challenge," the staff informs everyone.
"I'm sorry, everyone," Seoyeon weakly says.
"You have nothing to be sorry about," the staff member tells her. "We hope you still had fun."
"That I did," she smiles. "Thank you."
The timer on the monitor then disappears, followed by a message showing up:
"Sorry, Seoyeon. You failed the challenge. The pair should then proceed to the final area after a signal in a few hours. In the meantime, you can do whatever you want together in this area."
Seoyeon sighs. "That sucks."
"At least you still got to have some fun," the bartender replies.
"Fair point," she smiles. "You sure rocked my world, mister bartender."
"Why, thank you," the bartender chuckles. "But again, I'm sorry," he apologizes, his voice filled with guilt.
"Again, it's fine," she reassures him, her hand reaching for his.
The bartender looks at her hand and smiles. He squeezes her hand lightly in return.
"Well, I'm sure you're still tired from all of that,"
"You got that right," she chuckles.
"Then why don't you get some rest?" he asks, his voice gentle and soothing.
She nods, weakly.
"Thank you," she smiles.
He returns the smile and gently pats her head. Cradling her in his arms, he carries her over to a nearby couch, unblemished by their earlier debauchery. As Seoyeon settles into the plush cushions, she closes her eyes and succumbs to fatigue. Sitting down beside her, the bartender's hand rests on her thigh as he observes her drifting off to sleep. Even as the video fades out, the camera manages to capture Seoyeon's captivating figure; and you can't help but admire every inch of her nude body looking serene in sleep.
A few minor adjustments and another video is ready, revealing their intimate moments for the world to see. As you wrap up the video editing, hunger finally hits you after delaying it for so long. You quickly prepare the next episode of the show before going out to grab a well-deserved meal.
Pretty sure everyone will love to see the “captain” in action.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
Another Spotlighting chapter down and many more to go! Thinking of a plot is easy with Seoyeon, but executing it is what's challenging. Not only am I clueless about her drinking habits, but I'm also clueless how people "make love in this club". 😅 So I might have to apologize if some (if not most) parts of the story are hard to read. Though I still hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter nonetheless.
And again... I would like to thank @digipigichopshop for lending his time in helping me writing this one. As well was @braaan for this really awesome poster. This might be my favorite so far, to be honest. I like what you did with the spotlight effect. 👍
Once more, thank you very much for reading! 🙇
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sleepingdayaway · 10 months
You were a wonderful experience.
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Characters: Warriors, Wind, Hyrule, Wild, Time, Twilight, Legend, Four, Sky. Dark Link (mentioned)
Fast paced since I'm writing this at night and running on vibes only. I'm so sorry if it's terrible.
The soft sound of in sync breathing can be heard amongst the buzz of insects that's around them. The group of Hyrule's heroes silently stare ahead in shock as they take in the object that it ahead of them. Glimmering rainbow light emerges from the portal as it hovers slightly above the ground. Emitting an aura of something from out of this world; it's a bit intense than what the group is used to.
A shaky exhale escapes from the one, who's this portal is meant for. Your vision blurs as tears threaten to escape. The realization that you might finally be able to return home. After all this time and suffering.
Hesitantly you take a step forward towards the portal. It was so close. Just a few more feet and you'll be able to go back to everything that you left behind.
But of course. He can never make it that easy, now can he?
As if the world knew of your hope. The surrounding area suddenly rolled in a blanket of twilight. A dark misty fog began to form right in front of the portal. It begins to form a familiar figure of that damn monster that forcefully dragged you into this world.
With no hesitation in their stance; the group of heroes quickly began to try and put some distance between you and the shadow. But their efforts were in vain when multiple rushed footsteps was heard and a variety of monsters appeared.
Legend immediately went back to back with Four as the both of them decided to tackle with the green Bokoblins from Twilight's home. Meanwhile Twilight and Wild are side by side dealing with a Lizalfos from the Time's Hyrule. Those fucking things are agile as hell.
Sky and Wind are currently facing one of the Wizzrobes from the Great Sea. In which normally, the sailor would be delighted to deal with one of them but under these circumstances it was in the way. Hyrule is closer to Time as he fights off a few Skulltula's; Warriors is right next to him assisting so he won't get overwhelmed.
Time, assessing the situation at hand, placed himself in one of the hardest decisions he has done so far in their entire journey. Face their entire focus on the monsters, so that they could deal with the Shadow head on but they would leave you vulnerable. Or assist you and deal with the Shadow, but it would be overwhelming with the monsters.
Having one of the boys to work with you could give a higher chance of surviving, but taking count of all the monsters that are currently surround them. It would be impossible.
The Shadow made sure that no matter what decision Time made, you'll still be at risk.
For once, throughout the entire time he has been traveling. Did his face betray him, and an emotion of fear crossed his scarred face. There was no way was Time willing to lose you again. He just got you back.
He was pulled from his thoughts when the sword of a Stalfos swung at him. With a quick slash from his own blade caused the skeleton to drop to the ground. Either way Time made his choice.
"There isn't much time! [Name] hurr-"
"You all better stay the fuck there!"
Your voice echoed across the area. It was filled with such hate and desperation as you stared down the one who chased you across lands. It's sinister smirk haunting you as it doesn't move an inch. Appearing to enjoy this little staring contest.
Every single one of them flinched at the sound of your voice. They all desperately long to be by your side, and make sure no harm comes to you. But with that tone in your voice made them stay in place.
They all decided to listen to you, and leave you to your own devices.
Time digs his teeth into his lips before closing his eyes for a moment. He steadies his weapon and faces a different target, "Well, you heard them! We continue fighting and provide back up." He takes a another swing at the incoming monsters, "We leave the Shadow to them!"
It's over.
You hold the sword in your hand. The one Four made for you earlier on in your journey when you were barely being taught how to wield one properly. It was one of your most prized possessions.
Dark Link has returned to its place among the shadows. Your hand is shaking as you stare down where he once stood. Red eyes, burning with hatred as he cursed you out.
Your body fails you halfway into your thoughts as you collapse on the grass. Immediately the boys are beside you; Hyrule being the first one to reach you. Taking care of your external injuries first and foremost, but it seemed that you were heavily exhausted since you just leaned on him.
Warriors is there next, as he gently held you, so that Hyrule could work properly. The rest of the Chain are trying to patch each other up; they didn't mind with you being the main priority.
After some time has passed that allowed for the entire group to recover, did everyone finally acknowledge the portal once more.
Everyone knew that this portal wasn't for them. It had a much more powerful presence, and an unbearable pressure. Almost as if it was trying to push away the heroes, but for you?
It was if it was calling for you. As if it knew that you didn't belong here; a call for you, that it was time for you to return home.
With trembling legs did you stand up, and remove yourself from Hyrule and Warriors. Taking simple steps towards the unworldly portal, as it pulses like a faint heartbeat.
Immediately the boys tried to reach for you when they realized where you were going, but the pressure emitting from the portal was too strong. They collapsed a few feet away from you; from behind Wind perks up and follows after but he too suffered from the same thing.
Twilight comes after but only with the goal of gathering the boys, and bringing them back. He knew that he wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure and he despises that. Wanting desperately to grab you too.
Sky appears besides him and grabs Wind with Legend coming from behind to help Warriors. Time is silent as he watches the entire thing, a feeling of dread coils in him. Four is beside him holding onto Wild, who's moving and thrashing around trying to get to you.
Until everything stops.
The surrounding area disappears and they have appeared in a familiar place.
Instead of the luscious green forest with the varying wildlife. They are now in the place that brought the group of heroes to their destiny. A chamber of tall walls with a high ceiling; with only one window that has sunlight shinning down on them.
Time immediately recognized this place, and for a moment his heart drops to his stomach.
You stand before the portal. Tall and unwavering as you brought a hand out to reach towards it. It was finally time for you to leave. It pulses as if sensing you nearby as something shoots out from within.
Turning your head to look back at your heroes did it all came crashing down on you. In an instant all of the dialog that you practiced in your head for this moment, disappeared.
All you could do was stare at them as they struggled to comprehend that this was really it.
Until finally did you muster up the courage to give them a loving smile. The tears that were building up from your eyes freely fell. Only a sentence echoed in your head. Those would be your final words. Focusing on them as you walked back into the portal. Your eyes never once leaving them.
"You were a wonderful experience."
A hushed silence fell on the group. As they watched helplessly, unable to fight for you. When you looked back at them all they could think of was how relaxed you looked.
Gone was the bright blue color of the sheikah energy that combined with you from the beginning of this journey. They all forgot how human and alive you looked before all this started.
Now you're safe.
No longer burdened with the fear of being stuck here.
They did their duty.
But they just got you back. It wasn't fair.
'You were, everything'
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
thirty-four, thirty-five |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: you want to try something new. eddie's more than glad to try it with you.
contains: smut smut smut smut. not really even smut with plot, maybe a little if the plot is smut lol. oral male and fem receiving. minors dni 18+
Eddie's eyes widened, cheeks tinging pink, gawking at you with a flustered stutter. "W-What did you just ask me?"
You blushed hard, eyes looking down at your shoes. "I mean, like, would you want to do that?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. "With me?"
Eddie's heart was caught in his throat, fluttered so high in his chest and lodged right in his esophagus, choking his words. His eyes batted, rounded and blown.
He knew he shouldn't be so flustered. You weren't a prude and neither was he. He shouldn't be so overwhelmed, but how could he not be? Your sickly sweet voice, so charming and delicate, asking him to sixty nine with you, try something new. So casual and darling, like you were asking him about his day. Fuck, it made his head spin- you made his head spin.
"Well, I-I mean, yeah." Eddie said dumbly, a bob of his head that sent his curls shaking and bouncing. "Of course, I wanna do that with you."
"Are you sure?" You asked, cringing slightly. "I mean, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, sweetheart." His heart swelled in the most delightful way at the endearment. "I just-I just thought it would be exciting, ya know? Something new. I read about it in Cosmo, and it seemed fun."
"Yeah." Eddie croaked, there was no way he could form a coherent sentence right now. Not with the way his cock was pulsing, blood rushing angrily and furiously, clouding his thoughts.
You grinned, wide and a little daring. Oh, he loved you.
"So...do you want to do it... now?"
"Now?" Eddie pointed in front of him. "Right now- like right now?"
You giggled. "Yeah? You got big plans I don't know about? Super busy?" You teased.
Eddie flushed, he was so easy to fluster. Your blushing boy, always so sweet to you- for you.
"Yeah, I'm booked and busy. Sorry. Make an appointment with my assistant. Maybe she can squeeze you in." Eddie grinned, hands finding the small of your waist, squeezing it lightly so you shimmied closer to him.
"Shut up." You laughed.
Eddie sucked in a breath dramatically, teeth whistling while his face scrunched up. "What if I said... make me?" Eddie asked, tilting his head sweetly to the side. "Would you?"
You flushed, heat prickling at your cheeks in a surge of. "Maybe." You shrugged sweetly.
"Maybe?" Eddie parroted with a goofy grin, his hands traveled up and down your hips, your waist, snaking over the swell of your ass with a playful squeeze.
"Don't tease me, Ed." You jabbed a finger playfully in his chest. "Trying to be sexy and adventurous. Like Cosmo said."
Eddie rolled his eyes lightly, thumbs gliding over your hips. "Well, you're always sexy and adventurous to me, babe." You rolled your eyes this time, turning to shake your head, hoping he didn't see how flustered his cheesy line made you.
Eddie's hand found your waist, pulling you back into him, brushing your hair back behind your ear, finger pad tickling the shell down to the lobe.
"Where do you wanna do this at?" Eddie asked, his nose brushing yours, bangs tickling the top of your eyebrows. "Your place or mine?" As if he didn't practically live at your house all the time.
You gave him a shy smile that had his knees buckling, heavy footed steps leading all the way down the hall, towards your own little bedroom.
He had you on top of him moments later, straddling either side of his thick hips, his hands in your hair, your waist, fumbling with your bra. Your own hands busy on his belt- a fucking monstrosity of handcuffs and chains that didn't want to open.
"Ed," You pulled apart, head dropping to get a better look at what you were working with. "You're gonna have to undo this. I-I can't figure this out." You huffed, a little frustrated, dropping your hands by your side.
Eddie smirked, easily sliding the fastener out of place, unbuttoning his own jeans while you pulled your bra off. "Easy, honey." Eddie purred, fingers slowly- calmly undoing his belt with ease. "Relax, baby. Just me." He muttered, the clinking of the chains trickling to the ground, his jeans pooling around his ankles.
Your mouth watered at the sight of his tented boxers, rubbing your sweaty palms on your thighs. You weren't sure why you were so nervous, it was just Eddie. Sweet Eddie, always sweet Eddie. It was your idea after all, so why was your heart hammering so fiercely in your chest?
Ever since you found the pile of dirty magazines in Eddie's trailer, you'd been a little self-conscious. Images of women and men in compromising positions, doing a number of scandalous things. The most scandalous thing you'd ever done with Eddie was gave him road head on the way to work.
From there, you'd been adamant to kick up your sex life. Pouring over Cosmo articles, sneaking into the sex shop downtown to purchase a number of toys, praying someone didn't see you- especially one of your kids. Eddie had been a little confused, but wasn't too concerned until you asked him to slap you one night. He froze, balls deep in you, stilling entirely with wide eyes.
You both decided that wouldn't be for the best. Still, even after his reassurance, kissing your tear stained cheeks and muttering sweet words to you, you still wanted to try to keep it interesting. For both of you.
"Sweetheart, are you ok?" Eddie's voice pulled you out of your own thoughts, eyes snapping up to his. His head cocked to the side, eyes soft with concern. "What's the matter?"
You fidgeted, sitting back on your calves. "I- Have you done this before?" You asked. You felt silly, vulnerable.
"What? Sixty-nined?" Eddie asked, lifting a brow softly. You nodded, lip rolling under your teeth. "No, but you've sat on my face plenty of times."
"Ed," You blushed, a tiny scoff at his bluntness.
"What?" Eddie shrugged with a little grin, dimples creasing into his cheeks. "You have. So how much different can it be?"
"Ok," You nodded, sitting back up on your knees. "So you should probably lay down." You moved off the bed, standing next to him, pushing your own cotton shorts down. Eddie swallowed hard, cock jumping in his boxers. He'd seen you naked plenty of times, but it still made him flustered.
Eddie pushed his own boxers down, flinging them into a pile on the floor with your other discarded clothes. Eddie lied back, hair around him like a halo, back flat on the mattress. He lifted his head, grinning at you. "C'mon, sweetheart," Hand patting his chest, his tongue ran over his bottom lip.
You twisted your hands nervously, the pulsing between your legs enough to numb whatever anxieties you had. His cock flush against his tummy, that dimpled grin behind perfect teeth. It was enough to have you climbing beside him, one knee by his shoulder, his hand guiding your leg gently to straddle his chest.
"Gotta scooch back a little, baby." Eddie patted your hip sweetly, pushing at your hip bone bringing it back towards him. "Can't reach."
"Sorry..." You muttered, breathlessly. Your hands clammy and a little shaky, scooting back further towards his face.
"Don't apologize, sweetheart." Eddie cooed sweetly, his hand smoothing down your back, calming you. "Just wanna be able to reach that pretty pussy, 's all."
You blushed, shaking your head. You looked over your shoulder, Eddie's eyes focused on your ass that hovered over his chin, his hands tightening around you. "You'll let me know if you need me to get off?" You asked. Eddie didn't reply, hands gripping and rolling the fat of your ass, to enamored with that to answer. "Ed."
"You'll let me know if I need to get off? If I'm too heavy?"
"You're not too heavy." Eddie hummed, eyes trained on your slick, puffy lips. Peeking out and teasing him. He was so close, and it was taking every ounce of restraint he head not to yank you back onto his face and dive in.
"Eddie, please, I'm being serious." You whined, a small huff that bordered on desperate. "Just let me know if you need me to get off."
"I will, honey." Eddie nodded. "Just lay down on me. Let me taste you, baby, I'm dying over here."
You rolled your eyes lightly, but lowered down. Forearms on either side of his hips until your boobs were against his lower belly. Your mouth watered, the sight of Eddie's cock nearly touching your nose, red and erect, ready for you. Eddie waited for you to situate, wiggling your hips back so the tip of his nose was at your mound.
The gasp that tore from you rivaled whatever dirty film Eddie'd seen in the past. Shocked and guttural, your head tipping back, his tongue inside your folds. There was no method, no pattern, certainly no warning. His tongues swiping and licking in every direction, desperate for a taste.
"E-Ed, fuck," You whined, your head falling slightly, cheek on his leaking cock. "Slow, Ed, slow down."
Eddie didn't seem to hear, hands on either side of your hips, lapping with long stripes of his flattened tongue from your clit to your sopping hole. You whined, back arching into his touch, shaky hands reaching for his cock.
You spit in your hand, hips grinding to match the pace of Eddie's tongue, pumping his member to that same steady rhythm, thumb swiping over his leaking tip.
"Oh, baby, do that again." Eddie groaned, his breath ghosting over your inner thighs, fingers dipping into your hips. "Felt good, please."
You ran your thumb lightly over his leaking hole, circling it with his own release, grinning sloppily at the groan he gave. You flicked your wrist again, this time using your tongue to circle his tip gathering the drops of release that dribbled already. Eddie's moans were muffled in your pussy, the vibrations making you throb, clenching.
Eddie's arms made their way around your hips, locking hands behind your back and pulling you closer. Your tongue swirled around his tip, mouth hollowing to take him down your throat. You started to understand why this position was so highly rated in Cosmo. Eddie's tongue lapping at you, fingers curling deep inside you, while you sucked him down your throat, free hand cupping his sac gently.
Eddie's fingers would curl, hitting a spot in you that made you groan, eyes fluttering back with pleasure. His member still deep in your mouth, every small groan and sound you made making his brain blank with pleasure, hips bucking into your throat. You gagged, hands flattening and pushing on the wiry hair at his base gently.
"Sorry," Eddie muttered, a gasping breath that left you shuddering. His chin, nose, cheeks all wet with you. "Makin' me feel too good, baby."
"'s alright." You whispered back, pumping him in your hand, blinking back your teary waterline from the unexpected intrusion. "Fuck, Eddie, that feels good. I'm really close."
"Already?" Eddie's fingers pumped in you slowly.
"Yeah." You hummed breathlessly, thighs clenching.
"Good." Eddie grinned, pulling your cheeks apart, opening you up further for him. "You keep doing that and I'm gonna be close, holy fuck." The feeling of your tongue on his sac, licking and sucking gently, your hand still pumping him in a steady pace, wrist twisting and flicking his length in just the right way that had his toes curling.
"Already?" You teased, a tiny smile when you mimicked him. Eddie's fingers tightened on your hips, pulling you back onto him.
It became a competition, almost. Unspoken and really, the loser still won- who could make the other cum first. You tried to clench, eyes pinching shut and gasps caught in the back of your throat around Eddie's cock. He knew you were close, and as much as he wanted to let you win, the prize was too good. Feeling you shudder and moan while you fell apart on top of him, your body wiggling, desperately trying to still service him while waves of white hot pleasure tore through your seizing body.
"Ed, p-please." You whimpered, high and nasally, your own mind still reeling and numb. His tongue never stopped, lapping up every last drop of your slick.
Your brain was foggy, hand robotically pumping him through your own orgasm. You could see his legs straightening on the bed, toes curling and spreading with every flick of your wrist around him. Pushing your hair out of your face, you wrapped your mouth around him, bobbing deeper and deeper.
Eddie was still trying to catch his own breath, hands smoothing over your hips, when his hips jerked. "Ohhholyshiiiit, sweetheart." Eddie groaned. "I-I, oh shit, I'm cl-lose." His breath hitched in his throat, hips raising to the back of your throat, his own release spilling with every jerk of his cock down your throat.
Your tongue caught the majority of his release, still cupping and rolling his balls lightly, pulsing and clenching around nothing with every filthy, high pitched whine he gave you, singing your praises into the ceiling.
Eddie's chest heaved under you. Slick with sweat and maybe your release, your own chest heaving to mirror his. Your breath in, his out. A dance between your bodies, passing back and forth and back and forth. You went slack against him, cheek to his hip bone, his hands on your lower back, rubbing gentle circles.
Eddie was in paradise, ecstasy induced euphoria dwindling down from his own high, the weight of you on top of him, smothering him in the most comforting way.
You moved so you were still on top of him, chest to chest, your cheek against his collarbones. You'd tried to roll off, but Eddie stopped you. He wanted to feel you, feel you in his arms, on top of him, the weight of you comforting.
"Whaddya rate it?" You muttered, eyes lulling and fluttering back open.
"Hm?" Eddie hummed.
"What would you rate it? Out of five martini glasses?" You grinned, chin propped on his chest to look at him.
"A ten." Eddie muttered, still a little hazy. "A fucking ten, all of it. You, that, fuck, all of it."
You giggled, curling back into his soft skin, warm with you and the flush left behind. "Yeah," You sighed, arms wrapping around his torso.
There was silence for a moment, the hum of the AC unit, Eddie's light breaths tickling your ear. It was peaceful, dragging you further and further into serenity.
"What's the name of that magazine again? Cosmo?" Eddie grumbled, nose buried into your scalp.
"Yeah, Cosmopolitan." You nodded, looking up at him. "You gonna become a Cosmo girl? A regular reader?" You teased.
Eddie snorted lightly, chin tucking to look down at you. "If it means we get to do more of this, then yes. Consider me supreme leader of the Cosmo girls."
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binibininghermosa · 1 year
Breakfast in Sunny
Prompt: Sanji's wife makes breakfast for the crew to give him a break. Set after the time skip.
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff. Chopper being cute and the baby of the group.
Reader's Name: Mc (Stands for Main Character but made it look like a name)
Note: This moment takes place in the future from my "Giving Him the Love He Deserves" series. It can be a standalone, but it ties in with the story I've written before, especially the revelation of Mc's powers.
Note: I wrote this while thinking of pancakes for breakfast. Well, I'm off to cook now!
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The Thousand Sunny basked under the golden morning sun, its vibrant deck alive with the cheerful banter of the Straw Hat Pirates. As the crew prepared for the day's adventures, Mc, their talented singer and Sanji's beloved wife, approached them with a warm smile gracing her lips.
"Hey, everyone," her voice, melodious and inviting, rang out across the ship. "How about I take over breakfast duty today? Ji deserves a break, and I'm in the mood for some pancakes and waffles. What do you all think?"
Luffy's eyes practically sparkled with enthusiasm. "Pancakes and waffles? Count me in! That sounds amazing!" he exclaimed, his excitement contagious.
Nami, the ship's navigator, nodded in agreement. "I'm in too. As long as there's coffee with those pancakes, I'm a happy woman."
Usopp grinned from ear to ear, his anticipation palpable. "I can already smell the deliciousness from here! I'm in for sure!"
Chopper, the ship's adorable doctor, couldn't contain his joy. "Yay! Mc's pancakes are the best! Can we have extra syrup?" he asked, his wide eyes pleading.
“Just for you,” Mc replied playfully, brandishing a whipped cream bottle. "But what do we do with this?" she added, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
Chopper giggled in response. "I’ll take both, please!"
Robin, the wise archaeologist, nodded appreciatively. "A delightful choice, Chopper. I'll gladly indulge in your cooking," she said, placing a calming hand on the young reindeer's back.
Zoro, the swordsman with a perpetual green headband, smirked confidently. "I'm not picky. Just make sure there's enough for seconds," he said, his eye on the prize.
Franky, the ship's flamboyant shipwright, struck his signature pose. "Super! I'm always up for some good grub! Everything goes well with cola!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious.
“Of course!” Mc chimed in, her voice carrying the promise.
Brook, the charismatic musician with a skeletal grin, added his own flair to the conversation. "Ah, a feast for the eyes! I'm looking forward to it, my dear," He paused to laugh, "Even when I don't eyes!" he said theatrically, his bony fingers gesturing grandly. "What a wonderful way to start the day, Yohoho!"
Sanji, ever the gallant gentleman, couldn't help but interject, a playful smile gracing his lips. "Stop ordering my wife around, gentlemen. I'll take care of your drinks," he said, his tone light yet possessive. His heart swelled with pride and affection for the incredible woman he had married. The morning had begun with him cuddling her pillow, a comical realization that brought a smirk to his lips. His wife surely did it on purpose.
Seeing Mc in her apron, serving food with that serene smile, transported him back to the days in Baratie. He chuckled softly, reminiscing about the times when they had experimented with her singing every weekend. The sheer beauty of her voice had once lured men like a siren, causing a chaotic frenzy. Now, her controlled and soothing voice became a source of comfort for everyone on the ship. "You're not cooking breakfast. Just helping out with drinks!"
With a heart full of love and pride, Sanji nodded at Mc, his eyes softening with affection. "Sounds wonderful, my darling. I'll assist you in any way you need."
And so, in the heart of the Thousand Sunny, amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the crew, Mc set to work. Her voice intertwined with the sounds of sizzling pancakes and waffles, creating a gentle melody that added to the ship's lively atmosphere. The tantalizing scent of breakfast filled the air, promising a feast that would be a testament to the unbreakable bond shared by the crew, bound not just by friendship but by the profound love Mc and Sanji had for each other.
══════════════════ Thank you for reading! If you're interested in the series here they are: Giving him the love he deserves: part 1,  Part 2.
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thedensworld · 11 months
Where to Sign?
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Pairing: Seungcheol x reader
Genre: fluff
Words count: 600
Summary: Seungcheol is about to sign the pre when you said this thing to him
Seungcheol, just like any average person, dedicated his days to working for eight hours or even more before finally returning home. But whenever you paid a visit to his place, he dispelled the tired notion of coming back drained, and you tending to him. Even as a regular human, he took it upon himself to treat you like royalty. Craving a movie marathon? He's all in! Hankering for a meticulously prepared three-hour homemade steak? He's all yours! Caught eyeing yet another ice cream flavor after already picking one? He'd buy you the entire supermarket if that's what you wanted. Ensuring your happiness and making sure you loved every moment was his top priority.
If ever his colleagues caused him trouble at work, a simple text from you could light up his day:
'I'll visit your apartment!'
Just the sight of you cooking dinner or playing with Kkuma was enough to dispel his weariness and worries. He cherished every moment with you and wanted to make sure you felt the same.
"You're preparing a week's worth of meals? That's incredibly thoughtful. My girlfriend truly is the sweetest person in the world," he declared, observing the array of food containers arranged on the counter.
Seungcheol's eyes widened with delight when he spotted ribeye on the menu. He couldn't resist wrapping his arms around you in a tight back hug. "Could you stop making me fall for you even harder?"
Coming to his place wasn't solely about meeting him; it was about reveling in Seungcheol's impeccable kitchen. You had voiced this sentiment to him before, leading to playful banter. He teased you, suggesting you chose him because of his nice kitchen, and though you agreed in jest, it earned him a day of mock sulking.
Cooking in his kitchen was a pleasure you relished, even preferring it to your own. The spaciousness allowed you to move comfortably. Seungcheol, however, couldn't help but feel a twinge of irritation that you always insisted on paying for groceries, even when he offered his card.
"Why won't you use my card?" he asked once, bewildered. Your response left him speechless, "Because I have money? I can even afford you, Choi Seungcheol."
He admired your confidence immensely.
"How was your day?" you inquired, simultaneously seasoning the food you were preparing. Seungcheol marveled at your ability to multitask. He could never.
Seungcheol tightened his embrace around you. "Mingyu managed to blow up a computer. Guess who has to foot the bill?" His voice held a touch of tension.
"Wait, did I hear that correctly? He exploded a computer?" you asked, incredulous.
Seungcheol nodded, his tone wry. "Indeed. He 'exploded' it and claimed it was a mere accident. Once again, he's demonstrated his capacity to exceed my expectations."
A chuckle escaped you, memories of your first encounter with Seungcheol and Mingyu surfacing. Back then, Mingyu was Seungcheol's assistant manager, and he'd mistakenly informed Seungcheol of a meeting with you a week earlier than scheduled.
"I'm sorry, hyung. I misread the schedule. You have no meeting today," Mingyu had confessed.
Promotion to branch manager hadn't diminished Mingyu's ability to surprise Seungcheol.
"Why are you footing the bill for him? Isn't the office's finance department responsible for him?" you wondered, referring to Mingyu's financial team.
Seungcheol sighed. "They've poured a significant amount into a project I already approved. Plus, he insists that we're together because of him, effectively putting me in a lifelong debt."
You turned off the stove and pivoted to face him. Your arms linked around his neck, your gaze locked onto his. A radiant smile graced your lips, a sight Seungcheol cherished from up close. The silence between you two spoke volumes, a shared moment of comfort.
"What's on your mind, sweetie?" Seungcheol whispered, arms secure around you.
You giggled. "Are you looking to spend your life with me?" you asked, alluding to his earlier remark about the 'debt' Mingyu claimed.
Seungcheol nodded, gaze unwavering. "Absolutely, baby," he affirmed, and you rewarded him with a tender kiss.
Turning back to the counter, you arranged the ribeye alongside rice and stir-fried vegetables. Seungcheol seated himself at the bar, eyeing the food with anticipation.
"I'm going to savor every bite," he declared.
You hummed in agreement. "So will I," you replied, your culinary skills not lost on Seungcheol.
"Spending a lifetime with you," you added, a sentence that instantly turned Seungcheol's world upside down.
Boo Seungkwan stood before the anxious man, his tone gentle yet regretful. "I'm afraid that you could meet Ms. Ji today. Her schedule is packed, and I couldn't find your name."
Seungcheol's heart sank, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "It's definitely today, can you please make sure to check with her once again?" He almost begged, desperation evident in his eyes. The pressure from the company directors bore down on him, forcing him into a situation he'd rather avoid.
"Hello, Ms. Nam," Seungkwan's voice echoed down the line, "there's someone looking for Ms. Ji from SVT Corporation... His name is Choi Seungcheol..."
A tense pause hung in the air as Ms. Nam, whom Seungcheol assumed to be Ms. Ji's secretary or assistant, exchanged words with Seungkwan. Seungcheol held his breath, silently praying that they'd grant him the chance to meet Ms. Ji.
"Mr. Choi, are you the representative for Universe Factory Studio?" The question was met with an immediate, eager nod from Seungcheol.
Seungkwan concluded the call, his expression softening with a hint of sympathy. "Mr. Choi, please wait in our lounge. Ms. Ji's representative will be with you shortly."
Seungcheol suppressed a victorious shout, maintaining his composure as he politely excused himself and made his way to the designated waiting area.
"Mr. Choi?" A woman approached, her demeanor professional yet warm. "I'm Nam Y/n, Ms. Ji's personal assistant. I'm truly sorry for the confusion earlier, but I believe there's been a miscommunication."
Seungcheol's heart sank further as her words unfurled. "Ms. Ji is in a meeting with a client from Japan, and she can't leave it. I had already informed Mr. Kim that the meeting was scheduled for next Wednesday. I'm afraid you won't be able to meet Ms. Ji today."
Seungcheol's frustration boiled beneath the surface, a muffled curse escaping his lips. Kim Mingyu, that idiot.
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twistedbloodstain · 1 year
vincent de gramont x assistant!reader: i made you my temple, my mural, my sky now i'm begging for footnotes in the story of your life. | the marquis wants more of what meets the eye.
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plot: the one where the marquis has had enough of just a glimpse.
warning: unrequited?,vincent is down bad af, boss-assistant relationship
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your cries of pain are so soft but so loud in his ears. stupid, stupid girl. what have you done? it frightens him to see you so…helpless. he tries to soothe you from it but to no avail, he can feel the warm thick blood from your torso dripping on his trousers.
but what petrifies him to the bone was your silence. the moment you flutter your eyes shut and the whimpers of pain from your lips dwindle down makes his blood run cold.
what happened next was a blur for him but all he can remember was holding your hand as thomas drove through the thick of the city to bring you to safety. why had you done that? he clasps your hand even tighter when he can feel you take a sharp breath every now and then. it makes him hope. it makes him pray to any god out there to let you live. please…not her..not her. not when she did that for me. not when she just took a bullet for me, it cannot be. he doesn’t know why, but he does. he’ll beg on his knees to every god out there if it meant seeing you safe and alive.
when you're taken from his arms and placed on a stretcher, he can only stand in shock. it still doesn’t make sense to him, were you…not what he thought you were? no, no she was just in the way of it. she probably cursed me to death when she got shot. but she hadn’t said anything, and the way she looked at me. god it was full of fear and dread, she had gripped on him when he’d taken her to his arms, and it was full of the fight left inside her. the way she latched her hand on his wrist felt like the way you would grip a rosary for a prayer to god, he wonders to himself.
the marquis stands still in front of the door. behind the door, are skillful medical professionals working to keep you alive but it doesn’t feel enough. he feels fear pool into his stomach. what if she doesn’t recover? what if she doesn’t live through the night? what if she dies? what would he do?
his mouth sews shut and his throat goes dry. she’ll live. she has to, the marquis reassures himself. he cannot bear the thought of you gone, of you dead on a medical table all because of him.
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the gods had been gracious. why? because right now, he’s sitting beside the bedside table on which he has his preferred drink; a pitcher of lemon water. other than that there’s the matter of you.
there you are in the least of your glory. tucked beneath the silk sheets in one of the guest rooms of his estate and your head laid on the large wooly pillows. the doctor managed to stabilize the wound on your torso.
“thankfully, the bullet hadn’t hit any vital organs, the main concern we focused on was the excessive bleeding from it.” the doctor explains to him. there are more he says to him, but he never hears the end of it. all he could focus on was you. your eyes still shut but your breathing was steady, he could hear the beeping of the vitals sign monitor as he gazed at you.
you looked so…innocent. as if you weren’t recovering from an injury but merely sleeping. your guard was down and you seemed so calm. something he never witnessed while you worked for him, not that he’s ungrateful for it but you always seemed rigid and always expected something bad to be thrown on your face all the time, to see you so relaxed and serene felt like a gift.
it felt like a privilege from the gods. oh they truly had been gracious enough to give this sight to him.
he wondered if he would see more of this once you woke up. he hopes he does, your sweet angelic face that was always nervous and alert was more delightful to see when you were peaceful. he wonders what your smile would be like, how the corner of your lips would curve when you were amused from something he said, you’d often hid it from him trying to remain professional when a you heard a jape from someone.
he wonders what your sweet laugh would sound like. that would be lovely to hear. how it could sound like music to his ears when it came from you, how precious it would be just to hear it once. he would be honored if you were ever to bestow that gift to him. lastly, he wonders how to make you happy. how to make you pleased whenever you see him, not that composed structure you give him when you greet him in the morning but something genuine. he wants to tear down the walls you’ve built in front of him so he can see you. what you’re truly like.
now, you’ve shown a glimpse of it to him. he wants more, he prays that when you wake up, you won't shut him out again. when you wake up don’t shove him out of what you’re like. when you wake up don’t hide what you feel for him, not from him, don’t hide it from him. don’t wake him up just to realize it was all a dream. a fantasy he thought that came to its reality. you’re many things but cruelty is not one of them. so don’t break him, for god’s sake don’t.
“how long until she awakens?” he interrupts the doctor in the middle of his talk, surprisingly still going on.
“i’d give it two to three weeks, sir. if her vitals remain stable.” the doctor answers dutifully,
he hums before replying, “you can go.”
the doctor nods and bows his head a little then obediently obeys his command. right now, it’s just you, him and that monitor.
he stares at your face in uncertainty, two weeks. before it was something that seemed short enough for him but right now it felt like a century. he wanted to speak to you, to talk to you. he had so many questions for you, why you’d taken a bullet from him. if you wanted to resign from your job. why you made him feel like this.
like a lovesick fool.
as if that wasn’t painful enough, the answers he wanted to hear cannot be said. it felt like you told him you loved him then fled, although unintentionally it’s not like you intentionally got yourself shot to avoid confrontation from him…did you?
he shakes that thought out of his mind, the truth can only be provided through you. who is unable to answer that for at least two weeks, it was itching him to know, to know what you’ve done to him. what magic or skill you’ve done to make him latch onto you like a bug.
most of all he wants to know where does that leave the both of you. he wishes you don’t flee from him, that you’ll take him for what he is and more. he doesn’t think he can handle the idea of you out of his reach. out of safety, the only comfort you can only seek in this world is from him.
albeit, ironic considering you’re passed out on a bed because of a bullet meant for him. but when you wake up, he’ll promise. he’ll swear to you, that nothing, nothing would ever get to you ever again. he would protect you with all his power and control over the country just to see you sheltered from harm. what good is his power if he can’t use it to protect you from his enemies? anyone that fucks with you, fucks with me mon amour. i promise. he promises to you and to himself.
he remembers a painting he saw in the louvre. the death of alcestis. a tale about how alcestis willingly dies in place of her husband, admetus. at first, he’d thought the pair, alcestis and admetus were a bunch of fools. why would you eagerly die for someone? if you truly cared for your wife why had you let her die in your place? that’s not love, it’s simply tragedy. not that he has much experience on that matter but he never understood it.
the evening he starts to understand,. alcestis dies for her husband because of love, because she cannot bear the pain of her love absent in this world. she cannot live without her lover. did you think the same when you took a bullet for him? did you think that no pain could compare if he were dead? although for admetus, he could not find a defense for him, ironically he is the admetus to your alcestis but he swears. he swears that will never be the case ever again.
he’ll bring you back from the dead if it meant he would die in your place.
the guilt surges into his guts, mixing with the pool of fear that rushed into his veins last night. he feels sorry, for his failure, for himself but most especially for you. he feels miserable that he’d failed you, that because of him you got hurt.
it’ll never happen again. i won’t let it happen again. he vows to himself. he has to, for your sake and his.
as he stands up to leave, he goes to your bed and gazes into your face once more. he lowers himself to your frame, setting himself on the edge of the bed. you make no sign of disturbance from his movement, still heavily asleep. he takes your hand and strokes the back of it, lovingly.
“i have to go mon amour, but i’ll be back. i’ll be here when you wake up, i’ll be the first person you’ll see the same way i was the last person you saw.” he whispers to your dozing face, he ponders if you could hear him. likely not, but it doesn’t hurt to wonder.
he leans forward and slowly presses a soft kiss to your temple. gentle and nothing harsh, meant to convey his care with how fragile you were right now. he lets his lips linger on the softness of your temple, relishing on the mellow texture of your skin. he wants to stay here, with you. just the two of you like it always was for the past two years, he should’ve urged you to come sit with him in the car on the way to meetings, should’ve spoken to you every chance he had and he should’ve confessed how he felt towards you. no point mourning time that has been spent, even if it meant years that were wasted.
when he pulls away from you it feels like a force urged him to stay and he hopes he could but he can’t. he has a lifetime for that now, and so do you. he lifts your hand to his lips then slowly kisses your wrist, also lingering so long but seems so short for the marquis.
he leisurely stands up, keeping his eyes on your face. he strides towards the door then takes one last glance before opening the door. i’ll be back and she’ll still be safe. i’ll only be gone for only a few hours, he murmurs to himself.
he opens the door and sees a pair of guards by your door, they stand straight and acknowledge him by nodding their head. he sees thomas walking up to him, likely bearing news.
“sir, we’ve carefully taken them. they’re chained up at the edge of the city, we go at your order.” thomas informs him diligently. the marquis simply nods his head, a gesture of affirmation. he turns his head to the pair guarding your room.
“make sure to call for me, the moment she wakes up and keep her here until i say otherwise. understood?” he sternly instructs with the cold tone they’ve known for years. the pair answer obediently with compliance.
the marquis leaves them then walks through the hall towards the exit of the manor with thomas trailing behind him, it was odd to no longer hear the clicking of your heels behind him but right now he had other concerns.
it was time to make the people who hurt you, pay for what they’ve done.
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when the news reaches his ears, he’s astounded. almost three weeks after your operation, you were finally awake. it delights him, to finally know you were safe and awake. he immediately stands up from his chair and walks out of his office.
he was overjoyed with what he just heard, although he did everything in his power to not let it show on his face as he trudged through the halls of the manor. the dread and fear was gone, in its stead it was bliss and happiness, he felt lighthearted knowing that the threat of losing you from death was finally extinguished.
two weeks after the incident and you still haven’t woken from your slumber, it had angered him. so he had taken it out on the doctor responsible for your recovery, he had pierced his hand with a knife and his assistant nurse had to help him pry the knife from his hand, from what he heard. it can be said that it was an overreaction and ever since that occurrence everyone walked on eggshells around him.
now it was gone, he felt relieved to know that you’re awake but as he neared your room, he heard a door close, the sound echoing in the cavernous hall. soon after, he saw adeline, the senior housekeeper coming from the other direction he was headed. the housekeeper stopped on her feet and acknowledged him by lightly bowing her head. he wondered if adeline just visited your room, it was probable to happen considering she had been one of his spies during his “venture of getting to know you”. he shakes that thought, it wasn’t important but a mysterious feeling remained in his stomach.
when he saw thomas and another of this men guarding your door, he saw the doctor and nurse nearing your door. the doctor greeted him but he made no effort to do the same. the moment he enters through the door he sees you.
awake. alive. safe
he swears his heart could burst just by the sight of you.
he stays silent the entire exchange between you and the medics. he sat on another of the chairs, lounging and waiting for it to end so he way share a word with you. he notices the way you flinch while they rebandage your wound.
he wants to kill that entire family all over again, just for the way you flinch right now.
when the pair of medical professionals leave he gazes at you. it takes all his strength to keep his composure calm and professional when all he wants to do is take you into his arms and kiss you senseless.
he speaks the first word for the both of you, simple courtesies. how were you feeling and the situation of your injury, nothing important. you thank him for the measures he’s done for you to keep you alive. i’ve done more and i’ll do it all over again. he wants to say but doesn’t.
what makes his brain suddenly stop functioning for a moment was when you ask when you tell him you need to go home.
you are home. can’t you see? can’t you see?! he wants to tell you.
it was starting to happen. he was starting to lose you when he just had you. he walks towards the window and faces away from you, trying to remain composure.
“sir?” you call out to him.
i can’t let you leave. i cannot bear the thought of it, i felt like i was being torn apart alive knowing you almost died because of me. how much more knowing you’re alive but not within my reach? don’t be cruel, mon coeur. don’t do this.
“is there something wrong with what i said?” you innocently question to him.
“you cannot.” he finally spits out.
you’re shoving me away just like what i feared. but why? i’ve done good things and unspeakable things for you, you can’t simply abandon me like this. not when you’ve made me feel alive and loved.
“why? is there something wrong with me?” you worried ask him, “sir?” you add when he doesn’t reply to you.
“it’s not…safe.” he states to you, finally facing you. he stares at you, if it was a gift to watch you asleep, it was a pleasure to see you awake again.
“for…who? for you or for them?” you frown, trying to deduce everything he’s said to you.
“it’s not safe for you.” he finally clears it out, glad to have gotten rid of it.
your mouth falls open, “what? it’s you they were aiming for, not me. they wanted to kill you. it was you they wanted to shoot. you were the target. i honestly don’t think they’d go after the assistant to finish the job. right?” you begin to ramble.
tell me something i don’t know, my dear. i’m reminded of that every night i sleep and every breath i draw from this world. no need to rub that in, but i’ve made amends. you have nothing to worry about.
“yes, you’re right. they wouldn’t.” he disclosed to you, “i know that bullet was intended for me, the man was supposed to shoot me. god knows i know.” he whispers.
“and look what happened to you. what they..did to you.” he says as he slowly walks towards you. “you…you weren’t supposed to get hurt. i don’t think i can forgive myself for that.” he says softly as he looks back at you.
suddenly, everything finally sets into your head. he can see your eyes widen while he gazes into your face. the urge to hold you close and kiss you like a starved man to death was strong. especially, right now when you’ve realized the weight of his words.
he doesn’t need to say it out loud that he cares and loves you. when the words he said hinted at what he means to say and the actions he’s done spoke better than his words could ever say but he still tries. he knows that you already know but he wants to make sure.
“you’re right. it was meant for me, but you had it instead. you…you took a bullet for me. who does that for someone? how many people in the world can say that they’ve taken a bullet for me? one. there’s only one. and she’s sitting right in front of me.”
the heaviness on his shoulders feels lighter now, he’s finally said the words however merely a fragment of what he truly feels but he has his entire life to say all of them, he’s in no rush to say his love to her right now. he has his entire life to love her.
“believe it or not, mon amour. you’ve become more precious to me than anything this life has to offer, i want to keep you safe and right now the only way is to keep you here.” with him, he wants to keep you safe here with him, away from all the horror of his work, to stay only with him and to speak the words unspoken for years.
“for a while, until you regain your strength. do you understand, mon coeur?”
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the marquis has gone fucking crazy.
first he expressed a confession of love to you, second he was watching you the entire time you were asleep and lastly, he won’t let you leave the estate.
it had almost been an hour ever since your conversation with him after you woke up. soon after, thomas knocked the door and peeped his head in, informing the marquis about a visitor in the drawing room. which you were eternally grateful for because you were speechless with everything your boss just told you.
you were still sat on the same chair ever since, you deduced you’ve been in a trance for about two hours and a half, you felt like your legs would give out of shock if you tried to stand up. you found it hard to process everything.
did the marquis feel something for you? certainly. you could tell his intentions from his words and his tone. oh god, the words were enough to catch you off guard but the way he said it, slowly chokes you alive from how stunned you are.
but it feels out of nowhere. in the two years you’ve worked for him, he has been nothing but cold and crass with you like any other interactions between a boss and assistant so this feels rather confusing rather than touching even with the fragility and regret oozing through his tone.
even more reason to go home. you need space, from your injury, from that night and in addition from him.
you need to process your feelings properly without the marquis hovering around you, especially when he made it clear that you weren’t going anywhere. but how in the world were you going to get out of the room? everyone in this estate would immediately inform the marquis and drag you back to the room the moment they see you outside. although you could make an excuse to see someone then bolt through the manor the moment you’re slightly a few paces ahead of them.
you were at a complete disadvantage though, the guards could easily overpower you with their strength and just like you they’re familiar with the nooks and crannies of the sizable manor. however, if you were lucky and stealthy enough, you could attempt to temporarily hide from some rooms until you manage your way to the back door exit without getting caught.
you trudge towards the door, unsure with the plan in your head but too exhausted to make a fool proof one. you slowly push the door with all your strength, you slowly step out and the guard to your right immediately spots you. that’s expected.
“ma’am? you shouldn’t be up and walking around, the marquis specifically instructed that you stayed in your room.” the guard reprimands to you.
“i need to get to the doctor right away. i need the prescription for these painkillers he gave me. you know, in case i need more,” you lie to him.
“we can call for him, so he may come back. easier that way, no hassle for you.”
“i can’t wait for him, it’s urgent. please, i really need this.” you plead to him.
The guard feigns a look of hesitation from your reply. you hold your breath, praying he falls for your folly. he lets out a sigh then answers to you.
“alright, ma’am. but I’ll have to accompany you.”
“thank you.”
the both of you began to walk towards the medic’s office, thankfully the back door was close to the office. silence ensues the walk towards the destination, as you walk you plot your escape. as soon as you make a left, you bolt and run. the pathway to the medic’s was a bit of a maze, hopefully it would confuse the guard and either make the wrong turns or slow down from catching up on you.
several minutes and paces pass by and you finally see the opening to your escape. as soon you made the turn, you ran. a grunt of shock exits the guard’s mouth before scurrying to go after you. then you encounter the turns required for your escape. you move around hastily and once you look back you see that the guard was no longer on your tail. but you couldn’t afford to slow down, sooner or later he might catch up to you or worse another guard captures you.
you could hear bouts of masculine shouts throughout the manor as it bounced off the walls. it filled your stomach with dread and veins pumped full of adrenaline as your heart beat with trepidation. anxious that perhaps the marquis was informed of your ongoing escape.
finally you see the lavish curtain adorned with elegant designs, you shove the curtain aside and search for the door with your hands. for a second, you thought you’d arrived at the wrong place until a soft click entered your ears and your insides warm from happiness. the door was just as heavy as the others and with all your strength you pushed it open half way. you turn to properly fix the curtain making sure no trace of your escape was visible then shut the door as it creaked loudly, cementing the success of your breakout.
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you burst open through your door, quickly shutting and locking it. adrenaline and paranoia filled your senses, afraid that you’d been followed to your home and that soon someone was banging on your door until it fell down. you press your back against the door and sink to the floor and sigh in relief.
you take a deep breath and slowly close your eyes for a while, relishing in the comfort of your apartment. you look around glad to see the familiar sight of your home and the sudden purring of your cat. you glance as you see him making his way towards you, a small smile curves your mouth.
ah..one of the burdens are coming to comfort me.
as he nears, you scoop him into your arms and nestle him on your chest. you wish it could stay like this for a while, that you weren’t actively avoiding your slightly deranged boss (that is in love with you?) but merely coming home from a long day to seek comfort from your cat. the ball of fur purrs and vibrations are felt through his body.
you pull away from your cat and get on your feet, making your way to your room for a well earned rest from doing a five mile marathon trying not to get caught. the adrenaline and paranoia was finally long gone.
you needed this. you need to hide out for a while before you face the awkward and confusing truth of reality. the comforting sensation home has given you brought you to sanity. you need to leave.
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the guards open the door for him as per usual. although, he can sense fear radiating from them, and due to the intensity of the previous occurrence they were walking eggshells around him again. he enters the room, your room specifically. a few hours ago, the both of you were here and now you were gone, again.
vincent was annoyed. the very people he instructed to keep you in this room failed to obey the task but also lost you as you ran from your escort. not only did you leave this room but you also escaped the estate. how in the world did that happen?
he had no idea you’d be this slippery even with the strict bodyguards instructed to protect and detain keep you in the room. he expected verbal resistance not bloody remus john lupin. isn’t this so sweet? you. the gift that keeps giving.
he doesn’t let his men continue the search, after all there was only one place you could’ve been. in that apartment you live in for the past years, he knows where it is and what floor you are due to the investigation he’d imposed upon you a few years ago. so no worries, he only has his men posted around the structure to make sure you don’t leave. it’s much more strict and controlled than before, this time if they saw you exit the building they’d immediately grab you and bring you back to the estate. so win-win.
although, he prefers to have you here right now, he tries to understand that you’re probably overwhelmed with the surge of events that happened ever since that night. so he lets it pass. as much it insults his pride but he’s not in a hurry to have you stay with him for the rest of your days now that you’re awake. you’ve kept all what you felt from hidden because of his power,his intimidation and his pride. he doesn’t want to lose you again because of it. so he lets it happen, a few hours without you was a price worth paying for a lifetime loving you.
after all love does odd things to people that even the normal human cannot comprehend, love has its mysterious ways and that he can understand for you, even if it wasn’t all going according to what he wanted, he can swallow that down for you. you’ll be all worth it.
he can imagine waking up next to you in the early mornings, grazing your soft palm then slowly kissing your pulse while you sat next to him during dinner and the sweet kisses the both of you would share in the privacy of his room. he can fantasize the sweet dreams and the sinful acts he can do to you when you are finally his.
he inhales the air inside the room, the scent of you evident in the room, like a bloody handprint in a crime scene, attempting to calm himself with the remnants of your presence.
oh..he really misses you.
why do you have to be so stubborn? why do you feel the need to resist him and his love? he’s simply doing this for your best, for your safety. why can’t you just let him do this for you?
this moment should be joyous and exciting between the two of you, because you’ve both found a chance at love. how often does that happen? especially in a workplace, how often does someone find the love of their life within close proximity with them? little to none. he wants to beg you to stay, to journey through the uncharted territory together. don’t leave him, don’t.
he’s finally realized that he loves you, let him show it. let that love melt all that fear you hold in your heart. because it’s all right now, he’s here, let him love you, let him protect you, let him yearn for you.
something vibrates in his pocket, it snaps him out of his trance. a notification beeps through his phone and he leisurely opens it knowing it’s probably a reminder for a meeting. he’s found it hard to arrive at his events on time even with a temporary assistant assigned to him. the latest one wasn’t as sharp and attentive as you, which he found irritating. he really misses you.
the message that laid before his eyes almost made his heart drop.
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author’s note: this was long…plus i recycled some dialogue bc school’s kicking me in the ass and i couldn’t form coherent stuff for that. i will compensate for that…with another fic…
taglist: @dcgoddess @1mawh0re @davvydobrik @ilunapb @hesvoid3434 @heartrot666
part one part two part three part five
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jerzwriter · 4 months
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Thank you to @alj4890 for this ask from this list! I loved this, and I'm working on your other two now. No need to apologize, dear, how much have I been bugging you in your inbox! lol
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC) Trope: There's only one bed... Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 Summary: If someone were to ask Ethan or Kaycee how they were getting on during the months following his return from the Amazon they would have used words like civil. Professional. On the best days, perhaps even friends. But how when their trip home from a rural Massachusets hospital goes awry, how will that change?
Participating in @choicesjunechallenge2024 - dialogue prompts are bolded in black in the text (so as not to spoil).
Ask list based on prompts from @creativepromptsforwriting - thank you for the wonderful ideas! The 2 prompts are bolded in purple within the text.
My Complete Masterlist Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist | Open Heart Masterlist
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“Well,” Ethan turned back with a half-smile. “At least there aren't any rodents.”
Kaycee rolled her eyes. He insisted on entering the desolate, little cabin first despite being injured. As much as she wanted to argue that if an armed bandit were squatting in their dingy overnight rental, she was in far better condition to handle it than he was, she knew the argument would be futile. Besides, there had been more than a few moments in the past year when she would have been delighted to give the bandit the first shot at Dr. Ramsey. Perhaps this was her chance?
She pushed past him and stepped into the one-room retreat, but it wasn’t as bad as she had expected. Rugged? Yes? Sparce? Without question. But it was neat, clean, and tidy... three of the things Dr. MacClennan valued most of all.
“This isn’t bad.” She opened a small cabinet and smiled; the innkeeper down the road hadn’t lied; there were some treats to be had, and her rumbling stomach couldn’t have been more grateful.
Ripping open a package of Thin Mint cookies, she shoved a few in her mouth and tossed the box Ethan’s way.
“Here,” she smiled when he just barely caught them. “We can’t complain; we’re lucky we found a place at all.”
Ethan did his best to hide his delight as the chocolaty-mint cookies crumbled in his mouth – normally, he’d have a wellness routine to stick to, but right now, this decadent callback to his childhood was just what he needed.
“I still say we could have stayed in my car just fine.”
“Seriously,” Kaycee groaned. “It’s below freezing out there! Not to mention snowing and pitch black. If we hadn’t frozen to death, I’m sure another vehicle would have barreled into us, which may have been a more merciful ending, now that I think of it.”
Ethan turned to her with a huff. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re overdramatic?”
“I don’t know,” Kaycee grinned. “Has anyone told you you should listen when your passenger says it’s best to get gas before you leave civilization?”
He couldn’t decide if he found the smirk on her face more infuriating or alluring, but he knew one thing for sure... she was right on this one.
“I’m sorry. I should have stopped at that Shell station by the hospital.”
The doctors had been summoned to a small hospital in the town of Alford, part of the Edenbrook Rural Medicine program. The director was grateful for their assistance and offered to put them up overnight, but both were eager to return to Boston and saw no reason to delay the long drive. Five hours later, they both realized that hadn't been their best decision.
“Oh, but you have a Citgo credit card, and you get bonus points when you fill up with it. It guarantees you discounts on the Red Sox games, so why would you want to fill up at a Shell before driving onto desolate mountain roads?”
Ethan let out a deep sigh, causing him to wince, before asking Kaycee if she was finished. Noting the pain in his eye, the younger doctor decided to dial her wiseassery back, just a bit.
“Ethan, why don’t you let me examine you. You took quite a fall on that ice...”
“I’m fine. I just twisted my ankle."
“If it’s just your ankle, why did you just wince when you took in a breath?”
He looked at her tenderly as he sat in one of the two wooden chairs next to the smallest table Kaycee had ever seen.
“I’m fine,” he insisted.
Kaycee brought over the rest of the haul from the cabinet, two bottles of water, a box of Cheez-Its, and two granola bars for good measure.
“It’s not much,” she shrugged, “But it will get us through until the morning. There’s a small coffee pot, too...”
“Don’t you dare!” He bellowed. “I can only imagine how horrendous that swill would be! We can make do with the water.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Kaycee chuckled. “Even in these dire straits, you’re still a coffee snob! What are you going to do next? Complain that the cabin doesn’t offer Puccini on surround sound? No quality Scotch on the sideboard?”
He smiled despite himself; he had to admire a woman who knew how to push his every button. Even when she was a colossal pain in the ass.
“No, wiseass! But there is one problem with our accommodation that you might even find complaint-worthy.”
“Nope,” she said, wiping Cheez-It dust from her lips. “See, I’m a grown-up. Desperate times, desperate measures... I’m just grateful we’re here.”
“Mmm-hmm,” Ethan nodded. “Then I guess you haven’t noticed...that.”
He gestured to his left and watched as Kaycee’s face fell. There it was, the sole piece of furniture beside the small table and chairs where they sat, one full-sized mattress nestled between the walls, making it appear even smaller. While Kaycee’s mood dampened, Ethan’s was beginning to perk up when he saw the look of horror on her face.
“Oh, fuck...”  she grimaced.
“What?” He teased. “You’re a grown-up, and desperate times call for desperate measures and all that.”
Kaycee’s mouth went dry, and the two bottles of water they had for the night were going to do nothing to remedy that. She swallowed hard but refused to look Ethan in the eye. “This isn’t funny!” she insisted.
“Do you hear me laughing?”
She turned to him with fire in her eyes.
“Look, it’s fine,” he demurred. “I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“On the cold, wooden floor? I don’t even think we have another blanket to put atop it?”
“I was a Boy Scout; I’ll survive.”
“Were you nearly forty and injured during your Boy Scout days, Dr. Ramsey,” she sighed. “Look, you take the bed; I’ll take the floor.”
Ethan shook his head; the thought of her shivering on a cold, hard floor was not something he could bear.
“I won’t have it. Why don’t we just share the bed? I promise I’ll stay on my side.”
She looked at the offensive object. It was smaller than her bed back in her room in Boston, and that was pretty small. If they were to share it, it didn’t seem like they’d be getting their own ‘side.’
“I... I don’t know,” she muttered without realizing she said the words.
“Kaycee, we have to be practical. Besides, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.”
His words hadn’t even hit her ears when he wished he could take them back. He was prepared for the anger in her eyes when they fixed on his – he deserved that – but he wasn't ready to see the pain.
“I know,” she said with a fragile voice, but then the vexation returned. “Twice, in fact. But I have to ask if we make it a third, what far-off land will you need to run off to once we get back to Boston? Considering the Amazon’s already been done.”
“Kaycee,” he said grabbing for her hand, but while there weren’t many places to go in the tiny cabin, she managed to get to the spot furtherst from him in an instant.
“I’m sorry," he said. "That was insensitive of me."
He watched her silhouette in the moonlight as she gazed out the window, rubbing her temples as she grimaced in what he hoped wasn’t pain.
“No, it’s fine,” she replied quickly. “There is no reason for us to make things worse than they are. We can share the bed tonight, it only makes sense. We’re grown-ups. We’re professionals. We can do this.”
“Are... are you sure?”
“Do you have a better solution?” she spat. “But this time, my clothes are staying on.”
"Kaycee," He said, viscerally reaching for her hand, the feel of his touch having a more profound effect than either had anticipated. “I hope you don’t think I expected otherwise.”
She smiled softly, unsure of whether she was relieved, or sad, at his response. “I know...," she whispered, hopping onto the bed. "Let's... let's just go to sleep."
Despite the turmoil, sleep came quickly for Kaycee who was simply exhausted from their day. But the same wasn't true for Ethan. He
Sleep came quicker for Kaycee, who had been exhausted from their day, but Ethan wasn’t as fortunate, he dared not shift in the bed since there was little place for him to go, the slightest shift would feel like an invasion of her space. But the reality was, they had no personal space tonight, and as he felt the heat emanating from her body, he couldn’t help but recall the last time they had been this close, and how many times he had dreamed of it since. He let out a deep sigh. Every time he told himself he was over her, he knew he was lying to himself. But never had it been more difficult to maintain that lie than it was tonight.
But sleep finally did come, and despite the circumstances, it was deeper than he expected, neither waking until the birds chirping near the window became too loud to ignore.
Ethan was the first to open his eyes; the first to endure the inexplicable joy and pain of feeling her hand lying delicately on his hip. He knew it was unintentional, but he pretended to be asleep so he could continue to feel it as long as he could.
When Kaycee woke, she was grateful to see Ethan was still "asleep". She quickly retreated her hand before he was any wiser. Clearing her throat loudly, she rolled onto her side.
“Good morning,” he mumbled groggily.
“Good morning,” she smiled. “Did you manage to get any sleep?”
Ethan rolled over to face her, their faces only inches away.
“Believe it or not, I did. I slept quite well once I managed to fall asleep."
“As did I,” she smiled, and the twinkle in Ethan's eyes grew ever brighter.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
They lay quietly, the sounds of nature and a distant snow plow surrounded them. Not wanting the moment to end, neither made a move.
“Well," Ethan eventually droned. "I suppose we should head out. After we find gas, we can look for someplace to get a proper breakfast.”
He was almost out of bed when Kaycee grabbed his hand. "Ethan, wait. Can we delay getting up a few more minutes, please? I know the real world is waiting for us just outside that door, so can we.... please...."
She didn't have to finish her thoughts, he knew exactly what she was feeling.
"Of course," he smiled, pulling back the covers and slipping back underneath as Kaycee trepidatiously moved closer until her head was on his shoulder. A warm smile came to his lips as he encircled her in his arms, holding her close to him.
They closed their eyes, reveling in the warmth and tenderness that only being this close to each other seemed to deliver. Their dreams had become a reality, even if only for a short time.
"Ethan?" she whispered cautiously.
"Is this a beginning, or an ending?"
His lips descended onto her forehead, and for a moment all was right in the world.
"I think we're somewhere in between," he replied, as she placed a hand on his chest.
"I'll take that," she whispered. "At least, for now."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately
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blossombriefs · 8 months
Noodles | A Goku OneShot
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Authors Note: I'd write something short and sweet while I'm on a creative high! Drop a like and a follow if you like what you're reading! I'm gonna be posting around 2/3 times a week! I'd also love to follow back other writers :3 Update: MY MASTERLIST IS NOW PINNED TO MY PAGE! Summary: You meet Goku for a blind date after being set up by a friend Content: Goku x reader, SFW, cute, gender neutral reader Word Count: 908 Words
You were ecstatic that your friend Android 18 had set you up on a date with one of her friends. It had honestly been a while since your last date and you loved everything you had heard about her friend Goku. You dressed yourself up in your cutest outfit as you left the house with a bounce in your step. The sun hung rather low in the sky which casted a warm glow over the city as you navigated your way through the crowded streets. You sometimes find it overwhelming with the amount of people around you but your head was preoccupied about your date, the man you were meeting and where this might then take you.
As you approached your meeting point, you spotted Goku standing with a hand firmly against his waist. You could see him looking around for you, dressed in his iconic orange gi which made him easily recognisable as you got closer. He stood tall, his stature was muscular and his head housed thick, black spikes. Once he had clocked your approach, he waved with a friendly smile which assisted a wave of nervous excitement to rush through you.
"Hi! Are you Goku?" you smile toward him sweetly, trying to hide the flutter in your stomach.
Goku's face lit up with a wide grin, "Yeah! Nice to meet you! You must be Y/N? 18 told me all about you!"
As the two of you exchanged pleasantries you took a moment to admire the man in front of you. His friendly, goofy, and easygoing nature was helping to put you right at ease. You guys had decided on dining at a local ramen shop, Goku held the door open for you as you both entered. The first thing to greet you both was the chime of a light bell followed by the savoury aroma of the fresh, simmering broth. You could've sworn Goku was ready to levitate towards the scent. Your stomach growled in anticipation of your meal.
Settling in at a corner booth, you took in the cosy and warming atmosphere. The restaurant wasn't busy but there were still a few patrons sitting around, none necessarily close to you which allowed for a bit more privacy. The walls were a warm brown, decorated with beautiful hand-painted art, and the ceilings were dotted with soft overhead lights that complemented the wooden tables and chairs. Goku eagerly gripped a menu, his eyes widening at the selection of ramen that the restaurant had to offer. The waiting staff approached the table and you could tell his curiosity was getting the better of him as he smiled, "We should try a little bit of everything!"
Your eyes sparkled looking across the table to your date as you nodded your head in agreement, "That sounds perfect to me!"
You engaged in some small talk, his bright personality really drew you in. He shared some stories of the recent adventures he'd shared with his friends and his intense training sessions. You nodded along enthusiastically as you told him about yourself too. It wasn't long until you were greeted by the first bowl, Goku's eyes gleaming in pure delight. You looked up at him from across the table, blushing embarrassingly as you attempted to pick up your chopsticks.
"I uh," you started, fumbling the sticks between your fingers. "I actually don't really know how these work. I'm so used to using a fork."
Responding with a smile and a gentle pat at the wooden bench beside him, he signaled with his head that he wanted to show you the ropes. "Let me help you out, c'mon!"
Just like Goku you were also up for a challenge. You perched yourself beside him as he gently took your hand in his, positioning the chopsticks in your hand as he moved your fingers to the right place. As you ate together you could feel yourself fumbling them but it would lead to shared giggles between the two of you. Gradually the waiters brought out the rest of your feast. Noodles upon noodles, sushi platters, dumplings and much more traditional Japanese cuisine. Each one you enjoyed together, even if Goku ate significantly more of the food than you could let yourself indulge in. Between each bite he couldn't help but look up at you with a smile, "This was such a good idea. I'm so glad we came here!"
You beamed to him in response, "I'm glad we did too Goku! It's been a lovely day so far."
The evening slowly unfolded under the shared laughter you had over the warm bowls of broth, vegetables and noodles. You could feel a genuine connection with him. You bonded over so much and the way he made you laugh was unlike anyone really had before.
When you both left the restaurant the streetlights illuminated the now darkened city and the streets were much more tame, most people had already headed home by this point in the night. Goku rubbed the back of his neck, smiling down to you, "This was really fun! I haven't had that much fun in such a long time!"
"Me too Goku! Thank you," you say with a shuffle of your feet and a blush. He sighed happily as he carefully took your hand in his, the same hand he helped your chopsticks into.
"So how can I contact you? You know... for the second date? If you're interested that is..."
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alice-after-dark · 4 months
Gang Boss Vox (Pre-Canon)
Okay so I've been thinking about this for a while and then this art by @smthaboutuss happened and I have to babble about it now.
(Fun fact, I actually lost and had to rewrite this post from memory after it didn't save properly lol fml)
So while I absolutely love the RadioStatic trope of Vox being the pathetic newly fallen Sinner who Alastor finds in the trash and takes under his wing, I also love the idea of Vox being this young upstart who catches Alastor's interest.
By the time they meet, Vox already has his own little gang going. The current Entertainment Overlord is pretty much a lazy fuck who does nothing with his territory, so Vox's gang has carved out a nice little corner for themselves there where they are basically in charge and steadily expanding their reach as they take over more and more media sources. They definitely have eyes on overthrowing the current Entertainment Overlord. Fun self-indulgent side note is that Eeliot (Vox's assistant) is absolutely a member of this gang and has been with Vox from the start and stuck by him through everything and that is why he is unapologetically Vox's favorite.
Vox and Alastor's meeting is a complete accident. A Sinner in charge of one of Vox's acquired television networks kidnaps Niffty with the plan to ransom her back to Alastor in order to get the money he needs to pay back Vox what he owes him (he had been smuggling profits under the table and Vox found out and wants his missing money or else). Alastor is lurking in the shadows when a black van shows up and some goons pile out, a strange looking Sinner with a picture box for a head jumping off the back. He and the rabble make their way inside and Alastor learns very quickly from the trembling Sinner holding Niffty hostage that the picture box's name is Vox. The Sinner pleads for more time, explaining his plan and presenting Niffty like some kind of golden ticket.
Vox is...not impressed. The Overlord is clearly just going to kill the idiot. How could he possibly have thought this plan was going to work? On top of all that, Vox finds him picking on a woman distasteful. The Sinner got himself into this mess, he should be getting himself out. Vox snaps his fingers and orders his goons to raid the place for anything valuable. In the meantime, Vox berates the Sinner for taking such a weak way out.
Alastor chooses at this moment to make his presence known. He saunters out of the shadows, announcing his agreement and confirming Vox's statement that he just planned to torture and kill the Sinner for daring to touch what is his. The Sinner is appropriately terrified and Vox...
Vox is cackling. Utterly losing his shit. Like holding his stomach doubled over laughing his ass off.
"Holy fuck, are you serious?! Of all the fucking Overlords you could have snatched a thrall from, you picked the fucking Radio Demon?! Oh fuck, you are so dead! Like...captital D Dead!"
And Alastor is intrigued. Normally Sinners flee in fear at the very sight of him (like Vox's goons very much want to do, if their expressions are anything to go by. How unfortunate for them they'd have to walk past him to get to the door), but this strange picture box is delighted. He's thrilled by Alastor's appearance, like it's the best thing that's happened to him all day. And the Sinner caught in the middle here is looking more and more like he regrets his afterlife choices. He hasn't even noticed that Niffty has already chewed her way through the ropes that once tied her to the chair and is now skittering around the building assisting Vox's goons in locating valuables ("Look at all this junk! What a mess! Here, you take this!"). Vox is already watching her with an amused fondness.
Alastor decides he's keeping this one then and there.
"So what shall we do with him then? He appears to have wronged us both, so how best to settle this?"
"If I'm being honest, I'm a big fan of your show. I'd be satisfied just watching you work."
Yes, definitely keeping this one.
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ilovetheriddler · 10 days
Hi, I hope you’re having a lovely day! I was curious if maybe you’d be willing to write Arkham Eddie who is conflicted with his feelings about the reader? Perhaps the reader is a villain/anti-hero/hero, and they’re working together briefly, and maybe after an argument he finds himself aroused and… takes care of himself?
Oh! An Arkham Eddie Request! How delightful! I hope that you're having a wonderful day as well. This was quite exciting to write, so I hope you enjoy this!
Insatiable Need.
(Arkham Games) Edward Nigma x F!Reader.
Word Count: 1,023.
Contents: 🔞🔞🔞 NSFW 18+! Conflict, Arguing, Fantasizing, Masturbation.
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Edward couldn't say that he was in any way pleased to have to work with some so-called hero. In fact, it infuriated him. Someone of his brilliance having to agree to assisting someone? It was appalling to think about. However.... you were at least different enough from that pesky bat to a point where it was at minimum better than working alongside him!
You seemingly enjoyed his riddles and actually would attempt to answer them to the best of your abilities. And it made him... feel something, he wasn't sure what it was exactly, but it was definitely something.
Of course, the two of you only needed to work together briefly on stopping someone else's big scheme. Eddie couldn't help how smug it made him feel to know that someone finally acknowledged how his genius was absolutely needed to stop this. It's not like batman would ever be willing to work with him, yet here you were, standing next to him as he worked away on the device you needed to shut down this new scheme. It was... a pleasant experience having someone actually be there nearby while he worked, much to his surprise.
He had a wide grin on his face as he handed you the finished device, expecting your praise and endless thankfulness to him. Instead, you criticized him for taking too long and putting lives at risk. The grin immediately fell from his face.
"Oh, excuse me! I can't rush my brilliance. It takes time!"
"Well, we don't have time. Lives are at stake here! Ever second counts....!"
"Is this the fucking thanks I get for so graciously offering to help you?! Unbelievable!"
You let out a surprised yelp as he grabbed ahold of your shirt and pulled you closer to him, the irritation evident on his face.
"I pour my time and effort into this for you! And I get your criticism instead of your admiration?! I'm I just a fucking means to an end to you?! Huh?! Is that-"
He was cut off by a sharp stinging sensation, and after a few seconds, he realized what had just happened. You slapped him.
"D-did, you just slap me...?"
"Listen, Eddie, I'm sorry, but you were getting a bit-"
"Take the dame device and get out of my lair...."
You stood there silently for a moment before doing as he suggested, leaving his lair with the device in hand. Meanwhile, Eddie sat slumped in his chair. He was furious, enraged, irritated, and worse of all extremely turned on, damn it!
He stood up and frustratedly made his way into his room, slamming the door behind him. He couldn't stand this. He couldn't stand that a filthy hero was making him feel such things! He glanced down, the evidence of his growing arousal already slightly noticeable against the front of his pants. He just couldn't ignore this, not when he was this worked up.
He quickly pulled up an audio file he had put together on his computer, one good thing about always recording every conversation he had with someone else in case he ever needed to use it against them, is that he had your voice recorded as well, more importantly saying his name. Not exactly in the breathless and needy tone he'd prefer to hear it said in, but it would still do just fine for assisting in his fantasies.
He quickly fumbled around, attempting to unbuckle his numerous belts, and once he had, he tugged both his pants along with his underwear down, His already semi erect cock springing free. He reached down and took hold of it, moving his thumb to smear some of the precum already leaking out of the tip around, pulling his foreskin back just slightly as he groaned wantonly. He spat in his hand after a bit, using that along with the precum to lubricate his cock somewhat.
He grasped his harding cock firmly, closing his first around it and slowly starting to pump it steadily. A moan slipped past his lips as his head fell back slightly. He progressively increased his pace as he continued, his mind filling with the filthy fantasies he had about you. About you lying on his bed, whining and begging for him to fuck you, admitting that you were wrong to not offer him the praise he so rightfully deserved, admitting that he was better than all those heros, that he was better than that Bat! That you loved him, needed him, couldn't handle not having him inside of you. That's what he wanted.
"I-I'm so much better t-than... A..ah! ...him... aren't i?! Mm... F-fuck! ...I make y-you... feel so good, don't i?! Ah..."
He tried to imagine that it was you that he was fucking as he thrust his cock into his hand, repeated gasps and groans escaping him. You'd be absolutely perfect for him. He'd make you feel like you were on cloud nine if you'd just give him the chance! He couldn't help but wonder what your skin would feel like against him, how the sound of skin slapping against skin would sound like music to his ears if it was only yours, how that sweet voice of yours would sound screaming his name over and over again all night long, how it would feel to fuck you senseless until he was satisfied.
His body tensed up, and a broken moan got caught in his throat as his hips jerked slightly, Spurts of his warm cum spilling into the already filthy floor. He stood perfectly still for a few seconds, catching his breath. Once it had stopped, he carefully tucked his now flaccid cock back into his underwear, pulling up that along with his pants back up.
He knew one thing for certain, sooner or later, he was going to have you in his bed. No matter what he had to do to get you there. Perhaps batman could be preoccupied with his other rogues for a while? Eddie liked the idea of devoting his schemes and plans for you to handle instead, at least until he got what he wanted, that is...
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phr3ia · 3 months
Before It Ends (Jiyan x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 1 : Uncertain]
"General, we need your help over here!"
"General Jiyan, we don't have enough medics here, can we please use your assistance?"
"General, we've received reports of a high number of Tacet Discord anomalies located near the outskirts of Jinzhou, the threat level is lethal-"
It was just one situation after the other, there is no time to rest right now. After demolishing the Tacet Discord creatures near Jinzhou, the General heads back to the rearguard base, where the soldiers approached him with urgency, pressing for his assistance - they are currently low on medical staff, they tell him, therefore his support is needed immediately. Jiyan can't possibly deny the cry of his comrades, he gives a brief nod and purposefully heads over to the tents, where the injured are treated. The soldiers are badly wounded, Jiyan can see that, and guilt clutches his tender heart. His purpose is to protect, to ward off the evil from the innocent, he knows he shouldn't place the blame upon his own shoulders. But sometimes, he can't help it.
Rigorously treating the last soldier's injuries with medicine he made himself, Jiyan is met with words of gratitude and faces of satisfaction from his comrades. "Thank you, General Jiyan, you're a lifesaver!" One says. Hearing people praise him, seeing the look of radiance on other's faces whenever his duty is fulfilled is something Jiyan learned to love. It reminds him of why he still continues to fight. The moon hangs high in Solaris-3's galactic sky, Jiyan's sharp eyes-the colour of daffodils-look amongst the plethora of shimmering stars. 1, 2, 3... too many to count. The stars remind Jiyan of Y/N eyes, the way those orbs beautifully twinkle whenever he speaks to her.
Jiyan ventures off to his private headquarters, it's getting late and his services are no longer necessary. For now. If one were to look closely, they'd see a twinge of weariness in his movements, all of this work is stressing the General out, and he hates to admit he's drained. Jiyan stands before the large window in his room, bathing himself in the pale moonlight's glow. A rhythmic knock at the door catches Jiyan off guard - another problem so soon? "Come in." Jiyan answered with authority, it was evident from his voice how tired he was at the moment.
You've known each other since your trainee days at the Military Academy. Over time, you grew to be Jiyan's closest comrade due to your bold approach and candid attitude. It was your overall personality that captured his attention.
Even after graduating and being promoted to higher positions, your bond remained the same.
"Jiyan! I brought your favorite food!" you exclaimed as you barged into his quarters, catching him off guard.
He had always adored your cooking skills. From fried foods to ramen, from soup to dessert, Jiyan will always devour everything you cook for him.
His weary demeanor instantly vanishes as soon as he sees you enter the room. His expression brightens, and he can't hide the devious smirk that forms on his lips. "I was wondering when you'd show up!" Jiyan's physique is dominating but not as intimidating as one would expect from a General. In fact, he warmly chuckled when he smelled the delightful aroma emanating from the container you're holding.
Your cooking is something he has missed during these past few weeks of terrible situations.
Jiyan's dangling earrings bounced slightly as he expressed his joy.
You were grinning with excitement as he approached you. He then took the food from your hands and expressed his gratitude. "Thank you! You have no idea how much I was craving for some real food." he said, sighing. As part of the Military, all they eat during their missions are just rations like bread and snacks. "Do you mind if I eat it now? I'm starving." he asked, his stomach grumbling from hunger at the same time.
"Just don't eat everything, okay? It's for the both of us." you said, grabbing the extra empty container from your bag.
"I can't promise you that." he teased. You just sighed at his response and proceeded to take a seat in front of him. "By the way, is everything alright?" You haven't seen Jiyan for weeks now since he was deployed on a clearing mission near Desorock Highlands a month ago. "You know it's a bit difficult for me to visit you whenever you're stationed at the borders. It's too far away from the Capital." you said with a frown as you rested your cheek in the palm of your hand.
He took a moment to gather his thoughts, the weight of responsibility and stress still lingered in his eyes, "I've barely had a chance to rest. Our forces have been stretched thin, trying to repel the Tacet Discords around the area. It's been a constant struggle."
He hesitated, then continued in a low husky tone, "There are so many lives at stake... I sometimes wonder, am I really making a difference? Or do we just keep fighting for an illusion of peace? Seeing so much suffering is overwhelming..."
Jiyan couldn't help but let his guard down in your presence, you have a calming effect on him. As much as he tries to be detached from the emotional aspects of his job, his heart still aches for the fallen and those who suffer.
He then took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, pushing the thoughts aside for now, "But enough about me. What about you, Doctor? Tell me what's been happening in the capital while I was away." His tone shifted to a more lighthearted one, trying to change the subject and show you that despite the weariness, he still enjoys your company. He began to unpack the meal he took from you, the aroma wafting through the air. He was hungry, and in spite of his promise, Jiyan couldn't resist digging in a little bit before serving you a portion of the delicious meal you had prepared.
"It's always the same for me. I treat our soldiers from day to night." Deep inside, you felt a sense of sadness about everything, but you never questioned why you're doing it or who you are doing it for. Yet you also understand why Jiyan thinks that way. You always know that it was never easy for him to witness his soldiers die on the battlefield. You are aware that the situation is taking a toll on him.
"General." I said, grabbing his attention. "No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward. Just take the next step. And whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome." You were always there to remind Jiyan of how incredible of a person he is-not just a soldier, but a General that everyone looks up to.
"You're right, Y/N. We all need a push sometimes to continue going. Thank you." He flashed a subtle smile, a genuine one that reached his eyes.
As both of you were eating, Jiyan would occasionally glance at you. You seemed to have this calming effect on him, and he began to feel a bit lighter, as if his burdens were momentarily lifted.
"If only you had accepted my request to join you on the front lines, I could've fought by your side." you muttered under your breath, still feeling irritated that he declined your request to join the Rangers a few years ago.
Jiyan isn't oblivious to the worry that flickers within your eyes. He knew you were looking out for him. "You know that's something I can't grant, Y/N. It's nothing personal. You know as well as I do that you hold value in other ways. Your skills in medicine and healing are irreplaceable. Trust me, if I see you in any danger, I'll have you back as a Medic in a flash. For now, continue doing what you do best. You're one of Jinzhou's finest Doctors." Jiyan finished his food, leaving nothing untouched.
"Whatever you say, General." you rolled your eyes at his response, knowing it's futile to debate with him.
"Stop frowning." he said, flicking your forehead. "Ouch!" you yelped at the stinging sensation it caused. Jiyan smiled at you before turning around to throw the trash away, but you stopped him in his tracks. "Jiyan." you mumbled, grabbing his wrist. He looked at you with a puzzled expression on his face. "Just promise me one thing, okay?" you asked. He could tell that you wanted to discuss this matter sincerely. "Promise me that you will always return home safely. I don't care if I have to heal you over and over again, just please always come back alive."
Jiyan's eyes met yours, noticing the genuine concern that clouded your features. He gently tousled your hair, making it flutter around your face. Without needing to voice it, Jiyan understood that you must have had many sleepless nights, worrying about his well-being.
"I'll do my best." Jiyan replied, aware that he couldn't make a promise as life on the battlefield is always uncertain. "And if something bad happens to me, I trust you completely to mend me back together." Jiyan gently patted your head and smiled at you.
His attention turned to the large window, the moon's light casting shadows on the tall trees that swayed in the breeze. "You should return to the Capital. I don't want you staying up late. You need to get some rest, Y/N."
"Give me a few minutes to get ready. I'll escort you back myself." he offered, not taking no for an answer.
Jiyan leads the way out, his presence as a General was commanding respect even from those passing by. His towering figure exudes an aura of calm and confidence, qualities that you have come to admire.
He mounted the horse with you, your body nestled between his arms. Jiyan made sure you were safe.
As the horses galloped, the quiet ambiance embraced you and him. A gentle breeze filtered through the air, causing the trees to sway lightly. Jiyan's hand slowly inched towards you. He wanted to reach out and hold yours, but he hesitated. Feeling uncertain, Jiyan forced himself to focus on the road ahead.
A traveling shadow of the moonlight played along the streets as the mount carried both of you to the Capital.
As Jiyan's horse halted in front of your home, he looked at you with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Remember, stay out of trouble, Doctor."
"Don't worry about me, General. I'll be fine." you said, dismounting from the horse-it's been a long day, and you were starting to feel exhausted. "Alright, rest well. Take care of yourself." he said, his voice filled with concern. As Jiyan turned his horse around, he looked back at you one last time before he disappeared into the night.
Midnight was fast approaching as the moonlight filtered the horizon. The bond you have with him grew tighter with every moment you spent together. You knew that in the midst of battles and darkness, you will always have Jiyan by your side.
End of Chapter 1 🥀...
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Jiyan navigates the delicate balance between his duty as a General and the love he carries for you.
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cyberrose2001 · 1 year
could i have a couple hcs about tfp ratchet and optimus (seperate) having a s/o that has pains/aches all over their body that pop up without warning? just some comfort hcs, if that’s okay
TFP Optimus and Ratchet w/ reader who has sudden aches/pains (hcs)
I'm assuming you mean those ass hole stabbing pains that hurt like a biatch... those are a menance fr. I especially get those in my stomach often, so that's what I went with. I hope you enjoy these headcanons!
Warnings: SFW/fluff, reader has sudden pain, very slight mention of death.
Word count: 693
- You both would be resting together in your shared berthroom. Optimus would read a data pad while you scroll aimlessly on your phone. It'd be relatively peaceful until you feel a cramp in your abdomen. It makes you wince a little, but you'd ignore it and continue your internet surfing.
- Then, the pain hits you, your face twists in agony, and you let out a silent scream, clutching your abdomen.
- Optimus notices from the corner of his optics and instantly jumps into action, not hesitating even once as his spark sinks to his tanks.
- He won't know what to do, servos hovering over you in hesitancy as he watches you writhe around on the berth like a tortured snake.
- "What's wrong?" "Did something happen to you without my knowledge?" "Should I take you to Ratchet?"
- He would eventually scoop you up into his servos and cradle you until whatever was going on inside your tiny body stopped, optics never leaving your face, worry etched into every crevice of his frame.
- After a few moments, the pain stops, leaving a dull ache where the piercing pain once was, and he watches as you sigh in relief.
- This poor mech would be so confused. He'd ask you what happened and why you're suddenly not in pain anymore.
- You then had to explain to him that humans sometimes have 'hiccups' in their nervous system, thinking you're injured when you're really not.
- The amusement you gain from his confused facial expression is somewhat entertaining, but you'd ultimately need to reassure him that you're not hurt in any way. You're safe, and he breathes out a shaky ex-vent. 
- "It seems I still have much to learn about your kind, but I am glad you are okay."
- Proceeds to snuggle you for the rest of the night until he is sure you are unharmed, and you decide that reassurance cuddles from Optimus are the only cure for anything your fragile body throws at you.
- But if you ask, he'd massage the area to soothe the remaining aches for you. He'd be delighted to assist.
- It would be a typical day for you, lounging around on the couch watching Ratchet work on, well, whatever experiment or research he was conducting on the computer. It didn't matter what he was doing; you'd always admire him from a distance, and he would do the same, glancing his optics over to you occasionally to ensure you were still there.
- During your 'medic daydreaming', as you like to put it, a sharp sting hits the side of your abdomen, and you yelp in agonising pain. Tears pool in your eyes as your face scrunches up, trying to bear the sudden wave of pain.
- Ratchet abandons his station and is immediately beside you, reaching over the guard rail and scooping you up. His optics flutter over your frame and potential multiple diagnostics courses through his processor.
- "What the frag??" "Why are you holding your- for Primus' sake, move your hand! I need to see!" "Why didn't you tell me you were in pain?!"
- He'd be frantic, racing you to the med bay with you cupped in his palm.
- Ratchet has June on speed dial, and as soon as she is about to pick up, he no longer hears your whimpers.
- He'd be confused, gobsmacked even, when he sees you laying on the gurney, not a sign of pain on your face. It's like it never even happened.
- "What-" "Were you not just in distress?" "Why are you acting like you're fine?!"
- You'd hold back a chuckle as you explain to him that humans can get a little 'quirky' at times and cause you unexplainable pain for absolutely no reason. All Ratchet can do is stare at you wide-eyed as you tell him exactly why he dislikes the primitive design of the human nervous system.
- He'd be relieved, though. Thanking Primus that you weren't in danger or worse. He'd pick you up again, mumbling profanities and words like "Don't fraggin' scare me like that again." and "You humans and your body's strange aversion for death and dying scare me."
- You won't be let out of his sight for the rest of the day, keeping you cradled to his chassis. His thumb would rest against your chest in a self-soothing tactic, reassuring himself that you were okay.
- Much reassurance and thumb kisses are prescribed to him until he's calm again.
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megalommi · 1 year
Nightmare and Dr Baggs discuss literature, in a scenario where Baggs joins the Bad Sans Crew.
This was only meant to be a few sentences, whu happun
It had taken some time to settle in to his new situation, kept in employ by Nightmare and living on-site in his castle.
The work wasn't the difficult part, he was a professional and in his element.
The trouble was... Well, he had a lot more freedom to push himself beyond his physical limits back home, when HE was the boss. It seemed the entire crew was bent on making sure he kept 'appropriate' hours. Honestly, it was bad enough that he wasted so much time SLEEPING (he was eternally grateful for Nightmare's assistance, don't get him wrong).
Nightmare INSISTED he take more leisure time, and bond with his new team. He wasn't in any position to argue, his new boss was very much immune to his power, he was thoroughly outmatched.
So, that's where he found himself, lounging on a comfortable seat in the drawing room, one leg propped up on an arm and one dangling off, with a thick leather bound book in one hand, and a flute of wine in the other. The boys were hooting and hollering as they squished together on the couch and played something on the their rather wide television called "Smash Brothers".
The temperature in the room very slightly dropped and the shadows in the corners deepened, as they often did on the arrival of the castle's master. He finished the line he was reading before he glanced up, meeting the eye of his superior now perched on the arm of the boys' couch with his legs folded and elbows resting on his knee, a flute of the same wine between his fingers.His tentacles swayed languidly behind him, and pulsed slightly, he seemed to be feeding off the anguish of Cross, who was shouting something about being ganged up on.
He paid no mind to the scene behind him, Nightmare's full attention was on Baggs at this moment, regarding him with interest.
"How are you finding the new addition to the cast?"
It appeared he was correct in assuming the impressive library was not just for show, if Nightmare was familiar with the one he held in his hands. He was floored upon discovering the room in his exploration, his hand had trailed across well worn covers of so many books he had never even heard of. Granted, he only had what trash fell into the Underground, where Nightmare had access to untold worlds worth of stories. What marvels must he have collected here?
Imagine his delight, then, when he discovered on those shelves the sequel to a book he had read many times over! Finally, that awful cliffhanger would haunt him no more!
... Having said that.
"They're derivative of the main character, and baked in so much cliche, I struggle to understand their inclusion at all."
He found it useless to even try to lie to a being who could sense emotion, one even more sharply perceptive than himself. His blunt honesty was always a risk of Nightmare's ire, so he was surprised when the god barked a laugh instead.
"I thought much the same on my very first read through. Imagine my surprise when by the end of the novel, they became my favourite character."
Baggs blinked, he hadn't been expecting that. He glanced back down to his book, as if it may reveal a detail he had missed.
Nightmare grinned, and took a sip of his own drink "Though perhaps I should hold my tongue, I would not want to spoil it."
Baggs marked his place and closed the cover, leaving it in his lap. "I trust it's alright that I borrowed it?"
He waved him off casually "I'm pleased someone other than myself stepped foot in the pride of my castle, for once."
"The boys not ones for reading, then?" He glanced at said boys, still entrenched in the battle of 'Poke' Floats'.
"Academic conversation is hard to come by here, I'm afraid." He grimaced, though there was no heat behind it. It was clear how endeared he was to his little party of meat heads.
The god of negativity continued to surprise him, since he was whisked away suddenly from his home with little choice in the matter. His presence then had been oppressively intimidating, and even Baggs didn't dare imagine the kind of horrors he may be forced to commit under such a man's employ.
It turned out, he was to nurse back to health a squad of trigger happy fools, who had all been injured so badly that Nightmare had been forced to seek his help. The intimidating facade had crumbled underneath his clear worry, anxiously hovering over Baggs's shoulder as he mended broken bones.
Since then they'd all fully recovered back to their usual, rowdy selves, and he had settled into somewhat of a school nurse role. Compared to his work at home, this was a vacation.
He had struggled to understand why he had not been tossed back into a portal as soon as his purpose had been fulfilled. He expected there may be some dangerous mission he would be wrangled into, making use of his unique abilities of control. But no, Nightmare seemed more than content with the doctor's contributions, even pulling him away from his work personally to relax with the rest of them for 'family dinner'.
But to suggest Nightmare kept him around for company? As if they would start up a book club and gush over mutual interests in high fantasy? Ridiculous.
... And yet. He eyed Nightmare curiously over the rim of his flute as he emptied it. A tentacle came into view with the bottle and topped off his glass swiftly after.
Well. He may be kept here for a while yet, he might as well find more books to occupy his enforced leisure time.
"That is a shame, such an impressive collection going unappreciated. My own salvaged few truly pale in comparison."
Nightmare preened, sitting slightly straighter "I have spent a century collecting the best offerings of the multiverse."
Baggs's smirk grew in satisfaction, the way it often would when he had a monster in the palm of his hand, an intoxicating feeling. He leaned forward "Would you share some recommendations for my next read? I'm afraid I have no idea where to start."
Nightmare chuckled pleasantly as he relaxed back, leaning an arm on the back of the couch. "One might assume you're trying to butter me up with talk like that, doctor." His tentacles curled playfully, and behind them a few of the boys had begun to look between the pair with curiosity.
He grinned widely at the challenge, having been so easily seen through "Come now.~ What greater pleasure is there than to indulge one's passion for literature?"
The god's tentacles curled minutely, bright, glittering eyelight smouldering and socket crinkling with the uptick of his smirk. A dark boned phalange distractingly traced slow circles on the rim of his own flute "What, indeed."
He would blame the wine for the magenta that coloured his cheeks and crept down his neck.
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