#I'm pretty sure idk XD
seven-thewanderer · 1 year
Okay so since idk how much of today I'll be able to spend as a "final day before I'm gone for 2 whole months (and then return for just a week & disappear again" imma do some stuff I wanted to do later today
but instead early today
So firsty, since this is a very important part, I love all of you!!! Of course platonically, but I still love you all!! I feel like you guys have been there for me plenty while I was here, and all the friends I made I'm happy to have made them!! Sure, I lost some friends (kinda), and I'm sad about that, but I just hope those friends are having amazing times still!!! But still, to the friends I still have, and also to the followers (since I feel like I don't type it enough but it's still true:), I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!
And then the second thing (which isn't as important but I still wanna list it):
Since I'll be gone, if there's peeps who still wanna see my stuff, but there won't be an update to my blog since I'll be gone, here are some main tags that I use:
Random Post This tag is for when I just say stuff that's random, like this for example. So kinda little rambles from me, but they don't often have art with it
My Art This tag's more main than the Random Post tag (idk why I didn't do this one first), but it has all of my art, even from my first(?) ever post!! Though you could go all the way back, you don't really have to, as it has things like when I drew Sun & Moon as pokemon, my first ever drawings of my Sun & Moon Bug AU (which to me it did not look that good back then), my FNAF(SB) Parts & Service ocs (Known as Pax & Simon) who I never drew again (I will at some point trust me-), some old Sun & Moon designs, and even my old intro!! So it's kinda like a memory lane if you think about it, buuut it's a long lane so you don't have to XD
Random Reblog + Random Art Reblog These are my reblog tags!! One is mainly just for random reblogs, and the other is just for art reblogs, which can include drawings, paintings, music, and I'm pretty sure photography (i don't remember exactly what I reblogged but I'm pretty sure I reblogged photography at least once w/ the random art reblog tag). Again, these would be long scrolls, so you wouldn't have to go through all of em
Important Reblog + Important These tags are for important things, and things that either I find as helpful for others to know, things that I believe are important, things that aren't important but I've listed as important (which I think I've done that at least 3 times and I'm sorry), and things that others say are important so I just list em as important. That last one's the most common. Most of the time I'll tag things with both tags, but sometimes I tag things just with the important tag, and less commonly I'll reblog it with just the important reblog tag.
Now not as main tags:
Tag Game This one i don't know if I tag tag games as that oftenly, so if I do, then this tag'll lead to those I did tag as such.
Asks (+ Ask Game) This is for when I get asks (that's the asks tag), and also for when I see an ask game & hope to get asks for that (both the asks tag & ask game tag). However, I don't always get asks, or at least I don't get them as often as I see/assume others do, but there's 4 invisible ones in my inbox that I'm still sorry about not being able to see... (also I know I can just change what I said, but imma leave the last part & add that I actually have more asks than I thought I did, I just never looked at them all collectively before, so thanks to all of you that sent asks!! <3)
Sun & Moon AUs (+ that one SAMS AU) This tag is mainly for the Sun & Moon related AUs I have (one of which being a Sun and Moon Show AU if I'm not mistaken), but it includes ones like my Bug! AU (which was once just tagged as Bug AU), Slime! AU, Pastry! AU, Celestial Bard! AU, Lost! AU, Witch! AU, Celestial Inn! AU, Toyshop! AU, Celestial Tasks! AU (also called RPG! AU), Fortune Teller! AU, Unisatyr! AU, and specifically for the SAMS AU tag, Different! AU (which we do not talk about Different! AU cus I honestly forgot I even made it until just now XD)
Treats! AU This tag, which sadly didn't get too much stuff made for it, is a tag for a QSMP Au I randomly was doing, where everyone was a form of treat/snack. I wish I got more time on it, but for now there is a little bit of ideas sitting there for it
Clowns This tag should be avoided if you have a fear of clowns, but this is the tag for my clown ocs from a little circus I made up known as Bunzy's circus!! Of course Bunzy's the ring master, but there's more characters (who do not have names yet), who are a Clown Rat, a Clown Dog, a Clown Cat, a Clown Bear (who is a teddy bear), and a Clown Spider
My Ocs This tag is for ocs of mine. There's not really much to it, it's just my ocs.
Sona/Sonas These tags are for my different Sonas, like Seven (the main Sona of this blog), Silly, Tabby (who currently has been listed as dead), Chromey, Swii, Phon, and that Pirahna Plant sona I never got the chance to draw again (they never got a tag specific to them but they're known as Berry). There's technically another Sona, but they never got a tag on this blog, as they're the sona for my side blog, which I'll bring up later
rant this is a tag I prefer to forget, but it is a tag, so I will not ignore it. This is for the chance that I rant about something, which I don't like to rant about stuff that happens for me. So this could be a tag to avoid if yall want (there's only like... 4 posts? But still)
💖/<3 These tags are hard to follow, but these are tags for when I heart something a lot. It's like a show of affection. The <3 tag was more of a backup when I couldn't put the sparkle heart emojis, but now they both coexist. There's mainly more than one, but sometimes there's just 1 (idk how to work this one, so I guess just try & slightly up the amount of hearts to find other tags? idk sorry...)
Extra tags:
I'm not gonna link these ones, but these are tags that I've drawn stuff for, but aren't really special tags of mine, and this includes tags like:
FNAF (Five Night's at Freddy's)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Fandroid/Fandroid the Musical Robot
TWOMP (The World of Mr Plant)
Gen Loss (Generation Loss)
SAMS (Sun and Moon Show)
Roblox T2D/Roblox T2D DCO (Roblox Try to Die/Roblox Try to Die DCO)
Cookie Run
Sussy Schoolgrounds
Pokemon (+ Fakemon)
Now some of these I only did once (TWOMP, Diep.Io, Rainworld, Undertale, Roblox T2D, and Fakemon), but some got at least 2 or more (Fandroid, Deltarune, Pokemon, and Sussy Schoolgrounds got just 2 I think)
But yeah, I think that gets the tags outta the way now
Now as an extra thing to bring up, I do have a side blog, which is specifically for a lil thing I made/am working on...
...and it's about a little furry(?) species I made called Floserds!!
Please don't just go & follow the blog because it's my side blog, I mainly just want that blog to be followed if it's because someone's actually interested in that species idea I made.
But as a summary, it's a species of flower (and herb) cows called Floserds (Flos is latin for Flower, if im not mistaken, and the -erds part is just the word herds without the h), and most of the info I've worked on/am working on is on that blog
That blog's also run by my fursona, Chamomile, who is a Floserd!!
But yeah that blog's known as @floserd-theflowercows, and you could technically follow it, but only if you're actually interested in the concept, not just due to association
But yeah I guess this might be it, and if I get the chance to say goodbye before I have to go, then I'll say goodbye, let you guys know that I love you (which I do) (platonically), and then either link back to this post, or just copy + paste the important stuff
But yeah in case this post is really my goodbye (for now), then I love you all, I'll miss you, and I'll (assumably) see you guys again in November!!!!!
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atalienart · 1 year
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"Wysoki i szczupły, K. był kwintesencją elegancji, od nienagannego ubioru, szytego według najnowszej mody, przez starannie ułożone, piaskowe włosy, po sposób w jaki się trzymał."
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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another wip? another wip!
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
Besides numerous other drawing ideas I now already have 2 (maybe even 3?) self ships that I want to redraw this meme with😂
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Please I need more time and motivation for art again😭
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a scar i totally forgot about in my notes and by extension that drawing i did (but you couldn't see peter's back there anyway so eh)
it's a handprint from kaine (somehow the only one? idk) TBH there's a chance this scar doesn't even end up happening so i guess it doesn't really matter if i forgot it cause it might not be relevant lol but i wanted to doodle it anyway...
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
the anime's unhingedness is even funnier when you remember that the dub aired on disney xd. this shit was airing on disney-
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So apparently I forgot to post last night??? I had a post made! What the hell, past!me, get ur shit together
Anyway, Month 3, days 30 and 31 apparently, I did some photo editing instead of drawing. Top is what I did yesterday, bottom is the final result and what I was actually going for (photo editing is hard), and original is below the cut!
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flaskoflethe · 1 year
Patience is not my greatest strength. So when I'm waiting on something, that in turn will enable MORE waiting, in order to wait for the thing I actually want? Not comfy. ESPECIALLY when I know it's vaguely in process, but can't ask about timeline/where in process it is/if I can do anything to help. At least one of the things I was waiting on for years finally went through, and a second one should be happening later this month (baring any disasters, less then three weeks!) but this is the big one...
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miss-floral-thief · 2 months
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woo fake marriage romcom
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zareleonis · 11 months
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still feels like i dream that i actually managed to get c6 furina. i was SURE i wouldn't have nearly enough after r5 tfgm then won all those 50/50s :')
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
I just wanna let you guys know...
Counting today, there are only 4 days left of me being online, before I basically have to vanish for 2 whole months (and then idk how much of the 3rd month I'll be gone, but a portion of that month too...)
I wanna spend it as well as I can, but I also don't really know what I'll do, nor am I sure I'll have the time to really do anything, as I still gotta prepare a bunch to go before I do go...
So yeah if I end up going quiet before I go then I'm sorry, but I really hope I at least talk a bit more before suddenly vanishing!!!
...I also at least wanna list some of the tags I have on my blog(s) that may interest yall while I'm gone... ...though I doubt it'll interest yall for 2 whole months + a unknown portion of a 3rd month)
But yeah if I end up not getting the chance to say bye, just know I'll miss u guys, and I care about yall & love u all!! (platonically, of course XD)
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
#lowkey too relaxed/not stressed enough abt my exam tmr morning XD#not that it will help to be stressed abt it considering it . is at 8am ;-;#and i need to get on bus to get to building to take so#i'm pretty much done w studying at this point i should be sleeping LMAO isnt that the thing this semester#i do not know how to do one of these topics 🤡 i should've looked at many examples over the course of a while but#i mean that's just how u should study and it has never been how i study lmfao#even tho i should#rip this dynamic programming problem idk how im gonna do lmao#if it's a certain type i mightttt be able to at least get some elements down and get some points#but if it's like the practice problem i just did idk bro lmao#fngfjblsjhdfglfhgowurhgipqurhj i'm not even like the best w all the other material too#bro why didn't i study more ;-; i got distracted by too many glowstick club things as usual lmao but i had to help plan a party yesterdayso#we also had new board meeting today that took 2 hours#idk ._. welp#gonna sleep before midnight today???? insane#maybe not before midnight maybe before 1 tho LOL#nfjdngospaighiduhrgfdlfjgs;fdgadklfjdlg#jeanne talks#like i will pass the class im pretty sure i wont do badly enough to not pass#but i would like to do well but idk i got a 75 on the midterm which was good for this class lol i'm just#:'''D it's fine i dont want to have this fucking 8am exam TT#i haven't started studying for my thursday exam#and i have a 10 page fiction thing due tmr night that i've barely started 🤩#i alr asked the prof if i could turn it in later bc i was like ya uh lol and imma email him tmr after my exam bc it was just verbally lol#but i cant be doing it too late bc of this thursday exam ;-;#ngjfnghdjfbsodbgoqurhgoqeurhgiqhgodfbojf hopefully i can just slap some words downn janjngfhjfghdfgdaslf#;-; if u are in finals season wait i dont think anyone would be my school just hella early lol#but whenever u get there 🫡 good luck u got this#ok i gotta go get ready for bed now im just fucking around im not even studying jfdgnhdfbajlbgdfjd#is skimming thru code answers on practice exams studying or just lowkey wasting time bc im not even understanding it 😌
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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i was gonna post that dust drawing today since it's done but idk if anyone's gonna see it at this hour? you can have this small shattered wip to make up for it in the meantime tho >:'Dc
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kuramirocket · 2 years
I'm blowing through the Demon Slayer anime too fast 😭😭😭😭😭
This series is just too good and the Spanish dub is really great!
I've decided that I'm going to continue reading the manga after the box set I bought arrives!! It's gonna take a while to arrive though. A couple weeks at most. How am I going to survive until then 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 704 first watch reactions
IDK if anyone else will talk about this, but Josh and Maddie were a great comedic start to this ep! XD Also. Interesting choice to give Josh, the currently only openly gay male character on the show, more lines again. Is it a reminder he's there, so he can be a part of Buck's journey later on? *eyes emoji* We'll see.
All of these pretty women (I should also mention that as a non-American, all the gasped, "It's Joey!" "It's you!" "It's me!" are missing me by a kilometer. Whoever Joey is, he's not Madonna yet, if you want me to get excited about him, 911, you're gonna have to give me a bit more than a single name), hitting on Buck and Eddie, and the ease with which both men turn them down... Sure, this is a part of the set up regarding Buck, and Eddie technically has an excuse, but also. Most straight, taken men would at least be tempted. They'd at least bite their lips with frustration. Have some reaction. But not Eddie. And when you remember that he was distinctly not taken in ep 204, but still had the same reaction to pretty young women hitting on him and Buck... I know this ep is all about celebrating the 'oh' moment of another guy, but that's not gonna stop me from rooting for Eddie to have similar realizations eventually (and get together with that certain other guy *cough*).
LMAO So, Buck is meeting up with the guy who's gonna be his sexual awakening, a man who's good looking, gave him a thrill already, is an impressive fighter pilot, and the first thing he can think of to say, is blurt out Eddie's name? LMAO Oh, this boy really is down bad...
Man, that bit where Tommy tells Buck he can have it both ways, he can get certified and continue to serve with the 118. Thanks for the beautiful foreshadowing, 911. Buck saying he's keeping his options fluid... Holy shit, the show really wasn't holding any punches back.
OMG, why is Harry old enough to be making Bathena waffles (and then turn out to be involved in an altercation)? I swear, he was still on baby formula just a second ago. How did 7 seasons just fly by!?
Buck getting jealous over Eddie and Tommy sparring. Considering the fact that Buck was the one getting all hot and bothered over semi-naked Eddie in the gym in 201, and ready to jump into a boxing match with him, this is making me wanna punch a wall myself. The symbolism in this ep is NOT very veiled. Add to that Eddie mentioning how he and Tommy met and just... clicked. In the same conversation that reminds us of Buddie' in 201's first meeting, where they clicked? (even though they were both too dumb to realize in what way) 911, just let me catch my breath for a second challenge! Also, Eddie is dating Tommy more intensely than he is Marisol? Okay. Duly noted. These firefighters are both so freaking hetero, I'm sure that's exactly what every casual viewer was telling themselves at this point. And poor Buck, getting his hopes up that Eddie is asking him when he's free, so they can go on a date themselves, only to be let down. Poor baby boy. But this feels like it's spelling out the answer to whether Buck's jealous over Tommy or Eddie. So, yay for Tommy helping him with his bi awakening. But it's clear who's really occupying Buck's heart and mind, and whose time he wants. FOR SIX FREAKING SEASONS NOW.
Oh, it's continuing, the show really is trying to kill me, having Buck complain to Maddie about how often Eddie has been seeing Tommy. The annoyance with how cool Tommy is, that's exactly Buck's reaction to Eddie in 201. So, if Buck and Tommy will then kiss, what does that say about what Buck didn't even realize he wanted to happen with Eddie back then, hmmm? I also love that Buck wants to be the cooler "dad's friend" in Christopher's eyes. That's his son, you can't take that away from him. And of course, Maddie was his first confidante about his feels for Eddie, she was the first one to call out his boy crush (in 204) and to hear Buck automatically think about Eddie, when he hears, "He's cute!" (in 206). It's so freaking right that she is now the witness to Buck's bi jealousy meltdown. I love her calling him out on it. "Is it circled with a heart around it?" Honestly, this is better than front row seats at the Bachelor mansion. I'm just disappointed in Chimney and his imaginary popcorn that he doesn't get to witness all of this firsthand and get what it means. Letting down all Bachelor fans out there, Chim. -_-
And then Buck's back in the gym, staring at Eddie, feathers ruffled. Am I going to make it to the end of this ep? Who cares? This is fantastic! XD He tries to catch Eddie's attention with the little weightlifting without a spotter stunt, and it's specifically him. Chim turned out to also be impressed by how cool Tommy is, but Buck is circling Eddie, like a clueless Jane Austen heroine, about to become a hit teen romance movie. Ravi falling for Buck's weightlifting attention trap is just getting in the way. Chim asking about Buck's weird basketball hugging session is nothing but a way to get to the ball game with Eddie. Okay, I'm at the point where I need to be chewing on imaginary popcorn.
Athena is one of the strongest characters on television, ever. Precisely because she's not just tough when she has to be, she has a heart, too. The scene where she told the woman she accidentally killed her own son was hard to just watch. IDK how she actually did that. I'm not sure if viewers who aren't moms get it, 'coz I didn't until I went with my sister through her pregnancy. Motherhood changes you forever. You feel your kid moving inside you. You bond with them in the most intimate way possible before they're even born. You go on a wild journey with them after, where every second counts, let alone every hour and every day, when they're hungry, when they're cold, when they struggle to sleep, when they finally do, when they take their first step, when they fail and fall... The love and protectiveness are something different to anything else in life. IDK how Athena, who gets all of this, managed to break the news to this mother, that she had unknowingly killed her own kid. I think to me, this has to be the most devastating scene in the entire history of the show. IDK if I'll be able to watch it again.
When basketball game scene starts, and Chimney knows something's up, I was already chuckling. But then Eddie sees them, and the first thing isn't expressing joy that his best friend is there, it's asking how did Chim talk him into this. "He always says no to me." They BOTH always talk about each other in romantic coded language, it's not just Buck, and in the same ep where we get bi Buck confirmed, that makes me froth at the mouth...
"So I'm your basketball beard. I feel so bonded." Not Chimney calling Buck out, while using the term for closeted gay guys using someone as a cover. I AM SCREAMING. Thank you, 911 gods!
That montage with Eddie and Tommy high fiving each other right in front of Buck's salad face, while their muscles glisten in the sun, and Top Gun-like music plays in the background, like the biggest nod to the volleyball scene from that gayest movie ever made, which we already had Buddie paraphrasing in 201. I am fine, this is fine. I love this burning kitchen I'm sitting in.
Buck causing Eddie's injury because of his jealousy (which again, is not about Tommy. He made an impression on Chim as well, who was screaming, "Buck, I'm open! I'm OPEN!") and not even getting to offer some help, because Tommy's already on it... I hope ABC is happy with their viewership dropping next week, because they've killed every Buddie shipper in the fandom.
"Well, I'm not a 14 year old girl..." Both Buck and Maddie together: "So stop acting like one." Love this scene, love these siblings, love that the reference with the two blonde Sarahs sounds platonic, but it's also from a past season on the Bachelor. 911 really wants you to know this is romantic, and Buck's going through a late sexual awakening in his 30's, instead of in his teens, even before he's able to see it.
So, the conclusion to Buck and Maddie's convo is that he needs to talk to Eddie, to make it better, yet the person he ends up talking to is Tommy, and that leads to the bi awakening kiss... It's a classic rom com switch, we hear a knock at the door, we expect it to be THE love interest, showing up at the right time, and it's someone else, making the protagonist's romantic journey so close, but about to get longer. It's further emphasized by a shot over Tommy's shoulder, in a way that he can easily be confused for Eddie, and which is reminiscent of moment when we saw Buck standing at Eddie's door, or both of them there toegther.
It was a nice talk, I loved Tommy saying he can't replace Buck, I def noticed how he went to talk about it in the context of Chris instead of Eddie (hmmm... I wonder why), but my fave part was how Buck glowed when he heard his son doesn't shut up about him. ^u^ He even took a second to look away from Tommy, to take it in with a huge grin. Then Buck and Tommy start warming up to each other, moving towards flirtation, and what comes out of Buck's mouth? "You don't have to tell me how great Eddie is." That's not how you flirt with a guy, Buck. I liked Tommy kissing him, and Buck not recoiling. Like he's always known on some level, but could never do anything about it. "That's better than fake mouth static." LOL The stuff that great romance is made of.
I'm SO happy Buck is getting this storyline of realization he's bi, I've thought it would be important and that the show has laid some groundwork for it since 107, and I don't mind that Tommy is the "romantic other" who helps him with it. I do believe this is important bi representation in and of itself, away from Buddie, and if nothing else ever comes of it, this is still beyond wonderful. In 2024, we still barely have any characters who start out presumed straight, and are allowed the freedom to figure out that maybe their sexual orientation is different than what they thought, despite the fact that in reality, human sexuality is complex and confusing and a mess. So this really matters to me, as a human being, and as a queer person. That said, I can't ignore the past 5 seasons, and the way this storyline played out, with Tommy kissing Buck, but the whole thing being emotionally centered around Buck's feelings for Eddie, it means that whether they go canon or not (and at this point, I find it hard to believe they'd make Buck canonically bi, taking this HUGE risk of homophobic backlash, and not go there with him and Eddie, but just in case they don't, I wanna say this), it'll always be Buddie for me.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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yourheart-inmyhands · 11 months
Ok a weird request 😭
Imagine yan!Zhongli, abyss!Aether and Neuvillette with a darling that loves them back (they don't care they're a yandere (and no it's not Stockholm Syndrome)) but just asks their brother to be with them (bc they imprisoned her) and if they accept, they see that the supposed "brother" is a dog- like- darling considers her dog her own brother.
The reason is that I myself consider the dog my mom has my brother- Please I am normal I swear 😭
- Weird anon ✨ (idk if you do this honestly 😭)
so i actaully don't write for aether anymore (i'm so sorry about that ;v;), but i hope you still like the other two! and don't worry about being weird lol, my cat is my literal son, like i'm 99% sure i gave birth to him and just forgot (it's scary how alike we are) XD
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behavior, implied being held against will, that's about it this one is pretty tame, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Zhongli allows it, but that doesn’t mean he entirely understands it. Please don’t expect him to grasp the entire thing right away. He’ll ask if your ‘brother’ sits at the table for dinner and if Zhongli needs to prepare additional servings for him, etc. Despite having lived for many, many years and having seen many strange things, Zhongli still struggles to fully understand the situation. He allows it though, anything to make his beloved happy.
“Does he… does your brother sit at the table with us for dinner?” Zhongli looked at the dog sat by your feet, one eyebrow raised in confusion as he anxiously awaited your response. A dog at the dinner table wasn’t exactly good for sanitary eating but he supposed he could allow it to slide for your sake. You had been compliant with his wishes thus far, who would he be to deny you the one thing you had asked for. He at first thought that your ‘brother’ had once been human and turned animal, but when you explained the situation to him, he seemed to feel even more at odds. Regardless, you are his beloved, and he’d comply to your wishes so long as it was in reason. Not only did he want your love, but he wanted you to be happy, and if this silly wish of yours was what it meant, he’d gladly give in.
Yandere!Neuvillette is perturbed to say the least. He had known already that your family had a dog, but he didn’t think you’d be this attached to it. Nevertheless he does retrieve your ‘brother’ and makes accommodations inside the manor for him. He doesn’t much interact with him though, Neuvillette isn’t really a dog-person, he’s not really an animal person at all. This was your one ask thus far though and you’d been accepting of his love so he wouldn’t argue. The dog will not be allowed to eat dinner with you though, he will eat his food in a separate room, as proper etiquette calls for.
Neuvillette didn’t understand the attachment that humans developed with animals, but he also never really cared for animals. The melusines were different, they behaved much like humans and could converse with Neuvillette, animals could not. When you requested that you be allowed your brother, Neuvillette was skeptical at first. When you then explained that your ‘brother’ was a dog, he relented, retrieving the pet for you. While he makes a room for the dog and even prepares meals for him, do not expect him to love the dog. Neuvillette doesn’t much care for bonds with animals like that, he’ll greatly outlive them and simply isn’t fond of the type of companionship they provide, so your brother is all yours. Of course if you asked, he’d walk him or bathe him or do any other such task, but only if asked will he do it. His rule is that you asked for him to brought here and that he is now your responsibility.
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