#I'm reminded that we almost got a parka instead
xaeneron · 2 years
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It occurred to me that despite drawing Fate(/GO) characters for multiple Inktobers, I never actually drew Gudako. That's awkward. Gudako it is then, because she's adorable.
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fragileahoges · 4 years
fresh paint 一 danganronpa oneshot
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: byakuya moves in with nagito and kokichi, and realizes it may not be as bad as he originally thought. THIS IS NOT THE FULL ONE SHOT.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: fluff
𝐓𝐖: none
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From the moment that Byakuya Togami stepped into his new home, the sun peeking in through the windows, he knew he'd never find another moment of peace in his life. He'd never feel real happiness again, and all chances & hopes of becoming a better person quickly diminished. He would never feel content as long as he lived inside these restricting walls. 
Okay, maybe he was being dramatic. He had bought the house, after all, and he wouldn't have done so in the first place if he hadn't been 100% sure that he was ready to accept any & all consequences that came with the purchase.
A small boy with purple hair shot past him, cheering & whooping as he danced around the empty house. "This house is mine! I rule over everyone here!" he chanted over and over again, laughing maniacally.
Byakuya sighed. Nope, he didn't think he was being dramatic at all. Kokichi Oma was the most annoying person he had ever met, & now here he was, living with him. Why did he ever agree to do this? Because he wanted so badly to be under the same roof as the boys? Seemed unlikely, but he wasn't going to dwell on it any longer.
Nagito Komaeda walked in after Kokichi, holding a big, brown box in his hands that was labeled Kitchen & Living Room (⅓). He smiled sheepishly at the shorter boy hopping around, walking over to the island and placing the box down on top of it. He inhaled the scent of the new house and turned to Byakuya. "Heh, I still can't believe you agreed to this. We thought you were going to shut us down on the idea almost automatically."
Byakuya shook his head, flabbergasted. Why did Kokichi have so much energy, and why did he feel like it'd conveniently drain right when the time came to unpack? "I'm starting to think I should've. I'm already getting a migraine." Nagito laughed softly, and the two made their way back outside to the moving van to retrieve more boxes while Kokichi hummed loudly to himself as he frolicked aimlessly around the house.
During that period of time, Byakuya allowed his mind to wander. He hadn't expected for himself to agree to such a foolish proposal so easily. Obviously both Nagito & Kokichi hadn't expected the sudden approval either, for their mouths were on the ground when they realized that the Byakuya Togami had actually decided to go along with their usual "brain-shrinking" plans.
It had slipped out of Byakuya's mouth before he could even blink. The idea of living with Kokichi and Nagito, despite having been friends with them for a good amount of time, was foreign to the heir. In fact, even living with someone sounded absurd to Byakuya. He only needed himself and himself only, or so he thought. Yet, his sudden agreement came so quickly that it had to have meant something. Byakuya wasn't normally impulsive; he did everything with practiced precision. So an abrupt answer that he didn't back down on even after how shocked he was...it meant he was progressing as a person, as a friend. Somewhere. Somehow.
Oddly enough, that was comforting.
During their fifth trip to the house (the boxes were surprisingly heavy), Kokichi waddled up to them and pointed down the hall towards the rooms. "We still have to pick out our rooms! Who's claiming the biggest one?"
"Me, obviously," Byakuya replied, tone as cold as ice. "I bought this house." Kokichi mocked him, raising his hand and opening & closing his fingers together every time the heir spoke, like a sock puppet but without the sock.
"You probably just got it handed to you," he replied teasingly. "Fine, then I get the second biggest room!"
"The other rooms are all the same size." Byakuya's comment made Kokichi huff, while Nagito lightened up a little bit, almost as if he was dreading being told he was going to get the smallest room. Byakuya didn't doubt it.
"Could you help with the boxes, Kokichi?" Nagito asked, taking off his parka and tying it around his waist, wiping the back of his hand over his forehead with a long sigh. Byakuya had to hand it to him; he too had discarded his overcoat. The boxes were harder to carry than he originally believed, and his muscles already felt strained. He was so used to people doing things for him that being independent now all of a sudden was exhausting. Kokichi groaned.
"Do I have to? I'm feeling tired," he asked, laying down on the floor and pretending to fall asleep. Byakuya was right. Kokichi had energy until it was actually needed. Nagito sighed, walking back out of the house. Byakuya chose not to press the matter, instead shooting the purple haired boy a glare and following Nagito out. He heard another loud groan, and then the pitter-patter of footsteps. "Guys, it was a lie! I'm not actually tired. I can help just fine."
Kokichi joined the expedition to get the boxes inside. Within one hour, they had made all their trips, and they were close to death by the time they were finished. Even the water they drank didn't cool the sensation of heat licking at their bodies every time they stepped outside. And when Nagito reminded the two other boys that they still had to unpack everything, Byakuya decided to hire people to do it for them.
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note: well, i hope you liked this small excuse of a post! i absolutely adore all three antagonists (emphasis on togami), and i thought this AU i thought of randomly was the cutest thing ever. if you don't understand really what's happening, or if you would like to know more, let me go more into detail for you!
i'm writing an antag AU that will be posted to AO3 soon. the three main antagonists (byakuya, nagito, & kokichi) move into a house for literally no reason other than they want to. along the way, they grow closer, have fun, & most importantly, develop as people and as friends. it's all just lots of fluff and chaos, and i wanted to write it because i couldn't stop imagining the power they have as friends. there will also be naegami, saioma, and komahina every so often bc i said so :)
they can also be read as standalone oneshots, which is why i'll be posting snippets of the chapter i'm working on every now and then. it's not out yet, but it will be by the end of the week, and i'll be sure to post about it as soon as i can!
i am open to critique, as long as you are not too harsh. thanks for reading! <3
UPDATE: it's out! read it here :)
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
"Jack is dead!"
"But, that is just a movie!"
"I know! Poor Rose!"
"I'm gonna take a shower. Wanna join?"
"As if!"
"You bought another painting?"
"Yes. And?"
"But, you already have that!"
"There is a fine line between Aphrodite and Io. Learn to see the difference."
"What movie are you gonna watch?"
"But, you've seen that about twenty - ish times!"
"Twenty - six, to be exact."
"Twenty - six?! Twenty - six freaking times?!"
"Dracula is my favorite movie! Got a problem with that?!"
"Watching it twenty - six times is problematic enough!"
"At least I don't watch porn!"
"Hey, babe, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Because you rarely take showers."
"If I take a shower now, will you be my girlfriend?"
"So, will you join me instead?"
One by one, memories of you flooded through Dante's mind, reminding him of all the precious moments he had with you.
The way you dressed, the way you carried yourself,...
... your subtle mannerisms,...
Your eyes, your hair, your laugh,...
... your kindness,...
Dante's shoulders slouched. He dropped the Empusa head on the ground as Balrog reached its limit. He looked up at the massive demonic mechanism in the sky, then back to the ground where the carcasses of the Demons he slew lay.
He closed his eyes and inhaled, his chest suddenly getting heavy.
Then, your voice came back to his chaotic mind.
At first, it sounded like a whisper. Subtle, soft, and like a gentle wind in his ears.
All of a sudden, your voice grew louder, sounding more and more like a moan.
A moan of pain and suffering.
Dan,... te,...
He opened his eyes, feeling the tears threatening to come out of them.
Instead of going directly inside the Dreadnought to end it once and for all, he hastily went towards the opposite direction, longing to see you,...
... just one last time.
Went your voice inside his head. The more you called him, the more his movements became rash and quick.
"(Y/N), wait for me,..." the Devil Hunter groaned, feeling absolutely sick in the stomach. "I'm coming,..."
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Him hearing your voice like that, he knew something really bad was going to happen. And he couldn't shake the foreboding feeling off his mind.
He needed to see you. He had to.
With every step he made and every path he crossed, memories came crashing down upon his heavy heart, making it harder and harder for him to control himself.
He heard your voice once more but, this time, he saw your tear - filled hurt eyes, like some heartless person managed to bring you down to such a degrading state.
At that painful vision, Dante finally lost it. Without so much as a little effort, he summoned all his strength and transformed to his Devil form. He spread his wings wide and darted into the sky in search of the person who needed him.
Of the person he loved above all,...
He searched with his weary, yet sharp, eyes, saw every inferior Devil Hunter in combat against the demonic horde the Dreadnought just brought, and spotted, right above that hill, the form he ached to meet the most.
He focused his gaze on his goal and flew hastily towards it with unbelievable speed.
"Hey, what's that?" Griffon asked as he saw a blur of speeding red light flying rapidly towards the two of you.
You looked up, adjusted your gaze to the morning light, and realized who it was.
"It's,... Dante,..." you mouthed breathlessly, unable to believe your own eyes. "But, why?"
"Sorry, sweet pea. Have to deal with this on your own!"
But, you were too late. Griffon vanished, returning to you and making your new contract markings visible once more.
The man, or the Red Devil, landed right in front of you, annihilating everything beneath his feet and within proximity.
You covered your eyes to protect them from the dust and debris, and a few moments later, you felt yourself being wrapped with an extremely strong and warm pair of arms. You opened your eyes and saw the achingly familiar maroon jacket belonging to the man you pushed away a week ago,...
... for the man who just rejected you.
Dante embraced you like he never embraced anyone before: with complete and utter intensity, yet, with gentleness he didn't know he had. He sniffed your hair and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that you were safe and unharmed,...
... until he smelled the faint scent of your fragrant blood coming from the bandage around your wounded stomach.
The man then grasped your arms as he looked at your mid - section, sensing your injury beneath your stained parka.
"You're hurt." Dante, with furrowed eyebrows, uttered with such pain in his voice.
"I,..." you were about to lie but, seeing it was futile, hesitated to do so. "I was."
"What happened? Please, tell me." The man begged.
You swore you would never cry again after what happened with V, and yet, seeing Dante worried about you like this,...
... you knew you're going to bawl your eyes out again.
And at the mere thought, you could already feel your tired eyes stinging.
What did I do to deserve all this torture?!
"A Demon almost killed me,..."
"Then, withdraw from this battle! Please, I beg you! I don't want to see you hurt like this! Please!"
"Dante,..." you whispered, cupping his face with your soft and gentle hands in an effort to calm him down. But, you knew he would never budge. "It would take,... much more than a demonic attack to hurt me. You know that."
"What do you mean? (Y/N)?"
And then, he saw your eyes, your forced smile,...
... your tears.
Right then and there, he realized what just happened.
For almost a week, a thought has been bothering him about letting you go.
And now, it seemed that his hunches were proven to be correct.
"V DID THIS TO YOU." He said, his tone almost sounding like a growl.
"Listen to me very carefully, Dante - "
Dante became engulfed with the red glow that emanated from his body, enabling him to morph into his demonic form once more.
This time, to murder the man who hurt you.
To end the man who started all of this.
The man,...
... who was the sole reason for that innocent kid to murder his own father without even knowing,...
"Dante, listen to me!" You pleaded, throwing yourself in front of the horrific creature and wrapping your arms around him to calm him down. "No one has to get hurt! V doesn't deserve this! Dante, please!"
The Devil, who was undeniably powerless before you, couldn't even throw you away. "HE HURT YOU! HE HURT THE WOMAN I LOVE!"
You looked up, shocked at what you just heard.
All of a sudden, some memories flashed through your weak state of mind.
"Hey, babe, aren't you aware that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever met?"
"I got nothing on Trish and Lady, I'll have you know,..."
"And that I love you so much?"
"Oh, shut up, Dante. And stop making jokes, it's not funny,..."
"(Y/N), can't you even understand?" Dante morphed back to his human form, his emotions getting the better of him. "He doesn't love you. WHO, IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, WOULD HURT SOMEONE THEY LOVE?! (Y/N), V NEVER LOVED YOU! AND HE NEVER WILL!"
Despite the hurtful truth that he was trying to instill in you, you remained rooted to the ground, still embracing the Devil Hunter who truly cared about you.
"I know but, I have a duty to see this through." You answered, your voice trembling with the tears that poured out of your already bloodshot eyes. "V needs me and I have to see this until the end!"
Dante cupped your face with his huge hands and made you look up at him.
"If you must, then I will let you go. Once more." He replied, every drop of your tears painfully driving a nail through his already beaten heart. "But, swear to me that after all this, you will go back home. Back to me, where you really belong."
As if your eyes never had enough of tears in one, single day. "You don't understand,..."
"What I don't understand is your blind devotion to that man! (Y/N), I love you! Even if you always poke fun at me for telling you. I love you!"
You gasped and sobbed, unable to control the fresh bout of tears that were coming out of your eyes.
Dante, you don't understand! You helplessly thought. Even if I swear to you, even if I want to, I will never be able to make it out of this alive! I'm going to die - !
"Dante, please - !"
But, your thoughts and words alike were silenced the moment he crashed his mouth unto yours, kissing you with such passion that you never knew he was capable of.
And at that moment, some more memories came back to haunt you.
"Dante, how do I look?"
"Okay, you can put those right over there."
"How many more of these vases are you gonna collect, hm?"
"Dante, you need to stop eating pizza!"
"And why is that?"
"Because, it's unhealthy! And,..."
"So, if I stop, will you be mine?"
"(Y/N), I feel dizzy,..."
"You drank too much again,..."
"One kiss will make me feel better."
"Oh, shut the hell up."
You held up both your hands and placed them against his chest in an effort to push him away but, he only tightened his hold on you, at the same time making his kisses more intense than ever before.
When he finally let you go to catch some air, you felt your head spinning with all the emotions and the memories that plagued your mind.
He brushed some tears from your face with his thumb as he made you look at him in the eye once more.
"Promise me you'll make it through." He told you with a much calmer tone. "Then, after all this, I'll come and find you."
"Dante, I - "
"Okay, baby, let's change it. I'll come when you need me. I'll rush to you as fast as I can. After this fight, we'll come home, take a long bath, and stay in bed for as long as we want. I'll be your home. I promise."
Your heart ached for the kind man who sincerely adored you. As much as you wanted to accept his offer, knowing that he'll never break his word, you had to accept that you would not survive this battle.
As much as you wanted to heal the wounds of rejection, you knew everything must end.
And finally, as much as you wanted to tell Dante everything, you just couldn't. The truth would break the man's heart, and he might actually murder V in the process.
You bowed down low and simply nodded, the simple, deceptive gesture making you utterly sick to the core. You feared that the man would see through your lie but, apparently, he didn't.
"Alright. I'll make this quick, then." The man said, finally letting you go as he took some steps away from you. "I'll see you soon."
He would leave. He really was going to leave,...
"Dante!" You helplessly called, your conflicting emotions tempting you to just drop everything and tell him the truth.
"Don't worry, babe. I'll finish this battle as quick as I can." The man said with a brave smile. He then saluted you as he morphed into his demonic form once again. "Adios!"
But, you were too late. He launched himself, flying away from you like the last thread of hope that just escaped your clutches.
It was the last time you saw him.
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"Don't look back.
Don't regret.
Time's falling out of these hands.
I'll let you leave me.
Go on, 
You know home is always inside your soul.
All the light to bless your way.
Don't be afraid,
And I'll be your home.
In this time,
In this place,
This moment is all we have.
And tomorrow we never know.
Every precious time,
Let it go,
Somewhere away.
You will learn, And you'll love, 
Forgive the past and you can move on.
All the distance 
You've come to a place.
Then you see that your home is away
Now the sun is rising 
Lighting up your sky again brightly.
Every precious time,
Let it go,
Somewhere away.
You will learn, And you'll love, 
Forgive the past.
Go on, 
You know home is always inside your soul.
Where ever you go,
Whatever you see,
I'll be the place,
And I'll be your home."
~ A Dante X Reader X V set in an Alternate Universe wherein a galon of tears is never enough. 😥
~ This chapter is especially dedicated to @lessy86 and @gxthghoulfriend . Thank you so much for everything. ❤
~ @heaven-on-a-landslide , @diabeticsugarush , @ehrzeth , @simmy-ships , @ceruleanworld , @boundbysoul , and @krazy06 . 🖤
~ I'm gonna call this genre, "Oh my God, my feels". 👌👍👍
Dante landed just in time when Lady and Trish finished some Demons below the Dreadnought, itself.
"And he finally arrives." Lady sarcastically said as she lazily leaned on her Kalina Ann.
"What? No guts to enter that ship thing?" Dante teased as he transformed back to his human form.
"It won't let us." Trish sadly announced, making Dante furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
"See for yourself." Lady pointed at the Dreadnought's entrance where some kind of a barrier made of light could be seen. "I tried shooting that but, I can't destroy it."
"Not even I can." Trish admitted.
"Were you two just weak, then?" Dante asked them.
The Bewitching Devil rolled her eyes and shook her head. She then threw the Devil Sword Sparda to Dante. He caught it with ease, then glanced at her with an awkward smile.
"It only allows certain people to enter." Trish informed him. "V just got through."
At the sound of the man's name, Dante's veins threatened to pop. "HIM?!" He practically screamed.
"As easy as blinking an eye."
"How could he even - ?!"
Lady sighed. "Well, you have the Sparda! Go after him, then!"
The Devil Hunter growled as he morphed once more. And with the powerful Sparda at his disposal, he flew towards the barrier, and was able to enter easily without even breaking a sweat.
"And there he goes." Lady sighed as she saw the Devil disappear into the Dreadnought.
She sighed even more at the sight of the incoming horde before them.
"You sound bored." Trish stated as she held up a single hand, summoning all her powers and making it light up. She balled it into a fist and a clear jolt of electricity ran through her whole body.
Lady shook her head. "What's the fun in this? The real enemy is up there!"
Trish gave her a sideways glance. Ever since she had that talk with V, her mind had been in total shambles due to the confusion on who the enemy really was.
So, she just decided to let Dante handle everything by giving him the powerful sword, knowing that he'll beat some sense out of V, who seemed to have learned nothing.
Not at all.
"Hey, the one who bags the most Demons gets treated to the salon." Trish challenged Lady with a smile.
"Ohoho, no you don't!" Lady smiled, lifting her weapon effortlessly in an acceptance of the challenge.
The two ladies charged forward, not letting a single Demon escape their clutches,...
~ 16 ~
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