#I'm rewriting my yelp review of this place
aaloniel · 4 months
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"I am in fear - in awful fear - and there is no escape for me"
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my-favourite-zhent · 9 months
New Tricks - Chapter 3
Status: Work In Progress
Version: 2.01
Pairing: Rugan x AFAB!OC
Rating: NC-17 (This chapter PG-13)
Genre: Adventure/Romance
Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young. Being the Southern Deliveries Manager for the Baldur's Gates Zhentarim is not an easy job. Between mentoring new recruits, juggling vicious coworkers and whip-cracking bosses, bandits are the least of Rugan's troubles. An encounter with a charming stranger on the job serves to only complicate his life all the more.
Version 2.0 of Chapter three, I've migrated the old ending of Chapter two here as well as tweaked the dialogue to be a bit more in character.
Thank you to @dustdeepsea for proof-reading and sanity checking the rewrites of this chapter. They wrote the most excellent Zarys fic performance review
And thank you to @captainsigge for sanity checking. She is author of Vera Við Aldr a cute and funny Tav x Rugan one-shot.
Table of Contents
Read on AO3 here or below the cut.
New Tricks - Chapter Three
While it was true they were acting as security for tonight’s party, the Zhents were not entirely above reproach. There were still the duke’s usual guards to contend with, and certain sections of the estate that were considered off limits, the top floor of the tower was one such place. With this in mind, the trio timed their approach for the changing of the guard, slipping past their posts to the top level without incident.
Olly took up a position on one end of the long corridor, Bellar on the other; their target lay in one of the rooms on the north side.
Carefully Rugan went down the doors one by one, the tablets they were searching for were said to be in an office in this section of the building. On the third door he found it and made a quick gesture to the other two to indicate as such. They nodded their heads in understanding and he slipped inside, quietly shutting the door behind him.
It was a moderate sized office, at least by noble standards, though to Rugan it was quite grand. The room was perhaps four times the size of his room back at the Gate. A cool night breeze ruffled some papers on the desk at the far side of the room. He thought it peculiar that the staff had left a window open overnight.
Just then, he heard the creaking of a hinge. He ducked behind a bookcase instinctively and searched for the source of the sound. A hidden passageway perhaps? But no, he realised one of the windows on the northside was a transom, and a dainty foot was leveraging it open.
He observed quietly as the window was opened fully and a second foot joined the first, before a whole figure came swinging in through the opening. 
There was a soft thud as the woman in green landed on the floor in a roll. Had she swung in from the roof?
Rugan stared disbelieving for a moment before stepping from the shadows to grab her roughly by the wrist, other hand clamping over her mouth to smother the expected scream. The woman did give a small yelp of surprise but thankfully not as loud as he had been expecting.
“I thought I told you the tower was off-limits.” His voice was low and threatening as he removed his hand from her mouth.
She stared at him wide-eyed for a moment, completely caught off guard by his presence. The woman was panting from effort but quickly found her composure.
“It's off-limits to you as well I'm certain.” Her whole body was tensed and no doubt her blood was rushing from that little display of acrobatics. Her voice however, while low, was even and confident.
“Says who?”
“Says the unlit candles, says the fact you didn't want anyone to hear me scream. And most damning of all: You're. Still. Whispering.”
“That right?” He arched a brow, trying to bluff, after all she was just guessing. “Maybe I'm here to catch a thief, wouldn't want her getting spooked. And if she's got a little sidekick waiting in the wings? Wouldn't want them to get spooked either.”
“Shall I test my theory then? Give a little scream and see who comes running? Maybe I can tell them that you dragged me in here.”
‘Impudent little thing.’ He thought.
“There's no need for that now. It's my men that are outside the door, you'll be dead before the duke’s staff even get up the stairs.”
“And you'll be caught red-handed.”
He couldn't argue that point. 
“Just what is it you're after anyways little sneak-thief?” He still held her wrist tightly in his grasp, and while her outward demeanour was calm he could feel her quickened pulse. She was afraid and rightly so, a Zhent’s crosshairs was not a good place to be.
“Same as you, I’d wager. The runic tablets.” 
“You're supposed to be the competition?” He chuckled. “No offence, lass; but you don't look like much.”
She scowled and jut out her chin defiantly. “I think I liked you better downstairs.”
“Aw come now, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I doubt you could take me in a fight. Still happily give you another kiss. Don't want you leaving completely empty handed.”
“And why should I leave empty handed? I'll wager you haven't even found them yet.”
“I'll find them soon enough, which means there'll be nothing left for you.”
“I don't need the physical tablets, I only need to copy the glyphs. Our goals are not mutually exclusive.” She gestured to the tubular purse strapped across her back, it somewhat resembled an archer's quiver. Rugan also noticed for the first time that her party shoes were dangling from her belt. Of course, can't scale a tower in such delicate footwear.
Rugan released her wrist and motioned to her pack intrigued. “Alright then, show me.”
Carefully she slid the bag off her shoulder and pulled out its contents. Long scrolls of blank parchment that had been rolled tightly as well as some thin pieces of charcoal.
“Very clever.” He was genuinely impressed. “Now we've just got to find the damn things.”
“We?” She asked, eyebrow raising.
“Well, no sense in being oppositional if we can both get what we want.” More like, no harm in letting the girl do some of the leg work for him. She certainly had the legs for it.
The woman eyed him for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not this was some sort of trap. She licked her lips apprehensively before nodding. “Alright. I doubt he's put it somewhere out in the open, but they must be in this room where his Netherese linguistics collection resides. That is, if he truly means to study them.”
“Sure, linguistics, of course.” Rugan nodded along, Zarys hadn't given him any details about the job aside from the fact that the tablets would be in this room. No reason she had to know that though.
The woman stared at him for a long moment and he realised she had already seen right through him. After a beat he gave a resigned sigh. “Alright, what should we be looking for exactly ?”
She shook her head, but seemed amused. “Look for anything regarding Jergal, the Netherese or Nakasr. He probably kept it close at hand.”
“Right, death gods and dead people, got it. I'll take the east side, you take the west.”
The pair split up and began canvassing the bookshelves from opposite sides of the room.
Rugan could feel his eyes glaze over as he read over the various titles— Volo’s guide to monsters; Cormanthor: War amidst the trees; Myth Drannor, City of Songs —oh, hello there, it's the Quarta Sune . He was running his finger along the spine when he heard her hiss.
“Zhent, over here.” 
Following the sound of her voice he found her kneeling in front of a section of wood panelling.
“See these seams on either side? It doesn't match the rest of the wall. And those books there on the side table are all in Netherese.” Rugan glanced at where she was pointing and sure enough all the titles were entirely unintelligible to him.
“It's got to be this panel but it's jammed, I can't seem to pry it open.” 
“Stand aside then, I'll take a crack at it.”
She scuttled back onto a rug and Rugan slipped his fingers under the top lip of the panel. With a grunt of effort he tugged, there was a popping sound and the whole thing swung open like a door. Behind it, embedded in the wall was an iron safe.
“We make a good team, the brains and the brawn,” he remarked.
“Not just the brains, I'm also the beauty.” She smirked at him.
“I'll fight you for that title, lass.” Rugan noted her smile as he bent down in front of the safe.
“I've some picks.” She reached back into her bag when he waved her off.
“No need, you're not the only one who came well supplied.” 
He retrieved the ring of keys from his back pocket and began examining them. One in particular was smaller than the rest, it slotted into the hole with ease and made a satisfying click when turned.
Sure enough there were five long clay tablets inside the safe which he gingerly removed and placed on the floor. “Ladies first.”
She blinked at him surprised but quickly leaned over to examine them. “Hmm they're just clay pressings.”
“Will that be a problem?”
“No the glyphs are perfect copies since this was pressed against the originals. I was just hoping to see something Netherese in person.”
“You sound more like a wizard than a thief.”
“Perhaps I missed my calling.” She placed one of her slips of paper over top the clay and began rubbing the piece of charcoal over top. Sure enough the glyphs appeared as inverted copies. They sat in comfortable silence as she made not one but two copies of every tablet. 
One bundle she rolled carefully into her pack, the other she tied with a loose bit of string and handed to him. “Here.”
“What do I need these for if I have the tablets?”
“You don't want those. If it has been the real stones, sure, good money for Netherese relics but it's just a copy. No value outside the glyphs.”
Rugan accepted the bundle and paused to consider. Zarys had asked for the tablets specifically but he doubted she had many details on why they were wanted, otherwise she’d have shared that information. Besides she did say they didn't want the Zhentarim implicated in this job. No implications to be made if technically no crime had been committed.
“Let's say I believe you. Just remember it's not wise to cross the Zhentarim.”
“Cross you? Come now I've been perfectly amicable.”
“More than.” He stared at her meaningfully. A smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he watched the blush creep up her cheeks. “Still got that kiss for you, lass, if you’d like.”
She gazed back a long moment before patting the rug. “C’mere then zhent.”
Rugan moved to kneel in front of her, one calloused hand gently tucking her hair behind her ear before gliding down to palm her cheek. She tilted her head up to meet him as he lowered his own, his kiss hot and rough and agonisingly slow. When they finally parted her lids were heavy, chest panting softly.
“Did you mean to climb back down the tower?” He asked at length, his voice low and husky.
“I did.” 
“I wouldn't chance it, not without a proper rope, at least.”
“Are you offering to hoist me down?” She smiled at him lazily.
“I could convince my men to let you pass down the stairs. For a fee o f course .”
“A shakedown? You villain. Where would I even hide any coin in this flimsy thing?” Rugan enjoyed the way her mouth formed in a mock pout and idly imagined what else those lips might do.
“Perhaps there are other valuables on your person.”
“Feel free to search me.” Her voice was teasing and inviting.
Slowly, he slipped the sleeve of her gown off her shoulder so that one breast was exposed to him, its peak stiffening in the cool night air. 
Grasping her shoulder he lowered his mouth to her chest. Her skin smelled of soap and wine. Rugan laved his tongue across its point, her low moans providing ample encouragement. 
Suddenly three sharp raps came at the door, startling them both.
“Hurry up in there, the next change is soon.” Came Bellar’s hiss.
Rugan gave a sigh of disappointment, reluctantly he pulled away before fixing her sleeve.
“I was hoping to perform a more thorough investigation.”
“Pity that. I do like to see a professional at work.”
With another sigh Rugan moved to return the tablets to the safe. Carefully locking it and closing the panel. The girl in turn put away her remaining supplies and slung the pack over her shoulder, rising to her feet.
“Have we forgotten anything?”
“The window, I promised I’d shut it when I left.”
“Promised who?”
“A girl has her secrets.”
He quietly swung it closed and locked it in place while she put her shoes back on.
“Here.” She retrieved his bundle from the floor as he turned back to her. Rugan unrolled the papers and instead carefully folded them and slipped them under the leather of his chest piece.
“Right then, we’re off.” 
“What the nine hells took you so long?” Bellar hissed when the door to the office finally swung open.
“Not to worry, got the job sorted.” 
He patted the breast of his leather jerkin where the papers were folded and tucked away. Behind him slipped out a small woman in a green dress.
“Rugan!” Came Olly's scandalised cry.
“How did you even manage this?” Bellar shook his head.
“Keep your voices down, will you?”
“I do not jest when I say Zarys is gonna take your balls off.” 
“Whatever for? I'm just helping a lost party guest find her way .”
“I'm sure.”
“Listen, who's in charge here? Because last I checked it was me. The jobs finished, and we've done a little creative problem solving, is all.”
“How’s it you're the one in charge, yeah?”
“It's called seniority, mate.”
“If it's all the same to you,” came the woman's voice from behind Rugan's shoulder. “I think I'll just climb back out the window.”
“Don't be silly, lass.” Rugan gently grasped her wrist as she reached for the door handle. “You'll come down with us, and the lads will be on their best behaviour.” He looked at Bellar rather pointedly when he said this last bit.
“Yeah, yeah.” Came Bellar's exasperated response, arms crossed. “Come on then, saer.”
They made their way out of the tower without incident. 
“Do you need to go find your date?” His interest was entirely logistical. Entirely.
“Hah, better he remains lost, and better for me to get off the grounds before anyone asks questions about my pack.”
“Would you like an escort?”
“Escorting the escort?” She teased, before pausing to consider, lips pressed tight together. “If you could get me to the outer keep I'd appreciate it.”
Rugan held out his arm for her and she took it readily.
“Here then, lad.” Rugan tossed the ring of keys and Olly caught it deftly. “Make sure that gets put back before it's missed.”
“Sure Rugan.”
“I'll see that the lady gets off the property safely. Let's meet back at the main house.”
“Will do.” Olly nodded before sprinting off towards the kitchens. 
Bellar rolled his eyes and walked off muttering something about professionalism and a proper time and place.
“Your friend seemed a bit displeased.” She said when they were out of earshot.
“Ah, he's cautious when it comes to our boss. It'll be fine.”
They reached the inner gate with ease and Rugan insisted on escorting her the rest of the way.
“You're rather chivalrous for a mercenary. Not planning to kill me once I'm over the wall are you?”
“And bloody up my good shirt?” His voice raised in faux alarm. “No lass, you're safe with me. I should warn you though,” he spun her roughly before pinning her by her wrists to the outer wall. “It’s certainly not chivalry that guides my hand..”
She leaned closer to brush her lips against his. Rugan accepted the invitation and crushed her mouth in an eager press of flesh. The girl was soft and pliant. When she parted her lips Rugan was greeted by a darting tongue. He released her wrists only to roughly grasp her waist and seat her on his hips. She took to this new position readily, grasping his shoulders as she ground against him. Rugan broke from her lips to close his mouth over the flesh of her neck, revelling in the sounds her newly freed mouth made. 
He wondered how much time they had when his thoughts were interrupted by a cacophony of bells. It was a signal to mark the end of the party.
“What sort of ponce has his own bell tower?” Rugan grumbled and the girl laughed in response.
“It's my fault, bad luck tends to follow me around.”
“I rather thought this was a fortuitous encounter, interruptions notwithstanding.”
Reluctantly he eased her down and stepped back, though he found himself reaching to grasp her hand in his.
“Would you like a boost over the wall?”
“No need, there's a hole behind that shrub.” She gestured to it with a nod of her head.
Rugan barked out a short laugh. “Well that's a bit of a security risk. How long's that been there?”
“Oh it took me about a month to get it big enough, but I only finished last ten-day.”
“You're a strange one lass, would've been easier to just leave with your date.”
“No harm in having a contingency plan. Besides, you've met my date.”
Reluctantly he released her hand and she moved to push aside some branches. Sure enough there was an opening in the stone wall where some bricks had been removed. The woman stepped in before turning to regard him. 
“It was nice working with you, Zhent.”
“Aye, lass.”
She smiled and with a rustle of branches she was gone.
Rugan sighed wistfully before turning to make his way back to the main house.
“Un-bloody-believable.” Bellar shook his head as Rugan approached.
“What? No one bat an eye about how Olly got the keys.”
“Because Olly didn't tell the bloke what we were bloody doing with them. Be a bit different if he brought him up to witness nicking the damn things..”
“I actually did just ask him nicely.” Olly added quietly, though neither man was listening.
“First of all, I didn't bring her up there. Lass climbed in through the window.”
“Then you should’ve pushed her right back out, proper easy thing to do. In fact, let's head back over and I'll give ya a demonstration, yeah?”
“That might’ve attracted some attention, woman falling out a window.” Interjected Olly.
“Thank you, Olly.”
“Don't defend him Olly, worse than Brem, he is.”
“As I was saying,” Rugan's voice rose to cut over Bellar. “she helped me find the runes. So it all worked to our benefit.”
“And if she's a Harper spy?”
“She's not, trust me.”
“Bet that's what Brem thought too.”
“She's not ”
“You're right, more likely she's part of that Waterdhavian thieves guild been giving the local Zhents all sorts of grief. Xanathar’s crew, was it?”
Now this suggestion did give Rugan pause.
“Oi lookit this Olly! He didn't think of that before, did he? Our venerable leader.”
Olly did look distressed a tad distressed now.
“Alright, alright. Mayhaps there is a slim possibility that she's in such a guild. Nevertheless, we got what we came for. So let's all just keep mum about the details, yeah?”
“I'm no snitch.” Agreed Olly.
“Fine. S’your head if something goes wrong cuz of her though.”
Rugan put his hands up in a sign of acquiescence. “Agreed. Now if we can put the matter to rest, let's rejoin the others. Debrief’s bound to be soon.”
“Aye, lass.”
She smiled and with a rustle of branches she was gone.
Rugan sighed wistfully before turning to make his way back to the main house.
“Un-bloody-believable.” Bellar shook his head as Rugan approached.
“What? No one bat an eye about how Olly got the keys.”
“Because Olly didn't tell the bloke what we were bloody doing with them. Be a bit different if he brought him up to witness nicking the damn things..”
“I actually did just ask him nicely.” Olly added quietly, though neither man was listening.
“First of all, I didn't bring her up there. Lass climbed in through the window.”
“Then you should’ve pushed her right back out, proper easy thing to do. In fact, let's head back over and I'll give ya a demonstration, yeah?”
“That might’ve attracted some attention, woman falling out a window.” Interjected Olly.
“Thank you, Olly.”
“Don't defend him Olly, worse than Brem, he is.”
“As I was saying,” Rugan's voice rose to cut over Bellar. “she helped me find the runes. So it all worked to our benefit.”
“And if she's a Harper spy?”
“She's not, trust me.”
“Bet that's what Brem thought too.”
“She's not ”
“You're right, more likely she's part of that Waterdhavian thieves guild been giving the local Zhents all sorts of grief. Xanathar’s crew, was it?”
Now this suggestion did give Rugan pause.
“Oi lookit this Olly! He didn't think of that before, did he? Our venerable leader.”
Olly did look distressed a tad distressed now.
“Alright, alright. Mayhaps there is a slim possibility that she's in such a guild. Nevertheless, we got what we came for. So let's all just keep mum about the details, yeah?”
“I'm no snitch.” Agreed Olly.
“Fine. S’your head if something goes wrong cuz of her though.”
Rugan put his hands up in a sign of acquiescence. “Agreed. Now if we can put the matter to rest, let's rejoin the others. Debrief’s bound to be soon.”
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