#I'm screenshotting this ask and putting it in the 'happy folder' on my desktop so I can look at it next time I need to feel motivated
cushfuddled · 4 months
Hi, I just gotta say I love your videos so much! In the last one, I loved how you structured your analysis, and the part about 'The death of whimsy' was genius. Also, vindication! My favorite one is the one about the Lion King 1 1/2. It has it all, from good info for goyim (like me) to Ricoeur explained over a colored Simba. Wish you the best of luck with all your creative endeavors, and congrats for your book!
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hinamie · 20 days
3 & 8 for the fanartist ask? hope youre well <3
WAH HIII thank uuuu i am doing well ty fr asking <3 <3 <3
3. what sort of compliments do you love hearing?
gJHSG i'm not picky at all tbh any compliments r enough to make my day :'> i read tags like the morning news n if i see something particularly sweet i screenshot it n put it in a lil folder on my desktop to look at when i need a pick-me-up.
I wld be lying if i didn't have favourites tho :'>>> don't get me wrong keysmashes n short and sweet compliments r never unwelcome but whenever people leave extended tags rly explaining what they like about a piece or how they interpret certain details i included,, or if they have a bit of art knowledge themselves and are able to comment on specific technical elements i use...thts the good stuff . i eat tht shit up it is like crack to me
I also get a special kind of thrill when i get ppl crying/telling me they're in my walls/yelling at me threateningly (pos) in the tags of an angsty drawing sdghjfgj ik those r not exactly compliments but it means i have done my job well so it counts :3
8. what inspires your art style?
I mean i'm a fanartist so i think it goes without saying that the themes and look of the media itself will inform how I approach making art for it hjdsfk . like, in my fruits basket era my style definitely leaned cutesier than it did/has for tg/banana fish/jjk. in the same vein, the work of other artists also in those fandoms has always been something that inspires me almost as much as the source material. everyone is so fucking talented sdhjhgfdsj no matter how happy i might be with my own progress at any given moment i'm always looking at other artists and styles I admire and trying to kirby them into my own stuff :)
but as far as parts of my actual /style/ tht transcend whatever fandom i'm working in, I think above all else I'm inspired by things I see in real life and find beauty in
in the past I have spent a lot of time doing more. static (?) fanart where the main focus was often the character's clothes moreso than where they were or what they were doing. ik part of that was definitely because I wasn't comfortable enough in my technical skills to push myself to draw more elaborate scenes, but it was also due to the fact that at that time in my life, I was mainly inspired by fashion and people I found beautiful. lately i've been much more focused on emotions, intimacy, and little pockets of time--i want to draw moments that make you want to hold them between your fingers before they slip away. lately i find myself thinking about what it's like to be loved or left and overall just the nature of time passing, and i think those themes have definitely made themselves known in my work. the light the colours the themes i use,,. it's all hopeful and sad and fleeting and beautiful to me, or at least i try for it to come across that way.
fanartist ask game
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crackinglamb · 8 months
hi on one of ur reblogs u said u use a private server on discord and i wanted to ask how u organize it?? i have my own as well but i think i have no idea how to really use it to take full advantage :/ any tips?
Sure! Short answer: I make a new channel for each subject I want to keep organized.
Okay, some more detail. You start off with general channel when you make a server, so that's where I put things like my daughter's school schedule and my word totals when I'm keeping track for year end roundups. I have a few recipes in there too, so I can see them wherever I am and don't have to carry a cookbook with me (long distance relationships have interesting logistics, lol). But I also have channels for NaNo, links to interesting stuff or playlists, pics, fic ideas, separate ones for headcannons and snippets (this is where notes to myself go). My active OC's all have their own channel too, where I can keep anything referring to them in one place. Ideas, screenshots, general stats, any fanart I might receive, that sort of thing. I even have one for jotting down gift ideas for friends and family so I don't have to remember what people ask for.
Basically, I think of each channel as like a file folder. Everything related to the name of the 'folder' gets put there. I generally pin the first thing in the channel so I can get to the top really quick instead of having to scroll through it. I've had my private server for years now, so some of the channels are pretty full. I'll pin the items that I know I'll be referring to later too (for instance, the names of the people in the DAFF crew list for tagging in reblogs). I keep the channel names simple so I don't get confused by my own organizing system. I've never bothered to break up the channels by subcategory like you see in big servers, since I'm the only one using them.
Now, all this said, I'm primarily a desktop user. I honestly don't know how hard it is to do all this on mobile, since I rarely actually use it on my phone unless I'm sending myself a note or am in a voice chat. But I hope this helps, or at least gives you some ideas of where to start. Thanks for the ask. Happy organizing!
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