#I'm smol and angry fight me
brightest-stars-if · 3 months
How would Lux react to a MC that’s trying to kiss them but their too smol
Answer beneath the cut.
Lux's eyes glitter with amusement as you glare up at them, your fingers curling into the hem of their collar for purchase as you strain upwards. Their lips twitch as they fight the grin slowly creeping onto their face. It's a fight they're badly losing, much to your annoyance.
"I'm glad you find my struggles so amusing," you huff.
They laugh. It's a real laugh from the belly, not the fake amusement usually offered up in their father's court. Your glare only sharpens and they raise a hand to cup your face. They rub their thumb along the line of your cheekbone.
"I'm sorry," Lux says, though they don't sound sorry in the least, "I meant no offense. You're just such a charming sight, trying to reach me from all the way down there. You could always ask me to bend down next time, you know."
Your nostrils flare. You open your mouth to make another retort, your face burning. Before you can say anything, they're leaning down, tugging you closer, and kissing you. You can feel them smiling against your mouth, all light-hearted and soft, and despite your best efforts, you find your own lips curling upward.
It's hard to stay angry with Lux when they smile like that.
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Wolves At The Door; Part Three
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Fandom: Resident Evil [Village]
Pairing: Eventual Karl Heisenberg/AFAB!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
Summary: "No." You whispered, your hold on the knife’s hilt tightening. "No, I-I don't want you to come any nearer."
A/N: FIGHT SCENE FIGHT SCENE! I'd like to thank you all for reading thus far, you're The Best <3 I will be taking a small break after this, due to a vacation. I'll see you all on the 11th! Enjoy!
Tag List: @spoopyredacted @cookiethewriter @amneris21 @topgirl17 @vodkafolie @stargazerofgoldenwords @a-smol-witch @baby-lisuga @clockworkmidnight @calwitch @silver-quinn01 @velvet-paradox @hijackser @mrs-wolfwood @nonstop-haikyuu @mic-sunderland @somethingthatsaysbubbles @fullofmoonsandstars @thirstworldproblemss @karlskitten @imthegreenfairy86 @nitrogennightmare @chunnies
Part One
Part Two
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains mentions of blood, canon-typical violence, gratuitous violence and graphic depictions of mental and physical duress. Stay safe!]
"You will regret this." The Duke warned him, his smile vanishing at Heisenberg's demand.
"I don't care," Karl insisted, his fingers still twisted into the larger man's shirt collar. "I can't keep going on like this, not without knowing if I'm-" broken a danger bad person "--if I'm someone who would…do something I shouldn't."
The merchant, for whatever reason, insisted on continuing, "This will not endear you to them, my Lord."
"I don't know why the hell you think I'm doing this for them!" Heisenberg snapped angrily. "I'm tired of not fucking knowing what I'm–I just feel like I'm always waiting, anticipating something awful. I've had enough."
A large finger landed between his brows, the Duke bearing an uncharacteristically serious expression. "I am sorry for this, Lord Heisenberg."
Darkness overcame Karl then, as well as a chill like the sun had been suddenly switched off.
"Mr. Duke! It's good to see you. I wasn't sure if you were alright, it's been so long since you've come by!" You exclaimed, still wiping your hands dry with an old towel as you made your way to the fenceline. "You'll have to fill me in."
The Duke, for his part, looked unchanged. A bit more sweaty perhaps, but that could be chalked up to the rigors of just existing in such a unique body. You saw his eyes dart to your houseguest and you got the sudden impression that you may have interrupted something. The large man staunchly denied this when you asked though, his laugh just as jovial as always. Maybe you had misinterpreted the situation?
If looks could kill, however, it seemed the Duke would be quite done for. Karl was glaring holes through the merchant, striking green eyes narrowed to angry slits. That look alone could make anyone nervous!
"I noticed my talismans have gone missing, my dear. Has something happened?" The Duke's inquiry was smooth, almost bland. 
"They just started crumbling one day. I guess the elements finally got to them?" 
The Duke's expression shifted strangely and once again his eyes darted to Heisenberg. But all he said was, "how curious," then started rummaging in the drawers that framed his corpulent form. 
"I'm sorry, I don't have-"
"I told you," the Duke interrupted, his smile a bit sharper, "it's all part of our first-class customer service!" He gestured vaguely with one large hand, placing the small bundles of herbs and flowers down on his thigh. "If nothing else, take these as my thanks for nursing the Lord back to health. He certainly seems a changed man from when we last met." You heard Karl growl, muttering something under his breath that made the Duke chuckle coldly. "Now now, let's not say things we don't mean. I'm being sincere! I am glad you and the Lord Heisenberg are on such good terms. Why, he's almost tame."
There had been a great shattering, a terrible rending in his mind the likes of which he had never experienced before. The stress and mania that had driven him doggedly onward collapsed in upon itself after Ethan's final assault, as though the strain of both his transformation and the fight was too much for his body and mind to handle. Karl could just barely recall feeling himself fraying, his soul being torn apart at the seams like he was an ugly garment in the hands of the world's most negligent tailor.
Miranda would love that. Let that bitch pick out every stitch so she could make me into something useful, something controllable.
Maybe it was that bitterness that kept him breathing. Bitter spite and hatred, a parasitic leech just as much as the creature that throbbed uneasily in his gut. Cadou, finally a name for the feeling, the tension, the parasite that clung to his broken body and demanded him to rise, demanded him to fight and kill anew to keep it alive. Karl was exactly what he had feared and suspected all along: a freak.
While the Duke sat there complacent, chuckling, Heisenberg could only seethe internally. The obese merchant finally leaned forward, his smile distinctly oily. "I'd advise the two of you to turn in early for the evening. A storm is coming."
"Thanks for the tip." Heisenberg said through gritted teeth.
"Do you have anything new to show me?" The excitement in your voice threw Karl off a bit, as did the Duke's smirking reply of, "Naturally, my dear!"
Apparently it had been a busy few months for the merchant, because he immediately started pulling out (allegedly) new trinkets to show you. Each item he proudly displayed, however, set Heisenberg more and more on edge. Crystalline objects, fragile and frail, covered in sharp edges and scenting the air lightly with decay. Something about them had that wrongness, that Uncanny Valley sheen, as well as a hideous familiarity. 
Finally Karl said faintly, "I'm going to head back in." His head was swimming, mind struggling to sort through lifetimes of memories and it felt like his entire body was throbbing with his pulse. "You two have fun catching up."
"But my Lord-" the Duke protested, extending the protective talismans to Karl with a guileless expression. "-I had hoped you would hang these along the fenceline for me. I would do it myself, of course, but it's been so long since I've had a customer to show my wares." His eyes twinkled with the silent joke; he knew damn well that touching those things was bad news for Karl. Go on, big man, the Duke's smug gaze seemed to say, go on and reveal yourself.
Karl's glare reached a nuclear temperature, his mood rapidly swinging from discomfort to infuriation at being toyed with. This colossal fuck knew exactly what he was capable of! As usual, the Duke's audacity was exclusively outweighed by his mass.
But you were smiling, you looked so excited to see what else the Duke would show you.
Damn it all to hell.
Karl dug around in the pocket of his jacket, pulling out his gloves and gracelessly yanking them on before holding out a hand to take the charms. 
The Duke's smile never wavered once.
"It is odd, seeing the change in him." The Duke commented, turning a human torso that may have been carved from quartz this way and that to show you how the light caught it. "You certainly did more than your share of work, my dear."
"I don't understand." You replied, a little confused. "It hasn't been too hard. Only issue was keeping bread in the house."
"Can we claim his essence restored by mere gluten?" The Duke fixed you with a look that made you uncomfortable, his normally good-natured expression gone serious. "I doubt that, but I am open to breakthroughs in science."
"Do you mean I helped raise his spirits or something?" When the obese man shook his head, you shrugged. "I haven't really done much except put that gunk that you gave me onto his wounds and endured his company. If anything he's been helping me out! Got to get a few things done that I couldn't manage myself." 
"Very curious," the Duke mused, his attention seeming to have moved on to the odd combination of gears and crystals that he was currently showing you. It looked almost like a half-metal heart encased in white crystal and you marveled at the craftsmanship of it. "Lord Heisenberg has allowed himself to be domesticated. The Lady Dimitrescu would have a fit if she were still around."
His words didn't register until a moment later, making your brow furrow. Unfortunately the large merchant didn't appear to be in an expansive mood, whatever further queries you had being easily deflected or outright ignored.
Karl tried to focus on something aside from the fact that his entire left hand was going numb. 
The constant fury he felt at that self-styled mother's attempted manipulation of him would do, so he began to reminisce. Though his mind was not entirely whole, Heisenberg could still remember his disdain for the haughty woman. She had always looked at him with such blatant calculation in her eyes; he had to commend her for the consistency of that gaze. Karl wondered sometimes if she practiced it in front of the mirror. How his ‘siblings’ had never seen her manipulation…
"Sore loser," his own voice echoed back to him through his memories and he scoffed, yanking the knot tight on the twine. Another charm secure. The little talismans were made of monkshood and nondescript twigs of some evergreen plant, all braided together with a few stalks of what seemed to be wheat and then fashioned into a tidy wreath. The numbness in his hand vanished once he released the charm, now replaced by an unpleasant burning. He could see spidery black tendrils making their way up his arm from beneath the glove, following the path of his veins to spread that burning sensation. Aside from that, though, Karl felt nothing. Was his fury truly slow to come, or did he just not care anymore? 
He slowed to a halt, resting his weight on the fence as he stared down at it. He almost wanted to will himself to be upset, get worked up, something for the sake of familiarity. This calm…acceptance, it didn't seem like him. The Duke had said Miranda was 'taken care of'. No doubt Ethan had fistfought the feathery bitch himself.
Dimitrescu, then, Karl decided, she could always piss me off, that colossal cunt. The anger was so faint it was barely annoyance. The weird little doll? Indifference. Moreau. Pity. 
Was his throat closing up?! He was either flashing over or having some sort of allergic reaction to the talismans, he reasoned desperately. That was the only explanation for his strange response. Heisenberg pulled away from the fence, taking a few healthy steps backwards. He abruptly felt the hairs raise on the back of his neck and the Lord reached out to grab the maul, realizing at that moment that he had left it by the cart. Come on!
A body crashed into his back and Karl almost toppled, only just managing to brace himself on a fencepost. Sharp teeth grazed his arm, the combined scent of wet dog and iron nearly strong enough to make Heisenberg retch. Without a second thought Karl yanked the charm off the post and jammed his entire fist into the thing's mouth, hearing it start to choke and gag right next to his ear. 
The maul arrived, flying through the air like the weapon of some old Norse god. Karl seized it with his free hand, swinging it around to pulverize the…lycan, lycan, shit, he had forgotten. Its skull caved beneath the maul's blunted edge and Heisenberg quickly shoved the body to the side as it twitched its last.
There were more of them. A lot more of them, a pack of mangled humanoids spilling out from beneath the trees to yowl and bay at him. The body at his feet began to crystallize, the familiar scent of death wafting up to greet him like an old friend. Memories started to bleed in at the sides of his vision: dark, wispy vignettes of the man he was, the monster he really was.
I think bare minimum I've done some real bad things. 
He had been so desperate for reassurance without even knowing why, groping unlit through the halls of his memories as a stranger. It had been better for a while, what was shoved into the back of his mind to let him play fucking pretend at being human, at this new life with you.
Just like Miranda with her fake little family.
Heisenberg drew himself up to his full height, narrowing his eyes and roaring "shut your fucking holes!", immensely gratified when the cacophony immediately quieted. 
Unfortunately, the uneasy silence was then broken by a scream. A scream of his name. And the lycans, obviously sensing Karl's momentary distraction, peeled away to head for the source of the noise.
"Karl!" You cried, the terrible din you had heard seconds before still ringing in your ears.
"Oh dear," the Duke remarked blithely, "I may have been too late." He shrugged after a moment, passing you another charm. "Well, I hurried as best as I could." The massive merchant then clicked his tongue once and the seemingly too-small horse began to pull the cart down the road once more. "Good luck, my dear. Remember what I said about the weather!" He called with a wave.
"You've gotta' be kidding me!" You yelled after him incredulously, the talisman clutched tightly in your grasp. All you heard in reply was faint chuckling. You gritted your teeth, turning on your heel. "Karl!" You shouted again, starting across the yard. You could hear muffled yowling coming from behind the cabin, out past the back fenceline, so with your heart in your throat you carried onward. You hoped and prayed it was just a bobcat that Karl had spooked, you're overreacting, everything is fine. You did make a brief pit stop to pick up your kindling knife from the basket on the porch, staunchly refusing to think about what you could possibly need it for. 
Upon turning the corner of the house, however, you came face to face with some…thing, some awful thing with sharp teeth and a hunched humanoid body. You froze and so did it, before it bared its filthy, blackened maw and snarled at you. 
Oh, it's going to kill me. The thought was so certain it almost surprised you. Really, what else could happen? Fuck, it's going to kill me. You backed away, holding the knife in front of you in a desperate bid to keep the creature at bay. For some reason it actually seemed to be working, the weird wolf-man snapping its teeth at the air in evident frustration. Well, it was either that or the Duke's charm that you had slipped around your wrist, but you weren't about to start questioning your luck.
A projectile whipped past your head from behind you, the mass of it disturbing the air enough to emit a faint whistle. It was the maul, its dull blade slamming into the face of the lycan and bending it nearly in half before it collapsed like a deflating balloon. 
"You stay the hell away from them, you mangy rat!" Karl spat, his gaze full of fury as he rounded the house coming from the other direction. It may not have been aimed at you, but his rage was still absolutely terrifying to witness. Your knees began to tremble, threatening to dump you onto the ground. Heisenberg suddenly seemed larger than life and extremely dangerous, voice booming and eyes ablaze with a malice you had never seen. The man tore the maul free with a sickening crunch, shaking some of the gore off. "You alright?"
You realized he was addressing you, still coming closer at that too-fast pace and you floundered to nod, opening your mouth to say something, yes I'm fine and don't come near me you're scaring me and what's going on. No words came out, though. When had he gotten so big? It was as though someone else had taken over his body, someone self-assured, someone…
Was this how he had been before?
Karl stopped dead two feet away, the man huffing out an irritated breath. "Oh, you've got one of those charms." He slung the maul over one shoulder, holding out a gloved hand. "Here, give it so I can close the loop on this fence." There were holes torn in the glove, ragged punctures. Bite marks.
"No." You whispered, your hold on the knife’s hilt tightening. "No, I-I don't want you to come any nearer." What did the Duke do to him? 
Karl's brow furrowed, but he soldered on, reasoning, "There's more of the freaks out there, sugar. We don't have the whole fence covered, I need that last charm." 
"Please, don't…look, I don't want to hurt you and you're scaring me right now." You got the feeling the blade you had was about as threatening as a butter knife to the large man, but you held firm. 
Cornered dogs bite. He had called you sugar, his voice low and urgent. Surely it was still him in there if he was using the silly pet name he had decided upon for you. This was all so confusing.
"The lycans don't give a shit about whether you're scared, sugar! They aren't gonna' wait around for us to sort things out, they're coming!" Heisenberg snapped roughly, glancing back over his shoulder. "Fuck's sake! I'm not at full bore and if something gets you because I'm out of it, I'd-" He hesitated, then huffed through gritted teeth instead of finishing the sentence. "Alright, fine, I'm not coming any closer, we'll just do it together then. Stay by me. Devil you know, right?" He instructed, that fierce gaze softening a bit. "Nothing will get you while I'm here."
What if you're the thing I'm worried about? you wondered privately. 
You were looking at him like he was a monster. You were looking at him like he was a horrible, terrible monster, that trashy Bowie knife you used to shave kindling chips clutched in your trembling hands, leveled at his gut. You're scaring me right now.
And Karl couldn't even deny it because holy shit he was, he had been, he might still be. Oh God, no wonder the Duke told him it was an awful idea. He wanted to throw up, but that may have been due to the closeness of the talisman. Anti-mold measures or just another silver bullet in the magazine?
At least now he knew, as crushing as that particular burden of knowledge was. At least he knew. It was oddly freeing to be that self-fulfilling prophecy for once. 
You ended up hovering nervously at his elbow, the proximity of the charm a constant, nagging throb at the apex of his spine. But he could keep track of you that way. 
"The lycans are wary." Karl informed you, not really sure why he did so. "They know who I am but they're not particularly good listeners." 
"Something you have in common." You retorted.
Karl shrugged, feeling his glove slide down his mangled fingers before he tugged it back into place. "I'd like to think I've improved." He glared at the forms he could see surging along the edges of the treeline, brandishing the maul in silent threat. Come on, you rabid little shits.
Not a single one left the safety of the woods, however they did keep up their noise. Howling and shrieking, the pack followed the two of you closely. They're waiting for us to place the last charm, Heisenberg realized, his brow furrowing. They'll strike then before we can get back inside the fenceline. 
"I need you to be ready to run once you tack down that last talisman." He muttered out the side of his mouth, relieved when you nodded. "Don't worry about me."
"I wouldn't dream of it."
His laugh was coarse and joyless. He had been a naive idiot to think he even had a chance at any sort of quiet life, but he was more irritated with himself over being so affected by the disappointment. Now was not the time to wish to turn back the clock.
You broke away from him by running ahead, your attention clearly fixed on the section of fencing that lacked an oh-so-familiar charm. Karl watched you slide the talisman off your wrist, and at the same time he could see the pack of lycans appear to muster themselves for a full-scale assault. 
Heisenberg's eyes narrowed and the man bolted forward, sending the maul ahead of him as he went. "It needs to go on the outside of the fence! I'll cover you!" 
You yanked open the gate with single-minded intent, only to see the maul go sailing into the teeming swarm of bodies in front of you, Karl close behind announcing that he would 'cover you'. As you turned to watch him go, a massive lycan broke away from the edge of the pack and headed straight for you, fingers clawing at the dirt for traction.
You fumbled to attach the charm, hanging it on the rusted nail still in the fence post and then smashing the top of the nail with the butt of your knife to fold it over onto itself. Mission accomplished, you rushed to get back inside the safety of the fenceline, but it was too late. A paw-like hand caught your ankle, tripping you up and causing you to strike your head hard on the gate.
The world swam in front of your eyes, a combination of reflex tears and being dragged along the ground by your leg at a dizzying pace. You began to struggle, kicking desperately at the face of the creature in an effort to free yourself from its clutches. The lycan dropped your leg, choosing instead to bat aside the kicks you aimed at it and lunge for your face with a garbled howl.
You didn't even have the time to think and so you slammed your eyes shut, bracing the knife you still held against your body in an effort to at least wound the lycan. 
But it didn't come. The weight of the beast on your chest just…vanished, its roar choking off abruptly.
When you dared to open your eyes again, you were greeted by the sight of Karl holding up the lycan by its throat, the man clearly crushing its windpipe. Judging by the way it was thrashing, it didn't have much longer. Heisenberg didn't say a single word, the man simply grunting with effort as he gave the beast a final shake to cleanly snap its neck. He then threw the body down, broadening his stance and squaring his shoulders with a furious grin on his face.
"Fuck off!" He roared at the remaining pack, now significantly thinned and yelping. "You stay the hell away from here, or I'll wipe out every last one of you!" The maul flew through the air and he caught it, swinging it one-handed. It was dripping with some kind of black fluid. "You won't cross that fenceline!"
After a few moments of what seemed to be a snarling back-and-forth with Heisenberg and one another, the surviving creatures sulkily limped back into the woods in defeat. They left nothing behind but crystallized remains of their kin and, as rain slowly started to fall, even those began to dissolve into the soil. 
Karl closed the gate, the man slowly latching it with the worn wire twisted around the post.
You were still on the ground, the knife pressed to your chest as you shivered and tried to catch your breath. You couldn't recall another day in your life that you had been so certain about your own death. Somehow all you'd ended up with was a few scrapes on your shin and a tender spot on your head from the gate.
Heisenberg swayed, propping himself up on the fence with one elbow. The maul dropped from his grasp as he panted for air, the man's scarred complexion gone so pale it was nearly green. He tried to say something, but ended up dry heaving instead. After taking a few staggering steps back from the fence, he unceremoniously collapsed onto his side.
You only hesitated momentarily before you scrambled forward, your caution thrown to the wind. It was as if watching him fight had somehow removed whatever threat you had felt before, the notion wholly gone from your mind. It was oxymoronic, but firmly embedded that the two of you were on the same side. He saved you.
The man gazed dully upwards at you or someplace past your shoulder, his breathing coming in sharp, hitchy bursts. "Hurt-" he managed to wheeze, shaking the glove off of his hand to display blackened flesh radiating from a tearing bite wound on the palm. He then gave a thumbs up with the mangled appendage, choking out, "--be okay." 
You noticed blood darkening a section of his trousers by his hip and you jerked his tattered coat back, revealing several more wounds. At least two of the lycans had ripped into the back of his thigh, like they were trying to hamstring him. The purpling, bruised bites ran down his leg and there was even a large chunk missing from the top of his boot. You hissed in dismay at the whole scene, feeling nauseous and terrified.
"We need to get you out of the rain," you said finally, your stomach in knots. Karl waved you off while pffting out a breath but you essentially ignored him, pulling his good hand to haul his arm up over your shoulders. "C'mon, use whatever's left of your legs." 
The man coughed out a laugh at that, then obliged you to the best of his ability. It was a struggle, but the two of you managed to get him upright. All there was left was the slow trek back to the cabin, and Jesus was it slow. Karl could barely put one foot in front of the other, the man dragging his wounded leg and the maul behind him as he leaned on you, nevermind your own legs still shaking from adrenaline.
"Why did you do that?" You asked finally, blinking the rain out of your eyes. 
"You know what." The only reply you got was silence, followed by a clumsy little pat on the cheek. You supposed you would have to ask later.
The fresh talismans gave Karl the sensation of being in the eye of a storm. A maelstrom of energy swirled around the fenceline in a disorienting spiral, but it couldn't touch him in here. The drunken stumbling was more due to the injuries he had sustained, his steps unsteady and head hanging. This weakness was incredible, it was so similar to how he had been right after he had lost to Ethan. Laying there in the dirt with the rain pouring down on him, uncertain of what had just happened, where he was, every shattered breath in his body seeming like it could be his last.
"Come, my Lord. You seem to have fallen ill." 
You had said that the Duke was the one who brought him to you for aid. He barely remembered bits and pieces of the ride, only roused to consciousness from pain when he was jostled. 
His forehead knocked into yours and he slurred out an apology, realizing you needed him to walk up the porch steps. And walk up them he did, his leg already feeling a little less terrible. Parasite perks, the alliteration tickling him far more than it ought to have. He actually managed to hobble through the doorway unassisted, performing an odd skipping hop to do so and dropping the maul beside the doorframe. 
Once inside you collapsed on the couch, your whole body trembling. "Thought I was gonna' die." You finally said. Heisenberg continued to hover awkwardly on one leg, shoring himself up by placing a hand onto one of the ceiling crossbeams as you seemed to gather your thoughts. "I mean I thought that was it, game over. Holy shit, that was terrifying." You looked up at him, radiating incredulity as you asked, "how the hell did you just handle them?"
Karl shrugged, a bad habit he felt he could attribute to you. "It's all I've known for most of my life." It was a garbage explanation for all its truth and he knew that, but you weren't exactly in a fantastic headspace at the moment. Neither was he for that matter, he was still weak and a little queasy. Better to let sleeping dogs lie, let you calm down and regain some peace of mind. Lycans were normal to him, sure, but you'd only seen them in half light and hadn't even seemed to believe they actually existed until today. 
You put your face in your hands, exhaling deeply. You then moved to rise but Karl halted you with a hand on your shoulder, and he was silently dismayed at the fact that he could still feel you shaking.
"Stay put." He tried to gentle his tone, make it a little less gruff. "That was a lot. Just rest. You want some water?"
You hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah." You caught his hand before he could turn away, seeming confused. "How are you even walking? Your leg was-" "Something in me is real invested in keeping my body in one piece." Karl patted your hand, attempting to smile and failing miserably. "Lemme' get you that drink."
Part Four
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doukeshi-kun · 1 month
Repetition at opening? Feeding me for real, babygirl. You know how to rizz me up ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა
The repetition of 'The sun....horizon' is so good. I absolutely adored how you framed his subtle coping mechanism, his grief settling in, and his fight or flight, how it started with denial instead of acceptance and sobbing; it adds in-character depth to Nikolai with his relationship to guilt/evasion of accountability/appeal to justification or rationalisation.
Red isn't my lucky colour -1. I'm in your walls. How dare you not be omnipotent/j
Unlike other emotions correlating to the human biological essence, guilt is a choice, like happiness, sadness, anger, etc. It's taught and reinforced, which can be seen in pwaspd on the extremist side of the spectrum. Furthermore, our predecessors enacted prosocial behaviours, compassion and kindness to benefit a community, where guilt, in place of morality, is enforced to emphasise prosocial behaviour that was key to survival.
If it's taught, it's a choice. When someone learns apathy, it isn't escapism of guilt because, in its conceptual ideation, apathy exists alongside guilt about empathy, which guilt is invoked by; it's the opposite of guilt in a neutral stance. However, it's negatively viewed as it's not as reinforced as guilt as it de-emphasises prosocial behaviours. It balances guilt out, where it is an on-and-off switch. Therefore, guilt is a choice. What about you? ૮꒰ྀི ⸝⸝․․⸝⸝ ྀི꒱ა
(I was debating with my friend about it, then realised how much depth it had added to Nikolai's character that I didn't consider, how much of his guilty conscience heavily impacts his reasoning ability.)
Reader with separation anxiety is so real. Her fear of abandonment is constantly re-emphasised throughout the stories, subtle or bold. It's nice to see the consistency; it's 9/10... ☆૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
intentional repetition my favourite MUAHAH 😎✨ i certainly love writing a grieving man who's often portrayed to be cheerful. exploring his 'human' side is fun (if asgr doesn't wanna write nikolai light novel, I WILL). and thank you for liking the reader tehee i think i had fun writing her the most. i will keep improving to make a likable mc (⁠ ͝⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ͡⁠°⁠)⁠ᕤ
now let's get into my smol essay of guilt. but! full disclaimer (for general reader of this shit essay): i'm fully aware of nuances. and i'm not good at articulating my thoughts sometimes.
i am heavily leaning to "guilt is not a choice" but that sentence alone is already bold, which is my mistake as i am lacking better words. i agree that guilt is enforced to emphasised prosocial behaviour. in fact, policymakers have been prompting guilt in order to promote good social behaviour (Heidlin, 2015). i think, emotions are the primordial essence in a human that needed an outlet—and reason—for it to come out, for we to feel. why are you happy? why are you sad? why are you angry? why are you guilty? it's a cause and effect. and i think, guilt is a special case because you can't control the causes of that feeling. it can happen anywhere. it can happen subconsciously.
as humans, as an individual, we will develop our moral codes and i believe moral conflicts (which i also believe will be inevitable if you are living in a social system) causes guilt—whether minute or consequential. but these guilt can still be reduced into just residue, as quoted from Greenspan 1983, "emotions can result from voluntary behaviour—such as the insistence on dwelling on certain facts; so we can often talk ourselves into feeling guilty, quite sincerely, when a clear-headed review of all the facts would convince us that we are not." perhaps religion is one of the main factors of feeling guilt, out of fear of disobeying god or the religious condition a person was subjected into. but i digress.
as we are holding onto our own morals, guilt is a (unwanted yet necessary) reaction to our own conscious and subconcious judgement. the choice lays on how we talk ourselves out of that feeling. like i said, the causes of guilt can be from anywhere anytime and it can get subconsciously triggered. but you can escape it, right? by justifying to yourself. however, a simple question can just loop you back—why do you want to escape that guilt?
maybe the way to not feeling guilty for every conflict you encounter is to be as selfish as possible. but i think individualism is some whack shit lol
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crimson-lair · 6 months
I just thought of something. Chief and Zoya as "adoptive" parents. Of course, their opposite views , with Chief wanting to maintain order and Zoya being the violent chaos she is, does lead to some conflict. Hey, opposites do attract, so they could be married and adopted a child, or they're coworkers watching over a young Sinner.
The two would keep saying that they don't want to watch the kid, yet are overprotective over them. I can see Zoya encouraging the kid to do something stupid, and won't be upset if they get into a fight at school. As for Chief, she would probably get annoyed at Zoya and the child's antics, and would cast Zoya an annoyed glare.
With the two of them being more on the stoic side and rarely expressing their emotions so openly, it would be pretty heartwarming to see them slowly warm up to the kid.
AWW a not-so-ordinary wholesome family 🥺 (also, ME ME! I'M THEIR CHILD 🙋‍♀️)
Finally some fluffy things, this blog is full of thirsts honestly.. hehe. Anyway, I'd like to think Zoya as a fun scary-looking uncle aunt to the young Sinners in MBCC. Well, she knows that she has resting bitch face, that some children would run away from catching a glimpse of her, (or maybe some would staring at her with admiration instead, like Horo). That's why she'd put a grin so that smol Sinners wouldn't think that she's angry or anything, but only for children tho. But as the favorite child amongst all? Be ready for the chaos since she wouldn't hold back to show what she's famous for (let's break all the furnitures available). She's going to teach you many things like Leggett did 🥹. And occasionally bringing you for a ride, which she almost run into a car.. but we don't talk about that now (she's not that good at driving okay)
And Chief, my wife, everyone's wife (look, I'm being fair here). Of course she isn't as stoic as she looked. I know that she's a softie, maybe she doesn't show it much at the beginning but as the story goes by, yes. A mother to her hen although she looked stiff af to be one, proven by her children (Hecate and Hella + OwO😌). She's calm most all the time, but well.. until her Sinners. Like, what do you mean Zoya broke down the ceiling again??? Was she worried? Not really.. maybe yes since Zoya brought you with her. But her MONEY. MBCC IS SO BROKE ALREADY!... Chief is so done with Zoya, she's going to snatch the child away from the big bad guy's influence, more or less.
As their child, who would be afraid of the tiny gremlins in school if you have Zoya at the back, silently staring down menacingly. And obviously, she'd be proud if you won the fight, regardless of injuries and Chief standing, glaring besides her (Bet some mothers wouldn't care about their child either, they'd be staring with their mouth agape. She's hot okay🏃)
Also, I'd probably run to the other Sinners and let the parents have a make up s-- ahem- Chief is miserable already. Give her a break.
Thoughts on Chapter 13 Chief and Zoya?? Hehe 😏 Zoya becoming powerful emo, and hotter mature than before. But there's a little bit more spark of evil playfulness that she isn't afraid to show/do. Guess it's Adela's time to shine! Cutting the stressed-out Chief's hair almost every week. CHIEF IS SO PRETTY WITH LONG HAIR THO
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toweroftickles · 1 year
Hi I'm so embarrassed- I know I'm like one of two-ish people who would want this but like I was wondering if you heard of a game called Solatorobo: Red The Hunter- and are willing to share some t-word thoughts GOODBYE AAAHHH
Well, guess what? You are lucky, because you just so happened to have found the other half of the two-ish people who would want this!! Solatorobo t-word thoughts are the elixir that gives me life and I am so excited that somebody requested them BUCKLE UP BABY
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Tickle Headcanons
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Red Savarin
Ticklishness Rating: 10/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Balls and Arches of Feet, Sides, Tummy
Absurdly ticklish, everywhere, but especially on his gigantic feet. The tiniest little poke can cripple him.
He's proud and cocky, and flustered by how sensitive he is.
Giggles like an angry little boy, always fighting to hold in his laughter. Tons of intense snickers in the roof of his mouth and through his teeth...he makes a lot of staticky noises when he's squirming.
Red's a struggler. Will never hold still and has to be wrestled down to get tickled.
He's constantly surrounded by girls...Caninu and Felineko alike...who think he's cute and love to tease & flirt with him. Pretty much every gal he meets tries to tickle him to death eventually!
The Dahak's (his robo) giant mecha fingers can operate with a surprisingly fine touch...very effective for tickling...and he's done this in battle before.
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Chocolat Gelato
Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Armpits, Feet
More huffy and stern than Red, she sometimes gets fed up with her big brother's antics and feels the urge to punish him.
She can make Red do basically anything she wants (“Don’t make me tickle you”), and relishes the hold she has over him. Her bossy-but-demure nature belies a mean streak and sharp claws that she isn't afraid to use.
Her tickles are rough and squeezy.
Surprisingly, even though she's ticklish too, Red doesn't get her back very often, because it's always a fight he ends up losing.
Tickling really annoys her….unless Quebec does it. Then it’s a serotonin boost!
Forced to be the mature one, Chocolat rarely has the opportunity to act like a kid her age. Getting bear hugs and tickles from Quebec fills her with butterflies and lets her feel safe, loved, and smol. :3
Her cackling laughter isn't very ladylike, and this bothers her.
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Ehl Melizee
Ticklishness Rating: 9/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Neck, Small of Back, Ankles
Some people, when they’re tickled, flail around wildly. Some curl into a defensive fetal position. And some feel their entire bodies contract like a tightly-coiled spring and freeze solid. Ehl is the latter.
She'll fervently insist that she's not ticklish, but acting is not one of her talents.
Ehl does not laugh. She shrieks in petrified agony.
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Opera Kranz
Ticklishness Rating: 9/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Between Toes, Ribs, Inner Thighs
A predator in the purest sense, who loves to play with her food both literally and metaphorically. Domineering.
This feline pirate is a ravenous tickler who shows no pity. If a prisoner is in her clutches, she'll tickle-torture them to the point of capitulation without a second thought. It's her absolute favorite method of punishment, persuasion, and info extraction, and she knows just how to drill your weak spots. >:)
Calua and Gren always get nervous and excuse themselves from the room whenever she does this. They know not to get on her bad side.
In true cat fashion, Opera is haughty and treats everyone as beneath her. Constantly infantilizes her opponents, mocking, teasing, calling them “cute” or “sweetheart”….just imagine how bad it gets when she’s got them pinned down and won’t stop running her nails all over them.
When that sense of superiority breaks, she goes full Hulk mode.
No tolerance for what she dishes out. None. Howls and screams and threatens gory vengeance when given a taste of her own medicine.
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Calua Napage
Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Belly Button, Feet
Too laid-back to really hate or be angered by tickling, but too defensive to really enjoy it either.
Extremely wiggly and squirmy, like a fish.
He always gets revenge, so watch out! But it’s all in good fun.
A teensy bit fearful of provoking Opera’s tickle wrath.
Several people have pointed out to him that they can't help but tickle his tummy; it's too tempting a target! He's thought about equipping a less-revealing wardrobe, but truth be told, he wants to flaunt his abs.
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Ticklishness Rating: 5/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Ribs, Belly
Surprisingly jovial for an ex-soldier, with a husky, bellowing roar that lets his heart of gold shine. Loves to laugh.
His voice isn’t deep; it’s in subterranean catacombs.
Guards Chocolat like an adopted daughter. He’s highly protective of her and the two are very close and affectionate.
Those paws might be massive & scary, but they’re just big fluffy tickle mittens.
When she was little, Chocolat's favorite pastime was getting picked up and carried around on Quebec's back. Whenever she wanted him to go faster, she'd kick him in the side with her foot or reach down and tickle his ribs, both of which made him chuckle.
As a result of his battlefield injury, his right leg no longer works, but his left does, so he has the unique distinction of being ticklish on only one foot.
He's extremely fuzzy, which makes him fun to touch...ladies tend to get very cuddly and physically affectionate with him, which can be a little awkward when they brush against a tickle spot.
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Ticklishness Rating: 7/10
Most Ticklish Spots: Balls of Feet, Tummy
The French maid outfit isn't just for show, or for business. She loves wearing it, and she also loves getting flirty with feather dusters. ;)
Her sunny, chirpy laughter can brighten anyone's day! Flo yips like a little puppy.
She'll tell you to stop, but won't really mean it.
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If anyone wants some more Little Tail Bronx research for tickle HCs, speak up…this whole franchise has such a cool aesthetic & cute characters that need to be exploited. XP
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Platonic Yandere older brother Sniper with little sibling S/O? J-1 and 2 with P-3
Smol backstory he finds out that his sib had become the Blu teams sniper and starts getting overprotective when he notices the younger mercs flirting or being overly nice to them and he starts getting overprotective thus the jealousy and persistence as he just wants to protect his only family member
Sure! Sniper's team is vague in this as you never specified it ^^
Prompts Found Here!
Yandere! Platonic! Sniper Prompts J-1, J-2, P-3
J-1: “If his filthy hands touch you again I’ll kill him.”
J-2: “Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?”
P-3: “Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Platonic Yandere, Manipulation, Arguing, Threats, Plans of murder, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Blood mention.
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“Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?”
"Just what is your problem, Mundy?"
"Don't act like I don't see the flirting between you and the other mercs."
"How I interact with the others is none of your business."
"Yes it is as I am your older brother, (Y/N)! You'll get hurt playing around with people like them."
"We're ALL mercs here!"
The argument had been going on for what felt like hours. Mundy, your brother, had asked to meet with you in private. Just to yell at you about your taste in friends....
"Sure, but you get what I mean! I don't like seeing someone like Scout around you. Don't even get me started on that Spy!"
"Why not? Please, feel free to tell me what crime I've done by hanging out with them?"
"You're overprotective and jealous, Mundy. I am my own person!"
"... and my little sibling! Shouldn't you listen to your brother?"
You scoff and step away from him, focusing on anything but him. You could not believe he was pulling this. Everything was fine before you signed up for merc work.
In fact, things were even fine then! Until you started talking with your team more instead of being a recluse. Something Mundy did not take too kindly to.
"Don't walk away from me, (Y/N)."
"I can talk to them if I want, Mundy."
Mundy steps in front of you, placing his hands on your shoulders firmly. He gave you the look of a stern parent, momentarily catching you off guard. You glare at him through his glasses.
“If his filthy hands touch you again I’ll kill him.”
"Why must you be so controlling?"
"I do this for your safety, why must you FIGHT me on this?
Mundy sighs, letting you go and turning away for a moment. The bond between you was becoming strained. He loved you and was envious of you getting along with everyone but him-
“Shouldn’t you be spending more time with me?”
You freeze for a moment before growling in frustration.
You're seething, angry at him for being controlling. All because he was upset and jealous of others talking to his little sibling? Sure, he's the only family you have left.
This was unacceptable, however.
"Maybe you need to be the one to grow up, Mundy." You spat.
Mundy looked at you surprised, along with a hint of betrayal. He's never seen you so mad. Despite this, he stood his ground.
"(Y/N), I'm still responsible over you."
"I'm an adult, Mundy."
You sneer, walking off.
"I never want to see you try and tear me away from my friends again."
With that you leave. Leaving Mundy alone with his thoughts. He thinks to himself for a moment before looking around for his kukri.
"Well, if you won't listen to me willingly..."
Sniper murmurs to himself, finding the blade and holding it up. Call him insane, unstable and sick in the head. He couldn't see himself without you with him, the only family he has left.
"Just know you did this to yourself and I refuse to be merciful."
He'd cut them down, his team or not. He'd soak himself in blood just to keep you as his family. You'd hate him, he knows it...
Yet he'd do anything to bring things back to normal, like when you two were younger.
Things changed when you met the other mercs, it's up to him to change that.
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pepmint-art · 2 years
Trophy wife Garmadon cuz no one can stop me let's gooooo
I was walking around with this idea from past few days and it's about time to drop it somewhere and forget.
Basically Garmadon gets married to Chen and lives his best life. Literally gets whatever he wants. Mostly because Chen is a huge simp but also he almost never wants anything bigger then breakfast in bed.
But how it happened? Well, back in the days Wu and Garmadon weren't getting along. Wu with age started to consider his brother as a danger (cuz of GD event) what Garmadon couldn't understand. He always tried to gave the best of himself and was still seen as a monster by others.
That was causing a lot of fights between the two of them. After one of those fights, ungodly mad Garmadon just storm out from their house and went to cool down to the nearest village. It was night, so he thought that no one will be awaken and he'll just stay there, knowing that if he went to the forest he would has to strugle with stray animals. He wasn't in mood for this.
To his surprise, he end up in the middle of festival with fireworks show planed to be in an hour. That's where he met Chen (who was invited by village mayor). And honestly, Garmadon hated this guy from the moment thay first made eye contact. Probably because he was still angry with his brother and wanted to stay alone... Not be accosted by some random red head, but it just happened to be wrong time and wrong place for him.
On the other hand, for Chen Garmadon was interesting. Not only because he was so smol and so angry but he visible was an hybrid. Just something beautiful and something you don't see every day.
So Chen approached him offering a drink and long story short Garmadon end up telling him about EVERYTHING. How he hates Wu for treating him like he's a monster. How everyone also sees him like that. How he always tries but not even a single person sees that. How his even the smallest mistake escalates into tragedy only because everyone starts to panic. He was frustrated and Chen was way to understanding for him.
In the end Chen offered Garmadon to stay at his place for a night. Yeah... Garmadon refused tho. He's not going to spend time with some stranger at not his house. He's not THAT stupid.
But this didn't discourage Chen. He said that if another situation like that with Wu happens, Garmadon's free to drop at his palce. Gave him address (or at least told him how to get there) and left.
Shortly after that Garmadon forgot about this, lived his life like usual until he again started arguing with his brother. And when he, again, left home because of that, he reminded himself about this guy from festival.
He went to Chen and basiclly started to live with him. Like, he could leave any time he wanted, but he just felt in love with attention and care he was given. No one was treating him like a monster and actually tried to understand him. He finally could live his best life in god damn peace.
With time as the both start getting to know each other, Garmadon slowly stopped hating him. He still was annoyed with him most of the time, but life is life.
Chen with time, seeing that treated well Garmadon can be the most amazing person alive, he wasn't just interesting for him anymore but became someone important. Guys! Chen fell in love! And~ He decided that they'll date...
Don't get me wrong. Garmadon didn't really cared about this stuff and just did what Chen wanted. He doesn't mind being married to rich guy. At least he's not alone and poor like Wu...
Somewhere in the meantime Clouse became Chen's student. At first he wasn't sure what's going on between Garmadon and Chen, but he didn't really care. Just accepted Garmadon as Chen's fiancé and lived with that. No one can change his mind.
And because Garmadon and Clouse didn't have reasons to argue (like, only Clouse was student here, they weren't fighting for some title or anything), they're besties. And I don't care.
I'm not pretty sure what to do with Lloyd yet. He can be effect of one night stand or just Wu's son. But I'll probably go with first one. ANGST TIME>:)
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Oh yeah, have some old men.
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Vi's Self Ship Event! — Hanma Shuji x Meeeee
HIM: the goofy, shit-starting menace ❤️ calls me doll, baby, and princess
ME: stubborn, definitely not shy, adventurous. I call him shuu, babe, and lover
our origin story: he noticed me while waiting for coffee in a cafe, im a lil more “different” than most (lots of tattoos and piercings), so he struck up a convo about tattoos. Kisaki was there too, after about 20 mins i asked if he was Shuji’s boyfriend and when i tell you he LAUGHED (Kisaki was full on irritated lolol). Shuji said i was funny and interesting, so we exchanged phone numbers. 
-Shuji likes taking me for rides on his bike to random places. Sometimes it’s just a restaurant he wants to try, or just to ride the streets of Tokyo at night, or he’ll take me to a pretty park bc it reminded him of me 🥺
-gives me lil gifts often to show his appreciation (from necklaces to literal rocks just bc he thinks they’re cool looking). he struggles with words unless they’re sassy or dirty 🙄
-gets MAD jealous if another dude looks at me, but when i see him getting angry i take care of it myself and give him a big ol sloppy smooch in front of the other guy, which makes Shuji smirk devilishly (“my fuckin’ girl” 😈)
-Shuji’s faves: my sense of humor, my legs (loves draping them over his lap on the couch and tracing my tattoos with his fingers), my lips (he bites my lip rings when we make out 🤪), and that i’m not boring
-My faves: his eyes (I get flustered when he gives me lots of eye contact bc his eyes are hfkshcksjfjsjjd), his hands (I’ll kiss his bloody knuckles after a fight and it drives him crazy 🥴), and dare i say his cockiness? (i’m trying not to stroke his ego too much lol)
-Shuji knows by now that i’m no delicate little flower and never have been, i’ve got mad RBF and know how to stand up for myself, but he still protects me. it makes Shuji giggle when he sees me clap back at someone (especially Kisaki), but he’s always within arms reach just in case
-we push eachother’s buttons, but as long as we remind ourselves that it’s out of love, we can laugh it off
-Shuji definitely didn’t have any plans of falling in love (ever), but the more time he spent with me, he started to put the pieces together. luckily for me, he didn’t suppress his feelings 🥺 I accept him fully for who he is and would cut a mf for him 
Our song: Bonnie and Clyde - YUQI (smol playlist with other songs here– the order tells a story!)
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◇─◇──◇── @sin-and-punishment  x Shuji! ──◇──◇─◇
□ His phone background is a blurry shot of your pushing his phone away, laughing. Don't ask me how I know.
□ He loved adding to your tattoos in sharpie while you nap. (maybe you've gotten one or two of those silly things actually done? maybe a little stick figure cigarette? or a "my girl" in his handwriting?"
□ He knows he's a jealous guy but is also one of those "I won't have you cover up on my account, I can fuckin fight" kind of guys. He gets jealous, he's not fragile.
□ And for that matter, neither are you. On more than one occasion, he's come back from the bar with your drink to find you telling off some fuck so creatively, he actually needs to pull you away for, ahem, a moment with you.
□ Before you he was never much of an eyecontact during sex kind of person, but now he gets off on how much you love it. If you get a little dazed he'll pull you in for a kiss and remind you to, "look at me, baby, won't ya?"
□ sorry i short circuited myself after that last one.
are yall the type to end up married? where do yall stand on that? Is your shuji a "youre mine for the long haul what does that matter?" type or maybe if he's on the run its not possible? hehehe I'm v curious.
Come make my day, tell me about your self ship, and get some hcs of your own.
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papirouge · 1 year
Omg why is that coquette girl STILL pressed about you lmao she’s fighting now other og coquette girls over involving black girls being too “woke” in the aesthetic. Wait until she finds non white girls involved in the cottagecore scene.
She has such an aggressive spirit to her behavior, very masculine
I lowkey think she's singling me out bc I'm one of the few who've managed to properly read her to filth. Her haters calls her slurs and other stupid gibberish so it's easy for her to act like a victim and be like "eww stop saying these dirty words on my blog!!1!1! ùwù"
Meanwhile, I am rationally calling out how much of a deceptive lying joke she is point-to-point. Note she never bothers arguing back to my reply to her messages, when she's usually so fond of having back & forth with people criticizing her - that's because she has no way to deny what I say cause that's the truth.
Look at her dunking on abortive women, stating they'll always be murderer, but the moment someone reminds her she's a homwrecker she's like "sToP rEmIndIng Me oF My PasT iT wAs tHe DemOns I aM a DiFeRenT pErSoN NoW" ...okay so why couldn't the women who aborted be granted the same mercy as you do? Can you imagine if we told her "unpopular opinion but I think all the women who had sex outside of marriage are whores, and will always be whoresuwu" ?? ....This girl is soooooo delusional.
She acts like we calling her own for being a hypocrite racist piece of crap makes her "obsessed with her". We're not - we're just appealed by the gigantic space between what she professes about herself (smol uwu angel from God uwu) and how she actually behaves. There are plentiful of nasty people on tumblr, yet they don't get half the shot she gets because they don't pretend to be pure virginal uwu angels. That's what makes people angry : people LYING for clout & attention. And also as Christian, many of us refuse to let a foolish weirdo claim being one when she's not. So that legitimately becomes OUR problem too.
And yes, you're not the one to feel she has a very masculine energy. Always being into petty drama, foul-mouthed, calling women misogynist slurs ("c*nt" is her favorite one).... There's no wonder she's trying to compensate constantly reminding how smol & tiny uwu she is - because everything about her personality is masculine and ugly.
It's so funny to see them racist American White chicks gatekeep coquette from Black women when they themselves are appropriating the OG french coquette (unsurprisingly she's been flexing about having french heritage - which might be a lie considering what a pathological liar she is...🥴). Sorry, but you can't be a real coquette unless you're an under 20 years old French girl with a BMI below 18, that's the rule💅🏾 Yankee wannabe will NEVER be able to pull out that effortless tiny french girl swag.
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
Toll and smol: go: for Terzo.
“merda di merda! come osi parlare con me, con noi in quel modo? Sono un fottuto PAPA della chiesa di lucifero! LUI è il mio dannato amato diavolo! Ti farò ammazzare per quella merda, pezzo di merda!!!!”
He was so upset by whatever the rude passing locals had said his infernal eye was glowing, and his gloved hands crackled with magic waiting to be cast.
He was, of course, outnumbered, but his pride demanded he retaliate for the slander on his name, his church’s name…and his beloved overlord’s name.
(Translation: you fucking shit! how DARE you talk to me, TO US that way? I'm a fucking PAPA of the church of lucifer! HE is my fucking beloved devil! I will fucking end you for that shit, you fucking fuck! )
(((Little papa is big mad))
[GO ]  for the taller muse to pick up the shorter one and carry them away from a potential/just started fight. 
In all honesty, this took the stag by surprise. To a point where he had to just pause and stare at the man next to him.
Now, he had no idea about what had prompted that reaction. Had he known, he might have gone off himself. Though less explosively.
He'd have to take a quick decision. And the one he arrived at was to simply get out of there, as fast as possible.
So, without a second thought, arms would wrap around the shorter man's torso, swiftly lifting him off of the ground. He'd merely glance at the ones who'd apparently offended the antipope, shooting them a dashing smile.
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"My apologies, we were just leaving~"
And with that, he simply turned on his heel and walked away, not really caring about the fact that he had a screaming, very angry man in his arms.
He had to say, he was impressed. Up until that point, he had only seen him in a rather calm manner.
"Calm down, Signore, it is not worth it."
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You probably saw Ze getting lots of backlash for his words after the NATO decision. I even it almost caused a scandal with the US and them ending their work with Ukraine. 😨😨😨😨 Reading stuff like that scares me, tbh.
We always knew Ze is an emotional person. He has no poker face and can get angry and hot quiet quickly. With all the stress and trauma added... . I'm a bit afraid he might do or say something one day that causes negative effects to Ukraine.
I would take reports from "unofficial" or "anonymous" sources with a very big grain of salt (same for certain media).
(Doesn't mean there isn't a possibility it caused problems behind the scenes.)
But yeah, ending the cooperation with Ukraine seems a bit over the top. There is no sign of something like this (also wasn't the day after it).
(I mean, las yea there were reports about Ze fighting with Biden during phone conversations ... .)
Personally, I think there isn't any of such a risk.
I'm pretty sure Ze knows very well what and how he can say things. He might be a tad to quick sometimes or a bit too honest but oh well, the man is fighting a war and is trying to save a country.
(He might need to find a different approach / strategy from time to time because he's a bit too bluntly.)
And if cooperation really ends or gets less because of his reaction / what he says ... . As long as it is not something MAJOR ... .
Not to forget, he has a very good team around him.
Also yes, our smol president still has no idea what a pokerface is but I think he's way more controlled than before the war.
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adhd-mode-activate · 2 years
I pray that all of y'all are able to experience the gift that is teachable parents.
I grew up in a conversative Christian family (in my immediate family, I mean conversative in the religious sense. In my extended family, there are political conversative, but my parents strongly disagree with them). For years what I knew of the LGBTQ community was my aunt and her wife (who are quite frankly awful people; smol me assumed any gay person I met would hate me because I was a Christian) and what I googled at 2 AM
I didn't realize I was demi until I was 18 and went on a deep dive research hole in my dorm. I was scared to say anything to anyone. I assumed I'd be an outcast in the culture I grew up in, but I also didn't think anyone else would accept me.
I don't really know how it happened, but four years later I've got some of the coolest friends ever. One of my best friends thinks I'm crazy for the labels I collect like the human personification of a crow (which is where one of my nicknames comes from), but she loves me anyway. The other thinks I'm crazy for my faith, but she doesn't hate me for it. Instead, she asks me questions that I love to answer. I'm a demiromantic/biromantic asexual who's 90% sure that she's a girl about...60% of the time (gender is confusing, y'all), and I'm comfortable with that
And my parents? Well, it took three attempts at describing demisexuality to my mom for her to "get" it. She didn't understand how it was different from "normal" (mom, I've heard you talk about how you fell in love with my dad, and the one other person you dated before that, and how you couldn't imagine dating someone you weren't friends with first. There might be a reason you thought being demi was normal). But the thing is? After initially saying that she didn't understand, she was the one to come back and say "I've been thinking about it, and I realized I didn't handle that well. Could you explain again?" It took a while for me to come out to my parents. Little by little, testing the waters because of my irrational fears of disappointing them. They're not disappointed. My mom doesn't agree with me on everything, but she trusts me. If she has a question about anything related to attraction or gender identity or mental health, she asks me, because she trusts that even if we end up disagreeing, she'll learn something. My dad is a man of few words, but he will not hesitate to call out what he thinks is wrong. So the fact that he listens when I pace the room, verbally tearing apart an argument against trans rights, means a lot. Not only does he listen, he helps me strengthen my arguments. Any time I find a new fight, he gives me the resources and the weapons to wield it. He's a historian and a good one. When I am grieved and angry and bitter at the wrongs I see hidden behind the name of Christianity, he shows me history and where it's happened before and how it was righted. And then tells me to go. Keep making friends, keep putting my anger to good use, keep loving as deeply as I do. because if no one is angered by injustices they are never righted
My parents are still conversative Christians. They understand that I make decisions they never could. They know I will challenge them on things they never would have thought about, go places they never could, interact with people they never will interact with. But they're willing to learn from me. They're willing to trust me, willing to disagree with me without breaking the relationship. They're willing to be a safe space for any friend who is not safe in their own home for whatever reason. I pray that all of y'all will have parents like that, who even if they don't agree with you on everything, trust you (which I think is a healthy thing, each generation should grow and learn from the previous one and be willing to challenge things their predecessors wouldn't without losing the good already done)
And, if you don't think that's possible, you can have mine. Considering the fact that my mom was giddy when I told her I'd adopted a couple of my younger friends, and nearly cried with happiness when I told her that of course they could be her grandkids, she'll love you. My dad will be glad to show you one of his special interests (history, theology, cooking, or the potato cannon he and my brother built out of PVC pipe in the back yard are good starts if you're curious what special interests he might have). My mom will lavish you with all the affection you could ever want and then some. My dad will make you laugh when your emotions threaten to drown you.
If you don't have a home, I offer mine. Welcome home.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
With Tycoon back in the game, this presents us with an interesting question for future episodes: "How long can Keiwa play by the rules?" His and Neon's sudden reintroductions to the DGP seem to set the stage for a grand status quo shift, doubly so when paired with the staff actively going against Geats and the steadily growing prominence of Jyamato's gardener Archimedel. ...great name, by the way.
I hear there's a new Buckle introduced this episode! ...so soon after Slot Fever, kinda odd but okay!
-Well of course he won, you guys didn't exactly sabotage him in the smartest way. Besides, no way he was gonna die with a kid relying on him for protection.
-Undefeated Ace.
-"Why doesn't Grandpa Game Master like me, I do what he tells me to :("
-Like an episode of Boundary Break, Ace is peeking behind the curtains and loading zones to see where all the spawns and events are stored.
-Awwww, Tsumuri-neesan does care :)
-Shaddap Win, jnmljmhb
-Hello, Archimedel! I really like your Jyamato Rider Troops, they're really cool.
-Ace, you sly fox! Trying to get yourself a date so soon?
-Ayyy, Keiwa!
-He's got a jorb!
-Who dat?
-Free Core!
-Hello, Naoto. I... forgot your first name Mr. Kurama, but you're always gonna be TimeFire to me, so.
-Aaaaaand off Neon goes!
-Michinaga too!
-Ah yep, it's game time!
-Jesus, aren't you a smol one?
-Aaaaand here comes Punkjack with the jump.
-Don't gotta say Henshin there.
-Got robbed by a little girl. Good job, Hareruya!
-"Wow, you're shit at sabotage, huh bear boy?"
-Driverless behavior.
-Musical chairs.
-So, does the girl just... exist as a member of the Jyamato?
-I'm gonna be real with you, Tsumuri, it kinda seems like these games are just being made up on the spot.
-...I mean, they might be!
-"You're only getting so far ahead because your dad is the admin! And as a mod, I am very angry about this bias!"
-Are you that thirsty for Tsumuri, Win?
-Reeeeeeed hat.
-Awwww, Neon-san :)
-Riders should help each other out!
-Good job, you guys!
-Hot damn!
-Love these untransformed fight scenes, love them.
-Michinaga says "Where the FUCK is that kid?", whereas Ace says "Now, how can I find that little lady?"
-Welp, if you say it like that, it was nice knowing you, Punkjack.
-Best laid schemes of mice and men, they say.
-"Fine, help me, I don't even care!"
-Sick ninja beats.
-Yeah, this episode's really been spiling me.
-Who're you?
-Jetto, Jetto, Jettoman?
-Ohhhh, hacked item.
-"Can I like... rent your driver for the rest of the episode? I'll give you all my rare drops for it."
-Ohhhhhhh, theme song time
-One buckle at a time, huh?
-Hot damn, that's good!
-Love Rider Swords, love them, love them.
-Twin Set!
-Take Off, Complete! Jet and Cannon!
-Ready, Fight!
-Hooooly shit, that's a cool suit.
-Now this feels more like a proper first upgrade!
-Daaaaaamn, those cannons!
-Too much even for you, huh Ace?
-Pawn it off on Keiwa then, gotcha!
-To be fair, he'd absolutely want a crack at it too.
-"The players aren't respecting my DM authority."
-Ahhhhh, the ID Cores make the Rider. ...y'know, obvious
-smh, I thought we were friends.
-Giroli... Girori, meaning "glaring"... That's where Glare, of course, comes from. Kinda gives me Para-DX energy with this name.
-Where'd you even get that, though? I mean, I expected you to be able to bend DGP rules a bit, but this?
-Did you make that yourself, or did you have that commissioned?
-No, better question, when am I gonna see Tsumuri throw down? Kamen Rider Blink. Her name comes from "Tsumuru", "close one's eyes", so it'd make sense if that were here Rider name. In the fairly likely event that Toei doesn't let her kick ass, that's gonna be the universe I live in.
-...y'know, unlike the Tsuki who talks endlessly about Kamen Rider Shinobi, that's another another universe.
-Right, so. That totally threw me for a loop, but I very much enjoyed this episode! Can't wait for shit to get real soon, that'll be very fun to watch. Until then, I'm gonna take a little power nap, yeah? Have fun now, drive safe, don't get eaten in the Mirror World, don't eat suspicious fruits, all that jazz.
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I'm stuck between interpreting Kalecgos as all knowing and all powerful Aspect, giant building-destroying lizard, awkward gangly lizard, and very small female ginger cat.
IDFK he just seems like a little ball of pure rage sometimes. Like, ya man found out that his ex created a woman who he then fell in love with and his response was to attempt to murder said ex, despite the fact that killing that ex would result in the wrath of that ex's current partner, who could set him on fire.
It's like how my tiny ginger kitty tries to fight our large black cat despite the fact that the black cat's human (not me, lmao, Grace only loves him) will get angry at her.
This makes Khadgar my high anxiety keeshond with no chill who is the real owner of the smol floofball EDIT: RIP Grace (large black cat), we miss you :(
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madraleen · 8 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Season 3 A Commentary as Unhinged as the Anime but you know what, i'm not even sorry, the anime made me this way
-dazai had bandages on his face when he was in port mafia, and took them off when he joined the agency. what if by the end of the story he lets go of all the bandages, being his "naked" self. what then.
-dude, chuuya is so powerful
-smol dazai
-i'd expect nothing less from a dazai-chuuya first meeting
-15-year-old dazai is so subdued compared to present dazai. good thing miyano mamoru is a pro at that kind of nuance
-like, present dazai's default expression is :3. 15-year-old's dazai's is :<
-chuuya's fight scenes are sooo cool
-inside of me there are two wolves. one who appreciates bungo stray dogs, and one who goes insane for dazai/chuuya. but but, being with chuuya is the most animated young!dazai has been!!
-"the suicidal maniac wants to live" fits dazai to a T, chuuya gets it. and "i've come to think it's worth trying," dazai my love
-i will never get tired of chuuya yelling dazai's name, and also HANDS! THEY CLASPED HANDS! and things make sense! mostly! the naughty movie is behind us! (or in front of us production-wise, but. y'know.)
-so if chuuya is a vessel, does that mean he materialized as arahabaki's teenage human vessel?
-NO! THE SHEEP FUCKING STABBED CHUUYA?! i am so gullible, i was like, "oh, soul-searching, they're not that bad after all," but FUCKING STABBED?!
-dazai perching on a rock, as one does
-to say that dazai is big-brained is an understatement. one wonders how insanely big-brained ranpo is, even, if dazai ISN’T their genius detective (well, dazai’s more of a tactician, isn’t he)
-the creation of artificial ability users by combining abilities with normal beings, that sounds like it'll be important at some point
-i'm actually smiling that chuuya found a place that he feels like he fits in, with the port mafia.
-dazai has so much fun riling up chuuya, i can't. i've loved this arc of dazai going from resigned, disconnected and detached to the whimsical maniac that we know now, and from suicidal maniac to suicidal maniac searching for reasons to live, and i loved getting to know chuuya's past and how they met and ugh, okay.
-HELLO daisuke ono! i've been expecting you.
-"people are quick to believe they are thinking of their own will," too true.
-wait, so what is fyodor's ability?
-bsd scares me a little, 'cause it's so whimsical and fun, that when it gets dark, you're completely unguarded
-i don't trust dazai as far as i can throw him, and also, i trust him implicitly. how is that possible?
-i will slap your pretty face, dazai, stop being so cryptic and tell us what's what! (re: the masked assassin)
-i love the tidbits of how much ranpo cares for the boss, because they should have a special relationship if the agency was founded specifically to make use of ranpo's skills.
-DAZAI IS IN SURGERY?! i hate him and his stupid plans, i hate this man, i hate him.
-oh i'm sorry master mastermind dazai, did you not predict that all hell would break loose after you got shot and incapacitated trying to find information on fyodor THAT YOU CLEARLY ALREADY SUSPECTED i hate you
-i'm so angry at dazai, but i don't think i'd be angry at all if he'd been fixed by akiko or patched himself up. it's specifically when he was shown mid-surgery that i got so incredibly angry, which leads me to believe that i feel like that because shit got real and i love him too much to see him involved in that kind of reality. the introspection of emotional responses is a hard-learned lesson from aot, tyvm.
-the agency vs port mafia makes me so sad.
-for that you got stabbed! to get the "a certain criminal" hint that eventually helped ranpo figure things out! sigh dazai, i hate you. i love you.
-how is kunikida so intact after the grenade blast?
-what a great moment for tanizaki to shine
-"we only know how to protect people by hurting people." ha.
-i'm convinced dazai is in the hospital because there simply wouldn't be any conflict if he were up and about
-i love the relationships in this anime, i love them so much. akutagawa fighting kyoka AND being happy for kyoka for not wanting to die anymore and finding reason to live, because he’s been there. they're so human and complex
-the fact that dazai has bandages over his arms etc in the hospital. how. the IV is on the bandages.
-the ex-assassins/ex-criminals to non-assassins/non-criminals ratio of the agency gets more even with every season
-the anime: 12 years ago, in ambiance lighting. me, a hsr player: ...have they been hit by quantum or...?
-ahaha is natsume-sensei mii-chan?!
-"ability: i am a cat" ahahaha! i don't know how that relates to the author, i wish i did, but out of context it's funny
-man i love bungo stray dogs. it's preposterous, it's absurd, i love it
-dazai and his stray kids. he was like, "welp, i've had enough of this hospital, BYEEEE"
-the problem is, the moment i hear dazai's voice i smile. he could be reading the dictionary and i'd still smile.
-dazai: jump. atsushi, his actual kouhai: but... but… akutagawa, ex-kouhai, present enemy-ish: how far?
-"of course dazai-san would vanish and leave you behind!" FREAKING OUCH ATSUSHI! he's not wrong though. dazai is a tactician, akutagawa fighting the enemy that's in front of him instead of the actual target is a liability
-"anyone who questions dazai falls into a cognitive prison." agreed, akutagawa. agreed, signed, experienced
-this season's eps are so packed with story that i feel like i've been watching three dozen eps instead of twelve
-OOOOH dazai was mistaken, NICE
-you know, usually i'd be like "hrrrrm, they can do that all of a sudden? they hadn't shown this ability before it became convenient to have it, humph," but in this case i'm like "HECK YEAH THERE'S MORE THINGS THEY CAN DO, JUST WATCH!"
-oh that's so cool, the baby strays' combined abilities in atsushi
-imagine being pushkin and facing off against the agency and port mafia combined, lmao bye
-NO! dazai colluded with fitzgerald?? AHAHAHAHA this anime is insane, the allegiances are so fluid, i love it
-again, i love that the major antagonists don't die and they're recurring or potentially recurring
-lmao what, someone save our boy chuuya from the damn book!
-aw atsushi my love, you're not incompatible with akutagawa, you're complementary
-ATSUSHI WENT FOR THE KILL with the condition of not killing on akutagawa, and also i absolutely love it
-oooh, atsushi reminds dazai of oda?? with akutagawa being past dazai-ish? i see i see, so just like oda taught dazai the strength in not killing, atsushi means to teach that to akutagawa, and dazai can see and understand and appreciate it because he's been there, that's beautiful
-it’s sweet how it alternates between - good guy natsume fostered the sworn enemies/best partners mori-boss duo, antagonist mori fostered the dazai-chuuya duo, and good guy dazai fosters the atsushi-akutagawa duo.
-i'd love a glimpse of chuuya going insane inside the book, we were robbed
-anyway so i love season three. probably?  that's the feeling i'm left with.
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vinnygordon · 1 year
Ykw fuck it y'all get my scrambled hlvrai au of wreck it Ralph. It's just copy and pasted. It will be updated.
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Quick doodle so far (very quick) not canon height. As in Bubby is smol unless he's angry and he grows tallll
"my name's Gordon Freeman Jr from the game Gordon Freeman Jr have you seen my friend Benrey?"
"Break it Benrey?"
"Should have locked him up when we had the chance...."
"Lock him up?"
"Not making the same mistake as you...."
"Benrey! Oh I'm so happy to see you!. Wait no. I'm. Not."
"plz fix this... Please?"
"I don't have to do shit! Excuse my potty mouth. I'm just so so CROSS at you! Do you have any idea what you've put me through?! All this chasing around the others are scared then ahhh... I met this most dynamite gal... Oh he gives me the honeyglow something awful. But, she rejected my affection! An then, I GOT THROWN IN JAIL!"
"'m sorry..."
"You don't know what it's like being rejected and treated like a criminal!"
"Uh.... Sure I do. Playin that game everyday bro. It's why I ran off. Benny boy tryin to be the good guy but I'm not. Epic fail. Now can you uh... Don't have to forgive y'know but uh... Young boy and the game depends on it for him to uh... Get this racehorse car back in order. Fix? Pretty please?"
"Heh.... Fine...." (said gal is Forzen and boy is Joshie)(Gordon falls for Forzen at first then for Benrey later and fozen is like "rude wtf" and Benrey is just "ha fuck you bro")
Turbo is Gman (I dislike gman that's why :))))
Benrey goes to destroy the mentos thing (dunno what it'll be in cowboy, just dynamite?) And Gordon pushes away from Forzen, the science team and Joshie glitches to run after Gordon as wel.
Gman ends up destroying Gordon's arm but he can't fix it cause it's virus issues if won't work as he and Josh push Benrey out the way so he doesn't die. Tommy and Coomer are from other games that the plugs got pulled. Bubby is the sour guy.
"I can't remember nobody can, gman locked away our memories and modified us to fit his theme"
Like Benrey shaoeshifts as the levels go on to destroy the facility and Gordon fixes it
I like to imagine Forzen, Darnold and Tommy are in a shooting game, but Tommy's was pulled. Coomer I guess just a fighting one like the classics and his special ability is to like muktiolyfor a KO.
Oh god Sour Bubby prototypes- only he's spicy cause cowboy.
Viruses are obviously xen creatures like
Forzen modded her game so he (she/him pronouns) could appear androgynous (help from Darnold and Tommy). Gordon his game had a fault being made and he was a guy when his game art and other arcades are him as fem.
See I thought of Darnold being like a potions seller in a shooting game but what if he's Tapper.
Benreys sweet voice is like his health.
Benrey sees that gman has destroyed Gordon's hand and he's PISSED. So after he explodes the dynamite to explode the volcano, he jumps to the virus gman and makes him look at the light and bleed virus blood.
They just adopt Joshua both of em. Benrey watching people love playing with Joshua even when he's mute (he's like qbert type like just ! And that) and glitchy at times but he's not a guaranteed win still a challenge unlike Vanellope
"you live here?"
Joshua claps and smiles, rushing to the little makeshift bed next to a vamp fire near the volcano and bundles in the blankets, a heart emote above his head
"All by yourself? With all this garbage..."
Joshua shrugs sadly miming he shouldn't exist and his glitchiness makes it dangerous.
Benrey rubs the back of his neck and watches the lava bubble and explode a little
"Why don't you leave?"
A red circle with a line through it followed by a glitchy emote. He mimes being unable to get through a door. Before flopping onto his bed sadly, cowboy hat flying off.
Benrey looked between this child and the unfinished race course, before looking at the newly made, messy mechanical horse. His four arms sprouted thicker and tougher, claws becoming like shovels as he quickly scooping the dirt away, tail swiping rocks side to side as he rushed further all around the lava.
Joshua bubbled question marks and exclamation marks, making shocked beeping noises.
"It's a uh... Track. Tadaaa. Can uh... Learn to drive cool horse rather than the uh... Peddle horse."
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