#I'm so sick of folks istg
powerofwisdom99 · 4 months
You're weird. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you're just a pretty weird individual and a piece of shit? Why are you shipping Dogday and Catnap? Honestly, it's fucking everywhere. And it's DISGUSTING. Catnap ripped off his LEGS and made him suffer. Just because they used to be friends before, still doesn't make the ship any less gross. Plus, Catnap is 8. And the fact that you're participating in this gross activity is disgusting. You basically made Dogday a pedo. And the relationship is abusive.
You're joking, right? Like, I'm actually curious. Is this satire?
You know, it's amazing to me how some people are willing to freely embarrass themselves on the internet and think they're in the right. How embarrassing. Like, what actually made you hop out of bed and think 'hey! I'm feeling like a silly little goober today. Let me go harras somebody on the internet for shipping a pairing that they like!'. And I find it ironic that you say all of this, because if I can recall, you have been reblogging my posts before. What a crazy switch up, am I right? I would've replied to this little anon of yours nicely if you didn't call me a piece of shit. I wonder who pissed in your cereal today.
Anyways, let me dive you in on a little something I've been wanting to bring out for so long. At first, I kept it to myself. But the more I see claims like these, the more pissed off I get. So, let me just get this off my chest and point out that Catnap isn't evil. Yeah. I said it. He is NOT entirely evil as people make it out to be. The Catnap you see in the game and the one in the cartoons are two completely different characters. One serves a prototype. One likes to sleep all day. One was an experiment. One smells like lavender. There's a huge difference. The DOGDAY that YOU see in the game lost his legs. The cartoon however, didn't. You get what I'm saying? The games and the cartoons are NOT connected to each other. Both are separated. Take it as alternate universes type of thing. I can't believe I have to explain this because Sleepyday antis are way too focused on calling a ship toxic instead of actually looking into the lore of Poppy Playtime, which shouldn't even be this hard.
From what I've seen, people mostly ship the cartoon versions of Dogday and Catnap. Which is COMPLETELY healthy, by the way! The two have goals and a lot of chemistry. They are best friends. They CARE for one another. People ship them because of their dynamic and because of their adorable sun x moon dynamic. And don't get me wrong, I heavily despise the ship between the bigger bodies. In my opinion, it's genuinely disgusting since Catnap used to be an 8 year old called Theodore. And knowing that he died at a young age before becoming an experiment, people like that can't exactly age anymore once they die. And Dogday's legs got ripped off by him. So yeah. Kinda fucked up. I think the version of that ship is disgusting and weird. They wouldn't be great together. I'm sorry. There's nothing I can really do about it, though.
If you're STILL confused, take Bendy And The Ink Machine as an example. If you even know the game. It's kinda similar to Poppy Playtime at it's finest. With the people turning into characters from a show type of genre. The Alice Angel that we see in the game is completely evil. Her motives are to steal the hearts of innocent ink creatures in order to make herself look beautiful again. At first, you'd think that's the same gal from the one you see in the cartoon. But surprisingly, no! Alice Angel used to be human. She used to be a women named Susie Campbell. She was the voice OF Alice Angel. Alice Angel in the cartoons is completely different. For her height difference is much more smaller from game Alice's. She has no melted half face, AND she DEFINITELY has no evil intentions. She's a completely sweet gal. See the comparison? They are NOT the same. The toys in Poppy Playtime are NOT the same from the cartoons. They were all experiments.
It just pains me that I can't even enjoy my comfort ship in peace without that one person shouting about how wrong and icky it is. And at this point, if I ever come across a person like that again, I'm just going to ignore them. Because I'm sick of this. I'm sick of it so much. I shouldn't even have to EXPLAIN the Poppy Playtime lore to get this through your thick skull head. I shouldn't have to explain that Sleepday isn't all that TOXIC just so you could leave me alone. And I'm scared because I think despite everything I'm saying to you right now, I'm going to get harassed either way. Because I've dealt with situations like these before. I'm sick of people NEVER pointing out the fact that Theodore IS Catnap. I'm sick of people misunderstanding why this ship is so important to me and calling me a terrible person. I'm sick of it all.
In conclusion, Sleepyday is not TOXIC. Part of it is. A part of it isn't. Use your FUCKING brain. Think before you talk shit in my blog. Oh, and for the record? I'm going to continue obsessing over my ship. Thank you very much.
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austerulous · 2 years
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Maybe I shouldn’t be tweaking my muse list while I’m still rocking a fever but, fuck it, we ball.  I’ve removed Saint Adeline and the Dancer, and I’m adding a new test muse:
› MARCO BODT – ( Attack on Titan )
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melancholyofautvmn · 11 months
trying to figure out if it's the entire indonesian school system or just my school in particular that's trying to kill all of it's students... 😭😭😭
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thebrookesnook · 3 months
Okay I know it's been a while since I've last talked about MILAOWM, bUT HOLY SHIT THE CHAPTER 113 AND 114 IS FUCKING WILD.
Heavy spoilers below and ranting on the recent chapters (mostly chapter 114 with key information from chapters 110-113).
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This girl is fucking insane. Literally. Previously when we were given glimpses to the cult-like meeting she was holding in Chapter 74, I had originally thought "Oh this is definitely gonna be relevant later on". WELP, here's the relevancy: turns out Dodolea has more knowledge on the Blood Curse of the Lapileons and SHE was the reason for the Regression of the Victims of the Blood Curse! She has been using human sacrifice from her cult following to, in words of her followers and herself "speak to the gods" (whatever the fuck that means), for powers & spells in order to get what she wanted from the start: Therdeo.
She's so gone off the deep end that the mother of the next in-line sacrifice orchestrated a bombing of a (relatively) small gathering just to kidnap Pereshati for Dodolea. Heavens, the way she freely admitted to her crimes to a bruised up Pereshati, especially the SA of Therdeo that night, without care and STOLE Pereshati's ring (that was given to her by Therdeo a few chapters ago) just to put it on her finger was horrifying and maddening.
Those weren't even the end of it either. Dodolea decided that kidnapping her, telling her she raped her husband, stealing her ring, and being the cause of her (and others') regression wasn't enough humiliation for Pereshati. No no, she decided that she'll humiliate Pereshati even more by drugging one of the nobles the cult kidnapped into raping the MC just to show Therdeo and everyone, in Dodolea's words, "how fickle she is".
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Dodolea Cantor when I catch you, istg when I catch you-
The fact she's doing all this for her twisted obsession with Therdeo makes me sick. But I'm also curious to know how and when this obsession started, how long has she known about the Blood Curse and why Therdeo?
Considering that all we know of her from the original timeline (pre-Pereshati's regression) was from her limited knowledge that Dodelia had died from unknown causes. So did they perhaps meet beforehand? If so, what happened? Does this have anything to do with the mysterious first wife of Therdeo who divorced him after a few months and left? So many questions Seungu!!! 😭
Who is Adeus Potson?
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I was kind of in-between when his character showed up for the first time. I noticed many of the readers immediately drew up fences thinking he was the second love interest, but so far he hasn't made any advances towards Pereshati. If anything, she doesn't particularly like the guy after she learns about his opinions on Therdeo (we love a partner who sticks up for the SO!!), even so she still gave him medcine and balms to heal his wounds (like my girl Pereshati is too kind). He definitely has an antagonistic relationship with Therdeo but I get the sense it was because his opinion was formed by little to go off of but public opinion OR there was a backstory about these two.
But other than his dynamic with our Pereshati, Therdeo & Rebecca, there's not much left to go off other than it was established he was a journalist, other nobles seem to hate him (Chapter 112) due to his connections (?) and he has a soft spot for common folk (likely one himself previously mayhaps?).
At the end of Chapter 114, he had somehow gotten free from bindings and without hesitation killed the men holding them captive and prevented Pereshati from her fate. I'm taking note of how unbothered he was after killing multiple people with ease. In fact, there was barely any struggle at all. Quite different from our first meeting with him.
Who is this man and what is his relevance to our main characters? How does he fit into the grand scheme of things? What exactly is his relationship with Therdeo?
Last thing I want to touch upon is Celphi's biological mother, Harari Aakman. I'm still undecided what to feel about her yet, so I'll hold my tongue about her until new information is revealed. What I will say about her is that she was going to visit Pereshati in that party which means she was at least considering on talking to her!! Which unfortunately was the same time the bombing happened skksks 😭😭. What luck you Lapileons have I swear.
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sour-transvestite · 10 months
please please please can white queers just accept the fact that they are white and that their queerness does not never has and never will distance them from that. like i know some of y'all will see this and instinctively go "that doesn't apply to me :^]" and then move on with your lives. it does. look me in the eyes. like i am so so sorry if this hurts your feelings but y'all will misappropriate aave because you think it sounds funny or trendy and then turn around and say you like to think you're not racist after doing zero self examination. or even listening to black people. be so serious rn. it's not even just queers it's white folk in general but istg you think you're above this and you're not and i'm sick and fuckin tired of it. you don't get a free pass because you get to play your shiny little oppression card. with all the love in the world please stop.
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unforth · 2 years
What is a repost?
A repost is any instance where a created work (art, animated gif, fanvid, photograph, comic, etc.) is copied from wherever it was originally posted and inserted into a new post made by someone who is NOT the creator. This is not the same as reblogging/retweeting/sharing posts. Any instance where the social media account of the creator is still the originating source for the post is not a repost, and in general creators strongly encourage people to interact with their own work that they’ve posted – that’s why they’ve posted it! Please, we’re begging you, reblog creators! A repost is a brand-new post made by any other account owner. 
Reposts can be authorized or unauthorized. "Authorized" just means the person making the repost has permission. Authorized reposts are a-ok! Thank you, people who are aware of and conscious of and considerate of creators and help disseminate their works with permissions and links back to the original maker.
In any other instance, it's unauthorized, and the vast majority of creators don't like to see their work reposted without permission! This holds, like, umpteen times more true if the original creator isn't credited in the repost.
And to be clear, "not mine," "credit to the owner," "I found it on Pinterest," and any other iteration of "I didn't make this and I don't know who did but I decided to post it anyway" ISN'T FUCKING OKAY. DON'T FUCKING DO IT.
The vast majority of reposting I see on this website isn't authorized, and I'm so fucking tired of it, so just to clarify since apparently some people still need this explained:
Is it okay to repost...
...artwork? ❌ NO.
...animated gifs? ❌ NO.
...photographs? ❌ NO.
...comics?❌ NO.
...fanvids? ❌ NO.
...fanfiction? ❌ NO.
...memes? ❌ NO.
...meta? ❌ NO.
I don't think a lot of you realize just how much work goes into editing screen captures, editing con pictures, editing gifs and videos, and...everything. Yes, even creating a meme edit or shitpost. I think many folks have never made anything themselves and seriously think the pictures come fully formed from the magic internet box. THEY DON'T. It takes work to make screen caps, gifs, photographs, artworks, comics, stories (of course), and everything else look good. If you didn't do that work yourself? DON'T POST IT.
(And while we're at it...don't do edits of other peoples' work without permission either!!!)
Look, this is incredibly fucking simple and I can't believe we still need to fucking explain this to people.
You're not helping people "get exposure." You're not helping anyone except maybe your own selfish ass. You're f.u.c.k.i.n.g. s.t.e.a.l.i.n.g. and I am so fucking sick of seeing it.
(also, to be clear: this applies even to "big famous" creators like XKCD, Hark! A Vagrant, and others. The frequency with which I see people who are otherwise conscientious about avoiding reposts reblogging stuff just yoinked from "well known" sources boggles my mind. Can we PLEASE stop already??? And like. I know there are exceptions to this. Some memes especially are just so deep in our collective psyche that crediting the original creators every time is obviously absolutely impossible. But like. I wish there was an understanding that all of these things take work. YES EVEN MAKING SHITPOSTS. At least try to give people some fucking credit. *weary sigh*)
Seriously have some fucking manners istg some of you were raised in a barn. (I say as if my followers are the people responsible for this. I know y'all aren't. Especially my mutuals, I know y'all are awesome. I'm just salty as hell and tired.)
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mamamittens · 2 years
I think one of the many weird things I'm a slut for (found family, overly competent retiree comes out for one last ride, secret op psychic powers, ECT) I really enjoy "willpower" based power systems.
Like, Bleach has a sort of "spiritual pressure" thing that's sorta willpower related that's low-key hilarious when you realize it literally means that at a certain point 'small fry' can't even exist in your vicinity with it unleashed let alone try you. Then there's Katekyo Hitman Reborn with "dying will flames" that's a weird mix of pseudo personality type power and inherited that the fandom--to this day istg--has so much fucking fun with. Never get tired of seeing that played with by the way it's wack as shit.
So naturally, when I see "Haki" in One Piece I go apeshit. Really bite into it with my teeth and shake my head like a dog when folks toy with the ideas it has. What does having conquerors haki really mean. How far can you control it? Can you communicate with haki? Can you manipulate it to essentially disappear from even nonsensitive people's pov? Can you selectively use armor haki for specific limbs? Turn nails into knives or shield an unborn child? Can observation haki vary between users? Do some see the 'future' while others get a pseudo synthesia experience where they see too much of their surroundings all at once? Can you still lie with this haki active?
When something as nebulous as "willpower" becomes a valid force in the narrative, is there any real limit?
Is it possible to have an average, weak character become a force to reckon because they want it bad enough within this system? Not because they were born to stand but because they need it. They still understand what it means to be so pathetic they have to rip into every opportunity to live with their teeth or die. So it gives them an edge others can't have anymore, because they're so far removed from that kind of desperation.
Does it really take a powerhouse to stand up to a conqueror and say "No."? Or just someone sick and tired of being defined by how little their body can take?
"Even if it kills me, I refuse to bow."
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Make me.
Idk, I just think it would be really fucking neat to see. Someone that, sure, they can't take on most of the strongest forces out there (if that). But if it comes to a battle of wills it's just a prime example of "an immovable object meets an unstoppable force".
Or hell, even someone that just doesn't fucking care if you're a conqueror, they want nothing to do with your wack ass. That would also be really fucking funny. A comedic take to this whole rambling the I've been going on about forever to the point I'm not sure if it makes sense anymore.
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chenpire · 5 years
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Let’s say our last goodbyes, I pray before this time ends, You can find happiness...
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cosmoss-express · 3 years
Astro observations (part 2)
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🥀 People with Leo Mercury (especially retrograde) folks are the type to have stage fright before any big performance/presentation/exam to the point where they're feeling sick and trembling like a leaf in the autumn wind, then still manage to nail it yet have no idea how it happened
kinda like they just black out and get possessed by a demon or smth, like, they don't even know how they nailed themselves
🥀 Lilith on the 4th house can make you rebel and negate your own roots (could be a good or a bad thing based on how you grew up) OR your childhood was centered around chaotic Lilith-type-individuals who didn't really understood how badly their actions affected you (since the 4th house also represents early home life) and "healthy family dynamics" is a very distant concept to you
🥀 Sun conjunct Saturn in synastry can make friendships/relationships last a long time but the Saturn person can have a hard time getting out their routine and be too rigid with the Sun, in turn the Sun person can grow feelings of envy and resentment over Saturn's social status and possessions. They could stick together for the good moments they shared together even if the connection doesn't bring them joy anymore
Even if they separate, the two still feel connected to each other somehow
🥀 With harmonious Moon/Aphrodite (1388) aspects the native's mom could've focused heavily on her looks; the native could be hyperfeminine and find comfort and peace in being surrounded by beauty
🥀 Istg every Libra I've met gets excited around fire signs. Every time I see interactions between them, the world around them just disappears lol
🥀 Moon dominant women, how painful are your periods? I'm trying to see whether the moon hates us or not
🥀 Venus-Neptune/Pluto aspects in the natal can make people feel drawn towards you unconsciously, bringing in a lot of (often) secret admirers since Pluto's influence pulls people in but also scares them to death lol
I have Venus trine Pluto and every time I talk to people, especially men, I literally cross my fingers and pray they're not a psycho rip 💀💀💀
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🥀 Aries/Mars in the 8th natives are BIG into horror, thrillers, anything that involves blood and gore scenes. The downside is that these individuals could face a violent death and could have faced actual real life violence
🥀 Uranus in the 8th could experience chaotic high highs and low lows when it comes to money. During transits, the native could receive money unexpectedly, win the lottery or go bankrupt. Uranus is literally the Russian Roulette of the Solar system
🥀 People with prominent Leo placements or Sun conjunct ASC, will be put into situations where they WILL STAND OUT one way or another. Leos do get attention and can be attention seeking. But most of the attention they get just gravitates towards them naturally (I hope that makes sense)
Story time: When I was in 1st grade, my parents couldn't afford a school uniform by the time school started (here it's mandatory to wear one) and I went on the first day in a DARK RED pullover and BLACK pants. Guess who stood out the most in the class picture full of little girls dressed in WHITE-BLUE uniforms? My teeny tiny Leo stelluim self ✨✨✨
🥀 Gemini and Libra men are more self-centered than Leo men.......I said what I said
🥀 Aquarius culture is being friends with a lot of people, yet only ONE person knows all your tea, or NONE at all
🥀 Mars + Moon in the 1st folks CAN'T 👏🏻 STAY 👏🏻 F*CKING 👏🏻 STILL. They always need to do something to let that energy out otherwise they start bottling that in and it turns into frustration.
🥀 Mars+ Moon in synastry = biting your s/o because they're so cute ❤❤❤
🥀 Cancer+Virgo+Libra placements in the natal can make someone a control freak since Cancers are all about (especially emotional) security, wanting all the signs, all the warnings before they proceed with projects and relationships while Virgos and Libras tend to try to control their surroundings and habits as much as possible, very often fearing their own judgement.
On one hand , these people are considerate, on the other they can get stuck in their minds, fully drowning in their fears. Because of this, the native might think they're lazy. Like, seriously, I want to give these people a hug 🥺🥺
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Happy Spooky Month and Scorpio season ya'll, love youuu 💖💕💕
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icharchivist · 7 years
Why am i reading the comments about dgm on mangastream i am fucking furious right now??? 
Like jfc get the fuck out what the fuck is this shit if it’s to be insulting get the fuck out no one wants you
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
Well, ahem. Mayhaps I can share some songs I like.
While I haven't listened to their bsides yet, here are some 2PM songs I enjoy very much! Also My House and A.D.T.O.Y are favourites of mine so good taste.
• Hands Up and Go Crazy!* (Hype songs!!)
• Without You, Again and Again, Heartbeat* (emotions)
• Higher (wooooooo)
These are the ones I like so far! Catch me singing, "can you feel my heartbeat? It's beating for you!!" anytime, anywhere. A BOP. And Go Crazy is LEGENDARY. Please watch the MV and mayhaps the dance practice too ajjsjskkfkf.
As for VIXX 😍 I'm only an hour into my 9 hour playlist of VIXX's discography from debut to near present so while I haven't heard every bside yet, I have quite a few I can recommend anyway aajskdkf
• Scentist*, ON and ON, Error (title tracks that are a must listen!)
• Love Me Do*, The Closer, Black Out (sexy eheheh)
• Hyde, Trigger (spoopy eh)
• To Us, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (soft vibes, rare for VIXX, still sad tho, kinda remind me of bsides EXO would have done back in the day)
• Parallel (funky doobop, no N in this one)
& of course Super Hero and Rock Ur Body anjsjskmd
Also I bought the Shangri-la album so there's that.
I added astericks to personal favourites, and Shangri-la and Fantasy are also favourites of mine!
Yes!! Their songs have so much more meaning behind them too. Nowadays it's just following the trend and making your song as loud as possible though. No thank you, I want to be Big Sad while listening to VIXX or have fun listening to 2PM, thanks. Give us more talented vocal powerhouse groups like EXO please ♡
I'M SO SICK OF THESE SO-CALLED SCANDALS OVER BULLSHIT RUMOURS! UGH. Be more like SuJu folks and power through it ahajjsjdk I don't see Shinhwa disbanding after all these years smh, this new era is weak.
Not even an inkling?! Oh no! I went and looked for things that were a little different from what others picked and went from there. I want to be as unique as possible within the genre requirements but we'll see 😂
I will add these to my list of things to listen to and let you know what I come back with!!
I would do anything for more powerhouse groups like EXO. They're so different from everyone else and their vocals are the best istg 😭😭
I agree!! This new era of kpop is just so mass produced, cookie cutter and soft overall. Idols aren't even allowed to have opposite sex friends at this point 🙄🙄 netizens and saesangs will lose their shit if their idols are having any hint of fun 🙄🙄
I'll hopefully start working on it this week, but I'm not gonna push myself... I'll start freaking out about it in June or something lol
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