#I'm still debating on using this for a game- tho that will take many many many many many many years
raisnkaine · 1 year
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I need to draw my ocs more
I love my ocs :] I want to develop them more and start working on my personal project
Though I'm not exactly sure what path I want to take with it
Its very complicated and I wont bore you with the details
But the personal project includes this lil gremlin and their band- i cant remember what the name of it was. I do know it's band is like garage rock/punk/alt that sorta stuff
It takes place in a world that is overflowing with clowns :> I'll share more when I feel like it
Ill ramble in the tags
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demdems · 1 month
kinda told myself i wasnt gonna post about natlan for a while since what else is there to be said but here we are
so pinocchio, how's that nose growth going
talked about natlan before in this post [written after the first trailer dropped] and this one [written after the 5.0 livestream] if ur one to be curious
i sent smth to my friends and its the basis of this post so for simplicity's sake i'm pasting it here in its entirety then I'm seeing what else i have to add
I think smth that bothers me about this natlan thing [read the comments on some short now I'm cursed] is that an argument is that people are only getting upset about the skin color part of cultural rep which to them reads as shallow but the thing is, people did get upset at everything else in sumeru and natlan like even before the characters got revealed people got mad that hyv was hodge podging several cultures into one fictional culture for those two nations but at most the other nations took inspo from like, two or three, and people got upset about the really poor interpretation of cultural clothing, and they got upset about real life names getting tacked onto white characters. Just is that now w skin color being a debate point, they can use a loud minority of "pale skinned people from these cultures exist too" to support their point
ive seen people actually be upset about more than skin color with natlan & sumeru but it's apparently just much easier to vilify people over wanting dark skinned characters vs wanting characters to be dressed appropriately or wanting characters to not take names from real life figures
Like even outside these two nations ive seen people get upset over more than just skin color but as long as u can slap on the excuse of "other people think it's fine" or something similar, then it gets swept under the rug [like it's been years and i still think raiden & miko have some of the worst designs in inazuma just because visual appeal was overprioritized, but its impossible to critique how inappropriate/disrespectful it was for genshin to effectively sexualize traditional japanese outfits without getting shredded to pieces if u post ur thoughts in the wrong circle]
I digress, back to my main point.
[most] people who are criticizing genshin have their issues run much deeper than simply, i want a character with dark skin. real life cultures are incorporated in many different ways in genshin, but character designs in genshin hugely draw on clothing, names, and skin color [for the very few characters who don't get sentenced to #FFFFFF]. thing is tho, even with all the real life inspiration to draw on, the design team still majorly drops the ball.
nahida's white on white on white is a crime against character design, tighnari's palette made me consider dropping art forever so i never have to even attempt to color pick the seven million colors in his splash art, several natlan characters are walking talking fashion crimes who have a severe lack of overall cohesion, dori
people very much did drag character designs apart from their skin colors, and they were justified since the design team seemed very pick and choose when it came to deciding who gets the good design and who gets the not so good one
My point is, there have been people who've had issues with genshin's inclusion/depictions of real life cultures since the beginning and it's been more than just disliking pale skinned characters being the majority in regions that would have more than the two skin tones included in game [white and off white], and anyone worth their salt in this discussion about genshins colorism and appropriation understands that skin color isn't just something to toss into the ring willy nilly to stir debate cuz if you wanna have an actual discussion u gotta know what ur gonna be talking about
These are just my thoughts though, sorry if it's very scrambled i wrote as i went, if i managed to shoot myself in the foot and say something terribly egregious please lmk
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demonsfate · 8 months
Angry Depressed rant about Tekken fandom
It's now three more days until Tekken 8. One of the only things I want from this game is just to simply do damage control and retcon Tekken 6 already (just fucking say Azazel brainwashed Jin like how Ogre brainwashed Nina in T3 or Cammy was brainwashed by M.Bison) - I mean they can fucking retcon Jinpachi having the devil gene and Heihachi's motivations in Tekken 7 but not Jin starting a war??? Let's be real, Tekken 6's story mode and Harada's fucking favoritism for his precious creator's pet Heihachi Mishima ruined everything EVERYTHING. Harada and Murray keep basically villainzing and putting both Jin and Kazuya (aka the true tragic victims of the story) in a bad light to make Heihachi and Lars look good. Not even Masashi Kishimoto's favoritism for fucking Itachi Uchiha or Studio Pierrot's favoritism for Hinata Hyuga was this BAD. They fucked over Jin in Tekken 6 for the sake of Lars (that would be like if Dante from Devil May Cry was suddenly a genocidal war criminal for the sake of making Nero look good or if Mega Man X became a genocidal maverick for the sake of making Axl look badass - it's just cheap, lazy, and insulting). Kazuya is a victim of Harada's bullshit too, I mean in Tekken 7 they basically villainized a child abuse survivor who lost everything all because of his father while trying to make his abuser look sympathetic because Kazuya has the Devil Gene. Which makes seeing all the stupid Jin vs Kazuya debates bullshit on twitter and r/Tekken even more painful to look at because at the end of the day, the truth is that their characters got ruined for the sake of fucking Heihachi, Lars, and Reina.
Even worse, no one ever acknowledges this shit. NO ONE ever does. They just hate on Jin for ONE fucking game. They keep characterizing Jin like how he was in Tekken 6 - like that is how he always was since the beginning. Ignoring the existence of his personality and potrayal in Tekken 3-5. I remember having seen so many terrible Jin Kazama bashing fan fiction where Jin is potrayed as a ultra pure evil sociopathic r*pist monster who kills and r*pes both Hwoarang and Xiaoyu to make other characters like Kazuya and Lars look good. I have seen a god awful Naruto/Tekken crossover fanfic where Jin r*ped poor Sasuke Uchiha 50 times and pissed and pooped on Sasuke just to make Sasuke's lover Naruto and his brother Itachi look good and prove that Naruto and Itachi are the strongest anime characters of all time. Fortunately those god awful fan fictions are gone for good after the great fanfiction.net purge of 2012. But now there's still some fanfic on ao3 where Jin constantly gets r*ped by either Kazuya or Miguel as "punishment for his war crimes". Also don't even get me started on all the repetitive discourse about "Jin Kazama bad/evil because Tekken 6 so he should fucking die" on r/Tekken and the Youtube comments section that is still ongoing to this day. At this rate, if things don't get better I might actually take a break from Tekken and migrate straight back to the Berserk fandom and the Naruto fandom. Damn it...sorry if got too emotional there, I just wanted to let my thoughts out of here and I want things to go back to the way they used to be for us Jin Kazama fans.
I'm at the point where I seriously believe they're not gonna retcon Jin's actions in Tek8 and they seriously are just going with the "I'm sowwy I'm good now tho fr fr :3 :3" bit. Which... YEAH, while I'm still glad that Jin is returning to his old characterization, I do find it extremely difficult to fully enjoy it when they're still treating Tekken 6 as completely canon. Just because if it's not gonna be retconned, there's just no real explanation why Jin would suddenly turn into the cruelest motherfucker in Tek6, only for him to... revert back to his caring self in Tekken 8???? Like it's so inconsistent, and VERY bad inconsistent. Especially when all the characters (HIS VICTIMS!!! SUCH AS LARS AND ALISA!!) are being so supportive of him. Which some ppl would try to say "oh, well it's either be nice to the war criminal or get killed by Kazuya!" And it's like... ok. True. But there is a difference between being nice to somebody you need, versus telling them how proud you are of them, being straight up buddies, y'know? Lars and Jin literally have a reference to Ken and Ryu lmao.
And I will just NEVER understand why they don't retcon 6. It's so bizarre. No, I don't think everything should just be retconned but like. If you're gonna retcon things that weren't even problems to begin with (as you said, Jinpachi having the devil gene) then why can't they retcon something that most people DID have a problem with? Something that REALLY IS an inconsistency with the plot? Brainwashing is an easy excuse because it happens so often in fighting games. If Azazel can telepathically speak to Jin, then who's to say he couldn't do anything else to Jin's head? They can also use that as to why Jin was wildly inconsistent in 6 itself. (Going from insulting Alisa while she died, to claiming he's doing everything for the better good. You can say he wasn't in his right mind because he was literally brainwashed, but trying to break free from it - which he successfully did right before defeating Azazel.) I've said this several times now, but even if it was retconned that Jin was brainwashed - you can still have the whole "guilt" plot with him. Because yeah... even if somebody wasn't in control of their actions, they might still feel guilty if somebody used their body to carry out atrocities. Or like I often state in my depiction, Jin also feels guilty for his weakness, for not being able to fight off Devil and keep control.
It DRIVES me wild too. Like people talk about how Kazuya is being villainized just to prop Heihachi up, but for some reason not as many people bring up how Jin is also a victim of this. Both Kazuya and Jin, who were literally abused by Heihachi as innocent minors, are being depicted as The Worst People. Yeah, Kazuya's a pretty scummy guy despite what he went through... but to act like he's worse than Heihachi by retconning Heihachi to look better all while making both Jin and Kazuya worse is just wild. What made me really, REALLY mad is when Harada noticed that fans were still INSISTING that Jin's a hero, and he had to actually say "UHM ACTUALLY JIN STARTED WARS JIN STILL MORALLY GRAY CUZ OF THAT" but then he had THE GALL to say that Heihachi just "looks like an evil character"
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OKAY, so JIN IS EVIL, OR AT LEAST, QUESTIONABLE BUT HEIHACHI IS NOT EVIL. Because... he's honest with himself???? He sure as fuck wasn't honest with nobody else! HE LIED TO HIS GRANDSON FOR 4 YEARS AND THEN KILLED HIM ONCE HIS GRANDSON WAS OF NO USE TO HIM. This really just shows how Harada views the characters based on his favoritism. (Even if he claims that Jin is his second favorite. Sure.)
Even though I like Lars, I'm gonna be honest - like most things in Tek6, I don't really fully understand the point of his character (in that game). Jin was already supposed to be the "good Mishima" - that was the whole point. So... why make Jin actually Bad, only to introduce... another Mishima that's the "good Mishima"????? Why not... just keep Jin the way he is lol. My brother said the point was that Lars was supposed to go evil, too, because Heihachi said some stupid shit about Mishimas all betraying each other and being bad to him in 6. But I'm really not sure if that was their intention or not. Like if they were really gonna go with the "All Mishima Bad" story, then why not have the main character be somebody totally unrelated? And idc what anyone tries to say bc Harada lied about it, Jin was never intended to be a bad guy, he was just a tragic hero - that's it.
And REINA... my god, Reina. Like yeah, she looks cool - I understand the hype. My biggest problem with her (originally) was her connection with Heihachi. I didn't care for another Surprise! Mishima family member. But My God, it really does feel at times that... Jin and Kazuya are being overshadowed because of the Reina hype. It actually had some fans asking if she's gonna be the true main character. Which I find it very disappointing that the long awaited Jin vs Kazuya fight, as well as Jun's first appearance in a main game after 27 years is being overshadowed by a new Heihachi kid OC ffs. I mean, when the game was first announced - they were hyping up Jun. But then after Reina was discovered... it just seemed like Reina Reina Reina lol.
FANS DRIVE ME WILD TOO OMGGG. Like fans will ALWAYS refer to Jin as a Forever The Worst Character Ever because of Tekken 6. Which is really bizarre, because they can acknowledge when they believe Kazuya is being written worse just to make Characters Look Better, yet... they can't acknowledge that Jin suffered from Character Assassination in Tekken 6 and how it was literally the only game where he behaved like that. Yes, in 7 - his depiction wasn't great, either. But it was still an improvement from 6. And in 3, 4, 5, and 8 - Jin's character is still mostly consistent. He's a quiet man who wants to help save the world despite the circumstances he's placed. He's a caring person. Yet BECAUSE OF 6... now he's forever seen as a horrible edgelord who's a hypocrite. 🙄 Honestly, I think a retcon is the only way to salvage fans' perception of Jin, and even then... I still think 6 will forever be a stain on Jin's character. Which I'll never forgive it for that.
As for fanfiction... there's a reason why i don't really read fanfics and I'm glad I don't lol. Yes, I know there are good ones... but there are just sooo many bad ones and I just don't really care to read 'em to see if I'd like 'em or not. But when going through live journal for Classic Fandom Posts just to see people's thoughts on Jin back in the day, I did find this post...
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and it did make me think there must be a lot of those fics floating around at the time. You've only confirmed that, unfortunately.
I wish things would go back to the way it was, too. (Even if I can't remember what that was like LOL) Because God, I'd LOVE to be able to love this character and go through his tags without seeing a barrage of hate and why the character should die. I'd LOVE to be able to even BRING UP how much I love the character in public spaces without people saying "BUT HE STARTED A WORLD WAR!!111!1 HE'S HORRIBLE AND DESERVES NO GOOD THINGS!11!!" It just gets so exhausting and I understand why it'll upset you. Obvs, it upsets me a lot too, hence why I often go on my own rants. But I think the best thing for you to do is... rather than just completely staying away from the fandom, it's probs best to create your own little space. Like me for example, I've basically stopped interacting with those on Reddit and even on the majority of Tumblr. But since this is a Jin focused blog only, luckily other like-minded Jin fans find my blog, and we can all enjoy the character and understand what he is and isn't without others trying to hate on him. While I don't have fun on other websites, I can at least have fun with the character here and that makes me super happy.
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knackfandomarchive · 7 months
could i ask for some lucas headcanons bc all of the ones you've posted so far are really cute lmao (he is my son)
Oh Bestie, you sweet-talker, you!
Umm... I'm so sorry; I had already talked about most of these before; I don't have much and only have like 15k words of prose across all my documents. I'm bringing these ideas up again mainly for context and in case some readers haven't seen them yet. This is sort of like an overview for the first segment of my story, and also some brief character analyses of certain scenes. I'm also not sure what would spoil my story or not.
I forgot how English works (and it's my only language).
Also this is depressing AF... I tried to put all the doom and gloom into this first part, so if anyone reading this wants to skip to the part that says, "I avoid giving Lucas any diagnosis..." then be my guest. It's. Half the post, tho.
And I'll post the art separately tomorrow, so people won't have to read the depressing stuff to see it.
With that, I can shakily point to a few foundational scenes I over-analyzed. Especially this one:
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Where to start...
As we may recall in the first game, the Doctor complains to Ryder that it was easier to take care of Lucas when he was younger, and, "now he wants to know How and Why and debate everything. It's really quite trying at times."
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This just sounds like puberty to me. Dad agreed; the Doctor probably received Lucas at a young, easy-to-please age and got used to that lifestyle. But as Lucas grew older, taking more independence, and forming his own opinions - normal development stuff - this resulted in conflict - the form of which I'm still unsure of.
So, I have Lucas lose his mom around eight years old. It's that vulnerable spot where he's old enough to remember her well, and young enough that he has little in the way of coping mechanisms. And while puberty is right around the corner, it gives the Doctor some time to know him before then.
Another thing to add, my Dad mentioned something Lucas said while reaching for his locket:
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We're taking a literal approach to this. Not only is this device the last thing he has left of his mother, it's also the only thing he has left of his old life; all of his belongings had been destroyed or lost. We discussed possible causes, and I prefer something horrible and yet mundane. Not super newsworthy outside of his hometown. A fire, maybe?
Lucas needed a new home. And his father was never mentioned, which could mean anything (I haven't gotten around to that). In any case, they were not in the picture by this time. Next of kin would be Ryder or other family members.
We can recall Ryder in a later scene asking if Lucas wonders why the Doctor takes care of him, rather than Ryder doing so. Ryder explains his own unavailability as being very busy. I take this to mean two-fold: he was the only alternative when it came to raising Lucas, and it wasn't due to his capability to parent. So, if Lucas had other blood relatives, they never stepped up. Naturally, this results in Lucas feeling unwanted.
So many characters I need to get right... Lucas lost his mom, and Ryder lost his sister. Ryder may have thought himself and his life situation too unstable. Like he couldn't afford the responsibility on top of the grief and whatever else he had going on. Lucas stays with him for only as long as it takes to arrange a plan with the Doctor. I think Ryder might have some mental troubles of his own that would make raising a child difficult. But the Doctor isn't much better on that front.
Doctor Vargas seems to have had a lingering emotional wound since Charlotte disappeared, and based on vibes was likely a lonely, somewhat reserved man. But his living situation is the most stable, and he has kept it together for so long. And if he ever imagined having children, this would fill that need. So the arrangement - as my Dad suggested, and as I will have Ryder suggest - is a two birds, one stone kind of deal. The hope is that Doc and Lucas would help each other get better, and not worse.
Lucas is taken to the Doctor's Mansion, where Ryder will say goodbye. I have Ryder keep a stoic demeanor; he's trying to stay strong for Lucas. Even holding his breath to keep it from shuddering when they hug. But Lucas really could have benefitted from a more vulnerable moment with him, instead. Ryder is the one who gives Lucas the locket as a parting gift. Lucas begs him not to go, but Ryder can only say he's sorry.
I don't know the boy's educational situation exactly, but after that, his grades drop, he becomes more withdrawn, and his friends, if he has any, don't know how to help him. What are the chances they're mainly fair-weather friends, who go play with someone else when Lucas starts being a bummer? At least I haven't invented bullies to harass him on top of this. Actually, there's a chance that Lucas would be the bully, but I haven't decided.
Have I mentioned Lucas crying at night? He can just about gloomily keep it together during the day, but at night, when he's alone with his thoughts, he falls apart, and his crying soon wakes up the Doctor. Losing his mother and then feeling abandoned by his uncle and other relatives, it's a major blow to the self-esteem. And when his whole world is turned upside down in one fell swoop, it leaves him with a peculiar feeling.
Here is where I point out the next aspect:
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Right here, this could have been the end of Lucas. And the Doctor can only watch him go. If I look at it from a more thematic view, Lucas's loss is so devastating to him that he'll clutch the memory of his mother and what he had before she died, at the expense of living himself.
So we have a semi-suicidal eight-year-old living with an older scientist and anyone else who lives in the same building. Scientists and their families from all over the world! I still don't know how the Doctor is going to take care of him. Lucas when he's older is grateful to the Doctor for taking him in, but doesn't seem to me to think of him as a father figure (but perhaps I just forgot something). And my grasp on the Doctor's character is extremely flimsy, despite him virtually being the protagonist of the first game.
I'm not sure how familiar Lucas is with Doctor Vargas. The boy's mom was a colleague, and Ryder trusts the Doctor a great deal, so at least they're not strangers. But Little Lucas might not have paid much attention to the Doctor. Maybe they played peek-a-boo a time or two. I can imagine a dark-haired toddler running under tables at company picnics or something. Doc might have showed him a couple neat gadgets or gifted him some. I dunno yet. What could be the KNACK-equivalent of a Game Boy?
During Lucas's crying spells, I kind of have the Doctor treat him like he's physically sick. Hold him while he cries, put a hand on his shoulder while he throws up, that sort of thing. Uhh, soup - in a big ol' thermos. Gotta stay hydrated and replenish those electrolytes.
Lucas crying and the Doctor consoling him is a regular occurrence for maybe a week or two, and the Doctor can't hide his exhaustion well. Still working out the details, but essentially Lucas doesn't really stop crying after that, he's just quieter about it and lies about it and Doctor Vargas doesn't press the issue. But the Doctor does worry. Lucas seems exhausted all the time, and when he's not hunched over and listless, or politely playing along with whatever to satisfy the grown-ups, he's throwing tantrums about the pointlessness of homework and anything else he doesn't want to do. I made that up. Sometimes he does still find joy in some things, and while it's temporary, it gives Doctor Vargas some hope.
The Doctor's thoughts, as they often do, turn to Charlotte, and how he felt after losing her. And what happened on that fateful day.
Lucas has a well-known love of puzzles. Because I want him to. And especially puzzles in video games. And what is science but a series of puzzles?
Before his mother's passing, I imagine Lucas enjoyed school and gained some reputation among his peers for being a nerdy kid and very smart. Naturally this would result in some peers getting close to him to improve their academic metrics or because they have similar interests. Maybe he has an interest in - the foundational stuff a seven-to-eight-year-old learns about - physics. I imagine he found his mommy's work very interesting and would ask her a lot of questions, sometimes rehashing the same ideas again and again (as my sibling did when they were little).
After she's gone, he still loves puzzles, but much like anything else, the experience of playing with them is tinged with regret. At the Doctor's place, I'm sure there are some other children and young folk living there, too, but I don't know how Lucas feels about them. I have to make so many characters...
I think Lucas would piece together some jigsaw puzzles in the lounge areas. And also slurp up much of the hot cocoa during winter time, but I digress.
Hmm. I need him to accumulate a small collection of toys, but I'm not sure yet who gives them to him and when. If he receives them all too soon and from strangers (scientists who find him endearing), he might feel sour about being pitied. At the same time, if he had a lot of toys before the fire, he'll sure miss their absence. Anyway, some things like: a small chess set, from which he'll lose some pieces, sidewalk chalk, a new gaming device with Tetris and a few other games on it, jump rope, a skateboard (actually a longboard), a Rubik's Cube, and some plushies. I want him to get the device and a plushy or two fairly quickly.
He mainly plays with the gaming device, and while it fills time and is entertaining, it does not fill the void. Still, the Doctor taps his shoulder one day.
"So. I heard you like puzzles?" Said more like a statement than a question.
Lucas doesn't fully understand the situation at first, on the order of a few hours or a day or so, when the Doctor shows him the orb. Doc tries to have a heart-to-heart moment with Lucas, but what the Doctor *says* reads like Chekhov's plasma cannon and I don't have the 'payoff' for that lined up, so I might change it.
But once it clicks for Lucas, it's like a switch is flipped. He smiles more and starts getting genuinely excited about things again. It helps that I had a pipe-dream of making Knack's puzzle a mini-game, so Lucas finds it fun. I'll want to add more to it, probably, depending on how I interpret Knack. I also have a headcanon that Knack's orb resembles a plasma globe in some tactile characteristic; Lucas likes to touch or hold it at every opportunity because it vaguely feels like something is going on in there. It's just so cool! The Doctor may or may not appreciate the novelty.
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So it's like, Knack provides Lucas an opportunity to climb to his feet again. More indirectly than the screenshot, though.
I apparently got someone's game-play video confused for a trailer, and misinterpreted the YouTuber's voice as Lucas's voice, so one version of this post mentioned Knack having an incidental role of 'guardian' to Lucas. I still might want to play with that, though.
Anyway, if you're curious as to why Lucas finds the orb so much more satisfying than other puzzles, it's because of the angst. I had initially intended for Lucas to work on the project as something to distract him, much like any other puzzle, give him something to look forward to, and help him bond with Doctor Vargas. The Doctor himself hopes it can help the both of them move on from their losses, and hopes it can help him teach Lucas a thing or two.
But, somehow surprising even to me, Lucas seems to have taken it upon himself to solve this particular puzzle as a measure of value. If he can play a big part in solving it, and contribute to a grown-up scientific achievement, then he's worth all the trouble, right? Then he'll actually amount to something and be worth loving.
... I'm not sure what to say next except that I want to bonk him on the head with a paper towel roll and tell him he's being silly. And then give him a big hug.
At least he lets himself be happy again. In fact, his educational situation might flip from being too aloof to being too distracted. Doodling odd symbols in the margins of his homework and tapping his feet when he should be studying.
He still cries at night sometimes, though. Umm... trying to rack my brain here...
I avoid giving Lucas any diagnosis. Is this a bad idea? Would it be preferred I name his issues, and do research on them?
I kinda just make stuff up.
Okay, switching gears now. This part is more scattered because I don't know how to string the ideas together.
I think I mentioned the Doctor taking Lucas to places like museums and carnivals and aquariums.
Lucas might be prone to jealousy, at least when he is young, and becomes slightly possessive over the orb. This doesn't come up much beyond pressing his lips together, avoiding eye contact, and nursing a bitter feeling when the Doctor improves some experimental hardware without Lucas's prior knowledge. Lucas wonders if the Doctor had continued solving parts without him. Not sure if I should drop it.
Lucas is about ten years old by the time Knack is Manifested. I picked ten years old just 'cause that's about two years of working on the puzzle, enough time to build that machine. I don't want it to take too long or short because the puzzle I'm going with currently makes the Doctor look a bit stupid.
I have Lucas as twelve years old when the first game starts, because that's about middle-school age where the puberty does the things. And about 16 or so in the sequel, trying to balance the moved-out thing with the uncharacteristically immature behavior.
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Also because Ava seems about 16 and Dad said that number makes sense for her role as a youth leader, and Ava and Lucas seem like peers. Man, they really flopped on the framing for the scene in this shot! I can hardly see Lucas at all with low brightness. Maybe it's different when you play it yourself.
Dad also told me something that I interpreted to mean most media is really bad at establishing ages. So I'm not sure what to do with that.
Anyway, ten years old.
I'm still not sure how, after the excitement of success subsides, Lucas will initially react to the creature made of stone. His reaction will probably depend on his background. Early drafts have him fed fairy tales that paint goblins unfavorably. And since the creature resembles a goblin in some aspects, Lucas freaks himself out or intimidates the little guy. But these drafts felt silly or off, because the creature is all smiles when he wakes up, and we know he's friendly. Also the Doctor just stands there. So I'll come up with something else, probably.
Regarding Knack's relationship with Lucas: When I see other people describe their relationship as sibling-like (a headcanon), they tend to position Knack as the elder. I may need to double-check; the fandom is pretty small and I haven't read much of the fanfictions. Another headcanon I saw a couple times is that Knack had been alive/conscious a long, long time ago.
But recently someone told me they interpret Lucas as the elder!
My interpretation is that Lucas steps up to that particular plate, first.
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My idea goes: before anyone knows for sure that Knack's creature type also includes being a person, Lucas treats him a bit like a toddler and a pet, himself acting as the older brother and sorta babysitter. Still trying to decide if Knack knows he is a person at this stage... It seems like in both games, Lucas tends to talk to him like he's giving him a tutorial.
So I gotta figure out how the Doctor, Lucas, and some other folks turn a sweet little bean into the Knack we all know and love. And how Knack and the Doctor etc, do the same with Lucas.
Lucas is so silly!
I know you saw the one about the first night, Bestie [D;? but I'm not sure how to explain it concisely here. A lot of these I feel would be best shown in a comic series.
There is very much a theme of reciprocation in my story. That might be the wrong word. I'm thinking of familial affection. Lucas just doesn't get enough, and so, doing unto others as he would want to be treated, offers attention to Knack. What to list as examples... Reading him stories, nuzzling, very simple dancing. Probably more but I am my brain is made of Swiss cheese.
I did mention Knack being a sleepy baby on here at first, but I don't think I mentioned that Lucas worries if he's dying or something. It's like if you brought home a baby creature, but had no idea what it eats or needs to live, and then it acts groggier and less responsive, and can barely hold its head up... The Doctor kind of scoffs and says it's highly unlikely (not in a mean way), possibly thinking of Knack more like a device. But even if the Doctor is confident, Lucas isn't convinced. And Baby Knack doesn't know how to ask for what he needs, so he kind of furrows his brow and squints and makes little grumbling noises and like. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's like he kneads invisible dough or something? And he frequently glances up at Lucas or the Doctor.
Lucas tries really hard to not-cry and seem reasonable, but he can't help reaching out to pet the little guy's head. The creature responds very favorably, still sleepy. Leading Lucas to bring him into a hug, possibly picking him up. The creature is soothed by this, and after wrapping his arms around Lucas, he promptly falls asleep. Or something idk. Everything is a work in progress.
Knack occupies a weird role at first, and even later on occasion: something sort of like a pet, but not quite. Lucas is primarily the one who initiates the interactions like that, but sometimes the Doctor does as well. Knack himself does not understand until later.
I know it's silly to have Lucas pet him. He's basically a rock, even if he reminds me of a teddy bear sometimes. But look at that face! Lucas can feel warm and fuzzy just knowing that his little puzzle buddy likes him.
I also have Lucas very interested in Knack as a person, like how he's feeling and what he thinks. I think it would be funny if he gets good at reading Knack's body language, but not so good at interpreting his words sometimes. I'm kind of throwing out that scene in 2 where Knack gives Lucas an odd look for presuming what he's thinking and framing it as a 'talk'; if Lucas paid any attention to Knack, he would have done something like that a long time ago. And so I have him *do*: Early on, Lucas talks to the Doctor for Knack, like an untrained interpreter. And sometimes even airs his own grievances as if Knack is 'saying' so.
I mean, I *guess* I could have Lucas be oblivious to Knack's emotional situation unless it suits him, but then like. I dunno. That doesn't fit the little guy I made up so far. What feels more like Lucas?
Lucas sometimes imitates Knack's mannerisms and vice versa. Also expect recycled dialogue. I think Lucas vicariously experiences some adventure through Knack.
I still think Lucas gets swole by playing with Knack all the time.
Later, Knack and Lucas switch big-brother-little-brother roles based on the scene.
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(I got this screenie from MoeePlays. The rest of the unwatermarked ones are from FullPlaythroughs.)
You may also see Knack playing the big-brother role while being Little Knack, if I can communicate that well enough. I think it's interesting. And the reverse.
Dad compared the way I describe Knack to Lennie Smalls in "Of Mice and Men", and suggested Lucas could be made somewhat like George. I must say, I hadn't read that story before then. So that was a wild ride! Now George, he's kind of prickly, which Lucas seems to be in the second game, but I'm a little hesitant. Dad also mentioned something about George's dream, and maybe Lucas could have something like that. I think I know what he means, and it's probably a reason I feel stuck in the 'ending' I had written; the dream feels impossible.
Jumping around again; if you were to talk to Lucas about Knack, and Knack was nowhere to be seen, Lucas would probably think of him as Little Knack. I looked too far into Lucas calling Knack "little buddy" at the start, and couldn't remember if Lucas called him something different later. I also interpreted this to mean Knack often hangs out with Lucas as Little Knack, which is supported by a brief shot or two in 1, and the title screen of 2.
Lucas considers Knack to be his achievement on some level. In fact, I consider this to be what he was alluding to in the museum in 2; that "without me, the Doctor would never have known-" how to bring Knack to life. I can imagine a young Lucas, when people are told that the Doctor had solved the puzzle and created Knack, saying quietly or thinking to himself, "*I* made this."
He goes back on that idea later. For Reasons. I might change that also, though. Then again, if I change the story every time I get caught and scraped up in a prickly patch, I wouldn't have much of a story anymore. I wouldn't necessarily say Lucas is naive. He's pretty smart and can sometimes pick up on things, but he can be willfully ignorant. If that doesn't make sense out of context, don't worry.
Changing the subject, Lucas kick-starts Knack's mischievous streak. He kind of teases him? Best example is the GIF I wanted to make but turned into a slideshow. In the garden, Lucas growls in jest at a Little Baby Knack, who reacts ferociously and growls back with rough red lettering, lifting his paws a bit and shifting his weight from foot to foot. Lucas laughs, delighted, and Baby Knack's expression shifts a little into amusement, before the GIF loops and they return to growling.
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To clarify, Knack is playing, here. Although it does take him a few moments of fleeing and fawning to realize Oh, you're threatening me as a joke. Two can play at that game! Eventually, Lucas feels that Knack is acting too aggressive for his comfort, and, failing to notice that Knack is mirroring his own body language, worries he'll get a good punch to the gut. Or worse. He tries to de-escalate with the offer of a hug, which allows Baby Knack to play a mean prank.
And at one point I want Lucas to try smuggling Knack to school for the express purpose of scaring the crap out of Lucas's peers. For fun!
Another thing about how I wrote Lucas is that, when he is younger, at least, he isn't all that shy with Knack after like a day or so. I'm not sure how to say what I mean... It's like, Lucas has a tendency to get excited and touch, lightly pull, or grab Knack's arm(s), to get his attention, turn him around, or drag him somewhere. It's also a means of affection. He's gentle about it, but still. He isn't usually so grabby with other kids.
One of the things I considered playing with Knack is whether he might bite a family member when he is a 'baby'. But the more I think about it, the more the answer resounds no, he wouldn't. In one scene I wrote, Knack makes a non-lingual, idle threat (growling at him), but Lucas calls his bluff and takes something from him anyway. Lucas actually scoffs at him, incredulous.
Do not look to Lucas for guidance on how to treat children, animals, or operate heavy machinery.
Umm, what else. I bet Lucas would pass out if someone strokes his hair. First thing that comes to mind is Charlotte experimentally trying motherly things, feeling awkward about it and stopping. Lucas murmers something like, "You can keep going :)" Realizes what he just said, "I mean, if *you* want to," and scratches the back of his neck and looks away.
Along with a grappling hook (or maybe the Doctor gave him that), Ryder gives Lucas a butterfly knife for his twelfth birthday. This sounds very familiar to me, so either I thought about it before, it's practically canon, or someone else had mentioned it and I just can't remember. Or it could be a regular pocket knife.
At some point, to someone else, I have Doc describe Lucas as becoming more responsible since Knack came into his life. But of course, since the Doctor can never let Lucas have anything, he amends it with, "at times."
I also have this screenshot:
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What was I going to put down for it...?
I remember seeing a review where someone mentioned this scene, gave an extremely reductive summary of it, and they thought "It plays out like a parody of kids movie/game “you-can-do-itism” but it’s not parodying anything in particular." I was rather miffed about that, to say the least; I thought this scene was a major characterization moment.
Lucas is curious/a scientist.
Knack puts so much faith in the Doctor that he limits himself. He also comes off like a major teacher's pet with his quoting ability.
The Doctor thinks himself so smart like he knows everything without testing it thoroughly. To the point where he has told Knack that he is incapable of something.
Lucas encourages Knack to try new things.
Not sure how to put this, but it comes up again in the Key Confrontation. Could be related to 4. Lucas is skeptical of the Doctor's authority and offers an opposing viewpoint. He prompts Knack to stop viewing the Doctor's words as gospel, at least temporarily. This is why I want Lucas and the Doctor to be/become foils in my story. Lucas sees himself in Knack.
Knack believes in the Doctor, sure. But he also trusts and believes in Lucas.
And one last thing, because I can't escape upsetting topics: there may be some parental favoritism going on between the Doctor and the boys. I loathe the idea, but it slots into my current framework with unfortunate agreement. I had a conversation with Dad about it, and he said, uhh trying to remember... it's a reasonable idea. He spoke of Lucas coming into his own and how it challenges the Doctor's ego, meanwhile Knack does whatever the Doctor says without question.
I don't think Lucas would resent or blame the Doctor's Greatest Creation, but it would impact his self-esteem. I don't know what that looks like yet.
Umm, I hope this was worth the wait; I had a lot of fun! I want to add more but I'm kind of scatter-brained. Also this is 4.6k words apparently.
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Sch.: let's get you a new phone, i can't keep watching you struggle
me: thanks, i'm good, they don't make'em like this anymore
Sch.: the power button barely works. or the volume buttons.
Sch.: it takes it hours to open an app
me: don't listen to him baby he's just a man he knows nothing
Sch.: what are you doing, it's necromancy at this point
me: shut up, we have been through too much together, we can make it
Sch.: please stop torturing yourself and give up
me: you know, some people might have told me the same thing about you in the past
Sch.: yes, alright, fair enough. i'm not a device tho.
me: that's debatable
Sch.: i'm getting you a new phone. please pick one and message me the link
me: fine.
me: i might need a couple of days.
me: or weeks.
me: HOW MUCH!!!??? god imagine how many books and board games i could get for this money
me: there. i hope you're happy.
Sch.: wow, is this still 2024? alright, thanks! ... are you absolutely sure about this model?
me: ...
me: i just want you to know i'll be more decisive when it's your time.
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lovefordyingstars · 2 years
maybe we’ll make it through this
perhaps there are worst things in life then having a bunch of brothers, perhaps there are not. but being expected to put up with them during such a hell that is exams? it’s like a test all itself, a test of sanity that is
Exams. Are. Hard.
No debating it
But you know what makes them harder?
When you're brothers are also taking them
And pretend to be better at them too
See, there are many ways the emo siblings (plus Hawks and Percy) could end up on crazy adventures together
One of those ways is the lovely idea of a magic school
Housing all sorts of students
Demigods and dragon slayers?
Normal people with an obsession for volleyball and those with wings?
Unfortunately no one remembers Gojo’s official title, and he won't tell anyone
So he's considered The Guy Who Shows Up (Sometimes)™
Nico knew he was never going to compete with the smarter of his siblings. He fairs decently,
Better then Percy at least
Who claims to be dying by the second day
Still his long night sessions with Annabeth got him through
Laxus suffers quietly
Smart enough to pass without too much worry
Tired enough to still be wanna die before it's over
He argued that tenrou island and grand magic games combined were easier then this
He's wrong but again, suffering
Hawks was
He had no little interest in passing or even trying
"who needs grades when you can fly"
He promptly had a few text books thrown at his head
Unfortunately, he faired well
"who knew he could study between all that talking"
"come on Laxus, you can't think his brains that small"
"Nico you're kindness knows no bounds, but his brain literally can't bigger then a birds"
"All of you shut up I'm trying to study"
Unfortunately for Theia this went on for the rest of the week
Gojo ended up being in the same boat as Keigo
whos surprised
He would refuse to contribute to any of the work
if anything he was more like a cat
would just walk into the kitchen, knock the textbooks off the table, and leave again
A day of that and Nico was close to having a new skeleton in his army
The only two who anyone really cared to know how they did was Theia and Kuroo
Kuroo's total nerd mode activates when it comes exam time
Glasses on
Pajamas still on
Books surround him like a throne
Man doesn't move from sunrise until sunset when he can't focus over the sound of his own stomach growling
He was getting yelled at for two hours before hand because the growling was distracting everyone else
He's never gone so long without talking
Laxus is in heaven
Everyone is (mostly) quiet
It's the 4th day at 8 pm and Nico has fallen asleep on top of his books
Percy was face timing Jason to help him with his history class when they collectively passed out
Hawks is using one of his wings as a blanket, the other is over Gojo
No one is sure when he showed up
And Laxus just finished covering Kuroo with a blanket so he didn't have to stare at the mess that is the rooster
He's not gonna try to cook anything, and cleaning up with everyone passed out in the same room is impossible
He checks on Theia every half hour just in case
Even tho she's the only one he trusts to make it through this without anyone else's help
By the time everyone has woken again it's 11
The smell of the pizza just arriving is what brought them out of their comas
It's a small moment
But the whole family is crowded around the counter tearing into the pizza and coke
(and the sprite Laxus had to go out specifically for)
Nico is sitting on the counter, Kuroo is sitting beneath him on the floor
Hawks is on top of the cabinets, unaware of Percy accidentally using his feathers as a napkin
Gojo had dragged Theia out of their room to join them all
And he is now guzzling the soda while sitting next to Percy
They're having a race to see who can finish first
Percy and his pizza or Gojo and the soda
Laxus is fighting off Kuroo
who's trying to sneak another piece from the floor
And giving the last pieces in the box to Theia with a glass he set aside as well
While also muttering under his breath about Percy and Nico dropping...
Blue food dye on their pizza?
He decides not to question it
It's a funny scene
and they'll all go back to their books and pain in less then ten minutes
But those minutes are a nice reprieve
And helps them think that maybe they'll survive this exam period
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ambivartence · 2 years
I was tagged by @drzibs @chanstopher @rumue (thank yall <333)
NAME: siyuan
SIGN: sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5'4" // 162-163 cm (idr)
TIME: 12:42 am
BIRTHDAY: 1997/12/19 🐂♐️😃
FAVOURITE BAND/ARTIST: skz, nct, svt, tbz, bts, ab6ix, p1h, etc etc the list is endless u already know
LAST MOVIE: i haven't watched a movie in literal months.... rewatched princess mononoke back in may lol i usually only watch movies on the plane or in theaters, if im at home i just want to draw or watch youtube tysm
LAST SHOW: yesterday i was watching House and the first ep of the new GoT house of the dragon show with my roommate
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: foreverrrr ago but i revived it into a kpop blog late 2020 !
WHAT I POST: kpop art n gifs of so many groups :))))) the speed at which i collect new groups is a problem
OTHER BLOGS?: @dreambivartence art inspiration and @jacob-bae tbz jacob + idols with flowers (kpop aes blog?) and i'm working on a sideblog for just my art sort of like a portfolio idk im bored i'll drop the url soon 😃
DO I GET ASKS?: mostly when i ask for an ask game bc im rly bad at checking otherwise im sorry i usually end up taking at least 1-2 business days bc i just fORGET to 😭
FOLLOWERS: so many!!! too many!!! why r there so many of u guys >:( lol thanks for putting up w my multi shenanigans 
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: my ideal is 9 bc im a babie when it comes to sleeping but i think i try to get at least 7 a day tho i usually only need 5-6 to function BUT ALSO i have a major napping problem i take the LONGEST naps like im talking 3+ hours each time so my sleep schedule is easily screwed over :')
INSTRUMENTS: i wish i could play an instrument :( i learned a little bit of piano n ukelele so i can at least read sheet music (uke/guitar tabs r still confusing to me) but i prefer to spend my time drawing :')
WHAT I’M WEARING: my pjs (free dropbox tshirt from college lol n sleep shorts)
DREAM JOB: "no job lmao." <- so real dreamy so real. "the platonic version of a trophy wife?" <- also real rumu <3 my roommate n i have actually been debating lately about which one of us needs to become rich so the other can be the platonic trophy wife lmao or let me be an idol makeup artist i want to do their pretty makeup i want to doll them up so bad !!!!
DREAM TRIP: taiwan / korea / japan / china (if it ever opens again 😭) also extremely niche but i really want to do the andean lakes crossing between argentina and chile near bariloche during the snowy season but idk if that would be too bitter cold to be enjoyable </3
FAVOURITE SONGS: rn it's villain by key & jeno and also doom du doom by p1harmony but all time is probably winter bear by v, side effects by skz, dream in a dream by ten, the truth untold by bts, cherry by ab6ix, zombie (eng ver) by day6, some by bol4
tagging (no obligation, sorry if u've already done thisss): @alrightyaphroditie @babytunninjadrac @decembermoonskz @efflorescing-mary @i-like-hockey-a-latte @lolacouldnotcareless @lvrli @myriad-of-colors @njaems @ofyoursilentreverie @peachjaem00 @pvddins-art @sulfurcosmos
12 notes · View notes
panpanstyle · 3 years
Apparently It's my birthday today. So have this fake birthday summon drawing I made.
Idk if I'll ever draw the groovy ver
(Click the image for better resolution)
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Panpan's Birthday Voice Lines
Yes, not me inserting my persona in another franchise again.
No no no I'm not gonna mention my long forgotten genshin persona, even tho i already created a full story about her
When Summon
Now won't you come to my birthday party?
Summon line
Hee hoo~ a party to celebrate the day where my lifespan decreased by a year. I don't know if i should really celebrate today or be happy
Hoo now i wish this party won't end, but might as well enjoy it till the ends
Set Home
I really don't know what to feel about this suit
Home idle 1
Grim seems to really enjoy my birthday party, well maybe it because of how many food there are
Home idle 2
Vil-senpai gave me the latest model hair dryer as a birthday gift. Could it be... he remembers about me wanting a new hair dryer? Well it's useful for me, since it's hard to dry my hair
Home idle 3
I still can't believe both living beings and ghosts take their time to enjoy this day. Thank God there isn't a math exam today
Home login
Brutality hoo, a party sure is fun but I'm tired as a grandma. That's why can you hand me some sweets please? I don't want my brain to hurt
Home idle groovy
♫I want this chocolate~ i want that art supply~ i want and want and want so many thingssss~~♪
Most importantly i want to be able to sleep before 12 am
*panpan is singing doraemon op song, but with her own lyrics*
Home tap 1
Idia bought some ingame currency for me to gacha in my favorite mobile game. Aww he knows what i want so well, and i can't wait to get my favorite character. I just hope my gacha luck isn't that bad...
Home tap 2
Didn't Malleus and Leona stayed in the same room back at the birtday party? I'm surprised they haven't started a round two of both of them bickering at each other, ah wait it seems like Vil going to start a debate with them...
Home tap 3
If my friends from back at home were here, they would certainly caused chaos and scream "Wowww Mom is old" Yes yes i know I'm getting older right now, but still. And the fact some of them are older than me
Home tap 4
Ace and Deuce said that the we as in them, me, and Grim should hold a small party together. But the other guy in the same year as me insisted to join the party too. Welp as long as we can eat more delicious food, i don't mind
Home tap 5
Hey listen! Hey listen! Don't ya think this pixelated alien pin look cute on me! Back in my world i always used this emoji when texting online
Home tap groovy
Anjer, don't take a picture of me eating right now, weh lagi belepotan mukanya!! Ah i accidentally said something in my main language. Uhhh anyway here let's just take a photo together, Hee ho! *snaps*
Duo magic
Panpan: "Grim, calm down a bit"
Grim: "Don't order me around Panpan!"
Panpan birthday suit up personal story
9 notes · View notes
ruby-whistler · 3 years
Hi, I just found to your blog and I noticed you are a dream apologist but also like tommy, which is rare to see, and even tho I dont agree with alot of your posts about dream it's still interesting to hear other people's perspectives anyways the reason I bring up Tommy it was because I was wondering what you think dreams see Tommy as?
Like does he hate him ?does he like him ?does he see him as a toy a pet ? I'm very interested to see what your perspective is
absolutely! i am so happy to see someone who isn't a full-on dream apologist stumble upon my takes, hello there :] always refreshing to see different kinds of people around!
i actually know quite a,,, couple who also like c!tommy! dream apologists don't inherently hate him, they dislike a lot of his fans more than anything because of,, personal experience, let's say, but most of them are quite neutral or sympathize w/ the character!
i myself really do like the character from a writing perspective! i don't like him personally despite relating to him (ptsd go woooo) because of his quite insensitive and extroverted personality (not saying that's bad! he's flawed and that's very cool of him!) but he's a good protagonist for his own story, albeit a bit stuck in bad mindsets.
as for the disc duo,, man, i am so sad every time i think about the two. during season one i used to be such a discduo stan, like their interactions gave me life, dream reminded me of myself back when i was willing to reach out to people like tommy.
and then uhh,,, stuff happened, as we all know
but from the beginning, i do believe the two were very rivalsduo-like. they'd tease each other but in reality they really were friends even if they didn't admit it. before l'manberg, after l'manberg, it really didn't matter that much, even through the initial disc wars it really was just a way to fight each other but it was not all that serious. they were being immature over a couple of worthless items. they were hanging out. and then war and trauma and revolution came, and everything went downhill at a 90 degree incline.
their relationship had just,, such a twist for the worse and it freaking hurt because now i had to choose between the two and i for the love of god couldn't. everything light about them turned dark.
of course, this is c!dream's fault. the reasons he did what he did are debatable to being a product of the environment, the effect others had on him and the situations he was put into, but he absolutely wrecked it and he made it awful in every way.
the thing is, dream when interacting with tommy - much like tommy had often said about people like dream, wilbur and techno - makes him somewhat the worst version of himself.
and i'm not even making this up, the way he interacts with literally anyone else is so much different from how he acts in front of tommy.
and it's??? so strange?? green man you ok????
like, contrary to popular belief, c!dream doesn't like to see people suffer, or play with them, or making them hurt.
the only times when he says stuff like this is in front of tommy.
my theory for this is what i think is the most supported by actual canon - he's falling into the villain-hero narrative.
the fact that c!dream is not mentally healthy and has been shoved into terrible mindsets is evident especially from the finale stream, and i think the whole vault scene definitely leans towards my theory about this. he keeps going on about sidekicks and pawns and - not only is he treating everyone else as a game, he also does it to himself.
it's important to note his actions have always been both outwardly and inwardly destructive, many being unhealthy coping mechanisms.
what i think is, he's purposefully playing a role. i think this might sound like a stretch but... it really is not if you consider everything?
it makes sense; dream is trying to make tommy (and tubbo, by extension) terrified, to view him as a monster, something less than human, someone to fight, someone to defeat, to bring down. he's taking every opportunity to make himself out as someone totally cruel, while actually acting completely different with other people.
so, as to answer your question? that's what i think dream sees tommy as. i think he sees him as the hero; or rather, someone who wants to play the hero. he wants to challenge him, wants to get tommy to play his game because it's the only thing c!dream knows how to play anymore and he's,, secretly scared, because he's forgotten how to be anyone but a villain, and on top of that doesn't see any other way for himself to achieve his goals and get back what he cares about.
like, dream cares, that much is obvious. he cares about people. i don't think he hates tommy and i don't think he likes him. he says they're friends, and in some twisted sense, i think he means it, and he thinks tommy is simply in denial. he's wrong.
the way he acts makes me think that he genuinely considers him and tommy the same at their core, and that if the roles were switched, tommy would do the same as dream and dream would do the same as tommy. this is untrue, of course, but dream believes things like this because his worldview is utterly shattered, much like his mental stability. i think he thinks the only difference between them is their role in the story. i think he buys into the narrative to the point when he fails to see it's,, incorrect, about him, tommy - about everyone.
but that's just my opinion! sorry for rambling, c!dream is such an enigma sometimes, and although i claim a lot of things in good faith, there are some i don't usually touch upon because they genuinely confuse me. the way c!dream acts around c!tommy is one of them.
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goosedawn · 3 years
i've never listened to Friends At The Table (though it's on my list now, dnd campaigns podcast wooo!) what would the storyline of the crossover entail? with the HermitCraft characters i'm guessing it's chaotic and interesting 😊
:0!!!! :DDD!!!!!!! if u end up giving it a shot i hope u enjoy it! they dont actually play dnd, they play a bunch of other tabletop games which are all really neat also! (also if u need a suggestion for where to start if/when u get to it, feel free to drop me an ask)
the story follows the typical structure of "group is sent off to do tasks for money, and eventually realise something bigger is going on" so i am largely following the plot in that way, where groups of adventurers are sent out to investigate a series of towers that appear to have some connection to the gods of the world. ajhsjjejhfhjef most of my thoughts about the au are more character based,, so instead of a proper plot summary i can give details and thoughts on where some of the hermits fit into everything so far (while. trying to avoid the big twists revealed in the podcast ig,,?) i also ended up including some sleepybees (sbi + beeduo) in the au but im still not 100% sure on where they fit in (as in i have too many ideas djhdkndnj)
ANYWAY uhhhh some spoilers for the universe im basing this off of, under the cut cos it got long :'D
the specific arc/universe that this au is set in is the one from Seasons in Hieron (SiH) which is their fantasy season! (its. its long,, this arc spans i think. 3 seasons? plus a short interlude season)
the setting was previously a traditional fantasy world that had some sort of great catastrophe (the Erasure) happen, and the current world is after people have rebuilt a new society! its described as "post-fantasy, post-post-apocalyptic" its very fun and subversive and afhdjfbj the worldbuilding is just. real good :>
im still figuring out where different hermits fit into the au but i am basically taking aspects of various characters from the podcast and splitting roles and traits to hermits, so its all mixed up! also,, there are just. so many hermits,, i have not found places for all of them (not even most of them i dont think) but here is what i have so far:
impulse and zedaph work in the New Archives (a series of huge warehouse-like archives run by the orcs of this world!) impulse is an orc, zed is not! impulse works to retrieve artifacts for the archive, and zed,, hes just kinda there. learning and experimenting with pattern magic (a type of magic done by arranging and rearranging things in specific configurations, often they are obscure and weird things like "27 brown birds in a tree, 5 table legs, 500 buttons, 16 steps to the east" etc.) when the story finds them they are studying a fallen tower in the center of the Mark of the Erasure (a location still showing the effect of the great cataclysm that befell the world)
tango vaguely takes the role of Ephraim, prince of something or rather,,, idk man hes cool and has fire powers, very anime. his powers were a gift from the gods, and he goes on to hv close relations w them! he meets up with impulse and zed later on and become fast friends obviously
joe is an expert in pattern magic, and is on the run from the archives after having stolen a pretty nondescript notebook. its a nice notebook! hes just a human guy. he writes and recites poetry in order to do pattern magic using the notebook!
cleo hails from the city of *Nacre*, where people get multiple chances at life. people from there can get killed but will exist on as zombies, then if they are killed again, they exist as ghosts, and then they pass away fully. she is an undead pirate captain that joe somehow manages to sway over to their side ahjbhfbjf,, she is hunting down the lost prince/king of Nacre.
wels is a pala-din (pal-ah-deen, rather than paladin), a sort of living marble statue that serves one of the gods in the pantheon.
scar is ofc, a wizard! it. it should be noted that wizards dont really exist in this world, people who perform and study magic are mages, not wizards,, "wizard" is kind of a weird term to use sjbdbjhfjjhb scar takes place of The Great Fantasmo in the podcast, and similarly has an invisible assistant! he doesnt seem to remember much of his past...
cubfan works in Velas, a fishing town where the story "begins" he does not enjoy talking to scar, and seems to be sad whenever hes around. perhaps scar reminds him of someone, or perhaps of better times...
tfc hes a priest aagsuijdjhkdgjdkihwhjvd i swear theres a reason for this later,, the role of the npc alyosha is somewhat split between tfc and cub!
others i have thoughts on but im not settled on yet:
im debating having xisuma as part of the pantheon, but if not, he would be a druid so he can shapeshift into animals sjbakjnsnfjb he would take the general role of Fero in the story, but would also be kind of split with evil x, who captures... a certain stubbornness and deepset frustration Fero has in later times.
etho could take the place of Samol, the first god to exist. he is the embodiment of this world, and is kind of isolated and strange wbhshjhbdbhjdjbdkjn,, strange /pos. hes also. kind of dissapearing though... i wonder why :)
while theoratically i could have xisuma as samol cos. yknow. admin. i think the vibes and role just fit etho better
and... if i had etho as samol i think it could be fun to have doc and bdubs as other members of the pantheon, if u go with their dynamic from the start of s7 they even fit the divorced couple vibe two of the gods have /lh /hj (nho pantheon pog..? maybe. theres a total of 5 deities in the pantheon tho...)
im leaning toward either false + stress or maybe gem + pearl pairs for two of the goddesses in the pantheon, but thatd probably depend on if i can find a better place for them ;P
techno and phil take the role of red jack, and techno is a Huge Oni Dude >:] in canon red jack has a cool horse!!! it fits!! hes also. heavily implied to be kinda immortal?? anyway. im torn on this because techno and phil ALSO fit the roles of some of the player characters, with relation to the missing prince/king of Nacre but im still working things out,,
no matter whats up with them, ranboo takes the role of bluejay, redjacks son, meeting up with tubbo and tommy who take the place of benjamin, the son of one of the player characters. tubbo and tommy kind of. get sent to another dimension to keep them safe,,? and live in a lie for many years before they are brought back.
when i first thought about this au, i also thought about the whole. sending child off into fake dimension to live life, and of course. i thought about. grumbot ofc and originally planned to have mumbo or grian take the place of that player character abhdfvnbrvbn but it also implies one or both of them would be paladins (not pala-din! just the normal religious knight) AND have connections to tubbo and tommy which is. funny but ehhhh idk.
and that. maybe probably somewhat incoherent train of thought is what i have for the au so far! its. still very much a work in progress so thank you if you stuck through all that!! ive still got a lot to think abt in the au,,,, lots to figure out ;P hopefully i can iron it out a bit more in the future, but its fun to think about for the time being
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mintsuwu · 4 years
what would it be like if Akari met Mad Rat during the events of the game? I'm just having dumb curiosities rn-
That's an interesting question! I tried to come up with something but it might be a little harsh (including death themes). Anyways...
I don't know in wich moment it would happen, but it would take place outside, with Mad Rat and Heart looking for somewhere to hide from the Cat/Jack after the first chase, fearing that he was still after them. That's when him and Heart end up in a empty alley, and they begin to hear some noises. Both of them debate about what it could be and Heart suggests to leave somewhere else, but Mad Rat refuses. That's when a voice tells them to leave because that place was already taken, but Mad Rat, with his stubborn attitude, refuses once more and calls out for the mysterious voice.
That's Mad Rat sees a gigantic, deformed, melting cheese creature (like the tall figure in the drawing below, I might change it tho) and freaks out. While Heart claims that it's nothing dangerous, Mad Rat feels intimidated and fights it despite the warnings.
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After the battle, Heart slaps Mad Rat in dissapointment and fear, making him realize what he had done. On the floor there was a small, albino mice, laying dead (to make this a little bit clearer, rats and mice are very territorial between each other, and if they get to fight, it is most likely that the rat ends up killing, and sometimes even eating, the mice). He watches her in atonishment, and puts his hands upon his chest inmediatly in order to rewind time.
And like that, they go back in time before the battle took place, but they were in front of the deformed creature again. This time Mad Rat tries to keep calm and talks tonit, trying to make it understand that they didn't mean no harm and would leave as soon as they could. The creature, who then appears as a mice in Mad Rat's eyes (aka he stopped hallucinating) seems to be kind of wary of him, specially because she still remembered the battle even if it didn't take place. Heart also tries to give explanations to her, and surprisingly, the mice is able to see and hear him and seems pretty shocked about it.
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After everything, the mice, who introduces herself as Akari, changes her mind and lets them stay until they feel ready to leave. In the meantime they get to talk as she leads them somewhere safe, and even if she and Mad Rat are not in the best terms, she explains to them that she had noticed that many stray rats have been acting strangely and experimented hallucinations as well, mentioning that she used to have a friend who suffered those symptoms and ended up getting eaten by a cat.
Mad Rat suddenly notices the tag on Akari's ear, and asks her if she was from a lab. She replies that she was, but got out due to some unfortunate circunstances. Afterwards, they arrive to the sewers once more and Heart thanks Akari for her help, and Mad Rat apologizes for the mistake of earlier. Heart seems quite surprised but happy at this, and Akari forgives him, but reprimends him and tells him to be careful and to not make a huge mistake like earlier. And like that, they leave and go different ways, Mad Rat and Heart face Jack for the second time after that (Dark Fear).
Sorry this was longer than I expected-
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thethrillof · 3 years
Parent Eddie PT 4 I have so many headcanons Definitely not Julie, sorry lady but you missed out on a chance with all of this Personally I've been using some ideas of a EllenXEdward child, but it's always fun to expand on that with Edward X Yin/Bruce/Ethan/Penguin ships I'm totally open for that Ellen X Edward It's been on their minds as Edward already gave up on the whole "Riddler" schtick, mainly because what happened with him and Julie was one of the main driving factors that still hurts. It's one of those "it just sort of happened" scenarios as the two talk and talk, weighing out a lot of the things required for a child, not to mention things that aren't even brought up. Ellen is more work focused. Plus..."how many times have you been kidnapped, gassed, and hurt, Yinsy? Technically speaking." "Touché." Do they dare? How would the child turn out? Oh god what if it's triplets?! They hold off on a lot of family rearing until one day, they just go for it. Just one. And if things don't work out...well then they tried and that's the end of it. Course, Eddie's gotta keep a close eye on Yinsy since she wants to be out in the action. Even making a whole checklist before she goes out to do minor things about not getting herself into anything dumb. She's so headstrong and stubborn, something he admires and loathes at the same time. In the end, however, is when things really start to pick up. Their child being a good blend of Yin and Edward's features, definitely taking a lot more after Yin in personality, but also having Eddie's smirk -Smart, stubborn, charismatic, maybe a little too sarcastic Yin worrying about whether she would come home or not to her child, but also having them understand that mommy's work is very important Lot of stakes for the commissioner's kid really But it's all worth it to see Eddie be such a nervous parent because he really is trying and to see the smile on her child's face when mommy walks through the door Also the idea that their kid doesn't even like riddles or puzzles, but they love spending time with their dad. It's not because they don't get them...the issue is more of how predictable Eddie can be with these games. They want something more challenging. And that's where the problems begin/ Something is off but they can't put their fingers on it. (From personal headcanons) Julie had called Edward a "psychopath" and those words certainly haunted him as he looks at his child with Yin for anything. -Playing onto the idea of "what if my kid might be smarter than me? No, they're just a kid. They have a different thought process. It's fine." -Eddie and Yin believing their child can do no wrong. They've practically gotten all the good traits from their parents! Or they just don't want to admit it even if it's in front of their eyes. -Their child is smart, good grades, practically the perfect student much to their pride. Personality wise, avoids the other children...okay well it's tough to make new friends or some prefer their own company. That's okay. -...maybe their kid is a bully to other bullies, but they're standing up for the other underdogs...the whole point is not being caught by the teachers...At least they're making friends...right? But then again...children only show what their parents want to see. -Maybe Bruce or Ethan can see it, but can't really describe it or won't bring it up as Eddie and Yin adore their child just as much as the child adores their parents. -Could just be nothing. Children are an enigma all on their own that not even Riddler can solve. Same conversation for Trans Eddie x Yin or any other s/o, but still a lot to debate either for adoption or a surrogate or even if Eddie would even agree to carrying. And he's is just so...thin. Definitely would be picky about who the donor would be and Eddie is ready to critic anything. But, the idea of a moody pregnant Eddie is pretty funny. "I loathe you." "Awww. I love you too."
aww ;w; lots of worry, lots of thinking it through. ellen and edward can both be reckless, but certainly they’d be extra careful for this.
man edward would absolutely look the other way for his kid being a bully. just loving his kid too much to think that they can actually do something that wrong--surely the other kids must deserve it. edward himself is vengeful and he wouldn’t see that as a flaw if he thought the other parties involved caused a problem first.
dunno about ellen, tho. she learned her lesson about not paying attention to “personal” trouble in multiple different ways with rojas and ethan. plus i think the batman would be keeping an eye on things--not expecting the kid to be trouble, and he’d mostly trust yin’s judgement, but riddler did have a temper and bruce is particularly protective of children. no abuse on his watch, though he’d worry less about that when time went on. so he’d probs notice if the kid was developing a bit of a mean streak and bring it up. (possibly directly to the kid at some point, tbh, but that wouldn’t go far since “YOU’RE rude and beat people up!” even sharp kids are not necessarily good at nuance. plus eddie would hold a grudge, no matter how much they’re not enemies or how they’re ostensibly allies now.)
ethan would be a good person to talk to about bullying, i think. being “like papa” (ex-rogue) and having a good, reliable head on his shoulders means he’d be a pretty good influence in general. 
man this kid would end up with a wild family.
god yeah the extreme thinness was most of what i was thinkin about. he wouldn’t want to carry but even if he did it would. fuck him up. bad. please adopt, for the sake of ur body, eddie! and also for the sake of gotham b/c he would absolutely reroute everything he wanted (food he’s craving! comfy stuff! EVERYTHING) to him because auuuugh and he can so he will.
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retvenkos · 4 years
Congrats on 2.5k!! You're an amazing artist, and have no idea on how many times I've read your fics 😂 even tho I'm kinda shy to comment... sorry, I'll try to work on that 😅 Can I get a 🔥 for Narnia, Newsies and Harry Potter Next-Generation?
I'm a straight girl, INFP, Hufflepuff, Daughter of Athena (in Percy Jackson universe 😂). I really like to read, and watch movies or TV series, theater or... anything that tells a story, I really don't care about the media as long as they have a good story to tell. I also really like writing, I really write a lot about what I think, or some poems, or even have tried writing songs, but I have no music knowledge so... lol. I really love music, I've loved music since I can remember, and I'm currently trying to learn how to play guitar.
To me, the most important thing that I have are my friends, I appreciate them more that anything in this life and would give my life for them. But I'm not an affectionate person, it's kind of rare when I'm openly about how much I love them, and only with real close friends I tell them a little more often how much they mean to me, and I'm not really into physical touch either, just with really close people.
I love long talks where I can talk about... anything. I have so many thoughts about so many things, and I'd really like to share them with someone, and that person to tell me what they think too. I'm open minded, and if someone doesn't agree with me it's ok, but I really like to debate and be able to see everyone's point of view.
I don't tend to say when I'm feeling down, and I'm kind of good at hiding it, (I hide my feelings with humor lol) so... I have to be really sad to let people know about it (and just really close ones). I don't feel comfortable letting other people know when I'm not feeling well, and even if they know it's still rare that they could help me so... I just feel with it on my own (even tho it would be nice to have someone there sometimes). On the contrary, I'm always there to help everyone. Most my friends come to me for advice and I help them the best I can. So... I'm kind of the therapist friend that no one check how is doing lol
You could say I'm kind of a geek? Nerd? Whatever xD but I like to have fun (like... it's easier to get out of trouble when you're one of the "good kids" in class 👀 I still follow most of the rules tho, just know how to have my ways sometimes). I'm kind of the stereotype for Ravenclaw, but I'm a Hufflepuff xD so yeah... I really like music, and musical theater, and lots of reading. Love to spend time with my friends, but really enjoy time with myself. I spend most of my day daydreaming, and don't like to follow rules lol (But I'm the voice of reason with my friends. I don't like rules, but follow them... if it's necessary) . I hate people who are selfish, or that don't care about others. Also hate people who manipulate others or that get into "friendships" just to get something out of it (those are fake friends so).
So... yeah, that's it. I'm sorry if it's a lot, and no problem if you can't do it 😅 (also, I would love some rivals-to-lovers? If it's possible). Really love your work 💕
Pd. Sorry for my bad English 😅
HP Next Gen:
I ship you with James Sirius Potter!
so first of all, james sirius is one of those dorky jocks who is made up of lame jokes, poorly timed finger-guns, an inexplicable talent in school (despite rarely studying), and persuasion skills that somehow work on even the strictest of teachers.
it is from this that the rivalry between you is born. james sirius potter doesn’t have to do anything! he can run a hand through his god awful hair, give a teacher a grin, and his entire year is set. he can skip lessons for quidditch, where you get extra work when you were sick with dragon pox! it’s not fair that james sirius potter gets to waltz through this school like he’s all that, and the rest of you have to suffer.
at first, the rivalry wasn’t that bad, you just rolled your eyes in class whenever his obnoxious “thanks, professor” was heard over the din, or whenever you went to quidditch matches and he showed off on his broom, instead of doing his job as seeker (at which he was pretty good, not that you’d admit it).
BUT THEN,,,,, you become herbology partners, and things get bad. fast.
you get that harry potter is friends with neville but really? neville, head of gryffindor house, the most just of gryffindors, is letting james sirius potter leave class 20 minutes early because he has quidditch practice? practice that, mind you, doesn’t start until AFTER class has ended? your professor leaves you to do the work of two people all on your own because james sirius potter said it was cool that neville cut the head off of nagini? come on! everyone says that!
so you end up having to do extra work, which leaves less time for your other classes, and you have to do it in herbology - a class that has the potential to be deadly when difficult. 
it’s not a week until you march up to gryffindor tower (which is a pain on the legs, especially since your common room is in the basement) and wait for james sirius to show his sorry face. he doesn’t come down until lunch time, and then you have to follow him down to the great hall, because he “didn’t have breakfast” and he needs to eat “for quidditch.” it’s annoying, and yet he’s smiling the whole time?
you tell him he can’t leave class early - you almost had your finger bitten off the other day because no one else was there to hold down the plant while you tried to pick off it’s petals.
he says he can’t, but he’ll do your essays or whatever. “that’s plagiarism, you realize that?” “alright, then i’ll give you my notes.” “you don’t take notes.” “then i’ll start.”
and this is clearly going nowhere, so you sigh and leave.
it’s probably not even two weeks later when you are going to neville. he’s the head of gryffindor house and the one who made this arrangement. can’t he do something? the professor tells you that he chose you to team up with james sirius because he knows you can handle it on your own - and then he gave you some lame excuse about why james sirius needed the extra time, something about him about to be promoted to team captain at the end of the year or whatever.
and next class, for the little time that james sirius is working with you, he teases you about how you went to the professor. it annoys you to no end.
about a week later, you come down with a cold - madam pomfrey says a lot of it is due to stress, and while she gives you a potion to help you out, your still sick for two days. the day you get better, it’s the weekend and you get up early with the plan to get to the teachers before the quidditch game starts and ask beg them for less homework, or at the very least pick up what you missed. it’s early - almost everyone is still asleep, and when you walk out of the common room, you see..... james sirius potter? he asks if you’re alright - he heard you were sick for a couple days. you’re a little too tired for this, so you just answer his questions, no complaining. he then hands you a stack of parchment. “what is this?” “notes, for the classes you missed.” “oh.” “and i know how you feel about the rules, so i didn’t actually write you a herbology essay, but i did give you a good outline.” “oh.... thanks.” “’course.” and he gives you one of his awkward smiles and a solitary finger gun. you roll your eyes, but wish him luck in the game. he’s a little shocked, but you say it’s against ravenclaw, and their egos need to be taken down a peg.
and from there you are a little softer toward james sirius, but he’s still annoying as hell.
i have a very vivid idea of you having gone to a quidditch game, and gryffindor, of course, won. you decide to wait in the stands until everyone clears out, because it’s easier that way, and you want to finish your popcorn, anyway. james sirius has lingered on the pitch with the current quidditch captain, and when he sees that you’re one of the few still lingering, he goes up to meet you. he sits down next to you and steals a bit of you popcorn, which makes you roll your eyes, and he says something like “i didn’t expect you to wait for me.” “i wasn’t.” “sure.” and the two of you sit there for a moment, james coming down from the high of winning, sharing the remnants of your popcorn. it starts to drizzle and james uses his wand to make an umbrella, and the two of you start up a conversation about whatever - definitely not school related, and not even quidditch related, just something out of the blue. it’s not until all of the popcorn is gone and it’s raining in earnest that the two of you walk to the castle, james laughing at his own jokes and you smiling despite yourself.
i also imagine that, when the two of you become better friends, james sirius has a quidditch accident where he maybe breaks his arm or something. you get to go into mom mode, and james sirius teases you, saying that he “didn’t know you cared.” and it’s reminiscent of the dialogue above, but instead of denying it, you say “of course i do, you idiot.”
alright i went off (and now i want to write a fic about this) but i think the two of you would be really cute together because james sirius would love to talk with you about everything. he has a whole lot of siblings, and as the oldest is great at keeping conversation and he’s also actually really good at reading a room, despite what he may pretend. he would know when you’re feeling bad, and he’s also really good at accurately finding your insecurities and then boosting your self-esteem in exact ways.
and i also think that you and james sirius are music enthusiasts. if you are a pureblood, he introduces you to the wonders of muggle music, and if you are a half-blood or muggle born, you bond over your favorite muggle artists.
also, i have this headcanon that james sirius learns the guitar so he can be a certified heartthrob™ and no doubt he got the idea from you - you were in the hufflepuff common room just messing around, and he notices your guitar. maybe you learn together?
and while james sirius isn’t much of a reader, he loves movies more than anything else, so the two of you definitely have marathons.
I ship you with Peter Pevensie!
alright, the two of you would have the sweetest, most supportive relationship I’ve ever had the pleasure of writing
this one is a certified friends to lovers because from day one, the two of you get along really well together. even though peter is a little more extroverted, he’s the older brother and has a lot of introverted tendencies because he’s tired™
there is nothing that peter would love more than going on a walk through the gardens with you, talking about your interests - he likes to steer the topics to what you like to do because (1) he likes the way your eyes light up when you talk about what you love, and (2) he is tired of talking about himself. as king, he’s only ever talking about the problems he’s facing, or big problems that cover all of narnia. the smaller interests you have are his respite, his chance to have a bit of normalcy, as a high king.
you are also both hufflepuffs, so you’re fiercely loyal to those you love, and you’re both hard workers - stopping at nothing to do what needs to be done. you are both there to bolster the other in their efforts, but also get them to relax at the end of the day, since caring as much as you do and working as much as you do is the definition of exhausting.
you’re also the parent couple! we have peter, the dad friend (complete with the worst dad jokes you have ever heard. they’re even worse when they’re “king” jokes which are like dad jokes 2.0) and you, the mom friend! together, you make sure that your friends (and subjects) are well taken care of. and you act like stand in parents for edmund and lucy, which is not only exhausting but rewarding.
now, even though peter is a very affectionate person, more than that he’s thoughtful and the moment he realizes you don’t like that, he’ll stop. he’s more than happy to just be near you - reading books or pouring over documents with your input (because he definitely gets your input on issues of state). 
he also becomes big on getting you flowers or making you food (because headcanon that peter learns to cook in the cair paravel kitchens!). peter just has a lot of feelings, and as long as he has a way to express them, he’s good. 
he loves it when you give him praise, so whenever the two of you are stargazing and you compliment him, he blushes deeply. use this power wisely, because he will blush a deep red, and it’s a little awkward when he’s the definition of heart eyes in the middle of a privy council.
I ship you with Crutchie!
alright, so you and crutchie are, once again, a really sweet couple.
crutchie loves your way with words - you have a tiny notebook that he got you as a present, one year, and you are constantly writing poetry in them. you will often show him your work, and he’s astounded with your level of craftsmanship. he’s told you on multiple occasions that you should write one of those poetry books that he sees well-to-do men buy for those they love, and you get al bashful, one of his favorite looks.
also, both of you are dreamers. you definitely have lots of talks together, usually when you’re doing something absent minded like mending clothes or selling on the same corner, and you talk at length about what you want for this world, and what you hope to do in it. crutchie has a big imagination, and so do you. sometimes, the two of you see who can make up the best, most random story.
also! in a high school! au the two of you are the sweetest, most unsuspecting rule breakers ever. i mean, you’re friends with race and albert, after all, there has to be a chaotic streak in you somewhere. everyone is genuinely surprised when they realize that you and crutchie have snuck out of class and pulled the fire alarm before.
the two of you are also big readers. i imagine that crutchie likes mystery novels a lot. idk why, exactly, but he loves sherlock holmes, so the two of you not only read books together, but rate the different versions of sherlock holmes adaptations. (modern! au, of course, unless benedict cumberbatch is making tv series in 1899)
you debate over which of you is watson and which one of you is holmes. you’re both really smart, so it’s hard to say which one of you gets sherlock rights.
also, both of you are really good at hiding when you are hurting or in pain. and yet, both of you are also really good at spotting it in the other, seeing as you know the tells of hiding. i think you are both really empathetic and would be good with each other - leaning on each other when necessary and always being attentive of the other. all around, you’re a great match.
also, in a modern! au crutchie would love the percy jackson series. the two of you would riot over the terrible live-action movie and be very excited when the disney+ series comes out (here’s to hoping they don’t botch it)
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jeanmoreaux · 4 years
I haven't read YA since I was 10-14ish, which was the era when YA was really coming into its boom and I read a TON. I'm 20 now and I'm pretty sure I would cringe a little at all those books if I picked them back up today, because most of what I read was probably mediocre, but I'm not embarrassed to tell people I read them and loved them as a kid, because devouring those books really shaped me as a person and helped give me a breadth of understanding. And I'll happily both defend and criticise YA when it's debated, though I honestly think YA as a genre has becomine much more blurred and less useful. I'm glad that YA had its boom and I do hope it'll inspire more interesting genre fiction (high fantasy/sci-fi/speculative fiction and magical realism) in the years to come.
yeah, i was also the target demographic when all these iconic YA series dropped. i devoured most of them and many of the titles i read back then would make me cringe today too, for sure. but i think the existence of YA is definitely justified. ofc there are aspects to be criticised like in every other genre, but i think it’s great to have a genre that picks up and discusses specific teen issues and problems. YA has come a long way since its first boom in the late 2000s and early 2010s. i mean, let’s be honest, the sudden boom in popularity clearly led to a lot of garbage and cash grabs being published in the 2010s. and i think you’re right, the genre definition has slightly shifted and lines have become a little blurry, but i think there is still something uniquely YA about most YA titles. i still read YA from time to time bc there are some great authors (like elizabeth acevedo or courtney summers) writing some great books, especially for readers in the older age range within the genre. ((and there is just a lot more magical realism in YA than in (new) adult lit and i loooove magical realism)). tho i’m not sure if YA still has that trendsetting potential it used to have during its boom, so it will definitely be interesting to see if and how it will influence genre fiction in the future. i don’t really believe there will be a crossover hit like twilight or the hunger games again anytime soon.YA is currently in a sort of identity crisis and i think it will take some time for the genre to find its place amid the rest of fiction. but i do think that we will see some changes happening in YA within the next few years due to the genre’s sales decreasing and publishing houses currently reducing the number of YA titles they acquire. we might see an increase in quality or a change in themes. i’m actually quite interested to see where YA is heading.
talk to me about books <3
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