#I'm still not sure if I should give my muse a 'birth day' (or if I should just have this day be it
russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Could you do a Lance blurb where Lance is responsible for making dinner with the help of Margot and Addalynn to let the reader rest after Genevieve's birth and the three decide to make the reader's favorite food and when he returns from the market with the girls with things to start cooking and at the end, in addition to surprising her with the dessert which is a strawberry cake that they saw at the market which is the reader's favorite and she is grateful and a little moved by what Lance and the girls are doing for her
"I'm going to take those two out to the park - hopefully it will wear them out", Lance said as he watched you feed Genevieve.
"Oh, that would be nice - bedtime will be easier", you sighed as you rocked on the chair.
"Bye mummy! Bye Viv!", Addalynn and Margot waved as Lance kissed the top of the baby's head and then your own.
"The park is that way, daddy!", Addalynn pointed as Lance continued to drive.
"Actually, we're not going to the park, girls - I thought we could make dinner for mummy, so we're going to get the ingredients to make her favourite and then we're going to make it for her. How does that sound?", he mused.
"We can go to the park on another day - maybe after Viv gets her vaccines? Mummy said she's still too little to interact with the big germs", Margot reasoned, "I like the idea!".
After getting all of the ingredients, Addalynn spotted your favourite strawberry cake in one of the stands, "daddy, we should get a cake for mummy!", she pulled on his sleeve.
"Sure, love! Let me just put his in the bag", Lance stated as he arranged the ingredients in the tote bag.
Margot, however, noticed what her sister had also seen. There was only one cake left and they couldn't let anyone else take it.
"Hi, I'm Margot and I need that cake, please!", Margot told the lady at the stand.
"Hello, darling! The strawberry one?", the lady smiled as she pointed.
"Yes, it's for my mummy! She had our baby sister and we're making her dinner and this cake is her favourite!", Margot offered as she noticed Lance approaching them, "daddy! I got here in time to get the cake!", she smiled.
"You couldn't wait, could you?", he spoke to the girls, touching their heads and looking up at the lady, "I'm sure these two have told you, but we want to get the strawberry cake, please", he smiled.
"They did - you have such cute girls. They just told me about their baby sister - congratulations!", she smiled as she put it in the box.
"Thanks", Lance smiled, paying with money and getting the girls to say goodbye to the lovely lady.
Back home, Lance closed all the doors that led to the nursery so the noise wouldn't be too loud while they cooked, "so it says to leave the pasta on the side because it's fresh", Lance sorted out while the meat cooked.
"Have you ever made lasagna, daddy?", Addalynn wondered. Whenever you made it, the kitchen didn't look this messy.
"A couple of times with grandma and then some more with mummy, why?", he asked.
"Nothing - I'm going to get cheese", she offered.
By the time the tray was out of the oven, the lasagna was nice and golden brown and it smelled delicious.
As if on cue, you walked downstairs with Genevieve on your chest, wrapped in the sling ad you followed the smell, "what are you three up to?", you asked as you walked into the dining room.
"Surprise mummy!", Margot said, "Addy, Daddy and I made your favourite lasagna and we also found your favourite cake!", she pointed to the cake on the stand at the table.
"I thought you were going to the park", you quirked an eyebrow.
"Daddy wanted to surprise you and we thought it was a good idea", Addalynn stated.
"Oh, wow", you gulped, feeling the hormones rushing and taking over your feelings as you shed a couple of tears, "it's happy tears, I swear", you giggled as you wiped them.
"You do so much for our family, love, we just wanted to give something back to you - even though it's practically impossible to do as much as you do for us", your husband added as he hugged you.
"This is so nice, thank you, guys", you cooed, kissing your husband's cheek and letting him have some Genevieve time before you went up to the girls, hugging them close to you, "thank you for being so kind, girls".
"You deserve it, mummy", Margot smiled, "can we eat? I'm hungry", she patted her tummy.
"Yes, sweetheart, we can - mummy's hungry too!".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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An angst where Dream and Y/N are expecting a baby, Dream misses the birth of the child because he was helping Calliope
First Love
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: You saw the ask. Girl, what the fuck, why the fuck would dream do that to his fucking baby mama? -sincerely, me.
Word Count: 1k+
Warning: Mentions of pregnancy/birth pains/postpartum depression, fem!reader, established relationship, angst, clown shit, typos, etc.
A/N: I'm gonna say it anon, you got issues. i stared at this ask and wondered what i could possibly write for this. at some point i asked myself if i could even write it. here's your answer. suffer... ig... idk angst does not flow naturally from me lol [I JUST FINISHED WRITING IT HAHAHHAH SUFFER] i guess this goes out to all the mothers; idk if mothers read my fics but i see you and i salute you for going through birthing and/or raising children. i hope if you can relate to what reader is going through, you seek help. you aren't crazy. you just had a life altering thing happen to you. you deserve sanctuary. ALSO DO YOU SEE HOW SOFT THEY ARE IN THIS GIF WHAT THE FUCK WHY AM I WRITING THIS? I WISH I WERE CALLIOPE IN IT PLEASEEEEEEEE
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He had been caressing my bump when he pulled away and looked afar. I asked him what was wrong. Dream told me she was in trouble. She was calling for him.
"Who's she?"
Calliope. The muse. The beauty. The one he loved before me.
"Then you should go to her," I mutter under my breath, stoic, as I rub my belly.
"But you are due to give birth soon," his face tenses in concern.
I relax when he places his hand atop of mine and pulls me against him.
"Then don't go to her."
I feel him tense against me. My mouth goes dry.
I pull away from him and see his glassy blue eyes. I feel like retching. I suck in a deep breath and reach out to his cheek, "you are a king, and you said she was in trouble."
Dream's brows furrow.
"You know what it's like to be in trouble and helpless... I am sure she would not call to you if she was not desperate."
I do not know if I say this to soothe him or myself.
But it was apparently enough to convince him.
He grabs my face and kisses my forehead, "I shan't be a long."
But that was a lie.
One that would mark our end.
It all happened so quickly. It was like he left and then the next thing I knew I was giving birth.
I could do nothing but sink in my pain and heartache as I screamed for his name. I called him, Dream, Morpheus, my king, my lord, my love, but he did not come.
He did not come as I began to deliver our child. He did not come as I lamented over my agony. He did not come to me when the baby made it out to the Dreaming. He did not come to me when I stared at the nursing the creature in my arms.
He did not come to the mother of his child.
But then again I realized, so was she; Calliope also bore him a child.
The only difference between her and me was that when she called for him, he came.
And so, I did not want this... thing in my arms.
I did not want something who looked so much like someone who clearly did not want me.
I counted the moments of his return, every second, every minute, every hour; all I did was stare at the clock on the wall.
Lucienne begged me to eat, to sleep, and to nurse that thing and it was only because she wept on her knees that I even agreed to do any of it.
I did not understand... I thought I was meant to be fiercely protective of this creature I had carried inside me. He was made out of love. I spent days perfecting his room, going through countless books to prepare myself for his arrival, sifting through countless names. I thought I would be overjoyed by him, but I don't think I would even care if Lucienne tires of playing mother and forgets to have me nurse him... not even if he eventually stops crying altogether.
The boy was 'til now even nameless, and I could not care less.
"My love."
My whole world stills when I hear this.
He was here. He was finally here.
My breathing is heavy as I walk over to him. He has a smile on his face and even lifts his arms up for me. I do not fall into his arms.
"You've been gone for two days," I mutter over my heavy breaths.
Dream diminishes the space between us and swipe the tears streaming down my cheeks, "I apologize. I did not ex-"
"I called for you," I blurt, "I called for you for hours during my labor."
"And I heard everyone of them, but I cou-"
"But you stayed with her!" I shove his hands away, "but you did not come to me."
"The circumstances did not allow me to-"
Dream does not get to continue when the thing wails from afar.
Soon enough Lucienne comes to us, much more relieved about the return of her master than I. I feel a bitterness rise up my throat when the cries are quickly silenced when the thing is handed to his father. He seemed to recognize him, just as he was recognized.
Dream was clearly overjoyed by him. It was repulsive.
Lucienne calling my name is what brings her king out of his trance. She continues reluctantly, "he shall need to be nursed soon."
Tears continue to stream my face as Dream finally catches my expression.
"My love, I-"
"Do not call me that."
His face falls. His being darkens. His child begins to wail again because of it. The sound angers me.
Lucienne leans towards Dream and whispers something that makes tears streak his face.
I decide then it was enough.
Now that I had seen him, there was no reason for me to stay. I turn to the ring on my hand, the ring that allowed me to travel from his realm back to the waking world, the ring that reminded me of his broken promise to always be there for me. I rub it, willing it to take me away.
A portal opens.
Dream snatches my hand right after Lucienne gets his child from him. He calls my name, and it makes me recoil. I yank out of his grip and flare.
"I do not want to be anywhere near you or that THING ever again!"
"He is your child," Dream whispers as he reaches out to my face, "born out of our love-"
"But you do not love me!" I quip and shove him away, "you would not abandon someone you love!"
"No one is abandoned."
"YOU CHOSE HER!" I shriek, heaving deeply, more and more annoyed by the continuous cries in the air, "now I'm going to choose me."
"You are... unwell," Dream words carefully as he draws nearer.
"And you are nothing to me!" I spit back.
I watch him fall to his knees.
Lucienne gasps when parts of the hall begin to crumble, "my lord!"
"You were my everything. There was nothing, no one before you," I mutter as I rub the jewel of my ring one last time, "but now you are nothing, no one before me."
I slip my ring off and cast it away just before I disappear from the Dreaming.
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ts3lightclan · 1 year
(1.25) Cold Sun on a Winter's Morning (!!)
!! Hey, everyone! This chapter contains heavier themes such as: kit death, stillbirth. Viewer discretion is advised. !!
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Sitting and sorting through the recently-collected herbs, Stormflower remained silent and focused on her work as always. Pepperfrost watched, wondering idly how a cat could be so focused on a single task... but, overall, she was grateful.
"...I'm sorry for getting cocky," She mewed finally, ears flattened. "You were right. Leaf-bare isn't a safe time to have kits, and... you were just trying to warn me. You were right."
The spotted healer's tail twitched for a moment, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder.
"It's alright. You're young." Stormflower shrugged, returning to her work. "I only wish I could have gotten back in time for your kitting. I'm sorry for your loss.
"N-No, I should be... I should be thanking you!" Pepperfrost's voice was practically a squeak compared to Stormflower's calm, contemplative tone. "You risked your safety to save my sister's life, and she's still here because of it!"
"I only did what any reliable healer would do."
"It's still amazing. Besides... what happened to Berrykit wasn't your fault. It... It wasn't anyone's fault. It just happened. And, like, of course part of me is going to hurt forever, knowing she might've been a great warrior one day, but..."
Adjusting her position from her nest, Pepperfrost took a moment to stare down and admire the three remaining kits huddled at her belly.
"...I still have three left. And they'll shine even brighter. For her."
"That's a wonderful sentiment, Pepperfrost," The healer mused with a quiet hum. "Thank you. I promise you that Berrykit will be well cared for among the stars."
"That's reassuring!" Pepperfrost let out a quiet, awkward laugh. "I'm still not sure about all the Star Cat business, but Lilacdream has been trying to teach me."
"That's good. A warrior should understand the significance of the clan's ancestors."
Pepperfrost decided not to point out that she, as well of most of the clan at the moment, didn't have clan ancestors. It was only Lightrunner and Stormflower now.
The healer seemed to sense the awkward tension, because she quickly changed the subjects.
"So... you've already named them all, then?"
"I have," Pepperfrost purred, excited to share about her new litter. "There's Berrykit, of course, and then..."
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While the herb patrol is on their expedition, Pepperfrost gives birth to four kits.
Kitten 1 is female and a stillborn. Pepperfrost is grieving.
Kitten 1 receives the name Berrykit after joining the ranks of StarClan.
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Kitten 2 is male. He is Skittish and Quiet.
Kitten 2 receives the name Elmkit, in honor of the elm forest that the clan calls home (and his father, Elmer).
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Kitten 3 is female and born sickly. She is Non-Destructive and Proud.
Kitten 3 receives the name Sleetkit, in honor of the icy leaf-bare in which the litter was born.
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Kitten 4 is female. She is Quiet and a Hunter.
Kitten 4 receives the name Flowerkit, in honor of Stormflower, who saved Lilacdream's life shortly after the kits were born.
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With the fresh herbs from the greenhouse gardens, Stormflower treats Lilacdream's Sickness. Lilacdream will make a full recovery.
Lilacdream must recuperate before she can continue her duties.
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The Softest Shout (Fili x Reader)
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Requested by: @guardianofrivendell
Saw that your requests were open 👀 I absolutely LOVE your Legolas fics! But can you maybe write a Fíli oneshot 👉👈? Can be angst with fluff ending, or just fluff. I am WEAK for enemies to lovers or angrily confessing your love without thinking: "But why?" "Because I love you!" I'm happy with whatever really :)
A/N: here you are! My first Fili fic! Was gonna save it for Fili Friday, but couldn’t wait! Poor majestic lion deserves more love! Enjoy! ☀️
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How dare he! The audacity! The nerve! What right did Fili have, as to boss those beneath him around?
Y/n grinded her teeth, as she sat on the stone steps of one of Erebor’s many halls. A battle loomed in the distance – one between her kind, and the Elves. It regarded mostly stolen jewellery, and the stubborn streak of Thorin, which she saw all too much in his oldest nephew.
Y/n was just as adept in battle as her male counterparts were. However, Fili apparently thought not.
He had always treated her unfairly, Y/n mused. He was always mean – pulling on her pigtails, making snide remarks and all-around teasing. Oh, how it made her blood boil.
However, this was the final straw for the woman. She was a grown adult, and yet, here she was – sidelined, and forced to sit out the approaching war.
It had startled her, to say the least, when Fili snapped earlier. She was arranging plans for the fight ahead, regarding her armour. However, Fili quickly stormed into the room, and took the chainmail right from her hands.
He then proceeded to seethe and scold her, claiming that she had ‘no place on the battlefield’. She too had said some choice words, which in hindsight, may have been a little brash. Though, she did not regret them at all, for they were birthed from nothing but truth.
So, now here Y/n sat – furious on the stone steps.
Dwalin soon walked past. He stopped, confused, for a moment. Why was she sat down? By Durin! There was a war to prepare for!
“Lass,” he began scolding, “I know for a fact you are not sitting down right now – not when you could be readying yourself to fight against those pansy peacocks!”
“I’ve got nothing to prepare for,” Y/n glumly said. She held her chin in her hand, and glared up at Dwalin.
“Whatever do you mean?” Dwalin asked, creasing his features.
“Oh, you haven’t heard?” Y/n started, with a roll of her eyes. “Our brave and true heir to the throne apparently has a superiority complex. He has removed me from the ranks. I am not allowed to fight.”
If Dwalin was surprised, he didn’t show it. Instead, puzzling Y/n, he merely only clicked his tongue, and muttered under his breath. It sounded like something along the lines of ‘that darned boy is utterly hopeless at these sorts of things’.
Y/n tilted her head, and parted her lips. What things? What was Fili hopeless at? He was sure a lousy comrade, that much was for certain. She herself would never have chosen to spend more than five minutes with him, but alas, the journey to Erebor deemed she would do so.
Finally, recalling the woman sat beneath him, Dwalin returned his attention to her.
“I know it isn’t my place to question our leaders’ authority,” he began, sighing, at the thought of Thorin, “but, I think you’ll find better luck in speaking to him again.”
“Shouting, you mean,” Y/n knowingly corrected.
“Aye, that’ll work too,” he mulled.
Smiling through a quick huff, Y/n dropped her eyes to the ground. She definitely had a lot of pent-up anger, so even if she couldn’t take it out onto the battlefield, she knew Fili would do just fine. After all, he was the reason she was so furious in the first place.
“You’re right,” she sighed, standing to her feet. “I’m going to go give him a piece of my mind!”
As she sauntered past, with squared shoulders, a set jaw and burning eyes, Dwalin chuckled, and responded aloud.
“Good luck...”
~ Fili was located in the armoury, and fiddled with the drawstring of his armour. Without so much as announcing herself, Y/n filed into the room.
“I have a bone to pick with you!” she seethed, marching on over to him. “How dare you take me out of this fight! I am warrior, just as much as the rest of you! You may be the future king, but you aren’t one yet! I demand a reconsideration!”
He was startled, but only for a minute. By the time she stood before him, he had regained his ever-cool composure.
Pretending to think, Fili hummed. He then smiled back down at her, but in a very smug way.
“Okay, I’ve reconsidered,” he said, earning a slight glimmer of hope from the woman, “and the answer is still no.”
Growling, she pushed his chest backwards. She spoke with much fury, which did nothing to unnerve the Dwarf.
“How dare you!” she shouted again, with anger written all over her face. “Why? WHY? Why must you always be like this? You treat me the way the men from certain human dwellings treat their spouses – like nothing more than little housewives!”
Fili blushed at this. Did she not hear her own words? Oh, if only she knew how close her accusations were. Of course, he didn’t do this for any narcissism. No, Fili did this for reasons he thought Y/n surely must have already known.
Kili told him how to acquire a woman’s heart – ‘they like it when you’re mean to them, sends their hormones haywire’, Kili had said one day.
Perhaps his little brother was wrong, though? Y/n certainly didn’t hold love in her eyes. Instead, she revered him in disdain. That was not what he wanted.
“You do not know of what you speak of,” Fili warned, raising his brows in gesture.
“Oh? Then perhaps you’d like to clarify for me? Because I’m lost,” Y/n seethed again. She folded her arms over her chest, and quirked a brow.
Fili was at a loss himself. He stammered over his words, before he realized none could form, and sighed.
Dissatisfied with his lack of response, Y/n flared her nostrils. She bared her teeth, and began shouting again. If he would not answer, then she would fill the silence.
“Why do you say nothing?” she began, revving up in her tone, which only hastened Fili’s heart, with every passing second. “Why? Why do you treat me so poorly? Why am I to be sidelined, when all my friends must fight?”
“It simply has to be this way,” Fili said at last, shaking his head at the ground.
“Why, though?” she tried again.
“Because, I said so,” Fili once more said, feeling his own anger boil.
“Yes, but why?”
“Because, I said so,” he growled again.
“But WHY?”
“Oh, for the love of Durin, because I LOVE YOU!”
“Yes, but why-“ Y/n had gone to say.
However, the moment his words met her mind, she halted. What had he just said? Surely her ears deceived her?
“What?” she next quietly whispered.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek, and studied her nervously. Well, there was no turning back now.
“The reason I do not wish for you to be on the battlefield,” he slowly began explaining, “is because I care, very deeply, for you, Y/n. I wouldn’t want to see you hurt.”
A pregnant pause ensued.
Oh dear.
Pursing her parted lips, it was now Y/n’s turn to stutter and stammer. However, when no words of her own would form, she closed her mouth.
She stared at the ground for a moment in thought. Fili picked at his drawstring faster, for he figured she would now reject him.
Dammit, Kili, he thought. He knew he should not have taken his little brother’s relationship advice. That darned brunette couldn’t even grow a beard!
Lost in his seething thoughts regarding Kili, Fili was startled, as Y/n spoke again.
“Well…that certainly places things in a different perspective,” she said at last.
“A good perspective? Or a bad one?” Fili bemusedly pressed.
“That depends,” Y/n shrugged, “I wouldn’t wish to court someone who taunts and belittles my skills as a warrior.”
“I never meant to do such a thing,” Fili apologised, shaking his head. “I merely only want you safe, and as for the taunting, well…let’s just say Kili gives terrible advice.”
Unsatisfied with his lack of accountability, Y/n quirked a brow. Noticing this, Fili sighed again. He slumped his shoulders, and pressed on.
“And…let’s also just say, for argument’s sake, that I’m quite stupid?” he tried.
This gently extracted a bright grin from Y/n.
“Aye, that works better,” she warmly remarked.
Both then laughed, and reduced the bubbling tension in the room, to nothing but mist. Catching the other’s eye, both slowly died down. Y/n saw Fili in a new light – someone worthy of her consideration. Of course, Fili would still have to work for her approval, nonetheless.
“I’ll tell you what,” she began, “I’ll consider removing the layers in my heart, as to search for what I really feel towards you, if you allow me in this fight. I’ll have no such partner denying me the thrill of a battle.”
“Aye, you certainly love fighting…” Fili sighed, staring up at the ceiling.
“Indeed, and I’d urge you to make haste and find an answer, before you earn yourself another one,” she sassed.
Unable to fight the grin over her attitude, one he knew certainly couldn’t be missed in their ranks on the battlefield, Fili responded.
“Very well,” he said at last, “I will…step aside, although, let it be known that it deeply irks me!”
Rising up on her tiptoes, Y/n planted a swift kiss to his cheek. Fili then turned five shades deeper, and felt his mind burn into nothing but revving sparks.
“Good choice,” she commended. She then made a move to string up his armour, and spoke again. “Now, how would you like to assist me with putting my own armour on?”
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pedropascalssimp · 4 years
Boba fett x fem reader
Summary: jango (your and boba's son) seems to favor you, making boba a little jealous and also ✨sad boi✨ but after one particular night spent on Eadu jango finds himself clinging to a certain bounty hunter.
Warnings: Fluffy soft boba. Short - like really short because I suck😖
Part 3 to this
Tags: @anilynworlds
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The ship was in complete silence, something that seemed to be a rarity since little jango was born into the galaxy. Every night since you both had left Endor after you recovered from giving birth, little jango seemed to find wailing at 3am up until 9am was the most thrilling thing in the galaxy. No matter what you did, feed him, change him, even walk him around the ship you called home, he wouldn't fall asleep. Not until you started letting him sleep in your and boba's bed that is. You didn't mind him sleeping with you both, neither did boba, in fact it put him more at ease knowing his son was safer snuggled under the furs and in his riduurs loving arms. But jango seemed to not like how boba would at least try and hold him, he always cried whenever his father held him. Tiny puffy eye's tightly shut as his little cheeks turned red as cries flew out of his mouth.
It was frustrating for boba how much his son clings to you, always tugging at your pant leg or reaching out for you to hold him, of course you'd drop everything your doing to hold the little man, placing little kisses on his chubby cheeks and loving the adorable giggles that emit from him when you do so. Boba knew he should be happy to see his son love you the way he does, he should be thrilled. But he couldn't help feeling a little envious, especially since he was strongly convinced his son hated him.
It was quiet as jango slept in your arms, you seated in the co-pilot seat while boba was beside you flying the ship through space. You didn't miss how his eyes would fall on you and your sleeping two year son. So you give him a small smile, "he's been doing good with talking, he can almost anything... Of course it's still a little none understandable at the moment" you giggle at how he words things, dink being drink and sleep being seepy, his two favorite words besides momma, It was adorable. You adore his little voice, always giggling at how he leaves Rs out of some things. But for a two year old he was a fast learner.
"I've noticed... He seems to call you momma now, but I have yet to hear him say daddy or even buir" boba sighs, voice gruff letting you know he's tired. He's been trying to make enough credits to give you and jango a nice life he said, taking on more bounties then usual, in fact, you was heading to the planet Eadu because some bounty boba was hunting was supposedly located there.
"he'll say it... Just give him some time" you reassure, but you can tell by the ever present grumpy look on his face he didn't believe you.
"I've been giving him time since the day he was born cyar'ika I can't even hold him without hearing him scream and cry, he hates me" boba grumbled as a scowl was etched on his face, brown eye's glued to stars that zoomed by.
You sigh and stand up, careful as to not wake jango up, his head resting on your chest as his little arms wrap around your neck. You walk over to boba and run a hand through his dark hair, his eye's falling on you. "he loves you boba, it was only natural for him to cry that much as a baby" you say and trail your hand down to cup his jaw, tilting his head more.
"that doesn't make up for how he is two years old and still refuses to let me hold him" his voice came out more gruff, a sign he was getting irritated. "he's a mommas boy my riduur, you spoil him to much" he muttered with a ghost of a smile on his face, his eye's holding the amusement his voice failed to display making his words some harsher, but you knew he wasn't angry nor frustrated.
"I'm not the one who buys him absolutely everything he points at when we walk through the markets" you tease boba, remembering how if he spots jango point at something with a excited glint in his dark eye's, he'd buy it.
Rolling his eyes, boba focuses back on flying the ship. "I don't want him to do without, I only get him something if he needs it" he grumbled causing you to roll your eye's this time, you knew that he did it because it was his way of showering the boy in love, buying him little toys after every hunt and always sneaking little desserts into his plate whenever you wasn't looking. Boba spoiled the boy without a doubt.
Deciding to not tease him anymore you place a kiss on his forehead making him hum happily as he peers up at you, "I need to lay him down before he wakes up, hopefully you'll be joining us after awhile" you said before walking out of the cockpit. As you walk through the ship, making your way into the small room you called a bedroom, you laid jango down easily so you could get ready for bed. As you take your dirty shirt off, picking up a clean one your about to put it on, but instead you throw it against the wall and scream in fright, for on the shirt was some sort of large spider looking bug.
Jango jults awake and looks around the room until his large eyes fall on you, staring at wear the shirt is with startled eyes.
"momma what's 'ong?" his little voice spoke up making you look back at him with red cheeks, embarrassed you screamed like that over a bug. But you was terrified of them.
"cyar'ika!? What's going on? What's the matter?" boba runs into the room with a hand on his blaster holstered at his hip and concern on his face.
You look up at him, standing with only your bra and pants on as you point at your short laying on the floor with a sheepish smile. "there's a spider on my shirt..." you muttered without meeting his eye's, To embarrassed.
Boba sighs with relief and walks over to the shirt, crouching down to inspect it. Jango starts asking you what's wrong again and you scoop him up as he watched boba intently. As your husband picks the shirt up and shakes it you see the bug fall out of the shirt and onto the floor, making you jump and scream, jango soon screaming but his sounded like glee rather then fright. Jango always watched closely whenever boba would always get bugs away from you and him or simply always helping you in whatever way possible, whether it be a protective way or a simple task.
Boba stomped the spider before it could crawl away anywhere and gives you a reassuring smile, "there, you're terrifying little friend is gone" he mused while handing you your shirt, you take it hesitantly while looking over it. Not really wanting to put that one on now you gently lay it down and find another one to put on, of course you hand jango to boba so you can slip the shirt on. But like boba expect jango starts reaching for you while repeating momma! This makes boba roll his eyes and bounce jango around.
"why do you hate me so much hm?" he asked with his usual scowl, making your son start crying. After you get the shirt on you quickly walk over to them and take jango from boba who seemed a little annoyed.
"he doesn't hate you" you sigh while calming jango down, his little cries turning to whimpers as you rub his back soothingly. "why do you always give buir a hard time? He always protects us from big bad bugs and always spoils you with toys... He's a nice buir isn't he?" you talk to jango with a smile, watching how he looks over at boba and then buried his face in your neck.
"get some rest cyar'ika, it won't take long before we arrive to Eadu" boba wasn't one to initiate anything affectionate, but you knew by the way he stood still, watching you with those big brown eye's that he was waiting for the kiss you always gave him before bed. You walk over to him and gently peck his lips, "I'll be in here in a few minutes" he grunts while leaving, the door closing behind him. You turn to jango who was already innocently looking up at you, eye's droopy. You kiss his little forehead and walk over to the bed.
"jango honey, can you say buir?" you ask while laying down on the bed, back pressed against the mattress while he peers up at you through his dark lashes.
"seepy momma" he yawns while wiping at his eye's, and although you are determined to get your son call boba buir... But he was sleepy, so you lay down and gently run your fingers through your sons dark hair. His head falling on your chest.
Perhaps you can try and teach him when on Eadu, when boba is on the hunt. It would surely surprise him if he came home and his son called him buir, hugging him if you was lucky. It would make boba happy, especially since jango acts like boba is nothing but a grumpy man who simply supplies him with food, clothes and toys.
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It's been a few days since boba left Slave I in search of the quarry, but you expected the hunt go on for that long, boba was supposed to be him in merely a few hours. You walk around, holding jango close as he cries, loudly might you add. You was worried about your son, he always calmed down whenever you'd walk around the ship with him while telling him little stories. Your voice always soothing him, but today it seemed everything you did wasn't working. At first you didn't know what was scaring him, but as the loud claps of thunder shook the ship, you understood he was scared of the thunder. Eadu was known for being a stormy planet, always raining and lighting along with thundering. Something jango has never heard before, but for the first few days the thunderstorms was quiet, not entirely loud enough to be heard from inside the ship. But today the storm seemed bad, thunder so loud it drowns out jango's cries almost.
"c'mon jango honey it's okay... You're safe" you say by his ear as he screams, little voice starting to go hoarse from how long his crying has been going on, almost two hours. You sigh and walk into the room, sitting on the bed and placing your son in your lap as you hug him.
It wasn't much longer until the door opens with a hiss, boba walking in, in his armor. Helmet gone as he gives you a look of concern.
"what's wrong with him?" he asks while looking to you with furrowed brows.
"he's terrified of the thunder" you tell him, but as jango heard boba's voice, his head is turn in his direction while he reaches for boba.
"buir! I want you!" jango cries, shocking both you and boba. But boba is quick to pick his son up, holding him close while jango rest his head on boba's chest.
"you're okay my little adiik, you're safe with me... I won't let anything hurt you" he placed a kiss on jango's head while swaying softly. Jango sniffles as his cries subside, little hand reaching up to pat boba's cheek as he kisses his nose. The sight enough to make your heart swell while a smile tugs at your lips. Boba smiling a rare beautiful smile.
" 'ove you buir!" jango says happily while you stand up and stand beside them, loving the way boba's eyes sparkle with happiness, love swimming in the brown eye's you adore.
Gently placing a hand on his little back you giggle when he pats boba's cheek again. "I love you too you stubborn little man" boba grabs his little hand and placed a kiss on his forehead, making jango giggle.
"I told you he'd say it" you said, grinning at your husband. He nods and goes to hand you jango so he can take the armor off and wash away the days hunt off of him. As he does so jango tightly wraps his arms around boba refusing to leave him.
"oh come on now, I have to get cleaned up little one" boba tries to unwrap his arms, successfully do so and handing jango to you. But the little tremble of his lip and tears swimming in his eye's tells you both he's gonna cry. And cry he does while you hold him.
"jango honey he has to take his armor off" you coo trying to calm him down. Your attempts useless until boba gets back.
You tried bouncing him, tickling him, even making funny faces at your son. But he only sits on the bed and cries, "buir!!! I wan' buir!!" jango screams, and it's then his buir walks through the door wearing comfy pants and a shirt. Hair damp as he smugly walks over and picks jango up.
"it looks like he's done being a mommas boy and decided he wants to be his buirs little warrior" boba holds him with a smug smile making you roll your eye's but smile nonetheless, happy jango is finally calling him daddy now.
"he's always going to be a mommas boy, but for some reason he's just clinging to you tonight" you say while crawling in bed, slipping under the covers and watching your riduur with a amused smile. "but just you see, he's going to be cuddled up to me as soon as you lay him in the bed" you spoke matter of factly, almost cocky as you smirk at boba. He rolls his eyes and grumbles something under his breath, whatever it was made jango giggle, a proud smile on your husband's face.
As soon as boba crawls in bed he placed jango between you both, boba rolls over on his side to face you while you do the same. Jango pulls the covers up and turns to boba, holding on to his arm that drapes over him. Boba laughs at the gasp you let out, betrayal written all over your face.
"jango!! How dare you do this to me! Betraying you're own mother like this" you pout playfully and turn your back to them, a smile now on your face.
"ignore her son, she's only trying to make you feel guilty for finally treating me like I'm you're father and not some man who lingers around the ship" boba jokes, something that was rare but tonight seemed to be a unique night.
Jango listens to boba and ignored you, falling asleep while snuggled up to your husband. You turn around and smile at them. Noticing boba was also asleep. You giggle quietly and scoot closer, draping your arm over jango and placing your hand on boba's arm, taking in the tender moment you was having with your little family.
After that one night jango never wanted to leave boba's side, always latching onto his legs whenever he tried to walk or always asking him to hold him, it was cute, adorable even as jango soon decided to favor his father now.
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sofreddie · 4 years
Sam's Revenge (Part 5)
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Characters: Dean x Reader, OC Dean Jr. (DJ), Cas, Crowley
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of torture, Implied Torture, Violence, Blood, Teeniest bit o' fluff
Word Count: 1,058
My Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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After the fallout at the Bunker, the remaining Elite families retreated to their own lands and compounds. The Winchester family compound - which had fallen secondary to the Bunker - was now home base of The Way. They had salvaged as much as they could from the Bunker and distributed it amongst the families.
The Council had decided, it was time for change.
Since they were essentially stripped down to their Tenents, they rebuilt The Way using them as their guidelines, bringing it back to what is was intended to be - a community of Hunters protecting the world from what lurks in the dark.
Dean was grateful for Y/N. She was smart and strong and wasn't afraid to voice her opinions. She spent much time and energy on assisting in rebuilding The Way alongside Dean and the other Elites. She'd become his best friend, his greatest ally, his right-hand.
Since the birth of their son - Dean Jr. - a month before, their fondness for each other grew into love. Dean wasn't sure how but he managed to love each of them more and more with each passing day. Seeing them together made his heart swell with love and pride. They were his. His family. He would do anything for them.
He didn't want his son to grow up how he'd had. Growing up in the Hunting life was inevitable for a Winchester, and Dean had accepted that. But Dean Jr. would have a better father. Dean would be better than John. He wouldn't mold his son into the perfect, obedient soldier. He wouldn't keep him in the life if he wanted something else.
He certainly would never torture him.
The birth of his son inspired Dean into action more than anything else. He worked hard day in and day out to build a future for The Way that his son would be proud to lead one day.
Sam would be proud too of what they've accomplished.
Not a day went by that Dean didn't think of his brother. If anyone was dealt a bad hand in life, it was Sam. Dean regretted enforcing Sam's exile. They were supposed to be by each others sides, always. But if he hadn't stuck by his duties as Leader, then he surely would have been exiled too.
Looking over at Y/N and Dean Jr. on the porch of the Winchester homestead together, smiling and happy, he knew he made the right call. Still didn't make it any easier on him though.
"Dean," he was brought from his musings by the calling of his name, turning to see his Angel friend, Castiel. After the fallout, Castiel stayed with Dean. He believed in his vision - and in him - and helped to rebuild The Way.
"I just came from the front gate," Cas explained, "There's something you should see."
Dean's brow furrowed as he followed Cas to the gate, wondering what it could possibly be to have his friend so stern and concerned. He too, was concerned when he saw what was waiting for him. Though it quickly changed to utter anger at the sight.
"Crowley," Dean ground out, his eyes skimming over the slumped figure of a man, held up between two of Dean's men. Someone had gotten to him first. It looked like he was beaten, sliced, blooded, barely recognizable and hanging on to consciousness.
"Sam," Crowley choked out, blood oozing from his mouth and pooling on the ground.
At the mention of his brother, Dean's attention was solely focused on the battered King before him.
"What about Sam?" Dean took a step closer to the man. Dean's men shook the demon when he failed to respond. Dean growled, smacking his face and still getting no response, "Lock him up. I'll get him to talk."
Dean swiftly turned and marched back towards the house, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do.
"Dean," Cas spoke, keeping up with Dean's long strides, "Are you sure that is wise?"
"He has information about Sam," Dean grumbled, "And someone worked him over pretty good. What if some powerful somebody has Sam and sent Crowley to give me a message?"
"I can go search for Sam if you'd like. Let you know what I find. Or I can stay here and help with Crowley."
Dean stopped, looking at his friend before locking eyes with Y/N on the porch in the near distance. Her face fell as she saw the look he wore, knowing business was afoot.
"Find Sam," Dean finally responded, locking eyes with the angel, "Let me know what you find. In the meantime, I'll try to wake Crowley and get him talking."
Cas nodded before disappearing. Dean sighed and made his way to the porch. He kissed the top of Dean Jr.'s head as the baby rested in his mother's arms. He then turned and pressed a gentle kiss to Y/N's cheek.
"What's going on?" she asked.
"Crowley," he groaned and her eyes went wide, holding her child a little closer, "He showed up beaten and bloody and said something about Sam."
"Sam?" she echoed, swallowing hard. He was a sore topic for both of them. Y/N hated the Sam she knew. She didn't have time to get to know the Sam with a soul. Dean had talked about him often, telling her stories of their childhood and Sam's dreams, then how he suddenly changed.
Dean beat himself for 'not knowing sooner' and 'not standing up' to John and a million other reasons why and how he 'failed' his brother. Y/N wished she had met Sam before in his youth. That Sam sounded like an amazing person. She couldn't reconcile the Sam she knew with Dean's Sam, no matter how hard she tried.
"You're thinking someone has him and Crowley has info?" she said, more to herself, nodding in understanding, "I'm gonna take DJ into the house."
"DJ?" Dean smirked, "That's new."
She shrugged, "Dean Jr. is too long and I already vetoed Junior. DJ is simple, sweet, and differentiates you two," she grinned, pecking his lips sweetly before disappearing into the house.
"Sir?" Dean turned to see one of his men standing at the bottom of the porch steps, "He's ready for you."
Dean nodded and the man stepped away. He took a deep breath and sent out a silent prayer, hoping Sam was okay.
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Sam's Revenge:
@allethalove @squirrelnotsam
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batterycityghoul · 4 years
Hello there! I don't know if you are accepting requests, so I'm just shooting my shot. I was thinking about a short one shot with Diego based on the song Wait a minute by Willow Smith. Actually the part where she says "You left your diary at my house And I read those pages, you really love me". I know you're busy with These Hands Stained Red, so it's okay if you can't write it. Have a nice day! 🤗💖
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Title: You Were Bound to See
Pairing: Diego Hargreeves/Reader
Word Count:  2.9k (whoops?)
Author’s Note: I was already in a Birds of Prey mood, and your additional requests for 'number 8/singer in a bar/power has to do with her voice' gave me maaajor Black Canary/Dinah Lance feels. So, I used some of that character's story for inspiration. I hope that's okay! (I also had never heard the song before, so I hope I did alright with your song prompt! Thank you so much for sending this in! 💖) 
You sat on your bed, waiting for him to show up. On nights like these, it wasn't uncommon for him to sneak into your apartment, seeking a night together.  
When you heard the window beside your bed slide up, you felt a smirk tug at your lips. You glanced over your shoulder, catching sight of him standing there in his domino mask and usual vigilante gear.  
"What was it this time?"  
"A robbery," he answered. "What? You couldn't see that with your little musical gift?"
You quirked an eyebrow at him, not amused by his snark. "It doesn't work like that and you know it," you snapped, shooting him a glare. "And why don't you take that stupid thing off your face? You look like an idiot."
Diego rolled his eyes, reaching up to pull his mask off. "You used to wear one too. Or did you forget we used to be on the same team?"
How could you ever forget? Your mother had only been a lonely, scared teenager when she suddenly became pregnant and gave birth to you all in one day. You didn't remember much about her, but you did remember that she used to call you her little miracle. She didn't have much money or anyone to rely on, but she loved you. And you? You loved her.  
You were just a kid when she got sick and passed, there and gone in what felt like a blink of an eye. In the weeks before she left you, you spent many nights at her bedside, singing her song after song, your head filled with visions that never yielded what you hoped to find.  
After she passed, you ended up bounced around the system for a few years until you ran away. You learned at a young age that you truly couldn't rely on anyone but yourself, so you resigned yourself to being alone.  
You had to become resourceful to survive on the streets. It wasn't the most glamorous lifestyle, but you figured it was better than trusting someone who would only ultimately let you down.  
Your life took a sudden turn when you were only thirteen. You had gone a few days without food, so you had to resort to looking through a dumpster in search of a meal. You thought you had found the jackpot outside of a mansion, since you knew rich people were always throwing away perfectly good food.  
You had just jumped inside when you startled at the sound of someone banging a fist on the side of it.  
"Hey! You find anything good in there?"
You peeked over the side of the dumpster to see a boy about your age leaning against the side of it. He glanced up at you, throwing you a wink, before he brought a cigarette to his lips and took a drag.  
"Smoking kills, you know?"  
The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Death doesn't concern me that much," he offered with a grin, lightly laughing at the words as if it was a joke only he would understand. "What are you doing in there?"
"Looking for food," you answered, figuring there was no harm in being honest.  
The boy squinted up at you before he nodded his head. "Alright," he said. "Come with me."
You shook your head. "I don't even know you."
"Oh! Right," he said, hastily dropping his cigarette to the ground before stepping on it. "I'm Klaus. And you are?"
You considered the boy for a few moments before you sighed. "I'm Y/N," you finally offered.  
You were surprised when Klaus took you inside the mansion. He was quick to introduce you to a woman named Grace who immediately started to fuss over you. She made you food which you promptly ate while listening to Klaus ramble away about his life and family.  
"Well, this was great," you started once you finished the pancakes and eggs Grace had made for you. "But I should really be going."
"I believe we would both agree on that," you heard a man say from the doorway of the kitchen. "What were you thinking, Number Four? Inviting this strange child into our home?"
Klaus snorted before he shot you a commiserating look, as if you could possibly understand what was really going on. "I was thinking, Reggie, that she was hungry and needed something to eat."
"This is not your house, Number Four. You did not have my permission to invite a stranger inside."
It was then that you noticed the other kids crowding around the older man. It took you a few moments, but you realized that you recognized some of them. You frowned at the one wearing a domino mask, a scowl on his face as he watched you.  
"We don't have time for this," the older man snapped. "It is time to debut the team. There is a robbery in progress and you and the other children are going to stop it."
"At a bank?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as you watched the older man. "There's going to be men hiding in the bank vault. Make sure you get them too."
The man turned to give you his full focus, staring you down for long enough that you started to feel truly uncomfortable. "Tell me," he started. "When were you born?"
"What? What the hell does that matter?"
"Your date of birth," the man demanded. "Now."
"October first," you answered.
You shot a quick glance at Klaus, seeing that his eyes were wide with wonder as he waited for your answer.
"1989?" You hesitantly offered, not sure why it came out as a question.  
"Where did you find her, Number Four?"
"Uh," Klaus started, staring at you uncertainly.
"I was outside in the dumpster looking for food," you answered for him.  
"I see," the man mused. "It seems I may have some use for you after all. Stay here," he commanded. "I want to speak with you when we get back."
You watched as the man herded all of the kids out of the kitchen, leaving Grace with instructions to make sure you stayed put.  
Of course, you had no intention of staying. You didn't trust the man or the way he seemed to think you were suddenly valuable to him. You didn't want to see what he had in store for you.  
So, the moment Grace turned her back, you made a run for it.  
It didn't take you long to learn that Reginald Hargreeves really did have no intention of letting you go. He managed to track you down within a day and offered you another meal if you only listened to what he had to say.  
You agreed, even if you were hesitant to believe that he was offering you salvation.  
He spun you a crazy tale of superhero kids and a bid to save the world. It took some coaxing, but you finally admitted that you caught glimpses of the future. All you had to do was sing a song and visions played in your head of what was to come. You couldn't control it and it only seemed to stretch as far as a few days ahead, but you always tried your best to understand them when they came.  
"Precognitive music," Reginald confirmed with a nod of his head. "Well, I'm not sure how useful you can be to the team, but I'm sure we can find a place for you. Welcome to the team, Number Eight."
Despite having an official welcome to the team and family, you still tried to run away. A lot. But Reginald always brought you back.  
You didn't really mesh well with the team. You didn't bother to get to know Luther or Allison. The one they called Number Five disappeared not long after you joined the team and Ben was so quiet and reserved that he usually kept to himself. The only ones you really forged any kind of connection with were Diego, Klaus, and Vanya.  
Klaus didn't really give you a choice about whether you wanted to be friends or not. He seemed to just barge right into your life and stay there, pulling you into his antics from time to time.  
You bonded with Vanya over music. Once you heard her play her violin, you instantly fell for her talent. You spent hours listening to her play, eventually having the confidence to sing to her and sharing your visions with her.  
And Diego? Diego only seemed to show an interest in you because he didn't trust you. You were pretty sure he thought you were going to somehow kill everyone in their sleep one night. Which, to you, didn't make sense, because he was the one with the lethal power.  
Diego's constant watch over you meant that you ended up spending a lot of time together, whether you truly wanted to or not. You discovered an anger in Diego that you connected with. He was angry with his upbringing and constant dismissal from his father that left him feeling like he wasn't good enough and you were angry at the shitty hand life had dealt you and the constant voice in your head telling you that you didn't belong. Over time, you learned how to talk each other down when you truly felt like you were going to lose it. Sometimes when you tried to run away, Diego would be the first to talk you out of it.  
As you grew older, you started to rely on each other. You were the first one to have his back on a mission and he made sure you knew how to spar just as well as him so you could better defend yourself. You started spending most of your time together, forging a connection you never would have seen coming, despite your precognitive ability.  
When you turned seventeen, you and Diego left the Academy together. You both took up odd jobs, sharing a shitty apartment just so you wouldn't have to spend one more moment under the roof of Reginald Hargreeves.  
That first year you spent together, just the two of you, was one of the best years of your life. Diego took up playing guitar and you would sit on the bed you shared, singing to him. He was always so interested in your visions, but that wasn't why you chose to share your talent with Diego. Singing had always been something you loved, and in a way, it was something you did for the people you loved. Your mom. Vanya. And then Diego.  
Of course, you knew you were too young for those kinds of feelings and young love rarely lasted.  
Your problems started when Diego wanted to start up a vigilante lifestyle. He ended up washing out of the police academy, stating that it wasn't for him. Instead, he took to wanting to patrol the streets at night, listening to a stolen police scanner, and throwing himself into danger. You tagged along at first, but you quickly realized that you didn't want to be a superhero. It became a point of contention between the two of you.
"Diego, we can't keep doing this," you insisted one night. You were bleeding from a cut to your forehead you had gotten after a close call with a group of men who were intent on robbing a convenience store.  
"Doing what?" He asked, carefully dabbing at the cut with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol.  
"This," you insisted. "Saving people. Being good little superheroes. I thought that's why we left the Academy."
"That's why you left the Academy," he pointed out.  
"I'm not cut out for the superhero life," you said, trying to make him see that you were suffering for it.  
"You were born for the superhero life," he countered. "Otherwise, what's the use of having a power if you don't use it to save people?"
You shook your head, glancing away from him. "I didn't ask for this," you whispered. "Aren't we meant for something more?" You couldn't help but wonder, feeling like your heart was tearing in two at the silence that followed.  
You left not long after that. You ended up singing in a dive bar for a boss with shady connections and as far as you knew, Diego took up a job at a boxing ring during the day while he moonlighted as a vigilante at night.  
Even though you both didn't seem to agree with the other, you couldn't stay away. The rest of the team had been irreparably broken for a long time, but you couldn't seem to quit Diego. He didn't like that you were seemingly wasting your nights singing in a bar, keeping your visions to yourself, and refusing to use them for the greater good. You didn't like that he was risking his life for people who didn't give a fuck about him and wouldn't care if he died in the process of saving them.  
You spent years going back and forth. Some nights, after you were done at the bar, you would make your way to The Fighting Lion, waiting on Diego's bed until he bothered to show up. Other nights, he would come see you after saving some hapless victim, crawling through your window like you were teenagers in some kind of sweet rom-com.  
It didn't matter how much it hurt that you would never truly agree, because you knew that you loved him. You loved him so much some days you could hardly think past the need to have him right there at your side.  
Now, you barely resisted the urge to roll your eyes before you turned your back on him.  
"I can guess why you're here," you started, shooting him another quick glance over your shoulder. "Catch the bad guys?"
"And saved some lives, baby," he told you with a smirk.
"Don't call me that," you said.  
"What should I call you then?" The smirk never left his face as he started pulling off his holsters, dropping his knives on their unofficial designated place on your dresser. "Remember what I used to call you when we were younger?"
"Don't," you warned, knowing what he was about to say.
"My little songbird," he crooned with an almost mocking note to his voice. "You used to sing just for me," he reminded you.  
You watched him continue to strip until his shirt was off and his pants were unzipped.  
"You're awfully confident about where this is heading," you pointed out to him. "What if I said I just wasn’t feeling it tonight? What if I showed you the door?"
"You know, I caught your show tonight," he informed you, seemingly completely ignoring your previous words.  
That was news to you. As far as you were aware, Diego had never bothered to actually come to the bar and see you sing. He thought you could do better and you didn’t quite disagree with him.
"I listened to you and watched you," he said, slowly approaching you until he was standing just beside your bed. "And I realized something."
"Oh, yeah?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he put a hand to your shoulder, coaxing you to lie down. "What was that?"
He moved to hover over you on the bed, propped up on his arms on either side of your head with his eyes trained on yours. "You don't really love it," he finally responded. "You just go and sing because you enjoy it, but it's nothing like those private shows you used to put on for me. I never realized before how close we were then. How intimate," he said as he leaned down, placing a kiss to your jaw. "I remember the look on your face every time you sang just for me." Another kiss was placed in the hollow of your throat. "You used to look at me like I was everything to you. You gave yourself away."
You felt your breath hitch as he placed a biting kiss just under your jaw, his teeth lightly scraping over your skin.  
"I did?" Your voice was breathless as you attempted to glance down at him.  
"You did," he confirmed with another smirk, finally rising up so you could see him.  
"And what did I give away?" You couldn't help but ask, torn between knowing and pulling him down into a kiss.
"You love me," he said. "I didn't notice at first, but tonight made me see it. It made me see you. You love me, Y/N. You really love me."
It was hopeless to deny it. You had known since you were only seventeen. You had resigned yourself to loving Diego for the rest of your life, because you simply couldn't help it. It didn't matter if you would always clash and were wrong for each other in so many ways. Your heart never seemed to listen to what your brain had to say. You loved Diego.  
"And what if I do? Does that change anything?" Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, your instincts warring between pulling him closer or pushing him away in the event he just ended up hurting you again.  
"Of course it doesn't," he answered with a shake of his head. He offered you a soft, sincere smile before he leaned down again, his lips brushing against yours as he spoke his next words. "Because I love you too."
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aurumacadicus · 4 years
AU GAME: Also not to be selfish... But anything about the four score au, IronHawkWinterShield au... I'm slightly selfish, I'd love to know.
Four Score!
No one except Tony, Howard, and Maria know the identity of Tony’s former boyfriend and they will never tell anyone because they were all traumatized in different ways by the relationship. Knowing this also makes Clint, Steve, and Bucky a little more sympathetic toward Tony’s parents. Clint privately thinks that the entire Stark family should attend therapy but the one time he’d suggested it to Tony, Tony had just looked at him, puzzled, and said, “What for?” Apparently the Starks have internalized their hurt as “well, it’s over, that’s done with, we’ll never speak of it again because reliving it won’t help anything,” and it really explains a lot about them.
Tony had a tattoo of the symbol for “alpha” above his ass with an X through it. He’d gotten it immediately after getting out of the hospital after being pushed down the stairs. Clint hadn’t noticed it the first time they had sex, and Tony had been able to explain it in a way that it wasn’t a deal breaker for him the next time, but seeing it eventually made Clint feel uncomfortable, so he asked Tony to get it lasered off, because he actually found it kind of offensive. If Tony hadn’t wanted to do it, he would have accepted that, but the tattoo made Clint’s skin crawl, made him feel like Tony only wanted to be with him because he was an omega and not because of his qualities as a person. Luckily Tony had healed enough to realize his tattoo was pretty offensive, so he’d had no problem with having it removed. Instead he’d replaced it with a little pink heart on the inside of his ankle for the baby he lost instead.
Maria eventually comes to Steve and Bucky’s gym to check it out. She observes the classes, examines the locker rooms, tries out a few machines, and checks the nursery over. “Somehow this is even worse than when the building inspector comes,” Steve and Bucky whisper to each other as Maria interviews a few of the omegas in between sets. Maria talks to May for a few minutes before coming over to them. “I suppose this gym is... filling a need,” Maria says haltingly. They cannot tell whether this is praise or not. “I have many charities,” she continues. “As I’m sure you know. And I... I have one for battered omegas. Everyone has good things to say about your self-defense classes, so I had thought... perhaps you would like to work with the foundation.” “Yeah,” Steve and Bucky answer immediately, delighted at the thought and pleased that she’d ask them. “You need to replace the tile in front of the showers. The grout is starting to mildew,” Maria adds before she swans out, leaving them sputtering at the whiplash.
Tony goes back on birth control after giving birth and again becomes an emotional mess. Steve and Bucky hate seeing how miserable Tony is and volunteer to get vasectomies. They consider whether they have made the right decision, because Tony saw Steve eating a slice of cake and fucking tackled him because he thought it was the last piece. “Is the aggression really better than the tears?” they wonder as Tony snatches up the rest of the cake and scampers away, muttering to himself. “I mean, he was always afraid you’d get tired of him crying,” Clint muses, to their horror. “At least this way you can just pin him down and mount him to get him to cut it out. He likes that better because it shows you’re still attracted to him.” Steve and Bucky consider whether to bring this up with Tony except then Steve realizes the cake is gone and he chases Tony through the apartment shouting “IT WAS MY FUCKING CAKE” and Tony starts giggling when Steve tackles him to the ground so maybe this is okay.
One day while the kids are still babies, Tony returns home to find Clint asleep on the couch with both babies asleep on his chest and crumples to the ground. “Fuck,” he sobs, and then takes tons of pictures. Steve and Bucky find him like that a few minutes later and have to struggle not to laugh as they soothe his tears. “They’re just so fucking cute,” Tony sobs into Bucky’s chest, and Bucky loses the struggle and bursts out laughing. He hugs Tony close so he can’t struggle away while Steve goes and takes a fussing Sarah from Clint’s arms. Tony’s reaction to cute things is a favorite of theirs and Clint is only upset he missed it because he was sleeping.
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Ch10 - Operation Grandpup Drop (A SitBoy Discord Crack Fic)
Chapter 10: 
Warning this story is M bordering NSFW
Later that evening, Sesshomaru and Hojo arrived at the Higurashi Shrine. Hojo had gently tried to inquire as to the purpose of this visit, only to be told that all would be revealed in due time. Upon their arrival however, they came across the sight of a giant white furry snake, for a lack of a better description, coiled around and dragging an unconscious Kagome across the shrine grounds towards the woods nearby, a path leading back to the dirt beneath her open bedroom window. 
 Sesshomaru and Hobomoko made eye contact with one another as the two navy men walked up to the strange sight, the two of them not moving as each sized up the other and their presence here. 
 Fifteen minutes later, Kagome opened her eyes to find herself on the living room couch. The last thing she had remembered was snuggling up against something soft, furry, and warm when it had suddenly encased her in a squeezing vice grip like an anaconda. She had opened her eyes to see nothing but white fur before she ran out of breath and embraced the darkness once more. Now she found herself sitting up on the couch, with Hojo seated nearby in a navy uniform, someone clearly his superior sitting next to him, Mama sitting on the other side of the room, along with something that looked like Sesshomaru's old pelt tied up into a knot in the corner. 
 Consternation came across her features as she felt a familiar presence in the room. Her gaze traveled until she settled on the older naval officer, where her miko insight let her see underneath the disguise to the demon present. 
Stormie Like Weather08/28/2019
"So it's true then. Kagome," her mother looked a bit... exhausted. "When were you going to tell me about your fiancee?" Kagome blinked back at her, sure there was something miscommunicated somewhere. "I'm​ not sure why you thought to hide it from me?" Mrs. Higurashi took the tissue hojo offered and dabbed her eyes, "I'm a pretty easy going mom, even if it's because your pregnant out of wedlock, I'd be happy for you." She sighed, "When did I break your trust for you to keep this from me?" ... Kagome tilted her head at her mom, glanced over at the two men, and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Who said I'm engaged?" She followed her mother's gaze to both men, "Hojos been asking for my blessing for years, but his superior here is the who says he won your heart." Sesshomaru smirked, "Haven't I Kagome?" She blushed.
After explaining the situation in depth and getting mostly caught up on events, Kagome looked to Sesshomaru somewhat askance. 
 "So, are we still a thing?" asked Sesshomaru with a raised eyebrow. 
 "I don't know that we were ever a 'thing', Sesshomaru. I had reservations about you five hundred years ago and one of them was that you would discard me like a piece of trash after you got the pups you wanted out of me. Now hearing that you discarded mokomoko, something that had been a part of you for hundreds of years, just because it was suddenly an obstacle in your path to attaining greater power and authority, has done nothing to soothe my fears on said subject," replied Kagome with a skeptical side glance with her arms folded over her chest. 
 "Such matters might best be talked about behind closed doors for the two of you. What I'm interested in right now is the fate of Kagome's three best friends?" asked Hojo as he leaned forward. Sesshomaru sighed with a look of regret crossing his features before it was replaced by his cold mask. 
 "We rescued Eri and Ayumi from Naraku's grasp but couldn't find Yuka before he disappeared. Later we discovered that he had mated Yuka but with her consent after days of arguments and discussions. Freed from the influence of the Shikon No Tama and then coming under the influence of someone like Yuka, then seeing the birth of natural children of his own, changed Naraku over time. Yuka died of natural causes at age 63 and is buried in Edo with Eri (aged 67) and Ayumi (aged 69)," explained Sesshomaru, before continuing. 
 "Ayumi eventually married Miroku after Sango succumbed to disease and helped to raise their children together. Finally, Yuka took after you very strongly and so to appease mother, I mated her and gave mother a total of six hanyou pups," finished Sesshomaru, leaving everyone sitting in shocked silence.
Kagome scratched the back of her head, "Wow. So much happened while I was gone." So much action, to bad she missed all the crazy things that happened. She could have gotten a good laugh, she was sure. Taht got her thinking.
"I guess this means I'm the only one who never got to be with anyone. Figures. Oh well, gotta find me some single guy out there then. Kind of going to be tough though, my standards in men just got a little too high. Or maybe I should just stay single for the rest of my life to save myself the trouble. Yeah, being immune to time might be a bad thing if I outlive anyone anyway. Got enough heartbreak to last me ten lifetimes. Single life it is, then," she mused out loud, nodding to herself at her new life plan. She was looking forward to a drama free life.
"So if you will excuse me?" Kagome picked up poor hobomoko gave him a little zap to make him behave and walked up stairs to the shower. The once fluffy pristine  white fur was now matted and brown with street muck. She would wash it and return it to its former glory and wear it everywhere just to piss off Sesshomaru. Honestly she was a little hurt by his seemingly dismissive  attitude  toward herself and his former mate one of her good friends. Did he ever love her friend or was it to just give his mother grandbabies. Kagome knew it was silly but she had really started to lean toward being Sesshomaru's mate now she just didnt think she could do it. Maybe one of the other youkai was still alive Kouga maybe or Shippo.
She took her new mikomoko and soaked it in a tub of warm soapy water. She used her wide tooth comb to start working out the tangles  and mats.
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Seeing as how she refused to play second fiddle to anyone again, and that Sesshomaru had at one point professed his 'love' for her, and he had to have realized she never died just went to her time, since he wasn't a complete idiot, Kagome felt very much betrayed by how easily he had tossed that so called 'love' aside and not only that but fucked her friend, ugh. He ended up being just as shitty as they all happened to be. Kagome began to angrily cry as she cleaned and beautified her new Miko Moko. Not just for her feelings, but the fact that her friends had all passed. Their families must have been so sad and disrupted by their sudden disappearance with no resolution. Yuka... did she know that SHE was the one set to be with Sesshomaru? And what the hell did she mean "took after" her, ugh. Like she had turned into the Kikyo for Yuka? Kami. Everything sucked. She wiped her eyes. All the men she'd met thus far were disgusting, betraying, jerks.
Suddenly Mokomoko began to shake violently. Blinding light erupted from the fibers. Kagome had to shield herself from the light. Something touched her wet cheek, and she dropped her hands, opened her eyes and gasped. There before her was the exact replica of Sesshomaru, complete with a new mokomoko wrapped around his junk.
"Excuse me but who the heck do you think you are and give me back my mokomoko!" Kagome reached out and snatched the furry white fluff from the Sesshomaru copy.  "I am done with all of you damned youkai. I am not going to let any of you ever hurt me again! OUT OUT OUT!" She pushed the Sesshomaru copy out of her bathroom and into the hall naked.
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The newly formed Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and huffed, "It is not I that am the copy Miko." He glared down the hall, "Do you truly think that mockery downstairs is I, Sesshomaru?" 
His voice was filled with vengeance. 
Kagome peeked out the crack of the door up at his angry glare, "What are you saying?"
"I've been trapped as Mokomoko since you were transported to the future, that demon downstairs is the replacement the fool that trapped me has put into my place."
She narrowed her eyes, "How do I know that's the truth?"
Sesshomaru's eyes flashed red, his claws flexed, poison dripped through the floor, "Watch me kill it and you will discover the truth for yourself." 
As Sesshomaru bounded down the stairs, dangly bits jangling, he pounced on the fake version of himself and caught him by the neck. Suddenly the form crumbled into pieces of clay pottery.
The fact that the miko had essentially claimed him while in the form of MokoMoko was not lost on Sesshomaru. It seemed that the little woman had developed some feeling for him.
And he had waited the long 500 years in the form of a pelt just for a chance to be with her. He would not let her go again.
High above, the goddess glared at her brother for what seemed to be the nth time. 
Tsukiyomi let out a nervous laugh, "At least I fixed it, right? Incredibly thoughtful of me to plan ahead, no?"
Before Kagome had made it two steps out of the bathroom, the sounds of shouts and screams erupted from the living room. By the time she made it downstairs, her mother had fainted, and it seemed Hojo had tried to retaliate against the man who he saw kill his superior officer, because Sesshoumaru had him by the neck, dangling above the ground.
Kagome grabbed the daiyoukai’s arm. “Sesshoumaru stop! Everyone let’s just calm down and talk this out. And you Sesshoumaru put on some clothes!” she huffed and grabbed the quilt from the couch to throw at him.
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The blanket slid off his toned body and on to the floor. "Clothes are the least of my worries." He returned his glare to the younger human man, "Tell me who you work for. Who dared to trap I, Sesshomaru in my fur." 
At the mention of his fur, Kagome held it possessively to her chest, "It's my fur." 
Sesshomaru's brows pinched as he looked over his shoulder at her, "That discussion comes later." 
She pouted, holding the fur tighter. It wriggled around and curled over her shoulder. "Fine, but you need to put Hojo down. He isn't a part of this!"
"And no It's mine I claimed it it's mine now." And Kagome did something that was childish and silly but it seemed to work she licked mokomoko. "See I licked it so it's mine."
"I see so licking something makes it yours does it?" Sesshomaru put Hojo down and stalked over to the wild little miko. "And if I lick you?"
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"Y-you already have..."
Flustered, Kagome clutches the fur to her even closer, "B-but it doesn't work on people! So HAH! You don't own me!" she felt an odd sense of dejavu in saying those four words. How many times has she said it back in the feudal era? People were cavemen back there.
"I think you want to be this Sesshomaru's miko. I think that's why you clutch so tightly to this Sesshomaru's pelt." He leaned down and licked from her collar bone up to behind her ear.
Face beat red, Kagome let's out a squeak, ducks and places a good couch between her and the orally fixated youkai, "I don't belong to ANYONE! And it's my fur! Mine!"
Suddenly the fur wraps tightly around her from her knees to her elbows holding her in place. "Oh yes it's yours all right little miko all yours."
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After 500years of forced celibacy, Sesshomaru decided finding the culprit to his prison could wait and picked up Kagome bridal style. 
Hojo quivered beside her stirring mother. 
"Boy, you will transfer all my counterpart's fund into Kagome's accounts."
"Y-yes, sir!" Hojo floundered, "I mean no!"
"You dare tell me no? After having the knowledge that the clay fake hurt your school friends, including Kagome?"
"I mean, yes!" Hojo flushed, "I'll do it."
"Good." Sesshomaru nuzzled Kagome's cheek and took her into the sky, "You know, you have licked this one as well, and your property is in definite need of your care."
Sesshomaru flew naked high above the bustling streets of modern-day Tokyo. He wanted to find one of the many natural hot springs that dotted the lands in the feudal era, but it seemed that humanity had spread far and wide and much of the natural splendor of the land was now ruined. He flew farther and farther away from the settlements of the humans until he found a sizable forest area.
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A lone dirt road led to an abandoned bath house at a natural spring. It looked as if a tree had fallen on the main building and they had not yet begun repairs. 
Kagome peeled mokomoko from her mouth and huffed, "You know, all you had to do was ask me to come with you." 
"Hn." He sighed, "I require less dramatics for the time, this way seemed easiest to get you away. Time away from the insufferable pests of the world would do wonders for us both. Care to join me?"
Kagome started to answer, but then paused. There was a strange buzzing sound in the back of her head, looking around she saw a sutra of some kind on a boulder lining the hot spring. Walking over to it, she touched it and felt the aura of the fake Sesshomaru from earlier, along with voices crying about why he was doing this and to please stop. Eyes narrowing in determination, she channeled her miko powers and released the seal. 
 Beings started pouring out of the boulder and forming into their regular selves. All of the people she once knew, Shippou, Sango, Miroku, their kids, Ayumi, Ayame, Eri, Yuka, everyone came pouring out of the formerly sealed boulder. Kagome's eyes went wide and tears started forming as Sesshomaru came up next to her and wrapped a hand around her shoulder. 
 "I knew that five hundred years ago the fake copy of me had progressively captured and sealed away everyone associated with me before creating more fake copies to replace them, I knew the vicinity of where they had been sealed away but only you were capable of finding the exact location and undoing the seal. This Sesshomaru thanks you," said the normally stoic demon lord in an appreciative tone as he leaned down to kiss Kagome's forehead. 
 As people finally stopped appearing, Sesshomaru called out to the group, "No one go anywhere. I know it seems like it was just yesterday you all were sealed away, but some time has passed and things will need to be explained to you. Kagome, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi will be the best ones to explain this time to you," said Sesshomaru before standing back and letting Kagome talk to them. 
 Then it would be time for tearful reunions.
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Just as the hugs began, Shippou and Rin both pointed at Sesshomaru's private parts, the fox's finger shook, "Why aren't you wearing any clothes?!" 
Sango gasped. Miroku alread had one layer of kimono off, "I had no idea in the future clothing is optional!"
"Clothing is not optional Sesshomaru just seems to have a fetish for being naked." Kagone blushed bright red. "He should really put on some clothing...."
"Hnnn, fine," muttered Sesshomaru before he was enveloped within the redness of his demonic aura. When it faded, he was fully attired once more, but this time he was dressed in a sailor fuku, with the exception that the skirt was replaced with a normal hakama, alas one that was the same shade of green. Kagome turned beet red upon seeing him dressed like that. 
 "Sesshomaru!?! What is that outfit?" she stammeringly asked out of pure mortification. 
 "What? Miko, is this not what everyone wears in the present? I had taken by the attire of you and your friends that this is what everyone wears in the present," Sesshomaru fired back with narrowed eyes over her reaction.
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When Sesshomaru turned to Kagome, Miroku took his chance. Reaching out for the soft, ripe, supple...
Sango snarled, stalking off with her children in tow, "Thanks for releasing us Kagome, we will speak with Eri about this time period far away from the scoundrel." 
Kagome wasn't sure if she was talking about her husband or Sesshomaru, who was currently pretending not to notice his skirt flying upward as a swift breeze blew by.
 Taki 滝08/29/2019
Up high, gazing down upon the reunion of family and friends, the kami decided that all the humans needed some sort of reward and balancing to live alongside their yokai family. After all 420 finished a complimentary hookah and placed their suggestions into a divine hat, Amaterasu drew a slip at random, rolled her eyes, and waved her hand.
Golden mist floated down to earth and encompassed all the ningen. And before their very eyes, all the humans glowed with a divine golden glow and grew great golden wings.
A slip of paper poofed into existence. Sesshomaru caught it, read it, and raised an eyebrow.
"Yo humans, congrats you get to live as long as your yokai buddies. We drew random lots on the reward and O-Koumori-kami-sama won the draw. You're all Golden Bats"
Kagome flexed a wing and fell over.
Hours later saw Kagome lying on her belly on her bed back home at Higurashi Shrine, sighing in frustration as her wings continued to occasionally beat without her recognizance. Such annoyances that they were proving to be that she didn't even register her door opening and closing but did feel and recognize the powerful hands that rested on her back. 
 "Sesshomaru?" she questioned without looking back. 
 "Hnnn," was his response as his hands started rubbing up and down her back, kneading the newly form muscle groups that had invaded her body to form the new wings. Relaxation and feel good pleasure coursed through her as his ministrations did much to relieve the stiffness and pain she was feeling. 
 "Ooh...Aaaaahhh....Ufff...what are you...hoo...doing?" Kagome staggered out in between noises of appreciation for his miracle hands. 
 "Helping you to transition to your new form. Your brain is overloaded with the new nerve and muscle systems and so is activating them unnecessarily, straining the muscles. I'm helping them to relax again," he explained as he settled onto a sitting position on the bed. 
 "That's fine and all but what about this desire for blood now that it's nighttime?" she asked softly but sarcastically. 
 In response he rolled her onto her side before cutting his arm and holding it against her mouth. She was hesitant but once she smelled it she was sucking greedily onto his cut with reckless abandon. For his part he took the opportunity to explore her body and see what else might've changed with the bat blessing; It had been five hundred years since they had performed oral on each other in the Sky Castle and even though he was under the influence of Inucense back then he was longing for another 'tasting' as it was.
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Cats! 1
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Chu: Okay, but hear me out. Cat. Boys.
Gawd! Alright, guess we're doing this as a bonus thing, even though I haven't finished her other prompt (Kids!) yet.
Catboy Brexton: I am a human, do not treat me like a cat, it's insulting.
Catboy Cross: If there's a chance you will feed me, I am 1,036% a cat!
He glanced up from his school work, annoyed at the distraction, especially since he'd been on the verge of solving a particularly troublesome equation, one that had been bothering him all through class.
One of the girls surrounding his desk pointed behind her, toward the classroom door. "Noe Kiga's asking for you."
He pressed his face into his palm, refusing to look at the group of girls. It was bad enough, hearing them erupt into a fit of obnoxious giggles. With a sigh, he slammed the book shut, climbing to his feet and storming past them.
"I told you not to do this!" He insisted, fixing his eyes angrily on the older boy. "It's bad enough I have to live with you, the least you could do is not interfere with my school life."
"I know, but..." Noe faltered as Brexton started to walk away, hurrying to fall into step with him. "You have lunch next period, right?"
"I am not eating with you."
"Did I ask? Skip it, I have something to show you at home." He grabbed Brexton's shoulder, forcing him to hold still before he could get to the cafeteria. "Finn found this cat last night and–"
Seriously? All this was about some stupid animal Finny had dragged home? Brexton huffed, placing a hand over Noe's and yanking it off of his shoulder.
"I've said it before, right? Just because I'm a..." He caught himself in the nick of time, his cheeks burning as he became acutely aware of how crowded the hallway around them was. "It doesn't mean I actually like cats, get it?"
"I know it. But this one, um... He might hold some personal interest?"
Brexton's eyes narrowed as he peered at Noe, wondering if he was implying what it sounded like. "Fine. I'll grab my outdoor shoes and meet you near the gym."
Brexton fumbled with the house keys, anxious to find out more about this stray Finny had picked up. He didn't have to wait long, because the boy was standing by the door when it opened, pacing, waiting to lunge past them as soon as he could.
Noe caught him easily, hindering his plans for escape. Brexton looked him over as he fought and scratched against the hold, frowning with disdain.
"Mangy little thing, isn't he?"
"Pretty light, too." Noe agreed, carrying the boy to his bedroom and setting him down on the bed. "Quick, get the door."
Brexton slid it shut, standing in front of the only exit with his arms crossed, practically daring him to make another attempt.
"He's just a kitten..." He mused as it calmed down, sniffing at the air in the room.
Brexton watched him closely – noticing the way he tilted his head any time they moved, relying on multiple senses to place them in the room.
Intrigued, he came away from the door, approaching the boy. When he reached toward his face, he was met with sharp teeth, sinking into his finger hard enough to draw a few drops of blood.
"Hey!" Noe shouted from behind him, reaching for the cat. "You can't just–"
Brexton held up his hand, silencing him. Staring curiously at the boy, he brushed his thick fringe aside, the discoloured iris beneath confirming his suspicions. "It's not his fault, I surprised him. He's blind in this eye."
He heard Noe step forward, humming at the discovery. "Yeah, so he is... I guess I missed that."
"It was pretty clear from his body language. His hearing's good enough, though. Watch..." Brexton stood, taking several steps across the room while the kitten used his ears to track him. "Has he said anything, yet?"
"Yeah but it wasn't... I don't think he's from around here." Noe shrugged his shoulders, careful to get closer to the boy on the side where his good eye was. He scratched behind his ears, chuckling to himself when the cat leaned into his touch. "I thought maybe you could..."
"It doesn't work like that. I can tell certain things from his scent, but that's about it."
"I see... That's too bad." Noe raised to his feet again, waving Brexton out the door.
The kitten showed no interest in following them, choosing instead to curl up on the bed, tucking his gangly legs to his chest. 
"Think he'll eat tuna?" Noe questioned, digging through the cabinets in search of something to feed the boy.
Brexton wanted to complain about the cliché, to accuse him of treating them like actual cats, except the smell of fish when the can opened made his stomach growl loudly, undermining any protests he might have made.
Noe laughed, waving the can under Brexton's nose before setting it down on the counter to grab a bowl. "Should I make two servings, then?"
"No." Brexton lifted himself onto the counter, swinging his legs over the edge as he took his time to consider the situation they were in. "So, we have a child who reeks of fear, doesn't understand a word we're saying, and probably thinks we've trapped him in this house... Don't put mayo in it, just give it to him."
Noe shot Brexton a sceptical glance before shrugging, rummaging through the drawer for a pair of chopsticks.
"Finny doesn't... uh, did he change in front of her?"
"Afraid she'll learn your little secret?" Noe teased, already halfway back to the bedroom. "Don't worry, he was a cat up until I woke up this morning." He set the bowl on the bed, stepping back to give the kitten some space. He trilled, his nose twitching as he zeroed in on the bowl, more cat than human – the exact opposite of Brexton. "Hey, are they always boys?"
"Father says so. He's pretty sure it passes through the same gene that determines gender... always male, and always sterile. A complete anomaly, as far as science is concerned."
"Have you ever met another one before?"
As the boy scooped up the tuna with his hands, completely ignoring the chopsticks, Brexton had to resist the urge to step in and show him how to eat it properly. "No... There's so few of us, and most don't live very long. They get rejected by their birth parents, and end up alone on the streets – probably what happened to him." He knew it was stupid to worry about it. This was simply what happened to boys born like them, and sparing this one wouldn't change anything about that fact. Still, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do with him?"
"Well," Noe scratched at the back of his head, looking the boy over with pity. "Finn can't keep him, that much is clear. I suppose after he finishes his lunch we can just let him go back out–"
The boy changed back into a cat, his tuna-covered paws dirtying the covers of Noe's bed as he licked at the wet food in the bowl. He kept his face turned to Brexton the entire time, ears high and alert. Brexton stuck his tongue out, insulted by the insinuation.
If I wanted your food, I'd go get myself some...
"I wonder why he's a cat again..."
"I don't think he knows how to control it, yet." Brexton scooped him up, ignoring his frantic mew as the food bowl got further away. It served him right for thinking Brexton was a thief. "You really are a kitten, aren't you?"
It was a shame, really. If this boy could figure out how to change form at will, he'd be able to pass himself off as one or the other. In that case, he'd have a shot at being adopted as someone's child, or – far more likely – their pet.
"Hey, Noe... let me keep him for a couple days." Brexton held the under his arms, his back stretching so he could stand at his full height. "See if I can't teach him a thing or two."
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aster-azimuth · 6 years
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(Libra, by Johfra Bosschart)
As the Sun makes its trek through the last degree of Libra (my sun & rising sign) tomorrow, before heading in to #scorpio on the 23rd, (my number) i thought I'd take advantage of the mercury-neptune trine and do a little musing on the dark side of the sign that begins the second half of the zodiac... Figured it'd be fitting now that we're heading in to #scorpioseason.
Did you know #Libra was created by the Romans around the first century AD? The signs of the zodiac were once aligned with the constellations that the planets rotate through, as well as to the seasons (though now only to the seasons) and Libras scales were actually co-opted from the claws of the scorpion in the constellation Scorpius. The sign was created to establish #symmetry (a purely human notion) in order to #balance out the #zodiac. And it was given the only inanimate symbol among them (the #scales ) in order to represent humanity's triumph over our animal nature. 
Duality is of course a construct of the mind that holds root because of our own nature, not necessarily the nature of Actual Reality (not the holographic reality we know.) In her book Asteroid Goddesses the astrologer Demetra George describes the insertion of Libra (laws, financial institutions, social mores & traditions - especially marriage) as a move by the Patriarchy (still establishing itself at the time) to craft "an artificial duality in a woman's sexual identity" in order to maintain control over birth rights, like land ownership. 
Virgo (on one side of Libra) is the virgin aspect of the mother goddess - but that word here doesn't mean what you think it means. Virgin didn't used to mean sexually chaste, it just meant unmarried. The Vestal Virgins of Rome were originally sexual priestesses in the goddess cult religions of the world, who performed fertility rites and were committed only to the Goddess Herself. They bore children the same as any woman did, but these children were considered to be spiritually sacred, and their paternity was seldom known or accounted for, having been considered inconsequential. The term "born of a virgin" comes from this history, and is a concept repeated throughout many religions spanning continents and eras... Not just the one we're most familiar with in the present day. Christianity has acculturated more religions in its story than most however, and the pagan, matriarchal societies definitely stand out among them in regards to traditions, holidays, deities and lore. 
Scorpio, on the other side, was once actually represented by a snake - the symbol of these Goddess/earth-worshipping religions - and it represented the consort aspect of the mother goddess. The Scorpio archetype was the embodiment of the woman who chose to go deep in to a committed partnership with a lover in order to die and be reborn, (so-to-speak) through the process of loving and loss... (Note that the symbol for Scorpio is the same as Virgo, the M standing for mother. The only difference is that rather than turned outward, like Virgo, the tail is turned inward for the inward journey that partnership inevitably takes us on.) 
And so marriage (Libra) was the wedge driven between these two signs, in order to insert the dominance of the patriarchal religion. Here the false dualistic image of the Madonna/Whore was born. The message of Christ was perverted at the beginning of the age of Pisces in order to support the political agenda of Rome, effectively keeping us locked in the age of Aries - endless war. The notion of spiritual purity was attached to sexual chastity and the Vestal Virgin Priestesses were forced to either forego their sacred sexual rites or literally be buried alive... It's interesting that the two pans of the golden scale measure the weight of the heart against a feather. It's hard to imagine how any heart could be light with that much bloodshed on its hands, but i digress...
I'm not saying that Libra isn't without merit, or that it should be tossed aside entirely... In fact it can't be. That would be chaos... I'm just saying that perhaps its history should be acknowledged and its expression of balance should be applied to the rebalancing of the masculine and feminine. With Venus as its ruler, I would like to think that's possible, but it will take some time and some pretty massive paradigm shifting.... Also, without the objectivity that expresses through this sign, we would probably be in a state of constant overt war with one another (rather than covert)... but we're always at war nonetheless. How fitting that "civilized" society (especially American) tends to hide the genocide and continued colonialism it perpetuates; Just like Libra to sweep the ugly under the rug for Scorpio to deal with. It's almost as if Venus is complicit in her own subjugation as the divine feminine: more concerned with making nice than with fighting for her values.
Nonetheless, Libra is the first of the social signs (the last 6) and thus the first thing that we should turn to when we consider social reform. And without the order and balance this sign creates, the zodiac simply wouldn't be the symmetrical masterpiece of meaning that it is. In Classical Astrology each of the 7 planets of antiquity (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter &  Saturn) ruled two signs each, with the moon and sun each ruling one. (I personally believe the Moon and Sun are actually just two expressions of Planet Earth, but that's another blog post.) Each planet rules both a masculine/yang sign and a feminine/yin sign.... It's just beautiful:
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...How like a Libra to give weight to both sides of an issue and appreciate symmetry, eh? But seriously, there's a magic that such balance and perfection enables, which i believe can help activate the intuitive capacity of the mind, which can in turn help is to access our own divinity and perhaps rediscover the masculine/feminine balance that has been prevalent for at least the last 2000 years or so.
On that note, to those who are still reading this, i am announcing that i have been working (rather slowly) this past year on a book and oracle deck that uses this symmetry and can be used as a to to utilize and hone that intuition. My hope is that announcing this here will kickstart me in to working harder to complete it. If you're reading this and this excites you, please let me know in a comment or message! I'd be grateful for the encouragement. I'm not sure how much any of my posting really reaches anyone, but i hope that I'm adding some lasting value to this wondrous spinning planet we're on.
Until next time, dreamers. ✌
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kickmag · 3 years
S.O. Discusses Heritage & Inspiration For Larry Ginni Crescent Album
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S.O. took advantage of the pandemic like most artists and used the tim to get closer to his muse. In this instance that well of inspiration came from his young daughter who he wanted to make sure would be aware of her cultural roots as a child with parents from Ghana and Nigeria but now living in Texas after spending time in the UK. S.O.'s previous Augustine's Legacy from 2019 was harder and more stateside in its sound which contrasts the genial and worldly approach to the just released Larry Ginni Crescent album. The choice to delve into Afrobeats was a practical one because of the genre's mismatch of Black pop from around the globe. S.O. wanted to connect all of his family experiences in song as a musical playbook for his daughter's heritage. The album is like a sonic equivalent of honey and iron with its ambrosial melodies and words of gratitude and determination. In the following interview the rapper explains the how he planned the new music and the importance of knowing one's history.
"The first thing somebody thinks about Africa, one of the first things is the child who's hungry with the fly in their eye where I could take you to Lagos and this looks just like New York."
So I see that Larry Ginni Crescent is the name of the street you lived on during your childhood in Lagos, Nigeria. What are some of the things that you remember most about that time?
That's a very good question. Things that I remember is just the community aspect of it. So you know Larry Ginni  when we got there we were like one of the few houses that were there. So as families started moving in and everybody kind of knew one another it's kind of picturesque.
If you think about the movie when they go to a neighbor and hey can I borrow some milk? And I brought some sugar or hey, I'm going out of town for a little bit can you make sure that the house has been you know  like looked after. There's no strangers.  I think that like a community aspect was like one of the main things.
I remember one time my neighbor's dog gave birth in our house and so we had the puppies at our house. I have fun memories. Dad, my mom, my sisters, you know, like all of this stuff you can think of, like growing up in Nigeria in Lagos in the early '90s at that time that's the stuff that I was experiencing.
Who  was Larry Ginni Crescent?
I have no idea who he is. My assumption is that Larry Ginni is the first person to build a house in that area. I actually don't know. I'm going to ask my mom who is this guy? Crescent is the road that my house was on.
So the main thing that I'm hearing is the sense of community. How does this music reflect that feeling ?
I think that the music the intention of it is to get those who are in the diaspora. So like someone like me who was born in Nigeria raised in Nigeria and then moved to London and is now living in Texas like I'm part of the diaspora. So always, always having a sense of wanting to go back home wanting to connect to where I'm from you know what shaped me.
A lot of my friends are Nigerian. A lot of them are Ghanian and so we know what village we're from we know our village name so on and so forth but there's also like on the other end for my African-American brothers and sisters who like you know since being in America.
As I was creating the music I was thinkin how can I create songs? Sonically, maybe not topic-wise, but sonically that will at least encourage some of my brothers and sisters in the states to be like hey man let me go find out more about this Afrobeats sound or more about this language that you'll speak.
What is Yoruba? but what's Larry Ginni Crescent? Where is that? Can we go there? Like, you know what I mean? Like stuff like that. And so there was still that sense of community but it's more on a global scale trying to make people hearken back to where they're from so that they can appreciate it more because I was around when being African wasn't cool. I still remember that or the teacher will pronounce your name incorrectly and the kids would be laughing.
Why was it so important for you to get back to your African roots? And also, why did you make the choice to use the Afrobeats sound this time? listened to Augustine’s Legacy and it’s very different.
It's multi-layered man so I think another thing that happened is I had a child and I said I never want her to not know where she's from. So what can I do to ensure sh stays grounded and rooted in where she's from and the culture that raised her mom, raised her dad and will ultimately raise her as well. I had a kid and saw that I can't speak Yoruba all that well I need to go learn it so that I can teach my daughter or you know we,we do great with the food, the culture, the dress, all that stuff. But that language you know what I'm saying, the language is necessary, you know? And so like one of the ways I've tried to do that is like if I'm singing it on certain songs she can sing along with me. She can understand hey this sound  this is from your dad's land. This  picture that you see on the front cover of Larry Ginni Crescent this is your dad's and your sister and your auntie in their house in Lagos like we can I can literally take you to this place.
Like my, most of my friends are either immigrants or first generation so there's still that connection. People go home every year every other year twice a year. There's still that sense of  hey we know where we're from how can we continue to pass this on to the next generation so that it doesn't get lost as they remain in the Western world?
Was your daughter born in Texas?
Yeah. She was born in America. She was born in Texas.
How long were you in the UK before you moved to the United States?
I just moved to America five years ago. As I started to do music a lot of my audience I start to realize was stateside and so between like 2011 and 2015 I was coming to America like every year, twice a year, so on and so forth. One day I was coming back into the states and you know  if you have a bridge four hours across what you're allowed to come into the US on a visa waiver so you don't need a visa. I was perfectly legally coming in but then they detained me. They detained me and said hey don't come back until you have a proper work visa. And so when I acquired that work visa then and I just moved cause I know this is a place where the music is being consumed majority wise.And so this is a place that I need to kind of be to build and continue doing what I'm doing.
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When did coming from Africa over here become cool, but first of all, what is the difference in how you were received over in the UK versus in the US?
I think because the majority Africans in the UK can trace exactly where they're from my one family member or two at the most that's different, right? Because the language is still being spoken to you. The cultural intricacies are still being that the food, the dress on us, like it's even down to the musicians right now in the UK. Most of the Black musicians are either African or Jamaican and they know exactly where they're from. They’re speaking the language and the music they’re intertwining it with the sound. So it's like in the UK  to be African at least in this new era isn't anything to shy away from.
Me and my mum had the conversation all the time. I'm like yo like you know why did you move me and my sisters from Nigeria to the UK. Like, why didn't we just stay there?  Why didn't we just remain as a family there and then come here and then go there. The reality of it is like there was this idea that the west America, UK and Europe was better both economically, financially, educational wise. And to a certain extent that is true. There is a level of truth in that but imagine what would have happened if we just remained where we were at and developed our countries.
So going back to the original question, it's like yeah. Knowing where you're from having that sense of connection with where you're from is a lot little easier to be connected in the UK as opposed to being in the US where, you know, like for the majority of the black experience the connection has been lost, right? But what I've tried to do since being here it's like how can I extend like some of my experience or my knowledge to people? One of the things I think is the easiest way to get people engaged is food.
What is the dish that always gets them?
Jollof Rice because they used to that I feel if you've eaten like Mexican food, they’re distant cousins is enough for that. Um, but then if you want to like go deep, deep, like pounded jam and spinach stew you could see like, sometimes we'll make some of that for people but yeah like food and music.
Are there other ways for African-Americans to connect to Africa?
It's difficult to acquire from someone sometimes. They didn't grow up in. So probably if I go to my African American family, like, Hey man, you should really go back and give back to where you come from. Like, bro, I don't come from that. And I can't fault them for that because they don't like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I can't be like, Hey man, you should really go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's everywhere. Just get on a plane. Let's just go to Ghana, Nigeria, like yo, because of everything they've seen on TV, because even though Black Panther is there, you still have the years of false information about the continent. That the content undeveloped the people live in bushes there you fight lions.
I can’t fault someone because of how media has portrayed Africa.  Media has done a terrible job overall.
In more recent years they've been doing better, but overall they've done a terrible job at conveying Africa. The first thing somebody thinks about Africa one of the first things is the child who's hungry with the fly in their eye where I could take you to Lagos and this looks just like New York.
We already have shared experiences. We just call them different things. I'm going to the cookout in South Africa. That's a brie that's the same thing. Like, yo, I'm going to this it's the same. We have the same experiences. We just call them different things. And so he would go there and realize Hey, these people aren’t as different from me as I thought they would be it becomes a lot easier to be connected.
Did you see the parallel with rap music?
Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that the rap music and Afrobeat. Like think there's music coming from struggle. Like music, like hip hop was just what, 40 something years old. I think it just turned 40 something. Yeah. 48 years. Music birthed from struggle to speak against what is going on that's what is being created that is what's being made. If we look at what Fela Kuti was doing with Afrobeat he wasn't just making you know songs about girls. And he was specifically speaking against the political powers that be and so like things like that. There was so much connectivity like so much parallel that you know if we just kind of like stop pitting one another against each other like oh, you're this, you're that? And I've been guilty of doing that too. We can learn from one another.
So were you saying earlier that now in 2021, it's easier to be African in America? Now what's going on that, like, when did you see it?
Wakanda Forever.
Black Panther. Did it?
Yeah. Black Panther.  That was the straw that broke the camel's back in a good way. That was the one that made people go, yo. Okay, cool. What's this mean even though it's fiction. Even though it's not real people still felt like a level of connection. From that to the year of return in Ghana that was like a big thing. If you remember like in that Black Panther era people were wearing the dashikis to the suits to the movies.
And then I would also say like the influx of Afrobeats, um, like, especially in this go around, you've had like a first go around, but because of how the internet is now, it's a lot easier. Um, so easy to be like, Hey man, I want to listen to a Burna Boy song or who is Burna Boy. And how streaming has kind of helped level the playing field.
Artists can collaborate with other artists. I just saw Wizkid has a song with Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber is the biggest artist in the word. Afrobeats has also helped them play the part in that. And I'll say the internet has definitely made the world smaller so people can go and find out about other cultures without having to go and visit there.
What's the most personal song for you on this new project?
My most personal song I think is “Good to Me”  is probabl the most personal song.  This album is dedicated to my grandmother who passed away last year due to COVID. So like kind of looking at stuff like that seeing what's happening in the world you can easily lose faith. You could easily lose faith and be like, God, are you real? God, are you there? You know, so on and so forth. But once you kind of look at things from a different perspective, you start to realize even though my grandmother passed away.  She was sick and my granddad passed like maybe two or three weeks after that. But they had been married for over 60 years. Great.  They've had a wonderful life. Things of that nature where you could you could look at the negative but always having to look at the positive and say hey  God you are good to me regardless of what's going on around the world.  Because what would have been worse really is for her to pass away and then for him to still be alive now because he had dementia his health was depleting and so it was actually better for him to go than to remain on earth.
I look at things like that and I'm like good to me. That's my favorite song on the album. It just kind of like hones in that message in like just looking at my life and just thinking about where I came from and where I'm at now. Like there's no way I can’t say that God hasn’t been good to me.
I really liked “Prosper.”
“Prosper” is one of those songs where I probably be performing that for a long time., I think maybe like a week after I heard about my grandmother, I wasn't able to like, create anything, you know, like I just was like, man, what is going on in life? Like what is in the next verse just, you know, just kind of stuck with me. Like no weapon formed against you will prosper and thought this sounds like an anthem for people going through COVID going through, you know, life in general, like things that, that you don't even know will hit you. Like, Hey man, we could be singing this and this could be our jam together. Like as well as with dancing, like pray, no weapon formed against you will prosper.
We've been down so long. That was time to prosper. You know what I mean? Like, and, you know, as I was writing that, it just came to me. So yeah, that's it, that's the chorus right there.
You know, a great survival anthem.
You know, there you go.
Is  that actually your wife and the video for “Kinda Love?”
That is her. She is no video vixen but she's beautiful. You know usually she's really like heavy hands on with like some of the design and things like that. So I had to get her involved. Love & Basketball references as well. You've got the basketball scene. If you see the Love & Basketball DVD cover they put the basketball up and they're both kissing. We recreated that scene. So we wanted to like show like iconic Black love.
It just really feels like great music for the summer. Do you feel you conveyed what you were trying to do by bringing the Afrobeat ssound and having more of a sense of the diaspora. Do you feel like the music really expressed that?
Yeah, absolutely. Man. I think that the other I think it expresses, I think that the response has been that too. Yeah, I think that anything with melody always work, you know because it crosses generations. We went over to Maryland and I was playing, playing some of the songs like one of my aunts she was like I really like this. And I play one of the songs for one of my cousins who's like in his twenties and he’s  ike yo, I'm really digging this. So generation to generation singing and melody always works always hits and you know no one can be like Hey what are you saying? because cause if the melody's catchy enough they’re going to remember it.
I think people are going to be playing this project be it if you're of the diaspora, even if you're not from the diaspora, like you're going to just enjoy good music with universal themes about love, faith, prospering and surviving.
And so, you know, I’ve got to ask you about your producers.
TBabz is a young producer from Nigeria. I think he produced three of the songs. Um, obviously he's produced Travis Greene and Da’ Truth but you know, I think with this project I was working with like one of my main producers name is GP he’s Grammy nominated.
He's produced the majority of my stuff from 2011. But with this one I was looking for like younger guys that can you know feel in tune with the sound that's going on in Nigeria and around the continent. That can pull me in and like school me on some stuff and help me like I think about the last song “Wonder.”
And that's very pianoesque and I've never made like piano before but TBabz was like yo check this song out watch how they're doing it. Like send me the vocals. I'll chop up your stuff. He was really instrumental and stuff like that. He's like super, super talented man.
I'm super excited for his future. Steve Rod who made your favorite song “Prosper” again I heard that song I was like yo, I need this beat. Like I need it don’t sell it. I just thought dope. Don't do anything. Just send it to me right now. I'm going to see GP that's my friend brother for life.
He produced three of the songs as well. It was just good to have that. Having the project mixed by one of the members from Team Salute who produced like probably one of the biggest Afrobeat songs, Adrugbar. He was supercritical, super pivotal in helping me, um, Like singing and the melodies and even like how I would do certain things like, Hey man, that's too wordy.
And you know, like I'm never the guy to be like, nice one to do it myself. I don't want, I don't want to create, I think it's just always good to create a community, even if it's a small community that you're able to like share stuff with share ideas and be like, yo, what you think? How can it be improved?
Are there any plans for any more visuals?
Yes. We have a visual for “Want You” that's dropping September 10th. I'm toying with either shooting a video for “Prosper” of “Corner (O Ti De)” but for sure September 10th for the “Want You” video. We have a few remixes we’re dropping to continue the momentum.
Follow S.O. on his official website Instagram, Twitter and Facebook 
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ageofevermore · 4 years
the full moon is coming videos here , here
other miscellaneous irl blurbs here
enjoy 6k+ words of me getting carried away, then abruptly ending this blurb
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Emma was slightly uneasy, fueled with maternal anxieties as she sipped on a chilled water bottle. She had swiped it from Sprayberry's clutches minutes ago, and the poor boy had yet to realize it. They were all severely jet-lagged, hardly awake yet but managing with their ever growing excitement. Her hand was clutched in Ellery's, a grin on her face as the two of them chattered endlessly. They had caught the same flight over to France, but even spending so many hours in a confined space proved to do them no harm. Dylan had tuned them out hours ago, using the baby as an excuse to be distracted. Emma hadn't fought him much on that, thankful to have a few hours to herself while her best friend and Dylan fussed over the five month old.
To say that luxury was short lived was majorly overlooked. The minute they landed Dylan and Ellery were ushered off to another section of the airport, Emma and Logan being led to customs. The baby had been fussy for hours after that, and despite Logan tagging along to help out, nothing had calmed Everly besides her mothers attentive touch. Emma was officially running on four hours of sleep, and she wasn't sure how her eyelids even managed to stay open.
She had left Logan and Everly in the hotel room just a few blocks from the convention center earlier that morning, pre-ordering her friend a coffee as a gesture of thanks. Not every twenty-year-old jumped at the chance of taking a fifteen hour flight to France only to be a babysitter.
"Makeup did a good job." Ellery teased, laughing when Emma dug her fingertips into her sides, a taunting grin on her face that had them both in fits of delirious laughter. They pulled apart quickly after, rummaging through the pile of French candies and snacks.
When they got the two minute signal, both girls grabbed a handful of hard candy, letting it fall into their mouths without much care. Dylan had witnessed it occur, rolling his eyes at his sister and his best, maybe more then friend, friend.
They had a steady thing going since well before Everly's birth, but only after did Dylan truly prove he wasn't just in it for the chase. He had stayed over on nights when Emma had begged him to just go home and be a normal kid on her behalf. He had changed diapers at three in the morning, and sat through breastfeeding's at four without complaint. He had been her rock for months now, and steadily both of them were craving more.
"How are you late?" Emma asked Holland around a mouthful of pastel candy, "Isn't your hotel the closest?" Holland wrinkled her nose at the sight, painfully accustomed to Emma's delirious habits.
"We got lost." Holland exclaimed, "Took a left when we should have went straight, and then when we should have made a right we went straight."
Emma rolled her eyes, swallowing the mouthful of candy before bringing Holland in for a tight hug. She hadn't seen much of the redhead in recent months, being cooped up in her apartment with Dylan and occasionally her friends from back in Jersey. She was taking her time settling into the whole parenting routine, but she would never miss an opportunity for fan interaction.
When they were lined up to start heading out, Sprayberry had finally noticed Emma clutching his water bottle, the sharpie painted cap rubbing off on her fingertips as she fiddled with it. He snatched it back, taking a swig, before handing it back.
"Could've just asked." He teased.
"That wouldn't have been as fun. Besides, you're oblivious when your tired." Emma concluded, cheekily taking another sip of the water and finishing it off. She threw it out, having just enough time to smooth down her shirt before they were being called out on stage.
Ryan went out first, then Dylan, Ellery, Megan, Emma, Crystal, Holland, and Shelley. It was a line-up of one badass women after another, which didn't happen very often in the land of teen wolf conventions. The show wasn't totally male dominated, but the numbers were slightly uneven when it came to promotion.
Emma took her seat between Crystal and Megan, smiling widely at the two. Crystal gave her hands a few squeezes before dropping them and grabbing the water bottle given to her by a stagehand.
Emma pulled out her phone, sending Logan a text as the moderator asked Crystal, Megan, and Ellery about their experience and exposure to France. She was answered immediately with a picture of her munchkin. The bright blue eyes of her baby were slowly earning speckles of darker blue and brown, but her large gummy grin was still the same even behind a pacifier. Her tan onesie decorated with skin tone colored rainbows was undone at the bottom, a recent habit Everly was getting into.
Crystal had leaned over just in time to see the picture, cooing in Emma's ear as she typed out a response before putting her phone away, giving the fans her undivided attention. She looked up at Crystal with a grin, glad to be reunited with the girl.
It wasn't long before they were getting into fan questions, and the interpreter was listening intently. "She wants to know what you miss the most."
"The long hours of work. I miss that, seriously." Dylan exclaimed after a moment of his drawn out um, "I miss having purpose." He joked, Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, although she did miss the long nights. Anytime you created relationships on set and then put them to the test during fraturdays or fifteen hour shoots was always exhilarating.
"People." Holland sang, "I think you miss the people, I miss JR and Ian acting like they're an old married couple." Holland paused when the crowd erupted into screams, a smile breaking her lips. "Right, you know what I'm taking about? I genuinely actually miss that."
Emma grinned, nodding her head at the many memories of JR and Ian's bickering.
"I miss school. During night shots, taking math tests at three in the morning. It sounds like absolute torture, and it was, many tears were shed in that room, but it was always unofficial crackhead shit. I think I gave Spray a concussion one time." Emma grinned, biting down on her bottom lip when laughter arose at her answer. Sprayberry didn't miss a beat though, having been waiting for this moment for at least three years.
It was nearly four in the morning during season six, the both of then were slowly finishing up their senior year, and through delirium they'd decided yoga would be a good idea. They had gotten half way through the first pose before Emma slipped off of his shoulders and the both of them tumbled to the ground. Jeff hadn't let them in the room together for nearly a month after that.
"You did! I was out of choreo for a week." He fed into the microphone.
"It wasn't a life threatening injury, you're fine." She rolled her eyes, before looking at the crowd who. The majority was teenage girls, and they were all collectively giggling at the banter. "He's fine."
Emma turned her head, sticking her tongue out at Sprayberry before she fell back in her seat laughing. Their dynamic had never changed, though being surrounded by old friends had brought out a spark that had been slowly fading with time and adulthood.
"Shelley, would you like to say something?" The moderator questioned, taking Shelley's elaborate hand gestures as her wanting to say something. Emma grinned at the shocked expression on her face before she covered it up.
"The people." She mused, "I miss the people, I miss catching up with them. I miss you guys." Shelley smiled earning cheers to go around the room.
Emma looked down at her phone, seeing the screen light up beneath her leg. From the way it was positioned she could see that it was Logan sending her pictures, she could only assume Everly was being a little shit and using her time away from Emma to meet new milestones.
"Hi, um, what was your favorite scene to film?" A fan asked. Emma had missed this, it hadn't been too long since she'd had this kind of exposure, but it wasn't as painfully frequent as it once was. Emma could never find a medium she liked, always bending more towards a side then a middle.
"My favorite scenes to film were also the worst scenes to film, whenever we had huge ensemble because they would take forever. But it was also fun because everyone was in the scene, so there was a lot of goofing off and having fun. But you would shoot certain scenes for weeks, it felt like, at least days, but your at least having fun with the same people, just like up here. We can all have fun when we're not being professional."
Dylan leaned over the look in his blue eyes gleaming as he knew his voice wouldn't be carried far into the audience because he didn't have a mic, "Do you know how to be professional?"
It was a joke from years ago, one that hadn't been brought up in at least a few months. Emma grinned leaning forward just the same, the glint in her eyes dangerous with energy, "I'll cut your balls off."
The both of them laughed as they leaned back. They weren't sure why that had been so funny, but filming season four had lead to it's creation one morning between Tuesday and Wednesday. Emma was pretty she had been nearly asleep with her head in Sprayberry's lap when he made the joke, and her groggy response had been a tad violent.
Megan was still laughing when she started explaining her answer, being handed a microphone from Holland so the audience could hear her. Crystal glanced over at Emma, sharing a meaningful look with the girl. She was always very put together during panels, the least likely of the cast to go off on wild rants of what happened behind the scenes.
"Yeah that being said, I love to do all my own stunts. Although, that being said, I don't do all my own stunts, my stunt double was amazing, but I kind of love being physical especially because most of those scenes are at night, so it wakes you up it makes you be very aware. But, yeah, those were my favorite scenes. The stunt work, and also, so this question comes up a lot and were asked a lot, and every single time that I'm asked I feel like my scenes always change, and I just thought about the scene in the pilot Holland with you and Emma, at the lacrosse game?" Crystal smiled, at the memory that resurfaced. The pilot was so long ago, filmed nearly nine years ago, but memories were still so vivid.
"Oh yeah." Holland grinned, Emma smiled at the memory.
"You were so brilliant in that scene." Crystal grinned, "But it was the first time that we got to hang out as like normal people. I don't know, it was a great scene with you guys." She grinned, making heart pumping motions with her hands when the crowd awed.
"During that scene about lacrosse I was just talking about getting fired before i had basically even been hired, like, i just hope i make it for a second season, you don't understand, you don't understand. So that's what we were -- that's what I was complaining to Crystal and Em about in the bleachers during that scene." Holland laughed, "But yeah that was a fun scene."
"It was cold too!" Emma added, "Holland and I were in mini skirts and booty shorts."
"It was so cold." Holland agreed, "And, this is a zinger, Atlanta hadn't had a lot of production at that point so there's certain tricks when your filming in cold weather to wear like under lays, and we didn't have those under layers. So we were so bitterly cold during our pilot." Holland looked over at Crystal who was nodding along to her story, a smile breaking her lips when another memory struck Holland, "And our trailer caught on fire, hair and makeup, so we had to get the hell out of dodge."
Shelley grabbed the microphone from Holland a blank gleam in her eyes, "Shit, I was listening to you guys I haven't been thinking. I really enjoy, I'll say since it's who I basically started working with, Dylan O'Brien--" The crowd went up into cheers at just the mention of his name and Emma grinned, "Yeah, that was really my first taste of Teen Wolf and he was just a great scene partner, and obviously we had so much fun, to much fun. I think we laughed, you know,  mostly when you're not supposed to. But you know, our scenes always turned out different then I think either of us expected, and there was always some cool, weird thing that would happen, I don't know." Shelley waved off her answer, clearly having initially pulled it from her ass with being on the spot.
"Ellery, Emma, do you have anything?" The moderator asked so she knew if she could begin translating what what already been said.
"I like the scene in Motel California with Ro, Posey," Emma stressed, she had referred to him as Ro, or Rosie multiple times before, but it wasn't an obvious give away that she was referring to Tyler and that often slipped her mind. "When Ellie says she loves him, that was a sweet moment. I don't know that's the only one I can remember, I blocked the first three seasons out and then season six was overrun with spiders."
Ellery had started talking before she was even offered a microphone, her soft voice picking up when Dylan shoved on into her hands. "We had to do a scene in my episode, where we were like fighting. We had to like, get in each others face, I don't think you got it, but it was like really funny."
"Like real life." Shelley interjected.
"Yeah. Exactly! Cause we don't really fight," Sprayberry shrugged his shoulders, and Ellery rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Maybe a little bit, maybe sometimes. It was fun though, cause we actually felt like real siblings."
Dylan grabbed the microphone from Ellery, his lips pinching upwards in a smirk. "We never feel like we're siblings unless we're on a TV show." Emma rolled his words, knowing full well that Dylan adored his little sister more then anything else in the world, although she had an itching suspicion that her baby was beginning to take Ellery's place. "Yeah that was fun because they let us improve a lot which was cool. Um, my favorite scenes are the easy ones. No, uh, the i fell in a hole scene is really popular, I guess. That's one of my favorite scenes that i did film because that started a whole new part of my character, and that opened up the comedic side of my character because before that I was just playing angry, and emotional all the time, and it got kind of tiring, and if by doing that it allowed people to see my character in a different light..."
Emma had tried to follow Spray's words, but she drifted off in thought when he phone buzzed again. Was it Everly? She was sure Logan would have called or gotten into contact with her PA for the day, but she couldn't help but worry. She had taken Everly all over, but never had they been separated in a foreign country. Mom guilt was beginning to eat her up inside, but she forced a smile onto he lips and took a peak down at her phone. She breathed out a sigh, seeing that it was just a picture of Everly, her hands and knees pressed to the floor as she mastered the art of crawling.
"If there had been a season seven, would you have wanted to be in it?" The moderator translated. It was a unanimous answer instantly, heads bobbing and yes's being mumbled into the microphones.
"Do you have any new projects?"
Dylan looked around, seeing that everyone was busy in their own little side conversation so he began to mumble before finding an answer, "Do you guys know Hulu?"
"Light as a feather!" A girl yelled from the audience, attempting to do an American accent but sounding overly southern. Emma giggled, pushing a few strands of hair from her eyes before looking over towards Dylan.
He went over what it was, looking between Ellery and Ryan every few words. He never was good at press, which made Emma wonder why he ranted and raved about it after every convention.
"Anybody else?"
Emma accepted the microphone from Shelley, "I have a movie called After out next year. That's all I can say."
The stage went silent once more, the remaining actors around Emma all either happily our of work or actively looking. "Anyone else have new projects they would like to talk about?"
"No." Shelley exclaimed, "We're retired."
The moderator began to translate when Emma pinched her eyebrows together, turning towards Megan with a small frown, "You have a project." She nudged her gently, her lips turning upwards into a smirk when Megan began to fiddle with her fingers.
Megan had collected a rainstorm of applause for her new gig on Charmed, and Emma smiled, poking at the girl with a taunting grin. Megan laughed and the two fell into each other, whispering about nonsense while the panel moderator directed attention to Shelley.
"Ryan just reminded me about a role I've been on hold for, um, but it's to play a former beauty queen and former addict, so fingers crossed."
"True life story." He mumbled into the mic, watching Shelley's cheeks heat up.
"Miss Teen USA 2004." Emma projected, grinning widely when Shelley flipped her off. That had been a constantly running joke between them for years, she couldn't help but break away into little giggles and grins.
"It's based on my life." She admitted, "I'm not a former addict though." Shelley mimicked downing a glass of alcohol and Emma laughed loudly, mumbling an apology as she giggled into her knees.  
The next question was about their preferred favorite season, and the audience had gone into a fit of sadness after Crystal answer 3b. Emma frowned as well, recalling the hardships they had all went through while filming and bringing to life such a traumatic event. Her own character, Ellie, had been a wreck for nearly an entire season to follow. It was an arc Emma loved playing out, having been in that position one to many times before facing the death of a multiple loved ones, but it had also put a pause on the independent women her character was becoming.
She had answered with season four, for that exact reasoning, and than handed the microphone off to Megan. She laughed when Megan answered with season 3b and 4, and then went on about how those seasons were the tipping point when the fandom hated her for taking Derek away.
Dylan grabbed the microphone from Ellery after she answered season 6b by default. "I swear to god, if you don't say season five!" She warned.
"I liked doing 6A and 6B." Emma gasped at his answer, leaning forward to grab at the the small multi-colored hard candies, pelting them towards him aggressively. They showered down on him and Ellery, and the latter of the pair laughed loudly.
Dylan threw the candy back at Emma, his smile wide and taunting as the girl flipped him off with a playful glare. "Why season six?" She demanded to know. "It was literally full of spiders."
Emma had gotten more sleep tonight, thankfully. She hadn't gone to the party with the rest of the cast, instead turning in for a quiet night in her hotel room with her baby and best friend. Logan had been more then happy to have Emma with her as the two of them watched Disney movies, hardly caring that although their excuse for watching children's movies was the baby in the room, Everly was more interested in her feet then she was Tinkerbell and Elsa.
She was in between Holland and Sprayberry for the group panel that morning, sipping on a Starbucks refresher while the moderator asked about the party. Logan had gotten up with Everly just before six thirty, surprising Emma with a few extra minutes of sleep and a refreshing wakeup call.
Dylan reached for the cup, eyeing the light pink liquid. He had ordered for Emma many times before, usually supplying the younger girl with a strawberry lemonade but her drink was evolving by the month it seemed. Emma rolled her eyes playfully, handing the cup to Dylan and watching as her quizfully took a sip. He scrunched his nose up at first, but went in for another gulp and decided it wasn't as bad as he initially thought.
When asked what their favorite line was, the answers were immediate without any need to think, "Deer." Shelley exclaimed.
"A girls gotta eat."
"I fell in a hole."
Emma couldn't help but giggle at the memory, grabbing the microphone from Dylan's hand, "Always." She turned to give the microphone to Holland, sending the redhead a wink considering that line was almost always directed towards her.
"What the hell is a Stiles."
"We protect those who cannot protect themselves."
Ellery's answer was lame, but in the blondes defense she had only made an appearance in one episode. Emma just grinned, to busy making weird faces at Dylan through her impressive fit of energy. She had slept great considering the three am feeding, as well as being in an entirely different country and a hotel bed.
The two of them weren't paying as much attention as they should've been, breaking out into grins when they finally pulled their attention from their moment of weird expressions to listen to the moderator.
Froy had answered the question first, not missing a beat when he lifted the microphone to his mouth and claimed that in his free time he liked to do auditions for other projects. Shelley praised his efforts, her and Emma sharing a mutual distaste for the audition process. Most actors hated auditioning, feeling unnatural and like a ridiculed prop, but it was a necessary evil most times. Emma was convinced there was no better news then when her agent calls and tells her about a role she would only have to chemistry read for.
"What we like to do?" Ryan asked, "I like to get drunk and play with cats." He easily shrugged at the answer and Emma had to hide her grin. She had witnessed a hungover Ryan playing with animals on many occasions, and the sight never failed to be adorable.
It was no shock to Emma when Ellery answered wrestling and Crystal answered cooking. It had been a few weeks since she'd managed to take the drive to Crystal's place, but almost every night she was sent a new recipe that she said she would try and almost never did. Crystal knew this of course, but she also knew although Emma lied through her teeth about commitment, she enjoyed the texts and thought of somebody having her on their mind.
"Reading, hiking, I like the outdoors, the mountains in particular. So, I'll do a lot of audio books when I hike, and I camp. I love camping, so that's usually where I am." Holland grinned before handing the microphone off to Emma.
"I love sleeping." She exclaimed, a goofy grin on her face at the idea. "Usually, I'm hanging out with my baby, or this goon. Sometimes I'll take a random dance class." She nudged a thumb at Dylan, the two of them practically roommates. It wasn't often that Emma spent the night alone with Everly, having to force Dylan back to his own house so there was at least a small reason for him to be paying monthly bills and utilities.
She handed the microphone to Dylan, smiling softly at him before taking another sip of her drink. The way Dylan was sitting looked either genius level comfortable or completely horrible for his joints. She wouldn't be surprise if in a few minutes he'd start complaining about his tailbone or his back, but for the moment he was completely spaced out thinking of an answer.
"Um, I like doing Muay Thai, and wrestling, and I like reading. And um, spending time with this goon." He returned the favor, his grin sheepish when he snapped his gaze to Emma who was playfully rolling her eyes and kicking at his leg with her vans covered foot. Neither one of them missed the way Shelley excitedly gasped at their answers. The pair couldn't go a day without Shelley asking if they'd made it official yet.
Emma was sure she wouldn't say no if Dylan asked, but the guilt of tying him down with a kid at twenty-years-old was a lot of process. She was still only nineteen, they had so much life to live.
Megan took the microphone from Dylan, "Exercising. I just got into yoga, I also just got into Barry's bootcamp which is some intense stuff, and I also just also, also just also, I'm really tired, um, I got into cooking as well, I got into hors d'oeuvres, just getting all into that. And yeah, auditioning. I hate it, but it's what I do in my free time."
"Lucky." Shelley exclaimed when she grabbed the microphone, Emma laughed, shaking her head at the girl. They'd spent many nights curled up on Shelley's bed, or in Emma's, just talking about what the future held for them creatively. It wasn't like their opportunities were limited, rather the work offered way dry. It was either to far fetched from themselves, to boringly similar, or a role to close to one they'd played before. "I love to dance, and uh, I mean, Spanish, duolingo my app."
Emma and Dylan were once again in their own world. They were energized on sleep, Dylan getting an extra boost from the coffee he sipped tenderly. Emma had never really gotten into drinking it, though Holland had tried on multiple occasions to pass her an americano while on set. Kicking at him a little to hard, Emma flinched when she missed his leg and instead rammed her foot into the leg of his chair.
Sprayberry doubled over in laughter whilst Emma pouted, attempting to nurse the ache in her toes but distracting herself with the Starbucks refresher in her hands. She hadn't been kicking him all that hard, just little taps that would become annoying, which was her goal, but apparently the chair had other opinions of her pestering.
The next question was about what era they'd like the live in. Emma's answer hadn't changed since she was seven years old, the nineties being a time she would have liked to experience, or at least remember, because she couldn't deny that she did technically live during them, although it was as an infant.
"The sixties." Shelley answered.
"Considering my ancestry, right now. For free." Megan exclaimed and Emma couldn't help but giggle, though the weight of her statement weighed true and was something Emma thought about too frequently. She was a person of color living in America, but despite her mixed heritage she wasn't called out as often as her dark-skinned colleges and friends, but that didn't mean she was free of any racist interactions.
"Now might be the best time." Dylan agreed, "Um, I would say the nineties, what no! Like the early nineties, when nirvana was a big thing. Like I wish I lived in Seattle when those bands were all around because they were all friends and I would have liked to be apart of a band like that. Now all music is shit. Let me know how it was, yeah." He laughed.
"Is it cool if I say the nineties too? I don't have good reasoning, I just want to know what the hype was about Blockbuster."
"Did you never go to a blockbuster?" Ryan asked, leaning forward in his chair so his voice traveled to Emma.
"No, it was a, here's Netflix, kind of thing."
"When were you born?" His eyes were wide in shock now, clearly interested in the upbringing Emma had considering she hadn't even visited a blockbuster.
"End of ninety-eight." Emma grinned at his exasperated face, "So I have probably been to a blockbuster, but not that I can remember."
Holland had a blissfully teasing glint in her green eyes when Emma turned towards her and offered her the microphone. It was a given to be picked at because of her age. Being twelve and working with twenty and thirty-year-olds just came with the teasing territory. She didn't mind though, usually because Holland always came to set the next day with random products from the nineties, claiming it was to further educate Emma, when really it was just to give her an excuse to buy them on amazon at two am.
The next question wasn't as light hearted, a girl standing up and asking what advice they had for somebody that's sad. Emma had figured out from personal experience that when a question like that is asked it's never for somebody else or conspired out of the blue, it's somebody that's going through a hard time and needs to hear something other then their own internal monologue.
Froy and Ryan had given inklings of advice whilst Emma was in her own head, trying to find words that could soothe. She had faced depressive episodes that lasted weeks and months, and she had felt sadness that lasted days. The two wore different faces, but often they were confused and shoved into the same category. It was a category that not many social outlets or people liked to touch upon.
"I think it is important to realize it is completely fine to feel sad, it's not a bad thing, in fact it only feels really bad when we try to actively push it away. Some of the most beautiful literature, and poetry, and art, and exploration has come from people feeling sad, and in fact if we didn't feel sad we wouldn't know what it would be to feel happiness. If we didn't have heartbreak we wouldn't know what extreme love would feel like, sadness is apart of our human experience and it's something we need to experience, and I think that when you accept okay, I feel sad today, and you don't try to actively push against it lightens it. I think it's just important to realize we actually need it, and it can provide great perspective if you let it, and learn from it."  Crystal spoke, her words hitting Emma deeply. She knew the feeling of denial all to well, and pushing aside what she was actually feeling had been a default reflex since before she could remember. It had gotten so bad at one point, there had been a time when she couldn't even name what happiness was. She had pushed everything away to the point where she felt numb.
Emma accepted the microphone from Holland after the girl shared, her heart heavy at the topic they were touching at, "I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder when I was eleven and depression when I was thirteen. I think what helped me the most was looking at it from the perspective that shit happens. I think it's so ignorant when people assume you're incapable of functioning with a mental illness, or being medicated is the only way to deal with it. Letting yourself feel anything that's not happiness has such a negative stigma in society, and you're fed bullshit by so many outlets. I just take a step back from it all. When I have the time to stay home, I stay home. Sometimes I sit in silence for days, and I don't talk to anybody. It's just about finding what works for you."
Emma didn't think twice about handing the microphone off to Dylan. She had never been opposed to talking about her own struggles, but it was a conversation controversial to some, and her emotions were so heavily guarded it was hard to express them at times. Sprayberry offered Emma a genuine smile before he tried to find his own remedies at the tip of his tongue.
She didn't really listen to much to what her other former cast-mates said, busy picking at the skin around her nails and starring off into the audience. Miniscule details were catching her attention, her heart beating in her ears. She wasn't good at being vulnerable, or listening to other people being vulnerable. She had gotten better at it, but it was still able to make her antsy.
That was the last question of the panel, and happily Emma accepted Dylan's hand when he helped her down the stage stairs. His touch had brought her out of the distracted daze she'd fallen into, but the topic still weighed heavily on her. She pulled her phone from the waistband of her pants, frowning curiously when she noticed that Logan hadn't sent her any messages.
When they rounded the corner to a green room, Emma was slightly taken aback to see Logan smiling sheepishly. Her baby was wide away, suckling on a pacifier and playing with her fingers, no sign of a nap in her wide blue eyes.
"You left with my phone." Logan held up the phone in her hands, proving to Emma that the phone she'd been checking all morning hadn't been her own. She hadn't even realized that the case and background was different, to caught up with everything else going on. "And I couldn't get into yours, because you changed the password, again."
Ellery and Dylan both made an advance for the baby at the same time, glaring at each other childishly. Everly didn't mind the attention though, soft coos falling from around her pacifier.
"Did she nap at all?" Emma sighed, switching Logan's phone for her own when she came close enough to the blonde. "I swear if you leave me with an overtired baby later, I'll have your head."
Logan rolled her eyes, "Princess here decided she wanted to sleep until ten this morning." Emma gaped at the news, looking over at her baby with a betrayed gleam. Dylan had her cuddled up into his chest, hands softly caressing's her thin and fragile hair.
"Ten?" Emma whined. She was lucky if Everly slept in past seven. She had quickly learned how to do basic house chores with a baby on in her embrace. "You going to head back to the hotel?"
Logan had mentioned a trip to the shops yesterday, so Emma wouldn't be surprised if she came back to the hotel later and her daughter had an entirely new wardrobe. Logan didn't even need to answer for Emma to roll her eyes. "Don't buy all of France, please." She bargained.
"I'll try not to babes." Logan reached for Everly, hardly bothered by the teary gleam she received. "Say bye to Mommy." Emma pressed a kiss to the babies head before Logan and Evie were gone again, off to spend too much money on tiny shoes and clothes.
Her mood had improved greatly, turning to give Dylan a wide grin and pull him over to the large stack of sweets. Shelley was already rummaging through them with Froy, extending a chocolate covered wafer to Emma the second she approached.
This was exactly the place she wanted to be.
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