#I'm sure it's actually either tactics or some merch thing everyone is going to forget about in a week
fafnirsden · 1 year
Persona 5 T(ea) and you play as Sojiro on a quest to add a third item to your menu. There is clearly some supernatural phantom thief shit going on in the background but Sojiro just doesn't notice/care so you never find out either. Morgana goes missing for a week but then it's just resolved off screen and Ren claims he found him in a tree. Akechi shows up one day as a guest and is "subtlely" drilling Sojiro for information but Sojiro just doesn't know what's going on and that's the only scene Akechi is in for the whole game.
It drops and interest dies off quickly but you can't escape hearing the new music in random youtube videos or the endless posts bemoaning that Iwai isn't a dating option
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