#I'm sure they had trade connections going all along the mountains so they knew about New Sharlayan
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Evil AU: raised in Sharlayan as a snob and harasses the mammets about rare books
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lucigoo · 1 year
Bagginshield-tober: Day 2 - Garden
Im a little behind, but nevermind, enjoy my Bagginsheild story based on the prompt Garden.
It is also avaliable on A03 here
Bilbo was fed up with his husband. Yes he understood his concerns, yes, he knew Thorin didn't like it when he was too far from the Mountain, yes, he would take his bodyguards Nockic and Avrala with him. No, he was not staying more than two nights and “Yes, will you back off Thorin as i am going to Dale! I'm going to check the harvest and make sure it's growing right. And I sure as Yavanna do not need permission thank you very much” Bilbo finally snapped. Feeling guilty when he saw the sheepish expression on Thorin’s face. Bilbo took a few deep breaths, walked closer so he could cup Thorin's cheeks in his small and nimble hands. “Thorin, love, I'm going to Dale, with two bodyguards, Ori, Dori and Bofur. I have to check the harvest Thorin or we will all go hungry. Besides, we talked about this. I'm a hobbit, there is nowhere green in the mountains. I need air and grass and living things. I love it here, i love you, but i am still a hobbit ok?” he asked genty. Thorin just let out a sigh, “Yes aznan, I understand. I didn't mean to make you feel like you can't go, i just …” Thorin trailed off, not looking Bilbo in the eyes, how did he explain what he was feeling. 
He didn't have to, his clever, loving hobbit did it for him. “You just don't like me far away, and I appreciate it. I don't like to be too far away either, but it will be winter soon, and I need to get as much sunlight as possible whilst I can Thorin. Maybe in a few years when things have settled we can make a garden in the Mountain, there must be somewhere.” Bilbo finished on a wistful sigh. 
Thorin said nothing and just pulled Bilbo into his arms and held him tight, relishing in the feel of him before he disappeared down to Dale for two long, lonely nights. 
Bilbo sat on his pony, listening to Ori and Bofur talk about the new trade agreements as he watched the Lonely Mountain get closer and closer.. He was ready to be home, to have his dwarven heater cuddled up behind him as the nights got colder, to just breathe in all of Thorin. Bilbo hated how he had to do these trips every other month or so at least, but as a hobbit he couldn't survive in just stone the way his dwarves did. As it was he was already dreading the upcoming winter where the doors got shut and only opened for extreme circumstances. 
Bilbo thankfully had convinced Thorin to move into a room at the top of the Mountain with him, one of the very few with a window and a connected balcony. Not that the baloney had been very good or safe when he had last checked a few months ago. Hopefully, one day soon he could convince Thorin to allow him to turn it into something he could use to grow, no matter how small. 
Bilbo found himself whipped away as soon as he got into the Mountain, Thorin was nowhere in sight, and Balin had basically grabbed him, and marched him to his rooms. Bilbo looked at his travelling companions who looked as bemused as him but followed along behind him dutifully. 
Bilbo just scuttled along, almost running to keep up with Balin, who hasn't released his arm. Balin didn't slow until he reached Bilbo’s own chambers. 
As soon as he was free he stood as tall as possible and glared at his friend “WHat in Arda Balin? I know where my rooms are, did my idiot husband think 3 days out of the mountain and I'd forget, honestly” he ended with a tut. He'd barely made it into the mountain and he was already fed up with dwarves. His dwarves specifically.
“And you three, next time you need me to get you out of a pickle don't expect me to aid you” He added with a huff, glaring at them all. He pulled his waistcoat into position again, smoothed his cloak and opened his door Calling back “Where is my stonehead husband anyway? If he thought I was going to get lost he could have come for me himself.” he said, still annoyed. 
Bilbo stopped still when he heardThorin’s unamused cough. He turned his head  back around and smiled sheepishly at his dwarf King, standing there in nothing but a short sleeved tunic that really showed off those strong forearms. 
Bilbo realised he had been staring a little too much when Bofur “accidentally” nudged him in the back. “Ahem, yes, hello” he said, face bright red as he ignored the reason why the rest of The Company were in his rooms during his homecoming. 
He walked straight to Thorin and allowed himself to be wrapped up in those strong, safe arms. INhaling the scent of fire, iron and stone. A scent that would be strange for a hobbit to enjoy, but for Bilbo it was just pure Thorin and he had missed him so. 
“And i you ghivashel” he felt more than heard rumble under his ear, reeling he had said it out loud. 
Nilbo soon realised he would get no peace to snuggle his dwarf as the rest of their friends were whispering, loudly. Bilbo’s ears suddenly perked up as he pulled back from Thorin’s solid chest. “Garden, what garden?” he asked curiously. 
Thorin turned his glare at his friends before turning to bilbo with a besotted smile. “Close you eyes my huzn, I have a surprise. We have been working on it slowly for months in secret, but now it is complete, come.” he said, grasping Bilbo’s hand tight on his own as Kili covered Bilbo’s eyes as he “did not trust their burglar not to peep”.
Bilbo spluttered and made noise just to indulge him, It didn't hurt to indulge one of the lads every now and again, He allowed himself to be ushered outside into the fresh mountain air. He took a few deep breaths before suddenly stilling. His nose twitched. “Wait, Thorin, what can I smell, it's never smelt like this before. “ he said in shock.
Thorin chuckled in his ear and said “open your eyes mine huzn, look at your present.” 
Bilbo did and gasped, hands covering his mouth as his eyes involuntarily watered. It wasn't very big, most of the beds were not filled, but the ones that were. Bilbo couldn't believe it. 
He turned, throwing himself at Thorin and laughing as he kissed his whole face, revelling in the way Thorin held his hips tight in those bug road hands that could cut down orcs, create amazing weapons and apparently make a hobbit out of the Shire there very one garden on the side of a mountain Bilbo couldn't stop the tears as he nuzzled into Thorin who happily embraced him back. 
Bilbo had a sudden thought and pulled back, “Thorin, do you, I mean are you aware ….” he trailed off, unsure how to ask his question.
Thorin gave a small laugh. “Yes my beloved, I know the flowers have meanings, these were the only ones we could find that would grow that we could identify. I had no wish to say the wrong thing.” he said a little bashfully. 
Bilbo looked around and noticed that their friend had left at some point when he had been enfolded in Thorin’s arms. “You are aware that this is a giant declaration of love, yes?” he all but purred as he pressed closer to his husband. 
“I hope so, tell me if i'm wrong but the aster’s, bleeding hearts and lilac are declarations of love, the mountain pansy is a reflection of a humble hobbit being brave enough to follow an old dwarf across the world and become his consort, the sedum, phlox, columbine and begonia are all variations of unity, partnership and togetherness ans this one…” he trailed off as he moved further along into the garden, towing Bilbo behind him. 
“This one”  he said as he picked a small flower that had bloomed and placed it behind Bilbo’s ears, wiping the tears that were falling as he did so. “This yarrow stands for everlasting love, the way my heart is everlasting yours, until the end of Arda and the world is remade for the final battle and beyond that, my love for you will never waver.”
A sob left Bilbo’s throat as he lunged at Thorin grabbing him by his braids. Having their first passionate kiss under the soft mountain sunlight in his garden, a garden made with love like his father had made his mother. Bilbo had never been so sure he was where he was supposed to be more than in this moment. Wrapped up in his dwarf surrounded by a loud and brash declaration of everlasting fealty in hobbit custom. 
“I love you” he whispered into Thorin's mouth quietly, enjoying the thorough ravishing he received in return as his return declaration. 
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