#I'm the IZ poll propaganda person
@most-mistreated-characters exists and they have skoodge
Skoodge, in canon, gets the same bullying Zim does but a lot more physically abusive. The entire series' first episode has him being bullied by being given the planet Blorch, home of the slaughtering rat people, as his assignment - something that was meant for Larb, who instead got Vort since he grew taller. That shot of Skoodge about to cry? That's him after he learns what his assignment is.
He's been shot out of a cannon at a planet and he should have died from it. He's been mauled by a meat-thirsty hogulus, lived, then was used to bludgeon said beast.
In the unfinished episode "The Trial", we learn that Skoodge has been used and abused since he was just a little smeet. Zim used him as an accomplice to escape to the surface, eventually throwing him under the bus by letting a dermis prowler security droid chase him down.
And then we have the fandom. The fandom loves him, yes, but a significant chunk seems to be in that "we love to bully him too" way. For every person that wants good things for Skoodge, there's someone who wants to launch his ass. Every character in this fandom gets bullied to some extent though.
Anyway, have some Skoodge images for your pleasure. Courtesy of the wiki.
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