#I'm too anxious as is LMAO
sollucets · 1 year
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just yok things for @ahxu-laowen
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Books of 2024: GHOST STATION by S. A. Barnes.
I've been intrigued by this one since the hardback release, but since I'm more of a paperback person I Waited™, intending to preorder said paperback.
Un/fortunately: In the course of my waiting, @asexualbookbird read it, and ey had Beef. Like. Enough Beef that I canceled my preorder and checked out a library copy instead. Library copies suck to photograph, my lighting setup for this was unhinged. So! We'll see how this goes!
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anonfromtheflight · 10 months
Thank you so much for the messages I got wondering if I was alright. I am! I just have the worst luck ever!
But at least I'm in good health? And alive. That's a win too. I'm just convinced more than ever that nothing good will ever happen to me without something horrible happening right after 😓
So I made it back to Santiago from home on Sunday night and all was well. But I got robbed on Monday! After work, rght outside a subway station! And not only the asshole took my cellphone, he punched me in the face to make me drop it!! 😒 I almost never take my phone out in public for security reasons but when my boss called, I answered because I thought I had left something important at work. But when I hung up while I was leaving the subway station, before I could put my phone back in my pocket, a huge dude came to towards me, punched me in the face and then left with my phone! 😩
It wasn't even a nice phone, it was basic af and I had it for three years, but it had my stuff and UGHHHH I had to go to the police and then to the hospital to get my face checked because my cheek swelled right away. At least he avoided my glasses? Oh and I had to block my phone number with the mobile company, my bank account because of the bank app and another banking app i use.
To make things worse, I left my tablet back at my mom's by mistake last weekend so I had no electronic device with my info to block my stuff myself. I had to ask my sister to do it and to post a message on instagram in case my friends got any weird messages and to let people know I wouldn't be available. And that if someone talked to them via whatsapp, it wasn't me.
I didn't think about her doing the same for me here, I didn't think anyone would notice or care oops, sorry for that 😬
AND UUUUGHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED THE S3 RELEASE DATE ANNOUNCEMENT!!! At least I can enjoy the theories and gifs now 😑 I also can't believe I missed a WHOLE week of OMR beauty content with Omar looking gorgeous and downright sinful wtf
Now I'm back home because tomorrow I have to go vote, got my tablet back and blocked absolutely everything. At least since I sold my soul to google, I don't have to try to remember my passwords lol and could basically wipe everything from my phone remotely.
But yeah, I'm okay! I'm only sporting an ugly bruise on my face that makes me look like I'm part of the lamest fight club in existence.
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
“Wrecking your ship in 2023″
“No one is safe....”
“If we ever find (Ed) again.”
“There’s gonna be some sharp edges!”
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
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Does OC x Canon but in a Love Loses sort of way
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blu-ish · 8 months
had the random urge to tell you that youre an amazing artist, and that you are so fun to talk to and that i care for you a lot 💖‼️💥💥💖‼️💥‼️💖‼️‼️
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Omg.. Shads thank u sm dude hjgddhk I rlly needed to hear this ;-; YOUR SO SWEET THANKS FOR MAKING MY NIGHT 100 TIMES BETTER <3
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natreads · 10 months
I got a job as a bookseller!!!
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yohankang · 6 months
i might feel a little bit insane but i started considering moving blogs 🤔
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izzy-b-hands · 3 months
Checked my old med records re: transition dates bc today's Pl/Pa appt is probably going to be a fucking doozy where I anticipate being quizzed on my transition thus far and future goals for it
And double checked the year to find out A. my memory is shit and I was off a year but also B:
Next year will be my 5 year anniversary on T!!
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varpusvaras · 11 months
Coruscant gets its own Guard.
As her duty as the Queen keeps her on Alderaan, Breha wishes to see more of what happens on Coruscant, and how the troopers stationed on the planet are doing, as the war rages on all across the Galaxy. Bail sends her pictures of the Guard, and one Commander catches her eye.
Then she hands Commander Fox her comlink frequency.
Then he picks up her call.
Part 2 of Up that Mountain, from Breha’s point of view.
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concernedbrownbread · 8 months
I just cried at an email is this the adult experience
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hiddenspriings · 1 year
i hope one day you start a youtube, i would watch your content everyday ;-; i feel like most of the simmers are on youtube, their sims aren't my style, or they're really boring, but your content is so bright and colorful and interesting and we need more of that on youtube!
I was thinking about it before, I mean the idea of starting your own yt channel (or any social media video type of channel) is so exciting but I'm not sure how big is the viewerbase for sims (especially sims 3) anymore. I stopped watching this type of content years ago and now seeing how it turned into this generic 'I left my game unpaused for x hours' and 'each room is a different pack' kind of videos is pretty depressing. I don't want to join that crowd, especially that I have no interest in posting sims 4 so my technical views would be much smaller. And I mean, do people still watch gameplay and challenges nowadays when everything is so focused on creating short content? I don't want to sound like I'm so focused on the audience here but creating content you like is only a part of it, if you don't have the viewers it gets pretty pointless(?) on youtube. Maybe that's why I like tumblr so much, because from the platform perspective we are all bloggers, sure we interact with each other as 'creators vs viewers of the content' but the idea is that every one of us has its own blog, we are equal in a way and even if I have 0 followers it is my little space, I can post random things yk.
Sorry it kinda turned into a little rant. It's really flattering you think of my blog in this way, that you see my content as sort of valuable to you but so far I'm quite happy just being on tumblr and not thinking if anyone will actually see my next post (which, let's be honest, took way less time than creating a full gameplay video for yt). I'm not saying it won't change, who knows, next month I might be like 'HEY COME WATCH MY STREAM ON TWITCH!!!!' but expanding from a blogger to full ass creator on another platfrom is a huge move I'm afraid takes so much courage to make.
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ngtskynebula · 4 months
I do understand loveless arromantics in the romantic love sense, but I'm worried about the No Friends, No Nothing gang, not gonna lie 🤡
Just saw someone saying there is NOTHING essential to the human experience and I was like, Hold On .
Let's calm down 🖐
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razrogue · 6 months
some folks leave the most thoughtful and insightful comments (and tags)!
then I'm over here keysmashing and leaving emojis. i've at least gotten better and started capturing parts that really moved me and keysmashing about those lol.
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yardsards · 1 year
can i ask about your experience as a quaker (or growing up as one? i just saw you mention bein one in some tags)
i jus don't know much about them
so i was not raised quaker, i was raised baptist. which was. 0/10, do not recommend. all the guilt of catholicism with none of the stained glass lmaooo
like, i did resinate with the idea of there being some sort of higher power and i liked the idea of getting together with other believers to discuss spiritual matters but as i got older and started thinking for myself i realized i really didn't like a lot of things about the church. i hated the bigoted beliefs of its members. i hated the emphasis on blind obedience to authority. i didn't believe that the whole literal truth could be found within one book, specifically one group's interpretation of said book. and the idea that people were born inherently bad and sinful and that a supposedly kind and just god would condemn people to eternal suffering just for not believing the "right" things just did not sit well with me at all
when i went off to college i decided to try out a few different churches around town. i ended up settling on a progressive presbyterian church. the community was great and very accepting of queer people. i had some minor qualms with the theology but it wasn't like with my parents' church where every sermon made me feel increasingly nauseous, and i generally felt *good* during and after the services
and then covid hit and while they did stream their sermons, i lost that sense of community and just kinda... fell away
throughout all this i was researching different faiths online, both christian and non-christian. and one faith that kept popping up a lot that i liked the sound of was quakerism. like at one point i remember taking some online quiz of like "what religion do your values most align with" and quakerism was very in the lead. (before this, i'd only really been exposed to quakerism in history textbooks and assumed the religion died out alongside puritanism)
in the end what got me really interested was actually a video by a youtuber i liked, a queer/disability advocate and historical fashion enjoyer who also happened to be quaker
and after looking more into it, i decided to try attending a quaker meeting. which was easier due to covid cuz i could find a church online (located physically hundreds of miles from me) that did their sunday services over zoom
and so i attended and the people there were great and were doing actual good in their communities. and the way services were run, and their beliefs about what god *was* and all of that just hit me with an intense feeling of like. holy shit this is what i've always wanted from religion.
the video explains the sort of core beliefs and practices of quakerism better than i can but the main belief is that like. every person is godly. as such, it's our job to treat all living people as equally and kindly as possible. additionally, since we all have god inside of us, we need to look inwards and come to our own conclusions about our own religious beliefs and practices (and generally respect other people's religious beliefs even if they differ from our own, so long as they're not causing real tangible harm)
i haven't attended any meetings in a while, due to that group going back to semi in person (they still stream it out but it feels more like being a spectator than a member) and there being no quaker meetinghouses in the tiny town i currently live in, coinciding with me being too depressed to regularly attend anything. but i'm planning to start attending quaker meetings again once i move to a real city
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hexjulia · 8 months
can't believe my tiny parrot is almost 2. I love her so much :')
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