#I've been weirdly productive on the writing front this week
teaandinanity · 7 years
I’m trying to figure out what I’m doing for tomorrow’s prompt because on the ONE hand I kind of want to draw the Valya-Lyon BiblioPile (wherein Valya squishes herself up against Lyon’s side so they can ignore each other in favor of books from no inches away and occasionally go ‘LOOK LOOK THIS IS NEAT LOOK’ and then go back to ‘this is like being alone only warmer and more comfy’), but on the other hand I... accidentally wrote like 8 pages of blather about pre-Summit Nisha.
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undeservedfavor · 4 years
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The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
St. Valentines Day [EN]: Chapter 2
Gisela almost jumped and screamed at the sight.
"Who are you?! What are you doing in my room, here in my bed?! What did you do to me?! Why can't I remember anything?!" She held her head due to headache.
"Don't scream, they might think that I'm doing something to you." He said.
"To a loser you shouldn't give a damn about... Yes, you already did something!" She tried to sit up but she did not succeed with her attempt.
She winced because of the pain she felt down there, tingling on her sensitive part.
He held her close and rubbed her back.
Like he's trying to calm her as she breathes in and out.
"Shh... That's it. Breathe. Tsk. Don't move so harshly, does it still hurt?" He asked.
She almost cried nodding to him.
"Can you stop breathing on my neck?! God. What a mess. So much for the freedom that I asked for." She uttered.
"We all search for freedom. Why do you look so sad? Tss, sorry, don't mind my question. I don't wanna intrude. By the way, nice place you got here. I haven't found a place yet, so I think I wanna stay here, even just for two or three weeks. You wouldn't mind, right? Since misery loves company, oh my bad, it's misery meets misery. Why do I get the feeling that we've met before?" The guy said.
"I don't even know you, you don't know me and what I'm going through! If you're gonna stay here, we have to set the boundaries and the rules." She reiterated.
"Shoot." He said.
"One, since I just bought this house and I'm struggling to survive the rest of my days on earth due to financial instability, you have to pay me rent. Two, no opening up or asking about 'too' personal details. Three, no more sexual activities with the landlady, last night was enough..." She stated.
"I think I can do number one and two, but I doubt that we both can resist number three, for we're still cuddling until now." He said and she moved away from him and covered her nudeness with the white blanket.
The man laughed a bit, which she found weirdly sexy.
When Gisela did not feel any pain anymore, she stood and wore her robe.
The man's smirking as he lit up a cigarette from the pocket of his jacket while his eyes are feasting on her features and curves.
She was about to enter the bathroom to clean herself up from the dried 'juices' stuck on her skin but she heard the doorbell rang from downstairs.
She walked downstairs and opened the door, she saw the old lady, Olivia...
"We're leaving for almost a month. I'm taking Larry to the city hospital which is really far from here, as the old man will prepare for his heart operation. We're taking our grandson with us, which means I will be leaving this beach to you. We're not locking it up unless it's night-time but... Can you look after it for us until we get back?" Old Olivia asked.
Gisela nodded.
"Yes, I'll pray for his speedy recovery. In this world, prayers are our sword for battle." She said and the old woman gave her the keys.
She went upstairs and she broke the news to the man who got her first.
"Who was that?" He was curious.
"The lady who sold me this house. Her entire family's going to tne city for almost a month. Which means, it's just you and me in this isolated island and damn life." She said.
"Which is good right, if you're in charge, we can do more public se-... S-sessions of swimming." The guy changed what he was about to say when the woman glared at him.
"You don't wanna be stuck with me in a place for a long time. No one does. I'm boring and worthless as hell." She said.
"I don't know, I find you exciting as hell. With that bod? There's no way that anyone doesn't wanna be stuck with you, I'd even probably prefer to be stuck in a manhole with you than not at all." She just rolled her eyes at his comment.
Then, she continued talking about the rules she thought just right about now.
Adding some things to it.
"As I was saying... Number four, you'll sleep on the couch downstairs and I sleep on my bed, here in my room. Don't dare to barge in here. This is not porn. Last and final rule, we don't have to know who we are." She said.
"I love the porn part but I was a bit confused on the last rule." She rolled her eyes at the hot naked guy on her bed.
"No names. We're gonna go separate ways anyway. You can call me Piggy and I can call you-...?" She said.
"Dinosaur. Don't look at me like that, isn't it obvious why based from what you just saw?" She glared at him.
"Kidding. I collect dinosaur figures back in the city. I'm a fan of Godzilla and Jurassic Park." She just nodded.
"Let's make it more exciting, if we found out each others' names, we part ways without a word. That's how pro one-night-standers do it." He said.
She shook her head smiling a little to him and entered the bathroom to shower.
Dorian followed her and she was shocked when he kissed her and lifted her to the bathtub...
Dorian opened the tap to fill it with water, he then poured soap in it and joined Gisela in a bubble bath as they do what they wanna finish doing...
They started living together.
The no sex rule was always being disobeyed by the male and the female was just letting him, like she had no choice for she also loved the relaxed feeling after the unexplainable and tiring skinship.
There was a time that when Dorian turned on the radio...
He heard his song played...
~I remember we were living like Kings and Queens
In the little tiny castle made of hopes and dreams
It was destiny
It was meant to be
We were so complete
The perfect team...
I always think about her (Aye)
Try to not overthink about her (Yeah)
I always dream about her (Uh, Uh)
Try not to dream about her (Oou)
I'm feeling so lost without her I try to come home
And it's so hard being out on my own
It breaks my heart to leave you alone
And that's all I get from you but I give my all to you
And that's all I hear from you
All dressed up nowhere to go
So I'm Dancing (Dancing)
On My Own
I've been waiting way too long (I don't want you dancing alone)
Dancing (Uh-huh)
On My Own
Play one more song (Play one more song)
Song (I'll be home)
Song But you're not coming (Yeah)
Song Song Song But you're not coming home
I told you I'll be home
I told you I'll be back (Play one more song 'til you g-...~
The song almost come to an end but Dorian turned it off when Gisela came out of the bathroom, because if Gisela, recognized his voice and knew who he was, it will be the end for them...
"Why have you turned it off? I was listening to the song... It's good..." She said.
"You know, you should re-think your taste when it comes to music." Dorian commented.
Gisela just shook her head, smiling.
They are getting to know each other more day by day but they still have not talked about why they ended up on the island...
On day, preparing brunch on the beach side, Piggy was sitting on the hammock while writing something on her notebook as Dinosaur is grilling fish for their meal.
Piggy was shocked as she heard a familiar voice alarmed.
"Ahhh!!!" Dinosaur winced in pain as he grabbed the neck of the snake who bit him and threw it on a far away bush.
He may not be showing it, but he's panicking.
Piggy ripped her skirt to get a piece of cloth and she tied a tight knot on the Dinosaur's ankle.
Piggy ran to the house and quickly came back with an alchohol, a clean knife, a roll of bandage and a cotton on her hands.
"I thought Dinosaurs are tougher than Pigs and Snakes. Then, why are you screaming like a girl? This is gonna hurt a bit but..." Piggy pierced the swollen wound.
Blurry liquid came out of his leg.
"Ahhh!!! Sh*t! Can you be more gentler as I was with you in bed?! Ouch!" He said shouting.
"Even your leg is filled with lust. It's wet and cumming. We're hopeless. You'll die in five minutes. Like me, alone, miserable and lonely." He glared at her for the comment.
"Kidding. Let the goner go, will you?" The woman said.
Dinosaur's eyes almost fell from it's sockets when Piggy put her mouth over the wound and sipped it thoroughly.
He almost drool over the sight.
Everytime her mouth is filled by the poison, she spits it out on the side.
When it was done, she cleaned the wound and replaced the cloth with a bandage.
"Where have you learned that?" The man asked.
"I was a nurse. A shitty one." She answered.
"Was. Why did you quit?" He asked.
"Can you stop being so nosy? Let the personal details go." The woman said she sat back on the hammock and continued to write on her notebook.
"What's that? I'm starting to get jealous with that notebook." He said.
She walked toward Dinosaur to ask for his opinion.
"Tell me what you think for a woman who's busy isolating and distancing herself from society?" She showed her writings to him.
"Without even reading this, I can say we're explicitly productive." The woman just glared at him for what he said.
Then, he read the book seriously.
"Writing strory scripts eh? This is good and intense but... I think it will suffice for the readers. Try to write about us next time. Is this why you quit? For the so called "Absolute Dream'?!" He overreacted his expression on the last sentence with his arm streched out high pointing at the sky.
"You talk a lot. How about you go back to the house and I'll bring the fish to you. And I thought I saw a Spiderwisp plant near our house's front yard. I'll go get some to treat the snakebite. Don't look at me like that... Unlike other things, just be thankful that it can be treated." She ordered the man.
Even if it's against his will, he just followed what she said...
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