#I've got artists with 10k monthly listeners
amidalas · 1 year
I have a playlist 633 songs deep for everyone in the store filled with just about every genre - metal, pop, hip hop, r&b, soul, jazz, 80's pop and rock, country, electronic, classical, soundtrack music, sea shanties, hell I've got fucking ROCK OPERA BALLADS for christs sake - and I STILL get people like "hm. I don't like this song :/" JUST WAIT. wait a moment. there is a high likelihood you will get a song that fits you if you just. wait.
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cyberneticdryad · 4 months
in honor of this post (which i've been getting lots of good music recs from!) i wanted to put together a list of the smaller artists/bands (based on YT subscribers/Spotify monthly listeners) that i listen to and enjoy.
I have sorted them least to most listened to, and tried to stick to bands with less than 10k subscribers? I thought that was a reasonable cut off for "small".
The Dark Red Seed (12/61): Acoustic, dark folk. I found Becomes Awake in a record store ONCE, which prompted me to check them out, and I have regretted not picking up the album ever since.
Empty Disco (25/406): Queer, bedroom, indie/folk, ukulele. I'm sad to see that most of their videos have been made private as the video for Creamer and Glue was how I found Emtpy Disco here on tumblr many, many moons ago, and I've long credited the video with gently nudging me toward actually exploring my own gender. fifty-five dog-eared wolves is my fav album.
Whim (248/15,244): Indie pop, acoustic, upbeat. Whim is warm, summer sunny days listening music. I like to put on her albums when I'm vibing around the house, having a little solo dance party, or doing housework.
Lotte Kestner (881/202,791): Indie, dreamy. I think Lotte Kestner was one of the first non-mainstream artists I found on YouTube when I was in high school that I really liked, and China Mountain remains my favourite of her albums.
Black Belt Eagle Scout (2.09k/71,066): Alt rock, ambient, dreamy. Another fav for summer listening, Mother of My Children remains my favourite, but her newest album The Land, The Water, The Sky feels just a little darker.
The Unicorns (2.6k/72,486): Indie pop/rock. I don't even know how my partner found this band, but they have one full album from 2003, and it's got some fun vibes that also remind me of a lot of a some of the synthy-er video game soundtracks I've enjoyed in the last decade.
Florist (3.73k/952,436): Indie/folk, dreamy. I'm profoundly confused by the discrepancy of YT to Spotify popularity, but I'm glad to know people are listening! The Birds Outside Sang gives me a lot of the wind is calling you home vibes.
Origami Angel (8.75k/298,457): Emo, pop rock, pop punk. Currently touring tho I cannot see them. ALAS, you should listen to Somewhere City, their first full album which is still my fav and most of their music is full of fun lyrics and pop culture references relevant to my interests.
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