#I've made this post cause a hand full of people asked about dubbing and I thought I'd make a blanket statement so people didn't need to ask
packet-of-staples · 1 year
Hey hey hey! I've said this on twitter but I'll explain my rules regarding how people can use my Art here. I can go into a little more detail.
Alright so this is mainly in regards to like comic dubs and profile pictures and the like so here we go.
What you can do!! And I also encourage :]:
- Make comic dubs of my works! So long as you clearly credit and link me that's absolutely fine!! Also make sure to tag me in some way so I can watch it too!!! I would love to see them.
- Use my Artwork as your profile picture! Seeing my Art in people's pfps literally makes me squeal and kick my legs with joy. As long as you credit me in your bio you are free to do so! (I suppose this also extends to banners? Go ahead! Same rules apply)
- Now this is the only time I'll say this, and this is the only context I'll allow it. You may edit my work ONLY if it is to be used for a profile picture. You can add hearts or flags or text to my work ONLY if you use it as your pfp, that's it. Otherwise just the pfp rules apply.
- Oh!! I thought of something else! If you want to use my art in edits or.. are they called fancams now? Whatever, you can! So long as you credit me in someway in the video itself.
- Oh yes! If you want to draw my designs for anything go right ahead! This could be my Outertale Mew Mew, DR Asriel, Knight Papyrus etc. I would love to see your silly drawings! Make sure to tag me so I can see :]!!
Alright so now onto the things I dont want done with my art:
- Reposting it to other social media sites. You know those instagram accounts that mass repost artwork? Yeah, I hate those and I dont want my work reposted. I seriously believe those accounts do not help artists and if I see my Art reposted I will ask you to take it down.
- Editing my work. With the exclusion of the pfp rule or if I have explicitly said it can be edited, do not edit my work in any way. Especially if it's being changed to be nsfw or offensive in anyway. Idk if people do this but I thought I'd cover my bases. Dont do this.
- I think this should go without saying, and I doubt there are any actual techbros on here but again, covering my bases. Do not use my work for NFTs or AI Art. Just don't do it. Nuff said.
Alright I think that's it. Please consider these boundaries if you're going to use my work 🙏. Thank you and I give you all a little kiss.
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plut00nline · 4 years
Fuck it im doing it
My 2020 top 20 movie list
(Disclaimer that most of these weren't made in 2020 but I just watched them this year. These aren't also really in a very particular order but they are lowkey ranked) (i also had to be choosey with the images i out cause of the limit, but yeah dont mind that)
20. The perfection
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The plot twist in this movie is *chefs kiss* there was no way for me to predict the ending, bug as far as thrillers goes, it is brilliant. And also, lesbians. It can be a pretty triggering movie for ab*se and general gore, but really I love the pacing and the thrill of it.
19. The shining
Ah yes, a classic horror, and though I may feel iffy about Stanley Kubrick, this movie was pretty good. But I am saying this as a person that didn't read the book. The blood rushing down the hallway was really my favourite visual on the movie. It was a movie that made me felt genuinely scared while watching it, like hiding behind my blanket but also sweating scared, the suspense was pretty thrilling though
18. Doctor Sleep
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Man do I love Danny Torrance, and Abra, fuck I love them both. Again, I never read the book, but my ignorance keeps me in bliss. The visuals of this movie are also great, and the emotions this movie puts through? I'm just glad headcanons exist, but really I did enjoy this movie even if it wasn't what I was expecting.
17. Birds of prey
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Harley deserved a movie, and the fact that it was directed by a woman makes me love it so much more because we just got to see harley doing the things that she fucking wanted. This movie is wlw solidarity, from Margot robbie to Mary Elizabeth Winstead, women with crossbows? Sign me the fuck up. And from all the DC films I've seen, it's so much brighter, in the visual sense, there's colour! There's character! And not everyone is just brooding in darkness, its the type of movie that would make me actually watch and enjoy DC films.
16. Charlie's angels
Firstly, lesbians. Thank you. But really, its a good action comedy and really I'll jump at the chance to see women kick ass.
15. My octopus teacher
I've never cried over an octopus before, so that was an experience. And even though this is technically not a movie, I still wanted to put it on here cause it was really just a great documentary, especially since it happened in my home country and im very oddly proud of that fact.
14. Knives out
Murder mystery and chris evans go so well together. I have made a longer post, but to sum it up, like most of the movies on this list. The colours and the pacing and just the atmosphere of the movie was spectacular, and even though I couldve guessed the ending, I was still on the edge of my seat for most of it
13. Ready or not
I love this new wave of eat the rich media. Samara weaving is a great actor and I am in love with her and this whole movie. It really was something that I hadn't actually seen before and the fact that the whole curse thing at the end was true was really just wow. Along with eat the rich, I love the feral female energy lately, and the whole white clothing slowly but surely being covered in blood.
12. Geralds game
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The line "youre only made of moonlight" lives in my head rent free. This movie, was really an experience and for a movie with only two people in it for the majority, it is really well done. I'll always feel iffy about a man writing a woman's experience (specifically) but I do love the way this movie went, yeah I hated the "Hand" scene, but I still enjoyed the after math of it.
11. The old gaurd
Again, more lesbians, what more could I ask for? The concept for this movie is brilliant, immortal mercenaries is the only trope I want from now on, and found family.
10. Parasite
Again with the eat the rich. This movie was mindblowing, and just, the imagery!! And im glad they didn't dub it in English cause fuck that, I enjoyed it perfectly with subtitles.
9. song of the sea
This movie, this movie! Is so precious and I had that song stuck in my head for days.the name Saoirse is also so oddly pleasing to hear. This story is so beautiful, the music is amazing and it makes me want to be a fae.
8. Scott pilgrim vs the world
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This movie really did pass what my expectations for what I thought it was gonna be, the music was amazing, the transitions and editing style was *chefs kiss* and even though I felt like I was in a fever dream the whole time, it'd be a fever dream I'd gladly rewatch.
7. The imitation game
Thank you Alan Turing. This movie recked me, like emotionally, I was a mess when I was done with it, but damn was it good, like I really just felt something while watching it, I mean most.of the movies on this list did, but this one just really hit me in some way.
6. Klaus
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At least there are still good Christmas movies being made. Actually, I was a mess for this one too, the second that child got that sleigh thing it was over for my emotions. The whole sirge of turning Santa into this big macho dude really is working out and that's how Santa should always be depicted. I could gush about the animation style of this movie all fucking day, I love it so much (and the shadows!!! Ahh the shadows!) It really is just incredible.
5. I'm thinking of ending things
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Hey man, I knew this was gonna fuck me up just by looking at the trailer, but there was absolitley no way to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Even after watching it, I have no idea what happened. But I still found it great, I love movies that give me an existential crisis.
4. Spirited away
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All I wanted to do, was eat everything in that movie, even if it would turn me into a pig, holy hells this movie is good. There was just this satisfying appeal to it that I can't quite put into words. Its beautiful like everything studio ghibli movie ever.
3. The Willoughbys
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I never knew I needed a found family movie with a bunch of kids that were already family. I've made a longer post about this movie, and I dont think I could really say more, this movie is so fucking touching and I love the direction it went in plot wise.
2. Howl's moving castle
Again, I may not have understood wtf was going on, but I'll be damned if I didn't love every second of it. There is no doubt that this movie is stunning, and I really am a suckered for early 2000's 2d animation, because!!! Look at it!!! Studio Ghibli films always just floor me with how good they look. I really wanna read the book, because I would absolutley love to see a feral Sophie giving howl shit for crying over hair.
1. Us
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This movie will always be my no. 1 it is amazing and I love everything jordan peele has done with his movies. Especially for it to have a full black cast, and those black people have darker skin than what is normally shown in media. The feral but also calculated nature of each character is beautiful and nothing can ever make me hate this movie
I hope you enjoyed this incoherent "review" of my favourite movies I watched in 2020, its been a shit show and movies really have been a place of comfort for me. But stay safe and happy new year!
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bolontiku · 3 years
Quick Fic
Characters: Brock Rumlow, Reader
Posted: Apr 10th
A/N: I haven't written anything I've wanted to but I remembered this one time the boss made me blush so here it is. With Brock cause I love him.
Like, Comments, & Reblogs are always appreciated and loved.
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It was really unfortunate timing. Honestly, it was why they had dubbed you Murphy. Anything that could, would go wrong. 
In this case it was someone overhearing your opinion on dating. 
Brock stopped right in the doorway as you finished speaking, your gaze meeting his as he offered you a smirk. 
Honestly. You purse your lips together and stir your coffee while looking away. Why was it that he happened to show up when you said the most ridiculous things? 
He was there when you had declared that you would fight, more than likely get beaten down but that you would go down swinging to which Brock had chuckled quietly.
It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have a major crush on the guy. 
He was a jerk. A major asshole of a jerk. Everyone knew it, he knew it, walked around with the knowledge of it. Still, he flirted with Myrtle at the front desk, getting her flustered and readjusting her glasses as her face grew hot. He always stopped by Grace's desk to remind her she was a grumpy old woman, who flicked him the bird but smiled as he cracked up and walked away. Dropped his coffee off at Ronald's desk telling him he spat in it (it was perfectly fine and exactly as the old man took it). 
Such a jerk. 
Back to the matter at hand, namely your mouth. He had moved to stand closer to you. It wasn't hard to miss the guy, even being a super jerk, he definitely stood over you, shoulders broad and a presence that wasn't to be ignored. You usually had no problem running your mouth and here he was, you steadied yourself knowing he wasn't going to let this go. The girls that had been chattering with you skipping away, deserting you. Great. 
"So," he started, brown eyes intense on you, "what you are saying is that if someone just asks you out on a date you'll go? That right?"
You took a sip of your coffee, wondering what exactly he did in this office, he seemed to just be wandering around everyday. "Why not?" He raised an eyebrow, you sighed, "people make dating to be this serious shit and that's their mistake. Dating is supposed to be fun. It's where you find things out about the other person and see if it can lead into a relationship and that's where it's supposed to be serious. Dating is silly and full of mistakes. Sometimes it takes one date, sometimes a few. That's just the way I see it." You end with a small shrug of your shoulders.
You watched as he stepped closer, invading your space, you turned your face away, hands still on your cup. He didn't need to know that he intimidated you, that he was stupid hot, that you had a horribly unfortunate crush on him. 
"Then go on a date with me."
You could feel your face begin to burn. Was he serious??
He chuckled, the low deep sound causing a shiver to run through you, settling low in your belly as he leaned down, "aww, are you blushing?"
You glared up at him, "I don't think you can handle me. I like to eat."
Brock's answering smile made your breath catch. "Good. I like a girl that can eat. Tonight. After work." He pulled back, taking a step away and you realized how close he had been as cold replaced the warmth of his body. 
You stuttered, "b-b-but I'm in my work clothes!" 
His dark gaze swept down you and you held your cup to your chest as he licked his lips and nodded meeting your gaze, "that'll do."
The burn was back, chest, neck, face and ears. He couldn't be serious. This motherfucker. He always picked on you during meetings and singled you out during conferences. Constantly forcing you to step into the center of attention when you didn't want it and… now he was taking you to dinner?!
You fumed. 
You were gonna make him regret taking you to dinner. 
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agustdiv1ne · 4 years
candy hearts — TEASER
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pairing: choi yeonjun x reader
genre: childhood best friends to lovers au, fluff, angst
wc: tbd (projected to be 10k+)
summary: spending valentine's day with your best friend had become a sort of tradition for ever since you were seven years old. despite the twists and turns in your friendship as both of you grew up, the one thing that never changed was the box of candy hearts that he placed in your hands every year.
warnings: tbd, none in this snippet
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tuesday, february 14th; age 12
you leaned your head against your palm as you zoned out in your last period class. science had never been your favorite subject, even less so given that your teacher had been informally dubbed the school's wack job. 
as the day had dragged on, you realized that the holiday wasn't as widely celebrated in middle school. the so-called 'special' day was reserved solely for the few couples on campus, most of which had been dating for only a couple weeks. you bet most would be broken up by next month, the typical cycle for immature, hormone-riddled relationships. 
but back to your science class.
you felt your eyes nearly roll into your skull as your teacher excitedly explained the concept of genetics and punnet squares. what a riveting topic to listen to for an hour on valentine's day. however, you couldn't focus on his boisterous ramblings when your mind was chock-full of bitter thoughts of how your best friend had decided that he couldn't be seen with you at school. 
okay, maybe not back to your science class. you were too distracted, too bothered, to concentrate.
because while yeonjun had promised to not leave you behind in middle school, it grew exceedingly obvious, as the year went on, that he had lied straight to your face. this holiday was only a painful reminder of that fact.
you couldn't entirely blame him, though, the vast sea of middle school causing you to slowly drift apart from each other as you both tried to find where you fit in. he had made new friends easily, the shy boy you once knew emerged from his shell, countless peers recognizing him for his impressive talents in baseball, in dance, in singing, the list could go on. he was good at everything that he tried his hand at, and by the middle of seventh grade, he had become the campus' golden boy. even the eighth graders knew him!
this came with a cost, however, and that was leaving you, his best friend of five years, behind (for the most part, at least).
you had found your own friends, of course. you had to, or else you would have been deemed a loner, and no one wants to be a loner in middle school. it was uncomfortable, having to talk to people you had never interacted with beforehand. despite this, you had found yourself a little group through your art class: yeri, chaeyoung, and yuqi. they had welcomed you into their trio easily. though it felt weird to have friends other than yeonjun for the first time, you were happy. well, uh, besides the whole yeonjun thing.
with only one class with him, it was easy to not speak to each other during school. your hangouts were now confined to after school, when he wasn't surrounded by his new friends and could make time for you. you never tried to talk to him about it, scared that he'd twist your words and it would destroy what semblance of friendship that remained between you. honestly, you wished that you could go back to elementary school, when things were easier, when you could talk to him at school without worrying about the consequences of doing so. 
yet you knew it wasn't that easy. this wasn't elementary school anymore.
your eyes subconsciously trailed over to the boy in question. you were supposed to hang out with him after school, but there was always that one insecurity that rattled around your mind:
what if this was the year that he finally blew you off? for good? 
you shook your head, going back to the worksheet your teacher had passed out as you were distracted by your thoughts. punnet squares, okay. one parent with a dominant and recessive gene, one parent with two recessive genes. now fill in the squares…
"hey, y/n."
your head shot up from at the sound of his voice. eyes wide at the fact that he was speaking to you at school. it had been months since he had last done so.
"oh, hi yeonjun. what did you need?" you sent him a tight smile, not that he noticed. twelve year-old boys were never most observant.
he placed a box of candy hearts, the same thing he gifted you every year, on top of your desk. it was blank, no message or name in sight.
"i wanted to give you this before i forgot and it got crushed in my backpack." his voice quietened, almost as if he didn't want anyone to hear what he had to say next, "we're still hanging out after school, right? like we always do?"
you nodded, and he shot you a small smile, "great, thanks."
he walked away. as soon as he sat back down in his seat, his friends were punching at his shoulder, teasing him, asking him if he was dating you. you could hear it all from where you were sitting, but you wished you couldn't after what he said next.
"me? with her? no way, we're just friends. i could never see her like that."
you never truly realized how much he truly meant to you until you no longer hung out until after school, but this? this hurt. it made your chest ache when you saw his borderline disgusted face at the insinuation that you were dating each other. what was so bad about you for him to have that reaction? was it your hair, your face, your acne? you found yourself mentally paging through every possible flaw you saw in yourself until the bell rang, signalling the end of school. 
yuqi walked up to you at the front of campus, immediately spotting the forlorn look on your face, "hey, you good?"
"uh, yeah, i guess. listen, i have to go meet up with yeonjun. catch you later?" you asked.
"yeonjun, huh? are you sure you're not dating him?" she smirked, and you rolled your eyes, your mood worsening even more.
"we're just friends," you spat, turning away from her, "he'd never like me like that, anyway. i have no chance with him. i'll see you later, yuqi."
the further you walked, the worse you felt about how you spoke to yuqi. she didn't deserve to deal with the brunt of your wrath, it was uncalled for. you wanted to run back to school and apologize, but you were sure she had already been picked up.
you'd have to make it up to her tomorrow.
as you neared the supermarket a few blocks down the street from school, you could see yeonjun waiting near the entrance, his foot tapping against the sidewalk impatiently. his bike sat next to him, which explained how he arrived much earlier than you.
"took you long enough," he teased as you approached, but you didn't answer, only sending him a half-hearted smile in return. his grin fell, eyebrows now furrowed. oh, now he noticed how you were feeling? typical. "you okay?"
that was the second time you had been asked that now. you wanted to say no, you definitely were not okay, that it hurt to hear him say those words earlier, that it hurt that you couldn't even talk to him during school. you wanted to tell him that you felt abandoned, you wanted to tell him that he broke the promise he made a year ago, that ever since the first day of seventh grade you felt left behind. you wanted to ask him why he even bothered hanging out with you when he couldn't bother even speaking to you at school.
but you didn't.
instead, you plastered an artificial smile on your face, trying to make your voice sound a little more energetic than you felt, "yeah! i guess i'm just tired. science wasn't exactly fun today, y'know?"
"tell me about it," he laughed as he walked beside you, easily accepting your excuse without prying. you wished that he would have pried. "he's the weirdest teacher i've ever had, i can't believe he hasn't been fired yet."
"right?" you replied as you walked down the aisle full of candy. you picked out one of the overpriced boxes of heart-shaped chocolates before walking up to the register. you tried to hand some of your money to the lady helping you, but yeonjun swatted your hand away.
"nuh-uh, you're not paying for this," he argued.
you visibly deflated, scrunching your nose at him in distaste. he simply grinned at you in response.
"ah, young love," the cashier sighed as she took yeonjun's money. your heart clenched, thanking her before you two walked outside again, the air cool against your skin, the sun glaring into your eyes, the weather the complete opposite of your mood. you glanced over at yeonjun. you wondered why he hadn't protested when she said that. you didn't ask.
his hand found yours, dragging you around the corner behind the building. your heart raced, skin heating up slightly at the contact. your reaction couldn't have meant anything. no, you couldn't like him like that. you were friends, nothing more, nothing less.
as you sat next to each other behind the supermarket, unwrapping and eating the chocolate that he had bought you just a few minutes ago, you realized that you really couldn't deny it anymore: you were in love with choi yeonjun, your best friend, and you couldn't do anything about it.
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hope y'all are excited :) if you would like to be tagged when the full fic is posted, please send me an ask!
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→ © to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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