#I've not had anything Good For them so I've been using them for star rail grinding notes
lesenbyan · 1 year
terrible day and don't even have the money to buy myself a Little Treat I need to make myself another Little Treat :ccccccc
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mimisempai · 17 days
The first day of the rest of our lives
The sun rises on their first autumn morning in the Southdowns' cottage. Crowley realizes that everything is different now. Like a first time.
In these difficult times, let me offer you a little sweetness. Let's follow the angel and the demon as they get used to their new life in their cottage.
On Ao3
Rating G -  632 words
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They'd seen thousands of them, but this one was special.
Like a first.
Crowley stepped out onto the front porch and took a deep breath, even the cold air, the smell of fallen leaves, the earth damp with morning dew, the woods behind the house, everything seemed new to him.
He walked forward a little and raised his face to the morning sun, a few rays of which managed to pierce the thick clouds passing in front of it. Even the light of the star he'd known since its creation seemed new to him.
Leaning back against one of the wooden posts, Crowley lifted the mug to his face, enjoying the warm steam on his cool skin. He inhaled the coffee with pleasure before taking a sip, almost expecting the beverage to taste new.
He couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure as he took a second sip, enjoying the warmth that spread through his body. 
His gaze was drawn to two orange and red leaves that seemed to be racing in the wind, and he followed them with curious eyes to see which would finish first.
Suddenly he felt another warmth against him as two arms wrapped around his waist. Then he realized that Aziraphale was rising on tiptoe to rest his chin on his shoulder. 
The angel whispered in his ear, "Aren't you cold, my love?"
Leaning against his lover, Crowley raised his cup and replied, "Thanks to this, and now thanks to you, I can't feel the cold.
Then he reached out and rested his mug on the porch railing before placing his hands on Aziraphale's warm ones, intertwined on his stomach.
Tilting his head back, the demon said quietly, "I was just admiring the scenery. It's nothing special, but..."
The angel leaned his head against Crowley's and replied softly, "I know what you mean, everything looks new."
Crowley, surprised to hear the Angel echo his earlier thoughts, nodded before saying, "Yes, it's not something we've never seen before, you and I both, but probably because it's our first morning here, in our..."
Not expecting the wave of emotion that washed over him, Crowley, his throat tightening, could not finish his sentence. Sensing this, Aziraphale tightened his arms around him and continued, his voice also full of emotion, "...our home."
Crowley nodded, but still couldn't say anything.
Aziraphale just hummed.
"I know."
They'd been through so much, seen so much, beautiful and ugly, good and bad, extraordinary and ordinary. But this, here, now, together, was probably one of the most perfect moments they'd ever experienced, for either of them.
It was a small thing. 
An autumn morning. 
Like thousands since the beginning of time, but this morning was the first.
The first of a new life they had waited so long to begin.
Crowley turned in Aziraphale's arms and framed the angel's face with his hands, lifting it to his own. He gazed at the beloved face and then, looking into his lover's eyes, he said softly, "I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now."
Aziraphale, his eyes glistening with tears, too moved to answer, nodded.
The demon closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to the angel's in a tender kiss that lingered as Aziraphale wrapped his arms around the demon's neck.
The embrace, interspersed with kisses, continued until Crowley's coffee was cold in his cup.
But the demon didn't care, for nothing was warmer than him and his angel, entwined, enjoying the dawn of their new life together.
And if his gaze hadn't been completely caught by the angel in his arms, he would have seen that the two little leaves had completed their course together, reaching the ground at the same moment, entwined, together.
Just like them.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable fan fictions Masterpost : here
South Downs Cottage series : here
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Tom Riddle x Reader
Read the second part here
Warnings: borderline stalking, ever so slightly suggestive toward the end, that's pretty much it (i think?)
Word Count: 1.5k+
Summary: Tom thinks you're far too pretty and perfect to not have any secrets.
Note - This is the first fanfic I've ever written, so be merciful please + the reader is written as a Ravenclaw, but you can imagine them as any house you please
Tom sauntered through the labyrinthine passageways of Hogwarts with a stride that exuded nothing less than confidence, his obsidian and emerald green robes billowing behind him like a regal banner. The susurrus of his peers’ opinions filled his ears as he walked by, the young ladies admiring his comely features and the young gentlemen sizing up his pompous attitude. Everyone knew he was quite a force to be reckoned with, including him. With his black, wavy hair and piercing dark eyes that seemed to hold the power to penetrate the depths of one's soul, he commanded attention wherever he went. But tonight, he could only be attentive to finding the new Ravenclaw transfer student, who he had a sinking feeling was beginning to become a cause for concern. 
He had been watching you ever since you arrived at the school. Your beauty was undeniable, but it was your sharp wit and intelligence that really intrigued him. He had watched you closely in class, noticing how you seemed to effortlessly outshine your peers, including himself at times. You were always answering questions and getting them right, constantly impressing the professors with your work, and easily making friends – rarely struggling in, well, anything. 
Tom was an expert in the art of perfection, and you were all too perfect for him to not be suspicious of you. Your aloofness only added to your allure, and he couldn’t help being drawn to you like a moth to a flame. However, being a Slytherin, he knew all too well the importance of upholding his reputation. He didn’t take kindly to anyone who threatened his position, especially not a fresh-faced witch who had yet to earn her stripes. 
Finally, after enduring five grueling months of practically stalking you, he stumbled upon something truly unexpected during his tedious prefect duty. While performing a routine inspection of the hallways, peculiar crackling noises caught his ear, emanating from a nearby storage closet. Luck was on his side as the door was partially ajar, granting him a glimpse of your illicit activity. He watched in amusement as you repeatedly cast the unforgivable Cruciatus Curse. 
Tom knew that he had to act quickly before anyone else found out about your actions just to make your future punishment extra hellish for you. He slipped away from the closet without making a sound, deep in thought. He understood he had to tread carefully, but he was determined to use this new knowledge to his advantage.
Perhaps he may have underestimated your potential, but he was a Slytherin, and he knew how to play the game.
As Tom sat in his classes, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of how to confront you. He knew that he had to be cautious not to arouse suspicion, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the matter. Thanks to his constant surveillance of you, he learned that you always spent Wednesday nights at the astronomy tower, with special permission from the professor. This presented an opportunity for him to confront you privately without any interference.
Night fell, and Riddle made his way to the other side of the castle where the astronomy tower was, ensuring that no one saw him enter. He ascended up the astronomy tower, his steps were silent as he navigated the twisting staircases of Hogwarts. Upon reaching the summit, he saw you standing at the railing behind a large telescope, gazing out at the twinkling stars above. A sly smile spread across his lips as he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. “Good evening, Y/N. I hope I’m not disturbing you.” He couldn’t help but to flash a charming smile. After practising for so long, it came naturally, and he assumed it would win over your favour (as it does for everyone else). “I couldn’t resist the temptation of a starry night.”
You looked up at him through your thick lashes with a polite smile just enough to show acknowledgment, but you didn’t respond. Tom took a few steps to close some of the space between the two of you, eyes still fixed on you. “I wanted to discuss the potions assignment we were paired up on. I thought we could review the details together and make sure we’re both on the same page.” You turned back to the telescope with an annoyingly gorgeous unreadable expression. “I already finished the assignment, Tom. But if you’re struggling, I’d be happy to help.”
Tom felt his eyebrows knit together. You were already getting on his nerves.
“No, I’m not struggling. I just thought it would be good to compare notes and make sure we both did everything correctly.”
“Sure,” you replied plainly, giving nothing away. You hand him your papers, and he scarcely glances over them; he already knows your work is correct, and after all, this mundane assignment was merely an excuse to speak to you.
He cleared his throat again, trying to keep his voice casual. “I must admit, Y/N, I’m very impressed by your work. You seem to have quite the knack for potions.” You shrugged nonchalantly, still focusing on the stars through the telescope. “It’s just something I enjoy. It comes naturally to me.”
Tom continued, “I’m curious, Y/N,” “If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you to Hogwarts? Surely a young witch of your...talents...has many opportunities elsewhere?”
“I suppose,” you respond coolly, voice laced with ice. “But there is something special about Hogwarts, don’t you think? A certain...magic.” 
Tom’s suspicion only grew. “Well, it’s good to see that Ravenclaw has a promising new student,” he said smoothly, masking his suspicion. “Thanks.” You replied bluntly.
He waited for you to continue the conversation, but realised he was getting nowhere he wanted. He threw aside his original plan to approach you with caution and dropped the façade to expose the real reason he was talking to you.
Tom’s expression darkened, and he stared at you for a long and uncomfortable moment before finally speaking. “I saw you practising the Cruciatus curse last night, Y/N.” 
As he patiently waited to gauge your response, you only remained fixated on the task of making small adjustments to the telescope, leaving him puzzled by your lack of reaction. He had been right to keep a close eye on you. “I know it’s illegal to use the Unforgivable Curses outside of Auror training,” he continued, his voice low with a hint of danger. “What were you planning to do with it?” 
Slowly, you shifted to meet his gaze, your face a blank canvas of emotions. "Tom, I fail to see how it’s any of your business?” Tom felt his anger simmering just beneath the surface. He had always prided himself on being in control of his emotions, but you were testing his patience. “It is my business if you’re planning to cause harm to someone at this school. I won’t let that happen.”
You raised an eyebrow, unfazed by his threat. “And what makes you think I would use it for harm?”
“Isn’t that the only reason to use the Cruciatus Curse?” Tom spat back.
“Maybe that’s what you think, but I see the Cruciatus Curse as a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for both good and bad. It’s all about the intention behind it.”, you replied. “I believe that it’s important to have a full understanding of all forms of magic, even the dark ones. It’s only by understanding them that we can learn how to defend ourselves against them, wouldn’t you agree?” 
Unbeknownst to him, all the watching he did over you made you become aware of his presence and allowed you to see a little show of your own. “Besides, you’re not the only one to have seen questionable behaviour. Aren’t I right, Mr. Parseltongue?” 
Tom’s eyes narrowed at the mention of his Parseltongue ability. It was something he had always kept secret, something that made him feel both powerful and isolated. He didn’t appreciate you bringing it up, especially not in this context. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said through gritted teeth. 
This time you stepped closer to him, your scent intoxicating him. “Oh, don’t be so dismissive, Tom. I know about your special gift. It’s not every day that one encounters a Parseltongue.” 
His unwavering gaze bore into you, his face set in a rigid expression as he remained silent.
“Very well, Tom. But be warned, not everything is as it seems. You may find the knowledge you seek, but you may not like what you discover,” you say before turning on your heel and walking back to your common room for the night, leaving him to expend in his frustration.
Never before had anyone dared to speak to the young man who rules over Hogwarts with an iron fist in such a manner. With a venomous glint in his eye, he vowed to himself that it would be the first and last time that such insolence would be tolerated. He’ll make sure you learn the hard way that there were consequences for crossing him, and he relished the thought of watching you regret your words.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Author’s Note: this is mer-Hagiel's debut in Celestial Seas! I hope you enjoy. Next
Tagged: @bleedingichorhearts @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @kit-williams
Warnings: threats against a person's life, non consensual drugging, kidnapping
Summary: Hagiel overhears one human threatening another, so he (figuratively) steps in.
“Please someone… Anyone, Help me!” a terrified voice called out above the waves that Hagiel had been swimming in. He had been chasing after a shoal of fish, hunger gnawing at his belly.
Hagiel paused, looking up and at the huge pleasure cruising ship from where the terrified call had come from. It was a beautiful night, Luna shining full and bright against a backdrop of stars. Two people stood on the uppermost deck of the ship, which was over two hundred feet from the water's edge.
One of the people had their back pressed against the railing, their hands raised defensively in front of them. Another plea issued from their lips “PLEASE! SOMEONE! ANYONE! I-”
They abruptly stopped speaking as something metallic flashed in one of the hands of the other baseline human, who all but purred “Scream as loud as you like, no one will hear you. Everyone else is either sleeping too heavily to wake… Or they know what is to happen, and agree with me that you need to die.”
“But… But why? I've… I've never done anything to anyone to be killed for it! At… At least, I don't think so…” the terrified baseline human stuttered, sounding and smelling as if they were on the verge of terrified tears.
Hagiel swiftly ascended to the top of the lightly lapping waves before switching on his ability to swim through the air, moving as silently and quickly as possible, while doing his best to keep silent, so as to not alert the aggressive human.
“You are the source of the bad luck that everyone on this ship has suffered! I don't know what sort of ancestral curse your family had, but I know it's your fault this trip has gone to utter shit! Your death will end the bad luck plaguing the rest of us, and the ship will finally be able to move without more bullshit happening!” The aggressive human hissed, the metallic something in their hands flashing again.
“What? You want to kill me because of a superstition? Luck doesn't actually exist! Good or bad luck is just random happenstance, we as humans assign something to in order to try and make sense of an inherently random universe!” The terrified human retorted, equal parts taken aback and confused.
“Hah, you just don't believe in luck, because you're inherently unlucky. Probably because you're cursed, or have spited whatever greater powers exi- holy shit!”
Hagiel had made it up to the topmost deck of the cruise ship, and knew that he would cut an intimidating figure to the threatening baseline human. His gold armor gleamed in the moonlight, and his powerful tail swished back and forth a little to keep him in place. He activated his external vox and ordered “Human with the knife, slowly set it down and place your hands behind your head. Human who is being threatened, are you injured?”
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!” The threatening human stuttered over and over again, jaw slack and eyes wide “It worked!”
Wait. What?
“Wh-what?” The terrified human asked, echoing Hagiel's own confusion.
“NOW!” The threatening human human yelled. Dozens of tiny, sharp objects bit into Hagiel's tail, causing the astartes to drop several feet in surprise - and he struggled as foreign chemicals began to burn their way through his body. The world around him was getting darker and Hagiel struggled to breathe as he activated his emergency beacon located inside his armor - a warning to the younger brothers who were frolicking just out of sight of this massive ship.
“You were bait. Astartes are known to swim these waters and most tend to have heroic streak, that will have them intervene if one of us squishy humans are under threat. Keep quiet about this, or you will share his fate.” The threatening human crowed victoriously as the darkness overtook Hagiel's senses.
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you for the tag @wyked-ao3
It's always fun to do one of these lol
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a Tumblr account for about 6 months or so but I've only been a 'writeblr' for a couple months.
What led you to create it?
Idk tbh. I kinda just decided that I wanted to share my writing and it led me here.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
All of the creativity is amazing. I'm a whore for lore and world building, and the worlds that y'all come up with are immaculate. I could only hope to think of a world that vast and interesting.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Please ddon't take me seriously. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I'm not just a clown, I'm the entire circus. The day you take me too seriously (especially as an author) is the death of my whimsy.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Nothing I can really think of. I'm pretty happy with how it is rn lol
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Bloody Hands are Kind and None of Us Heroes are always floating around. They're never not beating my ass with ideas and scenes.
How long have you been working on them?
I've been working of the series component of Bloody Hands are Kind since February, and None of Us Heroes for about 1 and a half months.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
None of Us Heroes started from the Honkai Star Rail brainworms known as Adventurine and Dr Ratio. Their designs and story inspired the two main characters of None of Us Heroes. The series component of Bloody Hands are Kind was basically me shoving a long-standing OC of mine into the Hunger Games universe and praying it would work.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least a few hours a day, usually when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. My array of illnesses make falling asleep hard and I find that thinking about my stories makes it easier to forget that I'm not asleep (and therefore hopefully fall asleep).
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Whatever the voices command."
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Meh I say that because I find it funny so idk if I'd change it.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
OHH LORD THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG LIST. So we got Adrian, Nova, Amarantha, Jack, Cora Beth, Ben Al-Badawi (x3), Jack Collins, William Talt, Blue, Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Azrael (aka Amane), Lucifer, Achlys, Quinn Amsel, Atlas Selic, Michael, Adena, Nakir, Evangeline, Celeste, Saeko, Gabriel, Kaz Anderson, Caspian, Jyn Osaka, Nikolai Sevigny, Cyril, Kylan Whitlock, Kestrel, Leo Valandi, Anaïs, Delph, Laz (short for Lazarus), Neo, Roland, Tobias, Will, Mirwais, Simon Cruz, Conrad, James Blackthorn, Alessandra Snow, Max Foster, Benyamin Safi, Haeyun Sin, and Dante Silvestre. There are more, but I either don't care enough to write them down or I've forgotten their names.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Blue 100%. He's not human and it is not uncommon for his species to be cannibalistic. He's not, but he's still unhinged asf
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Max Foster. He's easy to write because me and him share a lot if similarities.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Oh definitely. A lot of my old characters are cringy.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
Dude idk what to tell you, whenever I try and force my characters to do something I hit the biggest writer's block wall I've ever seen.
On Writeblr Engagement
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
YES YES PLEASE ASK ME!! Anyways, I don't really care how you ask (I just want you to ask lol), but if I had to pick it'd either be asks or comments on Ao3. Though ofc I still love questions in any and all forms, even if it's something like making a separate post and tagging me loll.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I mostly follow people if I think their cool or if I find myself consistently liking their posts as they come across my dash. I don't follow people often tho lol. I only follow abt 20 people I think.
What makes you decide against following?
If their vibes are too negative, if they're super political, if their content doesn't align with something I care about, or if they're super anti something I am. Any combination of those could be the reason I don't follow.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes. I think about other people's WIPs and such all of the time. I love stories, what can I say?
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Of course! As I said, I don't follow many people so I don't have many mutuals. I love interacting with different people though, so I'm happy to strike up conversations with random people I find cool!
@moltenwrites @willtheweaver @the-golden-comet @katenewmanwrites @agirlandherquill +open tag
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luckyfailuregirl · 2 months
Okay I think it's time I finally do an intro post
Hello world!! My name's Lucky :]
Or Mila/Milamarie, but I prefer either of the shorter two.
Things I am:
-Genderfluid (I use any pronouns - my pronouns page!!)
-An artist, mostly draws my own ocs nowadays (I don't color often sadly, I'm not confident enough in it)
-A very slow poster,,,, But I'm trying to share my stuff more often!!
-A yapper, most of my posts are really long 💔💔
-The owner of @luckyisgirlfailing ^^
-Accepting doodle requests!! (If you want me to draw your own character, please know that I may take a while and as a human, I may mess up, but I'll try my best !!)
-A MINOR also, so don't be weird anywhere near any of my posts, please and thank you
Speaking of that...
-Homophobic and transphobic people, proshippers, NSFW accounts, etc. along those lines, and generally rude and unsupportive people. If you're any of these, distance yourself from my blog.
Insert smooth transition into other topics here/j
My current interests/hyperfixations:
-Pressure (roblox), Phighting (also roblox), IdentityV, OFF, Honkai Star Rail, and My Hero Academia!! I have some other interests on the backburner rn, but these are the main ones I've been thinking about a lot ^^
A quick explanation of my sona/OC of the same name:
-All things considered though, I am currently working through burnout so I don't create much art of said interests unless I feel like it, but it will be posted here eventually once I feel like I have enough media for people to be satisfied with !!!
About the tags I'll be using from here on out:
A lot of my posts at the time of writing this just have general tags, nothing specific to my blog yet, because I've been waiting until I could actually make an intro post. But! From now on, I'll be using the tags listed here for my things :)
#[the luckygirl's delineation!] - art !!! that included anything related to my writing :3
#[the luckygirl's syndrome!] - ranting/random stuff!! (side note: my name did not come from the syndrome/TikTok thing at all actually 😭😭 I've been using this name since I was like 7, I'm just using that term now as a play on words in my tags)
#luckyfailuregirl - for anything including my OC/SONA, not me (others can use this tag too since it's a character tag!!)
#kai talking to me!! yay!!!! - tag meant specifically for my friend kai :]
#reblogs - self explanatory
If some of you have seen my oc Lucky (full title being LuckyFailureGirl), you might be a bit confused on why my main blog is titled that and my RP blog for her is a separate play on words ( @luckyisgirlfailing ). Your confusion completely understandable!! To elaborate though, "LuckyFailureGirl" has always been a username of mine across platforms, so I used that when I came to Tumblr. When I finally wanted to make a blog for Lucky themselves, I realized it was kind of too late,,, and I had to come up with a different title for her blog, but that doesn't change her official title or name. He is my sona/oc, and we share the same name and pronouns, but she also has a very different personality from me at times. She's not really a good person, but she's not meant to be super edgy either!!! You can find more information on her background on her blog, or you can ask me about them. I love talking about my ocs!!!
Anyways! I think that's all I have to say for now. Enjoy your stay, all :]
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eridanidreams · 10 months
Thanksgiving Thursday
Putting this up as a "thank you" to all the people who have been reblogging and kudoing and commenting!
Including but not limited to: @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @silurisanguine, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @bearlytolerant, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, and @artemis-crimson. If I've neglected you, I'm so sorry, there's just so *many* now and I can't express how amazing that is, y'all!
So... hot from the presses, from the WIP chapter of stars through my fingers like grains of sand
Cait had mostly stopped blushing by the time they reached the Rock. Sam paused a few steps away from the door. “Price’s report probably beat us here,” he said. “And if he shot his mouth off about me, you don’t need the hassle of having me around. So I tell you what,” Sam offered. “I’ll wait out here, go through some of these downloads we picked up over the last few days. Maybe we’ll get another lead, or hell, we could get lucky like we did with that survey data.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she said. “I won’t be long. Drop this off,” she gestured with the slate, “see if the Marshal has anything to say.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “You sure this isn’t a plot to smuggle Chunks into the galley?”
Sam tried to smile back while hiding a wince. There was no way she could have known, but… well, that was a part of his past that needed to stay well and truly behind him. “Who, me? Do I look like someone who would do that?”
Cait’s head tilted fractionally, then her eyes crinkled in a smile. “Nope. You like like someone who would waltz right in with them, bold as brass. Which,” she sighed theatrically, “if you must…”
He let out a breath, thankful that she hadn’t noticed his momentary discomfort. “Sometimes a guy just needs a Chunk or three.” He waved her on. “Go, get things done so we can find someplace else to be. Hopefully someplace with saner gravity.” She disappeared into the Rock, and he found a shady spot where he could lean against a rail and take a look at what they’d picked up. One of Cait’s strengths as a partner—she was meticulous. Did her best to check every computer and slate they came across. Most of it was useless, but occasionally they found a gem.
And ‘occasionally’ might just be now… SECRET OUTPOST. “Beg, borrow, steal, do whatever it takes,” he read softly to himself. “Well, now, ain’t that interesting…”
“What would be interesting,” interrupted a harsh voice, “would be seeing my granddaughter. It was bad enough when you didn’t get out here more than once every few months, but now you’re in and out of the spaceport every few days and I still can’t get even an hour with her.” Sam’s good mood took a nosedive; he’d been so intent on his reading that he hadn’t spotted Jacob moving in on him.
“Ever think there’s a reason for that, old man?” Sam snapped, sliding the slate back into his jacket.
“How would I know?” Jacob always did have a talent for making things all about him. “I’m not the one denying Cora the opportunity to be with her family.” Jacob looked Sam up and down with an expression of open scorn. “A family you keep turning your back on.”
“Ain’t family I’m turnin’ my back on,” Sam hadn’t wanted a fight, but god damn Jacob could always goad him into one. “Just you.”
“You ungrateful little shit,” Jacob snarled, brows lowering like an oncoming thunderstorm. “All I sacrificed for you, and the only thing you ever did was throw it in my—” His eyes widened in surprise right about the time Sam felt a hand on his shoulder and a warmth at his back.
“Is there a problem here?” Cait asked, her voice carefully neutral, though her hand trembled slightly on his shoulder before she took it away.
Jacob’s eyes narrowed. “What’s the matter, Sam? Can’t speak for yourself, so you need your Constellation lackey to do it for you?” Right then was when Cait stepped up next to Sam and Jacob got a good look at the deputy’s badge on her vest.
Cait folded her arms. “Mr. Coe, you’ve made your opinion very clear—at this point, I’m pretty sure half of Akila City has heard it for themselves, and the rest will have it second-hand by sundown. You’re causing a public disturbance. Take it elsewhere, please.”
Jacob set his jaw, glaring at Sam. “You ain’t heard the end of this.”
Sam clamped his teeth shut on the retort he’d like to make. He purely hated to let the old man get the last word, but then again, seeing as how Jacob had made a public fool of himself, seemed the last word wasn’t doing him any good. He watched Jacob stalk away in the direction of the estate, then let out a long, heavy sigh. “I need a fuckin’ drink,” he muttered to himself.
“Meet you at the Post?” Cait’s voice was quiet. “I need to stop in at Midtown and arrange for some materials to be sent to the ship.”
He managed a faint smile for her. “Sure thing.” If she didn’t want to talk about what had just happened, neither did he.
He was about halfway to the Post when he heard a sharp whistle, followed by a, “Hey! Sammy boy!” Sam shook his head and laughed, recognizing the voice. The only person who could call him that and not get flattened was Helga, who was even now waving at him from the bar. They’d dated once or twice in high school, and they’d remained friends ever since—but it also meant she took liberties other people didn’t dare.
“Thought you were still on desk duty,” he drawled, sliding into a seat across from her.
Helga sighed theatrically. “I am. Doc Cartwright’s still not happy with my breathin’. But I’ll be back at a hundred percent soon!” She popped open a Boom!Pop and passed another one over to him. “You okay? I see Jacob’s up to his usual tricks.” She chortled. “Damn, but your girlfriend ran him off nice and sweet!”
Sam choked on his soda. “My—what?”
“Cait? Our new Deputy? The one whose shoulder you’ve been practically grafted to the last few times you’ve been here?”
Sam groaned. He’d forgotten—Helga was an inveterate matchmaker; if she caught even the whiff of attraction between two people, she’d be doing her best to fan the flames. “She’s not my girlfriend, Hel. Just my working partner.”
“Are you kidding me?” Hel exclaimed. “I have eyes, Sammy. I know the dance when I see it.” Her eyes glinted in amusement. “You know,” she added, “Reyes is still pissing himself every time he thinks you’re around. Wilson had to put him on east gate duty.”
“For god’s sake,” he muttered. “Hel, can you give it a rest? You know I said ‘never again’ after Lillian.” He wasn’t quite telling the truth—he had said that, but at the time, he’d never expected to be grabbed right in the feels by a soft-voiced, opal-eyed spitfire. Fact was, that half-assed vow was rapidly becoming irrelevant—but if Hel got a whiff of that, she’d be insufferable for months.
“Yeah, well, I told you at the time it was a stupid thing to say,” she retorted. “And I’m telling you again now. You and Lil, well, that’s water under the bridge. But you have any idea how lucky you are? Not everyone gets a second chance.” She looked over his shoulder, then back at him. “Think about it.” She stood up and waved again. “Hey, Cait! Hope you don’t mind, I wanted a few minutes to catch up with Sam here; it’s been awhile. Remember what I said! And don’t worry, I’ll give you a call when the Marshal gets back, or if we get another lead for you.” She hopped the railing with an agility that belied her invalid status. “Good luck, you two!” Sam had the sinking feeling she didn’t mean Ranger business.
Cait just shook her head, but with a smile. “I think I like her,” she said. “Sorry for the delay; she grabbed me in the bar and wanted to talk about a few things.” For some reason, she was blushing again. “Anyway, you ready to head out?”
“More than ready,” Sam groaned, pushing himself to his feet. “So what did she have to say?”
“Nothing,” she said, just a little bit too fast, and the blush intensified. “Nothing official, that is. Just… some personal stuff.”
Sam took a quick couple steps to catch up with her. “Was she matchmaking again?”
Cait was silent for a moment. “…she does that to everyone?” Her voice ended in a squeak. He couldn’t resist a chuckle.
“Nah, just the people she likes.” He gave her a sidelong glance. “Dare I ask?”
“No!” Again, too quickly. He probably shouldn’t have been teasing her like that—but Cait made things so easy. Lillian had made him feel like everything was a challenge, and if he didn’t keep up, he’d be judged and found wanting. Hell, sometimes she still made him feel that way. Cait, though, Cait made him feel like he could take on anything… and if he faltered, she’d be right there to help.
Goddamnit, Helga. There were so many reasons he didn’t need to be thinking about Cait that way, at least not right now.
But she’d felt so very right in his arms last night.
She thought he was handsome. She was jealous of Lillian.
She could make him laugh, and that was a hell of a lot rarer than people realized.
She… had paused just outside the outer gate, giving him a concerned look. “You okay?” Her brows furrowed, and he could hear a note of anger beneath the worry. “Was it Jacob?”
“Jacob?” Helga’s unexpected conversation had done one thing, at least—taken his mind off that mess. “Nah. This sort of thing happens. With dreary regularity. Usually not quite as public, but I haven’t been giving him much chance to get me in a corner lately.” Sam let out a deep breath. “No, just a badly-timed epiphany. Nothing to worry about.” He was the one who was going to be worrying. He knew—god how he knew—there were so many ways this sort of thing could go wrong, and, hell, maybe Cait deserved better than an ex-Ranger with a questionable past, a daughter he was utterly devoted to, and a bad case of wanderlust.
Ah, hell. Who was he kidding? If she wanted him, all she had to do was smile. And wasn’t that scarier than a nest full of Spacers?
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local-starry-catboi · 6 months
𝐀𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧
Title : "As The World Caves In"
Fandom : Honkai Star Rail
Characters : Aventurine, Seth (OC); mentioned: Sunday, Express crew, Acheron
Genre : Hurt/comfort
Content Warnings : character deaths (not overly graphic), spoilers for 2.1 TB quest ending! (and a little bit of hurt/comfort and fluff here), might be hecka rushed
Word count : 4,248
Character count : 24,724
Synopsis : Aventurine is smithing a plan of a grand final gamble and encounters various obstacles he may have to overcome, including himself.
A/n : I NEED SOME MORE COMFORT FOR THIS GUY AAAAAAA QAQ There's one specific scene I wanted in this, but I feel like this should be in a separate one, just solely comfort/fluff between Caged Hound (Seth×Aventurine) °^°
A/n 2 : Will be crossposted on Ao3 when I get around to it •3•
A/n 3 : Chapter 1 on > Page 1 for more context between Seth's and Aven's relationship (and more fluff :3)
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Fic under the cut for length ✨️
Kakavasha and Seth were out on a meeting with some important figures on Penacony. Or rather, they had just come out from said meeting. The Stoneheart's bodyguard felt the watchful gaze of the Family members on them. Despite carrying his twin pistols in his chest holsters hidden under his suit jacket, he wouldn't hesitate to use them if he had to. Seth noticed that something about his boyfriend was off, though.
“What's wrong?”, he asked, lifting an eyebrow.
He was walking right next to Aventurine, if just half a step behind him, at most.
“What? Me? Wrong?”, the blond’s body was still hot with the adrenaline rush from winning the last hand in the discussion.
It was like when he’d play poker, his heart raced until the last second. Did anyone notice? Did the other players at the table notice that he was sweating? That his heartbeat was going rapidly?
“I’m fine, silly. I’m just thinking. I’m thinking of things.”.
Things like how to spoil Seth. He was going to take Seth out later and buy anything that he’s been eyeing on.
Rolling his eyes, he let out a low huff.
//Of course…//, he thought.
Shaking his head, he pulled the blond around the next corner. His brown, jagged bangs fell over his eyes. Glaring at his lover, crimson eyes piercing the other's purple-teal ones, he pinned him against the wall.
“Are you sure that you can deceive me? I've known you for long enough to notice. You may fool them, but you can't say the same for me.”.
His voice rather a low growl, warning his employer to spit it out.
Sometimes, Seth wasn't sure whether his Lycan blood or his identity as a Masked Fool were shining through. Especially in moments like these.
The suddenness of his lover's action caught him off guard. Aventurine stiffened, trying to get away from the wall. His eyes widened, a lump in his throat almost clogging up entirely. Aventurine was a bit surprised that Seth could see through him like that, but he wasn’t going to show it. Not yet.
“You know me so well…”, he said in a low tone.
“Of course I do!”, the other man huffed, with his ears pinned back, shaggy dark grey tail whipped from one side to another.
A few moments later, though, he took a deep breath. Seth leaned his forehead against his boyfriend's.
“I told you that I'd share every burden I can with you, for I am your sword and your shield. So tell me. Please.”.
There he goes again. Acting all charming after threatening him with those crimson eyes. How is this man so good at manipulating his heart, he didn’t know.
Aventurine softened, leaning back into his embrace. He was safe here. He could let his fears and insecurities flow free without being judged. He could show his true self because Cerberus was always there to see it.
The blond swallowed hard before finally answering: “I’m scared, Seth.”.
His jaw clenched visibly, even though he gently returned his partner's hug. Gently pulling the smaller man closer, he supported himself by resting his forearm against the wall. This way, the Lycan also shielded him from prying eyes. Nobody ought to see Kakavasha this vulnerable but him. Seeing him show his insecurities so openly made him feel appreciated, loved, and most of all, trusted.
Cerberus sensed how hard this was for the blond to admit.
“No need to be, for I am here to watch over you and protect you.”.
Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of his head, he hugged the other man tightly to reassure him.
The wolf’s words pierced through him, so calm yet powerful. Aventurine held onto the Lycan as if he was a shield. Because he is.
The Sigonian hated to admit how scared he was since he was the type of guy that everyone saw as the confident and brave kind of guy. But it was the truth. He was scared. And he hated himself. Deeply.
“Promise you’ll never leave me”, he muttered beneath his breath, eyes squeezed shut while wrapped firmly in the wolf’s embrace.
Seth could feel hatred bubble up inside of him. Not directed towards Aventurine, no.
Far from it.
This white-hot mix of anger and hate searing inside of him was for the IPC. They were the ones responsible for making his one and only feel like this, even though they had given him this opportunity to be 'free' albeit in a golden cage with a glimmering guillotine hanging above his head, waiting to fall.
“I vow to never leave you. I'll follow you to the end of the cosmos, till the death of the stars, and even beyond. For I have pledged to be by your side forever.”.
With that, he cupped his boyfriend's cheek, gently lifting his chin in the process. He sealed his promise with a kiss on his forehead before his lips found a way down to Kakavasha's.
Seth’s kisses always made him shiver, even though they were gentle and full of tender love. The wolf’s kisses always gave him the kind of butterflies that would make him feel like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.
The kiss on the forehead made him feel safe, as if there was never such a thing as problems in the world. And finally, the last kiss sealed a promise neither of them would ever break.
Only the two of them were relishing in this moment.
Seth knew about the blond's insecurities way too well. And yet, instead of looking down on him for them, he'd repeat as often as necessary that Aventurine was much better than what the angry, evil, little voice inside his head said. Much better than what he thought about himself.
Since they were standing in a rather dimly lit alleyway clearly not used by any people around them, he could freely kiss him outside the bounds of a closed room. Bonus points could be given since it was a one-way street, and his large figure would cover the blond's smaller frame.
After what felt like an eternity, the Lycan broke the kiss.
“How about we head back to our room and order some room service?”.
He wasn't in the mood for an overly fancy dinner. This way, they could also talk about what was weighing on Aventurine's mind.
The Sigonian leaned against the muscular man, his head resting comfortably against the broad shoulders. He had no idea how his partner had already figured out that he needed time away from the fancy dinners to talk about it.
Because he really did.
“Sounds good to me. But first, can I ask you something?”.
The blond looked up and met his partner’s gaze, a hint of nervousness in his stare despite being close to the wolf.
“Promise you won’t laugh? No matter how weird my question might seem to you…?”.
Gently caressing his head, Seth's hand ran through the other's silky golden locks. With a nod, he confirmed his words to both of his remarks and questions.
“What is it?”, he quizzed, lifting an eyebrow and gazing down much more softly than before at Aventurine.
For a few seconds, he remained quiet before eventually speaking up: “…Can I have a piggyback ride..?”.
The blonde knew how corny his question was and how goofy it made him look to ask for such a thing at his age. But he didn’t care, not with his partner standing right in front of him.
Aventurine knew how tall the man was and how it didn’t matter at all, because he’d still feel safe and comfortable in his arms.
Sure, that question was not what he had expected to hear, but he didn't laugh, at least. Seth just blinked at him for a moment before nodding and turning around. The Lycan crouched down, so Aventurine would have an easier time getting on.
“S'ppose you're tired, hmm?”.
With a nod of his head, he signaled his partner to hop onto his back.
And once the Stoneheart had climbed on, he headed back to the hotel.
As soon as they had returned to their room, Seth ordered something for dinner for both of them.
He looked over to the blond and sat him down, breaking the ice: “Okay, so, what's your plan?”.
He knew that his partner was coming up with something as he set down the tablet with food and drinks the staff had brought in front of them on the little table. He knew that specific glimmer in his eyes, the way his brows furrowed slightly whenever he was coming up with a bigger plan.
Aventurine had a smile on his face that could only mean that he was thinking. The blond glanced over at the big man in front of him, who seemed so calm, with barely any signs that he was thinking hard. It was something the Sigonian wished he could be right now.
He took a sip from his expensive wine, his eyes darting at the Lycan in front of him. Seth had a calm exterior, but the man was anything but that, judging by the way his tail was wagging slightly and his ears perked up at attention.
“So…”, he began, putting down his drink, “I have an idea.”.
“Something to do with the Family, right? The way they avoid mentioning 'death' is suspicious…”, he scoffed quietly, but awaiting his love's response.
He also began eating his steak, curious about what the other's plan might entail.
The blond was surprised that his partner knew him that well. Albeit, they'd been together for a long time now, so it shouldn't actually be a wonder.
“You really do know me too well….”.
“Certainly I do.”.
A lazy smirk graced his lips, his crimson eyes glimmering as he looked at Aventurine.
Before he could answer the wolf’s suspicions, he leaned closer, his hands grabbing Seth’s.
“I have an idea. But I’d like to ask you something first.”.
“Ask away.”.
He was awaiting the other's idea and question.
The blond played with one of his partner’s fingers as he continued to speak.
“Do you trust me enough to go through with the plan I have?”.
He waited for the wolf’s answer before he could say anything else. The blond wanted the big man to trust him and believe in him.
“Well, I do trust you with everything, so... Yes. Even more so, if you don't keep me in the dark, but I don't think I need to remind you about that.”.
A husky chuckle left his throat. If he didn't trust him, why should he have chosen Aventurine as his lover? It would make little sense otherwise.
“I have an idea, but please hear me out first. I know how crazy this must sound. I know it does, but…”, he swallowed hard, his breathing becoming shaky as he continued, “I want to try and test out my theory of permanent death in the Dreamscape. I want to know if it’s possible to actually die here or not.”.
Upon hearing and processing his lover's request and plan, he almost choked on the piece of steak he was about to swallow.
“...What-? Kakavasha, you can't be serious-”, Seth eventually brought out, albeit still out of breath from his coughing fit.
“Don't you think this is a little risky?”.
He trusted Aventurine, he truly did. He just didn't know what to do with a proposal like this.
The other male laughed at his partner’s reaction, but it wasn’t a mean or arrogant laugh. It was the laugh of someone who had just proved a point they were trying to make.
The blond shrugged, as if his plan is just a normal one and not a risky one at all.
“What’s the worst thing that could happen?”, he tilted his head to the side, a genuine innocent smile plastered on his lips.
Realizing that his employer was serious about it, he let out a heavy sigh after thinking over it for a while. Sipping from his beer, he eventually ran a hand over his face.
“Well. I for sure know I can't stop you from anything once you've put your mind on something. Especially if it involves a high-stakes gamble.. I'll just pray for our survival.”.
When he decided that he wished to stir the peace under the Elation's name, he didn't reckon it would amount to a crazy plan like this one day.
“Well, you don’t really have a choice”, he teased, still maintaining that innocent smile on his face.
He was aware of how risky and dangerous this plan was even though he didn’t sound like he did.
“You’re coming with me whether you want it or not.”.
He smirked at the man’s comment regarding survival.
“And don’t worry. We’ll survive. I don’t mind putting my life on the line for the sake of proving this theory.”.
Seth let out a small grunt, practically meaning something along the lines of 'Figured as much'.
“Can't leave you alone in this one then. I'll join you for this experiment then. Two makes for a higher chance in probability. Did I.. get that right?”.
Aventurine smiled and his eyes lit up. Seth’s words were exactly what the blond wanted to hear. Two was indeed better than one. The chances would increase and they wouldn’t be alone in this experience.
“You’re right. There’d be a higher chance for us to survive together”, the blonde agreed, still holding onto the big man’s hand, “So, are we ready to start the experiment?”.
“Of course. Ready whenever you are”, he replied.
It meant that he wouldn't let Kakavasha do this unsupervised, and if it failed, he'd simply join him. After all, it was a shame if he failed his duty, letting his partner and employer die. Truly a shame for a bodyguard.
Even if they were meant to find a tragic end.
Aventurine stood up from the dining table, his body feeling more antsy with every minute that passed.
Was he really going to do this right now? Put his life at risk for the sake of a theory?
His eyes wandered to his partner, and he could tell that Seth looked just as anxious.
He reached over to him and took his hand, squeezing it gently.
The wolf nodded, before he reached for his gun, pointing it to the blond's chest and pulling the trigger.
Click. Bang. Splash. Clank. Thud. Then sparkling bubbles. Then silence.
Seth just had watched a peculiar scene: Once he had shot Aventurine, instead of blood that was gushing, it was some kind of blueish pearlescent liquid.
The bubbles and sparkling lights were from his partner's form dissolving into them as he disappeared.
His jaw clenched.
Immediately, Cerberus returned to reality through the same means as he had just done to the Stoneheart. There, he found the Sigonian sitting next to him in the Dreampool; gasping and panting from the shock, but unharmed. A heavy breath of relief fled from his lungs.
Pulling his boyfriend into a tight hug, he let out another shaky breath: “You're okay-”.
Aventurine wrapped his arms around the man, and he was the first one to break the silence after a few long heartbeats: “I’m okay…”.
The blond gulped down hard. His entire body was shaking and he could barely remember how to breath. The only thing that made him feel better was the wolf’s embrace, and even then, the blonde couldn’t shake off the fear that was taking over him.
“I…didn’t die”, he gasped as he buried his face in the big man’s chest.
Nodding quickly, he pulled Aventurine closer. He buried his face in his hair, his tail wagging and splashing the water everywhere. The emotional distress from shooting the blond and himself was lingering on his mind, but their embrace slowly seemed to soothe both of them out of it.
“Looks like one truly can't die in the Dreamscape..”.
Seeing the way Seth buried his face in his hair and his tail wagging made his heart calm down and beat slowly.
“Yeah…”, the blond finally said, after several tense moments of them holding each other, “We definitely can’t die in the Dreamscape. I wonder why that is…”.
“Good question. You want to investigate more?”. Seth asked in a low hum.
It actually piqued his interest, as well.
“Yes. I do”, he said, sounding way more relaxed now. His whole demeanor changed from tense and afraid to intrigued. He had several questions that he wanted answers to as soon as possible.
“So, why is it that we can’t die in the Dreamscape? Is there a reason? And if there is a reason… what is it?”.
His thoughts were slowly turning into theories.
Over the course of the next 48 hours, the two continued to investigate the questions at hand, as well as people who could possibly be linked to the issue.
But also, upon learning a thing or two in the process, Aventurine suggested teaming up with the Astral Express crew, which Seth figured could be a good move since they also might be able to figure something out.
Meanwhile, Welt and the others arrived at the decision to join forces with Aventurine.
The Stoneheart and Dr. Ratio played their 4D mind chess, being in on each other's plans for supposed betrayal, especially after uncovering the two murders.
And considering that Aventurine was present at the scene of Robin's murder, it would be the smartest to directly meet up with Sunday.
Although, their meeting certainly did take an unprecedented turn towards the end of their conversation.
The Harmony's powers were restricting the Sigonian, setting the moment of execution 17 system hours from that point.
Sometime in between, Veritas handed Kakavasha a vial of sorts with a ‘doctor's prescription’, as he called it.
And together, the couple made their way to the final stage of the plan.
The announcement invited everyone to witness the spectacle at Clock Studio Theme Park.
And exactly there, albeit a while later, a group of five finally stepped through the curtains and into the stadium-like structure.
Acheron, Welt, Himeko, March, and the Trailblazer readied their weapons.
“The dice are cast - Ladies and gentlemen, ready to unveil your cards?”, Aventurine greeted through a projection onto the massive screen suddenly lighting up.
Glancing out from under the rim of his fedora, he smiled slightly: “The Architects’ flawed stone…”.
Straightening his posture, he started laughing.
Now that the camera had zoomed out a little, Seth also got visible behind him, reloading Crime and Punishment whilst mockingly grinning into the camera: “You better run while you can, little rabbits..~”.
Aventurine threw a set of dice, they ended up actually rolling over the ground in front of the Express Crew and the supposed Galaxy Ranger.
“Of no value at all.”.
The green and golden dice all ended up with the spades symbol facing up; even the one that bumped into the Trailblazer's shoe.
“I'm putting down the bet. I'm taking the gamble. I'm claiming the win.”.
Bathed in a blinding, golden light, the Sigonian descended from the top middle frame border of the screen, having activated the Aventurine stone's powers.
His form had changed a little consequently; with his fedora being a top hat now, a golden, blue and turquoise mask covering his face, claws on his hands, and an upside-down, heart-shaped cutout on his chest, among others.
“I'll let fate spin the wheel, a daring gamble. Walking the brink of death… for rebirth. All for the Amber Lord!”.
Whilst he was speaking, he seemingly crushed his Cornerstone in his hand, and the cutout on his chest began to glow in a blue light.
The next moment, Trailblazer charged forward, dashing at Aventurine to attack him. Alas, he pushed them aside with ease.
Instead, Seth shoved himself in front of his partner, firing at the Express crewmember inhabiting the Stellaron to keep them back.
A red light flashed high above their heads, cutting through the dark clouds of the night sky. A massive laser beam was fired focused on the duo’s current position. The huge explosion kicked up dust and dirt, sending debris flying. Himeko hoped that her satellite had hit its mark.
Cerberus had reacted just in time, giving his partner a little shove into the direction he ought to evade before he’d leap out of the way himself. He returned the fire and just barely missed her from a full-blown hit instead just a little scrape on her side.
“Ah, so close… Pretty tricky with this handicap.”.
“Always hide your ace with a straight face…”, Aventurine sighed and with a swipe of his arm, the smokescreen seemed to clear up.
He grinned behind his mask for a moment when he noticed that his watchdog positioned himself in front of him, kneeling and yet pointing his guns at the Astral Express crew. His left hand found itself on top of the wolf’s head, akin to how proud fighting or hunting dogs would pose with their pet.
With the other hand’s extended index finger, he was pointing at the group in front of them, he clicked his tongue in irritation: “I’m starting to get a bit impatient with you all.”.
Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed to illuminate the darkness once the dust and smoke had settled. It showed the worry and fear in the Express crew’s eyes. What a beautiful painting.
As he rose further into the air, he chuckled arrogantly. Aventurine held onto his mask for a moment, his head tilted back. He spread his arms shortly before he was as high up as he had planned. The coat tails fluttered in the strong winds at this altitude.
“Friends, to fully relish this- I’m betting every last chip!”.
Playing with a golden and green coin, he eventually lifted the arm he was holding it with until he threw it higher up into the air.
“Only by casting aside reason does one truly gamble..”
Even though Seth’s expression had been rather cold and aloof, yet somewhat tense before, it relaxed a little bit now. He trusted his partner. Cerberus was prepared to die here tonight if fate had planned it this way and they’d lose the gamble.
Coincidentally, he had never seen Aventurine use these powers before either, so it was a first for him too. He had to admit that the glittering gilded sphere extending around and above them with golden-white chips was quite the breathtaking sight, even if the wind blowing could be compared to a storm rather than a breeze.
He simply relished in the apparent fear displayed on Trailblazer’s and March’s faces at this point.
“Haha! ‘Emanator’ - I know you’ll match my wager. Right~?”.
Laughing, the blond launched the various stacks of chips at the scene before him. He didn't care what the collateral damage would be.
When Himeko lifted her satellite for another attack, accompanied by Welt summoning a quasi-black hole, with each of them having one of the young ones behind them, Seth took the chance to shoot at them in an attempt to distract them.
“Don't focus on just one target.”.
After all, they were both equally lethal.
Crime and Punishment both spat out shell after shell that landed on the ground with a quiet clink, practically drowned out by the loud bangs and rumbling around them.
Cerberus used the descending chips and other objects as jumping pads to elevate his position all whilst he continued to shoot his projectiles as their opponents. He intentionally missed his mark by just a millimeter, just as planned.
That is until Acheron stepped forward.
Time felt like it was slowing down. Something sinister yet melancholic sent a shiver down everyone’s spine.
“I wish to mourn the departed, weeping like rain, to swell the crossing stream…”.
Her voice sounded calm, her steps alike. Her hair turned white, her arm red, skin paling. She raised the arm she held her sheathed sword with. A bloody tear rolled down her right cheek as she drew the blade.
“...as the tide arrives, leading you back home.”.
Red static crackled in the electrified air, a black domain swiftly extending with her in its center. The crimson blade dragged across the ground with a metallic clink, until she aimed a vibrant red slash mainly directed at Aventurine. The impact created a shock wave, and a bright white light blinded anyone present.
The slash cutting through the massive gilded dome also sliced through the ground and any buildings in its path, wreaking havoc and leaving destruction in its wake, blasting a thick smokescreen through the area.
Only once Acheron pushed the blade back into its scabbard, time seemed to flow normally again, heavy rain falling and drenching everything.
Alas, for the two men, everything went black. Pitch black.
Seth didn't feel nor see nor hear anything. He could barely form a coherent thought. He didn't know where he was, nor whether they were alive or dead. It simply felt like a void.
As for Aventurine, he found himself in some kind of pocket dimension, standing in front of a black sun, as he bidded farewell to a projection of his own self as a young boy before striding towards the sun where he’d expected to be reunited with his beloved wolf or find his salvation.
Or rather, the barrier’s end, appearing a subspace that requires to be either shattered or breached, at least, as according to Acheron’s information.
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msviolacea · 10 months
The current Honkai Star Rail ghost hunting event is maybe the best one yet - I love hanging out with Sushang, Guinafen, and Huo Huo, the social media thing is hilarious (especially once you know which canon characters belong to which screen names - i.e., that Jing Yuan is on fake ghost hunting tiktok teasing Fu Xuan about how short she is, lol) (I may ship it, just a little), and the lore they're dropping is really interesting. In that way, I'm really happy with HSR's "permanent" event setup, that future players can get this content without the special rewards, because if this was a limited time event I'd definitely be unhappy about how much character stuff and lore would disappear.
But anyway, the biggest thing I've come away with so far is feeling a LOT of sympathy for Yanqing, and considering the folly of a civilization/government attempting to erase their own history. Like, here's a kid, he's a member of an effectively immortal species, but he's a teenager - either in actuality or in relative age to his centuries-old fellows. Yes, he's a swordplay savant and has earned a place as a military officer at his young age, but he's still stupidly young. He's the protege of the Arbiter General, the most powerful man on the Luofu, but Jing Yuan has clearly not told him anything more of what truly happened with the High Cloud Quintet than is public knowledge. And that public knowledge appears to be no more than "So, these 5 were heroes, until Imbibitor Lunae and his (boy)friend did something unspeakable with Vidyadhara magic and got themselves exiled permanently. Also we erased the entire identity of the greatest swordsperson in our history and pretend she doesn't exist, don't ask us why." And I'm sure that there are plenty of people who are either old enough to remember what actually happened, or have parents/grandparents who witnessed what happened, but Yanqing is not one of them.
So we have this teenaged kid, with a relatively high level military rank and an ego to match that his mentor has indulged up until now, and a strong sense of right and wrong. He sees what he believes to be a blind woman wandering through an active combat zone and offers to escort her to where she's going. Unfortunately for him, that woman is the aforementioned sword champion whose entire identity has been erased from history, so he has no idea that she's a) the person he high-key idolizes, b) his mentor's old mentor, and c) gone semi-batshit with mara and here to fuck shit up. So she kicks his ass and laughs at him, which is the perfect way to get under a teenager's skin, and leaves him humiliated.
And then Yanqing hears that one of the two most infamous exiled criminals in the Luofu's history, who had been caught coming back and imprisoned, has escaped and is once again running around free. So, he goes hunting, because it's the duty of a Cloud Knight to capture this criminal, and also it's maybe a way to redeem himself. But once again, he doesn't have the full information, which is that a) this criminal is nearly as good at the sword as the woman who just kicked his ass, because she brutally trained him, b) this criminal is even MORE batshit marastruck because he's a more short-lived human, which shouldn't even be possible, and c) oh yeah, Imbibitor Lunae is also here, hiding as a member of the Astral Express crew, so now he's gonna have to fight BOTH of the most infamous exiled criminals in Luofu history. But he refuses to back down, so that goes about as well as one might expect.
But Jing Yuan shows up! So the day will be saved, right? But Yanqing hasn't really thought about the fact that these two criminals were once Jing Yuan's best friends - which he probably knew in the abstract, because he knows that Jing Yuan is the last surviving non-exiled member of the High Cloud Quintet - but has had no reason to contemplate what that might mean until now. And, well, these are the worst criminals in his people's history, right? So Jing Yuan is here to back him up?
Wrong. His beloved mentor actually snaps at him to back off, and then lets them go.
I mean, no wonder this kid is messed up. No wonder he lets a heliobus get into his head with promises of making him better, stronger, more worthy of being a Cloud Knight. I'm so glad that something permanent, that every player can access, addresses the way he's feeling after all that. And I'm glad that Jing Yuan acknowledges that it's his fault, his failing as Yanqing's master for not properly preparing him for this eventuality, or helping him process it afterward. Not that Jing Yuan did anything wrong in his dealings with Blade and Dan Heng, but the man is constantly playing 5D chess with the entire universe and never lets anyone in on his thoughts, which is his primary failing. An understandable one, given his circumstances, but not one that particularly helps anyone around him deal with the fallout from his schemes.
So yes. I have more feels about Yanqing than I ever thought I would. Join me next time when I have almost the same amount of feels about Qingque and how actually good she is at being a diviner when she's not using her clearly stellar brain to figure out new ways to slack off, and how I hope she ends up being Fu Xuan's second in command and is forced to bitch about it for the next several hundred years.
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noelclover · 1 year
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Honkai: Star Rail or "I Ramble About Luocha, Kafka, Silver Wolf and Turn Based RPGs Then Realize It's Getting Too Long, I'm Tired and Can Only Talk About One Of Them"
From looking through Youtube comments, I realized that quite a lot of people don't seem to really understand where to look for a character's power, what makes them good/bad, the main advantages and disadvantages you'd get from rolling and building them. And since I haven't written anything and I really like talking about games, I figured why not?
This will also probably be a rather long post as I've a tendency to just ramble
A key concept people don't seem to realize is that action economy is a thing. The more turns you have, the more options you get. What this also means is that free actions have quite a lot of value to them.
Counters or Follow-Ups lead to damage and possibly Breaks ((which may or may not be the Break you want, but you'll have to strategize around that)) and heals lead to a free turn for the healer, which leads to either more healing or damage, with the latter being super important because you get skill points to use abilties.
This means that characters like Kafka, March 7th and even Herta bringing in a lot of value, albeit to varying degrees.
Which leads to a conversation involving and about Luocha. While initially I had no plans to roll for him, despite him being voiced by Katsura and being a healer, I realized, upon reading his kit, that he brought a lot of convenience and quality of life to the team, so much so that I could definitely play more aggressively and not be punished for it.
You see, Luocha is a character that would have been strong even if all he had was his conditional auto healing ((Luocha heals any ally at 50% HP or under. This can only happen once every two turns)). All Mihoyo had to do was give the man this ability and another group healing ult and he would have been a strong contender against Bailu and Natasha.
((In fact, it would have been a pretty interesting balance, with Luocha being able to auto heal and thus provide options, Bailu having a ress and Natasha bringing in a cleanse)) In their infinite wisdom, Mihoyo decided to not just give him a cleanse, they gave him his healing field, which immediately ramped up his value to stupid degrees, as now every single attack from a team mate would heal themselves and, with a quick upgrade down his Trace tree, the team. While you'd often find the use of the heal field overkill, it's absolutely great when fighting bosses such as Phantylia, with every attack healing a few hundred to a thousand of the PC's HP.
To balance this, Mihoyo gave him a damage dealing ult which also removes buffs from the enemy, including resurrection. As it's not a team wide heal you have to plan a bit around enemy bursts and line up an additional ultimate or two to make sure you get some healing as the healing field comes up.
But the sheer power of the healing and off turn healing is simply so ridiculous that it barely matters. In a game where healing costs both a Skill Point and a turn, the ability to heal without using either is simply ridiculous.
To put it into perspective:
Character A uses their turn to attack and generate a skill point. Healer uses their turn to heal one character.
This means that to perform a heal, you need to expend two turns and a skill point.
However, in the case of Luocha, this changes to
Character A uses their turn to attack and generate a skill point. Luocha ignores the wounded and attacks, generating another skill point. Character A who was wounded is hit, and is now under 50% health Luocha heals Character A
So now not only did you get a heal, you've gotten two skill points, putting you in a significantly better position than if you were using another healer. Note that this does come at the risk of having your characters hit ((sub))50% HP, which can be a bit of an iffy condition sometimes, but from my experience, it's not an issue that pops up often enough to warrant concern.
This means that you could run a skill point hungry team and mostly be finem and when manually piloting the team you'll generally have enough skill points that you don't actually have to think too hard about budgeting them.
And then you get his healing field, which is basically a super healing phase to take your whole team back to full health at little to no extra cost, which is basically the advantages of his off-turn healing on steroids.
All this makes him an absolute monster at generating skill points.
Anyways, the reason why I'm talking about Luocha is that he's a great example of things to consider when rolling for a character. Honkai: Star Rail doesn't have characters that can heal off-turn without the use of their ultimates, which take three to four turns to charge up, which means he gets a strong single target heal a turn or two quicker, which is invaluable in a pinch.
A character like Luocha opens up a lot of opportunities and gives quite a lot of quality of life.
Note that this does not mean that he's a must pull, only that a character like him brings a lot more to the table than most people seem to realize.
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hello i dont want to bother you much but can i request gepard dating a male reader (can be GN if you are uncomfortable with that) who is a part of wildfire and ofthen sneek up to the overland with sampo (witch he got treaten to if he dosent agree to it) to see gepard and just some fating headcanons if you dont mind thank you very much! And i'm sorry if you are uncomfortable with this u can just not write this but please notivy me so i'll know! Thank very much again and sorry for the bother
A Love Warmer Than Wildfire
anonymous asked: Can I request for Gepard x reader please 💕 (Honkai Star Rail)
gepard x male reader
summary: you weren't sure what you were expecting when you agreed to sneak up to the overworld with your friend, sampo, but you sure as hell didn't think you'd run into an attractive silvermane guard, and you certainly didn't think he'd find you fascinating as well.
warnings: probably ooc (idk much abt gepard im sorry!! im learning more abt him i promise), love at first sight, physical touch (platonically from sampo), lmk if i missed anything i wrote this at 1 am lol
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"Enough already, Sampo! I've told you a million times at this point, I'm not going to the Overworld with you!" you groaned at your friend. Not long after you went out to start your day, your good friend, Sampo, had been trying to convince you to go above ground with him, and, frankly, you were growing tired of his antics. "Oh, come on! It ain't so bad! Listen, if you decide you don't like what you see up there, then I won't ask you again. I just want you to go up there with me one time, okay? Just this once, I promise," Sampo tried to reason with you. You sighed, ultimately giving up, seeing how he wouldn't stop trying. "Alright, just this once, but don't expect me to go up there again." Smiling, your friend began to guide you to the way up.
After about three hours on the surface, you were a bit bored. Your friend, however, somehow kept on moving, claiming that "We'll run into something interesting soon, I'm sure of it!" So, the two of you continue walking along.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, you hear a shout. "You! Underworlders! Stop right there!" You turn around, looking for the source of the voice. Your eyes widen slightly as your gaze lands upon a group of Silvermane Guards with their weapons ready.
"Aw, c'mon guys! Surely we can talk this out?" Sampo attempted to persuade them, to no avail. You look at the man who seemed to be the head of the squadron, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, slightly taller than average and rather handsome guy, as he gazed at two of you before he spoke, "State your purpose."
Sampo put on his signature smirk, trying to sway them, as he said, "We're just, y'know, some traveling merchants! Really! You don't have to be so harsh on us, we're just passing through, we swear!" Unfortunately for the two of you, the guards remained unconvinced.
"Considering how many times I've caught you sneaking around up here, I highly doubt that you're just a traveling merchant. Though, I haven't seen you running around with another person before. How come you brought him with you?" The blonde asks, gesturing towards you. "Oh, y'know, sometimes I get lonely! Of course, to fix that problem, I simply asked him if he'd like to come with me," Sampo explained, not mentioning how he kept on interrupting your work in order to actually convince you to go with him.
The blonde stared at you for a while. "Interesting. I suppose since he likely bothered you quite a bit before you agreed to join him, I will let you go with a warning this time. You are free to go," he responded, gaze not leaving you. Not wasting any time, you dragged Sampo along as you began treading back home.
When you finally returned to the Underworld, you let out a sigh of relief. Truthfully, you weren't sure how much longer you would've been able to keep a blush from forming on your face if you had to keep looking at that handsome Silvermane Guard. Damn the divines for making a guy that you weren't supposed to fall in love with hot.
Sampo put his arm around your shoulders, "Hey, when did you get so good at convincing people, hm? I don't think that Gepard guy ever let me go that easily before!" He laughed. "Gepard? Is he the blonde one?" You inquired. "Haha, yep! Usually, he's always so stingy about letting me go, but this time, he let us off instantly! Hey, just a hunch, but it seems like he might be into you!" Sampo chuckled and nudged you. You gave him a deadpan look. "Yeah, right," you muttered. As if a conventionally attractive Silvermane Guard would get romantic feelings for a member of Wildfire. Yeah no. As much as you might want it to, it definitely was not happening.
Unbeknownst to you, however, that very same Silvermane Guard was lying in his bed, thinking about his encounter with you today with a giant blush adorning his face.
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thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
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mdhwrites · 6 months
Star Rail 2.1: Rising Like a Phoenix (Spoiler Free)
This is one of those sorts of drops for a franchise that makes the bad content look worse. I dislike 2.0 MORE after 2.1 and for a pretty obvious reason: I like Aventurine now. I know for a lot of people that might be a non controversial statement but I did an almost a scene by scene breakdown for how much I didn't think he worked in 2.0. That anything they were going for was entirely flawed.
But they got back on track and now gave us arguably one of the best main content drops in all of Star Rail... But definitely not the best to me. I still have issues with this patch but compared to where I thought Penacony started, the fact that it's now well surpassed the Loufu already as a story is miraculous.
Admittedly, it's probably rivaling starting to try and rival the Loufu and Belobog separately in cutscene length at this point. There are definitely times during this patch where they could have used the FF 14 "Multiple cutscenes are about to play in a row" warning because BOY does this patch talk a lot. It has a lot to say which is good but...
Well, unfortunately without spoilers, I'm going to sound very negative about this patch. I swear I do like it. It has interesting character work and world building to it, some of which would have been hard not to run into these sorts of problems with, and the topics are good enough to warrant real discussions of them. There's just one major problem with it.
Their engine and the fact that this still needs to go on a phone.
Presentation is the death of this patch. I want to do a whole blog on this but I've once heard a reviewer say that one of the hardest things to make interesting is "Two people talking in a room." I actually disagree with that statement, almost anything done entirely alone (which ironically is one of the parts the game tries harder with when that eventually happened) is harder but... It's not a bad supposition. After all, if all they're doing is talking, not even arguing, you can end up just having it feel like an exposition dump. Even if it's entirely character work, it can still feel like we're being told a lot instead of being shown it.
And this patch has a lot of moment, especially early on with Aventurine, where it would get thrown back with "Show, don't tell." Not just because it's character stuff but ANYTHING to break up what is going on in these scenes. There's way too many, that chain into each other, that are just people standing in environments we've already spent time in (or are just not that visually interesting in general) just standing there, talking. Some are better, even great at this in the patch, but not enough of it is. I actually had to take a break midway through it because it was all coming in as a tiring drone that was giving me a headache from how much it was just getting on my nerves for being boring.
And I kind of have to assume part of that is a concession to the mobile market which admittedly, I'm not a part of. Star Rail is literally the first gacha game I've EVER stuck with for more than a week. I play it on my PC which runs almost anything that hits the market at top graphics even four years after I got it. So I probably feel this weird disconnect of Star Rail both being a AA game and it being a mobile game more than some might.
But it also begs the question of how much could they do in scenes? How much does their engine support that? The majority of cutscenes in the game are pre-rendered after all. There are VERY few gestures built into their dialogue system, at least as far as I can tell, which mostly come down to "Arms crossed, arms dropped, maybe a couple small facial expression changes." It all makes for a very monotonous presentation that can only be saved so much with the writing.
Even in a book, this would be most unacceptable. You'd still expect breaks from the dialogue to get into a character's head, detail their fidgets, their thoughts, show what others are doing and giving character flairs to add personality to scenes. Just SOMETHING to make it feel less boring and monotonous.
Which is the weird Catch 22 of this patch. It is the sharpest Star Rail has ever been with its writing... But it's also potentially its most boring. Again, not all of it and the climax is heck of a thing, but it's still one of the few times where I just wanted the game to shut up and let me do ANYTHING. It's one of the few times I've ever needed a break during main story content besides when the Loufu pissed me off in 1.1. Being angry would still have been more of a reaction than a lot of what this patch was causing out of me.
But the boring elements will also fade and I'll be left with the best moments in my memory so I suspect that unlike 2.0, where I actually keep forgetting about how good the Firefly stuff is because the bad felt more important to me and stuck with me more, I'll forget the bad and keep the good. You know, like the fact that Welt probably gives his best performance in the entire game in this patch, or the fact that I think the game is genuinely good at some of its politicking. Its mystery is still not great by ANY means but its leaning more into the strengths of Penacony at this point which is good.
It is a patch that has resold me on the game, both for why I'm bothering to stick around and more literally in that I'm DEFINITELY pulling for Aventurine when he comes around and getting Topaz to go with him when she comes around. Helps that losing my 50/50 and my 75/25 on Acheron got me both Clara and her Lightcone finally, giving me one of the best follow up attackers in the game.
And I do think I should mention that this patch just continues the fact that Star Rail is still one of the best turn based RPGs out there right now, let alone for the price, and this patch doesn't disappoint on that front. But I'd need to get more into spoilers for that so for today, thank you all, good luck on your pulls and see you next tale.
My UID, because I'm trying to include this on Star Rail posts more often. 601902728
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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impossiblesuitcase · 2 years
Kai ranting about how frustrating everyone was in a very long meeting that left him so emotionally and physically exhausted that he’s on the verge of a breakdown as cinder rubs his back.>>> 👌👌
(Also very good chapter of mmm, love a good title drop)
Did I take this prompt and use it as an excuse to write an idea I've had for ages? Noooooooo. I would neveeeerrrrrr.
Voices in His Head
“The Eastern Commonwealth’s blatant loyalties to Luna make it wholly unequipped for any rational discussion—”
“—the Olympic games is a fundamentally Earthen event, and not only is the empress asserting that we should include Lunar and cyborg athletes—”
“—but she even insiuntates that it should be held on Luna.”
Shut up.
Queen Camilla’s words freeze in his mind, scratch and almost start up again.
Kai walks into the bathroom, bleary-eyed and spent. His dress shoes clack on the marble tiles and tinnitus crawls into his synapses, so awful it makes him want to wrench them off and shove them into his eardrums. 
“Empress Selene would even imply tha—”
A shower. He needs a shower. He’s sticky and greasy and his hair is clinging to his forehead. At this very moment, he’s certain every arachnid mite living in his pores is raving.
(He’s been in his air-conditioned office all day.)
Their bathroom is straight out of one of those architecture netfeeds Iko pores over. Tall ceilings, double sinks with basins cut from a geode and coated in glass to protect their hands. Dim lights framing the mirror. A large freestanding tub with hidden jets, and overhead a bespoke chandelier. The shower has built-in seating and three heads and is wide enough to fit four, five, ten people and a horse.
Cinder is leaning against the sink, back to the mirror. Her hair is unusually free and tumbles down her shoulders as she scrubs her teeth. Her chequered red shorts and white singlet have lost opacity where they are stretched over her midsection.
Six months gestation, and though she’s hurled up her guts almost every single one of those days, she’s still the most beautiful mother-to-be he’s ever seen.
He is noticed as she turns around to the basin, her toothbrush lodged between her teeth. “‘Uo’re back!” 
Kai pauses at the towel rack, steadying his hands on the metal bar. The shelf adjacent is already home to three rubber ducks, two bottles of baby shampoo, a microfibre koala towel and a thermometer.
“‘Ow was da meeding?” she garbles. She leans over the faucet—spits, gargles, and wipes her mouth with a towel. 
His feet are finally free of his shoes, next his socks. When she straightens, he’s struggling to pull off the left with his toes.
“It was fine.” 
She sighs, stringing the towel over the rail. “Isn’t it kind of the union leaders to choose a time that’s great for their time zones and terrible for ours?”
He forces a single scornful chuckle. His sweat has left condensation on the rail, and his towel is absent.
Cinder passes him a fresh one unbidden, then bumps the drawer closed with her hip. “Sorry I left you to fend for yourself in there—Doctor’s orders and, oh! Doctor Li moved the blood count test to Friday.” Eyes alight, bright and hopeful. “Do you wanna get away tomorrow?”
“We have the meeting with the chancellor,” he reminds her flatly. 
She deflates, thumping her forehead with the heel of her hand. “Stars, I can’t remember anything these days. Stupid”—wack—“pregnancy”—wack—“brain.”
“It’s almost 1 am. You need some rest.”
She’d been napping when he left for the meeting, not before moving her from the couch to their bed. He’d hoped she would stay asleep. But she woke up, on purpose, to wait for him. Again.
“You look like you need it too.” She smiles tenderly, extending her hand for him to take.
He takes it. Squeezes. Pulls away. “I’m gonna have a shower.”
The smile falls. “You already had one this morning.”
His hands fumble with the hem of his shirt, trying to pull it free—it’s stuck around his wrists. Kai dumbly pulls and grunts. Pulls, pulls, pulls.
When he doesn’t respond, her brow creases, quietly worried. “You look tired. Why don’t you just come to bed?”
Finally, he figures out that the shirt is a button down. The button holes are near impossible with numb fingertips but eventually he’s slinging the shirt across the bathroom floor.
Then, wordlessly, he approaches her, kisses her forehead, and crouches to kiss her stomach.
Cinder looks at the ground; at him. “I’ll wait for you.”
Don’t. But she’ll ignore him anyway.
Kai makes it into the shower and puts it on full blast. It’s scalding. He curses under his breath, steps out of the stream, turns around for the soap.
Cinder is still in the bathroom, lingering by the doorway. She isn’t looking at him—more towards the bay windows and seven potted plants underneath. Yet there’s a reason she’s here.
She’s done this—this pensive hovering—a lot over the past year and a half. The year and a half which was better chronicled by months; months of hoping, months of disappointment.
He grabs the soap, catching it as it slips out of his hands. Footsteps retreat into their bedroom.
It’s his fault, of course. He has no siblings. No aunts or uncles. He is the last in line for the throne.
Kai scrubs his chest.
Hereditary male infertility. Cinder had even reasoned that perhaps her cybernetics had damaged her reproductive system—trying to take some of the blow. But the doctors said in no uncertain terms that she was as good a candidate for pregnancy as any.
It’s his fault.
Months of vitamins almost as many calories as his breakfast congee. Months of the exact same soul-crushing, taunting, singular pink line. Every time, Cinder would hug him and assure him that she didn’t blame him, that it would happen for them.
“It takes two to make a baby, you know. If one of us is having issues, we both are,” she’d said.
He had smiled weakly. 
But as the waiting went on too long, she stopped telling him that the tests were coming back negative. Stopped telling him she was taking them at all. But he’d hear her curse when she got her period, not just in annoyance for the blood staining their bedsheets. Hear her hushed conversations over comm with her obstetrician. Complain of more headaches than usual—the ones she gets in place of crying.
He turns off the water, feeling a sting in his own eyes.
Kai is shivering by the time he leaves the bathroom.
Cinder is still awake as promised, though her heavy eyelids imply it’s an active fight. The bed sheets are wrinkled from her previous nap and she’s snuggled into the baby blue pregnancy pillow that Scarlet recommended for sciatica. Kai grudges the fluffy cocoon because its walls keep him from holding her at night. But he wants her to be comfortable, so he doesn’t let that fact reach his vocal chords.
Cinder absently scrolls through her portscreen as he approaches the bed. Feet jelly, he flops onto her side and crawls over her legs.
She giggles under her breath. “Lazy.”
Drained, Kai thinks.
His side of the bed is cold. Despite this, he can’t be bothered to pull up the blanket or turn off his bedside lamp. He just stares blankly ahead. Little flickers of light scatter outside, like stars in his vision. He’s forgotten to close the blinds to the balcony window, he vaguely realises.
Can’t be bothered.
Then again, it’s not a bad thing to fall asleep to. Though the front of the palace stands towering above the crowded New Beijing metropolis, this side faces a picturesque mountain range. Where the city welcomes more artificial light than darkness, the mountain lights are patchy; sparse from town to town.
He and Cinder love to stand on their balcony at night and gulp in the air and dream about getting lost in those forests.
“What’s wrong, love?”
The port has been moved to her nightstand, plugged in and facing down. She’s looking at him.
A safe shake of the head. “Nothing.”
Her hand snakes out from underneath the pillow and tucks around his back. It’s frighteningly cold; it skips like stones over a frozen lake on his skin. A moment later, he realises it’s actually warm, hot even, and his brain has misinterpreted the temperature.
Cinder stalls the hand at the small of his back. “Please don’t lie to me,” she whispers.
He sighs deeply, explanations clogging his throat. That warm flesh against his skin reminds him of the hot metal rods used for archaic torture and interrogation. It’s a disturbed, callous thought he regrets immediately, even if he couldn’t control it escaping from his deep unconscious. 
“It was just…the meeting.”
“Didn’t go well?”
Something derisive leaves his throat. “You could say that.” 
Deep brown eyes that still visit his dreams, imploring. Her hand cups his waist. “Tell me about it.” 
“Empress Selene would even imply that her trauma validates her opinion over ours.”
“No,” he says firmly. “It’s not important.”
She scoffs. “It obviously is, if it’s got you this drained.”
He rolls over, facing away from her. “I’m fine,” he says curtly. “Don’t worry about me.”
Kai tempers his breaths. This new position is already growing uncomfortable. He waits.
No sarcastic response. Not even a pitying reply. A glance over his shoulder reveals her frowning, pinched lips.
There it is again, that lingering. Kai hates having her worry about him. He hates that, before, he was too overwrought and uncoiled from wanting to curse into the wind to really take care of her as much as she needed. Hates that during that time he could bring down any cheerful mood, like when they played a boardgame with Cress and Thorne—which Cinder had deliberately arranged as a breather for him—and he became snarky when he was the only player to not land on a ‘have a baby’ tile.
Of course, they have all the univs on the planet. All the resources in the galaxy. They could’ve marched into their doctor’s office, get hooked up to the latest high-tech fertility machines and walk out soon-to-be parents.
But the procedures would be incredibly invasive for Cinder. Just hearing the lengths of it made his stomach flip-flop upside down and inside out. 
Cinder had endured surgery after operation and trauma after mutilation. He couldn’t do that to her. Not when this was a simple, fundamental thing he should be able to give her.
So they waited. And he underestimated how much that waiting would corrode him. Now she’s pregnant, and he isn’t going to let a minute pass by without taking care of her.
Ignoring her, freezing her out, is not taking care of her, chants a voice in his head. 
“Kai, my love, look at me.”
He does as asked.
She reaches over, stroking his cheek. Her eyes drop to his chest. “Can I tell you something?”
Wistfulness envelopes her face. “You know, it doesn’t matter what you could be talking to me about—the apocalypse, certain death.” The switch back to his eyes is sharp. “What really stresses me out is when you don’t talk to me.”
That voice was right. Stupid stupid stupid.
“I don’t want to worry you,” he repeats.
“I know.” Lines crinkle around her eyes with her smile. “But I will always worry about you. That’s the deal. And you won’t stress out Peony either: she can’t hear.”
“Actually, her ears are already formed and functioning. I was reading up on it the other day.”
“Well, she can’t comprehend what we��re saying.”
“Cinder,” he feigns offence, “are you calling our daughter dumb?”
A long eye roll. “Kai.”
She sits up unexpectedly, extricating herself from the baby blue pillow. It’s thrown to the floor with groan and no doubt a few jugfuls of strength, then she secures herself in his arms instead. 
He’s too tired to dial down his eagerness. This is what he’s needed all day, all month, all ever. He cradles her rapaciously.
“Talk to me,” muffles against his shirt.
And he does. Gripes about Queen Camilla barely shrouding her prejudice against Cinder, and the other leaders agreeing, despite everyone in the room knowing it was born out of jealousy for the younger, more popular ruler. Rants about President Vargas and his new bill that would fold all trade route monopolies into his hand, and how the fully-informed other leaders supported it! All because the Union was growing suspicious of the Commonwealth for opening new internal routes, believing they were attempting to splinter off and rely on their own economy.
He does and he does until he’s almost crying from frustration, because this is the last thing they need right now. These inane arguments would persist until after Peony came, and they didn’t deserve to have to entertain and coddle squabbling politicians. They shouldn’t have to cradle fragile adults when they should be cradling a fragile daughter.
Cinder listens and holds him. Listen and hold, listen and hold. As he winds down, recoils into back his spring, she pulls his hand to her heart, the other to her stomach. Peony is awake too.
Badum, kick, badum, kick, badum.
“Thank you,” she says finally.
“Thank you,” he says meaningly.
Under his palm, a thin, jagged scar peeks out from her singlet, starting at the swell of her breast and reaching her sternum. It’s the length of his pinky finger and almost the length of her ring finger; they’ve measured it before.
Kai caresses the pale memory under his thumb. It’s faded over time, but it could fade more. Doctors recommended laser treatments, skin grafting, cell turnover acceleration. Cinder declined it all. She wears her scar without apology. It wasn’t her fault her crazed aunt stabbed her in the heart.
It isn’t his fault.
Cinder directs his chin with a warm metal hand and kisses him like she’s the one whispering that assurance to him. Like she means it. 
Badum, kick, kick, badum.
“Can we reschedule the meeting with the chancellor?” she whispers after a while.
He laughs. “No. I’d love to say yes, but we really can’t.”
She squints. Yawns, not too disheartened. “Then can we do something this weekend?”
“Like what?”
Deep brown eyes that still visit his dreams, sparkling and romantic. “Since Peony can hear, how about…” She shifts awkwardly in his hold to point at the glistening mountainous skies. “A walk through the forest?”
A deep inhale. Crisp air, frozen in time. Towering trees that would remain and thrive despite any number of problems he faced or caused.
“Birds chirping, a creek burbling, just like when you proposed?” She gives him a nudge, though he needs no convincing. “Won’t that be nice for her?”
Wind rustling through leaves. Twigs crunching under his feet. Cicadas humming where he’ll never see. 
“Peace and quiet for Mummy and Daddy?” he teases.
A laugh, and then she tucks back into his neck. 
The forest is silent, yet Cinder’s smile is speaking a thousand unsung words. It’s okay. I love you. You’re doing your best.
Maybe he can listen to the voices in his head, when it’s her.
My reasoning as to why Kai may be infertile.
Hey, question! Anyone like Cresswell fic and would want to be tagged?
@cinderswrench @cindersassasin @hayleblackburn @spherical-empirical @salt-warrior @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @zephyr-thedragon @holdmysparks @oceanspray5 @icarusignite @shellyseashell @kaider-is-my-otp @slmkaider @luna-maximoff-22 @cosmicnovaflare @kaixiety @shellyseashell
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tsintzask · 1 year
hey hi hello there
So I am finally getting around to writing a proper intro post lol, so hi, i'm tsintzask, or tsin for short. i use that handle everywhere online pretty much, so if you see a tsintzask elsewhere, chances are it's me.
i have had this blog for a long time now, but only really became active here after reddit decided to ban the app i was using to access it. I was an /r/196 user who migrated to my unused blog, basically.
I'm from Greece, and I study computer science in college. As of the most recent edit, I am doing my masters program, so that's going pretty good.
i would consider myself an anarchist, though i don't think humanity is currently ready for that kind of world - i think there's just too many evil people around that would seek to take advantage of things. still, the current system has got to go. the fundamental idea behind capitalism is to prioritize money over people, and that's just plain evil.
As for other stuff about me, i have been told before i have neurodivergent vibes (it wasn't in like in a derogatory way, but as a serious thing) and yeah i kinda see that. I ought to go get checked sometime
i like a lot of things, as you can see in my blog description: D&D, Pathfinder, Pokémon, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Terraria, insects, cats, memes, cute/wholesome stuff, theater, basic human decency. And I wanna gush about my likes a bit-
D&D and Pathfinder
I've been a player in both d&d 5e and pathfinder 2e, and a DM in d&d 5e. we're talking whole years of doing this. making characters is really fun, and playing them is even more fun! I mostly play online over Discord, but have played a lot irl too, and still do.
While i'm not as into it as i used to in my teens, i have played every game from pokemon pearl up to ultra moon, but not any further as i don't own a switch. that is subject to change if/when i get more into piracy. I've also played pokemon emerald and leaf green in emulators, and i've played mystery dungeon: explorers of darkness. one of the few video games to actually make me cry, btw.
Genshin Impact & Honkai Star Rail
this is my most recent fascination, i've been at it for a couple years now. mihoyo makes their games so incredibly gay and i love that. while i've been a bit burnt out on genshin, i am currently enjoying star rail a whole lot! and i ship a bunch of stuff that sometimes contradicts each other, so if you see conflicting ship arts in my reblogs, there's why. part of it is that i ship kujou sara with every other girl in genshin
btw, feel free to friend me in either game, in the EU server
Genshin UID: 741043259
Honkai Star Rail UID: 700410303
oh man, terraria. all of my high school energy and two of my undergrad college years went into this game, it's just so good. I occasionally do modded runs every few months now.
I'm not a theater nerd or anything, but I did go to an amateur theater group for a couple years. was fun, i'd do it again for sure!
Basic Human Decency
I just think being nice is good. i don't get argumentative often; I used to argue often, but i try to keep most of my interactions with bigots/assholes/etc as a simple joke on their expense before i block them. also, it's taking some effort, but when i have something negative to comment on someone i don't actually have reason to dislike, i've been trying to just let it go and ignore instead.
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thatartiststudios · 9 months
Another fic update, I was planning on releasing this on Christmas day, but I've been sick so that's taken a back seat, but here it is!
   After tinkering for a bit longer, Leo eventually stretched his arms above his head, the weariness from the day settling in his bones. He shot Rayla a reassuring smile before reluctantly tearing his gaze away from the starlit sky. 
   “I’m heading to bed. Take care, Rayla.”
   “Thanks, Leo,” Rayla replied, her voice soft, carrying a weight of gratitude. She watched him leave before turning her attention back to the vast expanse of stars, lost in their glittering depths.
   A few moments later, Leo found himself in the dimly lit hallway, his footsteps echoing softly against the wooden floor. As he walked, he noticed Callum emerging from his own room, his eyes still heavy with sleep.
   “Hey, Callum,” Leo greeted, offering a tired smile.
   “Hey,” Callum replied, rubbing his eyes. “Did you see where Rayla went? I heard her leave her room.”
   “Yeah, she’s up on deck,” Leo said, his expression softening. “Needed some fresh air, I guess.”
   Callum nodded, his concern evident in his eyes. “Thanks, Leo. I’ll go check on her.”
   With a friendly pat on Callum’s shoulder, Leo continued down the hallway to his own room, leaving Callum to make his way to the deck where Rayla waited, seeking solace in the quiet night.
   Callum climbed up to the deck, his steps careful to not startle Rayla. He found her leaning against the railing at the back of the ship, her eyes fixed on the starry tapestry above. The soft glow of the moon highlighted the contours of her face, revealing a mix of emotions.
   “Hey,” he said, his voice gentle, “couldn’t sleep?”
   Rayla turned to him, her lips curving into a small smile, but there was a lingering sadness in her eyes. “Yeah, something like that. Just a rough night, I suppose.”
   “You know, you can talk to me about anything,” Callum said, his concern evident. He stepped closer, his hand finding hers. “I’m here for you.”
   Rayla sighed, her grip on his hand tightening. “I know, A mhuirnín. It’s just... sometimes I can’t shake off the bad memories. And then, there’s this voice in my head telling me I don’t deserve any of this.”
   Callum gently lifted her chin, his eyes searching hers. “Rayla,” his voice broke as he breathed out her name, “you deserve every bit of happiness we have. You’ve been through so much, and you’ve faced it all with incredible strength. I love you, and I’m here to help you carry the burden. You’re not alone anymore.”
   She looked at him, her eyes still filled with uncertainty. “I love you too, Callum. I just worry that I might drag you down with me.”
   Callum cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. “You could never drag me down, Rayla. We’re a team, remember? We face everything together, the good and the bad. I believe in you, in us. And I’ll keep believing until you do too.”
   Rayla leaned into his touch, “Thank you, Callum. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you.”
   Callum smiled, his eyes filled with unwavering love. “You don’t need to do anything, Rayla. Just be yourself, and that’s more than enough for me.”
   In that moment, under the vast canopy of stars, Rayla found comfort in Callum’s arms, reassured by his love and determination. The night felt a little less daunting, and she knew that no matter what nightmares haunted her, Callum would always be there to chase them away.
   Rayla took a deep breath, her gaze lingering on the moonlit waves below. The silence between them was comfortable, but she knew she needed to share her burdens with Callum.
   “Callum,” she began, her voice soft, “I… had a nightmare. It was about Viren.”
   Callum’s grip on her hand tightened, his eyes filled with concern. “What happened?”
   Rayla hesitated, the memory of the nightmare still fresh in her mind. “I was surrounded by ice, and my parents, Runaan, and even Ezran were trapped in it. Viren was there, taunting me. He showed me a new block of ice, and... Callum, he had you trapped inside. I couldn’t do anything; I was helpless."
   Callum’s expression shifted from concern to determination. He gently pulled her into another comforting embrace, his voice steady. “Rayla, it was just a nightmare. I’m here, safe and sound. Viren can’t hurt us anymore. He’s gone.”
   Rayla buried her face in his shoulder, “I know, but the fear... it’s hard to shake off.”
   “I understand,” Callum murmured, his fingers tracing soothing circles on her back. “That was the same way I felt after Aaravos possessed me. Nightmares can be terrifying, but they’re just illusions. You’re strong, Rayla, stronger than you know. And together, we can face anything.”
   Rayla nodded, her grip on him firm. “I’m glad you’re here, Callum.”
   Callum pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting hers with unwavering determination. “I’ll always be here for you, Rayla. No matter what nightmares haunt your sleep or what challenges come our way, we’ll face them together. You’ll never be alone again, I’ll make sure of that.”
   Rayla’s lips curved into a small, grateful smile. “Thank you, Callum. I… I think I really needed to hear all of that.”
   Callum’s smile mirrored hers, his love for her shining in his eyes. “I love you, A mhuirnín. And I’ll keep reminding you, until you believe me.”
    Callum leaned in, pressing a kiss to her lips, finding comfort in the love they shared. In that moment, surrounded by the vastness of the night, their love became a beacon of light, dispelling the shadows of fear and nightmares. Together, they found strength, consolation, and unwavering support in each other’s arms, ready to face whatever challenges the future held.
   The morning sun bathed the deck of the Argo II in a warm glow as the heroes gathered for their training session. The air buzzed with anticipation, and the energy of newfound camaraderie filled the space. Rayla, Callum, Carter, Sadie, Jason, and Piper assembled, each ready to explore the synergy of their abilities.
   Leo, standing by the ship’s controls, glanced over at the group. “Alright, team, let’s make this training session count. Get to know each other’s strengths, and let’s see how we can work together as a team.”
   The heroes nodded in agreement, exchanging determined glances. Callum stepped forward, “So, how do we want to do this? We keeping with the pairs that we agreed on last night, right?”
   Rayla, standing beside him, chimed in. “I don’t see why we shouldn’t.”
   Carter, adjusting the grip on his khopesh, nodded. “Yeah, let’s see how our abilities complement each other.”
   Sadie, her eyes glowing with anticipation, grinned. “I’m ready to show off some Egyptian magic.”
   Leo leaned against the ship’s rail, observing the group. “Alright, let’s start with a simple exercise. Rayla and Carter, you’ll team up against Callum and Sadie. Combat-oriented versus Magic-oriented.”
   The pairs nodded in agreement, falling into position. Callum exchanged a glance with Sadie, a silent understanding passing between them. Rayla, her Moonshadow blades at the ready, and Carter, with his khopesh gleaming, faced the magical duo.
   “Ready when you are,” Sadie called across the deck.
   Rayla shot her a confident smirk. “Let’s see if you can keep up with Moonshadow Elf reflexes.”
   The training session commenced, and the deck of the Argo II became an arena of dynamic movement and clashes of abilities. Rayla and Carter coordinated their strikes, creating a seamless dance of combat against the magical onslaught from Callum and Sadie. 
   Callum traced a blue rune in the air, declaring, “Aspiro Frigis!” A burst of cold air turned swiftly to ice, nearly freezing Carter in his tracks, but a nimble dodge saved him. 
   Meanwhile, Rayla prepared to fire an arrow at Sadie, but the Egyptian magician spoke the Divine Words, “Sa-per,” causing the arrow to miss its mark, hitting the deck instead.
   The pairs tested their coordination, each clash and exchange revealing more about the dynamics between the heroes. As they honed their teamwork, the deck of the Argo II echoed with the sounds of combat and magic, a testament to the unity growing among them.
   Callum swiftly drew up more runes and spoke, this time invoking magic from his Ocean Arcanum, “Umida, Palma, Ferio!” Summoning a flat surface of water that struck Carter.
   Carter retaliated with his own magic, shouting, “Khe-fa!” as a blue fist materialized above Callum. 
   The High Mage responded with deft precision, drawing a rune and speaking, “Pluviam Praesidium!” A dome-like barrier materialized, deflecting the magical blow.
   Amidst the training, Jason whistled appreciatively, remarking, “Not bad, not bad at all.” Piper nodded in agreement, her dagger twirling in her hand.
   Callum and Sadie weaved their magic, creating barriers and blasting spells that tested Rayla and Carter’s reflexes. Despite the differences in their abilities, the pairs found a rhythm, adapting to each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
   “Smooth moves, Callum,” Jason called out, impressed by the display of Primal magic.
   Sadie added her own touch, Egyptian hieroglyphs glowing in the air as she cast spells that kept the combatants on their toes. Carter quickly adapted, utilizing his combat skills to counter the magical onslaught.
   Rayla leaped and spun, blades flashing in the sunlight. She and Carter executed coordinated maneuvers, making it challenging for their magical opponents to predict their movements. The deck became a canvas of colors and forms as magic clashed with Moonshadow precision.
   The four would’ve surely kept at it if it were not for Leo.
   “Great job, everyone. Now, let’s switch it up. Callum, team up with Jason, and Piper, you join forces with Sadie. Let’s see how your powers complement each other in different pairings.”
   The next round of the training session unfolded with a new set of pairs. Jason and Callum stood side by side, ready to face off against the formidable duo of Sadie and Piper. Leo, orchestrating the training, nodded approvingly at the matchups.
   “Alright, let’s see how the sons of the sky fare against a combination of Egyptian magic and Greek combat,” Leo announced, a playful glint in his eye.
   Sadie twirled her long staff with a confident smirk, while Piper and Jason readied their weapons. Callum traced an invisible rune in the air, preparing for the magical exchanges that were about to unfold.
   The clash began with a sudden burst of action. Piper lunged forward, her dagger flashing in the sunlight, aiming for Callum. The sky mage dodged with agile grace, his movements almost dance-like. Jason engaged Sadie, his gladius clashing against the magical barrier that Sadie swiftly conjured with a flourish of her staff.
   Callum seized the opportunity, “Fulminis!” he called out, summoning a streak of lightning that arced towards Piper. She twisted away, narrowly avoiding the strike, but the distraction allowed Jason to make a swift counterattack.
   “Nice try,” Jason grinned, and the clash continued. Sadie, in her turn, countered Jason’s sword strikes with well-timed spells. Piper, ever agile, danced around Callum, attempting to find an opening.
    The deck of the Argo II now a battleground of contrasting styles. The fluid and precise movements of Callum and Jason complemented each other, while Sadie’s strategic spellcasting and Piper’s agile combat techniques created a dynamic opposition.
   Leo observed the match, impressed with the synergy each pair was developing. “You’re all adapting quickly. Remember, it’s not just about individual skills, but how you work together as a team.”
   As the training continued, the heroes honed their abilities, discovering new ways to coordinate and strategize in the heat of battle. The deck echoed with the clashing of weapons, the crackle of magic, and the laughter of camaraderie as bonds strengthened with each exchange.
   As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm hue across the deck of the Argo II, the heroes gradually slowed their movements. Beads of sweat glistened on their foreheads, evidence of the effort they had put into their training. Leo, stationed by the ship’s controls, watched the camaraderie that had developed during the session with a sense of satisfaction.
   “Great job, everyone. It looks like we’re making progress,” Leo called out, a hint of pride in his voice.
   Callum, wiping sweat from his brow, couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment. “I’m impressed. We’re starting to get the hang of this teamwork thing.”
   Piper sheathed her dagger, taking a moment to catch her breath. “Definitely. It’s amazing how our different abilities can complement each other. We’re becoming a formidable team.”
   Sadie, twirling her staff with a practiced ease, nodded in agreement. “Magic and combat working together. It’s a deadly combo, and I’m loving it.”
   Leo, always attentive to the practicalities, chimed in, “We should wrap it up for now. The sun’s setting, and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving. How about we grab some dinner and eat up on deck?”
   The proposal was met with unanimous agreement, and the heroes made their way towards the dining area to grab what they wanted and returned to the former battleground that was the deck of the Argo II.  Laughter and animated discussions filled the air as they shared insights about their training, their abilities, and their unique worlds. The bonds of camaraderie were strengthening with each passing day.
   Leo, intrigued by the approaching landmarks on his interface map, couldn’t resist the urge to get a sneak peek. 
   “Carter, mind showing me where exactly we need to be on the map?”
   Carter, with a nod, joined Leo at the controls, pointing out the location with a sense of familiarity. “We’re approaching Thebes. The temple we’re looking for is right here.”
   Leo studied the map intently, his mind already planning the next steps of their journey. “Perfect. We’ll reach Thebes by tomorrow. We can check out the temple then.”
   The heroes settled down for dinner, the Argo II continuing its journey towards the heart of Egypt. The tantalizing aroma of the food wafted through the air as they shared stories, discussed plans, and relished the camaraderie that was becoming the backbone of their adventure.
   The heroes settled down for dinner, the Argo II continuing its journey towards the heart of Egypt. The tantalizing aroma of the food wafted through the air as they gathered around the makeshift table on the deck. 
   Leo, serving a dish, grinned. “Hope you all like a mix of Spanish and Greek flavors. Callum, you might find a bit of Xadian spice in there too.”
   Callum chuckled, lifting an eyebrow. “Xadian spice, huh? Last time I checked, our ingredients don’t exactly make it across realms.”
   Leo smirked. “Well, a demigod can dream, can’t he?”
   Piper, savoring a bite, nodded in approval. “Leo, this is amazing. You should open a restaurant someday.”
   “I’ve considered it,” Leo mused. “But I’d miss the thrill of saving the world.”
   Callum, stealing a glance at Jason, remarked, “Speaking of food, my younger brother Ezran has this obsession with jelly tarts. It’s practically his own food group.”
   Jason laughed. “Jelly tarts, huh? We should introduce him to some Greek delicacies.”
   Callum grinned. “I’m sure he’d be up for the challenge.”
   Rayla, enjoying the food, joined the conversation. “In The Silvergrove, we have a dessert called Moonberry Surprise. It’s a Moonshadow specialty, but it’s a well-kept secret.”
   Carter raised an eyebrow. “Moonberry Surprise? What’s in it?”
   Rayla smirked. “I can’t just tell you. It wouldn’t be a surprise then, would it?”
   Callum, adding to the banter, interjected, “She won’t say. I don’t even know.”
   Rayla shot him a playful glare. “Do I have to keep telling you what a surprise is?”
   Laughter echoed across the deck as they shared stories, exchanged tales of their favorite desserts, and explored the diverse flavors that now blended on their journey.
   As the night settled in, the distant lights of Thebes flickered on the horizon, a promise of mysteries waiting to be unraveled in the ancient city.
Next Part
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
Hello, I like reading your thoughts! In your most recent ask you made an interesting point about Debbie. I have to say I've been wondering to myself if Debbie and Noel would get on because I think Noel used to be quite possessive of Liam and hated it when someone tried to challenge his role in Liam's life. And now Liam has someone who is not only his girlfriend but also his co-manager. If the brothers would make up and also reunite Oasis now, I wouldn't be surprised if Noel and Debbie would fight over Liam. Back in the day I think Noel would have really hated it if one of Liam's girlfriends/wives would have tried to meddle with Oasis. But then again they've all mellowed by now, so maybe it would work out better or maybe Debbie would know not to get in between Liam and Noel. Anyway, I just hope the brothers find their way back to each other very soon. It's so heartbreaking that they're apart for so long
Hi! I know I'm mostly rambling into the void, but this place provides an outlet for me so...thanks for reading!
Yeah, good question about how Debbie would fit in with a reconciled Liam and Noel. I guess, whilst Noel could be possessive of Liam in Oasis days (and Liam could be possessive of Noel) I don’t think their relationship dynamic would be quite the same today. I'm guessing it'd take them a while before they felt comfortable 'hanging out' again.
Also, now that they’re both that much older and with more life experience under their belts - kids, blended families, divorces, health issues - I suspect Noel would be grateful for Debbie being in Liam’s life to keep him on the right track. It’d be a demanding job and I can’t see Noel wanting to exert that much energy these days (Debbie once affectionately compared Liam to a toddler who needs routine and to be kept constantly occupied!).
I know there are some Liam stans out there who don’t like Debbie much and think she’s too controlling but ‘big personality’ rock stars like Liam sometimes need strong, assertive women in their lives for their own well being, otherwise they go off the rails. See: John and Yoko.
Would Noel get along with Debbie?  No idea. It’d depend on if they have anything in common besides Liam.  If anything, Debbie may be wary of Noel. Looking at it from her perspective, she might fear that Noel would hurt Liam and become very protective of him, as we know she can be, and that might be an obstacle. This is one of the reasons I think Debbie and the rest of that camp aren’t actively encouraging reconciliation. It's why I feel Noel and Liam need help from a mutual friend who loves them both.
As for Debbie getting involved in Oasis matters, I can’t see that happening at all and unless she had a successful track record managing a range of other artists, any involvement on her part would surely be a bad business move. I imagine she'd stick to managing Liam and stay away from Oasis.  If there is an Oasis reunion, they'd likely draw up fairly strict terms and conditions to ensure no conflicts of interest and avoid any expensive falling out between the brothers, similar to how Guns N’ Roses have very successfully managed their reunion - 7 years now and still going. Prior to that, Axl and Slash didn't speak for 20 years! There is hope for Liam and Noel!
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