#I've since done a bunch of revisions and some rewrites for it and it's a much better fic than it was originally
aberooski · 2 years
Generally speaking, and maybe I do and it just hasn't registered to me in my slow ass broken hellscape of a brain, but sometimes I really wish I had someone I could scream about Sons of The Stars to who loves it like I do because goddammit I think about it every day and wanna talk about it but like not even my sister has actually read that one or really any of my gx fics actually really even though I force her to listen to me talk about them all the time oops and of all the fics I've written, that's the one I feel bad bugging you guys by posting about it when I do every so often still working in the drawing of the wardrobe I'm doing again aksks but it's like this crazy yet brilliant thing my brain concocted and not a day has gone by in the last 5-6 years that even just the concept has been in my brain that I haven't thought about it. Also wouldn't be opposed to coming up with an idea for a sequel or just something I could do to revisit that universe again. I dunno it's not as fun talking about it with myself I guess.
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bunny-hoodlum · 1 year
Revising Idle Hands... again
Final time, I swear!!!
I wasn't going to make a post about this until I actually got it all done. I was also going to write a full rewrite on the side to see which one I liked better because the structure was going to change to where the genre felt more in line with typical erotica or whatever.
But a bunch of stuff happened and I've lost the vision of how I was going to do that. XD Even though I have notes for it, they ain't really doing anything for me.
Maybe it'll come to me after I do the revisions, but either way, yes I finally have the story completely figured out now. 😅 (or the backstory, rather, which is still important. The plot is pretty simple otherwise, it's just the motivations and such weren't fleshed out and was making writing harder and harder. Basically, it just felt like I couldn't make them do what the script says they're going to do).
Currently, Naruto and Hinata don't have significant history together and I didn't realize that's what was making the story's progression fall apart in my head. Anyways, now they do and I have to go through what I already have on Ao3 to accommodate that detail. I probably don't have to do much, but I might also write in new scenes if they fit.
The other thing is Sasuke. I actually felt like he was too chatty towards the end of Ch 5 and that bothers me, on top of that chattiness being purely convenient exposition, like, it just feels lazy of me, so that's getting axed to some degree. There's also some flaws in the paint thinner scene as well. But more importantly... I am changing Sasuke to a new kid in town. I'm thinking he moved in while Naruto was out of town, so when Naruto came back, 'the sticks' suddenly became very interesting and that's why they're 'friends'. This will also open him up to be fascinated with the beef between Naruto and Hinata since he wasn't there for any of that.
Other revisions will be worldbuilding related for my own satisfaction. They'll affect Naruto's characterization to a degree. I also think that this probation shouldn't affect his ability to do what he wants as much as it's currently portrayed, so I'm going to see what I can do about that.
I started "IWGP: Ikebukuro West Gate Park" on Netflix a few days ago and it gave me ideas. I should actually try to binge it though so that way I don't have regret when the other episodes inspire me and I'm all like 'Oh no, I could have put that there'. 😅😅😅 But I'm so impatient, I want to write already!!!!!!1!111! 😤😤😤
Anyways, in the future I am going to try to write my stuff all in one sitting so this doesn't keep happening to me again. 😓 Like my Shibari AU when I get around to it, and Dissolve Me. I gotta rough draft the hell out of those for sure, and probably multiple times. 😤 I honestly kind of want to combine the current chapters of Dissolve Me into the first chapter as well, but I dunno, that kind of feels like a vanity thing eheh.
Anyhoo, I'm pretty excited about this project again, yay! 🥰🤪🥳
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lananiscorner · 6 years
(1/?) So about 10 days ago I started reading the Arkham Compendium, and now I've arrived at IWGA/Chapter 1. I'm not really much of comment kind of reader and for this I thought a summary of my experiences was more appropriate seeing as I don't really have much to say about every single part of the series. It really shows that there was a lot of research done, but without making it labourous to read. (I mean without fachsimpeln; I can't remember the English word right now.)
(2/?) But me being the way I am I ended updoing a google search about Castillian vs Latin American Spanish anyway becauseone of my teachers was married to an Argentinian while the other was very muchEuropean so I got a lot of conflictive info while learning Spanish, especiallywhen it came to adressing other people (the vosotros vs ustedes thing, which Isomehow also remembered as a tu vs usted thing, but nooooo). So thanks for therevision of that!
(3/?) Moving on; rewriting the plot ofArkham Knight (and filling in some plot holes) while using pre-existingdialogue, but from a different perspective and keeping things interestingrather than tedious / a revision of what is already there is something thatseems really difficult to me, you did a really good job there! Like, therewould always be the wish to stay true to the source material, but you want toadd your own take onto things, and I usually end up doing too much of one ofthose.
(4/?) (It's a big part of why I ended upgetting into just about every kind of creative expression BUT writing at onepoint or another...) So fast forward to the Christmas one-shot: the gamingscenes. I'm mostly in the (J)RPG/turn-based combat corner these days with theoccational bout of Action-RPGs and some Visual Novels when I feel like it. Myaction gameplay "strategy" has been largely influence by AC, meaninga) going for stealth takedowns or b) evade - counter - takedown for directcombat.
(5/?) For the most part this works fairlywell for Arkham, esp since you'd try to go up most of the time for extrastealth anyway. But so far I ended rage-quitting Arkham Asylum a bunch of timesbecause I'm stuck at a point where I can't go up because Joker has rigged thegargoyles to explode and there is this one fucker in front of the box (?) thatI have to get to who ends up killing me every. Single. Time. The gaming scenereally reminded me of that, so thanks, I guess...
(6/6) Now I'm kind of at a crossroad whereI can either try to get through the 300k of IWGA, or pick up Arkham Asylumagain and die some more. Any suggestions there? (Sorry that this ended up witha lot of venting, my brain-to-typed-words filter is pretty much shot past 10pm.)
Thank you very much, Rhinefall, and no worries about the rambling/venting. I do that all the time (and the record holder for most consecutive comments is still @phantomchick XD)
Speaking of rambling, I could write entire essays about Castillian vs Latinamerican Spanish, but other people have already done that much better than I ever could. Suffice to say, tu/usted is the tip of the iceberg, especially considering all the lexical differences (which can have you going from “I’ll take the bus” to “I’m a pedo” in all of three words).
Re “re-treading” Arkham Knight in “Red”: it was definitely a challenge. THere were plenty of moments where I felt like people who had never played the game would not understand wtf was going on and people who had played the game would find it tedious. I’m glad it ended up doing neither, but one of the things I always try to do is to stick very close to canon, unless I am writing an AU/fix-it. For example, Batman: Arkham Compendium is trying to stick as close as possible to the Batman: Arkham games canon. I am ADDING a whole bunch of stuff, but I am not really CHANGING much (if any) of that existing canon. Same for “The Calling” and post Crisis. “City of Hope”/“Gotham Banksy” on the other hand are explicitly written as canon-divergent.
As for the Christmas story and Arkham Asylum: my frustration came more from the predator challenge maps in Arkham City (specifically the ones with Catwoman), but yes, Arkham Asylum had its terrible moments, too. And like you, I prefer stealthy approaches to combat, so any map without gargoyles/perches is a sad map :(
As for your last question, I can’t really make that choice for you. If you choose Arkham Asylum, definitely don’t be afraid to ask uncle Youtube to help you. If you choose IWGA... please remember that its already Really Fucking Late™ and taking breaks is a legit strategy in 300k fics.
Either way: have fun :)
P.S.: “fachsimpeln” - I think that’s one of those words that English doesn’t really have a translation for. Leo and Dict.CC suggest “talk shop”, but that is completely missing the “wtf is up with your legalese/legalese-equivalent-from-other-field” component.
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