#I've started a new playthrough
canisalbus · 10 months
concept: they both play skyrim together but they both play veryyyy differently.. i wanna know what kind of character builds they would do.. hypothetically
I think Vasco would main in one handed (dual wielding?) as well as archery, but try a little bit of everything. His skill trees would be all over the place but he'd have fun. He'd enjoy character driven guests and menial tasks and spend a lot of time just wandering around and taking in the scenery (viking hiking simulator). He'd be a big fan of glitches.
I suspect Machete would be very prone to developing his characters into glass cannons that can deal tons of damage in highly specific ways but are completely useless when taken out of their comfort zone. Some kind of weasely sneak+mage combo maybe. Maxing out enchanting, alchemy and smithing is generally considered to be kind of tedious but he'd always enjoy those.
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mirrorhouse · 1 year
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the youngest daughter of three, pris' intended role in life was set in stone before she was even born. trained to pickpocket, obfuscate her intentions, and wield a dagger from a young age, at fourteen, she began working for her family as a smuggler. fifteen years later, after a series of betrayals, pris fled the underdark with nothing but the clothes on her back and the coins in her pockets-- only to be snatched up by an illithid ship the moment it seemed like true freedom was finally within her reach.
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lockescoles · 2 years
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GAMES I PLAYED IN 2023 ↳ hogwarts legacy (2023)
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pjbooey · 9 months
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"Oh Miss Effie was her name Through the west she won her fame Being handy with the gun But she drove the men insane"
Courier Six, also known as Effie Yew, was my "fuck it, I just want to get through this character creation process" after Fallout New Vegas crashed immediately upon creating my first character (Crystal Methany). I ended up growing entirely attached to Effie and tried to keep her safe and fashionable during the whole playthrough! Her primary companions were Rex with Lupa the Legion mongrel mothers brain and her boyfriend Raul, the grumpy Ghoul mechanic.
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kirkwall-age · 8 days
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i never expected death to be my most faithful companion but she is the only one who will come without having to be asked (the only one who will never leave) — Amanda Lovelace
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rationalisms · 8 months
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hi. i would just like to say that this is an attitude i've seen around increasingly often and i find it deeply baffling. like, genuinely could not relate any less to what is being expressed here.
personally, almost all media i'm obsessed with and talk about constantly is because i think it's good and i love talking about the ways in which it's good. yes, criticism can be fun and breed conversation, but so can positive critique. thoughtful, long-lasting engagement with a piece of media doesn't have to be negative. there are in fact ways for media to be good beyond "competent but generally unremarkable"?
and this is ymmv, but complaining about something is more the snack food of media criticism for me. it's fun and great in the moment and it absolutely is something i need to do regularly to feel normal. but i can't live off it. i need to experience genuine appreciation and esteem on a regular basis too, or i shrivel like a raisin. (expressed more seriously: the kind of critique i find actually nourishing in the sense that it allows me to refine what kind of art i would like to make, and what makes me tick as a human being, is the positive kind about media i love very much for being excellent.)
idk guys. is it just that i'm autistic and therefore discussing for the nth time why xyz rules never stops being entertaining? what am i missing here. maybe it's good when media is good?
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souenkun · 2 months
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July recap! 🏖
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ayleli · 1 year
i love how astarion approves of any positive interaction with any little animal
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wolverinedoctorwho · 1 year
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played through Coteries of New York today and. he's so fucking funny actually.
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seafoam-taide · 21 days
jury trulystill out on whether in stars and time made me worse or better. Arguably, reasonably, in the long run the answer is better. But I have felt like so much shit since finishing that game oh my god. Siffrin. Siffrin why are you like that. This is awful
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stormofneurosis · 10 months
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I placed a window without really thinking about the position, now my Junimo gets god-rays
I think this is the best accidental aesthetic thing I've done in this house.
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dairine-bonnet · 10 months
In the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine:
Elise: Don't worry. I'm going to hug you and oil you and care for you and make sure you never get away over again.
C8-42: Please, kill me...
Canderous: Ha! I guess that droid is really going to serve his master tonight!
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enypneon · 1 year
it's bday time 🤭 i'm the bday girl!
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hamartia-grander · 7 months
Me: I wanna play as Astarion so I can romance Wyll
Me 2 hours into playing as Astarion: what if I quit of Boredom.
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creeperthescamp · 4 months
how tf do redguard names work. like most of the tes games other than arena/daggerfall and eso are just very vibes based but i couldn't tell you what those vibes were. like they've never quite put together which culture to appropriate and misinterpret. actually looking at the uesp article and most of it is like vaguely arabic but then there's also a garry in morrowind. why.
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queenhawke · 6 months
watched the first ep of the fallout show. it's fun! personally would've put maximus' stuff after lucy goes outside for the first time, bc then you're seeing the wasteland for the first time along with her, but hey, there's bound to be some bugs with a todd howard production
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